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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (5/19/22)




Wild Boar VS Eddie Dennis, in a DOG COLLAR MATCH!

The hunt is on in NXT UK, but there’s nowhere to run and nowhere to hide! Eddie Dennis and Wild Boar will be chained together by a dog collar!


  • Amale & Angel Hayze VS Xia Brookside w/ Eliza Alexander; Xia & Eliza win.
  • NXT UK Tag Team Championship Triple Threat Qualifier: Dave Mastiff & Jack Starz VS Die Familie; Die Familie win and join the NXT UK Tag Team Championship Triple Threat.
  • Kenny Williams VS Josh Morrell; Williams wins.
  • Dog Collar Match: Wild Boar VS Eddie Dennis; Boar wins.


Amale & Angel Hayze VS Xia Brookside w/ Eliza Alexander!

After seeing the spoiled second generation superstar and #LizzyEvo bully Angel Hayze, the French Hope came to the rescue! Will Amale bring back that ferocity and fire from the past to help Hayze get even? Or will Eliza help Xia “bash up” Amale & Angel all over again?

The teams sort out and Amale starts against Xia. Fans rally as the two circle, and Eliza swipes at Amale. Amale gets away, and gets around Xia to waistlock and SLAM her down. Xia gets up but Amale counter punches her! Amale then scoops and SLAMS Xia, then brings Xia up to TOSS her to the corner! Amale dares Eliza to tag in, and the fans chant for the “French Hope! French Hope!” Eliza says no thanks and Xia headlocks! Amale powers up and out, things speed up and Amale catches Xia’s crossbody! Xia elbows free and runs, but Amale follows to BOOT Xia down! Amale drags Xia to center for a somersault SENTON and basement dropkick! Cover, TWO!

Amale drags Xia away, CLUBS her down, and tags in Hayze. They mug Xia, Hayze clinches but Xia throws slapping shots. Hayze spins Xia around to wrench and forearm, uppercut, then DECK with another forearm! Cover, ONE! Xia scrambles away to tag in Eliza! But Hayze mule kicks her low! Hayze runs to dropkick Eliza! Eliza goes to a corner, Hayze clotheslines in the corner! Hayze goes again but Eliza kicks her down! Eliza whips Hayze into the corner, runs in but Hayze goes up and over to roll Eliza! TWO, but Hayze facelocks. Eliza ROCKS Hayze with a forearm, then whips. Hayze reverses, spins and ROLLING ELBOW!

Hayze snapamres and runs, PENALTY KCIK! Cover, TWO! Hayze takes aim as Eliza gets up, SUPER- NO! Eliza blocks and KNEES Hayze, then LARIATS! Eliza drags Hayze away, puts her in the corner and tags in Xia. They mug Hayze, Xia drags Hayze up and bumps her off buckles. BLINDSIDE METEORA! Cover, TWO! Xia snarls and she CLUBS Hayze down. Xia grinds Hayze’s face into the mat! Xia glares at Amale then drag Hayze by her hair. Fans taunt Xia for “Always Cheating!” but Xia clamps on a camel clutch! Hayze endures, fights up, but Xia brings her around. Hayze throws body shots and then shoves Xia to SUPERKICK her!

Fans fire up while Xia and Hayze are down! Xia hurries to stop Hayze from getting away, but Hayze kicks her away! Hot tags to Amale and Eliza! Amale dodges then rallies on Eliza, just as she wanted earlier! Amale whips Eliza to a corner and clotheslines! Then BULLDOGS! Xia gets in but Amale kicks her and tosses her out! Amale runs at Eliza to SHOTGUN her into a corner! Fans fire up but Xia tags in! Xia steps in the way, but takes the BOOT for Eliza! Amale drags Xia up, CLUBS away on her, then brings her up to throw knees. Tag to Hayze, Hayze climbs and Amale gives her the BOOST! Hayze then SLINGBLADES Xia down! Cover, TWO!!

Xia survives but Hayze brings her up. Hayze whips, Xia reverses to drop toehold and put Hayze on ropes! Xia sucker punches Amale! The ref has to keep Amale back, so he misses Eliza BOOT Hayze from the ropes! Xia then gets Hayze up, BROKEN WINGS!! Cover, Xia & Eliza win!

Winners: Xia Brookside & Eliza Alexander, by pinfall

Amale is furious, especially as Xia claims they won fair and square! Will Amale ever get her revenge on the spoiled little Xia?


Ivy Nile knocks on Meiko Satomura’s door.

But the one to answer is Emilia McKenzie. Ivy walks in past her to bow in respect to Meiko. Ivy says that she heard how if someone wants a title shot, all they have to do is ask. Well, Ivy is asking for a shot. Meiko nods, and says okay. Ivy bows and thanks Meiko. Is the Final Boss about to throw down with the Diamond Mine’s Female Titan?!


NXT UK returns with the East End Bookie, Sha Samuels!

And Sha greets us with, “Oi, oi! Welcome back to our famous East End Bookie, a place where I make dreams a reality.” Noam Dar and the Heritage Cup are here as proof. People make lots and lots of money, especially these two. Loads of money! But Sha is angry and upset! What? Why? Damon Kemp! He came over here and disparaged the integrity of Sha’s odds board, then embarrass him in front of Lash Legend. Y’know what, mug? The odds say Sha is a favorite to beat Kemp, and a favorite to END him! Dar got them on the guest list! The taxi’s on the way! Sha’s in a better mood now! No pinkie, no party! But will they be partying after taking on the Diamond Mine’s Iron Gopher?


NXT UK Tag Team Championship Triple Threat Qualifier: Dave Mastiff & Jack Starz VS Die Familie!

The Bombers poked a bit of fun at “the family,” but now they’re ready to get serious! Will Mastiff & Starz steamroll Teoman & Rohan Raja to join the title match? Or will the Evil Eye foresee their downfall?

The teams sort out and Mastiff starts with Raja. They tie up, Mastiff powers Raja to a corner, but Raja pulls hair to turn it around. The ref reprimands, Raja whips but Mastiff reverses. Raja goes up and over and runs to RAM Mastiff, but Mastiff stays up! They RAM again, and again, and Mastiff drops to a knee! Raja goes up and leaps, but Mastiff moves out of the way. Raja flops, and Mastiff mocks the Nezar right to Teoman’s face. Mastiff bumps Raja off buckles, tags Starz, and they double whip Raja to double headbutt and CLUB him down, for double FALLING HEADBUTTS! Cover, ONE!

Starz brings Raja up, wrenches the arm and YANKS it, then hip drops the shoulder. Cover, TWO! Starz facelocks and wrenches but Raja DECKS Starz! Tag to Teoman and he goes after Starz but Starz arm-drags! Starz has the cording hold and he grinds Teoman down. Teoman fight sup, breaks free, kicks low and DECKS Starz! Teoman kicks Starz around, then CHOPS him! Teoman brings Starz around for a NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO, but Teoman clamps on with a chinlock. Starz endures, fights up, Teoman pulls on an ear and the ref reprimands. Starz still powers out to get a headlock of his own, but Teoman throws body shots.

Teoman powers out, hurdles, things keep moving and Teoman dropkicks the legs out to then basement dropkick Starz! Fans boo while Teoman mocks Mastiff. Teoman whips Starz but Starz bounces off buckles to LARIAT! And dropkick! Cover, TWO! Starz headlocks, grinds, but Teoman powers up to tag Raja. Starz slides under Teoman to dropkick him, but Raja whips Starz! Starz reverses, and Teoman ends up putting Raja in the apron skirt! Starz runs and WRECKS them both with a dropkick! Starz then gets Raja, CLUBS him and puts him in the ring, but Dempsey creeps over! Starz has him back down and Starz gets in the ring.

Starz avoids Raja’s lariat to headbutt low and reel Raja in, snap suplex! Cover, TWO! Starz drags Raja up to bump off buckles and he tags Mastiff in. They mug Raja, Mastiff fireman’s carries, but Dempsey distracts! Mastiff dumps Raja to go after Dempsey! But Mastiff avoids Teoman’s cheap shot! Mastiff laughs at The Babo, but Raja CHOP BLOCKS Mastiff’s leg! Starz protests but Raja stomps away on Mastiff’s leg. Raja drags Mastiff over, tags in Teoman, and Teoman stomps the leg! Teoman RAM Mastiff into the corner, tags Raja, and Teoman whips Raja in for the SPLASH! Raja feeds Mastiff to the dropkick to the leg! Cover, TWO!

Raja stomps Mastiff to ropes, tags Teoman back in, and Teoman whips Raja in again. Mastiff dodges, Teoman runs in but his clothesline is sent into Raja! Teoman hurries to run and he CLOBBERS Mastiff down! Cover, TWO! Mastiff is still in this but Teoman kicks at him. Teoman stomps Mastiff, tags Raja, and they mug Mastiff. Die Familie try to double suplex, but Mastiff double back drops them instead! Fans fire up and Mastiff finds his way around, but Teoman gets a leg! Mastiff kicks Teoman away, but Raja YANKS Starz down! Mastiff is stranded, Raja gets in to scoop and SLAM Mastiff!? Cover, TWO!!

Mastiff survives but Raja hurries to get him up and to the corner. Tag to Teoman, Die Familie double whip but Mastiff elbows Raja and TOSSES Teoman! Then Mastiff SNAP GERMANS Raja! Teoman hurries back in, he anchors a leg, but Mastiff DEADLIFT GUT WRENCH BOMBS! Hot tag to Starz! Starz rallies on Teoman with big shoulders and uppercuts! Fans fire up with Starz as he whips Teoman to a corner then back drops him! Dropkick for Raja! Teoman kicks low, reels Starz in but Starz rolls out! Low headbutt and the SWINGING NECKBREAKER! Starz sees Dempsey and DECKS him off the apron!

Raja runs in but Starz tosses him back out! Starz kicks Teoman, reels him in, but Dempsey distracts by beating up the Bomber vests! Starz won’t stand for the disrespect and PLANCHAS Dempsey down! Fans fire up as Starz stomps away on Dempsey! The ref keeps Teoman back but Raja POSTS Starz! Mastiff CANNONBALLS Raja!! But Teoman gets Starz for the ROLLING CUTTER! Cover, Die Familie win!

Winners: Die Familie, by pinfall (advance to the NXT UK Tag Team Championship Triple Threat)

Dempsey’s presence pays off and now his brothers in arms are in the title match! Will Teoman & Raja rise to the top of the NXT UK Tag Division? Or will the numbers advantage go away when there’s four opponents to worry about?


NXT UK Media catches up with Lash Legend.

They ask her about her big match with Emilie McKenzie. But she asks back, “Is it really a big match? Because I don’t have a problem with her, and you’re talking about Emilie McKenzie, the girl who carries Meiko’s bags and opens her doors.” Millie hears this trash talk and decides to throw hands! Refs rush in as they brawl, but Lash says you do not do that to her! They can go now! These two are fired up, will they burn it down when they have it out in the ring?


Die Familie talks backstage.

They want to celebrate, but Sid Scala rushes over. He asks them what that interference was all about. What does he mean? They’re a family. They look out for each other. But Sid says no, actually. For Dempsey’s next match, taking on A-Kid under Heritage Cup Rules, the rest of Die Familie is BANNED from ringside! Teoman calms Raja down, because The Eye always has a plan. Will Die Familie let Dempsey take on A-Kid 1v1? Or will Sid have to keep his eye on Teoman & Raja from now until the bell rings?


Kenny Williams VS Josh Morrell!

The Scum of the Earth is feeling rather jumpy after “The Masked Weirdo,” Tiger Turan arrived in NXT UK. He claims there’s something more to the Himalayan luchador than meets the eye, but can Kenny keep his focus on #TurboTerry? Or will Morrell take advantage of a distracted Kenny Cockroach and get a big win for himself?

The bell rings and fans taunt Kenny, “PA-RA-NOIA! PA-RA-NOIA!” Morrell chuckles and Kenny frowns. They tie up, Kenny wrenches, bridges to arm-drag, then he traps the arm. Kenny pushes the other arm for a cover, TWO! Kenny stands on the arm, TWO as Morrell gets the other arm. Kenny stands on both arms, TWO as Morrell bridges. Kenny stomps Morrell down, then he wraps on a chinlock. Morrell endures, fights up, but Kenny hits a takeover. Morrell headscissors and squeezes tight! Kenny kicks around, tries to kip free but Morrell holds him down. Kenny moves around, pops out, and SLAPS Morrell!

Kenny jumps on Morrell for a headlock, Morrell slips out to hammerlock and adds a chinbar. Kenny fight sup, throws elbows, but Morrel hits a hip toss! Cover, TWO! Morrell dropkicks Kenny down! Fans fire up and Kenny goes to the apron. Morrell drags Kenny up, but Kenny HOTSHOTS an arm! Morrell writhes and fans boo Kenny, but Kenny checks the crowd. He doesn’t see Tiger Turan, so he rushes Morrell. Morrell handsprings around him, so Kenny scurries into the ring. Morrell slides in but he avoids the cheap shot! Morrell ROUNDHOUSES Kenny, then slingshots in to somersault and MARIPOSA! Cover, TWO!

Kenny gets to ropes, Morrell whips but Kenny blocks. Kenny ROCKS Morrell then throws Morrell into ropes! Kenny rains down fists on Morrell then crossface forearms! Cover, TWO! Kenny is upset but still watching for Turan. Kenny hip drops Morrell then has a neck wrench. Kenny stops when he sees someone wearing a lucha mask. It isn’t Turan, so Kenny keeps on Morrell. But then Morrell Electric Chair Lifts! But Kenny slips off to CHOP BLOCK the leg! Morrell writhes, Kenny gets the leg and stomps away on it! Kenny hooks the leg, SLAPS Morrell over and over, but Morrell kicks with his free leg! Kenny stands on Morrell’s face while twisting the foot!

Kenny lets off to adjust his grip but Morrell kicks at him again! Kenny steps through but Morrell kicks him away to ropes. Kenny PENALTY KICKS on the return! Morrell writhes and Kenny scowls. Kenny covers, TWO! Kenny scrapes his soles on Morrell’s face! Kenny spots more masked men in the crowd! Are they just fans or are they friends of Turan? Morrell gets Kenny in a cradle! TWO!! Kenny wants a timeout but Morell uppercuts him to a corner! Morrell snapmares Kenny but Kenny gets the bad leg! Morrell kicks at him but Kenny CLUBS away on the bad knee! Kenny hits a SUPER DRAGON SCREW!

Morrell flounders, Kenny aims, CHOP BLOCK to the leg! Kenny keeps seeing the luchadors, but he drags Morrell up. BAD LUCK!! Cover, Kenny wins!

Winner: Kenny Williams, by pinfall

Kenny tells off those masked fans, and tells off Morrell. But then Tiger Turan appears! Kenny has a minor freak out, but can Kenny keep calm with so many masked men haunting him?


NXT UK Media catches up with Von Wagner in the gym.

They apologize for interrupting his workout, but Sid Scala has declared that in two weeks, it’ll be Wagner VS Gradwell. His thoughts? Von’s thoughts on Sam is that he and this entire roster isn’t as big as Von, as strong as him, and that- Sam Gradwell stops Von right there and says no one wants to know how big and strong Von is. And Gradwell isn’t afraid. Well Von isn’t afraid of Sam, Sam ain’t nothing! Von shoves Gradwell and they start throwing hands! Prospects and security have to break this one up! Will the Thunderstorm turn Wagner’s World upside-down when they finally meet in the ring?


NXT UK Media catches up with Moustache Mountain.

They ask Trent Seven & Tyler Bate their feelings on the Triple Threat. Well, to be honest, Seven would rather talk about the champs. The NXT UK Tag Team Champions, Moustache Mountain, are the best tag team NXT UK has ever produced, and the best team NXT as a whole has right now. It’ll be another win for them. But Tyler says they don’t have to get pinned to lose, so they need to be on their best. Right, right. Wise head on such a big strong boy. They need to reassess, regroup and talk strategy. The champs head out, but will they have a game plan for taking on Smith & Carter and Die Familie?


NXT UK Media catches up with Mark Andrews.

Is he planning on watching tonight’s Dog Collar Match? Damn right he will. Dennis has made life hell for the Wild Boar, so he deserves everything he’s going to get. Meanwhile, Kenny and Sid walk past, Kenny trying to get Sid to do something about the masked men. Speaking of people who are getting what they deserve… Kenny sees Mark and asks how the shoulder feels. Andrews wants Kenny to remember, he has more than one enemy around here. Andrews leaves, and Kenny grumbles as he hurries after Sid.


Dog Collar Match: Wild Boar VS Eddie Dennis!

Once part of the pack, Wild Boar was kicked out as the weak link. But after healing up, getting stronger and getting angrier, Boar has finally cornered the Welsh Dragon! Will Dennis finally answer for all the pain he put Boar through?

Wait a minute, Dennis is hesitating at gorilla position. He doesn’t want to go through with this, obviously, but he has no choice, because here comes Boar! Boar chases Dennis to ringside, already wearing the collar! He keeps Dennis from escaping through the crowd and throws him into the ring! The fans are fired up but Dennis tries to escape on the other side. Boar just DIVES onto Dennis! They crash into barriers, then Boar RAMS Dennis into the barriers! Boar whips Dennis into more barriers, and the ref wants them to get back in the ring so this can start. Boar throws Dennis back into the ring, slides in, but Dennis rushes him! Boar catches Dennis for an EXPLODER!

Boar gathers up the collar’s chain while fans are rallying behind him. Boar puts the collar on Dennis’ neck, and the bell rings! Dennis stands up but Boar reels him in to throw haymakers! And again, and again! Dennis staggers about, but he RAKES eyes! Fans boo but Dennis goes out through the ropes. Boar holds onto the chain, it’s a tug-o-war! Boar reels Dennis back in slowly, but Dennis uses the apron for leverage to YANK Boar into ropes! Dennis laughs at outsmarting Boar, but fans rally up for “WILD BOAR! WILD BOAR!” Dennis snarls, he drags Boar up with the chain and drags Dennis out to RAM him into barriers!

Fans boo but Dennis tells them to shut up. Dennis gets Boar up to whip him hard into barriers! Fans chant “You Suck!” at Dennis but he says he doesn’t suck, the fans suck! Dennis drags Boar along with the chain but Boar RAMS into Dennis! Boar RAMS Dennis into barriers, then up against the apron, then back into barriers! Boar CLUBS away on Dennis and fans fire up! Boar puts Dennis in the ring, but Dennis goes out the side. Boar and Dennis have another tug-o-war, and Dennis YANKS Boar into the post! Dennis laughs at Boar again, then gets in the ring. Dennis uses the chain to reel Boar into the ring, then he taunts the “Lil’ Piggy” before he SLAMS him down.

Fans boo but Dennis gathers up chain to LASH Boar! And again! Boar writhes but Dennis smiles as he stands Boar up. Dennis scoops to SWINGING BACKBREAKER! Cover, ONE!! Another, TWO!! Boar growls and fans fire up but Dennis gabs Boar with the chain! Boar endures, fans rally but Dennis wraps the chain around Boar’s whole face! Then Dennis shoves Boar down and paces around. Fans rally up for Boar as he flounders to a corner. Dennis wants the piggy to smile, and he stomps Boar in the corner. Dennis stands Boar up, and uses the chain to tie Boar to the post! Dennis stomps Boar while he chokes him!

Boar endures, Dennis keeps stomping him, but Boar hits back! Boar throws big haymakers, but Dennis knees low. Dennis RAMS Boar into buckles, then drags Boar up again. Dennis ties Boar up again for more stomps, but Boar kicks back again! But the collar keeps him back! Dennis YANKS the chain to send Boar into buckles! Dennis makes sure the chain is on tight, then he hoists Boar up and over the ropes. Boar flops down on the apron and Dennis climbs the corner. Dennis stands on the other side of the post, and he uses the chain to YANK, but Boar stops himself from hitting post! Boar uses what Dennis taught him, and YANKS Dennis into the post!

Boar aims from the apron while he winds up chain on his arm, FLYING METAL FOREARM! Direct hit and down goes Dennis! Boar stalks Dennis, puts him in the ring, and gathers up chain to LASH Dennis in return! And again, and again! Dennis gets up but Boar keeps giving him LASHINGS! Dennis flounders and begs for merch, but the chain breaks off Boar’s collar! Boar HIP DROPS onto Dennis, the ref hooks him back up, but Dennis boots! Boar blocks that, to reel Dennis in for a POWERBOMB on the chain!! Cover, TWO!! Dennis survives and crawls away. But wait, Symbiosis appears! They’re supposed to be banned from ringside!

T-Bone gets on the apron but Boar RAMS him and knocks him down onto Primate! The minions are taken care of, and Boar runs at Dennis! RAM into the corner, then Boar runs again to CANNON-BOAR! Boar drags Dennis to center for a cover, PRIMATE’S DIVING HEADBUTT BREAKS IT! The ref reprimands but the irony is that no disqualifications means nothing can stop Symbiosis! Dennis crawls to a cover, TWO!! Boar survives and Dennis is furious! Dennis tells Primate to help get Boar up. Primate stands Boar up, but Boar uses the chain to YANK Dennis into Primate! Primate tumbles out, but Dennis fights the waistlock and ELBOWS Boar down!

Fans boo and Dennis seethes as he gathers up chain. Dennis wraps it around his fist, then brings Boar up. But Boar deflects the fist to get a takedown! Boar uses the chain in the CROSSFACE! Dennis endures, but Boar GAGS him! Payback for earlier!! Dennis still endures, so Boar wraps the chain all around Dennis’ face!! Dennis taps, Boar wins!!

Winner: Wild Boar, by submission

The ref tells Boar to let off, but Boar lets off when he’s satisfied! Dennis suffers just as Boar wanted him to, and now Boar stands tall! Is there a new alpha in the NXT UK animal kingdom?

My Thoughts:

A very good episode for NXT UK to follow up episode 200 and to move forward. Good opener in the women’s tag match, but I had a feeling Amale & Angel were going to lose to Xia & Eliza as the Heels use teamwork to get the pin on Hayze. They could have a rematch since it was a dirty finish, but there’s a chance the blow-off is Amale VS Xia in a No Disqualification type match, and that would be great for them both. Actually, the Heels won everything but the main event. Die Familie also used distraction tactics to get the win on Starz & Mastiff, but I like that Sid responded by making sure Dempsey VS A-Kid II will be truly 1v1.

Moustache Mountain had a good promo to hype up the tag title Triple Threat, and in this case, Seven bending the rules won’t matter because Triple Threats are No Disqualification by default. At the same time, Bate could still stop him from using ropes or things like that and that could cost them. Good promo from Von and Gradwell, especially with them keeping the script simple. That match is going to be pretty good, but again probably mostly from Gradwell helping Von get going in the ring. I like that Ivy Nile just went and asked Meiko, that’ll be a solid NXT UK Women’s Championship match. And good scuffle from Lash and Millie, their match will be Millie helping Lash get going in the ring.

Kenny VS Morrell was a good match but for some reason, they were having more people in luchador masks watching Kenny. It makes it like Kenny’s enemies are Death Triangle. Why couldn’t they make all the masks orange like Tiger Turan’s? It was obvious the other two guys weren’t Tiger Turan, one was red and the other was blue. But Kenny and Andrews have a good exchange backstage, maybe they’ll have a match and then Turan and these other masked men get even more involved. I also still hope Kenny gets to expose Turan as Amir Jordan, we need to learn Turan’s identity and bring this full circle.

Good promo from Sha and Dar to further along Sha’s showdown with Kemp. Pretty sure this is just setting Sha up to lose and Kemp can challenge Dar for the Heritage Cup. I bet Kemp would do great in a British Rounds format, given his great amateur wrestling accomplishments. And we got a very good main event with the Dog Collar Match. Not the best Dog Collar Match we’ve seen this year, but still very good. And turns out, No Disqualification cancels out a ringside ban, so there are no consequences unless Sid kayfabe fines Symbiosis a lot of money. But Boar winning was a great surprise, though it doesn’t feel like they’re moving on. Primate might want after Boar to really dig into how they were a tag team as The Hunt way before Dennis joined them.

My Score: 8.4/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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