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Mitchell’s NJPW Battle Autumn Results & Report! (10/27/22)

The second round begins!



NJPW Battle Autumn

Will the Rebel get another 15 minutes of fame?

Battle Autumn rages on and the NJPW World Television Championship Tournament enters the quarterfinals! Will David Finlay continue on, or #JustTapOut?


  • Ryohei Oiwa VS Aaron Henare; Henare wins.
  • Yuto Nakashima & Ren Narita VS Toru Yano & Tomohiro Ishii; Yano & Ishii win.
  • Togi Makabe & Tomoaki Honma VS Jeff Cobb & Great-O-Khan; Cobb & Khan win.
  • Six Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS The United Empire; LIJ wins.
  • 8 Man Tag: Alex Zayne, Master Wato, Hikuleo & Hiroshi Tanahashi VS Suzuki-Gun; Zayne, Wato, Hikuleo & Tanahashi win.
  • Tetsuya Naito & SANADA VS KENTA & Gedo; Naito & Sanada win.
  • NJPW World Television Championship Tournament, Quarterfinals: EVIL VS YOSHI-HASHI; Evil wins and advances to the semifinals.
  • NJPW World Television Championship Tournament, Quarterfinals: David Finlay VS Zack Sabre Jr; ZSJ wins and advances to the semifinals.


NJPW World Television Championship Tournament, Quarterfinals: EVIL w/ Dick Togo VS YOSHI-HASHI!

The King of Darkness is still NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Champion after, surprise surprise, cheating another challenger. But the Head Hunter is coming for revenge! Will Hashi stop the House of Torture getting even more gold? Or will Darkness Fall once again in this tournament?

Evil and Dick Too Sweet and the bell rings. Fans rally and cheer for Hashi as he circles with Evil. Evil tests the waters but Hashi backs off, only for Dick to swipe at him! Evil rushes in and ROCKS Hashi! Evil CLUBS Hashi, and CLUBS him again. Evil gives toying kicks but the ref reprimands as Hashi is on the ropes. Evil wrenches and whips but Hashi runs Evil over! And again! And then scoops to SLAM! Fans fire up and Hashi sees Evil get to ropes. Hashi runs up to CHOP! Evil grimaces but Hashi CHOPS him again! Fans rally as Hashi brings Evil around, to CHOP again! Evil drops to his knees, but Hashi drags him up.

Hashi suplexes and he hangs Evil out to dry. Hashi runs but Dick helps Evil down! Evil distracts the ref and Dick trips Hashi! Fans boo Dick but Evil drags Hashi out to whip him hard into railing! Fans boo more as Evil gets a chair from under the ring. The ref tells Evil no but Dick gets in his way, and Evil CHOKES Hashi with the chair! Fans boo but Evil mockingly asks, “What? What?” Evil soaks up the boos now that fans can finally do it, but the ref reprimands. Evil lets off of Hashi but Dick’s undone the blue buckle pad. Evil gets impatient, but fans rally for Hashi as the ring count starts.

Hashi sits up at 4 of 20, and crawls his way over. Hashi hobbles in at 9 and fans applaud, but Evil CHOKES Hashi with the shirt! Fans boo and the ref reprimands, and Evil lets go at 4. Evil argues with the ref but he kicks Hashi to the apron. Fans rally for Hashi while Evil distracts the ref. Dick gets a cheap shot in! Fans boo Dick but he drags Hashi up and puts him in. Evil covers, TWO! Evil covers again, TWO! Evil covers again, TWO!! Fans cheer but Evil is frustrated with the ref. Evil kicks Hashi around, but Hashi eggs him on. Evil brings Hashi up but Hashi CHOPS! Fans cheer as Hashi gets in Evil’s face, and CHOPS again!

Hashi CHOPS Evil more but Evil knees low. Evil whips, but Hashi dropkicks the legs out! Fans rally while both men are down! Evil crawls to a corner, Hashi goes to the other. Hashi runs in corner to corner and he CHOPS! Hashi whips Evil to CHOP, and then he mule kicks and turns Evil. Evil elbows free, swings but Hashi dodges to HEADHUNTER! Hashi hurries to WRECK Dick with a dropkick! Fans fire up with Hashi and he runs in at Evil again! Clothesline in the corner, and then the NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up again and Hashi drags Evil back up. Hashi reels Evil in, but Evil pulls hair!

Hashi breaks free, the ref reprimands but Evil shoves the ref in the way as the mule kick comes in! Fans are shocked as the ref goes down! Evil claws Hashi’s eyes! Evil grabs that chair, and he JAMS it into Hashi’s stomach! Dick gets Evil another chair, and Evil puts one around Hashi’s head! Evil grabs the other chair, and he hits the HOMERUN! Fans boo but Evil puts the chairs outside the ring. Evil tells the ref to get up, and then he drags Hashi up. Fireman’s carry, DARKNESS FALLS! Cover, TWO!! Hashi survives and fans fire up again! Evil is furious but he slashes his throat and vows to end this!

Evil drags Hashi up but fans shout and rally. EVERY- NO, Hashi fights the STO, and waistlocks! Evil elbows free, whips, but Hashi reverses! Evil hits the bare buckles! Hashi hits a SNAP DRAGON SUPLEX! Fans fire up while both men are down! Hashi and Evil stir, and Hashi powers up the arm. Hashi runs, but Evil swats the lariat! Hashi CHOPS in return! Evil runs to LARIAT, but Hashi stays up! Hashi roars, fires off fast hands, and a CHOP! Evil spins, into Hashi’s SUPERKICK! Evil wobbles and drops, but Hashi drags him back up! Fans fire up but Dick gets on the apron! Hashi sends Evil into Dick! And then Hashi LARIATS!

Fans fire up more with Hashi as he drags Evil back up. Fisherman, to KUMAGOROSHI! Cover, TWO!! Evil survives but fans are thunderous as Hashi roars! Hashi drags Evil back up, reels him in, but Evil blocks the full nelson! Evil grabs the ref, but Hashi avoids the low blow mule kick! Hashi holds on, the ref breaks free of Evil, and the ref SLAPS Evil!! Hashi hits a full nelson, KARMA CLUTCH! Cover, TWO!!! Evil narrowly escapes and fans can’t believe it! Fans tell Dick to go away as he gets back up on the apron. But Evil gets a chair again! We’re at 10 minutes as Evil rushes in, but Hashi moves! The chair hits DICK!

Hashi SUPERKICKS the chair into Evil! Roll-up, with a bridge, TWO!?!? Evil escapes but Hashi clamps on with a SLEEPER! Hashi leans on Evil and Evil is already fading! Fans rally as Hashi drags Evil up, and then Hashi full nelsons to the pump handle. Evil fights that but Hashi CLUBS him! Then KARMA MK. II!! Hashi fires up as he hooks Evil up again, for KARMA- NO! Evil shoves Hashi away, then shoves the ref in at him! Hashi catches the ref, and shoves him back! Evil shoves the ref away, but Hashi blocks the low blow uppercut! Short arm- NO, Evil sends Hashi into the bare buckles!! EVERYTHING IS EVIL!!! Cover, Evil wins!!

Winner: EVIL, by pinfall (advances to the semifinals)

Hashi couldn’t #GetBackUp after Evil used all those tricks! Is there no stopping the King of Darkness from having even more gold in NJPW?


NJPW World Television Championship Tournament, Quarterfinals: David Finlay VS Zack Sabre Jr!

The Rebel has been fighting and fighting, but continues to fall short of titles. He got a great win to start this tournament, will he keep things going into the semifinals? Or will he have no choice but to #JustTapOut as the Submission Master goes for his own golden glory?

The bell rings and fans rally as the two stare down. ZSJ and Finlay circle, feel things out, and tie up. ZSJ puts Finlay on ropes but Finlay turns it around. ZSJ turns it back around, they go around and around along the ropes, and Finlay has ZSJ in a corner. Red Shoes calls the ropebreak, Finlay and ZSJ still hold on, but then let off as Red Shoes steps between them. Fans applaud as the two reset and go again. Finlay gets an arm but ZSJ fights with a chinbar. Finlay wristlocks but ZSJ rolls to get the chinbar again. Finlay wrangles ZSJ, ZSJ moves around and slips free. Fans applaud that exchange as the two reset again.

ZSJ and Finlay feel things out again, they knuckle lock, but ZSJ stands on one arm and pulls on the other. ZSJ turns Finlay around for a motorcycle stretch! Finlay endures, turns it around on ZSJ, and fans applaud. ZSJ works on an escape while Finlay tries to keep him still. ZSJ flips, kangaroo kicks and gets away. Fans applaud again after another great exchange. ZSJ and Finlay reset again as fans rally back up. Finlay and ZSJ approach, Finlay shoots around and Finlay clamps on claws into the shoulders! Finlay shifts to get the arms and has a straitjacket stretch! ZSJ endures, rolls, flips things onto Finlay, but Finlay spins to put it back on ZSJ!

Fans applaud that exchange and Finlay digs his knee into ZSJ’s back. ZSJ moves around, gets to his feet, bridges to spin but Finlay spins it right back! Fans rally, ZSJ fights up and moves around, bridges deeper, then flips Finlay into a sunset! ONE and Finlay has a prawn hold! ONE and ZSJ has the sunset! ONE as Finlay gets the prawn! TWO and ZSJ gets the sunset! TWO and Finlay has a deep prawn! TWO!! ZSJ escapes by a half second and fans fire up! Fans rally and ZSJ talks some trash with Finlay. They circle again, ZSJ says, “Choto matte! <Just wait!>” ZSJ and Finlay feel things out, tie up again, and Finlay pushes ZSJ to ropes.

Red Shoes calls the break, Finlay eggs ZSJ on with some forearm grinds. Red Shoes gets in there, Finlay lets off but ZSJ pie faces him. Finlay ROCKS ZSJ in return! ZSJ EuroUppers! Finlay EuroUppers! Finlay EuroUppers again! And again! ZSJ falls over and fans fire up with Finlay! Finlay drags ZSJ up, but ZSJ WRINGS his arm out! ZSJ takes a breather while Finlay shakes out the bad arm. ZSJ stands on Finlay to UPPERCUT the arm! ZSJ twists the arm, bends the fingers, and tortures the elbow! Finlay moves around but ZSJ STOMPS the arm! Fans cheer the technical savagery, but ZSJ keeps on the arm.

Finlay fights back with pulling ZSJ’s ear but ZSJ hooks Finlay with a leg. ZSJ turns Finlay around while having both hammerlock and recliner armbar! ZSJ then makes it a cover, TWO! Fans applaud as Finlay escapes, but ZSJ stands on Finlay’s hand. ZSJ digs his knuckles into the shoulder, then he wrenches the arm. ZSJ wrangles Finlay to the mat, fights off Finlay’s headscissor attempt, but Finlay kips up and arm-drags! Finlay headlocks, ZSJ powers out but Finlay slides under to shove and DROPKICK! Fans fire up and Finlay is feeling it! Finlay stands ZSJ up for more EuroUppers, then he whips ZSJ to ropes. ZSJ reverses but Finlay FLYING UPPERCUTS!

ZSJ gets to a corner while fans fire up with Finlay. Finlay runs in to UPPERCUT, then snap suplex! Cover, TWO! Fans rally for Finlay and he stomps ZSJ’s hand. Finlay stands ZSJ up but ZSJ fights the clinch. ZSJ slips around, waistlocks, O’Conner Rolls but Finlay schoolboys through! TWO, ZSJ wants a leg but Finlay steps through to La Magistrol! But ZSJ pushes that down to cover! TWO as Finlay cradles, TWO as ZSJ has the cradle back, TWO!! Fans applaud the exchange, and Finlay UPPERCUTS ZSJ down! Finlay watches ZSJ get to a corner, and then runs in to UPPERCUT! ZSJ drops to his knees and Finlay goes up the corner.

Finlay leaps, but ZSJ catches the uppercut into an ARMBAR! And then shifts sides! Finlay still clasps hands but ZSJ pulls the fingers! Finlay loses his grip but he shifts around, only for ZSJ to trap him with his legs! They roll as ZSJ keeps on the armbar, but Finlay reaches out to the ROPEBREAK! Fans applaud as ZSJ lets off quickly. Fans rally for Finlay as he clutches his arm, but ZSJ gives him toying kicks. Finlay eggs ZSJ on so ZSJ KICKS! Finlay stays up so ZSJ KICKS him again! Finlay gets in ZSJ’s face, but ZSJ WRINGS the arm! And PENALTY KICKS! Cover, ONE?!? Fans are thunderous as Finlay flips ZSJ off!

ZSJ kicks again but Finlay blocks! Finlay hits a BLUE THUNDER BOMB! Cover, TWO!! ZSJ survives but fans still rally behind Finlay. Finlay eggs ZSJ on while stomping a mudhole in! Red Shoes counts, Finlay stops at 4, and we’re at 10 minutes. Time is running out as Finlay brings ZSJ up. Finlay hoists ZSJ up top, then climbs up after him. Finlay brings ZSJ up, for the SUPERPLEX! Cover, TWO! ZSJ is still in this but Finlay keeps his cool. Fans rally and Finlay slashes his throat to say this is it! But ZSJ blocks the suplex to get a GUILLOTINE! And then a double wristlock, then a FUJIWARA! Finlay endures but ZSJ pushes back on the armbar!

Finlay rolls through to a cover, TWO!! ZSJ headbutts low, EuroUppers, but into a backslide! ZSJ slips through but Finlay suplexes! ZSJ fights that to PELE the arm! Finlay rebounds to UPPERCUT! Cover, TWO!! Fans fire up more and Finlay drags ZSJ right up! IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!! Finlay can’t believe it, but then he calls for his shot! Three minutes left and Finlay cravats, ACID- NO, no drop! ZSJ has a SLEEPER! Finlay flails, ZSJ pops him back into body scissors! Finlay fights, pushes through, has a deep cradle, TWO!! EURO- NO, Finlay steals EURO CLUTCH! TWO!!! Fans are thunderous as ZSJ escapes in time!

Finlay forearms, ZSJ forearms, repeat! Fans rally as the shots go back and forth, faster and faster! Finlay EuroUppers and ZSJ wobbles! Finlay EuroUppers again, whips, but ZSJ reverses! Finlay FLYING UPPERCUTS into a backslide! Finlay rolls through but ZSJ pushes through to DEEP JACKKNIFE! ZSJ WINS!!!

Winner: Zack Sabre Jr, by pinfall (advances to the semifinals)

Finlay didn’t tap out, but he got caught all the same! The Rebel thought this was his year, but will he just have to wait until next season to try again?

As for ZSJ, he catches his breath while having his hand raised. Then he gets the mic, and he addresses the crowd, “Oi. Hisashiburi. <Long time, no see>” Then in English, “Oi, the time limit. Everyone’s banging on about the time limit.” In Japanese, ZSJ says “Daijiyobu yo. Zenzen daijiyobu yo. <It’s fine. It’s totally fine.>” That’s because ZSJ’s got the tekkers, mate. No one on this earth has the tekkers he has! ZSJ’s technique is “sugoi!” Not any old tekkers, either. Everyone’s talking about Strong Style, but ZSJ IS Strong Style! Fans cheer that. “But not just your old run of the mill, ol’ box standard tekkers. I’ve got Strong Style Tekkers!”

And that TV title is his! He admits, he didn’t get a chance to watch the previous match, so who won? Evil! Oh, that sounds fun. “Evil, listen up, you pumpkin headed tosser. Halloween’s come early for you, dick head! Happy effin’ Halloween. Oi, Evil, see you in Osaka, dick head! As you were!” The Submission Master is ready for the tricks Evil is bringing, but will he get the treat of moving on to Wrestle Kingdom and the final showdown?

My Thoughts:


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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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