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Mitchell’s NJPW New Japan Cup Results & Report! (3/8/23)

Will Darkness Fall in the New Japan Cup?



New Japan Cup 2023

The Son of Strong Style battles the King of Darkness!

While Ren Narita and Team Strong Style took the NEVER Openweight Six Man titles, will Evil have revenge by ruining Narita’s New Japan Cup run?


  • Shota Umino & Yuto Nakashima VS Zack Sabre Jr. & Kosei Fujita; Shota & Nakashima win.
  • 8 Man Tag: Just4Guys VS Bullet Club; Bullet Club wins.
  • BUSHI & Shingo Takagi VS Aaron Henare & Great-O-Khan; Henare & Khan win.
  • Six Man Tag: Lio Rush, Tama Tonga & Tomoaki Honma VS Los Ingobernables de Japon; LIJ wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Chaos VS The United Empire; The United Empire wins.
  • New Japan Cup 2023 Opening Round: Toru Yano VS Mark Davis; Davis wins and advances to the next round.
  • New Japan Cup 2023 Opening Round: Ren Narita VS EVIL; wins and advances to the next round.


New Japan Cup 2023 Opening Round: Toru Yano VS Mark Davis w/ Kyle Fletcher!

The Producer takes on Dunkzilla in a clash of styles and personalities! Will Yano have the last laugh and advance? Or will Davis conquer the cup on behalf of the United Empire?

Yano’s introduction seems to have gotten longer and Davis grows impatient. Yano grows impatient with the body check, and then he worries about Davis. The bell rings and fans rally up. Davis tells Yano to go for a buckle pad. Yano says okay! Yano unties one of the corners and fans cheer “Yoshinoya” the buckle pad. But then Davis snatches the buckle pad, throws it down, and drops an elbow on it! Then Davis TOSSES it out of the ring! “F Yoshinoya!” Davis kicks Yano low, whips him to ropes, but Yano holds ropes. Yano taunts Davis, Davis runs in but Yano dodges. Yano SLAPS Davis, SLAPS him again, but Davis just gets mad.

Yano is scared! Yano asks for forgiveness as he bails out! The ref keeps Davis back but Davis wants Yano to get in the ring. Yano gets up, Davis runs in but into a shoulder! Yano HOTSHOTS Davis, grabs the legs, but Davis boots Yano into the railing! Davis fires off on Yano, whips him, but Yano reverses! Davis hits railing hard! Yano brings out wrist tape! Fans cheer as Yano tapes Davis to the railing! The ref stops Yano, and unwraps Davis, but Fletcher CLUBS Yano! Fletcher whips Yano, but Yano reverses and sends Fletcher into railing! And now Yano tapes Fletcher to the railing! But Davis turns Yano around to ROCK him!

Davis scoops, Yano flails free and goes under the ring! Davis is stunned! Davis hurries after Yano, there’s a lot of clattering under there, maybe Davis is beating Yano up! The ring count starts, Yano can be heard screaming, but Davis slips out. Davis gets in the ring at 10 of 20 but where’s Yano? Yano shouts, the count is 13! Then 15! Yano pops out, with a blindfold bag on his head! The count is 17! Yano finds his way around and in at 19! But Davis rains down fists on the blinded Yano! Yano gets the bag away, but Davis drags him up by his ears! Davis puts Yano in the corner to CHOP! And CHOP! And then Davis pulls Yano’s shirt off, to reveal another shirt!

Davis is surprised, and Yano fires off forearms! Davis knees low, turns Yano with his own shirt, and hits a NECKBREAKER! Davis chokes Yano but the ref reprimands. Davis stops, but then CHOKES Davis again! Davis rains down fists, then throws the wrist tape away. Davis LASHES Yano with his spare shirt, and Fletcher throws the wrist tape to the crowd. Davis has Yano on the apron to KNEE him! And then KNEE him again! And again! Davis then drags Yano down to the floor. Davis starts pulling up floor mats! He puts them on Yano, to then SENTON! Yano’s like the filling of a sandwich cookie!

Davis makes sure Yano is stuck inside the ring mats, then he pulls a Yano by taking off the buckle pads! Davis even chucks one at Yano! Davis has made all the corners bare and the ring count starts. Yano is still inside the ring mat roll at 10 of 20! Yano frees himself, crawls, sits up at 15, and fans rally up for him. Yano stands at 18 and in at 19! But Davis SENTONS! Davis pulls off some of his wrist tape so he can wrap it around Yano! He’s taping Yano’s arm to his arm? Davis drags Yano up and he whips Yano into bare buckles! Yano falls, but Davis drags him back up. Davis whips Yano into more bare buckles!

Davis flexes and he drags Yano up again. Yano is sent into a third corner! And then the fourth- NO, Yano blocks! Yano drop toeholds Davis into buckles! Fans fire up as Yano steps through ropes. Yano YANKS Davis into bare buckles! And again and again and again! Yano keeps going, then he undoes the tape. Fans fire up as Yano is free! Yano rallies the fans, Davis drags himself up, and Yano says “Y! T!” But he ducks when Davis swings! Yano says he’s too smart for that! Davis runs in, Yano dodges again and clinches, BELLY2BELLY! Fans fire up with Yano again, and he drags Davis back up. Davis ROCKS Yano with a right hand!

Yano falls into a corner, Davis grinds his forearm in! Davis runs side to side, to SLIDING FOREARM! Cover, TWO!! Yano survives and fans fire up again! Davis drags Yano up, wrenches his arm and torture racks, but Yano fights free! Davis knees low, runs, but Yano hits an atomic drop! Yano runs, to CHOP BLOCK! And then roll-up! TWO!! Davis escapes and Yano argues with the ref. Davis storms up, the ref is used as a shield! Davis moves the ref out of the way, he avoids Yano’s low blow and BLINDSIDE FOREARMS! Fletcher slides Yano’s red chair to Davis! The ref stops that, but gets shoved away again!

Davis aims the red chair, throws it at Yano, but Yano dodges the enziguri! Yano then throws the chair to Davis, and plays injured! Fans cheer the use of Latino Heat style! Davis defends his innocence, then throws the red chair away. But he blocks the low blow! Davis ENZIGURIS after all! And then wrenches to the torture rack, for the ALPAMARE WATERSLIDE! Cover, Davis wins!

Winner: Mark Davis, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

Yano tried all his tricks, but Davis proved just as tricky! Will Dunkzilla dunk on the rest of the tournament until he has the cup?


New Japan Cup 2023 Opening Round: Ren Narita VS EVIL w/ Dick Togo!

The Son of Strong Style and his team beat the King of Darkness and the House of Torture for the NEVER Openweight Six Man Tag Team Championships, but that is in the past now. If Everything is Evil, will Darkness Fall on the tournament? Or will Narita’s fighting spirit be a light that cannot be eclipsed?

Narita’s introduction is barely over before he goes right after Evil! Narita throws Evil out, then goes out after him, and already the timekeeper’s area gets hit! Of course, Abe-san wasn’t seated yet, he only just got out of the ring. Since the match isn’t official yet, Dick goes after Narita! Narita knees Dick down, and now the bell rings. Narita stomps Evil, kicks him around, and fans rally up. Narita brings Evil up, ROCKS him with a forearm, and then stalks him around the way. Narita puts Evil in the ring and fires up with the fans. Evil goes to a corner but Narita stomps away! Narita digs his boot in, but lets off as Red Shoes counts.

Narita paces while Evil stands up. Narita ROCKS Evil, whips him corner to corner, but Evil reverses. Narita comes back to BOOT him down! Fans cheer and Narita stomps away on Evil’s leg. Then spinning toehold into KNEEBAR! Evil endures, crawls, and reaches out! ROPEBREAK! Red Shoes counts, Narita lets off. Narita stomps the bad leg, then stomps it again. Evil hobbles up but Narita keeps kicking the leg! Red Shoes reprimands, Evil is on the ropes. Narita brings Evil from the ropes, to CLUB the leg! Narita runs but Evil pushes Red Shoes aside, so that he misses Dick tripping Narita!

Narita flops out of the ring but Evil goes out after him. Evil drags Narita up, whips him hard into railing, and then grabs a House of Torture shirt. Evil brings Narita out to No Man’s Land then around the back of the fans, and he CHOKES Narita with the shirt! Red Shoes reprimands, counts, and Evil lets off. Evil stomps Narita down, then goes back to ringside. Evil demands a ring count, then waits in the ring. Red Shoes starts the count and Narita sits up at 3 of 20. Narita coughs and sputters, stands at 9 of 20 and hurries back. Narita is ringside at 14 and in at 15. Fans applaud but Evil drags Narita up.

Evil whips Narita in, and surprise! The blue corner has no buckle pad! The Bullet Club Special has come into play! Evil stands on Narita for a cover but Red Shoes won’t count it after all those shenanigans. Evil drags Narita up, Narita throws body shots, then CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Evil knees low, then throws Narita back out. Evil distracts Red Shoes so Dick can DECK Narita! Dick then puts Narita back in and Evil covers, but Red Shoes ignores it because of shenanigans! Fans cheer but Evil is furious! Evil drags Narita up and scoops him, to SLAM him! Cover, TWO! Cover again, TWO! Another cover, TWO!!

Evil is furious but the fans fire up! Evil stands on Narita’s head and taunts him. Red Shoes reprimands, but Evil steps off. Evil gives Narita toying kicks but Narita just grits his teeth. Narita stands and he fires a forearm! And another! And another! Evil knees low, runs, but Narita WHEEL KICKS! Fans fire up as Narita growls and sits back up. Narita storms over to Evil, drags him up, but Evil swings! Narita ducks, fires off a strike fest, then whips. Narita runs to LEAPING LARIAT! Down goes Evil and fans fire up again. Evil rises, Narita runs in, to back elbow! Narita then HALF HATCH BRIDGES! Cover, TWO!!

Evil escapes but Narita keeps his focus. Narita gets Evil’s leg and steps through for a standing toehold! Then another step through! Then another! But Evil CLAWS Narita’s face! Narita snarls, kicks, but Evil blocks! Evil hands it to Red Shoes, but Narita blocks Evil’s kick! Narita has Red Shoes let his foot go, and then he throws Evil’s foot down to DECK him! Evil bails out and fans fire up as Narita pursues. Narita puts Evil in, fires up again, and fans rally behind him. But Evil bails out again, so Narita has to pursue. But Evil throws a body shot, and RAMS Narita into the timekeeper’s area! Down goes Abe-san!!

Red Shoes helps Abe-san, so Dick gets away with a CHAIRSHOT to Narita’s back! Fans boo as Narita writhes, but Evil brings him up. Evil puts Narita in, drags him up, and FISHERMAN BUSTERS! Cover, TWO!! Narita survives and fans fire up again! Fans rally up for Narita but Evil drags Narita back up. Evil goes for a leg but Narita fights! Evil still fireman’s carries but Narita fights free! Narita waistlocks, Evil throws elbows and gets free. Evil runs, but into a clinch! Evil fights free of that, but swings into the GERMAN SUPLEX! Fans fire up while both men are down. Narita and Evil stir and the fans rally back up.

Evil and Narita go to opposite corners. Narita runs in, but Evil BOOTS him! Narita comes back, into another BOOT! Narita tries a third time, but is sent into bare buckles! Evil then clotheslines Narita against the bare buckles! Fireman’s carry, DARKNESS FALLS! Cover, TWO!! Narita survives and fans fire up again! Evil is frustrated, but he slashes his throat! He vows to end this and he drags Narita up. Spin and clinch, EVERYTHING- NO! Narita blocks that, they fight for control, and Evil slips free to LARIAT! But Narita stays standing!? Fans fire up, Evil runs, and LARIATS again! Narita falls and Evil stands on his head.

Evil taunts Narita and the fans, then drags Narita back up. Evil tells Narita off, throws off the elbow pad, but runs into the EXPLODER BRIDGE!! TWO!! Evil escapes but Narita drags himself to ropes. Fans rally behind Narita as he powers up! Narita demands Evil get up! Evil rises, Narita winds up, and ROCKS him with haymaker after haymaker! Red Shoes reprimands but Narita drags Evil up and around. Double wristlock NORTHERN LIGHTS!! Bridging cover, TWO!!! But Narita still has the wrists! He reels Evil in, but Dick distracts! Narita runs Dick off, runs back at Evil, but Evil blocks the boot!

Evil CLAWS Narita’s eyes, then throws the foot into Red Shoes! Red Shoes goes down, and Evil CLAWS Narita’s face again! Dick gets chairs and brings them into the ring! Fans boo but Dick and Evil stomp away on Narita! Dick and Evil then have a smoke and Evil puts a chair around Narita’s head. Evil has the other chair, HOMERUN!! Narita is down and fans boo, but Evil and Dick vow to end this. Fans rally as hard as they can for Narita but Evil stands Narita up. They set Narita up, MAGIC KILLER!! Dick fetches Red Shoes into the ring, Evil covers, TWO!?!? Evil is shocked that Narita survives but the fans are thunderous!

Evil drags Narita up, spins him around, EVERYTHING- NO, Narita slips out to a SLEEPER!! Evil flails, fans rally as Narita squeezes tight, but Evil still reaches out. Narita wrenches harder! Dick tries to distract but Narita shifts from Sleeper to COBRA TWIST! But Evil grabs Red Shoes! Red Shoes can’t see Dick slide in with the SPOILER CHOKER!!! Fans boo as Dick has Narita caught! But Narita powers up and out, then dodges so that Evil hits Dick! Narita ENZIGURIS, whips, and clinches, but EVERYTHING- NO! Narita ENZIGURIS! Fans are thunderous again and Narita drags Evil back up!

Narita reels Evil in for the COBRA TWIST, but Evil pulls an ear! Evil shoves Red Shoes away to LOW BLOW Narita! Fans boo and Evil drags Narita up. Evil runs to LARIAT!! Cover, TWO!!! Narita still survives and fans are loving it! Evil drags Narita up, reels him back in, EVERYTHING IS EVIL!!!! Cover, Evil wins!

Winner: Evil, by pinfall (advances to the next round)

Narita fought with all the fighting spirit of Strong Style, but the numbers game and the infinite bag of tricks are just too much for the young champion. Wait, Evil isn’t done! He gets Narita’s legs for a SHARPSHOOTER!! Narita can only endure, blood spilling from his nose! Dick throws the Young Lions out, but Evil lets Narita go anyway. Fans boo as Evil gets the mic to say, “Oi oi oi oi. You’re really gonna act like you were doing everyone a service? Don’t joke around, idiot.” Fans boo, but Evil tells Narita that this is REAL Strong Style! Fans boo more but Evil says it’s true, because he just beat the Son of Strong Style! Evil has surpassed even Antonio Inoki! That makes EVIL the face of NJPW!

Fans continue to boo but Evil says he will win this New Japan Cup, and then he will take the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship from Kazuchika Okada! Darkness falls over Strong Style, but will everything truly be Evil’s once again?

My Thoughts:

A really good second night for New Japan Cup, through technically third group of matches since there were some as part of the Anniversary Event. Great showing for the United Empire the whole night, as Henare wins again to build towards facing Shingo Takagi for the KOPW Championship, and Will Ospreay’s team wins so that he stays strong while waiting on his New Japan Cup match. Davis getting a win over Yano is fine, as Davis isn’t winning the cup and just gets to stay strong for the sake of the faction. Evil winning was a bit of a surprise as I thought Narita was gonna go pretty far. But this helps keep things alive in the House of Torture VS Team Strong Style feud. Evil’s up against Jeff Cobb next, I feel like Cobb should win that.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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