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Mitchell’s WWE SummerSlam Results & Report! (7/30/22)

Will Nashville become Suplex City?



WWE SummerSlam 2022

Last chance, Last Man Standing!

Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar once again battle for the top prize in WWE, but this year’s SummerSlam is to be the last time! Will the Tribal Chief or the Beast be standing tall to end it all?


  • Raw Women’s Championship: Bianca Belair VS Becky Lynch; Belair wins and retains the title.
  • Logan Paul VS The Miz w/ Tommaso Ciampa; Logan wins.
  • WWE United States Championship: Bobby Lashley VS (Austin) Theory; Lashley wins and retains the title.
  • No Disqualification Tag: The Mysterios VS The Judgement Day; The Mysterios win.
  • Pat McAfee VS Happy Corbin; McAfee wins.
  • Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships: The Usos VS The Street Profits, Special Guest Referee Jeff Jarrett; The Usos win and retain the titles.
  • SmackDown Women’s Championship: Liv Morgan VS Ronda Rousey; Liv wins and retains the title.
  • Undisputed WWE Universal Championship Last Man Standing: Roman Reigns w/ Paul Heyman VS Brock Lesnar; Roman wins and retains the titles.


It’s the SummerSlam Kickoff Show!

Join Kayla Braxton, Jerry “The King” Lawler, Booker T, Kevin Patrick and Peter Rosenberg in discussing, analyzing and predicting all the action here tonight.


Backstage interview with (Austin) Theory.

Sarah says the Youngest Mr. MITB Ever has a huge night ahead of him. but with everything that’s happened the last few weeks, how does he fee He feels that this is his time. After tonight, we will be in the Theory Era! Theory vows to take back the WWE US Championship from Bobby Lashley, then he cashes in his little friend, the MITB contract. Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns will destroy each other, and Theory will walk down to the ring to become the Youngest Universal Champion in history. And that is #AllDay!


Please welcome the WWE Global Ambassador, Titus O’Neil!

Nashville is fired up for the Real Deal, and he wants to be the first one to welcome us to the biggest party of the summer, SummerSlam! The WWE has a motto, “Put smiles on people’s faces.” But tonight, they have a chance to honor three non-profits that are doing amazing work that not only put smiles on people’s faces, but hope in people’s hearts. The WWE Community Champion Showcase is honoring Meals of Hope, Pencil and Musicians on Call! And it’s SummerSlam, right? So we’re doing things a little differently. So not only are these organizations honored with the title belts, but in partnership with Pure Life, each organization is gifted $20,000!! So let’s get ready for a good time! Get ready for SummerSlam!


One more mysterious video.

Rain in reverse. blinking lights. The writing in blood. More images of superstars and legends of the past. “I AM COMING TO NITE!” As in, TONIGHT, on SummerSlam? Do you think you know who this is?


If you came for a crazy party, you came to the right place.

This is the biggest event of the summer, with the action always on tap where top shelf names give you top shelf smiles. But to top these charts, you have to be the best of the best. And if you ain’t that, then you best get the hell outta the ring. This is SummerSlam!


Raw Women’s Championship: Bianca Belair VS Becky Lynch!

Last year’s SummerSlam saw perhaps the craziEST moment in SummerSlam history! The EST was SmackDown Women’s Champion, and first she thought she was facing Sasha Banks. Then she thought she was facing Carmella. But then she ended up facing The Man, who suckered her into a 26 second defeat! But the tables have turned, and now Becky is trying to make a Big Time Comeback. Will she sucker Bianca in again? Or will Bianca stay the RawEST Women’s Champion to finish her comeback story?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and one way or another, the opening number is going to be a smash hit!

Fans fire up with the bell as Bianca and Becky stare down. They circle, tie up, and Bianca powers Becky back, but Becky slips away. Becky and Bianca circle again, tie up, and Becky waistlocks to a headlock to a waistlock to a headlock! But Bianca throws Becky away! Fans fire up while Becky seethes. She rushes in but Bianca waistlocks to SLAM her down! Bianca keeps on Becky, Becky reaches around to facelock. Bianca fights up, fans duel and Bianca powers Becky back. Becky goes up the corner to sunset flip but Bianca rolls through and handsprings! Bianca eggs Becky on then runs her over!

Bianca runs, handsprings but Becky gets up. Bianca dodges her but Becky yanks the hurdle out of the air! Becky omoplatas one arm and YANKS the other! Bianca clutches that arm but Becky drags her up to wrench and YANK the arm again. Becky keeps on the arm, YANKS it, wrenches, then WRINGS Bianca into ropes! Bianca writhes and Becky taunts her. Becky drags Bianca up by the bad arm, and hits an ARM CODE BREAKER! Bianca flounders to a corner while Becky grins. Fans boo but Becky stalks Bianca to ropes. Becky drags Bianca by the arm, hooks the arm and TWEAKS it! Bianca gets away to a corner but Becky is after her with hands and kicks!

Becky brings Bianca up, wrenches and WRINGS, but Bianca handsprings! And DROPKICKS! Then chicken wings! GlamEST Slam to a STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Becky bails out while Bianca shakes out her arm. Bianca shakes her head and pursues Becky at the barriers. Torture rack, KISS OF- NO, Becky lands on her feet to HOTSHOT Bianca on the barriers! And then climbs up, to drop the MAN’S LEG! Guillotine style! Becky gets Bianca back in the ring fast, covers, TWO! Bianca survives and Becky is annoyed. Fans rally, Becky has Bianca in a corner, and gives her a BECKSPLODER!

Bianca tumbles but Becky paces. Becky stalks Bianca to the other corner, brings her up and clinches to scoop and- NO, Bianca fights the suplex with elbows! Bianca suplexes, but Becky turns it to a cradle! TWO! Becky runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges, tilt-o-whirls and has the bad arm! Bianca shoves Becky away to a corner, then runs in, but only into buckles. Becky KICKS then CLUBS Bianca down! Cover, TWO! Becky snarls but she stalks Bianca again. Becky kicks Bianca in the corner, then kicks her against ropes. Fans rally up but Becky throws hands. Bianca ROCKS Becky back, and again! Becky shoves, then gets the leg! Becky goes for a leg sweep but Bianca jumps over!

Bianca blocks a kick but Becky uses that to reel Bianca in for a takedown! Bianca fights off the armbar! Becky makes it a cover, TWO! Becky runs and dropkicks Bianca out of the ring! Becky runs in again, fires off forearms and uppercuts and a SOBAT! Becky goes up the corner while Bianca’s in the ropes, GUILLO- POWERBOMB!! Bianca turned that around midair! Fans rally up while both women are down! Bianca goes back to the apron, Becky rushes over but into a shoulder! Bianca throws a forearm but Becky hits back! Becky WRECKS Bianca with a dropkick and fans duel. Becky leaps from the apron, but into chicken wings! APRON GLAM SLAM!

Bianca then runs in, but Becky throws her up! Bianca handsprings with the ropes to suplex Becky! Becky slips off to shove Bianca into the corner. Bianca and Becky tug-o-war over the hair, Bianca uses it to YANK Becky into the post! Bianca then suplexes Becky high and hard to the floor! The ring count is 5 of 10 but Bianca puts Becky in the ring. Bianca wants to win this fair and square! HANDPSRING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Bianca is frustrated but she RAMS into Becky at the corner! Bianca throws her shoulder in again and again, then whips corner to corner, Becky reverses, Bianca goes up and over, but Becky elbows her!

Becky goes up, leaps, CROSSBODY, but Bianca rolls through! Bianca carries Becky and fans fire up! Trophy Lift, but the bad arm gives up! Becky BOOTS Bianca, then goes up the corner, for the DIAMOND DUST! Cover, TWO!! Bianca survives the rolling cutter, and fans rally up again. Becky gets her own bad arm moving, and she CLUBS Bianca. Bianca ROCKS Becky but Becky hits back! Fans fire up as Bianca gest the edge but Becky knees low! Becky runs, but Bianca ROCKS her at the ropes! Bianca runs, but Becky uses the braid to pull her back! Bianca elbows Becky, Becky comes back to RANA, but Bianca blocks! And deadlifts to ALLEY-OOP!

Bianca hurries to grab Becky for the Torture Rack! Becky holds ropes, rolls through, and has the arm! DISARM-HER!! But Bianca fights it! She moves around to get the ROPEBREAK! The ref reprimands, Becky still holds so Bianca drags her out of the ring, into the torture rack! KISS OF DEATH to the floor!! Fans fire up and Bianca drags Becky back up. But Becky’s dead weight and one arm isn’t enough! Bianca goes into the ring at 8, but Becky springs to life at 9! Bianca can’t believe Becky got back in! Bianca refocuses, and she hurries after Becky to torture rack again! KISS OF- NO, Becky lands out again!

Becky BOOTS, runs, but into a SPINEBUSTER! Bianca drags Becky to a drop zone and climbs up the corner! Fans fire up as Bianca aims, but Becky gets up to knock her down! Becky climbs up after Bianca, fires off haymakers, but Bianca hits back. Becky still brings Bianca up but Bianca fires off body shots! Becky drops but has the braid! Becky yanks Bianca off the top, into a MANHANDLE SLAM!! Cover, TWO!?!? Bianca survives and no one can believe it! Becky is beside herself but she hurries to throw hands on Bianca. Becky CLUBS Bianca, but Bianca blocks! Becky steps over, but Bianca rolls her, TWO!

Bianca waistlocks and O’Conner Rolls, TWO! Bianca goes up the corner, Becky CLUBS her first! Becky goes up after her, clinches, but Bianca fights it to a SUPER SPANISH FLY!! And then a torture rack! KISS OF DEATH!!! Cover, Bianca wins!!

Winner: Bianca Belair, by pinfall (still Raw Women’s Champion)

The story has come full circle! Bianca lost one title to Becky, but she held onto this one! Does this mean Bianca is bigger than Big Time? As for Becky, she offers a handshake. Bianca isn’t sure if she can trust Becky given last year’s SummerSlam. Fans are also torn, but Bianca accepts the handshake! They hug it out and fans cheer the sportsmanship. But then, what is next for Becky in her own comeback story?

Wait, is that BAYLEY!? The Role Model has been gone for a year, and now she’s back! Fans are all fired up to see her return, and Bayley goes right to the ring. “DING DONG! Hello, Bianca! You remember me?” But wait! Is that DAKOTA KAI!?! She disappeared from NXT after losing to Mandy Rose, but she’s coming right up to the ring, too! It seems Bayley isn’t surprised, she knew this was coming. WAIT! IO SHIRAI!?! The Evil Genius also disappeared from NXT, and now she’s here!! And now, Io, Bayley and Kai are all going together! They get in the ring to tell Bianca that Bayley wasn’t going to come back like alone! She has the best in the world!

Wait, Becky is standing by Bianca’s side?! The Man isn’t going to let her old pal, Bayley, just trample on her moment with Bianca! Big Time Becks and the EST want to have at it, but Bayley and her new buddies bail out. Will it only be a matter of time before Bayley, Shirai and Kai take over Monday Night Raw?


Logan Paul VS The Miz w/ Maryse & Tommaso Ciampa!

The social media sensation became a WWE superstar with help from the Hollywood A-Lister, only to be betrayed on the biggest stage of them all! Now Logan wants his revenge during the biggest party of the summer! Will Logan’s run be truly must-see? Or will Miz stop this #ImPAULsive behavior once and for all?

The bell rings and Miz circles with Logan. The fans taunt Miz with “TINY BALLS!” but Miz shrugs that off. He ties up with Logan, pushes him to ropes, and Miz hooks Logan’s arms in the ropes. Miz pats Logan on the head as he lets off, and he gloats about the supposedly big balls he has. Logan and Miz circle again, tie up, and Miz waistlocks. Miz spins Logan, wrenches, arm-drags then runs to fake Logan out. Miz scuffs Logan and smiles. Miz mocks Logan’s shadow boxing but Logan just shrugs that off, too. Logan and Miz go again, Miz waistlocks, but Logan switches to SLAM Miz down! Logan brings Miz up and Miz elbows hard!

Miz knees low, whips Logan to ropes, but Logan slips out of the scoop to fireman’s carry takeover! Miz flounders, Logan fakes him out, then scuffs him! Fans fire up but Miz is fuming!  Miz swings, misses, blocks a boot, but Logan bobs ‘n’ weaves then fires off body shots! Logan mocks Miz’s “awesome,” then dares Miz to get up. Miz comes back, Logan hurdles, hurdles, drops with the splits, and ducks the buzzsaw! Roll up, TWO! Miz hurries up but Logan runs in, to clothesline Miz out of the ring! Logan then slingshots to MOONSAULT! Direct hit at the ramp and fans fire up! Miz is dazed, but also a bit surprised!

Logan puts Miz in but Miz turns things around to kick! And CHOP! Miz stands Logan up to CHOP again! Miz holds his hand up, but Logan ducks the chop to CHOP and CHOP and CHOP in return! Logan CHOPS so hard, his armband comes off! Logan whips, Miz reverses but Logan BOOTS! Logan goes up but Miz sweeps the legs! DRAPING CODE BREAKER! Ciampa tells Miz that was awesome, and Miz stalks Logan along the ropes. Miz stomps Logan at the ropes, lets off as the ref counts, then KICKS Logan in the side. Miz puts Logan on the ropes and CHOKES him! The ref counts, Miz claws Logan’s eyes as he lets off.

The ref reprimands Miz but Ciampa gets a cheap shot in! Miz plays dumb, then brings Logan around to hip drop. Miz claws Logan’s face, drags him up into a chinlock, but Logan endures. Fans mock Miz and the “TINY BALLS!” but Logan fires off body shots. Miz puts Logan in the corner to fire off KICK after KICK then haymaker after haymaker! Miz lets off as the ref counts, and fans boo as Miz soaks up the heat. Miz runs in but Logan dodges! Miz knees buckles, Logan counter punches to ROCK Miz! And again! Miz shoves Logan, Logan BOOTS back! Logan goes up the corner to BLOCKBUSTER! Direct hit and both men are down!

A standing count begins as both men stir. Logan sits up at 5, Miz follows, and Logan stands at 6. Logan LARIATS, then LARIATS again! Then he scoops Miz to hit a RUNNING POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO!! Logan catches his breath while Miz crawls away. Logan paces around Miz, and PENALTY KICKS! And PENALTY KICKS! And again, and again! Miz ducks the buzzsaw but Logan CHOP BLOCKS Miz down! Logan has the legs, grins and steps through, for the FIGURE FOUR! Miz endures, Logan thrashes the hold, Miz has his shoulders down! TWO, and Miz reaches for ropes! Miz drags himself and Logan around, ROPEBREAK!

Logan lets off fast, and fans rally up as Logan goes corner to corner. Miz puts Logan on the apron but Logan ROCKS Miz! Miz stagers, Logan leaps, CROSSBODY! But no cover, STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO!! Miz winces and crawls to the corner, but Logan stalks behind him. Miz elbows Logan away, BOOTS him to a corner, and Miz runs, but into an elbow! Miz distracts the ref, Ciampa is on the apron! But the ref spots him, and EJECTS him!! Ciampa is furious and storms around, and grabs a chair! Ciampa takes a seat, but here comes AJ STYLES! Ciampa gets out of his seat to look for Styles, but where is he? PHENOMENAL FOREARM from the crowd side!

Styles fires off on Ciampa and takes him around to TOSS over barriers! Ciampa and Styles brawl in the crowd! Miz gets up, Logan hits a PHENOMENAL FOREARM of his own! Cover, TWO!! Miz survives and Logan is furious, but Logan pursues Miz out of the ring. Logan tells Miz to get his ass up, then drags him around. Logan gets an idea, and decides to clear off the announce desk! The ring count is climbing, but Logan drags Miz up to put him on the table. Logan gets in the ring, goes to a corner and climbs, but Maryse shouts at Logan! Logan just throws the corner crossbar cover at her! Logan hits a SUPER FROG SPLASH TO THE DESK!!!

Fans are losing their minds as Logan invokes the spirit of Shane O’Mac with that one! But did he do as much damage to himself as he did Miz and the desk? Maryse distracts the ref while Logan gets Miz in the ring to cover! Logan would’ve won by now! Logan yells at Maryse, but Logan grabs his necklace! Miz swings, Logan dodges! Maryse almost gets hit!! Logan gets Miz, SKULL CRUSHING FINALE!! Cover, Logan wins!!

Winner: Logan Paul, by pinfall

With Miz’s own move, Logan has his revenge! Logan unloaded on the A-Lister, is this the start of a new must-see career in the WWE?


Maximum Male Models finish a photoshoot.

They’re parched. All this modeling is making them thirsty. Maxxine Dupri demands her boys get water. Ah, yes. Pure Life! After a long day under the bright lights, they need something cool and refreshing to quench that thirst. Pure Life promotes hydration. And who doesn’t want hydrated skin? This is all they need to perform their perfect poses. Pure Life is the official water of Maximum Male Models, and the WWE.


WWE United States Championship: Bobby Lashley VS (Austin) Theory!

The All Mighty took this title from the Youngest WWE United States Champion Ever, but “Daddy” got Theory the MITB contract to make up for it. Will Lashley show that Vince or no Vince, Theory is going to feel the pain in the Hurt Lock? Or can Theory grab this prize on the way to the top prize?

The introductions are made, and Theory ATTACKS Lashley off the corner! Theory wants the bell, the ref checks on Lashley first. Lashley says he wants this match, so the bell rings. Theory rushes in, fires off body shots and CLUBS Lashley, but Lashley stays up! Theory keeps throwing forearms but Lashley elbows him away. Lashley blocks a boot, but Theory ROCKS Lashley with a left! SOMERSAULT BLOCKBUSTER! Cover, ONE!! Theory rains down fists on Lashley while fans tell them how they feel. Theory stomps Lashley, rains down fists, and shouts, “I don’t need my daddy!” Theory drags Lashley up, reels him in, but Lashley suplexes first!

Theory slips out, ROCKS Lashley, runs but Lashley hurdles! Lashley CLOBBERS Theory, CLOBBERS him again, then hits a MILE HIGH SPINEBUSTER! Theory flounders and fans fire up! Lashley aims as Theory is in the corner, and Lashley runs in, but Theory bails out! Theory wants his briefcase to leave and focus on Roman VS Lesnar. But Lashley intercepts him at the ramp! Theory is afraid and he throws the briefcase. Lashley swats it, CLUBS Theory and RAMS him into barriers! Lashley drags Theory up, RAMS him in again, then drags Theory up to put in the ring. Lashley gets in but Theory gets out, and Theory slingshots in to SHOTGUN! Cover, TWO!

Theory grins and mocks Lashley’s pose. Theory runs in at Lashley, but into a COMPLETE SHOT! Lashley catches his breath while Theory flounders again. Fans rally behind Lashley, Theory throws a haymaker. Lashley hits Theory back, Theory throws another! Lashley hits back, Theory hits again, repeat! They keep throwing hands back and forth and the fans fire up as Lashley gets the edge! Theory swings, Lashley ducks but the back elbow come sin! Theory runs, into a scoop! And a POWERSLAM! Fans fire up with Lashley and Lashley runs in at Theory, but Theory goes up and over! Lashley POSTS himself!

Theory slingshots in again, but into a the trophy lift!! Then the HURT LOCK!!! Theory taps with both hands, Lashley wins!

Winner: Bobby Lashley, by submission (still WWE US Champion)

So much for part one of Theory’s plan! Will Lashley continue to dominate as United States Champion? Will Theory be able to regroup and focus on part two of tonight?


No Disqualification Tag: The Mysterios VS The Judgement Day!

This has been going on for over a month now, and it will only end when one side is destroyed! Will Rey & Dominik keep their lucha libre legacy alive? Or will they be nothing but dust and bones after dealing with Damian Priest & Finn Balor?

The second Rey & Dom are in the ring, the Judgement Day attacks! But Rey & Dom are ready and the brawl is on! Dom has Damian, Rey has the Prince! But Damian throws Dom, throws fists, and Finn does the same to Rey! Judgement Day soaks up the heat and Rhea applauds. But fans boo, until Rey BOOTS Finn, then BOOTS Priest! Rey tilt-o-whirl RANAS Finn, Dominic DROPKICKS Priest! Priest stays up but Dom dumps him out! Rey feeds Finn to Dom to throw out, and then Rey slingshots to hold ropes open! Dom DIVES and takes out Priest! Fans fire up and Rey mule kicks Finn to ASAI MOONSAULT!

Fans fire up again and Rhea is frustrated! Dom puts Finn in, climbs up a corner, and Dom CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Dom drags Finn up, bumps him off buckles and he tags Rey in. The Mysterios DOUBLE RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP, then Rey runs to wheelbarrow with Dom, VICTORY ROLL SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up, Rey brings Finn up and wrenches the arm. Tag to Dom, the Mysterios mug Finn, and Dom knuckle locks to go up and up and FLYING ARM-DRAG! Priest swipes at Dom but Dom ROCKS him! Finn whips Dom into Priest’s KNEE! Finn DECKS Rey, and he grins as he has Dom all alone.

Finn KICKS Dom, stomps him down at the ropes, and soaks up the heat from Nashville. Finn CHOKES Dom on the ropes, then he lets off to tag in Priest. Finn scoops Dom for a BACKBREAKER, and Priest adds a LEG DROP! Cover, TWO! Fans rally but Priest DECKS Dom down! Priest digs his knee into Dom and pulls him back. Dom endures, fights up, but Priest keeps him from Rey. Dom throws body shots, but Priest ROUNDHOUSES Dom down! Priest DECKS Rey for good measure, then waits on Dom to get up. Finn puts Dom in the corner, Priest hits a big back elbow! Tag to Finn, BROKEN ARROW to slingshot STOMP!

Rhea likes what she sees, and Finn mocks Latino Heat. Finn drags Dom up, snap suplexes, and then holds on for Uno Amigo! Finn then CLUBS Dom just to mess with fans. Finn CHOPS Dom in a corner, CHOPS him again, and RAMS a shoulder in. Rhea mocks Dom’s pain, Finn CHOPS him and throws body shots and CHOPS again! Finn whips corner to corner, runs in and CHOPS again! Fans rally but Finn bumps Dom off buckles. Finn talks trash on Dom and his dad, but Dom shoves back and hits a NECKBREAKER! Both men are down, fans rally up, hot tags to Priest and Rey! Rey ducks, dodges and CROSSBODIES!

Rey kicks Priest, whips, but Priest reverses. Rey dodges, Priest hits buckles! Rey shoulders in, goes up top and SEATED SENTONS! Fans fire up as Rey basement dropkicks! Rey DECKS Finn, then baits Priest into a BOOT! Wheelbarrow and a BULLDOG! Rey KICKS Finn before he could bring the chair in! Rey has the chair, he JAMS Priest with it, then SMACKS him with it! Fans fire up for that one! Rey sees Finn, baseball slide CHAIR SPLASH onto Finn! Rey then gets back up, GAMANGIRIS Priest, and slingshots, but into Priest’s arms! Priest and Rey scrap, Rey slips off but runs into a SUPERKICK! Cover, TWO!

Priest catches his breath and looms over Rey. Priest drags Rey up, clamps on a choke grip, but Rey slips out of the slam to victory roll Priest onto ropes! But Finn tags in to LARIAT Rey! No 619 yet, and Finn runs in at Rey to SHOTGUN him into buckles! Rey is down, Finn goes up! But Dom returns to anchor Finn! Finn CLUBS away until Dom lets go, but Rey ROCKS Finn back! Rey climbs up, HEADBUTTS Finn, and SUPER STEINERS! Cover, Priest breaks it! Priest drags Rey up, reels him in, calls his shot, but Rey drops. Priest brings him back up, but Dom saves Rey from the crucifix! Then gives Rey a boost to RANA Priest onto ropes!

Dom dropkicks Finn onto ropes! Fans fire up as the Mysterios dial it up, but Rhea disconnects those calls! Rhea gets Dom for an Electric Chair SLAM onto the apron!! Finn calls to Priest, Priest choke grips Rey! SOUTH OF HEAVEN, and Rhea fetches a chair. But wait! There’s FIRE on stage! And rising from the ground is EDGE!! The Rated R Superstar is summoning the powers of The Brood and the Attitude Era, and he is like a bat outta hell going to the ring! Priest hurries to intercept but Edge BOOTS him down! Then Edge SPEARS Finn!! And he dodges Priest to SPEAR him, too! Fans are loving it as Edge drop toeholds Finn onto ropes!

Rey and Dom regroup, they dial it up, DOUBLE 619!! FROG SPLASH! Cover, the Mysterios win!

Winners: The Mysterios, by pinfall

The Judgement Day pays for what they did to their former leader! The legendary Edge stands alongside the legendary Rey Mysterio, will they and Dominik destroy what Judgement Day has become?


Pat McAfee VS Happy Corbin!

Football teammates who went their separate ways, it’s borderline fate that brought them back together, as enemies. McAfee’s all about having a good time, but will he be having a great time when he puts “Bum Ass Corbin” in his place? Or will Corbin be an even happier Corbin when he actually backs up his words and beats McAfee?

As part of Corbin’s entrance, a men’s choir sings “BUM ASS CORBIN!” Clearly that was McAfee’s doing. And then the choir shifts to a Seven Nation Army remix for McAfee! The bell rings and fans fire up for McAfee. Corbin says McAfee is nothing but his mouth, so he should just go take a seat on commentary. But fans chant, “BUM ASS CORBIN!” so we know how they feel. Corbin shoves McAfee, but McAfee SUPERKICKS him! And then ROCKS him with haymakers! McAfee has Corbin in a corner but Corbin knees low and puts McAfee in the corner. Corbin runs in, into a BOOT! McAfee goes up to FLYING RANA!

McAfee clotheslines Corbin up and out of the ring! Fans fire up while McAfee goes out after Corbin. But Corbin RAMS McAfee into the apron! Corbin whips, McAfee reverses and POSTS Corbin! McAfee stomps Corbin, puts him in the ring, and then gets in to stomp him at the ropes. McAfee drags Corbin up to hoist onto the top rope. McAfee throws hands, then climbs up after Corbin. McAfee climbs up even higher but Corbin throws body shots! Corbin shoves McAfee, but McAfee backflips through! But Corbin SHOTGUNS?! Both men show off they can do anything, and Corbin stomps away on McAfee!

Fans boo but Corbin drags McAfee up to put in the corner. Corbin fires off body shots, lets off as the ref counts, and Corbin goes corner to corner to SPLASH! Corbin TOSSES McAfee across the ring, then he soaks up the heat. Corbin taunts McAfee to get up, and he tells Michael Cole, “How’s your boy doing?” Corbin fires off haymakers, CLUBS McAfee, then tosses him out! Corbin goes out to RAM McAfee into barriers! Corbin brings McAfee around to RAM into more barriers, then refreshes the ring count. Corbin drags McAfee up and puts him in to then cover, TWO! Corbin sarcastically applauds McAfee but fans boo Corbin.

Corbin drags McAfee up, but McAfee throws body shots! McAfee runs, but into a DEEP SIX! Cover, TWO!! Corbin argues with the ref but McAfee survived fair and square! McAfee crawls to a corner, Corbin runs in, but McAfee dodges! Corbin slides out, slides in, but into a dropkick! McAfee then slingshots to PLANCHA! Direct hit and both men are down! McAfee hurries up and after Corbin but Corbin fires off haymakers and forearms! Corbin TOSSES McAfee across the desk! Corbin then dribbles McAfee off the desk while taunting Maggle! Corbin refreshes the ring count again then grabs a headset to say, “Hey, Tim! Hey, Sally! You watching your boy!”

Corbin is taunting Mr. & Mrs. McAfee as Corbin rains down fists! Cole says Corbin’s parents are the ones who are embarrassed! But Corbin shoves Cole into taking a seat! Corbin rains down fists on McAfee, then drags McAfee into the ring. Corbin glares at Cole but Cole tells him to focus on McAfee. Corbin says the Titans are never going to the Super Bowl! Corbin climbs up a corner, which isn’t usually his thing… McAfee springs up after him! Fans fire up as McAfee gets Corbin up for the SUPERPLEX!! McAfee crawls to a cover, TWO!! Fans fire up for McAfee while he and Corbin stir. McAfee and Corbin rise and the fans fire up more.

Corbin fires off a haymaker, but McAfee hits back! Corbin hits McAfee again, but McAfee hits back! Corbin hits, McAfee hits, and fans fire up as McAfee fires off! But Corbin RAMS McAfee into a corner! Corbin goes corner to corner but McAfee moves, Corbin POSTS himself! Corbin flops out of the ring while the ref checks on McAfee. The ring count starts but McAfee rises. McAfee sees the corner, and he climbs it! McAfee aims at Corbin, to SUPER SWANTON!! #ForTheBrand!! Fans are losing their minds as McAfee hits Corbin down! McAfee gets Corbin in, goes back up the corner, and has to leap over Corbin!

McAfee comes back, slips out of End of Days and ROCKS Corbin! Corbin stumbles into the ref! The ref goes down, Corbin and McAfee look around! McAfee LOW BLOWS Corbin! Payback from SmackDown! “SUCK IT!” McAfee goes up and fans fire up as McAfee hits a PANAMA SUNRISE!! McAfee wins!!

Winner: Pat McAfee, by pinfall

Another amazing performance from McAfee! 2-1 overall in the WWE, is McAfee the best commentator turned wrestler ever?


Drew McIntyre is here!

The Scottish Warrior is the NEW #1 Contender to the Undisputed WWE Universal Champion after SmackDown’s incredible Irish Donnybrook! And now he and his sword, Angela, are headed to the ring! “Nashville, how the hell are you?” They cheer so they’re doing great. “I love this place. Broadway, Music City, home of the Titans, who are in the house tonight! In fact, I love this place so much, it’s the home of the new #1 contender for the Undisputed Championship, Drew McIntyre!” Did y’all see that match between him and Sheamus? It was a war for 30 minutes, both men beating the hell out of each other with whatever they could get their hands on!

But McIntyre says it was worth it! Why? Because now McIntyre has his shot at the title! Let’s talk about that title and its main event, Brock Lesnar VS Roman Reigns, for the FIRST TIME EVER! Uh, well, in Nashville, at least. With both titles on the line, and in a Last Man Standing Match, and in front of this kid named Colt! Fans chant for “COLT! COLT! COLT!” and McIntyre high-fives him. But that min event will be a battle. It won’t matter who wins, because at Clash at the Castle, McIntyre beats dat ass and takes those titles! Now, let him raise his magic sword and see what happens. Three! Two! One! BOOM! Will there be fireworks in Cardiff when McIntyre takes on whoever is champion?


Jeff Jarrett makes his way to the ring.

Nashville cheers their own Double J, and he is all suited up to be the official for this next title match!

Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships: The Usos VS The Street Profits, Special Guest Referee Jeff Jarrett!

Money in the Bank didn’t become known for a tag title match but for the shoulder being up at the end of it! And because of that, there has been a need for a slightly higher standard of shot calling. In steps J E Double F, J A Double R E Double T, ain’t he great? But will having a legend like Jarrett really change the fortunes of the Profits? Or will Jimmy & Jey still be the ones holding the unified Raw & SmackDown Tag Team Championships?

Angelo Dawkins & Montez Ford get the Tennessee Titans’ cheer squad with them for their entrance, but the Usos only need the belts. The introductions are made, one red and one blue belt each is raised, and we see if this match is truly undisputed!

The teams sort out and Jimmy starts against Dawkins. They circle, tie up, and Jimmy puts Dawkins in a corner to fire off haymakers! Jarrett counts, then he pulls Jimmy off when he doesn’t listen. Remember, five count! Jimmy storms up on Dawkins but Dawkins ROCKS Jimmy! Dawkins fires off hands, Jarrett counts, but he pulls Dawkins back, too. Dawkins storms up on Jimmy, Jimmy CLUBS him, Jey tags in. Dawkins whips but Jimmy reverses to a BACKBREKER! Jey adds an AX HANDLE! Cover, TWO! Jey stays between the Profits, then ROCKS Dawkins with an uppercut! Dawkins ends up in Usos territory as Jimmy tags in.

Jey RAMS into Dawkins, Jimmy taunts Ford then forearm smashes Dawkins! Jarrett tells Jey to exit, one in and one out! Jimmy stays on Dawkins by stomping a hand. Jimmy CHOKES Dawkins, Jarrett counts and Jimmy stops at 4. But Jey hits a sucker punch behind Jarrett’s back all the same! Jimmy clamps on a chinlock and he grinds Dawkins down. Dawkins endures, fans rally up, but Jimmy squeezes tight. Dawkins fights up but Jimmy wrangles him back down! Jimmy leans on the hold but Dawkins fights up. Dawkins throws body shots but Jimmy ROCKS him with an uppercut! Jimmy rains down fists in the corner, but lets off as Jarrett counts.

Jarrett reminds Jimmy of the five count, but Jimmy raises the finger, #WeTheOnes. Jimmy gets the fans chanting “UCE! SO!” and he runs corner to corner to HIP ATTACK! Jimmy says, “All day! All damn day!” Jey says to do it again, so Jimmy goes back to the corner. “UCE! SO!” Jimmy runs in, but Dawkins dodges! And GAMANGIRIS! Fans fire up while both men are down! Dawkins and Jimmy crawl while Jarrett starts a standing count. Hot tags to Jey and Ford! Ford GAMANGIRIS Jey, then CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Ford dodges Jey then follows to LARIAT! Fans fire up, Ford mule kicks and front kicks to ENZIGURI!

Ford drags Jey up, back suplexes high and hard! Ford handsprings, flexes and STANDING MOONSAULTS! Cover, TWO! Jey is still in this but Ford snarls. Ford smacks Jey with his own shirt, then drags him up. Ford CHOPS Jey, then waistlocks. Jey switches, back suplexes, but Ford lands on his feet! Jey mule kicks, uppercuts, but Ford dodges to RUNNING BLOCKBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Ford seethes and he stalks Jey to a corner. Ford CHOPS Jey, pie faces him around, then whips corner to corner. Jey reverses, avoids Ford going up and over and shoves him into buckles! POP-UP NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!

Jey is annoyed now but he tags Jimmy in. The Usos bring Ford up, they double whip, but Ford holds ropes! Ford then dumps both Usos out! Hot tag to Dawkins and Dawkins brings down the straps! Dawkins builds speed to FLY! Direct hit into the LED barriers! Fans fire up as Dawkins puts Jimmy in, for the SILENCER! Cover, TWO!! Jimmy survives and Dawkins can’t believe it! Dawkins drags Jimmy up but Jimmy kicks. Dawkins blocks but the DRAGON WHIP hits! Ford tags in, Dawkins ducks the superkick to POUNCE BACK SUPLEX COMBO! Cover, TWO!! Ford argues with Jarrett but Jarrett says that was fair.

Tag back to Dawkins and Ford climbs the corner. Dawkins Electric Chair Lifts Jimmy, but Jimmy fights! Ford leaps over, Jey SUPERKICKS him! Jimmy SUPERKICKS Dawkins! Tag to Jey, and the Usos DOUBLE SUPERKICK! Jey drags Dawkins around, tags Jimmy back in, and Jimmy goes up! USO SPLASH! Cover, TWO!! Now Jimmy argues but Jarrett says two is two! Jimmy talks with Jey, tags Jey in, and the Usos take opposite corners. They climb up, for the DOUBLE UCE!! Jey covers, Ford breaks it!! Fans are fired up as all four men are down! Jarrett starts a standing count on the legal men, and we’re already at 5 of 10!

The Usos and Profits all get up. Jimmy grabs Ford and they stand at 7. Jimmy whips, Ford reverses and sends Jimmy out. Jey sends Ford out but Ford holds on! Jey aims, but Dawkins dodges! Jarrett catches the kick this time, feeds Jey to THE ANOINTING! Hot tag to Ford! FROM THE HEAVENS!! But Ford’s ribs hold him back! Ford flounders to the cover, TWO!?!? Ford can’t believe how close that was! No one can! But “This is Awesome!” as Jarrett argues with Ford. Ford talks trash on Jarrett but he tags Dawkins in. Ford stalks Jey but Jimmy gets him out of there! So Ford DIVES into a DOUBLE SUPERKICK! The Usos TOSS Ford over the barriers!

But Dawkins runs in! But into DOUBLE SUPERKICKS! The Usos put Dawkins in, Jimmy tags, and they DOUBLE SUPERKICK Dawkins again! Pop-up, ONE AND DONE!! Cover, The Usos wins!!

Winners: The Usos, by pinfall (still Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions)

Jarrett called this down the middle, this isn’t on him! The Usos are just that damn good! Will anyone ever dethrone Jimmy & Jey? Or are they the ones then, now and forever?


Matt Riddle is here?!

The Bro jumps in from the crowd and fans go wild! “So I’m not medically cleared to compete tonight.” He tells security to shut up as he says Randy Orton always told him not to take crap from trash like Seth Rollin! So Rollins, get your ass out here! Fans fire up for Riddle, and here comes Seth Rollins! The Visionary has Adam Pearce and other officials trying to stop him, but Rollins wants to accept Riddle’s challenge! Rollins sprints past in his creamsicle outfit and Riddle meets him at the ramp! The brawl is on!! Riddle ROCKS Rollins, KICKS him towards the ring, and gets him in the ring! Riddle KICKS and KICKS and KICKS!

Rollins blocks then DECKS Riddle! Rollins aims, refs and officials freak out, but the CURB STOMP hits!! Riddle’s neck injury could be aggravated or worse! But Rollins just laughs and fans sing “OH~ OH~ OHHH~!” Rollins bails out and swaggers his way back up the ramp. Did the Bro bite off more than he can chew?


SmackDown Women’s Championship: Liv Morgan VS Ronda Rousey!

After scratching and clawing, this young woman from New Jersey finally got to live the dream. She won the Ms. Money in the Bank contract, and then cashed in that same night to take this title from the Baddest Woman on the Planet. However, Ronda is right back for a rematch, and this time, she’s 100%! Will Ronda rip off Liv’s limbs to get the belt back? Or can Liv prove being an underdog isn’t a death sentence?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if Liv can keep the dream alive!

Liv and Ronda tie up but Ronda throws hands and throws Liv! Ronda dares Liv to get up and Liv does. Liv dodges one hand but not the rest! Ronda corners Liv but Liv shoves her away. Liv goes up and over but Ronda step-up KNEES! Ronda gets a leg, but Liv moves around, so Ronda fisherman SUPLEXES! Cover, TWO! Liv gets ropes and the ref has Ronda stay back. Ronda shrugs, but Liv fires off hands in return! Liv kicks low, ROCKS and ENZIGURIS Ronda, but Ronda BOOTS Liv right down! Ronda rolls to the fireman’s carry, but Liv elbows free! Liv gives Ronda a CODE BREAKER! Liv runs in at the ropes, but Ronda has a SLEEPER!

Ronda SLAMS Liv, gest the arm, but Liv moves around! Ronda still wants it, Liv rolls Ronda up, ONE! Ronda gets the arm again, for a double wristlock! Liv endures, Ronda shifts her grip and talks some trash, ARMBAR! But Liv rolls Ronda up! TWO, into a RINGS OF SATURN! Liv busting out a submission of her own! But Ronda grits her teeth, fights up to her feet, but Liv hits a CURCIFI DRIVER! Cover, TWO!! Ronda survives and she flounders to a corner. Liv DOUBLE STOMPS her down! Ronda gets to ropes, and gets a HANGING ARMBAR! Liv endures, Ronda lets off at the ref’s count of 4! Ronda hurries back in, and she THRWOS Liv down!

Ronda gets the arm, drags Liv to the center, and Ronda asks if fans want a souvenir! ARMBAR!! Liv bridges, kicks, flails, drags herself over, to the ROPEBREAK! Fans fire up and Ronda lets off in frustration. Liv is against ropes but Ronda throws hands! Then she throws Liv! ARMBAR!! Liv endures and bridges again, kicks around and rolls to the ROPEBREAK! Fans fire up and Ronda is getting even more frustrated. Ronda sees Liv go to another corner, the ref checks on Liv, but Liv doesn’t want this to stop the match! Liv swears her arm is okay, and then she dares Ronda to bring it! Ronda fires up and runs in, steps up and around to RANA Liv into the ARMBAR!!

Liv endures, stands up, gets Ronda  on her shoulders! Cover, while Liv taps, but LIV WINS!!!

Winner: Liv Morgan, by pinfall (still SmackDown Women’s Champion)

Ronda protests, she knows Liv was tapping! But what was the timing of it? The three or the tap? The replay shows the tapping started at two! But it doesn’t change anything, replays don’t matter in WWE! But Ronda DECKS Liv! Ronda puts Liv in the armbar! Then she throws the ref!! And puts him in the ARMBAR!! Ronda’s snapped but she might snap an arm first! Officials rush out but Ronda tells them to back off or get some of that! The ref didn’t do his job in Ronda’s opinion, but will Ronda have to fight her way back up? And as for Liv, she survived by a split second. Will she be able to stay that lucky against the rest of the SmackDown roster?


“Kane,” Glenn Jacobs is here!

He is glad to announce that tonight’s attendance in Nashville’s Nissan Stadium is 48,449! Thank you, WWE Universe! And of course, Kane makes the corner posts burst with flames!


Undisputed WWE Universal Championship: Roman Reigns w/ Paul Heyman VS Brock Lesnar!

After seven YEARS, this rivalry finally has its conclusion. The Tribal Chief thought he had put The Beast away at WrestleMania 38 when he became the reigning, defending, Undisputed WWE Universal Champion. But Lesnar came back again, promising to give Roman the country ass kicking he deserves. Will Lesnar end this last chapter as the Last Man Standing? Or will everyone, even Lesnar, have to acknowledge Roman Reigns?

Roman of course has The Wise Man, Paul Heyman, and his cousins, The Usos, so that all three undisputed champions of WWE can stand together with the belts and the pyro. But only the Special Counsel goes with Roman to the ring, holding the blue belt as a banner for The Bloodline. Then Roman holds up the belts for the second round of pyro. Heyman hands over a mic, and Roman says, “Nashville… SummerSlam! ACKNOWLEDGE ME!” Nashville is torn but there are plenty of fans cheering. Then Lesnar makes his entrance and everyone fires up! And that’s also because Lesnar gets his flannel on and rides a big tractor to the ring!

Lesnar parks the tractor at ringside, with the front loader raised! Lesnar climbs the loader to get in the ring! Roman wants that tractor out of here, but it’s not exactly stopping them from doing anything, right? The introductions are finally made, with Lesnar introducing himself as “a big ass country boy, weighing 285 pounds, coming here tonight to kick Roman Reigns’ ass, and the Last Man Standing! Ladies and gentlemen, BRRROCK! LESNARR!” Surprisingly, Heyman doesn’t take over Roman’s intro. The black ‘n’ blue belts are raised, and then Lesnar LEAPS from the loader to CLOBBER Roman!! Lesnar rains down fists and the bell rings!

Roman pushes Lesnar away, but Lesnar clotheslines Roman out of the ring! Lesnar then pursues, and he OVERHEAD Belly2Belly Suplexes! And so it begins! Lesnar brings Roman around to RAM into steel steps, stalks him around the way, and he moves steps aside to drag Roman up, for another OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! That’s two and Roman is down! The count starts but Roman pushes himself up at 5 of 10. Lesnar stalks Roman again, and CLOBBERS him against barriers! Lesnar then hauls ROman up to SLAM on the barriers, and Roman flops into the crowd. Lesnar grins as the count starts and he pursues Roman through the crowd.

Lesnar brings Roman over to one of the canopy supports, to snap suplex Roman onto it! Roman is down, the count begins again, but he stirs at 5 of 10. Lesnar hops up to join Roman as he stands, and Lesnar fireman’s carries! Roman claws Lesnar’s face to get free, then he POSTS Lesnar with the truss! Roman checks his back, then storms up on Lesnar. Roman reels Lesnar in, but Lesnar RAMS Roman into the truss! Then Lesnar TOSSES Roman onto a cameraman! Roman is down and the count starts again. Roman flounders at 4 of 10 so Lesnar storms up on him. Lesnar DUMPS Roman over the barriers and back to ringside.

Lesnar stumbles getting over the barriers, but he GERMAN SUPLEXES Roman to the floor! That’s about four suplexes total, Music City is definitely Suplex City. Roman is down while Lesnar looks under the ring. Fans fire up as a TABLE is brought out! Roman stands at 6 of 10 but Lesnar stands the table up. Lesnar makes sure it is sturdy, and Heyman creeps up on him? Lesnar glares at Heyman and Heyman begs for mercy! Lesnar leaves Heyman alone, he has to get Roman first. Roman fireman’s carries to SAMOAN DROP Lesnar through the table! The Wise Man tricks Lesnar again! Roman gets up while Lesnar stirs.

The count is 8 of 10 but Lesnar stands up. Roman grabs the top half of the steel steps, and he RAMS Lesnar down, onto the wreckage of the table! Lesnar is down again, Roman brings out a new table! Roman stands that table up while Lesnar manages to stand at about 5 of 10. Roman drags Lesnar over, t URENAGE through the table! The count starts again but Lesnar sits up at 5. Lesnar stands at 7, but Roman is right there to put Lesnar in the ring. Roman locks ‘n’ loads, takes aim from the corner, SUPERMAN PUNCH! Lesnar staggers but only drops to a knee! Roman reloads, runs back in, SUPERMAN PUNCH!

Lesnar drops but is right back up! Roman fires up, “OOAH~!” SPEAR!! But Roman can’t cover, he has to let the count start! The count reaches 5 while Lesnar is down, but Lesnar does sit up at 7! Lesnar powers his way up at 8, and Roman can’t believe it! Roman “OOAH~” and runs in, but into a fireman’s carry! But Roman slips off, shoves, and runs in, only for Lesnar to toss Roman out! Roman almost hits table wreckage on the way down! The count is on both men but Roman rolls out at 5 to stand. Roman is still down at 7 but stands at 8. Lesnar storms over after Roman, brings him around, and SPINEBUSTERS Roman on what’s left of a table!!

Another standing count as Lesnar staggers away, and Roman is still down at 5. Lesnar moves the tractor?! The loader is lowered, Roman manages to stand at 8 of 10. Lesnar comes back for Roman and RAMS him with steel steps! Payback from a moment ago and Roman staggers around the way. Lesnar grabs whatever is left of another table, to SMACK Roman with it! Roman goes down! The count climbs and Lesnar smiles. Fans fire up as the count is 7, but Roman sits up! Roman pushes up off the steel at 9! Lesnar sighs, but he drags Roman around the way and to the tractor. Lesnar puts Roman in the loader! And then gets the tractor to raise it!!

Roman is high above the ground, and Lesnar lifts him over the ring! Lesnar DUMPS Roman out of the loader!! Roman crashes down on the mat from about eight feet up! The count starts, but Roman sits up at 5. Roman stands at 7, so Lesnar hurries back into the ring. “This is Awesome!” as Lesnar GERMAN SUPLEXES Roman! Roman flounders, Roman GERMAN SUPLEXES again! Roman flounders again but Lesnar is right on him! GERMAN SUPLEX! Lesnar is starting to tire himself out with these, but Roman is the one down on the mat! The count is 5 of 10, then 8! Roman manages to stand at 9!

Lesnar is right after Roman with a fireman’s carry! F5!! But again, it is up to the ten count! Lesnar waits in a corner as he watches Roman down at 5. Roman’s down at 8, but he slowly sits up. Roman flounders up at 9.9!! Lesnar is beside himself, but Roman is leaning against ropes. Fireman’s carry, F- GUILLOTINE!! Roman has Lesnar caught!! No ropebreaks to stop this, but wait! Lesnar powers out to GUILLOTINE Roman right back!! Now Roman is the one having to worry about no ropebreaks! Heyman is worrying for Roman, too! The ref is checking Roman, he is out, but Lesnar has to let the count start!

Lesnar lets Roman go, the count begins, and Lesnar watches like a hawk. The count is 5, then 7, then 9! Roman stands at 9.99999!!! Lesnar thinks that was it, but somehow Roman is conscious! Lesnar goes right back to the tractor, backs it up, lowers the loader, and MOVES THE RING?!?! And TIPS IT?!?! Roman tumbles right out!!! This is the first time anyone anywhere can say they’ve seen anything like this!! The count starts, fans are losing their minds, and Roman drags himself up the barriers to stand at 8! But Lesnar is right there, and he clears off the annoucne desk! But THE USOS attack!!

Lesnar OVERHEAD Belly2Belly Suplexes Jimmy, then does the same to Jey! The Usos have rough landings, but Heyman tells Lesnar to stop! Twenty YEARS, Heyman has had it with this! Heyman gives Lesnar the belt and says he is the winner! Just leave the Tribal Chief alone! NOPE! Lesnar gets Heyman up, for an F5 THROUGH THE DESK!! But Roman SPEARS Lesnar!!! Everyone is down but the referee, and he counts! The count is 5! Then 7! Then 8! But both monsters stand at 9!! Roman flops right back down, Lesnar flounders, and HERE COMES THEORY!!! Nashville is booing and freaking out at the same time!

Theory and a ref of his own are here, MITB contract in hand! And Theory CLOBBERS Roman with the briefcase!! But Lesnar gets Theory with an F5 on the briefcase!! Lesnar is standing, Jimmy & Jey DOUBLE SUPERKICK!! The count starts again, Roman is standing against the tipped over ring! Lesnar flounders but we’re at 5 of 10! Roman counts along, we’re at 7! EIGHT! NINE!! Lesnar stands at 9.9999999, but into a SPEAR onto the belts!! Lesnar is down again, the count restarts! Lesnar is up at 9 again?!?!? Roman is furious! He SMACKS Theory for what he tried to pull, then he BASHES Lesnar with the briefcase again and again!

Roman is just windmilling the case! “COUNT HIS ASS NOW!” Lesnar is down as the ref counts again. We reach 5, and then 7. Lesnar is conscious, but he’s still down! Lesnar staggers up at 9 again?!?! Is he truly a beast?! BELT SHOT from Roman!! Cole wishes the ref would count faster! Lesnar is still down at 6 of 10, but he sputters alive at 7! Roman is beside himself as Lesnar gets up again!!! What does Roman have to do!?! Roman has the other belt, he shouts, “You ain’t ever coming back! YOU ain’t welcome here!” BELT SHOT!! And then the Usos help Roman bury Lesnar alive under wreckage! Roman STANDS on the pile, Lesnar can’t get up! ROMAN WINS!

Winner: Roman Reigns (still Undisputed WWE Universal Champion)

Of course this is how it ends! Roman used Heyman, the Usos, everything at ringside, and even Theory distracting Lesnar with his cash-in attempt to finish off the Alpha Male of Our Species! Will the Tribal Chief ever lose these titles with such a stacked deck? Will Lesnar ever return to the WWE after this?

My Thoughts:

What a wild night! Firstly, I was surprised the Raw Women’s Championship opened the night, but we got an awesome match out of Bianca VS Becky. A great story told over the last 11 months, and this was a great culmination. Bianca wins but Becky doesn’t go further Heel by attacking her like a sore loser. If anything, Becky turned face, especially with the shocking return of Bayley, and FINALLY the call-ups of Dakota Kai and Io Shirai. I have a feeling we’re getting a name change since Corey Graves was calling her “Io/Iyo Sky.” It’s whatever, I just wish they didn’t have to. But this is going to be great for Raw, with Bayley, Io and Kai as a trio. Bayley’s the singles champion contender, Kai & “Sky” can be tag title contenders.

Logan VS Miz was really good stuff, but I feel like Logan was almost going too hard at parts. And it was great for AJ Styles to get involved after his own beef with Miz. Logan wins, but I feel like things are only going to escalate from here. Maybe a tag match? Either way, Styles VS Ciampa 1v1 is going to be awesome, especially with HHH in charge to give those guys time to wrestle on the level they can wrestle. Then I actually really like that Lashley VS Theory was short and kinda one-sided. Lashley was not about to let Theory just take the belt back after only a month and let that inflate his ego. Now Lashley can take on any number of contenders through the rest of the year.

We got a rather Zoolander-esque product plug from Maximum Male Models, so that was something. Really good No Disqualification Tag from Mysterios and Judgement Day, but I had a feeling that Edge would make his return here. His only somewhat cryptic vignettes were all leading to this somehow or another, and of course he wants revenge on the faction that beat him down. Edge reuniting with Rey is cool, but is this going to turn into Dom being pushed to the background? Is there going to be a third male member of the Judgement Day under Finn? Or will both those things happen when this compels Dom to see things the Judgement Day’s way?

We got great stuff out of McAfee VS Corbin, especially with Corey and Cole each taking a side on commentary. McAfee did some great stuff in the match, with the ranas and the big swanton off the top. Also a great shout out to Adam Cole hitting a variation on the Panama Sunrise. Not sure if this really ends it since McAfee and Corbin are both on SmackDown, but maybe someone gives Corbin a hard time for losing to McAfee and that becomes Corbin’s new feud. We also got an awesome tag match, with Jarrett doing very well as special guest ref. There wasn’t a lot of controversy, other than each team being a bit selfish that he should’ve given them a better count. In the end, the Usos won, which is a shame for Profits, but maybe there’s a split in the works after all.

If it wasn’t clear before, Riddle being hurt and his match with Rollins being cancelled was all kayfabe. Riddle showed up here tonight, he had a brawl with Rollins, and Rollins got the better of him. Still seems a bit odd they pulled this angle at all but whatever, adds more heat for when they finally do have the match, and it probably saved this PPV’s run time about 20 minutes. Not having a substitute in Riddle’s place is okay, actually, it would’ve just felt like the “mystery opponent” angle at WrestleMania.

A great match for the SmackDown Women’s Championship, and I really like how they played it. Ronda of course dominated, we all expected something like that. But Liv tapping out right before the three count was a great way to put controversy in this. Ronda fans still cheered her snapping and beating up Liv and the ref, so who knows where Ronda goes from here. Liv is free to take on anyone now, though I can’t really be sure who. Maybe Charlotte Flair returns soon? There’s great story there from way back when Charlotte told Liv Morgan to figure herself out. Liv has figured herself out, and now she can show Charlotte who she is!

And of course, an awesome main event! Lesnar bringing a tractor was wild already, but then he jumps off the loader, then uses the tractor to TIP THE WHOLE RING! I meant it when I said no one’s seen anything like that anywhere ever, that is one for the ages. Also, I don’t think anyone anywhere else could get away with tipping a ring over with a tractor other than Lesnar in WWE. I suppose this was WWE going all out for Lesnar since this was his last time facing Roman for the title(s).

I did like that Theory tried but didn’t even get a chance to cash-in. How would that have even worked with the ring tipped over like that? And a Triple Threat Last Man Standing doesn’t even make sense anyway. Still really lame that Roman had to use all of his resources to win, but it was really the only way to stop Lesnar after he became Godzilla in that match. Now McIntyre can dethrone Roman, and then maybe Theory tries to cash-in again to get back at McIntyre for all the Claymores. Clash at the Castle is going to be awesome stuff.

My Score: 9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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