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Mitchell’s NJPW WTL X Super Jr. Tag Results & Report! (11/23/22)

The Super Juniors tag back in!



NJPW WTL X Super Jr.

Will Catch 2/2 get two more points?

The IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions won big in the first round, but they can’t rest easy! Will TJP & Francesco Akira win to close out another show?


  • Ryohei Oiwa & Yuto Nakashima VS Oskar Leube & Kosei Fujita; Leube & Fujita win.
  • 8 Man Tag: Tomoaki Honma, Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Master Wato & Jado VS Bullet Club; Bullet Club wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS Suzuki-Gun; Suzuki-Gun wins.
  • Super Jr. Tag League 2022: KUSHIDA & Kevin Knight VS SHO & Dick Togo; Kushida & Knight win.
  • Super Jr. Tag League 2022: Ryusuke Taguchi & Chris Connors VS BUSHI & Titán; Bushi & Titán win.
  • Super Jr. Tag League 2022: Robbie Eagles & Tiger Mask VS YOH & Lio Rush; Yoh & Lio win.
  • Super Jr. Tag League 2022: DOUKI & Yoshinobu Kanemaru VS Ace Austin & Chris Bey; Ace & Bey win.
  • Super Jr. Tag League 2022: TJP & Francesco Akira VS Alex Zayne & El Lindaman; TJP & Akira win.


Here are the current Super Jr. Tag League standings!

TJP & Akira: 1-0, 2 points
Zayne & Lindaman: 1-0, 2 points
Taguchi & Connors: 1-0, 2 points
Eagles & Tiger Mask: 1-0, 2 points
Austin & Bey: 1-0, 2 points
Yoh & Lio: 0-1, 0 points
Bushi & Titan: 0-1, 0 points
Sho & Dick: 0-1, 0 points
Douki & Kanemaru: 0-1, 0 points
KUSHIDA & Knight: 0-1, 0 points


Super Jr. Tag League 2022: KUSHIDA & Kevin Knight VS SHO & Dick Togo!

The #TimeJet and the House of Torture both fell in the first round, but someone’s gotta win now! Will Kushida & Knight make up for lost time? Or will the Murder Machine & Spoiler find a way to ruin things again?

The teams sort out and though Sho taunts Kushida, Kushida starts against Dick. Fans rally up as the two circle. They tie up, are in a deadlock, but Dick puts Kushida on the ropes. The ref counts, Dick lets off, but Kushida avoids the cheap shot! Kushida arm-drags Dick and grinds his arm. Dick moves around, Kushida keeps on the shoulder, but Dick fishhooks Kushida’s nose. Dick puts Kushida on the ropes, whips him away, but Kushida comes back with an arm-drag and a drop toehold! Kushida wrenches the arm and wristlocks! Kushida wrenches and brings Dick over to tag Knight. Knight wrenches the arm, then tags Kushida back in.

Knight hands off the arm for Kushida to wrench. Kushida taunts Sho, tags Knight, and hands off the arm again. Knight wrenches and hands off the arm, then Kushida wrenches and hands off the arm, repeat! They then double wrench and double snapmare, to double knee drop on the arms! Fans applaud but Sho rushes in to throw hands. Sho runs, but into a double hip toss! STANDING MOONSAULT SPLASH COMBO! Fans fire up as Knight drags Dick back up. Knight wrenches to an ELBOW BREAKER, then wrenches again. But Dick pokes Knight in the eyes! And headlock punches him down! If only fans could boo tonight…

Sho tags in and he DECKS Kushida! Dick drags Knight out, Sho goes to the apron, PENALTY KICK! Sho eggs Kushida on while Dick ROCKS Knight. Dick puts Knight on the apron for Sho to ROPE GUILLOTINE! Knight sputters and Sho grins. Fans rally up for Knight but Sho rakes his eyes! The ref has to keep an angry Kushida back, and Sho wrenches Knight to whip him to a corner. Sho forearm smashes, wrenches and kicks, KICKS and SUPERKICKS! Cover, Kushida breaks it! Sho complains but he drags Knight back up. Sho facelocks then tags in Dick. Knight fights back but Dick CLAWS his back!

Dick drags Knight up, ROCKS him with a right, then ROCKS him again. Dick digs his boot in and so does Sho, but the ref counts. They both let off at 4 and fans rally up again. Dick drags Knight up but Knight ROCKS him back! And again! And EuroUppers! But Dick drop toeholds into a FUJIWARA ARMBAR! Knight endures, so Dick drops a knee on the arm. Dick snapmares then fist drops! Cover, but Kushida breaks it again! Sho complains, but Dick stands on Knight’s leg to keep him down. Dick bumps Knight off buckles, he tags Sho in, and Sho taunts Kushida. But Knight fights back with forearms and CHOPS!

Fans rally but Sho rakes Knight’s eyes! The ref reprimands but Sho whips Knight to ropes. Knight reverses, hurdles, and Sho SPEARS Dick out of the ring! Fans fire up as Knight crawls, hot tag to Kushida! Kushida goes up top to FLYING AX HANDLE! Kushida ROCKS, whips, but Sho reverses. Kushida handsprings to back elbow! Fans fire up, Kushida dodges Sho then PELES! Kushida aims but Sho ducks the buzzsaw! Sho shoves Kushida at the ref! Kushida stops himself from running into the ref, but he turns around into a dropkick to the legs! Sho then PENALTY KICKS Kushida’s arm! A very Kushida thing to do!

Kushida hobbles to the corner, Sho runs in, but into an elbow! Kushida goes up to FLYING KNEE Sho’s arm! Fans fire up as both men clutch an elbow! Kushida and Sho glare at each other, Kushida KICKS Sho’s bad arm! Sho KICKS Kushida’s bad arm! Kushida KICKS Sho’s bad arm, then KICKS and KICKS and KICKS! Kushida wrenches the bad arm but Sho rakes Kushida’s eyes! The ref reprimands, Sho lets go, and Kushida ROUNDHOUSES the arm! Kushida runs, but into Dick’s cheap shot! Sho SPEARS Kushida! Tag to Dick and he runs to BLAST Knight! Sho and Dick stomp away on Kushida, then they drag him up.

Dick & Sho double whip and double shoulder Kushida over! Cover, TWO, into a CROSSFACE! And for whatever reason, Evil & Yujiro have walked out to ringside. Kushida endures, reaches out, moves around, and lurches forward to get the ROPEBREAK! Fans applaud but Dick drags Kushida up. Dick reels Kushida in, underhooks, but Kushida back drops free! Dick sunset flips, but Kushida turns that into an ARMBAR! But Sho stomps him down! Knight gets in but Sho rakes Knight’s eyes and throws him out! Evil distracts the ref and Dick sets Kushida up. Yujiro gets in with his pimp cane! But Kushida ducks and the cane hits Dick!

Kushida sends Yujiro into Evil, then he runs to HANDSPRING KICK them both down! Sho kicks Kushida, rakes his eyes, then runs. But Knight runs in to DROPKICK Sho down! Fans fire up again and Knight PLANCHAS Sho down! Fans fire up more as Kushida PENALTY KICKS Dick’s bad arm! Kushida whips Dick to hip toss, cartwheel and basement dropkick! Fans fire up as Kushida underhooks, HAMMERLOCK SUPLEX! Bridging cover, #TimeJet wins!

Winners: Kushida & Kevin Knight, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Sho & Dick earn 0)

The House of Torture falls again! Will the only thing getting spoiled in Super Jr. Tag League be the chances Sho & Dick have of making the finals?


Super Jr. Tag League 2022: Ryusuke Taguchi & Chris Connors VS BUSHI & Titán!

The Wild Hips tasted success out the gate, but the Black Mask & El Inmortal were trumped by Ace Austin & Chris Bey. Will Taguchi & Connors continue to stampede in the second round? Or will Bushi & Titán stay tranquilo to get on the board?

Taguchi & Connors have their black bags again. Taguchi brings out water, but Connors brings out Sapporo brand beer! Fans rally up but Taguchi isn’t sure about this. Connors says it’s fine, and he takes a drink! Connors then realizes that Taguchi has to be okay to bike home later, so they put the beers away for now. The teams sort out and Connors starts against Titan. Fans rally as the bell rings, and the two circle. But then Bushi slides in to CLOBBER Connors! Titan kicks Connors to ropes, he and Bushi double whip, but Connors ducks and DOUBLE SHOULDERS them down! Fans fire up as LIJ go to opposite corners.

Connors runs in to elbow Titan, then elbow Bushi! Then he RAMS Titan, and he RAMS Bushi! Connors back drops Bushi away! Titan SOBATS, whips, but Connors reverses. Things speed up, Connors POUNCES Titan down! Fans fire up more and Connors drags Titan up. Tag to Taguchi and Taguchi stomps Titan down. Taguchi snapmares Titan and then clamps on a chinlock. Titan endures, even as Taguchi digs his knee in. Taguchi pushes Titan down and leans on the hold, but Titan moves around to get the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Taguchi lets off, and he sits Titan up for a point-blank hip. And then another!

Taguchi digs a stink face into Titan at the corner! Fans fire up as Taguchi gets a leg for OH MY GAH ANKLE! Titan has the ropebreak so Taguchi lets off again. Taguchi drags Titan up and bumps him off buckles. Tag to Connors, he runs and BLASTS Bushi! Connors whips Taguchi in to HIP ATTACK Titan! And again! And again! Then Taguchi whips Connors to back body block Titan down! Fans fire up as the Wild Hips butt bump! Cover, TWO! Fans rally, Connors drags Titan up, and Connors whips Titan to ropes. Titan springboards to CROSSBODY! Taguchi throws Titan down by his mask but Titan kips up to PELE back!

Titan SOBATS Connors, fireman’s carries, and hits a LANDSLIDE! Hot tag to Bushi, and Bushi stomps Connors around. Bushi bumps Connors off buckles, CHOPS him, then CHOPS again! And DOUBLE CHOPS Connors down! Bushi drags Connors up, snapmares him and wraps on a headscissor squeeze! Connors endures and fans rally up. Connors moves around, but Bushi drags him away from Taguchi. But Connors reaches to get the ROPEBREAK! Bushi CLAWS Connors’ face, but he lets off as the ref reprimands. Bushi stomps Connors, tags Titan, and Titan climbs as Bushi wrenches Connors.

Titan DOUBLE STOMPS Connors’ arm! Titan stomps Connors around while fans rally up. Connors rises, Titan KICKS and KICKS and fires off fast hands! SOBAT and Titan powers up! Titan runs, but Connors follows to SPEAR! Fans fire up while both men are down! Connors and Titan crawl, hot tags to Taguchi and Bushi! Bushi dodges to rake the eyes! Bushi runs, but into a HIP ATTACK! Fans fire up, Taguchi runs to HIP ATTACK at the ropes! And HIP ATTACK! And HIP ATTACK! Fans fire up as Taguchi brings Bushi back up. Taguchi snap suplexes, Uno Amigo! Another snap suplex, Dos Amigos! But Bushi fights free of Three Amigos!

Taguchi knees low, runs, but into an ENZIGURI! Taguchi wobbles around, but Connors runs in, the POUNCE sends Taguchi’s hips into Bushi! Fans fire up, Connors BLASTS Titan! Connors and Taguchi combine their powers! They aim at Bushi, “ORYA~!” DOUBLE HIP SANDWICH! Cover, Titan breaks it! Connors sends Titan back out and holds him down! Taguchi drags Bushi up, chicken wings, but Bushi victory rolls! TWO!! Taguchi has a leg, OH MY GAH ANKLE!! Bushi endures, Connors keeps Titan down, and Taguchi keeps Bushi from ropes! Bushi hops up, but Taguchi ducks the enziguri, only for the HEEL KICK to connect!

Fans fire up while Bushi and Taguchi are down. Connors hurries in and he drags Bushi up. Connors EuroUppers Bushi to a corner, then coordinates with Taguchi. Taguchi whips Connors in but Bushi dodges! Bushi BOOTS Taguchi, then sends Connors into him! Connors and Taguchi wobble, Titan knuckle locks with Bushi to go up and up and tightrope walk! Titan springboards to DOUBLE MISSILE DROPKICK! Fans fire up as Wild Hips fall out of the ring! Titan builds speed to FLY! Direct hit at the ramp! Titan fires up and fans fire up with him! Titan drags Taguchi up and puts him in, Bushi hobbles over to stand Taguchi up.

Taguchi fights the Fisherman Screw to knee low and run. But Titan SOBATS! Bushi sunset flips, Titan SPRINGBOARD SPLASHES! Cover, Connors breaks it! Connors knees Titan, whips, but Titan reverses. Titan goes Matrix to CALF KICK Connors out! Fans fire up and Bushi hobbles to ropes. Titan runs at Taguchi in the corner, CRAZY LARIAT! CODE BREAKER! Springboard, ANGEL INMORTAL!! Cover, LIJ wins!!

Winners: Bushi & Titán, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Taguchi & Connors earn 0)

The Wild Hips were just made to tranquilo! Will this be a pivotal turning point in the tournament? Or will it take more than one win for LIJ to get another shot at the titles?


Super Jr. Tag League 2022: Robbie Eagles & Tiger Mask VS YOH & Lio Rush!

The Flying Tigers are back and off to a great start, while Direct Drive & The Man of the Hour couldn’t bring down TJP & Francesco Akira. Will Yoh & Lio turn things around in the second round? Or will Eagles & Tiger keep hunting the top of the block?

The teams sort out and Lio starts against the legend. Fans rally as the two circle and feel things out. Tiger avoids Lio rushing in, but then Lio avoids Tiger. They reset, feel things out, Lio spins to get a leg! He spins Tiger to a waistlock but Tiger standing switches. Lio switches, Tiger switches, repeat! Lio slips under but then Tiger slips under! Lio rolls to victory roll, TWO! Lio swings into a backslide, TWO! The two stand off and fans applaud. Lio and Tiger stare down, and Lio bows! Tiger bows in return, and fans applaud the sportsmanship. Lio tells Tiger that he’ll tag out if Tiger tags out. Tiger agrees to that, but Lio sneaks up behind Tiger!

Eagles tags in before Lio whips, which Tiger reverses anyway. Lio redirects himself, and again, and leaps over the drop down! Tag to Yoh, Lio dodges Eagles and Eagles hits buckles. Lio whips Yoh to BLAST Tiger off the apron! Lio and Yoh combine, victory roll roll roll and SPLASH! Much smoother this time! Lio then sets up, DIRECT DRIVE IN MOTION! Fans fire up as the two high-ten. Yoh covers, TWO! Fans rally as Yoh stomps Eagles around. Yoh drags Eagles up, EuroUppers him back down, then tags Lio. Lio & Yoh double whip, double kick, then Yoh whips Lio, but Eagles avoids the scissor kick.

Eagles dropkicks Yoh’s leg out! Eagles dodges Lio, Tiger rushes in and flips Lio. Lio lands on his feet and blocks Tiger’s kick, but Tiger spin back kicks! Lio flops out of the ring, Tiger builds speed and DIVES onto Yoh! Eagles DIVES onto Lio, and thankfully a Young Lion shields the front row! Fans fire up for such speed from both Eagles & Tiger, and Eagles says hi to Desperado on commentary. Eagles drags Lio up and puts him in for Tiger, and Tiger drags Lio up. Eagles & Tiger double hip, double hip toss, and then KICK, KICK, KICK, and double basement dropkick! Yoh runs in, but into more kicks! DOUBLE ROUNDHOUSES take Yoh down!

Fans fire up and Eagles drags Lio up. Eagles snapmares Lio, runs and SLIDING KICKS! Cover, TWO! Eagles keeps on Lio by stepping through the legs. Lio scrambles around to the ROPEBREAK! Eagles lets off quickly, but he stomps Lio’s legs. Eagles scoops Lio to hold him up, then SLAM him into a drop zone! Fans rally as Eagles goes up the corner, 450, but Eagles has to bail out! Lio BOOTS Eagles, runs in, but into a knee! Lio ducks the roundhouse, RAMS low and SCISSOR KICKS Eagles down! Fans fire up while both men crawl for their corners! Hot tag to Yoh! Yoh runs in to BLAST Tiger, and then he CLOBBERS Eagles!

Yoh rallies, whips, but Eagles reverses. Yoh ducks ‘n’ dodges to FLYING FOREARM! Fans fire up and Eagles goes to a corner. Yoh runs in, but Eagles elbows him away. Eagles runs, but Yoh handsprings to dodge! Yoh mule kicks Eagles then turns him around, HEAD BUSTER! Then a suplex, for the FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO!! Eagles is still in this but Yoh keeps his focus. Fans rally back up and Yoh drags Eagles up again. Yoh reels Eagles in, underhooks, but no drive! Eagles wrenches out but Yoh ROCKS him with a forearm! Yoh reels Eagles in but Eagles switches to CHOP BLOCK, and BLINDSIDE LARIAT!

Fans rally up while both men are down. Eagles crawls to hot tag Tiger! Tiger KICKS Yoh, KICKS, and SOBATS! Yoh goes to a corner, Tiger ROUNDHOUSES! Yoh flops down but Tiger drags him back up. Tiger underhooks, but Yoh blocks the lift! Yoh wrenches out, Tiger gest around, Yoh switches but Tiger victory rolls! TWO!! Tiger SOBATS again! And BUZZSAWS! Cover, TWO!! Yoh is still in this and fans rally up. Tiger drags Yoh up, gut wrenches, but Lio saves Yoh! Lio fires off on Tiger, runs, but into a gut wrench and BACKBREAKER! Fans fire up as Eagles gets in, and Tiger drags Yoh up. Feed to Eagles’ cravat, BOOSTED SLICED BREAD!

Eagles rolls Yoh and feeds him to the TIGER DRIVER!! Cover, Lio breaks it! Eagles drags Lio up to throw him out, and then Eagles coordinates with Tiger. Fans rally up again and the Flying Tigers bring Yoh up. They double whip Yoh to the corner, then Eagles goes to the apron. They meet at the corner with an ENZIGURI ROUNDHOUSE COMBO! Fans fire up more as Tiger drags Yoh back up. Eagles springboards, but Yoh gets away! Yoh snapamres Tiger, kicks Eagles, but Eagles wrenches! Tiger ROUNDHOUSES Yoh down! But Lio rolls and SPIN KICKS Tiger! Lio kicks Eagles, whips, but Eagles reverses, only for Lio to reverse it back!

Lio dodges Eagles then handsprings around, but Eagles blocks to ROUNDHOUSE, SUPERKICK and PELE! Fans fire up as Eagles kips up! But Yoh powers up, only for Eagles to block his superkick! Eagles SLAPS Yoh, knees his leg, back elbows him, and hooks him up, but Yoh fights the Turbo Backpack! Eagles standing switches but Yoh switches back to BACKSTABBER! Eagles hobbles, Lio rebounds to STUNNER! Eagles staggers more, into a SUPERKICK! Fans fire up as Yoh & Lio roar! Yoh drags Tiger up, whips him to ropes, 3- NO, Tiger ROCKS Lio and crucifixes Yoh! TWO!! Tiger SOBATS Yoh, runs, but into 3 K!! Cover, Yoh & Lio win!

Winners: Yoh & Lio Rush, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Flying Tigers earn 0)

Chaos fought Chaos and it was chaos! But in the end, the Men of the Hour come out on top! They have their first two points, but will it be the first of many on the way to the top?


Super Jr. Tag League 2022: DOUKI & Yoshinobu Kanemaru VS Ace Austin & Chris Bey!

Japones del Mal & The Heel Master couldn’t tame Taguchi & Connors, and now they’re going up against the Bullet Club’s hot hand! Will Douki & Kanemaru bust two rounds in a row? Or will they keep things from being Too Sweet?

The teams sort out and Kanemaru starts against The Finesser. Fans rally as Kanemaru and Bey circle, tie up, and Kanemaru headlocks. Bey powers out but then pulls hair to reel Kanemaru into a headlock! The ref reprimands, Kanemaru powers out but Bey runs him over! Bey does a swinging swaggering dance, then throws up the Too Sweet. Things speed up, Bey rolls back to headscissors Kanemaru! Then he dropkicks the legs out and DOUBLE STOMPS him down! Bey DECKS Douki, then he and Ace double whip Kanemaru to a corner. Bey runs in but Kanemaru dodges and dropkicks Ace’s legs out!

Bey runs back at Kanemaru and mule kicks! Bey runs, but into a dropkick to the leg! Fans fire up as Kanemaru drags Bey around, and SMASHES the leg on the mat! Kanemaru stomps Bey’s leg, fans rally up, and Kanemaru drags Bey up again. SHIN BREAKER! Bey writhes and clutches his leg but Kanemaru taunts him. Kanemaru stomps Bey at the ropes, then stands on the leg! The ref counts, Kanemaru lets off, and Kanemaru drags Bey up to kick the leg again. Kanemaru whips Bey to ropes but Bey holds ropes. Bey BOOTS back and Ace tags in. Bey baits Kanemaru in then hurdles over! Kanemaru tumbles out, Ace is there to egg him on.

Kanemaru swings but Ace handsprings over and around to PENALTY KICK! Fans fire up as Bey tags back in, to PLANCHA! Douki rushes in but Ace shoulders into him. Ace slingshots up and over and throws Douki out. Ace builds speed while Bey sets up Suzuki-Gun, for the FLOP! Fans fire up as Bullet Club Too Sweet. Bey drags Kanemaru up and puts him in for Ace. Ace stomps Kanemaru while Bey stomps Douki. Ace pulls on Kanemaru’s arm with a mounted armbar, but he sneaks out his Ace of Spades! PAPER CUT!! Ace hides the card up his sleeve, and then drops knees on Kanemaru. Cover, TWO!

Fans rally and Ace drags Kanemaru up. Ace bumps Kanemaru off buckles and tags in Bey. Bullet Club double wrench Kanemaru’s arms and DOUBLE CLAW his back! They double drop toehold, Too Sweet, and DOUBLE CLAW him again! Fans applaud the shout outs to El Phantasmo and Bey mocks Kanemaru’s pain. Bey digs his boot into Kanemaru, lets off, and tells the ref to shut up. But Kanemaru kicks back from below! Bey stomps Kanemaru down! Bey snapmares, UPPERCUTS Kanemaru in the back, then covers, TWO! Fans rally up and Bey taunts Douki. The ref is busy keeping Douki back as Bey CHOKES Kanemaru!

Desperado is annoyed on commentary as Bey mocks Kanemaru’s sputtering. Bey drags Kanemaru up, whips him into the corner, and then tags Ace. Ace stomps Kanemaru, suplexes Kanemaru high and hard, then pulls on the bad fingers! Kanemaru endures, Ace drops knees on the arm! Ace flexes and fans applaud while Kanemaru clutches his bad arm. Fans rally up again, Ace KICKS Kanemaru in the side! Ace stands on Kanemaru’s face, sits him up and BOOTS him! Ace stomps Kanemaru in the corner, the ref backs him off, but Bey CHOKES Kanemaru! Bey gets away with that, claiming he was just checking on Kanemaru.

Ace stands Kanemaru up to CHOP him! Tag to Bey, then they hook Kanemaru up, SLIDE KICK RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP COMBO! Then LEG DROP MOONSAULT COMBO! Cover, Douki breaks it! Douki and Bey brawl, but Bey throws Douki out. Bey mocks Kanemaru while fans rally up. Bey drags Kanemaru up to hook him up in a cobra twist! Kanemaru endures, and he pulls on Bey’s ear! Bey throws a body shot then runs, and blocks Kanemaru’s hip toss. Kanemaru blocks Bey’s hip toss, but Bey knees low! Bey whips Kanemaru to the corner, runs in, but Kanemaru BOOTS back! Kanemaru runs to tilt-o-whirl and DDT!

Fans fire up while both men are down! Bey and Kanemaru crawl for their corners, hot tags to Douki and Ace! Douki dodges to kick and whip,. Ace reverses but Douki RANAS! Douki dodges again, springboards and FLYING BACK ELBOWS! Fans fire up with Douki as he runs to DOUBLE STOMP! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up as Douki aims, and he runs side to side. Ace puts Douki on the apron, but Douki ROCKS Ace back! Slingshot, but Ace blocks Daybreaker to a NORTHERN LIGHTS! Fisherman bridge, TWO!! Douki escapes and fans rally back up. Ace staggers up, drags Douki up in a waistlock, but Douki throws elbows.

Douki switches, Ace elbows out hard. Ace DECKS Kanemaru, knees Douki low, knee lifts then HEEL KICKS! Fans fire up and Ace calls Bey in. Bullet Club coordinates, Ace gives Bey the boost, but Kanemaru catches Bey! Kanemaru shoves Bey into Austin then ENZIGURIS Bey down! Kanemaru BOOTS Ace in the corner, he and Douki double whip to DOUBLE DROPKICK! Ace bails out, Kanemaru whips Douki so he can DIVE! Direct hit on Ace, Douki puts Ace in, and Kanemaru scoops! BRITISH FALL to Douki’s DIVING DOUBLE STOMPS! Cover, TWO!! But Douki drags Ace into ITALIAN STRETCH NUMBER 32!!

Ace endures and fans fire up! Ace fights to drag Douki around, and he reaches out, but Douki rolls him from the ropes! ITALIAN STRETCH! But Bey is up top! FROG SPLASH!! Direct hit on Douki and Ace is saved! Bey then triangle jumps to ENZIGURI Kanemaru down! Bey roars and fans fire up! But Douki HELL STABS Bey! Only to run into the PELE! Bey kips up, gets the boost, TOO SWEET CUTTER!! To the FOLD!! Cover, Bullet Club wins!

Winners: Ace Austin & Chris Bey, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Douki & Kanemaru earn 0)

Another win for the Inevitable & the Finesse! Will these two have a major impact on the block?


Super Jr. Tag League 2022: TJP & Francesco Akira VS Alex Zayne & El Lindaman!

The IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions, now known as Catch 2/2, lead the pack with their two points, but The Sauce & The G-Rex are right their with them! Will Zayne & Lindaman snatch those points and some golden tickets at the same time? Or will the Public Enemy & Nova Fireball stay hot in the block?

Of course Gideon Grey gives the United Empire’s representatives their introductions. The teams sort out and Akira starts against Zayne. Fans rally up as the two circle. They tie up, and Zayne pushes Akira to ropes. Akira wants the break, Red Shoes calls it, and Zayne lets off cleanly. Fans applaud and the two reset. Akira gets fans to clap, “CATCH! NI NI!” and he circles with Zayne. They approach but Akira gets around, and he smirks and laughs at Zayne. But Zayne says Akira’s scared! Akira says he’s not scared and the two reset. Zayne calls for the test of strength, but clearly there’s a height difference.

Akira and Zayne knuckle lock, but then Akira CHOPS! Akira dodges Zayne and taunts the “heavyweight.” Zayne storms in and Akira dodges. Zayne handsprings over and says, “I told you, I’m a Junior.” Fans applaud as things speed up, and Zayne blocks the tilt-o-whirl to then swing Akira around. Akira slips out to waistlock but Zayne switches and shoves Akira to ropes. Akira jumps up but Zayne blocks the rana! Zayne swings Akira back up, Akira slips free and dodges to dropkick! But Zayne rebounds to CHOP Akira down! Zayne says that’s finger licking good as Akira bails out. Fans applaud and Akira cools off.

Akira tells Zayne to back off and Zayne gives him space. Akira slides in, tags TJP, and fans fire up as Lindaman tags in! Lindaman and TJP circle, fans rally up, and the two tie up. TJP wrenches to a wristlock but Lindaman rolls and wrenches back. TJP rolls, spins, cartwheels, and brings Lindaman down for the twisting headscissors! Fans fire up but Lindaman powers up to stack TJP to a cover. TWO, and TJP twisting headscissors again! TJP wags his finger and throws up the crown. Fans rally behind TJP as he holds tight, but Lindaman fights up again. Lindaman throws TJP away, knees low, then whips him corner to corner.

Lindaman runs in but TJP BOOTS back! TJP runs, but Lindaman ROCKS him with a forearm! Lindaman whips, but TJP goes Spider-Man! TJP eggs Lindaman on and he runs in, but TJP dumps him to the apron! Lindaman hurries back up to slingshot and STOMP TJP down! Fans fire up as Lindaman looms over TJP. Lindaman drags TJP up, whips him to ropes, but TJP reverses and ducks the haymaker to spin Lindaman around! Facelock and suplex, but Lindaman slips free. Lindaman waistlocks, TJP switches but Lindaman throws an elbow to SAYANAGI! And DDT! Fans fire up as Akira runs in, into a kick!

Lindaman scoops Akira to SLAM him on TJP! Fans fire up more as Lindaman gets the better of the champs! Lindaman fires up and fans rally behind him as he drags TJP up. Lindaman wrenches TJP to a wristlock, brings him over and tags in Zayne. Zayne takes the handoff and YANKS TJP’s arm! Zayne keeps his eye on Akira, YANKS TJP’s arm, then he wrenches TJP again. Tag back to Lindaman and he kicks TJP. Lindaman wrenches the arm, and says he’s going to have a taste! Lindaman puts his mouth guard away to BITE TJP’s hand! Red Shoes reprimands but the fans fire up! Lindaman stops biting, just to tell Red Shoes that he’s not getting any.

Lindaman says Zayne’s getting a taste, though! Lindaman hands TJP off to Zayne and Zayne BITES TJP’s hand! Red Shoes keeps Akira back even though he has a legitimate gripe right now! Red Shoes reprimands, Zayne lets TJP go, and Lindaman says he’s not done yet! Lindaman BITES TJP’s hand again! Red Shoes counts and Lindaman stops. Lindaman says Zayne is going to have seconds now! Fans fire up but TJP wrenches and smothers Lindaman! TJP brings Lindaman over while Zayne is hyping up the crowd! Zayen BITES Lindaman’s hand! Lindman shouts and Zayne realizes who he’s biting! Zayne stops and apologizes!

TJP tags Akira and then helps him with a RAILGUN DROPKICK! Akira wipes out Zayne & Lindaman! Fans fire up as TJP goes up and up and CROSSBODIES Zayne down! TJP gets back in, he and Akira double whip Lindaman. SOBAT, KICK, KICK and BASEMENT SHOTGUN! TJP covers, TWO! Fans rally up but TJP has Lindaman’s legs. TJP steps in for the SHARPSHOOTER, but then he shifts it down to an Indian Deathlock! TJP SNAPS the lock! And stands up, to SNAP it again! TJP rallies the fans and they fire up, but Zayne gets in! Zayne CHOPS TJP down, but that only snaps the lock again! Zayne drags TJP up, to CHOP him down again!

Lindaman explains this isn’t helping but Zayne isn’t listening! Zayne stands TJP up, only to realize he’s tied up with Lindaman. Zayne kicks but TJP blocks that, and spins Zayne around to SAIDO while he SNAPS the lock! Fans fire up while TJP lets Lindaman go. TJP drags Lindaman over, tags in Akira, and Catch 2/2 mugs Lindaman. Akira CLUBS Lindaman, taunts him, then CLUBS him. Lindaman CHOPS! Akira CLUBS! Lindaman CHOPS! Akira CHOPS! Lindaman staggers away to a corner and Akira is right on him. Akira whips corner to corner, runs in, and clotheslines! Snapmare and cover, TWO!

Akira stalks Lindaman to the corner, tags TJP, and fans rally again for “CATCH! NI NI!” They double whip, double atomic drop, then hook Lindaman up, RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP NECKBREAKER COMBO! Cover, TWO! TJP clamps on a chinlock and he grinds Lindaman down. Fans rally for Lindaman but TJP shifts to trap an arm. TJP has the chinlock again but Lindaman still endures. Fans rally and Lindaman fights around. Lindaman stands but TJP whips him to a corner. Lindaman reverses, runs in, but into a BOOT! Lindaman comes back, into another BOOT! Lindman is mad now, he blocks the boots and puts TJP in the ropes! DRAPING NECKBREAKER!

Fans fire up and both men crawl for their corners. Hot tags to Akira and Zayne! The Sauce rallies on Catch 2/2! ELBOW for Akira, spin and LARIAT for TJP! Fans fire up again and Zayne hauls Akira up. wrench and BAJA- NO, Akira rolls through! But Zayne ducks the Penalty Kick and rolls Akira for the EDDY GORDO KICK! Zayne wrenches and tries again, BAJA BLAST! Cover, TWO! Akira is still in this but Zayne keeps cool. Fans rally up, Zayne drags Akira up and reels him in. Zayne lifts but Akira fights it! Zayne CLUBS away on Akira, then SLAPS him! Zayne runs, but Akira follows! TJP tags in, Akira wheelbarrows then waistlocks.

TJP runs in but Zayne BOOTS him! Zayne elbows Akira, whips him but Akira reverses, only for Zayne to block! TJP kicks Zayne, Catch 2/2 double whip but Zayne still blocks! Zayne double whips the champs, but gets a DOUBLE DROPKICK for it! Fans fire up and rally with the champs. They drag Zayne up, double suplex, but Zayne blocks it! The champs throw body shots, get Zayne up, but he turns it around to DOUBLE SUPLEX the champs! Fans fire up as all three men are down! Zayne crawls for his corner, hot tag to Lindaman! Lindaman storms up to TJP and ROCKS him with a forearm! TJP staggers back up, into another forearm!

TJP throws a forearm, Lindaman throws another, fans rally as they go faster and faster, back and forth! Lindaman gets the edge, whips TJP to ropes, but TJP reverses. FLAPJACK FACEBUSTER! Akira WRECKS Zayne with a dropkick, TJP drags Lindaman up. Fans rally as Akira climbs and TJP Electric Chair Lifts Lindaman! But Zayne anchors Akira! Lindaman gets free, but TJP knocks him down. Akira kicks Zayne away, he and TJP try again. Dragon sleeper, DOUBLE STOMP ELBOW DROP DDT! TJP goes up top now, for the MAMBA SPLASH! Cover, Zayne breaks it!! Akira stomps Zayne out of the ring and fans rally up.

Akira coordinates with TJP and they get Lindaman back up. They both run the ropes, but Zayne trips Akira! Zayne rushes in but TJP ENZIGURIS him! TJP whips, Zayne reverses, Lindaman ELBOWS then ROLLING ELBOWS! TJP swings back, but into an EXPLODER! Fans fire up and Akira returns, SNAP HALF ‘N’ HALF for Lindaman! ENZIGURI for Zayne! Fans fire up with Akira and he runs, rolls but into a FALLING POWERBOMB!! All four men are down and fans are thunderous! Gideon rallies the Empire up and Akira stirs. Zayne crawls after Akira, TJP stirs on the other end.

Zayne puts Akira up top, but TJP runs in. Zayne sends TJP into Akira! Then uses TJP to get up and SUPER STEINER Akira! Zayne back suplexes TJP onto Akira, and then Lindaman deadlifts TJP for a GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, Akira breaks it in time! Lindaman drags Akira up to throw him out, then he builds speed! Tag to Zayne and Lindaman FLIES! Zayne drags TJP up and wraps him up! TACO- NO, TJP slips out to ROLLING SOBAT! Zayne staggers into the fireman’s carry, but Lindaman saves him! TJP uppercuts Lindaman, ROUNDHOUSES Zayne, then whips Lindaman. Lindaman reverses, but TJP gets around to inverted suplex!

Lindaman slips out to waistlock! Zayne SUPERKICKS TJP into the GERMAN SUPLEX! Zayne jackknifes for a DOUBLE BRIDGE, TWO!!! TJP survives and fans are thunderous again! Zayne & Lindaman rise and coordinate. Lindaman drags TJP up, wrenches and KUMAGOROSHI! Zayne says “ITADAKIMASU~!” Zayne goes up and CINNAMON TWISTS but FLOPS as Akira drags TJP away! Akira dumps Lindaman out, then PLANCHAS! TJP crawls over to Zayne, Zayne roars but TJP SUPERKICKS! Zayne swings but TJP BOOTS and ROUNDHOUSES him! TJP runs, into a V-TRIGGER!

Zayne runs but Akira SUPERKICKS! But Zayne runs back in! He LARIATS Akira but TJP rolls Zayne up! TWO!! TJP SOB- NO, Zayne blocks the sobat to wrap TJP up! TACO- Victory roll from TJP! CATCH 2/2 WINS!!

Winners: TJP & Francesco Akira, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Zayne & Lindaman earn 0)

The Sauce was hot but TJP was able to handle the heat! Zayne and Lindaman are eating bitter defeat, but will they only be hungrier next round?

As for TJP & Akira, the fans clap “CATCH! NI NI!” since they can’t cheer it tonight. TJP gets the mic, and says “Buenos dias. Oh, sumimasen. Buon giorno. Oh, gomenasai. Ciao.” TJP realizes that’s still not right. “Hello.” Wait… “KONNICHIWA!” Fans applaud as he finally remembered Japanese. TJP hopes the fans here remember from a couple days ago, “Catch, Two Two.” Fans again clap along, “CATCH! TWO TWO!” as TJP points side to side. “Arigato!” TJP then asks the Orchestrator what he has to say to the fans this fine evening.

Gideon says, “Well, all I’d like to say is, on behalf of Francesco Akira, on behalf of TJP, on behalf of myself, and on behalf of the whole of the United Empire… <WE ARE THE UNITED EMPIRE~!” Another win for the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions, will they be rolling into the finals of the Super Jr. Tag League?


Here are the NEW Super Jr. Tag League standings!

TJP & Akira: 2-0, 4 points
Austin & Bey: 2-0, 4 points
Zayne & Lindaman: 1-1, 2 points
KUSHIDA & Knight: 1-1, 2 points
Bushi & Titan: 1-1, 2 points
Yoh & Lio: 1-1, 2 points
Eagles & Tiger Mask: 1-1, 2 points
Taguchi & Connors: 1-1, 2 points
Sho & Dick: 0-2, 0 points
Douki & Kanemaru: 0-2, 0 points

My Thoughts:

A great second round for the Super Juniors side of this series. Also I do want note that while Suzuki-Gun was declared the winners against LIJ this time, it was via count-out. That furthers my belief that Takagi and Taichi will have some kind of no count outs related match for the KOPW trophy at WrestleKingdom 17. But anyway, just going by the standings, I figured House of Torture and Douki-Kanemaru would be the bottom two with zero points. Sho & Dick are suffering the karma the faction has built up, Evil & Yujiro showing up again couldn’t save them. And while Douki is improving, he is still a lower level name, he and Kanemaru aren’t getting to the finals.

Obviously on the flipside, the champs stay undefeated to lead the block, but Bullet Club’s Ace & Bey being the other undefeated team is a nice surprise. I believe they’re doing great work in Impact, and Ace got to look great in the Best of the Super Juniors this year. They are going to give TJP & Akira one hell of a match, but that’s not going to be for awhile yet. However, TJP & Akira are facing LIJ next, and after a good win off Wild Hips, Bushi & Titan might have a chance of snatching the win.

My Score: 8.5/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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