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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (1/13/23)

Will Sami win for the Tribal Chief?



Will Sami’s luck run out on Friday the 13th?

With SmackDown landing on Friday the 13th, Sami Zayn needs all the luck he can get to stop Kevin Owens from reaching his Universal Championship match!


  • WWE Intercontinental Championship: GUNTHER w/ Imperium VS Braun Strowman; Gunther wins and retains the title.
  • Tegan Nox VS Xia Li; Nox wins.
  • Raquel Rodriguez VS Liv Morgan; Rodriguez wins.
  • Kevin Owens VS Sami Zayn; Kevin wins, by disqualifications.


WWE Intercontinental Championship: GUNTHER w/ Imperium VS Braun Strowman!

Der Ring General has been a dominant champion, but he’s also been rather worried about the Monster of All Monsters coming after him! Will Gunther be able to hold off Braun and hold onto the title? Or will the Strowman Express steamroll Gunther and reign again?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who is truly the most dominant force on this sacred mat!

The bell rings and surprisingly, Gunther has his solders return to the back. Win or lose, Gunther wants to do this on his own. The fans rally behind Braun as he circles with Gunther. They tie up, Gunther has the arm but Braun shoves him away. Braun and Gunther circle again, feel things out, and Braun corners Gunther, only for Gunther to step out of the ring. Fans boo and Braun is a bit annoyed by this, but Gunther goes around the way. Gunther returns, he and Braun circle again, and Gunther wants that bad arm! Gunther wrenches the arm, wristlocks, CLUBS it, but Braun whips Gunther up and out of the ring!

Fans fire up as Braun goes out after Gunther to ROCK him! And SMACK him off the steel steps! Braun brings Gunther up to ROCK him with an uppercut! Gunther wobbles, Braun steps in to refresh the count. Braun gets on the tracks, here comes the Strowman Express! He CLOBBERS Gunther into the desk! Fans fire up and Braun roars as he throws off his shirt, while SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns and the behemoths brawl outside the ring. Braun scoops but Gunther slips off to RAM Braun into the steps! And then Gunther SLAMS the arm against the steps! And then against the apron! Gunther gets in the ring with Braun, KICKS him in the leg, then brings him around. Gunther wants the arm, Braun resists, but Gunther CLUBS Braun in the side! Gunther gets a top wristlock! Braun endures, fans rally up, and Braun arm-drags Gunther away! But Gunther CHOPS back! And CHOPS again! Braun kneels, and Gunther CHOPS him down! Braun shakes the bad arm but Gunther goes after it!

Braun resists again but Gunther KNEES him in the shoulder! And again! Gunther grabs the wrist, pulls the arm and KICKS it! Fans rally and Braun gets to ropes, only for Gunther to clamp on again. Gunther brings the arm out, fans rally as Braun continues to resist, but Gunther grinds the shoulder! Braun fights up as Gunther twists the shoulder and elbow. Braun throws body shots, but Gunther CLUBS the arm down! Gunther drags Braun around, to drop a KNEE on the arm! Cover, ONE!!? Braun still has fight but Gunther still wants the arm! TOP WRISTLOCK! Braun endures and fans rally again as he fights back up!

Braun fireman’s carries Gunther! But the bad arm stops him! Gunther KICKS Braun down! Gunther drags Braun up and he wrenches the bad arm, to RAM Braun with his shoulder! Gunther wrenches, CHOPS, and then RAMS Braun again! Gunther digs his knee in now but Braun stays up! Gunther wrenches, but Braun ROCKS Gunther with forearms! Fans fire up as Braun keeps firing off shots, but Gunther CHOPS! Braun ROCKS Gunther again, and again, and then short arm LARIATS! Green Bay rallies behind Braun as he whips Gunther corner to corner! Gunther rebounds, into a BIG back drop! Gunther flounders, but Imperium returns!!

The ref is distracted with checking Gunther’s knee as Ludwig Kaiser anchors Braun’s foot, and Giovanni Vinci DROPKICKS Braun! But Braun CLOBBERS Vinci! And CLOBBERS Ludwig! But Gunther CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Gunther runs, into a scoop! MONSTER SLAM!! Cover, TWO!! Braun can’t believe it but Gunther survives, and SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns again and Gunther has a short arm scissors now! Braun endures and fans rally up again. Braun rolls back, tucks Gunther, and deadlifts him! Fans are thunderous as Braun hits an ELECTRIC CHAIR DROP!! Gunther is stunned and dazed at the same time! Fans rally behind Braun as he and Gunther stand. Gunther wrenches the bad arm but Braun ROCKS Gunther with a right! Gunther CHOPS, Braun CHOPS, repeat! Braun’s chops are winning out, so Gunther throat chops! Gunther waistlocks but Braun elbows free! Gunther BOOTS, runs, but into a SPINEBUSTER!! Cover, TWO!!

Fans can’t believe it as Gunther survives again! Braun stands and fans are thunderous as he vows to end it! Braun drags Gunther up, reels him in, but Gunther wrenches out! Gunther CHOPS the bad arm! Braun shoves Gunther away but Gunther comes back with a LRAIT! Braun stays up,> Gunther runs, into a LARIAT! Braun and Gunther stagger to opposite corners, and Braun runs in, only to get buckles! Gunther runs to SHOTGUN Braun into the corner! And then runs in to LARIAT again!! Cover, TWO!!! Braun survives and fans fire up, but Gunther goes right up top! GENERAL SPLASH!! Cover, TWO!!!

Gunther is furious that Braun is still in this! Gunther climbs back up, but Braun choke grips him! Fans fire up but Gunther breaks free, only for Braun to UPPERCUT! Braun then climbs up, he brings Gunther up, but Gunther wrenches the bad arm! ELBOW BREAKER! Another, and then a CHOP! Gunther is on the apron, he YANKS Braun into the post! And then Gunther gets in, carries Braun along, GENERAL BOMB!! High stack cover, Gunther wins!!

Winner: Gunther, by pinfall (still WWE Intercontinental Champion)

The Monster fought as hard as he could, but he had only one good arm to fight with! Gunther retains, and perhaps survives Strowman, can anyone take this title from him?


Sami Zayn walks up to the Bloodline locker room.

He knocks, and Paul Heyman answers it again. Sami wants to talk strategy with the guys! The guys? Heyman’s the only one here. What? It’s what it is. No Usos, no Solo, just Heyman. But Sami talked to them earlier, and they- Yes, Heyman’s sentiments exactly. But last week, he was talking with The Tribal Chief and said, “What a perfect set-up! Get Sami out in the ring, get Kevin Owens out in the ring, boom! There’s the Usos! Boom! There’s Solo.” But y’know what Roman Reigns said to Heyman? He told the Wise Man that he’s wrong.

What kind of love would they be showing to Sami if they doubted him? What kind of love would they be showing to not just the Honorary Uce but to the full-fledged member of the Island of Relevancy if they didn’t let him do this for the Bloodline on his own? So out of love,. the Tribal Chief wants Sami to do this all by himself. Sami asks Heyman to do him a favor: call Roman, text him, whatever it is, and let him know that he made the right call. Sami will handle this! Sami will solve this problem tonight, on his own! That is why Roman is in awe of Sami. Sami says, “That’s not just a prediction, Paul. That’s a spoiler.” But is this anything but showing Sami love by Roman Reigns?


Rey Mysterio is here!

Green Bay fires up for the King of Lucha Libre as he heads to the ring. Rey gets the mic to say, “I’ve always said that the holidays are very exciting and special to me. Especially when you’ve been on the road for so many years, you cherish the time you spend with your family. Especially at Christmas. But as you all know, I didn’t have a very Merry Christmas. Yep. My son, Dominik, tried to ruin things once again. And now he’s walking around like he’s a thug, like he’s some hardened criminal.” But as a father, that breaks Rey’s heart. And as a man, well, Rey is pretty fed up with this crap. Fans cheer that!

Rey is on SmackDown for a fresh start, and he won’t let Dom provoke him. To prove his point, Rey knows what he needs to do to get back on track. And that is… by entering and WINNING the Men’s Royal Rumble match! Fans cheer for that, too, but here comes Karrion Kross! Kross and Scarlett Bordeaux make their way to the ring, and Kross grabs a mic of his own. Fans boo but Kross says, “Well, well, well. In the flesh, Mr. Rey Mysterio. El Rey, I was in the back listening to you talking about goals. And somebody like you, Rey, you need goals. Otherwise, I don’t know how you manage to peel your broken ass body out of bed every day.”

Fans boo but Kross says the years haven’t been kind to Rey. But the Rumble is coming up, and we remember that one time 17 years ago when Rey won the Rumble. Fans cheer that! But Kross says that was 17 YEARS ago, so calm down. Now, surely that was a special moment for Rey. But even more so, it was a special moment for Rey’s son, Dom, wasn’t it? His father is a real-life superhero, going out there and winning the big one! Oh, but Rey doesn’t know if that’s true, because he wasn’t around for Dom as a kid, huh?

Kross says he and Scarlett were talking, and now they need to know: Who does Rey hate more? His son, Dom, for not growing up to be just like him? Or himself for failing to raise Dom to be just like him!? Rey ROCKS Kross with forearms! Rey jumps, but into Kross’ bearhug! Rey fights free, throws elbows, but Kross waistlocks again! Rey victory rolls Kross to ropes! Rey dials it up, but Scarlett disconnects the call! KROSSJACKET!! Kross shouts that he was waiting for this moment! Scarlett lights the tarot card with Rey on it, and Rey passes out under the red lights. Will Doomsday come for everyone in the Royal Rumble match?


Emma, Maxxine Dupri and Liv Morgan are backstage.

Emma asks what Liv is thinking. What does he mean? Well, Emma admires Liv’s fearlessness, but wanting to enter the Rumble match at number one? Maybe not the best way to get to WrestleMania. Maxxine says it’s the worst idea ever. And it doesn’t really matter where Liv comes out in that match, she is NOT winning that. But Raquel Rodriguez says to not go that far. But yes, that is a good point. Don’t get her wrong, Liv, you do have the fighting spirit to take on 29 women in one match, but wouldn’t the best strategy to be to enter last then? Someone of Liv’s size would have a better chance to succeed that way.

As for Raquel, this is her first Rumble, and she feels she is built to win this. Liv says for what it’s worth, she got her palm read today. See, this line right here… SLAP!! Maxxine and Emma are stunned, and Liv dares Raquel to have a match with her tonight. Raquel tells Liv that she is sick and tired of everyone forgetting she’s the biggest and baddest around. You’re on! Liv smiles and heads out, but will living on the edge finally cost her?


Tegan Nox VS Xia Li!

The Welsh Firecracker is ready to pop-off on the one who cost her and Liv those tag titles! But will she be able to take down the former Protector? Or will she instead take another loss because of the spicy destroyer?

SmackDown returns as Tegan makes her entrance. The bell rings, the two circle, and Tegan waistlocks Xia. Xia headlocks, Tegan powers out and then ROCKS Xia! And again! And again! And again, and again, and again! Fans fire up as Tegan UPPERCUTS Xia down! Tegan drags Xia up, suplexes, and GOURD BUSTERS! Tegan then runs in to CANNONBALL In the corner! Tegan shoves Xia into the drop zone and climbs up. Green Bay fires up but Xia trips Tegan up! Xia grabs Tegan’s hair to TOSS her down! Xia storms up, covers, TWO! Xia clamps on a chinlock and she thrashes Tegan around. Tegan endures and fans rally up.

Tegan fights up to her feet, but Xia throws her down by her hair! Xia clamps on with the chinlock again and she leans on the hold. Tegan endures, fights around, and fans rally up again. Tegan stands up to arm-drag free! But Xia throat chops! The ref reprimands and fans boo but Tegan sputters, into a BOOT from Xia! Tegan ends up in a corner, Xia runs in to go up and ELBOW JAB! Xia drags Tegan out but Tegan throws body shots. Xia CLUBS Tegan down and then scowls as she drags Tegan up. Xia clinches for an EXPLODER! Xia aims from the corner, waits on Tegan to rise, and Xia runs in to SPIN- NO, Tegan dodges the kick! SHINIEST WIZARD!! Cover, Tegan wins!

Winner: Tegan Nox, by pinfall

A fast and furious fight between these two, and Tegan gets her revenge! But will Xia leave this alone? Or will this grudge only grow closer to the Rumble?


SmackDown shares what happened last week, after the show.

As if losing to the Usos in the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship match via a Solo assist wasn’t bad enough, Sheamus & Drew McIntyre would get attacked by the Viking Raiders! And they would both end up feeling RAGNAROK!

The Viking Raiders speak.

“Valhalla” Sarah Logan says “The gods speak. I listen.” Erik & Ivar say, “We obey.” Sarah has seen “two fallen warriors written in the runes, sentenced to battle. Drew McIntyre, Sheamus, suffering awaits.”

Adam Pearce has Sheamus & McIntyre in his office backstage.

They of course remember what happened and just heard what was said. McIntyre says they’re gonna make Pearce’s job really easy tonight. They want Erik & Ivar TONIGHT! Right? McIntyre gives Sheamus a smack on the arm, and Sheamus says he’s hearing McIntyre. “But those two lunatics can wait. I want the Usos now. My blood is up and ready!” McIntyre says that time is gonna come, but the Vikings are first! Sheamus gets it, McIntyre is frustrated, but he needs to listen to his elders and betters! The smacking of arms is getting chippy again. Sheamus says there was a young bull and an old bull at the top of a hill-

McIntyre knows that story! There’s no time for stories! Time for fighting! But Sheamus is trying to talk sense into them! Pearce has them stop and suggests a solution that’ll make them both happy. Next week, we start a tag team tournament where the winners get a shot at the SmackDown Tag Team Championships. Sheamus gives Pearce a hard pat on the back and says, “There you go! That’s great! Now you’re speaking our language!” McIntyre says that’s half a solution. What about the Viking Raiders? Well if they’d let Pearce finish, McIntyre & Sheamus are of course in that tournament. And their very first opponents: The Viking Raiders!

Now McIntyre says that’s perfect. They both pat Pearce on the back, and Sheamus says that he foresees banger! After banger! After banger! The Celtic Connection is fired up, but will they be able to avoid Ragnarok this time? Or will they be eliminated right out of the gate?


Bray Wyatt is here!

Green Bay fires up as the lights go down and the piano plays. The light creeps out from behind the door, and then the door swings open. And with his lantern, out walks the Eater of Worlds. The fireflies are out as Bray walks to the ring. Bray steps in, turns out the lantern, and has the spotlight. Fans cheer and wait, is that a rocking chair? Is that THE rocking chair?! Bray takes a seat in it, and he tells Green Bay, “We’re here!” Then he chuckles. Ain’t it wild, man? Ain’t it wild how sometimes, we forget who we are? We forget what made us in the first place. All it takes is a little push to send you in the right direction, and suddenly you understand that all you had to do was revel in what you are.

Bray says just like that, all of a sudden, it came back to him. He remembered all he has lost, he remembered that he is the color red in a world of black ‘n’ white. That he is the Eater of Worlds! That he IS Uncle Howdy! He IS the nagging conscience of a world that has thrown itself away to “moral monsters!” He is EVERYTHING, he IS Bray Wyatt!! And Bray knows who he is, man, but who are you? At the Royal Rumble, it will be Bray’s rebirth. “A baptism in the dark. And as for you, LA Knight… Know this, son. When the lights go out, you. Should. Run!” The Bray Wyatt of old has been resurrected, will anyone survive this return?


Backstage interview with Kevin Owens.

Kayla Braxton starts to mention how KO has a Undisputed Universal Championship match at the Royal Rumble, but then Sami walks in. Sami asks Kevin, “Are you happy? Are you happy about all of this? Are you happy about what you’re making me do tonight?” Kevin couldn’t just leave it alone! He couldn’t just leave Sami on SmackDown to do his thing with The Bloodline! He couldn’t just stay on Raw- Uh, yeah! Kevin WAS on Raw. But The Bloodline came to Raw every week running their mouths,  and Kevin decided to take the Bloodline out piece by piece. If Sami is one of those pieces, that’s on him.

Did Kevin ask for this match? No. Did he ask for the tag match with John Cena? No. But who did? Roman Reigns! He’s putting Sami in these situations! He’s using Sami so that he never has to come to work ever! Sami says Kevin needs to get it through his head. Sami isn’t being used! How many times does Kevin have to see Sami and Roman hug in the ring? How many times does Kevin have to see Sami and The Bloodline getting along for months and months? Kevin is just jealous because he doesn’t understand, this is family! Not that it matters, because now Sami has to take care of business. And Sami is proud to take care of that business.

Kevin says, “Good for you.” Yeah, it is good for Sami! Sami heads out, but will Kevin have to do something he doesn’t want to in order to stop all this?


Imperium is in the trainer’s room.

Gunther has an ice pack on his neck as Kayla welcomes us back. She notes Gunther was successful in retaining the Intercontinental Championship, but did that win give him the momentum needed- Ludwig interrupts and says “Momentum is essential for success in our great sport.” Vinci adds, “And Gunther set an example of what it means to be a true champion.” Gunther himself says, “Today is a glorious day, because I’ve overcome my biggest challenge so far. For the love of our great sport, and the honor of this great title, I’ve beaten Braun Strowman.”

But now, Gunther will capitalize and go to the Rumble to throw body after body off of their sacred mat! Then, Gunther will go on to the main event of WrestleMania! Der Ring General has stated the mission, but will even he fail to dominate 29 other competitors in one match?


Raquel Rodriguez VS Liv Morgan!

It’s one thing to say you wanna enter a match like The Royal Rumble first, but it’s another to anger Big Mami Cool! Raquel is ready to wreck anyone and everyone in that Royal Rumble match, but will she start with Liv? Or will Liv find a way to eliminate Ricky Desperado?

SmackDown returns and Raquel makes her entrance. The bell rings and Liv rushes in to tie up with Raquel. Raquel shoves her back but Liv comes back for more. Raquel shoves her away again, they tie up again, and then Raquel shoves Liv down! Liv storms up, but into a BOOT! Raquel drags Liv up to toss her up and out! That’d be an elimination in the Rumble! Raquel holds the ropes open to offer Liv a way in. Liv refuses so Raquel backs off. Liv rushes in, and she fires off fast hands! Liv runs to RANA and Raquel ends up in a corner! Fans fire up, Liv runs in corner to corner to back body block!

Liv keeps moving, but she runs into a LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Raquel is annoyed, but she drags Liv up with both hands! She holds Liv up, but Liv fires off hands and headbutts! Raquel runs in but Liv dodges! The boot gets stuck on the ropes, fans rally for Liv as she lifts Raquel, but Raquel fights her off. Raquel ELBOWS Liv down, then drags her back up. Raquel bumps Liv off buckles, brings her around and bumps her off more buckles. Liv throws body shots, then she headbutts the buckles!? Liv fires up, the fans fire up, but Raquel isn’t sure what to make of this. Raquel runs in, Liv dodges and comes back, SHINING WIZARD!

Liv pushes Raquel down, goes up, and FLYING CODE BREAKERS! Raquel flounders to ropes, Liv runs in to clothesline Raquel up and out!! That would be an elimination, too!! Raquel is stunned, and now Liv offers Raquel a way into the ring. Raquel says that’s cute, and she drags Liv out of the ring! Raquel scoops, but Liv slips off to POST her! Liv hurries to bring Raquel up, and RAMS her into the steel steps! Liv slides in at 6 of 10, Raquel is still down at 8, but Liv goes back out. Liv refreshes the count but she starts looking under the ring! Liv goes around the way, and she finds herself a TABLE! Green Bay likes where this is going!

The count is climbing again, but Liv refreshes it at 7. Liv sets up the table, brings it closer to the corner, and she KICKS Raquel down! Liv puts Raquel on the table, CLUBS her, then climbs the corner! Fans fire up but the ref tells her not to! Liv doesn’t listen, but Raquel rolls off the table. Fans boo but Liv just changes her target. Liv CROSSBODIES, but Raquel SWATS her down! Raquel deadlifts Liv into the TEXANA BOMB! Cover, Raquel wins!

Winner: Raquel Rodriguez, by pinfall

Liv keeps trying to push the limits, but she just got thrown down! Will Raquel win big in her return home to Texas?


Sonya Deville berates Adam Pearce in his office.

She says she doesn’t know why she tries with him! What she is saying is that she wants a rematch with Charlotte Flair. Pearce understood her every time, but he can’t just give her that rematch! She lost! This isn’t how it works around here. Oh, wow, he’s gonna tell her how it works around here?! Interesting. Is this how it really works around her? Or just how it works for Charlotte? Pearce says all Charlotte did was what Sonya did: called her shot, got the title match. The only difference is that Charlotte won and Sonya lost. Sonya says what’s interesting to her is just how unreasonable Pearce is being!

But she has it figured out: Pearce wants her to enter the Royal Rumble and earn her rematch by mowing down 29 other women. Actually, YEAH! Sonya says she is going to find a way to make that rematch official. Sonya storms off and Pearce sighs. Just how will the Jersey Deville find her way back to the SmackDown Women’s Championship?


SmackDown returns, and Sonya is attacking Charlotte!

The Queen fights Sonya off, and SPEARS her down! Referees rush in to stop this, but Charlotte BOOTS Sonya down!  The refs tell Charlotte to leave it at this, but she says she didn’t start this! And then Sonya SMACKS Charlotte with some kinda crate lid! The brawl continues, security rushes in now, but Sonya has a SLEEPER! Charlotte fights and throws Sonya OVER road cases! The refs say that’s enough now, but Sonya gets back up! She jumps off the case to CLOBBER Charlotte! Now Pearce rushes in here! The two are pulled apart again, is this how Sonya thinks she’s getting her rematch?


Cody Rhodes’ comeback story continues.

He vowed to do it for himself, for the fans, and for his father, Dusty Rhodes. But June 5, 2022, Hell in a Cell, even with a torn pectoral muscle, Cody refused to rob the fans of his match with Seth Rollins. “It was like oxygen, I needed to be in the ring that night.” And it is a moment that won’t soon be forgotten. Cody knows the questions were if it was safe. He admits he was so nauseous with pain that he almost vomited after hitting his Cody Cutter. And he admits, he was the car wreck you can’t look away from. In the end, Cody won that match, but he has not watched it back. He is proud of that moment, but he can’t watch it back because of how scary it really is.

The reception backstage was somber, because everyone knew he needed surgery. And four days later, here in Birmingham, Cody was worked on by Doctor Jeffrey Dugas. Cody’s wife, Brandi, knows there were nerves. Cody’s never had a major surgery like this, but Dr. Dugas found it was better than expected. They thought it was a muscular injury and not a tendon injury, and that’s better. The main thing is, it has to heal. He explained as much to Cody, and Cody says the questions started creeping in. How long until he could return? Would he return as good as he was? Is he willing to go down the road in front of him to get back to that level? The work begins now.


Kevin Owens VS Sami Zayn!

A storied rivalry that goes back decades before they ever came to the WWE writes another chapter that could top all the rest. The Prizefighter wants after the Tribal Chief and the Undisputed Universal Championship at the Royal Rumble, but the Honorary Uce vows to stop him before we ever even get there. Will Sami finally be a TRUE Uce after tonight? Or will the Master Strategist fail to solve the Kevin Owens Problem?

SmackDown returns and Kevin makes his entrance. Fans fire up as the two stare down. Kevin offers his frenemy a handshake? Fans chant ‘UCEY! UCEY!” but Sami kicks the hand away. Sami shoves Kevin, eggs him on, and the two circle. They tie up, Kevin headlocks, but Sami powers up and out. Kevin runs Sami over and fans are torn. Sami gets right up to SLAP Kevin! So Kevin TACKLES Sami and rains down fists! The fans fire up, Sami gets away to the outside, and Kevin lets off, only to go out the side. Kevin CLOBBER Sami! Fans fire up as Kevin asks Sami, “Are you feeling Ucey?!” Kevin CLUBS and CHOPS Sami, then puts him in the ring.

Sami stomps away on Kevin at the ropes, then stands on Kevin! The ref counts, Sami lets off and Kevin bails out. Sami builds speed to FLY! Direct hit and down goes Kevin! Fans fire up and Sami looms over Kevin. Sami holds up the finger, he is the one to handle Kevin. Sami drags Kevin up, whips him but Kevin breaks free. Kevin then whips Sami into the barriers! Kevin rains down fists, but the ring count is 5 of 10. Kevin drags Sami up, puts him in at 7, and then slides in, only for Sami to bail out again. Fans boo and Kevin is getting mad. But Sami hits Kevin in the ropes! And then suplexes, APRON BRAINBUSTER!! Fans lose their minds as SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns again and Sami fires off hands on Kevin! Fans rally as Sami fires off in the corner with stomps! The ref counts and backs Sami down, but Sami storms back up to bump Kevin off buckles. Sami then hops up and leaps for a FLYING ELBOW! Cover, ONE!! Sami forces Kevin to another cover, ONE, and Kevin rains down fists on Sami! But Sami grabs at Kevin’s beard! Sami HEADBUTTS Kevin, but Kevin kicks back. Sami CHOKES Kevin on the ropes! The ref counts, but Sami kicks away on Kevin. Kevin hits back with body shots but Sami just stomps him down! Kevin eggs Sami on, so Sami unleashes even more stomps!

Sami lets off to catch his breath and focus himself. Kevin gets up to SLAP Sami back! Sami RAMS Kevin into a corner, and again, and again! The ref counts, Sami lets off, but then he HEADBUTTS Kevin again! Sami puts Kevin up top, fans rally and duel, but Kevin throws down fists! Sami ROCKS Kevin with haymakers from below! Sami then climbs up after Kevin, brings Kevin up, but Kevin resists the suplex! Kevin throws body shots, then he HEADBUTTS Sami down! Sami is in the drop zone and Kevin adjusts, FROG SPLASH! Cover, TWO!! Sami survives but Kevin isn’t even frustrated. Kevin and Sami slowly rise as fans rally again.

Kevin kicks Sami, Sami grits his teeth, so Kevin whips him. POP-UP- NO, Sami slips free to lift Kevin, BLUE THUNDER BOMB! Cover, TWO!! Kevin survives and Sami is snarling! Sami sits Kevin up, SLAPS him, but Kevin SLAPS back! They SLAP and SLAP and then throw fast hands! Fans fire up for the brawl! Kevin gets the edge, but Sami shoves Kevin away to BOOT, and then HALF ‘N’ HALF! But Kevin’s right up to LARIAT!! Both men are down, Green Bay is thunderous, and SmackDown goes to break!

SmackDown returns once again and Kevin has Sami in the drop zone again. Kevin climbs back up, fans fire back up, and Kevin SWANTONS onto knees! Cover, TWO!! Sami is beside himself as Kevin survives again! Sami drags Kevin to a corner and stands him up. Fans say “This is Awesome!” as Sami puts Kevin on the top rope. Kevin resists, throws body shots, but Sami goes to the very top rope! Kevin hooks the leg for the SUPER FISHERMAN BUSTER!! Both men are down and Green Bay is thunderous! Kevin crawls to the cover, TWO!!! Sami just gets that shoulder up! Sami and Kevin sit up, and Sami throws feeble punches.

Kevin sits Sami up to look him in the eyes as he shakes his head. Sami throws a haymaker, Kevin gives it back, and they just find new life in punching in each other! Kevin swings, into a HALF ‘N’ HALF! But he’s right back up! Only to swing into ANOTHER HALF ‘N’ HALF! Kevin rolls his way to a corner, and Sami goes to the opposite one! Sami aims, but wait! The Bloodline IS here!! The Usos jump Kevin!!

Winner: Kevin Owens, by disqualification

Fans boo as Jimmy & Jey stomp away on Kevin, and even Solo adds on! Sami is stunned! Did Heyman lie to him? But Kevin gets a ONE AND DONE from the Usos all the same!! Jey and Jimmy are hyped, they get Sami up and want him to top this off! Kevin crawls out of the ring but the Usos clear off the announce desk! The Usos want Sami to join in, but Sami asks them what’s going on. The Usos turn around, but Kevin BOOTS Jimmy, and whips Jey into the barriers! But then Kevin turns around into a SAMOAN SPIKE! And a SUPERKICK! Sami hurries over as the Usos and Solo mug Kevin more, another SAMOAN SPIKE!

Kevin ends up on the table, and the Usos say this is all for Sami! Sami says he was doing his job! The Tribal Chief let Sami handle Kevin and take care of business! But this is The Bloodline! Sami did good. The Usos hold up the fingers, and Sami joins in. They the ones, but fans boo. Solo stands on top of the barriers, to run and FLYING SOLO!! He crushes Kevin through the desk!! Kevin sputters and the Usos are hyped all over again! They want Sami to join in, and he stands with them over Kevin as they again hold up the fingers. They are the ones, but does that truly include Sami Zayn?

My Thoughts:

A great SmackDown here, and it’s been a second since an episode’s only had four matches. They gave us a great blend of action and promos, though I will say Nox VS Xia needed to be just a couple minutes longer. I suppose this could be the start of a feud, and there’s plenty they can do in the Rumble. And I have a feeling Charlotte ends up defending her title at the Rumble after that pretty good brawl with Sonya. I really thought Ronda was going to come back around, but maybe she will go after Charlotte after that title match to tease a Mania match. It really depends on who wins the Women’s Rumble, which I still feel could be Rhea Ripley so she can go after the Raw Women’s title.

We got a good promo from Emma, Maxxine, Liv & Raquel, and a great match out of that to build both women towards the Rumble. Raquel winning makes sense as this was a straight up 1v1 match, but Liv’s character is showing consistency in wanting to just go all out with a table spot. I’m sure both will have strong showings in the Rumble, and then we can explore possibilities on the Road to WrestleMania. Because Damage CTRL is so tied up in Bayley’s story with Becky Lynch, the Women’s Tag titles have cooled off, but I would really hope the plan is a Triple Threat: Champions VS a Raw team VS a SmackDown team.

And speaking of tag teams, we got a really good promo out of Sheamus, McIntyre and Pearce to set up a match between Celtic Connection VS Viking Raiders that also fits into a SmackDown Tag Team Championship story. They’re clearly doing all they can to split the Undisputed Tag titles, so while Usos have Judgment Day from Raw, I can’t wait to see who comes out of the SmackDown side. But with McIntyre & Sheamus facing Erik & Ivar right away, the winner of that is definitely the one winning the entire thing, and I sadly don’t see Sheamus & McIntyre making it there after already having plenty of matches with the Usos.

Sheamus should really go after the Intercontinental Championship again. He needs to get that Grand Slam. Though at this point, he’d be facing Gunther again. Gunther had an awesome match with Braun tonight, even with the involvement of Imperium. Gunther is definitely going to bring that title to WrestleMania, but the possibilities are pretty open for who he’ll face. We got a good promo from Rey and a good promo from Kross that turned into a good brawl. They’re going to have their match before the Rumble, but you can bet they’ll meet in the Rumble, too. And after Kross has been standing tall, egging Rey on, I would think Rey finds a way to win.

Great promo from Bray Wyatt to establish he’s back to being the old Bray, but he didn’t really establish the rules of a Pitch Black match. I still think this is going to be main roster’s equivalent of the Lights Out/World of Darkness match. But while he claims to be Uncle Howdy, too, I have a feeling who we’ve been seeing as Uncle Howdy is going to show up. And of course, great stuff out of The Bloodline. Sami isn’t on the Island of Relevancy, he’s on the Island of Backstabbers and Gaslighters. Heyman tells him the Usos & Solo won’t show up but then they do, so clearly, Roman never really believed Sami could do it alone.

The irony is that Sami was going to do it on his own, but they ruined it just to beat Kevin down. Sami is therefore logically torn, as he doesn’t want to go against The Bloodline, but he thought this was his moment to shine and they took that from him. Something has got to give, and it might even happen during Roman VS Kevin at the Rumble. And then, we’re easily on the Road to WrestleMania with some kind of Sami-Kevin team-up against the Usos for whatever belts they have after the Rumble. For that matter, is Pearce going to make the Usos defend both sets of belts on one night? That’d be an awesome way to stick it to them!

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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