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Mitchell’s NJPW G1 Climax 32 Results & Report! (8/10/22)

C Block’s top spot is up for grabs!



NJPW G1 Climax 32

Will the Ace of the Universe stay on top?

We’re getting into the nitty-gritty of the biggest G1 Climax ever! But will Hiroshi Tanahashi still lead C Block? Or will Hirooki Goto trump the Ace?


  • Six Man Tag: YOSHI-HASHI, Ryohei Oiwa & Yuto Nakashima VS The United Empire; The United Empire wins.
  • Tomohiro Ishii & Toru Yano VS Bad Dude Tito & JONAH; Ishii & Yano win.
  • Six Man Tag: Suzuki-Gun VS Bullet Club; Suzuki-Gun wins.
  • 8 Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS Bullet Club; Bullet Club wins.
  • G1 Climax, D Block: David Finlay VS El Phantasmo; ELP wins.
  • G1 Climax, B Block: Tama Tonga VS Great-O-Khan; Tama wins.
  • G1 Climax, C Block: Zack Sabre Jr. VS EVIL; ZSJ wins.
  • G1 Climax, A Block: Kazuchika Okada VS Tom Lawlor; Okada wins.
  • G1 Climax, C Block: Hiroshi Tanahashi VS Hirooki Goto; Goto wins.


Here are the current standings!

A Block

  • Lance Archer: 3-2, 6 points
  • JONAH: 3-2, 6 points
  • Kazuchika Okada: 3-1, 6 points
  • Jeff Cobb: 2-2, 4 points
  • Tom Lawlor: 2-2, 4 points
  • Bad Luck Fale: 2-3, 4 points
  • Toru Yano: 1-4, 2 points [ELIMINATED]

B Block

  • Jay White: 4-0, 8 points
  • Tama Tonga: 3-1, 6 points
  • SANADA: 3-2, 6 points
  • Taichi: 2-2, 4 points
  • Chase Owens: 2-4, 4 points [ELIMINATED]
  • Great-O-Khan: 1-3, 2 points [ELIMINATED]
  • Tomohiro Ishii: 1-4, 2 points [ELIMINATED]

C Block

  • Hiroshi Tanahashi: 3-1, 6 points
  • Zack Sabre Jr: 3-1, 6 points
  • Tetsuya Naito: 3-2, 6 points
  • Hirooki Goto: 2-2, 4 points
  • EVIL: 2-2, 4 points
  • KENTA: 1-3, 2 points [ELIMINATED]
  • Aaron Henare: 1-4, 2 points [ELIMINATED]

D Block

  • David Finlay: 3-1, 6 points
  • Yujiro Takahashi: 3-2, 6 points
  • Shingo Takagi: 2-2, 4 points
  • Will Ospreay: 2-2, 4 points
  • YOSHI-HASHI: 2-2, 4 points
  • Juice Robinson: 2-3, 4 points [ELIMINATED]
  • El Phantasmo: 1-3, 2 points


G1 Climax, D Block: David Finlay VS El Phantasmo!

The Rebel leads the block while the Headbanga is technically last. But ELP still has this match and another until his run is done, can he turn the block upside down? Or will Finlay shock ELP just like he did so many others in the block?

Fans rally up and ELP encourages them to get louder. The bell rings and ELP has the fans settle down. ELP and Finlay circle and the fans clap again, “RE-BE-RU!” “E L P!” Finlay shoots in but ELP keeps his distance. They tie up, Finlay gets an arm and wrenches to a wristlock. ELP rolls, wrenches and wristlocks back, but Finlay spins and wrenches to wristlock again. Finlay grinds the arm down but ELP rolls and trips Finlay. ELP turns Finlay over to a BOW ‘N’ ARROW, but Finlay pops out to a cover, ONE! Fans applaud the exchange, then ELP handsprings up. Fans applaud that, and ELP stomps, stomps, claps to get fans on that We Will Rock You rhythm.

ELP and Finlay tie up, Finlay wrenches to a hammerlock but ELP switches it onto Finlay. Finlay switches it onto ELP but ELP switches it back. Finlay switches it back again, but ELP switches it again. Finlay steps through the ropes and back in to wrap ELP’s arm around ropes. The ref counts, Finlay cranks the hold but lets off, to kick the ropes! The rope jams ELP’s arm, ELP swings on Finlay but into an arm-drag that Finlay then turns into a ghost pin, TWO! ELP scrambles away and fans fire up. Finlay and ELP reset and fans rally up. The two circle, tie up, and ELP headlocks. Finlay endures the grind, powers up and out, but ELP runs him over!

ELP flexes and fans applaud. Things speed up, Finlay hurdles but ELP shoves and follows to RANA! Finlay ends up in a corner while ELP kips up and fans applaud. Fans also rally up as ELP struts around. ELP springboards to backflip and strike his pose. Fans applaud and ELP bets Finlay can’t do that. Finlay and ELP circle, tie up, and are in a deadlock this time. ELP headlocks but Finlay powers out to get his own headlock, and the takeover. ELP headscissors, Finlay kips free but roles reverse as ELP headlocks to the takeover. Finlay headscissors, ELP kips free and sweeps the leg. Cover, ONE!

Finlay goes to sweep but ELP jumps and body scissors to a cover, ONE! Finlay sits on ELP for a cover, ONE! ELP has the cover back, ONE! Finlay has the cradle, TWO!! ELP escapes and scrambles away while fans fire up. Finlay says it was that close. Fans rally again, ELP and Finlay reset and circle. ELP wants a handshake? Finlay kicks that away and shoves ELP. ELP throws a forearm but Finlay gives it back. ELP throws another, Finlay returns it, and fans rally as they speed up! ELP knees low, CHOPS Finlay, and then runs, into a dropkick! ELP bails out, Finlay slingshots, but ELP avoids the plancha. ELP gets in the ring to HOTSHOT Finlay down!

Fans fire up as ELP builds speed and DIVES! Direct hit at the ramp! Fans rally up again as ELP stands. ELP stomps Finlay, Finlay throws body shots, but ELP KICKS Finlay’s arm! ELP brings Finlay around to smack off the apron, then he climbs up the apron. Fans rally and ELP takes aim, but Finlay anchors ELP’s foot! ELP CLUBS Finlay, throws hands, then mule kicks him away! ASAI MOONSAULT! Direct hit again and fans fire up! ELP drags Finlay up and into the ring, then climbs the ropes to SWANTON! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up as Finlay is still in this. ELP drags Finlay up, throws forearms, but Finlay kicks low.

ELP ROCKS Finlay and fires off more shots in the corner! The ref counts, ELP lets off to whip Finlay corner to corner. Finlay bounces off buckles into the atomic drop! ELP scoops and SLAMS Finlay, then he goes up the corner. Fans fire up as ELP aims, FALLING AX HANDLE! Cover, TWO! Fans rally and ELP stomps Finlay into the corner. ELP digs his boots in, then claws at Finlay’s face! The ref counts and ELP lets off. Finlay kicks from below but ELP stomps him down. ELP reels Finlay in, flexes and brings Finlay up, but Finlay RANAS free! ELP ends up on ropes, Finlay clotheslines him up and out! Then PLANCHAS! Direct hit in return!

Fans fire up with Finlay and he drags ELP up. Finlay puts ELP in the ring, sees him go to the corner, and runs in to UPPERCUT! Finlay then hits an EXPLODER! Cover, TWO! Fans rally as ELP is still in this and Finlay eggs ELP on. ELP throws a body shot but Finlay CHOPS him down! Finlay drags ELP up, ELP fights the back suplex and throws headlock punches. Finlay still back suplexes but ELP lands on his feet to roll Finlay up! TWO, and ELP dodges Finlay to springboard CROSSBODY! Then LIONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up while both men are down! ELP snarls and he BENDS Finlay’s fingers! ELP drags Finlay up to straitjacket,

ELP torture racks, spins around, but Finlay slips off and clinches, IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKER! Then a shove and scoop, BLUE THUNDER BOMB! Cover, TWO!! ELP survives and fans fire up as Finlay says he’s gonna bring him around! Finlay drags ELP up, cravats, ACID DROP!! Cover, TWO!?! ELP survives and fans fire up again! Finlay puts ELP in a drop zone and climbs up the corner. Fans rally as Finlay reaches the top, but ELP trips Finlay up! Finlay lands on his shillelagh, ELP ROCKS him, then climbs up after him. But Finlay throws body shots and shoves ELP away! ELP backflips to land on his feet! Then steps up to ENZIGURI Finlay!

Fans fire up as Finlay dangles from the top rope. ELP climbs up after him, drags Finlay up to the very top, and SUPER STEINERS! Then ELP goes right up for the THUNDERKISS 86!! Cover, TWO!!! Finlay survives and the fans are thunderous! ELP and Finlay both sputter but ELP drags himself up the ropes. ELP drags Finlay up and reels him in. ELP tucks the arms, but Finlay slips out to cradle! But then rolls through, but ELP slips out of Trash Panda to INVERTED SUPLEX, but Finlay slips off to O’Conner Roll! TWO!! Finlay coms back to jackknife, TWO! ELP has the cover, TWO! Finlay has it but ELP turns it right around, AND WINS!!

Winner: El Phantasmo, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Finlay earns 0)

The Headbanga is still alive! And he may have just won the biggest two points in the block! Will ELP finish strong in the final round? Or will Finlay slam the door shut when he faces Yoshi-Hashi?


G1 Climax, B Block: Tama Tonga w/ Jado VS Great-O-Khan!

The Good “Bad” Guy is on his way up, but the Dominator is out of the running. Tama still has Jay White in the final round, will he go in red hot? Or will Khan’s Eliminator all but eliminate Tama from the Climax?

The bell rings and fans rally as the two circle. They feel out the grapple, clinch, and then Khan waistlocks. Khan trips Tama to get a back mount but Tama slips around to use a leg guard. Khan lets off and the fans applaud this opening exchange. Tama and Khan reset and circle again, then Khan shoots in. Tama avoids the leg pick to throw Khan with arm-drags! Tama keeps on an armlock and fans applaud again. Khan endures, fights up, but Tama wrenches to wristlock. Tama wrenches again and keeps on the wrist, but Khan pulls on an ear! The ref reprimands but Khan puts Tama in the corner. Khan CHOKES Tama, then TOSSES Tama across the way!

Fans applaud the showing of strength, and Khan stalks up behind Tama. Khan throws Tama out of the ring, then tells Jado to stay back. Khan drags Tama up to whip hard into railing! Tama falls down and fans rally up, but Khan stands on Tama’s head. Khan shakes the railing as he digs his boot in, but lets off as the ref reprimands. Khan goes into the ring and Tama sputters on the floor. The ring count starts and Khan stands at the center of the ring. Tama gets in at 7 of 20 but Khan is right on him for a scoop SLAM! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up as Khan stalks Tama. Tama throws body shots but Khan CLUBS him down.

Khan wrenches an arm, bumps Tama off buckles, then CLUBS him. Khan hops up to sit on Tama’s head! Fans applaud as Khan pulls Tama’s arms back. The ref counts, Khan hops off at 4, and Tama falls over. Khan eggs Tama on while giving him toying kicks. Tama crawls but Khan goes to make him kiss his boot! Tama fights it as the fans rally up, but Khan CLUBS Tama! Tama fires up but Khan CLUBS him again! And again! Tama just gets powered up! Tama fires off haymakers on Khan! Tama whips, Khan reverses but Tama bounces off the buckles, into a back elbow! But Tama says F that, and he LARIATS Khan down!

Fans fire up while both Tama and Khan stir. Tama sits up first but Khan follows. Tama runs in to rally with clotheslines and elbows! Khan swings, Tama dodges, and he DROPKICKS Khan down! OFF COMES THE VEST! Fans fire up with Tama as he paces around. Khan is in a corner, Tama runs in to STINGER SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Jado coaches Tama to keep going and fans rally back up. Tama drags Khan up, elbows him down, then clamps on to back suplex. Khan fights that off with a headlock, and an IRON CLAW! Khan then fireman’s carries but Tama fights free to the dragon sleeper!

But Khan IRON CLAWS from below! Snap suplex! Fans fire up again as both men are down. Tama crawls away to a corner, Khan storms over and brings him up. Khan fires off forearm after forearm and he sits Tama down. Khan drags Tama back up to whip corner to corner and clothesline! Khan then clamps onto Tama to dribble his head off the buckles! Khan then SLAM DUNK- NO, Tama fights that off and HEADBUTTS back! Tama dribbles Khan now! Khan blocks the Slam Dunk now! Khan elbows Tama, then Mongolian Chops! Fans fire up as Khan SLAM DUNKS Tama after all! Khan then waits on Tama to stand up, and he runs, into an uppercut!

Khan BOOTS back but Tama ENZIGURIS! Khan HELL STABS! Tama leaps but into a SAYANAGI! Fans fire up again as both men are down. Khan crawls his way over to Tama and drags him up. Khan throws a forearm, but Tama gives it back. Khan throws another forearm but Tama gives it back. Khan throws another, Jado coaches Tama and Tama hits back again. Fans rally as the forearms go faster and faster and faster! Khan gets the edge, then he DECKS Tama! Khan fires up and fans rally! Tama gets up, Khan puts some stank on the Mongolian Chops! Jado coaches Tama, he stands up, and Khan Mongolian Chops again!

Fans rally as Tama gets up again. Khan Monogolian Chops him back down! Khan eggs Tama on, Tama throws fast hands! SUPERMAN- MONGOLIAN CHOP! Khan intercepts Tama, to then MONGO- Fireman’s carry! SRC! Fans fire up and Tama roars! Tama goes to the corner and climbs up, SUPREME FLOW! Cover, TWO!! Khan survives and fans are thunderous! Tama grins and pounds the mat! Fans clap along, Tama watches Khan rise at the ropes, and Tama rushes in to GUN- NO, Khan blocks it! To IRON CLAW! And then IRON RACK! Khan spins out for the NECKBREAKER! Fans are thunderous again as Khan roars!

Khan drags Tama up, HITSUJIGOROSHI! Tama endures the Sheepkiller and throws hands! Khan CHOPS Tama, scoops him, and swings for a BACKBREAKER! HITSUJIGOROSHI LUNA! Tama endures again but the fans still rally! The ref checks, Tama’s hand drops once. And then it drops twice. But Tama gets his second wind! But Khan IRON CLAWS for the ELIMI-NO, COUNTER GUN STUN!! Fans are thunderous as Tama crawls to the cover, Tama wins!!

Winner: Tama Tonga, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Khan earns 0)

The Dominator falls again, and the Good Bad Guy still has a shot! Can Tama reload and shoot down the Switchblade before the semifinals?


G1 Climax, C Block: Zack Sabre Jr. VS EVIL w/ Dick Togo!

The Submission Master is second in the block while the King of Darkness could be a wild card. Both lost to The Ace, who is in action later on, who here will be poised right behind Tanahashi with a win tonight?

For whatever reason, ZSJ is wearing a mask, and a hat that says “I AM ZSJ.” Evil attacks ZSJ at the ramp, but surprise! It’s a Young Lion in disguise! The Submission Master just tricked the trickster, but the Young Lion takes the beating for him! Dick goes looking for the real ZSJ, but gets caught into an armlock! ZSJ grins, brings Dick around and gets Evil in a headlock! ZSJ drags them both to ringside! Dick hits low, Evil smacks ZSJ off the apron, and EVIL says this is what ZSJ gets for tricking them! Evil lines up his shot, but ZSJ stops from being rammed into railing! ZSJ turns it around with a headlock, and he has Abe-san move! Then he RAMS Evil into railing!

Fans applaud as ZSJ gives Evil another taste of his own medicine, then ZSJ wrenches an ear! ZSJ puts Evil in the ring, the ref rings the bell, and ZSJ drags Evil up. ZSJ wrenches and twists a wrist but Evil throat chops! Evil whips ZSJ to a corner, but he stops from hitting bare buckles! Dick already brought the Bullet Club Special into play! Evil runs in, but ZSJ dodges! Evil hits bare steel! ZSJ rolls Evil up, TWO!! Evil survives but ZSJ EuroUppers! ZSJ runs, but Dick grabs his leg! ZSJ uses that to TWIST Dick’s arm! But then Evil shoves the ref at ZSJ! ZSJ stops the ref, and has him duck when Evil swings a clothesline!

ZSJ pushes the ref away, and blocks Evil’s low blow! ARM TWIST! Fans applaud as ZSJ bests Evil’s plot again! ZSJ scoops, but Evil slips out! Evil spins ZSJ around, EVERY- NO, ZSJ slips around to trip Evil up! Body scissors, EURO CLUTCH! ZSJ WINS!!!

Winner: Zack Sabre Jr, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Evil earns 0)

That was the fastest win in this year’s G1! The Submission Master thwarted all the tricks and the House of Torture had no chance to spring other traps! Has ZSJ just secured himself a spot in the semifinals? Or will it still come down to his battle with Naito next week?


G1 Climax, A Block: Kazuchika Okada VS Tom Lawlor w/ Royce Isaacs!

The Top Dog crushed both the Rainmaker and The Filthy One with Death From Above, but neither run has been torpedoed just yet. Will Okada rebound before the finish line? Or will this one get filthy?

Being clever, Royce Isaacs brings an umbrella to shield them from the rain. Fans rally up already, “TOM! LAW-LOR!” and Lawlor makes sure Okada hears it. The bell rings and the two circle. They feel out the grapple, Lawlor shoots in for a leg but Okada blocks. Lawlor still trips Okada up, goes for a press, ONE. The two reset, grapple Lawlor waistlocks and drags Okada down to a leg lock. Okada fights before Lawlor can lock in anything more dangerous, grabs to Lawlor’s leg back, and the two stand. Okada facelocks, Lawlor gets around to a waistlock, but Okada throws him over. Lawlor headscissors and fans applaud the exchange.

Lawlor twists Okada’s wrist but Okada reaches out to a ROPEBREAK! Lawlor lets off and fans continue to clap, “TOM! LAW-LOR!” Lawlor and Okada circle. Okada waistlocks and ripcords, but Lawlor twists Okada’s arm to a FUJIWARA ARMBAR! Okada reaches out to another ROPEBREAK, and Lawlor lets go again. Okada bails out and Lawlor spins around, OFF COME THE SHORTS! Lawlor of course has his denim tights on, but he uses the shorts to wrangle Okada. Lawlor wrenches and SLAMS the arm against the apron, then POSTS Okada! Okada falls and the claps shift to “O-KA-DA!” Lawlor drags Okada up to CHOP him!

Lawlor brings Okada around, puts him in the ring, and the “TOM! LAW-LOR!” claps return. Lawlor stomps Okada’s hand, drags him up, and CHOPS again! Okada staggers, Lawlor CHOPS him again. Okada scowls this time but Lawlor CHOPS again. Okada still scowls so Lawlor throws a forearm! And another forearm! Okada still frowns, so Lawlor wrenches the arm again! Lawlor whips Okada to ropes, ducks Okada’s elbow and BOOTS the bad arm! Lawlor runs, but into the FLAPJACK! Fans fire up as both men are down! Okada shakes out the bad arm and fans rally. Lawlor gets to his corner but Okada storms over.

Okada fires forearms, whips Lawlor to ropes, but Lawlor reverses. Okada CLOBBERS Lawlor with an elbow! Fans fire up and Okada whips Lawlor to a corner. Okada runs in to back elbow! Then he kicks low, and DDTs! Cover, TWO! Okada gets fans to clap, clap, clap, stomp but Lawlor blocks the Alabama Lift. Lawlor CLUBS Okada, wrenches his arm and EuroUppers! “TOM! LAW-LOR!” runs corner to corner but Okada dodges! Okada puts Lawlor up top to DROPKICK him to the floor! Fans fire up while Lawlor tumbles to the railing! The “TOM! LAW-LOR!” clap returns as Lawlor crawls. Okada goes out to fetch Lawlor, and he whips Lawlor hard into railing!

Okada runs in to BOOT Lawlor over the railing! Okada moves railing back to drag Lawlor back up, and he drapes Lawlor out! Lawlor WRENCHES the arm! DOUBLE WRISTLOCK over the railing, and then through it! Lawlor BOOTS the railing to jam Okada’s arm! Fans rally and Lawlor hobbles his way back to ringside. Lawlor drags Okada up, puts him in the ring, and fans rally up more. Lawlor slingshots in to get the ARMBAR! Okada clasps hands to block that, and he moves around, only for Lawlor to make this a TRIANGLE HOLD! With a DOUBLE WRISTLOCK! Okada endures this hybrid hold but he’s turning red!

Okada moves around, sputters and gets the ROPEBREAK! Lawlor lets off in frustration while fans applaud. Isaacs coaches Lawlor up and he drags Okada from the ropes. Lawlor twists the wrist, cravats and throws knee after knee after knee into Okada’s head! Lawlor lets off, fans rally up and he runs the ropes, but he fakes out the dropkick! Okada lands on his feet, Lawlor runs in and dodges the haymaker to WHEEL KICK! Fans fire up and Lawlor tries again, but Okada DROPKICKS him down! Fans fire up even more with both men down! Lawlor is dazed as he and Okada stir. Okada stands up, and he brings Lawlor around.

Okada wrenches for the MONEY CLIP, but Lawlor powers through to waistlock! Okada throws elbows, but Lawlor ENZIGURIS! Okada staggers to a corner but he comes back with a SHOTGUN! Lawlor hits buckles then falls down! Fans rally up again and Lawlor reaches out in another daze. Okada stands, he drags Lawlor up and Alabama Lifts for the REVERSE NECKBREAKER! Okada then goes to a corner and climbs up. Fans clap, “TOM! LAW-LOR!” as Okada reaches the top, MACHO ELBOW INTO THE ARMBAR!! Okada clasps hands but Lawlor slaps them to the beat! Lawlor uses a LEG CRAVAT to add on! Okada scrambles to the ROPEBREAK!!

Fans fire up and Lawlor lets Okada go. Lawlor beats his chest to the rhythm, and he drags Okada back up. Okada ROCKS him with a forearm! But Lawlor ROCKS Okada back! Okada throws another forearm, but Lawlor gives it back! Okada, then Lawlor, faster and faster and fans fire up! Okada ROCKS Lawlor again, and again, and then UPPERCUTS! Lawlor grins and grabs the bad arm to UPPERCUT it! And UPPERCUT again! Lawlor then wrenches to an ELBOW BREAKER! And another ELBOW BREAKER! Lawlor then wrenches the arm, hammerlocks it, and he fires off forearms to the beat! “TOM! LAW-LOR! TOM! LAW-LOR!”

Lawlor roars, spins, but Okada SWATS the lariat! But that hurts Okada’s arm, too! ROLLING ELBOW!! Cover, TWO!! Okada survives and fans are fired up again! Lawlor drags Okada up, has the bad arm, ARMBREAKER DDT! And then a omoplata, into the RINGS OF SATURN!! Lawlor shows savage innovation on par with ZSJ! Okada endures and fans rally up, but Lawlor pulls way back on the arms! Okada reaches with his leg for another ROPEBREAK! Fans applaud but Lawlor lets off in frustration. Fans clap for “TOM! LAW-LOR!” again and he waits on Okada to get up. Okada slowly rises, Lawlor gets his arms!

But Okada intercepts the knee for a scoop and SLAM! Fans fire up with Okada and he drags Lawlor up to ripcord, but the bad arm can’t hold on! Okada has to crawl over to Lawlor and drag him up again. Lawlor ducks the lariat to URENAGE! Lawlor roars and fans fire up with the “TOM! LAW-LOR!” rhythm. Lawlor drags Okada up by the bad arm, then gets the other, for KAMI-GOYE to the arm! And then KAMI-GOYE to the head! Then then the straitjacket! Okada fights it off with his good arm, steps forward and reaches out, but Lawlor gets a LEG CAPTURE SUPLEX! Fans fire up and Lawlor feels the energy building!

Lawlor copies the Rainmaker Pose!! The clapping continues, “TOM! LAW-LOR!” gets the straitjacket, for the- WAIT, Okada victory rolls! TWO! Lawlor runs in but Okada ducks the Penalty Kick to roll-up! TWO, and Lawlor runs to PENALTY KICK the bad arm! Lawlor then gets that arm for a STANDING ARMBAR! Then a hammerlock, and tornado into the body scissors! Okada power sup to back drop, and he sits on the cover! OKADA WINS!!

Winner: Kazuchika Okada, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Lawlor earns 0)

Okada snatches victory from the jaws of defeat! And though he didn’t need the lariat, the Rainmaker still washes away The Filthy One! Okada is back on top of the block, but can he hold onto that top spot in the final round?


G1 Climax, C Block: Hiroshi Tanahashi VS Hirooki Goto!

The Ace leads the block after beating Zack Sabre Jr, who beat the original block leader, the Fierce Warrior! Now Tanahashi and Goto meet, the top spot still up for grabs! Will Tanahashi solidify his rank before the end? Or will Goto create a rock-paper-scissors situation?

As always, Tanahashi shows off the muscles and the fans applaud. The bell rings and fans rally up, “Let’s Go, Ace!” Tanahashi circles with Goto, they tie up, and are in a deadlock! Goto finds a point of leverage and powers Tanahashi to ropes. Red Shoes calls the break and Goto lets off with a pat on the shoulder. They circle and tie up again, and are in another deadlock. Goto powers Tanahashi back but Tanahashi turns things around to put Goto on the ropes. Tanahashi lets off with a pat on the shoulder, but then he throws a body shot! Tanahashi headlocks, wrenches an arm to a wristlock, but Goto rolls and wrenches back.

Tanahashi endures as Goto twists the wrist, and he drops to get a leg pick! Tanahashi ties up the legs and fans applaud the exchange. Tanahashi shifts to a headlock and grinds, but Goto pries the hold. Tanahashi powers the hold on again, but Goto powers up. Goto can’t power out as Tanahashi holds tight! Fans rally as Goto endures the grind and fights up. Goto tries again but still can’t power out! Tanahashi grinds Goto down, but Goto fights his way back up. Goto throws body shots, then powers up and out, to put Tanahashi in a headlock! Fans applaud the exchange as now Tanahashi endures the grind.

Tanahashi fights up, throws body shots, powers out, but Goto counters a hip toss with a hip toss! Goto runs and runs Tanahashi over! Fans fire up and Goto stomps Tanahashi down. Goto drags Tanahashi up to CLUB him, whip him to a corner, and run in, but into an elbow! Tanahashi goes up to CROSSBODY! Fans fire up for the air guitar! Fans rally and Tanahashi waits on Goto to stand. Tanahashi then runs, but Goto sidesteps to send Tanahashi out! Tanahashi holds on, but Goto slides out before he can skin the cat! Goto ROCKS Tanahashi with a body shot! Goto brings Tanahashi around to CLUB and put in the ring.

Fans applaud as Goto stomps Tanahashi. Goto CLUBS and kicks Tanahashi while the fans rally, “Let’s Go, Ace!” Goto whips Tanahashi corner to corner, then runs in, but Tanahashi dropkicks the legs out! Goto bails out but Tanahashi pursues to put Goto in! Tanahashi says this is ending in the ring, and Tanahashi stomps a leg. Tanahashi YANKS the leg, then drops an elbow! Tanahashi has the toehold but Goto tries to fight back with a chinlock. Tanahashi cranks the leg, then stands to stomp it. Tanahashi drops another elbow, then ties up Goto’s legs in a BUTTERFLY DEATHLOCK! Goto endures, CHOPS Tanahashi, but Tanahashi holds on!

Tanahashi puts more pressure on the knees but Goto drags himself back! Goto reaches out for the ROPEBREAK! Tanahashi lets off while fans applaud. Tanahashi paces, stomps Goto more, then brings him up. Fans rally but Goto CHOPS! And CHOPS! Tanahashi kicks the bad leg, then kicks it again. Tanahashi runs, but Goto follows! Tanahashi dodges the lariat, but Goto deflects the boot to DISCUS LARIAT! Fans fire up while both men are down! Fans rally as Goto and Tanahashi sit up. Tanahashi gets to a corner but Goto drags him up. Goto fires forearm after forearm, then whips corner to corner. Goto runs in to MURAMASA! And then BULLDOG! Cover, TWO!

Goto keeps his focus while Tanahashi is still in this. Goto drags Tanahashi up, but Tanahashi blocks the fireman’s carry with elbows. Goto powers through, but Tanahashi slips out! Goto fireman’s carries again but Tanahashi slips off, SLING-DOG! Fans fire up and Tanahashi fires up, too! Tanahashi drags Goto by his legs, ties those up, but Goto kicks Tanahashi away! Tanahashi grabs the bad leg for a GROUND DRAGON SCREW! And then an INVERTED GROUND DRAGON SCREW! Tanahashi ties the legs up for the TEXAS CLOVERLEAF! Goto endures and fans rally up! Goto crawls, reaches out, but Tanahashi drags him away from ropes!

Goto endures as Tanahashi sits deep on the hold! Goto still reaches out, for the ROPEBREAK! Tanahashi lets go, almost too tired to hold on. Fans rally up, “Let’s Go, Ace!” as Tanahashi stomps Goto. Goto goes to the apron but Tanahashi drags him up. Tanahashi grabs at the bad leg and brings it in, but Goto fires off forearms! Tanahashi lets the leg go, and Goto bumps him off buckles! Then LARIATS him down! Fans fire up and Goto drags himself over to a corner. Goto climbs up and fans rally! But Tanahashi rises to throw a body shot! Tanahashi climbs up after Goto but Goto throws body shots. Tanahashi and Goto brawl up top and fans fire up!

Goto gets the edge with forearm after forearm, then he HEADBUTTS Tanahashi! Goto adjusts, but Tanahashi throws more body shots! Tanahashi SUPERPLEXES Goto down!! Fans are thunderous as Tanahashi gets the legs, but Goto uses that to drag Tanahashi down! Goto omoplatas one arm, then grabs the other, SHORYU KEKKAI!! Tanahashi endures and moves around while fans rally, but Goto pulls back on the arm more! Goto pulls Tanahashi back into a crossface modification!! Tanahashi endures, moves around, and reaches out for a ROPEBREAK! Red Shoes counts and Goto lets go, and fans rally up as Goto rises.

Goto drags Tanahashi up, fireman’s carries, USHIGOROSHI! Tanahashi writhes and Goto roars! Goto drags Tanahashi up again, dragon sleepers, but Tanahashi spins it around to wrench. Goto ROCKS Tanahashi with a forearm! Tanahashi drops to his knees and Goto roars again! Goto drags Tanahashi up but Tanahashi ROCKS Goto with a forearm! Goto ROCKS Tanahashi back! Tanahashi ROCKS Goto, Goto ROCKS Tanahashi, and fans rally as the forearms go faster and faster! Tanahashi fires off a flurry, but Goto gives those back! Tanahashi fires off a strike fest, but Goto HEADBUTTS! SHOTEI from Tanahashi!!

And then Tanahashi falls over, into Goto’s groin! That was an incidental low blow but the damage is done all the same! Tanahashi gets and roars! He wants Goto to stand, and Goto downs, into the SLINGBLADE! Cover, TWO!! Tanahashi hurries to go up the corner! Goto stands again, for the HIGH FLY ATTACK! Fans are thunderous as Tanahashi goes back up! HIGH FLY FLOW FLOPS as Goto moves!! Fans are thunderous again as both men are down! Red Shoes helps Goto with some blood in his mouth, and then Goto gets himself to a corner. Tanahashi stands, runs in, but Goto dodges! RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP!

Goto then clamps on to make it a cradle, GOTO SANSHIKI! TWO!!! Tanahashi escapes by nanoseconds and shocks everyone! The fans are electric and rallying again. Tanahashi roar, runs in, but is sent into the ropes! Goto has Tanahashi for the DRAPING SHOUTO!! But he can’t make the cover, he’s just too tired! Fans are electric and Goto manages to crawl to the ropes. Goto drags himself up the ropes, he roars and takes aim, BUZZSAW!! Tanahashi staggers up into the fireman’s carry! But Tanahashi slips into a cradle! TWO!!! Tanahashi holds onto Goto for TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! And then another TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! But Goto suplexes for SHOUTEN KAI!!

Fans are electric all over again as Goto’s mouth has even more blood coming from it! But Goto still dragon sleepers Tanahashi for the G T R!!! Cover, GOTO WINS!!

Winner: Hirooki Goto, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Tanahashi earns 0)

This might have been the hardest fought match in the G1! Goto literally tastes his own blood, but it is Tanahashi who tastes bitter defeat! Is there still a chance for The Ace to take the block?

As for the Fierce Warrior, he catches his breath, checks his bloody mouth, and gets his NEVER Openweight Six Man title belt. Goto then gets the mic to say, “There’s one match left in my G1 Climax. I’m barely hanging on, but I’m alive!” Fans applaud that, and Goto vows he will win his next G1 match, “and shine the light of hope through all the darkness in the world!” Fans applaud Goto’s subtle calling out of Evil. Goto then says, “Finally, to my son at home, watching on NJPW World, Daddy’s damn tough! I will live! I will survive! I will thrive!” Fans applaud as Goto has one more battle on the 16th! Will that be the moment Goto takes the C Block?


Here are the NEW standings!

A Block

  • Kazuchika Okada: 4-1, 8 points
  • Lance Archer: 3-2, 6 points
  • JONAH: 3-2, 6 points
  • Jeff Cobb: 2-2, 4 points
  • Bad Luck Fale: 2-3, 4 points
  • Tom Lawlor: 2-3, 4 points [ELIMINATED]
  • Toru Yano: 1-4, 2 points [ELIMINATED]

B Block

  • Jay White: 4-0, 8 points
  • Tama Tonga: 4-1, 8 points
  • SANADA: 3-2, 6 points
  • Taichi: 2-2, 4 points
  • Chase Owens: 2-4, 4 points [ELIMINATED]
  • Great-O-Khan: 1-4, 2 points [ELIMINATED]
  • Tomohiro Ishii: 1-4, 2 points [ELIMINATED]

C Block

  • Zack Sabre Jr: 4-1, 8 points
  • Hirooki Goto: 3-2, 6 points
  • Hiroshi Tanahashi: 3-2, 6 points
  • Tetsuya Naito: 3-2, 6 points
  • EVIL: 2-3, 4 points [ELIMINATED]
  • KENTA: 1-3, 2 points [ELIMINATED]
  • Aaron Henare: 1-4, 2 points [ELIMINATED]

D Block

  • David Finlay: 3-2, 6 points
  • Yujiro Takahashi: 3-2, 6 points
  • Shingo Takagi: 2-2, 4 points
  • Will Ospreay: 2-2, 4 points
  • YOSHI-HASHI: 2-2, 4 points
  • El Phantasmo: 2-3, 4 points
  • Juice Robinson: 2-3, 4 points [ELIMINATED]

My Thoughts:

Another great event for G1, and it definitely puts a lot of great pressure on the last few rounds coming up. ELP gives Finlay the shocking upset, and now technically, everyone outside of Juice is a viable winner of the D Block. Tama VS Khan was great stuff, but I figured Khan would lose. He’s already out and Tama could take the block if he beats Jay White in the last round, putting the spotlight on next Tuesday, 8/16. I figured ZSJ would beat Evil, but it was amazing and hilarious how he did it. I never expected ZSJ to use a Young Lion as a decoy, and then wins in under five minutes! ZSJ is leading the block, but as I said just yesterday, it all comes down to ZSJ VS Naito, also on 8/16.

Okada VS Lawlor was great stuff, Lawlor showing off a great amount of his technical ability. But to bring drama into the last few A Block rounds, Okada had to win here. Lawlor and Yano are both facing Jeff Cobb this weekend, if even one of them can beat Cobb, Cobb is done. Okada just has Archer on 8/16, and that is “win and you’re in.” Even if Jonah beats Fale, he’ll only be 4-2 to either Okada’s 5-1, or Archer’s 4-2 with the tiebreaker from that count-out win. And then we got awesome stuff from Tanahashi VS Goto. It wasn’t a shocker that Goto won, but that is still great for Goto to win. If ZSJ beats Naito, that’s it, ZSJ is in. But if ZSJ loses to Naito, Goto has to beat Evil to get in. Naito only gets in if he beats ZSJ AND Evil beats Goto. Tuesday is going to be a huge, I can’t wait!

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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