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Mitchell’s WWE NXT UK Results & Report! (6/23/22)

Smith & Carter have their first defense!



A couple Yanks get an NXT UK Tag Team Championship match!

Another wave of Americans visits NXT UK! Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen hit the ground running as they challenge Smith & Carter for the tag titles! But will they bring these belts to the USA? Or will they stay with the UK?


  • Isla Dawn VS Myla Grace; Dawn wins.
  • Sarray VS Nina Samuels; Sarray wins.
  • NXT UK Tag Team Championships: Ashton Smith & Oliver Carter VS Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen w/ Fallon Henley; changed to…
  • Vacant NXT UK Tag Team Championships Fatal 4 Way Elimination Match: Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen VS Die Familie VS Mark Andrews & Wild Boar VS Dave Mastiff & Jack Starz; Briggs & Jensen win and become the new NXT UK Tag Team Champions.


Ashton Smith & Oliver Carter head to the ring!

The NEW NXT UK Tag Team Champions are set to face the good ol’ boys from the US, but they’re starting off the night on the mic. It is apparent that Smith has a brace on his leg, so there might be some explaining to do. Fans chant, “You Deserve It!” in reference to Smith & Carter finally winning the titles, but Smith wants everyone to listen for a moment. He appreciates and loves every single one of the fans here, and thinking back, a few years ago, he was at the lowest point of his career. He couldn’t buy a win, and sometimes he didn’t even make the card. But the worst thing was, he beat himself up bad over it, thinking that no one comes to the shows to watch Ashton Smith wrestle.

But that changed when Oliver Carter stepped in and became Smith’s tag team partner. As soon as that happened, there was a light at the end of the tunnel and Smith could entertain with a smile on his face. Ever since Smith was a kid, he wanted to be a WWE champion. He watched the ending to their match back a hundred times, and he always sees the exact same thing: the reaction of the fans. The energy and the love they threw to him and Carter. Fans chant, “Always Forward!” Smith says this love and energy makes the struggle worth it. Smith is so proud to be here today and say “We did it! We are your NEW NXT UK Tag Team Champions!”

Fans cheer, but Smith has to say that at the same, all that makes what he has to say next twice as hard. In that match, he suffered a serious knee injury, rupturing his MCL. For that reason, Smith & Carter must now vacate the NXT UK Tag Team Championships. Smith & Carter were looking forward to doing nothing more than to defend these titles against Briggs & Jensen. But now they are letting everyone down. Smith has been dreading getting in this ring, looking Carter in the eye, and letting him down. Carter says no no no, let’s get it straight. Smith hasn’t let anyone down, and especially not Carter.

Their main goal was always to become champions, and they said they’d do anything to do that! Three years ago, Carter walked up to Smith and they created a bond. They became friends, brothers, and champions! Carter loves Smith, and wants him to know that anything he does or decides, Carter will always have his back! Smith thanks Carter for that, but the fact is, Smith now needs time to heal. But just remember, Carter is the Hottest Superstar Under the Sun, the Freshest Flavor on the Brand, and Smith can’t wait for us all to see how great Carter can be. Smith will support Carter not just as his number one fan, but as a brother.

And when the time is right, Smith will return with a fire in his belly bigger than anyone has ever seen before! No one can tell Smith he can’t achieve his dream twice! So that being said, they introduce the Assistant General Manager, Sid Scala. Sid walks out, and Sid speaks on behalf of himself and Johnny Saint. They have seen the medical reports, and the circumstances are indeed unfortunate. This brand needs tag team champions, so with heavy hearts, the tag titles are given to Sid. Smith tells Sid that before that, Smith wants Sid to do them one more favor: say it one more time.

Sid nods and says, “NXT UK Universe, please sure you appreciation for the tag team champions, Oliver Carter & Ashton Smith!” Fans cheer and chant, “Still Our Champions!” Sid takes the belts back from Smith & Carter, and Smith & Carter head out. When and where will we see Smith make his return? And as for the titles, they are vacant. Sid and Saint have been in meeting- Wait, here comes Die Familie! Teoman, Rohan Raja & Charlie Dempsey are here, and Raja says they never lost that Triple Threat. So therefore, those titles should be theirs! Sid can declare Die Familie as the NEW NXT UK Tag Team Champions!

Fans chant “NO! NO! NO!” and Sid tells them that while he understands their point of view, they’re not the only team hungry for titles. And speaking of, here come Briggs & Jensen! They were supposed to have a title match, but they’re not alone! Here comes Mark Andrews & Wild Boar in a new formation of South Wales Subculture! And not only them, but Dave Mastiff & Jack Starz! Sid then announces that in tonight’s new main event, we will see Die Familie VS Briggs & Jensen VS Andrews & Boar VS Starz & Mastiff in a FATAL 4 WAY ELIMINATION TAG to crown NEW NXT UK Tag Team Champions! Fans are fired up, but who of these four become the ones with the gold?


Sarray visits Meiko Satomura’s dressing room.

She knocks on the door then enters, and Meiko is very happy to see Sarray. Meiko officially welcomes Sarray and Sarray thanks her. Meiko wishes Sarray good luck and Sarray says she’ll do her best. Meiko then tells Emilia McKenzie that Sarray isn’t the only visitor. Next week, Millie takes on Fallon Henley. Meiko hopes to see Emilia’s fighting spirit. Emilia nods, and takes in a deep breath. Can #SuplexMillie make her mentor proud against the Cowgirl?


NXT UK Media catches up with Sha Samuels.

What brings him by BT Sports Studio this week? Well, he’s here to make some money and take some bets! A bookie’s work is never- But then Sha spots Sid and asks him what’s up with last week. Wolfgang used a scarf against Sha! Scarves are foreign objects. That match should be stricken from the record. Better yet, reverse the decision, Sha & Dar win by disqualification. Sid says no, that match stands. Well, then give Sha a 1v1 match with Wolfgang. That’s fine. Yeah, cuz if Wolfgang was here right now, Sha would embarrass him! Make him look a right mug, put him in the Butcher’s Hook, and make him squeal like a pig!

Wolfgang’s behind Sha, isn’t he? Yep. Sha looks over and puts Sid between him and Wolfgang. Wolfgang heard what Sha said, so he wants to make things interesting. With money, that is. Sha says Sid can make the match, Sha will embarrass him! Gallus is no more and Kemp’s back in America! This will be 1v1! Wolfgang lets Sha talk and talk, only digging the hole deeper. Will Sha end up in the red against the Last King of Scotland?


Isla Dawn VS Myla Grace!

The Wicked Witch of NXT UK returns after her loss to Meiko Satomura in her own World of Darkness match. Will Isla take out her anger on Grace here tonight? Or will Grace help Dawn see the light?

The bell rings and fans rally for Grace as she circles with Dawn. They approach, Dawn pie faces Grace but Grace ties up with her. Dawn throws Grace down hard, then grins at her. Grace gets up, gets around, but Dawn fights the lift. Grace trips Dawn, runs and hops on for a rolling ghost pin! TWO, and Dawn slips around Grace to backslide! TWO, Grace has a sunset flip! TWO, and Grace slips around to crucifix. Dawn stays up, throws Grace off, but Grace slides under while getting a pump handle! Grace then rolls to trip Dawn, and she basement dropkicks! Dawn bails out and is flustered while fans fire up for Grace!

Grace goes up the ropes but Dawn HOTSHOTS her! Fans boo but Dawn gets in to dropkick Grace down! Dawn kicks Grace around, drags her up by her pigtails, then puts her in a corner. Dawn gets in Grace’s face and digs her fingers in, but lets off as the ref counts. Grace kicks Dawn back, but Dawn brings her in for a clinch. Grace breaks free and ROCKS Dawn with a forearm! Dawn kicks Grace’s leg out, then runs in to METEORA Grace into buckles! Cover, TWO! Grace is still in this but Dawn snarls as she sits her up. Dawn clamps on a chinlock and Grace endures, but the fans rally up. Dawn shifts into a chicken wing, then a motorcycle stretch!

Grace endures, Dawn JAMS her knee in! Grace still endures, fights her way up, but Dawn drags her back down! Fans still rally as Grace still endures her arms being pulled back! Grace fights up again, turns Dawn around, but Dawn turns her back! Grace flips to kangaroo kick free! Dawn rebounds but Grace dodges the lariat to rally with clotheslines! Fans fire up and Grace drops a leg! Dawn flounders to a corner, Grace runs in but Dawn dodges. Grace goes up the buckles, comes back and tilt-o-whirls to headscissor Dawn away! Dawn gets to the ropes, Grace runs in to 619 her in the stomach! Grace brings Dawn over, steps in and TORNADO DDTs! Cover, TWO!!

Grace is shocked and Dawn is fuming while fans rally up! Grace drags Dawn up, but Dawn throws body shots! Dawn wrenches, ROCKS Grace, then brings her around to whip into a corner. SHINING WIZARD! But Grace BOOTS back! Grace hops up top, leaps, but Dawn dodges and Grace FLOPS! ROUNDHOUSE! Dawn hooks Grace up, CALL OF THE QUARTERS! Cover, Dawn wins!

Winner: Isla Dawn, by pinfall

The Unholy Enchantress could not be stopped and she has a win! Will this be the dawn of a new rise to the top?


NXT UK has an update on Tyler Bate.

After the selfish betrayal of Trent Seven and the following attack, Tyler Bate needs time to come to terms with all this, and is taking a leave of absence from NXT UK. When and where will the Big Strong Boy be back again?


Kenny Williams is making another conspiracy web.

“The Masked Bozo. Someone’s messing with me!” Tiger Turan has been showing up around him, and Kenny claims it is to harass him. Kenny calls Tiger a coward. The Scum of the Earth will find out who Tiger Turan really is, and he will rip them limb from limb! But can Kenny Cockroach make the hunter become the hunted? Or is he falling right into Tiger Turan’s trap?


NXT UK Media catches up with Sid Scala.

How is he feeling about the new batch of visitors to NXT UK? Sid says it certainly will be a challenge, but- Noam Dar interrupts, carrying in his Heritage Cup trophy. Dar says he’s not here for trouble. In fact, he’s been thinking, and is a little concerned. “As your longest reigning Heritage Cup Champion, and simply the best to ever do it, I’ve become a victim of my own success. Anyone you’ve put in front of me, I’ve knocked down. I’ve cleaned out the entire division. There’s nobody left, and it makes me think, ‘What’s next? What’s next for me?’ And I’ve had an epiphany.” Like all the greats, Dar needs has to retire on top. He’ll put this on the mantle piece, ride off into the sunset-

Sid wants to stop Dar there but Dar says he knows what Sid is thinking and it is a fantastic idea. One final match! One more round! Picture this: A stadium filled with thousands and thousands of Supernova 11 fans; fireworks, confetti, and cake; and can you hear that? Fans chanting, “Please don’t go! Please don’t go!” Sid rolls his eyes, and Dar tells him to get on that. And of course, because it’ll be such a historic match, double pay please. Thank you, buh-bye. Dar heads out and Sid sighs. All the pomp and circumstance aside, will Dar get a challenger worthy of the Heritage Cup?


Sarray VS Nina Samuels!

The Warrior of the Sun is starting her time in NXT UK, and it seems the Leading Lady has elected herself the “welcoming committee.” Will Nina be able to shine in the spotlight? Or will she get burned like she did “welcoming” Ivy Nile?

The bell rings and the two rush in. Sarray roll Nina up, TWO, but then has a leg for a HALF CRAB! Fans rally, but Nina scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! Sarray lets off and Nina uses the ropes as a defense. Fans rally for Sarray as Nina comes back. Nina rushes in but Sarray blocks the clothesline to wrench and wristlock. Nina spins, but Sarray wrenches again! Fans rally, Nina cartwheels and arm-drags, but Sarray holds on! Fans cheer, Nina pulls hair and wrenches back. Nina yanks on the arm, but Sarray rolls, kips up and arm-drags Nina away! Then she SHOTGUNS Nina down! Fans fire up with Sarray as she runs, and CROSSBODIES!

But Nina catches Sarray for a BACKBREAKER! Nina stomps Sarray, fans duel, and Nina brings Sarray up to bump off buckles. Nina stomps a mudhole into Sarray but lets off as the ref counts. Nina then digs her boot into Sarray! The ref counts again, Nina lets off, and Sarray kicks back from below! Nina CLUBS Sarray, then drags her up to whip her corner to corner hard! Sarray drops to her knees but Nina brings her up to whip hard the other way! Sarray writhes and fans duel. Nina CHOKES Sarray on ropes, then makes her smile with fishhooks! The ref reprimands, Nina lets off but then bends Sarray against the ropes!

The ref counts, Nina lets off and dropkicks Sarray down! Cover, TWO! Nina is frustrated and she digs an elbow into Sarray’s back! Nina ties Sarray up, pulls on the legs, digs her elbows in again, but Sarray endures. Fans rally and Nina drops a knee into the back! Nina keeps on the legs, then she chinbars for the BOW ‘N’ ARROW! Sarray endures, pops free, and has a cover, TWO! Nina hurries to throw a hard body shot! Nina then scoops Sarray but Sarray slips off, gets around, and rolls Nina again, TWO! Sarray fires up and ROCKS Nina with a forearm! And another! And another! Sarray runs to dropkick the legs out!

Fans fire up and Sarray brings Nina around. Sarray gets Nina up, but her back holds her back! Nina CLUBS Sarray, lifts Sarray and RAMS her into the corner! Nina then hoists Sarray up top, ROCKS her with a forearm, then climbs up top. Sarray fires forearms back and HEADBUTTS Nina down! Nina wobbles, Sarray BOOTS her! Sarray then leaps, DOUBLE STOMP! Fans fire up with Sarray as Nina is on the ropes! Sarray kicks Nina, then runs side to side, DROPKICK OF THE SUN! Sarray isn’t done there, she gets Nina up for the SOLAR EXPLODER! Cover, Sarray wins!

Winner: Sarray, by pinfall

Another good “welcome” from Nina and another great win for the visitor! Sarray is shining bright, will she get a chance to challenge the Final Boss before her visit is over?


Blair Davenport speaks.

“This is Blair Davenport. I’m putting all of you on notice. Scared, Meiko? You should be. You have put me in a position where I have to show how cold-blooded I can be. I am the rightful heir to the NXT UK Women’s Championship. I am going to make it perfectly clear that Blair Davenport is back!” and she plans to do that, next week! Who will be the first to #BewareTheHeir?


NXT UK Media meets Sarray backstage.

They congratulate her on her first win in NXT UK. But then Xia Brookside & Eliza Alexander walk over, pretending to be excited for Sarray’s NXT UK arrival. They ask her a question, though. What the hecc is that? Oh, don’t touch the medallion, Eliza. You might turn into a Power Ranger or something, jumping around and glowing all over the place! But on a serious note, this is their brand, Sarray can’t just come here and take opportunities away from them. Got that? It is about time someone showed Sarray just whose division this is. Eliza steps closer, but in steps Meiko! Xia & Eliza back off and say everything is fine. Meiko commends Sarray on her win and helps her to the locker room. Will Meiko remind Xia & Eliza who really runs NXT UK?


Vacant NXT UK Tag Team Championships Fatal 4 Way Elimination Match: Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen VS Die Familie VS Mark Andrews & Wild Boar VS Dave Mastiff & Jack Starz!

All four teams are already in the ring for this historic moment in NXT UK! As unfortunate as it is that Smith & Carter lose the belts without even one defense, there will be NEW champions crowned tonight! The introductions for all four teams are made, the belts are raised, and only ONE team will remain to put their names in the history books!

Per this Fatal 4, only team teams are legal at any time. Starz and Andrews start for their teams, with Die Familie and the American visitors watching on the sidelines. Andrews and Starz tie up, Andrews headlocks, but Starz fights up. Andrews wrenches, wristlocks, but Starz rolls, cartwheels and WRINGS Andrews’ arm, only for Andrews to handspring through! Fans applaud the exchange, and the two tie up. Starz trips Andrews, gets a leg, but Andrews kicks him away! Raja tags in off Starz, so Starz must stand down. Raja kicks Andrews low, ROCKS him with a forearm, then clinches. Raja throws Andrews down hard, and grins as he brings Andrews up.

Raja scoops, Andrews slips off and shoves him to the South Wales corner. Andrews runs in, blocks Raja’s boot, and tags Boar! Andrews puts the leg in the ropes to hit it with a 619! Andrews then hits a DRAPING DRAGON SCREW, and Raja staggers into Boar’s clutches! Another DRAGON SCREW, and Raja is trapped in the corner. Boar gets the leg again, a third DRAGON SCREW! Raja scrambles up to his feet but Boar stands in the way of the Die Familie corner, so Raja tags out to Brooks Jensen. Brooks circles with Boar, and Boar kicks low! Boar fires off haymaker after haymaker, then whips. Brooks blocks, reverses and POWERSLAMS Boar down!

Brooks drops an elbow, Boar flounders and Brooks puts Boar in the good ol’ boys’ corner. CHOP LARIAT combo in the corner, and a tag to Josh Briggs! Briggs feeds Boar to Brooks’ atomic drop, and Brooks holds on for Briggs to BOOT Boar down! But Teoman tags in off Briggs, robbing him of his momentum. Teoman stomps Boar around, then throws down rabbit punches! Boar elbows Teoman, then clubs away with haymakers! Teoman scoops and SLAMS fast! Fans boo as Teoman snarls and whips Boar to the Die Familie corner. Tag to Raja, Die Familie stomps away on Boar, but lets off as the ref counts.

Teoman tags back in, Raja whips Boar back into their corner, and then Teoman whips Raja in for a SPLASH! Raja feeds Boar to Teoman’s hard body shot! Teoman soaks up the heat and taunts Andrews. Teoman DECKS Boar, then sucker punches Andrews! Teoman drags Boar up, whips him to his corner, but Boar comes back to CLBOBER Teoman! Boar ends up on the far side, tag to Mastiff! The Bomber ROCKS Teoman, reels him in and scoops to SLAM! Mastiff drags Teoman up, tags Starz, and they double whip Teoman to double HEADBUTT him down! Starz covers, TWO! Starz brings Teoman up to CLUB him to the Bomber corner, tag to Mastiff.

Starz RAMS Teoman, then Mastiff brings Starz around to RAM him into Teoman again! Tag back to Starz and Mastiff snapmares Teoman. Mastiff gives Starz another assist for BASEMENT UPPERCUT to Teoman’s back! Cover, TWO! Starz clamps onto Teoman with a chinlock and fans rally up. Teoman fights up, Starz yanks him back down. Starz pulls Teoman back, but Teoman fights up again. Teoman powers Starz into the Bomber corner and Mastiff tags back in. Starz holds Teoman for Mastiff to grab onto. Mastiff suplexes and he holds Teoman up for a count of 10, and with one arm, before the SLAM!

Fans applaud the show of strength, but Dempsey gets on the apron! Mastiff rushes over and Dempsey gets away, but Teoman attacks from behind! Mastiff doesn’t budge! Teoman wants to reach for Raja but Mastiff is in his way, so Teoman tags out to Briggs! So long as Teoman got away, he doesn’t care who is in. Briggs and Mastiff are the biggest men in this match and fans fire up as they stare down. But then Die Familie gets in to go after them both! But Mastiff and Briggs just ROCK them with beefy haymakers! Mastiff tosses Raja and Briggs tosses Teoman, and then go back to stare down with each other.

Mastiff and Briggs then realize they can keep this to their teams, so they both BLAST Boar and Andrews! Briggs fires up now, but then Mastiff DECKS Brooks! So Briggs DECKS Starz! Then they start throwing big forearms! Fans fire up as the shots go back and forth, DOUBLE LARIATS collide! Neither falls, so they run again! Teoman tags in off Mastiff, and DOUBLE LARIATS take Briggs and Mastiff down! Teoman hurries to kick Mastiff to the apron, and Raja is there for the apron skirt trap! Die Familia have Mastiff caught and they mug him at the apron! Fans boo, the ref reprimands, B0ar rushes over but Raja DECKS him!

Raja stomps Boar, then joins Teoman on the apron. They soak up the heat, but Briggs grins as he stands back up. He BLASTS Raja, choke grips Teoman, and CHOKE SLAMS him onto the group!! Fans fire up as Briggs wipes everyone out, but Andrews tags himself in! Briggs is annoyed, but Andrews GAMANGIRIS Briggs down! Andrews then hurries up top and takes aim at the group, SUPER FALLING TO PIECES onto them all! Fans are thunderous for “NXT! NXT!” as Andrews gets back up! Andrews puts Teoman in, then runs in to ROCK him with a forearm! Tag to Boar, and Boar runs to RAM into Teoman! Boar then sets up and Andrews runs in, POETRY IN MOTION!

Andrews feeds Teoman to Boar’s waistlock, SHOTGUN DROPKICK GERMAN SUPLEX! But Teoman flounders and Starz tags in! Starz sunset flips Boar but Boar rolls through to rain down fists, and HIP DROP on him! Boar wrenches Starz to a hammerlock and LARIAT! Cover, TWO!! Starz survives the Pepsi Twist, but Boar drags Starz over to tag Andrews. Mastiff hurries in but Boar SPEARS him into the corner! Andrews brings Starz up but Starz ROCKS Andrews with a EuroUpper! Even the Americans are stinging from that one! Starz DROPKICKS Boar, but Andrews gives him a SIDE EFFECT! Andrews hurries up top, FALLING TO PIECES! Cover, Mastiff SENTONS!!

Mastiff saves Starz but might have squashed him, too. Boar CANNONBALLS into Mastiff! Starz cradles Andrews, The Bombers ELIMINATE South Wales! They can’t believe it, but they’re the first out! But now Teoman rushes in to stomp away on Starz! The ref has him back off to check on Starz, but Teoman circles like a vulture. Fans rally and Starz grits his teeth as he gets up. Teoman kicks Starz low, but Starz fires forearms! Starz gets around, waistlocks, but Raja tags in before the O’Conner Roll! Raja gets Starz off Teoman to TOSS him out hard! Mastiff is upset, but the ref is busy with him while Dempsey CLOBBERS Starz!

Fans boo but Dempsey gets away with it. Raja fetches Starz and puts him in. Raja reels Starz in to RAM him into the Die Familie corner, and tag to Teoman. Raja whips Starz into the corner, then Teoman whips Raja in, only for Starz to dodge! Raja hits buckles, Starz SHOTGUNS Teoman! Teoman gets up, he tags Brooks, but Starz hot tags Mastiff! Mastiff rallies on Brooks, then back drops him! Mastiff throws JAB after JAB, but Brooks headlocks! Mastiff powers out and follows to CROSSBODY Brooks! Briggs gets in to check on Mastiff, but Mastiff CLOBBERS Briggs! And drops a SENTON! Briggs writhes his way out, Brooks comes back but into a GERMAN SUPLEX!

Brooks ends up in Die Familie territory and Raja tags in. But while the ref is busy with them, Dempsey trips up Starz! Mastiff notices Dempsey give Starz a GUT WRENCH SUPLEX! Starz clutches the bad leg, and Teoman rushes Mastiff! Mastiff DECKS Teoman, and he glares at Dempsey, but he turns around into Raja’s SEEK & DESTROY! Raja then adds another SEEK & DESTROY! Cover, Die Familie ELIMINATES the Bombers! Fans boo but we’re down to the final two! Die Familie grin as they look at Briggs & Brooks. Brooks wants in, and Briggs is reluctant, but his back is bothering him. Brooks tags himself in, right before Raja CLOBBERS Briggs!

Briggs falls against Brooks and down he goes! Die Familie stomp away on Briggs, not knowing about the tag! Brooks gets in and he fires off on Teoman! Briggs and Raja are on the outside, and Briggs BOOTS Raja down! Teoman RAMS Brooks into the corner, but Brooks puts Teoman on the outside. Briggs is back up but Teoman fights him off and BOOTS him into the POST! Briggs’ back only hurts more now, and Teoman grins. But he turns around into Brooks’ BIG hip toss! Brooks brings Teoman around, but he has to do this alone without Briggs! Brooks blocks a kick, headlocks, but Raja tags in as Teoman powers out!

Teoman drops down under Brooks and Raja KNEES Brooks from the apron! Teoman runs in to CLOBBER Brooks! Raja then brings Brooks up for a BRAINBUSTER!! Cover, TWO!! Brooks survives and fans fire up! Raja hurries to tag Teoman back in, and then Raja ripcords Brooks for Teoman’s ENZIGURI! Raja reels Brooks back in, SPINEBUSTER! Teoman covers, TWO!! Brooks survives again, but Teoman clamps on the CROSSFACE!! Brooks endures, fights as Teoman tries to add the cobra clutch, and fans fire up! Brooks stands, goes around with Teoman, and hits a BIG back suplex! Both men are down and fans rally again!

Briggs, bad back and all, stands up on the corner! He wants in, Brooks and Teoman crawl, hot tags to Raja and Briggs! Raja run sin but Briggs throws big haymakers on him and Teoman! And a BOOT for Raja! SIDEWALK SLAM and SPLASH for Teoman! Adrenaline helps Briggs fight through the pain and fans love it! But Dempsey distracts Briggs! Briggs swings on Dempsey, only for Raja to hit a BACKSTABBER! Raja tags Teoman in, then scoops Briggs! POWERSLAM NECKBREAKER COMBO!! Cover, Brooks breaks it!! Fans are thunderous as all four men are down in the center of the ring!

“This is Awesome!” as the teams stir and regroup. Raja drags Brooks up to TOSS him out! Raja goes back to the corner and Teoman grits his teeth as he stands up. Teoman DOUBLE STOMPS Briggs’ back! And DOUBLE STOMPS it again! Fans boo but Teoman DOUBLE STOMPS a third time! Then the CROSSFACE!! Briggs endures, reaches out, moves around with his good arm, but Teoman rains down elbows! CROSSFACE!! Briggs still reaches, but Teoman rolls him away!! Briggs fights it to a cover, TWO!! Teoman runs in, misses in the corner, and Briggs BACK DROPS! Hot tag to Brooks! Teoman tags out to Raja but Brooks fires off kicks and JABS on Raja!

Brooks ROLLING ELBOWS Raja down! Tag back to Briggs, but Dempsey and Teoman get on the apron to distract! Briggs & Jensen BOOT them both down! They then go back for Raja, HIGH LOW!! Cover, Briggs & Jensen win!!!

Winners: Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen, by pinfall (NEW NXT UK Tag Team Champions)

Incredible! The new NXT UK Tag Team Champions are the good ol’ boys from America! Briggs & Jensen have gold, and Fallon Henley is here to celebrate with them! Will Briggs & Jensen prove that country boys can survive?

My Thoughts:

A great episode of NXT UK, especially in light of the unfortunate injury to Ashton Smith. Hopefully Smith isn’t gone too long, but he had a great promo as he says “see you later,” and he’ll have a great return that fans will explode for. And as WWE has proven, they can come up with amazing stuff when they need to improvise and adapt. The Fatal 4 Way main event we got was awesome stuff, and with three Face teams and one Heel team, I really expected Die Familie to win this match. But instead, the match was crafted in such a way that the UK fans actually loved seeing the American guys win! Briggs & Brooks had the best match of their NXT careers, and it is great for them to be the champions. They can probably just make their whole time in NXT UK about defending these belts, and that’d be awesome.

Great promos from Sha and Wolfgang to set up their match, and from Dar to basically set up anyone taking him on for the Heritage Cup. But a shame that they didn’t do this in time for Damon Kemp to have his shot. He’s apparently back in the US full time right now, so no Dar VS Kemp for the cup. Who knows who Sid sets up for Dar here, but I wonder if there’s a US visitor they haven’t mentioned. If Dempsey were a Face, I’d have made it him and have Dempsey win so at least Die Familie has something. Then it was a nice detail to let us know that Tyler Bate is on “sabbatical” after what Trent Seven did to him, physically and emotionally.

Another good vignette for Blair Davenport but it wasn’t really any different from last week. Blair is definitely going to go on a win streak from her return until she’s a contender again. Kenny’s newest vignette to call out Tiger Turan was well-made, but again didn’t add that much to this story. Kenny VS Tiger is going to be a great match, though, and whether Kenny wins or loses, he has to unmask “The Masked Bozo” to expose him as Amir Jordan, He just has to.  Even if there’s a loophole that says Tiger Turan isn’t Amir Jordan, it has to be Amir under the mask. Then that can be a grudge match, maybe some form of No Disqualification match where Tiger/Amir gets his revenge.

We got good stuff out of the Women’s Division, especially with how we got two women’s matches here. Dawn VS Grace was a good return for Dawn and of course Dawn wins. But I have a feeling Dawn runs into Blair and loses as Blair makes her way up the ranks. Then we got a very good match from Nina VS Sarray, probably one of Nina’s better matches. Sarray of course gets the win, but I like the interactions she has with Meiko in this episode. The first on in Meiko’s room gave the feeling that Meiko is going to favor Sarray over her protégé, Millie, and that could make Millie jealous. Meiko also putting more pressure on Millie could add to that.

Then the backstage interaction, I sense Meiko & Sarray VS Xia & Eliza. Meiko & Sarray will win, and then Sarray will ask for a title shot and Meiko will oblige, and we’ll get an awesome match between two great Joshi wrestlers.

My Scores: 8.6/10

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!


Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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