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Andrew’s IMPACT Results & Match Ratings: 11.3.2022

With a potentially iconic banger of a main event, how else does this episode of IMPACT! shake out?



Some potentially big moments tonight with Aussie Open facing Kaz and Josh Alexander, Kenny King versus Mike Bailey in the X Division tournament and a potential violent delight with Eric Young and Sami Callihan.

Things will probably open with Bailey vs King, so something fast and interesting could be a great tone setter.


  • X Division Tournament: Kenny King vs Mike Bailey: Bailey wins via Twisting Cradle – ***
  • Savannah Evans w/Tasha Steelz vs JesSICKa w/Death Dollz: Savannah wins via Full Nelson Slam – ** 1/4
  • Eric Young w/Deaner vs Sami Callihan: Sami wins via DQ – **
  • Ace Austin w/Chris Bey vs Moose: Ace wins via Prawn Hold – ** 3/4
  • Aussie Open (Kyle Fletcher & Mark Davis) vs Josh Alexander & Frankie Kazarian: Kaz wins via Slingshot Cutter – *** 1/2


X Division Tournament: Kenny King vs Mike Bailey

It is nice to hear Kenny’s “Return of the King” theme. As much as I liked the Honor No More theme, the solo theme is pretty great. I can’t see Bailey losing here though, especially since the winner faces Trey and a few weeks ago there was a hint at them wanting to wrestle. 

The match starts a little quicker with the different Arm Drags and then a stand off with Bailey posturing his foot for some kicks. A little more back and forth on the Cradle attempts, they do a double catch of feet, the slow put down spot, and Kenny takes a shortcut.

There’s a lot of trading, positioning switches and not a ton of severe damage until Bailey trips up King and then gets him with a Twisting Figure Four style of submission, follow by a few kicks, but King counters with Buckle Bomb into a Spinebuster. King takes Bailey outside, T-Bone Suplex onto the ramp and King looks for the Count Out. Bailey makes it in at 9, with a lot of over dramatic flopping and an unnecessary early “close call”. King throws him back out immediately, but follows to inflict punishment, which is typical heel hypocritical offense.

King taunts and talks far too much, so Bailey manages a comeback with a few kicks followed by the Standing Twisting Shooting Star. Tornado Kicks into the corner, King blocks, T-Bone number 2 and a Tiger Driver for 2. King tries a Tiger Driver on the ramp, but Bailey counters with the Frankensteiner. Golden Triangle Moonsault, they bad back in, Chin Checker attempt, Bailey counters into a Hurricanrana, King kicks out, they stay close and King goes to a Single Leg Crab. King drags Bailey off the ropes, tries to keep it in but Bailey twists and turns it into a Cradle, for the pinfall victory.

Savannah Evans w/Tasha Steelz vs JesSICKa w/Death Dollz

Taya comes out with a different look, looking like a Matrix agent in the tight black pleather trench coat outfit. I approve.

Savannah tries to brawl, Jess does her Flip Flop and Fly combo, and starts throwing Savannah from corner to corner. They get to the fourth corner, Savannah fights back a bit but JesSICKa gets the best of things and finishes the around the world.

Early on Jess is putting the hurt on Savannah, while she’s trying to fight out and resist, it’s all SICK. And of course, as soon as I say that, JesSICKa talks to the crowd too long, gets caught and eats a Snap DDT going into the commercial.

Similar concept where Evans has all the momentum until she takes too long posturing for a Spear in the corner and posts herself. A Belly to Back suplex gives Jess the opening but Evans bites JesSICKa on the way back up. Some back and forth, Jess fights back, a big Fun Splash off the ropes gives Jess momentum but then Tasha springs up. Taya and Rosemary attack, the distraction slows down the momentum. Savannah turns the tide and a Headbutt into a Full Nelson Slam gives Evans the win.

It seems like Savannah and Tasha will be going after the tag titles. 

IMPACTPlus Flashback Moment: Lockdown 2013, Bully Ray vs Jeff Hardy, TNA World Heavyweight Championship, Steel Cage Match

Where’s that “No no, he’s got a point” meme? Because Maclin is 1000% right. 

Dammit Joe Hendry…you are a treasure. 

Eddie and PCO have a cinematic brawl where they’re in the middle of nowhere and fighting in the dirt. It definitely has that campy horror movie vibe, but it’s entertaining and you can’t really complain about camp when you’re watching pro wrestling. PCO tries to cave in Eddie’s skull with a rock, Eddie grabs a shovel and beats PCO with it and then buries him alive. Again, campy, but not awful. 

Eric Young w/Deaner vs Sami Callihan

Fast start where EY misses the Clothesline, Sami with the Pop-Up Powerbomb, then Deaner hops up giving EY time to powder. Sami follows after the distraction and has the advantage until he wiffs the chop into the ring post. EY tries to take advantage, but Sami fights back. He even has time to taunt Deaner, and then go back to work.

Incidental brawling is really the best way to describe the next few minutes. They both just enjoy and absorb the different offense before firing back on the other one. EY gets the best of things, hits a Lariat into a….Moonsault? Holy…I haven’t seen him do one of those in forever. Moonsault misses, Sami gets the advantage, sets up for the Cactus Driver and then “The Designed” swarm the ring in the yellow hoodies. They dog pile Sami, DQ happens but Deaner calls off the dogs and reveals two members being Alan Angels and Konnor from The Ascension. So two guys very familiar with faction work.

This is supposed to be a big reveal moment for the new heel faction but…aside from EY no one else matters. Angels may still have some momentum because of his AEW time, but he was just a faction flunkey then. The Ascension was cool in NXT, got called up and jobbed out to old guys and turned into a joke. So no matter how big Kon is, we know he’s garbage. 

Ace Austin w/Chris Bey vs Moose

This is born out of the fact that Moose interfered in the tag match last week trying to frame Bully Ray, but the cameras caught it and I guess Ace wants some revenge. 

Speed versus power with Ace really doing a great job at staying a step or two ahead until Ace tries a Frakensteiner from the apron and Moose halts that and just smacks Ace into the steps. Commercial hits and we come back to Ace being mauled. Ace gets smothered and corner chopped for a while, until Moose decides to mock the Kenny Omega pose and fire up Ace.

Ace has a nice flurry before a Snake Eyes slows him down. Moose keeps big brothering Ace, and it actually pisses off Ace enough where he shoots at the legs and takes Moose off his feet twice. The burst of anger leads to a Double Stomp into a Kick combo that ends with the spinning Roundhouse. Fold attempt but Moose catches him and Uranage.

Moose tries to charge, Ace counters, Knee to the Face from Ace, Ace tries a top rope move but Moose just flings him back to the center of the ring. Bull Ray walks down, jaws for a little and then tries to Lights Out Moose. Ace dodges and gets the Roll-Up into the Prawn Hold for a 3 count. Bully just screwed Moose.

Aussie Open (Kyle Fletcher & Mark Davis) vs Josh Alexander & Frankie Kazarian

It is definitely cool to see half of The North and half of Bad Influence/The Addiction/SCU/etc working together. 

Fletcher and Kaz open with a classic Junior style of quick counters and control, as we get the tags to the power guys. Davis and Josh have the same concept where they are fairly even, but more exchange of haymakers instead of cute chain wrestling. Kaz and Josh do have a decent tandem moment before things start to speed up a little.

Kaz does his intercepting Russian Leg Sweep to stall out Fletcher’s attempts and tag in Josh. Things move to the outside and Aussie Open finally gets the advantage. Stopping any kind of attempts at offense and then hitting the Super Collider. Aussies do a damn good job isolating Josh for a while, Apron Powerbomb into a Brainbuster while Kaz’s frustration distracts the ref gives the actual tag team a huge opening. Josh with a desperation Spinebuster, Davis misses a Senton, the knock off and a Lariat as Josh finally tags in Kaz. Hot tag spot with Kaz just cleaning house.

Teamwork in the corner gets the best of Kaz since Josh is still beat. A flurry of moves into an interesting Spinning Facebuster/Cutter combination for two. Kaz gets the tag, he starts rocking both guys, they try their Stereo Forearms move, but Josh blocks. Josh goes for the 3 Germans, gets cut off by Davis and Jacknife Powerbombs him for his trouble. C4 Spike attempt, but Davis backs up Josh into the corner, Flying Lariat from Fletcher, Tanaka style Sliding D in the corner, Corealis attempt but Kaz breaks it up.

Fletcher dispatches Kaz, Tandem Iconoclasm but Kaz breaks it up at the last second. Josh actually tags in Kaz instead of trying to play hero ball. Fletcher tries to fight them both but falls into Kaz’s standing Guillotine, followed by Josh’s low Flying Crossbody, throws him back in, Springboard Guillotine for 2. Fletcher throws Kaz towards the ropes, eats a European Uppercut from Davis, 2 count for Aussies. Looking for the finish, Josh comes in to break up and they try a double submission finish but Aussie Open stops that.

Fighting Spirit with all four men, Kaz tries to help fire Josh, they just trade blows as Josh and Fletcher both fall out together. Kaz takes advantage on Davis on the apron and flings him back in with the Slingshot Cutter spot, for the win!


Overall Score: 8.25/10

You know what, I can’t be mad at anything tonight. The worst aspect is just that the new VBD or whatever they might call themselves is much more lack luster than they would want. Jabroni number 5 from Dark Order and half of a job team nearly 4 years removed from a WWE run is not buzz worthy. As for the story its intending, its still fine…but the new members are so bad even the B Squad of the NWO would look like superstars.

That really was the only tactical oversight of the night. X Division match was solid, campy PCO stuff was fun, Joe Hendry spot is gold, Tasha finally goes back where she needs to stay…the tag division and we had a banger of a main event. Not overlooking Bully Ray development, Killer Kelly staying relevant with a new toy, Jordynne and Gisele building up and Mickie possibly realizing her lone wolf approach might bite her in the ass when Taylor is really just trying to secure both of their best interests.

Lots of great stuff to keep the ball rolling into next week.

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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