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Andrew’s IMPACT Results & Match Ratings: 10.27.2022

New Tag Champs, Option C invoked and Honor…No More? Things are looking interesting for IMPACT!



So last week I wasn’t feeling great with all of the bipolar weather in the Northeast. Now I’m aware we’re working on Maclin getting a bit of a Kaz rub leading into Kaz’s option C cash in, Heath & Rhino are tag champions now and PCO demolished Honor No More.

Now we’ve got some interesting stuff building for Over Drive. Now many people know that OGK already showed up in AEW, so the following clip isn’t really a shock.


  • X Division Tournament: Alan Angels vs Trey Miguel: Trey wins via Lightning Spiral – **
  • Tasha Steelz w/Savannah Evans vs Rachelle Scheel: Scheel wins via DQ – N/A
  • Chris Bey w/Ace Austin vs Tommy Dreamer w/Bully Ray: Bey wins via Art of Finesse – ***
  • Matt Cardona w/Brian Myers vs Alex Shelley w/Chris Sabin: Cardona wins via Roll-Up – *** 1/4
  • Raj Singh w/Shera vs Joe Hendry: Hendry wins via Standing Ovation – SQUASH
  • VXT (Deonna Purrazzo) & Gisele Shaw vs Taylor Wilde, Mickie James & Jordynne Grace: Mickie wins via Counter DDT – *** 1/2


X Division Tournament: Alan Angels vs Trey Miguel

We should all know how I feel about Trey, but he’s probably going to win since Angels isn’t enough of an established name to move forward.

Early chain wrestling and dodges, which is very typical for this era of the X Division. They almost all follow the same script of counter wrestling, someone gets a cut off, then striking eventually happens. After an awkwardly timed Dropkick Counter from Angels, he lands a Northern Lights Suplex for 2. Inverted Slingblade gives Angels another 2, but the chemistry is very lacking between these two.

Moves look heavily choreographed and about a half second slow, so nothing looks good and everything seems too telegraphed. God, Trey’s kick flurry even looks awful, a few swing short and bad, punctuated with a Running Meteora for 2, but this match is really just indyriffic garbage.

Trey gets up his typical corner slip, Cheeky Nandos Kick, Corner Tiger Feint into Meteora, but Angels kicks out. This match has has ZERO tension, and the kick out is irrelevant when they’re trying to play it as something special. Angels goes for a really slow and bad looking Rolling Lariat, misses, drops Trey, Frog Splash for 2. Trey dodges the weird Rolling Lariat again, hits the Jacky Bryant Kick and Lightning Spiral…to no one’s surprise.

Trey is easily the embodiment of most of the things wrong in wrestling currently.

Tasha Steelz w/Savannah Evans vs Rachelle Scheel

Tasha gets an enhancement talent match? Bitch, why?

Bell rings and Tasha rocks Rachelle with a Yakuza Kick. O-Kurrr, and then Tasha waves off the downed opponent and just walks for a mic.

Tasha grabs the mic and basically says this match is an insult, and she shouldn’t be in the ring with this regular nobody. So she has Savannah beat on her for amusement.

I’m really waiting for Savannah to turn on Tasha. Gimmick is getting old. 

Chris Bey w/Ace Austin vs Tommy Dreamer w/Bully Ray

A quick Headlock Takeover from Tommy, a little more counter wrestling and then they have a small double counter/stare off. So Bey is jawing a little but there’s good character work, then Ace and Bully both jump on the aprons to bring a stalemate before the commercial break.

Bey lands a few quick kicks, then Bey goes for a Crossbody, Dreamer catches him and hits him with the ole’ Sack of Shit. Quick sweep, Double Stomp and Standing Moonsault from Bey for 1. Trading Corner Chop spots, Dreamer charges, posts himself and Bey starts working over the injured arm.

Art of Finesse attempt, Cutter attempt from Dreamer, DDT counter. Superkick from Bey, Dreamer catches the foot and hits the Cutter for 2. To the second rope goes Dreamer, sign of the cross, and he eats a Superkick. Bey goes up, Dreamer crotches him, Superplex, both are laid out. Moose stomps out after Bully accused him of things earlier in the night. Starts arguing with Bully, Moose trips Bey when no one is looking to frame Bully.

Dreamer tries the Roll-Up win, but Bey fights it off and Art of Finesse gives Bey the win.

ImpactPlus Flashback: Slammiversary 2013, Sting vs Bully Ray, Last Chance No Holds Barred, TNA Heavyweight Championship

Matt Cardona w/Brian Myers vs Alex Shelley w/Chris Sabin

Cardona starts before the bell, Shelley still wants the fight of course, then counters the momentum fairly quickly. The match takes place outside for a bit before Shelley eventually gets the match back in the ring.

Myers does the classic heel trip the babyface and enrage the opponents second. Then Cardona keeps up the new momentum, a few haymakers and suplexes, as Cardona starts wearing down Shelley. Shelley tries to fight out with thigh kicks, but Cardona keeps Shelley grounded with a Headbutt and a few well placed strikes.

Broski Boot misses as Shelley hits the Flatliner into the low turnbuckle. Both get to the middle, slug fest, but Shelley starts getting the best of things as he punctuates with a Flying Forearm. Enzuigiri into Tornado DDT, but Myers puts the foot on the ropes for the break. Then Sabin runs Myers into the ring, High Speed Dirt on Myers which allows Cardona the short to thumb the eyes, Radio Silence…but a Kick out!

Myers slides in the Digital Media title too far, Shelley looks to use it, a few close shots and then Shelley with the DDT onto the belt for 2. Shenanigans outside, Victory Roll from Shelley, only 2, Myers clocks Shelley with the belt and Cardona wins with the Roll-Up.

Raj Singh w/Shera vs Joe Hendry

I didn’t realize they wasted money on Raj having his own theme music…much less why he’s still on the roster. But Joe Hendry is fantastic and actually has a bulk of the crowd clapping and waving their hands from side to side. 

Hendry does a Wristlock Takedown and then sings his “I believe in Joe Hendry” and pats Raj on the head twice in time with his theme. Stalling Suplex, Raj tries to do something but Hendry catches him and hits him with the Trust Fall.

Short Arm Lariat, a little arm waving and The Standing Ovation!

I Believe in Joe Hendry!

Eddie Edwards has a sit down with Gia Miller. He claims Honor No More is…No More. Eddie vents a little and calls PCO a little bitch. So we’re going to be getting a PCO vs Eddie match soon.

VXT (Deonna Purrazzo) & Gisele Shaw vs Taylor Wilde, Mickie James & Jordynne Grace

I always enjoy when Taylor comes back to Impact. She was one of the bright spots during the earlier days and then when she took time off for school and family, there was a long time off. Last few years she’s been doing short stints, and it’s always great.

Early on its fairly frequent tags and nothing crazy, but to note, Taylor Wilde still has fantastic snap on those Arm Drags. Its also nice to see moments of Taylor versus Deonna. That is definitely a singles match that could be amazing if given some time.

VXT tries to double team Taylor, but she pulls off her classic Headlock/Headscissors tandem buster. All six women get in and start throwing down with the babyfaces coming out on top. After the commercial break, Jodrynne tags back in Taylor and we see VXT taking over a little. Deonna gets to even the score with Taylor a bit and just keep quick tags happening to rock Taylor.

Mickie gets the hot tag, but enough heel tactics gets Mickie tripped up and Gisele connects on a Superkick. Back to Back 2 counts, barely keeps Mickie’s career and the match going. Cheap shots and referee distractions continue to give the heel team the advantage, but Mickie stays resilient.

Fighting back, we get a few cut offs, but Mickie hits a big Swinging Neckbreaker on Gisele, and stereo tags gets Mickie out of the harm’s way! Deonna eats a big uppercut and Spinebuster from Jordynne. Grace Driver attempt but no, signature spam time, Jordynne drops Deonna, tags Mickie back in, Avalanche Thesz Press for 2, Mick D- nope, Deonna makes the tag, Street Sweeper from VXT…for 2!

Chelsea tells Gisele to grab the Knockouts title for a weapon, but Gisele poses and jaws. Jordynne attacks Gisele, Taylor breaks up the double team attempt, Mickie hits the counter DDT for the win!

Overall Score: 7.25/10

Mickie continues to do some of the best work of her career in this last year or so. Taylor Wilde is also a big nostalgia bias for me, because I’ve loved her since like 2008. Joe Hendry is another big pop from me, since I just enjoy most of what he does.

Even though I detest Trey Miguel, the rest of the show was damn good and the fact that the awful “sizzle but no steak” indy style is popular; means most people probably liked that match more than I ever will. Bully Ray’s angle is intriguing, whereas I don’t trust a damn word out of his mouth, Moose fanning fires and being a general annoyance is beautiful. Also there’s some real hype with Josh Alexander and Frankie Kazarian taking on Aussie Open next week.

Just solid matches, good building blocks and plenty of elements to keep me invested. Really solid episode.

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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