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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (8/1/22)

The summer heat is still turning up!



WWE Raw 2022

It’s the biggest AFTER PARTY of the summer!

Just because SummerSlam has passed doesn’t mean we can’t keep partying! Raw gives us a HUGE Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship match!


  • WWE United States Championship Qualifier Triple Threat: AJ Styles VS The Miz VS Mustafa Ali; Styles wins and advances to the #1 contender’s match.
  • Seth Rollins VS Montez Ford; Rollins wins.
  • Alexa Bliss VS Asuka; No Contest.
  • WWE United States Championship Qualifier Triple Threat: Dolph Ziggler VS Tommaso Ciampa VS Chad Gable; Ciampa wins and advances to the #1 contender’s match.
  • Bianca Belair VS Iyo Sky; No Contest.
  • WWE United States Championship #1 Contender’s Match: AJ Styles VS Tommaso Ciampa w/ The Miz; Ciampa wins and will challenge Bobby Lashley for the title next week.
  • Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships: The Usos VS The Mysterios; The Usos win and retain the titles.


Becky Lynch is here!

The Man didn’t get the title back, and now she has an arm in a sling. If not for those things, she’d be happier to be in Houston. Becky gets the mic while fans cheer her on. “Houston, welcome to the Big Time! Now, in everything that I do, I give it my all. And in the past, I’ve talked about hitting rock bottom, and I’ve talked about not knowing who I was when I lost the title at WrestleMania. But at SummerSlam, I am happy to say I remembered who the hell I am. And it ain’t in the fancy clothes, and it ain’t in the constant need for glory or validation, no. It is in the determination. It is in the persistence. It is in the relentlessness. It is in owning every mistake I ever made.

“It is in the pursuit to be better today than I was yesterday.” Fans cheer that sentiment, and Becky says that when she separated her shoulder at SummerSlam, she had two choices: give up, or give it everything she had. And so, she grit her teeth and fought through the 20 most painful minutes of her career. And believe her, they were painful, but not as much as realizing that she had become separated from reality. She did what she had to do, not only for herself but for the greatest women’s division ever! For all the women who work their asses off every single week in the back.

And so, when the referee counted three, her shoulders on the mat, Becky knew she had given her best, but it just wasn’t good enough. But she was reminded that she is not defined by one match. No, she defines the matches. And she is not defined by a title, SHE defines the title. And she won’t be defined by any man, because she defines THE MAN! And so, in a new ear, a new comeback story starts now. But she must give credit where it is due, and that is to the superstar who pushed her all year to be the B E S T that she can be. “Bianca Belair, get your ass out here.” Bianca obliges! Fans fire up as the RawEST Women’s Champion skips to the ring.

Fans cheer for the “E S T! E S T!” as Bianca gets a mic. Bianca tells Becky, “You not only defined The Man, but you are The Man.” The two hug it out and fans cheer more. Becky says Bianca can hold it down, and she’ll see her soon. Becky heads out as fans cheer for her again. Bianca says she has nothing but respect for Becky. And we know some people may be questioning how that can be, and best believe Bianca never forgot all the times Becky shakes her hand just to use the other to smack her in the face. But Bianca has never wanted to be handed anything. The title is only worth the amount of work put in to keep it, and Becky made Bianca put in the work.

So yes, Bianca shook Becky’s hand and there is now mutual respect. To be able to gain the respect of someone like Becky Lynch, that means something. Bianca has learned so much from Becky, and now she has a target on her back, but she will never be caught slipping. That is why she is still Raw Women’s Champion! Fans cheer that, too. Bianca says ready so she doesn’t have to get ready, and that means whoever is next. Whether it’s Bayley or her little friends who all thought it was funny to surprise Bianca at Summerslam, or- Wait, speaking of! Becky is under attack by Bayley, Dakota Kai & Iyo Sky! With a chair!!

Bianca rushes to the back as Bayley digs the chair into Becky’s bad shoulder! Bianca arrives but Bayley and her buddies have bailed already! Medics check on Becky’s arm, but when will Bianca get her hands on The Role Model and her new friends?


The Legacy of the WWE United States Championship.

Narrated by John “Bradshaw” Layfield. “America. A country built on opportunity deserves a champion that upholds its great legacy. A legacy of greatness is painted in red, white and blue.” Harley Race, Sgt. Slaughter, Roddy Piper, Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair, Bret Hart, Scott Hall, JBL, Eddie Guerrero, John Cena, just to name a few. Ricky Steamboat was a proud champion, as were Booker T, Kofi Kingston, and now Bobby Lashley. “The United States Championship has helped shape the careers of 20+ Hall of Famers, and will continue to do so well into the future of the WWE.” And that new chapter starts NOW!


Logan Paul tweets his feelings after SummerSlam.

He knows he’s done a lot of crazy stuff in his life, but SummerSlam was by far the coolest. He is so addicted, he has found his calling. And he called the WWE executives, he has a multi-year, multi-event contract in the works> He is ready to get more of that energy from the jampacked arenas. He doesn’t know when or where, but we will see a massive third match and beyond. He is so happy to be part of the WWE, see you all soon!


WWE United States Championship Qualifier Triple Threat: AJ Styles VS The Miz VS Mustafa Ali!

There’s already beef between the Phenomenal One and the Hollywood A-Lister, but you add The Beacon to the mix and we could be seeing an instant classic! Commercial free for you, the fans, we see who is the first of two top contenders for this prestigious title!

The bell rings and Styles rushes Miz! Miz bails out, so Styles rushes Ali. Ali dodges, RANAS Styles, and fans fire up. Miz grabs at Ali but Ali swipes at him. Miz trips Ali but Styles WRECKS Miz with a dropkick! Ali rushes in but Styles shoulders in and slingshots up and over. Sunset flip, but then the- NO, Miz trips Styles to stop the Clash! Miz SMACKS Styles off the desk! “I! HAVE MASSIV#! BALLS!” But then Ali DIVES to take Miz out! Fans fire up and Ali CLUBS Miz, then puts him in the ring. Ali gets around, waistlocks to RAM Miz into buckles. Miz still bucks Ali away, then RAMS him into buckles in return!

Fans boo but Styles kicks Miz low. Styles CHOPS Miz, CLUBS him, then CHOPS Ali to a corner. Fans rally for Styles as he CHOPS again. Styles whips but Miz reverses to RAM Styles into buckles now! Fans boo while Miz grits his teeth and clutches his bad ribs. Miz stomps away on Styles, drags him up and CHOPS him in return. And CHOPS again! Fans taunt Miz’s “TINY BALLS!” But Miz runs corner to corner, A-LIST LARIAT! Ali returns but Miz BOOTS him down! Miz slingshots under Styles,. sunset flips, but Styles rolls through to ROCK Miz with a right! Styles whips Miz to a corner, then runs in to stomp Miz down!

Styles whips corner to corner the other way, Miz reverses and Styles hits buckles hard! Miz runs in, goes up but Styles turns that around to CHOP again! Styles climbs up but Miz throws haymakers! Styles drops, Ali returns and he ROCKS Miz! Ali goes up the corner, but Miz throws body shots! Ali flips to land on his feet, but into a BIG back suplex from Styles! Miz BASEMENT BOOTS Styles, and BASEMENT DDTs Ali! Cover on Ali, TWO! Miz winces as he clutches his ribs, but he gets up to loom over both men. Fans still taunt Miz’s balls as Miz KICKS Styles again and again and again! Miz powers up, but Styles blocks the buzzsaw to ENZIGURI!

Miz flounders away but Ali has Styles for a CHOP! Styles CHOPS, Ali forearms, Styles forearms, repeat! Fans fire up as the forearms fly but Styles DECKS Ali with a left hand palm strike! Styles stalks Ali to a corner, whips him corner to corner, but Ali uses that to DROPKICK Miz down! Ali then dodges Styles., ROUNDHOUSES him away, and slingshot somersaults, but into a fireman’s carry! Ali slips off but Styles elbows him away. Styles kicks Miz as he returns, tot hen scoop, dragon sleeper, but Ali returns! SLINGSHOT NECKBREAKER DDT COMBO!! Cover on Styles, TWO!! Cover on Miz, TWO!!

Fans fire up while Ali catches his breath. Ali drags Miz to a drop zone and he goes up the corner. 450 but he has to bail out as Miz moves! Styles gets Ali up for an USHIGOROSHI! Miz CLUBS Styles but Styles PELES Miz! All three men are down but Miz bails out! “This is Awesome!” as Styles gets up and goes to the apron. Styles prepares his elbow pad while Ali rises. But Miz YANKS Styles down! Styles ROCKS and KNEES Miz to RAM him into the desk! The bad ribs take more damage, but Ali FLIES in for a TORNADO DDT!! All three men are down at ringside and fans lose their minds! Ali gets up and drags Miz up and into the ring.

Ali hurries to the apron but his own back is hurting. Miz drags Ali in, SKULL CRUSHING FINALE! But the ribs hold him back!! Miz crawls to a cover, TWO!! Ali survives and Miz is beside himself! Miz grits his teeth and drags Ali up. Miz bumps Ali off buckles, then stomps him. Ali shoves Miz to then SUPERKICK him down! Miz is in the drop zone and Ali hurries up the corner! Fans fire up and Ali aims, 450 SPLASH!! But Styles is there to rag Ali up! STYLES CLASH onto Miz! Cover on Ali, STYLES WINS!

Winner: AJ Styles, by pinfall (advances to the #1 contender’s match)

The Phenomenal One’s veteran savvy snatches this away from Miz and Ali! But he still has one more match before he can challenge Bobby Lashley. Who will Styles meet in THE #1 contender’s match?


Becky Lynch gets checked by the doctor.

She got hit with a chair, her arm got caught in the chair, can she get some ice?

Bayley talks with her new friends backstage.

She told them this is how it was going to be! They will take over. Sarah asks why Bayley targeted Becky, but Bayley asks, “Targeted? Is that what she thinks? Conceited! This isn’t about Becky and this is not about Bianca. This is about us! And you’ll see what I mean soon enough.” Bayley, Sky & Kai pass by the Usos and they all say hey. Now Sarah asks the Usos about defending their tag titles tonight against the Msyterios just days after SummerSlam. Same as they always are: 100%! SummerSlam was business as usual for the Bloodline! They beat the Profits, again. Roman Reigns beat Lesnar again. And tonight, the Usos beat the Mysterios… again! Because they the twos, and #WeTheOnes!


Seth Rollins is here!

The Visionary seems to be in a good mood. He didn’t get a SummerSlam match but he still got to stomp Matt Riddle down when The Bro came looking for a fight. Rollins gets a mic to welcome us to Monday Night Rollins! “And I am your host for tonight’s festivities. I am the Visionary, I am the revolutionary, I am…” Fans cheer “SETH! FREAKIN’! ROLLINS!” That’s right! And tonight is a night for celebration! Because we don’t have to see and we don’t have to hear that idiot, Riddle! Fans boo but Rollins says he gives credit where it is due. IT takes a lot of guts to do what Riddle did, showing up when he’s not cleared.

But there is a thin line between gutsy and stupid, and Riddle has crossed that stupid line more times than Rollins can count! But… There is a silver lining to this. “Riddle has wanted so badly to be like his big bro, Randy~. And now he’s on the shelf with a career threatening injury, just like Randy! HAHAHA!” Fans boo more but Rollins says there’s another silver lining. Now that Riddle is out of the way, Rollins can turn his attention… to Roman Reigns! And the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship. But wait, the Street Profits are here! Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins have mics but Rollins says no no no no no! SHUT IT DOWN! SHUT THE MUSIC OFF! NO CUPS!!

Rollins knows the Profits- Don’t look at the fans! STOP! Fans cheer, the Profits encourage it, and Rollins gets annoyed. He knows they’re boys with Riddle but… OH SHUT UP! Rollins knows we’re in Houston, the Rockets’ home, so they’re used to watching losers! But Rollins doesn’t want to share any air space with the biggest losers in ALL the WWE! HAHAHA! How many times have the lost to the Usos now? One, two, three MILLION? Rollins lost count of that, too! The Profits suck so much as a team, they should just break up. Pack it in, go to the back, this is Rollins’ time, baby! HAHAHA!

Dawkins asks Rollins, “Didn’t we beat you to become Raw Tag Team Champions?” Ford says wait! They know who this is now! The same guy who got his ass whooped by Cody Rhodes when Cody only had one booby! Oh shut up!! You come out here for a fight, did you?! You wanna fight?! Rollins would love nothing more to come down and stomp both of them into the stage, but that’s 2v1, that’s not fair. Maybe if there was one, maybe. So split up, one of you come back, we can do this then. Or, another way. Houston, do you wanna see one of the Profits beat the crap outta Seth tonight? “YES!” Well Seth, be careful what you wish for.

So they’ll figure this out the fair and proper way. They’ll do this rock, paper, scissors! Get a ref out here! This is the only time we see the Profits fight. A ref appears and here goes. Rock, paper, scissors- Oh shoot, Ford threw his mic at Dawkins and brings the ref to the ring! But then he manages to avoid Rollins’ stomp! Rollins rushes out but Ford gets in! Rollins says that’s fine, that’s fine! He gets in again, but Ford clotheslines him out right at the bell!

Seth Rollins VS Montez Ford!

Ford mocks Rollins’ swaggering as this match is on the way! Ford then goes out to ROCK Rollins with a right! Rollins staggers away, Ford mocks the song and stalks Rollins. Ford RAMS Rollins into barriers, then mocks the song more. Rollins throws a body shot, puts Ford in the ring, but Ford SUPERKICKS Rollins down! Cover, TWO!! Ford almost had Rollins there but Ford keeps cool. Ford goes up top, but Rollins bails out. Ford hops down to pursue Rollins but Rollins kicks him and underhooks! Only for Ford to back drop him away! Ford chases Rollins back in but Rollins KNEES him at the ropes!

Rollins suplexes to hang Ford out to dry! Ford flops back into the ring, clutching his ribs. Rollins kicks Ford out and goes out after him. Rollins drags Ford up to scoop and RAM Ford’s ribs into the post! Ford writhes, Rollins gets in at 3 of 10, and the count passes 5. Ford sits up at 7, flops around at 9, but gets in at 9.9!! But Rollins CLBOBERS him! Rollins throws down fists, KICKS Ford in the back, then stalks Ford to ropes. Rollins CHOKES Ford on the ropes, the ref counts and Rollins lets off at 4. Fans boo but Rollins snarls as he goes back for Ford. Rollins CHOPS Ford against ropes, then brings Ford around to CHOP him in the corner.

Ford CHOPS back! And CHOPS, and CHOPS! Ford whips, Rollins reverses and KNEES Ford again. Rollins whips, KNEES and whips to KNEE again! Rollins fireman’s carries to then hit a GUTBUSTER DROP! Cover, TWO! Ford is still in this but Rollins wraps on a rear bearhug. Ford endures, fans rally, and Ford fights up to his feet. Ford elbows Rollins, and again, but then Rollins ducks to hit a BIG back suplex! Rollins is frustrated but he is still in control as Ford goes to the far corner. Rollins taunts Ford while slapping him around. “C’mon, Tez! C’mon, Tez!” Rollins keeps slapping Ford as he’s on the apron and drags him up.

Ford fights the suplex, throws body shots, and shoves Rollins away. GAMANGIRI! Ford then goes up, leaps, CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO!! Rollins survives but fans fire up as both men are down! Rollins staggers to his feet, goes after Ford first and fires off forearms. Ford gives them back! Fans rally as they brawl back and forth, and Ford gest the edge! Rollins knees low again, runs, but Ford BACKHANDS HIM! Rollins runs in a gain but Ford dodges and runs to LARIAT! And mule kick! Front kick! ENZIGURI! Rollins wobbles, into a BIG back suplex from Ford! Ford kips up! Ford flexes and stands on Rollins before the STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO!!

Ford grows frustrated but Rollins is a Grand Slam Champion, after all. Rollins stands, Ford stands, Rollins reels Ford in. Ford switches, Rollins witches, Ford slips out of the suplex this time to run and BLOCKBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Ford grits his teeth, crawls to a corner and climbs up. Rollins hurries after Ford, anchors a leg, but Ford CLUBS Rollins and throws haymakers! Rollins staggers away, Ford gets back in, but Rollins PELES! Roll-up, TWO! Rollins aims, SUPERKICK! Cover, TWO! Rollins is growing frustrated with Ford’s toughness, and Rollins aims from a corner. Rollins soaks up the “OH~ OH~ OOOH~!” as he runs in, but Ford dodges!

Ford mule kicks, Rollins blocks to ROLLING ELBOW! Then the lift, but Ford fights free! Ford is on the corner, Rollins anchors him but Ford kicks him away. FLYING DDT!! Ford crawls to the cover, ROPEBREAK!! Rollins survives by a literal foot! Ford brushes that off to get up the corner again. But Rollins trips Ford up! Then drags him out, into a RUNNING BUCKLE BOMB!! And then FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO!! Rollins can’t believe Ford survived that! Rollins has a wild look in his eyes as fans say “This is Awesome!” Rollins goes up a corner, laughs and says, “Who wants the smoke now, bitch?” FROG SPLASH FLOP!!

Ford is up top and fans fire up! FROM THE HEAVENS, onto knees!! CURB STOMP!!! Cover, Rollins wins!

Winner: Seth Rollins, by pinfall

So close and yet so far for Ford, and now the Visionary has a win. But he isn’t satisfied with that, he wants to hurt Ford! Rollins aims again, but here comes Dawkins! Dawkins runs Rollins off, will the Curse of Greatness catch up with Rollins soon enough?


Alexa Bliss VS Asuka!

Bianca Belair has the title, and though Bayley is back and brought friends, the Five Foot Fury still says she’s next! Will she establish contention by defeating the Empress of Tomorrow? Or is not even Alexa ready for Asuka?

The bell rings and the two shake hands to show there is sportsmanship. They circle, tie up, and Alexa wrenches to a wristlock. Asuka spins, wrenches, hammerlocks, but Alexa wrenches out. Asuka wrenches back then ROCKS Alexa with a right. Asuka whips to hip toss but Alexa counters to then cover, TWO! Alexa basement dropkicks Asuka down and then has a big smile. Asuka kicks but Alexa ducks to roll her up. Asuka rolls through to run Alexa over, then mocks Alexa’s little smile pose. Asuka whips Alexa to a corner, Alexa reverses but Asuka goes up, only to miss the missile dropkick! Alexa KNEES Asuka down, covers, TWO!

Alexa sits Asuka up to ROCK, KNEE and ROCK again! Another KNEE and a cover, TWO! Alexa keeps on Asuka with a chinlock. Asuka endures as Alexa leans on her. Fans rally, Asuka fights up and throws body shots. Alexa counters to wrench and STO! Then the INSULT2INJURY misses in the end as Asuka moves! And then SLIDING KICKS! Asuka fires up and fans fire up with her, but Alexa ducks the buzzsaw. Asuka BACKHANDS, BACKHANDS, SOBATS and BACKHANDS to a GERMAN SUPLEX! Fans fire up more as Asuka run sin to HIP ATTACK! Then a whip, but Alexa reverses and reels Asuka in. Asuka slips out to POP-UP KNEE!

Asuka goes up to MISSILIE DROPKICK! But here come Bayley and her buddies! They all attack Asuka and Alexa!

No Contest

Fans boo as Bayley, Kai & Sky beat down the Empress and the Fury! They sit Alexa up, for Bayley to KNEE her down! Then they have Asuka set up in a corner for Kai to go Around the World and BOOT her down! Fans boo more but Bayley puts Alexa and Asuka together. Kai fetches a chair while Sky goes up! But here comes BIANCA! The EST is the angriEST right now and she runs off Bayley, Kai and Sky! Bayley says nice try, but Bianca gets a mic. She doesn’t care who it is, she wants a match with one of them!! Fans fire up for that, but who will step to the always ready Raw Women’s Champion? Sky is electing herself, will the Evil Genius take out the EST?


WWE United States Championship Qualifier Triple Threat: Dolph Ziggler VS Tommaso Ciampa VS Chad Gable!

The Showoff has been US Champion before, and he has a path back! But will it be so easy with the Psycho Killer and the “Golden Brain” standing in his way?

Gable says “SHOOOOSH! Houston, you have a problem. And tonight that problem comes to you in the form of Master Gable, a real athlete, an Olympian, with a brain so big and beautiful, it’s twice the size of Texas, baby!” Gable says he’ll dispose of his opponents, move on and beat that ignoramus, AJ Styles, and then beat the US Champion, Bobby Lashley, to put this country on his back again. He’ll represent us all in the way only Master Gable is able. And when he does, he won’t have to cheat. Not like that failure of a team known as the Houston Astros! A THANK YEW~! The bell rings, Gable bails out and Ciampa CLOBBERS Ziggler!

Ciampa CLUBS Ziggler, drags him up and turns him but Ziggler fights out to then DROPKICK Ciampa! But Gable rolls Ziggler up, feet on ropes! TWO, and Ziggler DROPKICKS Gable down! Cover but Ciampa drags Ziggler off to stomp him down! Ciampa CLUBS Ziggler, drags him up and whips Ziggler to a corner. Ziggler goes up and over but Gable CLOBBERS Ziggler! Gable stomps Ziggler, rains down fists, and Ciampa helps with stomps. Gable tells Houston to SHOOSH while he and Ciampa mug Ziggler. Ciampa drags Ziggler up, Gable DECKS Ziggler with a right. Ciampa stomps a leg, Gable YANKS the same leg, then they get Ziggler at the ropes.

Gable and Ciampa double whip, double ELBOW, but Ciampa won’t let Gable cover. Ciampa shoves Gable, but Gable says he has the plan. Ciampa tells Gable to shoosh! Gable says you don’t shoosh him! But Ziggler hits them both back with haymakers and elbows! Ciampa catches the dropkick to ATAPULT Ziggler to a post! Gable rolls to fireman’s carry Ciampa but Ciampa elbows free,. Ciampa ripcords but swings into a chicken wing! TIGER PLEX! Then the motorcycle stretch and STOMP! But Gable turns around into a FAMOUSER! Cover, TWO!! Fans fire up as all there men are down and Raw goes picture in picture.

Ziggler clutches his neck, Ciampa goes to a corner, and Gable goes to the other. Ciampa stands up first, he staggers over to the others and he ROCKS Ziggler! Then CLUBS Gable! Then CHOPS Gable, and whips Gable corner to corner hard! Gable bounces off buckles, Ciampa hurries to cover him, TWO! Ciampa wants a faster count but the ref says that was fair. Ciampa stomps Gable’s hand, gives Ziggler a NECKBREAKER, and covers. Gable break sit, then snap suplexes Ciampa to a cover, TWO! Gable gets an arm to TWEAK it! And then again! And then he SLAMS the arm on the mat. Ciampa writhes, Gable says A THANK YEW~!

Fans boo Gable as he stalks Ciampa to ropes. Gable drags Ciampa up to ROCK him with a right. But Ziggler rushes in, SATELLITE DDT! Cover, TWO! Gable survives and Ziggler is frustrated. Ziggler gets to ropes while Gable is in a corner. Ciampa REWCKS Ziggler with a dropkick! Ciampa kicks Ziggler out, goes after Gable and hoists him up top. Ciampa CHOPS Gable, climbs up after him, but Gable fights back! Gable CLUBS Ciampa, headbutts him down off the corner, then adjusts. Ciampa stands, Gable FLYING LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Gable snarls and kicks Ciampa out, but turns around into Ziggler! They talk some trash, shove and push, then circle.

Gable shoots in for a leg but Ziggler sprawls. Gable dumps Ziggler up and over but Ziggler uses that to roll him up! ONE, but Ziggler facelocks! Gable slips around, but so does Ziggler. Ziggler cradles, TWO, and Raw is single picture as Gable has the ANKLE LOCK!! Ziggler endures, rolls but Gable holds on! Gable keeps on the Ankle Lock but Ciampa clamps on with a CROSSFACE! Ziggler endures double submissions but Gable and Ciampa fight each other! Gable stomps Ciampa off Ziggler but Ziggler rolls to get a cover, TWO!! ANKLE LOCK!! And then a stepover! But Ciampa LEG LARIAT LEAPFROGS! Cover, TWO!!

Ciampa is beside himself, but he stomps Ziggler in frustration. Ziggler gets to a corner, Ciampa CHOPS him! Ciampa puts the leg on the ropes to drop a knee on the knee! Ziggler writhes but Ciampa hoists him up top. Ciampa CHOPS Ziggler, climbs up after him, but Ziggler fights. Ciampa fireman’s carries for a SUPER AIR RAID CRASH!! Cover, GABLE DIVING HEADBUTTS!! All three men are down but fans rally up. Gable and Ciampa rise. They throw haymakers, then CHOPS! Throat chop from Gable but Ciampa still ducks around, ripcord ROLLING ELBOW! Then the- NO, Gable dodges the knee to CHAOS- ZIGZAG!!! Cover on Gable, TWO!!!

Ziggler crawls around, Ciampa rolls away to ropes, and Gable crawls to the corner. Fans rally up, Ziggler and Gable stand up, and Gable runs in. Ziggler TOSSES Gable out, but Ciampa O’Conner Rolls! TWO and Ziggler has the tights! TWO!! Ciampa kicks low, reels Ziggler in, but Ziggler slips out to SUPERKICK! But Gable TOSSES Ziggler now! Cover on Ciampa, but Ziggler drags Gable out in time! Ciampa KNEES Ziggler off the apron! But Gable backslides Ciampa! TWO!! PSYCHO KNEE! And into the underhooks, FAIRY TALE ENDING!! Cover, Ciampa wins!!

Winner: Tommaso Ciampa, by pinfall (advances to the #1 contender’s match)

The Psycho Killer puts away Master Gable, and now he faces the Phenomenal AJ Styles! Who wins that shot at the All Mighty US Champion?


Edge is here!

And on this day, he sees clearly! Yes, the Rated R Superstar is back to his old self again! Edge gets a mic as fans cheer him on, and he says, “Houston, thank you for that. Because to be fair, for the last few months, I’ve been a bit of an a-hole. But that all changes now, because now, we both get what we want. I’ll keep this real simple. I created Judgement Day with the thought that I was gonna help underutilized talent to realize their full potential. That maybe I could pass on some knowledge that I’ve accumulated over my 30 year career to Damian Priest and Rhea Ripley. Yeah, let ’em know.” Fans boo and Edge says he has to be honest, they were just getting started.

But apparently, that first taste of power clouded their judgment, They thought they learned all there was to learn. But they were wrong! TO be fair, along with Finn Balor, they pulled one over on him. He didn’t see that coming, and that is rare. But if you witnessed SummerSlam, you saw Edge pull himself out of the Hell they put him in! “And now it’s time to kill what I created. FINN! DAMIAN! RHEA! I am going to END Judgement Day!” Short and sweet, just as he said! Will the Rated R Superstar eradicate of the Prince, the Punisher and the Eradicator?


The Mysterios prepare backstage.

Father and son are ready, but Kevin Patrick walks in to first congratulate them on their win against The Judgement Day at SummerSlam, and then ask them about tonight’s tag title match. Rey says the shift in focus is possible because The Judgement Day are in their rearview. The Judgement Day has Edge to worry about. And Rey and Edge go way back, so they have no idea how much of a savage Edge can be. IN fact, Rey & Edge were once tag team champions. That is a bond that lasts forever, and Rey can’t thank Edge enough in helping Rey & Dom avenge themselves and their familia.

But as far as tonight goes, they’re about one thing and one thing only: Defeating the Usos and becoming the UNDISPUTED WWE Tag Team Champions! Here, Houston, VIVA MI RAZA! Dom and Rey are fired up, will the lucha libre lineage be the first-ever TWO-TIME father-son tag team champions?


Backstage interview with Bayley, Kai & Sky.

Sarah wants to bring up SummerSlam but Bayley cuts her off. They’re not talking about Bianca or Becky, are they? They’re talking about Kai, Sky and Bayley! Yes, Sarah is supposed to ask questions, but Bayley asks us, “What did you expect?” Have we not been watching the same show she’s been watching? These idiots have been on a downward spiral ever since Bayley left, so she took it as a cry for help. The WWE needed the Role Model, so she outsourced to two of the very best, who have waited far too long for this moment!

Kai says they know how to play the game. They know what they want and how to get there, and soon, they will be in full control. Sky says in Japanese and English, “Bianca, see you out there.”

Bianca Belair VS Iyo Sky!

The RawEST Women’s Champion respects Becky, so that is why it set her off that Bayley, Kai & Sky would disrespect Becky and attack her backstage. Will Bianca get some semblance of revenge by taking out the Evil Genius? Or is this just the start of the takeover?

The bell rings and Bianca and Sky rush in! Bianca RAMS Sky to a corner, bumps her off buckles, then stomps a mudhole in! The ref counts, Bianca lets off to RAM into Sky with more shoulders. Sky shoves Bianca away but Bianca comes back, throwing off the earrings. Bianca whips, Sky reverses but Bianca goes up and over! Bianca eggs Sky on then dropkicks her down! Bianca kips up and fans fire up, but Sky puts Bianca on the apron. Sky ducks the haymaker to HOTSHOT! Sky then goes out to the apron for an ASAI MOONSAULT! Direct hit and the Evil Genius is all smiles as Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and Bianca fights a chinlock. Bianca scoops and SLAMS Sky, goes to a corner, and she dodges Sky as she runs in. Bianca ROCKS Sky, jumps in and runs Sky over! Bianca rallies, dropkicks then kips up! Fans fire up with Bianca and she gets Sky for a chicken wing! But Sky victory rolls through to put Bianca on ropes! Sky runs in, DOUBLJ EKENES to the back! Bianca is down, Sky has her in the corner and stomps a mudhole in! Sky digs both boots in, then SWINGING KNEES her down! Cocky cover, TWO! Sky keeps on Bianca with forearms, but Bianca shoves her away. Sky catches the haymaker for a takedown!

Sky has a modified facelock but Bianca endures. Bianca drags Sky up but Sky uses that to hit a RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Cover, TWO! Sky grows frustrated but this is why Bianca is the toughEST. Sky goes to a corner and climbs up, to CROSSBODY! But Bianca rolls through, brings her up, and FALL AWAY SLAMS! Fans fire up as Bianca grits her teeth and gets back up. Bianca drags Sky up with the chicken wings, to then GlamEST SLAM! And the HANDSPRING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Bianca is surprised but this is why Sky got all the NXT Women’s Championships. Bianca brings Sky up, Sky fires shots, but Bianca scoop SLAMS!

Bianca hurries up the corner, but of course, Bayley and Kai appear from the crowd side. Bianca is annoyed, but Sky SHOTEIS her in the distraction! Sky goes up after Bianca, fires off shots, then brings Bianca in, for a SUPER STEINER! Bianca goes flying and Sky covers, TWO! Bayley and Kai coach Sky, she still has control. Bianca is at the ropes and Sky runs in. Bianca elbows her away, suplexes, but Sky cradle counters! TWO and Bianca deadlifts Sky for a suplex SLAM! Fans fire up while both women are down! Bianca drags Sky up, torture racks, but Sky kicks and lands on her feet! Sky dumps Bianca out to the apron!

Bianca ROCKS Sky first, drags Sky up, but Sky climbs to the ropes. Bianca kicks but Sky blocks to CLUB the leg! But Bianca waistlocks! Sky holds onto the ropes to deny the suplex! Sky elbows free, RANAS, but Bianca blocks! Bianca SWINGS Sky into barriers! Bayley and Kai look worried but the ref has them stay back. Bianca drags Sky up, but then Bayley and Kai block the way to the ring. The ref reprimands, fans boo, but here come Alexa and Asuka! They want payback on Bayley and her pals! Fans fire up as Raw goes picture in picture.

Kai and Bayley talk smack on Asuka and Alexa, the ref warns everyone not to get into it, and Bianca mocks Bayley as a chicken! Bawk bawk! Asuka and Alexa join in, then Bianca puts Sky in the ring. Cover, TWO! Bianca is annoyed, especially with Sky bailing out of the ring. Kai and Bayley coach Sky up but Bianca goes out after her! Sky kicks Bianca, and again, and again and again! Bianca kicks back, Sky BOOTS her, but Bianca SMACKS Sky off the desk! Sky flounders, Bianca hauls her up and whips, but Sky reverses! Bianca hits steel steps and Bayley is fired up! Sky soaks up the heat while Kay and Bayley taunt Bianca.

The ring count climbs but Bianca is back in at 8! Sky is annoyed but she and Bianca meet at the center. Bianca throws a forearm but Sky gives it back. Bianca hits another forearm but Sky gives it back. Bianca forearms, gets the edge and she rains down on Sky! Asuka and Alexa fire up while Kay and Bayley freak out! Sky hits Bianca back with the same furious fists! Sky stomps Bianca, staggers around then falls over! Bianca drags herself up with the ropes, drags Sky up and around, then TOSSES her to a corner! Sky flounders and Bianca storms over. Bianca drags Sky up top now, climbs up after her, and CLUBS away as fans rally.

Sky throws body shots, Bianca throws more hands, and Raw returns to single picture as they brawl up top! Fans fire up as Bianca has Sky for a SPIDER SUPERPLEX! Bianca then sits back up to roll off and MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Bayley and Kai are relieved but Asuka and Alexa coach Bianca. Bianca hurries to get Sky back from the ropes. Sky hops up but Bianca ducks the enziguri to deadlift waistlock! But Sky fights the suplex! Sky throws elbows, then wheelbarrows to STOMP 182! Fans fire up as Bianca goes to a corner and Sky grins. Sky runs in corner to corner, SHINKANSEN! The bullet train arrives at the station!

Sky digs her boots into Bianca, the ref counts, Sky swings but into a SPINEBUSTER! Bianca drags Sky around to a drop zone, to run and HANDSPRING MOONSAULT onto knees! Sky won’t let the same move hit twice! Bayley says she told us, Sky’s the best! Fans fire up as both women rise. Sky reels Bianca in but Bianca ROCKS her with a right! Bianca runs, Sky blocks the ref from seeing Bayley trip Bianca up! Bianca turns around, blocks the kick and waistlocks, but Sky elbows the O’Conner away. Sky ducks the boot, rolls Bianca, feet on ropes, Alexa pushes those off! Bianca is free, Asuka and Sky shout at each other in Japanese!

Bayley and Kai shout at the ref, too, but Alexa and Asuka shout at them! Sky gets away to her side, Bianca backs down to hers, and the others BRAWL! Fans fire up, the ref rings the bell!

No Contest

Bianca and Sky brawl now, Asuka POP-UP KNEES Bayley! Alexa gest a BOOT from Dakota but she ROCKS Dakota with a right! Asuka keeps on Bayley, Bianca is after Sky, Alexa and Bayley fight now, and the refs and officials rush out! Fans want to “LET THEM FIGHT!” but the six women are separated! Bayley’s trio regroups and retreats, and Bayley warns Bianca, Asuka and Alexa to stay out of their way! What will it take for the EST, the Empress and the Fury to get even with the Role Model and her new followers?


The Miz gives Ciampa a pep talk.

The US Championship’s legacy is highlighted by Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes, The Miz himself, and now Ciampa! But Kevin Patrick walks over to ask them about how things didn’t go Miz’s way against Logan Paul, or in his Triple Threat tonight. But Ciampa- Oh, what part didn’t go his way? Miz got cheated against Logan Paul! A formidable fighter? Sure. An incredible athlete? Yeah. But the WWE is not a playground for an entitled YouTuber to cash a paycheck. Miz had Logan where he wanted him, he had Logan’s moveset dissected and beat. But then Styles blindsided Ciampa like the coward he ism, helping Logan get a tainted victory.

Now why would Styles do that? Was Styles the one training Logan just to beat Miz? Those are the questions we should be asking, but for tonight, Ciampa will make Styles realize he chose the wrong side. Ciampa used to respect Styles and his accomplishments, both before the WWE and coming to the WWE. But Styles chose to support a social media influencer who makes a mockery of their home! So tonight, when Ciampa crushes Styles’ dreams, it will be that much more satisfying.

Miz says to look at the passion and devotion in those eyes. Ciampa may have not helped Miz win at SummerSlam, but Miz will help Ciampa become the next elite WWE Superstar! Under Miz’s tutelage, we are looking at the NEXT WWE US Champion! Will the Hollywood A-Lister make all of Ciampa’s WWE dreams come true?


Booker T joins commentary!

Houston’s own is here! The host of the new WWE Smack Talk on A&E is ready to see a phenomenal match!

WWE United States Championship #1 Contender’s Match: AJ Styles VS Tommaso Ciampa w/ The Miz!

The bell rings and Styles stares Ciampa down. They circle, feel out the knuckle lock, and they go shoulder to shoulder in a test of strength. Ciampa slips around, headlocks, and he grinds Styles down. Fans still taunt Miz over “TINY BALLS!” but Styles endures the headlock. Styles fights up, powers out, but Ciampa runs him over! Miz says that’s what happens! Ciampa stomps Styles in the corner, lets off as the ref counts 4, then Ciampa drags Styles up. Ciampa headlocks and grinds Styles again but Styles still endures. Styles fights up, Ciampa CLUBS him and whips him, but Styles ducks and scoops to a BACKBREAKER!

Fans fire up and Styles drags Ciampa up for another BACKBREAKER! Ciampa writhes but Styles clutches a shoulder. Styles drags Ciampa up as fans rally behind him. Styles suplexes but Ciampa slips out. Ciampa whips Styles and POSTS him! Miz mocks Styles but the ref tells him to back off. Miz lets off so Ciampa can drag Styles further out, to BOOT into the post! Then KNEE Styles at the apron! Ciampa gets in, drags Styles to a cover, TWO! Ciampa keeps cool, drags Styles up, but Styles fires off forearms! Ciampa hits back, Styles hits back, Ciampa BOOTS, then he avoids the Pele! To leap frog, only for Styles to slip out!

Styles hits a BACKBREKER to COMPLETE SHOT! Ciampa bails out and Miz checks him. HIs eye is alright, but here comes Styles! Miz delays Styles as Ciampa gets in the ring. Styles still dodges Ciampa, then hurdles, drops down and DROPKICKS! Ciampa bails out, Styles aims, SLINGSHOT FOREARM! Down goes Ciampa at the ramp and fans fire up! Styles dares Miz to make a move but Raw goes to break.

Raw returns and both men are down. Fans rally up, Miz tells the fans to shut up about Styles, but Styles and Ciampa get up. They start firing off hands, Styles hits the Phenomenal Blitz! And SLIDING LAIRAT! Ciampa scrambles to a corner but Styles runs in, to clothesline! Fireman’s carry, USHIGOROSHI! Then a wheelbarrow FACEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Ciampa survives and Miz is relieved. Fans rally, Styles drags Miz up, and he wants the Clash! But Ciampa fights that, wrenches out, waistlocks, ripcords, ROLLING ELBOW! Then a BOOT! Then the LEAP FROG LEG LARIAT! Cover, TWO!! Styles survives and Miz can’t believe it!

Ciampa snarls and aims at Styles, bringing down the kneepad! Styles sits up, Ciampa runs in, but Styles dodges! Roll up, TWO, into the STYLES- NO, Ciampa kicks free of the Clash! Ciampa runs in but into a BOOT! Styles snap suplexes Ciampa into buckles! Miz worries about Ciampa and the ref checks both men. Ciampa and Styles stir, and Styles drags himself up the ropes. Styles sees Ciampa in the corner and runs in at him, but Ciampa puts Styles outside! Styles ROCKS Ciampa so hard, he almost fall s in! Styles resets on the apron, springboards, but into a JUMP KNEE!! Cover, TWO!! Styles survive and Miz is freaking out!

Ciampa gets Styles up, for a PROJECT CIAMPA!! Cover, TWO!!! Ciampa is shocked now! Miz is beside himself over that one, but Ciampa gets back up. Ciampa stalks Styles to a corner, stands him up and CHOPS him! Ciampa gets in Styles’ face, “This is MINE! I deserve it!” Ciampa puts Styles up, CHOPS him again and again and again! Styles dangles off the top, but he HEADBUTTS Ciampa again and again and again! Ciampa ROCKS Styles, steadies himself, then goes up top. Ciampa fireman’s carries! But Styles fights to sunset flip! Ciampa holds the ropes but Styles gets him in position! STYLES CLASH!!! But Styles can’t make the cover!

Styles drags Ciampa away, covers, but Miz sneaks Ciampa’s foot on the ropes! The ref sees the ropebreak and nothing else! Fans boo but Miz keeps his promise of helping Ciampa. But Styles puts two and two together and he CLOBBERS Miz! Ciampa POSTS Styles! And then TOSSES him over the barriers! The ring count is climbing, Ciampa hurries to get back in the ring! The count is 5 of 10 as Styles stands, but Miz anchors Styles behind the barrier! The ref can’t see that! Styles kicks Miz away, hurries over, 9.9!! PSYCHO KNEE!! And then the underhooks, for the FAIRY TALE ENDING!! Cover, Ciampa wins!!

Winner: Tommaso Ciampa, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contender to the WWE US Championship)

Miz celebrates with his guy, because they beat Styles for this opportunity! Will Miz help Ciampa do this to Lashley, too? Speaking of…

Backstage interview with Bobby Lashley.

The All Mighty leaves Austin Theory behind, and now has Ciampa coming next week. He wouldn’t have it any other way. Lashley wants to defend this title every week because he lives for this. Ciampa proved he is a brawler, he is tough and hungry, and that makes him dangerous. Especially with that conniving Miz in his corner. But Lashley will defeat anyone, anywhere, any time! He’s bringing respect back tot his title. Lashley humbled Theory, and he will give Ciampa a reality check by putting him in the Hurt Lock. Will the All Mighty make Ciampa and Miz pay for their plotting and scheming?


Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships: The Usos VS The Mysterios!

For Jimmy & Jey, their current title reign started with beating Rey & Dominik to become SmackDown Tag Team Champions. And now, the Usos could beat the Mysterios again to keep that reign going! Will history repeat itself as the Bloodline beats the father and son of lucha libre? Or will Rey & Dom prove the last 379 days have made them stronger than ever?

The introductions are made, one red and blue belt each are raised, and we see if this comes full circle, or if the Usos just keep going and going!

The teams sort out and Rey starts with Jey. They circle, tie up, and Rey headlocks. Jey powers out, Rey slides under but Jey clamps on to whip. Rey goes up and over in the corner, keeps moving, but Jey sends Rey sliding out! But Rey rolls to his feet! Jey comes out, Rey alley-oops then mule kicks! Rey gest in, but he dumps Jimmy out! Tag to Dom and he goes up to SUPER CROSSBODY! Down go the Usos and fans fire up with the Mysterios! Raw goes picture in picture as the Usos regroup.

Jey gets back up, Rey tags back in, and Rey hurries to fetch Jey into the ring. Rey slingshots to leg drop! Cover, TWO! Rey keeps on Jey and RAMS him into the corner. Rey climbs up and rains down fists! Rey gets about 10, then gives us Latino Heat. Rey goes out, ROCKS Jey away from the corner, then goes up the corner, but Jey SUPERKICKS Rey’s legs out! Rey ends up in a Tree of Woe, Jey stomps a mudhole into him! The ref counts, Jey lets off and Rey flops out of the Tree. JEy drags Rey to the corner, tag to Jimmy, and Jimmy stomps Rey’s arm! Jimmy stomps Rey’s ribs, then stomps him again! Jimmy paces around while Dom coaches Rey up.

Rey gets to ropes, Jimmy CHOKES him on the ropes, but he lets off at 4. Jey gest a cheap shot in! Dom protests but Jimmy drags Rey to the corner. Tag to Jey and Jimmy taunts Dom while the Usos SPLIT THE WISHBONE! Rey writhes and bails out to the apron. Rey gets back in but Jey drags Rey up to RAM into him. Jey RAMS into Rey more, then tags Jimmy. Jey trips Rey, Jimmy gets the other leg, they SPLIT THE WISHBONE again! Rey writhes and Jimmy taunts him. Jimmy stomps Rey’s arm and Rey flounders to the ropes. Jimmy stretches Rey against the ropes, fishhooks the face, but lets off as the ref counts 4.

Jey talks trash, Jimmy brings Rey around, but Rey fires off hands on the Usos! Rey backs Jimmy down but Jimmy shoves him away, to DECK him with an uppercut! Raw returns to single picture as Jimmy covers, TWO! Jimmy has Rey in an open corner to CHOP! Jimmy whips corner to corner hard, and Rey bounces off buckles! Jimmy puts Rey in the corner, drags him up to snapmare, then clamps on a chinlock. Fans rally as Rey endures and Rey fights up. Rey reaches out, throws elbows and then a JAWBREAKER! Jey tags in and he CLUBS Rey down! Jey drags Rey away from Dom then taunts Dom.

Jey storms over to Rey, scoops and BACKBREAKERS! Cover, TWO! Jey keeps Rey from Dom, has him in an open corner, and he DECKS Rey with a right. Jey backs off to raise the finger, #WeTheOnes. “UCE! SO!” HIP ATTACK! Jey drags Rey to a cover, TWO! Rey is still in this but Jey tags Jimmy. Jimmy stalks Rey to the other open corner, stands him up, but Rey counter punches! And again! Jimmy shoves Rey but Rey BOOTS! And elbows! And goes up to RANA Jimmy into the POST! Fans fire up while Rey and Jimmy are down! Rey hurries, hot tag to Dom! Dom is up top to CROSSBODY again! Dom fires off forearms then whips.

Jimmy reverses but Dom LARIATS! And elbows! Jey jumps in but Dom gives him a NECKBREAKER! Dom dodges Jimmy, NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Dom gets Jimmy up but Jimmy ROCKS Dom first! Jimmy whips Dom but Dom kicks back! Dom then runs to SLING-DOG! Dom waits on Jimmy to get up and he SHOTGUNS Jimmy onto ropes! Dom dials it up but Jimmy dodges! Dom resets to slingshot, PLANCHA but both Usos catch him! Then they POST him! Dom is down, Rey rushes over but the damage is down while Raw goes picture in picture.

The Usos loom over Dom, Jimmy gets back in the ring, and Rey coaches Dom up. The ring count is already 6 of 10, but Dom is still down. Dom gets up at 8, then in at 9! Jimmy is there and he brings Dom up to HEADBUTT! Dom staggers to the Uso cover, tag to Jey. Jimmy scoops Dom to BACKBREKER, Jey is up top for the AX HANDLE! Dom writhes but Jey stares Rey down. The ref keeps Rey back, and Jey drags Dom up to DECK with the uppercut! Dom flounders away but Jey stalks him to ropes. Jey CHOKES Dom, CLUBS Dom, then elts off at 4. And Jimmy gets a cheap shot in! Rey protests but Jey stalks Dom to ropes.

Dom gets up slowly but Jey swings. Dom counter punches! And then throws haymakers on Jey! Jey keeps Dom from Rey with a wristlock, but they’re so close! Jey whips Dom into the Uso corner hard and Dom falls to the mat! Jey looms over Dom again, drags him up and he taunts Rey, but Dom counter punches again! And again! And again! Jey DECKS Dom again! Jey tags Jimmy, Jimmy drags Dom up, and Jimmy puts Dom in the corner. Jimmy ROCKS Dom with an uppercut, then keeps him in the corner to ROCK again! Dom staggers and Jimmy follows after. Jimmy puts Dom in a corner, puts him up top and ROCKS him again.

Raw returns to single picture and Jimmy climbs up after Dom. Jimmy fireman’s carries, but Dom fights with elbows! Fans fire up, Dom pushes Jimmy down to TORNADO DDT! Fans rally as both men crawl for their corners, hot tags to Jey and Rey! Rey dodges, ducks, and tilt-o-whirl RANAS! Jey flounders, Rey runs and WRECKS Jimmy with a dropkick! Rey runs at Jey but is put on the apron Rey shoulder sin, GAMANGIRIS and Jey staggers away. Rey goes up to SEATED SENTON! Rey keeps moving, he SPRINGBOARD- SUPERKICK!! Jey intercepts, covers, TWO!! Rey survives but Jey keeps cool.

Fans rally, Jey tags Jimmy, and the Usos watch Rey get up. ONE AND- RANA!! Rey ducks Jimmy to ENZIGURI! Jimmy ends up on ropes! Tag to Dom, the Mysterios dial it up together, DOUBLE 619!! Dom goes up, Latino Heat, FROG SPLASH!! Cover, Jey breaks it in time!! Fans can’t believe it but Jey saves his team! Rey gets in to drag Jey up and toss him out. But Jey drags Rey out with him! Jey scoops Rey, but Rey slips off! Jey SUPERKICKS Rey down! Dom DIVES to take out Jey! Dom hurries back to the ring, gets up the corner, but Jimmy UPPERCUTS him! Jimmy throws haymakers on Dom, then climbs up.

Jimmy brings Dom up to the very top, but Dom fights with body shots! Dom stands on the post to ROCK Jimmy! Jimmy falls! Dom adjusts, FROG- NO, Jimmy moves! Dom gets up to dropkick! Jimmy is on the ropes but Jey tags in! Dom dials up, into a ONE AND DONE!!! Cover, the Usos wins!!

Winners: The Usos, by pinfall (still Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions)

The Mysterios were close but close isn’t enough to stop the Bloodline! But wait, the Judgement Day jumps the Mysterios! They’re not done with Rey or Dom by a long shot! Damian and Finn stomp Rey while Rhea uses a HANGING HEADSCISSOR to choke Dom! Fans chant for him, and here comes EDGE! Edge rushes in, dodges Priest and DECKS Finn! Priest and Edge fire of hand, Edge LARIAT Priest out! Then IMPALER for Finn!! Fans are thunderous as the Rated R Superstar wrecks Judgement Day!

But he isn’t done yet! Edge aims, but Rhea shoves Dom in front of the SPEAR!! Rhea laughs as she and Judgement Day run away into the night! Dom writhes while the medics check on him. Is nothing done until the Judgement Day says it’s done?

My Thoughts:

A pretty awesome Raw to follow up an awesome SummerSlam! So jam-packed, but full of stuff that not only entertains but progresses stories. Great stuff for the WWE United States Championship to really pump it and the midcard up. I would’ve thought one giant Six Man with all those contenders would’ve been good enough, but getting two separate Triple Threats and then the 1v1 match was great to give everyone time to shine, and to fill out the three hour requirement. Great to see that we got Styles VS Ciampa out of this, and of course Miz helps Ciampa win, but that’s definitely a fitting move in this story. Lashley VS Ciampa next week will also be in Cleveland, Miz’s hometown, you can beat Miz will do everything he can to help Ciampa against Lashley, and who knows which way it goes.

A big bummer Becky Lynch hurt her shoulder at SummerSlam, but we still got awesome stuff out of the Raw Women’s Division. Bianca still has allies against Bayley, Kai & Sky with Alexa Bliss and Asuka also being targets of the new faction. Even before the attack, Alexa VS Asuka was getting all sorts of stuff in. Then Bianca VS Sky was awesome match, though of course Bayley and Kai showed up, prompting Alexa and Asuka to be on Team EST. While another No Contest finish to a women’s match is a bit much, at least it was with an awesome brawl. A Six Woman Tag has to happen now, and then we see if Bianca VS Bayley for the title happens at Clash at the Castle.

We got a great promo from Rollins and the Profits, and then an awesome match out of Rollins VS Ford to show everyone that Ford is ready to go solo. Dawkins did defend Ford, but who knows how this settles out. Edge delivered his promo perfectly but I’m a little surprised he just reset to Rated R Superstar. I was expecting a hybrid of all his personas, but I guess it was just easier for everyone if he was the previous iteration. And while he calls out Judgement Day, clearly Judgement Day still wants after Mysterios. We got an awesome tag title match out of Usos VS Mysterios, but of course Usos win. Mysterios then get mugged by Judgement Day, Edge tries to help but Dom takes the worst hit. I might have called it at SummerSlam: Dom goes down, Rey & Edge reunite!

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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