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Mitchell’s NJPW Best of the Super Juniors 29 Results & Report! (5/17/22)

B Block begins!




The BOSJ continues the opening round with B Block!

A Block had its turn, now B Block begins on Best of the Super Juniors 29! Will El Desperado get back on track towards the IWGP Junior Heavyweight title?


  • Six Man Tag: YOH, Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Yuto Nakashima VS Colt Connors, Kosei Fujita & Ryohei Oiwa; Connors, Fujita & Oiwa win.
  • Tiger Mask & Ace Austin VS TAKA Michinoku & Yoshinobu Kanemaru; Tiger Mask & Austin win.
  • Six Man Tag: Jado, Ryusuke Taguchi & Alex Zayne VS SHO, Taiji Ishimori & Dick Togo; Sho, Ishimori & Dick win.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 29 B Block: EL LINDAMAN VS DOUKI; Douki wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 29 B Block: BUSHI VS El Phantasmo; ELP wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 29 B Block: Robbie Eagles VS Wheeler Yuta; Eagles wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 29 B Block: Master Wato VS TJP; TJP wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 29 B Block: Titan VS El Desperado; Desperado wins.


Best of the Super Juniors 29 B Block: EL LINDAMAN VS DOUKI!

The G-Rex Champion leads off the block with Japones Del Mal! Will it be a GLEAT start to the tournament for the B Block? Or will Douki show everyone he is ready to be the Best of the Super Juniors?

The bell rings and the two rush each other! Douki ROCKS Lindaman but Lindaman hits back. They throw forearms, Lindaman gets the edge and fans fire up. Douki throws all the forearms back, but Lindaman gets around to kick Douki’s legs out and dropkick from behind! Lindaman hurries to whip Douki but he reverses, only for Lindman to CLOBBER Douki! Fans fire up with Lindaman and rally behind him. Lindaman runs at Douki in the corner but Douki BOOTS back! Lindaman stays up, comes back, but into another BOOT! Lindaman just fires up more, and he runs corner to corner, to block the boot!

Lindaman puts Douki in the ropes for a DRAPING NECKBREAKER! Lindaman stomps Douki, CLUBS him, then runs the ropes, but into a FLAPJACK HOTSHOT! Douki drags Lindaman up to whip him to ropes, and CLOBBERS him with a back elbow! Fans rally as Douki sits Lindaman up into a grounded cobra twist. Lindaman endures as Douki cranks on the hold. Fans rally up and Lindaman crawls forward. Lindaman reaches out and gets the ropebreak! The ref counts, Douki lets off fast, and scuffs Lindaman. Douki slaps Lindaman but Lindaman goes for a leg! Douki CLUBS Lindaman down then stomps him for good measure.

Douki drags Lindaman up but Lindaman blocks the suplex! Fans rally as the two struggle, and Douki CLUBS Lindaman. Lindaman powers up and suplexes, but Douki fights that to suplex back. Lindaman slips out, Douki elbows him away, but Douki runs into a DROPKICK! Fans fire up while both men are down, and Lindaman grits his teeth. Lindaman and Douki get to opposite corners, Lindaman runs in and back elbows! Lindaman whips, Douki reverses but Lindaman blocks that to then drop sayanagi and DDT! Cover, TWO! Lindaman argues the count but the ref says it was fair. Lindaman just fires himself back up and fans rally behind him!

Lindaman goes to a corner and climbs up top. Lindaman leaps to missile dropkick! Direct hit and Douki tumbles away! Lindaman waits on Douki, brings him around into a waistlock, but Douki fights the suplex. Douki throws elbows, Lindaman holds on and Douki keeps throwing more shots! Douki gets free but Lindaman reels him in, only for Douki to mule kick and ENZIGURI! Douki scoops for a swing, SAHARAWI SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Fans rally and Douki gets Lindaman back up. Douki hooks Lindaman up but Lindaman fights the Gory Especial. Douki knees low, runs, but into an elbow!

Lindaman spins but Douki LARIATS! Lindaman stays up, Douki runs, but into an EXPLODER! Both men are down again and fans fire up! Fans rally, Lindaman headbutts the mat to fire himself up again. Lindaman aims from a corner, runs to DOUBLE STOMP, then he goes up top. FLYING SPLASH into ITALIAN STRETCH 32! Fans rally as Lindaman endures and fights, but he’s turning red! Fans rally harder and Lindaman gets a second wind to drag Douki along, to the ropebreak! The ref counts and Douki lets go at 4. Fans rally again and Douki goes to the apron. Douki slingshots, but Lindaman catches him!

Lindaman puts Douki on the corner, SLAPS him, then waistlocks! Douki fights that very high angle German with elbows and Lindaman tumbles away. But Lindaman dropkicks Douki in the butt! Then Lindaman gets Douki for a RUNNING POWERBOMB! And rolls him through to pop him up, KUMAGOROSHI!! Cover, TWO, but into a wheelbarrow! Douki victory rolls it, TWO! Lindaman has it, TWO! Douki has it back, TWO!! Lindaman rolls Douki but Douki turns schoolboy into ITALIAN STRETCH! But Lindaman makes that a high stack cover! TWO!! Lindaman gets around Douki, SNAP GERMAN! Bridging cover, TWO!!

Fans fire up and Lindaman gets Douki up fast! Lindaman chicken wings but Douki slips out to get the Gory Especial! DOTON NO JUTSU! Backslide cover, TWO!! But Douki rolls over Lindaman to get the wheelbarrow! SUPLEX DE LA LUNA!! Bridging cover, DOUKI WINS!

Winner: Douki, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Lindaman earns 0)

Incredible! Douki gets a huge opening victory over the G-Rex! Is this the beginning of a bright new chapter for Japones Del Mal? Can Lindaman make a GLEAT comeback in the next round?


Best of the Super Juniors 29 B Block: BUSHI VS El Phantasmo!

Los Ingobernables de Japon’s Black Mask and Bullet Club’s Headbanga meet again, as we just saw them face off in BOSJ 28! Bushi won then, can he do it again? Or will ELP win even without a loaded boot?

ELP stands on the corner so he can stare Bushi down even from up there. They stay on the corners for the referee’s check, then hop down. The bell rings and the fans rally as the two circle. ELP hops on one foot to make a point about the boot being clean, and then they tie up. ELP claws Bushi’s face through the mask! The ref reprimands, ELP headlocks but Bushi powers out, only for ELP to stop himself and step on Bushi. ELP then struts while fans applaud. ELP does a springboard backflip just to show off, struts, then does it again. ELP keeps showing off his athleticism, and Bushi kicks him down!

Bushi whips ELP but ELP reverses. ELP runs in but Bushi slips out to SWING KICK! Bushi goes up and missile dropkicks! Direct hit and ELP goes tumbling while Bushi hits a Bushirooni! Fans rally, Bushi builds speed but ELP moves, so Bushi rolls back and taunts him while lounging on the mat. Fans rally, ELP is upset, but Bushi waits. ELP gets in, Bushi blocks the kick to spin and roll-up, TWO! Bushi dodges, rolls off ELP’s back and then spins to arm-drag ELP out of the ring! Bushi takes aim as ELP steadies himself, but ELP avoids the slingshot! ELP also avoids the apron attack and slides in. Bushi slides in, ELP slides out and spins Bushi around to SLAM him on the apron!

ELP says he’s too smart for Bushi, and then brings Bushi out to pull off his shirt. ELP CLAWS Bushi’s back! The ref reprimands, ELP stops, only to CHOKE Bushi with his own shirt! The ref counts, ELP lets off at 3 and offers the shirt to fans. ELP fakes the throw and goes back to Bushi. Cover, TWO! ELP drags Bushi up, suplexes, holds Bushi up then SLAMS him at a count of 5! Cover, TWO! ELP is annoyed but he drags Bushi back up. Bushi CHOPS, then CHOPS again. ELP wrangles Bushi down to drop knees on that hand! ELP stomps the hand, but it’s not as bad now that it’s not loaded. ELP SLAMS the hand down, then bends the fingers!

The ref reprimands but ELP SNAPS a finger! Bushi clutches his hand but ELP drags him up with a knuckle lock. ELP CHOPS Bushi, wrenches the arm, then CHOPS again. ELP gives Bushi a PURPLE NURPLE! The ref reprimands, counts, ELP lets off at 4 but goes up the corner. ELP jumps and jumps then CLAWS Bushi’s back. ELP then goes up and up and jumps around again, just to CLAW Bushi’s back! Fans rally as ELP wrenches Bushi again. ELP goes up and up and all around, then starts walking the tightrope, but Bushi kicks the rope! ELP lands on his headbanger! Fans fire up and rally as Bushi builds speed, and Bushi DIVES! Direct hit and ELP goes tumbling!

Bushi fires up and fans fire up with him! Bushi drags ELP up, puts him in, and has ELP in a corner. Bushi DOUBLE CHOPS, then whips him corner to corner. Bushi runs in to back body block! ELP swings but Bushi catches him and spins him to a DDT! Cover, TWO! Fans rally and Bushi drags ELP back up. Bushi reels ELP in, but no Fisherman Screw as ELP slips out! ELP spins Bushi around, straitjacket and torture rack, but Bushi slips off to ENZIGURI! Bushi reels ELP in, FISHERMAN SCREW! Cover, TWO! Fans rally while both men are down! Bushi drags ELP up and he brings him in, but ELP resists the lift!

ELP Alabama Lifts, but Bushi fights that. So ELP firemen’s carries for a GUT BUSTER DROP! Cover, TWO! Bushi is still in this and fans fire up again. ELP paces around, slashes the throat and drags Bushi back up. ELP reels Bushi in, hooks the arms, but Bushi fights free to cradle! TWO!! Bushi dropkicks ELP’s legs out! La Magistrol! TWO and ELP has a cover, TWO! Bushi ROCKS ELP, ELP ROCKS Bushi! ELP blocks Bushi’s kick, ducks the enziguri but Bushi HEEL KICKS back! But ELP rebounds to LARIAT! Fans rally while both men are down again. ELP sits up, drags Bushi up, and throws a forearm.

Bushi throws a forearm back but ELP throws another. They brawl up to their feet, Bushi gets the edge, but ELP KNEES low. ELP CLUBS Bushi, runs, but Bushi dropkicks him, then BACKSTABBERS! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up while both men are still in this. Bushi gets to a corner, goes up, and he calls his shot! ELP gets up, but runs away to avoid MX! SUDDEN DEATH!! And then he reels Bushi in to hook the arms, C R II!! Cover, ELP WINS!

Winner: El Phantasmo, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Bushi earns 0)

The Headbanga avenges his loss! He doesn’t need no stinking loaded boot! Will ELP take over the BOSJ on his own merits? Can Bushi rebound in the next round?


Best of the Super Juniors 29 B Block: Robbie Eagles VS Wheeler Yuta!

The Sniper of the Sky represents Chaos, and the Decoder represents AEW, ROH and the Blackpool Combat Club in a first-ever showdown! Will Eagles get a win over the ROH Pure Champion while aiming for the trophy? Or will Yuta do the BCC proud?

The bell rings and fans rally, which Eagles encourages to get louder and louder. The fans oblige, Eagles and Yuta circle then tie up. Eagles wrenches, wristlocks, but Yuta chinbars to counter. Eagles still wrenches through but Yuta rolls, spins, drop toeholds and floats to a facelock. Eagles fights up and wrenches out to hammerlock. Yuta drops, rolls, kips up and breaks free, and fans applaud the standoff. Yuta smirks and Eagles gives some applause as they circle again. They feel out a grapple, Yuta knuckle locks to wrench. Eagles spins through to wrench and headlock for a takeover.

Yuta headscissors, Eagles kips out, but roles reverse as Yuta hits the takeover, Eagles headscissors and Yuta kips free. Eagles sweeps the legs, covers, ONE! Yuta sweeps the legs, covers, ONE! Eagles deflects the dropkick, Yuta ducks the roundhouse, but Eagles points a finger gun at him. Fans applaud and so does Yuta, but then Yuta grabs Eagles’ fingers and wrangles him down! Eagles gets up, Yuta spins through and wrenches him down again! Eagles endures, Yuta brings Eagles around to an omoplata then a SNAP LOCK! Yuta stays on that arm, ties up the legs, and he gets Eagles in a BOW ‘N’ ARROW!

Fans rally while Eagles endures, and Eagles pops out to a cover! TWO, and Eagles kicks low. Eagles whips, Yuta goes up and over and scoops to SLAM and SENTON! Cover, TWO! Yuta stomps Eagles to ropes, CHOPS him, and Eagles staggers away. Fans rally as Eagles gets back up. Yuta wrenches, whips, but Eagles holds ropes to block! Yuta ROCKS Eagles then whips, but Eagles reverses to go up and around and arm-drag! Things speed up, Eagles ducks and dodges and RANAS! Then he WHEEL KICKS Yuta down and kips up! Fans fire up with Eagles and he covers, ONE! Eagles drags Yuta up and encourages the fans to rally.

Eagles CHOPS Yuta, snapmares Yuta down then runs to basement dropkick! Cover, ONE! Eagles is annoyed but he stomps Yuta. Yuta glares at Eagles so Eagles DECKS him. Yuta shakes his head so Eagles CLUBS him on the back. Yuta throws a forearm so Eagles SLAPS Yuta! Yuta fires off forearm after forearm and fans rally up with him! But Eagles sobats, cravats, but Yuta powers out and DROPKICKS! Fans fire up while both men are down! Yuta hits an atomic drop and ENZIGURI! Eagles goes to a corner, Yuta runs in to A-LIST LARIAT! Yuta pushes Eagles away, goes up top and FLYING ELBOWS! Yuta kips up and fans fire up!

Yuta brings Eagles up, wrenches and whips, but Eagles reverses. Eagles runs in, Yuta boots but Eagles blocks. Yuta avoids the chop, but Eagles BOOTS him back! Eagles runs in to dropkick the legs out! Fans rally and Eagles fires up! Yuta sits up, Eagles KICKS him, and KICKS him, and KICKS him! Eagles runs, to LEG LARIAT! Fans fire up while Yuta goes to a corner, and Eagles runs in to DOUBLE KNEE! Eagles rolls back but Yuta BOOTS! Yuta hops over the low tiger feint, and he catches the body block! GERMAN SUPLEX, but Eagles lands on his feet! BLINDSIDE LARIAT! Fans fire up and Eagles goes corner to corner, METEORA! Eagles drags Yuta to the cover, TWO!

Yuta grits his teeth and sits up but Eagles gets the leg. Eagles stomps the leg while fans rally. Yuta kicks Eagles but Eagles hits a spinning toehold! Yuta writhes but Eagles goes to the corner. Eagles goes up top for the 450, but Yuta moves! Eagles rolls through, runs back in, but Yuta goes up and over again. The bad leg jams! Eagles knees low but Yuta blocks the kick to BOOT Eagles! Yuta runs but Eagles BOOTS back! Yuta spins, ROLLING ELBOW and ROUNDHOUSE take both men down! Fans fire up while both men stir. Eagles gets up, Yuta throws a forearm on him. Eagles SLAPS Yuta, so Yuta SLAPS back!

Eagles SLAPS, Yuta SLAPS, and they go back to throwing forearms! Fans rally as they go back and forth, faster and faster! Yuta gets the edge, but Eagles KICKS a leg! ROUNDHOUSE! SUPERKICK! But Yuta ducks the screw high kick! But Eagles ducks the enziguri! Eagles gets the leg and steps through but Yuta reels him into a cradle! TWO!! Eagles escapes but Yuta spins him around. Eagles slips off the lift, blocks the kick, TURBO… No wait, Eagles just goes for the full Tombstone! Only for Yuta to turn things around on Eagles, and for a HANGING PRISM TRAP!! Eagles endures the elevated leg lock and fans rally up!

Eagles fights free, throws knees, then rolls Yuta, then puts on the RON MILLER SPECIAL!! Yuta endures, crawls and reaches around, and gets the ROPEBREAK! Eagles lets go, but then drags Yuta back to try again. Yuta kicks Eagles away, but Eagles shoots in, only for Yuta to sit on the takedown! TWO and Eagles sunset flips! TWO and Yuta sits on the cover again! TWO and Yuta rolls through the sunset to jackknife, TWO as Eagles bridges! They spin around, Yuta switches the hooks on Eagles but Eagles switches them back! Fans rally, Yuta switches back, backslide, TWO! Yuta spins around and rains down Hammer ‘n’ Anvil elbows!

Yuta then floats Eagles around into Dragon’s Lair, but Eagles slips free! Yuta avoids the superkick, schoolboy! TWO!! Fans fire up, Yuta kicks low and underhooks, but Eagles fights off the lift. Roll up with bridge, EAGLES WINS!

Winner: Robbie Eagles, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Yuta earns 0)

And in a fast ‘n’ furious battle, it’s a wrestling technique that defeats the Pure Champion! Yuta shows respect with applause and a fist bump, but will Yuta make a rebound next round? Will the Sniper of the Skies shoot down the rest of his targets in the tournament?


Best of the Super Juniors 29 B Block: Master Wato VS TJP w/ Francesco Akira!

The Way of the Grandmaster is a IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion, but he still wants THE IWGP Junior Heavyweight title! However, the Fil-Am Flash, Public Enemy Number One, wants it all! Will Theodore James Perkins win for the glory of the United Empire? Or will Wato show the true strength of Six or Nine?

TJP SHOTGUNS Wato as soon as he’s in the ring! The bell rings to get this on record as TJP throws Wato out. TJP then PLANCHAS Wato down! TJP throws off his jacket, pulls off Wato’s jacket, and fans rally as TJP puts Wato in. TJP climbs the corner to NBA JAM, and FLOPS as Wato moves! Wato runs in to SHOTGUN TJP in return! TJP bails out, Wato builds speed and FLIES! Direct hit and down goes TJP! Wato gets up, stomps TJP, then throws a forearm. The ref has Akira stay back as Wato follows TJP around the way. Wato brings TJP up to ROCK him with a forearm, then ROCK him again.

Wato puts TJP in, fans rally up and Wato takes aim. Wato springboards but TJP dropkicks him out of the air! Fans fire up and TJP scoops Wato for a BACKBREAKER! TJP then stands on Wato’s head to scuff him, and bumps him off buckles. TJP stomps Wato down, then rallies the fans while he digs his boot in. Wato fights up, pushes TJP away and throws a forearm,. TJP CHOPS, whips, but Wato goes up and over. Wato keeps moving, things speed up, TJP hurdles but Wato leaps over. TJP sidesteps but Wato RANAS TJP down! Fans fire up as Wato kicks TJP. Wato backs off, back elbows, uppercuts and SOBATS!

Fans rally as Wato watches TJP go to a corner. Wato stomps TJP, stands him up to throw forearms and knees, then whips him corner to corner. TJP reverses, runs in but Wato boots! Wato goes up, TJP SUPERKICKS! Wato flops down and TJP digs his boot in again. Fans rally and TJP scrapes Wato over and over! TJP runs side to side to BOOT WASH! TJP drags Wato up and fans rally as he scoops and SLAMS Wato down. TJP goes to the apron to slingshot senton! Cover, TWO! TJP sits Wato up, brings him around, and snapmares him into an armlock. TJP digs his elbow into Wato’s face then gets both arms for a double armlock.

Fans rally, Wato fights up, and Wato throws body shots. TJP whips Wato, Wato reverses but TJP goes Spider-Man to slip under and roll Wato into a leglock! TJP has the deathlock and fans rally up as TJP drops back! Wato endures the SNAP LOCK, and another! TJP then bridges for the MUTA LOCK! Wato endures being bent back, but TJP gets the arms! It’s a modified Surfboard! TJP then traps the one arm, and DOUBLE SNAPS Wato, Bow ‘n’ Arrow style! Wato writhes while fans applaud the innovative savagery. TJP drops knees on Wato at the ropes, then stomps him. TJP brings Wato up to CHOP him, then taunt him.

Wato scowls then throws a forearm! TJP EuroUppers, then whips. Wato reverses, TJP reverses back, reels Wato in and hits a TWISTING HEADSCISSORS! Fans applaud while TJP has Wato down with the headscissor squeeze! Wato endures, fans rally, but TJP floats to a double knuckle lock cover. TWO as Wato gets an arm up. TJP pushes that arm down, cover, TWO as Wato bridges! TJP jumps up, Wato looks to monkey flip but TJP blocks that to CHOP Wato! TJP runs, but into Wato’s CALF KICK! Fans fire up while both men are down again. Wato crawls to ropes and drags himself up. TJP rises, Wato runs in and rallies with elbows and boots!

Wato whips, dropkicks TJP down, and fires up with the fans! TJP flounders to a corner, Wato runs in, but TJP puts him on the apron. Wato GAMANGIRIS, then springboards, FLYING UPPERCUT! Cover, TWO! Fans rally while Wato fires back up. Wato waistlocks, TJP fights the suplex and throws elbows. TJP runs but Wato reels him in! But TJP victory rolls, TWO! Wato runs in but TJP fireman’s carries. Wato elbows free, and GERMAN SUPLEXES! Bridging cover, TWO! Fans rally up and Wato drags TJP back up. Wato vows to end this, scoops, but TJP slips off to SOBAT! Wato wobbles, but he ducks the lariat to SUPERKICK!

Wato roars, but TJP blocks the kick to slip around, SAIDO!! Both men are down again and fans fire back up! TJP gets to a corner, Wato runs in, but TJP goes up and over and brings Wato around, TORNADO DDT! TJP gets Wato right up, dragon sleeper for the ELBOW DROP DDT! Cover, TWO! TJP gets Wato to a drop zone as fans rally up. TJP climbs, SWANTON but he has to roll through as Wato moves! Wato then hurdles TJP, reels him in and hooks him up, MOUSE TRAP DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! TJP survives and Wato can’t believe it! Wato puts TJP in a drop zone now and he goes to the corner! Wato climbs, fans rally, but TJP trips Wato up!

TJP climbs up and brings Wato in. Wato fires body shots and SUPER GOURD BUSTERS TJP down! Wato resets and fires up, R P P FLOPS as TJP moves! TJP is back up, NBA JAM! Into the PINOY STRETCH! Wato endures the cross-legged STF, moves around, reaches out, but he’s so far away from ropes! Wato taps, TJP WINS!!

Winner: TJP, by submission (gains 2 points; Wato earns 0)

TJP won’t let go! The ref and Young Lions get him to set Wato free, and now both of the United Empire’s Junior Heavyweights have strong starts! Will TJP and Akira both set the BOSJ ablaze all the way to the finals? And will they look to take the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championships away from Six or Nine?


Best of the Super Juniors 29 B Block: Titan VS El Desperado!

The current CMLL World Welterweight Champion takes on the former IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion in a highly anticipated main event! Will Titan begin his journey towards another title? Or is the Rogue Luchador starting a redemption tour to get that title back?

The bell rings and fans rally as the two circle. Titan offers a handshake out of respect and fans applaud that. Desperado reaches out, but then wags his finger. The two circle and feel things out, then tie up. They break, go again, and Desperado waistlocks to SLAM! Desperado reaches down to get Titan’s arm, but Titan shows off his kip-up skills by going up and down and up and down, then arm-drag! Desperado handsprings through to sweep the legs! Cover, ONE, Titan sweeps to roll Desperado, but Desperado ducks the buzzsaw! Desperado gets to a corner and fans applaud the standoff. Desperado mockingly applauds, and resets with Titan.

Now Desperado offers the handshake? And even kneels? Titan steps forward and reaches out but Desperado pokes him in the eye! Desperado whips Titan to a corner, then runs in to back elbow. Desperado whips corner to corner the other way, Titan goes up and over and handsprings all the way to the other corner! Fans applaud the athleticism, but Desperado rushes in. Titan blocks the chop to knuckle lock and CHOP back. Titan goes up the ropes, tightrope walks and jumps around, to then leap and RANA! Desperado bails out and Titan builds speed, only for Desperado to SPEAR him down! Fans applaud that high speed exchange!

Desperado drags Titan up, throws him out, and then follows him. Desperado CHOPS Titan, Titan CHOPS back! Desperado CHOPS, Titan falls against the post, and Desperado scoops Titan to SLAM him on the floor! Fans applaud while Desperado leaves Titan behind. Red Shoes has Desperado wait while he checks on Titan. Titan is okay to continue, and Desperado gets a chair?! Red Shoes spots him and has him put the chair down. Desperado and Titan get in the ring, and Desperado stomps Titan down! Desperado stands on Titan’s head, lets off as Red Shoes reprimands, and then Desperado brings Titan back up.

Titan CHOPS, but Desperado shakes his head. Titan CHOPS again, Desperado rakes his eyes! Red Shoes reprimands but Desperado shrugs and fans rally. Desperado headlocks Titan and grinds him down. Fans rally up and Titan fights around, to get the ROPEBREAK! Desperado lets off, drags Titan away from ropes, and traps the arms while going after the mask! How awful! Red Shoes reprimands, but Desperado tears the mask’s eye open! Red Shoes backs Desperado to a corner to make him stop. Fans rally for “TI-TA-NN!” as Desperado brings him up. Titan CHOPS, runs, but into a back drop! Cover, TWO!

Desperado SPLASHES the leg! And hits a KNEE JAMMER! Then ties up the legs in an INDIAN DEATHLOCK! Fans rally while Titan endures. Desperado taunts Titan as he crawls for ropes. Titan gets the ROPEBREAK! Desperado lets go of the hold but “Oops!” KNEE JAMMER! Titan crawls away to the apron but Desperado drags him back in. Fans rally and Desperado fireman’s carries, but Titan slips off. Desperado elbows free, runs, but Titan goes Matrix to dodge! Then he CALF KICKS Desperado away! Desperado ends up on ropes, Titan runs in, but Desperado puts him on the apron. Desperado ROCKS Titan with an uppercut!

Desperado runs, but Titan jumps up to BODY SCISSOR Desperado out of the ring! Fans fire up and Titan fires up, to TOP ROPE ASAI MOONSAULT!! Fans fire up as Titan hits his target! Fans rally up and Titan stomps Desperado down. Titan puts Desperado in, climbs up the corner, and fans fire up. Titan leaps to missile dropkick! But the bad leg bothers him! Titan crawls to the cover, TWO! Titan adjusts his boot to help his bad leg, and he goes to the corner. Titan runs corner to corner at Desperado, but blocks his boot! Desperado wants Titan to hold on, but Titan DRAGON SCREWS! Titan then hooks up the legs, FIGURE FOUR KNEEBAR!!

Desperado endures, clubs at Titan’s legs, but Titan turns him over to have even more torque! Desperado turns things back over to get the ROPEBREAK! Titan lets go at 4 and crawls away as he clutches his own bad leg. Titan hobbles back, gets Desperado up, but Desperado kicks the bad leg! Desperado hobbles, but Titan KICKS his leg! Fans rally, Titan kicks the bad leg, then mule kicks the leg out! Titan runs, but into a SPINEBUSTER! High stack, TWO, to STRETCH MUFFLER! Desperado thrashes around, gets the arm, NUMERO DOS!! Titan scrambles around, reaches out, and crawls to get the ROPEBREAK!

Desperado lets go and gets his own leg going. Fans are thunderous as Desperado brings Titan in. Titan fights the Guitarra, and he CHOPS! Desperado takes a breath, and CHOPS back! Titan CHOPS again, so Desperado CHOPS back! CHOP for CHOP, they go back and forth and fans rally up! They pick up speed, but Titan wobbles. Titan spinning mule kicks! Desperado fires up, but then rakes Titan’s eyes! Desperado runs, but Titan follows and uses ropes for the TORNADO DDT! Both men are down and fans are thunderous again! Titan gets to a corner, aims at Desperado, then runs corner to corner to A-LIST LARIAT! Titan goes so hard, he slips out to the floor!

Titan hurries back up and swings in for the WRECKING BALL DROPKICK! Desperado flounders to a drop zone and Titan goes up top! DOUBLE STOMP to Desperado as he stands! Cover, TWO!! Desperado survives and fans rally as Titan goes to the apron. Titan throws off his elbow pads and springboards back in. Desperado moves to avoid the double stomp, and Titan hobbles around into a SPEAR! Desperado roars, gets Titan up, and hits GUITARRA DEL ANGEL! Cover, TWO!! Titan survives and fans are thunderous again! Desperado roars, brings Titan back up, and underhooks the arms. PINCHE- NO, Titan fights that off!

Desperado kicks Titan’s bad leg, tries again, but still no Pinche! Titan wrenches, tilt-o-whirls and merry-go-round headscissors into a takedown! DRAGON’S LAIR! TWO!! Fans fire up, Titan HEEL KICKS and fires off palm strikes! LOCO MONO!! PINCHE LOCO!!! Cover, Desperado wins!!

Winner: El Desperado, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Titan earns 0)

The Rogue Luchador pulls out the win! And in the end, he shows Titan respect with a handshake. Will the CMLL World Welterweight Champion be able to recover from this? As for Desperado, he catches his breath before getting the mic. He tells Titan, in Spanish, “Amigo, thank you so much for coming to Japan. It was a pleasure to face you, and I want to have even more matches with you.” Fans applaud that, they’d love to see a rematch, too. Desperado adds that Titan has so many masks, it doesn’t really matter that he ripped that one up. But Titan was great, just as Desperado thought, and is glad Titan came.

Desperado admits, “I talked so much, then lost the belt before the Super Juniors started. And then there’s Lindaman having a title match in the middle of this thing. Then he’s right back with a league match the next day. What a wild man. So I’ll have to welcome him with the greatest stimulation.” Fans applaud that, surely looking forward to Desperado VS Lindaman down the line. Desperado says, “The music you’re about to hear belongs to the badass who’s going to win the Best of the Super Juniors! Remember that tune. See ya later.” Desperado’s music plays, of course, but will he come through on his words and win BOSJ 29?


Here are the current standings for B Block!

El Desperado: 1-0, 2 points
Douki: 1-0, 2 points
El Phantasmo: 1-0, 2 points
Robbie Eagles: 1-0, 2 points
TJP: 1-0, 2 points
Titan: 0-1, 0 points
Master Wato: 0-1, 0 points
Wheeler Yuta: 0-1, 0 points
El Lindaman: 0-1, 0 points
Bushi: 0-1, 0 points

My Thoughts:

Another great event for NJPW, and a great start for B Block. I will say about the matches I skipped, I am surprised Connors’ side won when he had two Young Lions on his team, but that could be because he’s building momentum into a loss for tomorrow’s A Block event. The opening match for B Block was great, Lindaman is a ball of fire, and how awesome for Douki to get the win! Douki’s been making great strides in his NJPW standings, and he could be a dark horse contender for B Block. A really good match out of Bushi and ELP and it was a good move for ELP to win this one as payback for BOSJ 28. No idea where either is going to end up by the end, though.

Eagles VS Yuta was also great stuff, but I had a feeling Eagles was going to win this one. Yuta is good but Eagles has been going strong in the NJPW Junior Heavyweight Division, having checked off the singles and tag titles once each. Eagles can be a strong part of B Block, really giving a rival like Desperado a strong match. Yuta himself can probably be a strong middle-of-the-pack guy, but given he also has to worry about being in AEW and having that ROH Pure Championship, he won’t be winning the block or the finals. Wato VS TJP was great stuff, with a great start as TJP hits Wato first. TJP wins in the end, United Empire looks strong, and I’d love seeing TJP & Akira VS Six or Nine after the tournament.

And of course, we got a great main event from Titan VS Desperado. Great entrance gear from Titan, for one, with that rhinestone covered jacket. Desperado going after Titan’s mask was some classic Heel stuff, and Titan had a great showing. Desperado wins out because his story is the climb back, so he’ll be strong in the B Block. I bet Titan will be strong, too, but as a champion of CMLL, he probably parallels Yuta in someone not winning the block or finals.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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