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Mitchell’s NJPW Best of the Super Juniors 29 Results & Report! (5/19/22)

B Block, round two!




Does Desperado continue towards redemption?

NJPW’s Best of the Super Juniors 29 continues as B Block enters round two! El Desperado and Douki lead the way, but will they both stay undefeated?


  • YOH & Hiroyoshi Tenzan VS Yoshinobu Kanemaru & TAKA Michinoku; Yoh & Tenzan win.
  • 8 Man Tag: Ryusuke Taguchi, Alex Zayne, Clark Connors & Jado VS Bullet Club; Taguchi, Zayne, Connors & Jado win.
  • Tiger Mask & Ace Austin VS Shingo Takagi & Hiromu Takahashi; Takagi & Hiromu win.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 29 B Block: Wheeler Yuta VS DOUKI; Yuta wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 29 B Block: Titan VS EL LINDAMAN; Lindaman wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 29 B Block: Robbie Eagles VS BUSHI; Bushi wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 29 B Block: Master Wato VS El Phantasmo; ELP wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 29 B Block: El Desperado VS TJP; Desperado wins.


Here are the current standings for B Block!

El Desperado: 1-0, 2 points
Douki: 1-0, 2 points
El Phantasmo: 1-0, 2 points
Robbie Eagles: 1-0, 2 points
TJP: 1-0, 2 points
Titan: 0-1, 0 points
Master Wato: 0-1, 0 points
Wheeler Yuta: 0-1, 0 points
El Lindaman: 0-1, 0 points
Bushi: 0-1, 0 points


Best of the Super Juniors 29 B Block: Wheeler Yuta VS DOUKI!

The Decoder couldn’t solve Robbie Eagles, but Japones Del Mal shocked everyone winning against the G-Rex Champion! Will Douki get another win over another champion? Or will Yuta show the power of the ROH Pure Championship?

The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, Yuta headlocks, and he grinds Douki into the takeover. Douki keeps his shoulder up, rolls Yuta to a cover, ONE! Yuta keeps the headlock, Douki fights up, throws body shots, and then powers out. Yuta runs Douki over and fans applaud. Things speed up, Douki hurdles but Yuta waistlocks. Douki elbows free, Yuta goes to the corner, and Douki runs in. Yuta goes up and over, Douki bounces off buckles, and Yuta scoop SLAMS him, for a SENTON! Cover, TWO! Yuta keeps cool, stomps Douki down, then CLUBS him on the neck. Douki rakes Yuta’s eyes! The ref reprimands, but Douki runs, into Yuta’s dropkick!

Douki bails out and fans rally as Yuta builds speed. Yuta DIVES into a GAMANGIRI! Douki gets in while Yuta tumbles out, and Douki builds speed to DIVE! Direct hit and down goes Yuta! Fans fire up and Douki drags Yuta up. Douki POSTS Yuta, then brings him back up to DDT to the floor! Yuta clutches his neck and shoulder while Douki gets in the ring. Yuta gets back in, fans applaud, but Douki CLUBS him on the neck. Douki cravats for the neck wrench, but Yuta fights. Douki snapmares, sits Yuta up and basement dropkicks! Cover, TWO! Douki wraps Yuta up in a seated cobra twist!

Yuta endures and fights the hold, and he BITES Douki’s hand! The ref reprimands him but Douki CLUBS Yuta. Douki SLAPS Yuta, but Yuta eggs him on. Douki slaps, Yuta throws forearms! Douki rakes eyes again! The ref reprimands, Douki whips but Yuta reverses. Douki kicks Yuta, but Yuta LARIATS! Fans applaud, and Yuta goes to a corner. Douki runs in, Yuta dodges to atomic drop and ENZIGURI! Douki is in the corner, Yuta hits an A-LIST LARIAT! Yuta climbs up, FLYING ELBOW! Fans fire up while Douki bails out. Yuta fires up, builds speed and DIVES! Direct hit and payback from earlier!

Yuta drags Douki up, POSTS Douki, also in return for earlier, and then Yuta puts Douki in. Yuta aims, slingshots up and springboards for a FLYING COMPLETE SHOT! Cover, TWO! Fans rally and Yuta stalks Douki to waistlock. Douki fights the lift, throws elbows, but Yuta reels him in. Douki mule kicks but Yuta ducks the enziguri to ROLLING ELBOW! Yuta runs, into a CODE BREAKER! ITALIAN STRETCH #32! Yuta reaches back, ROPEBREAK! Douki lets go and he goes to the apron. Fans rally as Douki aims and Yuta rises. Douki slingshots, but Yuta moves asid eot waistlock! GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO!

Yuta holds on and chicken wings to CATTLE MUTILATION! Yuta learned that from Bryan Danielson! Douki endures, flails and moves around, but Yuta cranks the arms back more! Douki still reaches out with a foot for the ROPEBREAK! Yuta lets go and fans applaud Douki’s resilience. Fans rally up, Yuta snarls and brings Douki up. Yuta wrenches but Douki blocks the lift! Yuta kicks low, tries again, but Douki arm-drags free! Then HELL STABS! Douki swings but Yuta spins him to the OLYMPIC- SUNSET FLIP! TWO, but Douki drags Yuta into the ITALIAN STRETCH!! Yuta endures and fans rally up, but Yuta’s already turning red!

Douki drags Yuta down to the mat but Yuta reaches out, ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Douki lets off and goes to the apron. Douki waits on Yuta to rise, slingshot, DAYBREAK! Cover, TWO!! Yuta survives and Douki is shocked! Fans fire up and Douki fires up, too! Douki reels Yuta into a wheelbarrow, SUPLEX DE LA- NO! Victory roll from Yuta! TWO!! Douki ENZIGURIS! Yuta wobbles, Douki runs, but Yuta dodges to springboard, FLYING ARM-DRAG, into DRAGON’S- NO, Douki rolls through! Douki wraps on a cobra clutch, but uses it to ripcord and arm-drag! Douki drags Yuta into a ghost pin, but Yuta slips through to give HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS!

Fans fire up as Yuta rains down the elbows, then he gets the DRAGON’S LAIR! Yuta wins!!

Winner: Wheeler Yuta, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Douki earns 0)

Douki’s hot streak ends already, and Yuta redeems himself! Can Douki get back on track in round three? Will the Decoder crack the code to taking the block?


Best of the Super Juniors 29 B Block: Titan VS EL LINDAMAN!

The CMLL World Welterweight Champion collides with the G-Rex Champion, both men fighting up from the bottom! Will the Immortal Titan rebound from losing to the Rogue Luchador? Or will this be a GLEAT second round for Lindaman?

The bell rings and fans fire up with Lindaman as he and Titan circle. They shake hands to show respect, then they feel out the grapple. They tie up, Titan facelocks but Lindaman wrenches out to a wristlock. Lindman YANKS the arm, steps on Titan’s arm, but Titan powers up. Titan spins through, wrenches around and spins Lindaman to wrench and wristlock. Titan kicks low then wrangles Lindaman to the mat. Titan floats to get the other arm but Lindaman fights the Fujiwara armbar. Titan gets up to wrench again, then drop sayanagi. Lindaman rolls through but Titan sweeps the legs to cover, ONE!

Lindaman sweeps Titan’s legs to cover, ONE! Titan handsprings but Lindaman rolls to strike a fighting stance, and fans applaud the standoff. The two reset and get face to face. Lindaman shoves Titan, then CHOPS! Titan shakes his head, so Lindaman CHOPS again! Titan eggs Lindaman on so Lindaman CHOPS again! Titan powers up the arm and fans rally, and Titan SOBATS! Lindaman protests but Titan wrenches and CHOPS him against ropes. Titan whips, things speed up and Titan hurdles to dropkick! Lindaman bails out but Titan builds speed, but Lindaman avoids the Sasuke Special! Lindaman then runs in to BOOT Titan down!

Lindaman stands on Titan’s head and scrapes him through the mask! Lindman CLUBS Titan, brings him up but Titan throws forearms. Lindman hits back, they go around the way, and Lindaman blocks a kick to give a kick! Lindaman puts Titan in the ring and fans rally up as he brings Titan up. Lindaman whips Titan to ropes and CLOBBERS him with an elbow! Cover, TWO! Another cover, TWO! A third cover, TWO! Lindaman is frustrated but fans fire up. Lindaman stomps Titan, brings him up, and puts him in a corner. Lindaman whips corner to corner, then runs in to back elbow!

Fans fire up with Lindaman as he runs corner to corner again. Titan BOOTS, then goes up to missile dropkick! Titan hurries to get Lindaman’s legs, TOP LOCK FIGURE FOUR! Lindaman endures, even as Titan stomps him! Lindaman rolls his way over, but Titan rolls him away from ropes! Titan puts as much pressure as he can on the hold, but Lindaman rolls the other way to get the ROPEBREAK! Fans applaud and Titan lets go. Lindaman gets himself to the apron but Titan goes out after him. Titan stomps Lindaman, brings him up, and CHOPS him! Lindaman CHOPS back! Titan CHOPS again but Lindaman CHOPS back!

Titan CHOPS, Lindaman CHOPS, it’s a CHOP fight on the edge! Fans rally and Lindaman gest the edge, but Titan SUPERKICKS him down! Titan then goes to the corner and fans fire up as he climbs. Titan aims, APRON DOUBLE- NO, Lindaman gets away and Titan crashes on the edge! Titan clutches his leg and fans rally as Lindaman builds speed. Lindaman FLIES! Direct hit with the tope conjilo, and Lindaman even tumbles to the front row! It’s a very different experience with no railing! Lindaman checks if the fans are okay and they say yes, they’re just worried about him! Lindaman and Titan clutch their legs while the ref checks them.

Lindaman and Titan are okay to continue, and Titan manages to crawl away. Fans rally up and Lindaman gets up. Lindaman goes after Titan and brings him up to put in the ring. Fans applaud as this continues and Lindaman hobbles after Titan. Lindaman brings Titan up, whips but Titan blocks. Lindaman counters with a drop sayanagi to DDT! Cover, TWO! Fans rally more and Lindaman waits on Titan. Titan hobbles up and Lindaman KICKS him! Titan growls so Lindaman kicks him again. Fans rally up, Titan fires himself up but so does Lindaman! Lindaman kicks, but Titan blocks! DRAGON SCREW! TOP LOCK FIGURE FOUR!!

Lindaman endures again, but Titan has him caught! Lindaman flails, reaches out, crawls, and gets the ROPEBREAK! Fans fire up while Titan lets off the hold. Lindaman gets to a corner, Titan hobbles after him and brings him up. Titan puts Lindaman up top. Titan CHOPS and CHOPS, then powers up. Fans rally and Titan swings, but Lindaman blocks to counter punch! Lindaman throws Titan down by his mask! But Titan kips right up to PELE Lindaman down! Lindaman slumps over, Titan fireman’s carries to RAM him into the corner, then hit a WIDOWMAKER! Cover, TWO!! Lindaman survives and fans fire up again!

Titan hobbles back up and fans rally. Lindaman stirs but Titan drags him up. Titan waistlocks but Lindaman fights the lift! Titan keeps trying but Lindaman elbows free. Lindaman ROCKS Titan, runs, but into a SUPERKICK! Titan hurries to suplex, GOURD BUSTER! Titan aims from the corner, fans fire up and Titan spins. Lindaman gets under to SAIDO!! Lindaman fires back up, runs, but Titan goes Matrix! Then CALF KICKS, fireman’s carries, and LANDSLIDE! Cover, TWO!! Lindaman survives again but Titan goes to a corner! Fans fire up as Titan climbs, DOUBLE STOMPS to the back! But maybe double-edged with that bad leg!

Titan throws off his elbow pads as he goes to the apron, and he roars! Fans fire up with him and he springboards, but Lindaman moves! Titan lands hard on his legs, and Lindaman dropkicks them out! Lindaman gets Titan up, KUMAGOROSHI!! Cover, TWO?!!? Titan survives the Bear Killer, but Lindaman fires up again! Fans rally behind him, and he gets Titan up for a deadlift GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, Lindaman wins!

Winner: El Lindaman, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Titan earns 0)

The G-Rex Champion defeats the CMLL World Welterweight Champion! Does Lindaman’s GLEAT journey to the top begin now? Will Titan be able to rise up in round three?


Best of the Super Juniors 29 B Block: Robbie Eagles VS BUSHI!

The Sniper of the Sky shot down Yuta, and now he takes aim at the Black Mask! Will Eagles hit another target? Or will Bushi redeem himself from losing to the Headbanga?

Bushi attacks Eagles as soon as he hops down off the corner! Bushi bumps Eagles off buckles, the bell rings and Bushi stomps away! Fans rally and Bushi goes corner to corner, but Eagles puts him on the apron. Bushi ROCKS Eagles but Eagles dropkicks Bushi! Eagles then builds speed to DIVE! Direct hit with the somersault tope, and a Young Lion helps Eagles stop before crashing into the fans! Eagles fires up and so does the crowd, and Eagles apologizes to those he almost fell onto. Eagles gets Bushi up, CHOPS him, and he brings Bushi around to CHOP again. Fans fire up with Eagles and he puts Bushi in the ring.

Eagles rallies the fans and he finally takes off his shirt. Eagles brings Bushi up, snapmares and sits him up to basement dropkick! Cover, TWO! Eagles kicks at Bushi, Bushi stands up and Eagles KICKS! And KICKS! But Bushi blocks to CLUB the leg! Bushi spins Eagles around to a DDT! Fans applaud and Bushi stomps Eagles down. Eagles goes to a corner, Bushi brings him up and DOUBLE CHOPS! Bushi snapmares Eagles, covers, TWO! Eagles gets away to ropes but Bushi brings him back up. Bushi turns Eagles for a NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Bushi pushes Eagles around, and puts on the STF!

Eagles endures but Bushi pulls him back. Eagles reaches out, drags Bushi along, and gets the ROPEBREAK! Bushi grinds his wrists into Eagles’ face but still lets go at 4. Bushi takes his shirt off, and uses it to CHOKE Eagles! The ref reprimands, but Eagles back suplexes! Bushi lands on his feet, back suplexes Eagles, but Eagles lands on his feet! ROLLING CHOP BLOCK, then a BLINDSIDE LARIAT! Fans fire up while both men are down! Eagles gets up and fans rally. Eagles KICKS Bushi, KICKS him again, and again! Eagles runs, but Bushi blocks the kick and whips, but Eagles reverses to dropkick!

Fans fire up and Eagles runs again, to LEG LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Fans rally and Eagles encourages them to get louder. Eagles runs in to DOUBLE KNEE Bushi in the corner, then comes back to METEORA! Cover, TWO! Bushi is still in this but Eagles brings him up. Eagles cravats, SHIRANUI, but Bushi slips free and elbows Eagles. Bushi BOOTS Eagles from the ropes, but Eagles tiger feints the legs! Eagles then springboards and missile dropkicks the legs! Fans fire up, Eagles steps through, but Bushi cradles! TWO! Eagles runs in to dropkick the legs again! Bushi ends up in a corner, and fans rally up.

Eagles runs in, Bushi boots but Eagles blocks it to CHOP and SOBAT! Fans rally, Eagles runs corner to corner, but into the SWING KICK! Bushi goes up, leaps, missile dropkick! Fans fire up and Bushi sits up rather than Bushiroonis. Fans rally, Bushi drags Eagles up and reels him in, but Eagles blocks the destroyer! Bushi knees Eagles but Eagles back drops! Bushi sunset flips but Eagles rolls through to get the leg! RON MILLER SPECIAL!! Bushi endures and fans fire up! Bushi powers up, but Eagles cranks the leglock! Eagles puts on more pressure but Bushi crawls forward and reaches out! Only for Eagles to drag him back!!

Bushi grabs at the ref, then crawls for the ropes again! ROPEBREAK! Fans applaud and Eagles lets Bushi go in frustration. Eagles drags Bushi to center and steps through, but Bushi kicks him away and table tops! Cover, TWO! Fans rally, Eagles knees Bushi low then KICKS him down! Eagles tells Bushi to stay down but Bushi gets up. Eagles runs, into Bushi’s dropkick! Eagles ends up slumped in the ropes and Bushi goes to the apron. Bushi brings Eagles out, APRON DRAPING DDT! Both men are down and fans fire back up! Bushi fires up and he gets in. Bushi brings Eagles up but Eagles slips out of the Fisherman Screw to roll Bushi up!

Bushi rolls through, Bushi kicks but Eagles blocks and fires off shots. Eagles hooks Bushi up, TURBO- BACKSTABBER!! Bushi counters but clutches his bad leg! Fans rally, Bushi gets up and hobbles over to bring Eagles up. Eagles kicks the bad leg! Bushi kicks back, Eagles blocks, Eagles ducks the enziguri and heel kick! Then he steps through, but Bushi wants the cradle! Eagles holds that off to KICK the leg, then jackknife rolls, but into a DESTROYER!! Fans fire up while Eagles is in a daze! Bushi drags himself to ropes and fans rally up again. Bushi goes up the ropes, takes aim, M X!! Cover, Bushi wins!!

Winner: Bushi, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Eagles earns 0)

What a shocker! The Black Mask puts a black mark in Eagles’ round robin record! Will Bushi be able to turn the tables and reach the top? Will Eagles be able to fly again in the next round?


Best of the Super Juniors 29 B Block: Master Wato VS El Phantasmo!

The Way of the Grandmaster wants to prove he is still a contender, but he’s coming off a loss to Public Enemy Number One. Will the Headbanga add on to Wato’s woes? Or will ELP beat a IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion just like his tag partner, Taiji Ishimori?

ELP and the ref end up bumping heads during the check. The bell rings and fans rally. ELP offers the ref a handshake to say it’s all good, but then ELP leaves the ref hanging! He blames the ref on bumping heads. Wato and ELP circle and fans rally up more as ELP encourages them. ELP and Wato approach, feel out the grapple, and ELP avoids a testing kick. ELP gives one back, and another, then they tie up. ELP waistlocks and SLAMS, floats to a facelock but Wato slips out to facelock back. ELP slips out, clamps onto the arm, but Wato rolls. ELP wrenches, hammerlocks, but Wato drop toeholds!

Wato wants to tie up the legs but ELP crawls to the ropebreak. Fans applaud as Wato lets off quickly. ELP gets up, shakes the stars out, and then he lends an ear to the fans. The fans rally up and ELP ties up with Wato. ELP headlocks, hits a takeover, but Wato keeps his shoulder up. Wato headscissors and squeezes tight. ELP can’t kip free so he hops around and headstands, to then pop out. Fans applaud the exchange and the two reset. Wato and ELP circle, tie up, and Wato headlocks. Wato hits the takeover, ELP headscissors, and ELP does push-ups! Wato moves around, hops around and kips free!

Fans applaud the exchange again but ELP shows off by rolling back and handspringing forward. They tie up again, ELP headlocks but Wato powers out. ELP runs Wato over, flexes, kisses the biceps, then fakes Wato out to step on him. ELP struts and fans rally. ELP rolls back, handsprings, rolls back, handstands, and somersaults! Fans applaud the athleticism but Wato rushes in to waistlock and headlock! ELP powers out but Wato runs him over! Wato strikes his pose, then things speed up. ELP hurdles, Wato leaps, and Wato sidesteps but ELP rolls off his back! Wato runs to RANA, but ELP handsprings through!

Fans fire up and ELP says this is too easy! But Wato kicks low, whips ELP but ELP reverses. Wato goes up and over in the corner, keeps moving, then ducks and dodges to RANA! ELP flops out of the ring this time, and Wato builds speed, but ELP runs away! Wato mocks ELP’s rocker fingers but ELP says that’s not even how it’s done. ELP eggs Wato on, Wato rushes out after him but ELP slides in. ELP eggs Wato on again, Wato slides in and ELP catches him! ELP spins Wato around and CLAWS his back! Then BOOTS him, then drags Wato out for a stalling suplex, to the floor! Fans fire up while both men are down!

ELP drags himself up while Wato stirs. Fans rally, ELP gets in the ring, and the ring count begins. Wato is still down at 10 of 20, and he drags himself up at 12. Wato gets in at 14, ELP is surprised, and ELP brings Wato up to ROCK him with a forearm. ELP whips corner to corner hard, and Wato slumps down in the corner. Fans rally up and ELP brings Wato up. ELP turns Wato around to put him in the Tree of Woe, then he digs his boot in. The ref counts, ELP lets off at 4, then he stomps a mudhole! The ref reprimands, ELP stops at 4 again, and then backs off. ELP gets fans to clap, “E! L P!” and he runs in, to jump and stand on Wato’s groin!

The ref reprimands and ELP hops down at 4. ELP gets Wato out of the Tree, stands on Wato’s head, and fans rally. ELP talks trash to Tenzan on commentary but Wato throws body shots. ELP CLUBS Wato, snapmares him, then wraps on a chinlock. Wato endures as ELP leans on the hold, he fights up and throws body shots, then runs. ELP catches him for a SLEEPER HOLD! ELP brings Wato down fast! Fans rally up and Wato endures again, but he’s fading! Wato gets a second wind, fights back up, throws body shots again, and is free! Wato ROCKS ELP, runs, but into another sleeper! But he hits a BIG back suplex out of it!

Fans fire up while both men are down again. Wato drags himself up, runs and rallies with forearms and a BOOT! Wato whips, ELP holds ropes and the dropkick flops! ELP goes to ropes, LIONSAULT onto knees! ELP staggers up, Wato clotheslines him out of the ring! Fans rally and Wato builds speed to FLY! Direct hit and down goes ELP! Fans fire up again and the ring count starts. Wato gets up at 4 of 20, he brings ELP up and puts him in at 7. Wato aims, springboards, but he sees ELP run away. Wato gets back in to build speed and TORNILLO! Direct hit and ELP is down again while fans fire up with Wato!

Wato puts ELP in, goes up the corner and waits on ELP, missile dropkick! Cover, TWO! ELP is still in this but Wato roars! Wato brings ELP up in a waistlock but ELP throws elbows and stomps the foot. ELP CHOPS, runs, but Wato ducks to waistlock, HIGH ANGLE GERMAN! Cover, TWO!! ELP survives and fans fire up again! Wato drags ELP up, wrenches, reels ELP in, but ELP blocks! ELP wrenches out to fireman’s carry, but Wato slips off. ELP spins Wato around, cobra clutch and torture rack, but Wato slips off! Wato knees low, wrenches and hooks ELP up, MOUSE TRAP DRIVER! Cover, TWO!!

But Wato has the arms, and he drags ELP to an ARMBAR! ELP reaches out, ROPEBREAK! Fans rally as Wato lets off and drags ELP to a drop zone. Wato climbs up the corner, but ELP trips him up! ELP GAMANGIRIS Wato, then goes up after him! SUPERPLEX! Fans fire up and ELP slaps sense into himself. Cobra clutch and torture rack, for the SPIN OUT NECKBREAKER!! Cover, TWO!! Fans are fired up again as Wato survives! ELP vows to finally end this, and he gets Wato up. ELP hooks the arms, C R- NO! Wato back drops free! ELP goes to sunset flip but Wato sits on the hold! TWO, and ELP rolls Wato, with tights! TWO!!

ELP hurries up but into the back elbow and uppercut! ELP ENZIGURIS Wato first! Fans fire up again while both men are down. ELP crawls for Wato and slaps him! Wato slaps back, so ELP slaps again! They sit up, and they start throwing forearms! ELP and Wato stand, and Wato throws another forearm. ELP rebounds to BOOT! Wato rebounds to BOOT! ELP and Wato get forehead to forehead, and the haymakers start flying! Fans fire up, the punches slow down to a stop, but then they start up again! ELP rakes the eyes! The ref reprimands, ELP throws a body blow, but runs into the CALF KICK!

Wato fires up and fans are with him as he runs in at the corner. ELP puts him on the apron but Wato GAMANGIRIS! Wato aims and springboards, FLYING- SUDDEN DEATH!! ELP hurries to tuck Wato in, C R II!! Cover, ELP wins!

Winner: El Phantasmo, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Wato earns 0)

ELP gets the 1-2-3 and now he is 2-0 with four points! The Headbanga has numbers on his side, but will he be number one in B Block? As for Six or Nine, can Taguchi and Wato turn this around in round three?


Best of the Super Juniors 29 B Block: El Desperado VS TJP w/ Francesco Akira!

Public Enemy Number One and the Rogue Luchador stand at the top of this block, but only one can walk away undefeated! Will TJP win for the glory of the United Empire? Or will Desperado get one step closer to getting the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship back?

The bell rings and fans rally up. TJP and Desperado circle, tie up, and Desperado puts TJP in a corner. TJP turns it around, lets off with a pat on the side, and fans applaud. Desperado also applauds, then circles with TJP again. They feel out the grapple, knuckle lock, and Desperado gets a headlock. TJP hooks a leg but Desperado scrambles to the ropes! The fans applaud again and TJP lets off. Desperado circles with TJP again, the fans rally up, and the two tie up. TJP goes after the arm, wrenches and wristlocks but Desperado rolls and wrenches back. TJP rolls, cartwheels, drops to TWISTING HEADSCISSOR Desperado down!

But Desperado headscissors back! TJP moves around to hop and headstand, and fans applaud the balance. TJP then turns Desperado over, ties up the legs, and has a BOW ‘N’ ARROW! Desperado pops out to a cover, ONE! TJP sweeps legs to cover, ONE! TJP handsprings up and fans rally. The two reset and Desperado even applauds again. Desperado offers a handshake but TJP isn’t so sure. TJP accepts, but then Desperado stomps his foot! Desperado wrenches but TJP wrenches back and hammerlocks. Desperado steps through ropes to trap TJP’s arm, then Desperado rakes eyes! Red Shoes reprimands but fans applaud the savvy.

Desperado whips, TJP ducks and goes Spider-Man! He baits Desperado in to send him out, then he PLANCHAS! Direct hit and down goes Desperado! Fans rally, TJP brings Desperado up to RAM him into the apron! TJP whips Desperado into the POST! Desperado falls hard and TJP walks over to bring Desperado up. Red Shoes wants this back in the ring so TJP puts Desperado in. TJP pushes Desperado down, scrapes his sole on Desperado’s face, then he JAMS a knee in. TJP wraps on a chinlock but Desperado fights up. Desperado throws body shots, runs, but into a drop toehold! TJP has the legs, ties them up, and fans rally for the SNAP LOCK!

TJP stands back up, SNAP LOCKS again, then bridges for the MUTA LOCK! Desperado endures, TJP gets the arm and floats around to trap it, and YANK the other arm! Desperado writhes and flounders out of the ring, and fans rally back up. Red Shoes checks on Desperado and he’s somehow okay to continue so the ring count starts. Desperado gets up and in at 10 of 20 but TJP is right on him! TJP scoop SLAMS Desperado, then goes to the apron to slingshot senton! Cover, TWO! TJP keeps cool as he has Desperado in a corner. TJP stomps away on Desperado, then rallies the fans up while he scuffs Desperado with his boot!

TJP runs side to side, BOOT WASH! Fans rally and TJP runs, but Desperado SPEARS him down! Desperado goes to a corner, aims at TJP as he stands, and runs in, to run TJP over! Desperado rallies with elbows, then lifts, but TJP fights the back suplex. Desperado keeps TJP from running, and hits the BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO! Fans rally as Desperado drags TJP up. Desperado whips TJP to a corner, run in, but blocks TJP’s boot to kick the other leg! Desperado traps one leg and grabs the other for a DRAGON SCREW! TJP flounders, fans rally, and Desperado gets the bad leg for a STRETCH MUFFLER! TJP scrambles and gets the ROPEBREAK!

Desperado lets off, but “Oops!” drops knees on the knee! TJP goes to the apron, Desperado drags him up the ropes, but TJP hooks the ropes to block the suplex. Fans rally, TJP tries to suplex but Desperado fights it. Desperado tries again but TJP blocks the suplex. TJP gets Desperado up, and hangs him out to dry! TJP then goes up a corner, for a SPLASH on the rope!! Both men tumble down but TJP gets Desperado up and in. TJP hurries back up the corner, to NBA JAM!! Cover, TWO!! Desperado survives and TJP pleads with Red Shoes, but the count was fair! Fans rally up and TJP brings Desperado up to fireman’s carry.

Desperado fights off, swings, but into a dragon sleeper! Desperado drops to victory roll, TWO! TJP SOBATS! Desperado wobbles, TJP runs, into a SPINEBUSTER! Fans rally up and Desperado drags TJP back up. Desperado underhooks the arms but TJP slips out to the IRON OCTOPUS! Desperado endures, fans rally, and TJP pulls on the arm, forcing Desperado to kneel! But Desperado powers free, drags TJP down, STRETCH MUFFLER!! TJP endures now, reaches out, but Desperado drags TJP back! TJP rolls Desperado to a cover, TWO!! TJP trips Desperado to an STF! Desperado tries to block the crossface but TJP just pulls the arm!

Desperado flips through to cradle, TWO!! TJP kicks, Desperado ducks, but TJP blocks Desperado’s kick to get around and back suplex! Fans fire up while both men are down again! Desperado gets to the ropes and drags himself up, and TJP heads his way. They go forehead to forehead and TJP throws a forearm! Desperado forearms back, so TJP forearms again. Desperado hits TJP again, and TJP gets up to his feet. TJP ROCKS Desperado, but Desperado comes back to ROCK TJP! TJP forearms again and again and fans rally as he runs, but Desperado elbows! TJP ends up in a corner. Desperado runs in but TJP goes up and over! TORNADO DDT!!

TJP hurries to the corner! He goes up, NBA FLOP as Desperado moves! Desperado runs in, rolls TJP up, and has the STRETCH MUFFLER!! Desperado thrashes the leg, TJP endures and reaches out, but Desperado gets the arm! NUMERO DOS!! TJP sits up!? But Desperado Alabama Lifts TJP! Desperado tucks him in, BASTARD DRIVER!! Cover, TWO!?!? TJP survives and Desperado can’t believe it! Fans are thunderous as Desperado drags himself back up. Desperado roars and he goes back to TJP. Desperado underhooks the arms, PINCHE- NO! TJP RANAS, cover, TWO!!! Desperado escapes but TJP ROUNDHOUSES him!

LOCO MONO!! Desperado staggers around but he roars, comes back and brings TJP back up! PINCHE- NO! TJP NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO as Desperado bridges up! PINCHE LOCO!!! Cover, Desperado wins!

Winner: El Desperado, by pinfall (gains 2 points; TJP earns 0)

Only two undefeateds are left in the block! TJP falls to the Rogue Luchador, will he be able to recover in the next round? As for Desperado, he rests on his knees while he gets the mic. He takes a few breaths, but still dry heaves a bit as he works to stand up. “Damn, TJP is tough. Like Lindaman… Like Linda-chan, said, B Block may not have the flashiest guys, but everyone here is as tough as nails. I never expected just how hard we’d go. You guys are lucky to come on a B Block day.” Fans applaud in agreement. Desperado admits he thought B Block lacked “flash” too, “but damn, that was fun, right? This is incredible, right?” Fans applaud again because they agree!

Desperado says, “THIS is Super Juniors! The flashy ones, the tough ones, the strong ones, the cool ones, I’ll beat them all and win this thing!” Mic drop and Desperado heads out, but will he come through and be the flashiest, toughest, strongest, coolest and BEST of the Super Juniors?


Here are the new standings for B Block!

El Desperado: 2-0, 4 points
El Phantasmo: 2-0, 4 points
TJP: 1-1, 2 points
Bushi: 1-1, 2 points
Robbie Eagles: 1-1, 2 points
Wheeler Yuta: 1-1, 2 points
Douki: 1-1, 2 points
El Lindaman: 1-1, 2 points
Master Wato: 0-2, 0 points
Titan: 0-2, 0 points

My Thoughts:

Another great event and round, and it always seems like every year in such a round robin, one block ends up with a big chunk of 1-1 participants. B Block has that right now, but that makes it a lot of fun in the coming rounds. Yuta gets a win over Douki, which is a bit of a shame, I thought Douki was going to stay strong until he gets to face Desperado. Titan VS Lindman was great, Lindaman was again on fire, and it could’ve gone either way to me so that’s big for Lindaman to win here. Bushi beating Eagles was perhaps the surprise of the night, and that was a very good match. I still don’t see Bushi or Eagles winning the block but they can be solid challenges for Desperado.

ELP staying undefeated in just two rounds makes sense, he’s always been really solid. Plus, Bullet Club is making a resurgence, and now both ELP and Taiji have wins over the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions. The Cutest Tag Team can and surely will challenge for those titles after the BOSJ resolves and Taiji defends the singles title. TJP VS Desperado was a great main event, but of course Desperado wins the match because again, he’s heading back after the title.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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