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Mitchell’s NJPW WTL X Super Jr. Tag Results & Report! (11/25/22)

The Super Juniors go back to back!



NJPW WTL X Super Jr.

The United Empire keeps on conquering!

Don’t blink, NJPW keeps things fast and furious with the Super Junior Tag League! Will Catch 2/2 go 3-0 already? Or will LIJ make it all tranquilo?


  • Six Man Tag: Togi Makabe, Ryohei Oiwa & Kosei Fujita VS Tomoaki Honma, Yuto Nakashima & Oskar Leube; Makabe, Oiwa & Fujita win.
  • Six Man Tag: Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Master Wato & Jado VS Bullet Club; Bullet Club wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS Suzuki-Gun; LIJ wins.
  • Super Jr. Tag League 2022: KUSHIDA & Kevin Knight VS YOH & Lio Rush; Yoh & Lio win.
  • Super Jr. Tag League 2022: Ryusuke Taguchi & Chris Connors VS Alex Zayne & El Lindaman; Zayne & Lindaman win.
  • Super Jr. Tag League 2022: Robbie Eagles & Tiger Mask VS DOUKI & Yoshinobu Kanemaru; Eagles & Tiger Mask win.
  • Super Jr. Tag League 2022: Ace Austin & Chris Bey VS SHO & Dick Togo; Ace & Bey win.
  • Super Jr. Tag League 2022: TJP & Francesco Akira VS BUSHI & Titán; Bushi & Titán win.


Here are the current Super Jr. Tag League standings!

TJP & Akira: 2-0, 4 points
Austin & Bey: 2-0, 4 points
Zayne & Lindaman: 1-1, 2 points
KUSHIDA & Knight: 1-1, 2 points
Bushi & Titan: 1-1, 2 points
Yoh & Lio: 1-1, 2 points
Eagles & Tiger Mask: 1-1, 2 points
Taguchi & Connors: 1-1, 2 points
Sho & Dick: 0-2, 0 points
Douki & Kanemaru: 0-2, 0 points


Super Jr. Tag League 2022: KUSHIDA & Kevin Knight VS YOH & Lio Rush!

The #TimeJet finally picked up speed last round, as did the Men of the Hour! But they’re all still a long way from leading the league, so who takes that important next step here tonight?

The teams sort out and Kushida starts against Yoh. Fans rally up with the bell and the two circle. They feel things out, tie up, then Kushida gets around to the waistlock. Kushida shifts to a facelock but Yoh escapes with a fireman’s carry takeover. Yoh has Kushida’s arm but Kushida fights back up to get the waistlock back. Kushida schoolboys, ONE, but now Kushida has the leg! Yoh pries at hold but Kushida shifts to a KNEEBAR! Yoh scrambles and gets to the ROPEBREAK! Kushida lets off and fans applaud. Lio coaches Yoh and Yoh resets. Yoh and Kushida feel things out again, tie up collar ‘n’ elbow, and Yoh gets a headlock.

Kushida pushes a forearm into Yoh’s face to pry him off into a clinch. Kushida underhooks the arms but Yoh blocks the suplex by hooking legs. Kushida slips around to half nelson then headlock for a takeover! Yoh keeps his shoulder up, rolls Kushida to a cover, TWO! Kushida keeps on the headlock and grinds Yoh down. Yoh kicks around and pops free! Fans applaud, and Yoh even messes with Kushida’s hair. Knight calls Kushida over and says he wants in. Lio also wants in, but Kushida and Yoh want another go. They tie up, Kushida waistlocks, Yoh facelocks. Kushida brings Yoh down, and rolls and rolls to get the facelock for his own!

Yoh rolls but Kushida stays with him! Kushida then floats all over Yoh, and slaps him on the back! Fans applaud as Yoh resets again. Knight tags in this time, so Yoh tags Lio. Fans rally as things speed up! Knight runs Lio over and flexes. Things start moving again, Knight leaps over Lio! Lio rushes in but Knight hurdles over, and blocks Lio’s kick! Knight flips Lio but Lio lands on his feet! Lio avoids Knight’s grapple and runs the ropes. Lio turns on a dime, then jukes and slides under to kangaroo kick! Lio whips but Knight reverses, but Lio rebounds! Knight avoids the stunner to SLIDING SHOULDER TACKLE! Cover, TWO!

Fans fire up while Knight drags Lio up. Knight wrenches the arm, tags Kushida back in, and hands Lio off for another wrench. Kushida twists the wrist, tags Knight back in, and another handoff to another wrench! Knight has the wristlock but he tags Kushida, another handoff and wrench! Tag, another handoff and wrench! And again! And again! Then they just hand off the wrench over and over! They double snapmare, then double knee drop the arms! Fans applaud but Yoh gets in to fire off forearms! Yoh runs, but Knight drops under and Kushida sidesteps! Yoh runs into a body shot, then a knee lift!

Fans applaud as #TimeJet double whip Lio. Lio handsprings under the double lariats! Kushida blocks Lio’s kick, hands it to Knight, Lio ENZUGIRI but Knight ducks so Kushida takes the hit! Knight runs into a HEADBUTT and SCISSOR KICK! Fans fire up and Lio crawls to his corner. Tag to Yoh, and Lio runs in to clothesline Knight! Lio and Yoh combine, VICTORY ROLLING SPLASH! Then, DIRECT DRIVE IN MOTION! Fans fire up, Yoh covers, TWO! Yoh keeps cool, and he RAMS Knight into the corner. Yoh drags Knight up, stomps a mudhole in, then tags Lio. Lio stomps his own mudhole in, then tags Yoh.

Yoh and Lio both stomp a mudhole! They back up, and DOUBLE… Air guitar~! Then Lio DECKS Knight! Yoh drags Knight back up but Knight throws forearms in return. And an UPPERCUT! But Yoh kicks low! Yoh runs, but into a tilt-o-whirl BACKBREAKER! Both men are down and Knight crawls over, hot tag to Kushida! Kushida goes up top to FLYING AX HANDLE! And then Kushida KICKS Yoh in the arm again and again! Kushida whips, Yoh reverses but Kushida handsprings and back elbows! Fans fire up with Kushida and he drags Yoh up. Hammerlock, but Yoh fights that to wrench and ROCK Kushida! But Kushida DROPKICKS the arm!

Fans rally as Kushida brings Yoh around. Kushida CHOPS, whips, but Lio tags in! Yoh reveres the whip but Lio gets him out of the way of Kushida’s return. Lio then runs, but into a hip toss! Cartwheel dropkick! Fans fire up for Kushida and he brings Lio up. Kushida whips, Lio slides to a stop and ducks the kick to schoolboy! TWO, into an ARMBAR! Lio clasps hands to fight it off, but then Knight intercepts Yoh with a tackle! Knight has Yoh’s legs, BOSTON CRAB! The Men of the Hour both endure submissions, but they both get ROPEBREAKS! Knight lets Yoh go, to then PLANCHA! Fans fire up as Kushida whips Lio again.

Lio reverses, Kushida reverses back, but Lio uses that to DIVE onto Knight! Fans fire up more as Kushida is shocked! Kushida runs into a shoulder, then Lio slingshots to schoolboy and SPIN KICK! Cover, TWO! Fans rally, Lio calls to Yoh and tags him in. The Men of the Hour get Kushida up, whip him to ropes, but Kushida fights off 3K with an ax handle! Kushida throws forearms, dodges Lio and PELES! Yoh JUMP KNEES Kushida down! Knight returns, into a JUMP KNEE! Yoh runs, but into a DROPKICK! All four men are down and fans fire up again! Knight crawls back to his corner and calls out to Kushida!

Kushida crawls, tag to Knight! #TimeJet gets Yoh up, and Kushida Electric Chair Lifts! Knight aims, but Yoh slips free! Yoh shoves Kushida into Knight! Lio drags Kushida out of the ring, then goes up to QUEBRADA! Fans fire up, Knight runs but Yoh back drops the satellite DDT away! Knight lands on his feet and swings on Yoh, but Yoh handsprings away! Yoh mule kicks, then suplexes, FALCON GOROSHI! Tag to Lio and he goes up top! Yoh sees Kushida, intercepts, FINAL HOUR from Lio! Cover, the Men of the Hour win!

Winners: YOH & Lio Rush, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Kushida & Knight earn 0)

The Final Hour struck, and now Yoh & Lio are rolling with back-to-back wins! Will they be the right team at the right time to win this league? Or is there still time for Kushida & Knight to turn it around?


Super Jr. Tag League 2022: Ryusuke Taguchi & Chris Connors VS Alex Zayne & El Lindaman!

The Wild Hips were tamed while the #GLEATSAUCE was cooled off. Both teams are hungry for more points, but who will be left starving with another loss on the record?

What’s in the bags this time? Well, Taguchi still has cool, refreshing water. Connors has beer again, but Taguchi again says he has to ride his motorcycle later. So instead, Connors offers him a “Let’s Get Wild” T-shirt! Taguchi likes it, and poses for photos. Connors still has that beer, though. Taguchi has his coach whistle and he blows it on Connors. Then he presents a yellow card! Well, the World Cup is happening right now. Connors has his warning, but Taguchi threatens the red card. Connors says anything but that, and he puts the beer away. The teams sort out and Lindaman fires up the crowd as he starts against Connors.

The bell rings, G-Rex and Wild Rhino fire up and circle. Fans rally, the two feel things out, and Connors trips Lindaman to facelock. Lindaman rolls free, facelocks then cravats. Lindaman snapmares, chinlocks, but Connors slips out to hammerlock. Connors grinds the arm, then shifts to a facelock. Lindaman throws elbows and then wrenches Connors’ arm. Lindaman CLUBS the arm, then puts on a headlock. Connors tries to power out but Lindaman holds on tight. Connors powers out, and they RAM shoulders! Neither man falls and fans fire up! Lindaman eggs on “Baby Connors,” so Connors runs.

They RAM shoulders again, neither falls, and Lindaman flexes as he shouts, “BABY~!” Connors says Lindaman should go! Lindaman says sure, and he runs the ropes. They RAM shoulders again, Connors rebounds and redirects himself to run Lindaman over! Lindaman flounders to ropes but Zayne runs in. Connors dodges Zayne to come back and run him over! Fans fire up, and Connors tags Taguchi. Connors stomps Lindaman in a corner while Taguchi kicks Zayne off the apron. Connors then whips Taguchi in at Lindaman to HIP ATTACK! And again! And again! And then Taguchi whips Connors for a WILD HIP ATTACK!

Connors CLOBBERS Zayne off the apron, and then Wild Hips booty bump. Fans fire up, Taguchi HIP ATTACKS Lindaman again! Taguchi gives Lindaman some stink face, but the ref calls the ropebreak. Taguchi lets off, whips corner to corner, but Lindaman pops Taguchi up, only to get caught into the headscissors and BOOTY ATTACK! Taguchi hits Lindaman again and again before letting Lindaman down. Fans rally up as Taguchi hops up the corner. Taguchi FLYING SEATED SENTONS! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up as Lindaman survives that ass-sault. Taguchi suplexes but Lindaman slips out to waistlock.

Taguchi switches but Lindaman throws an elbow. Lindaman runs in at the corner but he blocks Taguchi’s boot! Lindaman ROCKS Taguchi with a forearm, puts him in the ropes, and hits a DRAPING NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Lindaman tags Zayne and they DOUBLE CLUB Taguchi! Zayne drags Taguchi up, snapmares him and covers, TWO! Zayne KICKS Taguchi in the back while Lindaman rallies the fans. It’s a “One-two-three” rhythm so Connors says it must be for “TA-GU-CHI!” Lindaman says no, it’s just one-two-three. Zayne drags Taguchi up, ROCKS him, then ROCKS him again! Taguchi wobbles around but Zayne whips.

Zayne ELBOWS Taguchi down, Connors coaches Taguchi up but Zayne tells him to shut up. Fans rally, Zayne has the arms and pulls Taguchi into a motorcycle stretch. Taguchi endures, fights up, and manages to turn through the hold! Taguchi knees low, CLUBS Zayne, then throws body shots. Zayne knees low in return! Zayne whips, Taguchi reverses but Zayne sunset flips! Taguchi stays up and brings down the tights! RED! Zayne gets away, Taguchi HIP ATTACKS, but Zayne blocks! Zayne holds onto Taguchi and says, “ITADAKIMASU~!!” He BITES TAGUCHI’S BUTT!! The ref reprimands and counts, and Zayne stops. Zayne says it’s surprisingly tasty.

Zayne SPANKS Taguchi in rhythm to rally the fans, and then he points to Lindaman. He’s offering Lindaman a taste? Fans applaud and Lindaman says no thanks! Zayne asks if he’s sure, but Taguchi rolls him up! TWO, and Taguchi hurries up. Taguchi manages to duck ‘n’ dodge and HIP ATTACK! Both men are down and fans rally up again! Hot tags to Connors and Lindaman! Connors rallies with shoulders and elbows! Lindaman goes to a corner, Connors runs in to back elbow! Connors whips Lindaman corner to corner and runs in to RAM Lindaman! Then he back drops Lindaman! SPLASH! Cover, TWO!

Fans rally up and Connors stomps in the corner. Lindaman rises and Connors takes aim. But Lindaman knees the spear away! And then clinches for an EXPLODER! Tag to Zayne and he storms up to Connors. Zayne puts Connors in a corner, but then BOOTS Taguchi off the apron! Lindaman & Zayne double whip Connors corner to corner, then Lindaman whips Zayne in for an elbow! Lindaman adds an elbow, then sets up! Zayne runs in to LEAP FROG but Connors SPEARS Lindaman! Connors turns around to POWERSLAM Zayne! Fans fire up and Connors tags Taguchi! The Wild Hips combine their powers!

“ORYA~!” But Lindaman drags Connors out! Taguchi still runs in but Zayne ducks Bum-a-ye! Lindaman slides in, he and Zayne coordinate, and Lindaman lifts Taguchi! SUPERKICK GERMAN SUPLEX! DOUBLE BRIDGE! TWO!! Taguchi survives but Lindaman says it’s time for a twist! Fans fire up as Zayne goes to the apron, but wait! Connors has a TACO!! Zayne’s favorite! Connors lures Zayne away and Lindaman shouts at him to eat later! Connors drops the taco and Zayne pounces on it! Taguchi ENZIGURIS Lindaman! Taguchi tags Connors! The Wild Hips coordinate, POUNCE HIP!! Fans fire up and they get Lindaman back up!

Zayne is still eating, and Taguchi shouts for the “Oshirigiri!” Fans clap along, but Zayne is done eating! He grabs Connors, and feeds him to the booty! Taguchi sees Lindaman on the outside and tells him that’s what he gets! But wait, Lindaman’s outside, so who’s…? OH NO! Taguchi realizes what happened! Lindaman drags him out, Zayne wraps Connors up, TACO DRIVER!! Cover, #GLEATSAUCE wins!

Winners: Alex Zayne & El Lindaman, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Wild Hips earn 0)

Zayne may have been distracted by his stomach, but he and Lindaman still come out the winners! Will they stay hungry until they have the trophies? Will the Wild Hips be able to get back on their feet next round?


Super Jr. Tag League 2022: Robbie Eagles & Tiger Mask VS DOUKI & Yoshinobu Kanemaru!

The Flying Tigers faltered last round, but Japones Del Mal & The Heel Master have yet to even score! Can Douki & Kanemaru kick Eagles & Tiger while they’re down? Or will the Flying Tigers take flight once again?

The teams sort out and Douki starts against Tiger. Fans rally and the two circle. Douki kicks low, wrenches and hammerlocks. Tiger reaches back to hit a flying-mare! Douki staggers up, he RAMS Tiger at the ropes, then runs. Tiger drops, Douki rolls over, but Tiger sweeps the legs! Tiger whips then FLYING CHOPS Douki! Douki gets up but he avoids the flying chops this time! Douki has the arms for a motorcycle stretch, but Tiger kangaroo kicks free! Fans rally, Tiger kicks Douki down. Tiger stands Douki up, to ROLLING SOBAT back down! Tag to Eagles, he drags Douki up and whips him to ropes.

Eagles ELBOWS Douki down, stands him back up and whips again, to DROPKICK! Cover, ONE!! Douki won’t be beat so easily, but Eagles bumps him off buckles. Tag to Tiger, and Tiger KICKS Douki low! Then he KICKS Douki down! Tiger stomps Douki around, brings him up, but Douki RAMS him into the Suzuki-Gun corner. The ref calls the ropebreak but Douki pulls at Tiger’s mask. Douki lets off with a kick, then stomps Tiger more. Tiget throws body shots and an UPPERCUT! And another! Tiger runs, but Douki does the splits! Tiger tumbles out and Kanemaru’s right on him! Douki DECKS Eagles while Kanemaru POSTS Tiger!

Kanemaru stomps Tiger around, then Douki joins him in stomping Tiger down. The ref reprimands, Kanemaru puts Tiger in, and then they both stomp away on him! The ref reprimands again but Suzuki-Gun stops at 4. Douki CHOKES Tiger! Eagles protests but the ref has to keep him back now. Douki tags Kanemaru and Kanemaru drags Tiger up to scoop and SLAM! Kanemaru then goes to the apron to slingshot senton! Cover, TWO! Kanemaru tags Douki and Douki drags Tiger up. Douki throws Tiger out, then he DECKS Eagles! Kanemaru snapmares Tiger to then stomp him again. Douki goes to the apron to DIVING DOUBLE STOMP!

The ref reprimands but Kanemaru goes after Eagles. Douki drags Tiger up to suplex, but Tiger blocks! The ring count climbs, Tiger knees Douki low, then scoops to BACKBREAKER! Both men are down and the count is 10 of 20! The count climbs to 15 while both men stir. The count is 18 and both men slowly stand up! They both get in at 19! Fans rally and Tiger crawls. But Douki keeps him from Eagles! Tiger kicks, Douki blocks, but the SPIN BACK KICK knocks Douki down! Hot tag to Eagles! Eagles ELBOWS Kanemaru, RANAS Douki, then WHEEL KICKS him down! Eagles kips up, builds speed and DIVES! Direct hit on Kanemaru, and a Young Lion is there to keep Eagles from hitting fans!

Fans fire up and Eagles goes back for Douki in the ring. Eagles aims from the apron, springboards in but Douki gets under! Douki kicks low and reels Eagles in, but Eagles fights the suplex. Eagles wrenches out, Tiger gets in, and he KICKS! Eagles SUPERKICKS, then they DOUBLE BUZZSAW! Cover, Kanemaru breaks it! Tiger kicks Kanemaru out and Eagles drags Douki by a leg. But Douki kicks at Eagles, so Eagles steps through for a spinning toehold! Eagles goes to a corner, fans fire up and Eagles climbs up. Eagles encourages the fans to get louder and they do. 450, but Douki moves! Eagles rolls through, BOOTS Douki, but runs into Kanemaru’s cheap shot!

Douki dropkicks Eagles’ leg out and hot tags Kanemaru! Kanemaru storms in and he drags Eagles up. Kanemaru whips, and then dropkicks the legs out! And then he SMASHES the knee on the mat! Kanemaru drags Eagles up, for a SHINBREAKER! Douki runs in to dropkick the leg! Eagles hobbles, Douki clotheslines him in the corner! Kanemaru adds an elbow, Douki climbs up. BRITISH FALL to DOUBLE STOMPS! Cover, Tiger breaks it! Tiger fires off KICKS on Douki, BOOTS Kanemaru, but runs into a dropkick tot he legs! Douki basement dropkicks Tiger out, then PLANCHAS to take him down!

Kanemaru scoops Eagles again for a SLAM! Kanemaru goes up top, MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO!! Eagles is still in this and Kanemaru is furious! Kanemaru drags Eagles up, suplexes, but Eagles slips out. But the leg jams! Kanemaru kicks the leg, trips Eagles, but Eagles kicks him way. Kanemaru comes back to BOOT, then he kicks the leg again. Kanemaru runs and tilt-o-whirls but Eagles throws him away to roll him up! With a bridge! FLYING TIGERS WIN!

Winners: Robbie Eagles & Tiger Mask, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Douki & Kanemaru earn 0)

The Heel Master got outsmarted and Eagles snipes the points! Will Eagles & Tiger be able to keep up the momentum? Will Douki & Kanemaru ever get on the board?


Super Jr. Tag League 2022: Ace Austin & Chris Bey VS SHO & Dick Togo!

Bullet Club meets Bullet Club! Unless the House of Torture has truly splintered off. Will the Murder Machine & Spoiler stack the deck? Or will the hot hand of #InevitableFinesse continue winning big?

Dick calls for the Too Sweet since they’re all “on the same time.” Sho agrees, but Ace & Bey aren’t sure. Fans clap for it, so Ace & Bey accept. They throw it up, but then Dick & Sho kick them low! The bell rings as Dick bumps Ace off buckles and Sho throws haymakers on Bey. Sho throws Bey out and Dick digs his boots into Ace. Sho also digs his boots in but the ref reprimands and counts. Dick & Sho let off, Dick ROCKS Ace with a right, then Dick & Sho double whip Ace corner to corner. Dick runs in but Ace dodges! Ace BOOTS Sho, then kicks Dick! Bey gets in, he and Ace stomp a mudhole! They double whip, then Ace pommels off Bey to ROUNDHOUSE Dick!

Bey runs and Ace sets up, FINESSE IN MOTION! Feed to the drop toehold and LOW KICK, then DOUBLE STOMPS! Bey triangle jump kicks Sho off the apron, and Ace hits the FLOP! Direct hit and down goes Sho! Fans fire up and Bey drags Dick up. Bey pokes Dick in the eye then ROCKS him with a haymaker! Dick staggers around, into another eye poke! The ref reprimands but Bey kicks Dick around. Bey whips Dick to a corner, runs in and clotheslines! Dick drops and Bey tells him this is what he gets for the cheap shots. Bey stands on Dick’s head, but lets off as the ref counts. Bey snapmares Dick to then UPPERCUT him in the back! Cover, TWO!

Bey wraps on a chinlock and grinds Dick down. Dick pulls Bey’s hair and wrenches out! Dick wrenches the arm, whips Bey to the corner, and the blue buckle pad is gone! Sho pretends to have no idea what happened, but then he CLAWS Bey’s eyes while Dick distracts the ref! Dick stomps Bey down, he drags Bey up, then he whips him to ropes. Dick ELBOWS Bey down, then stomps him around. Tag to Sho and Dick stands on Bey’s hair to keep him down! Sho digs his heel into Bey’s leg, then drags him up. Bey throws body shots and forearms, but Sho CLAWS the eyes! Sho throws Bey out and distracts the ref so Dick can DECK Bey!

Dick puts Bey in while the ref is busy with Ace. Sho gets Bey with a ROPE GUILLOTINE! Cover, TWO! Sho has the ARMBAR! But Bey clasps hands! So Sho shifts to a short arm scissors! Bey fights to stack Sho in a cover, TWO! Fans rally, but Sho stays between Bey and Ace. Sho stomps Bey, drags him up and whips him into the bare buckles! Tag to Dick and Dick DECKS Bey! Dick and Sho stand on Bey’s head! The ref reprimands, the House of Torture let off, and Dick drags Bey back up. Dick wrenches and hooks Bey up in a cobra twist! Bey endures, Sho gets in to DECK Ace! Dick snapmares Bey and has the ref watch Ace. FIST DROP! Cover, TWO!

Dick is frustrated but the fans rally up. Dick tags Sho, Sho laughs at Bey. Sho drags Bey by his arm and twists the arm. Sho whips Bey into buckles again! Bey clutches his arm, but Sho brings him out. Sho back suplexes but Bey lands on his feet! Bey wrenches Sho’s arm, but Sho gets around to a waistlock. Bey elbows free, then PELES Sho down! Fans fire up while Bey crawls, hot tag to Ace! Ace LEG LARIATS Sho, DECKS Dick, then ROUNDHOUSES Sho down! Fans fire up as Ace whips and DROPKICKS Sho! Sho wants mercy but Ace says nope! Ace drags Sho up, Sho wrenches out and throws a forearm!

Ace throws a forearm back, so Sho throws another. Fans rally up as the two go back and forth. Ace SOBATS, then he reels Sho in. But Sho schoolboys with tights! TWO, Ace KNEES low then knee LIFTS! Sho ducks the heel kick to shove Ace into bare buckles! Dick BLASTS Bey, and Sho drags Ace into a BOW ‘N’ ARROW! Dick lines up the shot, slingshot senton onto the Bow ‘n’ Arrow! Sho grins as he wraps on SNAKE BITE!! Ace endures and flails around while Dick plays defense. But Bey shoulders into Dick, slingshots over him and CLOBBERS Sho! Dick throws Bey back out and drags Ace up.

Dick & Sho mug Ace, double whip, and double kick! But Bey gets in to save Ace from the double suplex! Bey whips Ace to ropes and then sets up, Ace pommels and ROUNDHOUSES Sho! Bey SUPER FOREARMS Dick! Fans fire up and Bey fires up, too! Bey and Ace line it up, A B- NO, Dick uses the ref as a shield! Sho anchors Ace in the corner, and here come Yujiro & Evil! The House of Torture is always ready to pounce! Evil & Yujiro stomp Bey while Sho & Dick stomp Ace! Dick feeds Ace to a PIMP CANE SHOT! Then they all stomp Bey together! Evil drags Bey up and coordinates with Dick, MAGIC KILLER!

The House of Torture laughs at Bey, they all Too Sweet him, and then Sho has his wrench! Dick drags Bey up, Sho takes aim, but Ace drags Sho out! Bey wrenches and HEEL KICKS Dick! Ace KNEES Evil! And he dodges Yujiro on the apron to PENALTY KICK! Fans fire up and Bey builds speed, TOO SWEET CONJILO! Then Bey and Ace set up again, A B C CUTTER! And THE FOLD!! Cover, Ace & Bey win!

Winners: Ace Austin & Chris Bey, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Dick & Sho earn 0)

The House always tries to stack the deck, but they fell like a house of cards! Will they just give up on cheating? As for Ace & Bey, is it inevitable that they take the trophies?


Super Jr. Tag League 2022: TJP & Francesco Akira VS BUSHI & Titán!

Catch 2/2 has two wins for four points, but they’re facing the very team that almost took the titles off them at Battle Autumn! Will the Black Mask & El Inmortal score big off the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions? Or will the Public Enemy & Nova Fireball just conquer the ungovernables again?

As before, The Orchestrator, Gideon Grey, is here to give the champions their introductions. The teams sort out and Gideon rallies the fans for “CATCH! NI NI!” already. Titan steps up, and he starts against TJP. They circle, tie up, and TJ shoots around to a waistlock. TJP hammerlocks an arm, has the wristlock, but Titan rolls, handsprings, bridges, and handsprings more to then wrench back. Titan has the wristlock now, but TJP rolls, spins, cartwheels, and drags Titan down into the twisting headscissors! TJP tries to kip free but Titan holds tight. TJP bridges, moves around, and headstands! Fans applaud the balance!

TJP slowly sets down, pops free, and pats Titan on the leg. But Titan ducks the Penalty Kick! Titan rolls TJP but he rolls through to kick low. TJP pulls at the mask! Red Shoes reprimands but TJP climbs up on the corner to get at the strings! Red Shoes counts, TJP lets off and whips Titan corner to corner. Titan goes up and over and handsprings away! Things speed up, Titan RANAS TJP down! Tag to Bushi, Titan KICKS TJP, then LIJ double whip. They drop and sidestep, then leap frog to SOBAT, dropkick the legs and basement dropkick TJP down! Akira runs in, but into a double hip toss! And he gets DOUBLE BASEMENT DROPKICKS!

Catch 2/2 regroups on the outside as fans fire up, and LIJ double slingshots! Catch 2/2 slide inside but LIJ land on the apron! They both shoulder in, but into DOUBLE TARANTULAS! Red Shoes reprimands and counts the ropebreaks, Catch 2/2 let off together. TJP tosses Titan and Akira drags Bushi in. TJP drags Bushi up, Catch 2/2 double whip to SOBAT, KICK, KICK and BASEMENT SHOTGUN! Cover, TWO! Fans applaud and TJP drags Bushi over. Tag to Akira and Akira stomps Bushi down. Akira takes Bushi’s shirt off and offers it to the fans. Fans rally for the free souvenir, but then Akira just throws it down on the ground.

But Bushi fires off forearms on Akira! Akira CHOPS Bushi to a corner, then whips him corner to corner. Akira runs in and clotheslines! Akira snapmares, covers, TWO! Akira drags Bushi up, bumps him off buckles then tags in TJP. Catch 2/2 double whip and double atomic drop, to then RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP NECKBREAKER COMBO! Cover, TWO! Bushi hangs tough but TJP sits him up to KNEE him in the back. TJP wraps on a straitjacket stretch and pulls Bushi back. Bushi endures, reaches out, but TJP turns him over to then hook a leg. Fans rally and TJP messes with Bushi’s mask! Red Shoes reprimands so TJP stops.

TJP rolls and dropkicks Bushi back down! Cover, TWO! TJP keeps cool while fans now clap for “L I J! L I J!” TJP drags Bushi up but Bushi throws elbows. TJP ELBOWS Bushi on the back, then EuroUppers in the corner. TJP whips corner to corner, runs in, but into a BOOT! Bushi runs to RANA TJP down! Fans fire up and Bushi crawls for his corner, hot tag to Titan! Titan springboards to CROSSBODY TJP down! Titan blocks a punch, knuckle locks and CHOPS, to go up and up and tightrope walk. Akira rushes in but Titan springboard MISSILE DROPKICKS him back out! Titan dodges TJP but TJP puts him on the apron.

TJP runs, but into a BODY SCISSORS THROW! Titan then slingshots, fires up, and builds speed to FLY! Direct hit on Catch 2/2! Fans fire up and Titan roars! Titan drags TJP up, puts him in, and Titan fireman’s carries to LANDSLIDE! Cover, TWO! Fans rally again and Titan calls to Bushi. Titan kicks TJP to a corner and Bushi joins him. LIJ double whip TJP corner to corner, then Titan rallies the fans. Titan runs corner to corner but TJP goes up and over! Akira drags Bushi out while TJP TORNADO DDT- Titan handsprings through it?! Fans fire up as Titan wags his finger. TJP kicks low, but runs into Titan’s TORNADO-

WAIT! TJP handsprings through it!! TJP and Titan go forehead to forehead and they both fire up! The forearms start flying and fans rally as they get faster and faster! TJP gets the edge, but Titan SOBATS! Titan runs, but into a SUPERKICK! TJP runs, but Titan goes Matrix! Only to get caught for an inverted suplex! But Titan slips out to! waistlock! TJP switches but Titan elbows free. Titan runs, TJP goes to the corner to go up and out and SPRINGBOARD FLYING DDT!! Tag to Akira, and TJP drags Titan up. TJP hoists Titan up top, climbs up after him, and drags Titan onto an Electric Chair?! Akira goes up, SUPER DUPER STEINER!!

TJP then aims, MAMBA SPLASH!! Cover, Bushi breaks it!! Fans fire up as Bushi brings TJP up. TJP throws Bushi out and goes out after him. Gideon rallies the fans for “CATCH! NI NI!” Akira drags Titan up, ROCKS him with a forearm, and eggs him on. Titan CHOPS Akira back! Akira CHOPS Titan! Titan drops to a knee, but he rises up to CHOP again! Akira forearms, Titan SOBATS! Titan whips corner to corner but Akira reverses! Akira runs in to SHOTGUN Titan! Fans fire up with Akira as he brings Titan up, but Titan GOURD BUSTERS Akira first! And SUPERKICKS! Both men are down and fans are thunderous!

Titan crawls, hot tag to Bushi! Bushi has the fans fire up more as he climbs, MISSILE DROPKICK! Bushirooni! Bushi BLASTS TJP, runs in to ELBOW Akira, then he brings Akira out. Akira swings, into a spin and DDT! Cover, TWO! Fans rally again and Bushi brings Akira up. FISHERMAN- NO, Akira slips out! Bushi kicks low, runs, but Akira follows to wheelbarrow! But Bushi makes it a BACKSTABBER! Titan gets in, he stomps Akira to a corner, then LIJ double whip corner to corner. Bushi runs in to elbow! Then he sets up, INMORTAL IN MOTION! Feed to Bushi, DROPKICK SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!

Fans rally up again as Bushi and Titan fire up! Titan winds up and aims at Akira in the corner, LOCO LARIAT! Akira staggers, into the CODE- NO, Akira flips free! SUPERKICK takes Bushi out! Akira springboards in, TJP SUPERKICKS him! Catch 2/2 DOUBLE SUPERKICK Bushi! They set Bushi up in the Electric Chair, but he fights free! Bushi shoves TJP at the corner but Akira leaps over! Bushi kicks Akira and whips him to ropes, Akira reverses and TJP gets in, ALLEY-OOP! TJP turns Bushi over and fans rally with “CATCH! NI NI!” They sit Bushi up and run, but Titan drags Akira out! Bushi ducks TJP’s knee!

Bushi dropkicks TJP’s leg out! TJP bails out and fans rally up again. Bushi drags Akira up but Akira CHOPS! Akira runs, but Titan SOBATS! Bushi sunset flips and Akira springboards, SPLASH! Bushi covers, TJP breaks it! Fans fire up while Titan is frustrated. TJP kicks Titan, runs, but Titan DROPKICKS TJP out! Titan builds speed to DIVE! Direct hit at the ramp! Bushi aims at Akira, CODE- NO, Akira throws it away! SNAP DRAGON! Akira roars, runs, but into a CODE BREAKER!! ANGEL INMORTAL!!! Cover, LIJ WINS!!!

Winners: Bushi & Titan, by pinfall (gain 2 points; Catch 2/2 earn 0)

The champions won in the Fall, but now they have fallen! What does this mean for their run in the league and their reign as IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions?

As for LIJ, Titan already grabs the title belts. Those aren’t theirs yet, but they’re hungry for them. Titan gives the belts to TJP so that Catch 2/2 can leave. But Bushi gets the mic to then say, “OI, champion team! We beat you! Everyone here is a witness to the fact that we beat you.” Bushi then introduces fans here to Titán! Titan gets the mic, and he says, in Japanese, “Sorry, I can’t speak very much Japanese.” And then in Spanish, “We’re still gunning for Akira’s and TJP’s belts! Those IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championships! I’ll go to Mexico City, a belt around my waist. With my companion, Bushi, by my side! Let’s do it, partner!”

Fans applaud and Titan hands the mic back to Bushi. Bushi says that’s right, they do want those titles. “This league has only just started, but we will win the Super Junior Tag League, and the next time we’re in Gifu, we’ll be the champs! EN SERIO! MA-JI-DE!” Black Mask & El Inmortal are serious, but will they take the trophies and the belts?


Here are the NEW Super Jr. Tag League standings!

Austin & Bey: 3-0, 6 points
Bushi & Titan: 2-1, 4 points
TJP & Akira: 2-1, 4 points
Zayne & Lindaman: 2-1, 4 points
Yoh & Lio: 2-1, 4 points
Eagles & Tiger Mask: 2-1, 4 points
KUSHIDA & Knight: 1-2, 2 points
Taguchi & Connors: 1-2, 2 points
Sho & Dick: 0-3, 0 points
Douki & Kanemaru: 0-3, 0 points

My Thoughts:

Another great night for this series, but I’m surprised the Super Jr. Tag League went two times in a row. World Tag League is Saturday, and then we get a HUGE hybrid show on Sunday, both tournaments on the same card. And guess what? That win for LIJ against Suzuki-Gun was another count-out. NJPW sure loves hammering home what’s coming next, cuz as I’ve said before, this has to lead to a No Count Outs type match for the KOPW.

Anyway, not surprising is Douki & Kanemaru still being 0-3 and same for Sho & Dick. Another unsurprising thing was Evil & Yujiro trying to help. And if not now, I don’t know when they’re going to finally have the story where House of Torture breaks off from, or is kicked out of, Bullet Club prime. They clearly don’t get along with the main branch (in kayfabe) and should just be their own group so they can recruit more people and be more than four guys, and sometimes Pieter. Then they can be THE Heel faction that fans can all boo and give thumbs down for what they do.

Great wins for Yoh & Lio, as well as Zayne & Lindaman. I especially liked Connors pulling a Jurassic World “taming raptors” move with that taco, but I am surprised it didn’t cost Zayne & Lindaman. And an awesome main event for Catch 2/2 VS LIJ in a rematch from Battle Autumn. How great that LIJ got the win here, and it is fitting into what I’ve been thinking, where Bushi & Titan get the trophies and the titles at WrestleKingdom so that all of LIJ has something. This also leaves Ace & Bey as the one and only undefeated team in the block already, their match with Catch 2/2 could be made into one that decides who moves on to the finals.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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