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Andrew’s IMPACT Hard to Kill Results & Match Ratings: 1.13.2023

Bully Ray versus Josh Alexander for the World Title! Mickie James Career vs Title match! MCMG defend the tag belts! A little bit of the past meeting the present in all of the matches tonight! Check out Hard to Kill!



World Championship blood feud with how far Bully Ray has taken things, Mickie James puts her career against Grace’s title… and plenty of other action!

Joe Hendry gets his first real challenge since returning, we’re supposed to get a new executive and a Tag Team Elimination match come to mind quickly. So let’s just do some predictions and then get to the show!


  1. Full Metal Mayhem: IMPACT World Championship: Josh Alexander vs Bully Ray – part of me is expecting a swerve with Dreamer returning to help Bully or something, but I can’t see Josh Alexander losing.
  2. Digital Media Championship: Joe Hendry (c) vs Moose – Hendry needs the win to give him a legit victory while Moose is in a weird transitional spot. I believe in Joe Hendry!
  3. Rich Swann vs Steve Maclin – Maclin should win here. He has so many quality wins, and hasn’t gotten his title shot yet. With Josh most likely retaining, Maclin is a great next opponent if he wins here.
  4. Number One Contender Knockouts Four Way: Killer Kelly vs Taylor Wilde vs Deonna Purrazzo vs Masha Slamovich – Deonna makes the most sense here because if anyone else wins I feel like that will telegraph the winner of the main of event.
  5. World Tag Team Title Four Way Elimination: MCMG (c) vs Heath & Rhino vs Major Players vs Ace & Bey – My fan bias is showing here, I’m pulling for MCMG to retain.
  6. Jonathan Gresham vs Eddie Edwards – Can’t really have Eddie win with Gresham recently signing, right?
  7. Career vs Title: Knockouts World Title: Jordynne Grace (c) vs Mickie James – Jordynne doesn’t feel like the right person to retire Mickie, but this could go either way. I’m gonna pick Mickie, but wouldn’t be shocked if Jordynne wins, unless Deonna makes sure that Mickie doesn’t lose to someone else.


  • Full Metal Mayhem: IMPACT World Championship: Josh Alexander vs Bully Ray: Josh retains via Ankle Lock – ****
  • World Tag Team Title Four Way Elimination: MCMG (c) vs Heath & Rhino vs Major Players vs Ace & Bey: MCMG retain via Dirt Bomb – *** 1/4
  • Digital Media Championship: Joe Hendry (c) vs Moose: Hendry retains via Standing Ovation & Santino Marella restart – *** 1/2
  • Number One Contender Knockouts Four Way: Killer Kelly vs Taylor Wilde vs Deonna Purrazzo vs Masha Slamovich: Masha wins via Russian Death Device – *** 3/4
  • Falls Count Anywhere: Steve Maclin vs Rich Swann: Maclin wins via KIA – ****
  • Jonathan Gresham vs Eddie Edwards: Eddie wins via Boston Knee Party – **** 1/4
  • Career vs Title: Knockouts World Title: Jordynne Grace (c) vs Mickie James: Mickie wins via Tornado DDT – **** 1/4 – TITLE CHANGE!!


Full Metal Mayhem: IMPACT World Championship: Josh Alexander vs Bully Ray

Its smart booking to open with a giant mess of a match, get things started hot and really makes the Career vs Title implications of Mickie & Jordynne mean more.

Bully mugs Josh on his way down tot he ramp with the steel chain. He continues with the title belt, beats on Josh mercilessly and throws Josh into the ring grabbing some tables as Josh is opened already. The referee asks Josh if he wants to continue, Josh of course says yes, and then Bully Powerbombs him through a table as soon as the bell rings for 2.

More title use, chairs and the cheese grater have been found. Bully tries to measure Josh for the grater, but a Straight Right finally gives Josh a chance. Josh grabs the grater and clocks Bully and fires. Bully now has color as Josh is hunting for trash cans and more weapons. Josh starts beating the hell out of Bully, trash can lids, cans themselves, a bag of tacks, and Josh even sets up a ladder on the ramp. Josh lays Bully prone across a table and Josh goes up.

Bully gets up, tilts the ladder and Josh falls back into the ring right on the tacks. After getting worked over for a while, Bully finally has a chance again. Goes for a Bully Bomb into the tacks but Josh blocks and Bully goes on a German Suplex ride and fires again. Rolling Senton from Josh, grabs Bully’s chain, King Kong Knee with the chain around it for 2! Ankle Lock is next up as Bully is face first in the tacks and then he wraps the chain around Bully’s neck and tries to pull on the neck while torquing on the ankle. Hotch and Skyler come down, 3D into the tacks, but Josh kicks out.

Hotch and Skyler get another table and zip ties. As Bully is setting up something, Dreamer slow walks down the ring, takes out Hotch and Skyler and starts yelling at Dreamer. Bully acts like he’s gonna take out Dreamer, then smiles, hands Dreamer the trash can…but Dreamer swerves Bully! Can shot, Bully Spears Dreamer through the table and Josh keeps trying to get out of the zip ties. Bully tries to get Josh to give up, he’s defiant and Bully hits him repeatedly with the trash can. There’s a woman screaming from the audience and it turns out to be Josh’s wife Jade. Jade talks shit, Bully threatens to hit her and then demands she begs him to stop and give him her wedding ring. Jade refuses, Bully tries to swing at her and she hits the Low Blow on Bully. Jade hits a Dudley Dog for emphasis and cuts out Josh.

Jade throws a chair at Bully to catch and Josh smacks Chair into Chair into Bully’s face. A little ConCHAIRto/Van Damninator hybrid. Josh goes back to the ladder, big Splash, Ankle Lock…and Josh retains!

World Tag Team Title Four Way Elimination: MCMG (c) vs Heath & Rhino vs Major Players vs Ace & Bey

This is questionable booking to put the Motor City Machine Guns in a kind of awkward card spot. Coming off a hot opening match, this feels weird. 

Powder keg opening, its definitely a little sloppy in spots, but again its just everyone throwing hands and bodies at each other. Eventually Rhino and Myers are in the ring to hear a bell and then Rhino tags in Heath. Myers clocks Heath with a Pele Kick, tags out to Cardona and we get an early cover, but nothing of substance yet. Heath is getting smacked around by the Major Players but Heath pulls off that Avalanche Powerslam he recently started using. Rhino comes in, Ace and Shelley try to slow him down but they get rocked.

We’re going back to the cluster aspects…Cardona rolls up Rhino and they’re eliminated! Bey slides in and starts turning the speed up. Bey is getting doubled up by the Players and they’re really being aggressive. Both tag out, Ace and Myers are working fast but Shelley manages to tag Cardona and MCMG finally gets some real offense. Double Dragon Screws in the corner, another Dragon Screw from Shelley while Sabin holds him, and Sabin sits into a weird modified Indian Death Lock, and they’re just trying to take out Ace’s legs…Shelley drives that home with a tag and Figure Four. MCMG are trying to break the Base of Ace…I…hate Rehwoldt sometimes.

Bey gets a hot tag, the Major Players try to take advantage but Bey fights them both off, easy as A-B-C, 1-2-Sweet…and Major Players are eliminated! MCMG and Bullet Club are the last two, as it should be. Little Misawa from Shelley, double Forearms and a Magic Killer from MCMG for effect…but only 2. Bey is about to eat more tandem offense, but he counters, takes out Shelley, Ace hits a Triangle Kick on Sabin, they go for another 1-2-Sweet…but the Major Players get involved! MCMG don’t take the easy road, they take out the Players and go for the tandem combo rush, Dirt Bomb on Bey…and MCMG retain! As it should be!

The Heavy Metal Rebel’s music hits after and he embraces MCMG before walking to the ring. Is Kaz the fill in executive? Oh, Kaz announces he’s “back home”. So I’m a giddy little bitch with Alex Shelley and Frankie Kazarian active on the roster. 

Digital Media Championship: Joe Hendry (c) vs Moose

MOOSE SLAPS THE MIC OUT OF HENDRY’S HAND! And then Hendry slaps the taste out of Moose’s mouth. World of sport athletic dodge, into a Hip Toss, then a Scoop Slam. Moose tries to give him the slap receipt, but Hendry dodges and then stalling Suplex…that Moose no sells and throws Joe out of the ring. Moose tosses Hendry into the post, Hendry fights back and another Stalling…and walking Suplex on the outside before dropping him down.

Rehwoldt is echoing my sentiment of being torn between the two and its hilarious. Moose reverses the Irish Whip, Dropkick and then a Hesitation Dropkick finally keeps Hendry on the receiving end for a little bit. Moose motions to the crowd and finally gets his slap receipt, that fires Hendry up. Hendry blocks the second slap, lifts Moose onto his shoulders and Gorilla Press toss out of the ring to the outside. Forever Lariats, into an off the ropes Cutter from Hendry and just a 2 count. Hendry looks to set up something, fights Moose, then as he’s at the top…GO TO HELL for 2!

Moose goes from hitting to Go to Hell into attempting a Superplex, but Hendry fights back. Moose gets fought off, but pops back up, runs the turn buckle and muscles Hendry over for a big Superplex. Standing 10 count, Moose kip ups at 8, Hendry does the same a little after, and now we get the Fighting Spirit spot. Moose counters an Uppercut with a Back Slide, kick out, Hendry counters Lights Out with a Head and Leg cradle. Pop-Up Powerbomb from Hendry for another near fall!

Standing Ovation attempt, nope, Uranage for 2, another Uranage, another 2. Moose is in charge and rolls out to grab the title belt. Moose acts like he’s gonna use the belt, the referee stops him of course, which was all part of the plan. As Hendry stands up, Moose hits the Kick to the Balls while the referee is turned, Lights Out…Moose wins!

Santino Marella’s music hits and it says “Director of Authority” – oh Christ…he’s the fill in executive and I guess WWE doesn’t have that trademark anymore. He restarts the match, in full ridiculous Santino way.

Moose is annoyed, tries another Lights Out, Hendry dodges, roll-up, 2 count. Standing Ovation attempt nope, Moose hits the ropes, Hendry catches him…Standing Ovation! Santino believes in Joe Hendry!

Number One Contender Knockouts Four Way: Killer Kelly vs Taylor Wilde vs Deonna Purrazzo vs Masha Slamovich

They pair off early, Taylor and Masha are outside while Kelly and Deonna brawl a little. Deonna tries to powder but Taylor tosses her back in to a Fisherman’s Suplex Hold from Kelly for 2. Then Masha pulls out Kelly and we get a few dive moves from everyone. Masha gets the last move, and chooses Kelly as the one she throws into the ring.

Kelly fights back with some close range knees, Taylor breaks things apart with a Double Dropkick and starts lighting up Masha while getting over her occult Dark Feminine Witch gimmick. Her Leg CHoke is great, but she poses on the apron and Deonna knocks her off into the barricade. Standing Moonsault from Deonna, but Kelly breaks it up. Kelly tries to kick Deonna, Deonna catches her, locks in a Half Crab, Taylor comes in to grab the other leg as Deonna and Taylor work together for a second. Then they start taking cheap shots at each other and Masha hits some nice Sambo Style Spin Kicks to wipe out Taylor and Deonna.

Taylor manages to bait Kelly into the ropes, Stomps her down, uses her body to try and Frankensteiner Deonna, but Deonna blocks and Powerbombs Taylor. Masha tries for the Russian Death Device, but Kelly says no, Death Valley Driver on Taylor, Killer Clutch for a second but Deonna distracts Kelly…Kelly tries the Killer Clutch on Deonna but Deonna turns it into a Fujiwara Armbar. Taylor breaks the Fujiwara  submission, Killer Clutch locked in, Wilde decides to stop Masha with a Drop Toe Hold into a Crossface. Masha fights through the Crossface, Russian Death Device drives Taylor into Deonna and Kelly’s bodies…so Masha wins!

With Masha winning, I feel like Mickie will win the main event, just because Masha is 0-2 against Jordynne. So there’s no rubber match, and it feels like Masha could benefit from retiring Mickie, and it also brings things full circle from Empower.

Falls Count Anywhere: Steve Maclin vs Rich Swann

Raven decides to come out during the package, and he’ll be joining commentary which is fantastic. Raven has the wonderful charm of a slightly senile grandpa. 

They go backstage for a Rich Swann interview but Maclin just attacks him. The referee appears and starts the match, Maclin goes dumpster diving for weapons and starts whooping on Swann. Maclin throws a Sandbag at Swann, Raven makes a sandbag joke…as Swann manages a Cartwheel Cutter into the sidewalk. They are like 3 feet away from wrestling in traffic.

But Rich actually brings things back into the building and there’s a car coming. So Rich bounces Maclin’s head off the Honda, and then Maclin just Spears Rich through spare guardrails. Forklifts, shovels, coolers…all flavors of different toys.

They fight through the back, knock each other off of different boxes and then finally back into the actual ring area. Maclin had a good bit of control until he tries to throw Rich in the ring, Rich blocks, gets a nice John Woo Dropkick. But when he tries to continue, Maclin puts him in the Tree of Woe, Caught in the Crosshairs, and then Rich powders. Maclin lays in a few extra strikes, postures to the crowd and then turns…and eats a Cutter off the steps for 2. Swann goes for a Modified Rear Naked Choke with a cable, and Maclin breaks free and heads back INTO the ring for some safety. But Rich keeps working over Maclin until he charges at him and Maclin just dumbs him onto the ramp back first.

KIA attempt, Rich combination strikes as Maclin tumbles off the ramp to the floor and Rich hits a Frog Splash for 2. Maclin runs Rich’s back into the ramp, tries a Powerbomb, Rich says no, kicks him in the face, Running Senton from the Apron onto Maclin and Swann is well in charge. Swann goes for a Frankensteiner, but Maclin blocks and hits a Liger Bomb on the outside for 2. Maclin goes for a Knee Drop, Swann moves and hits an Overhead Kick, sending Maclin into the barricade. Maclin pulls Swann into the metal face first and then a flash KIA on the crowd steps, and Maclin wins!

Jonathan Gresham vs Eddie Edwards

Gresham is playing around with Eddie, since Eddie hasn’t delved too far into his great wrestling style…he’s been a brawler last few years. So Gresham makes Eddie look silly, and we’ll see if Eddie starts moving back to his old King’s Road style. Manhattan Drop into a Release Overhead Belly to Belly finally gives Eddie a reprieve.

Eddie decides to push Gresham to the corner and light him up with big chops. Gresham counters the next few attempts with an arm drag and some joint manipulation on the left wrist and elbow. Gresham keeps Eddie grounded, Cradles and Takeovers into more joint manipulation until Eddie finally catches him with a Powerslam. Uppercut and rope assisted Stunner, really takes the steam out of Gresham.

Eddie starts applying the power game now that Gresham is slowed down a little, Eddie uses the middle rope to choke him and every bit of the 5 count. A few slaps between the two, Eddie catches him on the ear and Gresham is about to return but falls. So now we go into an odd paced Fighting Spirit-esque spot…as Gresham tries to fight through the strikes. Double wrist control as Eddie keeps chopping Gresham’s chest and Gresham keeps striking the left arm.

Eddie Edwards goes full Samoa Joe and walks away from Gresham’s Asai Moonsault, hits a Misawa Elbow into the Akiyama Blue Thunder Bomb for 2. Eddie tries a Backpack Stunner, slides out, this time the Moonsault hits, stomp to the arm, Tope Suicida and now Gresham goes to the top. Eddie catches him with a Gamengiri though, and both are struggling to find offense. Superplex…nope, Gresham floats over, Rear Naked Choke on the top turnbuckle and Eddie slips forward driving Gresham’s face into the turnbuckle to break the hold.

Boston Knee Party, misses, German Suplex, Running Forearm, 2, another Forearm, 2, Reverse Side Slam from Eddie, Liger Bomb…near fall! Knee Party again, no, Hurricanrana, locomotion Cradles…Forearm from Gresham, Burning Lariat, Tiger Driver for 2…Boston Knee Party, and Eddie wins!

Lights out, PCO is in the ring and he’s spitting out dirt/sand as he attacks Eddie. The crowd loves PCO.

Career vs Title: Knockouts World Title: Jordynne Grace (c) vs Mickie James

Mickie’s entrance starts out with a Native American drum and dance group. Because of the entrance it really pushes a retirement vibe. 

Jordynne’s entrance gear did say “Final Stop” but her and Mickie shake hands to start the match. Mickie slips Jordynne’s slam, and tries to School Boy, but Jordynne doesn’t budge and walks Mickie to the ropes, imposing her power. Mickie is getting annoyed and just paint brushes the shit out of Jordynne a few times before Jordynne clocks her.

A few strikes, a Thesz press, and then going to the corner Jordynne just stomps on Mickie and stand there for a few seconds. Jordynne is doing a good job being the immovable object without being overtly heelish yet. Jordynne tries to bully Mickie from the corner, Mickie fights off and grabs her head and Bulldogs Jordynne off the top rope.

Jordynne is stunned but not nearly as worn out as Mickie is selling. Jordynne looks more annoyed. Strike exchange, Mickie finally starts getting the advantage, tries to run her over with a Lariat, but Jordynne doesn’t move. A few Lariats and nothing, but a Superkick drops Jordynne. Mickie goes to the top…Jordynne powers to the apron, gets out and now Mickie is doing the Old School Rope Walk…into a Thesz Press on the ramp.

Mick-DT, Grace blocks, Guillotine attempt but Jordynne powers her into the corner. Stalling Superplex rolling into a Jackhammer – for 2! Grace Driver attempt, elbows get in the way. Shoved into the corner, Mickie tries to fight out, kicks, Headscissors, Flapjack and a Kip Up! Top Rope, for the Thesz Press, only 2. A little counter play from both women and then Spine Buster from Jordynne for 2. Sitout Power Bomb, 2, Spinning Backfist, 2. Mickie hits a Mick Kick into a Mick-DT…but Jordynne kicks out!

German Suplex, Mickie runs Jordynne into the ropes, Victory Roll, Rear Naked Choke… it looks like Mickie taps, but she floats over for the pinfall attempt, Jordynne breaks the hold. Mickie is trapped in the Rear Naked Choke again, she can’t find a way out, they do the arm check, Mickie rallies and the crowd pops. Grace drives Mickie’s neck into the turnbuckles, Mickie slips the move, retreats to the corner, Jordynne charges and Posts herself! Tornado DDT, 1-2-3! Mickie Wins!


Overall Score: 8/10

Now I tend to always give IMPACT credit when they have multiple similar matches, and this is another one of those shows! The World Heavyweight Championship match and the Maclin match both felt significantly different. We had 3 really good matches, the tag elimination wasn’t bad, just a few janky and botched spots take away a bit and the main event was damn good. It was presented and set up like a potential retirement, the moments were big, the crowd was alive and knew what they could be watching…and boy did Jordynne and Mickie show up. Now Penzer did announce this as the end to the Last Rodeo, which I guess makes sense, it was win the title or retire if she lost along the way.

I kinda wonder if Mickie will enter the Women’s Rumble as Knockouts Champion again. But this also supports how I felt Masha winning would signal. Masha being 0-2 against Jordynne is a thread to build off of for later. Masha could beat Mickie for the title, have a decent run and then when Jordynne challenges the “you’ve never beaten me” gimmick pops up. So I don’t know if Mickie will lose in her first defense, but I like the concept and from the fan reaction, no one wanted her to retire.

Santino being the Director of Authority could lead to some funny moments, especially with Moose. Kaz being officially back is awesome. Major Players technically costing Ace & Bey the titles is a nice fill in feud to get us to a legit challenge of Ace & Bey versus MCMG straight up for the belts. Oh yeah, GIVE MACLIN A GOD DAMN TITLE SHOT! He’s done great work, came in with very little hype, but he’s been a stone cold killer. He’s one of the definite highlights of the last few years. Maclin needs to take the title off of Josh. Book it, print it, make it happen.

Anyway, damn good show, great way to finish with the crowd and everyone happy and up for Mickie.

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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