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Mitchell’s WWE NXT Results & Report! (11/22/22)

A Champion? Who is THE champion?



NXT White 'n' Gold Era

Wes Lee and Carmelo Hayes finally settle things!

After going back and forth for the NXT North American Champion, Wes Lee and Carmelo Hayes go toe-to-toe one more time to put an end to this! Who will come out not just a champion, but THE A Champion?


  • Cora Jade VS Wendy Choo; Cora wins.
  • Kiana James VS Ivy Nile w/ Tatum Paxley; Ivy wins.
  • SCRYPTS VS Guru Raaj; SCRYPTS wins.
  • Zoey Stark VS Sol Ruca; Stark wins.
  • NXT Tag Team Championships: Pretty Deadly VS Andre Chase & Duke Hudson; Pretty Deadly wins and retains the titles.
  • NXT North American Championship: Wes Lee VS Carmelo Hayes; Wes wins and retains the title.


Toxic Attraction heads to the ring!

Gigi Dolin & Jacy Jayne are fully recovered from what Alba Fyre did to them, and the Toxic Goddess, Mandy Rose, is STILL NXT Women’s Champion after what Isla Dawn did to Alba Fyre! They get the mics and Mandy starts with, “In the immortal words of Queen, another one bites the dust. But there is only one queen in the NXT ring. And after last week, without my girls, all by myself, I was the last Woman Standing.” Fans boo because Mandy’s glossing over the truth. But Mandy says at 400 days and counting, she has defended her title, and now NXT has to create this first-ever revolutionary match just to figure out who her next opponent’s gonna be!

The Iron Survivor Challenge makes Mandy a bit jealous. She’d love to add another title to her collection. But don’t worry, she will be watching NXT Deadline very, very closely. Mandy cannot wait to see who is willing to go to war just to share the same ring. We all know that after Deadline, the last woman standing won’t stand a chance in hell of taking the title off Mandy! And Jacy says with “Fyre Bat” out of their hair, and clearly having her own new drama to deal with, Mandy can sit upon the throne and await her next victim. Meanwhile, Jacy & Gigi will focus on becoming the first-ever THREE-TIME NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions!

Gigi says with every passing day, the lust to get the titles back becomes intolerable! Kayden & Katana, Gigi hopes you’re listening. Because unlike Zoey & Nikkita, a team that was a train wreck waiting to happen, this is a real team! And everyone can agree that #GoldenAttraction is where the money’s at! But wait! Here come the champions! Kayden tells Gigi to just shut up already! She is so sick of these three thinking they can say what they want and get what they want. Mandy says when you’re as good as the three of them, you can do whatever you want!

Katana says, “Oh please. You are so phony! Standing up there saying ‘I did this all by myself,’ when the only reason that you’re still champion is because of Isla Dawn.” Fans cheer Katana for telling the truth! Kayden says Mandy’s words aren’t the only things phony. Jacy asks if Kayden & Katana have a reason for interrupting. Yes, it’s that Toxic Attraction is THE train wreck waiting to happen. Gigi & Jacy, just look in the mirror! “You two spend all your time protecting Mandy because you know that if Mandy loses that NXT Women’s Championship, you two lose all meaning, all equity, and have no use for Mandy!”

Gigi says, “Do you know how much equity those titles have lost with the two of you holding them?” Kayden says NONE, cuz these titles finally belong to a respectable team! Jacy tells the “Munchkins,” the last time Jacy checked, Toxic Attraction made the two of them relevant! And seeing them with those titles makes Jacy sick! But don’t worry, once Jacy & Gigi get the belts back, Kayden & Katana will return to being irrelevant, just like before. Kayden rushes in and tackles Gigi! Jacy goes after Kayden but Katana gets in to CODE BREAKER! Mandy goes after Katana, Kayden goes after Mandy! But now they’re outnumbered, 3v2!

Fans boo as Katana gets set up for the TOXIC ANNIHILATION! Mandy SLAMS Kayden down right beside Katana, and Toxic Attraction stands tall. Will Gigi & Jacy prove they’re greater than KC Squared? Who will be the Women’s Iron Survivor to then go after the Toxic Goddess?


NXT shares footage from earlier today.

Wes Lee was just walking into the arena when Tony D’Angelo and Channing Lorenzo literally pull up. “There he is,” The Don says. “Mr. North American Champion.” Stacks says, “Yeah, for now.” Tony tells Wes that he hasn’t forgotten what he did to Tony’s leg. But he still wishes Wes luck tonight. Wes starts to defend his innocence, but then he says, “Forget it. When I’m finished with Melo, you know where to find me.” Oh, yeah? Yeah. Tony drives off to go park his Tahoe, but will he be pulling up to Wes again at the end of tonight?


Cora Jade walks and talks to gorilla.

“You think I’m afraid bringing up Wendy Choo’s past? If you never go too far, you’ll never go far in life. But you don’t know anything about that, because you, too, sat alone at the lunch table. Hit my music!” The Generation of Jade is becoming one part Mean Girls, one part punk rock. But will this mean girl punk get rocked by the Queen of Comfy?


Duke Hudson is reading the Chase U playbook.

But he hurries to put it away when Grayson Waller walks in the room. Waller is loving Duke’s dedication to the bit! But he is wondering, when does it all end? Duke says he doesn’t understand what Waller means. Waller says the flag waving, the “ChAsE U~” and hand signs, like, Waller’s known Duke for years! This isn’t Duke! But that’s where Waller is wrong. This IS Duke. Maybe not on the outside, but on the inside, Duke is a committed and dedicated student of Chase U. Now, anyone who talks bad on Chase U is Duke’s enemy. Pfft, right. Waller knows the real Duke and his real colors will show eventually.

Duke leans in and says his true colors are black ‘n’ red, mate. Waller laughs, thinking Duke is still playing a part. Waller heads off mocking “CHASE U~!” but will Duke teach him the hard way that Duke is Chase U for life?


Cora Jade VS Wendy Choo!

NXT returns and Wendy makes her entrance. The bell rings and fans rally for Wendy. She eggs Cora on, Cora steps up and Wendy SLAPS her! Wendy headlocks, thrashes Cora around, but Cora pulls hair. The ref reprimands, Cora powers out but Wendy runs her over! Wendy eggs Cora on, has her in the corner and dribbles her off buckles! And then off more buckles! Wendy CHOPS, then she bumps Cora off more buckles. Wendy forearms, CHOPS, and fires up! Fans rally as Wendy whips but Cora whips the back drop away, only for Wendy to run her over again! Cora crawls away while fans rally behind Wendy.

Wendy drags Cora up, wrenches and YANKS the arm, then wrenches again to YANK again. Wendy wrenches again and whips Cora around and around to WRING her out! Wendy keeps on Cora with a hammerlock but Cora fights up. Cora elbows free, runs, and runs Wendy over! Cora “kicks dirt” at Wendy then runs, but Wendy stays low. Cora rolls over, Wendy sidesteps and hip tosses her down! Fans fire up while Cora goes to ropes. Cora uses the ropes as defense and the ref backs Wendy down. Cora kicks low and whips Wendy into the ropes! Cora then runs to BACK ELBOW Wendy down! Fans boo as Cora HAMMERS away!

Cora drags Wendy up to dribble her off the m at! Wendy gets to ropes, Cora CLUBS her down then eggs her own. Cora pulls Wendy’s pigtail to scoop, but Wendy slips out to roll-up! TWO, and Wendy DROPKICKS Cora down! Cora ends up in a corner, Wendy runs side to side to BOOT Cora! Wendy snapmares, but Cora avoids the sleepy elbow! Cora runs in and springboards, but Wendy avoids the stomps! Wendy drags Cora out, but Cora counter punches! Cora runs in, into a JAPANESE ARM-DRAG! Fans fire up and Wendy gest on the apron as NXT goes picture in picture!

Wendy eggs Cora on, but Cora crawls away. Wendy hops down to drag Cora up and ROCK her with a forearm. Wendy bumps Cora off the apron, pushes her into the ring, and Wendy hurries after Cora in a corner. Wendy ROCKS Cora, whips her out to send her back in, but Cora elbows back! Wendy ROCKS Cora again, whips her to another corner, then runs in. Cora dodges to SHINING WIZARD! Wendy flops down and Cora paces around. Cora stomps Wendy, drags her up and LARIATS her down! Cover, TWO! Cora smirks as she looms over Wendy. Cora stomps Wendy to a corner, digs her boot in, but lets off as the ref counts.

Cora swaggers about, runs in, and BRONCO BUSTERS! Cora then drags Wendy to a cover, TWO! Cora smirks and nods, amused by Wendy’s toughness. Wendy throws body shots but Cora CLUBS her down! Cora stomps Wendy to the ropes, drags her up and CHOKES her! The ref counts again, Cora lets off, and Cora swaggers around again. Cora runs to IMPLODER STOMP! Cover, TWO! Wendy is hanging tough but Cora looms over her. Cora taunts Wendy, pulls on her arms, and she gets the motorcycle stretch! Wendy endures and fans rally up. Wendy fights up, turns things around, but Cora turns it back onto Wendy!

Cora pulls harder on the arms, digs her knee into Wendy’s back, but Wendy still endures. Wendy fights but Cora keeps on those arms. Fans continue to rally as NXT returns to single picture, and Wendy fights up to her feet! Wendy arm-drags Cora away! Wendy runs but into a drop toehold onto ropes! Cora runs but Wendy dodges! Cora hits ropes and flounders! Wendy fires off body shots, KICKS and a LARIAT! Cora flounders again but Wendy whips her to ropes. OVERHEAD Belly2BellY! Cora staggers up and Wendy fires up! Fans fire up with her and she handspring clotheslines! Wendy goes up the corner, to SLEEPY CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO!

Wendy grits her teeth and fans rally up behind her. Wendy drags Cora up, suplexes, but Cora slips free. Cora waistlocks, O’Conner Rolls, TWO!! Cora kicks low, but Wendy wrenches through to suplex, BRAINBUSTER! Wendy puts Cora in a drop zone and goes up the corner! Fans rally as Wendy reaches the top. Cora moves, Wendy hops back down, but Cora kicks her! Cora grabs her kendo stick! Cora swings, Wendy dodges and BOOTS! Cora flops down and Wendy gets the kendo stick! Fans fire up but the ref says don’t do it! Wendy argues with the ref, but Cora gets the thermos! Cora SPLASHES Wendy with her own orange juice!! And then BUTTERFLY DDT!! Cover, Cora wins!

Winner: Cora Jade, by pinfall

Cora laughs at Wendy, but the ref questions what’s all over the mat and now his hands. Cora pretends to have no idea. Wendy cries, which makes Cora laugh more. Will Wendy make sure Cora’s the one in tears next time?


Apollo Crews speaks.

“Deadline: a time or date when things should be completed. On Saturday, December 10th, I have the opportunity to complete something I came back to NXT to accomplish. Six months to almost the day when I looked Bron Breakker in the face and I said I envisioned you and me, Bron, making history together. And now, here it is: Bron Breakker, Apollo Crews, for the NXT Championship. These three weeks will be the longest three weeks of my life, because I’ve never wanted the bell to ring so bad in my life.

“I’ve been in many title matches, won the United States Championship, walked out of WrestleMania the Intercontinental Champion, but this match against Bron Breakker is the one I wake up in the middle of the night thinking about. Six months ago, I said I’m back to rewrite history, to change history, and to make history. The weight of being champion has taken its toll on Bron, I can see it on his face. I can see it in his eyes. But when you look into my eyes, the vision, the ending is clear.” Will Apollo make his vision a reality come Deadline? Or will Bron end up breaking another iconic superstar?


Backstage interview with Kiana James.

McKenzie Mitchell says we are moments away from Kiana’s match with Ivy Nile, and Kiana says that Ms. Nile may be tough, but there isn’t a woman Kiana sits across the boardroom from or stands across the ring from that intimidates her. Kiana doesn’t count wins, just losses, because there are so few. Then does that include not getting the deed to Fallon Henley’s bar? Kiana says that deal fell through because of stupidity, and they paid for it with interest last week. Now, if you’ll excuse her, she has a match to win. But before McKenzie cuts away, Javier Bernal walks in.

Javier says last week, McKenzie deprived the NXT Universe of seeing “The Greatest NXT Superstar” unlock his full potential. Not this time! He has something bigger than three names. Behold! The Big Body Javi Files. What is this? Santa’s naughty and nice list? How many names are on this!? Javi says 1347. Oh. Well number one, and wow, really? Axiom? She told Javi last week that Axiom is hurt! Still? That guy’s soft. Uh, his leg was completely bent backwards! Then keep going. Number 14… Elon Musk?! Why would Javi wanna fight him? Hey, he’s not paying $8 for a blue checkmark! How many followers does Javi have? T-Two… Thousand! MILLION!

Two thousand million? That’s not really a number. What? What? WHAT?! Just keep reading!! Okay, number 68: Drake. Drake Maverick? Oh, haha, another person not available. NO, Drake the rapper. What? What’s his beef with that Drake? Uh, did you hear his last album? Then number 250… This guy’s retired, too. Well, is he? Legends say they’re retired, but they always come back for “One! More! Match!” And what about having that “one more match” with Big Body Javi? Never say never! Well, Javi, you’re not fighting anyone on this list. Uh, it’s not a list, it’s a file. And at this rate, he’ll be fighting McKenzie! Javi storms off, is at least ONE of his 1347 choices be a real option?


Duke Hudson meets up with other Chase U students.

One student says Mr. Kenwa’s AWA class is so tough! And Thea Hail says Mr. Shabu’s pop quiz would’ve been so much harder without the head’s up. They thank Duke for that. He says it’s no big deal. No one likes pop quizzes. But uh, he does accept gifts. Ha, good one. No, he means it. But then Pretty Deadly walk in and mockingly laugh. The honorary Duke Hudson of Chase U fame, these two have a proposition: There is a poker game tonight, and they could use a ringer to help them clean up. Does Duke fancy a go? Sorry, boys, Duke would rather stay here with his classmates.

Wait, what? Is Duke serious? They joke about the poker game and Duke doesn’t even react! Well serious or not, gambling is against school policy. Duke, when are you going to take off that disgusting school uniform and go back to being the Duke they know he really is. Not that that Duke was great, but at least he tried to look good doing it. Nowadays, Duke’s just a stooge. Duke DECKS Elton Prince, then fights with Kit Wilson! Thea wants in but the others keep her back! Duke fights Pretty Deadly 2v1, but they RAM him into the storage lockers! Referees rush in to break this up! Kit & Elton pushed Duke too far, will Duke find a way to fight back?


Kiana James VS Ivy Nile w/ Tatum Paxley!

As smart and business savvy as The Calculator is, she couldn’t account for family memories and principles being stronger than her money. Will Kiana move on to more important business like climbing the ranks towards the title? Or will the Diamond Pitbull tear her to shreds and move on to Deadline herself?

NXT returns as Ivy makes her entrance. The bell rings and the two tie up. Ivy powers Kiana back to ropes but lets off as the ref counts. Kiana shoves Ivy, but Ivy shoves Kiana! Kiana headlocks, Ivy pries at the hold but Kiana holds on tight. Fans rally up and Ivy pries the hold open to arm-drag! Ivy headlocks back, shifts sides and wrenches to a wristlock. Kiana pries the hold to wrench and trip Ivy. Ivy slips away and the two reset. Kiana and Ivy circle, fans rally for Ivy but Kiana shoots around to full nelson. Ivy breaks it, sunset flips, TWO! Ivy facelocks to keep Kiana down and she moves around to wrench the hold.

Kiana fights up, wrenches out and pulls hair to hit a BACKBREAKER, and BLINDSIDE LARIAT! The ref reprimands and fans boo but Kiana taunts Ivy. Kiana stomps Ivy, reels her in, gut wrenches and carries Ivy in the Canadian Rack. CANADIAN BACKBREAKER! Ivy writhes but Kiana pushes her to a cover, TWO! Fans rally up for Ivy but Kiana facelocks. Ivy fights up, throws body shots, but Kiana whips Ivy to a corner. Ivy bounces off buckles and Kiana scoops to a BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Kiana snarls but she clamps claws into Ivy’s shoulders! Kiana JAMS her knee in, and again, then pushes Ivy down to cover, TWO!

Kiana pushes Ivy around, grabs a leg and has a CALF CRUSHER! Ivy endures, reaches out, claws around, and she grabs Kiana for a chinlock! Kiana lets the leg go to fight up and back suplex! Cover, TWO! Kiana grows frustrated but she drags Ivy up to scoop again. Ivy slips through to CLUB away on Kiana! Ivy then hooks Kiana up to bend the arms back! Kiana endures the “Diamond Octopus,” and Ivy YANKS the arm! Kiana staggers and fumes, but she storms up into a roll-up! TWO, but Ivy hurries up to KICK and KICK and ROUNDHOUSE! Kiana wobbles, Ivy RANAS her down! Ivy keeps moving and she shoulder tackles Kiana!

Ivy gut wrenches and SUPLEXES! Fans fire up with Ivy and she runs in at Kiana to DROPKICK her out of the ring! Kiana gets to her feet, she says she’s done, but she turns around to see Fallon Henley there! Fallon tells Kiana off about attacking her last week and Kiana hurries back into the ring. Ivy swings Kiana around, into the DIAMOND DRAGON SLEEPER! Kiana taps, Ivy wins!

Winner: Ivy Nile, by submission

But Kiana’s suffering isn’t over, Fallon gets in the fire off forearms! Kiana runs away but Fallon pursues and fires off more in front of commentary! They go all the way to the back, will Fallon teach Kiana not to mess with family?

Meanwhile, the Creed Brothers appear to cheer on Ivy in her win, and Julius says, “Ivy Nile continues to prove that she is the most dangerous woman in NXT! She’s underappreciated. But you still don’t see her running around jumping people like Indus Sher! These guys think they’re gonna make their names on the backs of the Creed Brothers. I don’t think so! We’ve been bodying dudes that’re bigger and stronger than us our entire lives! Ask Nick Gwiazdowski, two-time world medalist. He can get frequent flyer miles whenever he wanted. Ask Sam Stolk!” Ivy has Julius stop there.

But Brutus says the point is this: Intimidation doesn’t affect the Creeds. They’ve worked too damn hard to be worried about anything with a heartbeat! Indus Sher walks around wanting respect after attaching the Creeds? Well that’s the last thing they’re gonna get! Julius tells Veer & Sanga that they might have the admiration of all of India, but when it comes to set foot in the ring, it’s just them and the Creeds. NXT Deadline, Indus Sher VS Julius & Brutus Creed! “If you guys want respect, try and come get it!” Ivy tries to get the boys to focus on what really matters, but are the Creeds hitting back before Indus Sher strikes again?


Isla Dawn speaks.

“The light of your fire, Alba, was met by the darkness of the Unholy Enchantress. But I did give fair warning of my approach. But you did not heed the signs. No one saw the ethereal thing materializing before their very eyes. But Alba, for any answers you seek, you must listen. Listen to the same spirit voices that have guided me straight to you. Alba, we’re gonna have so much fun together!” Isla laughs and blows out her candles, but will she end up burned by the Fyre she’s playing with?


Andre Chase speaks with one of his students.

“We’ve been over this countless times. The Elimination Chamber debuted as Survivor Series 2002-” Duke flops into the room! He’s sputtering as he asks Mr. Chase for help. But he’s in a meeting with Mario! Duke ran here because he remembered Chase talking about leaving it in the ring. Yes, he did say that. Well, Duke says he couldn’t do it, he punched him! Duke, you can’t get into fights with fellow students. No, not a classmate! It was Pretty Deadly. Who? The… Hold on, Duke’s gotta catch his breath. The two with the long hair and half shifts. They were talking bad on Chase U! They were?! Yeah, so Duke had to double down and then everyone rushed in.

Wait, were there any repercussions? Did he get fined? No no no. He doubled down and got them a tag title match. Wait, really?! When!? Tonight. TONIGHT?! Duke, that’s great! Mario also says that’s great! Chase asks Mario WTF he’s still doing in his office. Get out so they can prepare! Duke, way to go! Chase says they gotta game plan right now! But will Duke be alright after gassing himself to go find Mr. Chase?



The mysterious messages, both audio and visual, finally have a face to the name! Scrypts flips his way out to the ring and walks the tightrope as he writes his name in the air. But will Raaj be able to flip the script and end the story before it begins?

The bell rings and Scrypts handsprings right up to Raaj! Scrypts writes Raaj off already, but Raaj rushes in. Scrypts gets around Raaj, slips under and KANGAROO KICKS, then kips up! Raaj wobbles, Scrypts DROP-SAULTS! Scrypts brings Raaj up, whips him to ropes but Raaj reverses, only for Scrypts to slide under his double stomps! Scrypts kicks low, clinches and whips Raaj to a corner. Fans start chanting “REGGIE! REGGIE!” as Scrypts runs in, but into an elbow! Scrypts shrugs that off, Raaj lariats but Scrypts handsprings under it! Scrypts mule kicks, front kicks, then TWISTING CROSSBODIES!

Scrypts rains down fists on Raaj, then drops an elbow! Scrypts goes to the corner, writes in the air then climbs up the corner, for the PUNCTUATION! Cover off the somersault seated senton, Scrypts wins!

Winner: SCRYPTS, by pinfall

The first chapter in the story is complete, and it was a success for the mysterious scribe. He leaves Raaj with his card, but will Scrypts leave his mark on NXT?


The Schism is in the ring.

Joe Gacy, Rip Fowler, Jagger Reed & Ava Raine sit at a table, bathed in the black light that turns their yellow smiling masks red. Rip is “Gluttony,” Gacy is “Invictus,” Raine is “Oath,” and Reed is “Greed” while fans boo. The masks come off and the lights return to normal. Gacy says, “Autumn is the time of year when trees shed their leaves, and The Schism’s tree is no different. We shed the transgressions of those against us and we reflect on what togetherness has brought to our lives. This week, we recognize a day for giving thanks. And it is our duty to reinforce the meaning of a day meant for togetherness and something to be thankful for.”

Ava speaks next. “Every year, stories are told of families being torn apart by Thanksgiving. Despite the American tradition of quality time shared with loved ones, dysfunction remains the norm. Blood relatives cannot guarantee a united family. But The Schism can be counted on.” Some fans cheer that message, and Rip speaks next. “A day to be grateful that you have enough to fed yourselves during the darkest of times has exploded into a ritual of overabundance, and embarrassment of riches.” Ava exits the ring while Rip continues to rant that “Gluttony that cannot be contained has left this holiday a far cry from it’s intent.”

Ava seems to be looking in the crowd for something… She points to someone in the front row and he hops over the railing. Reed says, “Thanksgiving is now anticipated more for Black Friday deals. The deals creep in earlier and earlier each year, so that you can forego Thanksgiving altogether in hopes of grabbing that new hot item, when you should be focused on your belief system.” Ava welcomes this fan into the ring and into the open chair at the middle of the table. Gacy says Ava has found someone who practices the traditions of Thanksgiving and brought them here. As you can see, their table is bare so that it is open for new opportunities to forge new traditions.

Gacy turns to the fan and says tonight we christen a new holiday. This man will be the bridge to the old traditions they leave behind, and to the new ones they will forge, which will “forever lasting traditions.” Fans chant, “Sacrifice! Sacrifice!” Are they anticipating something? Gacy says this man’s inclusion will be the centerpiece of their table. Now please, stand with them as they pledge “The Day of Schism Invictus.” They all stand, and Gacy leads them in the pledge. “We pledge on this day of Schism Invictus to refuse anyone who is not The Schism, and build strength through togetherness. Four roots, one tree.”

Ava welcomes the guest into a hug, and Gacy says it is too late to join. They are no longer inclusive. They are now DIVISIVE! What? Gacy thanks this man for his sacrifice. Fans cheer as Gacy URENAGES the guest through the table! Happy Schism Invictus! But will this tradition lead the Schism to titles and supremacy over the masses they rejected?


Backstage interview with Trick Williams.

McKenzie notes this was to be an interview with both Trick and Melo, but it doesn’t seem Melo is joining them. Trick says that is because The A Champion is in The A Locker Room preparing for his A PLUS performance tonight. But don’t worry, Trick Willy will answer all your questions. He is sure McKenzie is good enough to work on the fly, so fire away. Then what are his thoughts on- Trick says, “Wes Lee’s Cinderella Man story ends tonight! Melo’s gonna beat that bitter bad man into an oblivion. And then I can’t wait to hear them say, ‘THREE-TIME NORTH AMERICAN CHAMPION!'”

But then Wes appears! Trick puts up his dukes but Wes says settle down. Don’t stop on his account, continue to talk how money Melo is. Well okay, Melo looks like money, walks like money, and talks like money because Melo IS money. Interesting. So then, Melo has this in the bag tonight? Is water wet? So then, Trick doesn’t need to be out there. He can watch Melo take the L from the locker room. Whoa, Melo ain’t taking the L. And Trick Melo Gang is a package date, they go out there together. Hmm… Well, Melo needs Trick to win? Oh, Trick sees what Wes is trying to do. But now he’s caught! Is Trick saying it without saying it?

McKenzie, Trick thought you were on his side! No, she’s an unbiased reporter. Trick says Melo doesn’t need Trick to win! He doesn’t? Then it’ll be just Wes and Melo out there tonight? That’s putting words in Trick’s mouth! Wes says see ya later. Trick just got got! Will Melo be A-OK without his sidekick? Or will Wes prove HE’s the A Champion now?


Bron Breakker speaks.

“After a big match, this is where you can find me. Just out here.” He puts his boat in the water and goes cruising. “Out here, I don’t have to be Bron Breakker, the guy that smashes people. I’m just a regular guy. I’m just another fisherman out here. What I love most about being out here is just how quiet it is.” Bron casts his line and waits. “Being the NXT Champion comes with a lot of weight, a lot of responsibility. Don’t get me wrong, I love it. Just takes a toll after awhile. In the beginning, I felt like Superman. It’s just all excitement and no real expectations. But as time goes on, there’s more weight, there’s more pressure. That’s why I come out here.

“As it gets colder and winter comes in, my experience is, these fish slow down, they’re not as active in the wintertime, so that forces me to broaden my bait choice and throw some different things that have some movement or some action to it to get these fish to react to it. This is my escape. This is where I can come and drop all that weight. Because when I go back ashore, I’ve got competitors coming at me from all directions. All the heavy hitters. Apollo Crews, he’s next. When one challenge ends, another begins. Apollo’s right. Three weeks, NXT Deadline, the weight goes back on. And after I retain my title, you know where you can find me.”


Zoey Stark VS ???

Angry, bitter, but not one to mess with, the Sin City Soldier gets back in action as a solo star. Will she show everyone that she’s the only one that matters?

NXT returns and Sol Ruca makes her entrance. The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, Zoey waistlocks and SLAMS Sol, then facelocks to dig Sol’s face into the mat. Sol gets up and circles with Zoey again. They tie up again, Zoey headlocks, Sol lifts her but Zoey flying-mares for the takedown. Sol moves around to keep her shoulders up, and she handstands to walk out of the headlock! Sol eggs Zoey on and Zoey runs right into a drop toehold! Sol floats over to a facelock but Zoey fights up. Zoey wrenches out to WRING the arm, but Sol one-hand handsprings through! Only for Zoey to KNEE low!

Zoey bumps Sol off buckles, then hip tosses her, but Sol handsprings through that, too! Fans fire up as Sol eggs Zoey on. Zoey rushes in but Sol hurdles over and DROPKICKS Zoey down! Zoey goes to a corner, Sol storms in but into a SUPERKICK! But Sol SUPERKICKS back! Zoey claims something’s wrong with her jaw, but that’s so she can SUCKER SUPERKICK Sol! Cover, TWO! Zoey drags Sol up, but Sol ROCKS Zoey with a forearm then LARIATS! Zoey bails out but Sol calls her a chicken. Sol baseball slides, into an apron skirt trap! Zoey fires off haymakers! The ref reprimands, fans boo, but Zoey leaves Sol behind, to then WRECK Sol with a dropkick!

Zoey puts Sol back in the ring, slides in and covers, TWO! Zoey fishhooks Sol’s face, the ref reprimands, and Zoey lets off at 4. Zoey CLUBS Sol with crossface forearms, then wraps on a chinlock. Fans rally and Sol endures while Zoey thrashes her. Sol fights up, throws body shots, but Zoey CLUBS Sol down. Zoey snarls, whips Sol to a corner, but Sol dodges to roll Zoey up! TWO! Sol elbows Zoey away, then runs to run her over! Fans fire up with Sol’s flying shoulders and DROPKICK! Sol dodges Zoey to back drop her high and hard! Cover, TWO! Sol hurries to go to the corner and climb up! But Zoey GAMANGIRIS her down!

Zoey drags Sol up, Sol shoulders in then slingshot sunset flips! TWO! Sol brings Zoey up to whip to the corner, then she handsprings in to SPLASH! Sol scoops Zoey to POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO!! Zoey survives and Sol is frustrated! Fans fire up as Sol goes up the corner again. Sol leaps, but Zoey avoids the dropkick to SLIDING KNEE! Cover, Zoey wins!

Winner: Zoey Stark, by pinfall

The Hunter takes down her prey, but now she picks at the bones! But wait, here comes Nikkita Lyons! Zoey goes out to meet her, but Lyons ROCKS her first! Lyons gets in the ring, blocks the superkick and DECKS Zoey! Zoey stagger sup, but she avoids the heel kick! Zoey says they’re not doing this now, they’re doing this on her time. Will the Hunter quickly become the hunted with Lyons on the prowl?


Malik Blade & Edris Enofe talk with someone.

Malik tells them that “Big O” Odyssey Jones has room for one more if they wanna join in. And there’ll be plenty of ladies, too. Edris knows they haven’t always seen eye to eye with Von Wagner & Robert Stone, but Edris & Malik are trying to be the bigger men here. And they’re sure Von is upset after losing to Bron, but that was last week. They know for a fact Von will get back on top, just like them! Onward and upward! Von says Malik sure is looking sharp. And they’ve got lots of swag. Von’s not sure about Rob, but he’s got his dancing shoes on! Nice! Von takes off the jacket, and Edris says big Von Wagner, Malik, Edris and Odyssey, it’ll be a fun night!

Yeah, Von could use a night out being mediocre for once. Stone laughs at that one. Onward and upward, was it? These guys don’t know about that! They don’t know about success! They never will see him hang out with “you two losers.” Who’s Von calling losers?! Malik has Edris calm down, but Von DECKS Malik then KNEES Edris! Von TOSSES Edris into the cars! Von DECKS Malik again, CLUBS Edris, then he goes after Malik! Security rushes in but Von shoves them away! Von RIPS Malik’s sweater vest!!! Odyssey storms over and Von backs off now. Odyssey checks on Malik. Will Odyssey #SoundTheAlarm and look for vengeance on vicious Von?


Charlie Dempsey speaks.

“All these new workouts… CrossFit? Power yoga? Circuit training? Just give me a good ol’ fashioned deck of cards. Legends like Carl Gotch and Billy Robinson didn’t have all this technology and equipment. All they had was their bodies. I train like they trained for performance. But I’m surrounded by people who train to look cool for Instagram. Guys like Wes Lee, Carmelo Hayes, Grayson Waller, they spend their mornings choosing their outfits while I wake up and do 5003 squats before breakfast. There’s a lot of pretend tough guys in that locker room with their beach muscles. They even gave a security guard a contract, for pity’s sake.

“But I’ll have them all screaming when I stretch them in the ring. Because professional wrestling is a serious business.” Will Dempsey prove to NXT that sports entertainers don’t stand a chance against him?


NXT Tag Team Championships: Pretty Deadly VS Andre Chase & Duke Hudson w/ Thea Hail!

After Grayson Waller questioned Duke’s genuineness, Elton Prince & Kit Wilson pushed Duke’s buttons, and he just couldn’t help it! But that fight turned into a title match! Will this be a #TeachableMoment for the dandy highwaymen? Or will the #SidePlateCheck continue to show Pretty Deadly’s logo?

NXT returns and the champions make their entrances. The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see who pasts the test here tonight!

The teams sort out and fans rally for Chase U. Chase wants to start, but Duke sees Elton rushing up, so Duke CLOBBERS him first! Duke is starting now, and Chase tells him to fight smarter, not harder. But then Elton tags out to Kit. Duke rushes in to CLOBBER Kit! Duke whips Kit to a corner, scoops him on the rebound, and hits a BIG sidewalk slam! Cover, TWO! Duke brings Kit up, tags in Chase, and they double whip Kit to drop toehold and elbow drop! Chase covers, TWO! Chase drags Kit up, but Kit stomps a foot! Kit elbows Chase, Chase kicks back, but Kit fires off forearms! Chase gets around to lift Kit but Elton tags in!

Chase gives Kit the atomic drop, but Elton hops up onto Chase’s shoulders. Kit throws a body shot and that helps Elton with the victory roll! TWO!! Chase escapes, blocks a kick and body scissors to roll Elton! TWO, Elton trips Chase but Chase twists and throws him away! Chase headlocks for a takeover! Fans rally for “CHASE U! CHASE U!” but Elton fights up. Elton powers out, Chase runs Elton over! Chase runs, things speed up, Elton DROPKICKS Chase down! Fans boo but Kit says, “Yes Boy~!” Elton puts Chase in the corner, tags Kit, and they double whip to run Chase over. “Yes Boy~!” They both run to LEG DROP SPLASH COMBO! Kit covers, TWO!

Kit wrenches Chase to whip, but Chase kicks him away! Chase then headlocks, but Kit powers out. Chase goes up and under to then trip Kit! Kit throws Chase but Chase cartwheels through! Chase RAMS Kit, snapmares him and runs, but Kit catches the legs! Only for Chase to roll and drag Kit down! Cover, TWO!! Kit escapes but Chase headlocks again. Kit reaches out to Elton but Chase kicks the foot away! Elton storms in, but Chase back drops him while holding onto Kit! Elton staggers up, Chase jumps up, RANA HEADLOCK TAKEOVER COMBO! Fans fire up for Chase, and he says that is a TEACHABLE MOMENT!

The champs rush Chase, he dodges, and Duke runs in! Duke CLOBBERS Elton, Kit comes back, into a double back drop! Chase whips Kit, Kit reverses but Chase reverses back to RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! And time to spell it out! “C! H! A! S! E! U!” “What’s that spell?!” “CHASE U~!” Fans are all fired up as NXT goes to break!

NXT returns again and Chase uppercuts Elton! Chase runs, but into an elbow! Elton snarls and he kicks Chase around. Fans boo Elton then rally up again as Elton drags Chase up. Chase JAWBREAKERS free! Kit hurries out to fetch Elton, but then Thea points it out and Duke storms over that way! Kit hurries back to his corner, but this leaves Chase without someone to tag! Elton CLOBBERS Chase from behind! Duke goes back to his corner but Elton stomps a mudhole in the open corner. Elton fires off point-blank clotheslines, the ref counts, but Elton lets off. Elton has Chase on ropes, wraps on a cobra clutch, and he tags in Kit.

Elton ripcords Chase for a double kick. DOUBLE CLUB! And then Pretty Deadly both stomp Chase’s hands! Pretty Deadly mock Duke with Scott Hall fingers, then they stomp Chase down. Tag to Elton, Kit wrenches and traps Chase. Elton goes up to DOUBLE AX HANDLE! Cover, TWO! Chase is hanging tough but Elton tags Kit. They double whip Chase but he holds ropes! Chase BOOTS Elton, ROCKS Kit, reaches for Duke, but Elton rushes over. Chase throws Elton out, but Elton falls on Thea! Duke is furious and he chases Elton off, but he again leaves Chase without a tag! Duke hurries back but Kit RAMS Chase all the way to the Pretty Deadly corner!

Elton tags in, Kit holds Chase in place for the UPPERCUT! Feed to a fireman’s carry, ASSISTED GUT BUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Chase is hanging tough and fans fire up! Elton clamps onto Chase to keep him down and then drags him up. Fans rally and Chase DECKS Elton! Both men are down, Elton realizes he has to stop Chase, but Chase crawls under him! Hot tags to Kit and Duke! Duke rallies on the champions with big haymakers and elbows! Scoop SLAM for Elton, scoop SLAM for Kit onto Elton! Then Duke scoops Chase to SLAM him onto Elton! Fans fire up and Duke raises the roof! Duke JABS Kit, and JABS, and JABS, and JABS!

Duke flips, flops ‘n’ flies! CHASE U ELBOW!! Cover, Elton breaks it! Duke throws body shots on Elton then TOSSES him out! Fans fire up and Duke tags in Chase! Chase is wobbly, though! Duke wants Chase to finish this, and he hauls Kit up. But Elton runs in! Chase DECKS Elton! Duke Gory Especials Kit, slings him out, but Kit drops and the BOOT hits Chase!! Duke can’t believe what just happened, but Elton drags Duke out! Elton RAMS Duke into steel steps! Tag and SPILT MILK!! Cover, Pretty Deadly wins!!

Winners: Pretty Deadly, by pinfall (still NXT Tag Team Champions)

Chase U’s student section cannot believe it! Kit & Elton escape by the seat of their fancy pants, will anyone be able to stop them? Chase sighs but he isn’t upset with Duke. Will they go back to the drawing board and work on a way back to the titles?


NXT shares Roxanne Perez’s video.

It was an an NXT Live event last Saturday that Roxie was making some TikTok vids and she with Nikkita Lyons. Roxie asked Lyons about the matches that night, but then Indi Hartwell just storms over to tell Roxie there are NO friends in this business! Indi says Roxie is being all friendly with Lyons but she can’t even be a good friend to Indi and watch her match! Roxie said she did! Indi said how could Roxie have watched Indi’s match when she’s over here recording stuff with Nikkita?! They were talking ABOUT Indi’s match!

Indi didn’t accept that answer, and then via Elektra Lopez’s video of this same incident, the argument got so heated that other superstars came over to try and cool it off. Lopez says, “Seems like I’m not the only one who has a problem with Indi Hartwell.” La Madrina is stirring the pot, but Indi is already pretty heated on her own. Indi and Roxie settle things in a match next week, who gets burned when this reaches a boiling point?


Kayden & Katana regroup backstage.

They agree that Toxic Attraction only stood tall in that brawl because it was 3v2. But then Lyons says hey. What does she want? She admits that she said some stuff leading up to their tag title match, but she doesn’t regret it. Well, neither do they. But Lyons also admits KC Squared was right. Lyons & Stark were never a real team. And yes, she knows everyone’s been saying that they weren’t partners for very long, but it’s just that Lyons looked up to Zoey and admired her. Can you blame her? But then we didn’t know the real Zoey until she hit Lyons upside the head with a title belt. Katana appreciates Lyons saying this, and knows that the tag titles can make or break friendships.

Kayden agrees, but says the break-up isn’t on Lyons. The champs know Lyons is a badass. And if Zoey can’t see that, that’s her loss. Katana says what matters is staying true to who you are. And who doesn’t love to shake that booty and have some fun? They call agree there! But if KC Squared is looking for a third against Toxic Attraction, then count her in. Well alright then! Kayden & Katana now have Nikkita backing them up, will KC Squared plus one be greater than Toxic Attraction’s three?


BIG NEWS for next week!

With time running out, Shawn Michaels will reveal the Iron Survivor Challenge competitors! Who will be the five men and five women HBK deems worthy of this historic match debut?


NXT North American Championship: Wes Lee VS Carmelo Hayes!

The Must-See Kid is finally a singles champion, and he has his first defense against the man who was champion. But will Wes be one and done? Or can he prevent the rise of the three-time (three-time three-time) North American Champion?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see just who is THE A Champion!

The bell rings and the two stare down. Wes and Melo circle, fans rally and duel, and the two tie up. Melo and Wes go around, end up in a deadlock, so Melo ROCKS Wes with a right! Melo talks trash, but Wes says if that’s how he wants it, Wes TACKLES Melo! Wes throws hands, Melo scrambles out of the ring, but Wes slides out to ELBOW Melo into the announce desk! Melo staggers away, Wes rushes in but is sent into barriers! But then Wes drop toeholds Melo into the barriers! And LARIATS him into the gap! Melo staggers up and Wes throws him back into ringside! Melo flounders, Wes runs in and RAMS Melo into the apron!

Melo CLUBS away on Wes, puts him in the ring, and then he slides in. Wes stares Melo down and says, “It won’t be that easy. I’d rather die!” Melo stands Wes up but Wes ROCKS him back! Melo ROCKS Wes, then BOOTS him! Wes staggers to ropes, Melo runs in, but into a RANA! Melo staggers up, Wes shoots around him to get the headlock, but Melo fights up. Fans rally, Melo back suplexes but Wes lands on his feet. Wes waistlocks, Melo swings elbows but misses, and Wes lifts. Melo fights the suplex, trips Wes and turns him over, but Wes dodges the falling elbow! Melo sweeps the legs, rolls Wes to his feet, but Wes gets around to schoolboy! TWO, Melo cradles, TWO!

Wes avoids the sweep, Oklahoma Rolls, TWO! Both men hurry to stand up, Wes ducks but Melo springboard! Wes dodges again, handsprings, but Melo gets under! Both men BOOT and they’re both down! But it’s a double cover at the same time! TWO!! Fans fire up as both men avoid the loss and NXT goes picture in picture.

Fans rally as Wes and Melo stir. Melo sits up, shakes his head and talks more trash. Melo goes to the ropes and then the corner. Wes runs in but Melo moves! Melo comes back but Wes swats him! Wes boots but Melo blocks to put Wes in the ropes! ENZIGURI, and then the FADE AWAY! Wes is folded up from that impact! Melo drags Wes to a cover, TWO! Melo is frustrated but he drags Wes around to drop knees on the shoulder! Melo pulls on the arm, he slaps Wes around, and then focuses on bending the elbow! Wes endures, reaches out, but Melo slaps him down again. Melo pulls on the arm, but Wes powers up with is legs to get a roll-up! TWO!!

Melo escapes, and he CLOBBERS Wes! Melo hurries to cover, TWO!! Wes is still in this but Melo keeps on him. Melo goes after the bad arm and puts it in a cobra clutch! Wes endures, claws at the hold, and NXT returns to single picture. Fans duel as Wes reaches out. Melo shakes his head, but Wes pulls at the hold more. Melo HEADBUTTS the bad arm to keep it down! Wes still endures as Melo leans on the hold, and Wes reaches up. Wes stands up, but Melo KNEES low! Melo whips but Wes ducks ‘n’ dodges to come back, but into a FLAPJACK HOTSHOT! Melo springboards, FLYING LARIAT! Cover, TWO!

Melo argues with the ref but the ref says his count was fair. Melo goes back to Wes and he CLUBS him down! Fans duel hard as ever while Melo HAMMERS away on Wes! Wes crawls to ropes but Melo drags him up. Melo whips Wes to a corner hard and Wes falls back. Melo says that the title is going home where it belongs. Melo drags Wes up, whips him to the other corner hard, and Wes falls back again. Melo laughs as he looms over Wes, and then he dribbles his free throw. Did Melo make the shot? Fans chant, “AIR BALL!” Melo whips Wes but Wes slides to stop! Melo runs in but into a FLAPJACK into the buckles!

Fans fire up as Wes GERMAN SUPLEXES Melo away! Both men are down and fans are thunderous for “NXT! NXT!” Wes crawls his way over, Melo gets up, and Melo throws a haymaker! Wes gives it back, so Melo throws another! They go back and forth, faster and faster, harder and harder! Fans fire up as this is a hockey fight! Wes goes low, SOBATS, then fires off a strike fest! Snapmare and BIG basement dropkick! Melo goes to a corner, Wes goes to the other. Wes goes Around the World for a SUPER PUNCH! Wes whips Melo corner to corner as fans declare, “This is Awesome!” Melo bounces off buckles, Wes runs in and around him to UPPERCUT!

Wes waits on Melo to get up, to SUNSET DDT! Melo staggers to his feet, Wes SPIKE-RANAS him down! Cover, TWO!! Melo survives and Wes is fuming. Wes drags Melo to a drop zone, goes up the corner, and fans hope they “Fight Forever!” But this has to end somehow, and Wes takes aim. 450- NO, Melo moves and then cradles Wes! TWO!! Wes escapes, Melo tilt-o-whirl FACEBUSTERS! Cover, TWO!! Wes survives and shocks everyone, even Booker T on commentary! Fans rally up as both men slowly rise. Melo runs in but Wes BOOTS him! Melo CODE- NO, Wes holds ropes to stop the Code Breaker!

Wes spins Melo around, stands him up, and SUPERKICKS him back down! Wes runs, Melo ducks the double knees, to CODE BREAKER this time! Wes flops over and Melo goes to his favorite corner! THREE POINT- NO, Melo misses!! Wes METEORAS!! Cover, TWO!?!? Melo survives Wes’s best shot?! Fans are thunderous again and Wes moves, ROLLING KICK! Melo falls all the way out of the ring! Trick rushes out, unable to watch from the back any longer! Trick coaches Melo up but Wes builds speed. Wes FLIES to take out TRICK! Wes hurries after Melo, but Melo ROCKS him! Melo puts Wes in the ring then goes to a corner!

Melo climbs, he takes aim, but Wes SHORYUKENS! Wes drags Melo from the ropes, but Melo wrenches out to bump Wes off buckles. Melo runs in, but Wes sends him into buckles! ENZIGURI! And then a handspring PELE!! Melo wobbles, Wes drags him up to scoop and MICHINOKU DRIVER! Cover, Wes wins!!

Winner: Wes Lee, by pinfall (still NXT North American Champion)

Trick couldn’t help Melo get this one, and the phoenix that is Wes Lee is still burning bright with the gold! But wait, what’s this cage that’s opening? And then shutting? Because from behind, it’s DIJAK!! Dijak is back in NXT, he’s the one who’s been talking about “hard justice!” And he choke grips Wes, to lift him right into the torture rack! FEAST YOUR EYES!!! What has Wes done to be deemed guilty by Dijak? Or is Dijak just after the title?

My Thoughts:

This was a great NXT, and it helped build a lot towards NXT Deadline. For one, Toxic Attraction having it out with Kayden & Katana again, and then Lyons volunteering to be their third for next week all feels like a preview of the women’s title matches for Deadline. I don’t know if Lyons will take the title off Mandy, but the last NXT special of the year would be the time to do it. Mandy’s got 400 days, she’ll be at 410 come Deadline, she’s going to be second place all-time for a single reign, she can hang her hat on that and put over the next generation. The tag titles might be harder to call, but I wonder if Toxic Attraction falls apart because Gigi & Jacy admit KC Squared is right about Mandy holding them back.

At the same time, the feud of Lyons and Stark might keep Lyons from getting the belt. Toxic Attraction didn’t save Mandy from Alba Fyre, Isla Dawn did. And so Gigi & Jacy might not help Mandy, but Zoey might if it means keeping Lyons from winning the title per the classic Heel trope. At the same time, what if Zoey is in the Women’s Iron Survivor Challenge? Zoey could win that and be the next challenger, just in time for Lyons to be the new champion. Their feud can build towards New Year’s Evil 2023. And speaking of Isla and Fyre, Isla has a good promo to call out Fyre, they might even have a part to play in the Iron Survivor Challenge.

Another part of that match is probably going to be Indi Hartwell, and either Roxie or Lopez. Indi VS Roxie might be how to settle that story, and then Indi takes on Lopez, Fyre, Isla and Stark in the Iron Survivor. There are a ton of options on the men’s side, but I think we’ll be seeing Von Wagner and Odyssey Jones involved after the parking lot promo where Von beat up on Malik and Edris. And even if not, Odyssey and Von are going to have a great match as two big hosses who can move pretty quick in the ring. We might even see Gacy representing the Schism in that match. The Schism had a good promo, but I really liked how the fans knew what was coming with the “sacrifice.”

Kiana VS Ivy was a good match, and of course Fallon goes after Kiana in return for last week. They’re going to have a match and that will surely settle things with their story. The Creeds calling out Indus Sher was good stuff, and even Ivy continuing to insist they shouldn’t. Creeds VS Indus Sher could even be a #1 contenders match for the tag titles. I’m leaning towards Indus Sher winning, because they aren’t going to come back just to lose their first feud. And speaking of the tag titles, I really liked how things went here with Duke Hudson and Chase U. Waller and Pretty Deadly questioning Duke’s intentions was a nice detail, and Andre Chase does such great character work.

I figured Chase U wasn’t going to get the titles here, but that was a great match, and I think even Chase is wondering what’s up with Duke. Dempsey had a good promo, and I like that he emphasized the phrase “professional wrestling.” Obviously Dempsey will be a Heel right now, but he called out names on both Face and Heel sides, so I’d love if he was a Tweener who touted “pro-wrestling” in the “sports entertainment” company as like a weird parallel to AEW’s “pro-wrestlers VS sports entertainers” in the BCC VS JAS story. And I would love if Dempsey got in on the Iron Survivor Challenge, that’s the kind of match where stamina would come in handy.

Did anyone else have Reggie the acrobatic wine sommelier on their list of who SCRYPTS could be? Because I sure as hell didn’t. And sadly, it was a bit obvious looking at him that it was Reggie. This is like the version of Axiom. With Axiom, we could tell it was A-Kid because of the voice, but the mask covers him up so well that fans who never saw NXT UK wouldn’t have any idea. Here, pretty much everyone remembers Reggie from his time on RawDown with the 24/7 Championship, and that mask does nothing to disguise him. But hey, he is at least getting a story WWE is going to take seriously.

Speaking of seriously, Javi’s character may be taking this seriously but he is coming off as a goof for having such a long list of people to fight, and surely 90% of them will never happen. I do wonder what “retired not retired” legend they were alluding to at the end there. And then namedropping Drake Maverick, I kinda hope Rockstar Spud comes back (again) to whoop Big Body Javi. Good match from Cora and Wendy, and I should’ve figured Cora would cheat to win. Wendy crying after was a bit of a surprise. Tiffany pushed Wendy to bring out her dark side, I wonder if Cora pushes Wendy over the edge and we get another Lights Out match.

Good promos from Apollo and Bron, and I found it interesting they both brought up “the toll” this current reign has been taking on Bron. It’s kind of weird Apollo is pointing out he’s basically beating down a beat-up Bron Breakker, but perhaps the point is that timing is everything. I don’t know if Apollo wins, but just as Deadline would be a good time to dethrone Mandy, maybe this is the time someone dethrones Bron (again, but for good). And we got an awesome North American title match. Wes getting Trick to stay backstage for most of the match was good stuff, and I figured Wes would retain the title. But Dijak going after Wes, I wonder if Tony D is behind that… Dijak is going to be a great opponent for Wes to overcome and establish himself as a strong champion, and then maybe Tony takes his turn.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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