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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (10/7/22)

It’s an EXTREME season premiere!



SmackDown 2022

On the eve of Extreme Rules, there is gold!

Before The Brawling Brutes and Imperium have a Good Ol’ Fashioned Donnybrook at Extreme Rules, Gunther and Sheamus have an Intercontinental title rematch on SmackDown’s season premiere! Will the Celtic Warrior complete his Grand Slam? Or will Der Ring General keep the mat sacred?


  • Ricochet VS Solo Sikoa; Solo wins.
  • Hit Row VS ???; No Contest.
  • Shotzi Blackheart & Raquel Rodriguez VS Sonya Deville & Xia Li; Shotzi & Raquel win.
  • Six Man Tag: Sami Zayn & The Usos VS The New Day & ???; The New Day & Braun Strowman win.
  • WWE Intercontinental Championship: GUNTHER VS Sheamus; Gunther wins and retains the title.


Triple H opens the SmackDown Season Premiere!

The Game, the head of creative, is here and fans are fired up for it! HHH has the mic to say, “There will come a time when you believe that everything is finished. But that, that is the beginning! Welcome to Fox! And welcome to the season premiere of Friday Night SmackDoooown~!” But wait! Here comes the BLOODLINE! The Tribal Chief leads the way for Paul Heyman, the Usos, Solo Sikoa and Sami Zayn. Roman and the Usos hold up the belts for the pyro, and they continue to the ring. The Head of the Table doesn’t have to worry about Extreme Rules tomorrow, and he isn’t worried about his match in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia against Logan Paul.

The Bloodline stands together in the ring and lifts the belts for the second round of Pyro. Sami jams to the music while Heyman gets the mic. Fans cheer for Sami but Heyman hands the mic to Roman. “Worcester, Mass…! ACKNOWLEDGE ME!” Fans cheer, but here comes LOGAN PAUL! Very ImPAULsive of him to interrupt before the Bloodline really gets started, and he’s going to the ring to stand in front of them all. Roman says he gets it. There’s a bunch of them. But Logan, this is Roman’s show. That means Logan is Roman’s guest. This is a safe place, so please, enter the ring, they wanna hear what he has to say. It’s also important he hear what they have to say, so please, come on in.

Fans chant “LOGAN SUCKS!” as Logan steps inside. Roman wants to start with this: “They did the same thing to me years ago, and I’m the greatest of all time now. And that’s why I feel like it’s important you come out here, because there’s a lot of things we can teach you. Wise Man.” “Yes, My Tribal Chief.” “Smarten this boy up, will ya?” “With pleasure, My Tribal Chief.” Heyman takes the mic and says, “As Special Counsel to the Tribal Chief, the Undisputed Heavyweight Champion of All Sports Entertainment, Roman… Reigns… I, Paul Heyman, also serve as Wise Man. And sometimes I drop these little pearls of wisdom, like this one.

“My Tribal Chief asked me the other day, ‘Who in the Hell is Logan Paul?’ And it hit Heyman in the head “like Anderson Silver’s gonna hit your brother, Jake Paul, in the head when they fight.” Logan is this generation’s version of Mr. T and Cindy Lauper. Logan’s the “outside celebrity that’s number one on all pop culture platforms that we bring in to bring more eyeballs to our product, which also means millions and millions and tens of millions of more people that end up dropping down to their knees and worshipping at the altar of the Island of Relevancy, which means they all get to acknowledge the Tribal Chief, Roman… Reigns.”

Fans cheer as Heyman says they were trying to figure out who at Crown Jewel they make this famous “pseudo-celebrity male Kardashian” that gets to be smashed by Roman. And at first, Heyman thought, “Well, let’s take Jordan Peterson. Cuz Peterson can pontificate on the proliferation of the pessimistic wussification  of the pugilistic… Jordan Peterson would never have the balls to fight the Tribal Chief, Roman Reigns.” Heyman then thought about Ben Shapiro. Oy vey! He talks so fast, no one can debate him. But Heyman would love an open mic night with Ben! Ben would atone for his sins, but he’s not a fighter, so he wouldn’t have the balls to fight Roman Reigns.

Then there was Andrew Tate. Yeah, agreed. Less said about that guy, the better, other than Tate would never have the balls to fight the Tribal Chief. So then who did they have? Mr. Big Balls himself, Logan Paul! Jake Paul’s shmuck of a brother! Supermodel Nina’s impotent- Oh, sorry, impulsive boyfriend who somehow has the balls to look for a moment in his life where he can provide all of his YouTube audience with the experience of getting smashed in Riyadh. So for three months while Logan’s in a hospital bed with a breathing tube and catheter, which will hopefully be in the right holes, Logan can have this content saying, “I, Logan Paul, got SMASHED by Roman Reigns at Crown Jewel.” In that moment, Logan Paul will not be offering a prediction. He will be offering a spoiler.

Logan says, “Woo… I can’t argue with that, Paul. You really are a Wise Man. But I do have one question for you, if you don’t mind. When you say that I’m gonna get smashed by the Tribal Chief, do you mean the Tribal Chief, Roman Reigns? Or the Tribal Chief, Jey Usos?” Jey is already mad at Logan for implying stuff. Logan says he’s seeing double! Jimmy holds Jey back, fans want to let Jey get at Logan! “UCE! OH! UCE! OH!” Roman looks at Jey and Jey calms down, but Roman looks mad. Sami takes over to keep things calm. Fans cheer for Sami now and Sami says everyone just needs to take a breath.

Sami says Roman IS the Head of the Table, the Undisputed Universal Champion, the GOAT, and the Tribal Chief. No one here is questioning that. No one is challenging that. No one! This is family. Jey did nothing wrong. The only person doing anything around here is the wannabe, the fake, the pretender, the YouTuber who wants to be a WWE superstar who doesn’t realize that he’ll get smashed worse than anyone has been smashed in history! Logan is smirking and Sami dares him to keep at it, because Sami has a saying from The Bloodline. You the twos, and we the ones. And Logan is the biggest two of them all, dawg!

Yes, Logan is a giant number two! That is how he’ll end up! A number two stain on Roman’s shoe after Crown Jewel. And after that, the Bloodline will still be here, stronger than ever and more united than ever! Because #WeTheOnes!! Sami puts an exclamation point on this, but will Logan still get under the skin of the Bloodline these next four weeks?


Ricochet VS Solo Sikoa!

The One and Only is alone now because the Street Champion turned Mad Cap Moss into roadkill last week. Will Moss be avenged? Or will Solo wreck Ricochet like he did Riddick?

Ricochet makes his entrance, but Solo CLOBBERS him out of the handspring! The ref reprimands but Solo just glares at Ricochet. The ref checks on Ricochet, Ricochet is dazed but he wants this fight even more now! The bell rings and Ricochet fires back on Solo! Solo shoves Ricochet, Ricochet slides under, kicks, but gets flipped. Ricochet lands on his feet but Solo DECKS Ricochet with a right! Solo tells Ricochet to get up, then he runs in, but Ricochet dumps him out! Ricochet builds speed and DIVES! Direct hit at the ramp! Fans fire up with Ricochet and he puts Solo in. Ricochet aims from a corner, springboards and CROSSBODIES!

Ricochet keeps moving, LIONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Solo bails out but hurries back in with a huff. Ricochet triangle jump dropkicks Solo down! Then Ricochet fakes Solo out to superhero land! Fans fire up with Ricochet and he eggs Solo on. Solo slides in but slides back out to refresh the count. Solo paces while fans boo. Solo slides in again, Ricochet fires off on him, then KNEES Solo out of the ring! Solo is pissed, and he gets a chair! The ref tells him no and Solo smacks the ground. Solo throws the chair away, gets up on the apron and Ricochet goes after him, but Solo HOTSHOTS Ricochet down!

Solo hurries in now, HEADBUTTS Ricochet, and stalks him to a corner. Solo whips corner to corner hard and Ricochet bounces off buckles! Solo puts Ricochet in a corner to CHOP, but Ricochet fires off haymakers! Ricochet whips, runs in, but Solo puts Ricochet on the apron. Ricochet CLUBS Solo, slingshots, but into a HARD haymaker! Ricochet falls down and Solo snarls while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Solo has his claws in Ricochet’s shoulder. Ricochet endures and fights up as the fans rally. Ricochet throws hands but Solo CHOPS him. Ricochet falls into the corner and Solo backs off to the other. Solo runs in corner to corner, but into a SHOTGUN! Solo and Ricochet both rise slowly, and Ricochet fires off forearms and hands! Ricochet KICKS and KICKS, then whips. Solo reverses but Ricochet ducks ‘n’ dodges to RANA! Solo ends up in a corner, Ricochet fires up and the fans are behind him! Ricochet runs in to RAM into Solo, then he goes out to springboard, but Solo gets under!

Ricochet Tiger Wall Kicks and V-TRIGGERS! Then SUPERKICKS! Solo wobbles but stays up, into the SPINNING HEEL KICK! Solo falls and Ricochet goes up top! Fans fire up for Ricochet’s SHOOTING STAR- INTO AN URENAGE!! Cover, Solo wins!

Winner: Solo Sikoa, by pinfall

The Enforcer of the Island was #SpinningSolo and he gets a huge win! Will it only be a matter of time until the Street Champion becomes a champion on SmackDown?


The Bloodline is watching backstage.

Sami Zayn hypes up Solo after that performance. Jimmy agrees as Sami says Solo is an incredible addition to The Bloodline, having him as their Enforcer. Sami this he and Solo have a good thing going. Sami’s taken Solo under his wing- Jey asks what Sami means by that. Sami ain’t Day One. That’s their brother. Alright, dawg, calm down. Don’t be a hothead. Ey, Sami, call Jey a hothead one more time and- Roman gets exasperated. Jey, you are a hothead. You’ve always been a hothead. Sami tries to take back what he said but Roman says no, Sami was right. They’ve dealt with Jey their whole lives. That’s a problem.

Roman doesn’t want it to be his problem anymore, so it won’t. It’ll be Sami’s problem now. What? Is Sami supposed to keep Jey in check? As if things weren’t awkward before.


Hit Row is backstage.

But before they go to gorilla, Top Dolla has them hold up. Drip check. They’re all good. This is SmackDown, Friday Night, this is the flow. It’s the season premiere, right in here, fo’ sho. They gonna get that money money money, more dough. And if you didn’t know, now you know. They’re heading to the ring, what will they have to say with Extreme Rules around the corner?


Sami talks with the Usos as they walk backstage.

Sami didn’t mean for any of that to happen in there. Jimmy says just chill. Sami defends he is chill, but he just… Wait, the New Day walk over. Sami, save it, hush. Grown folks are talking now. But look at the Usos. We go from Main Event Jey Uso to now Sami Zayn is Jey’s boss! Roman was Jey’s daddy and now so is Sami! Jey got two daddies! Sami says the New Day can stop running their mouth to go find a partner, and the six of them can settle this tonight! How’s that? Sorry for the spit but who cares? Woods says everyone loves the New Day, Sami & the Usos are screwed! Then see them in the ring. Well Sami, tell the hothead what to do, STEP DADDY!

The New Day leaves, mocking all the way, and then Jey storms off. Has Sami stepped in it big time tonight?


Hit Row VS ???

Dolla & Adonis have been rolling in the money money money since returning to SmackDown, but- OH NO! Drive-by Dropkick on Adonis at the apron! Wait, then a DOUBLE MISSILE DROPKICK for Dolla! Is that…!? They’re all wearing luchador masks, they’re mugging Dolla! Dolla grabs the two, but then he gets a DROPKICK from the third! Then a DOUBLE SUPERKICK! B-Fab steps in and asks what the heck, and the luchadors step back, but ZELINA VEGA is here! FLYING RANA! Vega’s blonde now but she KNEES B-Fab down! Adonis returns, but he gets a PHANTOM DRIVER!! And then a GAMANGIRI LEG SWEEP for Dolla! And a DOUBLE SPLASH!!

This IS them! It’s LEGADO DEL FANTASMA!! Santos Escobar, Joaquin Wilde & Cruz Del Toro! Vega says she is BACK! And she didn’t come alone. Escobar introduces the faction, and he tells everyone that SmackDown is there! “Be safe.” The Emperor of Lucha and his soldiers have come, will they take over SmackDown by any means necessary?


A white rabbit video game?

The little white rabbit finds an X on the ground and starts digging. And an ERUPTION happens! Monstrous sounds come out, we look down the hole, and it gives us a date, 10/8/22, and in many languages, the phrase, “FEED YOUR HEAD.” Is something coming for Extreme Rules?


Shotzi Blackheart & Raquel Rodriguez VS Sonya Deville & Xia Li!

Riding in on the TCB Tank, the Ballsy and the Badass are ready to take care o’ bidness! Will Shotzi & Raquel steamroll their way to the top of the Women’s Tag Division? Or will the Pride Fighter & The Protector turned hunter take that momentum from them?

The teams sort out and Sonya starts against Shotzi. They circle, Xia distracts and Sonya attacks! Sonya fires off hands and gets Shotzi down. Shotzi hits back but Sonya KNEES Shotzi down! Cover, TWO! Sonya bumps Shotzi off buckles, tags Xia, and they mug Shotzi. Xia then runs in to SHINING WIZARD, ELBOW, and clinch for the EXPLODER! Cover, TWO! Xia keeps on Shotzi with a facelock and she brings Shotzi to the corner. Tag to Sonya, they double suplex, but Shotzi slips out to ROCK Sonya! Xia throws Shotzi by her hair! Raquel protests but Sonya BOOTS! Cover, TWO! Raquel rushes in but Xia intercepts!

Xia and Sonya put Raquel on the apron but Shotzi dodges! Hot tag to Raquel! Big Mami Cool rallies and runs Sonya & Xia over! Raquel scoops Sonya for a FALL AWAY SLAM! Then a run and jump, TWISTING VADER! Xia rushes back in but Shotzi gets Xia, assister SLICED BREAD! Raquel ducks the roundhouse from Sonya for a TEXANA BOMB! Cover, Raquel & Shotzi win!

Winners: Shotzi Blackheart & Raquel Rodriguez, by pinfall

Ballsy, badass, and ready for more, will they be on the other side of Extreme Rules looking for a tag title match?


Karrion Kross & Scarlett Bordeaux are here!

Mr. Doomsday and his damsel of darkness head to the ring, just one night removed from the Strap Match Kross has with the Scottish Warrior. BUT MCINTYRE IS RIGHT BEHIND HIM! And he DECKS Kross! McIntyre rains down fists, stomps him down, and he has the strap! McIntyre puts it on, then rains down more fists before he forces the strap onto Kross! Security rushes in to stop this, fans boo, but McIntyre ELBOWS the guards away! But they drag him out! It takes FOUR men to hold McIntyre back, but he just HEADBUTTS free! He throws hands, then throws the guard into steel steps! And OVERHEAD Belly2Belly suplexes the last one!

But because the strap is in effect, Kross YANKS McIntyre into a post! And again! Kross YANKS McIntyre into the post a third time! Scarlett goes into the ring and cheers Kross on as he hoists McIntyre up again with the strap’s help. Kross gathers up the slack to LASH McIntyre right on the back!! And then Kross stands McIntyre up again, to LASH him again!! Fans boo as Kross drags McIntyre up to POST him again! Scarlett revels in the moment as Kross LASHES away on McIntyre’s back!! Kross finally lets McIntyre fall over so that he can writhe and seethe in pain. But will there be no stopping either of these men when it is finally time to let it all go?


The Viking Raider speak.

“Only the foolish confuse absence with weakness. We have been watching, waiting, and growing stronger.” “When the gods speak, I listen. We obey. Valhalla awaits.” Wait, that second voice… Could it be…? Will Erik be bringing his Valkyrie with him to SmackDown?


Six Man Tag: Sami Zayn & The Usos VS The New Day & ???

Tensions aside, the Honorary Uce and the Undisputed Tag Team Champions can agree that they don’t like Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods! But everyone else does, so who (who who who?) is the third man, brother? BRAAAUN~! The Monster of All Monsters is here, will he and the New Day make sure the Bloodline will #GetTheseHands?

The trios sort out and Sami starts against Woods. They circle, tie up, and Sami headlocks. Woods powers out, Sami runs him over, but Woods gets up. Sami holds up the finger, #WeTheOnes, but fans boo. Woods and Sami circle again, tie up, and Woods headlocks. Sami powers out, Woods runs him over now, and then Woods rolls Sami to whip. Kofi tags in before Sami reverses but Woods reverses back to send Sami into a shoulder! Roll up and CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO!! Sami is still in this and the Usos breathe easier. Kofi whips, Sami ducks ‘n’ dodges then stops himself to tag Jey!

Jey is upset, there was no agreement to that tag. Jey is pissed, but he steps into a DROPKICK! Jimmy rushes in but Woods ROCKS him! Woods throws Jimmy out, fans fire up, and the New Day builds speed! Woods WRECKS Jimmy with a dropkick while Kofi FLIES to take out Jey! The Usos are down, Sami is stepping up but the New Day backs off. The Bloodline regroups but Jey is pissed again as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Jimmy rains down fists on Kofi. Jimmy lets off and fans chant, “We Want Braun!” Jimmy tags Sami in, but then Jey tags himself in. The Usos mug Kofi, then Jey stomps away at the ropes. The ref counts, Jey lets off but comes back to CLOBBER Kofi! Jey shows that short temper as he throws Kofi’s elbow pads away, but then he tags Jimmy. Jey RAMS into Kofi to keep him in the corner, Jimmy taunts Braun and runs in to forearm smash! Cover, ONE!! Kofi is hanging tough but Jimmy stomps his hands. Tag to Sami, he and Jimmy mug Kofi now, and then Sami drags Kofi up to DECK him.

Sami stands Kofi up to DECK him again, then he whips Kofi to ropes for a LARIAT! Jey tags himself in! Sami is upset now, mostly because that one hurt. Jey looms over Kofi, waistlocks and back suplexes! Cover, TWO! Jey stalks Kofi, CHOKES him on the ropes, but lets off as the ref counts 4. Jimmy gets a cheap shot in! Woods protests but the damage is done. Jey tags Jimmy, the Usos mock the “New! Day Rocks!” chants. The Usos mug Kofi, Jimmy tags Sami. They mug Kofi, fans do cheer Sami on and Sami offers a tag to Jey. Jey takes it, they mug Kofi now. Sami wants a handshake but Jey’s still not there yet.

Jey drags Kofi over to the corner, Jimmy tags in, and the Usos split the wishbone! Kofi writhes and Sami argues with Jey about the handshake. Jimmy does his best to keep the peace here but he has to hurry to get between Kofi and Woods! Jimmy DECKS Woods, but Kofi hits a DOUBLE STOMP! Fans are thunderous as Kofi and Jimmy crawl! Hot tag to Braun! The Monster rallies on Jimmy, DECKS Jey and Sami, then BOOTS Jimmy! Jimmy scrambles to a corner but Braun SPLASHES him! Braun keeps moving to go corner to corner and SPLASH again! Bruan throws off his shirt, then hauls Jimmy u for a CHOKE SLAM!!

Fans are thunderous but Sami and Jey are still arguing! Braun decides to get on the tracks! He tags Kofi, then goes out to run in around the way and he BLASTS Jey and Sami into the commentary desk! Jey takes out Cole!! Braun holds up the fingers and Jimmy turns around into a scoop! BACKBREAKER to DOUBLE STOMPS!! Cover, Braun & the New Day win!!

Winners: The New Day & Braun Strowman, by pinfall

And the Undisputed Tag Team Champions have fallen! It’s a good thing this wasn’t for titles, but now the New Day might be back on track to get at those titles! Will Woods & Kofi stop Jimmy & Jey from breaking their longest title reign record? How will Roman Reigns react to this disaster?


Max Dupri has decimated Maximum Male Models!

Maxxine is freaking out! Why did Max do this!? “Max” tells her to NOT call him that again. He gave them all gold and they turned it to trash! You think he’s just gonna hang out here and be something he’s not? NAH NAH! He is NOT Max Durpi. What he is, is L A KNIGHT, YEAH!! The Megastar is back, but what will he do now that he IS back?


WWE Intercontinental Championship: GUNTHER VS Sheamus!

Clash at the Castle saw a clash of titans that is easily a Match of the Year nominee. Then things have only escalated as Imperium returned to full strength with Giovanni Vinci joining Ludwig Kaiser and Der Ring General here on SmackDown. But while the Brawling Brutes, Ridge Holland & “Butch” Pete Dunne, will join The Fella in a Good Ol’ Fashioned Donnybrook at Extreme Rules, this is all about the title and a rematch from Cardiff. Will Sheamus finally complete not only the WWE Grand Slam (world/universal title, US, IC and tag) but also accomplish the first-ever ULTIMATE GRAND SLAM? Or will the mat forever be sacred?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and once again, we stand on the doorstep of wrestling history!

The bell rings and the forearms start flying! Fans fire up and Sheamus gets the edge, but Gunther CHOPS! Sheamus CLOBBERS Gunther! Gunther bails out, Sheamus pursues but Gunther trips him on the apron! Gunther then brings Sheamus around, but Sheamus whips Gunther into barriers first! And then into more barriers! And then into barriers behind commentary! The Fella roars and so does Worcester as SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns and Sheamus CLOBBERS Gunther in the ring! Fans rally up behind Sheamus as he drags Gunther up to whip to ropes. Gunther holds ropes, then he dumps Sheamus out. But Sheamus HOTSHOTS him away! Sheamus goes up top, leaps, and FLYING LARIATS! Fans fire up as Gunther sputters to a corner. Gunther has some blood in his mouth, but he still BOOTS back! Gunther runs, but into a scoop and POWERSLAM! Fans fire up again as Sheamus goes to a corner. But Gunther bails out to the apron to avoid the Brogue. So Sheamus gets him for BEATS- NO, Gunther blocks the Bodhrain! Sheamus ROCKS him for it!

Sheamus goes out to join Gunther on the apron and reels him in. Gunther blocks the suplex, and CHOPS! Then he POSTS Sheamus! Gunther steps inside, he drags Sheamus up the corner, and he bumps Sheamus off buckles. Gunther unwraps a crossbar and then steps outside. Gunther YANKS Sheamus into the bar, chest first! Sheamus tumbles to the floor, chest red from the chops. Fans boo as Gunther lets the ring count climb. Sheamus gasps and sits up slowly, the ring count is 5 of 10. Sheamus stands at 6 but Gunther is there to drag him through the ropes! Gunther EuroUppers Sheamus off his feet!

Gunther stands Sheamus up but Sheamus throws body shots. Gunther throws forearms, Sheamus gives them back, but Gunther gets around to a SLEEPER! And body scissors! Sheamus endures, reaches, but Gunther is on top him! Gunther tries to smother Sheamus but Sheamus stands up! Fans fire up but Gunther lets off to CHOP! Sheamus ROCKS Gunther! Gunther CHOPS! Sheamus ROCKS! Sheamus ROCKS, Gunther CHOPS, they just start throwing wild back and forth! Forearms and CHOPS over and over, Sheamus swings but Gunther gets around, GERMAN SUPLEX! Both men are down as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Gunther looms over Sheamus. Fans boo as Gunther sits Sheamus up to ROCK him with a forearm. Gunther has a wristlock to keep Sheamus up, and he stands Sheamus for another forearm! And another! And then a CHOP! Forearm! CHOP! Repeat! Sheamus just takes the shots and eggs Gunther on! Sheamus gives the forearms back and fans are loving it! But Gunther gest around to SLEEPER, only for Sheamus to back Gunther into a corner. The ref counts, but Sheamus fires off elbow after elbow! Sheamus lets off at 4, then kicks and CLUBS away! The ref counts again, Sheamus lets off at 2.

Sheamus catches his breath, chest bright red and starting to bleed from busted skin. Sheamus has Gunther at the ropes, for BEATS OF THE BODHRAIN! Fans count all the way to TEN, but Sheamus has Gunther on the second rope for MORE BEATS OF THE BODHRAIN! Another TEN, and then the bottom rope gets BEATS OF THE BODHRAIN! Sheamus lets off, THIRTY in total! Gunther goes to a corner, Sheamus runs in to clothesline! And then fireman’s carry! And then Sheamus climbs the corner! SUPER WHITE NOISE!! Cover, TWO!! Gunther survives and no one can believe it! But Sheamus lets that go to stalk Gunther.

“This is Awesome!” as Sheamus storms up and gets the legs. Gunther SLAPS Sheamus and kicks him away. Sheamus comes back, into the T-REX SHOTGUN! And then the GENERAL BOMB!! Cover, TWO!?!? Fans are thunderous that Sheamus is still in this! Gunther is beside himself, but he drags Sheamus to a drop zone. Gunther drops a knee, then uses a NECK TWIST! Gunther goes up the corner, for a GUNTHER SPLASH to the back!! Cover, TWO!?!? Sheamus survives again and Worcester is electric! Gunther and Sheamus go to opposite corners as fans rally up. Sheamus drags himself up and Gunther roars at him!

Gunther runs in, but Sheamus BOOTS the lariat! IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKER! And then the CLOVERLEAF!! Gunther endures now, reaches out, wait is that a tap!? The ref says no, just Gunther clawing the mat! Gunther fights to get the ROPEBREAK!! Fans boo and Sheamus questions it! He saw a double slap of the mat but the ref says no, that was just Gunther fighting and flailing. Sheamus sees Imperium rushing to ringside to rally for Gunther. But then here come the BRUTES! They brawl with Vinci & Ludwig just like on NXT! Ridge sends Vinci into barriers while Dunne punches away on Ludwig at the desk!

Sheamus stands Gunther up, Gunther CHOPS, but Sheamus KNEES him down!! Sheamus goes to a corner and takes aim! But Ludwig slips Gunther a shillelagh!? Sheamus runs in while the ref is watching the brawl, SHILLELAGH LARIAT!! Fans boo as Gunther covers, Gunther wins!!

Winner: Gunther, by pinfall (still WWE Intercontinental Champion)

The brawl of Brutes and Imperium continues outside, but the battle was won! Der Ring General wins with very little honor, but he still won. Will anyone ever take that title from Gunther with Vinci & Ludwig watching his back? Will the Donnybrook only be that much more intense with the heat building up?

My Thoughts:

Another great go-home for WWE this week, even with this one feeding into Crown Jewel on top of Extreme Rules tomorrow. For one, the White Rabbit social media augmented reality campaign finishes up with some direct messaging with that little video game vignette. Extreme Rules tomorrow night, The White Rabbit, whether it is just Bray Wyatt or a whole faction, will show up. And I should’ve made note of it, but there was literally a white rabbit mascot wearing a kilt to tease who is up first: Drew McIntyre. It fits as McIntyre VS Kross is a big time match, Kross was the “White Rabbit” in Lucha Underground, and after that awesome brawl from McIntyre and Kross, we’re going to see an awesome Strap Match, and there’s a big chance the WWE’s White Rabbit affects that outcome.

Great debut for Legado del Fantasma on SmackDown, though I am a bit disappointed and confused as to what happened with Elektra Lopez. Zelina even went blonde and so she looks like a tiny Elektra, but wouldn’t having two females in the faction help? They can go for tag titles together, they can each try for the singles title, and it’s just more bodies for Heel tactics. But I do like that they went after Hit Row, their rivals from NXT, but Vince ruined that with a premature call-up that was just an excuse to let them all go while under bigger None Competes. But now that they’re all here under HHH, we might get to see some of that feud finish here on SmackDown.

Great women’s tag match to also establish some teams in the division. Shotzi & Raquel win to keep momentum in their feud with Damage Control, and I wonder if WWE is planning a big women’s tag title match for Crown Jewel to further add to history being made for pro-wrestling in Saudi Arabia. And while I wanted Max Dupri’s return to being LA Knight to include Mace & Mansoor, I suppose him beating up Mace & Mansoor helps give him a first feud. Of course, Knight could convince them to join him as their real selves by beating them, but we’ll just have to wait and see. And that’s not an insult, that’s just a fact of life, YEAH!

We got awesome stuff out of the Bloodline tonight, especially in regards to how Sami and Jey are interacting. Good promo from Heyman, though he chose some very, uh, interesting names to name drop. Maybe he’s trying to paint Logan Paul social and politically for the audience. Sami also had a great promo to put Logan in his place more directly, and Roman being fed up with Jey is a nice new detail. We got a great Six Man out of this stuff, Braun keeps building momentum and the fans in Worcester sure loved him. New Day pinning an Uso is great stuff, we definitely will see that match up for the tag titles at Crown Jewel. That event is right on the line of the Usos making it past the New Day’s historic reign, and we’ll definitely get another instant classic.

Ricochet VS Solo was a great match, and wow that tumble out of the ring for Ricochet. He managed to tuck his head, which perhaps saved him. I wonder if he’s been practicing that to have a dramatic looking spot. But Solo winning either way makes sense, he is building up a lot of momentum. And after the Six Man Tag loss, you can beat Sami won’t be going for the midcard title, Solo will be. And speaking of which, a great Intercontinental Championship match, though not as amazing as Clash at the Castle. I did like the three consecutive Beats of the Bodhrain, but I should’ve figured that Imperium would help Gunther cheat. History like what Sheamus is close to definitely should wait for a WrestleMania or similar PPV, but it would’ve been wild to see that tonight.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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