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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (11/25/22)

One more stop before Survivor Series!



SmackDown 2022

Who will have the advantage going into WarGames?

Drew McIntyre & Sheamus team up on SmackDown to fight for WarGames advantage! But will The Usos handle Bloodline business before Survivor Series?


  • SmackDown World Cup: Pete Dunne w/ The Brawling Brutes VS Santos Escobar w/ Legado del Fantasma; Escobar wins and advances to the finals.
  • Hit Row w/ B-Fab VS The Viking Raiders w/ Sarah Logan; The Viking Raiders win.
  • SmackDown World Cup: Braun Strowman VS Ricochet; Ricochet wins and advances to the finals.
  • Shotzi Blackheart & Raquel Rodriguez VS Ronda Rousey & Shayna Baszler; Ronda & Shayna win.
  • Men’s WarGames Advantage: Drew McIntyre & Sheamus VS The Usos; McIntyre & Sheamus win and their team has the numbers advantage at WarGames.


Team Damage Control is in the ring!

Bayley stands with Dakota Kai, Iyo Sky, Nikki Cross and Rhea Ripley with a mic. Bayley says, “Alright, Bianca. It’s bad enough that you had to drag us out on Thanksgiving night to be here, especially in disgusting, ugly Providence,  so we’re on MY time now! And let’s get this over with. Get out here, because tomorrow night, we’re going to war.” And so here comes Team EST! Bianca Belair leads Mia Yim, Alexa Bliss & Asuka out and Providence fires up. Bianca has a mic to say, “Well, there is five of y’all. And four of us. But like I said before, we weren’t coming here tonight alone.” It’s BECKY LYNCH!

Fans fire up as The Man strolls out on stage! Becky joins Team EST in rushing the ring! The brawl is on! Becky has Bayley, Bianca is after Dakota, Mia is after Rhea, Alexa is after Nikki and Asuka is after Iyo! Things spill out of the ring, but Becky keeps Bayley in. They go forearm for forearm, Becky gets the edge and SOBATS to an UPPERCUT! Fans fire up for the BECKSPLODER! Bayley bails out and Becky is all fired up! But then Rhea gets up and stares The Man down. Becky welcomes Rhea to try something, and she even says the team will stand down. But DMG CTRL convinces Rhea to stand down and save it for Saturday.

Fans boo but there’s just 24 hours left before WARGAMES! Will the RawEST team keep DMG CTRL from taking control?


SmackDown World Cup: Pete Dunne w/ The Brawling Brutes VS Santos Escobar w/ Legado del Fantasma

The Bruiserweight and the Emperor of Lucha meet in a high stakes showdown! Who will be the first to reach the inaugural SmackDown World Cup finals?

SmackDown returns and Escobar makes his entrance, LDF by his side. The bell rings and fans fire up as the two tie up. Escobar puts Dunne on ropes but the ref counts. They both let off, and Escobar backs off with a grin. Escobar uses ropes as a defense and the ref has Dunne stay back. Escobar comes back and he sucker punches Dunne! Escobar stomps Dunne, drags him up, and headlocks to a takeover. Dunne kicks around and fans rally. Dunne manages to get Escobar’s arm, and he bends the fingers! Dunne isolates the arm to STOMP it! Escobar scrambles away to a corner but Dunne is right on him again.

Dunne wrenches but Escobar powers out to DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! Escobar clamps onto the arm, grinds Dunne down and smothers him into the mat. Fans rally up and Dunne fights up. Escobar throws Dunne down by his hair! Dunne fights up again, Escobar headlocks but Dunne powers out. Things speed up, Dunne hurdles and drops to CLOBBER Escobar! Escobar bails out to rest against the desk. Dunne goes out to CHOP Escobar! Dunne puts Escobar in, wrenches and whips, but Escobar reverses. Dunne goes up but Escobar SHOVES him down! Dunne tumbles off apron and steel steps and Vega is happy as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Dunne has Escobar in a wristlock. Dunne throws a forearm, Escobar throws one back, and they go back and forth! Fans rally as they go faster and faster! Dunne ROCKS Escobar to a corner, then runs in to GAMANGIRI! Escobar falls and Vega is frustrated, Dunne drops knees on the bad arm! Dunne then shoves Escobar to ropes for a SNAP GERMAN! Dunne STOMPS the hands, then BUZZSAWS Escobar back down! Vega is still confident Escobar will win this match, the cup, and the Intercontinental Championship. But Escobar goes out, Dunne goes to the apron, MOONSUALT!

But Escobar moved! Only Cruz Del Toro & Joaquin Wilde took the hit! Escobar DIVES from the ring! Dunne hits the desk! Escobar drags Dunne up and in, Dunne goes to a corner. Escobar runs in to DOUBLE KNEE! Escobar puts Dunne up top to GAMANGIRI! Escobar climbs up after Dunne, but Dunne CHOPS him! Escobar drops to the apron and Dunne adjusts. But Escobar climbs back up after him! Dunne CLUBS Escobar, stands him up, and BENDS fingers! Dunne SNAPS the fingers and Escobar falls to the floor! Dunne adjusts again, the Brutes and LDF shout at each other. Dunne ARIHARA MOONSAULTS to take Cruz & Wilde down again!

Dunne POSTS Escobar, gets in the ring and TORNADO DDTs! Cover, TWO!! Vega breathes easier, but wait! Drew McIntyre & Kevin Owens are brawling with the Bloodline! The Usos want to have an advantage before the WarGames Advantage match later tonight!! Sheamus & Ridge rush to the back! Dunne hurries but Escobar dodges! Dunne dodges, DOUBLE LARIATS take both men down! Escobar crawls to a cover, TWO!! Dunne and Escobar are still down, security and refs rush in to stop The Usos & Solo, but then Sheamus & Ridge get in there! The tide turns now that the Bloodline is outnumbered!

Dunne and Escobar rise, Dunne wrangles Escobar but Vega distracts the ref! Wilde drags Dunne over for Cruz to GAMANGIRI! Wilde GAMANGIRIS, too! Escobar hits the PHANTOM DRIVER! Cover, Escobar wins!

Winner: Santos Escobar, by pinfall (advances to the finals)

Vega is all smiles now since she helped the Emperor steal this victory! But who will meet him in the finals? We find out when the One and Only takes on the Monster of All Monsters!


Bray Wyatt is here!

The door is on stage and the light is seeping through. Providence fires up, but we get a glimpse of Uncle Howdy. What will Bray have to say about what happened to LA Knight last week? We find out, after the break.

SmackDown returns and Bray makes his entrance. The fireflies are out as he walks to the ring with his lantern and fans are fired up all over again. Bray turns off the lantern and the spotlight is on him. “My name is Bray Wyatt.” Fans cheer for him and he says he likes that! He likes to think that he has a good grip of what people think about him. He knows they’ll stare or whisper about him. He never minds it, it never bothered him before. “But I pretend like I don’t hear and see those things, but I understand. I have a pulse of what people think I am. See, that’s the thing. My entire life, I’ve been looked at like I’m a rabid animal, but I am not.

“And I know what most people want to see out of me. I know that people really just wanna see the monster. People just wanna see The Fiend. And that’s it, right? You wanna see the monster, right?” Fans are torn on that, but Bray keeps saying, “You wanna see the show, right? So come one, come all! Come see the human tornado destroy himself and everything around him! And that’s all good and fine, but that’s not the man that I want to be anymore.” Fans are again torn on that. “Believe me, it’s very hard for me to explain the burdens that I’ve had to go through, man.”

Bray is a bit emotional as he says, “I know that what I’ve given to you, violence, is the only language I’ve shown you I can speak. So I have to be truthful. I am not the one who attacked LA Knight.” Fans are again torn there. But then Uncle Howdy speaks from the tron! “The world is built on lies. Everyone lies. He lies. He lies! Don’t you see what he’s doing? Open your eyes. Open your eyes. He can make you believe anything. He’ll give you purpose. He can make you feel wanted, but it’s just a lie. You should be careful. He’ll make fools of us all if you listen to him. Never forget: the snake in a cage is still just a snake. Wake up.” Did Uncle Howdy… shed a tear?

And LA Knight saw all that, too.

Megan Morant walks over to ask him his thoughts on what we saw, but he says, “If you ain’t talking about me, then you ain’t talking. So lemme talk to ya! How as your Thanksgiving? Did you enjoy it?” Y-Yes. “Oh, good for you~! Cuz I didn’t get to. Cuz seven days ago, as I’m leaving the arena, just minding my own business, next thing I know, I end up getting pulled out from under a pile of Bray.” What? “A pile of trash!” But he said- YES! You get it now, right? “And now that human trash bag gets to stand out there and vomit his lies to the world, and not a single consequence. Isn’t that pretty?

“Well it took everything in me to hobble out here, and if not for this sling and if not for these crutches, the consequences would be severe. I would look him in the eyes and I would say, ‘Whose game is it?’ And he would shiver and quiver in fear and he’d say, ‘It’s LA Knight’s game.’ And I would proceed to kick his keister in, in front of everybody! And that’s not an insult, that is just a fact of life. YEAH.” Knight limps away, but Howdy glitches the screen again. Will Knight stop running his mouth until he’s safely away?


Hit Row w/ B-Fab VS The Viking Raiders w/ Sarah Logan!

Just as Top Dolla & Ashante THEE Adonis were going to settle things with Maximum Male Models, Erik & Ivar returned from the wilderness to lay waste to them all! Will the Vikings wish they’d sailed away? Or is the raid here to stay?

SmackDown returns as the Viking Raiders make their entrance. “Valhalla is here.” That is to say, Sarah Logan is Valhalla incarnate. The teams sort out and Ivar starts against Adonis. They tie up, Adonis fires off hands and kicks to back Ivar to ropes! The ref counts, Adonis whips but Ivar reverses. Adonis DROPKICKS but Ivar stays up to CLOBBER Adonis! Ivar kicks and stomps Adonis, put shim in the corner and tags in Erik. The Vikings mug Adonis with big haymakers from all sides! Erik roars but Adonis throws body shots. Erik ROCKS him back, whips him and CLOBBERS him! Erik looms over Adonis while he glares at Dolla.

Erik dares Adonis to get up, and Adonis throws more body shots, but Erik DECKS him! Tag to Ivar, Erik feeds Adonis to a KNEE! Ivar feeds Adonis to another KNEE! The Vikings corner Adonis, Erik tags in, and he suplexes Adonis., Adonis sips out and hot tags Dolla! Dolla CLOBBERS Erik, CLOBBERS Ivar, fires off on Erik, then kicks low! Dolla runs to BOOT Erik down! Fans fire up with Dolla and he says, “Who hotta than Top Dolla? Not nada!” Tag to Adonis, but Ivar CLOBBERS Dolla outta the ring! Adonis ROCKS Ivar, goes up top and LEAPS, but Ivar gets under! Adonis’ leg jams, Ivar LEG LARIATS Adonis down!

Tag to Erik, he KNEES Dolla off the apron! The Vikings combine for the RAGNAROK BOMB! Cover, the Viking Raiders win!

Winners: The Viking Raiders, by pinfall

B-Fab cannot believe the dominance of Erik & Ivar! Valhalla stands with the victorious Viking Raiders, will they bring destruction to all those in their way?


SmackDown shares what happened at the Mysterio household on Thanksgiving.

Dominik & Rhea surprised Rey by showing up to the family dinner, but Rey already didn’t trust it. Dom said they’re just here to eat, but Rey says this isn’t the time to play around. Dom says it’s the holidays! Is Rey serious? But then Rhea kicks the door in and Rey falls over! Dom rains down fists on Rey right in front of the dining room! Dom and Rhea then look at a framed picture of Dom holding Rey up on his shoulders when Rey won the United States Championship last year. They mock it, then BREAK it! Then Rhea holds Rey down for Dominik to get a broom to SMACK the broken ankle!

Rhea mockingly said, “Happy Thanksgiving, Rey.” And Dom sarcastically said, “I think the family likes you, Mami.” The Judgment Day’s Bonnie & Clyde left Rey writhing on the ground, will someone make sure they get coal for Christmas?


SmackDown returns and LA Knight’s been attacked again!

He’s stuck between road case and garage door, and no one can move it! The staff shout for help, but was this (not) Bray Wyatt’s doing?


SmackDown World Cup: Braun Strowman VS Ricochet!

Escobar awaits the winner of this match, representing Mexico. Either way, an American will face the Emperor of Lucha, so will it be an All-American Monster of All Monsters or the One and Only that fights for the cup?

SmackDown returns as “BRAAAUN~!” makes his entrance. The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up and Braun SHOVES Ricochet to a corner! Ricochet is a bit frazzled, but he gets in Braun’s face. Braun just pats him on the head. Ricochet SLAPS Braun! Braun RAMS Ricochet into a corner and shouts at him, “Who do you think you are?!” The ref counts, Braun lets off, but Ricochet dodges him. Ricochet springboards, but gets caught! Braun brings Ricochet up but Ricochet slips free to KICK at the legs! Ricochet dodges a haymaker to kick but that gets blocked! Braun wags his finger, flips Ricochet but he lands on his feet!

Ricochet dodges, DROPKICKS, then DROPKICKS again! Braun staggers, runs in but Ricochet dumps him out! Ricochet goes to the apron but so does Braun. Ricochet BOOTS Braun, then FLYING DROPKICKS! Braun almost hits a cameraman as he staggers into barriers! Fans fire up, so does Ricochet, but Braun POUNCES Ricochet over the desk! Braun rips off his shirt and throws it away to the fans. Braun drags Ricochet to the ring by an arm, but the ring count is 6 of 10. Braun puts Ricochet in, then storms up to drop a BIG elbow! Cover, TWO! Braun snarls as he watches Ricochet flounder to ropes.

Braun puts Ricochet in a corner, whips him corner to corner hard, and Ricochet falls back from hitting the buckles. Braun drags Ricochet up, whips him to the other corner and SPLASHES! Then TOSSES him across the way! Fans fire up for Braun as he drags Ricochet back up. Braun raises his massive hand, but here comes Gunther! Braun shouts at the Ring General for showing up uninvited, and then dares him to do something. But Giovanni Vinci and Ludwig Kaiser appear from the crowd side! They each distract Braun but then slither away before Braun can get them. Ricochet jumps up for a CRUCIFIX TAKEDOWN! RICOCHET WINS!!

Winner: Ricochet, by pinfall (advances to the finals)

Imperium just screwed Braun! And then they get in the ring to surround Braun! Braun glares at Ludwig but Gunther BOOTS him down! Imperium mugs Braun and Ricochet watches from the ramp. Ricochet is torn, but he can’t help himself! He runs in to fight off Imperium! But he gets mugged, too! The Austrian, German and Italian beat up the Americans and fans boo! Imperium stands Ricochet up for Gunther to CHOP him down! Then they go to Braun, but Braun CHOPS Ludiwg and DECKS VInci! Gunther takes a tactical retreat but he just eliminated his biggest threat. Braun then looks to Ricochet as he sits in the corner.

Braun looks down at him but fans chant “USA! USA!” The Americans make peace with a handshake! Braun tells Ricochet to get the cup and beat Gunther’s ass! Will Ricochet make America proud and take the trophy and the title?


Sami Zayn walks the halls.

The Honorary Uce is about to enter the Bloodline locker room when Kevin Owens walks over! Sami asks, “What’re you doing? You gotta go! You cannot be here, they’re all in there.” Oh are they? Sami tells Kevin no, he’s not going in there! Okay, but just listen to Kevin. Sami, what happens when you do something or say something that pisses one of them off? It could be Roman, it could be Jey! Sami doesn’t wanna hear this but Kevin wants him to really think about it. Sami’s doing great right now, but how many times in the last 20 YEARS has Kevin had to bail Sami out because he said something or did something to piss the wrong person off, even if it was just by accident?

So what does Sami think will happen when that happens now? What does Sami think Roman will do? We all saw what Roman did to his own cousins when they pissed him off. So what’ll happen to Sami? Just think on that. Oh, and if Kevin were Sami, he just wouldn’t wait for them to turn on him. He’d strike first. Jey is eavesdropping and heard everything!! And as Sami opens the door, Jey makes it look like he was just walking over! Sami is nervous now but Jey asks where Sami was. They could’ve used him earlier when they jumped Drew. Sami texted Jimmy, eh was running late. Oh yeah? So did he talk to anyone sense he’s been here?

No… So he hasn’t talked to anyone? No! He just got here! But he’s talking to Jey now. Well alright. That’s fine. Sami heads into the locker room, but Jey has some blackmail material now. Will he do something with it? Or will he let Sami dig his own grave?


Backstage interview with Becky Lynch.

Kayla Braxton wants to ask her before she goes, how is she feeling having her first match back at WarGames? Well, her shoulder is still banged up after Damage Control took her out, but that was four months ago, with Becky doing nothing but thinking about how she could destroy them, how she could dismantle them, how she could tear them limb from limb and make them question their very existences in Becky’s business. So no better time than tomorrow. Everyone’s tough until The Man comes around, and no one goes to war until The Man comes around! Will Becky make Survivor Series big time in Boston?

Backstage interview with Shotzi Blackheart & Raquel Rodriguez.

Megan says we’re all looking forward to Survivor Series: WarGames tomorrow night, where Shotzi has her shot at the SmackDown Women’s Championship. But speaking of, RONDA attacks, sending Shotzi into road cases! Shayna hits Raquel, she and Ronda mug Big Mami Cool and shove her into doors! They stomp away on her, then open a road case! They bring Raquel over, put her arm in, and SLAM the case shut on it!! The Baddest Women on the Planet hurry off before refs rush in! Their tag match is next, will Raquel & Shotzi be in any shape to fight now?

Shotzi Blackheart & Raquel Rodriguez VS Ronda Rousey & Shayna Baszler!

After that vicious backstage attack, the SmackDown Women’s Champion and Queen of Spades just sent Raquel to the hospital! Ronda gets the mic to say, “Well, we’re here.” Shayna says, “Yeah, we’re the ones that’re here.” Ronda says there probably isn’t going to be a match tonight, and Shayna says, “Accidents happen.” Ronda says sometimes accidents are on purpose. But Raquel can enjoy some wings now. Get it? Cuz Thanksgiving. But Shotzi can do herself a favor and just stay at the kiddie table. She is NOT ready. Enjoy the sparking cider.

But Shotzi still makes her entrance?! Is Shotzi going to be fighting two ruthless women all on her own?! SHE IS! Will the wild child regret being this gutsy this close to a title match?

The bell rings and Shotzi starts against Ronda. Shotzi dodges Ronda to CLOBBER Shayna, then she dodges again to run in and SPLASH! Shotzi fires off but Ronda kicks her away. Tag to Shayna, she whips Shotzi but Shotzi dodges Ronda to ROLLING ELBOW! Shotzi ROCKS and CLUBS Shayna, then puts them both on ropes! Welcome to the BALL PIT! Ronda takes the hit but Shayna dodges to KNEE Shotzi down! Cover, TWO! Shayna drags Shotzi up, has a double wristlock and she drags Shotzi over. Tag to Ronda, Ronda runs in to SHINING WIZARD! Shayna tags back in, Ronda holds onto Shotzi for a HANGING ARMBAR!

The ref counts, Ronda lets go, and Shayna hits a double wristlock takeover! Shayna twists the wrist, bends the elbow, and holds on tight as Shotzi fights around. Fans rally, Shayna drags Shotzi around, and Shayna CLUBS Shotzi down! Shayna rains down forearms to the back of Shotzi’s head, but RAQUEL IS STILL HERE?! Ricky Desperado is storming out here with one good arm! Shayna taunts Raquel, but Shotzi rolls Shayna into buckles! Hot tag to Raquel! Raquel uses the good arm to throw Shayna down, then ROCK Ronda! Raquel CLUBS Shayna, BOOTS her, then DECKS Ronda! Shayna gets the bad arm!!

Raquel endures enough to scoop with the good arm! But Shayna slips free! Tag to Ronda, Raquel grabs Shayna! But Shayna fights the choke slam and Ronda WRINGS the bad arm! Shayna isolates and STOMPS the bad arm!! Ronda taunts Raquel as she pulls on the bad arm, and she taunts the fans. Shayna intercepts Shotzi on the outside and Ronda puts on the ARMBAR!!! Raquel tapes, Ronda & Shayna win!

Winners: Ronda Rousey & Shayna Baszler, by submission

But Ronda doesn’t let go until she’s satisfied! Shotzi crawls in to check on Raquel. Did the Baddest Women on the Planet just sideline Raquel until the New Year? What chance does Shotzi have going against a Rowdy and remorseless Ronda Rousey?


BREAKING NEWS for SmackDown!

Next week, SmackDown will be live on FS1, so make sure to adjust your DVRs accordingly! But will Ricochet or Escobar be the one to win the SmackDown World Cup?


Kayla Braxton is by the trainer’s room.

We await a medical update, and Shotzi barges out. How is Raquel? Obviously, her arm was broken before the match, and now the elbow is dislocated. Shotzi knew Ronda & Shayna were bullies, so she was ready to come at them alone. This isn’t the first time she’s been bullied, but it is the first time someone’s had her back. Raquel stuck up for Shotzi when she needed someone the most. Shotzi won’t forget that. Now, it’s personal! “Shayna, you’re gonna have a front row sweat when I tear Ronda apart. And Ronda, I’m gonna shock the world when I beat you senseless!” The Wild Child is only revving up, will she tank care of business against the Baddest Woman on the Planet?


Men’s WarGames Advantage: Drew McIntyre & Sheamus VS The Usos!

The Bloodline already tried to win this fight at the start of the night, but now it’ll be a head-on battle in the ring! And to make sure the Bloodline can’t use numbers, Kevin Owens and the Brutes head out to the ring with the Scottish & Celtic Warriors! Will McIntyre & Sheamus be the fellas that get it done? Or will they be the twos while Jimmy & Jey are the ones that take the advantage?

The teams sort out and Jimmy starts with Sheamus. They circle, tie up, and Sheamus hits a headlock takeover. Jimmy fights up fast but Sheamus hits another takeover! Jimmy fights up again, puts Sheamus on ropes and RAMS into him! The ref counts, Jimmy whips but Sheamus reverses. Jimmy blocks the hip toss but so does Sheamus, and Sheamus CLOBBERS Jimmy! Tag to McIntyre, they double whip Jimmy to double ELBOW! McIntyre covers, ONE! McIntyre ROCKS Jimmy, CHOPS him in the Celtic corner, and McIntyre tags Sheamus. They double whip again to double HIP TOSS! Jey runs in but Sheamus dodges, McIntyre ROCKS Jey!

Sheamus & McIntyre clothesline Jey up and out! Fans fire up but Sami is furious. The Brutes stare down with Sami and Solo, and then Sheamus & McIntyre go out to join them. The factions are all fired up but the ref keeps the peace as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Sheamus fires off hands on Jimmy. Jimmy headlocks, Sheamus powers out but Jey tags in as Jimmy reverses. Sheamus comes back, Jimmy dodges and Jey dumps Sheamus out! Sami laughs but hurries away as Dunne & Ridge storm over. Jey AX HANDLES Sheamus down! Sami talks trash and taunts Sheamus but Jey has him back up. Kevin is already saying this is what he was telling Sami. Jey drags Sheamus up, puts him in the ring, and ROCKS Sheamus to the corner. Jey fires off haymakers, the ref backs him off, but Jimmy CHOKES Sheamus! Fans boo but Jimmy gets away with it.

Kevin tells Sami that Solo will turn on Sami, too, but Sami tells Kevin to just go to his corner. Jimmy tags in, he and Jey mug Sheamus. They trip Sheamus to split the wishbone! Jimmy paces around, drags Sheamus up, but Sheamus throws haymakers! Fans fire up but Jimmy HEADBUTTS! Jimmy runs but into a scoop and POWERSLAM! Fans fire up as Jimmy and Sheamus crawl to their corners! Hot tags to Jey and Drew! McIntyre rallies on Jey with big clotheslines, then he whips Jimmy to ropes for an ELBOW! Jey runs in, he gets a NECKBREAKER! Jimmy swings on McIntyre but McIntyre dodges, only for Jimmy to deny the neckbreaker!

Jimmy kicks, McIntyre blocks but the DRAGON WHIP hits! Jimmy fireman’s carries but McIntyre slips off and shoves Jimmy. Jimmy ELBOWS from the corner, but he runs into a SPINEBUSTER! Jackknife bridge, TWO! Sami is a bit worried but he coaches Jimmy up. McIntyre drags Jimmy up while Kevin talks to Sami. Jimmy swings but into the NECKBREAKER! McIntyre kips up and fans fire up! McIntyre glares at Solo, then goes to the corner. Sami shouts to Jimmy as the countdown starts! But Jey anchors McIntyre! McIntyre scrapes Jey away but Jimmy SUPERKICKS McIntyre out of the ring!

Tag to Jey, the Usos build speed, Jimmy DIVES! Direct hit and then Jey DIVES! McIntyre hits the desk! The Usos drag McIntyre up and RAM him into steel steps! The Usos take over as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and Jimmy rains fists in the corner. But McIntyre throws them back! McIntyre whips, Jimmy BOOTS back! Fans rally and Sami fires up as Jimmy watches McIntyre sit up. Jimmy aims from the far corner, “UCE! SO! UCE! SO!” Jimmy runs in to HIP ATTACK! The Usos raise the fingers, #WeTheOnes. Jimmy grins and says they’ll do one more. “UCE! SO! UCE! SO!” Jimmy runs in, but into a GLASGOW KISS! Fans fire up while both men are down again! McIntyre and Jimmy crawl, hot tags to Jey and Sheamus! The Fella rallies on Jey with big ax handles! Then a clothesline in the corner!

Sheamus BLASTS Jimmy for good measure before hitting an IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKER on Jey! Jey crawls to the apron but Sheamus is on him! He rips the shirt away to give Jey BEATS OF THE BODHRAIN! And he goes past TEN to get to SEVENTEEN!! Jimmy grabs at Jey but Sheamus drags Jey back up. McIntyre drags Jimmy up, and the Celtic Connection look to each other! BEATS- NO! DOUBLE HOTSHOTS from the Usos! Jey drags Sheamus out and RAMS him into barriers! Jimmy runs at McIntyre but McIntyre dodges to CLAYMORE!! Jey gets in to SUPERKICK McIntyre! Jey builds speed to DIVE into Sheamus!

Jey drags Sheamus up and puts him in, then hurries in, into a KNEE! Cover, TWO!! Sami is freaking out as Jey survives! Jey crawls away to a corner but Sheamus looks to the Brutes and to Providence. Everyone fires up as Sheamus aims from the corner! The fans call for it, but Sami distracts! Sheamus DECKS Sami, but Jey SUPERKICKS Sheamus! Cover, TWO!! Sheamus survives and Jey snarls. Sami staggers around, holding his head. Jey goes to the corner and he climbs up. “This is Awesome!” and Sheamus ROCKS Jey first! And CHOPS! Sheamus climbs up after Jey, CLUBS away on him, then brings him up.

But Solo distracts! Sami throws Sheamus down!! Jey USO SPLASHES!! Cover, TWO!?!? Sami is freaking out but then Ridge drags him down! They brawl, Dunne goes after Solo! Solo ROCKS Dunne and CLUBS away on the desk! Ridge DECKS Sami, ROCKS Solo, now they brawl! Dunne & Ridge hold Solo as McIntyre FLIES! The Scottish Warrior wipes out them AND Jimmy! Fans fire up as Sami grabs one of the tag belts! Sami calls to Jey in the ring, but Kevin stands in Sami’s way! Kevin asks what Sami’s doing. Sami asks what Kevin’s doing! Kevin snatches the belt away! Kevin won’t let Sami do this jut for The Bloodline.

Fans chant “UCEY! UCEY!” Sami snatches the belt away and gest in the ring! But the ref sees him now! Sami drops the belt, but the ref EJECTS him!! But Jey grabs the belt! Only for Kevin to hit a STUNNER! Sheamus hits a BROGUE!! Cover, the Brutes win!!

Winners: Drew McIntyre & Sheamus, by pinfall (The Brutes have the WarGames advantage)

The Honorary Uce trying to help only costs the Bloodline! Is this just Kevin Owens being proven right? Or is this happening because he stirred the pot and turned up the heat?

My Thoughts:

This was a great SmackDown, especially as a go-home to Survivor Series. I personally wanted them to wait for Becky’s return until after the WarGames match as a great PPV moment, but I suppose this is a good ratings grab and a way to take out some of the impact online leaks have. Well, to be fair, I think Becky Lynch’s return already leaked. But anyway, Becky still makes sense because of story. Maybe Candice will join the story again after WarGames, regardless of which side wins. Becky is going to have a lot of history to visit in the WarGames match between Becky and Rhea, and since Team DMG CTRL has advantage, I think Team EST wins, probably with Becky being the one to hit the finish.

And of course the Men’s WarGames story is why Dunne isn’t in the finals. Usos & Solo going after Drew & Kevin was a logical move, actually, so it was smart to do it. And then it ties into later when Sami finally shows up and Kevin starts really planting and cultivating the seeds of dissent. If anything, what Kevin said was more effective on Jey than it was on Sami, but Kevin’s presence was enough to throw Sami off and mess up his assist to Jey. However, Kevin’s team winning advantage makes me think the Bloodline finds a way to pull off the win, since they’ll have Roman and he’s so powered up. But there has to be a point in that match where Sami makes his decision between Kevin and Bloodline, and he chooses Kevin.

Good stuff from Bray Wyatt and LA Knight again, and of course Knight gets attacked again. Bray says it’s not him, but obviously that’s because it’s Howdy/Harper, his newest alternate personality. And Bray mentioning The Fiend as being the only thing fans want to see, he has to be foreshadowing the Fiend’s return. Maybe Bray has to fight not just Howdy but Fiend at some point to finally exorcise all of this. And pretty good, kinda funny stuff in that Mysterio family dysfunction video. That story is obviously not finished for obvious reason, and maybe Rey shows up at Survivor Series to stop Dom from helping Finn cheat Styles.

The SmackDown World Cup Semifinals sure got nuts, though. Escobar benefits from the Bloodline’s interference, and Ricochet benefits from Imperium’s. But obviously Imperium making sure Braun didn’t win is a way to show they’re more worried about him than anyone else, and I suppose it does make sense. Braun’s someone whose size and strength make Gunther look normal, so Gunther would rather face someone smaller like Ricochet or Escobar. I do like that Ricochet did help Braun out of patriotism, and Ricochet VS Escobar is going to be awesome stuff anyway. But as WWE doesn’t do Heel VS Heel, Ricochet will win the cup and face Gunther in a rematch from their previous title feud. Though, I have a feeling Gunther beats Ricochet, and then we can get Gunther VS Braun for Royal Rumble.

The Viking Raiders annihilated Hit Row! That’s rough for Hit Row but Viking Raiders are starting where they left off, and I expect we’ll eventually get “Valhalla” Sarah Logan involved in a match. Maybe a Mixed Six so it isn’t all on B-Fab to fight back? Also, “Valhalla” is an odd choice for a new name. It’s the Norse Viking heaven, so I mean… Why? Why not borrow from the many obscure North mythology goddesses? Vihansa the War Goddess, for example. Yeah, I did a quick google for Norse mythology, but so can WWE. We need these creative decisions to be creative, even in the new and exciting HHH Era.

Good Heel work from Ronda and Shayna beating up Raquel, and great Face stuff from Shotzi and Raquel. Of course Raquel ends up taking the loss because of the damaged arm, but Ronda’s going to defy go-home math because I don’t see her losing the belt after just getting it back from Liv. But with as fired up as Shotzi is, she’s going to give Ronda one hell of a fight, just like Liv. Ronda probably isn’t losing the belt until Shayna turns on her, or Charlotte returns. And no offense to Charlotte, but I want Shayna to take the title.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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