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Mitchell’s NJPW Battle Autumn Results & Report! (11/3/22)

Battle Autumn is Tranquilo!



NJPW Battle Autumn

Los Ingobernables de Japon is in action!

As Battle Autumn continues into the homestretch, Bushi, Sanada, Hiromu, Titan y Naito are all in action! Will LIJ make NJPW tranquilo in Osaka?


  • Toru Yano & Hiroshi Tanahashi VS Ryohei Oiwa & Yuto Nakashima; Yano & Tanahashi win.
  • Hikuleo & Jado VS Aaron Henare & Gideon Grey; Hikuleo & Jado wins.
  • David Finlay & Tomoaki Honma VS Great-O-Khan & Jeff Cobb; Khan & Cobb win.
  • Six Man Tag: Suzuki-Gun VS Bullet Club; Suzuki-Gun wins.
  • Zack Sabre Jr. & Yoshinobu Kanemaru VS EVIL & Dick Togo; ZSJ & Kanemaru win.
  • BUSHI VS Francesco Akira; Bushi wins.
  • Titán w/ Bushi VS TJP w/ Francesco Akira; Titan wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS Ren Narita, Alex Zayne & Master Wato; LIJ wins.


BUSHI VS Francesco Akira!

As Los Ingobernables de Japon prepares for title matches, Black Mask takes on Nova Fireball in the first of two singles samplers! Will Bushi or Akira score the first points in Osaka?

Bushi doesn’t wait for a bell, he SHOTGUNS Akira down! The bell rings now as Bushi fires off forearms! Bushi stomps a mudhole in, digs his knee in, but lets off as the ref counts 4. Akira sputters and bails out but Bushi pursues. Bushi whips Akira hard into railing! Akira slumps over, Bushi drags him up and whips him hard into more railing! Bushi drags Akira up, whips him hard again! The ring count starts and Bushi stomps Akira around. Bushi puts Akira in at 8 of 20 and fans applaud. Bushi stomps Akira some more, drags him up, and fans rally with claps for “A! KI-RA!” Bushi kicks, runs, but Akira dodges and tilt-o-whirl headscissors!

Fans fire up as Bushi bails out and Akira builds speed! Bushi gets on the apron but Akira handspring forearms him down! Akira then PLANCHAS! Direct hit and fans fire up with Akira! Akira puts Bushi in, fans rally up and Akira climbs. Akira leaps to CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Akira finally takes his shirt off and drags Bushi up to put on a headscissor hold! Bushi endures the squeeze, moves around, reaches out with a foot, and he gets the ROPEBREAK! Fans applaud as Akira lets off cleanly. Akira takes Bushi’s shirt, asks if fans want a souvenir, and fans applaud. Akira decides to slam dunk the shirt, and spit on it!

Fans applaud the trolling, but Akira turns around into body shots! Bushi throws forearms, but Akira DOUBLE CHOPS Bushi down! Cover, TWO! Akira keeps cool while fans applaud. Akira sits Bushi up to hammerlock with his legs, and then he adds a chinlock. Bushi endures, pries at the hold, moves around some more, and fans rally up. Bushi reaches out with a foot, and he gets the ROPEBREAK! Akira holds until the ref counts, and then he drags Bushi back up. Akira goes after the mask! The ref reprimands, but Bushi ROCKS Akira! Akira ROCKS Bushi, Bushi ROCKS Akira back! Akira ROCKS Bushi, then pie faces him!

Bushi ROCKS Akira back! Fans rally up as the forearms keep flying! Bushi gets the edge, runs, but Akira follows to wheelbarrow, but Bushi turns that into a BACKSTABBER! Fans applaud as both men are down! Akira crawls away to a corner and Bushi goes to the other. Fans rally up and both men stand. Bushi runs in but Akira dodges! Akira returns but into the SWING KICK! Bushi goes up, Akira staggers around, into the MISSILE DROPKICK! And Bushirooni! Akira bails out, fans fire up and Bushi DIVES! Direct hit right into railing! Fans fire up with Bushi and he steadies himself before bringing Akira up.

Bushi puts Akira in at 9 of 20 this time, and Akira gets to a corner. Bushi runs corner to corner again to back elbow! But Akira swings back! Bushi spins Akira for a DDT! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up for “A! KI-RA!” but Bushi stands first. Bushi goes to the apron, brings Akira up but Akira ROCKS him first! Akira ROCKS Bushi again but Bushi hits back with a flurry! Bushi puts Akira through ropes, but Akira throws body shots! Akira puts Bushi through the ropes, and gets up for the TARANTULA! Bushi endures, the ref counts, and Akira lets off at 4! Fans rally as Bushi flops to the floor. Akira builds now, but runs into a GAMANGIRI!

Bushi drags Akira through to APRON DDT!! Akira is stuck upside-down! Bushi gets in the ring and drags Akira out of the ropes, for the FISHERMAN SCREW! Cover, TWO! Akira survives but Bushi roars! Fans fire up as Bushi climbs the corner. Akira stands, Bushi calls his shot, but Akira throws a body shot! Akira climbs up after Bushi but Bushi resists the clinch with body shots of his own. Bushi DECKS Akira, but Akira stands up, to DROPKICK the MX down! Fans fire up again as Akira and Bushi go to opposite corners. Akira runs in to clothesline! Akira keeps moving, for an UPPERCUT! Akira calls his shot, runs, but into an ENZIGURI!

Bushi runs, monkey flip but Akira lands on his feet! SUPERKICK, chicken wings to a GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Bushi escapes and Akira can’t believe it! But fans are thunderous as Akira rises again. Akira drags Bushi up, reels him in, SPEED- NO, Bushi slips free to then spin Akira to a backslide! Akira rolls through to ENZIGURI! Akira aims from a corner, but Bushi ducks the double knees! Bushi basement dropkicks Akira, then hooks him up into La Magistrol! BUSHI WINS!

Winner: Bushi, by pinfall

One champion goes down, but he goes after Bushi! Akira’s temper flares up and Young Lions have to pull him away! But TJP rushes out to kick the Young Lions away so he and Akira can mug Bushi! They’re after Bushi’s mask, but here comes Titan!! Titan DECKS Akira, and he’s fighting TJP already! The ref has them stop, but their match is up next anyhow! Will the Public Enemy avenge Akira? Or will the #INMORTAL give LIJ the sweep?


Titán w/ Bushi VS TJP w/ Francesco Akira!

Fans are already fired up as the bell rings. TJP kicks Titan, bumps him off buckles, then stomps away! TJP digs his boot in, the ref counts as TJP stands on Titan, but TJP lets off. TJP drags Titan up, puts him up top, and TJP climbs up behind Titan to go after his mask! The ref reprimands, Titan holds on desperately, and TJP stops trying at 4. The mask almost came off but Titan secures it back in place. TJP drags Titan into the Tree of Woe, then stomps him out of it! TJP drags Titan up, EuroUppers him down, then drags him back up. TJP whips Titan corner to corner, Titan goes up and over and handsprings away!

Fans applaud the agility but things keep moving! Titan dodges TJP to RANA! TJP bails out, Titan builds speed and DIVES! Direct hit and both men hit the railing! Fans fire up with Titan and he stomps TJP down. Titan puts TJP in the ring, aims from the apron, but Akira is lurking! The ref is busy with TJP and Akira YANKS Titan down! Akira gets away with it, too. TJP goes out and KICKS Titan! Then he KICKS Titan again at the railing. TJP drags Titan up and puts him back in the ring, and he finally takes his shirt off to CHOKE Titan with it! The ref reprimands but TJP lets off at 4. TJP drags Titan around by a leg, and puts that leg on the ropes.

TJP stands on the foot, the ref reprimands and counts, but TJP jumps to HIP DROP on the leg! Fans rally as TJP drags Titan around by the leg, then slingshot sentons onto the leg! Cover, TWO! Titan goes to the apron while fans rally up. TJP stalks Titan, drags him back in, and wrenches an arm to then hook Titan up into a cobra twist! TJP also goes after the mask! The ref reprimands, TJP lets go of mask and twist to then hook up an arm and get the bad leg. TJP YANKS the leg! Titan writhes while fans applaud the creativity. TJP has a knuckle lock cover, TWO as Titan gets an arm up. TJP pushes it down, TWO as Titan pushes it back up.

TJP pushes that arm and shifts around to stand Titan up, so he can give rapid kangaroo kicks from below! TJP then rolls and wrenches and trips Titan to DDT the leg! Fans applaud again and TJP blows a kiss to the camera. Titan clutches the bad leg but Bushi coaches him up. Fans rally, TJP drags Titan up again, but Titan ROCKS TJP with a forearm! TJP CHOPS Titan, then eggs him on. TJP gives toying knees, he drags Titan up and around, and he EuroUppers Titan off his feet! Fans continue to rally as TJP stands Titan up. TJP whips, Titan reverses but TJP goes Spider-Man to get to the apron.

Titan runs in, TJP slides under and rolls Titan to a knuckle lock stack! TWO, but TJP keeps the knuckle locks. TJP steps through the legs to have a DOUBLE KNUCKLE LOCK SHARPSHOOTER! Titan endures this incredibly unique hold and fans fire up! TJP lets off the knuckle locks to focus on the legs, and to put on a MUTA LOCK! Titan endures, moves around, reaches out, and gets the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, but he has to help TJP undo the leglock. TJP kicks Titan to a corner, dares him to get up, and fans rally. TJP drags Titan up, puts him in the corner and stomps him back down. TJP fires up the fans and gives Titan the scrapes across the face!

TJP runs side to side but Titan gets up! TJP ducks the haymaker, kicks and runs, but Titan goes Matrix! Titan CALF KICKS TJP down! Fans fire up, Titan runs but TJP puts him on the apron. Titan ducks the haymaker to GAMANGIRI! And then springboard to CROSSBODY! Fans fire up while both men are down! Titan gets back to the apron, he slingshots as TJP runs in, to BODYSCISSOR THROW TJP out! Titan fires up, slingshots in and builds speed, to FLY! Direct hit with the tope conjilo and it takes BOTH TJP and Akira out!! Fans rally and the ring count starts. Titan staggers up and BOOTS TJP! Titan puts TJP in at 10 of 20, hurries to cover, TWO!

TJP crawls away to a corner but Titan storms over. Titan fires off forearm after forearm, then runs in, but TJP goes up and over! TJP reels Titan in, but no Tornado DDT as Titan throws TJP away! TJP kicks Titan in return, then runs, but Titan goes Matrix again! Only for TJP to dragon sleeper! But Titan drops down and victory rolls to a cover! TWO!! TJP escapes, Titan SUPERKICKS him down! Titan runs, TJP goes the other way to springboard FLYING ELBOW! Both men are down again and fans fire back up! Akira and Bushi each coach up their tag partners, and both TJP and Titan stir. TJP crawls after Titan and they both sit up.

TJP throws a forearm from his knees, but Titan gives it back. TJP throws another, so Titan gives it back. TJP, Titan, repeat, and fans rally as the forearms fly faster and faster! TJP and Titan stand, the forearms keep going, but then TJP pulls at the mask! The ref reprimands, TJP lets off, but Titan ducks a haymaker to SOBAT! Titan fires off a strike fest ending in another SOBAT, but TJP ROUNDHOUSES! TJP runs, into Titan’s JUMP- NO, TJP blocks the DDT to a DETONATION KICK! Cover, TWO!! Fans fire up again while both men are down! TJP stands and drags Titan to a drop zone. TJP hurries up top, but Titan GAMANGIRIS first!

Titan drags TJP off the top and onto his shoulder in a Canadian Rack. Titan spins around but TJP gets to the apron. Titan throws body shots first, brings TJP up with a suplex, but TJP fights that. Titan keeps trying, TJP keeps resisting, and fans fire up as TJP suplexes Titan! TJP hangs Titan out to dry, and then goes to the corner. Fans rally up as TJP climbs, and he aims for a MISSILE- NO, Titan dodges! TJP lands on the apron, he ducks the haymaker and he throws Titan down by his mask! Titan kips right up to PELE! Down goes TJP and fans fire up! Titan goes out to the apron on the adjacent side and climbs that corner!

Fans fire up as Titan reaches the top! DIVING DOUBLE STOMPS on the APRON!! Titan takes a tumble of his own but he gets right back up! TJP is down in the drop zone as Titan climbs again. Titan aims, for the COUP DE- NO, TJP dodges the double stomps this time! Dropkick to the legs, and then a step through! FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK! Fans are thunderous as Titan endures and flails about! Titan fights to turn things over! TJP tries to keep control, but Titan flips the leglock! The ref checks on TJP as he endures now, but Akira slides in! Akira SNATCHES Titan’s mask!! Fans get a glimpse at Titan’s true face before he covers up!!

TJP lets the leglock go and the ref wonders what happened. Akira is acting suspicious and the ref questions him. TJP goes up top, MAMBA FLOP as Titan rolls away! But what about his face being exposed? Bushi hurries and brings him the over-mask! Titan is covered, he springboards in, DIVING DOUBLE STMOPS! Cover, Titan wins!!

Winner: Titán, by pinfall

Quick thinking by Bushi helps Titan win this one! With both TJP and Akira losing 1v1, are they in danger of losing once it’s 2v2? Or will the United Empire be able to keep hold of the gold?


Six Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS Ren Narita, Alex Zayne & Master Wato!

Tetsuya Naito prepares for Will Ospreay and the IWGP US Championship. Hiromu Takahashi prepares for the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship’s Fatal 4 Way. And Sanada prepares to take on the Son of Strong Style in the NJPW World Television Championship Tournament Semifinals! Will LIJ take the night? Or will Narita, The Sauce, and the Way of the Grandmaster be anything but tranquilo?

Naito is still wearing the jacket he took from Gideon Grey as a message to the United Empire, but he puts that aside for now. The trios sort out and Narita insists he start. Zayne & Wato are okay with that, and Narita of course wants after Sanada. LIJ fist bumps and the Cold Skull obliges. The bell rings and fans rally up as we get a preview of the tournament’s semifinal. Narita and Sanada feel things out, neither gets knuckle lock control so Narita shoots in to go for a leg. Sanada holds that off, goes for an arm, but Narita facelocks. Sanada moves around, goes after the legs and trips Narita up. Narita sits back to fight that off, and still wants the facelock.

Sanada and Narita arm fight, stand back up, and Sanada tries to wrench. Narita holds it off, Sanada tries for a leg trip, but Narita avoids that, too. They keep fighting for clinch control but Narita goes for an arm-drag. Sanada smothers that with a sprawl and goes for a lateral press. Narita holds that off, uses a leg guard now, but Sanada shifts around to try again. They both stand back up and end up on ropes. Red Shoes calls the ropebreak and fans applaud the exchange. Narita lets off and CHOPS! Fans applaud the brashness but Sanada keeps cool. Fans rally up, “SA-NA-DA!” “NA-RI-TA!” as the two reset.

Narita and Sanada feel things out again, Sanada gets a facelock and wants an arm but Narita shoots around to a waistlock. Sanada switches but Narita switches, and they switch and switch and switch until they end up on ropes again. Sanada has control this time, and he lets off slowly, with pats on the shoulder. Narita swings but Sanada avoids the slap to kick and whip! Sanada runs in, blocks a boot, and he brings Narita out to trip. Fans fire up as Sanada goes after the legs. But Narita gets Sanada down for an ARMBAR! Sanada clasps hands, stacks Narita, TWO! Narita lets go and Sanada ROCKS him with a forearm!

Narita ROCKS Sanada back, so Sanada ROCKS him again. The forearms go back and forth and fans rally up. Narita ROCKS Sanada, SLEEPERS, but Sanada arm-drags free and DROPKICKS Narita down! Fans applaud the great exchange, and Sanada stands Narita up. Sanada facelocks to bring Narita over and Hiromu tags in. Narita gets away to his corner, and Wato tags in. Fans applaud as Wato rushes Hiromu but Hiromu dodges to CHOP! Wato CHOPS, Hiromu CHOPS, repeat! The CHOPS go back and forth and fans rally up! Wato CHOPS, Hiromu growls and CHOPS! Wato growls and CHOPS! The CHOPS keep going, and Wato is already red!

CHOP after CHOP after CHOP, then Hiromu gets the edge with CHOP after CHOP! Fans fire up as Wato KICKS! And KICKS! And KICKS! Hiromu staggers, Wato whips but Hiromu reverses. Wato ducks ‘n’ dodges and RANAS! Hiromu bails out as fans fire up and Wato builds speed. But Hiromu returns to ELBOW Wato! Hiromu runs, Wato jumps, ELBOWS, BACK HANDS, and BULLDOGS! Fans fire up as Wato bumps Hiromu off buckles and fires off forearms! Red Shoes counts but Zayne tags in to take over. Zayne digs his boot in, drags Hiromu up and wrenches to a snapmare. Zayne clamps onto the arm and hammerlocks it.

Hiromu endures as Zayne moves Hiromu around and twists the arm some more. Zayne brings Hiromu over, Narita tags in, and they mug Hiromu. Narita CLUBS the bad arm, snapmares Hiromu and KICKS him in the back! Narita swipes at Sanada but he gets away. Narita stomps Hiromu, drags him up and bumps him off buckles. Tag back to Wato, he drags Hiromu up and KNEES him low. Hiromu staggers and Wato KICKS him against the ropes! And again! Wato whips Hiromu to ropes but Hiromu holds ropes to avoid the dropkick. Wato rushes in but into a boot! Hiromu jumps up to get a HANGING HEADSCISSOR!

Naito and Sanada BLAST Narita and Zayne, then Hiromu lets off of the hold to bring Wato out. Hiromu RAMS Wato into railing! Sanada CHOKES Narita on the other end, and Naito pulls Zayne’s hair. Naito DECKS Zayne, Hiromu puts Wato in the ring, and Hiromu stalks Wato. Hiromu drags Wato up, wrenches his arm and CLUBS it! Tag to Naito, LIJ mugs Wato, and Naito wrenches Wato’s arm. Naito taunts Wato’s team by letting Wato get close, before pulling him away. Sanada tags in and he CLUBS Wato’s arm. Sanada brings Wato around to wrench the arm and YANK it. And YANK it! And CLUB it! And wrench again!

Naito tags back in, he CLUBS Wato’s arm. Naito wrenches Wato’s arm, grins at Wato’s team, then whips Wato into a corner. Naito runs in, JUMP KICK! Leg sweep! COMBINACION CABRON! Fans applaud Naito as he poses, and he even teases Zayne with his own hair twirl. Naito then checks in with his team. He tags Sanada and Sanada drags Wato up. Sanada CLUBS Wato down, then stands him back up, to CLUB him again! Wato writhes but Sanada drags him back up. Sanada whips Wato to ropes, ELBOWS him down, then covers, TWO! Fans applaud and rally up as Sanada tags Hiromu. Hiromu DECKS Zayne!

Hiromu taunts Wato, and Wato CHOPS! Hiromu eggs him on more so Wato CHOPS again! Hiromu CHOPS Wato off his feet! Fans applaud and Hiromu drags Wato back up. Hiromu suplexes but Wato fights it. Wato wrenches, ducks the haymaker and waistlocks, but Hiromu throws elbows. Wato kicks but Hiromu blocks! Hiromu also blocks a haymaker and DRAGON SCREW Wato down! Fans rally up as Hiromu wags his finger at Wato. Hiromu drags Wato up, fireman’s carries, but Wato slips off to send Hiromu to the corner. Wato runs in, into a BOOT! Hiromu laughs as he runs, but into a DROPKICK!

Fans fire up as both men crawl for their corners. Hot tag to Sanada and he stomps Wato down! Sanada drags Wato up to ROCK to the corner. Sanada whips corner to corner, runs in but into BOOTS! Wato goes up, leaps, but Sanada gets under! Sanada turns around, into a RANA! Fans fire up as Wato crawls for his corner again. Sanada anchors a foot but Wato fights free, hot tag to Narita! Narita KICKS Sanada, whips him to a corner, then runs in to back elbow! Narita brings Sanada around to HALF HATCH! Bridging cover, TWO! Narita goes for the ARMBAR! Naito gets in to stomp Narita! Narita knees Naito and throws him out!

Zayne goes after Naito on the outside to keep him down. Narita KICKS Sanada! And KICKS! And KICKS, but Sanada blocks to CLUB the leg! Sanada whips Narita to ropes but Narita reverses, only for Sanada to dropkick the leg! And then Sanada dropkicks Narita out of the ring! Fans fire up and Sanada hurries over to take aim. PLANCHA! Direct hit and down goes Narita! Fans applaud and Sanada encourages them to get louder. They get louder and Sanada is satisfied. Sanada drags Narita up, puts him in the ring, covers, TWO! Narita is still in this and fans rally up, “SA-NA-DA!” “NA-RI-TA!” Sanada fireman’s carries but Narita fights free!

Narita has the SLEEPER! Sanada claws at the hold, but Narita switches to a cobra twist! But Sanada hip tosses free! Sanada dragon sleepers, but Narita slips out to get the cobra twist! Sanada is caught this time but he fights his way over towards ropes! Fans rally, Narita pulls on the hold, but Sanada gets the ROPEBREAK! Narita lets go fast to KICK Sanada, and- NO, Sanada fights the back suplex with elbows! Narita kicks but Sanada swats it! And again! Narita swings but Sanada ducks the lariat to dragon sleeper! Narita slips through but Sanada suplexes him onto ropes, for a MAGIC SCREW! Fans rally up while both men are down!

Sanada and Narita crawl, hot tags to Naito and Zayne! Naito dodges, Zayne dodges, and Zayne fires off elbow after elbow! Mule kick, but Naito ELBOWS Zayne down! Naito basement dropkicks, then pulls Zayne’s hair! Naito whips, Zayne reverses to KNEE Naito in the corner! Zayne puts Naito up top but Hiromu rushes in! Zayne whips Hiromu into Naito’s knees! Zayne shouts, “SAYONARA!” as he runs and uses Hiromu as a booster, to get the SUPER STEINER on Naito! And then he BACK DROP DRIVERS Hiromu! Fans fire up with The Sauce as he takes aim at Naito. Zayne jumps to QUEBRADA Naito and Hiromu!

Fans fire up with Zayne more and he drags Naito up. Zayne puts Naito in, runs corner to corner and ELBOWS Naito! Wato ELBOWS Naito, feeds him to a mule kick, and Zayne runs for the ROLLING AX KICK! Cover, TWO!! Naito survives and on the outside, someone is sent hard into railing! Sanada claws Narita’s eyes! Zayne brings Naito up, straitjackets and pump handles, but Naito fights the lift! Naito backs Zayne into a corner! Hiromu runs in to clothesline! Sanada runs in to elbow! Snapmare, TRIPLE BASEMENT DROPKICK! Cover, Wato & Narita break it! Hiromu & Sanada throw them out as fans fire up!

Naito drags Zayne up, wrenches the arm, but Zayne elbows him! Naito ENZIGURIS! Naito wrenches, but Narita runs in! Naito blocks the boot and feeds Narita to Sanada’s dropkick to the legs! Sanada then dodges Wato’s springboard! Hiromu dropkicks Wato’s legs out! Hiromu feeds Zayne to an atomic drop from Naito! Sanada KICKS Zayne and Hiromu SUPERKICKS! Naito reels Zayne in and Hiromu gives Naito a boost for a HUGE SATELLITE DDT! Zayne flounders around, fans fire up, and Naito wrenches to tilt-o-whirl, DESTINO!! Cover, LIJ wins!

Winners: Los Ingobernables de Japon, by pinfall

Naito gives Zayne a SLAP for good measure, LIJ sweeps the night! Will this keep the Son of Strong Style from bringing about the “changing of the guard?” Will Wato be on the ropes in the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Fatal 4 already? And will Zayne just have to heat back up later on?

As for the winners, Naito gets Gideon’s jacket back, and of course Bushi y Titán join the rest of LIJ in the ring. They, Sanada and Hiromu each take a corner to rest in while Naito gets the mic. “Buenas noches, OSAKAAAA~! NJPW is back in the Edion Sub-Arena. It’s been awhile, but did you all enjoy LIJ over the last three matches?” Fans applaud because they did. Naito continues with, “Since we’re all here, let’s give an introduction. This is our new pareja <partner>, Titán.” Fans applaud, though of course they already know him. Naito then asks, “By the way, what do you think of my new jacket? As everyone already knows, I got it off Gideon Grey. Do you like it? Does it work for me?”

Fans applaud because yes, it does look good. Naito says he might wear it during tomorrow’s contract signing. He hopes everyone looks forward to it. “Today, unfortunately, no chanting. So cheer in your hearts with me! Everyone, are you ready?” Fans applaud because they are! “There’s only one way to close out this Edion Sub-Arena show. Bushi! Sanada! Hiromu! Takagi! Titan! Y Naito! Nosotros… Los! INGOBERRRRRNABLEEEES~! DE! JA! PON!!” The roll call grows again, will LIJ be golden going into the New Year?

My Thoughts:

A great penultimate event for Battle Autumn here, and a lot of great go-home stuff going into the last day, this Saturday, November 5th. Of the matches I skipped, it’s notable that Zack Sabre Jr. & Yoshinobu Kanemaru won against EVIL & Dick Togo, but Kanemaru got the win for his team and it was on Dick, leaving ZSJ and Evil even in the math. That’ll keep us guessing for their semifinal match in the NJPW World Television Championship Tournament, but I’m still leaning towards ZSJ.

Then I like that we got three LIJ matches all in a row to finish up the card. LIJ has been rolling so strong, I really thought Bushi and Titán were going to split that with Akira & TJP. But I did like that with their matches back to back, they segued with the after-match attack to bring TJP and Titan out. LIJ sweeping the singles set could mean they’re not winning the titles. Naito, Sanada & Hiromu win in the Six Man Tag, giving them all momentum, too, and their coming matches are also tricky to call. But who knows? NJPW doesn’t always go by go-home math, maybe LIJ is making a resurgence, starting with the Junior Heavyweight titles, and then we’ll see Naito and Sanada win at WrestleKingdom to get the US and NJPW World TV titles.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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