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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (9/5/22)

Is Miz really safe inside the cage?



WWE Raw 2022

The Miz is stuck between the All Mighty and a Tortured Artist!

The WWE is back from Cardiff, Wales, and so Raw gives Kansas City, Missouri a United States Championship match, inside a STEEL CAGE! But is Miz really safe with Lashley raging inside and Lumis lurking outside?


  • Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships #1 Contenders Fatal 4 Way: The New Day VS The Alpha Academy VS Los Lotharios VS The Street Profits; No Contest.
  • Raquel Rodriguez & Aliyah VS Nikki A.S.H. & “Doudrop” Piper Nivens; Raquel & Aliyah win.
  • Kevin Owens VS Austin Theory; Kevin wins.
  • Rey Mysterio VS Damian Priest; Priest wins.
  • WWE United States Championship Steel Cage Match: Bobby Lashley VS The Miz w/ Tommaso Ciampa; Lashley wins and retains the title.


EDGE is here!

Kansas City fires up for the Rated R Superstar as he heads out to the ring! And Edge would be in a better mood if not for what happened at Clash at the Castle. Edge gets a mic and he says, “Dominik Mysterio. Dom, I’ve known you since your dad came to the WEW. You were five years old. You and I used to sit in catering and piss people off with pea shooters.” Edge is jumping around in tights at this age, so you know he’s never fully grown up. When WWE would go to San Diego, Edge would stay with the Mysterios and be greeted with open arms. Edge and Rey would get tattoos together, all riding beach cruisers.

Just last year, Edge was the one who calmed Dom down before his first match in front of a live TV audience. Fans applaud that! Dom has always felt like a nephew to Edge but it seems Dom doesn’t feel the same way. so what’s going on? Is it because Edge accidentally speared Dom? Edge apologized for that. Edge’s gut told him that he should’ve taken care of it, but his heart overrode him. It said, “Don’t worry about Dom!” Edge didn’t come back to get between Dom and Rey, but to help them. Edge feels like Judgement Day is his fault, his responsibility, it’s Edge’s fault they’re making Dom’s life hell.

But after what Dom did to Edge and Rey on Saturday… Edge knows Rey raised Dom better than that. Dom, you and Rey can hash it out however you need, but Edge is a different beast. Edge isn’t looing at the kid he hung out with, he’s looking at Dom as a fellow superstar. A man’s game pays a man’s price. Dom needs to show up, not to talk, but for Edge to beat his ass! “So Dominik, get down here right now! Because if you don’t-” Wait, here comes Rey first! Rey gets a mic to tell Edge to hear him out. Rey knows Dom messed up big time, and he is asking for an apology on Dom’s behalf. Dom is still Rey’s son. Please, don’t do this, Edge.

Edge tells Rey that we all know how Edge feels about Rey. But Dom is old enough to drink, drive and set foot in the ring. So he is old enough to stand for his actions! So DOMINIK, get out here right now!! But instead, it’s Rhea Ripley! The Judgement Day’s Eradicator is laughing at Edge. Edge needs to calm down. Because at Clash, the boys got what was coming to them. Edge, you thought you could just replace Dom like he didn’t even matter. And then Rey, you thought you could protect Dom just cuz he’s your baby boy. Guess what? He’s not Rey’s baby boy anymore. Because Rhea saw Dom’s potential, and made him into a man!

Rhea looks to the stage, and out walks Dominik! His hair’s slicked back and he’s wearing all black. Rey tells Dom to snap out of it. He still has time to make amends with Edge and make this right. Dom doesn’t say anything, but Rhea says c’mon, Rey. When is Rey gonna get it through his skull that Dom doesn’t listen to dad anymore. Rey can’t keep fighting his battles for him. And Edge, you’re past your time, mate. Edge can’t stop his Judgement Day. Fans chant, “Who’s Your Papi?” but then Rhea and Dom step forward. Rey says he can’t be part of this, so he’s heading out. Rey and Dom stare each other in the eye, and Rey asks Dom not to do this.

Dom tunes Rey out again, and Rhea is laughing. Fans chant “Eddie’s Son!” Dom then stares Edge down, and Edge waits for someone to do something. But Finn runs in! Edge DECKS Finn but Damian Priest is in! Edge and Priest brawl, then Finn joins in! But Edge is fighting back 2v1! He DECKS Finn, DECKS Priest, but Dom CHOP BLOCKS him! Finn stomps the leg, grinds the knee, Priest stomps away on Edge, but Rey storms back up! Dom stands in Rey’s way and Rey says to move. But Rhea is also in the way. Rey tells Dom to come to his senses. Instead, Dom shoves Rey into Rhea’s FOREARM! And then Rhea whips Rey into steel steps!

Finn and Priest continue to mug Edge, then the SOUTH OF HEAVEN CHOKE SLAM! Rhea brings out a chair and hands it to Dom. Dom hands it to Finn and Finn JAMS the bad leg with it! Priest stands on Edge to keep him down as Finn JAMS Edge more and more! They then put the chair on the leg and Finn climbs up the corner! FULL METAL COUP DE GRACE to the leg!! Edge writhes, Rey gets in, but the Judgement Day already did the damage. Is this the end of the Rated R Superstar’s revenge? And what about the soul of young Dominik?


The Miz and Tommaso Ciampa arrive.

Sarah asks them what happened at the end of last week’s Raw when Miz drove off in his car, and it appeared that Dexter Lumis was in the backseat? Miz doesn’t want to talk about it! Last week, Miz drove to his hotel, flew home, went on a little vacation with the wife and kids, that’s it! Is that why he challenged Lashley to a Steel Cage match tonight? Because of Lumis- SHHH! You journalists are always trying to stir up drama. Mike is the victim here. Did it ever occur to anyone to ask how Miz is feeling/ Then, how is he feeling? None of your business! Miz is moving on with his life. Miz VS Lashley in a Steel Cage for the US Championship!

But wait. They see a car has been flipped over! This is his doing, isn’t it? Lumis has already made himself known, will he present his newest masterpiece sometime tonight?


Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships #1 Contenders Fatal 4 Way: The New Day VS The Alpha Academy VS Los Lotharios VS The Street Profits!

Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods are somehow still in one piece after the Viking Rules match on Friday, and they’re still in the running to face the Usos! But the odds are stacked against them as Chad Gable & Otis, Angel Garza & Humberto Carrillo and Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins are all here, too! Which team will punch their golden tickets at a shot at The Bloodline?

In this Fatal 4, only two teams are legal at any time, so stepping up to start is Woods for New Day and Angel for Los Lotharios. Garza runs Woods over, things speed up, but Garza fakes out the roll to shove. Things keep moving, Garza hurdles but Woods handsprings through the hip toss! Woods swings, but Garza trips him up and covers, ONE! Woods sweeps and covers, ONE! Garza sweeps and covers, ONE! Woods seeps and covers, ONE! Woods jumps the sweep but Garza ducks the roundhouse, and fans fire up as the two stare down! OFF COME THE PANTS! Garza smiles as he then throws the tights away, and tags Kofi?

Wait, New Day VS New Day? Doesn’t this mean they can win off themselves? Woods and Kofi shake hands, circle and feel out the grapple, then Woods lies down! Kofi covers, everyone scrambles in to break it! The brawl is on and the ref tries to sort things out! The New Day clears everyone else out, then they fist bump. The New Day build speed and they DOUBLE FLY! Direct hit with the tope conjilos and Kansas City is rocking as Raw goes to break!

Raw returns and Carrillo has Ford in a headlock. Ford pries at the hold but Carrillo CLUBS him on the back! Carrillo back suplexes then kips up! Carrillo BLASTS the New Day, then he ducks Ford’s enziguri! Carrillo drags Ford away but Ford boots Carrillo away! Gable tags in, he intercepts Ford! Carrillo comes back in, Gable ducks and Ford’s ENZIGURI gets Carrillo! Hot tag to Dawkins! Fans rally as Dawkins rallies on Gable! Dawkins DECKS Otis, dodges Gable and FLYING ELBOWS Gable! Gable goes to a corner, CYCLONE SPLASH and ENZIGURI! Carrillo runs in but gets the SILENCER! Garza tries but he misses Dawkins to hit Woods!

Kofi returns, Dawkins dodges and Kofi KNEES Garza! Dawkins POUNCES Kofi out onto Los Lotharios! Gable throat chops Dawkins! Gable whips, Dawkins hurdles, Ford tags in as Dawkins FLIES! Dawkins takes out everyone else and Ford ROCKS Gable! Ford goes up, Gable gets under! CHAOS THEROY, but Ford slips out?! POUNCE GERMAN COMBO! Cover, Otis breaks it! Dawkins runs in, into the WRECKING ELBOW! Otis drags Gable over, tags in, and goes after Ford. Otis scoops Ford but Garza SUPERKICKS him down! Garza drags Ford up, but Woods returns! Garza and Ford double mule kick him!

Garza and Ford mug Woods in the corner then hoist him up top. They climb up after him but Carrillo, Dawkins and Kofi joins in! Kofi and Dawkins move Carrillo aside to another corner! We’ve got two situations of 2v1 on top of the corners! But Kofi calls an audible to SUNSET FLIP POWERBOMB Dawkins! Ford and Garza stand Woods up for a DOUBLE SUPERPLEX! But Carrillo adjusts to MOONSAULT into boots! And a GERMAN SUPLEX! Otis is up top!? DOZER SPLASH on Ford!! Cover, Kofi breaks it with double stomps! All eight men are down and the fans are loving it as Raw goes picture in picture!

The ref checks on everyone but they’re all good to continue. Otis gets up, fires up, and he drags Ford up. Otis CLUBS Ford, stands on his back, and shouts, “FOR THE ACADEMY!” Gable joins in and Otis whips Ford to the corner. Gable tags in, Otis feeds Ford to the shoulder tackle! Cover, TWO! Gable drags Ford around, ROCKS him with forearm after forearm, then NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO! Gable is annoyed but he keeps on Ford with a top wristlock. Ford endures, reaches out, fights up, and Kansas City rallies as Ford rolls Gable up! And Raw goes to break?!

Raw returns, Otis whips Ford but Ford slips around to crucifix! Otis powers that away, but Ford JAWBREAKERS! Ford ROCKS Otis but Gable sneaks a tag! Ford scoop SLAMS Otis?!? Fans are thunderous and Ford goes up top! But Los Lotharios anchor Ford! They fire off haymakers and CHOPS, but Dawkins and the New Day go after them! Los Lotharios fights them off, they climb up together, DOUBLE ARIHARA MOONSAULTS!! Ford leaps FROM THE HEAVENS! But Gable drags Ford off with an ANKLE LOCK!! But then BRAUN STROWRMAN shows up!?! Why is the Monster Among Men back NOW!?

Braun goes to the ring and Gable is freaking out! The ref gets out of the way as Braun steps up to Gable and the fans are going nuts! Gable tells the fans to SHOOSH, but Braun CLOBBERS Gable! And DECKS Garza! Carrillo leaps in, into a CHOKE SLAM! Fans fire up with Braun as he BLASTS Otis off the apron! Braun smirks, but why is he here now? Security rushes out but Braun CLOBBERS them one after another! And scoop SLAMS some! Braun drags one guy up, reels him in, and POWERBOMBS him!! Braun looks around and says it’s time to get on the tracks! The Strowman Express CLIPS Gable, and BLASTS Otis through barriers!

Dawkins runs in, but Braun CLOBBERS him! Braun scoop SLAMS Gable! Braun clears off the announce desk! Braun drags Dawkins up to scoop him, and then MONSTER SLAMS him through the desk!!! Fans are thunderous as Braun just demolished this tag match! Braun roars, but what is he going to do now that he’s back?

Raw goes picture in picture as Braun continues to soak up the cheers from the crowd. Braun tells the ref to back off as he goes back outside. Braun looks at the damage he’s caused as he makes his way back to the ramp. Braun tells refs to back off, and he steps on Garza! Braun does a whole lap around the ring, and then he throws Gable in! Strowman drags Gable up, fans are going nuts, and he scoops Gable for a MONSTER SLAM!! Braun is shouting at the camera but we can’t hear him at home because of picture in picture. Raw goes back to single picture and now Braun decides to leave. But what does this mean for the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships’ challengers?


Raquel Rodriguez & Aliyah VS Nikki A.S.H. & “Doudrop” Piper Nivens!

The NEW WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions are here, ready to show that they don’t rest on their laurels. Will the Badass & the Bougie be able to disconnect the Celtic Connection? Or will Nikki & Piper go from losing to the NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions to conquering the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions?

The teams sort out and Aliyah starts against Nikki. They circle, tie up, and Aliyah headlocks. Nikki powers out, Aliyah goes up and over and then scoops to hit a BACKBREAKER! Cover, ONE! Aliyah facelocks, wrenches and armlocks but Nikki pulls hair! Tag to Piper, she throws body shots, then she taunts Raquel. Piper runs in but Aliyah goes up and over! Aliyah dropkicks al eg out, but Piper SLAPS her down! Nikki anchors Raquel’s foot, and Piper BLASTS Raquel off the apron! The ref reprimands, but Aliyah runs at Piper! But Piper blocks the Rana to swing Aliyah into buckles! And again!

Piper drops Aliyah, DMG CTRL is watching backstage as Piper CANNONBALLS Aliyah! Piper drags Aliyah to a cover, TWO! Piper is annoyed already but Nikki tells fans to shush. Piper tags Nikki in, Nikki WRECKS Raquel, and then NECKBREAKER SAMOAN DROP! Cover off the #ASHDROP, but Raquel breaks it! Nikki kicks Raquel away then drags Aliyah back. Nikki taunts Aliyah to tag Raquel and then she kicks the arms! But Aliyah avoids the elbow drop! Hot tag to Raquel! Ricky Desperado HEADBUTTS Nikki, runs her over, then POUNCES her! Piper tags in, and Nikki runs, into a scoop!

Raquel BOOTS Piper, FALL AWAY SLAMS Nikki, and fans fire up! Raquel fires off hands on Piper, then elbows her down! Raquel drags Piper up and in, lifts, but Piper’s too big for that! Piper wrenches out and HEADBUTTS! Piper blocks a haymaker, trips Raquel and SENTONS! Cover, TWO! Piper drags Raquel to a drop zone and she goes up the corner! But Aliyah THESZ PRESSES Nikki and that shocks Piper! Raquel CLUBS Piper, uses the corner to have her up, TEXANA BOMB!! Cover, Raquel & Aliyah win!

Winners: Raquel Rodriguez & Aliyah, by pinfall

Bayley, Iyo Sky & Dakota Kai take note of that. Will they make sure nothing stops them from taking control the next time they face The Bougie & The Badass?


Backstage interview with Rey Mysterio.

Megan says this is a very emotional situation, but where do things stand between him and Dom? There isn’t much to say other than Rey loves his son, and he needs to have a word in private. As far as Judgement Day goes, they’re trying to tear Rey’s life apart by separating him from his son by poisoning Dom’s mind. They just took out Edge, who is like family to Rey! There is one thing for sure, though. Rey will never, NUNCA, put hands on his son. But no one deserves their ass handed to them more than The Judgement Day. So whoever it is, whether it’s Priest or Finn, Rey wants a match with them 1v1 tonight! Take your pick, he’ll face whoever!


Raw shares footage from Clash at the Castle.

Sheamus dragged himself to ropes as the fans gave him a standing ovation. They cheered the Celtic Warrior’s valiant efforts against the Ring General, and he showed his appreciation to them. Will Sheamus fight his way to another shot at the WWE Intercontinental Championship?


Austin Theory is here!

The Youngest Mr. Money in the Bank Ever is still sore from that Tyson Fury fist to his face that ruined his cash-in attempt. Theory gets a mic to say, “Look. I know things didn’t go as planned on Saturday. But I have to say that Crown Jewel was an absolute success. Just kidding! Clash at the Castle was!” Theory smirks at his own punch drunk joke, but then he gets annoyed at the fans boo. Theory tells them to shut up! He’s sure they all wanted to see him fail at his cash-in, but here he is, still Mr. MITB! And that just guarantees Theory as the future Undisputed Champion! Theory keeps working on his sore jaw, but he says the difference between him and us, when he gets knocked down, he gets back up! Even if it’s a sucker punch from a world championship boxer like Tyson Fury!

But that’s not even the point. Roman Reigns is still champion. Theory hates to admit this, he’s glad Roman won. Because for one, Drew McIntyre completely embarrassed himself in front of his friends and family. And two, Theory and Roman still have unfinished business. Theory says he’ll soon cash in his Money in the Contract bank- SHUT UP, YOU’RE MAKING HIS JAW HURT! Theory vows he will end Roman’s two-year reign as champion and Theory will be the NEW Undisputed WWE Universal Champion! But here comes Kevin Owens!

The Prizefighter has a mic, and he asks Theory, “What’s wrong with your jaw? Oh, wait, I remember! You got knocked the hell out!” Fans chant, “You Got Knocked Out!” Kevin says to listen to this: Theory got KO’d! See what he did there? That’s good stuff! Fans chant now, “You Got KO’D!” Kevin says it just came to him, sorry. Oh, and Theory found his first name again! So hey, Austin! Kevin despises more than anything is arrogant and delusional people. We’ve had some really arrogant people and some really delusional people, but Theory is at the very top of both lists. A great example is that Theory is complaining about what Fury did, but what Fury did was a favor!

Because if Theory had been able to cash-in, either McIntyre or Roman would’ve put him on the ground and he would’ve lost his opportunity forever. Theory says Kevin has no idea what he’s talking about! But that’s because Kevin’s jealous! Kevin is the guy always running around talking about titles when he hasn’t won one in years! But Theory is climbing the ladder of success and doing things Kevin never could do, and that’s become Mr. MITB! And Theory feels bad for Kevin. So how about this? Kevin can be first in line when Theory does cash-in and beats Kevin as the NEW Undisputed WWE Universal Champion!

Kevin says he knows Theory would’ve been destroyed by Roman and McIntyre, because he’s been in the ring with both guys. In fact, Kevin faced McIntyre just a couple week sago. McIntyre couldn’t beat Kevin, the Usos interfered. And as far as Roman is concerned, well… 18 months ago, Kevin had Roman beaten and Kevin should’ve been Universal Champion. And everyone knows it! Even Roman knows it! If not for Jey Uso and Paul Heyman, Kevin would’ve ended Roman’s historic two-year reign six months in! But you know what else Kevin knows? Kevin knows the only reason Theory has the contract is because Kevin wasn’t in the MITB match!

Because if Kevin was, he would’ve destroyed Theory, put him through a ladder, and climbed up to grab the case and be the one to take Roman Reigns down! That all sounds great, Kevin! He would’ve climbed the ladder, grabbed the briefcase and beaten Roman. Sounds like fairytales to Theory! But y’know what this is? This is reality! And the reality is, Theory is the handpicked future while Kevin is just trying to stay relevant. Kevin will give Theory that. Kevin does everything he can to stay relevant, which is why he’s so good! Which is why he’s Kevin Owens! Which is why he’s here today! And Theory was the handpicked future! Not anymore!

But is Kevin the only one who sees where this is going? Can anyone else see what’s next? Is Kevin the only one who pays attention? Kevin bets a ref will run out here and slide into the ring! Oh, here comes one! So here we go! And the next thing is, someone says enough talk, let’s fight! Oh, Kevin says that! So enough talking, let’s fight!! Fans fire up and it’s happening! Will the Prizefighter destroy Theory worse than that Tyson Fury fist?

Kevin Owens VS Austin Theory!

The bell rings, and Theory bails out! Theory says he needs a minute, but Kevin goes out after him! Kevin CLOBBERS Theory! Fans fire up and Kevin whips Theory into the barriers! Kevin CHOPS Theory, follows him along the way, and CHOPS again! Kevin puts Theory in the ring but Theory hammers away on Kevin in return! Fans boo but Theory drags Kevin up to throw hands. Theory stomps Kevin, whips him corner to corner, but Kevin reverses. Kevin clotheslines in the corner, goes corner to corner, and he CANNONBALLS! Theory flops out of the ring and fans fire up! Kevin goes to the apron, for a FROG SPLASH to the floor! Kansas City is fired up as Raw goes picture in picture!

Theory writhes and Kevin soaks up the cheers. Kevin drags Theory up as the ring count climbs, and he brings Theory to the barriers to CHOP! Theory staggers away and fans fire up, but Theory kicks back. Kevin avoids the chop to CHOP again!  Theory stagger away, Kevin puts him in the ring, but Theory fires off on Kevin again! Theory drags Kevin up, scoops and hits a BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Kevin pie faces Theory so Theory DECKS him! Theory rains down fists, then talks trash. Theory paces around, drags Kevin up and bumps him off buckles. Theory talks more trash, then swings, only for Kevin to dodge and CHOP again!

Kevin keeps Theory cornered, CHOPS him, then follows him to another corner. Theory kicks but Kevin blocks to KICK the leg! Theory sits down and crawls along ropes. Kevin puts him back in the corner to whip corner to corner, but Theory reverses and Kevin hits buckles hard! Kevin tumbles up and down, then Theory pushes him down to stomp away! Theory shakes his head and flexes, then goes back to Kevin. Theory drags Kevin into the center and clamps on a chinlock. Kevin endures as Theory leans on the hold. Raw returns to single picture and fans rally up. Kevin fights to his feet and throws body shots, but Theory KNEES low!

Theory throws Kevin out hard, then goes out to bring Kevin around. Theory whips, Kevin reverses and Theory hits barriers! Kevin drags Theory up, and smacks him off the announce desk! And again! Then CHOPS him! Kevin puts Theory in the ring, storms up on him, and short arm LARIATS! And SENTONS! Cover, TWO! Theory is showing toughness but Kevin keeps his cool. Kevin drags Theory up, scoops him, but Theory slips off! Theory drop toeholds Kevin into buckles! Theory then slingshots and SHOTGUNS Kevin down! Cover, TWO! Theory clamps back onto the chinlock and he grinds Kevin down again.

Fans rally, Kevin fights up again, but Theory ROCKS Kevin! Theory runs in to clothesline at the corner, then he scoops to FALL AWAY SLAM! Cover, TWO! Theory clamps onto the armlock and grinds a forearm in Kevin’s face. Kevin endures, fans rally again, and Kevin fights up to pry the hold open! Kevin ROCKS Theory with forearm after forearm, but Theory kicks low! Theory whips, Kevin reverses but Theory kicks back Kevin LARIATS! And LARIATS again! And then a whip to ropes, but Theory reverses and ROCKS Kevin! Kevin rebounds to LARIAT! Theory flops all the way out of the ring while Kansas City fires up!

Kevin goes to the apron, SWANTON BOMB but onto knees! Kevin writhes as Theory saves himself, and Raw goes back to picture in picture.

The ref checks on Kevin while Theory drags himself back up. Theory drags Kevin up, smacks him off the desk, then smacks him again! Theory talks trash and he puts Kevin back in the ring. Cover, ONE!! Kevin is showing the toughness of a former Universal Champion but Theory looms over him. Theory talks trash, rains down fists at the ropes, but lets off as the ref counts. Theory flexes but Kevin CHOPS him! Theory shrugs that one off to ROCK Kevin! Theory eggs Kevin on, then throws another haymaker! Kevin is getting mad as Theory keeps hitting him! Kevin stands, Theory throws another hand but Kevin ROCKS Theory back!

Kevin fires off on Theory, CHOPS him, then kicks low and hits a DDT! Cover, TWO! Theory is showing the toughness of a former United States Champion! Kevin keeps his focus, and he hears the fans rallying up. Kevin goes up the corner! But Theory ROCKS him first! Kevin ROCKS Theory but Theory ROCKS Kevin! They throw hands back and forth as Theory climbs. Theory drags Kevin up but Kevin resists! They throw body shots back and forth now, and Kevin ROCKS Theory with a haymaker! And another! Theory throws more hands, they continue to brawl, and Theory drags Kevin back up! Raw returns to single picture as Kevin continues to resist!

Kevin throws hands then HEADBUTTS again and again and again! Theory goes down, Kevin stands up, SWANTON BOMB!! Cover, TWO!! Theory survives and Kevin can’t believe it! Kevin kicks Theory, but no Stunner! Theory runs but into an elbow! Kevin goes up but Theory CLUBS him! Theory torture racks Kevin for a TOWER HACKER BOMB! Cover, TWO!! Theory can’t believe it, but he calls for A-Town Down! Theory drags Kevin up to a fireman’s carry, but Kevin fights free! Kevin waistlocks, Theory throws elbows to get free and runs, into a SUPERKICK! Kevin gets Theory on the rebound to whip, and POP-UP- NO, Theory slips out!

Theory BOOTS from the corner, then dodges Kevin to POST him! Theory goes out after Kevin, to SLAM him on the steel steps!! Kevin clutches his head while Theory leaves him behind! The ring count climbs and Kevin is still down at 5 of 10. Fans are thunderous as they rally behind Kevin, but the count is 8 of 10! Kevin springs up and in at 9!! BUZZSAW from Theory, then AOI SHODOU! Cover, TWO!! Kevin survives and Theory is confused and angry! Theory stalks Kevin to a corner, drags him up and puts him on the top, then fires off forearms and CHOPS! Theory climbs up but Kevin again resists the superplex!

Theory fights to get Kevin up but Kevin fights to stay down! Kevin throws body shots, ROCKS Theory with a forearm, but Theory holds onto ropes. Kevin DECKS Theory this time, and Kevin’s going to try again. But Theory springs up to fire more fists! Only for Kevin to hook a leg! SUPER FISHERMAN BUSTER!! Fans are thunderous as Kevin stands back up! Theory staggers, into a whip and the POP-UP POWERBOMB!! But Kevin doesn’t cover Theory, he brings him up for a STUNNER! Cover, Kevin wins!!

Winner: Kevin Owens, by pinfall

The Prizefighter just beat Mr. MITB, proving his point! Will Kevin also be proven right when he’s the one who finally gets after the Undisputed WWE Universal Champion?


Ciampa helps The Miz prepare backstage.

Ciampa has Miz focus on the idea of NEW WWE United States Champion, but then Sarah walks in and spooks him! Miz says hi, but then asks Sarah if she knows the definition of insanity. It’s asking the same things over and over again, expecting different answers. He’s already said, he does NOT want to talk about… The man who they shall not mention. She knows that, but she wasn’t going to ask about Lumis. She was going to ask about the steel cage match. Ciampa says last week, Lashley got lucky! If not for distractions from you-know-who, Miz would’ve won. That is why we have this match tonight!

The cage isn’t there because Miz is scared or that Miz is trying to keep you-know-who out. NO! It is because Mike knows that 1v1, he is BETTER than Bobby Lashley! Miz says all his career, he has endured constant persecution, only to overcome it. Miz is the ONLY TWO-TIME GRAND SLAM CHAMPION in the WWE, and tonight, 1v1 in the steel cage, no one lurking in the shadows, no distraction and no escape, nothing will stop Miz climbing over Lashley’s limp body and walking out the NEW United States Champion! Miz feels confident, Ciampa is confident, but will they really make a dream come true in dethroning the All Mighty?


Damage Control heads to gorilla.

Bayley leads Iyo Sky & Dakota Kai, but we can see Piper and Nikki arguing in the background again. Nikki throws off her mask and scarf, is she done being Piper’s partner? Or done being Almost a Super Hero?


WWE honors Sgt. Major Patrick Payne.

Awarded the Medal of Honor by then president Donald Trump, this was to recognize his heroic actions on October 22nd, 2015. The mission was a hostage rescue, but there was an intense firefight. Payne and team rescued 75 captives, but receiving this award was really so Payne and his team could tell the story of fallen Master Sergeant Joshua Wheeler. Wheeler led the way into the firefight selflessly, and that is what the Medal of Honor, and the United States military, is all about.


Damage Control heads to the ring!

Bayley, Kai & Sky are here, victorious at Clash at the Castle and ready to take over. Bayley pinned the Raw Women’s Champion in that win, so we can guess what this is about. “Ding dong! Hello, idiots!” And yes, they did beat Asuka, Alexa Bliss & Bianca Belair and sent them home packing! You’re welcome. Kai says if they can do that to the best, imagine what they can do to the rest of the roster! They are taking control! Sky says in Japanese and then English, they are taking the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships! NEWS FLASH! Kai wasn’t legal in the title match, so… Raquel & Aliyah can pretend to be champions for another week until Kai & Sky take what is rightfully theirs!

Imagine what they went through in that unfair decision. But DMG CTRL still came together and overcame the obstacles, and Bayley beat Bianca! Bianca hasn’t been pinned in over 300 days, and Bayley did what none of those idiots could do in the amount of time Bayley’s been gone, but in one night! Wait, here comes Bianca! The RawEST Women’s Champion says yes, Bayley is right. Bayley got the better of her at Clash, but Bianca put her pride aside and showed right back up here tonight. If Bayley wants a challenge, then a challenge is what you get. Let’s run it right back! Bianca VS Bayley, 1v1, here tonight!

Bayley says whoa, whoa, shoosh please. NO. Bianca probably doesn’t know this, but today is Labor Day, so Bayley isn’t working tonight. All Bayley and DMG CTRL is doing is celebrating their win! WOO! Bayley? Beat Bianca? No no no, it took all three of them to stop Bianca. But if that’s what it takes to make Bayley feel like she’s in control, then okay. Because uh… Bayley may have her minions, but Bianca still has the belt. And unless it’s 1v1, and unless Bayley has this, Bayley is in control of nothing. Bayley steps to Bianca to say, “Oh, is that right?” But now DMG CTRL surrounds the EST! Bianca sighs but Bayley has Kai & Sky stand down.

DMG CTRL leaves and fans boo. Bayley tells Bianca that Bayley already beat her, so she has nothing else to prove. It’s been a long time, but Bianca is the same old Bianca playing Ms. Perfect. But Bayley knows Bianca’s fragile ego can’t handle this one loss to where Bianca is challenging Bayley to make it feel like a fluke. But guess what? It isn’t all about Bianca! DMG CTRL could’ve ended Bianca here and now, but they’ve got bigger and better to worry about. Like Kai & Sky getting theirs with the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships next week! But don’t worry, because if and when Bayley wants the title, she’ll just get it one way or another.

Bayley implies all three of them are coming for Bianca, so that no matter what, DMG CTRL will reign over all of Raw. Will Bianca be ready for whenever it is the Role Model takes her shot?


Backstage interview with Johnny Gargano.

Sarah knows Johnny Gargano is excited to be back in the WWE after nine months away, but what is his opinion about Theory said about “swimming with the sharks.” Gargano’s been swimming with sharks his whole career. Gargano is proud of his NXT career, but there are many more goals to accomplish. Theory probably forgot what Gargano is capable of, but Gargano will be very excited to remind everyone. Sarah says the fans has been waiting, but Theory comes in and says no one cares! “Johnny Wrestling,” right? Since he came back, all he’s been doing is talking! So he might as well be Johnny Talking!

Wow, Theory is right. Congrats, Theory! But before he interrupted, Gargano was going to announce that next week live, after nine months, Johnny Wrestling returns to action! And Theory doesn’t look too good. Is he okay? Sharks are dangerous, Theory should be more careful. Gargano heads out, but will Gargano have any ring rust to work out after nine months?


Rey Mysterio VS Damian Priest!

The King of Lucha called out the Judgement Day to put someone up against him so they can fight it out after what we saw earlier tonight. But will Rey be ready for a fight after Dominik’s betrayal and the damage done to Edge? Or will he fall at the hands of the Punisher?

The bell rings and Rey rushes Priest! Rey fires off hands, Priest shoves him away, but Rey dodges the boot to CLUB and KICK and CLUB again! Priest choke grips but Rey slips out of the slam! Rey runs, but into a BOOT! Priest taunts Rey, stalks him to a corner, and then ROCKS him with a right! Priest stalks Rey again, brings him around and HEADBUTTS him down! Priest drags Rey up, whips him corner to corner hard, and Rey bounces off buckles chest first! Priest drags Rey back up, fans rally for Rey, but Priest CLUBS Rey back down. Priest whips Rey hard into the corner again, then RAMS into him!

Rey flops down and Priest soaks up the heat. Rey flops out of the ring but Priest pursues. Priest ROCKS Rey with a right, then pushes him into the ring. Rey staggers to a corner, Priest storms up but into a BOOT! Priest UPPERCUTS Rey, then says Rey has no fight left. Priest whips Rey to a corner, runs in but Rey dodges and Priest POSTS himself! Rey hurries outside to KICK away on Priest, then CLUB him! Priest scrambles away and Rey pursues into the ring. Rey runs, springboards and CROSSBODIES! Rey fires off fists! Priest shoves Rey away, knees low, then whips him to ropes. Rey slide sunder, KICKS the leg and fires off haymakers!

Priest knees low again, but Rey holds ropes to block the whip. So Priest KICKS Rey in the ribs! Fans rally for Rey, but Priest drags Rey back up and whips him to ropes. Rey holds ropes again, Priest runs in but into a BOOT! Rey runs and tilt-o-whirls to headscissor Priest out of the ring! Fans fire up and Rey builds speed to WRECK Priest with a dropkick! Rey then goes to the apron, only for the rest of The Judgement Day to walk out to ringside. Rey focuses, leaps, but Priest CLOBBERS him out of the air! Priest grins as Raw goes picture in picture.

Priest soaks up the heat as he stands over Rey. Finn even has the chair they dented on Edge’s leg. Priest puts Rey in the ring and Rey flounders to a corner. Priest runs in to back elbow! Rey falls down and Priest taunts him. Priest poses and soaks up the heat. Priest suplexes and BROKEN ARRWOS! Cover, TWO! Priest clamps onto Rey’s arm for a motorcycle stretch. Rey endures and Dom is stone faced as he watches. Rey fights up, but Priest DECKS him! Rey goes to a corner, Priest drags Rey out, and then scoops Rey to carry him around the way. LAWN DART to the apron! Rey goes down and Priest grins.

Priest drags Rey back up, puts him back in the ring, and Dom is again stone faced. Priest KICKS Rey, then JABS him! Rey sputters, Priest KICKS him again! Priest sits Rey up but Rey ducks the buzzsaw to roll Priest up! TWO, and Priest CLOBBERS Rey! Cover, TWO! Priest drags Rey into a chinlock, thrashes him around, but Rey endures. Fans rally but Priest says it is in vain! Rey fights up, throws elbows but Priest CLUBS Rey down! Priest brings Rey up, but Rey JAWBREAKERS! Priest BELL CLAPS then shoves Rey to a corner. Priest runs in but Rey dodges! Priest hits buckles, Rey runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges, slides and KICKS from below!

Priest runs but Rey dumps him out! Rey builds speed to FLY! Direct hit at the ramp! Dom starts to frown now, but is it because Rey is winning or what? Rey KICKS Priest, puts him in the ring, then hurries to the apron. Priest runs in but Rey avoids the boot to GAMANGIRI! Rey goes up and leaps, SEATED SENTON! Then LIONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Priest survives and Rey stares Dom down. Dom still doesn’t react much, so Rey KICKS Priest in the side. Rey rains down fists, puts Priest on the ropes and then climbs up to rain down even more fists! But Priest powers up and TOSSES Rey to a corner! Rey staggers from that Snake Eyes!

Priest aims, runs and SUPERKICKS Rey down! Cover, TWO!! The Judgement Day is annoyed but Rey is showing the heart of a former world champion. Priest aims at Rey, runs in at the corner, but Rey BOOTS him! Rey goes up but Priest catches him! Rey fights through to DDT! Rey fires up and goes up the corner, but Priest ROCKS him first! Priest climbs up now, brings Rey onto his shoulders, but Rey fights the fireman’s carry! Rey throws knees into Priest from up there, to SUPER STEINER! Cover, TWO!! The Judgement Day is freaking out, except for Dom being stoic as ever. Rey dropkicks Priest onto the ropes, dials it up, but Priest ducks!

Priest spins to HEEL KICK Rey down! Priest steadies himself, then snarls as he drags Rey back up. Priest reels Rey in but Rey flops back down. Priest drags Rey up and gut wrenches to the crucifix! RAZOR’S- RANA!! Rey puts Priest on ropes, dials it up, but Dom stands in the way! Rey tells Dom to stop this, but Finn gets up! Rey DECKS Finn, but Rhea distracts! Rey turns around into Priest’s LARIAT! Priest gives Rey his last rites, and then SOUTH OF HEAVEN CHOKE SLAM!! Cover, Priest wins!

Winner: Damian Priest, by pinfall

Now Dom smiles, because his father falls. The Judgement Day stands over Rey, and Rhea gets the mic. “Now that Damian is done with Rey Mysterio, there’s just one more man left in the way. And Dominik? Domini’s gonna send him back into retirement. Because what Papi wants, Papi gets. And that is why Dom is gonna set out the challenge for next week on Monday Night Raw to go one-on-one with Edge.” The Judgement Day laughs, but will Dom be able to finish off whatever is left of Edge on the other side?


Backstage interview with Bobby Lashley.

Sarah asks the US Champion about how Miz said he was going to win inside the steel cage. What is Lashley’s response? Is that what Miz said? Well he’s not too smart, then. Miz wants to be in the cage because he thinks it’ll keep him safe from Lumis. But instead, he’s standing across the ring from the most dangerous man in the WWE! Lashley doesn’t know Miz’s issue with Lumis, but when the door closes, the only one Miz needs to be afraid of is the All Mighty US Champion! Will the Rocky Mountain Machine make Miz regret making this challenge?


WWE Media catches up with Braun.

Does he care to comment about why he’s back and why he went after everyone in that tag team Fatal 4? Braun says he’ll fill us all in on what we need to know: The Monster  of All Monsters is back, and nobody is safe! So see you all on Friday Night SmackDown! Braun is going to the blue brand, will he bust his way onto the Island of Relevancy?


WWE shares a post show interview from Clash at the Castle.

Sarah found Matt Riddle after his loss to Seth Rollins, and surely this wasn’t how he hoped it’d go. Where’s his head out? Uh, don’t you see the big lump on his forehead? Rollins stomped Riddle’s head into the ground. But honestly, Riddle let his emotions get the better of him. Rollins took advantage and stomped Riddle’s brain into the canvas. But Riddle wants another round! And he wants it NOW! ASAP! And Riddle vows to win that rematch.

As for Rollins, Sarah brought that up to him. Rollins’ response is to laugh. He’s gotta says, Rollins admires Riddle’s guts! But the bottom line is, Rollins did what he said he would. He got 62 THSOUAND PLUS fans singing his song, “OH~ OH~ OOOH~!” Then Rollins stomped Riddle’s head not once, but twice. So while Rollins admires Riddle’s determination, the rematch is NOT in the cards. Rollins is moving on up to bigger and better! HAHAHAHA! Night night! But despite what Rollins says, will management think otherwise?


WWE United States Championship Steel Cage Match: Bobby Lashley VS The Miz!

The All Mighty beat the Psycho Killer, and then he beat the Hollywood A-Lister. Sure, maybe Miz was haunted by the specter of the Tortured Artist known as Dexter Lumis, but it was still on him to not lose. Will being inside the 15 foot steel structure somehow ease Miz’s mind? Or will it only serve to hurt his body with Lashley right there with him?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised and the cage is lowered! Will Miz make it out in one piece? Or will he have a reason to stay inside the cage?

Miz snatches the belt to CLOBBER Lashley with it! The bell hasn’t rung, this match isn’t official yet! Miz kicks Lashley through the doorway and Ciampa fires off haymakers! Fans boo as they mug Lashley at ringside! They stomp away on Lashley at the barriers then dig their boots in! Miz and Ciampa drag Lashley up to RAM him into the cage wall! Then they stomp him more! Ciampa rains down fists and Miz soaks up the heat. Then they both sit on the barriers to applaud themselves and pat themselves on the back. Miz rips up his shirt, then drags Lashley up so he and Ciampa can RAM Lashley into the age!

Miz grabs the steel steps! Ciampa traps Lashley’s arm against the post and Miz RAMS him with the steps! Lashley writhes and clutches his arm while Raw goes picture in picture.

The ref reprimands Ciampa and Miz but they both loom over Lashley. Miz stays back but Ciampa drags Lashley up. They SLAM Lashley’s arm on the desk! And again! And again! And again! Ciampa and Miz let off and soak up the heat while taunting Lashley. Ciampa gets a chair, Miz isolates the arm, and Ciampa SMACKS the arm with the chair! Ciampa gets in Lashley’s face but the refs have him back off. Miz and Ciampa soak up more heat while one ref checks on Lashley. Lashley drags himself to barriers but Ciampa rains down fists! Miz taunts the fans while on the mic, but we can’t hear it because of picture in picture.

Miz sets Lashley up for Ciampa to PSYCHO KNEE him down! Ciampa says the kick is good, and Miz drags Lashley back to the door. Miz and Ciampa get Lashley in the ring, Miz gets in with him, and now the match begins! Cover, TWO!! Lashley survives the onslaught and Raw returns to single picture. Miz snarls, runs and BOOTS Lashley down! Cover, TWO! Fans rally for Lashley while Miz paces. Miz goes up the cage! Ciampa cheers Miz on but Lashley springs up to drag Miz back down! Lashley CLOBBERS Miz, but he clutches the bad arm again. Lashley climbs but the bad arm holds him back! Miz runs in, but into an elbow!

Lashley runs and RAMS Miz in the corner! Lashley CLUBS Miz, brings him around and suplexes, but the bad arm holds him back! Miz wrenches the bad arm and WRINGS it out! Miz then KICKS the bad arm, and KICKS it, and KICKS it again! And again! And again! And again! Miz powers up and he BUZZSAWS Lashley down! Cover, TWO! Miz is annoyed that Lashley is still in this, but he goes to the door. The door opens, but Lashley hurries to drag Miz back in! Lashley shoves Miz down, but Miz ducks and dodges to go up the wall! Lashley drags Miz back down and holds on to crotch Miz! Miz flops against the steel and slumps to the mat.

Miz gets up, and Lashley CLOBBERS him! And again! And OVERHEAD Belly2Belly suplexes! Lashley runs in and clotheslines in the corner! Then he runs to RAM Miz into the corner! Lashley turns Miz for a NECKBREAKER! Lashley storms around and shakes the bad arm. Lashley drags Miz up to RAM him into the steel! And again! And then again! Miz wobbles and staggers about, into a COMPLETE SHOT! Cover, TWO! Lashley keeps focus and he aims from a corner. Miz gets up, Ciampa shouts to him, and Lashley runs in! Miz hurries to the door! The door opens, Ciampa and Lashley tug-o-war with Miz!

Ciampa loses grip and Lashley whips Miz into more steel! Lashley drags Miz up and dribbles him again the cage! Miz wobbles and flops back down! Lashley stalks Miz, Miz rises, HURT- NO, the bad arm can’t hook! Miz CLUBS away on the bad arm, then throws elbows! Lashley staggers, Miz hurries to climb up! Ciampa cheers Miz on but fans rally for Lashley! Lashley hurries after Miz and climbs up after him! Miz gets to the top but Lashley drags him back down! Lashley CLUBS Miz, SMACKS him off the cage, and Miz falls! But Ciampa SMACKS the cage with a chair! Lashley hops away to avoid getting hit, BUSAIKU KNEE from Miz! Cover, TWO!!

Miz is beside himself while Raw goes picture in picture. Ciampa kept Lashley from leaving but Miz has to figure out how to put Lashley away. Lashley goes to a corner and Miz storms over. Miz gives Lashley a full nelson! Lashley fights with his good arm and arm-drags free! Only to run into the A-LIST COMBINATION! Cover, TWO! Miz is frustrated again but Ciampa coaches him on. Miz and Lashley go to the ropes, and Miz climbs the cage! Lashley hurries after him, and grabs at Miz just as he reaches the top! Miz fights, Lashley climbs up to join Miz up top, and they brawl! Lashley CLUBS away on Miz to force him back in.

But now Miz turns things around on Lashley and he grabs at legs! Ciampa helps shake the cage and Miz HOTSHOTS Lashley down! And BOOTS him down, too! Ciampa talks trash on Lashley at the cage wall, and Miz runs in to BOOT Lashley again! Cover, TWO!! Lashley survives but Miz hurries to lock on a CROSSFACE! Miz traps the bad arm and pulls back on the facelock but Lashley endures! Fans rally up as Lashley fights. Ciampa shakes the cage again but fans still rally up. Lashley fights to his feet and he fireman’s carries! Lashley TOSSES Miz into the steel! Miz slumps down and Lashley aims from a corner! Lashley runs in, but into a BOOT!

Miz hits the bad arm, then he RAMS Lashley into buckles! Miz climbs over Lashley, climbs up the corner, and he’s already to the top of the cage! Lashley hurries after and gets the legs! Ciampa hurries up to meet Miz! Miz grabs Ciampa’s hand but can’t hold on! Lashley drags Miz back in, smacks Miz off the steel, and he has Miz for a SUPERPLEX!! Fans fire up while both men are down! Lashley and Miz both writhe from the fall, but Lashley rises first. Lashley aims again, Miz stands, and Lashley runs in, but the Spear is sent into steel! Miz full nelsons, SKULL CRUSHING FINALE!! Cover, TWO!?!?

Miz can’t believe that Lashley survives! Ciampa is also in shock! Miz crawls for the door and it opens! Lashley hurries to crawl after Miz, and Lashley anchors Miz’s feet! Miz reaches for the floor but that’s not enough! Lashley drags Miz back in, and muscles Miz up to whip him into more steel! Lashley heads for the door now, but Ciampa SLAMS it shut on him! Wait, Lashley caught it?! And then SLAMS it on Ciampa! But now Miz shuts the door on Lashley! And again! And again! And again! Miz lets off and Lashley flops against the ropes. Miz decides to climb the far side, and he reaches the top! Miz grins as he steps over the other side, but then DEXTER LUMIS slithers out from under the ring!!

Miz is so afraid, he doesn’t climb down! He goes back up and in!! Miz wants to avoid Lumis at all costs, but he would’ve won! Miz turns around into a SPEAR! Cover, Lashley wins!!

Winner: Bobby Lashley, by pinfall (still WWE United States Champion)

Lashley might owe Lumis an assist, but at the same time, if Ciampa wasn’t around, Lashley would’ve surely won before now. Wait, now Lumis is climbing into the cage! Miz is crawling away for dear life, but Lashley shuts the door on him! Lashley smiles and Miz scurries up the cage! Lumis yanks Miz down into the SILENCE!! Miz is fading out! Miz IS out! Lumis pets Miz’s head, but what is the reason for his obsession?

My Thoughts:

A great Raw to follow up the great Clash at the Castle event on Saturday. For one, we got great stuff out of Miz and Ciampa with this Lumis stuff. Miz refuses to speak on what happened with Lumis, but he still deeply fears Lumis. We got a very clever way of booking the start to a cage match, with Miz’s belt attack and then him and Ciampa just beating Lashley up all around ringside. But then once the match got going, it was pretty much the usual cage match stuff until Lumis’ honestly hilarious way of appearing. Whatever camera they used to get that shot was a brilliant choice. Lashley wins, Lumis gets after Miz, I can’t wait to see what’s next.

Very good stuff out of the Judgement Day, Edge and Rey. Edge wants after Dom, Rey wants him to show mercy but then Dom joins the enemy. I feel like Dom should’ve been given a chance to talk, but I suppose there is something to be said about Rhea talking for him and directing him. Rey VS Priest was a great match, even with the overbooking of Judgement Day showing up late, but for that reason, of course Priest wins. Dom VS Edge next week will be interesting, but it perhaps works for Dom that Edge got his leg dented so that Dom will have a chance against him. Then at some point, I feel like Rey’s not going to have a choice, he’ll have to face Dom in a match.

The Tag Team Fatal 4 Way was great stuff, but what a way for Braun Strowman to return! He demolishes the four teams so there was no winner, meaning the Usos have no challengers yet. And then Braun says he’s going to SmackDown, so you would think this is so he can tell Roman, “I’m not finished with you!” Now, I don’t see Braun, even now that he’s back, as someone who can dethrone The Tribal Chief, especially now that The Bloodline is even stronger with Solo Sikoa joining in. But no contenders to the Usos makes me really hope Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn are going to end up their challengers and are going to take those titles to weaken The Bloodline.

Speaking of Kevin, he and Austin Theory had a great promo segment and an awesome match. I like that Kevin is getting so meta with his promos. He referenced Theory has “Austin” back so no more parenthesis in the articles. And then Kevin basically puts Theory in his place with that win. Theory grumbles and gets after Gargano, and it’s great that Gargano is getting in the ring next week. Gargano will surely win, but I bet Theory will show up then, too. But I don’t expect them to take this down the route where the MITB contract is on the line. Theory may be obnoxious and at times dense, but he isn’t stupid enough to let anyone else take his guaranteed title match away.

And we got great stuff out of the women’s division tonight. The tag match was rather quick, but it had a purpose. They snuck Nikki and Piper arguing again into the back of DMG CTRL walking to gorilla, so something has got to give there. I personally hope they stick together, and they both shed the “Almost a Super Hero” and “Doudrop” to truly be Nikki CROSS and Piper Niven, two women who have been so very close to major titles and are always in the conversation because they’re that talented. Then speaking of DMG CTRL, great promo from them and Bianca to officially establish the title stories I knew they were going for.

I feel like in the tag title match, there should be a ringside ban on Bayley and anyone else that aren’t Kai, Sky, Aliyah and Raquel. That way, there’s no repeat of the original title match and the two teams can really go hard with a true 2v2. Then we’re definitely getting Bayley VS Bianca for the Raw Women’s Championship at Extreme Rules, and there’s a chance Bayley petitions for a No Disqualification type match so that she can use interference to help her. But I also did like Bayley teasing that it won’t stop with her. Sky VS Bianca and Kai VS Bianca can also happen, and those can/will also be incredible matches with HHH behind the wheel.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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