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Andrew’s IMPACT Results & Match Ratings: 1.19.2023

Mickie is the new champ and Josh Alexander retained! Do new challengers appear?



Coming off Hard to Kill, we’ve got fallout and set up for the next few weeks to establish. Mickie James is the new champion and not cutting a retirement promo! Josh Alexander defended against Bully Ray, so we have to figure out who’s next for the Walking Weapon.

Aside from that, the show could go in a ton of different directions. So lets see if any of the title scenes get some love tonight.


  • Bully Ray, Tasha Steelz & Savannah Evans vs Jordynne Grace, Mickie James & Frankie Kazarian: Mickie wins via Avalanche Thesz Press – ***
  • Deonna Purrazzo vs Ashley D’amboise: Deonna wins via Queen’s Gambit – N/A
  • Taylor Wilde vs Killer Kelly: Kelly wins via Killer Clutch – ** 1/2
  • Steve Maclin vs Dirty Dango: Maclin wins via K.I.A. – **
  • Pit Fight: Kenny King vs Speedball Mike Bailey: Speedball wins via KO – *** 1/2



The show opens with Hannifan saying some somber words over the in memorium photo of Jay Briscoe, Hard to Kill highlights…and then Mickie officially opens the show. She’s starting up the thankful babyface legend promo, and then Bully Ray’s music hits. He tries to tell Mickie to get out, she stands firm and flips the get out on him where the crowd is receptive to chanting along.

Bully tries to claim he was the main event/draw of Hard to Kill and it had nothing to do with Mickie or Josh. Bully tries to intimidate her, Mickie doesn’t back down, and refers to Bully’s past of knowing what he does to women, but she doesn’t care. Before Bully does something, Tasha’s music hits and she’s picking a fight with Mickie while indirectly letting Bully know she’s cool with his way of doing business. 

Tasha says if he’s gonna hit her, Savannah attacks Mickie, don’t leave them out. Kazarian and Jordynne Grace make the save. Santino’s 70s Hanna-Barbera music hits, and he’s insinuating a 6 person match…but Ernest “The Cat” Miller’s music hits. Santino doesn’t know how to make the match, Ernest reminds everyone he was the commissioner in WCW, so he helps teach Santino how to make a match. It’s solid comedy, Santino even calls Bully…Bobby Ray. 

Bully Ray, Tasha Steelz & Savannah Evans vs Jordynne Grace, Mickie James & Frankie Kazarian

Grace and Tasha start off, where Tasha does actually pop Grace early on with some paint brush slaps. Grace eventually gets the best of her, tags in Savannah, Savannah gets dropped and Jordynne wants Bully. But Bully ignores her as the “Bobby Ray” chants kick up. Grace gets too distracted with trying to provoke Bully, so Savannah sneak attacks her.

Savannah tries to lock in her Full Neslon Bomb, but Jordynne gets out of it, and tags in Mickie. And Mickie starts lighting up Savannah. It’s a solid back and forth, Mickie starts getting the momentum back and Bully pulls her hair while she heads to the ropes to drop her and give the heels the advantage before the commercial. Bully tags in, scoops up Mickie and drops her with a Power Slam as he then talks shit. Mickie slaps him, Scoop Slam keeps Mickie down, Savannah tags in and the beatdown continues. Tasha then tags in and keeps Mickie on the receiving end.

Mickie finally rallies with the crowd, Elbows, Forearms, Slaps and  Swinging Headscissors gives Mickie a chance…but Tasha cuts her off with a Pump Kick. Savannah gets the tag and Mickie still can’t make an opening. Savannah tagged in, they try a tandem move, Mickie finally catches them, tags out to Jordynne and she starts cleaning house. Double Knees to the back, Sliding D into a Vader Bomb from Grace, for 2 but Bully breaks up the pinfall. Jordynne and Bully have a small moment but Kaz breaks things up and knocks Bully over the top rope. Bully leaves, Kaz double coconuts the girls, Mickie gets the tag for the Avalanche Thesz Press to win the match.

Masha’s music hits, Death Warrant issued and Mickie doesn’t back down. 

Deonna Purrazzo vs Ashley D’amboise

Deonna needs an enhancement talent match? Really?

Deonna bullies Ashley early, a little Pie Facing, Headlock Takeover, and Deonna is just leaning on her and not taking her seriously. Top Wristlock, but Ashley tries a few quick strikes and then a Sunset Flip, leads to nowhere. Liger Style Surfboard from Deonna into a Vertical Suplex for 2. Again, Deonna is not really trying, she’s playing with her food. It gives Ashley a few moments to sneak in some offense, much like playing with a younger sibling, Deonna picks Ashley up during a pinfall to keep the punishment going. Slingshot Rolling Neckbreaker is Ashley’s flashy moment, but Deonna puts the breaks on, Big Boot, Powerbomb into a Queen’s Gambit for the easy win.

Taylor Wilde vs Killer Kelly

A match made in Hot Topic heaven. Our little Wilde Wiccan Witch and the Psychotic Portuguese Pain Provocateur.

Kelly feigns shakings hands, pulls in Taylor for a quick Backdrop Suplex, Kelly attempts a Senton but misses and they pause to smile at each other; getting across their darker unhinged personas. They trade similar moves, a Knee Lift, into a takeover and then Taylor floats over into a Guillotine. I’m curious if the opening is getting across their similarities because we might see Kelly and Taylor team in the future.

We continue the even fighting, Kelly catches both of Taylor’s attempted strikes and they smile and get “Now Kiss” close, before Taylor turns it into an opportunistic suplex, and then a Codebreaker to give the witch the advantage. Taylor hits the Double Stomp in the ropes, into a Sunset Flip Cradle for 2. They continue to grin at each other while hitting and getting hit, so it really looks like they’re becoming friends. Smart spot, where Kelly catches the two strikes again, but this time it’s Kelly’s turn to get the best of it, a few headbutts and a toss into the corner, sets up a Hesitation Dropkick. Kelly tries for the Killer Clutch, Taylor counters with a Wilde Ride…into locomotion Cradles…but Kelly slips the cradle and locks in the Killer Clutch for the win.

Steve Maclin vs Dirty Dango

Maclin is going to murder Dango…but it’s amusing to have him around. 

Maclin smacks him around, tries the Sunset Flip, but Dango stays upright, drops a leg and gets some things going. A Hammerlock Suplex starts a bit of offense from Dango before Maclin lays him out and starts getting annoyed. Dango tries to fight out, but eats a High Angle Backbreaker for his troubles.

One more fire up spots for Dango, a few consecutive Euro Uppers in the corners, the Dirt Bag Shuffle leads into a Falcon Arrow. He heads to the top rope possibly for a Guillotine Leg Drop, Maclin powders, Dango tries to catch him and Tornado DDT into the ramp but Maclin stops it. Caught in the Crosshairs, K.I.A. – and Maclin wins as we all expected.

Pit Fight: Kenny King vs Speedball Mike Bailey

Essentially, it’s a Josh Barnett Bloodsport match. Not ropes, and only KO or Submission gets you the win. Bailey should win this, but he’s been on a bit of a mixed run lately in IMPACT. 

A few wild early swings don’t land for either man, King tries to shoot the double, Bailey goes into guard, fights a little so King lets him up. Bailey keeps throwing feet trying to get his distance, King is avoiding until he manages to lock in a partial Guillotine, but Bailey fights back, takes Kenny’s back but Kenny fights up and pushes Bailey to the edge of the ring before stopping from just dumping him out. Arm Drag causes Kenny to powder and reevaluate.

Kenny grabs a foot, sweeps the leg and pushes Bailey out of the ring. Then Kenny doesn’t let Bailey back in, a Big Boot keeps him on the outside, so Kenny starts using the outside of the ring to his advantage since it’s no disqualification. They trade a few strikes, Bailey throws a kick, Kenny catches it, and throws Bailey over his shoulder face first into the ramp lights. Kenny then lowers a knee pad, Running Knee and Bailey is busted over. King is in control when we get back from the commercial, Bailey tries for some combo kicks but Kenny just grabs him and tosses him in a T-Bone suplex. Knee lifts and then a Dragon Screw is proving Kenny to be more than enough of a challenge. Eddy Gordo kick attempt, Bailey blocks and a straight kick to the chest sends Kenny flying to the outside.

King crawls back in and the Taekwondo exhibition is on full display. Kenny tries to defend, Bailey cartwheels past the guard and locks in a Cross Armbar. Kenny manages to get to his feet and turn it into a Power Bomb for a break. He tries to continue but Bailey grabs the arm again and bends it over the apron, eventually letting go because he’s just in a weird spot. Back in, Dragon Screw from Kenny sends Speedball reeling, and then catches him with a Blockbuster once he’s up.

Since it’s NoDQ, Kenny goes fishing for a weapons and finds a chair. King wants a Tiger Driver on the chair, Bailey fights out, tries to throw a kick but connects with the exposed post. Kenny sees the opening and throws on a Figure Four before the roll and counter all the way out of the ring. Straight Side Kick from Bailey drops King, Bailey goes full Muta and runs up the ramp, charges down for a flying kick which connects. Bailey then ascends the ropeless post and hits a Corkscrew Senton. Ultima Weapon attempt, King counters with a Field Goal kick, Spinebuster onto the apron, Spinning Wheel Kick and Kenny wants the referee to check for a KO. Bailey is still with it enough to not get called knocked out, Figure Four from Kenny. Bailey grabs the chair to break the hold, and fires up. Double Knees to Kenny’s chest, goes into full mount and starts raining down Elbows, the referee gets in the way to check but Kenny isn’t quite out. Bailey puts the chair on Kenny’s head and two swift short stomps is enough for the ref to call it. Speedball snapped a little.

Overall Score: 8/10

This did everything necessary to set up the next angles moving forward. The Major Players being wise to Moose’s angle, but not disagreeing is a nice wrinkle to the usual comically stupid “bad guys conspire” way most wrestling companies do it. Maclin continuing to get screwed is a nice gimmick to keep moving forward, Dreamer vs Bully could finally give us the return to Lockdown (it was supposed to happen in 2020 I know…but between covid and Tessa going crazy, it has been too long since Lockdown has been a show).

Also I did personally really enjoy the Kelly & Taylor match. Not only because they are both aesthetically pleasing, but because their similarities makes it so they could be a great team. Honestly vignettes with them and DeathDollz could be like the old Hardyz & Decay stuff. I do also love Speedball’s “nice polite guy” façade starting to crack. If he got more aggressive but didn’t necessarily go full heel, that could be really cool.

Honestly, really hard to find anything objectively bad. Even Santino and Ernest Miller was charming. Will Santino get grating? Yes, most likely. But currently its still nice since he hasn’t really done this gimmick in a hot minute. Good stuff from IMPACT.

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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