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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (4/8/22)

SmackDown AFTER Mania!



SmackDown 2022

What is next for the Tribal Chief?

The reigning! Defending! And truly UNDISPUTED WWE Universal Champion, Roman Reigns, promised on Raw that SmackDown would reveal his next move. But just what is it?


  • Xavier Woods w/ Kofi Kingston VS “Butch” Pete Dunne w/ Sheamus & Ridge Holland; Woods wins.
  • GUNTHER w/ Ludwig Kaiser VS Joe Alonzo; Gunther wins.
  • Sami Zayn VS Drew McIntyre; McIntyre wins.
  • Sasha Banks w/ Naomi VS Liv Morgan; Liv wins.


Kayla Braxton is in the ring.

And she welcomes the Baddest Woman on the Planet, Ronda Rousey! Ronda high-fives fans on her way to the ring, then gets herself a mic. Fans in Milwaukee cheer Ronda and Kayla says everyone agrees, she was in a very physical match last Saturday. She proved to be a woman of her word and made Charlotte Flair tap out. The recap points it out, the ref was knocked down by a Spear before Ronda clamped on her famous armbar. Kayla says Charlotte felt the pressure, and she did tap. Ronda says she will tap Charlotte out again, but she lost. She will not make excuses. Her mom taught her that to be the best, you have to beat everyone twice, even on your worst day.

Sometimes, you won’t be your best, and sometimes the ref won’t count things right. Ronda beat Charlotte once, but not when it counted. Kayla says later tonight, Roman Reigns reveals his next step, but what is hers? A rematch. But not just any match. Charlotte can’t just get herself disqualified, counted out or whatever. No loopholes, no excuses, no doubts! WrestleMania Backlash, it will be an I QUIT MATCH! However, Charlotte is laughing from the tron. “Ronda, Ronda, Ronda. You couldn’t beat me in checkers, let alone an I Quit Match. I’m Charlotte Flair, I don’t quit. Quitting is not in my DNA. But you know what is? WINNING~!”

Charlotte tells Ronda that she felt the armbar and the pressure, but she didn’t lose! She didn’t tap out, she walked out the champion! And Charlotte is starting to think the Baddest Woman in the Planet isn’t just a catchphrase, it’s a myth! Because Ronda win when it matters. So the answer to the challenge is… NO! So back of the line, BITCH! Charlotte is laughing, but Ronda says she has news for her. This fight is going to happen. And Charlotte wont’ just say, “I Quit,” she’ll scream it when Ronda turns that elbow backwards! The challenge has been issued, but will management give Ronda what she wants?


Xavier Woods w/ Kofi Kingston VS “Butch” Pete Dunne w/ Sheamus & Ridge Holland!

Before the match, the Fight Night Boys are all riled up backstage. Sheamus says Butch is finally being let off the leash. Chew Woods up like a chew toy! Ready for a good bruisin’, Butchy? Cuz every night for them is fight night! Dunne leads the way as they storm out, but will he even be able to control himself against King Xavier?

SmackDown returns and The New Day make their entrance. They have mics and Kofi says, “Well, well, well, well, well. Look at y’all in the ring. Lookin’ all happy comin’ off your first Wrassle Mania Win! Welcome to the club!” Woods wants the music to mute so they can say some things. To back things up, this is the Mania Winners Club, except for Woods. Wait, wait, in 2019, didn’t we all win? But these three here, fresh off a win. Everyone knows this, but especially the young booties, Ridge & Butch, here’s how things work around here. Mania is essentially a “season finale,” which means tonight is the “season opener.”

That means all records are RESEEEEET~! Say it with them: RESEEEEET~! That means the score is 0-0! So, “Butch,” Woods got off a red eye from LA cuz G4. Woods hit the gym and bruised the weights, and he got Auntie Dunne on the line. She can’t wait for Woods to whoop that rabies infested ass! BECAAAAAUSE~! NEW! DAY ROCKS! Woods gets in the ring and the match begins!

Dunne rushes in, Woods dodges, and he headlocks. Dunne powers out, CLOBBERS Woods, and then rains down forearms! Woods shields himself but Dunne starts hammering with both hands! Woods gets away, Dunne storm sin, but Woods headbutts and throws haymakers! Woods bumps Dunne off buckles, CHOPS him, then whips him corner to corner. Dunne blocks, throws body shots, then runs in, but drop toehold into buckles! Dunne just gets mad! Sheamus and Ridge coach him up, Dunne dodges to GAMANGIRI! And knee drop! Dunne pulls the arm way back! Dunne even twists the wrist and bends fingers!

Woods endures, his foot is on the ropes! Dunne lets off, to STOMP the arm! Dunne is bloody from his own nose but he doesn’t care, he drags Woods up. Woods JAWBREAKERS back! Fans rally up, Woods ducks and dodges to tilt-o-whirl RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Woods slides and basement dropkicks! Sheamus and Ridge are worried as Dunne bails out. Woods builds speed and- Dunne dodges! Dunne DECKS Woods, then APRON X-PLEX! Sheamus and Ridge are happy now as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Dunne is using the Bodhrain to CLUB away on Woods! Dunne puts his own twist and he lets off as the ref counts. Woods flops down but Dunne drags him in, and has a chinbar and hammerlock combo. Dunne even pulls on Woods’ ear! The ref reprimands, fans rally up, but Dunne gets the arm to STOMP ribs! Dunne then sits Woods up just to DECK him! And again! And again! Cover, TWO! Dunne is frustrated but he clamps onto the arm again. Woods fights up but Dunne grinds the shoulder. Woods endures, fans rally, and Woods gets up to his feet. Woods throws haymakers, forearms, and CHOPS!

Woods fires off more, and he has Dunne on the ropes! Fans fire up but the ref counts! Woods whips, Dunne reverses, but Woods ducks and dodges to slide under and ROLLING ELBOW! Fans fire up with the LEG LARIAT! Woods hauls Dunne back up, but Dunne fights the suplex. Woods ENZIGURIS! Dunne staggers to a corner, Woods runs in but is put on the apron. Dunne grabs the hand but Woods ROCKS Dunne then GAMANGIRIS! Woods steps in, into a BIG right! Dunne STOMPS both hands, then BUZZSAWS! Cover, TWO! Woods survives but Dunne just gets further frustrated. Fans rally but Sheamus and Ridge coach Butch.

Dunne kicks at Woods and stomps away! Dunne aims from a corner, run sin, but Woods dodges and cradles! Woods wins!

Winner: Xavier Woods, by pinfall

Woods said it last week and he showed it here, that is definitely his best move! Dunne got lost in the #BackWoods, and he starts firing off on his own friends! That is one hot temper, will it burn some bridges or just burn Butch himself?


Sami Zayn complains to Adam Pearce.

How did they let all that happen?! It was his idea! No, it was Anything Goes! Not Everyone is Welcome! He was supposed to get revenge but had to deal with Party Boy and Weeman, and that giant hand! Sami is one of the best in the world but has been reduced to a laughing stock! Look at this! Cheese? Why? Because of the mouse traps! Oh, right. Cheese is disgusting, by the way. But Sami says enough is enough! He wants respect. The next man to walk out of the locker room is his opponent so he can kick the crap outta them! The next person? Yes, next person. Okay then> Here goes.

And who walks out? Drew McIntyre! Sami just stepped into it. He wants to go again, but no, the deal was the very next person. It is official, it is happening tonight. Well fine. Drew is the toughest guy on the whole roster so Sami wins and he gets his respect back. All he has to do is beat Drew McIntyre. Sami leaves, and a note is given to Pearce. He isn’t happy about it, and has the staffer go tell Ronda he can’t meet with her right away. But what is on the note?


SmackDown welcomes “Ludwig Kaiser.”

Formerly NXT’s “Marcel Barthel,” the Impeccable German is here tonight to introduce us to “the man who is the epitome of efficiency and elegance!” He says it in German for good measure, “DER RING GENERAL! GUNTHA!” IMPERIUM is here on SmackDown, ready to assert their dominance!


GUNTHER w/ Ludwig Kaiser VS Joe Alonzo!

SmackDown returns and Der Ring General’s first victim- er, opponent is one of Milwaukee’s own, will he last all that long? The bell rings, they tie up and Gunther headlocks to THROW Alonzo! Alonzo gets up but gets cornered and Gunther is right on him. Alonzo throws a forearm but Gunther CHOPS him! Gunther puts Alonzo on the top rope, CLUBS him, then STANDS on him! Alonzo is bent back, flops to the apron, but Gunther yanks him back into the ring. And then BOOTS him down! Barth- er, Kaiser, enjoys it like it’s classical music. Gunther CHOPS Alonzo down again! Gunther KICKS Alonzo, too!

Gunther sits Alonzo up to CLUB him again! Gunther drags Alonzo up again, and CHOPS him off his feet! Alonzo clutches his stinging chest but Gunther gets Alonzo up to scoop and SLAM! Gunther mocks Alonzo and asks Milwaukee if this is really their best. Fans chant “WAL~TER!” but Gunther CHOPS Alonzo, then hits a GENERAL BOMB! Cover, Gunther wins!

Winner: Gunther, by pinfall

Imperium stands tall, but what would you expect from such a powerful specimen? Will SmackDown soon be made sacred?


Backstage interview with Raquel Rodriguez.

Big Mami Cool also makes the jump from NXT to SmackDown and Kayla welcomes her. Does Raquel have a message for the roster? Well, SmackDown has one of the most impressive female locker rooms in all of the WWE. But Raquel guarantees they’ve never seen anything like her. But then in walk Los Lotharios. They introduce themselves, and welcome her to SmackDown. As is tradition, they want to welcome her with a kiss. Raquel laughs, and tells them not a chance. Well, her loss. Angel & Humberto leave, and Raquel asks if those guys are always that annoying? Ricky Desperado isn’t here for romance, but for action! Will she get at it soon enough?


Happy Corbin & Mad Cap Moss are here!

But “Happy” isn’t quite so happy after his loss to Drew McIntyre. Moss has a bit of blame in that, but he’s still feeling good after his Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal win. Will an all new episode of Happy Talk cheer Corbin up? We find out, after the break.

SmackDown returns and the Happy Talk set is ready. Corbin and Moss have the mics but Corbin’s still sad. The fans booing doesn’t help. “This was supposed to be the happiest Happy Talk ever. We’re supposed to be reveling in my victory over Drew McIntyre at WrestleMania right now. Now, with these low points, that’s when you figure out what kind of man you are.” Corbin’s been reflecting, and when he was on his yacht, he had an honest conversation with himself. He looked at what kind of man he is and what he’s become. He is ready to admit that there is only one person to blame for this loss to Drew.

“And that man is Mad Cap Moss.” Moss is confused but Corbin says never in a million years, he would have lost if not for those distractions. Moss is sorry! He just felt so excited! Corbin doesn’t care how Moss felts! Somehow, Moss took WrestleMania Weekend and made it about him winning the battle royal! “Look at me, look at me! I finally won something!” Fans cheer for Moss?! Corbin says Moss is getting to big for his suspenders and has forgotten his place. That place is to tell Corbin jokes. Moss is sorry, but.. Oh, wait! What do you call Moss when he’s such a bonehead that he cost Corbin a match? Mad Cap Loss!

Corbin says that is terrible. Try again. Um… Okay. Fans cheer Moss on and he says here’s one. What would you call Adam Pearce if he ran a brothel. MADAM Pearce! That sucked, too! Corbin says Moss should be ashamed! He’s given Moss opportunities, and lately, all of Moss’ jokes are just terrible. Lately? But Corbin gives Moss one last chance. Tell him a joke that is actually funny. A joke like Moss’ job depends on it, because it does. Moss says okay. What do you call a guy who treats his friends like garbage? And who thinks he’s better than everyone else? A guy who dresses like he’s going to a funeral for Tommy Bahama? HAPPY CORBIN!!

Moss laughs out of his seat! The fans cheer but Corbin is upset! Do they all think that’s funny? “YES!!” Corbin CLOBBERS Moss! And stomps away on him on the “CONGRATS” Balloons. But Moss hits back! And whips Corbin into his own table! And RAMS Him in the corner! Corbin flounders but Moss is after him with haymakers! And then he TOSSES Corbin over the chairs and out of the ring! Fans fire up, Moss pursues, but Corbin knees Moss low! And whips him into barriers! Corbin drags Moss back up, and says, “Remember where you came from!” But Moss SMACKS Corbin off the desk! And again! And again!

Moss is dribbling Corbin like a basketball! Then he puts Corbin back in the ring, and ROCKS him with a right! Corbin grabs balloons but Moss ROCKS him again! Moss clotheslines Corbin out of the ring! Fans fire up behind Mad Cap, will he have the last laugh on Corbin?


Jinder Mahal complains to Pearce now.

He is a former world and US champion, but he couldn’t get a Mania match? Pearce says it was nothing personal! Oh, sure it’s not. Make Ricochet put his title on the line! But Pearce can’t even begin to consider that! Ronda storms in, Jinder says he wasn’t finished, but he still backs off. Ronda asks Pearce if she gets her match. It’s not official yet, but an answer will come in tomorrow. Tomorrow? Ronda is getting mad, will she take it out on someone if this isn’t resolved before the end of tonight?


Sami Zayn VS Drew McIntyre!

The Master Strategist sure didn’t plan this one out right. He already stuck his own foot in his mouth, but will he end up with the Scottish Warrior’s foot in his face soon enough?

SmackDown returns and Sami makes his entrance. The bell rings and Sami bails out of the ring. Fans boo but Sami says he needs a second. Sami shadow boxes, gets on the apron, and fans chant, “CHEESE! CHEESE!” Sami tells them to shut up, then gets in as the ref counts 8 of 10. McIntyre steps up but Sami bails out again. So McIntyre goes out after Sami! And he RAMS him into the barriers, then gives him SNAKE EYES off them! Sami staggers back to the ring and McIntyre pushes him in. Sami staggers to a corner, but he BOOTS McIntyre back! Sami goes up, leaps, but McIntyre catches him! OVERHEAD Belly2Belly!

McIntyre rushes in, clinches and OVERHEAD Belly2Belly suplexes again! Sami stands up, McIntyre CHOPS him against ropes! McIntyre whips, Sami holds ropes and bails out again! Fans boo but McIntyre pursues again. McIntyre SMACKS Sami off the desk, then fireman’s carries him for another SNAKE EYES! Sami flounders, McIntyre puts him in at 8 of 10, but Sami hurries out the other end! Fans boo more, but McIntyre waits on Sami. Sami gets up, but decides to ditch this whole thing! McIntyre won’t let him get away, though, and runs him over on the ramp! Fans fire up as McIntyre drags Sami up to fireman’s carry.

McIntyre carries Sami all the way back and TOSSES him into the ring! McIntyre shrugs and gets in. The countdown starts up, THREE! TWO! ONE, Sami bails out again. Sami climbs over the barrier and runs up the stairs through the bleachers! The ring count is climbing but McIntyre just lets him go this time. Sami gets counted out, McIntyre wins!

Winner: Drew McIntyre, by count out

The Scottish Warrior is a bit disappointed in Sami, but then he draws his sword and points it at Sami. Will McIntyre keep this in mind the next time these two cross paths?


Lacey Evans speaks.

The Model Soldier opens up about herself. “I was born in a small town in Fannin County, Georgia. My father worked construction, and my mother was a young mom of five. Life from the very beginning was very rough because my father suffered from mental health and drug addiction problems, and my mom got caught in the middle of it being the wife that she could be.” But the physical, emotional and mental abuse came too much, and before Lacey even started school, she was taken away from everything that she knew. Her mother loaded everything they owned, put it in the car, and left Lacey’s father without knowing.

After that, they jumped around from state to state, women’s shelters and camp grounds for the rest of her life. But moving around as much as she did, it made lacy learn to either adapt and overcome. Either roll with things or give up. She refused to give up. She may not have the same straight shot to stardom that some others have been blessed with, but that’s alright. That makes her different from the rest. Because of what she’s gone through, she is the woman she became today. She is ready for anything, confident and caring, a mother, wife, sister, daughter, US Marine. And of course, WWE Superstar.

Lacey says that doesn’t make her any better, but they ain’t better than her. Lacey is back, will she finally reach the top of the Women’s Division?


Sasha Banks w/ Naomi VS Liv Morgan!

The Boss & The Glow won the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships in a Fatal 4 Way, but they’re already preparing for their first defense! Will the Living End be able to break the Banks before Monday’s title match?

SmackDown returns and Naomi has joined commentary for this match. Liv is alone backstage and Megan asks her why. Liv says she’s here to beat Sasha Banks. If Liv does that, then the momentum will help her and Rhea! But is Rhea here tonight? No… Rhea will be there on Monday, though, and we’ll see NEW WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions! Okay, gotta go! Liv heads out, will we #WatchHer triumph?

The bell rings and Liv circles with Sasha. They tie up, go around, Liv rolls Sasha up, ONE! Sasha dodges Liv to CHOP her! Sasha says that’s why she’s a champion! Sasha knuckle locks, goes up and up and arm-drags Liv away! Fans fire up and Sasha runs in, but Liv spins her around, WING SNAPPER into the buckles! Liv then hurries up top, leaps, missile dropkick! Liv roars and fans fire up, she runs at the ropes but no Oblivion! DRAPING BACKSTABBER! Naomi and the fans cheer Sasha while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Sasha suplexes Liv to complete Three Amigos! Fans fire up and Sasha climbs a corner. FROG SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Liv survives and Sasha can’t believe it! Sasha hurries to drag Liv up but we see Natalya and Shayna are watching backstage. Liv ENZIGURIS Sasha down! Liv then runs in, FLYING- NO! Sasha shoves Liv away, blocks the kick and kicks, but Liv blocks! CODE B- NO! Sasha blocks, turns Liv over, rolling clutch, TWO! Liv sits on the prawn hold, TWO! Sasha, ONE! Liv, ONE! Sasha has it again, TWO!! Liv escapes, fans fire up, and Naomi gives Liv her props.

Sasha trips Liv, jackknife, but bridge! Liv spins it around, Sasha fights the backslide to backslide, but Liv flips over! Only for Sasha to block the kick and KNEE! But Liv hits a CODE BREAKER! Fans fire up as both women are down, and even Harts & Spades are impressed. Fans rally up as Liv and Sasha stir, Sasha stands first. Liv eggs her on, but Sasha spins Liv to a clinch. Liv elbows out hard, kicks back and KICKS again! Liv ROUNDHOUSES Sasha, and Sasha goes to a corner. Liv runs in but only gets buckles! Sasha shoves Liv into them, then DOUBL EKNEES! Sasha runs cornet to corner but Liv follows, SHINING WIZARD!

Liv snapmares, goes up and up, but Sasha SHINING WIZARDS back! Sasha has Liv up top now, and fans fire up, SUPERPLEX! But Liv blocks the cradle into a cradle! LIV WINS!!

Winner: Liv Morgan, by pinfall

Sasha can’t believe it, but Naomi nods respect! Liv snatches victory from the legs of defeat, will she and Rhea be able to do even better on Monday?


SmackDown plans big stuff for next week!

After running away from McIntyre, Sami has to face the music in a rematch! Will the Scottish Warrior be able to hit the Master Strategist with a Claymore this time? And though Jinder hadn’t quite earned it, it seems upper management sees him as worthy of the Intercontinental Championship! Will the Modern Day Maharaja take the title off Ricochet? Or will Ricochet still be the One and Only?


Roman Reigns is here!

Milwaukee is ready with fingers to the sky, because the Head of the Table is coming! The UNDISPUTED WWE Universal Champion has Paul Heyman hand him the belts so that the Bloodline can cue the pyro. A recap video reminds us how Roman won the biggest, most historic, most STUPENDOUS WrestleMania main event ever while the Bloodline continues on to the ring. Then they raise their belts again for more pyro. Raw set the table for tonight, but what will be the Tribal Chief’s plan for the future? We find out after the break.

SmackDown returns once again and fans cheer and jeer as Heyman hands Roman the mic. “Milwaukee! ACKNOWLEDGE ME!” Roman wants to let us all in on something private that he and the Wise Man discussed rather frequently. It pains Roman to say this, but SmackDown and the Universal Championship just wasn’t enough. Roman went to WrestleMania Mania and he SMASHED Cowboy Brock and took Monday Night Raw and the WWE World Championship! Fans cheer and jeer again. But when talking about what’s next, Roman doesn’t really think he can do much more. He did it all!

But there’s still plenty left for The Bloodline to achieve. This week, so many videos, historical pictures, and Roman couldn’t help but to keep seeing one thing. He saw his two belts, but then he only saw the Usos with one belt each. Hear him out. He is just one man with two, they’re two men with two total, but that’s not enough! Jey, what did Roman say a long time ago? They were gonna elevate Jey to heights he’d never known, show him greatness. There’s only one way to do that. It is time that they unify the tag titles, too! The Usos should go to Raw and bring Roman those RAW Tag Team Championships!

Roman wants the Usos to get those for themselves, because that gets those belts for the Bloodline! Deal? Deal, Uce. Well there you have it. Bloodline’s gonna have all the gold soon! But here comes SHINSUKE NAKAMURA! The King of Strong Style is without Rick Boogs after Boogs’ knee blew out at WrestleMania, but he still steps to the Bloodline as Milwaukee sings Nakamura’s theme. Nakamura gets a mic to tell Roman something, but Roman says Nakamura doesn’t have to say anything. The Tribal Chief understands how he feels. Nakamura lost his tag partner. Y’know, Boogs? And Roman gets that.

Jey understands, too. They lost Jimmy to a knee injury for over a year. Roman is a loving and compassionate Tribal Chief, so he gets it. Since they have all the gold, the Island of Relevancy is a place of love. So Roman wants to help Nakamura. He wants to hug? Nakamura isn’t sure but Roman’s got him already. And then the Usos DOUBLE SUPERKICK Nakamura down! Fans cheer and jeer but Roman soaks it all up. Roman wants the Usos to do the same to RKBRO. Jey says they’re going to Detroit! They’ll get those Raw Tag Team Championships in the Motor City, Uce! The Bloodline hold up the belts they have, but will they be holding even more soon enough?

My Thoughts:

It seems post Mania episodes don’t mean as much as they used to for the WWE themselves. We only got so much out of this that mattered, and just a CRAP ton of aggravating choices from Vince. The name changes are still inexplicable, and in Imperium’s case, rather stereotypical. Marcel Barthel becoming “Ludwig Kaiser” to go along with Walter now becoming “Gunther.” Why not just make them Hans and Franz so they can pump people up? But at the very least, Gunther/Walter destroyed some rando and people understand who he is. Not sure why they needed to be in red-orange track suits when their basic black look just fine.

In similar, Pete Dunne being “Butch” in all things to RawDown is still dumb but at least his moveset is as we’ve seen. He just wrestled like he was in fast-forward against Woods. Woods had a great line in “bruising the weights,” him winning with a package was great, as was McAfee’s name for it, “The Back Woods.” I just hope that bit with Dunne lashing out at Sheamus and Ridge is a sign that Dunne will break off from them to actually be Pete Dunne on RawDown. That guy doesn’t need anyone being his mentor, he should just be twisting joints and snapping fingers solo.

Raquel Gonzalez becoming Rodriguez is the least upsetting but most confusing. Are we to believe anyone would mistake a connection to Giant Gonzalez? If anything, kayfabe that and play it up. Instead, Los Lotharios flirt with her as if the NXThirst followed her here. A really strong point for tonight was Lacey Evans’ return through her promo vignette, telling us about her life growing up and how that influenced her to be a United States Marine and Military Police before then entering pro-wrestling. Her “Lady of WWE” character wasn’t working, so going with her honest self will definitely get more fans behind her.

Ronda and Charlotte had an okay opening segment, but again it’s cuz Ronda talked and didn’t really pace out her words. The one good thing she said was that she wants an I Quit Match for WrestleMania Backlash. Charlotte of course declines, hiding her fear with her arrogance, but then that note from upper management to Pearce was a curious one. I bet they’ll play up the WWE brass favoring Charlotte a bit, Ronda will do something badass and that’ll get her the match with Charlotte, and then who knows. Maybe Ronda makes Charlotte say, “I Quit,” because other than to introduce the match type, I don’t think Ronda has ever really said those words.

Jinder also had a good bit with Pearce where Ronda scared him off. But Jinder is still getting his Intercontinental Championship match with Ricochet, and that should actually be good stuff. Sami also had a good bit with Pearce, and as soon as Sami said “the next person,” it was gonna be Drew. Sami of course runs because it fits into his character right now, and the rematch happening will surely be a proper match. Happy Talk was actually a good segment because Corbin turned on Moss, fans sided with Moss, and Moss fought back to get the upper hand. Corbin VS Moss probably happens on WM Backlash since both guys are billed as stars, and it could go either way.

A surprisingly good segment was Liv going out on her own to have this match with Sasha, having a great match with Sasha, and then getting a great win. I’m sure Rhea will feel upset Liv did this on her own, they probably lose that title match, and then sadly, another team bites the dust. But Shayna and Natty were watching, so that is going to be the first SmackDown exclusive feud for Sasha & Naomi. And then to end the night, The Bloodline is here and they technically swerve us. Roman never planned on telling us what was next for him, because honestly, he’s right, he’s been booked to a point where he has nothing more to do.

But Nakamura going out there on Boogs’ behalf is a great way to perhaps give us a proper feud between the King of Strong Style and the Tribal Chief. If it were me, these two need to give us a Mania level match for WM Backlash or it’ll just be a letdown. If Vince had booked Nakamura better, Roman’s reign would actually be in doubt, but of course Roman is gonna retain. As for Usos VS RKBRO, that could go either way. Fans have been wondering when RKBRO would finally break up, and Bloodline all being undisputed champions would make a lot of sense. But it’d be a great twist if RKBRO somehow became undisputed champions so that Orton and Riddle can be on both shows for both networks to have them.

My Score: 8.1/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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