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Mitchell’s WWE Raw Results & Report! (2/20/23)

Raw is about respect!



Will The Now really be forever?

Austin Theory is STILL United States Champion after Elimination Chamber, but now things get Rated R as EDGE comes after the title!


  • Sami Zayn VS Baron Corbin; Sami wins.
  • Mustafa Ali VS Dolph Ziggler; Ali wins.
  • Asuka VS Nikki Cross; Asuka wins.
  • Seth Rollins VS The Miz; Rollins wins.
  • Bronson Reed VS Chad Gable w/ Otis; Bronson wins.
  • WWE United States Champion: Austin Theory VS Edge; Theory wins and retains the title.


Sami Zayn is here!

Fans fire up as the Honourary Hab, the Great Liberator, and the man who would have beaten Roman Reigns if not for The Bloodline as he heads to the ring. Sami grabs a mic and fans chant his name as the spotlight is on him. Fans then sing, “OLE~ OLE OLE OLE~! OLE~, OLE~!” for him, too. Sami says, “Wow. I’m feeling a lot of feelings here, guys. After these past couple of days, the one feeling that comes to the front more than anything is gratitude. The ovation I’ve been given these past couple of days, and the ovation you guys just gave me just now, you have no idea what means to me. Thank you. Seriously, thank you so much.”

Fans chant, “You Deserve It!” and Sami is touched. Sami says that for him just as much as everyone, another thing he’s feeling is, after coming so close to putting a bow on a storybook ending in front of his hometown, he feels a lot of guilt. He feels like he let people down. Fans say “NO! NO! NO!” because he hasn’t let anyone down. Fans even chant “We Still Love You!” Sami says people told him to “finish the story,” but he didn’t, and after the last few days, he realized now more than ever, “around here, the story is NEVER over! However, we are entering the final chapter. And the final chapter is not just about me. So there’s one person that I do need to talk to more than anybody else.

“So Kevin Owens…! I would love it if you came out here right now.” Fans cheer that, and here comes KO! The Prizefighter joins his best frenemy in the ring, fans cheer him on now, and Kevin gets a mic. Sami says, “There was so much I wanted to say to you, and now that you’re standing here, I don’t know what I want to say. I wanna say… I wanna say thank you, I guess. I wanna say I’m sorry. But I know we’re kinda passed the point of words at this point, right? Let’s be honest, things got a little messy, right? There’s a lot that you said, that I said, that was done here that I don’t know if there’s any coming back from. I know, I know.

“But here’s the thing, Kevin. For months and months, you said there is only one thing that you care about, and that is taking down The Bloodline. And I know you better than anything, when you get something in your head, nothing stops you from doing it. But here’s the thing, Kevin. Now I have a mission. I will make sure, if it’s the last thing I do, I will not rest ’til I see with my own eyes that Roman Reigns and the Bloodline come crumbling down! But here’s the thing. You couldn’t do it alone. And I couldn’t really do it alone. But I do think that there’s only way to get it done. And that is if we do it… together!” Fans love the sound of that!

Kevin seems a bit surprised, and he says he doesn’t need an apology or gratitude. Saturday, what he did, it had nothing to do with Sami. Kevin didn’t do it for Sami, he did it for HIS family. Saturday, they were in the front row. But at the Royal Rumble, they were at home. And Sami stood there and watched it happen. Kevin needed the Bloodline to hurt. Kevin did it for Sami’s family so that his wife, children, father wouldn’t have to watch Sami get beat down! That’s why! Kevin has been fighting The Bloodline for months, on his own. As far as he’s concerned, that’s fine, and that’s the way he will keep fighting them.

Because Kevin still means what he said in November after Survivor Series about being done with Sami. But guess what? If Sami needs help taking them down, then just ask Jey. Kevin drops the mic and leaves while fans boo. Sami watches Kevin go but isn’t upset. Will Sami have to do things on his own, too?

But wait! BARON CORBIN ATTACKS! Corbin throws Sami around as Raw goes picture in picture! Corbin fires off hands, throws Sami into railing, then CLUBS away against barriers! Fans boo and give thumbs down but Corbin throws more hands. Corbin throws Sami back into railing, then tot he floor. Referees hurry on stage to stop Corbin but he goes back for more! Corbin rains down fists, refs back him off, but Sami gets up to go after Corbin! Sami returns fire with furious fists! Corbin trips and falls but gest right back up to CLOBBER Sami! Corbin hobbles but he drags Sami up. Security and officials rush out but Corbin still wants more!

Corbin whips Sami into the LEDs! Sami falls over, Corbin stands over him, but refs tell him to leave. Corbin storms down the ramp to ringside. Corbin soaks up the heat as he walks around the ring, then he gest in the ring. Raw returns to single picture as Corbin has the mic to ask, “How’d that feel?” Corbin says Sami interrupted him to cry about his insecurities, thinking he didn’t deserve to be in the same ring as Roman Reigns. Corbin says Sami didn’t, and Corbin should know, because Corbin is the last person to beat Roman Reigns! Roman embarrassed Sami in front of his family and friends, and tonight was pathetic.

Sami begged his “so-called best friend,” Kevin Owens. Sami wants to get at Corbin but Adam Pearce holds him back. Corbin says Sami’s story is done! Sami embarrassed himself, his hometown, and ALL of Canada! Because Sami is a complete and utter failure! Sami talks with Pearce, Pearce gives Sami the green light! Sami gets in the ring and TACKLES Corbin! Sami rains down fists, Corbin pushes him away, but Sami clotheslines Corbin out of the ring! A ref gets in the ring, this is a match!

Sami Zayn VS Baron Corbin!

The bell rings, Corbin gets up and Sami BLASTS him! Sami goes out to SMACK Corbin off the desk! Fans fire up with Sami and he POSTS Corbin! Sami puts Corbin back in the ring, runs corner to corner, but Corbin bails out! Fans boo but Corbin shoulders in then CLOBBERS Sami! Corbin rains down fists, then rips Sami’s shirt off him. Corbin drags Sami back up and he makes the world look at the bruises and scrapes from Eliminating Chamber’s title match. Corbin CLUBS Sami, shoves him to ropes and CLUBS him again! Corbin stands Sami up, ROCKS him, then shoves him, only for Sami to DECK Corbin!

Sami fires off hands now and whips Corbin to a corner. Corbin reverses, runs in, Sami dodges and Corbin hits buckles! Sami goes up top, for a FLYING- NO, choke grip to CHOKE SLAM BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Sami is still in this as Raw goes back to picture in picture.

Sami bails out of the ring but clutches his back. Corbin goes out after Sami, drags him up, and RAMS him into barriers! The front row cheers Sami on but Corbin puts him in the ring. Corbin stalks Sami, stands over him, then drags him up by his beard! Corbin puts Sami in the corner, whips him corner to corner hard, and Sami bounces off buckles to fall to the mat. Corbin looms over Sami, drags Sami back up, and CLUBS him back down! Corbin CLUBS Sami again, and again, and again, driving his elbow into the bruised back! Sami crawls to a corner, Corbin is on him again and puts him up top.

Corbin throws hands, climbs up after Sami, and he throws hands. Sami hits back with haymakers! Sami CLUBS Corbin, Corbin falls off the corner! Sami adjusts, leaps, CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Corbin is still in this, but Sami grits his teeth as he stands. Sami hobbles, but Corbin RAMS him into a corner! Corbin drags Sami around, stomps him, then tells the ref to back off. Corbin runs to SPLASH! And then Corbin hauls Sami up to a Canadian Rack! Raw returns to single picture as Sami endures the backbreaker stretch! Fans rally, Sami fights free, and he elbows Corbin from the corner! Corbin comes back, but into a BOOT!

Sami goes up again, leaps, FLYING ELBOW! Sami goes up another corner, leaps again, another FLYING ELBOW! Ottawa fires up, but Corbin throws body shots! Sami blocks the bomb, wrenches out to kick low, and he goes up and up and FLYING DDT!! Cover, TWO!! Corbin survives but Sami keeps his focus. The fans rally behind him, but Corbin throat chops! Corbin whips, but Sami holds ropes! Sami dumps Corbin out, then builds speed! Sami FLIES! Direct hit and Ottawa is thunderous! Sami fires up, he puts Corbin back in, and Corbin flounders to the corner. Sami aims, runs in, but into a LARIAT!

Sami flounders, but Corbin rains down elbows and forearms on his bruised back! Corbin whips, and DEEP SIX! Cover, TWO!! Sami is still in this and Corbin is shocked! Fans fire up as Sami goes to the corner again. Corbin runs in, and hits a big clothesline! Corbin runs in again, another clothesline! Corbin goes corner to corner, Sami follows, HELLUVA KICK!! Cover, Sami wins!!

Winner: Sami Zayn, by pinfall

Ottawa sings along with Sami’s song as Sami gets redemption! Will Sami’s wish come true come WrestleMania? Will The Bloodline soon fall?


Byron Saxton has a sit-down interview with Rhea Ripley & Dominik Mysterio.

He appreciates them joining him. He wants to ask about Elimination Chamber. What about it? Well, she and Finn Balor faced The Grit Couple and ultimately came up short. Rhea says the last thing she will say about Beth Phoenix is that after going toe to toe, Beth admitted Rhea is the real deal. But for her, she and Beth have unfinished business. But that’s the past, and Rhea is fully focused on WrestleMania. Then does Rhea think that loss- Dom interrupts, saying Mami just said she’s done talking about Edge & Beth. “Those has-beens are just like my deadbeat dad, they’re not worth talking about.

“And Byron, if you keep asking stupid questions, you’re gonna find out what I did to people who talked too much when I was locked up.” In that case, Byron moves to WrestleMania and the SmackDown Women’s Champion, Charlotte Flair. How does Rhea respond to Charlotte saying that three years ago, Charlotte taught Rhea a lesson, but this year, she puts Rhea in her place. “Look, Charlotte can keep living in 2020. The only reason that she wants to keep talking about what happened three years ago is because she refuses to believe what everyone else can see, and that’s that right now, in the present, I am the best bloody woman here in the WWE.

“And as for lessons being learned, the only lesson is that Rhea Ripley doesn’t make the same mistakes twice. So if Charlotte wants to ‘put me in my place’ at WrestleMania, then good. Because my place is standing on top of her crumbled queendom when I walk out of WrestleMania the new SmackDown Women’s Champion.” Byron says looking ahead, what can we expect on Friday when Rhea goes face to face with Charlotte on SmackDown? Watch and find out. Dom says Rey has a match that day. Dom will “tag along” to watch. Rhea likes that idea. Byron, we’re done here. Rhea & Dom leave, but will they leave their mark on SmackDown this weekend?


WWE shares Austin Theory’s comments from the Elimination Chamber Press Conference.

The Now retained his title inside the Chamber, though it was because Logan Paul screwed over Seth Rollins. But Theory said, “If I have a United States Championship Open Challenge this Monday on Raw, who’s gonna step up.” Well, moments later, when Edge hand his turn to speak, he accepted! Theory’s work ethic will be tested, and Edge might even kick Theory’s teeth in!

Backstage interview with Austin Theory.

Cathy Kelley brings up tonight’s title match knowing Theory retained his title in the grueling Chamber match just 48 hours ago. Theory admits he’s banged up, but he’s here like he always is. And why’s that? Because he’s the champ! He stepped inside the Chamber with five of the best in the WWE. Included in those five was Seth Freakin’ Rollins. Rollins was someone everyone said had it in the bag, and what happened? Theory put him down like he said he would. Everything Theory says happens! But what he doesn’t understand is the headline. It isn’t that Theory is the Now, Then and Forever, but that John Cena is coming back to Raw in two weeks!

Theory is upset by that. What the headline should say is, “WHO CARES?” Where’s the respect for Theory for the work he puts in every week? But he has a US Championship Open Challenge tonight that was accepted by the Rated R Superstar. And Theory loves that, because he gets to beat a WWE Hall of Famer in his home country of “crappy Canada.” After that, Theory will continue his Forever Reign right on to WrestleMania, and his legacy will stand over everyone. Theory will never lose this title! How’s that for a headline?


Mustafa Ali VS Dolph Ziggler!

The Beacon seems to be pulling a page out of the Show-Off’s playbook by constantly complaining “It should’ve been me!” But will it be Ali with a win here tonight? Or will it be Ali having to eat his words when Ziggler humbles him?

Raw returns and Ali makes his entrance. The bell rings, Ali offers a handshake and Ziggler accepts it. But then Ziggler uses it to hit a fireman’s carry takeover! Cover, TWO! Fisherman cradle, TWO! Ali gets up, swings, but misses! Ziggler DECKS Ali, DECKS him again, then whips. Ali reverses, but Ziggler ducks ‘n’ dodges to CLOBBER Ali! Ali goes to a corner, but Ziggler STINGER SPLASHES! And then NECKBREAKER! Ziggler fires up and fans fire up with him as Ali goes to ropes. Ali bails out before the superkick! But Ziggler drags him up by his hair! Ali HOTSHOTS Ziggler away!

Ali hurries inside, and he CLOBBERS Ziggler in return! Ali mockingly tells Ziggler to smile and be thankful that he’s here. Ali fishhooks Ziggler’s mouth! The ref reprimands, so Ali brings Ziggler up to suplex. Ziggler slips off, shoves Ali away, but Ali goes back out to the apron! ROUNDHOUSE! Down goes Ziggler and Ali smiles. Ali aims, somersaults, and- SATELLITE DDT! Cover, TWO!! Ali survives and Ziggler grows frustrated. Ziggler kicks Ali’s leg out, runs, FAMOUS- NO, Ali handstands free! Ghost pin, ALI WINS!

Winner: Mustafa Ali, by pinfall

Even Ali seems shocked he won! Ali celebrates big time, and he seems to mock Ziggler with it. But will Ali really get back on track after this?


Backstage interview with The Miz & Maryse.

Cathy Kelley lets them finish kissing and then Maryse hurries to get an envelope. Happy anniversary! Miz thanks Maryse, and brags that her gift was too big and expensive to bring across the border. She knows, she picked it. Anyway, Miz opens the envelope and… Is this real? What does it say? Maryse says to read the room, Cathy. Miz says this is bigger than his game winning half court shot in the NBA Celebrity Game. Cathy points out it didn’t count officially. Miz says this news is not for Cathy! This is to be broken by a world-renowned journalist: MIZ. But he’ll wait for next week, because tonight is about them.

Miz & Maryse kiss again but Cathy brings up Seth Rollins. Miz says, “What do you not understand about ‘us’?” GO! BYE! THANK YOU! But Miz has a match with Rollins after back-to-back losses to Boogs- Uh, those were both very controversial wins by Boogs! But if we’re to talk about Rollins, then maybe Rollins got a little too big for his stupid red boots last week. Miz is glad Rollins was brought down to earth by Miz’s former protégé, Logan Paul. Miz molded Logan into the superstar he is today. And in a way, Miz cost Rollins his US Championship. Miz’s outstanding tutelage ruined Rollin’s WrestleMania dreams, while this (the envelope) just made his dreams come true.

Miz and Maryse kiss again and head out. Will tonight be more awesome for The Miz? Or will Rollins #BurnItDown?


Cody Rhodes is here!

Ottawa cheers as The American Nightmare has his smoke and pyro then heads to the ring. Cody gets another round of pyro, then gets the mic. Fans cheer, and Cody asks, “So…” “Ladies and gentlemen…!” Paul Heyman is via the titantron, with a neck brace on, as he introduces himself. Cody asks, “Mr. Heyman… Where are you?” Uh, right here backstage. Oh, okay. So then, Heyman should just come out here in person. Everyone wants to hear what he has to say! Fans cheer, but Heyman sputters. He isn’t sure if Cody is aware of this, but Heyman was “mauled” on Saturday by a “KO-diac, and subject to the miserable Canadian healthcare system.”

Fans boo but Heyman says what should’ve been a celebratory weekend for The Tribal Chief ended up a tragedy for the Wise Man. But Heyman assures us, “the true tragedy of this story that you want to finish will befall, sir, onto you.” Heyman has Cody stay calm and wants us to hear him out. “Cody, man to man, face as close as to willing I am to be to face, you can’t beat Roman Reigns! Oh, they can boo all they want, but let’s go on the hypothetical. Let’s play to everybody’s fantasy. Let’s say that the stars align, the gods smile upon you, the devil collects my debt. Let’s say at WrestleMania, Cody Rhodes beats the Tribal Chief, Roman Reigns, for these championships.

“Then, sir, what will your life be like? Have you ever heard the phrase, ‘indentured servitude?'” Heyman knows that we’re thinking Roman doesn’t live that life. But that’s because Roman has a Special Counsel. Roman has The Wise Man. Roman has Paul Heyman. If Cody defeats Roman for the titles, which he won’t, but if he does… Cody won’t have Paul Heyman. “So let’s do the math, playing to this notion that Cody Rhodes defeats Roman Reigns. What will your life be like? First of all, 200 days a year on the road, defending these championships. 40 to 50, let’s mark it up, 50 days a year doing charity appearances and red carpets. Now we’re at 250.

“Thirty days a year overseas promoting the general brand of World Wrestling Entertainment. Now we’re at 280. Another 20 days promoting WrestleMania, SummerSlam, Survivor Series, Royal Rumble, Money in the Bank, Backlash, I don’t know, Peoria! Oh, let’s not forget to promote your title defenses in Peoria. Now that’s 300, 305 days a year, that means 60 days at home. And what happens to those 60 days? 20 of them, Spike calls? Skype calls? What do you call ’em? Zoom calls, promoting the product, meetings.

“What did your brother Dustin so famously say? The American Dream, Dusty Rhodes, was one the road, he was never home. And even when he was home, he was never home. Is that the life you want for your wife and child? Is that what you want for your family, Cody? Is that the sacrifice that you’re willing to make for these titles?! I know what you’re thinking. I’m about to say something really vile and vulgar and contemptible, like, ‘Hey, don’t worry, Cody. On a cold winter night, Roman Reigns will keep your wife warm.’ I would never say something like that. Roman Reigns is a happily married man. But I’m not!”

Fans boo Heyman going there, but Heyman assures Cody that that is when he finds out his WrestleMania dreams are going to become his own personal nightmares. Heyman “drops the mic” by taking off the lapel mic, and Cody paces as he tries to contain his feelings. Fans cheer Cody on, and Cody says, “Damn! Roman Reigns is great. You’re great, Roman. But I have seen this play before. Do not send this man again. We haven’t come face to face yet, we probably will and it’ll probably be very soon. And I will say the same thing to you now that I’m going to say then.

“You are without a doubt the greatest WWE Undisputed Universal Champion in the history of the company. You are the current bets champion in all of sports. But it doesn’t change a damn thing! I HAVE to finish the story! I beat you at WrestleMania!” Fans fire up as Cody does a REAL mic drop! Will the American Nightmare only be a nightmare for the Head of the Table?


Asuka VS Nikki Cross!

The Empress of Tomorrow is poised for WrestleMania and the Raw Women’s Championship after winning the Elimination Chamber match, but she isn’t just going to rest on her laurels! Will the Loony Lass not be ready for Asuka?

Raw returns and Nikki makes her entrance. The bell rings and the two circle, but here comes Bianca Belair! Both Asuka and Nikki watch The EST struts out with the title to join commentary. Nikki and Asuka rush each other, Nikki dodges a kick to throw Asuka by her hair! Nikki rains down fists then sits Asuka up to smile. Asuka shoves Nikki away but Nikki CHOPS! Asuka snarls, things speed up, Asuka avoids the crossbody to SLIDING KICK! Asuka then stands Nikki up for knee after knee! Nikki blocks the suplex to put Asuka up on the ropes. Asuka slips off, avoids Nikki’s shoulder, and KICKS away on her in the ropes!

Asuka grins as she brings Nikki out, but Nikki pushes her away. But Asuka hits a POP-UP KNEE! Nikki staggers back, Asuka kicks, but Nikki ducks! Asuka hits only post! Nikki dragon sleepers, for a REVERSE DDT to the apron! Nikki grins and Asuka writhes while Raw goes picture in picture.

Nikki drags Asuka off the apron to THROW her into the barriers! Nikki tells everyone to stay down, then she refreshes the ring count. Nikki drags Asuka up, POSTS her, then fires up as she goes to commentary. Nikki messes with Kevin Patrick, then puts Asuka back in the ring. Cover, TWO! Nikki is upset but Asuka kicks her from below. Nikki CLUBS Asuka down, brings her up, and whips, only for Asuka to reverse. Asuka runs in to back elbow! Asuka CLUBS away on Nikki, bumps her off buckles, then brings her around to bump off more buckles! The ref counts, Asuka lets off, but then just brings Nikki to another corner.

Nikki hits back and she bumps Asuka off buckles! Nikki brings Asuka in and turns her for a NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Nikki still grins and she drags Asuka back up. Nikki RAMS into Asuka at the ropes, but Asuka hits back. Nikki CLUBS her down, but Asuka kicks her. Nikki grinds her forearms into Asuka’s face, covers, TWO! Nikki keeps on Asuka with an armlock, wraps it up a into a top wristlock, but Asuka endures. Nikki thrashes around, Bianca even rallies for Asuka, and Asuka throws body shots. Asuka is free but Nikki throat chops! Nikki stomps a mudhole, then tells the ref to back off. Nikki whips Asuka corner to corner but Asuka goes up and MISSILE DROPKICKS!

Both women are down, Raw returns to single picture, and fans rally up. Asuka and Nikki both stand up, and they both run in! Asuka dodges to KICK, KICK and URAKEN! URAKEN! SOBAT! URAKEN! BOOT! ROUNDHOUSE! HEEL KICK! Fans fire up and Asuka GERMAN SUPLEXES! Asuka holds on, she brings Nikki back up, another GERMAN SUPLEX! Asuka drags Nikki up again, GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Nikki escapes but Asuka grins. Nikki goes to the apron, flops to the floor, but Asuka runs in to slide, only to fall for the apron skirt trap! Nikki fires off on Asuka, then lets off as the ref counts.

The ring count climbs but Nikki puts Asuka in at 6 of 10. Nikki climbs, but Asuka ROCKS her first! Asuka climbs up, bumps Nikki off buckles, and then brings Nikki around to SUPER DDT!! Cover, TWO!!? Nikki survives and even Bianca’s surprised. Asuka and Nikki go forehead to forehead and they throw forearms! Fans fire up, Asuka gets the edge, and she KICKS Nikki in the chest! And KICKS again! And again! Nikki slaps herself and fires up, but Asuka KICKS her down! Nikki sits up, ducks the buzzsaw, and fireman’s carries! But Asuka slips off, shoves Nikki away, ROUNDHOUSE! Chicken wing!

Nikki flails, fireman’s carries, and MICHINOKU DRIVER!! Cover, TWO!!! Asuka survives and Nikki is furious! Nikki drags Asuka up, but Asuka wrenches out, TAKEDOWN into the RINGS OF SATURN!! Nikki grins but she verbally quits, Asuka wins!

Winner: Asuka, by submission

Even Bianca applauds that win, and then she joins Asuka in the ring. Fans fire up seeing champion and challenger stare down, and Bianca holds up the title. Fans cheer as they both point to the WrestleMania sign, but then Asuka spits up the blue liquid! Only Asuka is smiling now. Is Bianca not going to be ready for Asuka when they meet on the Grandest Stage of Them All?


Backstage interview with Carmella.

Cathy brings up how Asuka is the one going to challenge Bianca, has the Fabulous Princess given any thought to her own Road to WrestleMania? Mella says Elimination Chamber was just two days ago, okay? So no, she hasn’t thought up a whole new game plan in just 48 hours. But what she has thought of is Asuka. “That little freak thinks she can mess with the Moonwalking, Trash-talking Princess of Staten Island? I don’t think so. So I’m about to make Bianca’s Road to WrestleMania super easy when I return one hell of a receipt to Asuka. Because Mella, is, money!” Mella heads out, and then Cathy spots Seth Rollins.

Rollins seems in a good mood considering everything that happened with Logan Paul. Does he care to comment? “Two times now, Logan Paul has ruined my WrestleMania plans. And he thinks this is a game, he wants to hit me with my own move, he wants to get on social media and call me a clown! HAHAHAHAHA! Well, Logan! Joke’s on you. See, Logan may not be very familiar with a certain side of me, but anyone who has gotten in my way knows that side all too well. I’m going to find Logan Paul, and I’m going to hurt Logan Paul.” But since Logan isn’t here, the man who wants to take credit for Logan’s success, The Miz, seems like the perfect surrogate for the suffering.

Rollins laughs his way to gorilla, will he be the only one laughing after he burns it down?


MVP speaks.

“Brock Lesnar. You, sir, are a coward. You realized that you couldn’t escape Bobby Lashley’s Hurt Lock, so you got yourself disqualified at the Elimination Chamber.” Omos is there with MVP, and MVP says the Nigerian Giant is issuing a challenge to face Lesnar at WrestleMania! Lesnar can show up next week to officially accept, “if you have the intestinal fortitude.” Will the Beast have more than enough courage to come back and conquer Omos?


Seth Rollins VS The Miz!

The Visionary was perhaps goaded into insulting Logan Paul by the Hollywood A-Lister, but will he add insult to injury when he takes out the man who brought the ImPAULsive Influencer to the WWE? Or will The Miz hit his shot like he technically did at the NBA Celebrity Game?

The bell rings while fans sing “OH~ OHH~ OHHH~!” Rollins then CLOBBERS Miz! And fires off in the corner! The ref counts, Rollins lets off with stomps, and Miz bails out. Fans fire up as Rollins goes out the side and storms up, but Miz kicks low! Rollins blocks the desk bump to SMACK Miz off the desk! And then Rollins THROWS Miz into barriers! Fans fire up while the ring count climbs. Rollins puts Miz in at 5 of 10 and he slides in. Fans sing more as Rollins stands on Miz’s back. Rollins fishhooks Miz and then hits crossface forearms! Miz crawls away, Rollins runs in and clotheslines Miz up and out!

Fans fire up more as Rollins builds speed! Rollins WRECKS Miz and Miz goes flying over the desk! Fans fire up as Miz crawls out from the armchairs. Rollins storms up, Miz hurries into the ring and uses the ref as a shield! Kick to the legs, BASEMENT DDT! Cover, TWO! Miz is in control now as Raw goes picture in picture.

Rollins bails out, Miz catches his breath, and then Miz runs to WRECK Rollins! Rollins hits barriers, Miz mocks the fans singing, and Miz drags Rollins back up. Miz puts Rollins in, climbs a corner, and Miz leaps to AX HANDLE! Cover, TWO! Miz keeps cool but the fans keep singing. Rollins stands up while Miz tells fans to shut up. Rollins ROCKS Miz with haymakers! And CHOPS! Rollins whips, Miz reverses and kitchen sink knees! Then Miz runs to BASEMENT BOOT! Cover, TWO! Miz JAMS his knee into Rollins’ back and pulls on the arms. Rollins endures the stretch and fights up to his feet to turn things around on Miz!

Rollins stretches Miz but Miz turns things around onto Rollins. Miz even digs his boot into Rollins’ back to add onto the stretch. Rollins still fights back up, throws elbows, then swings, into the BACKBREAKER and NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Miz’s A-List Combination wasn’t enough, but he CHOKES Rollins on the ropes! The ref counts, Miz runs side to side to STRADDLE ATTACK! Miz paces around Rollins with a smirk, and Raw returns to single picture. Miz points to Rollins, fans cheer. Miz holds up his hands for himself, the fans boo. Miz verifies that by doing it all again, and yes, fans cheer Rollins and boo Miz.

Rollins stands, he throws body shots, and then he throws haymakers! Rollins CHOPS, runs, but Miz kitchen sink- ROLL-UP! TWO!! Rollins CHOPS again, and again, then whips! Miz reverses and Rollins hits buckles hard! Miz KICKS Rollins but fans taunt him with “TINY BALLS!” Miz KICKS more, then goes to the far corner. Fans boo, Miz runs in, but into a LARIAT! Fans fire up while both men are down! Fans sing again, Miz crawls to ropes and stands up. Miz swings, but Rollins counter punches him! And again! Rollins ROCKS, CHOPS and repeat on Miz! The ref counts as they end up on ropes, Rollins whips but Miz reverses, only for Rollins to CLOBBER Miz!

Rollins rallies on Miz, mule kicks and front kicks to then ROLLING ELBOW! Fans fire up with Rollins and he drags Miz up. Suplex, but Miz slips free to roll Rollins. Rollins rolls through to SUPERKICK! Fans fire up again and Rollins aims from the corner. Miz avoids the stomp but Rollins kicks low! Underhooks, but Miz trips Rollins! Jackknife bridge, TWO! Sunset flip, TWO! Miz pushes Rollins to a corner, runs in, but into a BOOT! Rollins goes up but Miz trips him, for a DRAPING CODE BREAKER! Cover, TWO!! Rollins survive but Miz snarls. Fans taunt Miz more but Miz powers up. Rollins sits up, Miz full nelsons!

Rollins arm-drags free, catches Miz to a back suplex but Miz lands on his feet! Miz ducks ‘n’ dodges, BUSAIKU KNEE! Cover, TWO!! Miz admits Rollins is tough, but the fans still taunt him with “TINY BALLS!” Miz KICKS Rollins in the chest, KICKS him again, then KICKS again and again and again! Fans chant “NO! NO! NO!” but Miz reminds Rollins that Miz cost him the title. Rollins blocks the kick! ROLLING ELBOW! Rollins keeps Miz from falling over, and he fires off forearm after forearm! Then the turn, for the DREAM SMASHER ELBOW! And CURB STOMP!! Fans fire up because Rollins isn’t done there!

Rollins fires up and the fans are with him! Rollins tells “Mike” to sit up, Miz does sit up, CURB STOMP!! But Rollins still isn’t done, and many fans want that “ONE MORE TIME!” Rollins agrees, and this is the viciousness he mentioned earlier. The ref tells Rollins no, Miz is done. Rollins STILL CURB STOMPS Miz!!! The ref calls it, Rollins wins!!

Winner: Seth Rollins, by referee stoppage

The Miz was knocked out cold by Rollins’ burning anger! Fans sing for the Visionary, will Rollins make sure to “introduce” Logan Paul to this side?


Carmella talks with Adam Pearce.

She appreciates him taking the time since she knows he’s super busy. He wants to thank her for the positive attitude, it is refreshing. So if Mella wants to face Asuka next week, he’ll make that match. In fact, it is official. Mella thanks “honey bunny” Pearce, then she heads out. But then someone calls Pearce. It’s Chelsea Green. She knows he knows who she is, but she wants to let him know that their “awful talent relations department” seems to have sent her to Ottawa, Illinois instead of Ottawa, Canada. How did this happen? On second thought, don’t answer that. How are they going to make this up to her?

Pearce apologizes, but next week, WWE will be in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in the US. So he will call the travel department and get this figured out. Chelsea can’t just be left here! She goes on and on but Pearce says he can’t hear her. Technical difficulties or something. Okay, see you next week. Pearce hangs up and walks on, to find The Alpha Academy posing in front of a mirror. Chad Gable wonders what “those clowns” in Maximum Male Models are missing about his look. He’s got great complexion, great physical condition. Any idiot can do modeling! But then Bronson Reed walks up. “Is this how you prepare for a match?”

Gable tells Bronson that not only is Gable a bonafide Olympian and a man with “a big, beautiful golden brain,” but Gable is also on the cusp of a very lucrative modeling career. Then get ready to model a full body cast! Otis says no one talks to Master Chad like that. Bronson chuckles and heads out. Will the Colossal Aussie crush Gable’s modeling hopes ‘n’ dreams with one Tsunami?



Bayley returns to Raw and she’s brought her friends in Damage CTRL, Dakota Kai & Iyo Sky! Bayley says hello and welcomes us to her show. She could’ve called it, “Ding Dong, Bonjour,” but she takes that back cuz these fans are booing. But since we’re in Canada, she didn’t wanna come and could’ve stayed home to sulk over not getting into the Elimination Chamber match like she deserves. But since in Canada, today is Family Day, Bayley decided to pick herself up and spend today with her family, DMG CTRL! Bayley hugs Kai & Sky and says they know how much she loves them. “But these idiots don’t know how to love you! these idiots don’t love you the way that I do!”

Bayley says Kai & Sky are so underappreciated, so that’s why she has them on her show. So to the questions! First, Dakota. “How does it feel to be the greatest Women’s Tag Team Champions of all time?” Kai says that is an amazing question, and she says she and Sky wouldn’t be here without Bayley, their “fearless leader” and beloved Role Model. That is why Kai & Sky have completely dominated for over 100 days! They’ve been on every show, beaten the likes of Alexa Bliss, Asuka, Liv Morgan, Raquel Rodriguez, and even The Man, Becky Lynch. And they will dominate for another 100, and another 100, and-

WAIT! Here comes The Man! Ottawa just entered the Big Time, but Bayley is upset Becky is interrupting her show! Becky says “Greatest tag team champions, she calls them. It’s been nine full moons cycles since the last time you defended those titles! No, no, no, no. Those titles are getting dusty! There’s cobwebs in them titles! There’s probably some spiders living in there. You two, you’re not gonna get to just sit on those titles and coast to WrestleMania.” Becky has a plan: she wants to take those titles into WrestleMania! Fans fire up for that, but DMG CTRL laughs. Becky is a joker. With who? Her daughter? HA! Becky’s got no friends!

Becky says she’s not sure her daughter is ready for this level of awesomeness, but there is someone Becky is thinking of. LITA!! Fans fire up as the legend returns again! DMG CTRL freaks out as Becky & Lita head to the ring! Bayley refuses to let them interrupt her show, unless they use the door! Lita knocks, but then Bayley says they’re not welcome. Becky still steps through. What’s Lita even doing here? Becky must be desperate if she’s bringing her around! But fans chant for Lita nice and loud! Bayley waits for them to calm down, and asks Lita if she remembers the last time they were in the ring together. They tried to end each other! Can they even trust each other?

Becky tells Bayley not to even try that, she already apologized to Lita. Becky admits she gets a bit “Gollum-y” when titles are concerned. Lita says Gollum is kinda cute in a goofy way. But they’re both past all that. But Bayley has a good point: Lita has her eyes set on a fifth title run. But if Lita can’t get that title against Becky, she likes the idea of walking into Mania as a tag team champ. Fans like that, too! Lita tells Kai & Sky, “This is an official challenge for a tag team title match!” Bayley says those two are not even CLOSE to being worthy against two of the best.

Well, Lita is a Hall of Famer and a four-time champion while Becky won the first women’s main event at Mania. They’re two of the greatest ever, that’s enough! And maybe, if Kai & Sky are the greatest, they should want to prove it. So what’s the problem here? They are the greatest! Then they should defend the titles, right? Unless… Are they scared? Are they? Bayley says they’re not scared, Kai & Sky accept!! But then Kai & Sky ask Bayley what she’s doing! Bayley says it’ll be fine, but then Becky & Lita literally snatch the belts away! Fans fire up as Becky and Lita say they’re the future champs!

Bayley steps up, the titles are thrown at her! DMG CTRL is literally on their heels, and Bayley might’ve just bitten off more than the team can chew! Will Lita & Becky make WrestleMania in Hollywood even bigger?


Backstage interview with Candice LeRae.

Byron says coming out of Elimination Chamber, do we have an injury update on her husband, Johnny Gargano? Candice says Johnny got pretty banged up, and the Chamber is definitely one of the most brutal matches in the WWE. But she assures us that… Wait, Nikki walks over. Candice won’t let her stalk her anymore, and she wants to know why. Nikki tries to squirrel away, but Candice keeps her there. Candice says she has a match against Piper Niven to worry about, she can’t focus on that and Nikki always popping up. Just tell her why! Nikki is sheepish, mumbles something, but then she runs off.

Candice is confused, but what did Nikki say? That all her friends are gone and she’s alone. Candice gets back to Johnny. Johnny will be back, but she has to go. Was Nikki just wanting to be Candice’s friend this whole time?


Bronson Reed VS Chad Gable w/ Otis!

It took just about everyone else in the Men’s Elimination Chamber to eliminate the Colossal Aussie, will even the big brain of “Master Gable” fail to stop him? Or will Gable have a plan for avoiding the Tsunami?

Raw returns and Bronson makes his entrance. The bell rings, Gable shoots around to headlock but Bronson powers out and CLOBBERS Gable! Gable flounders out of the ring, Otis coaches him, but Bronson goes to the apron. FLYING SHOULDER! Otis coaches Gable more but Bronson stares him down. Fans fire up for these mirror images staring down, but Bronson puts Gable in the ring. Bronson bumps Gable off buckles, CLOBBERS him, then looms over him. Bronson drags Gable back up, whips him to a corner hard, and Gable bounces off buckles! Bronson then goes up as Gable stands, for a FLYING- NO! ANKLE LOCK!!

Gable has Bronson’s leg, Bronson rolls and BOOTS him away! Gable fires off forearm sand uppercuts and knees! Gable CHOPS, runs, but Bronson reels him in to CLUB him! Bronson back suplexes, Gable lands on his feet to waistlock, and he manages to lift Bronson!? Bronson elbows free, Gable runs and Gable runs Bronson over! Bronson goes up top, to DIVING HEADBUTT! Cover, ONE!! Bronson is still in this, but Gable runs, into a LARIAT! Otis looks and sees Maxxine Dupri in the crowd. Maxxine waves hi, but Bronson gets Gable up! Gable slips out of the bomb to ROCK Bronson with a forearm!

Gable staggers to a corner, Bronson runs in but Gable dodges! GERMAN SUPLEX?!?! Bridging cover, TWO!!! Fans fire up as Bronson bails out,. Otis talks with Maxxine about the modeling but Gable tries to get his attention. Bronson returns to SPLASH Gable in the corner! Whip and POWERSLAM! Bronson drags Gable to the drop zone, goes up top, TSUNAMI!!! Cover, Bronson wins!

Winner: Bronson Reed, by pinfall

Otis realizes he just missed the natural disaster that demolished his coach! Will Maxxine sign “Otīs” to her stable when the Alpha Academy crumbles to the ground?


Ladies and gentlemen: Elias.

The Drifter is here and he has the mic to say, “Hello, I am Elias. Rick Boogs, I hope you’re back there taking notes right now, because this is how you do it.” Boogs is watching, and he IS taking notes! Elias says, “This is the time of the year that legends come out. This is the time of the year when stars are made. And lemme tell ya, there are no bigger stars than Elias. There’s no bigger legend than Elias. And so the question that has to be on everybody’s mind right now, and Boogs, you better be back there taking notes, is this: Who wants to Walk With Elias at WrestleMania?” Ottawa seems pretty fired up.

Elias wants someone to show up to stand center stage on the Grandest Stage with the Grandest Performer! But wait, here comes BOBBY LASHLEY! Elias didn’t expect the All Mighty but he gets ready for him! Lashley runs in to SPINEBUSTER Elias! Elias bails but Lashley pursues! Lashley hauls Elias up to RAM him into barriers! And then he fireman’s carries, to POST Elias! Ottawa fires up as Lashley drags Elias up again, puts him in the ring, and then SPEARS!! But Lashley isn’t done, he clamps on the HURT LOCK!! Elias taps but that won’t save him! Lashley TOSSES Elias away, then gets the mic.

“Everybody has a plan until I slap that Hurt Lock in. This past weekend, I put Brock Lesnar in the Hurt Lock. And Brock Lesnar panicked, and he had to resort to a low blow. Not Brock Lesnar, not Bray Wyatt, not Elias, nobody in that locker room breaks the Hurt Lock. So know I will not be disrespected by nobody in this locker room. If you disrespect me, I will put you down.” The All Mighty has spoken! Will all fall before him? Is Boogs taking notes on what not to do with an Open Challenge?


Backstage interview with Edge.

Byron congratulates the Rated R Superstar on the win he and Beth Phoenix got over Finn Balor & Rhea Ripley on Saturday. But no rest for the weary, as Edge accepted Theory’s Open Challenge. How is he feeling just moments away from this huge match? Edge is happy to put Judgment Day behind him, Beth is happy at home with their daughters, and Edge finally feels like he can get to the goals he set for himself. So when Theory issued an open challenge, Edge just had to take him up on it.

“See, Austin Theory has the physical abilities to help shape the WWE for the next two decades, just like how I helped shape the last three. But does he have the mental? That’s where our similarities end. The thing with youth is sometimes, it comes with ignorance. He talks about his Forever Reign, but nothing lasts forever. And I don’t wanna be that guy, but I’m about to be that guy. And cliches are cliches for a reason because they’re true. With age comes wisdom. More than anyone else in that locker room, I know that all of this can be taken away faster than I’m gonna smack that stupid duck face off his overly manscaped head tonight.

“Now, I haven’t held a championship here in a long time. I’ve done everything else there is to do in this business, but I haven’t held a title in a while. And we both know that window is closing more and more every day, I’m running outta time. My second match in this company was here, in 1997. I haven’t performed here in 19 years. So it’d feel pretty damn good to win it here, and walk into WrestleMania as the United States Champion. Now I know I’ve had a lot of cliches on me, Byron, but here’s one of them: Never say never.” Edge heads out, will he once again reign on this day?

WWE United States Champion: Austin Theory VS Edge!

Raw returns and Edge makes his entrance. Introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see if The Now loses to the past!

The bell rings and the two circle. Fans rally for Edge, he and Theory tie up, and Edge headlocks, spins, hammerlocks and trips Theory! Theory scrambles away in a huff and fans fire up for Edge again. Edge and Theory circle, tie up, and Theory headlocks. Edge powers out, hurdles, and hurdles! Fans chant “You Still Got It!” as Edge trips Theory, drags him out, and wheelbarrow SLAMS him to the floor! Edge keeps the ring count fresh as fans rally up again. Edge drags Theory up, SMACKS him off the desk, then puts him back in the ring. Theory checks his face, Edge brings him up to a headlock.

Theory powers out, hurdles, hurdles, but Edge faked him out on that one! RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! Cover, TWO! Edge keeps focus as he watches Theory clutch his neck. Edge stalks Theory to ropes and Raw goes picture in picture.

Edge bumps Theory off buckles, throws haymakers, then whips corner to corner hard! Theory bounces off buckles and falls, clutching his back. Edge drags Theory back up, to DECK him with a forearm! Theory flounders to a corner, Edge brings him up, but Theory throws hands! Theory backs Edge up, throws hands, bumps him off buckles and RAMS into him again and again! Theory tells fans to shut up, then he brings Edge back up. Theory puts Edge on ropes to fire forearms into the back! The ref counts, Theory lets off, and Edge falls tot he apron. Theory kicks Edge to the floor, then goes out after him.

Theory aims but Edge blocks the barrier bump. Edge SMACKS Theory off the barriers instead! Fans fire up as Edge follows Theory, but Theory kicks back! Edge hits back to SMACK Theory off the barriers! Edge refreshes the ring count, and RAMS Theory into barriers! Edge puts Theory in the ring, stalks him, and stomps away on him. Edge drags Theory up, whips him to ropes, but Theory kicks back! Theory runs in, but Edge tosses him up and out! Theory crashes off the apron and hits the floor! Edge goes out after Theory and brings him up for haymakers. Theory staggers, Edge pushes him back into the ring and covers, TWO!

Edge clamps right onto an arm! Theory endures the armlock, Raw returns to single picture, and Theory fights up. Theory kicks low, throws hands, and stomps away in the corner! The ref counts, Theory whips Edge corner to corner, but Edge slides out! Theory rushes out but Edge slides back in. Theory slides back in but Edge slides back out. Theory grows frustrated, he chases Edge around the ring, but Edge hits a back drop to the floor! Fans fire up as Edge gets on the apron, and FLYING LARIATS! Down goes Theory and fans fire up again! Edge puts Theory in at 6 of 10, covers, TWO! Edge wraps on a chinlock and grinds Theory down.

Theory fights up, throws hands to get free, and he LARIATS Edge! Fans boo but Theory rains down fists! Theory lets off to soak up the heat and Edge sits up. Theory stomps Edge, bumps him off buckles, then whips him corner to corner hard! Theory runs in to clothesline, then he scoops to FALL AWAY SLAM! Theory covers, TWO! Theory wraps on a chinlock and grinds Edge down. Fans rally as Edge endures but Theory says this is HIS time. Edge fights up and pries at the hold, but Theory throws him down by his head! Cover, TWO! Theory clamps the chinlock back on and he grinds Edge back down.

Edge still endures, Theory says he grew up watching Edge and now he’ll beat Edge! But Edge fights up again, fans fire up, and Edge throws body shots! Edge ROCKS Theory, ROCKS him again, then whips Theory to a corner. Edge runs in, but Theory drop toeholds him into buckles! Then somersault SHOTGUN! Cover, TWO! Theory grows frustrated but he rains down fists as Raw goes back to picture in picture.

Theory lets off on Edge, soaks up the heat from Ottawa as he mocks Edge’s rock ‘n’ roll hands, then TOSSES Edge out of the ring. Theory flexes while Edge is down on the floor. Theory grins, goes out after Edge, and he stands Edge up, only for Edge to avoid the chop! Edge turns things around and he CHOPS Theory! Theory is stinging but the fans fire up, only for Theory to POST Edge! Edge gets in the ring but Theory is right after him to cover, TWO! Theory sits Edge up, clamps on an armlock and grinds forearms into Edge’s face. Edge endures, fights up, and he pries the forearm away, only for Theory to knee low!

Theory snap suplexes Edge, covers, TWO! Theory smiles and taunts the fans. Theory talks trash about how HE is the champ, HE is The Now, and Edge is the past. Theory drags Edge up, ROCKS him with a haymaker, then pushes him around. Theory throws more hands, he DECKS Edge, then cocky covers, TWO! Theory stomps Edge down, then paces around. Raw returns to single picture and Theory stomps Edge more! “Show me something!” Fans boo but Theory drags Edge up. Theory tells fans to shut up, and he goes to suplex. Edge blocks, fans fire up, and Edge throws body shots! Theory ROCKS Edge again, then RAMS him into a corner!

Theory hoists Edge up top, throws more hands, then climbs up after him. Theory stands Edge up, but Edge blocks the superplex! Edge throws body shots, and SUPER GOURD BUSTERS Theory down! Edge then adjusts, to CROSSBODY from behind! Both men are down after what was almost a flying bulldog! Edge crawls to ropes, as does Theory. Fans rally up for Edge, he shakes out the cobwebs and sees Theory stand. Theory staggers up, into a LARIAT! Edge rallies and then FLAPJACKS! Theory swings, into the EDGE-O-MATIC! Cover, TWO! Theory survives but Edge drags him back up and reels him in!

Theory blocks the lift, throws body shots, then swings and ELBOWS! Theory fisherman’s a leg, but Edge fights that off! Edge suplexes Theory but Theory lands on the apron! Theory CLUBS then HOTSHOTS Edge! Slingshot somersault, but into a POWERBOMB!! Cover, TWO!! Theory survives again but Edge keeps his cool. Fans rally up again as Edge goes to a corner! Theory goes to the other side, Edge runs in, but Theory hurdles! Edge POSTS himself, then Theory comes in to MONKEY FLIP! Edge lands on his feet?! Theory swings, into a takedown! CROSSFACE!! Theory endures, flails, reaches out, ROPEBREAK!

The fans boo but Edge lets off as Theory survives by a literal foot. Edge storms back up, but Theory trips him! High stack, feet on the ropes! The ref sees that and fans cheer! Theory argues but Edge rolls him up! TWO and Edge hits buckles! Theory fireman’s carries! A-TOWN- NO!! IMPALER!!! Edge crawls to the cover, TWO!!! Theory survives one of Edge’s best and no one can believe it! Theory and Edge stir, fans rally up, “This is Awesome!” Edge grits his teeth, the fans are thunderous, and Edge goes back to the corner. Theory slowly rises but Edge takes aim! Only for FINN BALOR to show up! Edge DECKS Finn! And dodges Theory! Roll-up, TWO!!

The ref doesn’t see Finn GAMANGIRI! Theory fireman’s carries! A-TOWN DOWN!!! Cover, Theory wins!

Winner: Austin Theory, by pinfall (still WWE United States Champion)

Theory survives Edge thanks to Judgment Day’s front man! But Finn adds on by throwing down fists! Fans boo but The Prince stomps away on Edge! Finn then drags Edge to a drop zone and goes to a corner! Finn climbs up, for COUP DE GRACE!! Finn tells Edge this is far from over, this is just the beginning! Finn goes up again?! The refs tell him now, but Finn hits another COUP DE GRACE!!! And then a THIRD COUP DE GRACE!!! Finn said this was just the beginning, but did he just end the Rated R Superstar’s run in WWE?

My Thoughts:

A great Raw to follow up Elimination Chamber, and great follow-up for Sami Zayn’s part of the Bloodline story. I suppose Kevin Owens not forgiving Sami so easily makes sense, Kevin is good about keeping consistency as a character even as he turns Heel and Face. But somehow, someway, Sami will get Kevin on his side, because Kevin can never truly cut Sami out of his life. And great match from Sami and Corbin. I did like that Pearce was willing to let Sami go after Corbin after Corbin insulted Sami hard. Sami stays strong, and Corbin’s story takes an interesting turn. Maybe he’s going to be “Angry Corbin” like I imagined months ago.

Great promo segment from Cody and Heyman. I love how Heyman is selling that Stunner he got with that neck brace. And Heyman can’t help himself but to make this personal with Cody. Cody warning Roman not to have Heyman talk anymore is great, too, and actually out of the box for a feud with a manager involved. At least, I’ve never seen that. But of course Elias gets beat up daring someone to show up. I also did like that Boogs really was taking notes. Lashley rebounds from the lame finish to his match with Lesnar, but he name-dropped Bray so clearly that will still be the Mania plan.

MVP calling out Lesnar on behalf of Omos (and technically Lashley) was a surprise. Seems like a letdown from what could’ve been Lesnar VS Bray, but maybe we get an unofficial tournament of monsters? Night one: Bray VS Lashley, Lesnar VS Omos. Night two: the winners face off, which I’d assume are Bray and Lesnar. Ali VS Ziggler was rather quick but I think that works into the story they’re building. Ali was rather hilariously sarcastic with how happy he was to win, but I’m thinking this is just the first of many matches.

Asuka VS Nikki was great stuff, and Asuka creeping Bianca out was a nice touch. Nikki then showing up in a very different demeanor during Candice’s segment was interesting. Instead of Candice and Mia as a team, are we getting Candice and Nikki? Carmella had a good segment with Pearce that of course found a way to bring Chelsea Green into it. I suppose it was creative to have Chelsea somehow end up in the wrong Ottawa, though I don’t think she can blame the WWE’s various departments on this one. And I’m thinking Chelsea ends up in another match that should humble her but will only enhance her ego.

Also really fun Ding Dong Hello segment. Bayley gets goaded into something again like when Becky first challenged her to the Steel Cage match. Dakota is still selling bad leg, but she could surely be fine next week. Maybe Becky & Lita win, maybe Kai & Sky retain, but I’m just glad they’re getting the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships going again. Having the title match next week must mean something even bigger is planned for WrestleMania, so I’m sticking to thinking it’ll be a Fatal 4 Way, with contenders from every brand, including NXT since NXT will be in town for Stand & Deliver.

Fun promo from Gable, Otis and Bronson before Gable VS Bronson. Gable managing a German Suplex was awesome, but I figured Bronson would win. And Maxxine continues to court Otis, I’m pretty sure we’ll see Alpha Academy VS MMM happen, but I would also love to see Otis VS Bronson. Those guys are true hosses if I ever did see one. And honestly, it’d be a fitting move if losing to MMM and/or Bronson could be the reason Otis joins MMM and becomes “Otīs.” Not that Alpha Academy hasn’t been fun, but something’s gotta give as they’re just sitting in the midcard right now.

Really good interview promo from Rhea & Dominik, mostly on Rhea’s part. Them going to SmackDown makes sense, especially since there’s a chance the Judgment Day moves to SmackDown full time if Rhea wins the title. Dom will surely try to cost Rey his match against Karrion Kross, and that could be the moment of truth on whether or not Rey gonna whoop his son himself. Good promo from Miz & Maryse to tease something big for Miz’s WrestleMania, and I can’t possibly guess what that is. Great promo from Rollins, great match from Rollins and Miz, especially with Rollins immediately showing us what he means by hitting three Curb Stomps. Rollins is going to go ham on Logan and I’m here for it.

Great promo from Edge before a great main event match with Theory. But between Theory calling out Cena and Finn still wanting to settle things with Edge, of course Edge loses. Theory and Cena are going to have good stuff for WrestleMania, as will Edge and Finn. Edge did make a good point in his promo about running out of time before he has to retire once and for all, but I don’t know if he’ll get a title before then with how the Judgment Day story still isn’t done.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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