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Mitchell’s NJPW New Japan Cup Results & Report! (3/17/23)

The quarterfinals begin!



New Japan Cup 2023

Los Ingobernables de Japon must battle Los Ingobernables de Japon!

In order to continue on in the New Japan Cup, Tetsuya Naito and Sanada must battle each other! Who will be the more tranquilo in Tokyo?


  • Zack Sabre Jr. & Kosei Fujita VS SHO & Yujiro Takahashi; Sho & Yujiro win.
  • 8 Man Tag: Togi Makabe, Tomoaki Honma, Ryusuke Taguchi & Oskar Leube VS The United Empire; The United Empire wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Tama Tonga, Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima VS Chaos; Chaos wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Chaos VS Los Ingobernables de Japon; Chaos wins.
  • 8 Man Tag: Shota Umino & Team Strong Style VS Bullet Club; Shota & Team Strong Style win.
  • New Japan Cup 2023, Quarterfinals: Mark Davis VS EVIL; Davis wins and advances.
  • New Japan Cup 2023, Quarterfinals: Tetsuya Naito VS SANADA; Sanada wins and advances.


New Japan Cup 2023, Quarterfinals: Mark Davis w/ The United Empire VS EVIL w/ The House of Torture!

In a strange twist, Will Ospreay won only to go down with a bad shoulder. Dunkzilla is restored to the tournament and looks to avenge Jeff Cobb, will the United Empire conquer the Cup after all? Or will the King of Darkness cheat Davis like he did the Imperial Unit?

Evil gets on the mic to talk trash on Davis, “You are EFFING LOSER!” But then Davis DIVES out onto Evil and into the railing! Fans fire up with Davis and the bell rings to get this on record! Davis puts Evil on the apron, CLUBS him, KNEES him, CLUBS him and KNEES him again, and again! Sho protests, but the fans rally with the Empire. Davis runs in to KNEE LIFT Evil back into the ring! Davis gets on the apron, Dick anchors him, and Evil DECKS him! Fans boo, the Empire gets mad and they talk trash with the House. Fans fire up, and the brawl is on! And the Empire has the numbers! Evil throws Davis out of the ring, and he gets chairs!

Evil JAMS Davis, SMACKS him on the back, and fans boo more! The Young Lions and the ref put a stop to all the brawling, but Evil digs the chair into Davis’ neck! Fans boo more but Evil chokes Davis for a good long time before he has to put the chair away. The House of Torture and Empire are ejected from ringside, but Evil still unties the blue buckle pad all on his own. Evil then goes back for Davis, and whips him into railing! Fans continue to boo but Evil brings Davis around to THROW into the barriers! Evil leaves Davis behind to get in the ring. The ref checks Davis but he’s okay to continue.

Fans rally up as Davis sits up, and the ring count begins. Davis stands at 2 of 20, catches his breath, and hobbles his way over. He stumbles at 8, crawls at 10, stands again at 12, and makes it back to ringside at 14. Davis clutches his back, but storms in at 17! Evil is right on Davis to whip him into the bare buckles! Fans boo as the Bullet Club Special comes into play. And then Evil CHOKES Davis with his T-shirt! The ref counts, Evil lets off at 4, and he throws the shirt away. Fans rally for Davis but Evil drags him up. Davis throws body shots, then forearms! Davis scoops to SLAM Evil, then SENTON, but he flops as Evil moves!

Evil stalks Davis to ropes, stomps him down, then stomps again! Evil drags Davis up, whips him to ropes, but Davis can’t even run with his beat up back! Evil grabs a leg for a HALF CRAB! Davis endures as Evil pulls on the leg, but the fans rally up. Davis crawls to the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Evil lets off at 4, and fans continue to rally. Davis writhes but Evil kicks at him. Evil taunts Davis, kicks him more, but Davis snarls. Davis rises up and Evil shoves him. Evil swings, but Davis counter punches! And again, and again! Davis fires off a flurry, then swats Evil’s haymaker to CHOP him off his feet!

Fans are thunderous for Davis as he huffs and puffs and powers up! Davis storms up on Evil, and CHOP LARIATS in the corner! And CHOP LARIATS again! And CHOP LARIATS again! Evil flops over but Davis brings him up. Davis wrenches, but Evil fights the torture rack. Evil whips, Davis cartwheels! Davis scoops to POWERSLAM and SENTON! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up again and Davis stands. Davis brings Evil up, slashes his throat and runs, but Evil bails out. Fans boo but Davis pursues. Evil hits low and whips Davis into railing! And then he whips Davis into more railing! Evil whips again, but Davis reverses, only for Evil to reverse! Davis tumbles over onto English commentary!

The ref checks on Davis, Kevin and Chris, and they’re all okay somehow. Davis crawls his way back to ringside but the count begins. Fans rally, Davis stands at 11 of 20. Davis hobbles his way along the railing, slaps feeling into his back, but we’re at 18! Davis slides in at 19! Evil drags him up to FISHERMAN BUSTER! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up for Davis but Evil is frustrated. Evil gets the legs, steps through, and ties Davis up into the SCORPION DEATHLOCK! Davis endures, reaches out, and gets the ROPEBREAK! Fans fire up but Evil holds until 4. Fans boo Evil but he just paces around Davis.

Evil slashes his throat, spins Davis around, but Davis fights off the STO! Davis ROCKS Evil with a right hand! Davis runs, Evil goes to the corner, LARIAT! Evil drags Davis back up, spins him, but Davis LARIATS! Fans fire up again and Davis takes off the elbow pad! Davis runs and runs and LARIATS again!! Cover, TWO!?! Evil survives and Davis is fuming! Fans fire up as Davis drags Evil back up. Davis wrenches, but Evil grabs the ref! Davis lets Evil go, but swings into EVERY- NO, Davis fights free! ENZIGURI! Evil falls into a corner, Davis goes side to side, SLIDING FOREARM! Fans are thunderous as Davis roars!

Davis drags Evil up, wrenches and torture racks, but Evil slips out of the Waterslide! Evil’s leg jams? Is that a fake out? Davis kicks low but Evil still clutches his leg. The ref checks, Davis runs in, but Evil sends him into the ref! And then he LOW BLOWS! Fans boo, and now Dick returns! Dick has the SPOILER CHOKER!! He strangles Davis, but here comes Fletcher! Fletcher attacks Dick! Evil attacks Fletcher, the rest of the House returns to mug the Aussie Arrow! Fans boo as the House surrounds Aussie Open and stomps away! Fans tell them to go away, but here comes the United Empire! Ospreay, arm in a sling, is rallying his troops!

Khan, Henare and Cobb even things out! They beat up on the House and fans are thunderous! Khan brings out HANDCUFFS! The same pair that was put on him the other day! But Dick goes after Khan first! Dick grabs the cuffs, and clamps one side onto Khan! Khan fights Dick, and LOW BLOWS him! And then he cuffs himself to Dick!! Fans fire up as Khan uses that to drag Dick away. Henare and Yujiro brawl, Yujiro rakes the eyes but Henare blocks the boot! LIVER SHOT! STREETS OF RAGE!! Henare kicks Yujiro out, but Sho has his “torture tool!” But Fletcher SUPERKICKS Sho first!

Fletcher and Davis coordinate, they give Sho COREALIS!! The Murder Machine flounders away , but Evil LOW BLOWS Aussie- NO! They blocked it!! And now Cobb gets his revenge! TOUR OF THE ISLAND!!! Fans are thunderous and the Empire gets the ref back in! Davis gives Evil the ALPAMARE WATERSLIDE!!! Cover, DAVIS WINS!!!

Winner: Mark Davis, by pinfall (advances to the semifinals)

Incredible! The Empire was united in stopping the House of Torture cheating them again, and now one of their own is in the SEMIFINALS! And to celebrate, Khan drags Dick back into the ring! Davis DECKS Dick! Will Davis carry the banner all the way to the final round?


New Japan Cup 2023, Quarterfinals: Tetsuya Naito VS SANADA!

LIJ battles LIJ as the Cup approaches the end! The Uncontrollable Charisma is determined to return to the top, will he reach it? Or will he hit a Skull End at the hands of his teammate?

As usual, Naito takes his time with his entrance attire. But Sanada is patient, since he knows this is just Naito’s style. Fans rally and duel, and Naito offers the LIJ fist bump. Sanada accepts and fans fire up. The bell rings and the Naito support is strong. Sanada shrugs that off, it takes a lot to bother the Cold Skull. The two circle, Sanada support does come through, and the two tie up. They’re in a deadlock, but Naito finds a point of leverage to put Sanada on the ropes. Sanada turns it around, Naito turns it back around, and Red Shoes calls the break. Naito lets off slowly, and fakes a forearm to pat Sanada on the shoulder.

Fans applaud and even Sanada claps some respect. The two reset, circle again, and feel things out. They knuckle lock, Naito breaks one to wrench and top wristlock. Sanada stays up, the two fight for control, and Naito wrangles Sanada down. Naito clamps onto a double wristlock but Sanada moves around. Naito shifts to hammerlock then headlock, and he grinds Sanada down. Sanada fights up, throws body shots, and wrenches out. Sanada hammerlocks, Naito drop toeholds, and Naito floats to a back mount and chinlock. Sanada sits up, Naito grinds the hold, but Sanada stands. Naito gets a leg and trips Sanada to a toehold!

Sanada fights back with a chinlock but Naito cranks the leg. Sanada keeps trying, and he hooks Naito with a leg to bring him down into an armlock. Naito clasps hands, rolls back, and he pops out to tie up Sanada’s legs. Sanada endures, but Naito goes right into the Deathlock! And SNAPS it! Fans fire up but Sanada grits his teeth. Sanada reaches out for ropes but Naito stands back up. Naito SNAPS the Deathlock again! Sanada still endures, and fans continue to rally. Sanada crawls forward and gets the ROPEBREAK! Fans cheer, and Red Shoes reprimands Naito. Naito lets Sanada go, but then stomps him in the corner.

Naito brings Sanada up, CLUBS him, then whips him to ropes. Sanada holds ropes, Naito rushes in but Sanada dumps him out! Fans fire up as Sanada builds speed, but Naito slides in! Sanada tumbles up and out to the apron, and Naito BLASTS him off! Naito builds speed now, but rolls as Sanada ducks! And Naito keeps moving! BASEMENT DROPKICK! Naito got Sanada with both his feints and now Sanada is down at the railing! Fans rally up and duel as Naito slides out to fetch Sanada. Naito drags Sanada up to smack him off the apron, and RAM him into railing! Takagi is on commentary, Naito apologizes to his other LIJ teammate for that.

Naito smacks Sanada off the apron again, then RAMS him back into railing! Takagi stands up as the commentary desk gets hit again, but he and Naito are still cool. Naito then whips Sanada into other railing! Sanada tumbles up and over to land at the feet of the fans! Naito goes into the ring to check his own knees while Red Shoes checks Sanada. Sanada is okay to continue, so the ring count starts. Sanada sits up at 3 of 20, crawls around at 8 and stands at 14. Sanada slides in at 16 and fans applaud. Naito brings Sanada up, snapmares him and clamps on a cravat. Sanada endures as Naito pulls on the neck wrench!

Fans rally, Sanada kicks around, but Naito keeps on that neck wrench. Sanada gets the ROPEBREAK! Fans cheer and Naito lets off quickly. Naito drags Sanada up, whips him to the corner, and runs in to JUMP KICK! Leg sweep! COMBINACION CABRON! Fans fire up as Naito poses, and then Naito covers, TWO! Naito clamps onto Sanada with PLUMA BLANCA! Sanada endures the leg hold full nelson, but Naito trashes him around. Fans rally up, Naito thrashes Sanada more, but Sanada fights around with his legs, to the ROPEBREAK! Naito claims his needs help, so Red Shoes works on the hold. But Naito puts on more pressure!

Red Shoes reprimands Naito and counts, so Naito finally lets go. Fans rally up, Naito drags Sanada up, but Sanada throws body shots. Naito kicks back, whips, but Sanada reverses. Naito holds ropes, BOOTS Sanada, but then Sanada dodges the lariat to get around and hit a BIG back suplex! Fans fire back up while both men are down! Sanada sits up and checks his neck while Naito rolls away. Sanada brings Naito up but Naito fires off forearms! Naito whips, Sanada reverses to hurdle, hurdle and DROPKICK! Fans fire up while Naito bails out. Sanada aims, PLANCHA! Fans fire up more and Sanada encourages them to get louder.

Fans reach the right volume for Sanada and he goes back to Naito. Sanada puts Naito in the ring and covers, TWO! Naito is still in this but Sanada keeps cool. Sanada drags Naito up, but Naito fights the lift! Naito CLUBS away, Sanada kicks low and whips but Naito reverses to kick and NECKBREAKER! Fans fire up and duel, and Naito stands over Sanada. Naito brings Sanada up, and throws those heavy elbows! Then he dragon sleepers for a NECKBREAKER, and BASEMENT DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! Fans rally as Sanada stays in this. Naito drags Sanada back up but he’s dead weight.

Naito gives toying kicks to Sanada, but the fans rally up behind Sanada. Naito stands on Sanada’s head and digs his boot in! The fans BOO Naito for not being more respectful to his own teammate. Naito drags Sanada up, hammerlocks and half nelsons, but Sanada fights the lift! Sanada CLUBS Naito, and RAMS him into a corner! Fans continue to rally, Naito runs in but Sanada dodges! Sanada goes out and up and springboard MISSILE DROPKICKS! Fans fire up again as Naito is down! Sanada drags Naito up, suplexes and puts Naito on ropes, MAGIC SCREW! Cover, TWO! Naito survives but Sanada stays cool.

Sanada encourages the fans to get loud again so they get loud again. Sanada dragon sleepers but Naito arm-drags free! Sanada kicks and whips but Naito reverses to TORNADO DDT! Both men are down and fans fire up even more! Naito sits up while Red Shoes checks Sanada. Sanada’s neck bothers him but he isn’t out of this yet. Naito drags Sanada up, puts him in a corner and throws the heavy elbows! Sanada staggers, Naito goes up the corner and reels him in. ESPERANZA! Naito then aims from the corner and fans fire up. Sanada rises, Naito runs in, but into a fireman’s carry! Naito fights free, and shoves Sanada away to a corner!

Naito runs in, but Sanada elbows him away! Sanada QUEBRADA! Into the dragon sleeper! For SKULL END!! Naito is down in the body scissors and fans fire up! Naito endures, reaches out, fights around, but Sanada squeezes tighter! Fans rally and duel, but Naito is fading! Red Shoes checks but then Sanada lets Naito go! Sanada goes up top to ROUNDING BODY PRESS, onto Naito’s knees! Naito saves himself and the fans are thunderous! Naito and Sanada stir, Naito crawls over to Sanada, and he throws a forearm! Sanada shakes his head, so Naito throws another! They both stand, and Sanada UPPERCUTS!

Naito comes back to ROCK Sanada with a forearm! Fans rally, Sanada UPPERCUTS again! Naito CHOPS! Sanada UPPERCUTS! Naito ROCKS Sanada, so Sanada UPPERCUTS again! Sanada UPPERCUTS again, and again, but into an arm-hook, and those HEAVY back elbows! Sanada falls over and fans fire up! Naito drags Sanada up, to throw more heavy elbows! Sanada falls over again but the fans rally behind him. Naito brings Sanada up, but Sanada CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Naito wrenches to throw elbow after elbow! Sanada falls over again! Fans rally even harder as Naito paces around.

Naito brings Sanada up to ENZIGURI, and then suplex! Sanada slips free, O’Conner BRIDGE! TWO!!! Naito escapes at the last possible moment! But runs into a POP-UP CUTTER! Cover, TWO!! Naito survives and fans are thunderous! Sanada snarls and drags himself up with the ropes. Sanada drags Naito up, scoops and hits a BACKBREAKER! Naito is in the drop zone, so Sanada goes up the corner again! ROUNDING BODY- NO, Naito moves! Sanada lands on his feet to forearm and ROLLING ELBOW! Naito roars, but runs into a DROPKICK! Naito stays up, Sanada fireman’s carries, but Naito victory rolls! TWO!!!

Everyone is stunned but Naito and Sanada rush in! Naito gets around the hammerlock and half nelson, ESTRELLA! TWO!! Sanada escapes again! Sanada storms up, into an atomic drop! Naito throws MORE heavy elbows! Sanada roars so Naito throws MORE heavy elbows! Sanada still eggs Naito on, so Naito ENZIGURIS! CORRIENDO SHIKI DESTINO!! Cover, TWO!?! Sanada survives and the fans are electric! Naito hurries to drags Sanada back up, wrench and tilt-o-whirl, but Sanada slips free! SIDEWINDER DDT!!! Cover, SANADA WINS!!

Winner: Sanada, by pinfall (advances to the semifinals)

Naito’s climb back to the top drops off in the quarterfinals! Sanada now moves on to face Mark Davis in the next round, will Naito put his support behind his LIJ teammate? Wait, Taichi is here? The Holy Emperor steps into the ring and looks at his rival Sanada as Red Shoes raises his hand in victory. But what business does Taichi have here with the man who beat him in the opening round? Wait, here come the rest of Just4Guys! Douki, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Taka Michinoku stand by Taichi, as he HUGS Sanada!! Is Sanada part of Taichi’s team now?! Fans are shocked, as is Takagi! Takagi gets off commentary to get in the ring!

Hiromu and Bushi show up, too, LIJ standing together as they question Sanada and Just4Guys. Whose side is Sanada really on? Fans chant for “LOS INGO!” to show their support, but Sanada gets the mic. “If I stayed in LIJ, nothing would come of it. So I’m leaving LIJ!” Fans are shocked to hear that but also kinda excited! Sanada has the fans behind him as he says, “From now on, Just Five Guys are going to the top! So get Naito and get out of MY ring.” LIJ can’t believe Sanada is treating them like this, but Taichi echoes the order so LIJ has no choice but to leave. Evil left years ago, and now Sanada? What is becoming of LIJ?

As for Sanada, he continues by saying, “This isn’t something I’ve just come up with. I want to get to the top in this ring, in this business, and change the world.” Fans applaud that, and then Taka takes the mic. “So, it looks like there’s a new era coming! NJPW will be changed by not Just Four Guys, but by Just FIVE Guys!!” And with that, it is official! Will the Cold Skull finally reach the top of the mountain now that he isn’t a follower but an equal?

My Thoughts:

An awesome night for the New Japan Cup here, with two very surprising tournament match results. Ospreay going down and having Davis take his place, I really thought Evil was gonna win and move forward. But instead, they gave us a really fun overbooked match with all the ringside chaos to counter the usual House of Torture cheating, and this win is a great moment for Davis. Naito VS Sanada was a great match, and something about how Naito was treating Sanada like anyone else kinda lends itself to the plot twist of Sanada LEAVING LIJ.

Sanada has been stuck at the midcard/tag team level and Naito being about Naito, something had to give. Sanada is now “just one of the guys,” and while that group needs a better name, one that won’t change every time they add someone, this is an exciting development. Sanada and Taichi on the same side after their growing rivalry, this could be something big for NJPW to capitalize on just for their local audience. I don’t know the likelihood of a Two Man Power Trip, but that’d be something if Sanada and Taichi took over everything.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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