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Mitchell’s NJPW G1 Climax 32 Results & Report! (8/5/22)




NJPW G1 Climax 32

This could be the biggest night yet!

The biggest G1 Climax in NJPW history perhaps has its biggest night yet! JONAH VS COBB, TANAHASHI VS EVIL, will anyone be left standing?


  • Tama Tonga & Jado VS David Finlay & Kosei Fujita; Tama & Jado win.
  • Tom Lawlor & Royce Isaacs VS Will Ospreay & Great-O-Khan; Ospreay & Khan win.
  • Six Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS Suzuki-Gun; LIJ wins.
  • 10 Man Tag: Chaos VS Bullet Club; Chaos wins.
  • G1 Climax, D Block: Juice Robinson VS Yujiro Takahashi; Yujiro wins.
  • G1 Climax, B Block: Taichi VS Chase Owens; Taichi wins.
  • G1 Climax, C Block: Tetsuya Naito VS Aaron Henare; Naito wins.
  • G1 Climax, A Block: JONAH VS Jeff Cobb; Jonah wins.
  • G1 Climax, C Block: Hiroshi Tanahashi VS EVIL; Tanahashi wins.


Here are the current standings!

A Block

  • Kazuchika Okada: 3-0, 6 points
  • Jeff Cobb: 2-1, 4 points
  • Bad Luck Fale: 2-2, 4 points
  • JONAH: 1-1, 2 points
  • Lance Archer: 1-2, 2 points
  • Tom Lawlor: 1-2, 2 points
  • Toru Yano: 1-3, 2 points [ELIMINATED]

B Block

  • Jay White: 3-0, 6 points
  • Tama Tonga: 2-1, 4 points
  • SANADA: 2-2, 4 points
  • Taichi: 1-1, 2 points
  • Great-O-Khan: 1-2, 2 points
  • Chase Owens: 1-2, 2 points
  • Tomohiro Ishii: 1-3, 2 points [ELIMINATED]

C Block

  • Hirooki Goto: 2-1, 4 points
  • Hiroshi Tanahashi: 2-1, 4 points
  • Zack Sabre Jr: 2-1, 4 points
  • Aaron Henare: 1-2, 2 points
  • Tetsuya Naito: 1-2, 2 points
  • EVIL: 1-1, 2 points
  • KENTA: 1-2, 2 points

D Block

  • David Finlay: 3-1, 6 points
  • Will Ospreay: 2-1, 4 points
  • Shingo Takagi: 1-2, 2 points
  • YOSHI-HASHI: 1-1, 2 points
  • Juice Robinson: 1-2, 2 points
  • El Phantasmo: 1-1, 2 points
  • Yujiro Takahashi: 1-2, 2 points


G1 Climax, D Block: Juice Robinson VS Yujiro Takahashi w/ Pieter & Sho!

The Booster is reeling from his loss to David Finlay, and Tokyo Pimp is just happy to have his playmate back. But will Yujiro be even happier when he takes down the Rock Hard Juice? Or will the House of Torture suffer loss?

Yujiro and Sho offer a Too Sweet against Juice but Juice doesn’t trust them. He tells Sho to GTFO for one, but Yujiro and Sho still Bullet Club 4 Life. Fans applaud for it, and Juice steps forward. Juice throws up the Too Sweet, to kick Sho low and HEADBUTT Yujiro! Juice calls Sho a stupid SOB and throws him out! Then the bell rings and Juice JABS again and again as fans rally up, then puts some stank on the left. But Yujiro rakes Juice’s eyes! The ref reprimands but Yujiro whips Juice. Juice reverses but Yujiro KNEES him down! Fans applaud while Yujiro looms over Juice. Yujiro rains down fists but the ref reprimands.

Yujiro lets off but Juice pushes him away. Juice goes to a corner but Yujiro knees low. Yujiro throws back elbows, then he runs corner to corner. Juice blocks the boot and he elbows Yujiro back. Yujiro runs back in but into a scoop and SNAKE EYES! Juice runs to BOOT Yujiro down! Fans fire up and Juice stalks Yujiro to a corner. Juice drags Yujiro up, bumps him off buckles, and fans rally as Juice JABS and CHOPS on repeat! JAB, CHOP, JAB, CHOP, and then Yujiro whips corner to corner. Juice runs in and clotheslines, Yujiro sits down! But Sho saves Yujiro from the cannonball! Juice is annoyed, he PLANCHAS!

Sho and Yujiro both get clear, Yujiro creeps up but Juice elbows him away. Juice dodges Sho, then he DOUBLE LARIATS them both down! Fans fire up while Juice snarls over the HOT boys. Juice drags Sho up by his ears and whips him hard into railing! Sho writhes while Juice shouts at him to stay out of this match! Juice then goes back to fetch Yujiro, and whips him hard into railing! And then again! And then again! Yujiro slumps over the railing, Juice scoops him and gives him another SNAKE EYES! Fans applaud while Yujiro falls down. Juice goes back into the ring to refresh the ring count, then he pulls up floor mats!

Fans rally as Juice stalks after Yujiro. Juice drags Yujiro up, reels him in, but Sho saves Yujiro from the driver! Yujiro back drops Juice right on the bare floor! Yujiro drags himself into the ring to leave Juice behind, and the ring count starts. Juice sits up at 4 of 20, but he grits his teeth as he drags himself up to stand at 10. Juice is in and fans applaud, but Yujiro is right on him. Yujiro knees low, CHOPS Juice against ropes, then runs to BOOT! Juice flounders, Yujiro runs, but Juice BOOTS, only for Yujiro to block! Yujiro trips Juice to then basement boot! Yujiro drags Juice back up, FISHERMAN BUSTER! Cover, TWO!

Fans rally up while both men are down. Yujiro stalks Juice to ropes, reels him in, INCOLLE SLAM! Cover, TWO! Juice survives and fans rally up. Yujiro shakes his head and drags Juice back up. Yujiro fireman’s carries, but Juice grabs the ref! Juice gets out of the fireman’s carry, to then fireman’s carry Juice! But Yujiro CLAWS Juice’s face! Yujiro slips away and then CHOP BLOCKS Juice! Fans rally up while Juice writhes, but Yujiro drags him up. Yujiro reels Juice in but no Pimp Juice! Juice back drops Yujiro away! Fans fire up as Yujiro crawls to a corner. Juice snarls, warns Sho, and runs corner to corner, to clothesline Yujiro down!

Juice hurries to go corner to corner again, CANNONBALL! Direct hit and fans fire up! Juice snarls at Sho again, then drags Yujiro back up. Juice fireman’s carries, JUICEBOX! Cover, TWO!! Juice is furious with the count but the ref defends it was fair! Juice gets in the ref’s face and even corners him, but the ref still defends it was a fair count! Juice goes back to Yujiro, SENTON onto knees! Fans rally up as Yujiro undoes the blue corner’s buckle pad! The Bullet Club Special is in play! Juice runs in, and Yujiro takes the pad away! Juice hits the bare buckles! Then Yujiro run sin, SATELLITE DDT! Fans fire up with Yujiro and he drags Juice up, PIMP JUICE!! Cover, TWO!!

Yujiro can’t believe Juice survives but again, the ref says that was a fair count. Fans rally up, Yujiro drags Juice up, but Juice wrenches out! Full nelson, but Yujiro breaks it! Juice chicken wings and turns, but Yujiro turns it back! Juice spins Yujiro but Yujiro ducks to kick low! BIG- NO, Juice BITES Yujiro! Juice uses Yujiro’s favorite move, then he CLUBS Yujiro’s arm! Yujiro ducks the left but not the RIGHT HAND O’ GOD! Juice then drags Yujiro into the chicken wings, but Sho distracts everyone! Juice is furious, but Yujiro goes to waistlock! Juice switches it around, O’Conner Rolls, with tights! TWO, and Juice is sent at the ropes, but he blocks Sho’s wrench attack!

But Yujiro rolls Juice up! Cover, TWO!! Juice escapes but he has Sho’s wrench! The ref takes it from him, but Juice blocks the low blow! Juice gets Yujiro up but Yujiro fights, and BITES back! Fans applaud, the ref reprimands, and Yujiro slaps Juice’s hand into the ref’s face! And then Yujiro shoves Juice into the ref himself! The ref goes down, Yujiro gets his pimp cane! Juice hurries over, CANE SHOT LOW BLOW!! Then a PIMP CANE HEADSHOT!! Yujiro drags Juice up, for BIG JUICE!! Cover, Yujiro wins!

Winner: Yujiro Takahashi, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Juice gains 0)

The Tokyo Pimp cheats Juice, but he needed a lot of help to get it done. Will Yujiro need the entire house’s help to take the block?


G1 Climax, B Block: Taichi w/ Miho Abe VS Chase Owens!

The Holy Emperor is not quite where he thought he’d be in the block, but at 1-1, he still has a chance. As for the Crown Jewel, he thought he’d have an easy payday against Jay White, but that didn’t go as planned, either. Will Chase make his money the right way this time? Or will Taichi be the one to pull off a heist?

Taichi shows off his dancing pecs and the fans cheer. Chase can’t but no one should hold that against him. The bell rings and fans rally up as the two stare down. Taichi eggs Chase on and Chase copies Taichi’s sumo stance. Chase backs off to get more “chalk,” and then he steps forward. But then Chase backs off again. Taichi keeps cool and the two step up again. Chase just kicks Taichi! And CLUBS away on his back! Taichi CHOKES Chase to a corner! The ref counts, Taichi lets off quickly, but Chase comes back to knee low! Chase throws Taichi out, then whips him into railing! Taichi falls over and Chase shoos Miho-chan.

Chase drags Taichi up with a headlock, to punch him! Chase then brings Taichi around to show commentary, headlock PUNCH! The ref reprimands but Chase stomps Taichi down. Chase sits Taichi up to throw punch after punch! Chase then CHOKES Taichi with a camera cable! The ref counts, Chase lets off at 4, and Taichi sputters. Chase then puts Taichi in the ring and drops a knee! And another knee! Cover, TWO! Chase CHOKES Taichi! The ref counts, Chase lets off, then he drags Taichi up. Taichi kicks Chase in the leg! And again! And again! Chase picks the ankle and trips Taichi for a GROUND DRAGON SCREW!

Chase shakes out his bad leg, drags Taichi back up, and he CLUBS Taichi on the back. Taichi kicks back but Chase ROCKS him with a right! Taichi CHOKES, but Chase CLAWS Taichi’s eyes! Chase brings Taichi around to CLAW Taichi’s back! Chase then ducks a back elbow to NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO! Fans rally up as Chase talks trash and slaps Taichi around. Chase drags Taichi up, ROCKS him, but Taichi KICKS back. Chase throws another forearm but Taichi throws another kick! Chase headlocks, Taichi powers out but Chase whips to run Taichi over! Fans rally while Chase shakes out his bad leg.

Chase drags Taichi up, hooks him up and hits a GUTBUSTER! Taichi writhes and clutches his ribs, but Chase paces around him. Chase asks Miho for a kiss, but she says no. Chase stomps Taichi in frustration. Chase asks for another kiss, but Miho tells him to shut up! So Chase rains down fists on Taichi! And throws knees! Chase goes back out and tells Miho to kiss him. She says no, so Chase says this is her fault! C-TRIGGER! Cover, but Chase lets Taichi up! Chase is staring Miho down to say this is all her fault! Taichi flounders to ropes and Chase wants Miho to watch. But Taichi dodges the C-Trigger and BOOTS! Then he dodges Chase to GAMANGIRI in the corner!

Fans fire up and Chase is dazed! Fans rally up behind “TA-I-CHI!” Chase rises, Taichi looms over him. Chase apologizes but Taichi KICKS and KICKS and KICKS him! Chase ends up in the corner but Taichi stands on his head! The ref counts, Taichi digs his boots in more, then backs off. Chase gets up, and throat chops Taichi! Chase CLUBS Taichi, whips him to ropes, but Taichi reverses to wrench and HOOK KICK! Fans rally up behind Taichi and he reels Chase in for the DANGER- NO, Chase slips out to fire off a strike fest! Taichi SOBATS, Chase rebounds and LARIATS! But Taichi’s right up to AX BOMBER!

Chase gets up, but Taichi dodges to DANGEROUS SAIDO! Cover, TWO!! Chase survives but the fans rally up for Taichi. OFF COME THE PANTS! Taichi aims from the corner, but Chase SUPERKICKS first! Both men are down and fans rally up. Chase goes to the red corner while Taichi goes to the blue. Chase runs corner to corner to forearm smash then snapmare. Chase keeps moving, Taichi ducks the Shining Wizard, but Chase sits on the sunset flip! TWO, Taichi has it, TWO! Chase SHINING WIZARDS! Cover, TWO!! Taichi survives and fans fire up! Chase drags Taichi up and scoops to SLAM! Chase then goes to a corner and climbs!

Fans rally, Chase leaps, but Taichi moves! Chase bails out of the King Kong Knee Drop, but he avoids the Yokozuna Elbow! Chase waistlocks but Taichi bucks him away. Chase BOOTS, Taichi GAMANGIRIS! Both men are down again and fans fire back up! Taichi grits his teeth and gets back up. Taichi roars, BUZZ- NO, Chase ducks, but Taichi gets around to waistlock. Chase swings a backhand but Taichi ducks it! Taichi gets Chase’s waistband but Chase fights the throw! Chase CHOKES Taichi! Taichi breaks free, but Chase fires off SUMO PALM STRIKES! Chase shoves Taichi back, eggs Taichi on, and Taichi runs in, into a C-TRIGGER!!

Chase gets Taichi up, tucks him in, but Taichi fights the driver to Alabama Lift! Chase fights that to try again, but Taichi fights again! Alabama Lift, BLACK-  NO, Chase slips out and reels Taichi in Taichi wrenches out to get the waistlock, SUMO THROW! Fans fire up and Chase staggers, but he blocks the superkick to back elbow! Chase roars, but Taichi DECKS him!! Taichi drags Chase up, Alabama Lifts, for the BLACK MEPHISTO!! Cover, Taichi wins!!

Winner: Taichi, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Chase gains 0)

Chase must regret not finishing Taichi when he had the chance! Taichi drags him up and Miho steps forward. Chase scrambles away before getting his comeuppance, will he be more careful next round? As for Taichi, will he finally get some momentum in the G1?


G1 Climax, C Block: Tetsuya Naito VS Aaron Henare!

Three matches deep and the Uncontrollable Charisma finally got on the board against his former friend, Evil! Meanwhile, the Ultimate Weapon started strong but has fallen since. Will Henare reload and redeem himself? Or will this be one ungovernable the United Empire can’t conquer?

Naito takes his time with his entrance attire, but Henare is patient. The bell rings and fans rally as the two circle. Henare gives testing kicks but Naito stays clear. They approach, but Naito backs off. They go again, but then Naito backs off again. Henare storms forward in frustration and puts Naito on the ropes. The ref counts the ropebreak and Henare backs off, egging Naito on. Fans applaud as Naito stays cool and circles with Henare. They tie approach but Henare blocks Naito’s kick! Henare throws body shots, wrenches an arm, and whips Naito. Naito reverses and arm-drags Henare! Fans fire up and Naito kicks Henare to a corner.

Naito whips corner to corner, but Henare avoids the jump kick! Henare dodges a back elbow to then go up the corner, but Naito ducks the Flying Chuck! Naito comes back to RANA Henare and fans fire up as Henare bails out. Naito builds speed, but he fakes Henare out to tranquilo! Fans applaud but Henare is furious! Henare rushes in but Naito bails out now to troll Henare. Henare goes out after Naito but Naito kicks low and whips Henare into railing! But Henare comes right back! Naito kicks low again, whips Henare, but Henare reverses to send Naito into railing! Naito staggers and Henare runs him over!

Fans rally for Naito while he writhes. Henare stomps Naito, drags him up and then CHOKES him on the railing! The ref reprimands and counts, and Henare lets off at 4. Henare stares down Naito’s dad, then stomps Naito before dragging him up for a HEADBUTT! Naito staggers away, Henare CLUBS him against railing. Henare wrenches and knees Naito, then puts Naito in the ring. Henare paces, fans rally, and Naito stands. Henare KICKS Naito’s leg, KICKS again, then he fakes Naito out to DECK him! Cover, but the ref says no, that was a closed fist! Henare is upset, but fans rally as Henare rains down forearms!

Henare then shifts to get a HEEL HOOK! Naito claws at Henare but Henare twists the leg! Naito endures, claws at Henare more, but the ref reprimands. Henare pulls the leg but Naito rolls to the ROPEBREAK! Fans rally while Henare lets off. Henare looms over Naito at the ropes, drags him up, but Naito throws a body shot! Henare eggs Naito on so he throws more shots! Henare KNEES Naito low, and again, then runs, but Naito dropkicks him down! Fans fire up while both men are down! Naito gets up but Henare follows. Naito throws haymakers and kicks, then whips Henare to ropes to elbow him down! And then basement dropkick!

Fans fire up, Naito drags Henare up and whips him to a corner. Naito runs in to JUMP KICK! And then some stomps! Naito modifies Combinacion Cabron just for Henare, and still hits a dropkick! Fans fire up while Naito shakes out his legs. Naito drags Henare up, turns him, but Henare elbows free! Naito hits an atomic drop then runs Henare, for the NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up, Naito gets up and brings Henare around. Naito cravats for a neck wrench, but Henare endures to throw body shots. Naito CLUBS Henare, whips him to ropes, but Henare reverses. Naito reverses back to enziguri but Henare ducks it! Henare gets the arms, MOTORCYCLE STOMP!

Fans rally up as Henare snarls and stands back up. Henare stalks Naito, then ROCKS him with a forearm! And body shots! And more forearms and shots in the corner! Fans fire up as Naito sits down, but Henare stands him up. Henare whips corner to corner, runs in and SHINING WIZARD! Snapmare and KICK! Naito writhes but fans rally up for him. Henare drags Naito up to KICK him down! Cover, TWO! Naito is still in this and Henare is frustrated. Fans still rally and Henare waits on Naito. Naito rises, but he ducks the heel kick! Naito shoves, kicks and TORNADO DDTs Henare down! Fans fire up while both men are down again!

Henare and Naito stir, but Naito sits up first. Naito brings Henare up and throws back elbow after back elbow! Henare drops to his knees and fans rally behind Naito as he stands Henare back up. Naito throws more back elbows, then lets go as Henare drops! Naito drags Henare up for even more back elbows! Henare ends up in a corner, so Naito puts him up top! Naito climbs up, CLUBS away on Henare, and then he climbs up all the way to SUPER STEINER! Fans fire up while Henare writhes, and Naito aims from the corner. Henare slowly rises, Naito runs in, CORRIENDO- BERSERKER BOMB from Henare!!

Both men are down, and the fans fires up again! Henare gets to ropes, drags himself up, and he storms over to Naito. Naito BOOTS Henare away, then BOOTS him again! Henare comes back, Naito dodges to SLAP Henare! Naito smirks as the fans fire up, but Henare just scowls. Henare HEEL KICKS Naito down!! Henare drags Naito to a corner, goes up the corner and flips everyone off! SUPER SENTON! Cover, TWO!! Naito survives and Henare grows frustrated. Fans rally up, Henare storms over and drags Naito up in a full nelson! Naito fights it off and arm-drags, then he elbows Henare to whip him to a corner!

Henare comes back, into Naito’s ROLLING KICK! And then the ENZIGURI! Naito whips, Henare reverses, Naito leaps, but into the half nelson! And then full nelson, ULTIMA!! Naito endures as Henare thrashes him around and the fans rally up! Naito starts to fade but he fights up, to jump and arm-drag! But Henare holds on! Henare puts on the body scissors! Fans rally as Naito keeps fighting and reaching out, but Henare keeps thrashing him around! Naito uses one last gasp for the ROPEBREAK! Henare thinks he won, but the ref says no, it was the ropebreak! Naito’s still in this. At least, maybe he is?

Fans rally up while the ref checks on Naito. Naito is conscious and he starts pushing up off the mat. Henare CLUBS Naito! And again! And again! Naito gets back up, Henare catches the punch to a half nelson! Then to the fisherman, and then the torture rack! Naito slips off but Henare throws a hard body shot! Naito falls and writhes, but Henare vows to end this! Henare fisherman’s and torture racks, STREETS OF- DESTINO!! Cover, TWO!! Fans fire up again as Naito is back in this! Naito drags Henare up, brings him around, wrench and tilt-o-whirl, DESTINO!!! Cover, Naito wins!

Winner: Tetsuya Naito, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Henare gains 0)

Naito’s comeback continues, and the Ultimate Weapon has been eliminated! Is there still a chance the G1 Climax can be tranquilo?


G1 Climax, A Block: JONAH w/ Bad Dude Tito VS Jeff Cobb!

This could be the biggest match in the biggest G1 ever! The Top Dog is 1-1 while the Imperial Unit is 2-1, but this could truly shake up the A Block! Will Jonah rock Cobb with Death From Above? Or will he end up taking a Tour of the Islands?

The bell rings and fans fire up as the two titans step to each other. They’re about the same height, but Jonah is colossal. Jonah shoves Cobb but Cobb shoves back. Jonah smirks and they tie up. They go around, but still in a deadlock, and they break. Fans applaud, they go again, and they go around again. They both dig in their heels, and then they both break. Fans applaud again and Jonah wants a test of strength. Cobb accepts the knuckle locks, and they go shoulder to shoulder. Jonah starts powering Cobb back, and Cobb drops to a knee! Cobb grits his teeth and fights up, but Jonah kicks low! Jonah headlocks but Cobb powers Jonah back.

Cobb powers out but Jonah RAMS him! They both stay up and fans fire up! Jonah eggs Cobb on, Cobb runs and RAMS Jonah, but again they both stay up. Fans fire up, the two RAM and RAM and RAM again and again and again! Fans fire up with each shot, but Cobb gets in Jonah’s face. Jonah shoves, Cobb shoves, then they back off to corners. They both run in and RAM, and they both bounce off the collision to fall out of the ring! Fans are thunderous as both men get back up. They stare at each other from across the way, and then they meet at the ramp side. They egg each other on, run and RAM each other again, and they both stagger away to the corners!

Jonah storms up on Cobb but Cobb throws forearms first! Cobb ROCKS Jonah, but Jonah BOOTS Cobb! Jonah gets up onto the apron, for a FLYING SHOULDER! Cobb tumbles to the corner! Fans fire up again as Jonah opens the gate to No Man’s Land. Jonah drags Cobb through to SLAM the gate door shut! Cobb writhe and Jonah holds up his hands. Red Shoes reprimands but Jonah leaves Cobb behind. Jonah fist bumps Tito and Tito talks trash but fans rally up for Cobb. Cobb manages to sit up and crawl as the ring count starts. Cobb drags himself up at 5 of 20, hobbles over at 8, and drags himself onto the apron.

Cobb stands at 12 but Jonah BOOTS Cobb back down! Jonah goes out after Cobb, to RAM him into the apron! Cobb writhes on the floor and Jonah looms over him. Jonah drags Cobb up, puts him in the ring, and then Jonah stands on Cobb at the ropes! Red Shoes reprimands and Jonah steps off. Cobb sputters and fans rally up, but Jonah twists Cobb’s ear then claws his face! Red Shoes reprimands again, Jonah lets off and KICKS Cobb in the side! Jonah then wraps on a rear bearhug! Cobb endures the squeeze as Jonah leans on him. Jonah drags Cobb up but Cobb throws back elbows. Cobb goes to ropes, but Jonah runs in to kitchen sink knee Cobb down!

Fans rally up for Cobb but Jonah shakes his head. Jonah drags Cobb up, but Cobb throws body shots! And a CHOP! Jonah knees low, runs, but Cobb SPLASHES at the ropes! A bit double-edged, but Cobb gets moving. Jonah SPLASHES at the ropes, then runs, but Cobb dodges and LARIATS! But with all that momentum, Cobb tumbles out of the ring! Fans rally up and Cobb gets back in the ring. Cobb reloads and runs in but Jonah dodges. Cobb dodges and DOUBLE CROSSBODIES collide!! Like two buses crashing! Fans are fired up as both men sputter on the mat. Cobb and Jonah slowly rise, and they go head to head on the mat.

Jonah ROCKS Cobb, but Cobb ROCKS Jonah! Jonah throws a body shot, but Cobb CHOPS! Jonah CHOPS, Cobb throws forearms! Jonah gives the forearm back, but Cobb hits back again. They go back and forth and fans fire up with every shot! Jonah wobbles, Cobb ROCKS him again! And again! Jonah staggers to a corner, Cobb fires off more forearms and more CHOPS, on repeat! CHOP CHOP, forearm forearm! Cobb lets off and fans rally again. Cobb whips Jonah corner to corner but Jonah reverses, only for Cobb to bounce off buckles and run Jonah over!! Fans fire up and Cobb aims at a corner. Jonah gets up, Cobb runs in and runs Jonah over again!

Cobb wants Jonah to get back up, and he does. Cobb runs Jonah over a third time! Fans fire up more as Cobb looms over Jonah. Cobb reels Jonah in, pump handles and lifts for an OVERHEAD SUPLEX!! Fans are thunderous after seeing that superhuman feat of strength! Cobb crawls, covers, TWO! Jonah is still in this but fans rally for Cobb. Cobb hauls Jonah up to whip to ropes! Jonah holds ropes, and BOOTS Cobb back! Cobb DROPKICKS Jonah back! Fans fire up for that feat of agility, and Cobb whips Jonah again. Jonah SPEARS Cobb down! Cover, TWO!! Cobb survives and fans are thunderous again!

Jonah snarls, looms over Cobb and brings him up. Jonah reels Cobb in but Cobb fights off the lift! Jonah CHOPS Cobb to a corner, then CHOPS him again. Jonah runs corner to corner, but Cobb dodges the splash! Cobb storms in but into a back elbow! Jonah goes up to CROSSBODY, but Cobb catches him!? To then POWERSLAM! But Jonah rolls through it! TWO!!! Jonah hurries to SUPERKICK!! Cobb staggers, Jonah runs, to LARIAT! Cover, TWO!! Fans are thunderous again as Cobb survives! Jonah drags Cobb up and HEADBUTTS him to a corner. Jonah hoists Cobb up top to ROCK him, then climb up after him.

Fans rally as Jonah drags Cobb up. But Cobb fires off body shots! Cobb GRIZZLY MAGNUMS, but Jonah HEADBUTTS back! Jonah climbs up after Cobb again, and then to the very top! Fans fire up but also worry as Jonah hits a SUPERPLEX!!! The ring stays intact so Jonah goes up top! DEATH FROM ABOVE!!! Cover, Jonah wins!!

Winner: Jonah, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Cobb gains 0)

There was no Tour of the Island, there was only the tsunami! The Top Dog is now in second place, will he even conquer the Rainmaker? As for Cobb, can he pick himself back up after this quite literally crushing defeat?


G1 Climax, C Block: Hiroshi Tanahashi VS EVIL w/ Dick Togo!

The Ace of the Universe meets the King of Darkness in perhaps the most important match of their block! Evil lost to Naito but Naito lost to Tanahashi. Will Evil lose to Tanahashi, too? Or will this be the one time a King beats an Ace?

Evil and Dick Too Sweet, then Tanahashi shows off the muscles and the fans cheer. The bell rings and fans rally, “Let’s Go, Ace!” Tanahashi and Evil circle, they tie up, but Evil locks low! Evil headlocks, Tanahashi endures and pries free, to then power the headlock onto Evil! Fans fire up and now Evil endures the grind! Evil powers up but can’t power out as Tanahashi holds on tight! Evil tries again, and he pulls Tanahashi’s hair! Red Shoes reprimands but then Tanahashi pulls Evil’s hair! Red Shoes reprimands them both, but Tanahashi throws body shots. Tanahashi whips but Evil reverses, only for Tanahashi to elbow from the corner!

Tanahashi goes up to CROSSBODY! Direct hit, and the fans fire up for the air guitar! Evil bails out and fans rally with Tanahashi. Tanahashi goes to the apron but Dick creeps over. Tanahashi sees him, Red Shoes reprimands him, and Dick backs off. Tanahashi also sees Evil try the apron skirt trap and stays back. But then Evil trips Tanahashi off the apron! And then RAMS him into the timekeeper’s area! Abe-san goes down hard! Evil grabs a mic and while Red Shoes helps Abe-san, Evil CHOKES Tanahashi! Evil wants Tanahashi to give up but Tanahashi refuses! Red Shoes reprimands and Evil lets go. Fans rally up for “Let’s Go, Ace!” as Evil leaves him behind.

Tanahashi drags himself up the railing and hobbles into the ring. Evil stands on Tanahashi’s face but Red Shoes reprimands. Evil steps off, then drags Tanahashi up. Tanahashi ROCKS Evil, then again! And again! Evil whips Tanahashi into bare buckles! Dick took the buckle pad! Tanahashi writhes and Evil drags him to a cover, but Red Shores refuses to count! He knows what’s up with the buckle pad! Fans cheer but Evil is furious! Evil drags Tanahashi up and he tosses Tanahashi out. Evil then gets in Red Shoes’ face as Dick attacks Tanahashi! Dick puts Tanahashi in, Evil covers, TWO! Evil tries again, TWO! And again, TWO!!

Evil is furious again but fans fire up more. Fans rally, Evil kicks Tanahashi around, but Tanahashi fires forearms back! Evil rakes the eyes, so Tanahashi rakes Evil’s eyes! Red Shoes reprimands both men, but Tanahashi whips. Evil reverses, but Tanahashi uses that to WRECK Dick with a dropkick! Tanahashi then dodges Evil to hit FLYING FOREARMS! Fans fire up more and Tanahashi drags Evil up. Tanahashi fires more forearms, then scoops and SLAMS Evil into a drop zone! Tanahashi goes up the corner to SUNSET SENTON! Cover, TWO! Evil is still in this but Tanahashi keeps cool as the fans rally up.

Tanahashi waits on Evil to rise, then Tanahashi runs the ropes, but Evil ducks the slingblade! Evil blocks the kick, hands the foot to Red Shoes, then mule kicks Tanahashi down! Tanahashi writhes but fans rally up. Evil drags Tanahashi to the corner to POST Tanahashi up the middle! And then SLAM a leg into the post! Red Shoes reprimands, Evil “apologizes,” but then SLAMS the leg again! Red Shoes reprimands and Evil “apologizes” again, just to distract him from Dick digging a chair into Tanahashi’s leg! Tanahashi suffers but crawls back to center. Evil grins and stomps away on Tanahashi’s leg! Evil then drops an elbow on the knee!

Fans rally for Tanahashi but Evil still smirks. Evil gets both legs, steps through and turns Tanahashi over! DARKNESS SCORPION! Tanahashi endures the Sharpshooter as Evil drags him away from ropes and sits deep! Fans rally and Tanahashi fights up, to then crawl forward to the ROPEBREAK! Fans applaud but of course Evil holds on until Red Shoes counts 4. Evil is frustrated, but he drags Tanahashi up to a fireman’s carry. Tanahashi throws elbows, blocks a kick, and hits a DRAGON SCREW! Fans fire up and Tanahashi gets his legs moving. Evil crawls to ropes and Dick coaches him on, but Tanahashi runs in!

Tanahashi blocks the boot, has the leg, DRAGON SCREW! Tanahashi then gets the leg again, GROUND DRAGON SCREW! And INVERTED GROUND DRAGON SCREW! Fans are thunderous, Evil shouts in pain, and Tanahashi keeps going! TEXAS CLOVERLEAF!! Evil endures, crawls forward and reaches out, but Tanahashi drags him from ropes! Fans fire up as Tanahashi sits deep! The bell rings, but Red Shoes says he didn’t call for it!! That was DICK!! That SOB tricked us all and Evil is free from the suffering! Red Shoes glares at Dick, and he EJECTS him!! The Young Lions drag Dick away! Why didn’t they do this from the start?

But as Tanahashi gets up, Evil gets a chair! Evil CHUCKS the chair at Tanahashi’s head!! Both men are down with Red Shoes none the wiser! Fans rally up for Tanahashi as Red Shoes returns, and he sees the chair. Red Shoes gets the chair out and lets things continue. Evil rises but fans still rally behind Tanahashi. Evil drags himself up the ropes and snarls. Tanahashi rises, Evil runs, to LARIAT! But Tanahashi stays up on sheer will alone! Fans fire up so Evil runs again, to LARIAT! But Tanahashi still stays up! Fans rally, the elbow pads come off and Evil runs, but Tanahashi dodges, only for Evil to LARIAT! Cover, TWO!!

Again, fans are thunderous and Evil is furious! Evil staggers to his feet, slashes his throat, and drags Tanahashi back up. Evil spins Tanahashi around, but Tanahashi fights through to TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! Fans fire up again as both men are down! Even Young Lions are pounding the mat to cheer Tanahashi on. Tanahashi stands, he brings Evil up and throws body shots. Tanahashi whips, Evil reverses but Tanahashi SLINGBLADES! And SLINGBLADES again! Tanahashi keeps moving, a third SLINGBLADE! Cover, TWO!! Evil survives the hattrick but Tanahashi hurries to a corner. Tanahashi climbs, HIGH FLY FLOW!! Cover, SHO yanks Red Shoes out!

Sho stomps away on Tanahashi, drags Tanahashi up and bumps him off bare buckles! And then GERMAN SUPLEXES! Sho bails out and ushers Dick to return, with another ref! Dick makes this ref get in the ring and Evil covers, TWO!! Tanahashi is still in this! And his kick-out sends Evil into the second ref! Dick gets back in the ring, and he says he’s gonna put one out on Tanahashi. Evil drags Tanahashi up, but here come MORE refs! One grabs Dick, just as Tanahashi kicks him away! Dick and the third ref go down! Tanahashi suplexes Evil and places him on the fourth ref, MAGIC KILLER!! But it sends the ref flying!!

Fans are thunderous as no less than seven people are down at ringside! But sadly, Sho isn’t one of them! Sho has his wrench, he rushes in, but Tanahashi blocks! They fight over the wrench but Dick uses his SPOILER CHOKER! Tanahashi MULE KICK LOW BLOWS Dick away! And then LOW BLOW UPPERCUTS Sho! Fans fire up again but Evil LOW BLOWS Tanahashi from behind!! Cover, but there’s no ref to count!! Fans laugh at the karma hitting Evil! Evil is pissed, is there no one to count this? Fans rally up, “Let’s Go, Ace!” but Evil drags Red Shoes up and in. Evil tells Red Shoes to do his job! Evil then drags Tanahashi up, fireman’s carries, DARKNESS FALLS!! Cover, TWO!!!

Fans are thunderous again as Tanahashi survives! Evil snarls and slashes his throat to say this is over! Evil drags Tanahashi up, reels him in and spinshim around, EVERYTHING- GROUNDED COBRA! Cover, TANAHASHI WINS!

Winner: Hiroshi Tanahashi, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Evil gains 0)

Evil is even more upset! He isn’t out of the running, but he isn’t anywhere closer to the top! But Evil throws Young Lions away, to drag Tanahashi up. Tanahashi LOW BLOWS Evil!! That’s what Evil gets! Will he get more of what he deserves as the G1 continues?

As for Tanahashi, after getting some ice and catching his breath, he gets the rest of the refs in the ring. All four refs stand with Tanahashi, and they all raise their hands victoriously! Tanahashi then gets the mic to say, “Agh…! Everyone, thank you for staying with us late tonight! Moments like these, every minute and every second is so, so important to me. Thank you very much. Out front, and in the back, even when it feels like we hit a wall, this energy keeps us going. So please, watch wrestling with a smile on your face and in your hearts as you continue to support us. Thank you all!” Fans applaud in thanks back to Tanahashi.

Tanahashi hears the “Let’s Go, Ace!” and he gets out his air guitar! Fans cheer and Tanahashi tells Matsuyama, “LET’S ROCK~!” Fans fire up as the air guitar concert is on! Tanahashi jumps, but again his legs are hurting. Fans still applaud, “Let’s Go, Ace!” and he stands back up. Tanahashi says, “Last one!” The fans cheer the encore, and then Tanahashi throws the air guitar to the fans. Fans still applaud, will Tanahashi give another encore? A fan throws their air guitar to him, and here we go! True last time for tonight! Big finish and Tanahashi throws the guitar back.

Tanahashi gets the mic back and says, “Everyone, sorry for overdoing it, even after I remarked how late it was. But I really wanted to give you all a show. Thank you very much. Finally, Matsuyama… AISHETEMASU~!” Tanahashi now leads the C Block, but will this win lead him to the semifinals?


Here are the new standings!

A Block

  • Kazuchika Okada: 3-0, 6 points
  • JONAH: 2-1, 4 points
  • Jeff Cobb: 2-2, 4 points
  • Bad Luck Fale: 2-2, 4 points
  • Lance Archer: 1-2, 2 points
  • Tom Lawlor: 1-2, 2 points
  • Toru Yano: 1-3, 2 points [ELIMINATED]

B Block

  • Jay White: 3-0, 6 points
  • Tama Tonga: 2-1, 4 points
  • Taichi: 2-1, 4 points
  • SANADA: 2-2, 4 points
  • Great-O-Khan: 1-2, 2 points
  • Chase Owens: 1-3, 2 points [ELIMINATED]
  • Tomohiro Ishii: 1-3, 2 points [ELIMINATED]

C Block

  • Hiroshi Tanahashi: 3-1, 6 points
  • Hirooki Goto: 2-1, 4 points
  • Zack Sabre Jr: 2-1, 4 points
  • Tetsuya Naito: 2-2, 4 points
  • EVIL: 1-2, 2 points
  • KENTA: 1-2, 2 points
  • Aaron Henare: 1-3, 2 points [ELIMINATED]

D Block

  • David Finlay: 3-1, 6 points
  • Will Ospreay: 2-1, 4 points
  • Shingo Takagi: 1-2, 2 points
  • YOSHI-HASHI: 1-1, 2 points
  • Yujiro Takahashi: 2-2, 4 points
  • El Phantasmo: 1-1, 2 points
  • Juice Robinson: 1-3, 2 points [ELIMINATED]

My Thoughts:

A great night for the G1 once again, and some real big results coming out of this. Yujiro beating Juice was a surprise, but of course it was with a lot of cheating to do it. Juice is now out because he lost to the current block leader, David Finlay. Even if Finlay and Juice both ended this 3-3, Juice would be second to Finlay. But oddly, fans in Matsuyama seemed more on Yujiro’s side than Juice’s, so they were actually fired up for Yujiro as opposed to other matches in this G1. We also got a great match from Taichi and Chase, and I had a feeling Taichi would win. Taichi’s bigger than just being 1-1 right now, and still bigger than Chase, he needed the win.

Naito VS Henare was great stuff, and of course Naito wins again. He can’t be out of the running right after his triumphant win last round. Naito takes Henare out of the running with this win, and keeps his own hopes alive, I’m pretty sure it’ll come down to the very last round for Naito. Jonah VS Cobb was awesome stuff! How could not it be with everything they were doing? And what a great surprise that Jonah won! I thought Cobb was getting this one to stay right behind Okada, but maybe it’ll be Jonah who is chasing after Okada and that top spot.

And of course, Tanahashi VS Evil was great stuff, both on the match and the overbooking. Getting the entire ref corps involved was great, and of course Tanahashi wins. Evil isn’t out but him losing puts the pressure on. Tanahashi has the lead for now but has yet to face Goto, who is still near the top. Tanahashi VS Goto could determine the block, though we did get that match just before Forbidden Door… Well, maybe Goto can build upon that, using how Tanahashi got the win to go for the AEW World title, so that Goto can’t let Tanahashi take another opportunity from him. This stuff is just heating up, I can’t wait for tomorrow’s next round.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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