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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (6/28/22)

Who’s heading to the Bash?



New #1 Contenders will be named!

Roxanne Perez & Cora Jade want after the NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions, but so do Kayden & Katana! Who gets their shot first with a win tonight?


  • NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships #1 Contenders Match: Roxanne Perez & Cora Jade VS Kayden Carter & Katana Chance; win and will challenge Toxic Attraction for the titles at The Great American Bash.
  • Giovanni Vinci VS Ikemen Jiro; Vinci wins.
  • Indi Hartwell VS Kiana James; Kiana wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Roderick Strong & The Creed Brothers VS Joe Gacy & The Dyad; Gacy & The Dyad win.
  • Sanga VS Xyon Quinn; Sanga wins.
  • Nikkita Lyons VS Mandy Rose w/ Toxic Attraction; Lyons wins, by disqualification.


NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships #1 Contenders Match: Roxanne Perez & Cora Jade VS Kayden Carter & Katana Chance!

The inaugural Women’s Breakout Tournament winner and her best friend want after Gigi Dolin & Jacy Jayne, but KC Squared don’t want anyone “cutting in line.” Will Kayden & Katana earn another shot at the Toxic champions? Or will there be no stopping #GenerationJadeRox?

But of course, up in their Toxic Lounge, it’s Gigi, Jacy and Mandy. Cora and Kayden start, they circle, and fans rally up. Cora and Kayden tie up, go around, and Cora puts Kayden on ropes. Kayden turns it around, Cora turns it back, they end up in a corner but then exit the corner to break. They reset, tie up, and Cora wrenches an arm to a wristlock. Kayden rolls, rolls, wrenches and waistlocks. Kayden trips Cora, jumps over her, and shows off some dance moves. Cora rushes in, Kayden dodges but Cora blocks the hip toss, only for Kayden to counter her hip toss into an arm-drag! Cora gets up, and Kayden CHOPS her!

Cora CHOPS back, but Kayden CHOPS again! Kayden knuckle locks but Cora CHOPS! Kayden CHOPS and knees low, then goes up and up. Katana tags in as Kayden shows off, FLYING ARM-DRAG! Then Kayden gives Katana the boost, SEATED SENTON! Cover, TWO! Cora kicks low, whips Katana to ropes, but Katana springboard sup and over to drop toehold and float over, to tranquilo! Then she handsprings and SPIKES Cora with the headscissors! Cover, TWO! Katana brings Cora up to whip but Cora reverses. Cora runs in but Katana elbows her away! Toxic Attraction doesn’t even pay attention, they’re taking selfies!

Katana goes up, leaps, but Cora blocks flying arm-drag to one of her own! Then float to a lateral press, TWO! Cora swings but Katana gets around to waistlock. Cora drops, kangaroo kicks, then uppercuts! Cora snapmares, runs and basement dropkicks! Katana staggers away but Cora forearm smashes in the corner! Tag to Roxie and Cora whips her in for an uppercut! Roxie rolls and uppercuts again! Roxie keeps moving, dodges Katana to roll and headscissor to a roll-up! TWO, but Roxie arm-drags Katana down! Fans rally, Katana endures and fights up. Cora tags in, she CLUBS Katana’s arm, and Cora wrenches the arm to a WRINGER! Cover, TWO!

Cora keeps close to Katana and she wrenches. Cora whips Katana to a corner, tags Roxie, and they mug Katana in the corner. Roxie wrenches and wrangles Katana to an armlock. Katana endures, Toxic Attraction actually watches for once, and Roxie wrenches Katana again. Katana fights up, spins around, but Roxie arm-drags her back down. Roxie brings Katana up, whips, but Katana holds ropes. Katana BOOTS Roxie, Kayden tags in and HEEL KICKS! Kayden hooks Roxie up with a hammerlock and armlock. Kayden CLUBS away on Roxie before the STO! Cover, TWO! Kayden keeps Roxie from Cora and fireman’s carries.

Tag to Katana, but Roxie sunset flips! Katana slingshot sentons! Cover, TWO! Katana keeps Roxie from Cora, fans rally and Katana fights up. Roxie shoves Katana away but Katana comes back! Roxie pops Katana up, and around, ELECTRIC CHAIR HOTSHOT off ropes! Tag to Cora, she springs for IMPLODER STOMPS! Roxie adds a BIG basement dropkick! Cora covers, TWO! Katana toughs it out but Cora tags Roxie back in. The BFFs double suplex but Katana slips out to tag in Kayden! Fans fire up as all four women stare down! KC Squared rush in, but Cora & Roxie dodge to double dropkick them out!

Fans fire up as Roxie tosses Kayden then builds speed. Kayden returns to CLOBBER Roxie! Katana YANKS Cora down, then Kayden tosses Roxie. KC Squared tell the “rookies” that this is THEIR time while NXT goes picture in picture.

Cora and Roxie regroup at the ramp. Kayden goes out to fetch Roxie but Roxie bumps Kayden off the apron! Roxie CLUBS Kayden, then again! Roxie puts Kayden in, covers, TWO! Roxie drags Kayden up, brings her over and Cora tags in. Roxie hands Kayden off but Kayden rolls Cora up! TWO, and Kayden CLOBBERS Cora! Kayden drags Cora up, tosses her back out, then taunts Roxie. Kayden waits on Cora as the ring count climbs, but Cora trips Kayden! Cora gets in to ENZIGURI Kayden down! Kayden flounders to a corner, Cora runs in to SLIDING KNEE! Cora drags Kayden to a cover, TWO! Cora is annoyed but she stays on Kayden.

Tag back to Roxie, the BFFs double suplex Kayden! Cover, TWO! Roxie grabs at Kayden but Kayden rolls out of the ring. Roxie hurries to the apron, then to the floor to DECK Kayden! Roxie bumps Kayden off the apron, but then Kayden shoves Roxie away. Roxie runs, into a scoop, and Kayden RAMS Roxie into the apron! Kayden gets back in, the ring count is 7 of 10 but Kayden drags Roxie in. Cover, TWO! Toxic Attraction are watching but aren’t impressed as Kayden drags Roxie back and stands on her foot. Kayden taunts Roxie to reach for Cora, then she stomps Roxie down. Kayden grabs Roxie’s arms and PULLS them back!

Roxie endures, Kayden stomps her, and NXT returns to single picture. Kayden whips Roxie into the corner, runs in and blocks Roxie’s boots. Kayden spins Roxie around into the ropes, tag to Katana, and DRAPING BACKSTABBER! Kayden holds Roxie in place as Katana goes up, DOUBLE STOMPS! Cover, TWO! Katana is growing frustrated and she tags Kayden in. Kayden drags Roxie from Cora, stands on her foot again, then turns Roxie over into a BOSTON CRAB! Roxie endures, Kayden keeps one leg, and she taunts Toxic Attraction. Jacy taunts Kayden back by showing off her hip wiggle. Fans rally for Roxie, Kayden drags her away and tags Katana.

Katana drops down on Roxie, gets the legs for herself, BOSTON CRAB! Roxie endures all over again! But she crawls forward, only for Katana to drag her away again! Roxie powers up, rolls Katana, TWO!! Katana hurries to get the legs, and she drags Roxie away again. Roxie tosses Katana away! Hot tags to Kayden and Cora! Cora rallies on Kayden, then RANAS! Cora DECKS Katana, ENZIGURIS Kayden, then SHINING WIZARDS against ropes! Cover, TWO! Cora is annoyed again but she drags Kayden back up. Fans rally, Kayden ROCKS Cora! Cora ROCKS Kayden, Kayden SUPERKICKS Cora! Cora DECKS Kayden but falls over, too!

Both women crawl and fans fire up again! Fans rally for “Women’s Wrestling!” Roxie tags in, but Kayden dodges to SUPERKICK! Katana is still down so Kayden has to DECK Cora! Kayden drags Roxie over, Katana is back and she tags in! KC Squared sets up, HUMAN HI- NO, Cora yanks Kayden down and Katana has to bail out of the 450! Roxie hops on, for POP ROX!! Cover, Cora & Roxie win!!

Winners: Cora Jade & Roxanne Perez, by pinfall (NEW #1 contenders to the NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships)

No Breakout Contract needed, #JadeRox are heading to the Great American Bash with this! Will they be able to finally dethrone Toxic Attraction?


The Diamond Mine trains together.

Specifically, Julius & Brutus Creed work on counters while Ivy Nile observes. But then Joe Gacy and The Dyad “come in peace,” because they feel compelled to tell the brothers that if Roderick Strong doesn’t appreciate them, Gacy does. Gacy will welcome them into the fold, just like he did his druids. Julius isn’t sure how Gacy found his way in here, but on behalf of the entire Diamond Mine, they’re not sipping the Kool-Aid. There may be arguments in the group, but Diamond Mine is forever. Strong is glad to hear that. Gacy is such an idiot. Diamond Mine is a family. The strongest in all of NXT! And they’ll show Gacy that strength. Whenever, wherever, they’re ready!

Gacy senses hostility, but not with him. It’s within them. They all want to prove they’re a family? Then we’ll see it tonight. Okay, then! Will Gacy & The Dyad break under the pressure? Strong hugs it out with the Creeds and then fist bumps Damon Kemp. Is Diamond Mine truly forever?


Backstage interview with Toxic Attraction.

We now know it will be Gigi & Jacy VS Cora & Roxie for the NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships, but Jacy says of course we know, they were watching, too. And she wants to say that she was so… unimpressed. If Cora & Roxie bring that level of performance next week, The Great American Bash will be even easier than they thought. And on the matter of Cora & Roxie being BFFs, Gigi points out they’ve beaten best friends before, as well as enemies and frenemies. Toxic Attraction’s beaten them all, this will be no different. Mandy says “Little Miss Breakout” should’ve just gone and used her contract in the first place.

But if Roxie even thinks she can hold onto that contract for Mandy, no no no. But then Nikkita Lyons walks in! She says Roxie wouldn’t even have the contract if Lyons finished the tournament. But guess we’ll never know. One thing Lyons knows is that she’s back in action, and her eyes are on Mandy. Uh, all eyes are on Mandy all the time, honey. But it sounds like Lyons wants to roar. Well find out tonight, because when you step in the ring with Mandy, SHE is queen of the jungle! Will the Toxic Goddess back up that talk? Or will Mandy find herself in the Lyons den instead?


Giovanni Vinci VS Ikemen Jiro!

The Pride of Italy is fast, strong, and has a sense of style, but is he #StyleStrong? The Handsome One wants to put him to the test! But will Jiro find out that in life, it’s #VeniVidiVinci?

NXT returns and Jiro makes his entrance. The bell rings, Jiro cartwheels but Vinci stays clear. They tie up, Vinci hammerlocks and pushes Jiro, then eggs him on. Jiro circles with Vinci, they tie up, and Vinci wrenches an arm. Vinci wristlocks, Jiro spins through and slips through to armlock back. Jiro hammerlocks but Vinci drop toeholds and walks all over Jiro. Fans boo but Jiro kips up! JACKET PUNCH! JACKET PUNCH! But Vinci gets around to GERMAN SUPLEX! Vinci frowns and puts Jiro in a corner. Vinci CHOPS Jiro and Jiro is stinging! Vinci CHOPS again, then keeps Jiro cornered to CHOP him again!

Fans “WOO~!” while Jiro spasms from how sharp those chops were! Fans want those “One More Time!” but Vinci scoops Jiro. Jiro slips off to SOBAT, JACKET PUNCH, and DISCUS PUNCH! Jiro is still stinging but he whips corner to corner. Vinci reverses, Jiro slips out and GAMANGIRIS! Fans fire up and Jiro slingshots to ARABIAN FLOP as Vinci moves! Vinci springboards to FLYING DDT!! Jiro is dazed and Vinci gets right up! Fans lose their minds over how awesome that was and Vinci reels Jiro in. Vinci gets Jiro up, for the SIT-OUT BOMB! Cover, Vinci wins!

Winner: Giovanni Vinci, by pinfall

Another dominant win with some serious style! Has Vinci proved he’s not only #StyleStrong, but that he has what it takes to hold gold?


Fallon Henley, Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen are in the back.

And the good ol’ boys are the NEW NXT UK Tag Team Champions! Briggs & Jensen are back stateside after that historic Fatal 4, what will they have to say about being Yanks with UK gold?


Backstage interview with Carmelo Hayes & Trick Williams.

After last week’s big title victory, McKenzie asks the North American Champion how he plans to keep his momentum going. Melo says the question should be, “How did you become The A Champion without even trying?” Trick says that’s a great question, and Melo says it takes things like hustle, swagger, loyalty, confidence, and disrespect. All of those things make you the A Champion. That is why no one will get one over on him, no one can tell him a damn thing, and why every rule has an exception, when you’re an exceptional talent. But then Grayson Waller walks in and says what a big win over Tony D’Angelo, and all by himself! What, all by himself? YES, all by himself!

But the brass knuckles- What? Brass knuckles? You mean bare knuckles! Anyway, what’s Waller up to? Well, he’s a little embarrassed, but all his mates back home are big Melo fans, so could he sign some things for them? Sure, sure, they love the kids. Waller took care of Solo, Melo can do this. Melo signs a basketball, and then a shirt for Waller’s mom, and some pictures for Jimmy. He’s jacked in these 8×10’s, y’know? Waller thanks Melo for this and heads out. Melo says this is why he likes Waller. But is Waller really doing this just for his friends? Or is he up to something devious?


Briggs, Jensen & Fallon head to the ring!

The NEW NXT UK Tag Team Champions and the Cowgirl strut out and fans chant, “You Deserve It!” Jensen says it for himself, “AND NEW~!” No, no, you gotta say it harder, they didn’t hear you in the back. “AND NEW~ NXT UK Tag Team Champions~!” Briggs says y’all know they love to fight, so they crossed continents and fought the best the UK had to offer. They put up a hell of a fight, but y’all best believe they brought it all right back to ’em! “U S A! U S A!” Briggs says to Ashton Smith & Oliver Carter, injuries are part of the game, so when those guys return, the rematch is waiting for them.

Jensen asks Briggs if he remembers the first time they met. Briggs looked Jensen square in the eyes and said, “You got a lot of potential, kid. Wanna roll with me?” And ever since, Jensen has busted his ass for the great fans here right now! And he busts his ass for Briggs! So right here, in front of the world, Jensen thanks Briggs for picking him. The two hug it out and fans cheer. Even Fallon looks a bit touched. Briggs say she is proud of Jensen. Fans chant again, “You Deserve It!” Briggs says there’s still one thing left they have to do now that they have these gorgeous tag team titles! Fallon says, “Let’s drink some beer!”

But just as the party gets started, here come Pretty Deadly! Kit Wilson says, “You have GOT to be kidding me!” Briggs & Jensen are NXT UK Tag Team Champions? Elton Prince says, “Those titles were once gorgeous, because they were made that way by the two tastiest snacks in NXT. And now they’re being spoiled by the grubby hands of American trailer trash!” They should at least wipe them clean of the country dirt and swamp water! They probably smell, too. No, definitely! Jensen says the only thing he smells is an Alabama ass-whooping coming to Pretty Deadly. Wilson mocks Jensen, “Ah smell’n Alabama ass-whooping comin’ to you, ROLL TIDE~!”

The fans actually chant “Roll Tide,” but Prince tells “you two Muppets don’t deserve those titles.” All Briggs & Jensen have done is lower the bar. And now, there’s only one team that can raise them up again. That is the former NXT UK Tag Team Champions, #YESBOY, who held those belts for a GLORIOUS 287 days! Alright, Zoolander twins, SHUT UP! Brooks & Briggs know the lineage. And there are a lot of great teams who’ve held them. But Pretty Deadly ain’t one of ’em! #YESBOY! But the fact is, they’ll be fighting champions both here and in the UK, so talk all you want, or… they can get to fighting!

Actually, hold on. The champs will make that decision for Pretty Deadly. Jensen DECKS Prince! Wilson goes after him but Briggs is on him with a waistlock! Atomic drop, and Fallon SLAPS Wilson! Then Briggs lariats Wilson out, Jensen throws Prince out, and then the champs BLAST Prince onto Wilson! Pretty Deadly is in retreat, but will the British be coming for those belts at the Great American Bash?


Bron Breakker speaks.

“NXT is my life! It’s time for me to step up and be a leader. In the ring, my veins are bulging, my heart is pumping, it’s a white knuckle thrill-ride.” The high-energy, high-intensity and high-impact TWO-TIME NXT Champion is ready to prove why he is champion, but he’ll be face-to-face with his next challenger, Cameron Grimes, later tonight!


Kayden & Katana storm into the women’s locker room.

“Every freakin’ time!” Kayden is so sick of this! Katana says they’re better than those two AND Toxic Attraction! Okay, what’s Tatum Paxley looking at them for? Nothing, just giving them space. Well mind your own damn space then! Uh, don’t get at Tatum just cuz you lost. Tatum heads out and KC Squared says no one is on their level. But will they be able to prove that?


Indi Hartwell VS Kiana James!

Everyone knows #IndiWrestling is always #IMPRESSIVE, but it seems The Calculator needs to see that data first hand. Will Kiana get her numbers crunched tonight?

NXT returns and Kiana makes her entrance. The bell rings and the two tie up. Indi wrenches, wristlocks, but Kiana wrenches back. Kiana taunts Indi but Indi slips around to a waistlock. Kiana reaches out, gets the ropes and she bucks Indi off. Indi says she’s smarter, but then Indi rushes in. Kiana kicks, Indi blocks, but Kiana uses that to reel Indi in for a headlock. Kiana wrenches, wristlocks, but Indi arm-drags! Indi taunts Kiana, then arm-drags her again and again. Kiana avoids the third, but not the leg sweep! Cover, ONE! Indi arm-drags again and she grinds Kiana down. Fans rally as Indi grinds the arm, but Kiana moves around.

Kiana gets up, whips but Indi reverses! Kiana bumps off buckles, Indi fireman’s carries to SNAKE EYES! Indi reels Kiana in to put her on the apron, then has her in the ropes! But Kiana HOTSHOTS Indi down! Kiana stomps away on Indi, dusts herself off, and again says she’s smarter. Kiana RAMS into Indi, shoves her down, then covers, TWO! Kiana clamps on body scissors but fans rally as Indi endures. Indi fights back to get a cover, TWO! Kiana CLUBS away on Indi, but Indi throws elbows back. Fans rally, Indi pushes back, TWO! Indi runs to BOOT Kiana down! Fans rally, Indi rallies with big shoulder tackles!

Indi blocks a kick, throws Kiana down then CLUBS her and DECKS her! Kiana gets to the apron, Indi has her in the ropes to UPPERCUT and BOOT! Kiana flops down, Indi covers, TWO! Indi grows a bit frustrated but she grabs at Kiana’s legs. Kiana kicks her away, runs in, but into a fireman’s carry! Kiana slips off, shoves Indi, but Indi goes up and out to DECK Kiana again! Fans fire up as Indi springboards, but the Pretty Savage FLOPS as Kiana moves! Kiana trips Indi, high stacks, with feet on the ropes! The ref doesn’t see it, Kiana wins!!

Winner: Kiana James, by pinfall

Kiana talks trash, having used her brain and a lot of cheating to get this win! Will Indi be able to rebound after Kiana stole that win?


Tony D’Angelo and The Family meet at a bridge.

And with a splash into the water, it seems Two Dimes just got dropped. Tony gave him the world, and what did he do? He made a move for his chair. But now, Dimes sleeps with the fishes. The stupid mug. But then a call comes in. Tony answers, and it’s Santos Escobar. Escobar asks if he’s talking to the new North American Champion, Tony D. Oh, real funny, wise guy! Tony tosses his phone! He’s done with this! Will The Done find a way to avenge himself against Legado del Fantasma?


Wes Lee speaks.

“Last week, I was in the middle of the ring, pouring my heart out. Baring my soul. And Trick Williams ruins my moment. Trick, your biggest mistake is thinking that my honesty and openness to my feelings makes me soft. The fact that I wear my heart on my sleeve makes me weak? Bing bang, dog. It’s all strength. And next week, at the Great American Bash, you will see that strength on full display, and I will have no pity for you because of how you disrespected me as a man. No one and no thing will stop me from finding my inner peace in that ring, especially not Trick Williams.”


Six Man Tag: Roderick Strong & The Creed Brothers VS Joe Gacy & The Dyad!

It is time to see whose bonds are strongest! Will it truly be Diamond Mine Forever? Or will Mr. Inclusion and his hooded henchmen prove there are cracks in that foundation?

NXT returns and Gacy’s trio makes their entrance. The teams sort out and Strong starts against Gacy. These two circle, tie up, and Gacy powers Strong back. Strong wrenches an arm to a wristlock, but Gacy spins and wrenches back. Gacy headlocks, Strong powers up and out, but Gacy runs Strong over. Things speed up, Strong bypasses to waistlock and wrangle Gacy down! Strong clinches, Gacy fights the head ‘n’ arm, and he powers Gacy into the corner. The taller druid tags in and fans chant “Gibson Sucks!” Do they know something Diamond Mine doesn’t? The taller druid mugs Strong, scoops him, but Strong slips off to half nelson!

The druid, “Dyad 1” fights free but Strong hip tosses him down! Tag to Brutus, Strong feeds Dyad 1 to Brutus’ fireman’s carry takeover! Brutus clamps onto an arm but Dyad 1 pulls hair to put Brutus in a corner. The ref counts, Dyad 1 lets off with cheap shots! Dyad 1 whips but Brutus reverses to gut wrench suplex! Brutus drags Dyad 1 up in a waistlock but Dyad 1 wrenches out to a wristlock. Brutus counters with a hip toss! Tag to Julius and Julius gut wrench SLAMS Brutus onto Dyad 1! Brutus & Julius pinball the druid between their knees, then Julius pushes the druid over. Tag to Brutus, and they pinball him with knees again.

Brutus paces, tags Julius back in, and then Julius throws in another knee. Dyad 1 gets out of the ring and Gacy tells him that just as he trusts in Gacy, Gacy trusts in him. He can get back in there and show them “the new you.” Dyad 1 nods and gets in. Julius shoots in, waistlocks, but Dyad 1 switches to ripcord and short arm LARIAT! Dyad 1 drags Julius up for another LARIAT! Dyad 1 rains down forearms, then clamps on a forearm chinbar! Julius endures, Dyad 1 drives in an elbow then wraps on a chinlock. Fans rally, Julius fights up, but Dyad 1 ROCKS him! Tag to the other druid, and the Dyad CLOBBER Julius! Cover, TWO!

Strong coaches Julius but the second druid, “Dyad 2,” clamps onto his head! Julius gets free and trips Dyad 2, but Dyad 2 shifts to crossface forearm! Dyad 2 ROCKS Julius to the corner, tag to Gacy! They mug Julius, Gacy RAMS into him, but lets off as the ref counts. Gacy drags Julius up to ROCK him. Julius shoves Gacy but Gacy ROCKS him again. Tag to Dyad 2 and he mugs Julius. Dyad 2 scoops but Julius cradle counters, TWO! Dyad 2 CLOBBERS Julius! Dyad 2 drags Julius away from Diamond Mine to throw forearms. Dyad 2 reaches down, but Julius suplexes him from the floor?! And HOLDS HIM UP!

Fans fire up as Julius stands up while still holding Dyad 2 up! Gacy and Dyad 1 save Dyad 2, but then Strong and Brutus go after them! And Diamond Mine hits a TRIPLE SUPLEX! Fans fire up and Diamond Mine CLOBBERS the Dyad out of the ring! Gacy runs in but he gets DOUBLE ELBOWS from the Creeds! Julius DROPKICKS Gacy out and fans fire up! Gacy and his druids regroup while NXT goes picture in picture.

The ref has everyone calm down, and Gacy talks with his minions. Julius waits and Gacy encourages Dyad 2 to bring the fight. Dyad 2 gets in, Strong tags in, and they circle. Strong dodges Dyad 2 to waistlock and SLAM! Strong clamps on with a chinlock, CLUBS Dyad 2. then pulls on the hold! Strong hooks an arm, turns Dyad 2 over and stomps him! Strong CHOPS Dyad 2 in the corner, then CHOPS him again! Brutus tags in, Diamond Mine CLUBS Dyad 2 down together, and Brutus facelocks. Dyad 2 powers Brutus all the way to the corner and Gacy tags in! They mug Brutus, Gacy wrenches and grinds the arm, but Brutus stays up.

Fans rally, Gacy keeps on the arm, but Brutus fights up to his feet. Brutus moves around but Gacy wrangles him again. Gacy grins as he grinds the arm, but Brutus fights back up. Gacy wrangles him again, keeps on the arm, and Brutus fights up to turn things around on Gacy! NXT returns to single picture and they go around but Gacy headbutts free! Brutus uppercuts back then gut wrench suplexes! Brutus swings on the druids but they get away, and Gacy CHOP BLOCKS Brutus’ leg! Gacy hits a DDT, then covers, TWO! Gacy shouts at Julius and Strong, then brings Brutus up to CHOP! Tag to Dyad 1, fans boo as they mug Brutus.

Dyad 1 throws forearms, Brutus hits back. Dyad 1 hits low, whips Brutus to the corner, but Brutus fights his way out! Dyad 1 kicks low again, then tags Dyad 2. Dyad 2 tags Gacy, and the druids hold Brutus up for Gacy to hang like a bat! They want Brutus to look into the wild eyes of Gacy! Then a feed to the URENAGE! Cover, TWO! Brutus survives but Gacy drags Brutus up. Gacy CHOPS Brutus, ROCKS him, then clinches. Brutus throws body shots and uppercuts but Gacy CHOPS! Gacy throws hands, tags Dyad 2, but Brutus barrels through! Brutus reaches out but Dyad 2 drops an elbow on him!

Dyad 2 stays between Brutus and the Mine with a NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Dyad 2 looms over Brutus but fans rally up. Dyad 2 throws hands, tags Dyad 1, and they mug Brutus again. Dyad 1 claws at Brutus’ face then clamps on a chinlock. Brutus endures, fans rally up again, and Brutus fights up. Dyad 1 thrashes him around but Brutus still gets up, Dyad 1 knees low, CLUBS Brutus, then sucker punches Strong! Tag to Dyad 2. they double whip Brutus, but Brutus holds ropes and BOOTS back! Brutus ROCKS one, evades the other and shoves him away, tag to Julius! Julius DECKS Gacy, then hit an EXPLODER on Dyad 2!

BELLY2BELLY for Dyad 1! Julius DECKS Dyad 2, then deadlifts into the Canadian Rock, for a SPINNING TOSS! Fans fire up with Julius and he runs in to hit the ROLLING SPINEBUSTER! Straps come down, but Strong tags in! Strong JUMP KNEES Dyad 2! Diamond Mine argues again, because Julius had this! Strong tells him to obey orders, but Gacy runs in! Brutus POUNCES Gacy to save Strong! Now Strong is mad at Brutus! The Dyad pull a switcheroo! Dyad 1 gets around, Strong waistlocks, but now Dyad 2 tags in! Strong rolls up Dyad 1, but Dyad 2 deadlift suplexes him! The Dyad coordinate, HANGING DDT!! Cover, Gacy’s team wins!

Winners: Joe Gacy & The Dyad, by pinfall

A massive win for Gacy and his team, because maybe they’re right! Diamond Mine is cracking, and it’s all because of Strong’s ego! The Creeds tell Strong that, and Ivy Nile can’t help but sigh. Will any of this get through to Strong? Or will the cracks become fissures and bring the Diamond Mine down?


Melo & Trick head out.

But McKenzie catches up to them to ask some more questions before next week. Trick says he knows all about next week’s match with “Afro Thunder.” But Trick says the bigger, badder man is gonna beat that bum into oblivion at the Bash! It is what it is! No, McKenzie was asking Melo about defending the North American Championship next week against Waller. Wait, what? Who? They’re boys! Apparently a contract was signed by both Waller and Melo so the match is official. Sign what? THAT SNAKE! He tricked you into signing all that stuff, and there’s probably NO Jimmy! Well tell Waller that when you play Melo, you play yourself! Melo is walking into the Bash as champion, and walking out with that W and still A Champion!


NXT Medical has an update on Alba Fyre.

After the trauma to her throat from the baseball bat, the doctors have- Lash Legend pushes the doctor aside to take over. Due to the brutal beatdown that ya girl, the one and only, you can’t clone her, Lash put on the firemaker, Fyre is on the shelf permanently. And that’s how Fyre found out that Lash doesn’t just talk the talk, she walks the walk and makes everyone’s mouths drop. So NXT, stay outta her way, okay? But is “permanent” the official diagnosis? Or will Fyre rise like a phoenix and show Lash who the real legend is?


Everyone in Diamond Mine is upset.

Brutus says they can’t be losing like that! Julius tosses a table while Brutus asks how they even lost! Strong asks them what the hell! They had them beat, on the same page, but all the Creeds had to do was listen! All they do IS listen to him! Well then they’re not hearing what he’s saying! What is he even talking about?! Julius tells Strong that they’re not going on and on about this. They listen to him, do what he says to a T, and he still points blame at them! Oh, that sounds like an excuse. But Strong has no choice! He’s gonna teach them first hand! Strong & Kemp VS The Creeds, Great American Bash, FOR THE NXT TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS!

Kemp stares at the Creeds, then leaves with Strong. Either way, Diamond Mine stays golden, but will it matter when it all comes crumbling down?


Sanga VS Xyon Quinn!

In a battle of fighting gentlemen, there will be no manners! Will Sanga bring the thunder? Or will Xyon #RunItStraight, and run straight through Sanga?

Well, speaking of no manners, Xyon attacks Sanga at the ramp, and from behind! These two brawl, fans fire up and refs rush out! Sanga and Xyon don’t listen to any of the officials, will this sort out after the break?

NXT returns and the refs finally get this back in the ring. They sound the bell and clear out! Xyon slips out to avoid Sanga, and then Xyon wants Sanga to back off. Sanga argues with the ref and Xyon gets in to sucker punch him! Xyon HEADBUTTS Sanga, then HEADBUTTS him again! Xyon runs and BOOTS Sanga, but Sanga staggers to ropes. Xyon storms up but Sanga throws big haymakers! Xyon ducks the back hand to ROCK Sanga with body shots! Xyon kicks, runs, and RAMS! Sanga stays up, then he runs Xyon over! Sanga wants Xyon to get up, and then he bumps Xyon off buckles. And again! And again! Sanga CLOBBERS Xyon!

Xyon staggers against ropes, Sanga clotheslines Xyon out! Sanga goes out after Xyon to put him back in, but Xyon KICKS Sanga as he returns. Xyon puts Sanga on the ropes to CHOKE him! The ref counts, Xyon lets off, and then Xyon YANKS the ropes to jam Sanga up! Sanga just gets pissed! Xyon wants Sanga to cool off, but then he kicks low. Sanga blocks, spins Xyon around and CLUBS him right on the neck! Xyon falls and Sanga brings Xyon up. Sanga scoops, SNAKE EYES, and Xyon flounders around. Sanga scoops Xyon again, SNAKE EYES of another corner! Xyon manages to stand but Sanga CLUBS him again!

Fans want that “ONE MORE TIME!” so Sanga hauls Xyon up to scoop and SLAM! Sanga runs but Xyon avoid the elbow drop! Xyon runs, to RAM Sanga down! Cover, ONE!! Xyon is furious but he hurries to clamp onto Sanga. Sanga endures, fans rally up, and Sanga fights up. Sanga pries the hold open but Xyon CLUBS him on the chest! And CLUBS him again! Sanga fights the hold again but Xyon CLUBS him more. Fans rally, Sanga fights up, and Sanga breaks free. Xyon CLUBS Sanga, hops on for a SLEEPER, but Sanga RAMS Xyon into buckles! Sanga is free but Xyon BOOTS him from behind!

Xyon storms up but into a back elbow! Sanga clamps onto Xyon with a half nelson chinbar! Xyon endures, but Sanga whips him to ropes to LARIAT him down! Sanga drags Xyon up, scoops him again, and SLAMS him down again! Sanga roars and fans fire up! Sanga slashes his throat and says this is over. Sanga choke grips Xyon for a CHOKE SLAM! Cover, Sanga wins!

Winner: Sanga, by pinfall

Sanga proves he will not be bullied or mocked. Will Sanga destroy whoever is put in his path to the top?


Wendy Choo is restless.

She can’t sleep because Tiffany Stratton’s stuck up attitude is haunting her. Tiffany says Wendy is just jealous, but then Wendy remembers all the fun she had getting one over on Tiffany, multiple times. Wendy wakes up, brushes her teeth, and thinks to herself. If Tiffany thinks Wendy looks stupid, even though Wendy isn’t stupid, doesn’t that make Tiffany stupid? Well, Wendy tells Tiffany to listen up. Wendy gets under your skin, goes for the pin, and gets the win! See you at the Bash, “Tiff-Tiff!”


Nikkita Lyons VS Mandy Rose w/ Toxic Attraction!

The Women’s Breakout Tournament would have been very different had Lyons made it to the end. But will Lyons take a shortcut by pinning the Toxic NXT Women’s Champion? Or will Mandy be able to send Lyons to the back of the line?

The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, Lyons powers Mandy back then throws her around! They stay hooked up, Lyons throws Mandy again, and then they get up again. Fans rally behind Lyons as she puts Mandy on the ropes, and Lyons lets off at 4. Mandy storms up, waistlocks, but Lyons pries free to wrench to a double wristlock throw. Lyons kips up and fans fire up while Gigi & Jacy coach Mandy. Lyons runs in but Mandy kicks out the bad leg! Mandy stands Lyons up to CLUB away on her in the corner, but Lyons shoves her away. Mandy talks trash on Lyons but Lyons KICKS Mandy’s leg!

Mandy falls over, Lyons RAMS her into a corner. Lyons RAMS into Mandy again, lets off at 4 to RAM into her again, then she TOSSES Mandy across the ring! Lyons runs in to SPLASH in the corner, and then TOSSES Mandy the other way! Another SPLASH, and Lyons TOSSES Mandy again! Gigi & Jacy get Mandy out of the ring and wants Lyons to wait as NXT goes to break.

NXT returns and Mandy has Lyons’ leg, but Lyons kicks her away with the other! Lyons tackles Mandy and rains down forearms! Mandy turns it around to give those shots back! Lyons kicks Mandy away again but Mandy gets the bad leg to stomp it! And pull on it for a HEEL HOOK! Lyons endures, moves around, and sits up to throw forearms! Mandy lets go and Lyons pushes Mandy down for more ground ‘n’ pound! Mandy shoves Lyons away and rains down shots in return! But Lyons catches Mandy to an ARMBAR! Mandy scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! Lyons lets go quickly and Mandy KICKS the bad leg out!

Lyons gets up, Mandy talks more trash, “You are nobody!” Mandy pie faces Lyons, and again, but Lyons gets pissed. Lyons blocks Mandy’s slap to stand up! Lyons ELBOWS Mandy, then LARIATS! And ROUNDHOUSES! And ROUNDHOUSES again! Lyons roars and fans fire up as she SPLASHES Mandy in the corner! GERMAN SUPLEX! Mandy flounders, Lyons drags Mandy around to a cover, TWO! Lyons keeps close to Mandy, brings her up to put in the corner, and Lyons hoists Mandy up top. Lyons climbs up after Mandy, throws forearms, then CLUBS away. Mandy CLUBS Lyons in return, shoves her down, and adjusts on the top!

Lyons stands, into the missile dropkick! Fans fire up as Lyons gets back up, and she avoids the knee! Lyons KICKS Mandy’s leg, the other leg, then HEEL KICKS Mandy down! Gigi and Jacy get in! Lyons BOOTS Gigi but Jacy CHOP BLOCKS Lyons!

Winner: Nikkita Lyons, by disqualification

Toxic Attraction don’t care about the win or loss, they just want to hurt Lyons! They mug Lyons, sit her up, and Mandy SLAPS Lyons! Mandy says Lyons will never- But then Cora and Roxie show up! They SUPERKICK Mandy down! Gigi & Jacy drag Mandy away before Lyons can get her revenge! Will Cora & Roxie finally humble the beehive that is Toxic Attraction?


Solo Sikoa vents backstage.

He can’t believe he lost to Waller last week. The turnbuckle pad being snatched of all things. Solo had that won and everyone knew it. Apollo Crews says he’s been there plenty of times. Solo will get Waller back for that so he should hold his head high. Apollo knows Solo has something special. Solo says that means a lot coming from Apollo. But Xyon walks in and says what’s the point of taking the advice of Apollo? Apollo asks Xyon, “Have we met?” Xyon tells Apollo it has been three years since he’s been here. A lot has changed in NXT. If Apollo has come to turn a new leaf, then he should just leave.

Apollo says, “Who’s the one giving out advice now?” Xyon says if Apollo really wants to become the perfect superstar, he should accept that he can’t. Because that’s Xyon. Oh, really? Xyon is 6’3″, handsome, athletic, can pull of a suit. He’ll be in TV shows and all that. Okay, okay, Xyon must’ve been practicing that pitch, huh? Sounds rehearsed. But yes, on paper, Xyon’s future is bright. Xyon probably sees it, right? But from what Apollo sees, it isn’t. Will Apollo show Xyon just who here is the “perfect superstar?”


JD McDonagh speaks.

“They say nice guys finish last. Maybe that explains why I always finish in first. I’m a genuinely mild-mannered guy, but nothing upsets me more than when my athletic IQ is challenged. I’m upset when I’m in that ring, and I am tired of seeing guys taking plays out of my playbook. So I’m going to let you know what I’ve kept secret: I’m the necessary evil needed to bring balance to NXT. I’m not just the Ace in the UK, I’m the Ace everywhere I go. See you real soon.”


Wade Barrett is in the ring.

“Ladies and gentlemen, next week, at the Great American Bash, the NXT Championship will be on the line, so without further ado, please welcome the challenger, Cameron Grimes!” The Carolina Caveman makes his entrance, shakes Barrett’s hand, and then Barrett introduces the champion, Bron Breakker! The Big Booty Nephew makes his entrance and fans bark it up. Barrett says next week- Bron says respectfully, he and Grimes can handle this. They’re just going to talk. Barrett bows out and Bron says he has had the great honor defending this title against a lot of great superstars, but something about Grimes is different.

Grimes will bring it, they will both leave it all in the ring, because Grimes has everything to gain and nothing to lose. Grimes says it may seem that way, right? But for Bron, next week is just another big defense. What’s the worst that happens if he loses? He is still Bron Breakker! He loses that belt, he’ll surely be brought up to Raw or SmackDown. Bron loses the belt and probably gets put on SummerSlam! Grimes lost his North American Championship, and instead of going back for that, he decided to go all in on Bron Breakker. That’s what makes them different. Grimes knows he has no back-up plan. If he loses this match, that’s it for him.

But Grimes figures Bron must know about back-up plans, considering this was the back-up plan. Bron wanted to be in football, but then the Ravens said and told him he’s not good enough. Bron then called up his dad and told him, “Daddy, please! I always wanted to be in the WWE~!” And now, here he is. Bron says, “Wow, man! I did not expect that from you. What, you wanna bring my father into this?” Grimes is just speaking truth. Bron says we all know what happened the last time someone brought up Bron’s family. Fans cheer and bark, and Bron says he thought this was about respect. Grimes can say what he wants with his cheap suit and phony smile, it won’t change anything.

Next week, Cameron Grimes is going TO THE MOON~, but he won’t like what he finds when he gets there. Bron will just spear Grimes in half! Grimes says unlike those guys Bron was talking on the field, Grimes gets knocked down but gets right back up! Bron may knock Grimes down again but Grimes will get up. And if Bron does it again, Grimes will get back up! Well Grimes can keep getting up, because Bron will keep knocking him down and make him regret challenging him! Then when they’re done, Grimes can call his buddy, Ted DeBiase and ask him what to do. Grimes smirks but Bron says he’s bigger, stronger and faster.

Yeah, we get it! We all see it! But what Bron doesn’t have, and Grimes will say it until his lungs run out of air, Bron doesn’t have heart! Not like Grimes has! But it isn’t Bron’s fault. It’s just genetics. Daddy didn’t have heart, neither!  That’s why Rick was never world champion, and that’s why he- Bron grabs Grimes by the neck! No more talk, Bron lifts Grimes! Grimes slips out and gets to a corner, Bron runs in but is sent hard into buckles! Bron being bigger and stronger backfires, and Grimes RAMS him in again! The buckle pops off and the whole top rope is down! Fans lose their minds and even Grimes is shocked at what just happened!

Refs rush out, and Bron is clutching one of his shoulders. Grimes tells Bron that at 100%, Grimes can’t beat him. But it looks like he isn’t 100%. Grimes tells the medics to make sure Bron is still okay to compete, because Grimes wants to take that title TO~ THE~ MOON! Will Grimes finally break through by breaking Bron?

My Thoughts:

A pretty good episode, especially as the go-home to next week’s Great American Bash special. But it sure feels like there are a lot of promos these days. Wes Lee called out Trick for a match next week, Lash talked trash on Fyre to set up a “miraculous” return from Fyre, and we got another vignette from Jordan Devlin McDonagh to hype up his move to NXT USA. I did like the trick Waller pulled off by giving Melo a ton of things to sign. I guess the title match contract was somewhere in all those 8x10s, though I couldn’t tell. Melo VS Waller will be a very good title match but I would think Melo retains. Wendy had a good vignette promo to call out Tiffany, they’ll have a good match but is it really GAB worth?

I give NXT credit for explaining away the release of Troy “Two Dimes” Donovan, but it seems surprising that Dimes tried to go after Tony. It was a bit weak that Escobar called Tony to troll him, though. I would’ve tried to make it that Legado did something to Dimes to add to the heat between the factions. Either way, Tony should get a new henchmen so we can still have a Six Man Tag rematch. And a good promo from Briggs, Jensen & Fallon to celebrate the tag title win, and then a good interaction and brawl with Pretty Deadly. The Great American Bash is already pretty stacked, so maybe the NXT UK Tag Team Championships end up closer to SummerSlam week.

The closing segment of Bron and Grimes was pretty good. The promos were alright, with Grimes recycling a bit of what he said before, and as Bron pointed out, recycling some of what Gacy used. But breaking off the top rope was a great spot to go with, and how Bron’s shoulder is kayfabe hurt now. It’ll put the pressure back on Bron since even Grimes admits Bron is the physical favorite when 100%. Grimes touting Bron could be called-up to RawDown after losing is a natural conclusion to draw, but I don’t see it happening yet because I don’t see Bron losing the title again so soon. As I’ve said before, it feels like they booked Bron into a tough spot because he got to the top so fast.

Match card wise, it felt backwards to me on some level. The NXT Women’s Tag Team Championship Contender’s match is important, shouldn’t it have been later in the night? But at the same time, WWE likes to open strong and that was a very good opening match. Cora & Roxie win to mostly preserve Roxie’s Breakout contract, just as Mandy mocked her for doing. KC Squared seems to be making a Heel turn as they got attitude with the other women in the locker room. Toxic Attraction had a decent promo to call Cora & Roxie out, and a good interaction with Lyons. Lyons VS Mandy being the main event match worked out to be a good go-home segment, but perhaps the women’s title stays off the Bash because again, this is a pretty full card as it is.

Sanga wins in a decent match, but for the brawl starting it off hot, it kinda turned into a slog. But Xyon uses the loss to get attitude with Apollo, and that will be a great match. Indi losing to Kiana was a surprise, but it seems they want Indi to take the slow burn to finally getting the top title. And of course Vinci wins against Jiro, Vinci has a strong push behind him, and he will surely want after a title as soon as Great American Bash is over. Why else would they keep him in NXT and rebrand him when he could’ve just been with Imperium on SmackDown?

And we got a good promo segment from Diamond Mine and Gacy’s group, but maybe only a fairly good Six Man Tag. It was mostly difficult to type “Dyad 1” and “Dyad 2” all the time, and not just wanting to write “druid,” or even “Gibson” and “Drake” since it is so obvious that’s them in those hoods. Gibson & Drake just need to be revealed already. And though Gacy & Dyad got the win, I’m surprised we’re getting the Diamond Mine fighting over the tag titles first. I have a feeling the Creeds retain, and that could be the breaking point for Diamond Mine, which Gacy then takes advantage of so that we get Creeds VS Dyads for SummerSlam week.

My Score: 8.2/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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