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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (4/1/22)

This ain’t no joke!



SmackDown 2022

It’s WrestleMania SmackDown!

Just 24 hours away from the most STUPENDOUS WrestleMania Weekend, SmackDown holds the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal! Who puts their name on that golden Andre the Giant statue’s plaque?


  • 2022 Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal: Mad Cap Moss wins.
  • WWE Intercontinental Championship Triple Threat: Ricochet VS Angel Garza VS Humberto Carrillo; Ricochet wins and retains the title.
  • Naomi & Sasha Banks VS Carmella & Queen Zelina Vega; Naomi & Sasha win.
  • Jimmy Uso w/ Jey Uso VS Rick Boogs w/ Shinsuke Nakamura; No Contest.
  • Six Man Tag: Finn Balor, Shinsuke Nakamura & Rick Boogs VS Austin Theory & The Usos; Theory & The Usos win.


2022 Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal!

It’d be easier to say who isn’t in this match! Apollo Crews, Commander Azeez, Mansoor, Mad Cap Moss, Drew Gulak, T-Bar, R-Truth, Akira Tozawa, Reggie, Jinder Mahal, Shanky, both Viking Raiders, both members of The Hurt Business, Damian Priest, and even NXT’s Tommaso Ciampa are already waiting, but here come the Dirty Dawgs, Robert Roode & NXT Champion Dolph Ziggler, and even WWE United States Champion, Finn Balor! Who wins to immortalize their name alongside The Eighth Wonder of the World?

The bell rings and the brawl is on! T-Bar is after Mansoor, Gulak is after Ziggler, Truth goes after Gulak! Priest TOSSES Akira Tozawa and ELIMINATES him! Reggie stays safe on the apron, he avoids Tozawa’s sweep but Priest BOOTS him and ELIMINATES him! Truth says he and Priest are working together, but then Priest TOSSES and ELIMINATES Truth! Ciampa goes after Ziggler, then he helps Gulak and Priest go after T-Bar! The Viking Raiders work together on Jinder and Shanky! The Vikings TOSS and ELIMINATE Jinder! Then they go after Azeez! Roode is after Balor, Cedric dumps T-Bar over!

T-Bar holds onto ropes, choke grips Cedric, but Shelton Benjamin KNEES T-Bar and ELIMINATES him! Priest ROCKS Benjamin, fires off hands, stomps him in a corner, but Benjamin holds on. Azeez dumps Ziggler over but Roode helps out. The Hurt Business mugs Priest, Ciampa goes after Apollo, and Gulak goes after Moss! Moss runs, gets through the boot and runs Gulak over! Gulak gets up, Moss clotheslines Gulak up and out and ELIMINATES him! Then Happy Corbin shows up to cheer on his buddy. Corbin holds ropes for Moss to throw Balor, but Balor reverses to throw Moss!

Moss holds on and Corbin is upset. Moss isn’t sure what happened, but Ciampa throws Moss over! Corbin keeps Moss in and Corbin wants Moss to listen to him. He’s trying but Corbin is distracting him! Ciampa fires off CHOPS on Moss and works to push him out! Balor fights off the Hurt Business, the Dirty Dawgs go after them. Moss stomps Ciampa down, Shanky CLUBS Roode. Apollo throws Cedric out, GAMANGIRI and he ELIMINATES Cedric! Benjamin throws Apollo out, but Azeez is after Benjamin! Benjamin fires hands, but Azeez SHOVES and ELIMINATES Benjamin!

But then the Vikings attack Apollo and Azeez! Mansoor ROCKS Ciampa, slingshots but into a HEADBUTT! Ciampa KNEES Mansoor and ELIMINATES him! The Vikings ELIMINATE Apollo, but Azeez ELIMINATES Ivar! Shanky helps to ELIMINATE Erik! No more Viking Raiders but the biggest men stare down! Shanky says this is HIS ring! And he choke grips Azeez! Azeez breaks free, fires off hands, but Shanky knees low! Shanky throws haymakers, goes for a leg, but Azeez CLUBS him! Azeez scoops to push Shanky, but Balor and the others dump BOTH men out! DOUBLE ELIMINATION!

But now we’re down to our final six! Moss, Roode, Ziggler, Ciampa, Priest and Balor! And naturally, Priest is after Balor given their US Championship feud! Ciampa bumps Ziggler off buckles while Priest tries to lawn dart! Balor slips off but Priest choke grips! But Balor fights the slam, only for Priest to KICK, BELL CLAP and ROLLING ELBOW! But Balor PELES Priest! Balor dumps and ELIMINATES Priest! The fans fire up , Ciampa is after Ziggler but Roode dumps Ciampa! Balor is after Moss, Ciampa fights off both Dawgs. Ziggler SUPERKICKS and ELIMINATES Ciampa!

The Dawgs go after Balor but he fights them off! Balor trips Ziggler to DOUBLE STOMP! Roode kicks low to reel Balor in! But Balor trips Roode to DOUBLE STOMP! Balor tosses Ziggler but Roode is after Balor! Balor reverses but Roode holds ropes! Ziggler goes after Balor, but then Moss gets them all! Moss ELIMINATES the Dirty Dawgs, but Balor holds on! Balor skins the cat, dodges Moss and SLINGBLADES! Fans fire up as Balor runs, but Moss TOSSES Balor out and WINS!!

Winner: Mad Cap Moss (2022 Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal winner)

Moss joins Corbin on the plaque! He lifts it up high, gives little golden Andre a kiss, and then gets a mic. “I did it! I did it all by myself! This is incredible!” Moss says that ever since he was little, he always looked up to Andre the Giant. Andre was his hero. Fans boo but Moss says Andre was beloved by everyone, just like him. Moss has always wanted to follow in this enormous footsteps, and he did it! So what do you call a battle royal named after the smartest Texans around? A Cattle Royal! Moss is laughing himself to the floor, but will this really lead Moss to bigger and better things?


WWE Intercontinental Championship Triple Threat: Ricochet VS Angel Garza VS Humberto Carrillo!

The One and Only got beat twice by Los Lotharios, but mostly because the cousins helped each other. Will these Lethal Lovers be able to take this title from Ricochet with teamwork? Or will the fact that only one can be champion ruin that relationship?

SmackDown returns and Los Lotharios of course enter together. And they of course bring out the Los Lotharios Kiss Cam. They consider their options, and they find the young lady wearing a Mysterios merch shirt. Los Lotharios then go to the ring. The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if Angel y Humberto can ground the King of Flight.

Los Lotharios start to flank Ricochet at the bell. Garza takes off the tearaway pants, throws it at Ricochet, then dropkicks him down! Carrillo stomps away, Garza joins in, and fans boo as they have Ricochet in the corner. Garza sits on Ricochet and BITES fingers! Carrillo drops an elbow on Ricochet’s leg, then Garza KICKS Ricochet in the side. Carrillo stands on Ricochet’s head, they put Ricochet on the apron, and Carrillo sets Ricochet up for a PENALTY KICK ENZIGURI COMBO! Ricochet flounders away while Garza dusts off his hands. Fans boo as Los Lotharios fist bump. Los Lotharios drags Ricochet up to put him in a corner.

Garza eggs Ricochet on, but Ricochet swings hands! He ROCKS Garza, ROCKS Carrillo, KICKS Garza then KICKS Carrillo. Ricochet headlocks but Carrillo powers out, only for Ricochet to run Garza over! Then he gets around Carrillo, Carrillo standing switches, but Ricochet elbows out. Ricochet kicks but Garza blocks. Garza throws Ricochet but he flips up and over Carrillo! Then he DOUBLE RANAS Los Lotharios! Fans fire up with Ricochet, Carrillo staggers up while Garza bails out. Ricochet RAMS into Carrillo and goes to the apron, where he DECKS Garza! Carrillo runs in but into a shoulder.

Ricochet aims at Carrillo but Garza anchors the springboard! Carrillo goes up, SUPER ARM-DRAG! Fans boo again but Carrillo stalks Ricochet. But Garza stalks Carrillo! Carrillo turns around and Garza backs up. Garza asks for a hug, Carrillo gives it to him, and fans boo. Garza’s smirk shows he’s just waiting for an opening, but SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Carrillo stomps Ricochet while Garza soaks up heat. Garza blows kisses, then he and Carrillo bring Ricochet up. Ricochet fires off hands on Carrillo, ROCKS Garza, then CHOPS Carrillo! Ricochet ROCKS Garza more, then CHOPS him! Carrillo runs in and Garza sets Ricochet up, SPLASH! Garza hits a SPLASH, then feeds Ricochet to a pop-up to KICK him out of the air! Carrillo then LARIATS Ricochet down! Fans boo as Garza says, “You’re looking at the next Intercontinental Champion!” He and Carrillo drag Ricochet back up, they each have an armlock, but Dallas rallies behind Ricochet.

Los Lotharios double whip, Ricochet KICKS Garza! Carrillo ducks and the ENZIGURI hits Garza! Carrillo springboard ENZIGURIS Ricochet back! Cover, TWO! Carrillo is annoyed but Garza is upset. Carrillo rains down fists, lets off to soak up heat, and Garza covers! TWO, and now Carrillo is upset! Garza apologizes, but then Ricochet shoves Garza into Carrillo! Ricochet runs, Garza pops him up, but Ricochet RANAS Carrillo! Cover, but Garza SUPERKICKS it apart! Garza drags Ricochet up, reels him in and hooks the arms, but Carrillo rolls Garza up! TWO!! Now Garza is upset and Carrillo says it was only fair!

Dallas wants Los Lotharios to fight each other! They keep arguing, but Ricochet DOUBLE CROSSBODIES! Ricochet runs, CLOBBERS Carrillo, whips Garza but Garza reverses. Garza runs in but Ricochet boots him away! Ricochet somersaults to SHOTGUN Garza down! Fans fire up as Ricochet spins and sweeps Carrillo, for a STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! All three men are down and Dallas rallies up! Ricochet gets to a corner, Garza runs in but Ricochet BOOTS him! Carrillo runs in, but Ricochet TOSSES him up and out! Garza runs in, only gets buckles, then an ENZIGURI! Fans fire up, Ricochet goes up top!

Garza anchors Ricochet’s foot! Garza ROCKS Ricochet, but Ricochet KICKS him down! Ricochet steadies himself, adjusts, but Carrillo CLUBS him down! Carrillo goes up to CLUB Ricochet more, but Ricochet holds off the suplex! Ricochet throws body shots then CLUBS Carrillo back. Ricochet stands Carrillo up to SUPER GOURD BUSTER onto Garza! Then Ricochet gets up to 630 SENTON!! Then RECOIL to Carrillo!! Cover, Ricochet wins!

Winner: Ricochet, by pinfall (still WWE Intercontinental Champion)

The One and Only just took out both Los Lotharios at the same time! He holds onto the gold, will he reach new heights with this title?


Naomi & Sasha Banks VS Carmella & Queen Zelina Vega!

This is what the Glow & Boss wanted the tag title match to be before other teams got involved. But will Team BAD be feeling real good about their chances? Or will the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions show that they still have a chance at WrestleMania?

SmackDown returns and Shayna Baszler & Natalya make their entrance first. The champions are already in the ring, as are Rhea Ripley & Liv Morgan. The ring announcer plugs the Fatal 4 Way for WrestleMania, then the match begins. Mella has her mask and she starts against Sasha Moon- er, Banks. Mella DECKS Sasha and rains down forearms! Mella drags Sasha up, throws her out, then soaks up the heat. Natty & Shayna like the aggression, then Mella tags Vega. Sasha ROCKS Vega, KNEES Mella, then gets in, but into a FABULOUS KICK! Vega BOOTS Sasha down, drags her in, and covers, TWO!

Vega drags Sasha over, tags Mella, and they put Sasha in the corner to stomp away on. Mella drags Sasha back up and wraps on a HANGING NECKLOCK! Vega tags in, the ref counts Mella, and Mella lets off at 4. Vega gets in, takes a bow, METEORA! Vega shoves Sasha to a cover, TWO! Vega tags Mella back in, they mug Sasha, then cover, TWO! Mella wraps on a chinlock and she thrashes Sasha around. Naomi and the fans rally, and Sasha fights up. Sasha throws hands but Mella throws her down! Mella soaks up the heat, then pie faces Sasha. Sasha blocks the kick to KNEE Mella down! Both women are down, fans rally, hot tag to Vega!

Vega DECKs Naomi to deny the tag! She soaks up the heat, but misses in the corner! Sasha rolls Vega, tags Naomi, and Naomi ROUNDHOUSES Vega! Naomi then gets around, BUBBA BOMB! Body scissor clutch but Mella breaks it! The ref reprimands but Mella and Vega regroup. Only to get a DOUBLE SHOTGUN from Naomi! Naomi kips up, tags Sasha, and fans fire up. Naomi and Sasha go in, DOUBLE BOOT WASH! Mella flops out, Vega is down, VADER BOMB from Sasha! Naomi hits a SPLIT LEG MOONSAULT! Naomi & Sasha win!

Winners: Sasha Banks & Naomi, by pinfall

The other teams see they’ve got to worry about Boss ‘n’ Glow, but will this win over the champions be momentum enough for them to win at WrestleMania?


WWE shares Kayla Braxton visit to Ronda Rousey’s fight camp.

The Baddest Woman on the Planet was sparring with Shayna Baszler, and takes a break to talk. Ronda was just getting some reps in with Shayna badass. Well, her opponent at WrestleMania, Charlotte Flair, is a bit of a badass herself, but given what’s transpired between the two these last few weeks, Kayla is surprised Ronda isn’t more angry. Oh, Ronda is angry. But she won’t walk around all pissed off and wear herself out. She can control her anger and expertly apply it. So for now, she’ll relax, hang out with family and feed her baby. Her family will be front row when Charlotte either taps out or gets her arm ripped off as a souvenir for the Rousey family.


Charlotte Flair is here!

The SmackDown Women’s Champion, the Opportunity, the most decorated woman in WWE history, struts out on stage, and has a mic. “That video package was epic. I could watch that all day.” She means the video package that of course listed all of her accomplishments, as well as Ronda’s. Charlotte says the masterpiece she has created, causing Ronda immense pain is more beautiful, dramatic and poetic than Oscar winning movies. We all saw Ronda is angry. Ronda is angry that no matter what she tries, that she threatens to do, Charlotte will destroy her! Fans “What?” and she pretends she can’t hear them, then counters with “WOO~!”

But this is serious! Ronda acts like she has her emotions under control and that she’s cool. But we all know better, don’t we? Oh but you wanna know what’s cool? Charlotte Flair, that’s cool! The 13 time Women’s Champion is cool! The most dominant woman in sports entertainment is cool! Every woman wanting to be her and every man wanting to be with her is cool. Everyone wanting an autograph or picture is cool! Beating Ronda Rousey to a pulp and walking out of WrestleMania still SmackDown Women’s Champion is cool.

And Ronda, if you wanna lesson, stick with Charlotte and she’ll take you to school! As far as everyone is concerned, Charlotte has Ronda beat there, too, BITCH! The champion has said her piece, but will her challenger rip her to shreds?


Mad Cap Moss is shining up his trophy.

But then the claymore sword comes into view! Oh, right, Corbin still has possession of it. He tricked Moss and they both laugh at McIntyre, but will the Scottish Warrior be sure to take back Angela the claymore by any means necessary?


Rick Boogs rocks out!

He introduces himself, and he is here to rock with one-half of the future SmackDown Tag Team Champions, Shinsuke… NakamurrrrAAAAAA~! McAfee gets to rock out as the King of Strong Style makes his entrance, but then Austin Theory jumps the barriers and TRIPS McAfee up! McAfee hits desk, but then he gets up to chase Theory’s punk ass to the back! Theory ducks back into Mr. McMahon’s office again! But McAfee just BOOTS the door in! Vince is there to ask who McAfee thinks he is! Does he want to be fired? Does he want to lose his Mania match? No, obviously not. Then go do your job. Theory has a smug smirk as Vince is his shield, but will there be no stopping McAfee this Sunday?

Jimmy Uso w/ Jey Uso VS Rick Boogs w/ Shinsuke Nakamura!

Back to business, the Bloodline looks to take care of business before their Mania match! Will Jimmy make Boogs turn down the volume? Or will Boogs and Nakamura be rockin’ as they roll into WrestleMania and their SmackDown Tag Team title match?

SmackDown returns and the match begins. Boogs knocks Jimmy over, then drags him up! Boogs is still mad about Jimmy smashing that guitar on him, and he tosses Jimmy to the corner. Jimmy BOOTS Boogs away, then CHOPS! Boogs snarls, Jimmy CHOPS again! Boogs blocks the whip, reverses it, but Jimmy ducks to leap, into Boogs’ arms! Boogs curls Jimmy and fans count it out! Boogs stops at 9, takes a breath, and hits 10 for the SLAM! Fans fire up, Boogs drags Jimmy but Jimmy slips off and POSTS Boogs! Jimmy fires off on Boogs, has Boogs down and then stomps him! The Usos hold up the fingers, #WeTheOnes!

Jimmy uses headbutts to keep Boogs down, and he talks trash on Boogs. But Boogs trophy lifts even on his knees! Then Boogs stands back up, and he hits a FALL AWAY SLAM! Fans fire up while Boogs and Jimmy are both down! Wait, Theory is strolling back out. Theory doesn’t want beef with Nakamura, but he’s getting closer to McAfee. He takes some guy’s drink, sips it, and then SPLASHES McFee with the rest of it! Michael Cole gets McAfee to let Theory run off again, but BALOR attacks! Balor gets Theory in the ring, and it’s chaos! McAfee wants Balor to kick Theory’s ass while the match is thrown out and SmackDown goes to break!

No Contest


Six Man Tag: Finn Balor, Shinsuke Nakamura & Rick Boogs VS Austin Theory & The Usos!

HOLLA HOLLA! The Prince, the King of Strong Style and the rockin’ bard are all getting to go after Vince McMahon’s golden boy and the SmackDown Tag Team Champions! Which side will have all the momentum going into WrestleMania?

SmackDown returns as Theory is talking trash on McAfee while Nakamura pushes Jey to a cover. TWO, and Nakamura drops a knee! Cover again, TWO! Nakamura has Jey in a corner, for GOOD VIBRATIONS~! Nakamura lets off, then drags Jey up to fire off shots! Nakamura puts Jey on the top rope, rolls back, TOP SHELF KNEE! Cover, ONE! Nakamura drags Jey up but Jey ROCKS him with an uppercut! Theory tags in, he runs in to clothesline and knock Nakamura down! Slingshot STOMP, to a FISHERMAN BUSTER! Cover, TWO! Fans chant, “Theory Sucks!” and McAfee is all behind that!

Theory pushes Nakamura around, then he runs, into a KNEE! Nakamura tags Boogs, Boogs trophy lifts and presses Theory! But Theory slips off to kick low! Theory ROCKS Boogs, bumps him off buckles, and he still has to talk crap on McAfee. But Boogs gut wrenches and throws Theory around and around, McAfee calls it a carnival ride! Get him all kinds of dizzy! Gut Wrench Suplex! Cover, TWO! Boogs drags Theory over, tag to Balor! They mug Theory, Balor CHOPS and CHOPS and fires off on Theory! Balor bumps Theory off buckles, stomps him down, then lets off at the ref’s count. Balor snapmares and runs to basement dropkick! Cover, TWO!

McAfee says what a start to this weekend if that had finished it. Balor headlocks, Theory powers out, things speed up and Balor kicks Theory away! Theory staggers, distracts the ref with talk of his teeth, and Jimmy CLOBBERS Balor from the ropes! Fans boo as the Usos get away with that, and Theory stomps away on Balor, copying how Balor would do it! Theory scrapes Balor out, tags Jimmy in and Jimmy SMACKS Balor off the desk! Jimmy puts Balor in, covers, TWO! Jimmy chokes Balor on the ropes, lets off, and Jey gets his cheap shot in! Theory keeps smugly smirking at McAfee which pisses McAfee off.

Jimmy brings Balor up but Balor ROCKS him back! And again, and again! But Jimmy keeps Balor from his team! Balor fires forearms and keeps reaching, but Jimmy whips. Balor hits buckles hard and drops down. Theory and the Usos all say, “All Day,” and then Jimmy tosses Balor out. Fans boo but Theory taunts McAfee as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Balor JAWBREAKERS free! He blocks Jimmy’s kick but gets the DRAGON WHIP! Cover, TWO! Balor gets up but Jimmy is right on him. Jimmy bumps Balor off buckles, fires off hands, but lets off as the ref counts. Jimmy mocks Bullet Club and runs in, but Balor dodges the splash! Jimmy hits post and then falls down! Fans fire up as Jimmy and Balor crawl, hot tag to Jey! Jey stomps Balor down, then SUPERKICKS Boogs! Fans boo as Jey taunts Nakamura, but Jey drags Balor up. But Balor back drops! Jey holds Balor back to sunset flip, but Balor rolls through to basement dropkick!

Fans rally up, Balor and Jey crawl, hot tags to Theory and Nakamura! Nakamura dodges Theory, Theory ducks a kick but not the WHEEL KICK! Nakamura sees Jimmy get in and gives him a KNEE! AX KICK! Then Nakamura DECKS Jey! Strike Fest for Theory, as well as KICK after KICK! Theory blocks one but not the ENZIGURI! Nakamura whips Theory corner to corner, runs in but blocks boots! Nakamura puts Theory in ropes, ROUNDHOUSE and SLIDING GERMAN! Cover, DOUBLE SUPERKICKS break it! The Usos high-five, but then Boogs DUMPS them both out! The Usos drag Boogs out with them to RAM him into steps!

Theory is up again, but so is Balor! Nakamura sees Balor, Theory is too slow to stopping him, hot tag back to Balor! The Prince rallies on Theory and fans fire up! Balor clotheslines Theory out, then he builds speed to FLY! Direct hit on Theory and the Usos! Balor puts Theory back in, runs and SLINGBLADES him down! Then he takes aim, SHOTGUN DROPKICK! Theory is down, Balor fights off the Usos to go up top, but Theory trips Balor up! Fireman’s carry and A T L!! Cover, Theory and the Usos win!

Winners: Austin Theory & The Usos, by pinfall

And Theory stares McAfee down the whole time. McAfee throws off his headset, goes to the apron, but Theory wants him to attack. Theory offers a free shot, Cole wants McAfee to cool off, and McAfee keeps a level head. McAfee returns to the desk, because he wants to keep this match on the books. Will McAfee be able to take this all out on Theory when WrestleMania Sunday finally rolls around?


Happy Corbin & Mad Cap Moss head to the ring.

They bring Angela the sword with them, because this WrestleMania SmackDown edition of Happy Talk has the sword as its special guest! What horrible jokes are these two human hyenas going to hurt our ears with? We find out, after the break.

SmackDown returns and Moss has the mic to welcome us to Happy Talk. Tonight is an extra special edition, it’ll be extra happy! Isn’t Corbin happy for Moss? Moss thinks the whole WWE Universe is happy for him, because he just won the Andre the Giant- Yeah, yeah, we get it, you won. As Corbin’s protégé, that’s what Corbin expects. Now Corbin could look back and say how he did it in 2016 as part of his WWE RawDown debut. But Corbin IS happy. He is euphoric! He might even be Euphoric Corbin after WrestleMania. And that’s because he has McIntyre’s sword! A recap package shows how he stole it during WrestleMania Raw’s 2v1 Handicap.

The Happy Folks have a good laugh as Corbin says this sword is going to be his lucky charm. Not that he needs luck. Look what he’s done at WrestleMania. He won the Andre the Giant Battle Royal, he retired Kurt Angle, and tomorrow, he will destroy McIntyre once and for all! So this sword is really more an insurance policy so that no one messes with him. With McIntyre, it was a fancy accessory. But in Corbin’s hand, it is a dangerous weapon! He could decapitate someone with it! IT’s named Angela after Corbin’s late mother. How sad! This sword needs a new, happier name! “Everyone, meet… Euphoria!”

Mad Cap, give us a joke. No, wait. Corbin has a joke! What does McIntyre’s sword and McIntyre’s mom have in common? He lost them both! Fans boo, that is a lowbrow joke. But here comes MCINTYRE!! And he’s anything but laughing. Moss hurries out but McIntyre DECKS him! Corbin’s stunned and fans tell him he’s F’d up! McIntyre gets a chair! Corbin tells McIntyre he doesn’t want this! Corbin could hurt him! McIntyre TOSSES the chair at Corbin’s head! Then he grabs Angela and swings her at him! Corbin barely gets away, so McIntyre starts throwing the armchairs and velvet ropes out!

McIntyre spills the whiskey, then grabs Angela again, to SLASH the table in half!! Will that table be Corbin when McIntyre finally gets him 1v1 at WrestleMania? McIntyre then stabs the sword into the ring for fire and pyro to go off!

My Thoughts:

Wow, I thought WrestleMania Raw was disappointing. And I even feel like I was generous giving that one an 8 outta 10. They put on BOTH advertised matches in the first half hour! I would’ve at least thought the title match would be in the second hour. I guess opening with the battle royal makes sense, it gets time to breathe, and it sets up how tonight ended. Moss is great in the ring, but this was solely a story based win. It allowed Corbin to say all that in his promo during Happy Talk, and of course McIntyre was going to storm out there and take his sword back. I’m thinking McIntyre defies go-home math and wins to finally shut Corbin up.

The Intercontinental Championship Triple Threat was booked just how I figured it would be: Los Lotharios make it a handicap match for the majority, but they start to argue when it finally comes to going for the cover, and that allows Ricochet to win. What a great spot going right from 630 senton to Recoil. Ricochet of course retains, and hopefully they actually book him better after this. Them plugging the Women’s Fatal 4 Way Tag was rather ridiculous. Wasn’t having all four teams present the plug itself? Why do they think people only watch SmackDown and not Raw? Waste of time, and they also went back to giving us short matches. I continue to fear Mella & Vega retain when we have better teams in the match with them.

SO MUCH recaps I had to skip tonight. Yes, all well produced, outside of maybe Lesnar VS Roman having Metallica’s Death Magnetic and All Nightmare Long far past their relevancy. Ronda had a decent promo with Kayla but probably because she was able to get a few takes in before the one we saw. And Charlotte had a decent promo that just kinda rehashed the usual Heel tropes of putting herself over, putting Ronda down and reminding us what Charlotte’s down. Chances are, having both women’s titles on the same night means Becky and Ronda retain, one of them confronts the other and that sets up Becky VS Ronda 1v1, three years after their feud going into WM35.

There was decent integration between the Theory-McAfee story and Jimmy VS Boogs. Going from 1v1 to a Six Man was fine because it gave us a really good match. But of course Theory gets a win pinning Balor, and he’s got the momentum going into his match. I would hope McAfee wins for that reason, but there’s any which way Theory could still win despite the math. Not that it’ll matter, Vince clearly wants Theory to face Balor more and take that US title off him, even though Priest is still owed a shot. Hell, Priest should’ve been given his title shot for Mania, but nope, Vince doesn’t care about midcard titles or Balor while he has Lesnar VS Roman coming.

My Score: 7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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