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Mitchell’s NJPW G1 Climax 32 Results & Report! (7/26/22)

Climax in Korakuen!



NJPW G1 Climax 32

Former partners, now enemies, clash in the main event!

Juice Robinson ditched David Finlay and got Rock Hard, but now he has to face his past! It’s the FinJuice Civil War in NJPW’s biggest G1 Climax ever!


  • SHO & Yujiro Takahashi VS Kosei Fujita & Yuto Nakashima; Sho & Yujiro win.
  • Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii VS Bad Dude Tito & JONAH; Yano & Ishii win.
  • Six Man Tag: Hirooki Goto, Tama Tonga & Jado VS The United Empire; The United Empire wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Kazuchika Okada, Hiroshi Tanahashi & YOSHI-HASHI VS Suzuki-Gun; Okada, Tanahashi & Hashi win.
  • 8 Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS Bullet Club; LIJ wins.
  • G1 Climax, B Block: Great-O-Khan VS Chase Owens; Chase wins.
  • G1 Climax, C Block: KENTA VS EVIL; Evil wins.
  • G1 Climax, A Block: Tom Lawlor VS Lance Archer; Archer wins.
  • G1 Climax, D Block: David Finlay VS Juice Robinson; Finlay wins.


G1 Climax, B Block: Great-O-Khan VS Chase Owens!

The Dominator begins his G1 run this year while the Crown Jewel already lost to the Good Bad Guy. Will Khan make sure Chase goes 0-2? Or will Chase pull off a Jewel Heist and take those two points?

As soon as Khan is standing in the middle of the ring, Chase hits him in the face with chalk powder! Chase hits a knee smash, the bell rings and Chase runs to hit a NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up as Khan hurries to get out of his entrance attire. Chase CLUBS Khan, stands him up and headlock punches him! Chase puts Khan on ropes to scrape his face! The ref reprimands, Chase lets off and he taunts Khan. Fans rally, “GREAT-O-KHAN!” Khan swings blindly and Chase dodges easily. Chase taunts Khan like this is a game of Marco Polo, and Chase keeps dodging the wild swings.

Khan ends up on ropes and Chase CLAWS his back. Chase ducks the back elbow to NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO! Fans rally up but Chase stands on Khan’s face. The ref counts, Chase steps off, and Khan gets to a corner. Chase stomps away on Khan, then drags Khan up to whip him into a corner hard! Khan bounces off buckles and falls to the mat. Fans still rally for Khan as he stirs. Chase grabs Khan’s ponytail and drags him up by it. Chase wrenches the ponytail, turns Khan, and uses the ponytail for the NECKBREAKER! The ref reprimands but Chase stands on Khan for a cocky cover. TWO, and fans rally up again.

Chase paces, he drags Khan up, and he throws a haymaker! Khan drops to his knee, Chase stands him back up and ROCKS him again. Khan goes to ropes but Chase CHOKES him! The ref counts, Chase grabs Khan’s nose but still lets off at 4. Chase taunts Khan while fans rally. Chase kicks Khan around but Khan throws body shots. Khan throws big forearms but Chase gets a leg to trip Khan, and he YANKS the leg! Khan writhes, clutching the knee, but Chase stomps the leg. Chase twists the foot for a standing toehold but Khan grabs at him. Chase keeps on the toehold, and drops a knee on the knee! Khan crawls away while Chase mocks the fans clapping.

Chase scuffs Khan but Khan snarls. Chase slaps Khan around, Khan CHOPS! Chase SLAPS, Khan CHOPS, repeat! Chase knees low, reels Khan in, and suplexes, only for Khan to stop that and SNAP FISHERMAN! Bridging cover, TWO! Fans rally up and Khan stands. Khan gives Chase some Mongolian Chops! Khan backs Chase down to a corner with those Mongolian Chops, then fires off MACHINE GUN MONGOLIANS! Fans fire up as Khan lets off, and he looms over Chase. Khan whips Chase corner to corner, and clotheslines him from behind! Khan then hoists Chase up, and Mongolian Chops him on the back!

Chase falls into a Tree of Woe, and Khan smothers him with a claw! Khan runs corner to corner to SLIDING BOOT! Fans fire up and Chase flops out of the Tree. Khan drags Chase by his legs, then sits on the Throne Cradle. TWO, but Khan runs and basement BOOTS Chase! Cover, TWO! Fans rally and Khan kicks Chase. Khan drags Chase up but Chase throws a forearm! Chase himself falls over from it, but Khan is still standing. Khan stands Chase up to DECK him! Khan stalks Chase while fans rally, and Khan whips Chase to a corner. Chase reverses, runs in, but Khan puts Chase on the apron. Chase ENZIGURIS back!

Chase then slingshots in, CODE BREAKER! Khan flops against the corner and fans fire up! Chase gets some space while fans rally, and Chase runs in again, to forearm smash and short arm LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Chase is annoyed but fans rally up more. Chase drags Khan up to fireman’s carry. Khan slips off, waistlocks, but Chase switches., Khan elbows free, runs in but is sent out. Chase builds speed but Khan dodges the wrecking ball dropkick! Khan dodges Chase again and smacks him off the apron! And again and again! Khan is dribbling Chase like a basketball, then gives him a SLAM DUNK on the apron!

Khan puts Chase in, covers, TWO! Fans rally and Chase gets to the ropes. Khan calls his shot and clamps on the IRON CLAW! Khan drags Chase up, but Chase slips out of the slam to roll Khan up, with feet on the ropes! The ref sees it and stops the count! Chase can’t cheat Khan this time, but Chase is furious! Chase grabs the ref and puts him in a corner as they argue. Khan runs in but Chase gets himself and the ref out of the way. Chase runs in but into a BOOT! Khan goes up but Chase GAMANGIRIS! Chase then cravats, but Khan pulls on Chase’s ear! Chase sobats and hops on, sunset flip into buckles! Fans fire up as both men are down!

Chase gets to another corner and stands up. He aims at Khan, runs in, but Khan blocks the C Trigger with a claw! Chase CLUBS free, but Khan wrenches to HITSUJIGOROSHI! Chase endures the Sheep Killer, throws haymakers, but Khan CHOPS and scoops for a BACKBREAKER! With the HITSUJIGOROSHI! Chase endures as Khan bends him back, and fans rally as Khan shifts to the Iron Claw! Chase arm-drags free but Khan scoops him, TTD!! Khan copies Tenzan again! Cover, TWO!! Chase survives the KTD, Khan Tombstone Driver, but fans fire up for Khan! Khan drags Chase up to clamp on and EL- NO, Chase slips out again!

Chase waistlocks, Khan bucks him away but Chase comes back. Khan puts Chase on the apron, then Khan runs in, but into a BOOT! Chase grabs both arms to HOTSHOT Khan down! Chase then rushes in and C TRIGGER!! Chase fires up and drags Khan up, tucks him in, PACKAGE DRIVER!! Cover, CHASE WINS!

Winner: Chase Owens, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Khan earns 0)

Can you believe it?! Chase takes down the Dominator! Is Chase going to reach a new level through the biggest G1 Climax ever? As for Khan, can he recover from this shocking defeat?


G1 Climax, C Block: KENTA VS EVIL w/ Dick Togo!

It’s another clash of Bullet Club Prime and House of Torture! The Fang Revived had to #JustTapOut to Zack Sabre Jr. while the King of Darkness begins his run. Will Kenta make Evil #GoToSleep? Or will Darkness Fall as the House gets back on top?

Evil and Dick throw up the Too Sweet but Evil and Kenta keep their distance. The bell rings and fans rally up as the two stare down. They circle, but Evil offers a handshake? Kenta isn’t so sure, but Evil shakes Dick’s hand to show he can be trusted. Well, of course Dick would shake Evil’s hand, but Kenta accepts anyway. And of course Evil reels Kenta in! Kenta gets free and Evil apologizes. Kenta says Evil lied and Dick says yeah, that was not cool. Evil throws up the Too Sweet, but Kenta isn’t so sure. Dick says he can trust Evil this time. Kenta pokes Evil in the eyes! Dick protests but Kenta apologizes.

Kenta goes out of the ring and looks under it. Kenta brings out a copy of his book! Fans fire up as Kenta gives Evil that as a gift. Evil reads through and is shocked! Evil then throws the book up in the air, and he kicks Kenta low! Evil throws Kenta out then pursues him, but Kenta RAMS Evil into the apron! Kenta POSTS Evil, then grabs the book to SMACK Evil with it! Fans fire up and Evil writhes away. Kenta gives Abe-san the timekeeper the book, then he SMACKS Evil off the table. Kenta gets the bell hammer, but Evil grabs the bell! Kenta swings, the bell is a shield, and it rings out! And now both men’s ears are ringing!

Kenta swings again, but Evil catches him, to RAM into the timekeeper’s area! Abe-san goes down! The ref checks on Abe-san while Evil shouts at Kenta. Evil grabs the mic and wraps the cord around Kenta to CHOKE him! Evil tells Kenta to give up but Kenta says no! The ref reprimands, Evil lets Kenta go and fans rally up. Evil drags Kenta up, puts him in the ring, and he covers. ONE, and Evil is upset! Fans rally, Evil drags Kenta up but Kenta throws body shots. Evil wrenches the arm and whips Kenta into the bare buckles of the blue corner! Dick snuck the Bullet Club Special in when no one was looking!

Kenta writhes on the mat and Evil covers, TWO! Evil snarls but fans rally up. Evil drags Kenta up and reels him into a cobra twist, but Kenta won’t let Evil link up! Kenta switches things around onto Evil, and Kenta links up with Dick! Fans fire up and Dick realizes what just happened! The ref reprimands them all, Kenta lets go of Dick and Evil and Dick apologizes for the mistake. Kenta rains down fists on Evil, but lets off as the ref reprimands. Fans rally up, Kenta drags Evil up, to KICK! And KICK! And KICK, SOBAT and KICK but Evil blocks! Evil rakes eyes, then throws Kenta’s leg into the ref! Dick gets in, MAGIC KILLER!

Evil calls to the ref, covers Kenta, TWO! Kenta survives and fans fire up! Evil snarls and he drags Kenta back up. But Kenta fights off the STO and fireman’s carry! Evil slips out, clinches, but Kenta shoves him into the ref! Kenta then kicks low and hits a DDT! Fans fire up and Kenta looks around. Kenta goes out, searches under the ring again, and he brings out a crutch! Kenta tells this is what Evil gets. But Dick grabs the crutch! Dick wags his finger so Kenta pretends Dick hit him! The ref sees Dick with the crutch, Evil defends Dick’s innocence, but then Kenta shoves Evil into Dick! Dick tumbles out, Kenta rolls Evil up, TWO!!

Evil hurries but Kenta just roll shim again, TWO! Evil swings, Kenta blocks, cradles, TWO!! A close call and fans fire up! Evil rakes Kenta’s eyes! Evil drags Kenta up, whips him back into bare steel, then trips him up! Kenta fights off the Sharpshooter to get the GAME OVER CROSSFACE!! Fans rally but the lights go out! Another House of Torture staple, and as flash photography goes off, Evil CHOKES Kenta with a shirt! The ref suspects something, he has Evil let off, and the ref throws the shirt away. Kenta bails out and fans rally up again. Evil goes out to get a few chairs! Evil makes Kenta wear one but Kenta kicks back first!

Kenta and Evil CLASH with chairs! Evil is disarmed, Kenta RAMS Evil in the chest! Kenta then grabs the other chair to JAM Evil into the entranceway! The ref starts a ring count as Kenta JAMS Evil again. Kenta digs the chair into Evil as the count reaches 10 of 20! Kenta lets off to go back to the ring but Evil is in hot pursuit! Evil drags Kenta away but then Kenta returns the favor. Evil RAMS Kenta into railing, but Kenta hurries, only for Dick to appear from under the ring! Dick anchors Kenta, EVIL WINS!!

Winner: Evil, by count-out (gains 2 points; Kenta earns 0)

Yano, Fale and now Evil has won by a count-out! Kenta is pissed and he drags Dick out from under the ring! Dick apologizes and even begs, and Evil also apologizes. But they’re all Bullet Club, so it’s nothing personal! Kenta gets in the ring with them, and they want to shake hands to make up. Kenta refuses, especially after seeing it was Sho who turned off the lights! Dick tries to make it up to Kenta by advertising Kenta’s book. That much helps, and they all throw the Too Sweet. Will Kenta just have to fight harder in the next round? Will anyone in G1 figure out how to get around the House of Torture’s tricks?


G1 Climax, A Block: Tom Lawlor w/ Royce Isaacs VS Lance Archer!

The G1 is about to get Filthy! Lawlor has been strong on NJPW Strong, but is he strong enough to take down the Murderhawk Monster? Or will Archer redeem himself after his count-out loss to Bad Luck Fale?

Fans rally already for “TOM! LAW-LOR!” “LANCE! AR-CHER!” Lawlor encourages the fans to get louder and they oblige as he spins around and takes off the denim shorts! Thankfully, he has pseudo denim tights underneath. Archer teases revealing what he has under his white pants, but feels it’s better not to. The bell rings, the two circle, and the two tie up. Archer throws Lawlor to a corner! Fans applaud, but then Lawlor dodges! Lawlor gets the leg, DRAGON- NO, Archer stays standing! Archer drags Lawlor up but Lawlor clamps on with a GUILLOTINE! Archer powers out, but Lawlor drop toeholds! Archer says “NOPE!” as he stays up again!

Lawlor avoids Archer’s stomp, but he waistlocks. Archer pries free, throws Lawlor away, and fans applaud the exchange. Archer and Lawlor circle again as fans rally up. Archer dares Lawlor to throw a shot so Lawlor puts some stank on his forearm. Lawlor eggs Archer on so Archer ROCKS Lawlor. Lawlor throws another forearm, but Archer ROCKS Lawlor again. The forearms go back and forth, fans rally up as they go faster and faster, but Lawlor kicks and kicks and KICKS! Lawlor knees low, but Archer pushes him away for the DERAILER! Fans fire up seeing that one, and Archer drags Lawlor up and throws him out.

Archer tells everyone to move, and he whips Lawlor hard into railing! Fans fire up and Archer claps, “LANCE! AR-CHER!” Archer drags Lawlor up to APRON BACK SUPLEX! Lawlor writhes and fans applaud as Archer rains down fists! Red Shoes reprimands but Archer lets off. Archer warns Isaacs, and he tells Red shoes to shut up and leave him alone. But Lawlor throws body shots. Archer doesn’t flinch and he knees Lawlor low. Archer bumps Lawlor off buckles, then runs corner to corner. Archer back elbows, keeps moving, and back elbows again! Lawlor flounders, Archer runs in but Lawlor sends him into buckles!

Lawlor JABS and JABS and JABS, over and over and over! Fans fire up with Lawlor, he stomps Archer’s foot, then he whips. Archer blocks, reverses and smacks Lawlor off buckles to then CLOBBER him! Fans fire up, Archer rains down fists on Lawlor, showing they’re open palms. Archer keeps going again and again and fans fire up more. Archer drags Lawlor up, and suplexes him across the ring! Lawlor flounders to ropes, and Archer says, “I’m back in Japan!” Fans applaud their welcome back, and Archer clamps onto Lawlor with a wristlock. Ripcord, but Lawlor dodges to dropkick the legs! Lawlor reels Archer in, TORNADO GUILLOTINE!

Archer endures, but Lawlor has a DOUBLE WRISTLOCK! Lawlor drags Archer down, holds the arm in place with an omoplata, and he CLUBS Archer on the back. Archer endures, rolls, gets free, but Lawlor clamps on with HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS! But Archer fights up to fireman’s carry! Lawlor slips off, but Archer BOOTS him down! Fans fire up and Archer checks his neck. Archer grabs at Lawlor, but Lawlor reels Archer in to lift him up with his feet! Lawlor drags Archer down, ARMBAR! Archer clasps hands, Lawlor SLAPS away on Archer’s grip, and fans fire up! ARMBAR!! Archer endures, fights up, but Lawlor moves around to gut wrench and spladle, TWO!

Lawlor kicks and forearms, but Archer snarls. Lawlor throws more forearms but Archer just takes them! Fans fire up, Lawlor KICKS and Archer drops to knee. ROLLING- NO, Archer catches Lawlor in a full nelson! Lawlor breaks that, Archer shoves him away and runs, but Lawlor catches Archer in a GUILLOTINE! Archer drops to the mat and Lawlor has the body scissors! But Archer reaches out for the ROPEBREAK! Lawlor lets off, kicks Archer from the apron and has Archer in the ropes. Cravat and knee after knee after knee! Red Shoes counts, Lawlor lets off before 4. Team Filthy poses together, Lawlor spins, but Archer ROCKS him!

Archer BOOTS Isaacs, then CHOKE SLAMS Lawlor onto Isaacs! Down go Team Filthy! Fans are thunderous as Archer drags Lawlor up and puts him in the ring. Archer hauls Lawlor up, ripcords, HELLICOASTER! Cover, TWO! Lawlor survives and fans fire up! But Archer grins as he raises his hand and stomps around. Lawlor staggers up into the choke grip! CHOKE- NO, Lawlor slips out and hops on, but Archer throws him off. Archer runs into a FILTHY URENAGE! Cover, TWO!! Fans fire up and Lawlor hurries back up. Lawlor clamps onto the arms for a straitjacket! But Archer arm-drags free! Lawlor comes back, into a gut wrench!

But Lawlor slips around to the SLEEPER! Archer RAMS Lawlor into buckles and is free, but Lawlor hops back on! Fans fire up as the sleeper is on! Archer stays on his feet but then BACKPACK SENTONS! Archer is free but he and Lawlor are both down. Fans rally up, Lawlor gets to ropes and uses those to stand up in the corner. Archer runs in but into a ROUNDHOUSE! Lawlor hops on but is thrown off again. Archer runs in but into BOOTS! Lawlor goes up, but Archer STEP-UP KNEES, then ROCKS Lawlor with a right! Inverted crucifix, for the BLACKOUT BOMB!! Cover, Archer wins!

Winner: Lance Archer, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Lawlor earns 0)

That was definitely filthy, but not enough to stop Archer! Will Lawlor make sure to get really nasty in the next round? Meanwhile, Archer is on the board at 1-1, will Archer keep going until #EverybodyDies in the G1?


G1 Climax, D Block: David Finlay VS Juice Robinson!

Once upon a time, FinJuice was a team, a dynamic duo, that won the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championships and the Impact World Tag Team Championships. But times got hard, and Juice turned bitter. He ditched David to join Bullet Club, but now he must face his past! Will the Rebel show Juice he made the wrong choice? Or will Juice stay Rock Hard and take down his former friend?

Juice grabs the mic to insist that he is THE IWGP United States Heavyweight Champion! But no, he just has the belt because he refuses to hand it over. Finlay gets in the ring, gets face to face with Juice, and Finlay shoves Juice back. Red Shoes tries to keep the peace but Juice shoves back. They both want the bell, so the bell rings and these two tie up! They’re in a deadlock as the fans are red hot already. Finlay shoves Juice to the ropes and Juice seethes. Fans rally, “RE-BE-RU! RE-BE-RU!” Finlay and Juice tie up again, Finlay waistlocks and SLAMS Juice. Juice moves around, kips free, but Finlay is right back on it to facelock and gator roll.

Juice fights out again, Finlay gets him for another facelock then headlocks. Fans rally, Finlay grinds the hold, but Juice pulls hair. Red Shoes reprimands but Juice still pulls hair as he stands up. Juice throws a body shot, wrenches free, and he headlocks back. Finlay endures the grind, powers out to headlock, but Juice powers out. Finlay blocks a hip toss but so does Juice, only for Finlay to slip around and arm-drag Juice down. Finlay clamps onto an armlock, and fans rally as Juice endures. Juice reaches up to headscissor, but Finlay kips free, only to run into Juice’s headlock takeover. Juice demands Red Shoes ask Finlay if he quits!

Finlay doesn’t quit, he headscissors in return! Juice shrugs that off, fans rally up and Finlay fights up. Finlay powers out, things speed up, and Finlay hurdles. Juice chicken wings but Finlay rolls Juice up! ONE, Finlay DROPKICKS Juice to a corner! Fans fire up while Finlay grins at Juice’s shocked face. Finlay eggs Juice on and Juice frowns. Juice SPITS at Finlay then flips him off. Finlay rushes in, is put on the apron, and Juice gets an arm to HOTSHOT it! Finlay staggers away but Juice pursues. Finlay kicks low but Juice wrenches and RAMS the arm. Juice hammerlocks and POSTS the bad shoulder!

Finlay falls against the railing while fans fire up, and Juice shouts, “I’M ROCK HARD!” Juice drags Finlay up, hammerlocks again, then scoops to SNAKE EYES the shoulder on the apron! Fans rally for Finlay, Juice puts Finlay on railing and he wraps the bad arm around railing! The ring count starts, Juice BOOTS the railing to jam the arm, then he refreshes the count. Juice goes after Finlay’s arm again, wrapping it around it back around railing. Juice pulls on the arm again, Red Shoes reprimands, so Juice BOOTS the railing again! “Count him out, dammit!” Juice wants Red shoes to leave Finlay alone, but Finlay gets in the ring.

Juice gets the arm, wrenches it, and WRINGS it out! Cover, ONE!! Juice clamps onto Finlay as fans rally up, and Juice has a cording hold. Finlay endures as Juice shifts to a top wristlock and twists the shoulder. Juice pushes Finlay down but fans rally. Finlay fights up, Juice wrenches again, ARMBAR DDT! Finlay writhes, Juice covers, ONE!! Juice is furious but Red Shoes the count is fair. Finlay shakes the bad arm out and fans rally behind him. Juice stomps Finlay down, and he clamps onto the arm again with another top wristlock. Finlay endures as Juice stands over him with that hold and the fans continue to rally.

Finlay fights up with body shots, but Juice wrenches and RAMS the arm. Juice throws uppercut after uppercut into the arm, then he brings Finlay around to put him on ropes. Juice traps the arms, and he CHOPS Finlay down. Fans fire up, Juice stands Finlay up to wrench and ELBOW BREAKER! ELBOW BREAKER! And then a whip. Finlay holds ropes, elbows Juice, and rallies with the good arm! Finlay hits a BACKBREAKER, and a NECKBREAKER! Fans fire up as Finlay shakes out the bad arm. Finlay and Juice go to opposite corners, Finlay runs in and uppercuts hard! Juice staggers and Finlay goes up, but Juice gets under the jump.

Finlay comes back, but into a scoop! SNAKE EYES! Then a wrench and wrangle in the FUJIWARA ARMBAR! Finlay endures, fans rally up, but Juice pushes the arm back. Finlay moves around, reaches out, but Juice drags him away from ropes to FUJIWARA ARMBAR! Finlay still endures and fans still rally! Finlay grits his teeth, pulls at his own hair, and works to push up and reach out, ROPEBREAK! Fans fire up as Juice lets go in frustration. Juice swears there was tapping out but Red Shoes says no, he was watching closely. Juice drags Finlay out of the ring, and whips him hard into railing! And then hard into more railing! And then even harder into the railing!

Fans rally while Finlay falls in a heap. Juice tells Red Shoes to wait a minute. Juice pulls up the floor mats! He wants to drop Finlay on that exposed hardwood! Juice says this’ll be the end of David frickin’ Finlay!! Juice drags Finlay over, reels him in, but Red Shoes reprimands. Finlay fights the driver off, and again, to back drop Juice onto the wood!! Fans are thunderous as Juice writhes! The ring count starts, Finlay snarls as he refreshes the count. Red Shoes sighs and Finlay drags Juice up. Finlay says if that’s how Juice wants to play it, he whips Juice hard into railing! Juice wants mercy now? Finlay refuses, he just sends Juice into more railing!

Finlay whips Juice in again, and then hurries to whip Juice into even more railing! Finlay throws off his elbow pads, drags Juice up, and whips him into even more railing! That’s five times to Juice’s three and fans are thunderous! The ring count starts again, Finlay snarls and drags Juice up. Finlay hits an APRON BACK SUPLEX! Juice flounders into the ring and Finlay fires up. The fans fire up for Finlay as he gets in the ring. Finlay stalks Juice, IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Juice survives but the fans are still rallying behind Finlay. Finlay asks Juice if he’s had enough. Finlay drags Juice up, runs, BLINDSIDE LARIAT! Cover, TWO!

Finlay is frustrated but the fans are still with him. Finlay stomps Juice’s hand! And again! If Juice wants to target Finlay’s repaired shoulder, Finlay will target Juice’s repaired hand! Finlay SLAMS the hand on the mat! And then BENDS the fingers to JAM them into the mat! And again! Juice writhes and says he’s sorry but Finlay knows he isn’t! Finlay SLAMS the arm again! Finlay stalks Juice as fans rally back up. Juice wants mercy but Finlay says Juice asked for this. Finlay BENDS Juice’s hand against the ropes! Finlay stomps a mudhole in, then drags Juice up to BITE those fingers! Red Shoes counts, Finlay lets off, and Juice is untying the buckle pad!

Fans rally, Finlay argues with Red Shoes, but Juice has undone the pad. Juice keeps it in place with his body, but then Finlay drags Juice out of the corner. The pad falls away, Juice turns things around and POSTS Finlay!! Finlay clutches his bad shoulder as he flops to the apron! Fans are thunderous as Finlay writhes! Juice stalks over and moves Red Shoes aside. Juice climbs up the corner, drags Finlay up and CHOKES him on the top buckle! Then Juice drags Finlay the rest of the way up, but Finlay throws body shots! Fans fire up, Finlay hops up, SUNSET FLIP- but the bad arm gives up!

Juice aims, but remembers how beat up his left hand is, so it’s the RIGH HAND O’ GOD this time! Juice fireman’s carries, for JUICE BOX! Finlay flounders away and Juice has a wild look in his eyes! Fans fire up, Finlay gets to a corner but Juice aims. Juice runs corner to corner to CANNONBALL! Fans fire up, Juice drags Finlay back up, and Juice hoists Finlay up top. Fans still rally but Juice HEADBUTTS Finlay! Juice climbs up, stands Finlay up, and SUPERPLEXES! But Juice holds on to drag Finlay back up. Finlay fights off the second suplex to hit TRASH PANDA!! Fans are thunderous as Finlay crawls, but Juice flops out of the ring!

Finlay is frustrated, he was so close to getting this one! Fans still rally behind him as Finlay goes out to fetch Juice into the ring. Finlay hurries to drag Juice up, suplexes, but Juice slips out! Juice spins Finlay, LEFT HAND O’ GOD! Then the chicken wings and the turn, PULP FRICTION!! Cover, TWO!!! Finlay survives and fans are thunderous again! Juice can’t believe it! Finlay gets to a corner, Juice argues the count but Red Shoes says it was fair. Juice glares at Finlay and fans rally as hard as ever. Juice storms over, he drags Finlay up, and he hoists Finlay back up top. Juice CHOPS Finlay, blows snot on him, then reels him out onto the ropes!

Juice hooks the arms! But Finlay fights out of Pulp Friction, and jumps off the ropes, PRIMA NOCTA!! Juice wobbles, Finlay gets up with ACID DROP!!! Cover, ROPEBREAK!!! Juice survives by inches and Finlay can’t believe it! Fans are electric and Finlay roars! Finlay drags Juice up, reels him in, TRASH- NO, Juice knees free, and SMASHES the bad shoulder! Finlay storms up but into a boot, but he still LARIATS Juice up and out! Juice sits up in a daze and Finlay demands he stand up. Finlay then PLANCHAS into the RIGHT HAND O’ GOD!! Juice hauls Finlay up, PILEDRIVER to the hardwood floor!!!

Juice puts Finlay in, fans rally desperately for Finlay, but Juice shakes out his hand. LEFT HAND O’ GOD NOW! And the torture rack, to the spin and ROCK SL- NO! Finlay lands on his feet! But he also staggers into Red Shoes! Juice runs in, Finlay moves and Red Shoes takes the SPLASH! Fans rally up, but Juice hurries to grab the US title belt. Juice grins as he brings that around to aim from a corner. Finlay staggers up, Juice runs in, but Finlay ducks the belt shot! Finlay has his shillelagh! Finlay swings but Juice uses the belt as a shield! But then Finlay swings again and CLOBBERS Juice!! Finlay gets all the items out of the ring and calls to Red Shoes! Cover, but Finlay lets off?!?

Finlay says that’s not how he wants to win this! Suplex and TRASH PANDA!!! Cover, Finlay wins!!!

Winner: David Finlay, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Juice earns 0)

Vindication, vengeance and victory are all David Finlay’s tonight! Juice has fallen to 1-1, will he still be Rock Hard next round? Finlay holds up the US Championship belt and the mic to say, “Korakuen, thank you very much. Juice, this may not be your championship, and it’s definitely not mine. But whatever claim you think you have to it, I just took it off of you!” Fans applaud that sentiment, and Finlay says, “Ospreay, that brings me to you. If you want your championship back, you’re gonna have to take it off of me.

“D Block, Shingo, Yoshi-Hashi, ELP, Will Ospreay, I hope that you are all prepared for the fight of your life, because this is my year! This is my time! I am winning the G1 Climax! Expect me!!” The Rebel is ready to rampage to the top, will he claim everything in NJPW for his own?

My Thoughts:

What a great round for the G1! Great stuff out of every match. Khan VS Chase was really good stuff, and what a surprise that Chase wins. At the same time, Chase is being given some shine as of late, and him going 0-2 would be a bit rough for him. Khan can also turn things around in his later matches, so he isn’t completely out of it. Kenta VS Evil was a lot of fun, we got lots of great gags, but of course it ends with the House of Torture using their tricks. I kinda wish that didn’t happen but whatever, the House of Torture are the sneakiest Heels in NJPW right now so this is just how it goes. Kenta drops to 1-1, Evil has momentum going into his match with Naito, we’re going to get a lot more great stuff from them both in the G1.

Lawlor VS Archer was also really good, and this was my first time seeing Lawlor. His “King of Shorts” thing is rather goofy but he is still one tough son of a gun, and he certainly gave Archer a good fight. Archer wins, though, so that he could also get 1-1. Lawlor’s up against Jonah next, that’s going to be a real good one, too. And that main event, FinJuice: Civil War, that was exactly how a grudge match should feel. And better yet, Finlay gets the win to come out strong in his G1 run. And a great plot twist in Finlay taking possession of the belt and telling Ospreay to come after him now, so I can’t wait to see how that goes down.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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