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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (10/28/22)




SmackDown 2022

The Tribal Chief returns!

With just a week before Crown Jewel, the Undisputed WWE Universal Champion, Roman Reigns, returns to SmackDown!


  • Ridge Holland & Pete Dunne VS Sami Zayn & Solo Sikoa; Ridge & Dunne win.
  • The New Day VS Maximum Male Models w/ Maxxine Dupri; The New Day wins.
  • SmackDown Women’s Championship Open Challenge: Ronda Rousey VS Emma; Ronda wins and retains the title.
  • Legado del Fantasma VS Hit Row & ???; Hit Row & Shinsuke Nakamura win.
  • Karrion Kross w/ Scarlett Bordeaux VS Mad Cap Moss; Kross wins.


Ridge Holland & Pete Dunne VS Sami Zayn & Solo Sikoa!

The Brawling Brutes were indeed brawling with The Bloodline, and now they’ll be having a match! Will Ridge the Fridge and the Bruiserweight show that UK grit? Or will the Honorary Uce and the Bloodline’s Enforcer keep on breaking the brutes like they did Sheamus?

The Usos are with Solo & Sami backstage to hype them up. But Sami wants a word with Jey first. Tonight’s a big night, understand? Oh, so Jey’s not to get involved tonight? No, the exact opposite, actually. All hands on deck! Last week was a black eye for the Bloodline, Roman Reigns isn’t here yet, so when he gets here, he needs to see everyone’s hands raised in victory. Jey did help Sami, Sami knows that now. Can Jey bring that energy tonight? YEET. It’s all good for the Bloodline for now, but will that change very quickly? The Bloodline makes their entrance, teams sort out and “Butch” starts with Sami.

The bell rings, they tie up and Dunne pulls on an ear! Sami complains, the ref counts, and Dunne lets off. Sami kicks low, headlocks, but Dunne powers out. Things speed up, Dunne hurdles and drops to then CLOBBER Sami! Dunne drags Sami up, wrenches and tags in Ridge, and the Brutes bring Sami down to drop knees on the arms! Ridge then brings Sami up but Sami kicks low. Sami headlocks but Ridge powers out to hip toss! Ridge tags Dunne, he drags Sami up and the Brutes give Sami some Beats of the Bodhrain! Fans rally and duel but Dunne drags Sami up. Sami kicks low, headlocks again, and Solo tags as Dunne powers out.

Sami bails out, Dunne turns around and Solo LARIATS! Solo snarls, the Usos like what they see, and Solo drops a leg! Dunne crawls to ropes, Solo snarls at Ridge, then he stalks Dunne. The ref wants him to back off, but that allows Jimmy to get a cheap shot in! Fans boo but then Solo sucker punches Ridge! Solo drags Dunne up, he tags Sami in, and they mug Dunne. Sami swaggers, fans cheer as he starts dancing, and Sami CLUBS Dunne. Sami throws more crossface forearms, then he tags Solo in. But Dunne fights free to knee Solo down! Dunne throws elbows then he dumps Sami out! Sami scrambles up but Dunne hits him with a FLYING KNEE!

Fans fire up while the Usos snarl and stare Dunne down. Tensions are high, but then Solo CLOBBERS Dunne! Solo  then drags Dunne up for an APRON SPINEBUSTER! St. Louis is torn as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Dunne throws hands on Solo! Solo ROCKS Dunne and he goes to a corner. Solo runs in but Dunne dodges! Solo hits buckles, Dunne crawls, but Solo stomps him down. Solo whips Dunne to ropes but Dunne turns Samoan Drop into DDT! Fans fire up and both men crawl, hot tag to Sami, and he drags Dunne from Ridge! Dunne slips free, hot tag to Ridge! Ridge rallies on Sami with big shoulders! He ducks ‘n’ dodges to FLYING SHOULDER TACKLE! Fans fire up as Ridge clotheslines in the corner! Ridge goes corner to corner to clothesline again! And again, but into a BOOT!

Sami runs, but into a scoop! Ridge grins as he swings Sami for a SIDE SLAM! Cover, TWO!! Sami survives and the Usos are right at the apron! They cool off and back away as Ridge drags Sami up. Ridge hoists Sami up but Sami fights the bomb! Sami elbows Ridge, Solo tags in, but Ridge scoops Sami! Solo SUPERKICKS! Sami feeds Ridge to a SAMOAN DROP! Cover, TWO!! The Bloodline can’t believe how close that was! Sami and the Usos coach Solo through and he brings Ridge up. “Who the hell do you think you are?!” Solo swings but Ridge blocks the punch! Ridge HEADBUTTS Solo! Solo HEADBUTTS Ridge!

Ridge HEADBUTTS, Solo HEADBUTTS, both men let off and run, LARIAT from Ridge! Fans fire up while both men are down and crawling! Hot tag to the Bruiserweight! But hot tag to Sami! The forearms fly, Sami BOOTS Dunne, then he hoists Dunne up! Dunne fishhooks to fight the Blue Thunder! Dunne throws elbows but Sami lifts him up, but Dunne sunset flips! TWO, into a CLOVERLEAF! Jimmy distracts but Dunne GAMANGIRIS! Sami rolls Dunne, TWO!! Dunne escapes, hurries to a corner, and he runs back in, into a CORNER EXPLODER! Sami goes to the far corner and takes aim, HELLUVA- NO, Dunne dodges to ENZIGURI!

Sami is down and Dunne drags himself up! Fans rally for Sami and Solo anchors Dunne! Dunne CLUBS Solo, Sami welcomes the moonsault? But Jey drags him out! Sami is upset now, because he says he was going to counter! Jey says Sami was gonna get hit! Dunne adjusts, but Solo trips Dunne up while the ref is busy watching Sami and Jey! Sami says THAT is how you do it! Jey is upset with Sami but Solo keeps the peace. The ring count is climbing to 5 of 10! Ridge BLASTS Solo and Jey! Sami manages to get in the ring and he’s furious, but Dunne cradles him! BRUTES WIN!!

Winners: The Brawling Brutes, by pinfall

Ridge & Dunne take advantage of the dysfunction between Sami and Jey! Jey tells Sami this is his fault but Sami says this is Jey’s fault! Solo tries to cool this off, but Jey is pacing and heated. Now Jimmy gets in Jey’s face! And then ROMAN REIGNS arrives!! The rest of the Bloodline is very, very worried as The Tribal Chief and the Wise Man make their way out on stage. Roman holds up his belts for the pyro, then he continues to the ring. What will Roman have to say about what just happened? We’ll see, after the break.


SmackDown returns and Roman Reigns is in the ring.

The Bloodline stands together but they all look a little worried. Paul Heyman hands the mic to Roman and Roman says, “St. Louis… ACKNOWLEDGE ME!” Fans are torn but there are plenty who cheer the Tribal Chief. Roman continues to say, “We usually have an order to things here but we’re gonna switch it up tonight. You’ve acknowledge me, now it’s time for me to acknowledge this elephant in the room.” Roman points out “you two,” Sami and Jey. “You wanna act like kids? Then we’re gonna treat you like kids. I don’t believe in airing the backstage in the ring, I believe in fighting in the ring and handling your business. But it seems like you two just can’t do that.

“So this is what I want you to do: I want you to put it all on the table. I want you to let it all out, because I want this problem fixed, right now.” Sami says okay. Sami will be the first to admit there was a communication breakdown and he feels it is pretty specifically with Jey. Sami will be honest, he isn’t sure what’s going on here. Sami likes Jey, he always has. And they’ve always gotten along, but ever since Sami’s been hanging out with the Bloodline, he isn’t sure what it is, but Jey just can’t seem to stand him. Sami doesn’t understand. Jimmy, Solo and everyone else seem fine. Sami isn’t sure what he did to offend Jey, but he apologizes for it.

Sami just doesn’t want this to keep going on like this anymore. Fans applaud that. Whatever Sami did, he’s sorry for it. Can they just be cool? Can they bury the hatchet once and for all? Sami holds out a hand to Jey, and fans cheer for Jey to shake it. Jey keeps looking sideways at Sami, but the fans get louder and Sami keeps asking him to just accept the apology. Jey nods and has the mic to say, “Sami, you’ve got about two seconds to get that out my face.” Jey doesn’t like Sami. He doesn’t like Sami’s hair, Sami’s face, or that Honorary Uce shirt! Jey doesn’t like Sami being around the family every single week, “My dawg this, my dawg that.”

How can Sami think he’s part of the Bloodline when he ain’t blood?! NEWS FLASH: Sami never will be. Sami doesn’t belong here! Nobody in this group really likes Sami, Jey’s just the only one willing to say it! Sami is a “fake ass Uce!” The difference between them is that Jey sheds blood for his family because it’s HIS family! NOT Sami’s! Would Sami do that? Why is Jey yelling at Sami?! Sami is trying to make peace! Roman said he wants peace! Jey doesn’t give a DAMN what the Tribal Chief says! Uh oh… Roman turns around very slowly to look at Jey. Fans tell Jey he messed up, and Jey knows it.

But Sami defends Jey to Roman. What Jey said was super messed up but he didn’t mean it. He didn’t mean it, right? Jey says he did not mean it. Sami says Jey’s been going through stuff, he’s not himself right now. He hasn’t been… very Ucey. Jey can’t believe Sami’s saying that now… Fans chant “UCEY! UCEY!” Roman can’t help but smirk. Jey hides his face so he doesn’t break. Roman asks, “Is that what’s going on here?” Is it cuz Jey isn’t feeling… Ucey? Roman puts his arm around Jey and Jey tries not to break again. Roman says, “This is what we’re going to do. If you can’t find your inner Ucey again, I’m gonna do something you ain’t gonna like.”

Roman says that he’ll take the “Honorary” away from Sami, and make Sami a FULL-BLOWN Uce. Sami smiles at the prospect of that. Roman says in fact, if Jey doesn’t figure this out, Sami’s name is just going to change! And y’know what that name will be? He’ll be SAMI USO! Sami is elated to hear that! Heyman takes the mic now as fans chant, “SAMI USO!” Heyman says, “Well, ladies and gentlemen, I think the Tribal Chief has called an end to this segment. Please catch your Tribal Chief live and in person live on the Peacock and WWE Network all across the world next Saturday, November 5th, from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, when your Tribal Chief, the Head of the Table, Roman… Reigns…! Defends the Undisputed WWE Universal Heavyweight Championship against Logan Paul.”

Fans boo at Logan Paul’s name and Heyman says this is a kind word from our sponsors in three, two, one. And SmackDown goes to break. Will Jey keep it together in order to keep Sami from being adopted into the Bloodline?


The Viking Raiders speak.

“Tonight, we celebrate the gods. Without their guidance, we are blind.” “But now, with you, we see.” The mead is poured, “The gods have opened our eyes. Valhalla awaits.” Who will the Viking Raiders and their Valkyrie go after first?


The New Day VS Maximum Male Models w/ Maxxine Dupri!

Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods are continuing their fight back towards the tag titles, but they have some fashionable competition in their way. Will the Usos be watching to remember why Kofi & Woods are the longest reigning W, W, E, World, Tag, Team, Champions? Or will Maçé & Mansôör debut their most shocking moment yet?

The teams sort out and Woods starts against Mansoor. They tie up, Woods wrenches and wristlocks but Mansoor rolls and cartwheels to break free. Mansoor strikes a pose but fans chant “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” Mansoor smirks and circles with Woods, then they tie up again. Mansoor wrenches to wristlock but Woods rolls and handsprings to break free! Mansoor ducks the roundhouse but the sweep hits! SENTON, and then Woods strikes a pose. Mace is angry but Woods tags Kofi. Woods feeds Mansoor to Kofi’s shoulder, then Woods suplexes for Kofi’s CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Kofi keeps on Mansoor, tags Woods back in, and Woods climbs to drop AX HANDLES!

Woods keeps Mansoor from Mace, whips him to an open corner, but Mansoor puts Woods on the apron. Woods ROCKS Mansoor, Maxxine hurries to check on him! This distracts the ref from Mace tripping Woods! Mansoor grinds forearms into Woods, then he tags Mace. MMM double whip to double ELBOW! And DOUBLE POSE! Fans boo, but Mace stomps and drops elbows. Cover, TWO! Mace brings Woods up, tags in Mansoor, then he whips Woods to a corner. Woods whips Mansoor in but Woods dodges! Woods dumps Mace out, but Mansoor back suplexes! Woods lands on his feet, dodges Mansoor, hot tag to Kofi!

Kofi springboards to AX HANDLE! Kofi rallies with CHOPS and a DROPKICK! KNEE for Mace, then Kofi dodges Mansoor to LEAPING LARIAT! Fans fire up for the “NEW~ DAY~!” BOOM DROP! Kofi claps and fans clap along, “NEW! DAY ROCKS!” But Mace swipes at Kofi! Kofi kicks back, manages to dodge Mansoor to SWING KICK, and Woods DROPKICKS Mace! Mansoor catches Kofi up top but Kofi SUPER GOURD BUSTERS! To then FROG SPLASH! Tag to Woods and Kofi brings Mansoor up! MIDNIGHT HOUR! Cover, New Day wins!

Winners: The New Day, by pinfall

The male models were not ready for this showdown, Kofi & Woods are rolling! But will they be able to stop the Usos from breaking their tag title reign record?


Backstage interview with Sonya Deville.

Kayla Braxton notes Ronda Rousey is issuing her open challenge in just moments, will Sonya be answering? What kind of question is that? Why would she tell anyone and ruin the element of surprise? But someone who isn’t answering the challenge is Liv Morgan. Liv had one little loss and now she’s broken. That is because Liv walked around with a title she didn’t deserve in the first place. Liv attacks Sonya! Anyone getting deja vu?! Liv and Sonya brawl all over again, but refs rush in to stop it before it gets extreme again! Will Sonya learn her lesson about egging Liv on? Or will it take another crash through a table to get it through to her?


Braun Strowman speaks.

“Y’know, there’s a saying, ‘There’s always someone bigger and stronger than you are.’ Now, Omos, it’s clear that you’re bigger than me. But stronger?” We get a highlight reel of Braun’s most destructive moments, and he says we’ve all seen Braun rip doors off cars and flip ambulances over. Hell, he did that to a tractor trailer. “Why? Because it was a challenge to me, and it was exciting for me. I felt some of that same excitement when I looked up into the eyes of the giant, Omos, and I thought, ‘What a challenge this is gonna be for me.’ Because when it comes to challenges, the bigger, the better!

“Now come Crown Jewel, Omos, you’re gonna find out real quick that there is no giant too big for the Monster of All Monsters.” Will Braun look to prove another saying: “The bigger they are, the harder they fall?”


SmackDown Women’s Championship Open Challenge: Ronda Rousey VS ???

Just as said, the Baddest Woman on the Planet is putting this title on the line because she can. But Ronda herself said she’s not doing this for the fans, she’s doing this to show us just how dangerous she can be. Ronda gets the mic to now say, “Well it looks like the belt is back where it belongs. And you guys are actually in luck, because I just so happened to be in the mood to prove it with an open challenge. Oh, don’t worry, I don’t expect you to be grateful to have such an active champion, or to even realize how impressive it is that I repeatedly defend this title at a moment’s notice. No no, I don’t expect that much out of you.

“And you wanna know why? Because only the great can recognize greatness! And you’re all too mediocre to know what you’re looking at.” Fans boo but Ronda says we’ll get the formalities out of the way. “Who’s feeling lucky tonight?” Ronda waits, and the open challenge is answered by… “It’s all about me.” EMMA?! Emma is back in the WWE?! The Aussie with attitude goes to the ring, will her return be an incredibly shocking one? We find out, after the break.

SmackDown returns and the belt is raised. The bell rings and the two circle. Fans rally, the two tie up, and Emma powers Ronda back, only for Ronda to turn it around. The ref counts, Ronda lets off quick, and she circles with Emma. They tie up, Ronda chinbars to get a sayanagi! Ronda drags Emma up to shove her down, then she gets a leg to roll through to a fireman’s carry! Ronda says she’s sending Emma back to Australia! But Emma sunset flips, TWO, and then rolls Ronda up! TWO, and Ronda BOOTS Ema down! Emma bails out of the ring, Ronda taunts her, and then Ronda goes out after Emma.

Ronda drags Emma up, brings her around, and RAMS her into the steel steps! Ronda runs in, but Emma dodges and Ronda’s knee hits steel! The ring count climbs, Ronda hurries to the ring but Emma is the one who puts her in. Emma stalks Ronda, but Ronda shakes the bad leg out. Ronda runs in but is sent into buckles! Emma gets the TARANTULA! The ref counts, Emma lets off at 4 and Ronda crawls away. Emma climbs up, leaps, CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Ronda goes to a corner, Emma runs in but Ronda BOOTS her! Ronda drags Emma out to the apron, throws knees but the ref counts.

Ronda lets Emma out of the “Rondaconda” facelock, and then she gets in to kick Emma around. Ronda taunts Emma, puts her back in the ropes and CHOKES her with a straddle! The ref counts, fans boo but Ronda lets off at 4 to KNEE Emma back in! Ronda stalks Emma, taunts her, and slaps her around. Ronda then rolls Emma into a cobra twist leglock combo! Emma endures as Ronda stomps and stomps to thrash the hold! “They don’t care about you, Emma! They don’t even remember you! Emma who?!” Ronda keeps talking trash but Emma fights free to throw down fists! Emma and Ronda get up, Emma mule kicks!

Ronda comes back to step-up KNEE, but Emma rebounds to LARIAT! Both women are down and fans rally up. Emma grits her teeth but Ronda grabs her first. Emma throws forearms and she backs Ronda down. Emma whips, Ronda reverses but Emma ducks ‘n’ dodges, to tilt-o-whirl and RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Fans fire up as Emma covers, TWO! Ronda goes to a corner, but she avoids Emma again! ANKLE LOCK! Emma endures as Ronda talks trash! Ronda leans on the hold, but Emma rolls and sends Ronda at a corner! Ronda stops from hitting buckles, but Emma ducks the roundhouse to wheelbarrow and GERMAN SUPLEX!

Fans fire up with Emma! Emma aims from the corner as Ronda flounders away. EMMAMITE SANDWICH!! Cover, TWO!!! Ronda survives and Emma can’t believe it! Emma drags Ronda up and underhooks the arms, but Ronda fights the lift! Ronda manages to fireman’s carry, but Emma slips off! Emma wings, Ronda shoves Emma at the ref! Then Ronda RAKES Emma’s eyes!! Scoop and fireman’s carry, PIPER’S PIT!! But Ronda wants to give everyone a souvenier! ARMBAR!! Emma taps, Ronda wins!

Winner: Ronda Rousey, by submission (still SmackDown Women’s Champion)

The Baddest Woman had to cheat and the fans all know it! Will Ronda continue to prove how bad she can be?


BREAKING NEWS for Crown Jewel!

After Bayley got another pin off Bianca Belair, they will go around one last time for the Raw Women’s Championship! It will be a LAST WOMAN STANDING MATCH! Will the Role Model finally get that title off The EST?

And after another big win over the Bloodline, the Brawling Brutes get another title shot against The Usos! Will Dunne & Ridge do The New Day a favor and end the reign now? Or will Jimmy & Jey still be the ones?


Jey argues with Heyman.

Jey wants to talk with Roman. But what about? Not about Sami being an Uso, but about Logan Paul! Logan got Jey with that sucker punch, Jey wants to talk with Roman. Heyman says sometimes it is better to hear things from the Wise Man. Jey accepts that, and Heyman says he’s got this. He’s the Warden of the Uso Penitentiary. Okay, so Heyman has Jey’s back on this? Always and always. Jey thanks Heyman then heads out, but will the Special Counsel really do right by the Right Hand Man?


Ronda Rousey returns backstage.

Shayna Baszler walks up and congratulates Ronda on taking care of “what’s her name.” Ronda doesn’t care, either. But Natalya walks over to say she can’t be sure if Ronda’s the baddest or luckiest woman on the planet, because if Natty had answered the challenge, she would be- SHAYNA CLUBS Natty! And wraps on the KIRAFUDA KLUTCH! The Queen of Spades silences the Queen of Harts, and Ronda says that is what Shayna was missing. Will Ronda and Shayna soon run all of SmackDown with that viciousness?


Legado del Fantasma VS Hit Row & ???

Some things change while some things remain the same. Zelina Vega is the new manager, but business continues as usual, and that means settling scores with Legado’s oldest rival, Hit Row! But B-Fab says she has connections of her own. Who is the third man for Adonis & Dolla? We’ll find out, after the break!

SmackDown returns and Hit Row makes their entrance. B-Fab has the mic to say, “Since Legado don’t wanna fight us to our faces, Hit Row is rising, son. And we got friends in high places.” And so SHINSUKE NAKAMURA joins the fight! And he struts out in matching black ‘n’ white! Will the ace up their sleeve that is the King of Strong Style be just what Hit Row needs to end Legado once and for all?

A brawl is on as soon as all six men hit the ring! B-Fab eggs Vega on but Vega stays back! Dolla has Del Toro, Adonis has Wilde and Nakamura has Escobar! The ref tries to regain order, Dolla SPLASHES Wilde! Then Adonis goes up to “WOLLY WOO~!” monkey flip! Then they SPLASH and FLIP Cruz! Nakamura sits Escobar down and gives him Good Vibrations~! Fans fire up as Nakamura lets off and Vega slides in. The Queen of the Ring tells the Emperor of Lucha to focus, but then Vega turns around into a BOOT from B-Fab! Legado is on the defensive as Nakamura and Hit Row tell them to “C’MON~!” and SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns again, Cruz has Adonis down with a cobra clutch. Adonis endures, fights up, Vega coaches Cruz but Adonis throws body shots. Cruz knees low, CLUBS him, then whips Adonis to the Legado corner. Cruz taunts Dolla then runs in, clothesline and tag! Wilde runs in, clothesline and tag! Escobar runs in, clothesline and tag! Cruz repeats, clothesline and tag! Wilde clotheslines and tags! Escobar gets another turn and he struts right up to Nakamura. Escobar runs in to DOUBLE KNEE! Vega likes what she sees as Cruz tags in then tags Wilde. Cruz & Escobar double suplex Adonis down for Wilde’s SPLASH! Cover, Dolla breaks it!

Dolla and Wilde glare, Wilde dares Dolla to do something. Dolla swipes at him but Wilde avoids it to CLUB Adonis. Wilde facelocks but Adonis fights forward. Adonis throws body shots, Wilde shifts to get a leg! Wilde brings Adonis back but loses his grip! Hot tags to Nakamura and Escobar! The King of Strong Style rallies and DECKS Escobar, then KNEES and AX KICKS Cruz! Nakamura tosses Wilde out, but Escobar CHOPS! Nakamura fires forearms! Escobar gives them back, but Nakamura KNEES, KICKS and KICKS! Escobar blocks but the ENZIGURI takes him down! Escobar goes to a corner, Nakamura runs in but blocks the boot!

Nakamura puts Escobar in ropes, KICKS him, then goes side to side for the SLIDING GERMAN! Fans fire up and Nakamura blocks a kick from Wilde to ROUNDHOUSE! Nakamura gets in, Escobar dodges a kick but not the WHEEL KICK! Cover, TWO! Tag to Dolla and he stalks Escobar, but Cruz leaps in! Dolla catches him! Wilde runs in but Dolla catches him, too! “Who hotta than Top Dolla?” WORLD’S STRONGEST WASTELAND, so says Wade Barrett. But then Escobar SHOTGUNS Dolla down! Escobar stomps and kicks Dolla, CHOPS him, but Dolla just snarls! Dolla blocks the next chop, and he knuckle locks Escobar.

Dolla says he’s going up?! AND HE GOES UP! “NOT NADA!” OLD SCHOOL!! Tag to Cruz, tag to Nakamura, FLAPJACK to a KINSHASA!! Cover, #KingRow wins!

Winners: Hit Row & Shinsuke Nakamura, by pinfall

La Muneca is pissed that her men fell! But will she go back to the drawing board to put Legado back on top?


Heyman talks with Roman.

The Wise Man tells the Tribal Chief that he needs Roman to watch one simple piece of footage. He plays Logan Paul’s training camp highlight reel. Roman barely pays attention as he’s on his phone. Logan does seem to be doing well, but Roman doesn’t get why he had to watch that. “Because, my Tribal Chief, it just takes one lucky punch.” Logan’s not gonna get that punch! Heyman says he was in synagogue, next to a doctor who knows a doctor who knows Logan Paul’s doctor. And they all get to talking, and Logan’s doctor told Heyman’s doctor that Logan once broke his hand. Logan has steel pins inside that hand that he throws that punch with.

Roman chuckles and tells the Wise Man, ‘He’s had two matches! TWO!” Yes, and this will be the third. Brock Lesnar won the UFC title in HIS third match! N-Not that Logan is Lesnar, and not that Lesnar is Roman! Roman beat Lesnar at WrestleMania AND SummerSlam. Heyman says this is a good time to excuse himself. He’ll fire up the jet, thank you for your time. Heyman is stressing out but Roman is more upset than before. Should the Tribal Chief be taking the ImPAULsive Influencer seriously?


Backstage interview with LA Knight.

The Mega Star says, “Lemme talk to ya! It seems like I should go ahead and do all my introductions around here, right? Cuz, uh, last time I checked with the ring announcer, she couldn’t even get my hometown right. How hard is that job? I could do it in my sleep, right? YEAH! Matter o’ fact, I’ll do it for you right now.” But before Knight gets going, Ricochet interrupts. “If it isn’t La La Night.” The One and Only just wanted to be the one to tell Knight that Knight might get a better reception if he didn’t act like God’s gift to SmackDown. Ricochet’s just trying to help him out.

Knight says, “Oh yeah?” Ricochet says, “Yeah. Because around here, when someone’s head grows as big as yours is, someone else is happy to knock it around.” Well then, Ricochet’s right. Knight IS God’s gift to SmackDown. Knight heads out but Ricochet tells him to keep running that mouth, because someone’s gonna shut it. Is that someone going to be Ricochet?


Karrion Kross w/ Scarlett Bordeaux VS Mad Cap Moss!

Mr. Doomsday is back after that hit ‘n’ run then hit again from Drew McIntyre last week, and he’s in a mood worse than usual. Will Kross take out his anger on the Riddickulous One?

The bell rings and Kross ties up with Moss. They are in a deadlock as Moss is a big man, and then Moss waistlocks. Kross resists the lift, throws elbows, and runs, but Moss hurdles! Moss hits an atomic drop, then runs to CLOBBER Kross! Fans fire up with Moss and he storms up on Kross. Moss kicks and bumps Kross off buckles, then he CHOPS him! Fans “WOO~” but Kross snarls as he goes to another corner. Moss CHOPS Kross again, but Kross glares at him. The forearms start flying, Kross knees low then he bumps Moss off buckles. Kross throws hands, Moss wobbles but Kross stands him up for more haymakers!

The ref counts, Kross backs off, but he BOOTS Moss down! Kross looms over Moss as he drags himself up. Moss throws body shots but Kross knees low! Kross whips corner to corner but Moss elbows him back! Moss goes up to FLYING SHOULDER TACKLE! Fans fire up as Moss runs and clotheslines Kross up and out! Kross is furious but Scarlett keeps him focused as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Moss ROCKS Kross with a forearm! But Kross catches Moss for an EXPLODER! Moss flounders to a corner, Kross runs in to clothesline, elbow and ROLLING ELBOW! Kross stomps a mudhole in but lets off as the ref counts. Kross storms up on Moss, drags him up and reels him in for a NORTHERN LIGHTS! Kross rolls through to then short arm LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Moss survives but Kross vows to end this. Kross waits on Moss to sit up, and then Kross wrenches to hammerlock and BODY SHOT! Moss falls, Kross stomps him down. Kross runs to BASEMENT BOOT! Cover, TWO!

Kross is annoyed and Scarlett is frustrated with Moss’s toughness. Kross ROCKS Moss and Moss sits down. Kross says, “I own you!” Kross drags Moss up again but Moss throws body shots! Moss runs but Kross ELBOWS him down! Cover, TWO! Kross is annoyed again and Scarlett wants this done already. Kross whips Moss hard into a corner! Moss bounces off buckles and Kross grins. Kross drags Moss up, reels him in, and snap suplexes him! Cover, TWO! But into an ARMBAR! Moss endures, moves around, and he gets the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Kross lets off at 4, and he drags Moss back up.

Fans rally but Kross wrenches. Moss blocks the suplex with elbows! Moss throws more elbows, and he counter punches Kross! And again! And again! Moss fires off haymakers, whips Kross to ropes, but Kross reverses, only for Moss to LARIAT! And LARIAT again! Fans fire up as Moss dodges, ducks, and CLOBBERS Kross again! Moss kicks Kross, reels him in, but Kross wrenches out to ROCK Moss again! Kross runs, but into a SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Moss hurries to clinch and scoop! FALL AWAY SLAM! Fans fire up and Moss roars! Moss runs in to RAM into Kross! Moss goes again, and RAMS in again!

Moss just keeps going, but then Scarlett is there! Moss turns around, into a BOOT! DOOMSDAY SAIDO!! But Kross isn’t done there, he wants to hurt Moss. Kross stands Moss up, winds up, and he SLAMS Kross down! KROSS HAMMER!! Cover, Kross wins!

Winner: Karrion Kross, by pinfall

But that’s not enough! KROSSJACKET!! Moss is flailing and fading but Scarlett has a mic for Kross. “Hey, McIntyre! Just so you know, Moss put up a much better fight than you did. Because he’s not a coward or a hypocrite like you are! You stand for absolutely nothing but your own ambitions, and we’ve all seen your true face. And I will always stand for the new beginning. And at Crown Jewel, when they lock you inside that steel cage with me, I promise you, history will repeat itself. Tick-tock.” Kross STILL squeezes the life out of Moss! Refs try to stop Kross and fans boo, but Kross doesn’t let Moss go until Moss is completely limp! Is this the fate of the Scottish Warrior in just 8 days?


Bray Wyatt paces backstage.

The White Rabbit is on the TV. Bray sweats and mutters something to himself, but what will he say to the WWE Universe? We find out, after the break.


Backstage interview with Rey Mysterio.

Kayla notes the King of Lucha is facing Gunther for the Intercontinental Championship next week, and Rey says it is exciting to be competing for that prestigious title again, and he is grateful to be back on SmackDown- Someone SMACKS Rey with a chair! IT’S IMPERIUM! Vinci & Kaiser grab Rey and stand him up for Gunther! Rey’s excited, huh? Gunther rips Rey’s shirt off to CHOP him down! Der Ring General leaves Rey down, but will Rey be able to avenge himself by taking that title away from Gunther?


Bray Wyatt heads to the ring!

The fireflies are out as Bray walks out through the mysterious door. Fans cheer as Bray brings his lantern down the ramp and into the ring. Bray gets the mic, and he says “this is still pretty new to me, but I could get used to that, man. Do you feel that? My God! It’s like an adrenaline rush.” Bray smiles and laughs as fans chant, “Welcome Back!” Bray says he won’t lie, when fans do stuff like that, it makes him feel invulnerable, like he needs to do something wild. But he really wants us all to see something that he’s very proud of. Bray is just himself with us. There’s no mask, no smoke and mirror, it’s just him and us.

Fans cheer and Bray says this is what we should get used to. “This is Bray Wyatt, the real man. This is the best version of me that will ever be. I am proud to be here today, and I’m gonna do some spectacular things while I’m here. The truth is, that for the majority of my life, I’d been completely outta control. And I can’t help that, man. My emotions, they don’t work like most other people’s I don’t have control. Sometimes, they can send me to a very, very dark place. And other times, no matter how hard I try, I just don’t feel anything at all.” Fans cheer and Bray does get emotional here, though.

Bray says, “I think that’s part of what makes me me, right? For me, to get where I have gotten, I’ve had to do some really horrible things. And there’s a part of me that really, really likes that I’m not afraid to do horrible things. And I know that that’s not the end of it. I know that there will come another time when I’m faced with some adversity, and I will be asked to do something completely horrible.” The White Rabbit is on screen! “Who am I? I’m just a ghost of the man who saved the world, of course. While you are a fool. You, you, YOU killed the world! You sent him away, and that is the reason why you are a shell of what you once were.

“And I say, to revel in what you are. But you, sir, you are a liar. A liar! You claim that you don’t wear a mask, but we both know that’s not true, don’t wee? I can see you. You will never be able to hide from me, your Uncle Howdy.” Uncle Howdy has made himself known, but what does he have planned to show Bray’s true colors?

My Thoughts:

What a great episode, and essentially part one of the go-home to Crown Jewel. For one, a great tag match to open, and a great touch that just as Sami accepted Jey’s help, Jey’s help messes thing up. And then Roman gets on them, and I swear I was just dying laughing as Sami busts out the “Ucey.” I love how Sami broke Roman and Jey, and maybe even Jimmy. I also like the promo with Heyman being so worried for Roman, but also being afraid Roman will get mad. I suppose Heyman has a point, Logan’s metal fist is a big edge over most, and I’m sure that becomes a moment in the match, but I’m pretty sure Roman retains.

However, I do feel a bit bad that the Brawling Brutes are getting the tag title shot and now The New Day. The New Day pinned the Usos, and it’s the New Day’s title reign in jeopardy, the New Day should be the ones fighting to stop history. But at the same time, there is still time, maybe they’re waiting until Survivor Series, which will be right on the record. That said, I don’t see Dunne & Ridge winning the belts. I also didn’t see anyone taking the SmackDown Women’s title off Ronda tonight, but it’s great to see Emma back in the WWE. She got to give Ronda a strong match, and she got to be who Ronda had to bust out the Heel tactics on, so that’s great for Emma.

And speaking of, instead of pitting Ronda and Shayna against each other, it seems they’re going to be a duo now after Shayna attacked Natty. Shayna could end up the gatekeeper to facing Ronda, so that whoever gets past her looks strong going into a match with Ronda. And then we get another brawl out of Sonya and Liv, that’s going to be a big rematch for them. LA Knight had a good promo with Ricochet, that will be a really good feud for Knight to gain some traction with. Good promo from Braun to hype up his match with Omos, and I’m sure there will be something on the go-homes next week.

Kross VS Moss was good but that match also felt soon. I get pro-wrestlers get great recovery times in kayfabe, but Kross was coming back for a car accident, he should’ve needed a bit more time to recover. Kross VS Moss should’ve been saved for next week’s go-home of SmackDown, which I wanna say is being recorded this very moment. That way, Kross really does have the last word going into the match with McIntyre. Nakamura joining Hit Row for their Six Man Tag was awesome, and of course Nakamura wins it for them. Nakamura VS Escobar needs to happen 1v1, that match will be awesome.

And good stuff from Rey and Imperium. Rey VS Gunther is also going to be awesome, but even with Gunther standing tall here, I don’t sense Rey taking that title. Gunther is still building his dominance as champion, and adding a legend like Rey to his list would be big. And then we got another great promo from Bray to further what’s going on with him. Bray we see in person claims he’s the real Bray, seems to be on the Face side of things, but then “Uncle Howdy” seems to claim the opposite. I can’t wait to see where this goes, Bray is doing some of the best stuff in WWE already.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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