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Andrew’s IMPACT Results & Match Ratings: 5.19.2022



With about a month to go before Slammiversary we at least know the main title match. We’ve got some Ultimate X to work out, house keeping between Honor No More and Bullet Club; then there has to be more for 2 hours.

Let’s see what other big guns they pull out for Year 20. Seems like there might be some future turning into present.


  • Ultimate X Qualifier: Laredo Kid vs Speedball Mike Bailey: Speedball wins via Cradle – ***
  • Deonna Purrazzo, Tasha Steelz & Savannah Evans vs Taya Valkyrie, Mia Yim & Jordynne Grace: Mia wins via Protect Ya Neck – ** 1/4
  • OGK w/Maria vs The Good Brothers: Karl wins via Gun Stun – ** 3/4
  • Masha Slamovich vs Shawna Reed: Masha wins via Russian Death Device – SQUASH
  • IMPACT Tag Team Championships: VBD (Joe Doering & Deaner w/Eric Young) vs The Briscoes (c): Dem Boys retain via Electric Chair Cradle – ***


Ultimate X Qualifier: Laredo Kid vs Speedball Mike Bailey

Early on it’s a lot of rolling through Arm Drags, counters, Handspring flourishes and just action that doesn’t really make contact. Until, Laredo tries to follow Speedball to the outside and Speedball catches him. A few quick strikes and solid moves finally gives someone a clear advantage. Avalanche Double Knee Splash with a near fall from Speedball. Laredo finally tries to slow down Speedball by catching him with kicks from the corner. Speedball manages to stifle it a bit, starts a bit of a Marufuji style combination, before missing the Roundhouse Kick and Laredo begins a comeback.

Laredo does start hit comeback a little risky with an Asai Moonsault that almost goes too far, but things look close enough. Solid lucha action, “Uno Mas” on the Avalanche Splashes, but Speedball dumps Laredo through the ropes and gets his footing back. A few solid moves, Corkscrew Shooting Star for a near fall. Laredo tries to strike back, Speedball chases him back to the corner with his Tornado Kick. Ultima Weapon attempt, but miss! Cradle for 2, Laredo Driver for another 2 and Kid goes to the top rope for something. Speedball meets him up top, scuffle, Laredo with the headbutt sending Speedball down but the Enzuigiri on the way back up makes it look like Speedball has the position. Push off, Sunset Roll Through, PK from Bailey, Moonsault Double Knees from Bailey, Buzzsaw kick, pinfall attempt, Laredo turns it into a counter Cradle, but Bailey counters with his own Cradle…just precariously positioned. But a win, is a win for Speedball.

Deonna Purrazzo, Tasha Steelz & Savannah Evans vs Taya Valkyrie, Mia Yim & Jordynne Grace

Stoking the flames with most of these participants being in Queen of the Mountain, this also gives us our first official look at Mia Yim during this return stint. The embarrassing thing here is that with all the talent in the match, Tasha is somehow the Knockouts Champion. Hopefully Queen of the Mountain gives us a new champion and we can actually revitalize a Knockouts Division that has had a few strong pieces, but people in weird spots because of the tag belts.

As for the action, Taya toys with Tasha, Tasha tries a little but then Jordynne comes in and Stalling Suplex to Tasha, which can’t be hard, she’s like 90 pounds soaking wet after dinner. Jordynne does hold Tasha for a 30 count before the half assed pinfall and Savannah breaks it up. Heels take a few shortcuts and work over Jordynne a little, before Tasha comes back in and gets some offense in before a Snap Suplex gives Jordynne space. Mia gets the hot tag, big strikes, Shotgun Dropkick, Yakuza Kick, a little twerking taunt back at Tasha and Mia keeps the offense going.

Signature spam from everyone which ends up with Deonna and Mia going back and forth a bit. Savannah gets tagged in, almost looks to take over before Jordynne wipes out the other two heels, Mia puts Savannah on the middle rope to set up Taya for the Sliding German Suplex, Eat DeFeet, or Protect Ya Neck wins the match for Mia!

IMPACT Plus Flashback Moment: Franke Kazarian vs Chris Sabin, Battle of the Futures, June 25, 2003

OGK w/Maria vs The Good Brothers

A basic enough opening with Mike and Karl, while Tom grills Maria on commentary about her “relationship” with Karl. The commentary is more entertaining than the match so far, not because it’s bad, but they’re just going through the paces.

Taven gets tagged in an automatically derailed by a Pounce from the Dangly Daddy Big LG. Abdominal Stretch into tagging Karl back in, and Karl works over Taven. Mike gets a quick blind tag, OGK send Karl up and into the ropes Flapjack Stun Gun type of thing. Now OGK is taking control of the match. Mike kicks Karl a few times, runs the ropes back and forth while Karl sells, stops…and just poke him in the eye for the rub ins. Quick tandem strikes as Taven comes in for a quick 2.

Maria is actually kinda charming back and forth with Tom, even mentioning the old Miracle gimmick. Mike went for the Spinebuster for more salt in the wound, Karl blocks, hits the proper Spinebuster and LG gets the hot tag. Diving Shoulder Rush, Superkick, TKO from Gallows for 2. Magic Killer attempt, OGK with a quick assault though. Karl is taken out, LG is getting lit up like the dummy in 3 Ninjas, LG dodges a Superkick and OGK miscommunicate. Tandem moves from Good Brothers until Maria finally makes her presence known.

Karl looks to Gun Stun Mike in front of Maria, Maria gets in the ring, Mike tries to ambush a distracted Karl and Spears Maria. They argue over who’s fault it is for a moment, and then Gun Stun on Mike for the Good Bros win.

Masha Slamovich vs Shawna Reed

Sheesh they may have found the most basic green looking girl in the history of pro wrestling training. Masha kills the girl, as we expected. The squashes need to stop.

Oh thankfully someone else agrees with me and Havok comes out. Granted she just lost to Tasha, who is the size of her left leg, so it’s nice to see Havok is more gatekeeper than anything relevant. So we may see Masha’s first real match in the coming weeks.

Backstage Shera and Raj are going to go after Bhupinder, but he shows up and apparently Massive Cassidy has  Bhupinder’s back. 

IMPACT Tag Team Championships: VBD (Joe Doering & Deaner w/Eric Young) vs The Briscoes (c)

It looked like Deaner and Mark were going to start off, but Deaner brings in big Joe and Mark wants to try his Redneck Kung Fu on the big tree. Jay tags himself in when Mark ain’t very effective and Jay doesn’t do a ton better. Deaner tags in and now The Briscoes are rollin’,

Quick strikes, Mark tags in, kick to the gut, Twisted Brainbuster and a quick pinfall. They start trading chops before the Kung Fu kicks in and we see some tandem dancing feet from the chicken farmers. Mark holds Deaner and Jay lights him up with some jabs, Mark with the apron Blockbuster and Doering cuts off Jay with the Fun Splash, so we finally see VBD remember they’re supposed to hit back.

After commercial Doering hits a Scoop Slam into the Rebound Elbow and Jay is rocked. Deaner tags in, tandem boots to the head and a quick 2. Joe whips Deaner into a John Woo dropkick, doing that corner Neck Jammer spot on Jay. Jay starts swinging wildly, finds space and now we got some Sussex County Chicken on a rampage! Mark wipes out everyone, let’s out a Ka-keka-ka-KOW, Iconoclasm on Deaner and 2 count. Avalanche Karate Chop from Mark after dodging Doering, into a Tandem Crucifix Bomb/Neck Breaker for 2.

Jay gets the tag and Mark gets handled by Doering. Deaner gets some space and makes Doering legal and now Jay is gonna have to work uphill alone. Spinebuster from Doering, tags in Deaner, Fireman Carry Slam into Diving Headbutt, but Mark makes the save. Jay 2 Superkicks and a Frankensteiner later, Doering is finally on the outside. Rolling Elbow to a bozo’s jaw, as Jay is trying to set up the Doomsday Device. Doering intercepts Mark, Deaner tries to fight from the Electric Chair and roll down, but Jay sits down and picks up the pinfall.

VBD mob The Briscoes, but Josh Alexander makes the save. Has a stare down with EY allowing for VBD to hit the ring again, and The Briscoes return the save favor. So Briscoes and Josh are standing tall in the ring, VBD slowly retreating and jawing from the ramp. 

Overall Score: 5.75/10

Hard to really love this episode, but it was definitely okay. The information about Kazarian coming back for a brief stint hits enough nostalgia buttons to get me a little excited for next week and potential Slammiversary ramifications. OGK just costing themselves an easy win is on brand for how silly they are sometimes. Brisoces teaming with Josh since EY has VBD evens the playing field for the next few weeks, so that’s solid enough.

But aside from that, the rest of the show was mediocre at best with 3 things that bother me, 2 of them being Havok (no that’s not a fat joke, it’s 2 separate issues). 1. Havok has lost all credibility after losing to Tasha so even playing with the idea she can just insert herself into the tag picture is sad, but also shows how useless the Knockouts Tag division is. 2. Havok ain’t beating Masha, no that’s not a spoiler since I refuse to read those, it’s common sense. So she’s just a gatekeeper with less and less credibility. 3. Bhupinder is laughably bad when it comes to cutting a promo/acting. It was like watching someone who’s learning English phonetically and doesn’t actually know what they’re saying.

So all that, it’s a weak episode, but not unwatchable. You can definitely see who and where need more polish since they are picking a weird time to expose major flaws going into their second biggest show of the year. Curious to see if this helps anything or leads anywhere positive.

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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