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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (5/5/22)

Something wicked this way comes!



NXT UK enters the World of Darkness!

Isla Dawn once again challenges Meiko Satomura for the NXT UK Women’s Championship, but it’ll be in her domain, the World of Darkness! Will the Final Boss survive?


  • Tiger Turan VS Tate Mayfairs; Turan wins.
  • Damon Kemp VS Danny Jones; Kemp wins.
  • NXT UK Women’s Championship World of Darkness Match: Meiko Satomura VS Isla Dawn; Satomura wins and retains the title.


Lash Legend walks into the arena.

Does Millie work here? Put this in her room and don’t mess up the fabric. Okay, thanks. Millie frowns at Lash’s attitude. Will Lash learn to respect people for once?

Noam Dar is in the ring!

He and Sha Samuels are on a new set for Supernova Sessions 2.0. As close as it gets, but even closer! One thing that doesn’t change is Dar running victory laps around this place. He’s on a different level, at the very top, and then no one else above him. Tonight’s guest is an international superstar, and more importantly, a favorite of theirs. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Lash Legend! Lash struts her way out as Sha makes sure Dar looks his best. Lash gets in the ring and says, “I’m here. Let’s do this.” She takes her seat, but Sha realizes this isn’t right. Be a gentleman and give her the better chair.

Sha trades with Lash and Dar says he told the crew to do something about this. Someone’s getting fired. But Lash, Dar usually doesn’t do this but this is a special occasion. Dar takes a breath then gets the flowers. They’re… limp. He bought them himself, but they might need some work. Well, it’s the thought that counts. Sha says that’s not how it’s done. Sha gets his flowers, and they’re definitely alive. Lash throws Dar’s flowers away to accept Sha’s. Nothing but the best for her. She even puts the flowers in the Heritage Cup. Dar thought they had a limit to their budget. But anyway, Lash Legend, they’re here with some legends here!

But how is Lash feeling next to a champ? She’s super excited to be here, but she is the hostess with the mostess, you can’t hold her, she has haters and homies, fakes and phonies. She’s hot, they’re not, okay? But she isn’t here for friends. She’s here to run through the competition. Dar and Sha are impressed. On that point, Dar has a special presentation that he worked on all night long. A highlight reel of Lash! “You okay. But you ain’t Lash Legend, okay?” All of Lash’s best boots and suplexes, and Lash loves it. Standing ovation for Dar’s work and Lash’s greatness! But what are her plans here in NXT UK? And after this?

Dar opens a bottle that he ended up shaking up too much, and it gets everywhere! This doesn’t usually happen. Sha, do the odds! “Oi oi! Welcome to this week’s latest odds!” Let’s see how our exchange students are going to do! Ivy Nile, strong as she looks, undefeated! Von Wagner as big as a mountain and fierce as a lion. Lash Legend, a star! And Damon Kemp? Who? Sounds like a loser. Don’t waste your money. That’s a mug’s bet. Tonight is about Lash, so the floor is hers. She does have one final notice for the women’s locker room.

Lash says she is bringing the heat, the size of an elephant, the savageness of hyenas, and the speed of a cheetah. When Lash is done with NXT UK, there won’t be anything left for vultures. That’s two snaps and a clap. Oh, right! Snap snap clap! Play that funky music! Dar dries himself off, but will Lash be feasting on the NXT UK Women’s Division?


Sid Scala speaks.

The Assistant GM has a big announcement for the NXT UK Tag Division. New contenders will be found in two tag team matches, and then we’ll get a Triple Threat for the NXT UK Tag Team Championships! But then Von Wagner walks in and asks the “little guy” what’s up. Mr. Wagner, Sid is in the middle of something important. No, the important thing is that Von is here. Sam Gradwell walks up and says there’s only one man who can shake up ol’ Sid, and that’s him. Oh, really? Well, a bigger star is here now. Oh, then where is he? Sid has them back up. Von says Gradwell will learn this is Wagner’s World, and he’s just living in it.

Sid has Gradwell leave it at that. But will Wagner’s World be plagued by a Thunderstorm?


Sha keeps flirting with Lash backstage.

She’s amazing. That bit with the flowers in the cup, he would’ve never thought of it. She wants to take a selfie, but just herself. Right, right, social media. Damon Kemp walks in and Sha asks if he wants to place a bet. About what? Who dresses better? Lash laughs at that one and then walks away. Damon sees where he is on the board and he won’t be disrespected. Just watch his match and you’ll like what you see. Sha doesn’t care about the odds, he just wants another shot at Lash.


Tiger Turan VS Tate Mayfairs!

The Himalayan luchador was hunting and haunting Kenny Williams during the Back Alley Brawl, but now he begins his NXT UK career! But will he learn Tateness is Greatness? Or just make Tate an appetizer?

The bell rings and Turan circles with Tate. They tie up, Tate wrenches to a wristlock but Turan rolls and handsprings and wrenches to WRING Tate out. Tate gets up and Turan growls. They circle, Turan dodges to dropkick Tate, then headlocks. Tate endures, powers out but Turan runs him over! Turan handsprings over Tate, blocks hip toss and hits a HALF HATCH! Tate flounders to a corner, Turan runs in to SPLASH! Turan wrenches and whips but Tate blocks to kick and uppercut! Tate whips, Turan goes up and handstands, then goes out to ENZIGURI! Turan goes up to CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO!

Fans rally up for Tate but Turan runs in, only for Tate to get a leg! Tate YANKS Turan down then BOOTS him! Cover, TWO! Tate keeps on Turan with a double wristlock, then shifts to an armlock. Tate and Turan throw hands, Turan whips to CLOBBER Turan! Tate brings Turan up, but Turan CHOPS back! Tate fires off fast hands, then reels Turan into a facelock. Turan wrenches out, Tate breaks free but Turan blocks the leg. Turan wants the knee but Tate KNEES him with the other leg! Cover, TWO! Tate clamps onto Turan for a seated cobra twist. Fans rally, Turan endures, but Tate gets a full nelson.

Turan fights free to ROCK Tate! Tate kicks back, but Turan kicks Tate. Tate shoves, Turan dodges the elbow then goes up and over in the corner. Turan DOUBLE CHOPS Tate down! Then again! Turan reels Tate in, tilt-o-whirl SLAM! Turan kips up and runs in, but Tate gets his leg again. Turan is ready for the yank this time, then he dodges the discus to go up and missile dropkick! Tate flounders away but Turan is roaring! FLYING LARIAT! Turan goes up the corner, for a SWANTON BOMB! Cover, Turan wins!

Winner: Tiger Turan, by pinfall

Tate is no longer undefeated, and Tiger Turan has a strong start in NXT UK! Will Turan roar his way to the top of the mountain?


NXT UK Media catches up with Ashton Smith & Oliver Carter.

They argue as they enter the building, but then Gallus walks over. The Coffey Brothers laugh at them but Smith & Carter say it’s nice to see friends getting along again. Uh, they’re not friends. They’re brothers. But personally, they wouldn’t have let Seven get away with that. Oh, he’s not getting away with anything. They’re not done with Moustache Mountain. Well, before they get back at Moustache Mountain, they’ve got to get through Gallus. They’re in one of those Triple Threat qualifiers. Oh, the Coffey Brothers are a tag team? Big surprise there. They give more banter, but will Gallus be on top against the hottest tag team under the sun?


WWE brings the pageantry back to the UK!

After 30 years, the biggest event in UK wrestling history happens! September 3rd, Clash at the Castle! Will you be there?


Nina Samuels reacts to an Ivy Nile video package.

The Leading Lady does not want the Female Titan on her screen. She thinks she’s going to come to Nina’s show? Well Nina will personally “welcome” her next week on the 200th episode. That is an exclusive on the Nina Samuels Show!


Damon Kemp VS Danny Jones!

The East End Bookie doesn’t think much of the two-time junior folkstyle wrestling national champion and three-time state champion. Will his opinion change after the Muscle Gopher digs in and tackles Ravin’ Danny Jones?

The bell rings and Kemp ties up with Jones. Kemp trips Jones, goes for legs, spins Jones around, floats around with him, and has a facelock. Kemp gator rolls Jones around, Jones pops free and kicks Kemp away, and fans applaud the exchange. Kemp and Jones circle, tie up, and Jones uses leverage to put Kemp in a corner. The ref counts, the two let off, and Kemp avoids the sucker punch. Kemp headlocks, grinds Jones, but Jones throws body shots. Jones powers up and powers out, but Kemp RAMS shoulders with him! Kemp is fired up, they tie up again, but Jones wrenches to a wristlock. Kemp rolls, handsprings and cartwheels to then get around to a waistlock!

Kemp gut wrench suplexes Jones! Fans fire up, Kemp gets Jones again, but Jones fights the gut wrench into a corner. Jones rams his shoulder in again and again, then ROCKS Kemp with an uppercut. Short arm LARIAT and a cover, TWO! Jones keeps on Kemp with a neck wrench, then shifts to a half nelson chinbar. Kemp endures, pries at the hold, and fights his way up. Kemp throws body shots, but Jones EuroUppers! Kemp gives that EuroUpper back, but Jones gives another. Kemp ROCKS Jones, then clinches for an OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Jones gets up, into another OVERHEAD Belly2Belly!

Fans rally as both men get up. Kemp runs to run Jones over! Jones is fired up and he gets Jones up for a fireman’s carry. Jones fights free, hooks an arm and has the chinlock! Jones then ripcords to ENZIGURI! Cover, TWO! Kemp is showing his toughness but Jones drags him up. Jones wants to suplex but Kemp resists. Jones throws body shots, but Kemp fireman’s carries! ROLLING SENTON! Kemp drags Jones back up to fireman’s carry again, and positions him for a POWERSLAM! Cover, Kemp wins!

Winner: Damon Kemp, by pinfall

Kemp surely leveled up plenty in the States, and he got himself a big win in the UK! But Sha gets in and CLOBBERS Kemp! Sha stomps Kemp, more for making him lose out on Lash than anything. Sha says if Kemp doesn’t like his odds, how about that? Will the East End Butcher make cold cuts out of Kemp?


Tiger Turan gets applause backstage.

He gets high-fives from many of the other young stars, like Josh Morrell and Angel Hayze. But Kenny Williams rushes over, having wanted posters for “the masked bozo.” Turan is already gone and Kenny gets upset with all of the others for having no idea who that man is! Kenny chases after Turan, but will he get any answers?


Die Familie speaks.

Teoman is deep in thought about his family. “Once again, we’re here to celebrate our recent successes.” Charlie Dempsey says that success will continue in another match with A-Kid. And he will win again so that Die Familie will reign. And with the tag title challenge put forth, it will be time for Teoman & Rohan Raja to bring gold to the family. They toast, for The Eye sees continued success for them. Does Teoman’s Evil Eye see the truth? Or only what he wants to see?


NXT UK hears from Jordan Devlin and Ilja Dragunov.

The Irish Ace wants to let us in on a story from his childhood. One of his earliest memories, from when he was about three years old, was his dad coming up to him and telling him he can do whatever he wants to do in life, so long as he makes sure he rises. If he wants to join the army, he should become a general. If he wants to be an artist, become like Picasso. Well, here he is in wrestling as the Irish Ace. He and Dragunov had the Empty Arena Match, they went to brutal lengths. The Czar says he was sore and in constant pain, but it’s what he wanted. “Pain makes the difference. Pain shows your true character.”

Dragunov grew stronger but Devlin’s attitude got worse. Is there a language barrier? Devlin meant “Empty Arena” as in no fans. He didn’t mean it’d be a match with tables and chairs, like pigs rolling around in the mud. Devlin is a professional athlete. But Dragunov says Devlin’s just some puffed up wannabe rockstar. The rematch was made official last week, where the stakes were raised. The winner will be NXT UK Champion, and the loser will leave NXT UK! Dragunov wanting Devlin out of the locker room, is that supposed to surprise him? Devlin would want himself gone, too. Dragunov says his words are always followed by actions. And he vows that NXT UK will not see Devlin again.

Devlin says there is no going back. That’s on Dragunov. But Dragunov says Devlin will have lots of time to think on his mistakes after he leaves Dragunov’s brand! Devlin says you never bet against an ace. Next week, Dragunov VS Devlin II, loser leaves NXT UK, for the 200TH EPISODE! The landscape of the brand will be changed forever, but who will be safe atop the mountain?


NXT UK Women’s Championship World of Darkness Match: Meiko Satomura VS Isla Dawn!

Speaking of landscapes changing, that could happen here tonight on episode 199! No disqualifications, no count-outs, and almost no visibility with the lights down low, that is the World of Darkness. The Enchantress wears a black veil, is it for the Final Boss’ reign dying? Or a twisted and unholy union between her and the title?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who shines brightest with the in the World of Darkness!

Meiko doesn’t even wait for the bell! she goes after Isla now! The ref has Meiko back off then the bell sounds. Isla rushes in but misses and Meiko fires off more forearms! Meiko whips Isla to a corner, runs in to forearm smash, then she pushes Isla away to go up. Meiko leaps, into a HEEL KICK! Isla is in a corner, Meiko runs in but Isla escapes to the apron. Meiko stops herself from running into buckles, and she shoulders Isla off the apron! Isla tumbles and Meiko goes to the apron to PENALTY KICK! Meiko takes aim again but Isla blocks the kick and trips Meiko up! Isla dribbles Meiko off the apron!

Isla goes looking under the ring, and she brings out chairs! And a broom! A witch wouldn’t be a witch without one of those. Isla laughs but Meiko dropkicks a chair into her! Meiko goes out after Isla, they brawl around the way, and Meiko CLUBS Isla. Isla throws body shots, then calls upon the powers of darkness! Fans boo as smoke billows out from the ring. Meiko still CLUBS Isla, but Isla CLUBS Meiko back. Isla RAMS Meiko into barriers, then SAIDOS her to the floor! Meiko writhes but Isla drags her up. Isla puts Meiko in the ring, then grabs her little treasure box. Isla opens it up, and brings out the hair of Dani Luna.

Isla caresses the hair, and then she stomps Meiko around. Isla uses the lock of hair to CHOKE Meiko! Fans boo as Meiko endures being gagged! Isla then has the lock of hair in Meiko’s eyes! Meiko claws at the hair, fans rally up, and she gets the hair off her head! Isla crawls over but Meiko KICKS her away. Meiko staggers but Isla wants her treasures box. Meiko STOMPS the box! Then KICKS Isla! And again! And again! And again! Meiko wrenches Isla, whips but Isla reverses, only for Meiko to WHEEL KICK! Fans fire up for Meiko as she kicks, misses, but continues through to BUZZSAW! Cover, TWO!

Isla gets to ropes but Meiko hurries over. Meiko ROCKS Isla with forearms, but Isla throws body shots. Meiko KICKS Isla’s leg out, then goes up top. But Isla JAMS her with a chair! And again! Meiko tumbles down, Isla SMACKS her on the back! Isla puts the chair down, then gathers the others to make a pile at the center of the ring. Isla slaps herself to focus, and then drags Meiko up. Isla reels Meiko in, but Meiko fights free! Meiko ROUNDHOUSES Isla out of the ring! Meiko goes out after Isla to CLUB her more. Isla gets the broom! She JAMS and SMACKS Meiko down! The broomstick breaks across Meiko’s back!

Isla whips Meiko into a POST! Isla hurries to look under the ring, and she has rope! And a cable? Isla LASHES Meiko with the cables, then uses those to tie Meiko up! Meiko fights but Isla kicks her. Isla binds Meiko’s hands, and then ties her to the corner! Meiko’s hands are up, she can’t guard as Isla has the bull rope! Isla LASHES Meiko on the ribs! And again! Isla then uses the rope to gag and choke Meiko! The ref reprimands but he can’t stop Isla from putting the ropes in Meiko’s eyes! Isla digs the rope in, then LASHES Meiko in the ribs again! Meiko BOOTS Isla, then kicks her again! Meiko keeps fighting, and she gets her hands free!

Meiko is fuming now! She runs at Isla, but is sent into the steel steps! Isla hurries to get a running start, but Meiko dodges! Isla rams her knees into the steel! Meiko hurries to get something from under the ring. It’s a kendo stick! Meiko SMACKS Isla around with it! They get in the ring, Isla ROCKS Meiok but Meiko SMACKS her back! Meiko reels Isla in, DDT! Then HANDSPRING KICK! Meiko gets the kendo stick back, and she SMACKS Isla more! And more! And more! Isla crawls, gets a chair, and she JAMS Meiko in the leg! Meiko BOOTS Isla! Isla goes to a corner, Meiko runs in but into a BOOT!

Isla goes up, and reels Meiko into the TARANTULA! Meiko can only endure, but Isla lets her go soon enough. Isla then climbs up the corner, for a METEORA onto the chairs!! But Isla clutches her legs, that was a double-edged move! Isla crawls to a cover, TWO!! Meiko survives and fans are thunderous! Isla gets back up, she scowls as she looms over Meiko, and she kicks Meiko around! And again! Isla hobbles, grabs a chair, and sits it up. Isla sits another chair up to face it, then she drags stomps Meiko. Isla drags Meiko up, reels her in for a half nelson, but Meiko fights! Meiko fireman’s carries, DEATH VALLEY on the chairs!

Meiko uses a a chair for a boost, SCORPIO RISING!! Cover, Meiko wins!

Winner: Meiko Satomura, by pinfall (still NXT UK Women’s Champion)

The World of Darkness is banished by the light as the Best in the World is victorious! Will Meiko continue to shine as the guiding light of this division?

My Thoughts:

A great episode for NXT UK, especially as part go-home to the 200th next week. Very good interview vignette for Devlin and Dragunov, and that match can still go either way. I like that we’re getting big things for the NXT UK Tag Team Championships, too, and a Triple Threat will be a way for Moustache Mountain to lose without losing. Though, I feel like they’re wasting a good opportunity having Gallus VS Smith & Carter as one of the qualifiers. At the same time, if the Coffey Brothers are going to fall apart, I suppose it’s best to have that story happen so that it costs them the title match. Then Die Familie getting in on this, they’re clearly winning their qualifier, no matter who it’s against.

Von Wagner and Sam Gradwell had a good promo to set up their match, though most of the quality came from Gradwell and even Sid Scala. Wagner VS Gradwell as a match will be good, and I have a feeling, regardless of Face or Heel dynamic, the NXT 2.0 names are winning over the NXT UK names. Wagner will win there, just as Kemp won against Jones tonight. Good bit with Kemp and Sha backstage to tie all these different “exchange student” stories together. Supernova Sessions was good stuff, mostly because of Sha and Dar, but Lash played off them well.

Her own promo bit to cap it off was decent enough, but at least she didn’t flub lines or hesitate. And I just knew with Lash having this talk show part, Millie McKenzie would be attached to her somehow. That bit with Lash giving Millie her luggage was a good opening bit to the night, it really adds to Lash’s Heel heat, and we can get a pretty good match out of Lash VS Millie. Nina calling out Ivy Nile is definitely going to backfire, Ivy will get herself a big win on the 200th episode.

Good match out of Tiger Turan and Tate Mayfairs to open the night, and naturally Tiger Turan wins. Kenny being on the search for him was a pretty funny bit, and I really, really hope this still turns out to be Amir Jordan. It’d be such a great way for Amir Jordan to get revenge on Kenny for what happened between them. And great main event tonight in the “World of Darkness,” though that was really must just an aesthetic thing, not anything about match type. Still a great No Holds Barred from Meiko and Isla, and Isla was very creative with her use of Dani Luna’s hair as a weapon. But in the end, Meiko wins because those NXT UK wanted to dethrone her aren’t 100% healthy yet.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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