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Andrew’s IMPACT Results & Match Ratings: 6.23.2022

The Slammiversary good vibes don’t get long to last! Against All Odds is 9 days away so we have a card to build! How is year 21 starting for IMPACT?



Slammiversary did exactly what it was billed to do! It celebrated the 20 years of TNA/IMPACT, gave us some solid matches, historic moments and just an overall damn good time. With that said, IMPACT loves to run an IMPACT Plus event like a week and a half after all their big PPVs, so now we have to work on Against All Odds quickly!

Where do we go with Honor No More? Do The Good Brothers stick around for a while? Will we see more Davey Richards? Who will challenge the new Knockouts singles and tag champions? One thing that was dropped a little early was that Joe Doering will be challenging for the IMPACT World Heavyweight title at Against All Odds. So the 2-time AJPW Triple Crown Champion will look to add some western major titles to his trophy case.

Let’s see where all this goes!


  • Chelsea Green w/Deonna Purrazzo vs Mia Yim: Mia wins via Protect Ya Neck – ***
  • Bhupinder Gujjar & Shark Boy vs Johnny Swinger & Zicky Dice: Gujjar wins via Gargoyle Spear – *
  • Deaner vs Josh Alexander: Josh wins via Grapevine Ankle Lock – * 1/2
  • Sami Callihan vs Jack Price: Sami wins via Cactus Driver ’97 – SQUASH
  • Honor No More (Eddie Edwards, Matt Taven & Mike Bennett w/Maria) vs The Briscoes & James Storm: Honor No More wins via Proton Pack – *** 1/4



Well Honor No More opens the show, with Maria telling Rehwoldt and Tom to shut up, they have something to say. Mike Bennett grabs one of the cameras to be the personal cameraman to the address. Starts off with Mike admiring his wife first and then Eddie starts talking. Starts claiming that Honor No More is the only thing that should be cheered in this company. 

Eddie eventually gets to his point, takes a shot at THEY didn’t get pinned…well…one person did, and blames PCO. Vincent stops things before they blow up and starts going over the shenanigans that happened in the match, like it was a conspiracy. Taven is saying IMPACT! trends because of Honor No More. He punctuates it well talking about how ROH would’ve folded in 2019 if it weren’t for him. He didn’t kill Ring of Honor, he saved Impact Wrestling. America’s Most Wanted show up to break up the bitchin’. 

Storm implies that him and Harris look more like wrestlers than Honor No More, they look like bums. You can hear Taven say “You shop at the flea market, and we look like bums?” – that’s a pretty good chirp. Kenny King rips into both of them, pretty well. Harris actually wants to talk now and has a Bachelorette punchline, which isn’t terrible. Harris says they made new friends at Slammiversary, and The Good Brothers come out to back up AMW. The Babyface Beer Drinkers attack Honor No More even if they’re outnumbered. The Briscoes also come in to save Chris Harris since apparently he made some kind of promise to his family that he wouldn’t wrestle anymore. So Vincent and Mike try to stalk the “retired” guy, and we get Tag Team Royalty against Honor No More. 

Chelsea Green w/Deonna Purrazzo vs Mia Yim

Chelsea aggressively goes after Mia, looks to maybe pull off the double wristclutch Curb Stomp but turns it into more of a stretch. Takes things to the outside, and Mia slows down Chelsea with a snap German Suplex before the commercial. We come back to a float over Cradle pin attempt from Mia, and only 2. Mia goes for the stretch ontop of the knees, Chelsea rolls off, and starts taking things back over.

Chelsea takes Mia from corner to corner, Mia tries to slow things down with the Tarantula, but Chelsea slips out and Yakuza Kicks Mia careening onto the floor. A little fun assistance from Deonna by clearing off spots, so it gets across their new team chemistry, and Chelsea continues to stay on top. Chelsea is pretty dominant until a Back Elbow and Pele Kick give Mia and opening. John Woo into the corner, Cannonball for a near fall. Mia tries Eat Defeat, Chelsea avoids, Running Stomp and multiple pinfall attempts to try to wear down Mia.

Getting cocky, Chelsea tries an Eat Defeat, and Mia makes her pay, lights her up with a few kicks and then a Spirit Bomb for 2. Mia goes up, Deonna makes her presence actually felt with the push off, Mickie runs down to equalize the numbers. Chelsea tries the Unpretty-her, Mia counters and Protect Ya Neck, with Mickie and Mia standing tall.

Bhupinder Gujjar & Shark Boy vs Johnny Swinger & Zicky Dice

Well I guess they stopped trying to give Gujjar a legit push and now he’s in a comedy tag match. Is this a way to try and get him some fan rub from Shark Boy? Maybe.

Goofy opening of course, Shark Boy gets in some of his classic offense before Swinger and Dice take a short cut to actually have a moment of competence. Shark Boy tags in Gujjar and Gujjar hot tag wrecking shop. Chummer from Shark Boy, Gargoyle Spear from Gujjar and no one is surprised.

Doering and Deaner charge the ring after the match and murder everyone in the match. We know Deaner faces Josh tonight and Doering has a title shot at Against All Odds. So the Josh Alexander call out, makes too much sense after the clearing. 

Even Stevie Wonder can see this breaks down, Doering sneaks Josh, a bit of a beatdown ensues. Joe kills a few security mooks and Josh demands the match now.

Deaner vs Josh Alexander

Deaner reassures Joe that he’s got it. Slides in, charges at the bell and then Josh blocks the attempt and starts taking it to Deaner. Deaner is getting dog walked, as we all expected. In typical fashion when they go to the outside, Deaner finds a quick shortcut to give him a tiny hope spot, but come on now.

There hasn’t been a lot of offense for Deaner, just a lot of avoiding signature spots from Josh. Triplicate Germans, Deaner tries to squirm away from a few Ankle Lock attempts until Deaner takes a small window, tries the Deaner DDT, but Josh blocks, Deaner follows down with no one and Grapevines the Ankle Lock for the win.

Kaz has an interview segment, where he calls out Chris Sabin to finally settle that score of the Future. 

Sami Callihan vs Jack Price

So the Gut Check winner gets a match after Sami comes off a psychotic win in the Monster’s Ball? Okay…so this is an extended Squash probably?

Ya Sami plays with his food early, Cactus Driver ’97 and the game is over.

Moose comes out and hits the Lights Out as Sami comes off the turnbuckle from his celebration. So I guess this feud ain’t over yet. Moose lays out Sami with a chairshot and Uranage through the table. 

For the first time since Hard Justice 2005, CLOCKWORK ORANGE HOUSE OF FUN! 

Honor No More (Eddie Edwards, Matt Taven & Mike Bennett w/Maria) vs The Briscoes & James Storm

Mark and Taven start things off, with Taven taking early control. It’s a very ROH start to the match as Taven tags in Mike and starts trading chops with the Sussex County Chicken! You don’t throw chops with a chicken farmer! Mark wins the trade, brings in Jay and Mike gets flattened in the corner.

Eddie gets in and starts taking it to Jay before Jimmy James Storm comes in for the hottness and dumps everyone. James sets it up, so Jay hits a pile dive, Mark with the Corkscrew Moonsault into the bodies as Storm hypes in the ring. Storm ain’t diving…he’s old, maybe drunk, you stop it. Commercial break, Storm is taking it to Eddie, Eddie tries to dump Storm out, Skin the Cat, clocks Eddie, Wreckingball Dropkick to Mike on the outside and Storm is fighting off all 3 members before Mike finally lands a shot and Storm is on the receiving end.

Honor No More does a fantastic job singling Storm out and wearing him down. They even distract the referee so he misses the tag, The Briscoes are irate as Matt Taven and Eddie Edwards and beating on Storm. Storm with the desperation Backbreaker, brings in some Redneck Kung Fu dude, and he lights up OGK like the dummy in 3 Ninjas. Jay flies in for the corner Splash, assisted Neckbreaker for 2 on Bennett as Taven breaks it up. Triple team from Honor No More 0n Mark but he barely kicks.

Storm hits the Last Call Super Kick on Eddie, then he gets taken out, Jay takes out Taven, Death Valley Driver on Bennet, Mark goes for the Froggy Bow but Taven trips him, Proton Pack and Honor No More win!

PCO, Kenny and Vincent come down for the beatdown, The Good Brothers make good on the back up they promised, but HNM just has too many people. They look to dissect Mark Briscoe the same way they took out Rhino and Heath. The ankle Con-CHAIR-to about four times on Mark. Taven has a great line to Mark saying “You backed the wrong Cowboy, you were one of us”. 

Overall Score: 8/10

This built off the Pay-Per-View beautifully. It extended some feuds since we have Against All Odds in like 9 days, created logical new wrinkles and even gives us a little more nostalgia with the Clockwork Orange House of Fun and this potential Chris Harris lacing them up again story. Oh also not to be overshadowed, we may finally get a resolution to the Battle of the Futures, the last one was shaping up to be special…lets hope they continue that.

Also, for the first time in months, the Knockouts Division feels interesting. Deonna and Chelsea are an interesting heel duo, Gisele gets a little space to potentially shine and Tasha running her mouth in the promo to hype Savannah is where she should be. If its anything that should be clear beyond a shadow of a doubt, Tasha is not singles material (currently). Keep her in a tag team, keep her talking…but her work is still greener than a Ninja Turtle with the flu.

Lots of stuff to enjoy and bring you back for next week. Very good episode.

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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