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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (8/12/22)

SmackDown’s golden!



SmackDown 2022

The King of Strong Style VS Der Ring General!

WWE keeps heading for Clash at the Castle, with SmackDown pitting Gunther against Shinsuke Nakamura for the Intercontinental Championship!


  • Vacated WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Tournament, Opening Round: Raquel Rodriguez & Aliyah VS Xia Li & Shotzi Blackheart; Raquel & Aliyah win and advance.
  • Kofi Kingston VS Ivar w/ Erik; No Contest.
  • Hit Row VS Brandon Scott & Turner Irvin; Hit Row wins.
  • The Usos VS Drew McIntyre & Mad Cap Moss; McIntyre & Moss win.
  • WWE Intercontinental Championship: GUNTHER w/ Ludwig Kaiser VS Shinsuke Nakamura; Gunther wins and retains the title.


WWE mourns the loss of MMA and fight sports legend, Gene LeBell.

1932-2022, and the innovator of THE LeBell Lock.


Vacated WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Tournament, Opening Round: Raquel Rodriguez & Aliyah VS Xia Li & Shotzi Blackheart!

Big Mami Cool teams with #Aliyah317, the same as the Eliminator and the wild child, because they all want to be the NEW WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions! Raquel was a former NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions, same as Shotzi, but who will lead their team to victory?

The teams sort out and we start with Raquel and Shotzi. They tie up, Raquel puts Shotzi in a corner but Shotzi dodges the splash. Shotzi dropkicks Raquel to the corner, then runs in, but Raquel puts her on the apron. Shotzi ROUNDHOUSES and bumps Raquel off buckles, then climbs up to reel her in for a HANGING HEADSCISSORS! But Raquel drags Shotzi up! Shotzi victory rolls, and holds onto the ropes! The ref sees that, Shotzi runs and tilt-o-whirls, but Raquel powers up to THROW Shotzi away! But then Raquel spots Natalya & Sonya Deville standing by the title belts! Natty & Sonya are in this tournament, but still have their first match next week.

Raquel storms up on Shotzi but she tags to Xia. Xia runs in but Raquel CLOBBERS her! Tag to Aliyah, and Raquel lifts Aliyah to TOSS for a CROSSBODY! Cover, but Shotzi breaks it! Raquel storms back in but Shotzi slips away. Xia and Aliyah go to the apron, Aliyah CROSSBODIES Xia down! Natty and Sonya insult them both, but then Shotzi and Raquel go after them! Shotzi tosses Sonya, Raquel RAMS Natty into barriers, and then Shotzi and Raquel brawl! Xia and Aliyah also brawl, and the fans fire up as SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns and Xia throws Aliyah down! Aliyah gets up and jumps for her corner but Xia catches her! Xia RAMS Aliyah into the other corner, RAMS her again and again, then brings her around to tag Shotzi. Shotzi runs, Xia gut wrenches, DOMINATOR CUTTER! Cover, TWO!! Aliyah survives but Shotzi drags her up. Shotzi drags Aliyah back over, tags Xia in, and they bring Aliyah around for a FACEBUSTER! Xia stomps a foot then KICKS Aliyah down, cover, TWO! Aliyah reaches for Raquel but Xia holds on with a chinlock. Fans rally, Xia drags Aliyah away and tags Shotzi in again.

Shotzi and Xia mug Aliyah, then Shotzi bring Aliyah around, but Aliyah JAWBREAKERS! Shotzi tris Aliyah but Aliyah kicks her away! Xia tags in, swipes at Raquel, but runs into a BOOT from Aliyah! Aliyah rushes for her corner again but Xia stops her with body shots! Xia reels Aliyah in to suplex, but Aliyah slips out to a NECKBREAKER! Fans fire up as Aliyah and Xia crawl, hot tags to Shotzi and Raquel! Fans are fired up for Ricky Desperado as she runs Shotzi over! And then hits a FALL AWAY SLAM! Raquel scoops Shotzi for another FALL AWAY SLAM! And then the TWISTING VADER!

Fans are all fired up as Raquel hauls Shotzi up. But Xia distracts so Raquel has to swipe at her. Shotzi runs in to RANA Raquel into a corner! Shotzi then storms up to cravat and SLICED BREAD! Cover, TWO!! Raquel survives and Shotzi is furious! Shotzi hurries to tag Xia back in, and they bring Raquel around to wrench and- ALIYAH SPEARS SHOTZI! Raquel scoops but Xia slips out! Raquel kicks Xia low, gets her up, TEXANA BOMB!! Cover, Raquel & Aliyah win!

Winners: Raquel Rodriguez & Aliyah, by pinfall (advance to the next round)

The power of Big Mami Cool and the heart of #Aliyah317, will this be a winning competition all the way to the finals?


Karrion Kross speaks.

“In the midst of chaos, opportunity tends to present itself. Last week, that is exactly what happened. The rebirth of a darkened soul. Drew McIntyre, Roman Reigns, the Chosen Ones. Must be nice. Us? Cast out of Paradise. Disregarded like a broken toy to be forgotten. But we never forgot. We prepared. And we waited for the perfect time to strike with vengeance! Everybody knows about The Bloodline. Now? Now we’re going to show them the new timeline. Because no matter where the time is tolled, in the end, everybody pays the toll. Tick-tock.” Kross and Scarlett watch Drew McIntyre going to gorilla!

Drew McIntyre heads to the ring!

North Carolina State is loving the Scottish Warrior as he makes his way out. The pyro hits and McIntyre is fired up, but what will he have to say in response to Kross’ ambush, and about his coming Universal Championship opportunity? We’ll see, after the break.

SmackDown returns and fans fire up again as McIntyre has the mic. “Raleigh, let me hear ya scream!” The fans do scream and McIntyre wonders where to begin. It’s an exciting time in WWE. A lot of new faces are showing up! Speaking of, McIntyre was jumped from behind by Karrion Kross last week. A lot of people probably think he’ll rant and rave about what he’ll do to Kross, and he will, but Kross has been waiting a whole year, and what bigger impact than to attack the #1 contender and stare down the champion? But here’s the problem. That #1 contender Kross left like a piece of trash is Drew McIntyre.

And McIntyre was going to get back up and say this: “My hands are a little full right now, buddy. And we’re going to play a little game. It’s multiple choice, I’m gonna give you three choices. One: Knockout. Two: The hospital. Or three: The graveyard! And I will send you back to that dungeon you crawled out of! Also, I suggest you check out Drew McIntyre VS Roman Reigns at Clash at the Castle. Everybody, I’m about to break some bad news, shocking news! Roman Reigns is not here tonight!” Fans boo and McIntyre says he knows, they’re all shocked Roman’s not at work! Someone will pass Roman this message but McIntyre will be honest with him.

Roman’s surrounded himself with Yes Men who have him believing his own hype. Roman is as good as he says he is, but here’s a reality check: His last two matches with Brock Lesnar took Roman, his family, weapons, and sacrificing the Wise Man to get the job done. But McIntyre, the man Roman faces, walked into the main event of WrestleMania, and McIntyre beat Lesnar with his bare hands! Roman’s delusional! He’s making up places! The Island of Relevancy is not a real place! But wait, the music hits, and Scarlett is on stage! She then struts to the ring, gets in the ring with him, but it’s the USOS who jump McIntyre!

Jimmy & Jey stomp away on McIntyre and rain down fists while Scarlett smiles. The Usos even have to push each other away to take turns. But McIntyre fights back! Fans fire up but a SUPERKICK takes McIntyre down! The the Usos double whip to hit ONE AND DONE! Fans boo but Scarlett smiles at the Usos. The Usos tell her to tell her man that if he sneaks up on the Tribal Chief, the Bloodline puts Kross down! She says that’s funny, Kross had the same idea. Will Doomsday come for everyone? Or will Roman make McIntyre and Kross #AcknowledgeHim?


The WWE looks at the legacy of the Intercontinental Championship.

“A symbol that has changed through the years, yet remains timeless, with a storied past steeped in tradition for over four decades. Contenders have come and gone, only those most worthy have held it high.” Pat Patterson, “Macho Man” Randy Savage, Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat, The Ultimate Warrior, Rick Rude, “Rowdy” Roddy Piper, The British Bulldog, Bret Hart, “Mr. Perfect” Curt Hennig, Shawn Michaels, The Rock, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, Booker T, Triple H, Ric Flair, Randy Orton, and on and on and on.

“As generations evolved through waves of change, the Intercontinental Championship has been a pillar of excellence. It demands the very best and more from its champion. A catalyst to superstardom, Hall of Fame careers, and iconic moments. A title that signifies pride and prestige. Tonight, two decorated champions will right the next chapter in the historic lineage of the Intercontinental Championship.” Will the King of Strong Style become a THREE-TIME IC Champion? Or will Der Ring General keep the title and the mat sacred?


Backstage interview with Shinsuke Nakamura.

Nakamura knows what Megan is going to ask, and he tells her to tell Gunther, “C’MON!” Will Gunther fall prey to that goading like everyone else?


Kofi Kingston VS Ivar w/ Erik!

After whooping both Viking Raiders with a kendo stick, Kofi then beat Erik 1v1 with a quick pin! Will Kofi do the same to the Warbeard tonight? Or will the new and vicious Vikings avenge themselves?

But while the Vikings make their entrance, Kofi attacks from behind! And he has a THICK kendo stick! He SMACKS away on Erik, then breaks that stick off on Ivar! Fans are thunderous as Kofi goes up onto the barriers and LEAPS at Erik! Erik guards the kendo stick attack with his shield! Kofi keeps firing off, Erik shoves him away then Ivar BLASTS Kofi with his own shield! The Vikings rain down fists on Kofi at the stage while fans boo! Erik drags Kofi up and scoops him, then TOSSES him to the Ivar’s SHIELD BASH! Fans rally for New Day but Erik drags Kofi around on stage as Ivar climbs the barriers! VIKING SPLASH on the stage!!

The ref rushes over to check on Kofi, but it’s clear this match isn’t happening now. Has the New Day completely fallen to the raid?


Sami Zayn walks the halls.

He’s clearly mulling over last week’s ultimatum from the Bloodline. He ends up by Roman’s dressing room again but hesitates to knock. Then he works up the courage to knock, and the Usos answer. Sami wants them to know he’s been thinking. Everything they said, they were right about. So- MCINTYRE ATTACKS!! McIntyre RAMS Jimmy into the wall then rains down fists on Jey! And then smacks him off a case, and RAMS him into the wall! McIntyre tells the Usos that they keep getting involved in his business! If they do it again, he’ll beat their damn asses! And then McIntyre hunts down Sami! Will Sami decide that being the Honorary Uce ain’t worth it?


Hit Row VS Brandon Scott & Turner Irvin!

Brandon Scott & Turner Irvin did NOT think they were going to be part of the return of Top Dolla, Ashante “THEE” Adonis & B-Fab tonight, but here we are! Will Raleigh’s own #BeMad that they weren’t better prepared?

The teams sort out and Dolla starts, and he CLOBBERS Scott! Then he DECKS Irvin just because! Fans fire up and Dolla drags Scott right back up. Dolla TOSSES Scott to the corner, lines up the shot and KNEES Scott so hard, he tumbles up and out, to land on his feet! Adonis tags in, SWINGING DROPKICKS Scott, and Hit Row poses for the fans. Adonis drags Scott up to a FLAPJACK, then he drags Scott back up. Adonis whips Scott into the corner, tags Dolla back in, and Irvin runs in, but into a pop-up fireman’s carry! Scott leaps, into Dolla’s arms! “Who better than Top Dolla?” POWERSLAM WASTLAND COMBO! “Not nada!”

Tag to Adonis, Dolla gets Scott up for Adonis’ DROPKICK into the BACK SUPLEX! #HeavyHitter! Cover, Hit Row wins!

Winners: Hit Row, by pinfall

B-Fab gets the mic to ask, “Did you miss us?” Adonis says, “Yeah, they did!” B-Fab introduces herself, and she’s called that cuz she be fab. Top Dolla is the top shotta, he spit hot lava, who hotta? NOT NADA! And Ashante “THEE” Adonis adonisly, the details is crucial. They’re here to roll, the OG3! If you didn’t now, NOW you know. Will everyone know that Hit Row means business soon enough?


Imperium talks backstage.

It’s in German, but Gunther & Ludwig are clearly talking strategy. Kayla Braxton walks over to mention to Gunther that Nakamura had a message for him. Gunther already knows that message, and wants Kayla to go tell Nakamura, tonight, he will suffer at the hands of Der Ring General! Gunther & Ludwig head out, will Nakamura respond to that message in the ring?


Ronda Rousey storms to the ring from the crowd!!

The Baddest Woman on the Planet is currently suspended but she’s going right to the ring where a table waits for a contract signing! Ronda drops a duffel bag on the table while the fans go nuts, and she gets a mic to say, “I know, I’m not supposed to be here because I was suspended for my actions at SummerSlam. I was also fined a lot of money.” She dumps the bag out and a LOT of money comes out! Ronda says this is double what she was fined, because let’s be honest, that won’t be the last time. “Being the baddest gets expensive, but I can afford it.” And she’s glad to see they’re sending security out after her.

Fans boo but Ronda asks the security guards, “You wanna make me leave? Let’s see how that works out for ya.” Ronda goes out of the ring, a female guard takes her arm, but then Ronda takes that guard down! The refs freak out as Ronda stands over the guard, then lets her go. Ronda is merciful, but she is also leaving under her own power. Will Ronda just keep piling up the fines acting like this? Shayna Baszler then comes out and tells her friend, “You can’t just do that! What are you doing? That’s not how this place works! That’s not how you get what you want. You play by the rules, you get what you want.” Wow, Shayna’s acting as the voice of reason?

Ronda can’t believe Shayna is the one telling her that. Shayna used to be a killer. Ronda storms off, and Shayna officially makes her entrance to the ring. Will the Queen of Spades shrug off what Ronda said and focus on the title? Shayna gets a mic to say, “Last week, every single one of you watched me win the gauntlet match against the entire SmackDown Women’s locker room. Liv just so happens to be the next one on the list, and Liv will be the next one to fall.” Shayna signs on the contract and has done her part. “Liv, you got a pretty good looking target on you with that injured arm, so why don’t you prance your way out here and let’s make this official?”

Shayna can’t wait for Cardiff, because she will tear Liv apart limb by limb! Or maybe just put her to sleep. Either way, Shayna walks over Liv’s lifeless carcass as the NEW SmackDown Women’s Champion! Liv makes her entrance and gets a mic while moving the chair out of the way. “Shayna, you won’t beat me. Do you know what? You’re actually kinda like a bootleg Ronda Rousey. Yeah, and y’know what? I know that because I beat the real deal twice. And at Cardiff, I’m gonna beat you, too.” Liv tosses the mic, signs her part, and now it’s official! Liv holds up the belt, but Shayna gets the bad arm! And SLAMS it on the table!

Shayna gets the arm, twists it and Liv cries in pain as Shayna stands on it! And then BENDS it! Shayna isolates the arm to STOMP IT!! Liv writhes as she clutches the bad arm but Shayna is still after her! Shayna kicks Liv, gets the arm again, and wrenches into an ELBOW BREAKER! Shayna scowls, then gets Liv gain for a wrench into a-BULLDOG from Liv through the table!! Liv finds another way to survive an MMA machine, will she be able to do it again in Cardiff?


Sami Zayn is safe, but still worried.

The Usos show up and he’s thankful they’re okay. Well what about him? Mr. track star here ran away! Sami says he was getting security! That’s an excuse! Jey said if Sami doesn’t step up, he’s being left behind! Maybe we all call Drew’s ass to the ring to settle this? The Usos head out and Sami is freaking out. Again, is Sami rethinking being the Honorary Uce?


The Usos head to the ring!

Jimmy & Jey storm out, just as they promised a minute ago. They get mics and Jey shouts, “HEY, DREW! DREW! Pick a tag partner, anybody of your choosing, and come out here for a tag match and get this damn work!” McIntyre makes his way out, throws off his shirt, but doesn’t seem to want a tag partner?! Well then for now, it’s unofficially a Handicap match!

The Usos VS Drew McIntyre & ???

The bell rings and McIntyre fires off hands on Jey! Jey hits back, it’s a brawl, and McIntyre whips! Jey stops to UPPERCUT, but McIntyre CLOBBERS him in return! Then McIntyre DECKS Jimmy! McIntyre TOSSES Jey out, goes out after him, and whips Jey into the barriers! Then he CLOBBERS Jimmy! Fans fire up and McIntyre drags Jey up to CHOP! McIntyre stalks Jey, puts him in the ring, and puts Jey in the corner. McIntyre stomps, CHOPS, and whips, but Jey reverses. McIntyre stops himself, elbows Jey away, but Jimmy GAMANGIRIS! The ref missed that checking Jey but Jey stomps away on McIntyre!

The ref counts, Jey lets off and tags Jimmy. The Usos drag McIntyre around to SPLIT the wishbone! Jimmy CHOKES McIntyre on the ropes, the ref counts and Jimmy lets off and Jey gets a cheap shot in! Jey tags in, The Usos stomp away on McIntyre but the ref counts. Jimmy lets off, but wait! Here comes MADCAP MOSS! No more handicap, Moss wants in! Jimmy tags, Moss dodges and CLOBBERS Jey! He CLOBBERS Jimmy, then runs to run Jey over! Jimmy leaps into Moss’ arms! FALL AWAY SLAM! Moss RAMS into Jey, then RAMS into Jimmy! Fans fire up as Moss and McIntyre lock eyes. They work together to DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE the Usos out!

Raleigh is fired up as Riddick Moss joins McIntyre against the Bloodline while SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns and the Usos mug Moss with a mule kick. Moss staggers to a corner and Jey storms up on him. Jey raises the finger, #WeTheOnes, “UCE!” “SO!” “UCE!” “SO!” HIP ATTACK for Moss! Moss flounders, Jey aims again and he SUPER- NO, Moss blocks the kick to lift and SLAM! Moss and Jey are down and the fans fire up! Moss and Jey crawl, hot tags to Jimmy and McIntyre! McIntyre rallies on Jimmy with big lariats, then whips Jimmy to ropes to CLOBBER him! McIntyre then clinches to OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Jey runs in but gets a NECKBREAKER! Jimmy swings, but into a NECKBREAKER!

Fans fire up as McIntyre kips up and McIntyre calls for the countdown! But then Sami runs into the ring! McIntyre runs Sami off, Jimmy SUPERKICKS McIntyre down! Tag to Jey and he’s up top, USO SPLASH!! Cover, TWO!!! McIntyre survives and Sami is furious! He thought he’d helped the Usos win this but nope! The ref tells Sami to back off and Sami hops off the apron. Sami says the Usos have this, though, and Jey tags Jimmy. The Usos say #WeTheOnes, but Moss drags Jey out! Moss RAMS Jey into barriers, Jimmy is stunned, but Jey dodges Moss to clothesline him into the timekeeper’s area!

But Jimmy turns around to get McIntyre! McIntyre slips off to GLASGOW KISS! A SUPERKICK on the rebound! But McIntyre rebounds, dodges and CLAYMORES!! Cover, McIntyre & Moss win!!

Winners: Drew McIntyre & Mad Cap Moss, by pinfall

The Scottish Warrior and the all-business beefcake just took out the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions! But Jey rushes in! McIntyre blocks the superkick to FUTURE SHOCK! McIntyre kips up, reloads and gives us the countdown! Sami shoves Jey away to take the CLAYMORE!! McIntyre shrugs, he was gonna get what was coming to him anyway. But will the Bloodline get what’s coming to them soon enough?


Maximum Male Models has a photoshoot.

Maxxine Dupri directs her boys to flex those arms. Max Dupri wants the photographer to get close on those pecs, and Maxxine likes the abdominals. “What is this? Amateur hour?” The traps, the lats. No, no, shut it down! This is a closed set, what are Los Lotharios doing here? Angel & Humberto says if Max wants the agency to take off, sign them! They are the most handsome tag team in the WWE, after all. Max gets in close and says sorry, they’re just not MMM material. Humberto gets in closer to say they weren’t talking to Max. They were talking to Maxxine. Give them a call and let them know.

Los Lotharios leave, and Maxxine seems intrigued. But Max has everyone get back to work. Time is money and this is not cheap. Will Angel & Humberto convince Maxxine to replace Maçè & Mansôör?


Backstage interview with Ricochet.

Kayla brings up how The One and Only laughed at Baron Corbin about Pat McAfee getting Corbin right in the junk, and then in a match with Corbin, McAfee was a major distraction to Corbin, allowing Ricochet to win. Ricochet admits that was a lot of fun. He is more locked in now than he has been in a long, long time. he has bene shot right out of a cannon! He is ready to head full speed at what is ahead of him. It doesn’t matter if it’s Nakamura or Gunther, each man needs to know that Ricochet is waiting in line- CORBIN ATTACKS! Corbin says Ricochet thought they were done, but they’re just getting started! Will Corbin regret jumping Ricochet like that?


SmackDown hears from NXT’s entries for the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship tournament.

Nikkita Lyons loves to sing and dance, and can bust a move both on the dance floor and in the ring. Zoey Stark doesn’t sing or dance, but she does kick ass. She got back from a torn ACL, so you best believe she and Lyons will go balls to the wall for this tournament. This is an opportunity of a lifetime, and they’re hungry for the competition Raw and SmackDown have to offer. They are a killer combo, with Zoey’s unlimited gas tank to Lyons being a whole lot of woman. They will bust brackets, make waves and take that gold! But will they get through the Queen of Harts & “Cruella” Deville in the opening round?


WWE Intercontinental Championship: GUNTHER w/ Ludwig Kaiser VS Shinsuke Nakamura!

The former and longest reigning NXT UK Champion ever says that when it comes to this title, opportunities will always be earned, never handed out in open challenges. As such, the King of Strong Style fought his way through the Impeccable German multiple times, and now we have this match! Ludwig gives the introductions for “YOUR Intercontinental Champion,” but will Der Ring General make it out of here still champion?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see just how hard both men will fight to carry the workhorse title forward, after the break!

SmackDown returns, the bell rings and the two circle. Fans fire up and the two feel out the grapple. Gunther powers Nakamura back but Nakamura turns things around. Nakamura lets off in the corner and then mocks the Imperium pose. Gunther rushes him, clamps on but Nakamura standing switches. Gunther switches back, Nakamura backs him up but Gunther puts Nakamura in the corner. Gunther swings but Nakamura dodges the chop to KICK and KICK and KICK! The ref counts, Gunther gets out of the corner but Nakamura keeps firing off KICKS! Nakamura KICKS away on the leg, and he brings Gunther down!

Fans fire up and Ludwig looks worried. Nakamura headlocks Gunther but Gunther powers out. Nakamura ducks, Gunther hurdles and BOOTS Nakamura down! Gunther drags Nakamura up, EuroUppers, then EuroUppers again! Gunther drags Nakamura up off the mat to CHOP him right back down! Fans fire up and Ludwig applauds as Gunther gets the legs. Nakamura resists the turn but Gunther kicks him into the BOSTON CRAB! Nakamura endures as Gunther sits deep on the hold! Nakamura fights around but Gunther shifts to an STF! Nakamura endures, reaches out, and gets the ROPEBREAK!

Gunther lets off, he storms around, and he eggs Nakamura on. Gunther drags Nakamura up, EuroUppers again, but Nakamura throws a forearm! Gunther hits back, Nakamura forearms again, then fires off KICKS! Gunther CHOPS!! But then Nakamura catches the lariat to an ARMBAR! Gunther flails, clasps hands and rolls Nakamura, ONE! Gunther stomps Nakamura off the armbar then gets the legs! Nakamura twists to get a cradle, TWO! Gunther ducks one kick but not the WHEEL KICK! Nakamura and Gunther get up, Nakamura blocks the chop to fire off a strike fest! AX KICK, and PENALTY KICK to the arm!

Nakamura KICKS the arm, Gunther’s dominant arm! Gunther blocks another kick but the ENZIGURI hits! Cover, TWO! Nakamura roars and fans fire up as he brings Gunther up. Gunther blocks the whip, then CHOPS Nakamura off his feet! Gunther hauls Nakamura up to put him on the top rope, and CHOP him again! And then Gunther climbs up to STAND on Nakamura! The ref counts, Gunther lets off at 4 and Nakamura flops to the floor! Fans boo while Gunther scowls and SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Nakamura fires off another strike fest. But Gunther gets around the last forearm to GERMAN SUPLEX! Gunther snarls and shakes out his bad arm. Gunther drags Nakamura up, reels him in, but fans rally as Nakamura blocks the lift. The bad arm also holds Gunther back, but Gunther BOOTS Nakamura down! Gunther drags Nakamura to a drop zone then climbs up the corner. Ludwig coaches Gunther on and Gunther LEAPS into a TRIANGLE HOLD!! Gunther flails, reaches, and deadlifts Nakamura! But Nakamura shifts into a DOUBLE WRISTLOCK! Gunther powers through to a BUTTERFLY SUPLEX!

Both men are down and Raleigh is thunderous! Gunther rises as fans rally for Nakamura. Gunther drags Nakamura up and knees him low. Nakamura stays standing to Gunther knees him again. Nakamura KICKS the leg! And again! And again, but Gunther blocks to CLUB the leg! But that was the bad arm again! Gunther shakes it off, shoots in for that leg, but gets a KNEE! Cover, TWO!! Gunther survives and Nakamura can’t believe it! Nakamura throws more KNEES into Gunther and moves him to a corner. Nakamura KICKS Gunther again and again, and then gives him BAD VIBRATIONS~! Nakamura lets off and Gunther sputters.

Nakamura drags Gunther up, puts him in the ropes, and KICKS him! Then SLIDING GERMAN! Ludwig is there and Nakamura stares him down. Nakamura says “NEIN!!” but then he gets in and Gunther SHOTGUN dropkicks!! Gunther drags Nakamura up, reels him in with one good arm, and gets Nakamura up! Nakamura slips out, BOOTS the lariat, then BLINDSIDE KNEES! Ludwig is panicking as Nakamura aims from a corner! The fans are thunderous and standing up for the- LARIAT from Gunther!!! Cover, TWO?!!? Nakamura survives and Gunther is beside himself! “This is Awesome!” as both men stir.

Gunther get himself to a corner, he takes aim at Nakamura, and he CHOPS Nakamura from behind! Then he clamps on with a SLEEPER! Nakamura flails, reaches out, but gets a second wind to back Gunther into buckles! Gunther holds on, squeezes even tighter, but Nakamura pries at the bad arm! ELBOW BREAKER! Gunther holds on with his good arm, but Nakamura hits another ELBOW BREAKER! Gunther shoves Nakamura away to BLINDSIDE SHOTGUN! Gunther drags Nakamura up, reels him back in, GUNTHER BOMB!! Cover, Gunther wins!!

Winner: Gunther, by pinfall (still WWE Intercontinental Champion)

Nakamura had a great game plan, but he could not break Gunther down fast enough. Der Ring General is still the champion, but will Nakamura be back to try again soon enough? Who else will want after Gunther and that gold, knowing the level of pain it’ll take to win?

My Thoughts:

Another great SmackDown in this HHH Era. For one, great to see another case of HHH undoing stupid releases under Vince McMahon’s group. Hit Row is back, though obviously without Swerve since he’s in AEW as tag team champion with Keith Lee. Though I’m sure HHH would’ve brought those guys back if he could, too. Hit Row of course win a squash match in great fashion, and they’ll finally get going on the run they should’ve had in the first place. And we got a pretty good promo from Kross to basically kayfabe how things went down for him last time. Him and Scarlett watching McIntyre from the shadows was a great touch, too.

McIntyre has a good promo calling out Kross and Roman, and it was rather interesting that Scarlett distracts McIntyre for the Usos. Though who knows, maybe in kayfabe, the Usos beat Kross to the punch. Kross right now is in a great position, because he can challenge whoever wins at Clash at the Castle and it just works. Meanwhile, Sami finds himself in a bad place because on one hand, he just got a Claymore from McIntyre. On the other, the Usos are mad at him, so he might end up with Superkicks in the face. McIntyre & Moss VS Usos was a great tag match, and I was a bit surprised McIntyre & Moss won. I don’t know who faces Usos at Clash, but it’d be cool if Moss could find someone to team with and that team gets a shot in Cardiff.

The Women’s Tag Title tournament match opening the night was really good, and it is such a nice feeling when Michael Cole gets to bring up continuity from NXT about how Raquel was a tag champion, as was Shotzi, and that they faced each other for those titles. The match was very good, but I was a little surprised Natty & Sonya showed up just to troll the other teams. Raquel & Aliyah winning makes sense, as it still doesn’t seem likely that Lyons & Stark are advancing. It’d be cool if Lyons & Stark did, but who knows how this affects things in NXT, what with NXT Heatwave giving us Mandy Rose VS Zoey Stark for the NXT Women’s Championship.

I really liked how the contract signing segment went. For one, Ronda Rousey storm out there and dumping all that money out was a very clever way for her to pay the fine. But Ronda just can’t keep a consistent pace in delivering her promos. She seemed a bit sped up in this one, but the physical aspect of everything was still on point. It was a bit surprising that Shayna came out to talk sense into Ronda, but then Ronda throwing it back at her was a nice twist. Shayna and Liv had a great part of the segment, too, and it was smart of them to do another “Liv survives” spot. Liv is the underdog champion again, who knows if/how she pulls off a win at Clash.

Good surprise with Kofi attacking the Vikings but then the Vikings beat him right down. The 2v1 wasn’t going to go Kofi’s way long, so who knows how he responds to this. Los Lotharios calling out the Maximum Male Models and flirting with Maxxine was a clever segment. Something like this should’ve happened sooner, but this will be a great feud for MMM now. Too early to say who will be the Faces and Heels in this, but it’ll be a lot of fun either way. Especially if Los Lotharios manage to take Maxxine away from MMM. Good promo from Ricochet, and of course Corbin ambushes him. Ricochet VS Corbin, as essentially a #1 contender’s match, is a good move.

And of course, just as HHH has done for the US Championship lately, the Intercontinental Championship is rising back up in its prestige. We got a great video package to profile the lineage, and Gunther VS Nakamura was definitely a match worthy of the title. Nakamura felt so close to winning, but Gunther retaining makes some sense. There are plenty of Faces for him to, well, face, such as Ricochet or even Moss and McIntyre. Michael Cole even brought up that Gunther using the STF was perhaps a way of calling out John Cena, and the IC title is the only title he hasn’t held. Now, it’d be a shame if Cena got his Grand Slam at Gunther’s expense, but Gunther also made the point that no American born wrestler will get this belt off him, and Cena has practically been Captain America in the WWE, so…

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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