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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (9/2/22)

Acknowledge TWO YEARS of the Tribal Chief!



SmackDown 2022

SmackDown is on the eve of Clash at the Castle!

Before WWE travels in Cardiff, SmackDown will ACKNOWLEDGE the two YEARS of Roman Reigns as WWE Universal Heavyweight Champion!


  • Viking Rules Match: The Viking Raiders VS The New Day; The Viking Raiders win.
  • Karrion Kross w/ Scarlett Bordeaux VS Drew Gulak; Kross wins.
  • Hit Row VS Maximum Male Models w/ Max & Maxxine Dupri; Hit Row wins.
  • Open Challenge: Happy Corbin VS Shinsuke Nakamura; Nakamura wins.
  • “Butch” Pete Dunne w/ The Brawling Brutes VS Ludwig Kaiser w/ GUNTHER; Dunne wins.


Viking Rules Match: The Viking Raiders VS The New Day!

Erik & Ivar have done their best to conquer and bury Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods, but the Power of Positivity never dies! Now, the warship has made land, and anything goes to settle this! Will the raid finally finish off the New Day? Or will Kofi & Woods turn back the invaders and stand tall once again?

Or rather, Kofi & Woods might be fighting this one for Asgard! Kofi is the God of Thunder, Woods is the God of Mischief, but will these brothers strike Erik & Ivar down? The bell rings, the New Day dodge the shield bashes to double mule kick! Kofi brawls with Ivar while Woods is after Erik! Fans fire up as the New Day has the edge! Woods and Kofi both climb up to rain down fists! Fans count all the way to 10, then Kofi & Woods hop down to whip. The Vikings reverses but the New Day do-si-do! Woods ROCKS Erik but Kofi bounces off of Ivar! Ivar rushes in but the New Day dodge to DOUBLE DROPKICK!

Ivar & Erik are in the same corner, and the fans fire up! The New Day turn it up! DOUBLE STAMPEDE STOMPS! They let off to then have Woods whip Kofi, DOUBLE BASEMENT DROPKICK! Fans cheer for “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” while the Vikings bail out. Kofi & Woods build speed to DOUBLE DIVE! Direct hit and fans are all fired up! Woods & Kofi SMACK Ivar off the shields, then again, and again! One of the shields breaks! But Erik swings another! The New Day dodge and Woods KNEES Erik down! Kofi grabs a shield, puts it on Erik’s face, and Woods runs in to DROPKICK it into Erik’s face!

Fans rally up and the New Day go after Ivar. Woods stands on Ivar’s face while Kofi climbs the barriers! Kofi FROG SPLASHES Ivar on the floor! Cover, TWO! Ivar sputters and New Day is in control as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and they’re brawling in the stands! Woods knocks Ivar down, he climbs a barrier, and he CROSSBODIES The Vikings down! Cover on Ivar, TWO! Kofi rushes Erik and KICKS him towards ringside. Fans rally but Erik TOSSES Kofi up and over! Woods CLOBBERS Erik over the barriers! Erik ends up falling on Kofi a bit, and then Ivar RAMS Woods into the barriers! Ivar gets some space, he runs in, and he SPLASHES Woods against the barriers! Cover, TWO!! Woods sputters but survives and fans rally up again, “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” Kofi gets a kendo stick! But Erik kicks him low!

Erik slides Kofi in the ring and he gets the kendo stick for himself! Fans boo but Erik says, “That was the last time, Kofi! It’s payback time!” But Kofi mule kicks back! Kofi has the kendo stick and he SMACKS Erik! And SMACKS him again! Then runs, but Erik dodges! SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Erik snarls and he gets the kendo stick now! He SMACKS Kofi and Kofi writhes. Ivar returns, he gets a kendo stick, and Erik stands Kofi up for Ivar to SMACK him down! Kofi writhes while the Vikings pace around. Fans boo but the Vikings soak up the heat. Ivar runs at Kofi but Kofi dumps him out! Kofi then slips out and SWING KICKS Erik away!

Kofi PENALTY KICKS Ivar down from the apron! Kofi looks under the ring, and he brings out MJOLNIR…’s cousin! Kofi goes up top, aims at Erik, and THUNDER SMASH! It breaks the hammer! Cover, TWO!! Kofi keeps focus and Woods returns to look under the ring. “This is Awesome!” and now there’s a TABLE! Kofi gets another TABLE! They have two tables and the fans are loving this! The New Day brings the tables around but Ivar CLOBBERS both of them! Ivar drags Kofi by his hair and puts him on the bow of the ship! Ace Ten Mao!! Erik then scoops Ivar for a SLAM onto Kofi! But Woods steps in, TORNADO DDT for Erik! Woods covers Erik, TWO!!

Erik’s got a cut on the top of his head that’s starting to bleed, but he’s still moving. Ivar drags Woods up by his hair, but Woods HOTSHOTS Ivar by his war beard! Woods steps in, TORNADO- NO! Ivar powers that away, but Woods ducks, dodges ‘n’ slides to SUPERKICK Ivar to a corner! Woods runs in, into a SEATED SENTON! Erik gets back in and drags Woods up! Woods goes up top, Erik hands Woods off to him, for a SUPER POWERSLAM!! Cover, Kofi DOUBLE STOMPS it apart! All four men are down and fans are loving this while SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns again and Ivar has stacked both tables on top of each other! Erik drags Woods up and Ivar shouts to him, Woods fights back, he ROCKS Erik, DECKS Ivar, and ENZIGURIS Erik! Woods runs to WRECK Ivar with a dropkick! Woods gets back in, dodges Erik, slide sunder, for a ROLLING ELBOW! And a LEG LARIAT! Erik ducks the roundhouse but the SWEEP hits! Then the SENTON! Woods fires up and fans fire up with him! Woods goes out and looks under the ring again. Woods brings out a chair! Woods brings that chair in and he sits it up. He drags Erik up but Erik DECKS him with a right!

Erik grins as he looks at the chair. Erik drags Woods up, whips him to ropes and scoops, but Woods tilt-o-whirls through! Erik avoids hitting the chair but Kofi returns to KICK him! The New Day DOUBLE FACEBUSTER Erik into the chair!! Cover, Ivar SPLASHES it apart! Fans rally while Kofi flounders up. Ivar HEEL KICKS Kofi down! Ivar gets Erik up and Erik drags Kofi up. Ivar goes up the corner, Erik hands Kofi over to him, but Woods TACKLES Erik out of the ring! Kofi fights free but falls to the mat! Ivar stands up and turns around to go to the very top! VIKING MOONSAULT FLOPS!! Kofi goes up, to FROG SPLASH!!

Woods hurries up top, tightrope walk, LIMIT BREAKER!! Cover, Erik KNEES It apart!! Kofi fires off on Erik but Erik runs him at the ropes! Kofi body scissors Erik out of the ring! Kofi and Woods regroup, they see the Vikings are at the ramp, so they build speed to FLY off the ship! Direct hit at the ramp! Double cover, TWO!! Both Vikings survive but the New Day keeps on them with forearms and CHOPS! Erik RAMS Woods into barriers, Ivar RAMS Kofi into other barriers! The Vikings bring Kofi up and they LAWN DART him into the long ship’s dragon! Woods CHUCKS a shield at Ivar! Erik CLOBBERS Woods!

Erik puts Woods on the bow and climbs up after him. Woods mule kicks back! Woods reels Erik in, and he aims for the tables! Erik fights the lift, lifts Woods, but Woods CLUBS Erik down! Woods drags Erik up, HEADBUTTS him, then HEADBUTTS again and again and again! But Ivar CLOBBERS Woods with a shield! Kofi climbs a corner! Kofi LEAPS into a SHIELD BASH!! Kofi falls to the floor and the Vikings have Woods all alone! The Vikings roar, haul Kofi up, DOUBLE POWERBOMB through both tables!! Cover in the wreckage, the Viking Raiders win!

Winners: The Viking Raiders, by pinfall

Woods just suffered Ragnarok, the world-ending cataclysm! Will he and Kofi ever rise again? Or is there only the raid?


SmackDown presents Roman’s Reign, Part 1: The Reign Begins.

Paul Heyman of course narrates, and he says, “It began during unprecedented times. It became an unparalleled run of dominance. On August 30, 2020, Roman Reigns regained the Universal Championship at WWE Payback. For the past two years, over 23 title defenses against 14 world-class superstars, Roman Reigns has smashed all competition and claimed his rightful place at the Head of the Table. Tonight, we celebrate and indeed, we acknowledge the historic two year title reign of the Tribal Chief, Roman Reigns.”


Sami Zayn is preparing backstage.

The Usos visit and see him in his suit. Sami knows tonight is a special night, so he got his hair done, he bought a new suit. The guy told Sami this is tribal print. Jey says it’s not. No? You sure? Back up, Sami. Jimmy says it’s close. But this is a big night. Can you believe what Roman’s done? Two YEARS! Hasn’t been done in decades! Tonight is so special, Sami has pictures of Roman’s biggest moments and they’ll be blown up and put on easels. Jey says it’s a Bloodline celebration, though. The Wise Man should be here. True, Sami agrees! But Heyman isn’t, he’s still hurt. So Sami can throw a party but he can’t help against his boy, Kevin Owens?

Sami did the best he can! Jimmy can tell, right? Yeah, Sami’s got this on lock. Let’s roll. Jey heads out, Sami asks Jimmy to vouch for him. Jimmy says, “Yeet.” Sami nods and takes note of that. But will Sami at least do right in Roman’s eyes?


Backstage interview with Shayna Baszler.

Kayla Braxton says The Queen of Spades that she will be challenging Liv Morgan for the SmackDown Women’s Championship in less than 24 hours, but Shayna says she WILL be champion. She will take that title by making Liv suffer. She will tear Liv apart limb by limb, take every join she gets her hands on and crank them and twist them until Liv is begging her- OH, Liv steps in. No matter what Shayna says, Liv is not afraid. At Clash at the Castle, Liv will not tap out. In fact, Liv will be the one to rip Shayna’s arm off. Oh? She’d like to see Liv try. Then #WatchHer. Who walks out of Cardiff with the belt? And who walks out without an arm?


Karrion Kross speaks.

“A moment in time, so many different things. For instance, for Drew McIntyre, he has a moment tonight to fight the humbling he suffered last week. For Roman Reigns, he has a moment tonight to commemorate being champion for two years. And unfortunately for my opponent, Mr. Gulak, he’s gonna have a moment tonight that will haunt him for the rest of his life. Because the timelines are about to change. Tick-tock.” Mr. Doomsday has his first match on SmackDown, after the break!


SmackDown presents Roman’s Reign, Part 2: The Main Event.

“For the past wo years, Roman Reigns has been THE main event. Sixteen times, Roman Reigns has main-evented the biggest shows of the year. From the Royal Rumble to Crown Jewel., From Survivor Series to SummerSlam. To the Grandest Stage of Them All, WrestleMania. Sixteen times against champions, legends and hall of famers. Men like Edge, Big E, Goldberg, John Cena, and Brock Lesnar. And sixteen times, Roman Reigns has emerged victorious. Tonight, we celebrate and we indeed acknowledge the historic two year title reign of Roman Reigns.”


Karrion Kross w/ Scarlett Bordeaux VS Drew Gulak!

Like sands through the hourglass, so are the moments left before the apocalypse comes for the Philly Stretcher. Will Gulak find a way to survive the end? Or will he have no choice but to #FallAndPray?

The bell rings and Kross offers a handshake. Gulak takes it but Kross kicks him in the leg. Kross grins, t hen choke grips Gulak into the corner! The ref counts, Kross lets off, but Gulak throws forearms and CHOPS! Kross just puts Gulak back in the corner. Gulak gets free but Kross eggs him on! Gulak CHOPS, and CHOPS, but Kross just leans into it! Gulak fires off forearms then runs, but into a BOOT! Gulak flounders, Kross runs in at the corner to clothesline! ELBOW! And ROLLING ELBOW! Kross then reels Gulak in for the DOOMSDAY SAIDO!! But Kross isn’t done with Gulak, he waits on Gulak to get up.

Gulak stands, swings, but into the KROSSJACKET!! Gulak taps, Kross wins!

Winner: Karrion Kross, by submission

But Kross makes Gulak suffer! Gulak fades out as Kross squeezes tighter! Gulak finally passes out and then Kross lets go! Scarlett smiles and raises Kross’ hand in victory. They then tie Gulak up in the ropes to use him to send a message. Will whoever is Universal Champion have to prepare for the time when they have to cross paths with Kross?


SmackDown presents Roman’s Reign, Part 3: SmackDown Ruler.

“During his historic 733 days as champion, Roman Reigns has called Friday Night SmackDown, ‘Home.'” Roman himself said SmackDown needs him to put food on everyone’s table. “Seven spectacular title defenses against some of the greatest superstars in the world today, the Tribal Chief has smashed them all. Kevin Owens, Finn Balor, Rey Mysterio, (Matt) Riddle, all came to the Island of Relevancy on a quest for greatness, only to have their hopes dashed and their bodies smashed by the Tribal Chief. Tonight, we acknowledge the historic title reign of Roman Reigns.”


Ronda Rousey is here!

The Baddest Woman on the Planet paid her fine, but almost went to jail over how she treated WWE security staff! Ronda has an envelope as well as the mic as she gets in the ring. Fans are fired up to see Ronda, and she says she has an official statement from WWE global headquarters in regards to her suspension. And she can’t think of anyone she’d rather have read it than her “friend” and everyone’s favorite official, Adam Pearce! Fans boo but Pearce does walk out on stage to tell Ronda, “Listen. Whatever these decisions are, whatever that decision is, I want you to know, it has never, ever been personal.”

Oh, it’s not personal? But Pearce personally called the cops and personally had her arrested. To be fair, her choices got her arrested. We all know the hard choices are never easy, and there are protocols to be followed in the WWE. She may not want to hear this, but he was- Just doing his job? The same excuse of all spineless middle managers. She expected better of Adam. She can call him “Adam,” right? They have history, after all. She tells Pearce to read the note. If this is how she wants it, fine. He opens the envelope up. Ronda tells him to read out loud. Fans don’t want to sit here and watch him just look at the thing. Fine…

The message says, “Over the past several weeks, Ronda Rousey has engaged in behavior that is completely unprofessional.” Ronda says that is subjective, but whatever. “However, her behavior…” Wait, this seems to catch Pearce off. “Her behavior never broached the level of being criminal. Her arrest two weeks ago was completely unwarranted.” Heh, unwarranted. Get it? Can he finish? Yes, please. “Ronda Rousey has paid her fines in full. And while she will remain on probation, as of today, September 2nd, 2022, her suspension is over, and she will resume in-ring competition immediately.”

Oh, what was that last part? She couldn’t hear it over the fans cheering. It says her suspension is over and she will resume in-ring competition immediately. That’s her favorite part! Aw, shucks! Thanks, Adam. What’s wrong? Having a hard day at the office? Pearce says this is absurd! She attacks a ref, attacks security, held the show hostage, is a danger to everyone, it was Pearce’s duty to call the police! Heh, duty. Pearce says if it was up to him, he wouldn’t have suspended her, he would’ve fired her! Aw, she’s devastated. But what did he think was going to happen? The board was going to value his opinion over the most recognizable female athlete in history?

Ronda tells Pearce to kiss her ass! Pearce asks if this is a joke to her. Does she think that his job is easy? Is that what she thinks? Does she think it’s easy for him to do this 52 weeks a year, twice a week, two whole shows on two different networks, getting these shows on-air while babysitting egos like hers, but never once gets a thanks? Does she think anyone has ever gone up to him and said, “Hey, Adam, great job!” HELL NO! All he gets from people like Ronda- OH, would you fans shut up?! All he ever gets from people like Ronda is grief! And then the people from “the office!” Oh he WISHES someone from there would do this job, but they can’t cut it!

And Pearce is damn proud of the job he does here! He’s not proud of busting his ass for those who criticize and undermine him! As for her question about the board, he has no problem with the board. He just has a problem with HER! Oh~, Ronda acts like she owns this place! God forbid things don’t go her way! People call her the Baddest Woman on the Planet! But Pearce just calls Ronda “The single biggest bitch I’ve ever met!” Ronda frowns and Pearce realizes he was unprofessional. He was just stressed out. Ronda throws Pearce down and puts on a DOUBLE WRISTLOCK! Fans cheer as Ronda says if she should do it. YES! ARMBAR!!

Ronda lets Pearce go and he scrambles away to a corner. Ronda leaves him be, but will she be facing consequences for what she did to a WWE official?


Sami Zayn continues preparations.

This is going to be great! A delivery for Roman Reigns. Oh, they weren’t expecting flowers. Wait, black roses? They don’t smell very good. And the note is just signed, “TICK TOCK.” They’re from Kross!! Sami will just put those over here… Oh no, the smell is on his hands…


Hit Row VS Maximum Male Models w/ Max & Maxxine Dupri!

B-Fab, Top Dolla & Ashante THEE Adonis have a style all their own that doesn’t seem to sit well with Max Du-PRI. But can Maçé & Mansôör turn down the volume? Or will their tag team debut be anything but titillating?

SmackDown returns as MMM makes their entrance. Maxxine does the introductions for them, and then the teams sort out. Adonis wins rock-paper-scissors and starts against Mansoor. They tie up, go around, and Mansoor arm-drags hard to then pose on the mat. Adonis rushes over but Mansoor trips him up. Adonis kicks him away, kips up and dropkicks him down! Mace runs in but Adonis dodges! Dolla ROCKS Mace and Adonis DROPKICKS him, too! MMM regroups outside and B-Fab taunts them. But then Los Lotharios walk to the ring and Maxxine takes notice. Los Lotharios flirt with B-Fab, though, but Adonis & Dolla tell them to scram.

Los Lotharios talk some trash, but Dolla welcomes them to get in the ring then. Los Lotharios stay back, so B-Fab WRECKS them with a dropkick through the ropes! Fans fire up but Mansoor CLOBBERS Adonis! Mansoor bumps Adonis off buckles, fires off heavy hands and he tags Mace. Drop toehold and a strut on Adonis’ back! Then a BIG elbow drop! Cover, TWO! Mace drags Adonis up, bumps him off buckles then fires off big body shots! Tag to Mansoor, and he holds Adonis in place for Mace to run and back elbow! Feed to a DROPKICK, then cover, TWO! Mansoor drags Adonis back but Adonis BOOTS him away!

Mansoor gets the leg again, he ducks the enziguri, but Adonis rolls through to get away! Hot tag to Top Dolla! Fans fire up and Mansoor panics. Mansoor swings but Dolla blocks. Dolla wrenches the arm, DEKCS Mansoor, then kicks low to run. KNEE LIFT! Mace gets in but Dolla DECKS him! Dolla runs at Mansoor, and he SPLASHES him in the corner! Tag to Adonis, and they set Mansoor up, for the HEAVY HITTER! Cover, Hit Row wins!

Winners: Hit Row, by pinfall

And if you didn’t know, now you know! Los Lotharios are still mouthing off, and the brawl is on! MMM get involved, it’s 4v2 against Hit Row! Max Dupri directs traffic, but then the STREET PROFITS are here! Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins CLOBBER Mansoor, then GAMANGIRI Mace to throw him out! Dolla CLOBBERS both Lotharios! Fans fire up as the Profits and Hit Row stand tall, will they be bringing that smoke and getting that money money money money?


Backstage interview with Happy Corbin.

Kayla says after last week- No! He doesn’t wanna talk about Ricochet pulling off some miracle victory. And he doesn’t wanna talk about the week before that, or the week before that. His life is happy! He is happy! He doesn’t live in the past. So when you’re on a string of bad luck, sometimes you double down. Corbin knows he’s the best man in the locker room. He issues an open challenge! Anyone who wants to meet him in that ring is going to be crawling back to the back. Corbin heads out, but who will step up to try their luck?


SmackDown presents Roman’s Reign, Part 4: Tribal Warrior.

“Throughout his epic reign, Roman Reigns has successfully defended his championship in some of the most brutal, unforgiving matches in the history of WWE. Inside a steel cage. Under Extreme Rules. Tables, Ladders & Chairs. Hell in a Cell! Last Man Standing. Through it all, the Tribal Chief has survived vicious matches, only to come out stronger on the other side. Tonight, we celebrate and we indeed acknowledge the historic two year title reign of Roman Reigns.”


Open Challenge: Happy Corbin VS ???

Corbin goes to the ring and he dares anyone to come get some! But who will it be? Who wants their shot? It’s SHINSUKE NAKAMURA! Pat McAfee is loving this as his most disliked superstar is facing his most beloved! Will the King of Strong Style crush whatever is left of Corbin’s happiness?

The bell rings, Corbin and Nakamura circle and tie up, and Corbin powers Nakamura to a corner! Corbin fires off stomps and haymakers, then he lets off, shouting at the fans. Fans taunt “BUM ASS CORBIN!” but he drags Nakamura up. Nakamura ducks the haymaker to fire off a strike fest! AX KICK! Corbin falls and fans fire up! Nakamura KICKS Corbin to a corner, KICKS him more, and then gives him GOOD VIBRATIONS~! Nakamura lets off at 4, grins and gives Corbin another round. Corbin powers up to ROCK Nakamura, CLUB him, but he wobbles as he shakes out the cobwebs.

Corbin suplexes, Nakamura knees free then WHEEL KICKS Corbin down! Nakamura aims from the corner, “YAO~!” But Corbin hits Nakamura with DEEP SIX! Cover, TWO! Nakamura survives and Corbin is frustrated! Corbin snarls while fans chant, “Corbin Sucks!” Corbin says THEY suck! Corbin drags Nakamura up, reels him in, but Nakamura slips free! Nakamura dodges Corbin again, but Corbin slides out to slide in, into a KINSHASA!! Cover, Nakamura wins!!

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura, by pinfall

Sometimes when you gamble, you bust! That was about what happened with Corbin playing a game of chance with the SmackDown roster, will he have to be a bit wiser from now on? As for Nakamura, can he get back up towards a title opportunity once WWE is past Clash at the Castle?


WWE looks back at the origins of Connor’s Cure.

In 2014, Connor’s Cure was established to honor the life and memory of young Connor Michalek to help find a cure for pediatric cancer, so that no one else would have to go through the pain he did. After his passing, he was enshrined as the inaugural recipient of the Warrior Award for his bravery, love and hope. Through Connor’s Cure and V Foundation’s funding, they’ve awarded $4.5 million in grants and helped over 500 families worldwide. The WWE Universe has come together offering hope in the mission to kick cancer’s butt!


Corbin sulks backstage.

Happy isn’t feeling so happy right now, but wait! What’s this limo pulling up with the longhorns on it? “What happened to you? Get in.” Is that JBL?! JBL is giving Corbin a ride?! What will John “Bradshaw” Layfield have to teach Corbin in order to get him back on the winning side?


“Butch” Pete Dunne w/ The Brawling Brutes VS Ludwig Kaiser w/ GUNTHER!

The man formerly known as the Bruiserweight was tearing it up with the Impeccable German last week, and now they get to do it all over again! Will Dunne butcher Ludwig to send a message to Der Ring General? Or will Ludwig say “NEIN!” and send that message to the Brutes instead?

SmackDown returns and Imperium make their entrance. Gunther still walks in front of Ludwig, even though this is Ludwig’s match. The bell rings and Dunne rushes in! Ludwig catches him but Dunne is after the arm with a double wristlock! Ludwig pulls Dunne’s hair, pushes him away, but Dunne pushes Ludwig down! Dunne fires off hammering fists but Ludwig pushes him away again. Ludwig goes to a corner but Dunne is right on him! The ref counts, Dunne backs off, but Ludwig CROSS CHOPS him! Ludwig stands on Dunne’s hair while striking the Imperium pose. The ref counts but Ludwig steps away at 4.

Ludwig headlocks Dunne, Dunne powers out, things speed up, Ludwig dodges but Dunne CLOBBERS him on the return! Dunne drags Ludwig up, hammerlocks the arm and traps it to then pull on the far arm. Ludwig endures as Dunne BENDS the fingers! And BENDS! And BENDS! Sheamus is loving it as Dunne wrenches the arm to isolate it, and STOMP it! Ludwig clutches his triceps while the Brutes rally for Dunne. Ludwig blocks a kick to shot “NEIN!” Ludwig SLAPS Dunne then BUTTERFLY SUPLEXES! Ludwig then goes up and takes aim, FLYING- FOREARM!! Dunne blasts Ludwig outta the air!

Ludwig flops out of the ring, Dunne goes to the apron and LEAPS, into an UPPERCUT! Both women are down and fans are fired up! Sheamus and Gunther stare down and egg each other on, but the ref tells them to stay back. It is a tense moment as SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns again and Ludwig ROCKS Dunne with a right! Then he pulls Dunne by his ear, but Dunne HEADBUTTS the hand! Dunne fires off hands, Ludwig gives them back, and the fans are fired up! Dunne DECKS Ludwig into a corner! Then runs in to GAMANGIRI! Dunne drops knees right on the bad arm! And then he whips Ludwig to waistlock and GERMAN SUPLEX! Ludwig flounders, Dunne STOMPS the hands! And BUZZSAWS Ludwig down! Cover, TWO! Ludwig survives but the Brutes rally up the fans. Dunne gets Ludwig’s arm and CLUBS away on the shoulder! Dunne rains down forearms then stomps the arm again!

Gunther coaches Ludwig, but Dunne drags Ludwig up to whip to a corner. Ludwig reverses, Dunne goes up, but Ludwig says “NEIN!” and keeps him from going over! Ludwig trips Dunne and Dunne hits buckles! Dunne BOOTS Ludwig, goes up, but Ludwig GAMANGIRIS now! Ludwig puts Dunne upside-down in the ropes to DROPKICK him down! INVERTED EXPLODER! Cover, TWO!! Ludwig snarls as Dunne survives. Ludwig runs, but Dunne ducks the Penalty Kick to ENZIGURIR! Dunne runs, into an UPPERCUT! Ludwig back suplexes, but Dunne lands on his feet! BUZZSAW! Ludwig is dazed and Sheamus is loving this!

Dunne goes to a corner, waits on Ludwig to get up, and he runs in, into a tilt-o-whirl SLAM!! Cover, TWO!! Ludwig can’t believe that Dunne survived, but it’s hard to believe Ludwig was still in this! Dunne BENDS Ludwig’s fingers! And kicks from below over and over and over again! Dunne gets up, but into the clinch! SIDE- NO, Dunne BENDS the fingers!! And SNAPS them!! Pump handle, BITTER END!! Cover, Dunne wins!

Winner: Pete Dunne, by pinfall

The Brutes celebrate with “Butch” but Gunther tells Sheamus that proves nothing! The jackets come off, Sheamus has his mates stand down, and the fans fire up! Sheamus brings down the suspender straps, but Ludwig says they need to take a tactical retreat! This is to happen at Clash at the Castle, not here tonight! Gunther accepts his lieutenant’s suggestion, but will the Celtic Warrior give Gunther a fight like he’s never had before?


SmackDown presents Roman’s Reign, Part 5: Greatness on a Different Level.

“Bruno Sammartino. Bob Backlund. Pedro Morales. Hulk Hogan. These legends laid claim to the longest reigns as WWE Champion. After 733 days of dominance, they are joined by the longest reigning champion of the modern era, The Head of the Table, the Tribal Chief, the first-ever Undisputed WWE Universal Heavyweight Champion, Roman Reigns!” Roman says this is GOD MODE, Greatness On a Different level. “Tonight, we celebrate and we indeed acknowledge the two year, historic title reign of Roman… Reigns!”


Sami & The Usos finish preparations.

Check, check and check! We’re all set. Then let’s go! But wait. Shouldn’t they wait for Roman so they can all go out there together? Y’know, the entire Bloodline. Jey asks Sami what he means by the entire Bloodline. Sami meant the four of them. Jey says Sami is getting too comfortable around here. He’s stepping on the line. No, that’s not what this is! Jimmy says tonight is about Roman. They should all go out their to introduce Roman, then put the spotlight all on Big Uce. Sami’s for that, and so is Jey. Yeet. Let’s go! The Usos head out, and Sami takes a deep breath. Will this celebration go as planned for the entire Bloodline?


Tyson Fury posts on Instagram.

He is very excited for the first WWE “Premium Live Event” happening in the UK in roughly 30 years to be in Cardiff, with Roman Reigns VS Drew McIntyre for the Universal Championship. Fury will be live in the front row for that, he hopes to see you all there.


Sami & The Usos head to the ring!

They hold up the fingers, #WeTheOnes, and the set is just as Sami said it would be. Sami gest the mic to say, “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the championship celebration honoring the TWO YEAR, historic title reign of the Tribal Chief, ROMAN REIGNS!” Fans are torn, but Sami says that’s right. Before he gets started, is it okay that he’s hosting this? He got dressed up and planned the whole thing. Jimmy says to do his thing as the Honorary Uce. My man! Thank you for that! Sami wouldn’t want be accused of being “too comfortable.” Sami then looks at Jey.

Sami starts with, “For the last two years-” Jey interrupts! “For two whole years, Roman Reigns has dominated everybody!” Fans are torn again. Jey says everyone who stepped up got sat down! Sami adds, “Preach!” Jey says everyone who stepped up been Superman Punched. “BET!” Speared. “YEET!” Guillotined. “DAS RIGHT!” They’ve been flat out beat! “100!!” Sami, what’re you doing? Just stop. Jey says what they need everyone to do right now is stand up, put your fingers to the sky, and help them introduce to you the Head of the Table! The Tribal Chief! The Needle Mover! God Mode himself! THE WWE Undisputed Universal Champion… Their cousin, ROMAN! REIGNS!!

Roman’s Escalade drives in, he exits the vehicle, and gets CLAYMORED by McIntyre!! The Scottish Warrior leaves Roman down on the ground and storms his way to gorilla! Sami and the Usos are freaking out as McIntyre makes his way out to the ring! Fans fire up and the Usos tell Sami to handle this! Sami goes to the ramp, but he gest a HEADBUTT! McIntyre then glares at the Usos. He throws off his shirt to show the bruises from last week. The Usos attack but he HEABUTTS Jey, CLOBBERS Jimmy, and then TOSSES Jimmy out of the ring! McIntyre wrecks the pictures and then runs to FLY! Direct hit on all three men!

McIntyre roars as he stands back up, then he puts Sami in the ring! McIntyre goes around the way, gets himself a chair, and TOSSES it into the ring! McIntyre grabs more chairs, TOSSES those into the ring, and Sami gets out before he gets hit! Sami grabs a chair, JAMS McIntyre with it, but then a CLAYMORE through the chair takes out Sami! McIntyre isn’t done, he drags Jimmy over to suplex onto and THROUGH the announce desk! McIntyre finds Jey, lines up his shot, and he copies Roman’s “OOAH~!” before the SPEAR through the barriers!! McIntyre gets a mic to say, “When are you gonna understand, Roman? I will never, ever stop!!”

“Look around me. The Bloodline, torn apart. God Mode deactivated! At Cardiff, it comes down to me and you. I am gonna kick your head right off your body, and you’re gonna look up at the NEW Undisputed Champion!!” Fans are fired up for McIntyre, will that historic reign we’ve heard about all night come to an end when these two Clash at the Castle?

My Thoughts:

Now this was a great go-home! For one, we opened with a great match. Viking Rules was surprisingly far more than just a themed Street Fight, they really decked out the ringside area for it. It was an awesome match, bordering on a PPV level match, and that finish was insane! Double powerbomb through two tables, no one was surviving that. The Viking Raiders move on, and I suppose we could still see them challenging for the tag titles, even with the Usos as Heels. We got a good promo from Shayna and Liv, but I still expect the story to be a parallel of Liv VS Ronda where Liv more survives than wins.

Kross had a good promo calling out both Roman and McIntyre, and then he of course destroys Gulak. Kross is going to be SmackDown’s contender, while Seth Rollins or Matt Riddle can be seen as Raw’s contender, depending on who wins there. I also like the nice touch of Kross sending gross flowers to Roman to be a reminder. We got a fairly good match out of Hit Row VS Maximum Male Models, though it was “overbooked” for good reason. Those four teams could also make a case for tag title contention, and I’m sure we’ll get an 8 Man Tag that then results in a Fatal 4 Way Tag. And if nothing else, Maxxine is totally ditching MMM for Los Lotharios.

Happy Corbin throwing out that Open Challenge was of course going to backfire. And as commentary noted, great continuity that it was Nakamura, who sent Corbin into that initial spiral after taking away the King of the Ring crown from him. And wow, JBL is going to mentor Corbin? Is he going to become even more of a “rich person” gimmick character? Maybe “Cowboy Corbin” with a really fake country accent? We also got an awesome “main event” match out of Dunne VS Ludwig. That was a lot like what we would’ve gotten out of these guys in NXT/NXT UK, so I’m glad RawDown fans got to see that. Dunne winning could be the go-home math version of Sheamus standing tall, so as awesome as it’d be for Sheamus to become Ultimate Grand Slam Champion, I think Gunther retains.

Then… Wow, okay, that Ronda Rousey segment. It was delivered well, which is a great thing for Ronda. She didn’t rush her lines, she didn’t drag things out, and I suppose there is something to the “sassy, smug Face” trope. I mean, it works for Sonic the Hedgehog. But honestly, I was more on Pearce’s side with his rant about being underappreciated working hard at a thankless job. But of course he gets walloped by Ronda, we’re supposed to think of her as Stone Cold Ronda and cheer her on as she defies authority and does what she wants. Oddly, I kinda hope Shayna wins the title so that she and Ronda can feud and Shayna can also be used as Pearce’s proxy.

I’m a little surprised we got FIVE little vignettes for the Roman Reigns retrospective instead of a couple bigger ones. With them emphasizing how we’re “acknowledging” his historic dominance, I feel like they’re giving Roman his sendoff before Clash. Of course, McIntyre busting up the celebration was wildly fun but also means McIntyre stands tall. I really hope go-home math isn’t a factor this time, because the timing is just perfect. Roman can lose, there’s time before the Royal Rumble where Roman can work to become even stronger and try to get the titles back. For McIntyre, he can finally have his moment in front of a live crowd, he can be on all the shows like he said he would, facing Kross and Rollins and Riddle and whoever else, and then we see how it all feels before a rematch with Roman.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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