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Mitchell’s NJPW G1 Climax 32 Results & Report! (7/30/22)

Will the Ace #JustTapOut?



NJPW G1 Climax 32

Don’t count the Once in a Century Talent out yet!

NJPW’s biggest G1 Climax yet pits two of their biggest names against each other, as once again Hiroshi Tanahashi faces Zack Sabre Jr!


  • SHO & Yujiro Takahashi VS Kosei Fujita & Ryohei Oiwa; Sho & Yujiro win.
  • Tama Tonga & Jado VS El Phantasmo & KENTA; ELP & Kenwin.
  • Six Man Tag: Suzuki-Gun VS The United Empire; The United Empire wins.
  • Tetsuya Naito & BUSHI VS EVIL & Dick Togo; Naito & Bushi win.
  • 10 Man Tag: Chaos VS Bullet Club; Chaos wins.
  • G1 Climax, D Block: David Finlay VS Shingo Takagi; Finlay wins.
  • G1 Climax, A Block: Tom Lawlor VS JONAH; Jonah wins.
  • G1 Climax, B Block: SANADA VS Great-O-Khan; Sanada wins.
  • G1 Climax, C Block: Hiroshi Tanahashi VS Zack Sabre Jr; Tanahashi wins.


G1 Climax, D Block: David Finlay VS Shingo Takagi!

The Rebel shocked many, but especially Juice Robinson, just last Tuesday. And since Juice slayed The Dragon, that should put Finlay over him. Will Takagi change all that with one good Pumping Bomber? Or will Finlay continue this momentum and go 2-1 in the block?

The bell rings and fans rally as the two stare down. They circle, feel out the grapple, and tie up collar ‘n’ elbow. Finlay waistlocks, Takagi switches but Finlay hammerlocks. Takagi headlocks, but Finlay powers up to turn things around. Takagi endures the headlock and powers out. Finlay RAMS Takagi but Takagi rebounds to RUN Finlay over! Takagi brushes himself off, runs the ropes, and he catches Finlay’s jump to a fireman’s carry! Finlay fights free, rolls Takagi up, ONE! Finlay arm-drags Takagi down to an armlock! Takagi fights up, Finlay wrenches, but Takagi powers him to ropes. The ref counts but Takagi whips Finlay away.

Finlay comes back but Takagi elbows him! Takagi runs but Finlay DROPKICKS him down! Fans fire up and Takagi bails out. Finlay slingshots but Takagi moves out of the way. Finlay lands on the apron but Takagi trips him up! Finlay smacks off the apron then Takagi kicks low to DDT to the floor! Fans fire up and Takagi drags Finlay up to POST him! Finlay holds his arm but Takagi bumps him off the apron. Takagi grabs the IWGP US Championship belt and taunts Finlay with it. Finlay kicks Takagi but Takagi kicks back. Takagi digs Finlay’s face into the belt! The ref reprimands but Takagi puts Finlay in, for a slingshot STOMP!

Takagi says that’s not all! ROPE GUILLOTINE! Finlay sputters and fans fire up again. Takagi pushes Finlay to a cover, ONE! Takagi clamps on a chinbar and wrenches Finlay’s neck. Finlay endures, so Takagi brings him up and around to cravat. Finlay endures this neck wrench and throws body shots. Takagi CLUBS Finlay on the neck, and has him in a corner. Takagi whips Finlay to ropes, KNEES him against the ropes then DDTs! Fans fire up as Takagi sits Finlay up. Fans rally as Finlay resists but Takagi keeps driving in elbows! Takagi drags Finlay up, reels him in for a facelock, but Finlay throws body shots.

Finlay throws forearms, but Takagi HEADBUTTS him down! Fans fire up as Takagi stands Finlay up. Takagi goes to lift but Finlay fights it! Finlay powers up to back drop Takagi! But Takagi’s right back up to CLUB and KNEE Finlay! Takagi whips Finlay but Finlay comes back with a FLYING UPPERCUT! Fans cheer as Finlay knocks Takagi down. Finlay gets to a corner, Takagi gets up, and Finlay runs in to rally with big forearm smashes! Finlay whips, Takagi reverses but Finlay holds ropes top stop himself. Finlay kicks Takagi, but Takagi rushes in! Finlay dumps Takagi out, then takes aim to PLANCHA! Direct hit and down goes Takagi!

Fans fire up and Finlay encourages them to get louder. Finlay drags Takagi up and into the ring, then fires the fans up from the apron. Finlay springboards to CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Finlay gets Takagi up but Takagi throws down elbows. Finlay whips but Takagi reverses again, only to swing into Finlay’s BACKBREAKER, and BLUE THUNDER BOMB! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up while Finlay catches his breath. Finlay drags Takagi back up, but Takagi fights the clinch. Takagi throws Finlay away to ELBOW, JAB and YUKON LARIAT! Fans fire up again and Takagi encourages them to keep going. Takagi kicks Finlay around and brings him up.

Takagi scoops Finlay to SLAM him, then goes up for the FALLING ELBOW! Takagi drags Finlay right up to POWERBOMB! High stack, TWO, but into an STF! Step-over Takagi Facelock? Either way, fans rally as Finlay endures! Finlay crawls and drags Takagi along but Takagi pulls way back on the hold! Finlay still fights forward and gets the ROPEBREAK! Takagi lets off, fans rally up, and Takagi stalks Finlay to ropes. Takagi CLUBS Finlay, drags him up to CLUB away, but Finlay fights the pump handle. Takagi throws knees, then pump handles. But Finlay slips out to IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKER!

Fans fire up while both men are down! Finlay grits his teeth and nods as he watches Takagi get to a corner. Finlay runs in to UPPERCUT! Finlay hoists Takagi up top, throws forearms and climbs up after Takagi. SUPERPLEX! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up again while Finlay grows frustrated. Finlay fires up and he cravats Takagi. Takagi fights that off to back suplex but Finlay fights that with elbows. Finlay uppercuts, cravats, ACID- NO, Takagi tosses Finlay, then SLIDING FOREARMS the back! Fans rally, Takagi runs, but Finlay ducks the lariat to ghost pin! TWO, Takagi catches Finlay to a half nelson, but Finlay rolls through to a pin! TWO!!

Finlay hurries up and LARIATS Takagi down! Fans fire up while both men are down again. Fans rally as Takagi and Finlay stir. Finlay sits up first, drags Takagi up to a cravat, but Takagi throws body shots. Takagi shoves Finlay away, blocks his boot, then CLUBS Finlay into the corner. But Finlay uses the corner for PRIMA NOCTA! And then ACID DROP!! Cover, TWO!! Takagi survives and Finlay can’t believe it! Finlay throws off his armbands and he glares at the camera. Finlay is determined so he gets back up. Finlay slashes his throat, drags Takagi up, but Takagi blocks the suplex. Takagi CLUBS Finlay, fans rally up and Takagi wrenches, but Finlay ROCKS him!

Finlay suplexes but Takagi knees free! Takagi suplexes, Finlay fights it, but Takagi snap suplexes through! Both men are down and the fans keep rallying. Finlay flounders to a corner, Takagi pounds the mat to fire up. Finlay stands, Takagi runs in but blocks a boot. Finlay BOOTS with the other leg, uses the corner to springboard again, but Takagi catches him! Gory Especial to NOSHIGAMI! Takagi gets up and runs, PUMPING BOMBER! Cover, TWO!! But Takagi drags Finlay right up to the pump handle! MADE IN JAPAN!! Cover, TWO!?! Finlay survives and shocks Takagi! Fans are thunderous as Finlay stirs.

Takagi shouts, “OI! OI! OI!” Fans clap along, and Takagi stands Finlay up for boxing elbows! Takagi throws about 10 but Finlay ROCKS Takagi back with one! Takagi JABS, HEADBUTTS, and then SLIDING BOMBERS! Finlay is down but Takagi grabs at him. The ref has Takagi hold on, he needs to check on Finlay. Takagi doesn’t care, he hauls Finlay up anyway! But Finlay leaps, PRIMA- NO! Takagi blocks the stunner and dragon sleepers! But Finlay gets to the ropes! Takagi swings but Finlay avoids his Takagi GTR! Finlay steps in, PRIMA NOCTA! And a victory roll, FINLAY WINS!!

Winner: David Finlay, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Takagi earns 0)

Another shocker from Finlay! Finlay already claims ownership of the IWGP US Championship, will this win lead Finlay to take the KOPW 2022 trophy from Takagi? Or can Takagi still make this the year of the Dragon?


G1 Climax, A Block: Tom Lawlor w/ Royce Isaacs VS JONAH w/ Bad Dude Tito!

Lance Archer gave Lawlor a Blackout while Toru Yano gave Jonah the slip, and both of these men are 0-1! But will things get Filthy as Lawlor gets his first win? Or will Jonah prove The Mighty Don’t Kneel when he crushes Lawlor?

The bell rings and fans rally for “TOM! LAWLOR!” Off come the denim shorts to reveal the tights. Lawlor throws the shorts at Jonah then dropkicks him! Jonah stays up so Lawlor keeps his distance. Lawlor throws testing kicks but ends up cornered. Lawlor manages to slip away and fans rally up. Lawlor winds up but Jonah still blocks the kick! And then CLOBBERS Lawlor! Fans fire up while Jonah waits on Lawlor. Lawlor sits up, Jonah rushes in, but Lawlor throws Jonah out! Lawlor goes out the other side and fans rally as he builds up speed around the way. PENALTY KICK! Lawlor gets fans rallying and he drags Jonah up.

Lawlor kicks Jonah, fans clap for “TOM! LAWLOR!” and Lawlor builds speed again. Lawlor makes a full lap, but Jonah POUNCES him into the ring! Jonah then drags Lawlor from the apron to trophy lift, and drop onto the railing! Fans fire up while Lawlor crashes and burns! The ref checks on Lawlor while Jonah returns to the ring. The ring count starts and fans rally up. Lawlor stirs at 7 of 20, stands at 11 of 20, and Bad Dude Tito keeps Royce Isaacs back. Lawlor flounders over the railing at 15 and hurries in at 17! But Jonah is there to stomp away! Jonah stands on Lawlor at the ropes! The ref counts and Jonah steps off at 4.

Jonah drags Lawlor up to DECK him with a forearm! Fans rally, Jonah drags Lawlor up and HEADBUTTS him down. Jonah drags Lawlor up again to wrap on a rear bearhug! Lawlor endures, fans still rally, and Lawlor fights up. Lawlor throws back elbows and then stomps a foot! Jonah lets him go, Lawlor runs, but into a BIG back elbow! Lawlor flounders but Jonah stalks him. Jonah kicks Lawlor around, then stands on his neck! The ref counts and Jonah steps off again. Jonah stands Lawlor up to bump off buckles, then he whips Lawlor corner to corner hard! Jonah smiles as Lawlor bounces off buckles and falls back.

Jonah drags Lawlor up but Lawlor throws body shots. Lawlor throws a kick but Jonah CLOBBERS him! Jonah drags Lawlor back up, scoops him and SLAMS him! Jonah runs and SENTONS but flops as Lawlor moves! Jonah goes to the apron but Lawlor hurries after him. Lawlor gets Jonah in the ropes with a cravat and throws knee after knee! The ref counts, Lawlor hits one last KNEE before he lets off. Jonah wobbles, Lawlor runs side to side to forearm smash after forearm smash! But Jonah CLOBBERS Lawlor right back! Jonah gets in the ring, drags Lawlor up, and whips him to ropes. But Lawlor ducks under the body press to roll Jonah for a HALF CRAB!

Fans fire up as Lawlor has Jonah’s leg! Jonah endures, Lawlor turns it for a HEEL HOOK CRAB! But Jonah rolls! Lawlor holds on, and has the GRAPEVINE! Jonah flails and reaches out, ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Lawlor lets off slowly and fans fire up. Lawlor waits for Jonah to stand to KICK at the leg! And again! And again! Fans rally, Lawlor runs, but Jonah reels him in! Lawlor dodges the haymaker to BLINDSIDE ROLLING ELBOW! Jonah stays up, Lawlor runs and WHEEL KICKS Jonah, then ZIGZAGS!! Cover, TWO!! Jonah sends Lawlor flying with that kick-out! Lawlor hurries back to fire off forearms!

Jonah ROCKS Lawlor with one, but Lawlor throws another. They go back and forth and fans rally up! Lawlor EuroUppers then KICKS and BOOTS Jonah! Lawlor wrenches, reels Jonah in, and fires off “TOM! LAWLOR!” elbows! But Jonah HEADBUTTS Lawlor! Lawlor ENZIGURIS back! Jonah staggers but stays up, so Lawlor clamps on a SLEEPER! Lawlor hops on but Jonah stays on his feet! Jonah backs up but Lawlor sends him into buckles! Lawlor kicks a leg out, headlocks, but Jonah powers out to BODY PRESS! Fans fire up and Lawlor is dazed! Jonah puts Lawlor in a corner then hoists him up top.

Jonah CHOPS Lawlor, climbs up after him, and fans fire up! Lawlor throws body shots to stop the superplex, then he BELL CLAPS Jonah! Jonah wobbles, Lawlor slips around and waistlocks! Jonah CLUBS Lawlor away but Lawlor HEADBUTTS a leg out! Then he SUPER URENAGES Jonah down!! Cover, TWO!! Jonah survives and fans fire up again! Lawlor gets up, throws knees into Jonah’s head, then PENALTY KICKS him! Lawlor calls his shot, brings Jonah in, TORNADO- Jonah blocks to fireman’s carry, and F5 Lawlor onto ropes! Jonah then drags Lawlor off those ropes to POWERBOMB! And then Jonah climbs the corner!

Fans fire up as Jonah reaches the top! DEATH FROM ABOVE!! Cover, Jonah wins!!

Winner: Jonah, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Lawlor earns 0)

The Top Dog destroys the Filthy Lawlor with that massive splash! Will Lawlor have to bring even more fire if he’s to get a win? Will Jonah continue to bring Death From Above to the rest of the block?


G1 Climax, B Block: SANADA VS Great-O-Khan!

These two faced off back at WrestleKingdom, and the Cold Skull came out on top. Sanada also came out on top against Taichi last round, while The Dominator was the victim of a heist at the hands of Chase Owens. Will Sanada keep this momentum going and be 2-1? Or will Khan redeem himself for the honor of the United Empire?

Khan stays firmly in the center of the ring, even as Sanada makes his entrance. Then Khan goes to his corner as Red Shoes does his checks. The bell rings and fans rally as the two circle. They feel out the grapple, Khan shoots to a waistlock and then gets an arm. Sanada goes to wrench out but Khan shoots to get a leg. Sanada floats around but Khan clinches with him. Khan waistlocks, uses a wristlock to roll Sanada, but Sanada keeps his shoulders off the mat. Khan pushes Sanada through to try again. Cover, ONE, and fans applaud as the two stand off. Khan and Sanada circle, Khan shoots in but Sanada dodges.

Sanada and Khan tie up, Sanada still wants an arm, but Khan still goes after a leg. Khan drags Sanada down, Sanada turns but Khan traps one of his arms against the mat. Khan then floats around, waistlocks and rolls to a bridge, ONE! Khan facelocks, Sanada fights up and fireman’s carries for the takeover! Khan guards with body scissors and goes for an arm but Sanada stays out of the triangle. Khan kicks Sanada away and gets back up, and fans cheer the newest standoff. Sanada and Khan circle again as fans rally up. They feel out another grapple, knuckle lock and Khan puts Sanada on ropes. Red Shoes counts the break and Khan lets off cleanly.

Sanada applauds with the fans, and the two reset again. They knuckle lock, Khan facelocks then gets a leg! He ties Sanada’s legs up and rolls but Sanada prevents the cover. Khan pushes through and gets an arm for a double wristlock! Sanada resists, Khan drags him up and waistlocks. Sanada fights that but Khan still drags him down. Sanada moves around, Khan goes for a headlock. Sanada keeps his shoulders up, gets a leg guard involved, but Khan moves up and around. Sanada moves to defend, but Khan just grabs the legs for a toehold! Then Khan shoots in to lateral press. Sanada slips out, and Sanada puts Khan on ropes now.

Red Shoes calls the ropebreak while fans applaud. Sanada lets off clean and fans cheer the sportsmanship. Khan slaps his face a bit to wake himself up. Khan and Sanada go again, and Khan drags Sanada right down to a KNEEBAR! Sanada endures, moves around, but Khan shifts to a HEEL HOOK! Sanada still fights to get around, reaches out and gets the ROPEBREAK! Fans applaud as Khan lets off slowly. Khan stomps Sanada’s leg then drags him up. Khan wrenches while fans rally, and Khan whips corner to corner. Sanada goes up and out and springboards in to missile dropkick! Khan bails out, Sanada PLANCHAS him down!

Fans fire up and Sanada encourages them to get louder. The fans oblige and Sanada is satisfied. Sanada then goes back for Khan, drags him up and puts him in the ring. Cover, TWO! Sanada drags Khan up, fireman’s carries, but Khan claws Sanada’s ribs! Khan slips off the fireman’s carry, pushes Sanada with the claw to the abs, but Sanada powers up! Sanada pushes the claw back but now Khan is after Sanada’s face! They fight for control and the fans rally up! Sanada dropkicks the legs! Sanada runs, but into a BOOT! Fans fire up as both men are down! Khan checks his neck then storms over to Sanada.

Fans rally as Khan stands Sanada up. Khan dribbles Sanada’s head off buckles, then SLAM DUNKS him! Khan runs but Sanada DROPKICKS him! Khan is right up but Sanada dodges the boot! Only to run into Khan’s LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up again while both men are down. Khan sits up and he looms over Sanada. Khan drags Sanada up for Mongolian Chops! Sanada falls back down and fans fire up. Khan dares Sanada to get up, and then he Mongolian Chops again! Sanada falls back down but he grits his teeth as he gets back up. Khan aims, Mongolian Chops! Sanada falls again and Khan mockingly asks what’s wrong.

Khan kicks Sanada around and fans fire up. Sanada gets up in a huff and he fires off forearms! And an uppercut! Khan shakes his head, but Sanada dares him to hit back. Khan brushes himself off to Mongolian Chop! Sanada grits his teeth as he falls to a knee, but he stands back up. Fans fire up as Khan Mongolian Chops again! Sanada wobbles but he stays up! Khan can’t believe it! So he Mongolian CHOPS! Sanada falls, but the accidental low blow happens again! Jay White felt that, and Sanada takes advantage again! O’Conner Roll, TWO!! Sanada forearms, ROLLING ELBOWS and RUNNING ROLLING ELBOWS!

Fans fire up as Khan goes down! Sanada drags Khan up, fireman’s carries, and T K O!! Cover, TWO!! Sanada hurries up top for the ROUNDING BODY PRESS onto knees! Double-edged for Khan right now but the fans fire up as both men are down. Khan slowly rises but that knee is bothering him. He tells Red Shoes he’s okay to continue, and he rises in a corner. Sanada is in the other, and Khan roars as he runs corner to corner! Sanada elbows Khan! Sanada goes up but Khan CLUBS Sanada! Khan brings Sanada off the corner in a cradle, for a BACKBREAKER, to HITSUJIGOROSHI LUNA! The variation on the Sheep Killer makes it a rack!

Fans rally as Sanada endures, and he fights up pulling Khan’s ponytail! Sanada gets the dragon sleeper! Khan claws at Sanada’s face! IRON CLAW, into CLASSIC HITSUJIGOROSHI! Sanada endures, fights his way over and goes up the corner! Sanada uses that to go up and over and get the SKULL END! Sanada has the body scissors in and Khan is caught! Fans fire up as Khan endures, and Khan kicks and flails! Khan claws at Sanada’s bad eye! Red Shoes reprimands but Khan drags Sanada up. Red Shoes tells Khan to let go of the bad eye. Khan does, and Sanada SOBATS! Sanada runs, but Khan uses Red Shoes as a shield!

Sanada moves Red Shoes aside, but Khan’s IRON FIST knocks Sanada down! Red Shoes misses the closed fist punch and both men are down! Khan drags himself over to the corner, drags himself up with the ropes, and he headbutts the buckle to fire up! Fans fire up and Khan says he’ll end this! Khan hits a SECOND ROPE MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO!! Sanada survives and Khan can’t believe it! Khan clamps onto Sanada, drags him up, but Sanada arm-drags out of the Eliminator! POP-UP CUTTER! Sanada hurries to the corner to go up, ROUNDING BODY PRESS!! Cover, Sanada wins!

Winner: Sanada, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Khan earns 0)

The Cold Skull pulls it off again! Will Sanada be able to make a comeback and take this block? Will Khan continue to fall further away?


G1 Climax, C Block: Hiroshi Tanahashi VS Zack Sabre Jr!

The Ace has split his first two rounds, losing to Aaron Henare but defeating the already down Tetsuya Naito. However, the Submission Master is undefeated at 2-0, having made Kenta and Henare #JustTapOut. Will Tanahashi be able to make it through with love and energy? Or will ZSJ be unstoppable in the block?

Tanahashi shows off the muscles and fans applaud. The bell rings and fans rally up, “Let’s Go, Ace!” “Z S J!” Tanahashi and ZSJ circle, feel things out, and tie up collar ‘n’ elbow. They’re in a deadlock, ZSJ shoots around to a waistlock, but Tanahashi wrenches free. Tanahashi waistlocks, ZSJ switches, Tanahashi switches back, but ZSJ slips away from the leg takedown. Fans applaud this opening exchange and the two go again. Fans rally up more as the two go again. ZSJ gets the arm, wrenches through to a hammerlock, but Tanahashi moves around. Tanahashi drop toeholds, headlocks, but ZSJ turns to headscissor.

ZSJ pushes up to put on pressure, then holds tight. Tanahashi bridges, but ZSJ pushes up again. Tanahashi uses that to turn ZSJ over and tie up his legs! Fans applaud, but ZSJ reaches back to get a headlock. ZSJ shifts to a cravat, then he puts Tanahashi on ropes. Red Shoes counts the break but ZSJ lets off at 4. Fans applaud as ZSJ taunts Tanahashi. Tanahashi and ZSJ reset, and Tanahashi calls for a test of strength. ZSJ wipes his hands off on Red Shoes to make sure they’re dry. ZSJ then knuckle locks with Tanahashi, but then he spins to wrench and wristlock! ZSJ twists the wrist and shoulder, but Tanahashi powers through to wrench back!

ZSJ rolls, wrenches Tanahashi back, and fans applaud the exchange. Tanahashi slips through, wrenches and wristlocks, but ZSJ squats, uses a leg to break free, and he wrenches, wrenches and wristlocks again! Fans applaud the speed, and ZSJ BENDS Tanahashi’s fingers! Red Shoes reprimands but ZSJ wrenches the wrist. Tanahashi rolls, wrenches back, but ZSJ steps over to wrench right back! ZSJ uses one hand on the wristlock and taunts Tanahashi with it. Fans rally as Tanahashi endures, and Tanahashi throws a heavy body shot! ZSJ staggers away and Tanahashi promises Red Shoes that wasn’t a closed fist.

Tanahashi throws more body shots on ZSJ in the corner and fans fire up. Tanahashi drags ZSJ up to whip him corner to corner, but ZSJ reverses! ZSJ runs in but into an elbow! Tanahashi goes up, CROSSBODY! Fans fire up and Tanahashi air guitars. Tanahashi then gets ZSJ for a NECK TWIST! The Ace copies one of ZSJ’s favorites, and ZSJ bails out of the ring. Fans rally, “Let’s Go, Ace!” “Z S J!” as Tanahashi fetches ZSJ from the outside. Tanahashi puts ZSJ in the ring and fans applaud more. Tanahashi gets in but ZSJ gets the leg! DRAPING DRAGON SCREW! And then an arm assisted ARMBAR! Red Shoes counts, ZSJ lets go at 4.

ZSJ drags Tanahashi to the apron to isolate the arm, and STOMP it down! Tanahashi clutches his elbow, but ZSJ bends it back against the apron’s edge! Fans rally as Tanahashi endures and Red Shoes calls the ropebreak. ZSJ lets go and slides back in. ZSJ kicks at Tanahashi while fans rally up. ZSJ kicks Tanahashi as he sits up, then again. Tanahashi eggs ZSJ on so ZSJ KICKS him down! ZSJ stands on Tanahashi’s bad arm, then scuffs him. ZSJ clamps onto the bad arm and wraps it around ropes! Red Shoes reprimands and counts but ZSJ twists Tanahashi’s nose! The fans rally and ZSJ lets off at 4. ZSJ then eggs Tanahashi on.

Tanahashi sits up, ZSJ KICKS him, and KICKS him! ZSJ stands Tanahashi up to EuroUpper! ZSJ asks what’s up as Tanahashi drops to his knees. ZSJ taunts him with “Tanahashi sucks!” Tanahashi gets up to fire off forearms! ZSJ gets the bad arm and wrenches, to a FUJIWARA ARMBAR! Tanahashi moves around as he endures, and ZSJ floats to get an ANKLE LOCK! Then a stepover, to have both leglock and ARMBAR! And then DOUBLE ARMBAR! Then he shifts to a JIM BREAKS ARMBAR, then to BARRY FROM EASTENDERS! Tanahashi endures and fans rally up! Tanahashi pushes this to a cover, TWO!! ZSJ shifts to have the double wristlock, but Tanahashi gets the ROPEBREAK!

Fans fire up as ZSJ lets Tanahashi go quickly. Tanahashi clutches his arms but ZSJ eggs him on. ZSJ kicks at Tanahashi, but Tanahshi fires up! Tanahashi fires off forearms, but ZSJ EuroUppers! Tanahashi wobbles, but fires up to fire off fast hands! Tanahashi runs, but into a COBRA TWIST! Tanahashi switches it around! ZSJ fights that off, they go around and around, and around and around, and Tanahashi gets a leg! DRAGON SCREW! Fans fire up as both men are down! Fans rally up again, “Let’s go, Ace!” “Z S J!” Tanahashi drags ZSJ up for forearms and body shots! ZSJ goes to a corner, Tanahashi scoops and SLAMS him!

Tanahashi climbs up and SUNSET SENTONS! Cover, ROPEBREAK! Fans rally and Tanahashi waits on ZSJ to stand. ZSJ stands, and Tanahashi dropkicks his legs out! Fans fire up, Tanahashi runs, but ZSJ avoids the slingblade to get the arm! Fans fire up as Tanahashi clasps hands to resist the armbar! ZSJ twists the fingers to get the ARMBAR! Tanahashi rolls, ZSJ has the DISARMER, but Tanahashi gets the ROPEBREAK! ZSJ lets go and fans fire up. ZSJ drags Tanahashi up by his arm and wrenches through. Tanahashi throws a forearm! And another! And another! But ZSJ holds onto the wrist to wrench and ELBOW BREAKER!

Tanahashi goes to a corner, ZSJ runs in to EuroUpper! But Tanahashi shoves ZSJ back! ZSJ BOOTS Tanahashi, Tanahashi fires up and runs in, but ZSJ catches him to a full nelson! Tanahashi switches that onto ZSJ, but ZSJ breaks free! ZSJ resists the straitjacket suplex, slips under and kicks Tanahashi’s legs out! REAR NAKED CHOKE! Then ZSJ switches to the ARMBAR! Tanahashi clasps hands to resist again and fans fire up, but ZSJ breaks the grip! Tanahashi hurries to turn towards the armbar, but ZSJ pushes him down! They move around, ZSJ has the TRIANGLE HOLD, but Tanahashi gets the ROPEBREAK!

ZSJ lets Tanahashi go, and fans fire up. ZSJ brings Tanahashi up to WRING the arm! Fans rally as ZSJ drags Tanahashi up to WRING the arm again! ZSJ drags Tanahashi up again, wrenches through, and PELES the arm! Fans fire up as ZSJ KICKS, but Tanahashi blocks it! ZSJ SLAPS Tanahashi but Tanahashi dropkicks the other leg! Fans fire up more and Tanahashi runs, but into a GUILLOTINE! Tanahashi stays up, and powers through to a TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! Tanahashi holds on to TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT again! Tanahashi drags ZSJ up again, but ZSJ counters with a GUILLOTINE! Tanahashi endures but he drops to a knee!

Fans rally up and ZSJ brings Tanahashi around, ZACK- NO, Tanahashi scoops out of the driver to MICHINOKU DRIVER! Fans are thunderous as Tanahashi stands again and runs, to SLINGBLADE! Cover, TWO! Tanahashi fires up and goes to the corner! Tanahashi climbs, ZSJ stands, HIGH FLY ATTACK! But ZSJ rolls through to body scissor and EUROCLUTCH! TWO!!! Tanahashi escapes and fans are thunderous! ZSJ is pissed, he PENALTY KICKS, but Tanahashi blocks it! Some fans can’t help but shout out as Tanahashi DRAGON- NO, ZSJ steps through the screw to get the ARMBAR!! Tanahashi hurries to roll him up, TWO!!

ZSJ has the TRIANGLE HOLD! Tanahashi pushes forward to bridge! ZSJ’s arm is under the ropes but Red Shoes misses it! TANAHASHI WINS!!!

Winner: Hiroshi Tanahashi, by pinfall (gains 2 points; ZSJ earns 0)

ZSJ and Tanahashi aren’t even sure the match ended, but it has! ZSJ wants to point out the ropebreak but Red Shoes can’t call what he can’t see. The Ace snatches these points from the jaws of defeat, will ZSJ be more aware of his surroundings next time? As for Tanahashi, he goes to the ropes but the fans rally, “Let’s Go, Ace!” Tanahashi acknowledges them and gets the mic. And don’t trust El Phantasmo’s “translation” on English commentary, he’s biased.

“The G1 Climax is back in the summer, and back in Nagoya! This G1 is even more important to me, and here is why. Everyone wants to win this thing. But even as we’ve been through a lot, more than just the victory, the only one to lead the way after this tournament is ME!” Fans cheer but Tanahashi says he can get more than that. “It HAS to be me!!” Fans applaud louder this time, and Tanahashi says their support has really touched him. Tanahashi thanks them for that. Tanahashi sets the mic down, but of course fans want the “AIR GUI-TAR! AIR GUI-TAR!” A Young Lion brings it out from beneath the ring and throws it up to Tanahashi!

Tanahashi says, “LET’S ROCK!” And the air guitar concert begins! Tanahashi admits it’s been awhile. And he thanks the fans for the cheer. But now fans want the “EN-CO-RU! EN-CO-RU!” Tanahashi looks around and a fan throws another air guitar to him! “LET’S ROCK!” Tanahashi gives fans the encore, but his big jump hurts his knee a bit. But the fans rallying, “Let’s Go, Ace!” helps him get back up! “LAST ONE!” Another encore and Tanahashi throws the air guitar back. Tanahashi picks the mic back up and says, “Three air guitar songs after the match. I’m okay. I’ve never been tired in my life, and that’s why I can carry this company.”

Fans applaud as Tanahashi stands back up. “I will win this G1… in a snap! Nagoya…! ASHITEMASU~!” The fans in Nagoya love Tanahashi, but will The Ace be able to trump everyone to reach the Climax?

My Thoughts:

Another great night for G1 on a day that is stacked with wrestling. I was very surprised to see Finlay beat Takagi, but it was technically with a technical move, and he didn’t dominate Takagi. Depending on how things shake out with the US Championship, I’d also love to see Finlay take Takagi on for the KOPW trophy after the G1. Great stuff out of Lawlor and Jonah, though it was more of a grind out, cerebral kind of match. Fans weren’t quite as fired up for it but they were still into it. And I figured Jonah would win. Lawlor’s not small but he is small for A Block and all the monsters in it. Jonah is also taking on Jeff Cobb next and THAT is going to be wild!

Sanada VS Khan for the first time 1v1 since WrestleKingdom was a great rematch, and a great showing from both. Sanada wins to keep pace with Takagi, but it is surprising Khan went 0-2. If nothing else, we’ll see Sanada and Takagi in the semifinals, and I’d love to see Okada VS Sanada again. And of course, an awesome main event from Tanahashi and ZSJ. They always build off their previous matches, and a great finishing exchange for the somewhat controversial finish. But Tanahashi still gets the win as he needed it more than ZSJ. ZSJ is still strong in the block and he takes on Goto next, so he can get his win back by giving Goto his first loss. Tanahashi can still make a run for the top, there’s still a lot of time and C Block seems to be up in the air.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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