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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (3/16/23)

ROH is a Proving Ground!



ROH Wrestling 2023

The Blackpool Combat Club defends their gold!

While Clark Connors challenges Wheeler Yuta for the ROH Pure Championship. Claudio Castagnoli takes on Willie Mack in a Proving Grounds match!


  • ROH World Championship Proving Grounds Match: Claudio Castagnoli VS Willie Mack; Claudio wins and denies Mack a title opportunity.
  • Mike Bennett w/ The Kingdom VS Dante Martin w/ Darius Martin; Dante wins.
  • The Trustbusters w/ Mark Sterling VS Metalik & Blake Christian; Metalik & Blake win.
  • Eddie Kingston VS Jeeves Kay w/ Slim J; Eddie wins.
  • ROH Women’s World Championship Proving Grounds Match: Athena VS Hyan; Athena wins and denies Hyan a title opportunity.
  • Silas Young VS Marcus Kross; Silas wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championships: The Embassy w/ Prince Nana VS Dalton Castle & The Boys; The Embassy wins and retains the titles.
  • Trish Adora VS Madison Rayne; Adora wins.
  • Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal VS The Outrunners; Daniels & Sydal win.
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Clark Connors; Yuta wins and retains the title.


ROH World Championship Proving Grounds Match: Claudio Castagnoli VS Willie Mack!

The Swiss Superman is looking for competition, but is blatantly ignoring the Mad King, Eddie Kingston. Instead, it is the return of The Mack! Will Willie prove himself worthy of a title opportunity?

The bell rings and we’re on the clock. Claudio and Mack circle, tie up, and Claudio grabs an arm. Claudio wrenches to a wristlock, but Mack spins, wrenches back, and hammerlocks to headlock. Claudio powers Mack down, pries free of the headlock and grinds the arm. Mack fights up, rolls, and slips through to wrench and hammerlock again. Claudio works on an escape but Mack toys with him a bit. Claudio reaches down, rolls Mack, TWO! Mack tackles Claudio, then runs. Things speed up but Mack trips Claudio’s hurdle! Claudio gets under the leap frog but Mack comes back to arm-drag! Claudio bails out and fans fire up as Mack builds speed!

Claudio steps aside, so Mack rolls back and drops it like it’s hot! Fans rally for “Willie! Willie!” but Claudio shoulders into him. Claudio CLUBS and BOOTS Mack, then eggs Mack on. Mack comes back, dodges and RANAS! Cover, TWO! Mack brings Claudio up, but Claudio blocks the suplex! Mack keeps trying, but Claudio suplexes Mack up and over! Fans fire up and Claudio drags Mack back up. Claudio ROCKS Mack, whips him to ropes, but Mack ducks ‘n’ dodges and LEG LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Mack brings Claudio up as fans rally, but Claudio fights the clinch. They end up in a corner, the ref counts, and Claudio lets off, to then ROCK Mack!

Claudio fires elbows and UPPERCUTs and body shots! The ref counts, fans boo but Claudio lets off. Mack goes to another corner, Claudio storms up on him and underhooks, but Mack fights the lift! Fans rally and duel, then Mack powers out! Mack ROCKS Claudio, whips him, but Claudio LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Claudio underhooks again and BUTTERFLY SUPLEXES! Cover, TWO! Claudio keeps on Mack with a chinlock and he grinds Mack down. Claudio shifts his grip to add an arm, but Mack fights up. Fans rally, Mack throws elbows, then shoves Claudio away to a fireman’s carry, SAMOAN DROP!

Fans fire up while both men are down! The standing count starts, the clock is ticking, and the count reaches 5 of 10. We reach 7 of 10, Claudio stirs, but Mack kips up at 9! And then STANDING MOONSAULTS onto Claudio! Cover, TWO! Claudio goes to a corner but Mack clinches him to EXPLODER! Mack covers, TWO! Fans fire up more, Mack drags Claudio up but Claudio ROCKS him! Mack ROCKS Claudio! The forearms go back and forth, Mack gets the edge, and then he winds up, but Claudio blocks! Claudio ROCKS Mack, runs, but into a POP-UP SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Claudio survives but fans fire up for Mack!

Mack climbs up, he aims at Claudio, but Claudio moves! Mack rolls through, but turns around into an UPPERCUT! Cover, Claudio wins!!

Winner: Claudio Castagnoli, by pinfall (DENIES Willie Mack a title match)

The Swiss Superman beats Mack in under ten minutes, he is still without a challenger! But he does show Mack respect with the Code of Honor handshake. But who then will get their shot at Supercard of Honor in two weeks?


Mike Bennett w/ The Kingdom VS Dante Martin w/ Darius Martin!

With Mark Briscoe vacating the ROH World Tag Team Championships, everyone is getting to #ReachForTheSky! Will Miracle Mike represent for The Kingdom on to road to Supercard? Or will the #INHUMAN fly high on behalf of Top Flight?

Dante and Mike uphold the Code of Honor, though maybe reluctantly for Mike. The bell rings, fans rally for Dante as he and Mike circle. They tie up, Mike wrenches to a wristlock but Dante rolls, kips up and wrenches back. Mike rolls, wrenches, but Dante uses that to headlock! Mike powers out, Dante runs him over! Fans fire up while Mike backs off. Maria coaches Mike and Taven watches Darius. The two reset, they tie up, and Dante wrenches to a hammerlock. Mike switches that onto Dante, Dante fights it, and he wrenches through to a wristlock. Mike breaks free and CHOPS! Maria likes that but Dante just CHOPS back!

Mike grins and CHOPS! Dante CHOPS! They CHOP back and forth, faster and faster! Fans fire up as Dante gets the edge! Dante ROCKS Mike, but Mike knees low. Mike hushes the crowd then runs, but into the DROPKICK! Fans fire up again and Mike bails out, Dante PLANCHAS! Dante rains down fists, drags Mike up and RAMS him into steel steps! Fans fire up more as Dante slides into the ring. Maria shields Mike but the ref tells her to back off. Dante drags Mike up, whips him at the ring, but Mike rebounds off ropes to CLOBBER Dante! Taven tells Dante he’s an idiot, and Mike drags Dante up, PILEDRIVER on the ramp!!

Mike hurries away while Darius coaches his brother. The ring count is climbing, 7 of 20, and Dante finally stirs. Dante crawls his way back to ringside but we’re at 10 of 20. Dante staggers, falls, and Darius continues to coach him up. Dante gets to the steel steps at 13, sits up at 15, and slides in at 19! Mike is furious, he pushes Dante to a cover, ONE!! Mike drags Dante up to wrench and UPPERCUT the arm, but Dante SLAPS him back! Mike wrenches the arm, UPPERCUTS it again, but Dante SLAPS him again! Mike hammerlocks for the DDT! Dante writhes and fans boo but Mike taunts Darius.

Mike watches Dante rise, he runs in, but Dante jumps up and over! ROUNDHOUSE! Mike falls over and the Kingdom freaks out! Mike hurries after Dante, gets the arm, but Dante arm-drags free. Things speed up, Dante CLOBBERS Mike with one good arm! Mike blocks the whip, sends Dante into the corner, but Dante slips out and up and around to GAMANGIRI! Dante springboards to CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Dante hurries to drag Mike up, tucks him in, PACKAGE POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO!! Mike survives but Darius coaches Dante to keep his focus. Dante and Mike stir, they both go to corners.

Mike storms up, in to a CHOP! Mike CHOPS, but Dante CHOPS! The CHOP fight continues, then they go to forearms! Dante CHOPS, Mike BOOTS! Dante BOOTS, Mike BOOTS! Dante ROCKS Mike with a forearm, Mike boots but Dante dodges! Things speed up again, Mike SPEARS Dante! And then fireman’s carries for the DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Cover, TWO!?! But Mike has the top wristlock! SHANGLY GATES!! Dante endures, reaches out, fights forward, and gets the ROPEBREAK!! Mike lets go in frustration, but the fans fire up! Mike drags Dante up the corner, but Dante breaks free to ROCK Mike with haymaker after haymaker!

Fans fire up as Dante just windmills off on Mike! Then GAMANGIRIS! Mike wobbles, Dante goes to the apron. Dante climbs up, but Mike throws body shots! Mike fireman’s carries Dante, but Dante pops free to SUPER STEINER!! A bit double-edged but both men stand up. Mike runs in, into a SUPERKICK! Dante goes right up top, FROG SPLASH! Cover, TWO!?! Mike survives but fans are thunderous for Dante! The Kingdom panics but Darius coaches Dante. Dante half nelsons Mike as he stands him up, but Mike switches, shoves, and reels Dante in! But Dante back drops! Mike sunset flips, but Dante slips free, into Mike’s KIMURA!!

Dante bridges over! TWO!! Mike lets Dante go in time, spins, but into a BOOT! And the half nelson SIDE SLAM!! Cover, DANTE WINS!

Winner: Dante Martin, by pinfall

But Taven CLOBBERS Dante! Darius goes after the sore loser and throws him out of the ring! The Kingdom regroups and runs away, will they fail to #ReachForTheSky with Top Flight in their way?


The Trustbusters w/ Mark Sterling VS Metalik & Blake Christian!

Ari Daivari & Slim J found that they’re strongest as a duo, and it’s easier to cheat that way, too. But will they only cheat themselves thinking they can keep on winning? Or will they be able to take down the King of the Ropes and All Heart to head for Supercard of Honor?

The Code of Honor is upheld and the teams sort out. Blake starts against Daivari and fans rally for All Heart. They tie up, Daivari headlocks, but Blake powers out. Daivari runs Blake over, flexes, but Blake stands up. Daivari throws him down by his hair, but Blake kips up! Daivari headlocks, wrenches, wristlocks, but Blake rolls, cartwheels and wrenches back. Tag to Metalik and fans rally as he takes the handoff. Metalik wrenches, Daivari knees low and CLUBS Metalik. Fans rally for Metalik as he reverses the whip. Metalik runs in at the corner, is put on the apron and GAMANGIRIS! Then springboard CROSSBODIES!

Metalik keeps moving, he scoops Daivari to a BACKBREAKER! Daivari scrambles to a corner but Metalik CHOPS him! Sterling protests, but now Daivari reverses a whip. Daivari runs, into a BOOT! SLING-DOG! Metalik goes up and goes along the ropes to springboard MISSILE DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! Metalik drags Daivari up, fireman’s carries, but Daivari slips free. Daivari shoves Metalik but Metalik BLASTS Slim first! Only for Daivari to CLOBBER him! Daivari rains down fists as fans boo. Daivari drags Metalik over, tags in Slim, and Slim rains down fists now! Fans boo more, and chants, “Slim J Sucks!”

Slim tells them off, stands Metalik up and DECKS him! Fans boo more but Slim has Metalik on the ropes. Tag to Daivari, the Trustbusters double suplex Metalik high and hard! Cover, TWO! Daivari praises himself, stands Metalik up, and CLUBS away on the back! Daivari back suplexes, but Metalik lands on his feet! Tag to Blake! Blake dodges Daivari to BLAST Slim, then he gets around to scoop, BACKBRAEKER and ENZIGURI Daivari! 619!! And then springboard to CROSSBODY! Fans fire up, Slim runs in, but into an Alabama Lift! ALABAMA SLAM, and a CTAPULT! Slim flies out of the ring!

Blake KNEES Daivari out of the ring! Blake runs, but Slim trips him up! Slim fires off forearms while fans boo, but then Slim scoops and SLAMS Blake on the floor! Slim rips off his A-shirt while Daivari BLASTS Metalik! Slim puts Blake in the ring, Daivari stomps him, then Daivari tags Slim. Slim stomps Blake, drags him up, but Blake throws body shots! Blake swings, but into a clinch! Slim fires off point-blank lariats! Then Slim knuckle locks, goes up and springboards to CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Tag to Daivari, the Trustbusters mug Blake, then Daivari bumps Blake off buckles. Daivari brings Blake around for a NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO!

Daivari KNEES Blake in the back and clamps on a chinlock. Fans rally as Blake endures and fights up. Blake JAWBREAKERS free! Daivari wobbles, fans fire up, but Daivari catches Blake’s leap! Daivari RAMS Blake into the corner! Daivari RAMS him again and again, then tags Slim. Slim CHOKES Blake, the ref counts, but Slim lets off at 4. Slim storms up on Blake, drags him up and snapmares, then kicks to ENZIGURI! Cover, TWO! Slim drags Blake up to snap suplex! Tag to Daivari, the mugging continues, and Daivari drags Blake up. Daivari CHOPS and Blake falls against the ropes.

Daivari brings Blake up, whips him to ropes, but Blake handsprings to NEURALIZER! Fans fire up again as both men are down! Blake and Daivari crawl, hot tags to Slim and Metalik! The King of the Ropes springboards, Slim gets under to kick and whip, but Metalik reverses. Slim holds on, headscissors, and he runs in at the corner, Metalik elbows Slim, goes up, but jumps into a DRPOKICK! Cover, TWO! Slim is shocked, but he goes up top MOONSAULT, but he FLOPS! Metalik goes up, MOONSAULT hits! Cover, Daivari breaks it! Blake goes after Daivari, but Daivari whips. Blake goes up, to the side, and then springboards to DOUBLE STOMP!

Fans fire up as Daivari falls out. Blake builds speed to FOSBURY FLOP! Slim swings, misses, and Metalik SUPERKICKS! Fireman’s carry, spin and METALIK DRIVER! Cover, Metalik & Blake win!

Winners: Metalik & Blake Christian, by pinfall

The Kings of All Heart are victorious! Will this duo stick together to Reach For The Sky?


Mark Briscoe speaks.

“I don’t know if y’all remember, but it’s been many years and years now that I’ve been saying the same thing: The ROH World Television title is my destiny, baby! My destiny! And just last week, the challenge was accepted. Samoa Joe, long time brother, it’s me and you at the PPV, baby! Destiny will be fulfilled. But for now, I’ve got something else on my mind. Mark Sterling! I show up in AEW, I come here, make my brother proud, and the first time I show up, you interrupt me! Well let me tell you something, buddy! I am now making it my personal mission to bust the ass of every man you represent! First Josh Woods, now Tony Nese! It’s your turn, buddy!

“You understand what I’m saying? Next week, Mark Briscoe, Tony Nese, Honor Club! You’re in for a whole world of hurt, boy! You understand what I’m saying, Tony Nese? I hope you’re ready for this ass whooping, because it’s coming!” Will the Premier Athlete be beat down by the Sussex County Chicken?


Eddie Kingston VS Jeeves Kay!

The Mad King wants after the Swiss Superman, but it seems he has to fight his way to that spot. The Trustbusters are feeling pretty sore, will their butler end up feeling even worse?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and fans rally for Eddie. Eddie and Jeeves tie up, Eddie waistlocks, but Jeeves wrenches out. Eddie wrenches back, and wait! Claudio makes his way out to watch from the crowd. Eddie hits a headlock takeover, shrugs off the headscissors, and he grinds Jeeves down. Jeeves fights up, but Eddie holds onto the headlock. Jeeves fights to ropes, Eddie lets off, but Jeeves throws a sucker punch! Eddie doesn’t budge! Jeeves runs away, Eddie chases after and fires hands! Eddie grins at Claudio and whips Jeeves into the railing! The railing knocks Claudio over, and Claudio spills his drink on his nice white shirt!

Fans fire up as Eddie laughs at Claudio’s misfortune. Eddie dares Claudio to do something about it, but Claudio says he’ll just go change his shirt. And then Jeeves DIVES onto Eddie! Jeeves puts Eddie in the ring, hurries up the corner, and he FROG SPLASHES! Cover, ONE!!? Jeeves is shocked but the fans are loving it! Jeeves drags Eddie up, fireman’s carries, but Eddie slips off to SAIDO! Jeeves is dazed and Eddie says it’s time! STRETCH PLUM!! Jeeves TAPS, Eddie wins!

Winner: Eddie Kingston, by submission

Eddie shakes Jeeves’ hand to keep the Code of Honor, but he also signals he wants that belt! Fans like that! Will the Swiss Superman have no choice but to meet the Mad King in LA?


Backstage interview with The Trustbusters.

Lexi Nair is with Mark Sterling, Daivari, Slim and Jeeves, and notes they just took tough losses tonight. Sterling says it’d be a tough loss if they loss fair and square. There were some tags in that match that were NOT legal! Sterling has served an injunction to get this match thrown out to keep Slim & Daivari undefeated. Secondly, the good news is that we did see a moral victory as Jeeves “went to the limit” with Eddie Kingston. That was Jeeves’ best match ever! Daivari has sterling stop there. This is not the time for thinking, this is the time for action! So Metalik, Blake, you wanna be proud of that BS win?! Then give them another shot!

They want a Six Man Tag! Daivari, Slim & Jeeves VS Blake, Metalik, and a third, which they won’t find because they have no other friends in this company! The Trustbusters head out, will they get the trios match they want?


ROH Women’s World Championship Proving Grounds Match: Athena VS Hyan!

The Fallen Goddess is still champion after beating down Willow Nightingale, but now that means she needs challengers, too. Will the returning Hyan be just what Athena needs? Or will she not last the round?

The Code of Honor is upheld, though maybe mockingly. The bell rings and we’re on the clock. Hyan and Athena step up, and then Athena DECKS Hyan! Athena celebrates, then she fires off on Hyan in the corner! Fans boo but Athena lets off as the ref counts. Athena snapmares and KICKS Hyan, then asks if the fans want one more. Fans do, but Athena just covers. TWO, but Athena drags Hyan up. Athena hooks Hyan up and clamps on a neck wrench. Hyan endures, fans rally, and Hyan throws elbows. Hyan rolls Athena up, TWO! Oklahoma Roll, TWO! Hyan UPPERCUTS Athena down and fans fire up!

Hyan runs to PENALTY KICK! And PENALTY KICK! Hyan fires up, HAT TRICK!! Athena is down and fans fire up, Hyan covers, ONE!! Athena toughs it out, but Hyan CLUBS away. Hyan runs, but into a BLACK HOLE SLAM! Athena then dribbles Hyan off the mat! Athena CHOKES Hyan, but she lets off as the ref counts. Athena and the ref argue, but Athena calms down. Hyan sits up, Athena drags her up, but Hyan shoves her away. Athena BOOTS Hyan down! Fans rally and duel, Athena clamps on a chinlock. Athena claws at the eyes, but the ref reprimands. Athena shifts to a chinbar, but Hyan arm-drags free!

Athena is furious, she runs in, but into a BOOT! Hyan runs to CROSSBODY! Hyan fires up, rallies with clotheslines, then she fireman’s carries. WASTELAND! Fans fire up with Hyan, and she drops a leg, brother! Cover, ONE!! Athena is still in this but Hyan hurries to a corner. Hyan climbs, but Athena ROCKS her! Athena bumps Hyan off buckles, goes out to the apron, and then SUNSET FLIP POWERBOMBS her to the floor!! Fans are shocked but Athena grins. The ref wants Athena to get this back in the ring, so Athena drags Hyan up, to RAM her into steel steps! Athena puts Hyan back in the ring, covers, TWO!?!

Hyan is still in this, but Athena clamps on the CROSSFACE! Hyan taps, Athena wins!

Winner: Athena, by submission (DENIES Hyan a title match)

But Athena just makes Hyan suffer more! The ref counts, Athena lets off, and she gets in the ref’s face. The Fallen Goddess shows no mercy, and she sets the belt down. She drags Hyan up, fans boo but Athena SMASHES Hyan off the belt!! Athena laughs at Hyan, but fans chant, “YOU SUCK!” Athena just gets more upset, she shoves Hyan out of the ring and shouts at the fans that she’s the champ! Will anyone stop Athena’s reign of terror?


Backstage interview with Metalik & Blake Christian.

Lexi notes their big win over the Trustbusters, and Metalik says he is very happy in ROH’s new era. Blake says not only is he happy that Metalik is here, he’s happy to be here, and that they are here together. That’s why they beat the Trustbusters. But it seems they’re just running their mouths again. They want a third man, do it again in a Trios match, and Blake called up a buddy. He got A R FOX! Fox walks in, high-fives with everyone, and he says a new trio is born! Not only has a new trio been born, but this is what they need! In fact, the Six Man Tag Team titles are on the line tonight, so let’s keep a close eye on that. Will this amazing high flying combination soon be headed for gold?


Silas Young VS Marcus Kross!

The Last Real Man is back in ROH! And he’s up against the former DBZ cosplayer now looking for a new look. Will Silas show that no matter the era, he’s still surly?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and the two circle. They tie up, Silas wrenches to a hammerlock and he wrangles Kross to the mat. Kross fights up, moves around, rolls and wrenches back. Silas rolls, kips up and cartwheels to break free and CHOP! Silas headlocks, Kross powers up but Silas holds tight! Silas talks some trash, Kross throws body shots, powers out, but Silas pulls hair! Silas throws knees, then suplexes! Silas holds Kross up but Kross makes it a cradle, TWO! Silas sweeps the legs and covers, ONE! Kross sweeps the legs but Silas goes Matrix to Oklahoma Roll, TWO!

Kross jumps to wheelbarrow and victory roll, TWO! Silas and Kross stagger up, but Silas CLOBBERS Kross! Fans fire up and Silas mockingly applauds. Silas stomps Kross, Kross goes to a corner and Silas drags him up. Silas CHOPS Kross, follows him to another corner, and he whips corner to corner. Kross hits hard and bounces off buckles! Cover, TWO!! Kross survives that whiplash but Silas clamps on a motorcycle stretch. Kross endures, fans rally up, and Kross fights up. Silas knees low, whips Kross again, but Kross reverses. Silas hits buckles, Kross runs in but Silas put shim on the apron. Kross ROUNDHOUSES!

Kross goes up top, and CROSSBODIES! Fans fire up, Kross kicks, kicks and roundhouses, but misses! Silas full nelsons to KNEE SMASH, and then fireman’s carry! ROLLING SENTON! Silas goes up the corner to headstand and PEEWEEGEE PLUNGE! Cover, Silas wins!

Winner: Silas Young, by pinfall

The Last Real Man continues right where he left off, and he gets the mic to say, “What’s the matter, Bobby? No congratulations? No ‘Job well done’ for your friend, Silas? It has been over ONE YEAR since I’ve stepped foot in an ROH ring. When you think about ROH, you think Silas Young! When you think about the greatest wrestling on the planet, you think about the Last Real Man! And when you think about the men who’ve come before and since myself, and represented ROH as the ROH World Television Champion, there isn’t a single guy in that locker room who measure sup tot he Last Real Man! Cuz when it comes down to it-”

Wait! Here comes SHANE TAYLOR! Fans fire up seeing Shane and he tells Silas, “You must’ve bumped your head if you’re saying something like that, homey. Because anybody who’s been a fan of those three letters knows that the greatest of all time is Shane Taylor.” Fans agree with that. “And if you need correction to that fact, then I say next week, Silas Young goes one on one with Shane Taylor, and I prove to you why I am Shane T. Boy, the baddest champion you have ever seen, boy!” Silas nods and that means challenge accepted! Who proves they’re the baddest man in ROH?


Backstage interview with Athena.

Lexi says that was a big win for Athena tonight, but what is next? Athena takes the mic because she can do this job better than Lexi. Here are some real questions. Where is Yuka Sakazaki? Lexi doesn’t know. Well Athena will say where: in Japan seeking medical attention. So why is Yuka still wrestling matches in Japan? Lexi doesn’t know. Athena says that’s because Yuka is afraid of Athena! She’s afraid! And why? Because Athena put Yuka’s leg in the steps and hurt her worse than anyone ever has. And now Athena has to see Yuka wrestling all over Japan because she’s too scared to come and face Athena.

So Yuka, Athena will tell you this loud and clear. Athena is ready to whoop Yuka’s ass all over LA! Supercard of Honor, if Yuka has the “lady balls” to show up, Athena challenges her to fight for the ROH Women’s World Championship. And don’t worry about magic. If Yuka does show up, Athena will be the one to make her disappear. The Fallen Goddess calls out the Wrestling Magical Girl, will this be a showdown of good and evil in Hollywood?


ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championships: The Embassy w/ Prince Nana VS Dalton Castle & The Boys!

This is a rematch a long time coming! Brian Cage, Toa Liona & Bishop Kaun took these titles off The Peacock and the Tate Twins, but now the Peacock and the Tate Twins have come back for revenge! Will Dalton find a way for him and the Boys to be golden again? Or will they simply be crushed by The Machine and the Gates of Agony?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see if three Davids can defeat three Goliaths!

The Code of Honor is upheld, though maybe a little painfully from the Gates of Agony. The teams sort out and fans rally as Castle starts against Kaun. Fans rally as Castle and Kaun circle. They feel things out, tie up, and go around. Castle gets away but Kaun gets up in his face. Castle shoots in to get the leg and takedown! Castle waistlocks, he rolls Kaun around, brings him up, but Kaun elbows free. Kaun swings, into an EXPLODER! Kaun scowls but Castle is on him again. Tag to Brandon, tag to Brent, they send Kaun to the corner, The Boys double whip Castle to SPLASH, then he feeds to double shoulders, and double LARIATS! Brent covers, ONE!!

Kaun RAMS Brent into the Embassy corner! Tag to Liona, the Gates mug Brent, and then Kaun SLAPS Toa to fire him up! SPLASH and then Liona just shoves Brent down. Cover, TWO! Liona HAMMERS away on Brent, CHOKES him, but lets off at 4. Nana likes what he sees but the fans boo. Liona soaks up the heat, drags Brent up, and he whips Brent to ropes. Brandon tags in, GAMANGIRI, and then a do-si-do to a FLYING FOREARM! Liona stays up, he whips Brandon to a corner, but Brandon dodges! The Boys mug Liona, Castle tags in and he ROCKS Liona! The Boys dropkick the legs out to DOUBLE COMPLETE SHOT!

Castle SPLASHES down, covers, TWO! Castle hurries to facelock. Liona fights up, UPPERCUTS, and he runs in, but into a BOOT! Castle fights back but Kaun HOTSHOTS the arm! Liona runs in, Castle dodges! Tag to Cage and Brandon! Brandon jumps, into a POWERSLAM! Cage flexes and fans are torn. Cage then CLOBBERS Castle! Liona runs over to RAM Castle into steel steps! Cage RAMS Brandon into a corner, RAMS him again, then CHOPS! Cage stalks Brandon, brings him up and whips, to CLOBBER Brandon! And then KICK him in the back! Cage clamps onto Brandon to throw down CROSSFACE FOREARMS!

Fans boo but Cage swaggers and flexes. Cage drags Brandon over, tags in Kaun, and they mug Brandon. Kaun scoops Brandon to walk him, into a BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Kaun clamps onto Brandon with a chinlock! He grinds Brandon down, Brandon fights up, and Brandon throws body shots. Brandon runs, sunset flips, TWO! Kaun CLOBBERS Brandon in return! Cover, TWO! Brandon hangs tough and fans rally up. Kaun drags Brandon up, CHOPS him, then hoists him up top. Kaun CLUBS Brandon, climbs up after him, and hits a TOP ROPE BACKBREAKER!! Brandon falls and Liona tags in.

Liona tags Cage, then he APRON SENTONS Brandon! Cage goes up the corner, deadlifts Brandon into the SUPERPLEX! Cage and the Gates soak up all the heat then Cage covers, but Brent breaks it! Brent slips away but Cage is annoyed. Cage whips Brent into the corner hard, then he tags Liona. Fans rally but Liona brings Brandon out. Liona scoops and SLAMS Brandon, then clamps on a claw into the shoulder! Brandon endures, fights up, fights free, and runs, into a POP-UP SPINEBUSTER! Liona covers, TWO!! Liona is shocked, but he scoops Brandon to SLAM him down again!

Liona clamps onto the shoulder again but Brandon fights up again. Fans rally, Brandon stomps Liona’s feet! And then JAWBREAKERS free! Brandon is in the corner, Liona runs in, but Brandon moves! Liona POSTS himself! Kaun tags in, gets a leg, but Brandon BOOTS him away! Hot tag to Castle! The Peacock rallies on the Embassy with elbows and boots! EXPLODER for Cage! EXPLODER for Kaun! Castle BOOTS Liona down! Fans are thunderous as Kaun fights the German Suplex. Kaun runs, Castle follows and ELBOWS him! Then SLING-DOGS! Cover, TWO! Castle goes to a corner, Cage storms in, but Brent intercepts!

Cage scoops but Brent slips free, but Cage SUPERKICKS! Castle runs in, but into a foreman’s carry! F5!! Brandon returns he ducks, rolls and headscissors, Brent DROPKICKS! the Boys rwench, SOLE FOOD and ENZIGURI! Then ASSISTED SLICED BREAD! Fans fire up, but Liona storms in to fireman’s carry and SAMOAN DROP Brandon! Brent runs in, dodges Liona, but Kaun CLOBBERS Brent! Nana says it’s time, and the Gates drag Brandon up. DOUBLE LARIAT SANDWICH! Brent goes up top, he leaps, but into Liona’s arms! Kaun helps with the ATOMIC SLAM onto Brandon! Cover, the Embassy wins!

Winners: The Embassy, by pinfall (still ROH World Six Man Tag Team Champions)

But they’re not done! Liona TOSSES Castle at the steel steps! Castle hits his knees, but Liona rains down fists! Liona BITES Castle’s forehead! Cage CLOBBERS Brandon, Kaun DECKS Brent! Castle is sent back into those steps! But wait! Here comes AR Fox and his new team! They snatch the belts! Fox, Blake & Metalik told everyone they want to go for gold, will the Embassy be under attack from above?


Trish Adora VS Madison Rayne!

The Afro-Punk had a great win in her return to ROH, but she’s still hungry for more. Will she get more than her fill against the veteran Queen Bee? Or is she biting off more than she can chew?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and the two circle. They tie up, go around, and Adora powers Rayne to a corner. Rayne goes up the ropes, jumps and arm-drags Adora away. Rayne goes to arm-drag again but Adora blocks and whips. Rayne arm-drags to a cover, TWO! Rayne headlocks, but Adora switches around. Rayne switches back, Adora bucks her, and swings. Rayne dodges, comes back, crucifix, but Adora powers up! Rayne uses that to roll the other way, TWO! Adora hurries to waistlock, then she shoves Rayne right into buckles! Adora ELBOWS, and ELBOWS and ELBOWS and ELBOWS!

The ref counts, Adora lets off at 4, and she says, “No problem.” Adora stands Rayne up to whip corner to corner. Adora runs in, but Rayne BOOTS her! Rayne trips Adora, rolls her, and runs, to basement dropkick! Cover, TWO! Rayne keeps moving, but Adora CLOBBERS her! Cover, TWO! Fans rally and Adora drags Rayne up. Adora NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO! Rayne escapes but Adora has the wrist again. Adora Alabama Lifts, tucks, REVERSE NECKBREAKER, into an INVERTED OCTOPUS! Rayne endures, slips free, but Adora wrenches. Rayne kicks low to DDT!

Fans fire up while both women are down and the standing count begins. Rayne sits up first but Adora follows. They both stand, Rayne dodges the haymaker to ROCK with a left! Rayne BOOTS the lariat, fires off more forearms and CHOPS, but Adora blocks to spin Rayne. Rayne ENZIGURIS through! Fans rally, Rayne drags Adora up and wrenches to waistlock. Ripcord, CLOUD CUTTER! Cover, TWO! Fans rally as Adora goes to a corner. Rayne runs in but Adora gets around to GERMAN SUPLEX! Bridging cover, TWO! Rayne and Adora rise up again, and Adora powers out. But Rayne crucifix DRIVERS! Cover, TWO!!

Rayne is shocked, but she hurries to facelock. Rayne dragon sleepers, but Adora powers free! Fireman’s carry, but Rayne fights off! Rayne shoves, Adora comes back but into a kick. Rayne runs, misses the boot, but she avoids the backhand! LARIAT TUBMAN!! Cover, Adora wins!

Winner: Trish Adora, by pinfall

Rayne gets wiped out! Adora shows her respect with the Code of Honor, but will Adora create her own women’s championship legacy?


Backstage interview with Top Flight.

Lexi says Dante & Darius seem to be building a saga with The Kingdom, as now Darius faces Matt Taven next week. Dante just came from the doctor’s, had his neck stretched and popped, all because of a tag team they thought they were done with! So Kingdom, Top Flight settles things next week! Step up or take flight! And correct Darius if he’s wrong, but we just saw what The Kingdom will do. The Coldest Tag Team in the Game has been on fire lately. Darius will light Taven’s ass up! This Kingdom is theirs for the taking!


Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal VS The Outrunners!

It’s hard to say which team is a bigger throwback. The Fallen Angel and the Airborne reunite after years apart, but Truth Magnum & Turbo Floyd are definitely trying to be like the teams of yesteryear. Will Daniels & Sydal open those third eyes and ascend to new heights?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the teams sort out, and Daniels starts against Turbo. Fans rally for Daniels, he and Turbo circle, but then Truth slips in! The Outrunners mug Daniels, deck Sydal, and then DOUBLE SCOOP SLAM Daniels! Fans boo but the Outrunners soak up the heat. Turbo bumps Daniels off buckles, elbows him, then BULLDOGS! Truth runs in to NECK SNAPPER! Cover, TWO! The Outrunners are upset already, but Turbo DECKS Sydal! Turbo drags Daniels up, tags Truth, and they send Daniels to a corner. Truth whips Turbo in but Turbo gets as BOOT! Truth runs in but only gets buckles!

Hot tag to Sydal! HEEL KICK for Turbo! Sydal runs to RANA Truth! Fans fire up, Truth staggers about, into a KICK fest! SOBAT sends Truth to ropes! Sydal whips, Truth reverses but Sydal WHEEL KICKS! Sydal brings Truth up to fisherman BUSTER! Roll to a cover, but Turbo breaks it! Daniels runs in, Turbo fires hands! Turbo stomps Daniels, Truth mugs Sydal. The Outrunners whip, Sydal reverses, then he and Daniels send Truth into Turbo! STO for Turbo, QUESTION MARK KICK for Truth! Daniels kicks Truth low, underhooks, ANGEL’S WINGS! Sydal adds on the LIGHTNING SPIRAL! Cover, Sydal & Daniels win!

Winners: Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal, by pinfall

The inaugural ROH World Tag Team Champions win together again, will they bring back the glory days in this new era?

Wait, wait, here comes Aussie Open! Kyle Fletcher & Mark Davis are still in town, and Fletcher has a mic to say, “Christopher Daniels, the Fallen Angel, and Matt Sydal, it is a pleasure to see you back in the ROH ring, baby! The two of you, integral to the beginning of ROH. To the history of ROH. 2006, you were ROH Tag Team Champions together, when I was a mere 7 years old. But now, it is ROH 2023 and there is no better tag team int he world this year than AUSSIE FREAKIN’ OPEN!!” What Aussie Open wants is the ROH World Tag Team Championships. And there’s no better way to put their names in the hat than beating former champions.

So whenever, wherever, Aussie Open will see them and beat them, as they have- Fans chant “NOW! NOW! NOW!” Davis says it isn’t 2006, those two aren’t spring chickens, they’re gonna get time to rest so they can step to Aussie Open at their best! And at their best, no one beats Aussie Open. Fletcher & Davis run the world! Daniels gets a mic to say, “Okay, I guess surprises happen, even here in the new ROH. That young pimply faced man was right, Matt Sydal & Christopher Daniels were ROH Tag Team Champions in 2006. But let me tell you, the only difference between 2006 Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal and 2023 Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal is damn, we’ve got a lot of experience, and we’re still damn good looking.

“So Aussie Open, if you’re looking for a couple of gentlemen to kick your asses in a ROH ring, I know two silver foxes ready to get that job done.” The challenge is accepted, but when and where will we see this generational battle?


ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Clark Connors!

The Decoder was so cocky after defeating Timothy Thatcher, he talked a lot of trash on NJPW’s LA Dojo and Young Lion system. Yuta rolls with three of the greatest, but will he get rolled by the Wild Rhino? Or will being #ForgedInCombat prove to be superior to what Connors has been through?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and wrestling philosophies clash over the gold!

The judges ringside are Colt Cabana, BJ Whitmer & Dean Malenko, they will be important should this go the time limit. The Code of Honor is upheld, though with a glare. The bell rings and fans rally as the two circle. They feel things out, Connors shoots in but Yuta gets around. They trade facelocks, Connors headlocks then facelocks. Yuta rolls but Connors stays with him. Yuta makes it a cradle, ONE! The two reset, feel things out and knuckle lock. Connors headlocks, Yuta powers out but Connors runs him over! Fans fire up, things speed up, and Yuta hurdles to kick low. Yuta forearms and CHOPS, runs, but gets run over!

Yuta is mad, he CHOPS, but Connors doesn’t flinch! Connors UPPERCUTS Yuta down! Fans fire up, Connors brings Yuta up and CHOPS! Yuta snarls, but Connors CHOPS again! Connors eggs Yuta on, so Yuta CHOPS again! And again! And again! Connors likes that, and he swings, but into a takedown! Armlock and chinbar! Connors reaches out, ROPEBREAK! Yuta lets off, but that’s one of three for Connors. Connors stands but Yuta CHOPS him! Fans rally, Connors DECKS Yuta! That was a forearm, so it’s okay. Connors suplexes but Yuta blocks. Yuta wrenches out, UPPERCUTS, but Connors ducks the enziguri!

Connors deadlifts, Yuta fights to switch but Connors switches and snap suplexes! Fans fire up, Connors covers, TWO! Connors hurries back to a corner and waits on Yuta. Yuta stands, Connors runs in, into a KICK! Yuta hooks Connors up into an IRON OCTOPUS! Connors endures, Yuta grinds the shoulder, but Connors fights his way over. Fans rally, Connors falls into the ROPEBREAK! Connors has burned through his second, he’s in a bad spot. Yuta stomps Connors but Connors throws body shots. Yuta throws his wrist tape away to distract the ref, so he can headlock punch Connors! Fans boo as Yuta gets away with cheating!

Yuta drags Connors up, fisherman’s suplex! Bridging cover, TWO! Not quite perfect, but Yuta wrenches the arm to top wristlock, and STOMP it! Fans boo and chant “YUTA SUCKS!” but Yuta hammerlocks the arm, to RAM it into the buckles! Yuta pushes Connors to a cover, TWO! Connors hangs tough but Yuta waistlocks. Connors fights the lift, fans rally, and Connors arm-drags Yuta away. Yuta rewinds, but into the POUNCE! Fans are thunderous as Connors goes to the corner. Yuta goes to the other, Connors runs in to ELBOW! Connors whips, RAMS Yuta in the corner, then back drops him away!

Fans fire up as Connors runs to BASEMENT BOOT! Fans fire up, Connors aims again and Yuta rises. Connors runs in, but drop toehold sends him into buckles! Yuta then atomic drops, ENZIGURIS, and Connors goes to a corner. Yuta runs in to A-LIST LARIAT! Connors staggers out, Yuta goes up, FLYING LARIAT! Yuta kips up and fans fire up but also boo. Yuta deadlifts Connors for a GERMAN SUPLEX! Connors staggers up, but he SPEARS Yuta down!! Fans rally and duel while Connors and Yuta stir. Connors and Yuta sit up, and Connors throws a forearm! Yuta throws another forearm!

The forearms go back and forth and fans rally up. The two stand, the forearms keep flying, Connors gets the edge then PPERCUTS! Connors whips, but Yuta SHOTGUNS him down! Yuta HAMMERS the bad arm, grabs the legs and ties those up, and then he twists the arm! Fans boo as Connors endures the torture. Connors SLAPS Yuta, SLAPS him again, and SLAPS and SLAPS and SLAPS! Yuta eggs Connors on but Connors says F it and DECKS Yuta! That’s the warning for the closed fist, but Connors is free all the same. Yuta flounders to a corner, but he comes back with a BLINDSIDE LARIAT!

Fans boo but Yuta tells them to shut up. Yuta DECKS Connors! That’s his warning, so Yuta again bends the rules to his advantage. Yuta sits Connors up and clamps on, for HAMMER ‘N- NO! Victory roll! TWO! Connors crucifix to sunset, ONE into the ANKLE LOCK! Fans fire up as Connors shouts out Ken Shamrock and Ryusuke Taguchi! Yuta endures, reaches out, ROPEBREAK! That’s one, but then Connors GERMAN SUPLEXES Yuta! And whips, to then POWERSLAM! Fans fire up with Connors, and he drags Yuta back up! TROPHY- NO, Yuta slips free and wrangles Connors by the bad arm! ARMLOCK CHINBAR!!

Connors endures, crawls forward, reaches out, but Yuta gets that arm! SEATBELT! Yuta wins!!

Winner: Wheeler Yuta, by pinfall (still ROH Pure Champion)

The Decoder got Connors to play right into his hand! Yuta still upholds the Code of Honor, and then he gets the mic again. “Well, well, well. Still your ROH Pure Champion, Wheeler Yuta. Now two weeks ago, I told everyone that the Blackpool Combat Club has the best training in the world. And not only did I just beat Timothy Thatcher, I just beat Clark Connors. Clark Connors, who comes from the LA Dojo, which is also supposed to be one of the greatest schools in the world. But seeing as I’m no longer a student, I think it might be time to, uh, go for the teacher. Which means I will not rest until I defeat for this ROH Pure Championship, Katsuyori Shibata!”

Yuta sits cross-legged just like Shibata, and here comes Claudio to applaud Yuta’s guts! Will Yuta keep the BCC golden? Or will he come to regret calling out The Wrestler?

My Thoughts:

A great episode for ROH here, really stacked with the titles and story progress. Opening with the world title Proving Grounds match was good stuff, Mack looked real good but it’s a shame they only get 10 minutes or less in those kinds of matches. Eddie Kingston of course squashes Jeeves, but great touch having him embarrass Claudio with that coffee spill spot. I’m thinking next week, we officially set up Claudio VS Kingston, the go-home on March 30th would be too late. Good Proving Grounds match for Hyan, though again of course Athena wins. Good promo from Athena to call out Yuka Sakazaki, though a rather random choice. That’ll still be a great match, but I feel like Athena will still win.

Good stuff out of Bennett VS Dante, I am a little surprised Dante won that, but naturally it brings out Taven VS Darius. Decent promo from Top Flight, but I think this doesn’t settle until we get the tag team match. At the same time, maybe we get both teams in Reach For The Sky, two birds one stone of settling the feud but also getting close to the titles. Really good match from Trustbusters, Metalik & Blake, and good win for Metalik & Blake. Escalating to a Six Man Tag was a bit surprising, but it helps bring AR Fox back into ROH. Fox has been teaming with Top Flight on AEW, maybe we get a big faction of flyers with all five of those guys.

Great ROH Six Man title match, but since Castle didn’t get to throw The Boys at the Embassy, I knew they were going to lose. Fox, Blake & Metalik are clearly going to get at the champions after beating the Trustbusters, but I don’t feel like they’re going to win the titles. ROH need a few more Trios, but I can’t be sure who they could bring in that could defeat the Embassy. Great win for Daniels & Sydal, and a bit surprising Aussie Open was back again, but that’s gonna be an awesome match because Aussie Open is an awesome team. As of right now, Mark Davis is in the New Japan Cup, but perhaps destined to lose to Evil. Aussie Open could definitely make it to Supercard of Honor to be in Reach for the Sky.

Good win for Adora against Rayne, but I must say again that Madison Rayne matches feel like they’re at half speed. Not that they’re plotting and slow on purpose, but like, if you sped the footage up, it’d look like a good match. Good win for Silas Young, and good promos from him and Shane Taylor. That is going to be a great match that could set up the next challenger for the ROH World TV Championship. Briscoe had a good promo to call out Joe, as well as Sterling’s stable. Briscoe VS Nese will be a good warm-up going into Supercard of Honor, and I feel like it’d be a great moment if Briscoe wins the title to finally achieve his “destiny.”

And great main event for the Pure title. Great stuff with Connors and Yuta both taking advantage of the closed fist rule. But of course Yuta uses more sneaky tactics, and that was a very clever finish to use the ropebreak rule to trap Connors. Yuta calling out Shibata, though, wow. He’s gonna get his ass kicked but he probably still uses the rules of the Pure title to survive. But a big title match like that on Supercard of Honor in LA as ROH takes advantage of WrestleMania Weekend would be a great way for Shibata to make progress in his comeback.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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