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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (9/6/22)

New era, same standard!



The more things change, the more they stay the same!

We saw Worlds Collide, and in the end, Bron Breakker and Mandy Rose are still atop NXT! Who will be next to challenge each of them for their UNDISPUTED titles?


  • Toxic Attraction VS Nikki A.S.H. & “Doudrop” Piper Niven; win(s).
  • Wes Lee VS JD McDonagh; JD wins.
  • Roxanne Perez VS Meiko Satomura; Meiko wins.
  • Ricochet VS Trick Williams w/ Carmelo Hayes; Ricochet wins.
  • Best of 3 Series, Part One: Nathan Frazer VS Axiom; Axiom wins, leading the series 1-0.
  • Bron Breakker & Tyler Bate VS Gallus; Bron & Bate win.


Tyler Bate is here!

The Big Strong Boy may not be NXT UK Champion anymore, but he’s still here in Orlando to talk to the fans. “I just wanted to take this moment to thank you all from the very bottom of my heart.” Fans chant back, “Thank You, Tyler!” Bate thanks the fans who were here on Sunday, for their love and generosity, and those who supported NXT UK from the beginning. Tyler also wants to thank Bron Breakker. Bron proved to the world that he is not only Breakker by name, but breaker by nature. As much as Tyler would’ve loved to be the one to unify the titles, he and Bron created magic. Tyler is grateful to have shared that moment with all these beautiful people.

Now that said, Tyler’s name will forever remain in the history books as the first and the last NXT UK Champion. Tyler also hopes that he represented NXT UK to the best of his abilities. But wait! Here comes Gallus! Joe Coffey says enough of this! This ends tonight! Mark can’t believe Tyler is thanking people when he should be apologizing! Tyler should apologize to everyone back home in the UK. England, Wales, Ireland and especially Scotland! Tyler let the UK down! And more importantly, he let a whole locker room down. More than that, Tyler let all of Europe down! He had one job, and he blew it!

The fans chant, “You Lost, Too!” but Gallus ignores that. Joe says Tyler should be the one standing there with the unified titles. But he’s not! Whatever happened to the Big Strong Boy? Fans chant, “He’s Right There! He’s Right There!” Tyler says yes, Worlds Collide didn’t go the way he’d hoped. But he can’t help but notice Gallus didn’t keep their end of the bargain, either! Where are THEIR unified titles? Wasn’t this Gallus Boys On Top! Hahaha very funny! Very clever! “But just remember, son, wo you’re speaking to. Look around, Tyler Bate. There’s three of us, and there’s one of you!” But Tyler DECKS Joe!

Wolfgang and Mark rush in as Tyler stomps Joe, and Gallus mugs Tyler! Security gets clobbered, too! Fans boo as the beatdown continues, but here comes BRON! Bron CLOBBERS Wolfgang, LARIATS Mark and Belly2Belly suplexes Joe! Joe staggers up, Tyler throws up Bop to hit with BANG! Fans fire up and bark for Bron as he and Tyler stand together! Bron gets a mic to say, “Gallus, you guys have caused nothing but problems since you been here in NXT. On Sunday, worlds collided, but tonight, worlds unify! You guys are looking for a fight? Well, I’ll stand with ya, Tyler! Because we’re gonna kick your ass!” Will the Big Booty Nephew and the Big Strong Boy be the ones on top?


Pretty Deadly admire their gold.

Elton Prince says they’re all beautiful! How can they decide which belts are the most beautiful? That’d be like trying to decide between Hemsworth and Pitt! Pitt is lovely. But Kit & Elton won the UK titles in a massive victory, then came overseas to win the US titles in their first match, and against four teams! Then they unified these titles on Sunday against three more teams. Doesn’t that make them the greatest team of all time? YES, BOY! #DoubleSidePlateCheck! OMG! Jinx! Jinx again! Lash Legend walks in and high fives her boys! That was so good on Sunday. It was in-cre-di-ble! But don’t worry about what they’re saying.

Wait, what’re “they” saying? Tell them, tell them! Well, it was only because of Damon Kemp. What?! Why is there always a problem no matter what these two do?! People always have to pick, pick, pick! Pretty Deadly has Lash hold onto the UK belts while they take the US belts to gorilla. Will Pretty Deadly get after all the haters tonight?


NXT shares a digital exclusive from Sunday.

After Worlds Collide, Meiko Satomura talked with Roxanne Perez. NXT Media asked her how she felt after the Triple Threat loss. Meiko is disappointed, but she is also proud of everything she did in NXT UK. But then Cora Jade walks over to sarcastically say, “Rough night for you, huh? Can’t relate. So sorry you lost your title.” Cora knows Meiko’s done a lot, but one thing she hasn’t done is experience #GenerationJade. So maybe we change that? Sorry, Cora, Meiko can’t accept. Oh, okay, Cora knows Meiko is scared because it’ll be another L, but hear Cora out. Meiko will get the chance to wrestle Cora. Or is the Final Boss that scared?

No, it’s that she already has a match. Against who? A very respectful Roxanne Perez. Cora grumbles over being snubbed and storms off, but will Roxie show Cora up when she sharpens herself against the steel of the former NXT UK Women’s Champion?


Toxic Attraction VS Nikki A.S.H. & “Doudrop” Piper Niven!

Speaking of tag titles, Gigi Dolin & Jacy Jayne had a part to play in the Celtic Connection from Raw NOT winning the NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships. Nikki & Piper have been struggling as a duo, will they finally get going again against the toxic duo?

NXT returns as the Raw superstars make their entrance. The teams sort out and Nikki starts with Gigi. They tie right up, Nikki puts Gigi on the ropes but lets off to ROCK her. Nikki bumps Gigi off buckles again and again, then whips her to ropes. Nikki CLOBBERS Gigi, then bumps her off the buckles. Tag to Piper and she steps in for the ELBOW DROP! Cover, TWO! Piper drags Gigi up, HEADBUTTS her, then tells Jacy to kiss this. Piper scoops Gigi, tags Nikki in, and SLAMS Gigi! Nikki NECK SNAPS, then covers, TWO! Nikki drags Gigi up but Gigi pulls hair! Jacy tags in, Toxic Attraction mugs Nikki, and Jacy pushes Nikki down.

Nikki kicks but Jacy rolls her up, ONE! Jacy throws Nikki down by her hair! Jacy taunts Nikki, kicks her around, then drags her back up. Nikki RAMS into Jacy, then dropkicks her down! Nikki runs in at the corner to SPLASH and BULLDOG! Cover, TWO! Nikki drags Jacy around to CLUB her, then clamp onto her with a half nelson chinbar. Jacy endures and fans rally up. Jacy reaches, fights up, but Nikki wrangles her down! Jacy still endures and still fights, but Nikki turns her for a NECKBREAKER! Fans duel as Nikki goes up top. Jacy shoves Nikki down to the floor! Fans boo but Jacy tells them up theirs!

Jacy goes to the apron, howls and CANNONBALLS! Jacy taunts Nikki, swaggers around, but Piper storms over! Gigi PENALTY KICKS her from the apron! Fans are torn as NXT goes picture in picture.

Jacy drags Nikki up and puts her in, but Piper kicks from below. Jacy stomps Piper, gets back in the ring, and Nikki gets her for a cradle! TWO!! Jacy hurries to fireman’s carry, but Nikki sunset flips it! TWO! Nikki staggers up, into the ROLLING ELBOW! Jacy struts around, soaks up the cheers and jeers, and tells fans to kiss this. Jacy kicks Nikki, ROCKS Her with a right, then CHOPS her in the corner. Nikki shoves back then elbows Jacy away! Nikki runs for a FACEBUSTER! Nikki hammers Jacy then covers, TWO! Nikki hammers away on Jacy again, drives in her knee, then covers again, TWO! Nikki drags Jacy up and whips her to ropes.

Jacy reverses, Nikki holds ropes and BOOTS back, only for Gigi to get a cheap shot in! Jacy LARIATS Nikki down! Tag to Gigi, she HEADBUTTS Nikki, then taunts Piper. Gigi brings Nikki around to rain down fists, then she taunts Piper more. Nikki crawls but Gigi keeps her away from Piper. Gigi whips Nikki into the Toxic corner, then she tags Jacy. They mug Nikki, then Jacy taunts Nikki before she kicks her down. Nikki JAWBREAKERS back! Only for Jacy to CLOBBER her! Jacy taunts Piper, drags Nikki away and drops a SENTON! Cover, TWO! Jacy smiles as she drags Nikki around again, and RAMS her into the corner!

Tag to Gigi, she digs her boots into Nikki and stands on her face. The ref counts, Gigi hops off but keeps between Nikki and Piper. Gigi clamps onto Nikki but Nikki resists. Gigi powers through and gets the top wristlock. Nikki fights up but Gigi wrangles her down! Gigi thrashes Nikki but Nikki still endures as NXT returns to single picture. Fans duel, Nikki fights up but Gigi CLUBS her! Gigi bumps Nikki off buckles, tags Jacy, then whips Jacy in to back body block! Jacy helps Gigi hit the BRONCO BUSTER! Jacy then adds the CANNONBALL! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up as Nikki is still in this! Nikki crawls but Jacy drags her into a chinlock stretch.

Fans duel but Nikki endures. Jacy holds on tight but Nikki fights up. Jacy shifts to a facelock but Nikki fights their way forward. Jacy pushes Nikki back, reaches out to Gigi, but Nikki pushes Jacy back. Nikki throws body shots, Jacy headlocks, but Nikki reaches for Piper! Jacy kicks Piper’s hand, then hits a NECKBREAKER on Nikki! Jacy continues to taunt Nikki, and then drops a SENTON to nothing! Nikki avoids the impact and fans rally up again! Hot tags to Gigi and Piper! Gigi BOOTS Doudrop, but Doudrop CHOPS! Gigi swings, into a HEADBUTT! Leg sweep! Jacy hops on, but Piper SLAMS her onto Gigi! SENTON SANDWICH! Cover on Gigi, TWO!!

Piper is frustrated but she drags Gigi up. Piper scoops Gigi, Gigi slips off and shoves, then follows to- NO, no STO! Piper spins Gigi around for a SAIDO! Gigi ends up in a corner and Piper run sin, CANNONBALL! Gigi flops over and Piper climbs up! VADER BOMB!! Cover, Jacy breaks it with a SUPERKICK! Jacy is fired up but Nikki kicks her. Jacy throws Nikki out instead, but then Nikki trips Jacy! And traps her in the apron skirt! Nikki fires off like back in the day and fans love it! Piper gets up again but Gigi BOOTS her! Gigi hops up, leaps, but into Piper’s arms! MICHINOKU DRIVER!! BASEMENT SPLASH!! Cover, Piper & Nikki win!!

Winners: Nikki A.S.H. & Piper Niven, by pinfall

Piper’s got a bloody nose, but she doesn’t care! She got the win off former NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions with a helping of revenge! Is this the spark Piper & Nikki need to get the gold?


Apollo Crews speaks.

“The true test of a man’s character is shown not in victory, but in defeat. Words are said, insults are thrown, but now I fully see who I’m dealing with in Grayson Waller. The first poke may have been accidental, but the second was unmistakable. He attempted to ruin my vision, permanently blind me from seeing monumental moments. All I can do is storm ahead. But when I look in that direction, it isn’t clear. It’s too hazy, it’s too grainy to make out. Grayson Waller has blurred my vision. But unlike Waller, I’m not afraid of the unknown.” Apollo turns his head, and his damaged eye is red! Will Apollo be able to see just how to get even with Waller?


Wes Lee VS JD McDonagh!

The Must-See Kid sees what a lot of us see: The Irish Ace is creepy! But will he be able to overcome that fear to then overcome JD in the ring? Or will the Necessary Evil do what he must to return to the title scene?

The bell rings and fans duel as the two circle. Wes and JD stare down and then JD headlocks and thrashes. Wes fights the hold, throws body shots, then powers out. JD runs Wes over but Wes gets up. JD headlocks for a takeover but Wes fights by pushing JD to a headscissors. JD kips free but Wes arm-drags him all around! Wes CLOBBERS JD, covers, ONE! JD swings but into a waistlock. JD switches but Wes ELBOWS out hard! JD shoves, things speed up and Wes handsprings over JD! Fans fire up but JD rushes in. Wes puts JD on the apron but JD throws Wes down by his hair! JD storms back in and drags Wes up to UPPERCUT him!

Wes goes to a corner, JD stomps him and digs his boot in. The ref counts, JD lets off, but then he brings Wes out to whip to ropes. Wes ducks the roundhouse, rams into JD and whips him to ropes,. then hurdles and monkey flips JD down! JD flounders up into a DROPKICK! JD tumbles out of the ring and Wes grins. Fans fire up as Wes builds speed and FLIES! Direct hit and Wes lands on his feet! Fans fire up and NXT goes picture in picture.

Wes drags JD up, brings him around and throws haymakers. Wes ROCKS JD, follows him around the way, then CLUBS and CHOPS him! Fans fire up as JD continues on and WEs pursues. Wes ROCKS JD again, CHOPS him, then brings him back into the ring. But JD RAMS into Wes at the ropes! JD suplexes but Wes slips free to O’Conner Roll! TWO, and Wes hurries to waistlock again. Wes puts JD in a corner, runs in, but is put on the apron. Wes GAMANGIRIS JD, climbs up the corner, but JD GAMANGIRIS back! Wes falls to the floor and tumbles to the barriers! JD grins as he goes out after Wes.

JD drags Wes up, CHOPS him, then puts Wes in the ring. JD drags Wes up to lift and ATOMIC BACKBREAKER! Wes writhes while JD checks his own neck. JD stalks Wes to a corner, drags him up, and bumps him off buckles. The ref counts, JD tells him to let off, and then he brings Wes out to snap suplex! JD takes a moment before he looms over Wes. JD stomps Wes’s fingers! JD then sits Wes up, steps over on the arm and twists! Wes endures, flails and kicks, but JD bends the fingers! Wes endures, so JD lets go to stand on his head. JD drags Wes around, has the mounted armlock again, but Wes continues to endure.

NXT returns to single picture, fans duel and Wes kicks around to reach out for ropes. JD sits deep on the arm, but Wes fights and gets the ROPEBREAK! JD lets go in annoyance, and he drags Wes back up by his hair. Wes throws body shots, then blocks the haymaker to fire off hands and knees! Wes ROCKS JD against the ropes, fires off more body shots and fans fire up! Wes GAMANGIRIS and JD wobbles! JD flops down, Wes rolls to throw more body shots and KICKS! SUPERKICK to the back! Then DOUBLE STOMPS to the back! Fans fire up as JD writhes! JD bails out and the ref wants Wes to stay in. Wes says nope! He DIVES and JD goes flying over the desk!

Fans are losing their minds, but JD grins?! JD grabs at Vic Joseph, but Wes puts JD in the ring. Wes stalks JD and METEORAS! Cover, TWO!! JD survives and Wes is shocked! Wes grumbles and sees JD getting up. Wes brings JD up but JD ROCKS Wes with a right! Wes mule kicks back, and runs in, but JD avoids the Meteora to GERMAN SUPLE! Wes lands on his feet!! PENALTY KCIK! JD avoids the next one, kicks low and reels Wes in, but Wes slips out of the bomb! JD kicks a leg out, but Wes JUMP KNEES! JD HEADBUTTS!! Both men fall over and fans are thunderous for “NXT! NXT!”

JD grabs the arm, ripcord, but no saido! Wes sunset flips, TWO!! JD still has the wrist and the two stare down. “This is Awesome!” as JD PUNTS Wes in the face! JD ripcords, DEVLINSIDE!! Cover, JD wins!

Winner: JD McDonagh, by pinfall

The Irish Ace really is scary. He enjoyed being sent flying, and he enjoyed driving Wes down. Will JD be enjoying himself as he fights all the way to the top of NXT?


Tony D’Angelo and Channing Lorenzo are having coffee.

Stacks says The Don makes a better espresso than he does a cappuccino. But hey, look who it is! The Unified NXT Tag Team Champions of the World! That was a huge win on Sunday. Thank you! Some sense! Screw the haters, listen to the praise. What’re you boys having? Some espresso. Want some? Well, sure! Tony says that was a big win, but how much did it cost? Cost? What’s Tony talking about? C’mon, they got Damon Kemp to screw over Diamond Mine for free? Wow! That’s impressive. Kit doesn’t seem to like the taste of the coffee… Elton says they didn’t ask Kemp to do anything, and Kit says no one was doing anything for them! They won on their own!

Okay, okay. Stacks promises and Tony won’t tell. No, tell people they did this on their own! They’re just like the internet! They’ve always got something to say! Pretty Deadly won on their own! Pretty Deadly storm off, and Stacks still thinks they’re joking. But will Kit & Elton have to prove it themselves that they can win on their own?


Roxanne Perez VS Meiko Satomura!

The Gamer Girl wants to settle things with Cora Jade, so consider this level grinding! Will Roxie learn where she is in the NXT power levels after going against the Final Boss?

NXT returns as Meiko makes her entrance. Cora is watching backstage, shaking her head because she feels she should be having this honor. The bell rings and Roxie shakes hands with Meiko to show there is respect. They circle, tie up, and they go around. Meiko hooks a leg and arm, throws Roxie down, but Roxie gets up. Meiko wrenches the arm, Roxie rolls and kips up to hammerlock. Meiko fights with a headlock, then a drop toehold. Meiko floats to a facelock but Roxie fights up. Roxie wrenches and headlocks, but Meiko endures and powers out. Fans rally as they RAM shoulders, and neither woman falls!

Meiko eggs Roxie on, they RAM again, and then Meiko SOBATS! Meiko whips Roxie to rope, and FLYING SHOULDERS Roxie down! Roxie staggers up but Meiko wrenches to a wristlock and KICK! LEG SWEEP! KNEE DROP! Cover, TWO! Meiko drags Roxie up and steps over, to then wrangle Roxie into an ARMBAR! Fans duel, Roxie pushes to a cover, ONE! Meiko gets Roxie go and Roxie comes back to full nelson! Roxie spins Meiko to arm-drag her around! Roxie has the armlock as fans duel, but Meiko headscissors. Roxie kips free and the two stand off. Fans cheer and Meiko nods as she stares Roxie down.

Meiko and Roxie reset, tie up, Roxie duck sand rolls and headscissors into a roll-up! TWO, but Roxie hurries to wrench an arm. Meiko wrenches back, Roxie handsprings to the headscissors and victory roll, to an O’Conner BRIDG! TWO, and into the REAR NAKED CHOKE! Roxie pries at the hands, slips free of the sleeper but into a body scissor clutch! TWO, and into an STF!! Roxie pulls Meiko back but Meiko crawls around! Meiko finds ropes and heads that way, but Roxie pulls back! Meiko throws elbows to get free! Roxie clinches but Meiko KICKS and DECKS her! Roxie SHOTGUNS Meiko out of the ring!

Roxie builds speed to DIVE! Direct hit and fans are fired up! Cora is annoyed and storms off as Roxie refreshes the ring count. Roxie gets Meiko back in the ring as NXT goes picture in picture.

Roxie pushes Meiko to a cover, ONE!! Roxie facelocks and grinds Meiko, but Meiko slips around to waistlock. Roxie pries at the hold, but Meiko shifts to a facelock. Roxie turns the facelock back onto Meiko, but Meiko powers Roxie into a corner. Meiko lets off to ROCK Roxie with a right! Roxie staggers along the ropes but Meiko ROCKS her again! And UPPERCUTS! Meiko drags Roxie up to ROCK her again! Roxie staggers and Meiko kicks her down. Roxie throws body shots and forearm but Meiko DECKS her! Meiko drags Roxie up, whips her to ropes but Roxie reverses, only for Meiko to reverse back and UPPERCUT!

Meiko clamps onto Roxie for a motorcycle stretch. Roxie endures, even as Meiko sits back to push deep into the shoulder blades! But Roxie pushes back to make that a cover! TWO, and Meiko now has Roxie for a mounted wristlock. Roxie resists and kicks at Meiko, but Meiko holds on tight. Meiok then stands up to KICK Roxie down! Meiko paces but Roxie sits up. Meiko KICKS her back down! Roxie slowly sits up again, and she blocks the kick! Roxie pushes the leg but Meiko blocks the sobat to KICK Roxie back down! Meiko then drags Roxie up, reels her in, and DDTs! Meiko runs, to HANDSPRING KNEE DROP! The Satomura Special! Cover, TWO!!

Roxie is hanging tough but Meiko nods. Meiko clamps on with another motorcycle stretch, but Roxie endures again. NXT returns to single picture and fans duel between Roxie and Meiko. Roxie fights up, gets to her feet, and turns things around, only for Mieko to turn it right back around! Fans rally as Roxie endures and fights up again. Roxie turns it around, ROCKS Meiko, but Meiko EuroUppers! Fans fire up for “Women’s Wrestling!” as Roxie fires a forearm! Meiko UPPERCUTS again! Roxie comes back to uppercut, and uppercut, and uppercut! Roxie whips, Meiko reverses but Roxie ducks ‘n’ dodges to CLOBBER Meiko!

Fans fire up as Roxie starts rallying! Roxie runs in to SHOTGUN Meiko down! Fans fire up as Meiko goes to a corner and Roxie runs in! UPPERCUT! Roxie rolls, comes back, into the ROUNDHOUSE! Meiko drags Roxie back up and fireman’s carries, but Roxie slips off to RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Cover, TWO! Roxie drags Meiko around, KOJI KLUTCH!! Meiko endures, fans duel, and Meiko powers through to get free! She KNEES Roxie down, then whips her to ropes. Roxie reverses but Meiko WHEEL KICKS on the return! Fans fire up and Meiko climbs the corner! Roxie gets up to ROCK Meiko first! Roxie climbs up after Meiko and fires off forearms!

Roxie stands on the very top now, to SUPER STEINER! Cover, TWO! Meiko survives, showing why she is the living legend! Roxie drags Meiko back up, runs, blocks the roundhouse to forearm! PELE from Meiko!! Meiko hurries to the corner and she fires up as she runs in! SCORPIO RISING!! Cover, Meiko wins!

Winner: Meiko Satomura, by pinfall

The Final Boss wins in her first singles match in NXT 2.0, showing everyone she is still a legend! Roxie bows in respect and Meiko applauds her in return. But then Cora slips into the ring to SMACK Roxie with the kendo stick! Meiko returns and Cora runs away! Seems Cora’s the one who is scared! But will Meiko and Roxie humble Cora soon enough?


Bron and Tyler prepare backstage.

Tyler thanks Bron for the assist against Gallus. Bron says he knows they’re from different countries and NXT UK just ended. NXT Europe is right around the corner, so Bron wants Tyler to know that Tyler IS NXT. They’ll kick Gallus’ ass tonight! They shake hands, will the current and former champions be able to bring down Gallus together?


Damon Kemp speaks.

“On Sunday, the whole world was talking about Damon Kemp. But that’s not how I started in NXT.” Roderick Strong brought him into the Diamond Mine because of his wrestling legitimacy. “And how did I do? Brutus & Julius became one of the most dominate tag team champions. And what thanks did I get? Nothing! Roddy didn’t even put me in the singles ranks. It’s always, ‘DK, stay ready for whatever we need you!'” Kemp is a Pan-American Games winner! Championships are in his DNA! As matter of fact, here’s a secret: Kemp beat Brutus’ ass in college! Made him look like a little punk! And Julius was jealous of Kemp because Roddy liked him better.

Hell, Ivy Nile had more of a say in the group than Kemp did! And Kemp saw the Roddy-Julius beef coming from a mile away. He could’ve squashed it, but he decided to stir the pot because he wasn’t given the respect he deserved. So he took them down from within! This is what happens when you put two alphas against each other. And no one thought it was Kemp who took at Roddy in the parking lot! It was so hard to keep a straight face. Kemp gave the Creeds one last chance, but they shut him down! That moment cost them the titles. The sound of that chair hitting Julius’ back signaled the end of Diamond Mine.

Kemp will leave us with this: It isn’t Diamond Mine Forever, it’s Damon Kemp forever! Will the Golden Gopher go for gold now that he’s a one man show?


The Dyad are still at their “recognition award” table.

Rip Fowler says “The Schism can help you achieve greatness. To join The Schism is to allow your soul to enter a harmonious place. To sit under The Schism’s tree is to truly-” Jagger Reed calls out to Kiana James and her assistant. They seem a bit lost. They seem to need guidance. Kiana tells Jean to grab a couple of those for them. Thank you, guys, this is great. Can’t wait for this, love what you’re doing, keep it up. Not. Kiana doesn’t do free sponsorships. Jean puts the buttons in the trash. Kiana keeps hounding her subordinate on the phone. Whoever this is always seems to surprisingly screw up! What? When will Duncan get a call from Kiana? Maybe when his phone works!

Someone in a red hoody walks over to The Dyad and offers their smiley face buttons then hugs it out. Meanwhile, Arianna Grace turns down adding anything more to her already busy schedule. She has a luncheon, then a meet ‘n’ greet, then she’s helping judge a beauty pageant. Kiana walks over to say hi. Arianna is just what Kiana has been looking for. Kiana has a problem with- Lyons & Stark? Arianna knows. She can’t stand either of them, either. Then Kiana’s just found a solution to her problem. Jean, book Arianna for training at 6 AM tomorrow morning. Arianna says that works for her schedule. Will this team-up of beauty and business be a winning combination?


Ricochet VS Trick Williams w/ Carmelo Hayes!

The one and only reason the One and Only isn’t the NEW North American Champion is because of Melo’s main man getting involved. Will Ricochet make sure to #WhoopThatTrick once and for all? Or will Trick have more tricks up his proverbial sleeves?

NXT returns and Trick makes his entrance. Melo joins commentary as the bell rings. Ricochet tells Melo to watch this closely. Trick runs in, into Ricochet’s KNEE! Trick bails out and Melo says lock it in. But then Ricochet WRECKS Trick with a dropkick! Melo says nevermind, stay out here. Ricochet and Melo stare down, Ricochet stands Trick up to CHOP him! And ROCK him! Ricochet puts Trick in, talks some trash on Melo, but Trick storms back up on him. Ricochet shoulders into Trick, slingshots up and over, spins him around and WRINGS him out! Trick endures the armlock while fans rally for Ricochet.

Ricochet wrenches the arm, WRINGS Trick again, and grinds the armlock again. Ricochet knuckle locks, Trick kips up and WRINGS Ricochet, but Ricochet handsprings through! But Trick HEEL KICKS Ricochet down! Trick stomps away on Ricochet in the corner, then lets off. Fans boo but Trick talks trash. Trick drags Ricochet up to whip him hard into the corner! Cover, TWO! Trick runs back in and STINGER SPLASHES! Trick talks trash, slaps Ricochet around then drags him up. Trick suplexes but Ricochet slips off to ROCK him with right hands! Ricochet CHOPS, whips, but Trick reverses. Ricochet ducks ‘n’ dodges, but into a pop-up UPPERCUT! Cover, TWO!

Melo is enjoying himself as Trick covers again, TWO! Trick is annoyed but fans rally up with ‘WHOOP THAT TRICK!” Trick runs, but hits buckles! Ricochet shakes out the cobwebs, but Trick trips up the springboard! Melo is laughing at Ricochet and Trick smacks Ricochet off the desk! Trick keeps hitting Ricochet off the desk and Melo says Ricochet isn’t coming back to NXT after this. Trick puts Ricochet in the ring, but Ricochet cradles! TWO, and Trick YANKS Ricochet into ropes! Fans boo but Trick runs in, SWINGING NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!! Ricochet survives and Melo is annoyed.

Melo tells Trick to stay on Ricochet, but Trick is mocking Ricochet’s superhero pose. Ricochet ducks the roundhouse to CLOBBER Trick! Ricochet rallies on Trick, springboards and CROSSBODIES! Fans fire up with Ricochet and he tells Melo to watch this. Ricochet RAMS into Trick, bumps him off buckles and ROUNDHOUSES him away! Ricochet springboards to FLYING LARIAT! Fans fire up more and Ricochet aims from a corner. Melo says Ricochet is full of himself but he’s one to talk. RECOIL!! Ricochet looms over Trick, tells Melo he’s still watching him. Ricochet goes up the corner, Melo is sure Trick will evade. SHOOTING STAR PRESS!! Cover, Ricochet wins!

Winner: Ricochet, by pinfall

Trick didn’t move, and now he isn’t moving at all! Ricochet whooped that Trick, but will he get a fair rematch with The A Champion?


Tony D’Angelo and Channing Lorenzo are still having coffee.

And they still can’t believe Pretty Deadly is trying to pull a face one on us. Like The Don couldn’t tell what was really going on. Oh, hey! Cameron Grimes! There he is! Look, Tony gave Grimes time to consider the offer. They both know Tony’s right, so Stacks can get him an espresso on the house. Grimes says these guys don’t stop. They’re as bad as Joe Gacy. But he appreciates the free coffee. Now, Grimes doesn’t know Italian, so he’ll do his best to say this in English. “The answer is no. Not today, not tomorrow, not any day. Because Cameron Grimes don’t need nobody! And he definitely don’t need you two.”

Tony says he gave Grimes the benefit of the doubt, but not this time. The last couple of guys who said no aren’t even here anymore. Tony ran them out! Yeah, but Grimes isn’t like those guys. Yeah, because people actually respect those guys. Grimes throws the coffee in Stacks’ face! Tony DECKS Grimes! Stacks rains down fists, but Grimes fights back! Only for Tony to URENAGE him through the table! Tony & Stacks leave Grimes writhing in the sugar and cream, but will Grimes make sure he gets even with the Don?


NXT, a new wave is coming in.

Sol Ruca the surfer girl is coming soon. Who will be able to hang ten and hang tough with her?


Backstage interview with Diamond Mine.

McKenzie knows Julius, Brutus and Ivy heard what Kemp had to say, what is their response? Brutus wants to break Kemp’s face! For what Kemp did to Roddy, to the Creeds, and what he said about Ivy! Kemp talks tough when he’s in an empty studio. Talking about a match that happened like six years ago. Brutus says this will be on sight! McKenzie says they don’t know when that’ll be, but next week, they’ll get their championship rematch with Pretty Deadly. Do they have a way to clear their minds? They don’t have a plan. This is fuel on the fire! It’s one thing at a time. First, they correct what happened at Worlds Collide. Then, Kemp’s a dead man!

Pretty Deadly storm in and says they’ve been looking all over for these two “divs.” Pretty Deadly says they beat The Creeds on Sunday! Damon or no Damon, the NXT Tag Team Championships are Pretty Deadly’s! And though the people don’t believe it, they’ll change that. The naysayers who don’t think Kit & Elton deserve the titles will be picking the stipulation for the tag match! That’s right, fans get to decide what kind of match they have! And then, there won’t be any excuses when the Creeds lose again! Julius says everything that’s happened, all this rage he has inside, is going to be taken out on their bitch asses! Just how will this go down between Diamond Mine and Pretty Deadly?


Best of 3 Series, Part One: Nathan Frazer VS Axiom!

The British Prodigy wishes the Established Truth could’ve had a chance to compete in NXT UK, and especially in British Rounds matches. But as a compromise, these two will have a best two out of three matches series! Will Frazer learn just how good this anonymous kid really is? Or will he be taking the all-important first fall?

NXT returns as Axiom makes his entrance. The bell rings and the two circle. Fans rally up and duel, the two tie up, and Axiom waistlocks to then spin and snapmare. Frazer slips out to hammerlock, but Axiom uses a leg to get free and he wrenches Frazer right back! Axiom wristlocks, grinds the arm, but Frazer rolls, only for Axiom to WRING him out! Axiom keeps on the arm but Frazer fights up again. Frazer spins, arm-drags, but Axiom holds onto the wristlock! Frazer rolls again, handsprings more, wrenches and WRINGS, but Axiom handsprings through! Fans fire up as the two stand off. They shake hands and reset.

They tie up, Frazer headlocks, but Axiom powers out. Frazer runs Axiom over, things speed up, and Frazer blocks hip toss to a backslide! ONE and Axiom has Frazer’s legs for the BOW ‘N’ ARROW! Frazer pops out, covers, ONE! Axiom sweeps legs and covers, ONE! Frazer sweeps legs and covers, ONE! Axiom and Frazer both kip up and fans fire up! They circle again while fans rally again. They knuckle lock, Axiom rolls and wrenches, drags Frazer down to a headlock, but Frazer keeps his shoulder up. Frazer fights up but Axiom wrangles him down. Frazer fights up, slips out the back to waistlock, but Axiom switches.

Axiom shoves but Frazer goes up and over in the corner. Things speed up. Frazer ducks ‘n’ dodges and SHOTGUNS Axiom out of the ring! Fans fire up and Frazer builds speed to DIVE! Direct hit at the ramp and NXT goes picture in picture!

Frazer drags Axiom up, puts him in the ring, then hurries in after him. Frazer has Axiom in a corner, clinches, then CHOPS! Axiom drops to his knees but Frazer stalks him to the other corner. Frazer clinches again, stands Axiom up and CHOPS him! Axiom drops again, but Frazer drags him up to snap suplex! Cover, TWO! Frazer keeps cool and he drags Axiom up. Axiom wrenches out to ARMBREAKER DDT! Axiom drags Frazer around, isolates the arm, and STOMPS it! Frazer clutches his elbow but Axiom stalks him to a corner. Axiom clamps on for a FUJIWARA ARMBAR! Frazer endures, moves around, reaches out, but Axiom KICKS the bad arm!

Axiom stomps Frazer, stomps him some more, then lets off to catch his breath. Frazer still clutches the arm but Axiom whips him to ropes. Axiom CLOBBERS Frazer, hitting the bad arm! Axiom clamps on to the arm again, grinds his forearm into Frazer’s face, but Frazer fights his way up. Axiom wrangles Frazer down, TWEAKS the hammerlock, then traps it to get the other arm. Axiom pulls on the arm, Frazer endures, but Axiom focuses on the trapped arm. Frazer kicks around, reaches out, and NXT returns to single picture. Fans rally up, Axiom bridges over to tweak the arm more! Fans rally as Axiom does it again!

Frazer keeps fighting, gets up to his feet and he throws elbows! Axiom lets go and ROUNDHOUSES Frazer! Axiom whips but Frazer blocks to ROCK him! Frazer grabs at Axiom but Axiom gives the bad arm an ELBOW BREAKER! Frazer falls right out of the ring! Axiom then DIVES and takes him out! Axiom puts Frazer in as fans cheer on “Both These Guys! Both These Guys!” Axiom climbs up the corner and leaps, CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO!! Frazer escapes but Axiom clamps on with a DOUBLE WRISTLOCK! Frazer endures, fans rally and duel, and Axiom keeps on the arm. Frazer pushes up and gets to his feet, but Axiom drags him back down!

Axiom has the double wristlock but Frazer fights up again. Axiom hops on with body scissors! Frazer endures the Hoverboard and throws body shots! Frazer powers through to suplex, ANARCHY!! Fans fire up for “NXT! NXT!” while both men are down. Frazer crawls over to Axiom and both men stand. Frazer CHOPS Axiom, and CHOPS, but Axiom kicks! Frazer ducks to CLOBBER Axiom! And again! Then he QUEBRADAS to get the INVERTED DDT! Cover, TWO!! Frazer can’t believe it but Axiom is tough! Frazer drags Axiom up, fans duel, but Axiom cradles! TWO!! Frazer escapes, SWATS the kick, then hits a SLINGBLADE!

Fans fire up as Frazer runs in, STANDING SHOOTING STAR onto knees! TRIANGLE HOLD!! Frazer flails, Axiom turns this around to an omoplata, but Frazer uses a leg for the ROPEBREAK! Axiom lets off to STOMP Frazer! Fans rally and duel, but agree “This is Awesome!” Axiom KICKS Frazer, but Frazer rolls things into the BOSTON CRAB! And it’s deep! Axiom endures, crawls, reaches out, but Frazer focuses on a HALF CRAB, then a CALF CRUSHER!! Axiom reaches out for the ROPEBREAK! Frazer lets off in frustration but fans duel again. Frazer runs in but Axiom shoves him away! SUPERMAN PUNCH! Cover, TWO!!

Frazer flounders to a corner, Axiom reloads, RIDER DROPKICK!! Axiom covers, Axiom wins!

Winner: Axiom, by pinfall (leads series 1-0)

Axiom takes the win and the lead! Will round two only be even better? Will there need to be a round three?


Security is on high alert outside Gallus’ locker room.

Hank tells the guys that Gallus has been wreaking havoc, so they need to keep a close eye on them so that they can’t try anything. But then Javier Bernal walks in and says this bunch of Paul Blart rent-a-cops must be waiting for a fight to be over before doing their jobs. Hank tells Javier to move on already. Easy, tiger, who do you think you’re talking to? This is Big Body Javi. When he made his name on Level Up, he was blowing minds and kissing dimes. Wait a minute. How do all these security guards still have jobs around here? Alright, that’s enough, Javi. No, no, it’s not. Javi is a big time superstar, and Hank’s just a security guard.

Hank says he may not be a superstar, but he could whoop Javi’s ass any day of the week! Gallus heads out, Hank has the guards follow them and leave “the prick” behind. Will Hank have to humble Javi on Level Up?


Quincy Elliot speaks.

“The time has come. The biggest package is about to be delivered to NXT. I’m Quincy Elliot, the Super Diva, and I’m about to set fire to Tuesday nights. It’s hard for people to keep my name out of their mouths. But the struggle is real, and I’m more than a mouthful. Nothing’s cuter than a boy and his scooter, and I’m bringing all of this to NXT. Don’t worry, baby. Next week, I’m coming.” Quincy’s on his way, will you be ready?


Backstage interview with Melo & Trick.

McKenzie knows that wasn’t how they wanted things to go with Ricochet. Trick says yeah, but even a broken clock is right twice a day. But Trick is still taller, stronger, and even after a loss, he still looks better than Ricochet. Melo says they’re done with Ricochet. Ricochet tried something, he failed, and he doesn’t have what Melo has, and that’s the NXT North American Championship. Next question. Well, next week is the one year anniversary of NXT 2.0. Yeah, the Year of Melo! He done beat everyone there is to beat, done done everything there is to do, he IS the A Champion, and he IS the face of NXT! He’s got that vote in the bag.

But he doesn’t even know who his opponent is yet. Wait, what? What opponent? Who’s left to beat? That’s up to the fans to decide to defend his title against. Uh, no no no. How does McKenzie even know this? Listen, the fans don’t decide any of that, Melo does! Then he can vote on it. Oh! You hear that? They can vote. Melo & Trick storm off, but will The A Champion be careful not to end up a former champion?


BREAKING NEWS for the anniversary episode!

After that rejection turned brawl, Tony D’Angelo & Channing Lorenzo are taking on Cameron Grimes, and a partner of Grimes’ choosing! Who will Grimes get to join him against The Don & Stacks? And after recruiting Arianna Grace to her team, Kiana James is getting her payback tag match with Nikkita Lyons & Zoey Stark! Will the Calculator crunch the numbers and assure victory for her and Arianna?


Bron Breakker & Tyler Bate VS Gallus!

The UNDISPUTED NXT Champion came to the aid of the Big Strong Boy, and now they’re facing the Coffey Brothers to make them eat their words. Will the Big Booty Nephew and Big Strong Boy get a big time win? Or will Joseph & Markus show everyone that NXT is still their kingdom?

NXT returns as Tyler makes his entrance, followed by Bron’s. The teams sort out and Bron starts against the Iron King. They tie up, Bron powers Joe towards ropes, and then has him on the ropes. Bron lets off, Joe ties up with him and Bron headlocks. Joe powers out and they RAM shoulders. Neither man falls and Bron grins. Bron waistlocks, headlocks, but Joe powers out again. Bron RAMS Joe again and Joe staggers. Joe steadies himself and crosses his arms Gallus style. Bron runs in, ducks ‘n’ dodges, then CLOBBERS Joe! Fans fire up and bark with Bron, and he brings Joe to the corner. Tag to Tyler and Tyler goes up while Bron scoop SLAMS Joe!

Bron stands in place for Bate to KNEE-BOARD SENTON! Cover, ONE, but Bate wrenches an arm. Bate grinds the arm but Joe throws body shots. Bate YANKS the arm, Joe blocks the whip to reverse, but Bate goes up, only to turn around into Joe’s UPPERCUT! Joe wrenches, tags Mark, and the Coffey Brothers double wrench and double lift, to DOUBLE CHOP! Mark whips, arm-drags Tyler, but Tyler turns things around to a headlock! Mark fights up, Tyler BOPS him with a foot! And again! Mark powers out to wrench but Bate rolls, handsprings and dropkicks Mark down! Tag to Bron and Bron suplexes Mark. Joe saves Mark but Bron hits Joe!

Bate gets Joe now, and he and Bron STEREO SUPLEX! And then the stall and SLAM! And then double kip-ups, DOUBLE STANDING MOONSAULTS! Fans are thunderous while Gallus regroups! Bron makes a lap around Bate before sliding under, a shoutout to the legends as NXT goes picture in picture.

Gallus talks strategy and Mark gets back in. Mark rushes Bate but into a drop toehold! Bate has the legs tied up, then shifts to a headlock. Mark fights up, Bate brings him around and tags Bron. Bron throws body shots on Mark, wrenches his arm, then wristlocks. Mark rolls, snapmares Bron and headlocks, but Born slips out to get the wristlock back. Mark fights up, pushes Bron back, and MONKEY FLIPS! But Bron holds onto the wrist! Bron drags Mark over, tags Bate back in, and Bate RAMS into Mark. Bate hits a headlock takeover and he grinds Mark down. Mark headscissors, Bate moves around, headstands and pops free to get the headlock again.

Mark keeps his shoulders up, Bate grinds the headlock but Mark fights up to his feet. Mark pulls hair but Bate hits another headlock takeover. Bate thrashes and grinds Mark again, but Mark rolls to a cover, TWO! Bate holds on, Mark fights up again, and NXT returns to single picture. Fans duel as Mark stands up. Mark powers out but Bate ducks ‘n’ dodges to tilt-o-whirl RANA! Bate then dropkicks Mark out of the ring! Bate runs and FLIES! Direct hit right in front of the desk! Fans are fired up for “NXT! NXT!” but Joe stalks over to Tyler. Bron storms up to Joe and chases him off, but Wolfgang POSTS Bate!

Fans boo but Mark puts Bate in. Mark stomps Bate, tags Joe, and Joe drags Bate up to EuroUpper! Joe whips Bate to a corner, then whips him back in! Joe scoops Bate for a BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Another cover, TWO! Joe KNEES Bate in the back, then TOSSES him to the corner! Joe elbows Bate, tags Mark, and Mark throws body shots. Bate throws forearms back and he backs Mark down, but Mark ROCKS Bate! Bate ROCKS Mark, but Mark whips Bate into the corner! Bate bounces off buckles, Mark picks him up and tags in Joe. Mark BACK DROPS Bate, for Joe’s ELBOW DROP! Cover, TWO!

Joe sits Bate up to KNEE, and CLUB and KNEE again! Joe clamps claws onto the shoulders but Bate fight sup. Fans rally and Bate throws body shots. Joe knees low, snap suplexes, and then covers, TWO! Joe is annoyed but he drags Bate up into a BEARHUG! Bate endures, Joe thrashes him around, and fans rally up. Bate powers up to throw forearms into Joe! Joe squeezes tighter on the bearhug! Fans rally and duel, Bate grinds forearms in Joe’s face. Joe RAMS Bate into the corner! Joe shoves Bate to ropes and CLUBS him on the back! Then back to the BEARHUG! Fans rally up again as Bate endures, and Bate throws hands!

Bate BELL CLAPS, sunset flips, but Joe stays up! Joe can’t reach Mark and Bate rolls him back! Joe rolls through and he gets a leg! Bate kicks away on Joe with the free leg and gets the other leg free. Bate runs but Joe catches him before he reaches Bron! Bate slides under to hot tag Bron! Bron rallies with big shoulder tackles, then he catches Joe’s leap into a POWERSLAM! Fans bark it up and Bron drags Joe up. Bron clinches, BOOTS, but Mark tags in before the OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Mark half nelson but Bron arm-drags free! SPINEBUSTER! The straps come down, and Bron signals to Tyler.

Bron tags Bate and Electric Chair Lifts Mark! Bate and Bron hit the FLYING BULLDOG!! Cover, Joe breaks it! Wolfgang distracts but Bate DECKS him! Joe runs in, but Bron SPEARS him down! Bate rebounds to LARIAT Mark! Then underhooks for the TYLER DRIVER 97!! Cover, Bate & Bron win!

Winners: Tyler Bate & Bron Breakker, by pinfall

This big strong duo just cooled off the Coffey Brothers, but JD attacks them both! He KNEES Bron down, and hits DEVLINSIDE on Bate!! The Irish Ace runs off as Bron returns, but fans boo JD blindsiding them like that. Is the Necessary Evil coming after the UNDISPUTED NXT Championship?

My Thoughts:

A great NXT to follow up Worlds Collide, and then set up next week’s one year anniversary episode. Next week’s episode is looking pretty big already with how the fans get to vote on things. I like that Pretty Deadly got upset that everyone is stating the obvious when it came to how they won the titles. They had a great bit with Lash, with Tony and Stacks, and with Diamond Mine. I would think the options for that will be things like Tornado Tag, No Disqualifications, things like that. And it doesn’t matter what we get, these teams will deliver, and I bet Kemp will help Pretty Deadly win again to add heat to his feud with Diamond Mine. Kemp had a good promo to hype that up, but I wish this was all still to connect his time in NXT UK hanging out with Gallus.

Great match out of Toxic Attraction VS Nikki & Piper, and what a great surprise that Piper & Nikki won. I don’t know how this will affect their run on Raw, but I suppose this can help them stick together as a team and keep fighting for titles. Good promo from Apollo Crews, and nice reveal of the damaged eye. I also like that he referenced his future sight being affected, that was clearly where they were going with the eye rake. We got another interaction between Tony, Stacks and Grimes, and this was really good with the quick brawl. I can’t wait to see who is joining Grimes against Tony & Stacks, but I have a feeling that person takes the loss.

Quincy Elliot is on his way, so he’s going to have a big debut on the big anniversary episode. And it seems another new star is already being hyped up. Sol Ruca (real name Calyx Hampton) has already been competing on Level Up, she’ll surely win her NXT TV debut, but who knows how her surfer persona will help her. But if she doesn’t use a form of the surfboard stretch as her finisher, I’ll be a bit disappointed. We got a good bit out of The Dyad with Kiana James and her assistant, and also Kiana with Arianna. The tag match between them and Nikkita & Zoey will be very good, but I am betting Nikkita & Zoey win.

Great match out of Roxanne and Meiko, and of course Meiko wins. But also, of course Cora is a sore loser for not getting to be the one that loses to Meiko. Cora attacking Roxie of course adds to their coming rematch, and that thing better be No Disqualification at the least. We got a good match out of Ricochet VS Trick but of course Ricochet wins. Now, whether or not fans vote for him to get a rematch with Melo, we’ll just have to wait and see all the options. Solo Sikoa is heading to SmackDown so he can’t be an option, so I have no idea who else it could be but Ricochet. Either way, Melo will give us another great match, I just hope Trick doesn’t get involved again because that’s just lazy.

We got an awesome match out of Frazer VS Axiom. And what a big surprise that this is a best of three series and not just a British Rounds match. I would be very surprised if this ends in two, but I’m also wondering where this goes when we get a winner. Can it please be that Noam Dar and the renamed NXT Heritage Cup Championship show up and gives NXT a second midcard title? Then we can get Dar VS whoever wins the series, and a lot of other superstars on this brand that never got to visit NXT UK, all giving us great variety in the British Rounds style. It’d just be nice if something from NXT UK survived to enhance NXT 2.0.

And we got great stuff out of Gallus, Bate and Bron. I personally have to agree with Gallus on the point that Tyler Bate should be the Unified NXT Champion over Bron. We got a great promo out of Hank and Javier on the side before the main event, and you can bet Hank VS Javier is happening. The main event tag was great stuff, but of course the Faces win. At least it was Bate getting the pin here. But then nice surprise in JD attacking them both. He clearly wants another shot at the top title, but I have a feeling he’ll have to fight Tyler Bate to earn that opportunity. JD VS Tyler will be awesome, and no matter who wins, they will surely have a great rematch with Bron.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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