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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (5/17/22)

Time to settle scores!



NXT 2.0 has some grudge matches on deck!

Before going In Your House for the NXT North American Championship, Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams take on Cameron Grimes & Solo Sikoa! Will Grimes & Solo #WhoopThatTrick? Or will the former A Champion and his right hand man hit their shot?


  • Cameron Grimes & Solo Sikoa VS Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams; Grimes & Sikoa win.
  • NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament Opening Round: Lash Legend VS Tatum Paxley; Lash wins and advances to the next round.
  • The Creed Brothers w/ Diamond Mine VS The Viking Raiders; The Viking Raiders win.
  • Grayson Waller VS Andre Chase w/ Bodhi Hayward; Waller wins.
  • NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament Opening Round: Roxanne Perez VS Kiana James; Roxanne wins and advances to the next round.
  • Wes Lee VS Nathan Frazer; Frazer wins, by disqualification.
  • Tony D’Angelo VS Santos Escobar; Escobar wins.


Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams walk out on stage!

The former NXT North American Champion and his right hand man are here, ready to team up, but they have mics to say, “First thing’s first. Solo, you need to shut yo’ ass up about ‘I got next.’ Nah, sucker. You got last.” Trick says that’s right! And then Grimes is a lucky dude. But in three weeks, the title goes back to where it belongs. And that is because Melo is the rightful A Champion. That’s all it is, and that’s all it’s gon’ be. Melo & Trick have said their piece, but will they back up that talk as their tag match starts things off?

Cameron Grimes & Solo Sikoa VS Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams!

The teams sort out and fans are already chanting for “SO~LO! SO~LO!” Melo & Trick rush Grimes & Solo but get BOOTS for it! Grimes whips Trick and KICKS him down, Solo adds a SENTON! Fans fire up and Solo keeps on Trick with headbutts! Solo stomps Trick around, KICKS him down, then stomps and KICKS again! Trick stagger sup but Solo scoops and SLAMS him down! Solo snarls, KICKS Trick down, then drags him up to ROCK with an uppercut! Fans rally and Solo RAMS into Trick. Grimes tags, he KICKS Trick, Solo CHOPS! KICK, CHOP, repeat! Grimes snapmares and runs to basement BOOT! Cover, TWO!

Grimes drags Trick up to wrench the arm and grind the shoulder. Grimes adds a chinbar but Trick endures. Grimes wrenches, whips, but Melo tags in. Trick KICKS Grimes, runs and CLOBBERS him, then gives Melo the boost for a CROSSBODY! Cover, ONE! Melo stays between Grimes and Solo, CHOPS Grimes, then has him on ropes. Grimes BOOTS back, ROCKS him with a forearm, but Melo throws forearms and knees back. Melo runs, rolls off Grimes’ body, and Grimes dodges! Hot tags to Trick and Solo! Solo rallies on Melo, rallies on Trick, then whips Trick to a corner to SPLASH! Trick sits down, Solo goes corner to corner, HIP ATTACK!

Fans are all fired up for Solo, and Solo goes up the corner. Melo creeps over but Solo scares him off! Trick distracts the ref, Melo ENZIGURIS Solo! Trick runs for a SWINGING NECKBREAKER! Trick throws the ball to Melo and Melo shoots and scores. Trick then stomps Solo while NXT goes picture in picture.

Trick taunts Grimes, tags Melo, and Melo stomps Solo. Tag back to Trick, he and Melo get Solo up to double whip and dropkick! Trick covers, TWO! Trick taunts Grimes then stomps Solo. Tag to Melo, he stays between Solo and Grimes while he stomps Solo again. Melo dares Solo to crawl to Grimes, then stomps him again. Solo gets up and Melo headbutts, but it backfires! Solo HEADBUTTS Melo and he falls over! Melo JUMP KNEES in return, then he facelocks to keep Solo down. Solo endures, Melo tags Trick in and Trick helps drag Solo up to POST him! Trick CLUBS Solo, then tags Melo back in.

Melo & Trick double whip again and they DOUBLE BACK ELBOW! Melo covers, ONE!! Melo is shocked and he shakes his head. Melo SLAMS Solo’s arm on the mat, and again! Tag to Trick, Trick stomps away on Solo, then drags him up with a facelock. Trick scoops and SLAMS Solo, tags Melo in, and Melo runs to drop an elbow! Cover, TWO! Melo is frustrated but he drags Solo up. Solo throws body shots but Melo BOOTS him down! Melo stomps Solo around, then taunts Grimes. Melo drags Solo up into a chinlock and grinds him down. NXT returns to single picture and the fans rally up as Solo endures.

Melo grinds his forearm into Solo’s face, but Solo fights up. Melo knees low, throws haymakers, but Solo ROCKS Melo! Solo elbows Trick, TOSSES Melo out, but Melo and Trick trip Solo up! Melo SLINGSHOT ELBOW DROPS! Fans boo and Grimes rallies the fans up for Solo. Trick tags in, he wants Solo to get up, and then he runs in, only for Solo to shove him away! Solo dodges the corner splash, and fans fire up! Hot tags to Melo and Grimes! Grimes rallies on Melo, CLOBBERS Trick, and then ROCKS Melo! Grimes gest Melo & Trick in a DOUBLE RANA! Melo & Trick bail out, Grimes goes out to PENALTY KICK Trick!

Melo runs in but Grimes shoulders him away! Grimes goes up, leaps, CROSSBODY! Fans fire up and Grimes aims from the corner, “TO! THE! MOON!” Solo tags in? Grimes is upset, he was about to end this. Melo runs in, Solo fireman’s carries but Trick saves Melo. Melo BOOTS Solo, Grimes gets in and Melo dodges so the SUPERKICK hits Trick! Melo and Grimes go around, Grimes elbows free of the waistlock. Melo dodges Grimes to SPRING-BLADE! But Solo hits the URENAGE!! Solo drags Melo to a drop zone and he goes up top! Grimes gives Trick a CAVE-IN! FLYING SOLO!! Cover, Solo & Grimes win!

Winners: Cameron Grimes & Solo Sikoa, by pinfall

The Carolina Caveman and the Street Champion of the Island take down their common enemies! The ref brings the North American Championship into the ring, and Solo takes it. Solo hands it over to Grimes, but the fans chant, “You Got Next!” Will Solo be facing Grimes 1v1 after In Your House? Or will Melo return to being The A Champion of NXT?


Backstage interview with Pretty Deadly.

McKenzie says the NXT Tag Team Champions are facing The Creed Brothers at In Your House, how are they feeling? Elton Prince says he and Kit Wilson are scared. They’re terrified, even. They can’t sleep. Then they bust up laughing. For some reason, the entire locker room is in awe of the Creeds, but in their first match here, Pretty Deadly beat the Creeds to get these titles. SIDE PLATE CHECK~! Well, yes, but that win was after the Creeds already ran through three other teams. Blah blah blah. Diamond Mine can get whatever training partners they want for the Creeds, because Pretty Deadly are two tasty snacks, one meal deal.

Kit says after they beat the Creeds, Julius & Brutus are but mere shells of their former selves before Pretty Deadly ruined their lives. Tonight, we’ll see what happens after The Viking Raiders destroy them! Pretty Deadly mock the raid drum, but will Kit & Elton see just how strong the Creeds are at 100%?


NXT profiles another new star.

18 year old Thea Hail has been training hard as a new NXT signee, and says the tryout was perhaps the toughest thing she’s ever done. She is pretty sure she was the youngest one there, but she didn’t care. She just wanted to prove how much she wanted it. And she flipped out when she got the call. Though, there is one thing she needs to do first: graduate high school. That’s next week. And the WWE is even letting her train while she’s in college! Will Thea get a PhD in pro-wrestling and become the future of NXT?


NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament Opening Round: Lash Legend VS Tatum Paxley!

Lash knows how to ball and knows how to brawl, but she’s looking to rebound after being knocked down by Nikkita Lyons. Will Legend lash out and move on in the tournament? Or will Tatum prove to Lash, the fans and herself that she has what it takes to break out in NXT?

NXT returns as Tatum makes her entrance. The bell rings and Lash CLOBBERS Tatum! Cover, TWO! Lash stomps Tatum down, drags her up, and whips her to a corner. Tatum goes up but Lash catches her! Tatum fights to get free and headscissor Lash down! Tatum squeezes tight, Lash endures and fans duel. Lash kips free but Tatum kips up, and Tatum smirks while she stares Lash down. Lash swings but Tatum dodges, and Tatum dropkicks a leg out! Then she basement dropkicks Lash down! Cover, TWO! Tatum hurries and Electric Chair Lifts?! No, Lash is too tall and strong for that, she knocks Tatum down!

Tatum shoves Lash to a corner, runs in, but Lash sends Tatum face first into buckles! Lash then drags Tatum out to SLAM the leg into the post! Fans cheer and jeer as Lash gets in. Lash runs in but Tatum elbows her away. Tatum jumps up and over to sunset flip, but Lash rolls through. Lash stomps Tatum’s leg, then she handsprings to YANK Tatum’s leg! Tatum crawls to ropes, Lash goes out to the apron to get after her, and she pulls Tatum’s leg against the ropes! HOTSHOT! Lash talks trash then goes after Tatum in the ring to cover, TWO! Tatum clutches her leg but Lash is after it with a STRETCH MUFFLER!

Fans rally as Tatum endures hanging upside-down! Lash thrashes Tatum, but Tatum sits up and throws down elbows! Tatum sunset flips, high stacks, TWO! Tatum ROCKS Lash, fires more shots, then gets around to Electric Chair Lift! Lash fights off again and sends Tatum into the corner. Lash runs in but Tatum sends her into buckles now! Tatum reels Lash in, to suplex her! Tatum clutches her leg and she hobbles up. Tatum fights through to MARIPOSA! Cover, TWO! Tatum keeps on Lash, drags her up, but ducks the heel kick! Tatum tries again, Electric Chair Lift! But she loses her hold, Lash BOOTS Tatum down! Lash wins!

Winner: Lash Legend, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

Tatum kept trying, but she was perhaps too focused on the power game. Lash is moving on, will she make herself a true legend by winning the whole tournament?


Tony D’Angelo speaks.

“Santos, you messed up big, my guy. And it didn’t have to be this way. But tonight, when I’m done pummeling you, you’ll have nobody to blame but yourself.” But Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo asks Tony how they’re doing this. Balboa speed-bagging like in grade school? Or maybe what they did to Ray Ray on the corner? “Two Dimes” Troy Donovan asks for clarification: what they did to Ray Ray the first time? Or the second time? Tony liked the second time better. He remembers Ray Ray soaring through the air. But this is different. Remember what they did to Beansie? Beat him so bad, he had to start pitching with his left hand.

But what was that? Hell in a hand basket! That’s it! But Tony flew solo on that one. Yeah, everyone was worried about that, and the Warriors covering the spread. And look what happened. No more problems at the bakery, and Steph covered it. Tony can take Santos alone. It’s The Don! Trust him on this. But will Legado del Fantasma play by the same rules?


NXT hits the road again!

Starting June 10th, they’re coming to your city! Check the list: Tampa 6/10, Largo 6/11, Jacksonville 6/24, Venice 6/25, Citrus Springs 7/8, Orlando 7/9, Melbourne 7/22, Cocoa Beach 7/23! The Summer of 2.0 begins, get your tickets starting this Friday!


Backstage interview with Duke Hudson.

McKenzie says the fans all want to know, what’s next for Duke Hudson? Oh, they do, do they? Well make sure to thank them for him. NOT! He doesn’t care what we want or need, that got him into this mess in the first place. And that’s why Duke had to take some time off. He had to dig himself out of the hole, clear his mind, and now he’s back. No one can measure up to Duke- Then something rattles and it’s Bron Breakker walking through! Bron wants his music, and Duke storms off.

The NXT Champion is heading to the ring!

Fans bark for Bron as he returns, a very serious look in his eyes tonight. Bron gets a mic and says, “The last time you guys saw me, Joe Gacy dumped me in some field somewhere like a piece of trash, and now he’s offering for me to come and join him!” Gacy’s pretty persuasive since he’s got two new guys working for him that do everything he tells them to. But Joe, with all due respect, after everything they’ve been through, “You can kiss my ass!” Gacy should’ve finished Bron in the field! Bron isn’t coming just to beat Gacy, he’s coming to knock Gacy out! But speaking of, here comes Gacy! Bron is ready for a fight, but Gacy is up in the perch.

Gacy says this is where Bron took his “leap of faith.” Gacy says he isn’t here to fight, but Bron tells him to shut up! Gacy has his goons, huh? Bron doesn’t trust Gacy at all, he’s ready for whatever Gacy has planned! Better yet, Gacy should just come to the ring! Oh, so predictable, Bron. But when a man is consumed by rage, he becomes predictable, and Bron has a long history of losing his temper. Gacy sees the fire burning in Bron’s eyes, envisioning the violence he wants to cause. But their journey together is not yet over. Bron rejected the opportunity of a lifetime to join Gacy. But Gacy is not the kind to hold a grudge.

Fans tell Gacy to “Shut the Hell Up!” but Gacy ignores them as he says this opportunity is for everyone here. They’ll get to see Bron VS Gacy 1v1 one more time. Bron says sounds good, it’s done! Gacy says it is time to up the stakes. After all, Gacy roughed up Bron’s dad and disrespected the Steiner legacy. Gacy abducted Bron and left him all alone in the wilderness. By all means, Bron should kick Gacy’s ass all over the arena and inflict pain like Gacy’s never felt before! Bron can go crazy and lose control! But if he does, then he loses his most prized possession. Because In Your House, if Bron gets disqualified, he’ll lose the title!

The question is then, Bron, how bad do you want Gacy? That’s up to Bron. Bron sighs, fans boo Gacy, and Bron says, “YOU’RE ON!” A No Champion’s Advantage match for the NXT Championship? Is this just as Gacy wants? Or can Bron control himself as he crushes Gacy for what he’s done?


Indi Hartwell speaks.

These last few weeks have been a rollercoaster for her. She went from being at the top to rock bottom in the blink of an eye. But she’s tired of feeling sorry for herself! She has the biggest opportunity of her life, and it’s right now. For the first time in her career, she’s going solo! No family, no tag partner, no life partner, just Indi! And she’ll sink or swim on what she does. So she’s calling her shot! Mandy Rose, if you wanna kick Indi while she’s down, try kicking her when she’s staring you dead in the face. If Mandy is the measuring stick, let’s see where Mandy measures up when Indi takes that stick and shoves it up her ass! Will Indi become the most impressive NXT Women’s Champion yet?


Backstage interview with Wes Lee.

McKenzie says his match scheduled for tonight has been postponed, and Wes says Xyon Quinn is somehow not medically cleared. Again. Another match Quinn is ducking! One week it’s his shoulder, next week it’s he doesn’t have the right hair gel. When Quinn is cleared, whether that’s next week, next month or in 2030, Quinn knows where to find Wes. But then Nathan Frazer walks in. He heard about the thing with Quinn, and sees Wes really wants to get in that ring. And so does Nathan. Wes appreciates him stepping up but this might not be the right time. Wes has a lot of pent up aggression for Quinn, he doesn’t want to take it out on Nathan.

Well, if that’s so, Nathan looks forward to the challenge. Will the British Prodigy be ready for what the Must-See Kid is bringing?


The Creed Brothers w/ Diamond Mine VS The Viking Raiders!

Julius & Brutus didn’t appreciate Roderick Strong tainting the victory over Erik & Ivar, so now they’re giving the former NXT Tag Team Champions a fair fight! Will Julius & Brutus win this one on their own? Or will the raid start to take over NXT once again?

NXT returns and Diamond Mine accompanies the Creeds. The teams sort out, Julius starts with Ivar, and Julius hurdles Ivar to then DECK Erik! Julius ROCKS Ivar, tags Brutus, but Ivar scoops Julius! Brutus saves his brother and the Creeds RAM Ivar out of the ring! Ivar is fired up but the Creeds are ready. Ivar gets in, tags Erik, and then Brutus tags Julius back in. Julius headlocks, Erik powers out, things speed up and Erik CLOBBERS Julius! Tag to Ivar and the Vikings hammer Julius down! Fans are fired up and dueling as the Vikings roar. Tag to Erik, Ivar scoop SLAMS Julius and Erik covers. TWO, but Erik clamps onto Julius. Julius endures and fights up as fans duel.

Erik has the leg, Julius tries to fight free but Erik puts him in the corner. Ivar tags in and ROCKS Julius with a forearm. Ivar RAMS into Julius with his shoulder, then ROCKS him with an uppercut! Tag to Erik, Ivar holds Julius in place for Erik’s KNEE! Erik then feeds Julius to Ivar’s BODY CHECK! Cover, TWO! Erik facelocks to keep on Julius but Julius fights free. Erik gets the leg again, fans rally and Julius slips free! Tag to Brutus, he dodges Erik to RAM him, then CLOBBER him! Brutus CLUBS Erik, DECKS Ivar, and TACKLES Erik! Brutus rains down hammering fists and them bear crawls around.

Fans rally, Brutus waistlocks to deadlift GERMAN SUPLEX! Fans fire up and Brutus dodges Ivar to go for the legs. Ivar’s big, but maybe not for Brutus! Brutus puts Ivar up top, Julius DROPKICKS him down! The Vikings regroup at the ramp but Brutus goes up top! Fans go nuts for the BRUTUS BALL! Direct hit on both Vikings and fans are loving it as NXT goes to break!

NXT returns again and Julius grinds Erik down with a cobra clutch. Erik fights up, fans duel, but Julius keeps Erik from Ivar and whips him into the Creed corner! Tag to Brutus, GUT WRENCH SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Brutus tags Julius back in, they get Erik up to throw knees, then Brutus throws forearms in the corner. Julius tags Brutus, Erik pushes free and starts throwing forearms on them both! He DECKS Brutus, DECKS Julius, then flounders for his corner! Julius hurries to tag back in, but hot tag to Ivar! The War Beard rallies, SPLASHES on Julius, and then short arm LARIAT! Ivar DECKS Brutus and then fires off elbows on Julius in a corner!

The ref counts, Ivar lets off at 4 to go corner to corner, BRONCO BUSTER! Cover, TWO! Strong and Kemp coach Julius, Ivar tags Erik. Julius shoves Ivar out, ROCKS Erik, and rolls to hot tag Brutus! Brutus gets around Erik to fireman’s carry! Julius KNEES Erik into the SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Fans are thunderous as Brutus tags Julius. The Creeds double whip, but Erik tosses Brutus out! Erik dodges Julius, tag to Ivar! Ivar hits a SEATED SENTON! Tag back to Erik, Ivar goes up a corner and Erik gives Julius a lift. Ivar has Julius up top, for a SUPER POWERSLAM! Erik covers, Brutus breaks it!

Brutus waistlocks but Erik switches to GERMAN SUPLEX Brutus! “This is Awesome!” as Erik tags Ivar back in! Ivar goes back up the corner, Erik back suplexes but Julius slips out to GERMAN SUPLEX Erik! Julius goes right up to get Ivar! Ivar shoves Julius down, adjusts, VIKING SPLASH FLOPS as Julius moves! Oklahoma roll, Erik KNEES it apart! All four men are down and the fans are thunderous for “NXT! NXT!” The Creeds regroup on one side, the Vikings regroup on the other. Fans hope they “Fight Forever!” but this has to end somehow. The Creeds and the Vikings stare down, growl, and fire up! THE BRAWL IS ON!!

Hands are flying in all directions, Ivar BOOTS Julius, Erik KNEES Brutus, but the Vikings fall, too! Kemp distracts the ref, Strong gets in, but Julius redirects him out of the ring! Julius tells Strong that they don’t want and don’t need that kind of help! But then Julius turns around into a HEEL KICK! Tag to Erik, the Vikings get Julius up for a DOUBLE POWERBOMB! High stack, Viking Raiders win!!

Winners: The Viking Raiders, by pinfall

The leader of Diamond Mine just screwed his team up! Kemp tries to keep the peace, but is Strong going to be the reason this group implodes?


Legado del Fantasma speaks.

Santos Escobar tells Tony D’Angelo, “Since our paths crossed, I have realized: you wanna be just like me. I don’t blame you, but there’s only one Santos Escobar. I’ve always been one step ahead of you. And now I’m inside your head, I’m under your skin. That is why tonight I trust it’s going to be one-on-one, no Legados by my side.” Cruz Del Toro and Joaquin Wilde are surprised to hear this. Is he serious? Tony and his guys jumped Cruz and locked him in their trunk! This can’t just be 1v1. Cruz & Wilde want to get even. But Santos asks La Madrina, Elektra Lopez, what they always talk about. “You never let your emotions get in the way of business.” Exactly.

Escobar trusts everyone, just not the devil inside them. Legado knows how they can help and exactly what they need to do. Wilde & Cruz nod, will they do their part behind the scenes?


Grayson Waller warms up backstage.

But his concentration is broken when Tiffany Stratton reacts to stuff on social media. It is a travesty that she isn’t in the Women’s Breakout Tournament! If anyone is a star in NXT, it’s her! He is so right. But can Waller do her a favor? Take care of this Andre Chase situation. It is so annoying. He promises to do that right now. Be sure to watch. Will Waller teach Chase a thing or two when they go 1v1? Or will Chase make Waller go viral for all the wrong reason?


NXT Media catches up with Bron Breakker in the parking lot.

They ask him about his championship rematch with Gacy with No Champion’s Advantage. Is he worried about playing right into Gacy’s hands? “Listen, Gacy talks about acceptance, inclusion, alright, but his actions are the complete opposite. As long as I have this championship, Gacy’s not gonna do a damn thing.” But then Duke Hudson barges in, saying it doesn’t feel too good being interrupted, does it? If Bron does that again, he won’t make it to In Your House. Bron says if Duke is feeling big and bad, they can go back inside and settle this in the ring.

Sounds good to Duke. But it sounds better next week. Speaking of hands, is Duke about to change the one he’s been dealt by going after THE NXT Champion?


Grayson Waller VS Andre Chase w/ Bodhi Hayward!

The 21st Century Success Story and Daddy’s Little Rich Girl lost in a Mixed Tag against Professor Chase and the Warrior of the Sun. But will Waller be able to change things going 1v1? Or will this be another #TeachableMoment?

The bell rings and Waller is already taunting Chase. Waller gets around, SMACKS Chase, CLUBS him, then throws knees. Waller puts Chase in a corner, mocks the U, then throws elbows! Waller CHOKES Chase on the ropes! The ref counts, Waller lets off but brings Chase around to whip him to ropes. Chase ducks and dodges, then blocks hip toss to hit a NECKBREAKER! Chase kicks low, EuroUppers, then EuroUppers again! Chase throws a body shot, but Waller elbows Chase back. Waller runs, things speed up again, but Waller fakes Chase out to BOOT him down! Waller gives some ground ‘n’ pound but fans boo.

Sarray is in the student section, she also boos and gives a thumbs down. Waller just scowls and brings Chase up. Chase fights the suplex, Waller throws body shots and powers Chase up and over! Cover, TWO! Waller is annoyed but he slaps Chase around. Waller kicks Chase to ropes then into a corner. Fans chant, “Waller Sucks!” but Waller whips Chase to a corner. Chase stops himself to elbow back! Waller blocks a boot but Chase KNEES him away! Chase goes up to sunset flip! TWO, and Waller LEG LARIATS Chase down! Cover, TWO! Fans rally while Waller glares at the student section.

Waller knees Chase but Chase scowls now. Waller knees Chase again, Chase gets up and throws body shots, but Waller CLUBS him down. Fans rally for Chase as Waller fireman’s carries, and Chase elbows free. Chase waistlocks but Waller switches, only for Chase to dodges the rolling elbow! Chase blocks the kick, trips Waller, and then CATAPULTS him into buckles! Waller wobbles, Chase CLOBBERS him with Polish Hammers! Chase hits an atomic drop then a whip, but Waller reverses. Chase reverses back to a RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Fans fire up and they spell out “CHASE U!” as Chase stomps Waller!

Waller staggers up, Chase clinches but Waller JABS! Chase wobbles, but he tosses Waller out onto Bodhi! Chase realizes what happened to his star pupil and he helps Bodhi up. Bodhi says it’s good, just get in the ring! Chase does, but SOMERSAULT STUNNER!! Cover, Waller wins!

Winner: Grayson Waller, by pinfall

Chase just learned he has to focus on himself! Waller gets a win to rebound from last week, can he keep this momentum going through the summer?


Toxic Attraction watches a WWE Digital Exclusive.

It’s KC Squared, Kayden Carter & Katana Chance, criticizing Jacy Jayne & Gigi Dolin for skating by against makeshift tag teams. They just want titles for the perks and clout. But KC Squared want the titles for what they represent. And they’re the only legit tag team that can take Toxic Attraction on. Mandy Rose then storms in and asks if they heard what Indi said about her. They show Mandy what Kayden & Katana just said about them. Why is everyone so obsessed with Toxic Attraction? Well, other than the obvious. But didn’t anyone see what Toxic Attraction did to “twinkle toes” Wendy Choo? That title shot set Wendy straight, but it didn’t translate to the rest of the roster.

Are they all blind? Toxic Attraction have dominated for eight MONTSH! “We wAnT tHe TiTlEs fOr wHaT tHeY rEpReSeNt~!” Big deal. There needs to be respect on Toxic Attraction’s name, and that starts with Indi Hartwell! Will the champions make sure the NXT Women’s Division stays toxic at In Your House?


Diamond Mine is arguing in their locker room.

Kemp is still trying to keep the peace as the Creeds are upset with Strong interfering. Strong says with his help, they got that NXT Tag Team Championship match! They should be thanking him! There’s no way they can beat Pretty Deadly without listening to Strong and following his lead! The Creeds storm off, and Strong tells Kemp to go get them ready. Strong is upset, but then in walk Pretty Deadly. With all due respect, it doesn’t matter how much tape the Creeds watch, they will still lose. Is that so? A shame, really. A former two-time NXT Tag Team Champion can’t show them how it’s done. He’s a singles guy now, right? Leader of Diamond Mine!

Strong says they’re so funny. How about the leader of Diamond Mine and Damon Kemp take Pretty Deadly on next week. Oh, sounds fun. Pretty Deadly leave, but will Strong & Kemp grind them down before the Creeds get their turn?


NXT Women’s Breakout Tournament Opening Round: Roxanne Perez VS Kiana James!

The Opening Round reaches the close as we have one more match! Will the Gamer Girl break through to the semifinals? Or will the professional professional wrestler prove to everyone that she means business?

NXT returns and Kiana makes her entrance. The bell rings and Kiana circles with Roxie. They tie up, Roxie waistlocks but Kiana breaks free to switch and SLAM! Then she steps on Roxie with a big smile. Roxie gets up, gets around but Kiana wrenches to an armlock. Roxie endures and fans rally as she whips free. Kiana runs Roxie over, pops her collar, then runs the ropes. Roxie drops, Kiana handsprings over and has another cocky smile, then things speed up again. Roxie handsprings and takes a bow, then she drop toeholds Kiana down! Roxie arm-drags Kiana around, mule kicks, and runs to SHOTGUN Kiana down! Cover, ONE!

Roxie keeps on Kiana with another whip, but Kiana reverses. Roxie ends up in the corner, but Kiana blocks the boots to put Roxie in the ropes. Kiana CLUBS Roxie, then hits a DRAPING BACKBREAKER! The ref reprimands but Kiana covers, ONE! Kiana is upset and she stomps Roxie. Fans rally and Kiana clamps onto Roxie for a BOW ‘N’ ARROW! Roxie endures, pops free to cover, TWO! Kiana knees low, puts Roxie in a corner, and runs in to RAM into her! Kiana shoves Roxie, stomps her down, then gets both legs. Roxie fights but Kiana kicks her. Kiana tries but Roxie throws Kiana off the Boston Crab!

Kiana kicks Roxie around, stomps her down, then gets the legs again. Roxie kicks, Kiana kicks, and Kiana works to turn Roxie! Roxie resists, Kiana kicks her and gets the BOSTON CRAB! But Roxie scrambles forward and reaches out! Kiana drags Roxie back, Roxie powers up and rolls to sunset flip! Cover, ONE! Kiana hurries but Roxie rolls her up, TWO! Roxie tries the crucifix, but Kiana swings her into a BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Kiana whips but Roxie blocks! Kiana pulls hair, whips, but Roxie reverses to tilt-o-whirl headscissors! Both women are down and fans rally up for Roxie! Kiana rushes in but Roxie ROCKS her!

Roxie fires more forearms, whips Kiana to ropes and CLOBBERS her! Roxie rallies with more clotheslines, then dodges to THESZ PRESS! And fast hands! Kiana kicks Roxie away, Roxie uppercuts in the corner! Roxie whips and wrenches to RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Cover, TWO! Kiana is still in this but Roxie drags her back up. Roxie suplexes but the back gives up! Kiana grabs at Roxie, Roxie shoves her away but runs into a SIDEWALK SLAM! Cover, TWO! Roxie is still in this and fans are still behind her. Kiana runs in, but Roxie goes up, POP ROX!! Cover, Roxie wins!!

Winner: Roxanne Perez, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

Roxie’s take on the Sunset Flip Powerbomb gets it done! Roxie is taking on Lash next round, Lyons takes on Fallon, who will be the inaugural Women’s Breakout Tournament finalists?


Malik Blade cosplays as Escobar?

“Tony, we’ve agreed to leave our crews behind. Tonight, we settle this.” And then Edris Enofe is Tony D’Angelo! “Tony D ain’t afraid o’ nobody. Santos, we settle things, with our hands!” They put up the dukes, but then Edris D’Angelo loses control of the Mamma Mia hands, and Malik Escobar has to answer his phone. MI FAMILIA! Edris says he always wanted to be a gangsta. But Malik says not him. He always wanted to be the leader of leaders of leaders! Wait, how many leaders? Two liters of Coke? But then Two Dimes & Stacks walk in and see the wise guys making jokes.

Edris asks, “Are they talkin’ ta me? Are they, talkin’ ta me?” Malik says yes, they’re the only ones in the room. Stacks tells them that instead of playing pretend, they face the real thing. Let’s do this next week. Okay, now they’re speaking the same language. See you next week, Mama Luke!


Nathan Frazer heads to gorilla.

As he does, he passes by Sophia Cromwell and nods hello. Does the British Prodigy know what happens to guys who look at Sophia…?


Backstage interview with Roxanne Perez.

McKenzie congratulates her on that big win in the tournament, and Cora Jade comes over to congratulate her friend. That was amazing, and just two more wins to go! Sorry to interrupt, but they have been friends a long time. McKenzie wants to talk about Cora going to the limit with Natalya, but Cora says this is Roxie’s moment. She’s been killin’ it since she arrived and Cora’s so proud. Roxie says she’s also proud of Cora, and Cora was the one who convinced her to come to NXT. They’re both doing great, but then in walks Elektra Lopez. She says tonight is about Legado, just like it will be next week when Lopez takes out Alba Fyre.

And what she sees here right now is an overachiever who will lose to Lash Legend in the second round, and an underachiever who gets just as excited about losing as she does winning. Uh, what is Lopez’s problem? Well, looking at these two, not them. Lopez walks off but Cora and Roxie shrug that off. Will #GenerationJade and the Gamer Girl rock NXT as we roll into the summer?


Wes Lee VS Nathan Frazer!

The Must-See Kid wanted to see the Gentleman Fighter, but it seems #RunItStraight makes run away from a challenge. Will Wes be careful not to vent his frustration on Frazer? Or will he see why they call Nathan the British Prodigy?

The bell rings and the two circle. Fans rally, Frazer and Wes tie up, and Wes wrenches an arm to a wristlock. Frazer slips through, slips around, headlocks, but Wes powers out. Wes then reels Frazer in to headlock. Frazer powers out, Wes goes up and over in the corner, but the arm-drag is blocked! Frazer whips, Wes reverses, things speed up, Wes hurdles but Frazer leaps! Frazer sidesteps to arm-drag Wes, but Wes arm-drags back! Frazer avoids the next, Oklahoma Roll, TWO! Wes sweeps, covers, ONE! Frazer ducks the kick, Wes backflips over one, but Frazer blocks the next! Fans fire up for this standoff!

Fans love “NXT! NXT!” for this fast ‘n’ furious match, and Frazer headlocks. Wes powers out then sidesteps, only to stop short as Frazer shows superkick. “This is Wrestling!” as Wes tosses Frazer to the apron. Wes fakes Frazer out with the haymaker, to flick the rope into Frazer’s face! Wes wasn’t kidding about aggression, and he PLANCHAS Frazer down! Wes puts Frazer in, but Frazer comes back to DIVE! Direct hit at the ramp, and Frazer hurries to put Wes in the ring. Wes stands, Frazer springboards, but he blocks the kick! Wes ENZIGURIS! And deadlift GERMAN SUPLEXES! Bridging cover, TWO!

Wes is annoyed but he sees Frazer go to the corner. Wes runs in, Frazer moves but Wes stops himself. Frazer returns but into Wes’s back elbow. Wes goes up and up but Frazer ENZIGURIS him first! Wes wobbles up top, Frazer goes up after Wes, and fans rally as Frazer SUPER- NO! CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO!! Frazer survives that counter and gets himself to the corner. Wes runs in but Frazer SUPERKICKS him down! Frazer goes up and fans fire up, PHOENIX SPLASH but he has to roll through! Wes runs in, slips out of the scoop and shoves, but Frazer hurdles! DOUBLE CROSSBODIES collide!

Fans fire up and the ref check son both men. They’re both okay to continue, “This is Awesome!” But then VON WAGNER attacks Frazer! And tosses him out of the ring!

Winner: Nathan Frazer, by disqualification

Wes SUPERKICKS Von! And GAMANGIRIS in the corner! Wes takes his anger out on Von, but Von shoves and BOOTS Wes down! Robert Stone coaches Von on as he hauls Wes up. Von trophy lifts Wes, and TOSSES him at commentary!! Fans lose their minds as Wes bounces off the desk! Stone cheers his client on, because this is Wagner’s World, and he’ll hurt anyone he wants in it!


NXT returns as Frazer and Wes regroup backstage.

Wes and Nathan don’t get what’s up with Von. Sanga is there, and he tells them they were having a great match, and it was unfair what Von did to them. Two men of their size stands no chance against a man like Wagner. Uh, what? Are they taking shots at them? Frazer says no, that can’t be it. Everyone is small compared to Sanga. Wes says Sanga was insulting him, and now Frazer is defending him? Frazer says if Wes wants to fight everyone, fine, but Frazer’s out. Wes says he won’t stand for disrespect. Let’s see if Sanga keeps this same energy in the ring against him. Sanga says what is it Wes wants. And Wes says he wants to prove you don’t have to be 10 foot tall to be successful here.

Well, okay. Sanga stands up, and says he and Wes will have a match. Will Wes learn to pick his battles? Or will he make everyone understand not to pick on him?


Tony D’Angelo VS Santos Escobar!

No Stacks, no Two Dimes, no Wilde and no Del Toro. The Don of NXT and the Emperor of Lucha want to settle this face to face, man to man, 1v1. Will they prove they are men of honor? Or will one of these leaders have a trick up their sleeve after all?

The bell rings and fans rally up behind Santos. Escobar says NXT belongs to him, but Tony rushes him! They tie up, end up on ropes, and the ref counts. Tony lets off with a body shot! Tony talks trash, Escobar circles with him, and they tie up again. Escobar waistlocks, drags Tony down, then floats to a facelock. Tony fights up, Escobar has the facelock and fans duel. Escobar switches to a waistlock but Tony gets the ropebreak. Escobar lets off with a body shot of his own. Escobar mocks Tony’s rope-a-dope, and the two circle again. They tie up, Tony facelocks but Escobar wrenches to a wristlock.

Tony ROCKS Escobar, whips him, and elbows Escobar down! Tony stomps away then rains down fists! Fans are torn between cheers and jeers but Tony talks trash. Tony puts Escobar in a corner, RAMS into him, then whips corner to corner. Escobar reverses, runs in but is put o the apron. Tony ducks the haymaker to HOTSHOT Escobar down. Fans are torn again as Tony paces around Escobar. Tony drags Escobar up, CLUBS him, then runs to SWINGING NECKBREAKER! Tony looms over Escobar, talks trash, and brings him up with a cravat. Escobar gets to the ropes, the ref counts, but Tony grinds Escobar’s face on the ropes!

The ref reprimands, Escobar writhes and fans rally up. Tony drags Escobar up, throws body shots like a hockey fight, then he runs, but Escobar slips out of the neckbreaker to ENZIGURI! Tony tumbles out, Escobar takes aim! Escobar builds speed for the ARROW FROM HELL into a forearm! Tony has Escobar in the ropes, puts on his fedora, and mocks the Legado fans. “Wake up, you’re making a fool of yourself.”

NXT goes picture in picture as Tony DECKS Escobar! Tony taunts the fans who are booing him and he goes into the ring. Tony tosses his hat aside to drop knees on Escobar’s arms. Tony then gives Escobar some ground ‘n’ pound, and he soaks up the heat. Tony facelocks, CLUBS Escobar, and has him in a corner. Tony RAMS into Escobar, and again and again. Fans still duel, Escobar pushes Tony so Tony CHOKES Escobar! the ref reprimands, Escobar ROCKS Tony with haymaker after haymaker! Tony rebounds to LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Tony stomps Escobar and CLUBS him, then puts him on ropes. Tony CHOKES Escobar again but the ref reprimands.

Tony puts Escobar in a corner, backs off, and Escobar gest up to throw haymakers back! Tony knees low, CLUBS Escobar, then whips him to ropes. Escobar ducks and dodges, but Tony blocks the rana! POWERBOMB! High stack, TWO! Tony grows annoyed but he drag Escobar into a seated cobra twist. NXT returns to single picture as Escobar endures and fans duel. Escobar fights, Tony dragon sleepers! Escobar kicks but Tony hits a REVERSE DDT! Cover, TWO! Escobar grits his teeth but Tony mocks the fans chanting for Escobar. Tony stomps Escobar, stalks him to ropes, and brings him up to throw body shots.

The ref counts, Tony pushes Escobar and lets off at 4. Tony taunts Escobar but Escobar DROPKICKS him! And CALF KICKS him! Tony falls out of the ring, Escobar builds speed again! ARROW OF HELL hits!! They both go down at the ramp, but Escobar gets up and fans fire up with him! Escobar RAMS Tony into steel steps, then puts Tony in the ring. Escobar aims, slingshot senton! Escobar whistles and the fans fire up. Escobar digs his boots in, the ref counts, and Escobar lets off at 4. Tony flounders, Escobar brings him up and around to wrench, ELBOW BREAKER and ARM WRINGER! Escobar then pulls on Tony’s arm and traps it.

Fans rally and duel, Tony endures the omoplata but Escobar grabs for the other arm. Tony gets the ROPEBREAK first! Escobar lets off quickly, and runs in to DROPKICK Tony down! Escobar drags Tony up but Tony throws body shots. Escobar hits an ARM CODE BREAKER! Cover, TWO! Tony is still in this but Escobar grabs the bad arm. Escobar has a cording hold but Tony endures. Tony fights up but Escobar CLUBS the bad arm. Escobar whistles, but Tony ROCKS him! And ROCKS him again! And LARIATS! Tony rallies with forearms and elbows, then a BELLY2BELLY! Tony shoves Escobar to a corner, clinches again, another BELLY2BELLY!

Fans duel, “You Still Suck!” but Tony clinches again! A third BELLY2BELLY! Tony hits the hat trick and grabs at Escobar’s legs, but Escobar bails out. Tony grabs Escobar’s hair and drags him up, to suplex Escobar up. Escobar fights, lands back on the apron and he CHOPS Tony! Tony goes up the corner and Escobar springboards, but Tony blocks! Tony goes up higher, but Escobar still SUPER STEINERS! Fans are losing their minds from that one! Tony crawls his way to his favorite corner, and… Wait, where is his crowbar? But Cruz is on the stage and says, “You looking for this?” Legado has the crowbar!

Tony is furious and he shouts at Cruz & Wilde, but he misses Escobar getting something of his own! Stacks & Two Dimes attack Wilde & Cruz, they brawl goes around ringside, and Tony goes for Escobar. BRASS KNUCKLE RIGHT! Cover, Escobar wins!!

Winner: Santos Escobar, by pinfall

Well, so much for either of these two doing this with honor! Tony wanted his crowbar but Escobar had his own trump card. Will Legado del Fantasma continue to do whatever they want until they run all of NXT?


Joe Gacy speaks.

“On our journey together, Bron, I predicted your every step, your every move. Tonight, declining my offer but accepting my match, we all know you have uncontrollable rage inside of you.” Bron won’t be able to control his anger next week or at In Your House. That lack of control will deliver Gacy full control of the title, the brand, and the world! Gacy laughs into the night, but will he accomplish his goal and get the gold?

My Thoughts:

A great night for NXT as we continue towards In Your House 2022. Opening with Grimes & Solo VS Melo & Trick was a good move, fans still love all those guys, and I was surprised Melo took the pin. But I suppose Solo gets momentum for himself when he “gets next,” and Melo is down points so he could be the one winning the title. At the same time, there are hints to Grimes turning Heel and ironically, I feel like that’s what fans would cheer for. Grimes getting that cocky swagger back is what got fans to like him, so a braggadocios Heel Grimes VS Face Solo would be the best move out of all the combinations after In Your House.

Good stuff out of the NXT Tag Team Championship story. Pretty Deadly have a good promo to talk down on the Creeds, and a good interaction with Roderick Strong to set up their tune-up tag match. Creeds VS Viking Raiders was great stuff, and where I thought Kemp alone was going to cost the Creeds, it ended up being Strong again. Creeds VS Pretty Deadly was just made through social media so there isn’t a great moment where the Creeds earn it or egg Pretty Deadly into giving us this match, but hey, we’ll get something great. And maybe in the end, Strong & Kemp do take on the Creeds, and it’ll be for the titles as well as membership in Diamond Mine.

Is it just me, or is WWE making sure NXT has the youngest superstars they can? Thea Hail is only 18 and, according to her promo, a high school senior. If she’s really that good, then all the better for her to get going now and build her brand. But while NXT is still the developmental brand, I hope they don’t air matches where it’s obvious these kids are learning how to do matches. But at least NXT is hitting the road again. Only eight dates to start but a house show circuit can definitely help these youngsters get going, learn how to appeal to more than just the Performance Center crowds, and be ready for when they’re on TV.

Waller VS Chase was a good rematch, and I loved seeing Sarray as part of the Chase U student section. It seems this feud is far from done, so there has to be a way where Sarray finally gets that win that puts Stratton in her place. Maybe it’ll be something big for the go-home to In Your House. Wes Lee’s story is getting quite interesting. He seems to be ready to fight anyone, but perhaps for good reason. The frustration of what happened to MSK, Quinn ducking him, Von Wagner interfering just because Frazer nodded to the woman Wagner has the hots for, and then Sanga inadvertently insulting him, Wes is ready to snap and go Heel at any moment.

Good stuff from the NXT Women’s Championship and Women’s Tag Team Championship stories. KC Squared is calling out Gigi & Jacy, Indi Hartwell is calling out Mandy Rose, I hope we see those titles leave Toxic Attraction. Eight months is about two months two long given the gimmick is, “We’re hot, you’re not, and we help each other win.” Indi VS Mandy could especially be good, and it’d be great for Indi to get that singles title and join Raquel Gonzalez/Rodriguez, Io Shirai and Ember Moon in a very select club. And KC Squared has been around long enough that they deserve something for once.

We got great stuff from the Women’s Breakout Tournament tonight, even with the outcomes a bit apparent. Lash beats Tatum because there’s a chance we get Lyons VS Lash in the finals. Tatum got a good showing, and I like that she insisted on using her powerlifting skills, and maybe stuff like that convinces Ivy Nile to let her into Diamond Mine. Meanwhile, Roxie VS Kiana was great stuff, and Roxie wins because she’s definitely a fan favorite and getting the support of management. I did like that they connected Roxie and Cora, and I bet if KC Squared doesn’t get the belts, Cora and Roxie have half a chance.

We got some decent stuff for the NXT Championship story. Duke striking back out on his own is the logical next move after the debacle of Dexter Lumis and Persia Pirotta being released, and Duke going after Bron is a logical move. Bron VS Duke will be a good tune-up before Bron takes on Gacy in the rematch. Though, Gacy having one last promo bit tonight seems really weird. Why not save that for next week after Bron beats Duke? Or even for the go-home after who knows what happens. I have a feeling Gacy wins because of his red hood wearing henchmen, who might reveal their identities at In Your House. And then Bron becomes a three-time NXT Champion with the same superman push Vince gave Cena and Roman in the past.

And we got some really good stuff out of the main event story. Tony’s promo with his guys was a bit cheesy because they were inventing the kayfabe mafia stuff they’d done in the past, even though Tony just brought in Stacks and Two Dimes recently. And I had to stop myself from laughing too hard at Malik & Edris parodying Escobar and Tony. Those guys really need to be pushed, they’re very entertaining. And the main event match was good stuff, and of course both these guys still have Heel tendencies. Pretty sure we’re getting a Six Man Tag, Legado VS Tony’s Family, probably even No Holds Barred or something to flashback to when Legado took on Team Swerve.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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