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Mitchell’s NJPW Burning Spirit Results & Report! (9/23/22)

Burning with gold!



Nothing can stop Chaos VS House of Torture!

NJPW will not let tsunamis stop what’s coming! Chaos WILL defend the NEVER Openweight Six Man titles against the House of Torture, in the DOG CAGE SURVIVAL MATCH!


  • Ryohei Oiwa VS Kosei Fujita; Fujita wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Jeff Cobb, Great-O-Khan & Gideon Gray VS Bullet Club; Bullet Club wins.
  • BUSHI & Shingo Takagi VS KENTA & El Phantasmo; Kenta & ELP win.
  • Six Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS Suzuki-Gun; LIJ wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Kazuchika Okada, Togi Makabe & Tomoaki Honma VS TMDK; TMDK wins.
  • 8 Man Tag: Hiroshi Tanahashi, Toru Yano, Tama Tonga & Jado VS Bullet Club; Tanahashi, Yano, Tama & Jado win.
  • NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Championship Dog Cage Survival: Chaos VS House of Torture; The House of Torture wins and become the new NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Champions.
  • 8 Man Tag Elimination Match: David Finlay, Ryusuke Taguchi, Master Wato & The DKC VS The United Empire; Finlay, Taguchi, Wato & DKC win.


NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Championship Dog Cage Survival: Chaos VS House of Torture!

This has been a long time coming, and nothing is stopping this from happening! Hirooki Goto, Yoshi-Hashi & Yoh will settle things with Evil, Yujiro Takahashi & Sho once and for all! Who will be the top dogs, and who will be put in the pound?

But just how does this match work? First, this will be a tornado tag, meaning all six men are legal at once. And on the blue corner’s post, there is a key to the dog cages that are around ringside. You can of course put your opponents in a dog cage, but you win with pinfalls and submissions. And as the champions make their entrance, they bring a little dog house and food bowl! The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and it’s time to let loose the dogs of war!

The House of Torture don’t even wait on the bell, they attack Chaos and throw them out of the ring! The bell rings to put this on record as Evil, Sho and Yujiro stomp away on Yoh! Evil drags Yoh up, he and Sho double whip him to a corner, then Yujiro runs in. Yoh dodges, he CLOBBERS Sho but Evil kicks him low! Evil runs but Yoh dropkicks the legs out! Yujiro rakes Yoh’s eyes, runs, but into DOUBLE SHOULDERS from Goto & Hashi! Chaos gets a man each, for TRIPLE DRUMMING! Fans fire up but Dick slides in! Yoh and Hashi chase him out of the ring, then with Goto, they TRIPLE DRUM Dick together!

Fans fire up and Chaos brings Dick to the dog cage! Dick resists and then the House saves him! Sho and Yujiro shove Bishamon into the cage and lock it up! That’s two down already! Sho and Yujiro regroup with Evil as Evil has a chair around Yoh’s neck. Evil has the other chair, for the HOMERUN! Fans applaud the savagery and Evil stomps Yoh down. Fans rally for Chaos while the House toys with Yoh. They put Yoh in the ring and Sho covers, TWO! Fans applaud as Yoh is still in this but Sho drags him up. Sho bumps Yoh off buckles and stomps him down. Sho digs his boots in, the ref reprimands and counts, and Sho lets off at 4.

Sho drags Yoh up, wrenches to KICK, KICK and SUPERKICK! Cover, TWO! Sho is annoyed but fans rally up. Yoh flounders as the House taunts him. Fans continue to rally more but Sho drags Yoh up. Yoh fires off forearms on Sho! Sho wrenches the arm and bends the fingers! Sho wrenches and whips Yoh into bare buckles! The blue buckle pad is gone, it’s the Bullet Club Special! Sho drags Yoh back up, Evil ties Yoh up in the ropes and Yujiro runs in to BOOT Yoh down! Yujiro brings Yoh around to a FISHERMAN BUSTER! Cover, TWO! Sho covers now, TWO! Evil covers now, TWO!! Yoh survives and the House is furious!

Fans rally up for Yoh again but the House stomps away on him! Evil drags Yoh up but Yoh starts firing off forearms and elbows on them all! Yoh kicks and UPPERCUTS Sho, but Evil and Yujiro kick low! They double whip but Yoh stops himself to kick Evil! Yoh blocks Yujiro’s kick to a DRAGON SCREW! Yoh blocks Evil’s kick to a DRAGON SCREW! But Sho rakes Yoh’s eyes! Sho runs but Yoh handsprings to dodge! Yoh mule kicks and NECKBREAKERS! Fans fire up with Yoh, and Sho bails out of the ring. Yoh aims, builds speed, and he FLIES out onto Sho! Fans fire up more and Yoh even DECKS Dick! Yoh gets the key!!

Yoh hurries to the dog cage but Sho and Dick grab at his feet! Yoh kicks them away, crawls for the cage, and he gets the key in the lock! Yoh frees Bishamon! Goto and Hashi stomp Sho and Dick, then go after Evil and Yujiro! They fire off forearm after forearm and fans fire up! Bishamon whip Evil and Yujiro into each other! Then they DECK Yujiro! Goto snapmares Evil, Hashi leap frog STOMPS! BUZZSAW! MULE KICK! Fans fire up for Chaos as Goto clotheslines Yujiro in the corner. Hashi CHOPS Yujiro, then feeds him to Goto’s kick! Goto sets Yujiro up and Hashi runs, but Sho SMACKS Hashi with a chair! Yujiro whips Goto into the bare buckles!

Yoh YANKS Sho down and whips him into railing! Then whips him into more railing! Sho goes down in a heap and fans rally again. Yoh grabs the dog house! Yoh puts it around Sho, then he blocks Dick’s chairshot! Yoh knocks Dick down, then gives Sho a HOMERUN in the dog house! Fans fire up again as Yoh drags Sho to the smaller dog cage! Yoh shoves Sho inside and locks him in! But Evil goes after Yoh! Evil CLUBS away on Yoh and Sho is free! Yujiro gives Yoh PIMP JUICE to the floor! Yujiro drags Yoh up and around while Evil CHOKES Goto. Yujiro puts Yoh in the small dog cage and locks him in!

Evil drags Goto up, he and Yujiro double whip Goto corner to corner, then Yujiro BOOTS! Evil clotheslines! FISHERMAN BUSTER! Basement BOOT! Cover, TWO! Evil goes after Hashi and CLAWS him on the back! Evil then holds Hashi back as Yujiro sits Goto up. Goto denies Pimp Juice, and he blocks the superkick! Yujiro fights the German Suplex and standing switches. Goto backs Yujiro into a corner while Hashi sends Evil into railing! Hashi gets in and he clotheslines Yujiro! Feed to the fireman’s carry but Yujiro slips off! Only to find the HIDDEN GAP! Fireman’s carry and SUPERKICK for FIERCE FLASH! Hashi DECKS Dick, too!

Fans fire up and Bishamon drags Yujiro up. They get Yujiro in position but he fights free! FISHERMAN- NO, Goto fights the buster to suplex and BRAINBUSTER Yujiro! But Evil drags Hashi out to RAM him into the timekeeper’s area! Abe-san goes down! Evil drags Hashi over and puts him in another of the small dog cages! That leaves Goto all alone! Wait, he sneaks the key to free Yoh! Evil sees that and hurries over but Goto sends him into railing! Yoh fires off on Yujiro, he and Goto double whip Yujiro into a corner. Goto runs in to clothesline! Then YOH IN MOTION! Yoh hurries to underhook, Goto gives him a boost, BOOSTED DIRECT DRIVE! Cover, Evil breaks it!

Goto goes after Evil, fireman’s carries, but Evil slips off! Goto switches, Yoh aims, but Evil ducks and the SUPERKICK hits Goto! Yoh can’t believe what happened, but he goes after Evil. Dick distracts, and Evil sends Yoh into the ref! The ref goes down, Evil LOW BLOWS Yoh! Dick strolls in and “smokes” a cig. Dick puts that out, gets the key, and he frees Sho. Sho hurries into the ring to stomp away on Goto. Sho and Dick then get a dog cage in the ring! Sho drags Goto up and aims for the cage but Goto resists! Goto fires off elbows and fans rally up! Sho hurries to get his wrench! But Goto dodges that to kick Sho low! And then clothesline Sho out of the ring!

Fans fire up with Goto and he drags Sho up. Goto drags Sho to the big cage and puts him in! Sho tries to drag Goto in with him! Yujiro tackles Goto into the cage! And Evil locks them ALL inside! The King of Darkness makes a sacrificial play to ensure victory! Evil drags Yoh up and puts him in the ring. Fans rally for Chaos but Evil drags Yoh up again. Evil fireman’s carries, DARKNESS FALLS! Cover, TWO!! Yoh survives and fans fire up again! Evil is furious as the fans rally. Hashi and Goto rally from inside the cages! Evil slashes his throat, drags Yoh up and spins him around, EVERY- NO, Yoh fights the STO!

Yoh goes to steal the STO but Evil fights free! Yoh JUMP KNEES Evil! But Evil SWATS the lariat! Evil runs, into a LARIAT!! Cover, TWO!! Evil survives and Yoh is furious! Fans rally behind Yoh and he glares at Evil. Yoh drags Evil over, clamps on a half nelson, then a full nelson. Evil breaks it, grabs at the ref, and Dick uses the SPOILER CHOKER on Yoh! But Yoh fights it off!! Evil shoves the ref down and rushes at Yoh, but Yoh dodges! Evil stops from hitting Dick, and Yoh DROPKICKS Evil down! Dick runs in at Yoh but Yoh catches him for EVERYTHING IS EVIL!! Fans fire up and Yoh grabs the key from Dick!

Yoh pockets the key, drags Dick over and puts him in the cage in the ring! The cage is locked up, and now it’s just Yoh and Evil! But Evil has a belt! Yoh dodges the belt shot to LOW BLOW Evil! The ref comes to as Yoh hits the O’Conner BRIDGE! TWO!! Yoh SUPERKICKS Evil down! Fans are thunderous and Yoh roars! Yoh drags Evil up, underhooks the arms, but Evil fights Direct Drive! Evil turns it around to EVERYTHING IS EVIL!!! Cover, the House of Torture wins!!

Winners: The House of Torture, by pinfall (NEW NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Champions)

Even after eliminating all of Evil’s allies, Chaos could not stop the darkness from taking over! Evil gets the key and he frees the House of Torture. They beat up Goto as they exit the cage! They raise the belts high and throw up the Too Sweet. Will the House always find a way to win?


8 Man Tag Elimination Match: David Finlay, Ryusuke Taguchi, Master Wato & The DKC VS The United Empire!

The Rebel leads the Funky Weapon, the Way of the Grandmaster & Dylan Kyle Cox into battle against Will Ospreay, TJP, Francesco Akira & Aaron Henare, all determined to overthrow the Empire! Will Finlay’s forces have momentum as they go after the Empire’s treasures? Or will the IWGP US Champion, the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions and the Ultimate Weapon crush the rebellion before it begins?

The teams sort out and both Finlay and Ospreay are fired up so they start. Fans rally already as the bell rings, and the two approach. They feel out the grapple but then Ospreay pie faces Finlay and tags to TJP. The Public Enemy tells Finlay to go away and tag Taguchi. Finlay obliges and tags Taguchi. Taguchi and TJP circle as fans rally up. They tie up, Taguchi headlocks but TJP powers up and out, only for Taguchi to pull his nose! Red Shoes reprimands but Taguchi lets go to headlock again. TJP powers up and out again, but Taguchi again holds TJP’s nose! TJP reels Taguchi into the twisting headscissors! But Taguchi headscissors right back!

TJP moves around, headstands and fans applaud as he holds it. TJP then pushes Taguchi’s knees as he gets free. But Taguchi pulls TJP’s nose again! Red Shoes reprimands but Taguchi tucks TJP back into the headscissors. TJP pushes free again and wags a finger, but Taguchi just pulls TJP’s nose and tucks him back in! TJP pops free, but Taguchi ducks the Penalty Kick to roll TJP up! ONE, and Taguchi HIP ATTACKS! Fans fire up as Taguchi brings TJP over. Tag to Wato and Team Six or Nine double whip. They double drop toehold then double basement dropkick! Wato covers, ONE, but Wato bumps TJP off buckles.

Tag to DKC and the Young Lion fires off fast hands! DKC runs to CLOBBER TJP! Fans fire up with DKC and he drags TJP back up. DKC ROCKS TJP, whips him to ropes, but TJP goes Spider-Man. DKC runs in but TJP dumps him out! Henare goes after DKC while TJP & Akira rush over! They BLAST Finlay and Wato down, and Ospreay shrugs as he has no one to hit. Henare bends DKC back in a chinlock stretch, then Akira goes out to put DKC in the ring. Ospreay goes out to CLOBBER Finlay, and TOSS him over the railing into No Man’s Land! TJP snapmares DKC and covers, TWO! Fans rally but TJP tags Akira.

Akira runs, wheelbarrows with TJP for an assisted CODE BREAKER to a LARIAT! Cover, Wato breaks it! Akira kicks Wato out then stomps DKC. Akira ROCKS DKC but DKC fires forearms in return! Akira DECKS DKC! Cover, TWO! Fans rally and Akira bumps DKC off buckles. Tag to Henare and he CLUBS DKC. And CLUBS him again. DKC fires forearms but Henare KICKS away on DKC’s leg. DCK goes to guard but Henare fakes him out to a SUPER PUNCH! Henare says that was open, not closed. Henare whips DKC hard into the corner and DKC bounces off buckles! Tag to Ospreay and Ospreay stomps DKC around.

Ospreay drags DKC up to ROCK him with a forearm, then CHOP him off his feet! Ospreay taunts DKC, bumps him off buckles, then BOOTS him down. Ospreay brings DKC up to EuroUpper! DKC hits back with body shots and forearms! Ospreay DECKS DKC! Tag to TJP, Ospreay tells fans to hush but they rally up. TJP bumps DKC off buckles and digs his boot in! TJP gets fans on his rhythm as he gives DKC scrape after scrape. TJP runs side to side to BOOT WASH! Fans rally again as TJP runs side to side, but DKC leaps for an AX HANDLE! DKC and TJP crawl, hot tag to Ospreay! Ospreay grabs a leg, DKC kicks him away, hot tag to Finlay!

Finlay jumps in but Ospreay BOOTS him! The forearms start flying back and forth, the fans fire up, and Finlay gets the edge! Finlay whips, Ospreay reverses, Finlay slides under and shoves to then hurdle and drop and DROPKICK! Ospreay goes to a corner, Finlay runs in but into a boot! Ospreay runs in, but into a DEEP SIX! Cover, TWO! Fans rally and Finlay tags Wato. They double whip Ospreay to ropes, but Ospreay ducks the double elbows to handspring and DOUBLE NEURALIZER! Ospreay tags Akira, then goes out after Finlay. Ospreay and Henare get Finlay up for an assisted DDT to the floor! Akira runs in at Wato but Wato BOOTS him!

Wato runs but into Akira’s elbow! Akira runs but into Wato’s CALF KICK! Wato whips Akira corner to corner but Akira reverses, only for Wato to dropkick his legs out! Wato goes to the apron and springboards, FLYING UPPERCUT! Cover, TWO! Wato fires up and he drags Akira into a waistlock. Akira fights the lift, elbows free, then runs, but avoids the boot! Akira feeds Wato to TJP’s chicken wings, but Wato dodges the superkick! TJP blocks that in time, but Wato KICKS Akira’s leg! TJP goes down, Wato reels Akira in, ZIGZAG! Cover, TWO! Akira is still in this but Wato calls Taguchi in. They wheelbarrow Akira, but Ospreay BOOTS Wato!

TJP SUPERKICKS Taguchi! Ospreay and Henare double whip Wato to double shoulder tackle! Wato is down, TJP lifts Akira up in the Electric Chair! ASSISTED SENTON! Henare PENALTY KICKS Wato back down! Ospreay STANDING SHOOTING STARS! Akira covers, but Taguchi slips in to break it! TJP throws Taguchi back out while fans fire up. Akira aims at Wato from a corner, but Wato ducks the Fireball! Akira ducks the Screw High Kick to SUPERKICK! Wato wobbles, Akira runs in, but Wato puts him on the apron! Wato ROCKS and DROPKICKS Akira, but Ospreay catches Akira with an Electric Chair!

TJP SUPERKICKS Wato, then Ospreay puts Akira on the apron. TJP suplexes Akira?! Into getting Wato with a RANA!! Wato takes a tumble up and out, the Empire ELIMINATES the Grandmaster! Taguchi runs in but into double kicks from the heavyweights. Henare & Ospreay double whip Taguchi to ropes but he DOUBLE HIP ATTACKS them down! Taguchi dodges TJP & Akira to then dragon sleeper TJP and kick Akira low. But Akira wrenches back and helps TJP up and over! TJP has the dragon sleeper on Taguchi to ELBOW DROP DDT! Akira covers, TWO! Taguchi is still in this and fans fire up!

The Empire regroups, TJP Electric Chair Lifts Taguchi while Akira climbs. But Taguchi slips off and shoves TJP into Akira! Akira falls off the top and onto Henare & Ospreay! Taguchi ELIMINATES Akira! We’re back to 3v3 and Taguchi rolls TJP! TWO, and TJP dragon sleepers! Taguchi fights free, spins TJP around to chicken wing but TJP drops to victory roll! TWO and TJP has the leg! OH MY GAH ANKLE! TJP flails, rolls and throws Taguchi away! TJP runs in but Taguchi throws him up and out! TJP holds on, skins the cat, but Taguchi HIP ATTACKS TJP against ropes! Taguchi then dumps TJP out and ELIMINATES him!

But Henare rushes in to dump Taguchi out! Taguchi holds on, ducks the haymaker and HOTSHOTS Henare! Taguchi slingshots, but Henare DECKS him and ELIMINATES him! But DKC rolls Henare up! TWO!! Henare hits a RAMP- NO, DKC sunset flips the spear, TWO!! DKC has the RINGS OF SATURN! Or as he calls it, the D K CRUCIFIX! Henare fights up, but DKC KARATE CHOPS away on Henare! DKC fires off forearms but Henare ROCKS him! Henare whips DKC to a corner, runs in, but into BOOTS! DKC goes up and FLYING RIDER KICKS! But Ospreay CHOPS DKC! Ospreay whips, DKC reverses and RIDER KICKS Ospreay!

Fans fire up with DKC and he drags Henare up! DKC traps an arm and KARATE CHOPS away on Henare! Fans rally and DKC CHOPS Henare down! FALLING CHOP!! Cover, TWO!! DKC fires up and he drags Henare up for forearms. DKC powers up the hand, but Henare catches the chop to a full nelson! DKC endures the Ultima, jumps up and drops to KICK Henare away! DKC runs but Henare scoops for the BLUE THUNDER BOMB! Cover, TWO!! DKC survives and fans fire up again! Henare snarls, he drags DKC up and throws a HARD body shot! Henare slashes his throat and kicks DKC around. Henare goes up a corner to SUPER SENTON! Cover, Henare ELIMINATES DKC!

Finlay is all alone now as he has Henare and Ospreay staring him down. Fans rally and Ospreay wants in. Henare tags Ospreay and Finlay says bring it! Ospreay and Henare run in but Finlay fires off hands on Ospreay! Then on Henare! Then he DECKS Ospreay! Henare CLUBS Finlay, Finlay hits back but he gets mugged 2v1. The Empire double whip but Finlay ducks the lariats to shove Henare into Ospreay! BIG back suplex for Henare! Finlay UPPERCUTS Ospreay in the corner! Finlay shoves Ospreay out and goes up, FLYING UPPERCUT! Cover, TWO! Fans rally and Finlay gets Ospreay up, but Ospreay fights the clinch!

Ospreay throws elbows, Finlay UPPERCUTS! And UPPERCUTS! Finlay whips, Ospreay handsprings to NEURALIZER! Finlay goes down and Ospreay goes to the apron. Fans fire up and Ospreay aims, springboard, PIP PIP CHEERIO! Cover, TWO! Ospreay is annoyed but he drags Finlay up. Ospreay CHOPS Finlay to the corner then tags in Henare. Henare drags Finlay up to throw knee after knee! Henare facelocks and suplexes, but Finlay fights it! Henare keeps Finlay up but Finlay throws a knee! Henare still holds Finlay up, and SLAMS him down! Cover, TWO! Henare hurries up the corner for the SUPER SENTON but he flops as Finlay moves!

Finlay crawls but there’s no one to tag. Henare tags Ospreay and he runs in, into an IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKER! Finlay throws Ospreay over but Ospreay holds the ropes! Finlay thinks he’s gotten rid of Ospreay and stares Henare down, but Ospreay skins the cat and HOOK KICKS Finlay! Ospreay calls his shot, springboards, but Finlay blocks the cutter! Finlay turns things around, but Ospreay slips out of the suplex! Henare gets in, Ospreay feeds Finlay to the ELBOW JAB! SUPERKICK! ROLLING ROUNDHOUSE!! Ospreay drags Finlay around and rolls him to the wheelbarrow. ASSISTED DDT!! Cover, TWO!?!

Fans are thunderous but Ospreay is fuming! Ospreay calls his shot, Henare sets Finlay up for him, but Finlay shoves Henare at Ospreay! Ospreay goes tumbling over and out, Finlay ELIMINATES Ospreay!! Henare is shocked and furious, he rushes at Finlay but into PRIMA NOCTA! Finlay then cravats Henare for the ACID- NO, Henare powers out and HEEL KICKS Finlay down! Fans rally for Finlay as he stirs but Henare takes aim! Henare runs in, RAMPAGE!! Cover, TWO!!! Finlay survives again! Henare roars in frustration but he powers up with the Empire hand sign. Henare fisherman suplexes to the torture rack, but Finlay slips off to backslide!

Henare rolls through but Finlay suplexes for TRASH PANDA!! Cover, Finlay’s team wins!!

Winners: David Finlay, Ryusuke Taguchi, Master Wato & The DKC, by pinfall

Ospreay and the Empire are stunned! Tonight, the rebellion has won! The title matches are all this Sunday, 9/25, is this loss a sign that the Empire will fall? As for Finlay, he gets the mic and says in Japanese, “Thank you all very much.” In English, Finlay tells Ospreay before he leaves, “You can stack the odds against me, and I will overcome them every, single, time.” Ospreay says not likely. Finlay says Ospreay needs to hold onto the title real tight, because in just two days’ time, “you will suffer the exact same fate your boy, Aaron Henare, just suffered. And just like your weak ass kidneys, your title reign will die, as well! Because right here, this is MY time, and I am the NEXT United States Champion. So expect me!” Ospreay says he’s ready, but will even the Kingpin fall to the Rebel?

My Thoughts:

A very good penultimate event for the Burning Spirit series, and NJPW adjusted well to the recent tsunamis causing last weekend’s events to be canceled. The NEVER Openweight Six Man title match went about how I expected except for House of Torture winning. The way it was all going, I thought Yoh was going to have his moment being the hero of the match, but instead, Evil turns it around to snatch that win away. I don’t want to say this was the wrong choice, but it wasn’t a choice that made sense. Are there really other Face trios that can go for these titles? If Chaos retained, I feel like that could’ve opened the door to another combination of Bullet Club members to go for these titles.

The 8 Man Elimination Tag was great stuff, and I really like that NJPW adds the over-the-top elimination as a possibility. They get really creative with how they set up the eliminations, and DKC even got to look great in this since he wasn’t eliminated first. Finlay turning things around when he was in the 2v1 situation was good stuff, too. This win gives momentum to the challengers, but that would mean Finlay, Taguchi & Wato are going to lose in the title matches. Though, the last time I thought that, I think NJPW went the opposite and let those with momentum win. Between the two, I think Finlay is more likely to win the US title than Taguchi & Wato are to win the tag titles, but we’ll see on Sunday.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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