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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (6/2/22)

NXT UK Tag Title Triple Threat!



Do the numbers spell disaster for Moustache Mountain?

Tyler Bate & Trent Seven once again defend their NXT UK Tag Team Championships against Ashton Smith & Oliver Carter, AND NOW Die Familie! Will the Big Strong Boy & The Artful Dodger be dethroned?


  • Sam Gradwell VS Von Wagner; Wagner wins.
  • Stevie Turner VS Angel Hayze; Turner wins.
  • NXT UK Tag Team Championships Triple Threat: Moustache Mountain VS Ashton Smith & Oliver Carter VS Die Familie; Smith & Carter win and become the new NXT UK Tag Team Champions.


Sam Gradwell VS Von Wagner!

The Thunderstorm saw the Neanderthal getting a big head and decided to step up. But then he saw footage of Von tossing people like pillows and realized there’s actually something there. Will Wagner’s World take over NXT UK? Or will Gradwell still rattle Von’s jowls, wobble his kidneys, and send him back to the States sore from head to toe?

The bell rings and Von grins but Gradwell talks some trash. Von pie faces but then Gradwell dodges the haymaker to fire haymakers! Von knees low, scoops, but Gradwell slips off to kick low and fire off more haymakers! Von whips Gradwell to DECK him with a right! Von then springboard stomps Gradwell again and again! Von drags Gradwell to the apron to CLUB him! And CLUB him again! Fans boo as Von gets back in. Von CLUBS and drops an elbow! Fans chant for “UK! UK!” as Yankee Von drops more elbows! Gradwell sputters but huffs as he gets up. Gradwell throws forearms, Von knees low and whips to then scoop Gradwell on the rebound! FALL AWAY SLAM!

Von roars but fans boo. Von drags Gradwell up but Gradwell fires off hands! Von blocks the whip to reverse it and CLOBBER Gradwell! Cover, TWO! Von clamps on with an armlock and chinlock but fans rally. Gradwell endures, Von CLUBS him down. Gradwell fights up, pries free of the chinlock, but Von KNEES him in the back! Von whips, Gradwell stops himself to back elbow! Gradwell dodges, fires off more forearms, but Von whips again. Von picks Gradwell up into a BEARHUG! Gradwell endures, tries to pry free but Von holds tight. Gradwell throws elbows into Von’s head! Von shoves, Gradwell rebounds to sunset flip, but Von stays up!

Von rains down fists, picks Gradwell back up into a bearhug, but Gradwell fights with more elbows. Fans rally, Gradwell throws haymakers! Von shoves Gradwell away but Gradwell dodges the boot to CHOP! And haymaker! And CHOP! Von clinches to then choke grip! Gradwell breaks free, then ROLLING ELBOWS! Von wobbles, but he grabs at Gradwell’s leg. Gradwell slaps Von’s hands away, runs, dodges, and CLOBBERS Von! Fans fire up with Gradwell, he aims from the corner and goes up, to FLYING FOREARM! Fans fire up as Von goes down, and Gradwell kips up! Gradwell scoops to SLAM Von, but that took a lot out of him! Gradwell crawls to the cover, TWO!

Fans rally up, Gradwell drags Von to CLUB him over and over and over! Gradwell underhooks the arms but Von wrenches out. Gradwell ROCKS Von, but runs into a clinch! Von turns it into a LIFTING COMPLETE SHOT! Cover, TWO!! Gradwell survives and fans rally up! Von looms over Gradwell, drags him up, and Gradwell pulls an ear! Gradwell SLAPS Von, but he’s the one who sits down. Gradwell eggs Von on! Von drags Gradwell up for a short arm LARIAT! Fans boo but Von says he’s going to elevate this one! Von gets Gradwell up, trophy lift, but Gradwell slips off before the toss! Gradwell hops on for a SLEEPER! Gradwell has body scissors, too!

Fans fire up as Von starts to fade! Von fights back up, pops Gradwell around to a fireman’s carry, DEATH VALLEY NECKBREAKER! Cover, VON WINS!

Winner: Von Wagner, by pinfall

The Thunderstorm almost had it but he couldn’t strike Von down! Will we all have to admit that this is Wagner’s World, and we’re just living in it?


NXT UK Media catch up with Xia Brookside & Eliza Alexander.

Xia & Lizzie are in good moods, but they’re asked about their “questionable tactics” in their match with Amale & Angel Hayze. The mood is soured as Xia says they’re a tag team, and as Daddy Brookside says, when you’re a tag team, you’re going to work together and- But then Amale barges in and says she is so done with them. They’re unable to win without cheating! And is this who Daddy got for Xia? A babysitter? This is ridiculous! We all know Xia can’t win on her own! Even Eliza does. They think they’re living in Amale’s head? Well then time to pay the rent! Amale wants to take Eliza 1v1, and then she’ll go after Xia!

Amale leaves while Xia pouts, but Xia says Eliza will be fine. Eliza says of course, they don’t get who Amale thinks she is. But will the French Hope leave Lizzie Evo without a prayer?


Ivy Nile speaks.

“You can put me in any time zone. Any country. I’m gonna work harder than any other woman in this industry. Meiko Satomura, you are a living legend, and I have 26 years of film to study. You have none of mine. Nobody outworks Ivy Nile. I’m taking this one home to Diamond Mine.” Will the Diamond Pitbull dig down deep and strike gold? Or will even the Female Titan lose to the Final Boss?


NXT UK Media catches up with Mark Andrews.

How is he feeling about his coming up match with Kenny Williams. Great! His shoulder is almost 100%, but it’s really the mindset. Oi! Kenny’s trying to undo the tires on Mark’s car! Kenny drops the tire iron to brawl with Mark and security rushes over! Kenny says Mark will get his! And watching from the background is Tiger Turan! Will Kenny Cockroach have to watch his back while trying to keep eyes on Andrews?


Stevie Turner VS Angel Hayze!

The Fourth Dimensional Superstar has been trying to find her footing, but so has her opponent. Will Turner bend time and space to get success? Or will Angel leave her lost in a haze?

The bell rings and fans rally for Hayze as she ties up with Turner. They’re in a deadlock, Hayze arm-drags Turner away but Turner complains that Hayze used Turner’s armband against her. The ref didn’t see that, so Turner throws that armband at Hayze! Then she BOOTS Hayze to the corner! Fans boo as Turner stomps a mudhole into Hayze. Turner lets off as the ref counts, fans rally up for Hayze but Turner CLUBS her. Turner wrenches and whips Hayze to a corner but Hayze goes up and over. Hayze dodges Turner’s boot and rolls Turner up, ONE! Hayze sobats, runs, and SHOTGUNS Turner down! Cover, TWO!

Hayze drags Turner up and facelocks but Turner pulls hair! The ref reprimands, Turner wrenches and ROCKS Hayze! Turner pie faces Hayze, runs, and KNEE LIFTS! Cover, TWO! Turner snarls and she scuffs Hayze. Fans rally but Turner kicks Hayze to ropes. Turner gives Hayze some scrapes of the boot, then runs side to side to BOOT WASH! Turner is fired up and she drags Hayze up. Fans still rally for Hayze, but Turner hits the HANGMAN NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Turner is annoyed but she drags Hayze around to clamp on a chinlock. Turner also digs her knee into Hayze, but Hayze endures.

Fans rally, Hayze fights her way up, and she throws body shots! Hayze ROCKS Turner with a right, then dodges the boot! Turner gets caught in the ropes, she rushes after Hayze but into a JAWBRAEKER! Hayze fires forearm after forearm, and a ROLLING ELBOW! Hayze runs and CLOBBERS Turner! Then back body blocks in the corner! Hayze keeps moving, SLINGBLADE! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up behind Hayze but Turner reels her in! Hayze breaks free, Turner follows and BOOTS Hayze down! Turner smirks as she drags Hayze up, MASS EFFECT! Cover, Turner wins!

Winner: Stevie Turner, by pinfall

Turner raises her own hand in victory and looks confidant enough to keep this momentum going. Will she finally build up the energy she needs to go after the gold again?


NXT UK shares footage from after last week’s episode.

Meiko Satomura was there as Emilia McKenzie returned backstage. Millie apologized to Meiko for losing to Lash Legend. She’s let herself down and she let Meiko down as her teacher. Meiko says Millie should be stronger, more confident and work harder to get better. The Final Boss doesn’t coddle her protégé, but will #SuplexMillie be able to rise back up from this loss?


The East End Bookie speaks.

“OI OI! Welcome back to East End Bookies. And the market’s just opened. Because in two weeks’ time, Wolfgang and Damon Kemp-” Noam Dar has Sha Samuels not open the market to this one. We all know the outcome. They shouldn’t steal people’s money here. Wolfgang and Damon Kemp are fake friends. Dar & Sha are real friends. They know nothing about each other while Dar & Sha know everything about each other. What is Dar’s favorite food? That’s an easy one! Haggis and falafel! Sha’s favorite drinks? Lager and cider! Who’re the best at this! Dar & Sha! Who runs this place? Dar & Sha!

Dar tells Kemp that if Wolfgang was really a friend, he’d think twice about putting Kemp in front of Dar & Sha for target practice. “We are the wrong ones to send for. Thank you, buh-bye.” “EAST~!” These two go out to party, but will their friendship be tested against the Last King of Scotland and the Diamond Gopher?


NXT UK Tag Team Championships Triple Threat: Moustache Mountain VS Ashton Smith & Oliver Carter VS Die Familie!

They say all tag teams are created equal. But you look at Tyler Bate & Trent Seven and you see that statement is not true! But now, the odds drastic go down for the champions because while they’ve been able to hold off one team at a time, they’ve got to worry about two! Will Moustache Mountain take that 33 and one-third chance of winning and make it 100? Will the third time be the charm for the Hottest Tag Team Under the Sun? Or will The Evil Eye help Teoman see a way for him and Rohan Raja to take these belts away from them all?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see who can defy the odds to stand atop the tag team mountain!

In this Triple Threat, one match starts for each team! Bate, Carter and Teoman step up, and fans fire up as the three stare down. They circle around, each man testing the waters. They triple knuckle lock, Bate kicks Carter then wrenches Teoman, but Carter headlocks Teoman so Bate gets Carter for a cravat. Teoman is free, Carter gets free and Teoman throws Bate down by his hair! Teoman goes for Bate’s leg but Carter rolls Teoman up! Bate sunset flips Carter  but Teoman ghost pins Bate! Carter pushes that over to cover Teoman, but Bate drags Carter into the underhooks! Teoman pushes Carter away to sweep Bate’s legs!

Carter sweeps Teoman’s legs! Teoman avoids the scissor kick but Carter avoids the sliding forearm! Bate puts Bop up but Teoman scrambles away from Bang! Fans fire up for this triple standoff! Bate, Carter and Teoman reset, Toeman kicks Carter but Bate turns him around. Teoman forearms and headlocks, Bate powers out but Teoman runs Carter over. Things speed up, Teoman has to step over both Bate and Carter, and then both Bate and Carter hurdle over Teoman! Carter and Bate DOUBLE HIP TOSS Teoman, then they work together, ASSISTED SENTON! Fans fire up and Bate and Carter even “jinkies,” AKA the mustache tweeze salute.

But then Carter kicks at Bate! Bate blocks, spins Carter and kicks back. Bate EuroUppers, then tags Seven. They double whip Carter, double shoulder tackle, and then Bate gives Seven the ASSISTED SENTON! Seven covers, TWO! Seven brings Carter up, whips but Carter revers. Carter runs in, TIGER WALL KICK, and then Carter taunts Seven with the belt motion. Seven runs in but into an arm-drag! Seven hip tosses back, Teoman returns but into a scoop SLAM! Seven runs to drop a leg, brother! Raja tags in, Carter LEG LARIATS Seven! Carter blocks Raja’s boot to spin him and LARIAT! Fans fire up and Carter tags Smith.

Carter catapults Raja into Smith’s scoop, to snake eyes off Carter’s boots! Smith then LARIATS Raja down, but Seven CHOPS him! Smith EuroUppers! Seven CHOPS! Raja fires forearms on them both but Seven CHOPS Raja! Smith EuroUppers Seven, Raja forearms Smith! Seven DOUBLE CHOPS then CHOPS more! He fakes Raja out, DDT! Smith comes back and whips Seven to POWERSLAM! Fans fire up and “WOOP!” as Smith brings Seven up. Smith whips, Die Familie trip Seven and drag him into the apron! They mug Seven but Smith baseball slides in, only for Raja to trap him, too! Die Familie mugs both Seven and Smith!

Fans boo but Bate and Carter storm over. They get Die Familie to let off, Raja puts Smith in while Teoman RAMS Seven into barriers! Raja stomps away on Smith, then sucker punches Bate! And he BOOTS Carter! Tag to Teoman, they feed Smith into the BACKBREAKER and POP-UP SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Smith grits his teeth, Seven gets in but Teoman kicks low. Teoman throws hands, puts Seven in the corner, tag to Raja. Teoman CHOPS Seven, whips Raja in and Raja SPLASHES! Feed to the ROLLING ELBOW! Cover, TWO! Fans rally but Raja drags Seven up. Raja DECKS Seven, stomps him around, then tags Teoman.

Teoman paces around while Raja gets Seven up. Seven CHOPS, shoves, CHOPS more, but then Teoman sweeps the legs! Basement dropkick! Raja gator rolls Seven up to snap suplex! Teoman covers, TWO! Fans rally, Teoman DECKS Smith and sends him back out of the ring! Teoman gets Seven up, brings him around but Seven CLUBS away on Teoman and CHOPS! Teoman still has Seven’s wrist and whips him to the corner, but Seven uses that to DECK Raja! Seven tries to get past Teoman but Teoman grabs his arm again. Bate and Seven reach out, but Seven CHOPS Teoman! Teoman gets a hold of Seven’s foot! Seven ENZIGURIS! Hot tag to Bate!

The Big Strong Boy rallies on Teoman, and on Smith! He fires off big haymakers on both men back and forth! He dodges Teoman and Teoman DECKS Smith, Bate RANAS Teoman! Smith is in one corner, Teoman the other, and Bate winds up. Bate uppercuts Smith! Teoman dodges but Bate boots, and knee lifts! Smith runs in but into a BOOT! Bate goes up, leaps over Smith and FLYING UPPERCUTS Teoman! Bate then turns around to get Smith for an EXPLODER! Fans fire up while everyone is down, but then Bate kips up! Bate snarls, STANDING SHOOTING STAR on Smith! Cover, Teoman stomps it apart!

Teoman roars but fans boo as he stalks Bate. Teoman is after an arm, Bate rolls free. Teoman dodges, handsprings, back elbow takes Bate down! Bate springs up and rebounds, ROLLING HEEL KICK! Fans fire up again as Bate brings Teoman up. Smith runs in to DOUBLE LARIAT! Fans fire up again as Smith to tags Carter! Springboard DOUBLE MISSILE DROPKICK! Carter fires up, he runs in to WHEEL KICK Teoman! Carter runs in at Bate but falls for the classic boot and knee lift! Bate goes up, but Carter NO HANDS RANAS! And then SCISSOR KICK! Oliverooni! Teoman stumbles into the BOOKEND! Cover, TWO!!

PENALTY KICK! Tag to Smith, they coordinate, ASSISTED MOONSAULT! Cover, Teoman SLAMS Carter onto the pin! Raja saves this for Die Familie but also Moustache Mountain. Carter fires off hands on Raja but Raja blocks the whip. Carter breaks free, but runs into a SCRAPBUSTER! Bate tags Seven, Seven BACKHANDS Raja, SNAP DRAGON! Smith runs in to spin Seven and RAM shoulders, then short arm LARIAT! Smith puts Seven in the corner and hoists him up top. Smith climbs, Seven fights back, and Bate joins in! Seven shoves Smith into Bate’s waistlock! Smith switches, shoves, but Bate dodges to REBOUND LARIAT!

SOBAT for Teoman, Bate rebounds but Teoman dodges! Only to run into a HUGE pop-up, fireman’s carry! Bate starts up the AIRPLANE SPIN! But Teoman slips free to wrangle Bate down for the CROSSFACE! Bate endures while Smith climbs up after Seven! Seven and Smith brawl, Carter gets in to LIONSAULT the crossface apart! Smith has control of Seven as Carter FLIES to take out Raja! But wait, Seven turns things around, SUPER EMERALD FLOSION!! Cover, TWO!?! Smith survives and the fans are loving “NXT! NXT!” for this one! Seven and Smith slowly rise in the ring, fans rally up and Seven clamps onto Smith’s shoulders.

Seven ripcords, but Smith breaks free. Raja BACKSTABBERS to send Smith tumbling! Seven SUPERKICKS Smith! But Carter tags in! Carter ROCKS Seven, but Seven BACKHANDS again! Seven ripcords but Carter reels Seven in first! Seven elbows the Bookend away but Carter kicks. Seven blocks and flips Carter, only for Carter to ROLLING AX KICK! QUEBRADA into the BACKHAND! Seven torture racks Carter and Bate is up top! FLYING KNEE BIRMINGHAMMER!! Seven hurries to cover, but Teoman SLIDING FOREARMS! Teoman covers Carter, but Bate breaks it! Teoman is furious but “This is Awesome!”

Raja has had it, he grabs one of the title belts! Raja slides that to Teoman and then gets in. Bate CLOBBERS Raja, rushes Teoman but Teoman tosses Bate out! Smith tags in and Teoman grins at the belt. Teoman swings but misses! Smith clobbers Teoman, SEVEN STAR LARIAT!! Cover, TWO!?!? Seven is furious! But then he sees the belt. Seven stops the ref from confiscating the belt, and Triple Threats are No Disqualifications. How can Seven break a rule when there are no rules to break? But there is also such a thing as honor. Seven aims at Smith with the belt, but BATE is the one to stop Seven! Bate doesn’t want to win like this!

Carter DIVES onto Bate! Smith rolls Seven, SMITH & CARTER WIN!!!

Winners: Ashton Smith & Oliver Carter, by pinfall (NEW NXT UK Tag Team Champions)

Seven is stunned! Seven was willing to sell his soul, but has instead lost the gold! Will Smith & Carter be Ready And Forward, Always Forward as the Freshest Tag Team Champions in NXT UK?

Bate sits with Seven as the celebration moves on. They argue about what each man was doing, and Bate says they can’t win like that! Seven doesn’t want to listen, he is DONE! Seven says he told Bate that if they lost the belts, this was done. Bate can’t believe this! All their years together, over just because they lost the tag titles? Will Seven come to his senses once he’s cooled off? Or is he tearing down Moustache Mountain once and for all?

My Thoughts:

What a great episode for NXT UK. Great opener from Gradwell and Von but I’d figured Von would win. Von’s push is going to be in both NXT UK and NXT USA, he’s one of Vince’s guys here in the 2.0 Era. Ivy Nile is probably the only 2.0 visitor that won’t win, because she’s going up against Meiko. Good enough promo from her, though Ivy needs to work on not being robotic in tone. Meiko also has a decent promo with Millie, Meiko’s stern style could be what compels Millie to not just go after the title but even turn on Meiko at some point. And a good match between Turner and Hayze to simply keep Turner going in the midcard.

Pretty good interaction between Amale, Xia and Eliza, I hope there will be a ringside ban enforced on Amale’s matches with each of them to make a point that the Heels really can’t win without the other. Amale surely beats Eliza but her rematch with Xia could go either way. Xia could really up the Heel heat if she blatantly cheats on her own, like buckle pad tampering. Good promo from Sha & Dar to hype up their tag match with Wolfgang & Kemp, which will be a really fun match because Kemp has proven he can go. Fans may not take to him in NXT UK since Kemp is American, but I think his ability will still impress them.

I really liked the interaction of Andrews and Kenny with Mark foiling Kenny’s car prank. Tiger Turan stalking Kenny seems to be the thing, that HAS to be Amir Jordan, I am just waiting for when Kenny pulls that mask off and reveals him. And we got a great Triple Threat Tag, and I love that they chose to go with the one-man-each form. Everyone looked really good, and what a great finish with Seven wanting to use the belts but Bate stopping him. Smith & Carter are the right ones to win, they can feud with Die Familie moving forward while we see Moustache Mountain fall apart. I didn’t want to see Bate VS Seven when we started down this path, but now that we’re here, it’s going to be wild stuff.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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