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Mitchell’s ROH Supercard of Honor Results & Report! (3/31/23)

Honor shines in LA!



ROH sees what it is to live and die in LA.

In the City of Angels, all of ROH’s champions will defend their thrones! Who will rise and who will fall on this Supercard of Honor?


  • Zero Hour – Jeff Cobb VS Tracy Williams; Cobb wins.
  • Zero Hour – Konosuke Takeshita VS Willie Mack; Konosuke wins.
  • Zero Hour – Willow Nightingale VS Miranda Alize; Willow wins.
  • Zero Hour – Stu Grayson w/ Evil Uno VS Slim J w/ Ari Daivari & Mark Sterling; Stu wins.
  • AAA Mega Championship: El Hijo del Vikingo VS Komander; Vikingo wins and retains the title.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championships: The Embassy w/ Prince Nana VS AR Fox, Metalik & Blake Christian; win(s).
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Yuka Sakazaki; Athena wins and retains the title.
  • ROH World Television Championship: Samoa Joe VS Mark Briscoe; Joe wins and retains the title.
  • Hiroshi Tanahashi VS Daniel Garcia; Tanahashi wins.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championship Reach for the Sky Ladder Match: The Lucha Brothers VS Top Flight VS The Kingdom VS La Faccion Ingobernable VS Aussie Open; The Lucha Brothers win and are the new ROH World Tag Team Champions.
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Katsuyori Shibata; Shibata wins and becomes the new ROH Pure Champion.
  • ROH World Championship: Claudio Castagnoli VS Eddie Kingston; Claudio wins and retains the title.


Zero Hour – Jeff Cobb VS Tracy Williams!

The United Empire’s Imperial Unite could not bring the IWGP United States Championship home, but he brushes that off and moves forward. Will he take Tracy on a Tour of the Islands? Or will he get burned by the Hot Sauce?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and the two feel things out. They tie up, Tracy wrenches but Cobb clinches. Tracy shots in, Cobb counters, they roll, Cobb has a press but Tracy makes it a ghost pin, ONE! Fans applaud that opening exchange, and the two go again. Cobb waistlocks, gets a leg, but Tracy uses that to bring Cobb down to a HEEL HOOK! Cobb gets the ROPEBREAK, and Tracy lets go quickly. Fans rally, the two go again, and tie up. Cobb headlocks to a takeover but Tracy headscissors. Cobb stands and pops free, then gets in Tracy’s face. Tracy shoves Cobb, Cobb shoves back.

Tracy headlocks, but Cobb blocks the takeover for the ATHLETIC PLEX! Fans fire up and Cobb brings Tracy up. Cobb ROCKS Tracy, stalks him to a corner, and whips corner to corner. Tracy bounces off buckles, into a scoop SLAM! Cover, TWO! Cobb is still on Tracy, but Tracy throws body shots and forearms. Cobb ROCKS Tracy back! Cobb DECKS Tracy, but Tracy drags himself back up. Tracy CHOPS, Cobb throat chops! The ref reprimands but Cobb brings Tracy around. Cobb suplexes, holds Tracy up, runs a quick lap with him, then runs to the center to SLAM Tracy down! Fans fire up for that feat of strength! Cover, TWO!

Cobb keeps on Tracy with a wrench and short arm LARIAT! GACHI- NO, Tracy anchors the leg! Cobb CLUBS Tracy, GACHIMUCHI FLOP! Tracy gets the arm! Tracy pulls on the arm, CLUBS the arm, but Cobb fights up. Fans rally, Cobb scoops Tracy but Tracy slips out to get a leg! Cobb CLUBS Tracy, but Tracy just changes legs to SINGLE LEG SAIDO! Fans fire up with Tracy and he aims from a corner. Cobb stands, Tracy runs in but only gets buckles. Cobb runs in but gets an elbow! Tracy ROCKS Cobb, throws more shots, but Cobb ROCKS Tracy right back! Tracy goes to a corner, Cobb runs in but into BOOTS!

Tracy goes up, but Cobb YANKS him off the top, only for Tracy to DDT! Cover, TWO!! Cobb survives but Tracy says he’ll end it! Tracy brings Cobb up, reels him in, but Cobb is too much for a lift! Cobb scoops Tracy, pops him around, but Tracy makes it a cradle! TWO!! Cobb escapes in time and he ELBOWS, JABS, YUKON- NO, Tracy ducks Cobb’s copy of the Shingo Takagi combo! Tracy ROCKS Cobb, spins, but into a GERMAN SUPLEX! Fans fire up with Cobb and he runs at Tracy to LARIAT! Cobb says he’s gonna end this, and he brings Tracy up. Ripcord and TOUR OF THE ISLANDS!! Cover, Cobb wins!

Winner: Jeff Cobb, by pinfall

A big win for Cobb, and he is back on a roll! Tracy upholds the Code of Honor by shaking Cobb’s hand. Will Cobb help the United Empire conquer the world of wrestling?


Nigel McGuinness is here!

Fans fire up as the iconic former ROH World and former ROH Pure Champion is here to join commentary!


Zero Hour – Konosuke Takeshita VS Willie Mack!

The Future of Wrestling has a busy day today, but he is ready to live and die in LA! Will Konosuke still be the future in AEW and ROH? Or will this truly be the Return of the Mack?

The bell rings, the two circle, and Mack has Konosuke hold on. Mack offers the Code of Honor handshake, and Konosuke takes it. Fans cheer, the two tie up, and then they break. They talk a little smack, both men run, and they RAM into each other! Both men stay up, so they go again. They RAM shoulders, and Mack is proving more solid than Konosuke. Fans rally, the two go again, and they RAM again! Mack grins and shakes his arm out. Mack then ROCKS Konosuke! Mack whips Konosuke to a corner, runs in, but Konosuke dodges! Konosuke runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges and TAKESHITA LINE! Mack bails out and fans fire up.

Konosuke goes to ropes, slingshots, PLANCHA, but he has to land on his feet as Mack moves. Mack CLOBBERS Konosuke on the return! Fans fire up, Mack drags Konosuke up and puts him in the ring. Konosuke staggers, fans rally up, and Mack CHOPS Konosuke against ropes. Mack whips Konosuke, Konosuke reverses but Mack arm-drags! Konosuke gets up, dodges, but Mack RANAS! Fans fire up and Konosuke goes to a corner. Mack runs in but into an ELBOW! Konosuke goes up and leaps, FLYING RANA! Fans fire up as Mack tumbles all the way out! Konosuke builds speed and FLIES! Direct hit right in front of commentary!

LA is thunderous as Konosuke puts Mack in the ring. “Let’s go!” Fans fire up for that, but Mack FLIES! Direct hit in front of commentary and fans lose their minds! Mack grits his teeth, stands back up, and Mack drags Konosuke up. Mack puts Konosuke in, brings him up, and KNEES him in the back! And again! And again! Mack then clamps on a chinlock and bends Konosuke back against his knee. Fans rally, Konosuke fights up, and throws elbows and body shots. Konosuke shoves Mack away, Mack dodges and LEAPING LARIATS on the return! Both men slowly rise, and Konosuke throws forearems and elbows!

Konosuke runs, but Mack redirects him to RUNNING GAMANGIRI! Mack fireman’s carries, to a SAMOAN DROP! Fans rally up while both men are down, and a standing count begins. The count reaches 5 of 10, and Mack kips up! Not the sharpest because of a bad back, but Mack figures whatever, STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Konosuke is still in this and stands at the ropes. Mack whips but Konosuke holds the ropes. Mack ROCKS Konosuke, whips him, but Konosuke reverses to ROCK, elbow and BACK ELBOW! ROLLING ELBOW! Mack wobbles, Konosuke runs, into a DROPKICK!

Fans fire up and Mack prepares the arm. Mack runs, into a LARIAT from Konosuke!! Cover, TWO!! Mack survives but Konosuke just powers up again. Konosuke stands Mack up, wrenches and reels him in, but Mack fights the lift. Mack CLUBS away on Konosuke, Konosuke swings but misses, and Mack kicks low to- NO, Konosuke fights the stunner! Konosuke waistlocks but Mack elbows free! Mack runs, and POUNCES Konosuke to the corner! Konosuke bounces off buckles, staggers about, into a STUNNER! But he JUMP KNEES in return! Then steals the STUNNER!! Fans are thunderous, as Mack SHINING WIZARDS!!

Fans are still thunderous as both men are down! “This is Awesome!” as the standing count climbs. Both men stir at 4 of 10, and then crawl to ropes at 5. Konosuke is up first, and Mack goes to a corner. Konosuke fires up and runs in, but Mack catches him! EXPLODER! Konosuke flounders into the corner, and Mack is a bit dazed. But Mack shakes the stars away, runs in, CANNONBALL! Konosuke is in the drop zone and Mack goes up top! FROG SPLASH FLOPS as Konosuke moves! Konosuke reels Mack in, for a BLUE THUNDER BOMB!! But Konosuke doesn’t end it there! Fans are thunderous as he aims from the corner!

Mack rises, Konosuke runs in, MOTOR DRIVER KNEE!! Cover, Konosuke wins!

Winner: Konosuke Takeshita, by pinfall

A wild match for just the Zero Hour, and a great win for the Future of Wrestling! Konosuke shows his respect by shaking Mack’s hand and standing him back up. Will both Konosuke and Mack fight for big prizes down the line?


Zero Hour – Willow Nightingale VS Miranda Alize!

The positive powerhouse was almost ROH Women’s World Champion, but there’s always another chance. Will Willow power her way up the rankings? Or will the Lucha Baddie make this a bad time?

The Code of Honor is not upheld by Alize, and the bell rings. Alize and Willow circle, approach, and Alize gets around to rabbit punch! Alize runs, wheelbarrows, but Willow SLAMS her down! Willow brings Alize up to snap suplex! Una Amiga! Another snap suplex, Dos Amigas! And then THREE AMIGAS, with a bridge! TWO! Alize gets away but Willow scoops her to SLAM her! Willow runs to SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Alize bails out now, and Willow waits. The count climbs but Willow goes out. Willow chases Alize, Alize slides into the ring, but then Willow avoids the baseball slide! Willow then runs in to DIVE into a forearm!

Alize frowns, dusts herself off, and goes up to step in, SPIKE-RANA! Cover, TWO! Alize wants a faster count but brings Willow up. Alize CHOPS Willow, bumps her off buckles, then wraps the arm around ropes. Alize pulls the arm, and BITES the hand! The ref reprimands, Alize lets off to run, CHOP, and ROCK! “What’re you gonna do about it?!” Willow turns Alize around to CHOP her! And CHOP her again! And then bump her, only for Alize to get away! Alize CLAWS Willow’s face! Fans boo, Alize stomps a mudhole in, and the ref counts. Alize lets off to drag Willow up and ROCK her! Alize runs, rolls, comes back and UPPERCUTS!

Alize keeps going, side to side for the BOOT WASH! Fans boo but Alize just soaks it up and goes corner to corner, HESITATION DROPKICK! Alize drags Willow up, BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! Cover, TWO! Fans rally for Willow but Alize runs in to ROCK her! Alize whips corner to corner but Willow handsprings and comes back to ROCK her! And CHOP her! Willow whips corner to corner, runs in, and back body blocks! LARIAT! Snapmare and KICK! Willow whips, to SPINEBUSTER! High stack, TWO! Alize survives but the fans still rally for Willow. Willow brings Alize up, fireman’s carries, but Alize fights free.

Alize ripcords to KNEE, then facelocks to TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! Cover, TWO! Alize grows frustrated and she pounds the mat. Fans rally, Willow stands, and she shoves Alize away. Alize BOOTS back, runs in and spins Willow around, but Willow blocks the suplex! Willow runs, Alize follows and dropkicks a leg out! BASEMENT DDT! Cover, TWO!! Willow survives and fans fire up! Alize is beside herself, but she gets the ARMBAR! Willow endures, fights to a stack, TWO! Alize lets Willow go, and Willow SUPERKICKS! Fireman’s carry, DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! Cover, TWO! Alize is still in this and Willow fires up!

Fans rally behind Willow as she goes to a corner. Alize is in the other, Willow runs in to CANNONBALL into buckles! Alize avoids disaster and she rushes up to fire forearms! Willow gives them back! Fans rally as the shots go back and forth! Willow gest the edge, but Alize spins Willow around to a CUTTER! Alize runs in, DRIVE BY misses as Willow moves! Alize flounders up, Willow runs in and shoves Alize, to then POUNCE!! Fans fire up for Willow and she brings down the straps! Willow drags Alize up, reels her in, DOCTOR BOMB!! Cover, Willow wins!

Winner: Willow Nightingale, by pinfall

A powerful win for the powerful and positive Willow Nightingale! Will Willow be waiting on the other side of tonight’s big Women’s Championship match?


Zero Hour – Stu Grayson w/ Evil Uno VS Slim J w/ Ari Daivari & Mark Sterling!

The Dark Order’s Number Two is back and ready to play! But will the Trustbuster’s top investment finally pay off? Or will he not be ready for Nightfall?

The Code of Honor is upheld, though Slim then kicks the hand away. The bell rings and Stu CLOBBERS Slim! And again! And then picks Slim up to RAM him into a corner! Stu fires off, the ref counts, Mark Sterling complains but Stu lets off with a KNEE! Stu goes corner to corner, but Slim BOOTS Stu away! Slim runs, into an OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Stu kips up, fans fire up, but Slim bails out. Sterling and Daivari tell Stu to stay back and they help Slim cool off. Slim gets back in the ring, but Stu CHOPS! Stu storms up on Slim but Slim BOOTS him, then headscissors him away! Stu stands up, and he blocks Slim’s hip toss!

Stu swings, but Slim ducks and tilt-o-whirls to headscissor Stu away again! Slim ROCKS Stu on the ropes, whips him to ropes, but Stu reverses. Slim KICKS, but Stu RANAS outta nowhere! Fans fire up as Slim bails out. Stu runs up, blocks a boot, and he sweeps the legs! Fans fire up while Sterling complains, but Stu APRON SLINGSHOT SENTONS! Fans fire up more as Stu brings Slim up and puts him back in. Stu brings Slim up, hoists him to the top rope, then climbs up after him. Fans rally, but Sterling distracts the ref! Uno gets on the apron, but Daivari slides into the ring! Stu runs Daivari off, but Slim FLYING GAMANGIRIS!

Slim tears the A-shirt! Cover, TWO! Slim rains down fists, the ref reprimands on the closed fists, and Slim lets off. Slim stands Stu up, throws Stu onto the ropes, then CHOKES him! The ref counts, Slim lets off, and Daivari talks trash. Daivari then CHOKES Stu! Fans boo, Daivari gets away with that one and Uno protests. Slim drags Stu up but Stu CHOPS back! Slim blocks the body shot to fire off point-blank lariats! Slim knuckle locks, brings Stu along and springboards, into a REVERSE DDT! Cover, TWO!! Stu survives and Slim can’t believe it! Fans rally for Stu but Slim brings Stu up. Slim ROCKS Stu with a right!

Slim snapmares Stu, and ENZIGURIS! But Stu just snarls! Slim slaps Stu around, but Stu stands up. Stu glares at Slim, Slim throws hands, but Stu doesn’t budge! Stu backs Slim down as he leans into the shots! Slim knees low! Slim whips, but Stu LARIATS Slim inside-out! Fans fire up, Stu clinches, URENAGE! Then Stu springboards, LION SENTON! Cover, TWO!! Slim survives but Stu just fires himself up! Fans rally, Stu drags Slim up, but Slim CHOPS! Stu doesn’t flinch! Stu choke grips, trophy lifts, but Slim slips into a SLEEPER! Slim is a backpack, but Stu THROWS him!

Slim gets up, dodges Stu’s lariat, runs, but into a POP-UP POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO!! Slim survives but Stu is amused. Sterling & Daivari coach Slim but Stu says he’s gonna break Slim! Stu drags Slim jump into the torture rack, but Slim fights with elbows! Stu just powers back up! Slim keeps fighting, he slips free and DESTINO!?! Cover, TWO!?! Slim is not tranquilo, he can’t believe Stu survives! Slim drags Stu to a drop zone, stomps him, and then goes up the corner. Slim MOONSAULTS but FLOPS as Stu moves! Stu torture racks, Sterling distracts, and Slim rakes the eyes! Uno YANKS Sterling down!

Daivari rushes over but Uno sends him into Sterling! then Uno DOUBLE LARIATS! Fans fire up, Slim is freaking out, Stu JUMP KNEES Slim! And then he slashes his throat, “FINISH HIM!” Torture rack to NIGHTFALL!! Cover, Stu wins!

Winner: Stu Grayson, by pinfall

The Dark Order OG celebrate the victorious return to ROH! Will this be a new chapter in the Dark Order’s legacy?

Wait! Coming out on stage, it’s Dutch and Vincent, AKA The Righteous! They’re back in ROH, but to what end?


AAA Mega Championship: El Hijo del Vikingo VS Komander!

For the first time ever, the top title in AAA is being defending in ROH! Both men are redefining what it is to be a luchador, and by extension, what it is to be a pro-wrestler! But who will use this historic moment to become THE luchador in AAA?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who is el campeon de campeones!

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and the fans are losing their minds already! EHDV and Komander fire up, they circle, tie up, and are in a deadlock. Fans chant for “LUCHA! LUCHA!” as Komander wrenches, only for EHDV to wrench, and then EHDV steps over to wrench again. Fans chant for “LUCHA LIBRE!” as Komander headlocks. EHDV wrenches out, whips, but Komander slides to catch EHDV! Komander rolls back, hooks up the legs, and fans rally up as he turns EHDV over to a surfboard cradle! TWO as EHDV bridges up! EHDV pries free, hooks Komander’s legs up, and goes for arms!

Fans rally for “VI-KIN-GO!” EHDV gets the arms, pulls back and gets Komander into the ROMERO SPECIAL! Komander gets his arms free, balances, and handsprings away! Fans fire up, but EHDV tackles Komander! EHDV traps the legs, but then holds off on firing fists. Komander brings EHDV off his feet! EHDV ROCKS Komander, Komander CHOPS, EHDV CHOPS! It becomes a CHOP fight, but EHDV has the edge. EHDV rolls, and they both headstand with legs hooked! Fans fire up for the upside-down SLAP fight! Both men get free, run in, dropkicks cancel out, and they both go for legs!

EHDV rolls, runs, Komander dodges but EHDV hurdles! EHDV then follows Komander, but Komander goes Matrix under the leap! EHDV rolls through, both men strike the superhero pose as fans fire up! Fans rally for “LUCHA! LUCHA!” as the two reset. Komander rushes in but EHDV tilt-o-whirls and RANAS! Komander bails out, EHDV FLIES, to dragon sleeper! Inverted suplex, but Komander turns it around! Only for EHDV to return the favor! EHDV sends Komander at the ring but Komander tiger feints to get around EHDV! Komander springboards to MISSILE DROPKICK! EHDV bails out and fans fire up!

Komander builds speed to FLY! Direct hit at the ramp! Fans fire up, and Komander brings out a TABLE! Fans fire up even more, but the ref has the ring count. Komander sets the table up at ringside, this is starting to look like EHDV VS Omega… Komander refreshes the count, goes up the steps and to the stage. Fans fire up and Komander runs, to 450 SPLASH off the stage!! Komander puts EHDV back in the ring, climbs up the corner, and he tightrope walks, SHOOTING STAR! But Komander has to land on his feet as EHDV moves! EHDV GAMANGIRIS from the apron, then steps in and runs in, GAMANGIRI in the corner!

Komander sits, EHDV climbs up over him, to IMPLODER DRAGON RANA!! Fans are thunderous for the SCREW HIGH KICK! Komander sits down, EHDV runs to METEORA through the ropes! Both men are on the outside but EHDV is back on his feet! EHDV goes to the apron, SHOOTING STAR onto knees! Komander saves himself, puts EHDV back in, and fans fire up! Komander is up top, he tries again, tightrope walk SHOOTING STAR, into boots! EHDV scoops for a SWINGING SIDE- NO, Komander slips through, brings EHDV up, but EHDV RANAS! Cover, TWO!! Komander swings, misses, EHDV shoves Komander to ropes!

Komander springboards, CROSSBODY, but EHDV catches him! EHDV swings Komander into the SIDE SLAM! Fans fire up and rally behind EHDV. EHDV goes to a corner, climbs up top, and he goes to the post! DOUBLE JUMP MISSILE- POWERBOMB!! Komander turns things around on EHDV!! Cover, TWO!!! EHDV survives and fans are thunderous! Komander grows frustrated, but he goes up the corner. EHDV SHOVES Komander to the floor! Komander sits up but EHDV is back on the post…! Komander stands, and EHDV DOUBLE JUMP IMPLODING CANNONBALLS!! Direct hit into the railing!!

Fans are losing their minds all over again, this is just the main show opener! EHDV puts Komander back in, goes onto the second rope, inside-out PHOENIX SPLASH!! Cover, TWO!!! Komander survives and EHDV is shocked! Komander drags himself to the apron, “This is Awesome!” as EHDV joins him. EHDV drags Komander up, throws hands, then CHOPS! Fans “WOO~” and Komander CHOPS back! EHDV CHOPS, Komander mule kicks, front kicks and CHOPS! Komander goes side to side, goes up, but EHDV blocks his momentum! EHDV pops Komander up, but Komander uses that for an APRON DESTROYER!!

EHDV is dazed but the fans are electric! Komander goes back into the ring to refresh the count, and he goes up a corner. Fans rally up as Komander tightrope walks the entire length! SPRINGBOARD MOONSAULT!! Direct hit and fans are electric again! Komander salutes, and says he’s gonna get this title! Komander goes back for EHDV, puts him back in the ring, and he climbs the corner again. “This is Lucha!” as Komander tightrope walks again! SHOOTING STAR PRESS!! Cover, TWO!!! Third time is usually the charm, but Komander hasn’t put this away yet! Komander goes up top, still more in his arsenal!

Komander lines up the shot, tightrope, but EHDV hits the ropes! That trips Komander up, and now EHDV goes to the other corner! But Komander gets back up! Only for EHDV to FLYING DESTROYER!!! Komander flounders all the way to the other side of the ring, and onto the table! EHDV makes sure it’s all lined up, and fans rally again! EHDV runs side to side, he flashbacks to Dynamite with Omega! ESCALARA 630!!! But the table does NOT break!! Fans lose their minds, that may have broken Komander and EHDV! Fans rally, “OTRA! OTRA!” because they want another! EHDV drags Komander into the ring and climbs up.

EHDV says he’s gonna do it! 630 SENTON FLOPS!! Also like with Omega! Komander hurries to put EHDV in the drop zone and go up top! Komander brings out the ace in his wristband! Komander CORKSCREW SHOOTING STAR!! Cover, ROPEBREAK!!! EHDV survives by fingertips and Komander is furious!! Komander hauls EHDV up, ROCKS him with forearms, then puts him up top! Komander climbs up, roars, and stands EHDV up. EHDV throws body shots, clinches Komander, and scoops for a SUPER SWINGING SIDE SLAM!! Fans are thunderous again and EHDV drags himself to the far corner!

Fans love “BOTH THESE GUYS!” but only one can win! EHDV pounds the mat, aims at Komander, and Komander rises slowly. EHDV runs in, to METEORA in the corner!! Then he puts Komander in the drop zone, goes up top, 630 SENTON!! Cover, EHDV WINS!

Winners: El Hijo del Vikingo, by pinfall (still AAA Mega Champion)

What a way to OPEN a show! This was a main event worthy battle, and in the end, the champion retains! But best of all, EHDV shows respect to Komander by helping him up and hugging it out. Is this just the beginning of AAA’s rise on the global stage?


ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championships: The Embassy w/ Prince Nana VS AR Fox, Metalik & Blake Christian!

Brian Cage, Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona are three towering tanks, while their opponents are high speed, high flying fighter jets. Which side will bring the shock and awe in this second of seven title matches?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see #WhoBetta?

The Code of Honor is upheld, though with tension. Then it turns into a brawl! The bell rings, the Embassy shove the challengers away, but the challengers all dodge, TRIPLE DROPKICKS send the Embassy out of the ring! Fans fire up and the challengers build speed, they all FLY! Direct hit on all of the Embassy, and Kaun even bumps into the steps at the stage! Fans fire up as the All Heart Air Force gets Liona up and into the ring. Metalik climbs up top, he leaps, CROSSBODY caught! SWINGING SLAM! Liona tags Kaun and the Gates of Agony bring Metalik up. They put him in the corner, Kaun SLAPS Liona to fire him up!

Kaun whips Liona in to SPLASH Metalik, then Liona whips Metalik at Kaun for a LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Nana argues the count but the ref says it was fair. Tag to Cage and the Embassy mugs Metalik. The Machine wrenches and lifts Metalik to just SLAM him down! Cage ROCKS Metalik, wrenches and whips, but Metalik holds ropes. Metalik BOOTS back, runs in, gets around, but Cage switches the waistlock. Cage ripcords and whips, but Metalik handsprings to BACK ELBOW! Hot tag to Fox! Fox LARIATS but Cage stays up! Cage swings, Fox goes Matrix and then PELES! Cage staggers but Fox cravats.

Cage powers out, Fox ELBOWS! Fox goes up, but Cage hits ropes! Fox falls back, but he rolls back to land on his feet and roll Cage! Into a CUTTER! Cage wobbles, Fox springboards, FLYING CUTTER! Cage goes to a corner, Fox runs in to A-LIST LARIAT! Kaun runs in, but Fox ELBOWS him away! Fox skins the cat, DROPKICKS Cage and CUTTERS Kaun! Liona runs in, Fox goes Matrix again, but Liona stops the cutter! Fox is in the corner, Liona runs in, but Fox dodges! Liona tumbles up and out and to the floor, and Fox FLIES out onto Kaun! Fox gets back in the ring, watches Cage, and runs in, to FLY! Direct hit on the outside!

Liona creeps up but Metalik FLIES to hit Liona! Fox puts Cage in, climbs up, and Nana is furious! Fox SWANTON BOMBS! Cover, TWO!! Cage is still in this but Fox goes to a corner. Fox goes up again, Cage staggers over into a BLOCKBUSTER, but he blocks it! Cage suplexes but Fox slips free, only for Cage to switch, waistlock and ripcord, BIG forearm! Fox wobbles, Cage fireman’s carries, F5! Tag to Liona, and Liona drags Fox from Blake! Fox ENZIGURIS, hot tag to Blake! Blake springboards to FLYING FOREARM! Blake keeps moving, he DECKS Cage! Blake runs at Liona, dodges him, then goes the other way!

Kaun rushes in but Blake SPEARS him! Blake baits Liona, dumps him out, then builds speed to FOSBURY FLOP! Direct hit and fans are fired up with Blake! Blake puts Liona in, he tags Metalik and Metalik goes up! FLYING SPLASH! Cover, ONE!?! The Air Force is shocked there! Cage DOUBLE LARIATS Fox & Blake, Kaun gets Metalik for a BACKBREAKER! The Embassy takes control as Kaun puts Blake in the corner. Kaun ROCKS Blake in the back, hoists him up top, and Cage tags in. Kaun TOP ROPE BACKBREAKERS Blake! Blake falls to the apron, Liona APRON SENTONS! And then Liona puts Blake in the corner!

Cage deadlift– NO! Fox SUNSET FLIP POWERBOMBS Cage! Blake aims, SPRINGBOARD 450 SPLASH! Metalik goes up top, LIMIT BREAKER ELBOW!! Cover, TWO!?!? Cage survives and Nana can breathe again. Metalik drags Cage up, fireman’s carries, but Cage fights that off. Cage shoves Metalik, Metalik dodges to SOBAT! Metalik goes up and around the corner, FLYING- POWERBOMB!! Cage swings on Blake, Blake dodges and fireman’s carries!? To ROLLING DEATH VALLEY!? And then LIONSAULT! But Kaun fireman’s carries Blake! GUTBUSTER DROP! Fox BOOTS Kaun, Liona POUNCES Fox!

Fans fire up, but Liona turns around into a CROSSBODY! He catches it! SWINGING- TORNADO DDT!! All six men are down and fans are thunderous! Nana is freaking out as he shouts for his team to get up! The standing count climbs, we reach 5 of 10 but Cage stands. Cage brings Metalik up, reels him in, but Blake is up top. Blake jumps off Kaun and over Metalik to give Cage a DESTROYER!! Fans are thunderous again, they rally behind “ALL HEART!” but Liona sneaks up on Blake! BODY CHECK from behind! The Gates stand Blake up, DOUBLE LARIAT SANDWICH! And then the DOUBLE FACEBUSTER!

Fox returns to TACKLE Kaun! Metalik slingshots to DROPKICK Liona! Kaun CLOBBERS Fox on the outside, Cage swings on Metalik but he dodges and returns, but Cage blocks the rana! Cage swings Metalik up, but Metalik sunset flips! TWO?!?! Cage escapes by nanoseconds! Metalik BOOTS, SLING- NO, Cage slips free! ROLLING- NO, Metalik dodges, but the SOUTHPAW hits! Cage suplexes, for DRILL CLAW!!! Cover, The Embassy wins!

Winners: The Embassy, by pinfall (still ROH World Six Man Tag Team Champions)

Nana mockingly shakes Metalik’s hand to keep the Code of Honor, but his men are still on top. Will anyone be able to stop this three headed monster?


ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Yuka Sakazaki!

The Fallen Goddess accused the Magical Girl of dodging her by staying home in Japan, but then found out Yuka isn’t to be messed with! Yuka brought the fight to Athena just days before this fight, but will she be the one to eclipse the champion? Or will Athena send Yuka back home to Japan in pieces?

Athena makes her entrance by having a porcelain doll dressed a bit like Yuka, and then STOMPING it! The introductions are made, the updated belt is raised, and the battle of polar opposites begins!

The Code of Honor is upheld, though tensely, and the bell rings. The two circle, Athena rushes in but Yuka dodges! Athena dodges, arm-drags, but Yuka kips up to arm-drag! They RAM shoulders, then DOUBLE LARIAT! Both women kip up and fans fire up! Athena and Yuka reset, and fans rally for “YUKA! YUKA!” Athena frowns, she and Yuka rush in, and Athena throws Yuka down by her hair! The ref reprimands and fans boo, but Athena pretends to not understand. Yuka gets up, kicks, but Athena blocks, only for Yuka to ENZIGURI! And then DROPKICK! Athena gets up again, Yuka runs to RANA!

Fans fire up as Athena bails out. Yuka goes up the corner, leaps and FLYING SPEARS?! Yuka almost didn’t make that jump, but she shakes it off as she brings Athena up. Athena pushes Yuka away, gets around the way, and wants to leave? Fans boo but Yuka CLOBBERS Athena off the railing! But Athena throws Yuka at the ring, only for Yuka to tiger feint and KICK! Yuka puts Athena in the ring, fires up, and fans fire up with her! Yuka climbs up top, leaps, but Athena deflects the missile dropkick! Athena snarls, she storms up on Yuka, but Yuka ROCKS Athena! Fans rally, Athena shoves Yuka but Yuka comes back, into a SWINGING SLAM!

Athena rains down forearms and fists! The ref has Athena let off to check Yuka, but somehow she’s okay to continue. Yuka goes to a corner, Athena ROCKS her! Athena whips corner to corner, runs in, blocks boots and puts Yuka in the ropes to SLAM her down! Athena does a dance, then laughs it up. Cover, TWO!! Yuka is still in this, but Athena asks if that’s true. Yuka sits up, and Athena clamps on a neck wrench! Fans rally as Yuka endures, and Yuka fights her way up to throw elbows! Yuka JAWBREAKERS free and Athena wobbles! Yuka snapmare rolls and kicks, but Athena ducks to kip up, only for Yuka to throw her down now!

Yuka BASEMENT GAMANGIRIS, then runs to SLIDING LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Yuka shakes her head, she’s not stopping now. Yuka drags Athena up, but Athena blocks the suplex! Athena suplexes, carries Yuka around, but Yuka slips free! Yuka shoves Athena to a corner, to GAMANGIRI! Yuka snapmares Athena, goes up the corner, but has to cartwheel away as Athena runs in. Yuka keeps moving, ducks ‘n’ dodges, and RA- NO! Athena blocks and brings Yuka up, to POWERBOMB! Then a deadlift for ANOTHER POWERBOMB! And then ANOTHER POWERBOMB!! Cover, TWO!??! Yuka survives and Athena is furious!

Yuka sits up in a daze but Athena goes to a corner. Fans rally, Yuka shakes her head, so Athena stomps her down. Athena drags Yuka up, reels her in, and says, “Bye, Yuka.” Canadian rack, CLIFFHANGER ! Cover, TWO!??!?!? Yuka survives and shocks Athena! But Athena covers again, TWO!!! Yuka is still in this and fans rally up! Athena argues with the ref but the ref says the count was fair. Yuka drags herself to the apron, and Athena BLASTS her off with a dropkick! Athena grins, goes out after Yuka, and brings her over to SMACK off the steps! Yuka staggers around, Athena puts her back on the apron. TIGER FEINT- NO! Athena blocks!

Athena wheelbarrows Yuka, brings her out, GERMAN SUPLEX to the floor!! “I AM YOUR GODDESS!!” Fans rally up as Athena keeps shouting at them. Athena brings Yuka up, pushes her to the barriers, and then gets space. Athena runs in, but Yuka moves! The dropkick hits railing and jams Athena up! Yuka comes back to scoop and EXPLODER! Fans fire up while Athena writhes! Yuka RAMS Athena into the steel steps! Payback for their past, and then Yuka goes to the stage. Yuka runs and FLIES! Direct hit on the floor!! Fans fire up again as Yuka puts Athena in the ring. Fans fire up as Yuka aims, MAGICAL GIRL SPLASH!! Cover, TWO!??!

Athena survives and Yuka seethes. Yuka thinks of what to do while fans rally behind her. Yuka drags Athena up but Athena throat chops! The ref reprimands, but Athena swings. Yuka blocks to ROCK Athena! Boxing elbows, then ROLLING ELBOW! Athena flounders, Yuka brings her up and in, wrench and hammerlock, lift and spin, but Athena slips free to scoop! Yuka slips free, but Athena ROLLING ELBOWS! Athena falls onto the cover, ROPEBREAK!!! Athena is freaking out as Yuka keeps surviving! Fans rally up, but Athena climbs up the corner. Athena aims as Yuka rises, but Yuka ROCKS her first!

Yuka climbs up to get Athena, for a SUPERPLEX! Fans fire up as Yuka hurries to hammerlock, lift and spin! MAGICAL GURU GURU FACEBUSTER!! Cover, TWO!!! Yuka can’t believe it, but she shakes her head. She isn’t giving up, she just puts Athena back at center. Yuka goes to the apron, climbs the ropes, but Athena grabs at the ref! Athena gets away, to O-FACE OFF THE TOP ROPE!! Cover, Athena wins!!

Winner: Athena, by pinfall (still ROH Women’s World Champion)

Athena holds up her title in the ref’s face, but Yuka pushed her further than she thought! Yuka may not be porcelain, so Athena “upholds” the Code of Honor. But then she literally kicks Yuka out of the ring! What will it take to dethrone the Fallen Goddess?


ROH World Television Championship: Samoa Joe VS Mark Briscoe!

The One True King of Wrestling Television has never lost to a Briscoe in singles competition, and vows that’ll not change even now. But the Sussex County Chicken vows that destiny will be fulfilled! Will Mark win this one for Jay, their families, and everyone who has believed in him? Or will Joe crush Mark’s dreams with his own two hands?

The introductions are made, the TV title is raised, and we see if destiny is real!

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and fans rally up as these two stare down. Fans chant “DEM BOYS!” for Mark and his brother, and the two circle. Joe bails out and fans boo, but Mark keeps cool. Joe takes his time returning as the count climbs, fans now chant, “MAN UP!” Joe is annoyed by that but he doesn’t go any faster. Joe returns to the ring at 7 of 10, and circles with Mark. They tie up, are in a deadlock, so Joe swings! Mark ducks the punch and stays back. The two circle again, tie up, and Joe powers Mark to a corner. The ref calls the break, Joe lets off, but Mark dodges the haymaker!

Mark CHOPS, fires off forearms, but Joe shoves him away. Joe KICKS Mark in the leg, JABS, then wrenches. Mark rolls, throws Redneck Kung-Fu palm strikes, overhand chop, and a BOOT! Joe staggers, Mark runs to BOOT again! Mark fireman’s carries but Joe is too big! Joe CLUBS Mark, whips him, but Mark goes up and out. Joe runs in, Mark ROCKS him, but Mark slingshots into a CHOP! Mark flops into the ring, but he gets up to CHOP! Joe CHOPS! Mark CHOPS! Joe CHOPS! The CHOPS keep going back and forth, louder and louder! Joe ROCKS Mark with a forearm, swings, but Mark dodges to UPPERCUT!

Joe sputters from the hell stab, but Mark fireman’s carries! And ROLLING DEATH VALLEYS! And fans fire up as Mark goes up! But Joe scrambles out of the ring and fans boo. Mark goes out, runs in from around the way, but Joe catches Mark for an EXPLODER! The ref tells Joe to get this in the ring but Joe takes his time bringing Mark up. Joe KICKS Mark, POSTS him, but the ring count starts. Joe puts Mark in quick, stalks up behind him, and HEADBUTTS him! And JABS him! And JABS! JAB! JAB! Joe fires off, the ref counts but Joe lets off. Joe soaks up the heat, but Mark CHOPS! And CHOPS! And fires forearms!

Mark runs, but Joe CLOBBERS him! Fans boo Joe, and the Briscoe family coaches Mark from their seats. Joe throws down hands, CLUBS Mark, then sits Mark up. Joe HEADBUTTS Mark, then KICKS him! And KICKS him! And KICKS! Mark stands but into forearms! Joe brings Mark out to snap suplex! Cover, TWO! Fans rally and duel, “Let’s Go, Briscoe!” “Let’s Go, Joe!” Joe HEADBUTTS Mark, JABS him, JABS again, and again! But Mark powers up off the JABS! Mark fires forearms in return! And palm strikes! And a CHOP! Mark whips, Joe reverses and ELBOWS, then PELES! Mark slumps down and flops out of the ring.

Joe demands the count and the count begins. Mark gets up and into the ring, but Joe is on him with forearms, and JAB! JAB! CHOP! Joe brings Mark out but Mark throws body shots! Joe throws Mark out of the ring, builds speed, and DIVES! Direct hit into railing and fans fire up! The Briscoe family coaches Mark but Joe looms over him. Joe puts Mark in the ring, goes to grab a chair, and the ref reprimands him! Joe puts the chair in the ring, soaks up the heat, but Mark WRECKS Joe! Joe staggers, Mark gets the chair and stands it up! Mark runs, uses the chair to get the boost, and he FLIES! Direct hit at the railing!

Fans fire up for Mark and Mark gives his kids a kiss! Mark then goes looking under the ring, for a TABLE! Fans fire up, Mark stands that table up at ringside, but Joe ROCKS Mark! Joe POSTS Mark, then smirks as he points to the table. Fans boo as Joe starts to put the table away, but Mark BLOCKBUSTERS Joe through the table!! Fans are thunderous as Mark drags Joe back up. Mark puts Joe in the ring, climbs the corner, and fans fire up again. Mark FLYING CHOPS! Joe staggers, into another CHOP! And another! And another! Mark reels back but Joe CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS!

Mark CHOPS! Joe CHOPS! Repeat! Joe gives boxing elbows and a HEADBUTT! Mark staggers to a corner, but goes up to FLYING FOREARM! Both men are down and the fans are thunderous! A standing count begins, both men stir at 4 and sit up at 5. Mark crawls to a corner, stands up at 8, and Joe follows. Mark looks for a tag, but remembers Jay isn’t there. Even so, Mark fires up! Joe runs in, but into an URENAGE! Mark fires up, he brings Joe up and underhooks the arms! But Joe wrenches out to HEADBUTT! Both men stagger, Mark comes back, but into the POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO!

Joe is seething, he brings Mark up, and lifts Mark for a POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO, but into the STF!! Mark endures as Joe has him caught! Joe has a bloody nose but he pulls on Mark! Mark reaches out, but Joe shifts to a CROSSFACE! Mark still fights, to the ROPEBREAK! Joe lets go in frustration but the fans fire up again! Fans rally but Joe literally tastes his own blood. Joe looms over Mark, brings him up, but Mark SLAPS! CHOPS! CHOPS! CHOSP! Mark keeps going, he powers up and runs, but Joe ducks to SAIDO!! Mark roars and rises!! Joe LARIATS Mark down! Cover, TWO!!!

Joe isn’t really stunned or upset that Mark survived, he just stalks Mark to a corner. Joe stands Mark up, fans duel, and Joe puts Mark up top. Joe tucks Mark in but Mark fights Joe off! REDNECK CHOP! HOTSHOT! And a BOOT! Joe falls down, Mark goes up! Fans are thunderous for the FROGGY-BOW!!! Cover, TWO!?!? Joe survives and no one can believe it! Joe shake his head, but Mark says it’s time! Mark reels Joe in, underhooks the arms, but Joe powers out! Mark lands on his feet, throws forearms, and tries a torture rack? But Joe gets the SLEEPER! Mark fades, but he reaches for the sky!

Mark fights up, reaches out for ropes, fights his way forward, but Joe SLEEPER SUPLEXES!! And then COQUINA CLUTCH!!! Mark is caught in the body scissors, he’s fading, he’s OUT!!! JOE WINS!!

Winner: Samoa Joe, by stoppage (still ROH World Television Champion)

Destiny denied by the ruthless King of Wrestling Television! Mark regains consciousness, and Joe gets in his face! But, so that he can shake Mark’s hand to keep the Code of Honor. Joe still respects Mark, but Mark still has to wait for his destiny. Who will Joe battle in the time between then and now?

As for Mark, the fans still cheer for him because of that valiant effort. Mark points to heaven where Jay is watching from. Surely Jay is proud of Mark, just like the rest of the Briscoe family. Mark hugs Mama Briscoe, and his sister, and the kids. Will Mark never stop fighting until he’s reached his destiny?


Hiroshi Tanahashi VS Daniel Garcia!

A dream match come true for the Dragonslayer as he gets to face The Ace of NJPW! But will it be the greatest  moment in the career of this young sports… enner-tay-ner? Or will he lose to the Once in a Century pro-wrestler?

The Code of Honor is skipped, the bell rings, and the two circle. Fans chant for “TANAHASHI!” and “GO ACE!” Tanahashi and Garcia tie up, Tanahashi powers Garcia to ropes, but lets off quickly. Fans cheer, Garcia mockingly applauds, and then Garcia circles with Tanahashi. They tie up again, Tanahashi waistlocks but Garcia gets to ropes. The ref calls for the break, Tanahashi lets off, but Garcia puts Tanahashi on the ropes! The ref calls for the break, and Garcia lets off, to throat chop! Fans boo but Garcia soaks it all up. Garcia pulls Tanahashi’s hair, taunts him, and uses the hair to keep Tanahashi from hitting back!

Garcia throws Tanahashi down by his hair! Fans boo but Garcia mockingly says, “Go Ace!” Garcia stomps Tanahashi, kicks him, then whips him corner to corner. Garcia runs in but into an elbow! Tanahashi goes up to CROSSBODY! And air guitar! Fans fire up, but Garcia bails out. Tanahashi pursues, fans rally, and Tanahashi kicks Garcia, then ROCKS him with forearms! Garcia staggers but Tanahashi keeps on him. Fans fire up with Tanahashi, and he pursues Garcia around the way for more forearms! Garcia staggers away, Tanahashi runs in, but is sent into the steel steps! The count is 7 of 20, but Garcia DROPKICKS the legs against the steps!

Fans boo but Garcia has the leg, DDT to the floor! Garcia soaks up the heat and mocks the air guitar. Then he does his dance on the steps. Fans boo but Garcia steps into the ring as the count is 16! Tanahashi springs in at 17, but Garcia stomps away! Fans boo but Garcia just soaks it up. Garcia pretends to not understand why the fans are booing, then goes back for Tanahashi’s leg. Garcia hooks the legs up, and STOMPS the knees! Tanahashi writhes and gets to ropes while fans boo more. Garcia drags a leg onto the ropes, stands on it, “I’m a sports entertainer!” Fans boo as he HIP DROPS the leg!

Fans chant “You’re a Wrestler!” but Garcia tells them no, he’s not! Garcia gets the leg, and drops a knee on the knee! Garcia has the toehold, Tanahashi endures but Garcia taunts him. Tanahashi gets the ROPEBREAK! Garcia grabs that arm but Tanahashi gets the ROPEBREAK with the other arm! Garcia lets off at 4, and drops another knee! Garcia taunts Tanahashi more, stomps him around, and has him in the corner. Garcia stomps away, the ref counts, and Garcia gives Tanahashi some Good Vibrations! Garcia even does the pose at the ropes! Garcia’s mocking the King of Strong Style while beating down the Ace!

Fans boo but Garcia brings Tanahashi up. Tanahashi fires off strikes! Garcia grabs hair, but Tanahashi fires off more shots! Fans fire up and Tanahashi whips, but Garcia reverses, only for FLYING FOREARMS to take him down! Fans fire up with Tanahashi and he fires off more strikes on Garcia! Garcia staggers to a corner, Tanahashi brings him out to scoop and SLAM! Tanahashi goes up the corner, for the SUNSET SENTON! Cover, TWO! Garcia kicks at Tanahashi but Tanahashi stands. Tanahashi runs, but Garcia dropkicks the bad leg! Garcia runs, to SCISSOR KICK! Cover, TWO! Garcia grits his teeth in frustration.

Fans rally up, “GO ACE! GO ACE!” Tanahashi rises up, he fires a forearm, but Garcia throws a haymaker! Tanahashi forearms, Garcia haymakers, and they speed up! Fans rally, both men egg each other on, but then Garcia kicks low! So Tanahashi kicks low! Garcia kicks the leg, Tanahashi kicks the leg, repeat! Garcia sweeps the legs! Fans boo but Garcia has a standing toehold! Garcia then steps through, but Tanahashi fights and gets to the ropes! Garcia stomps the legs but the ref counts. Garcia lets off at 4 and fans boo. Garcia steps through, but Tanahashi makes it a cradle! TWO, and Garcia kicks, only for Tanahashi to block! DRAGON SCREW!

Both men are down and fans fire up again. Tanahashi gets Garcia’s legs, but Garcia pulls hair! Tanahashi powers through to have the TEXAS CLOVERLEAF! Garcia endures, reaches out, crawls forward, and gets the ROPEBREAK! Tanahashi lets off while fans boo. Garcia goes to the corner but Tanahashi stomps him. Tanahashi stands Garcia up to whip corner to corner, but Garcia barely makes it there. Tanahashi runs in, Garcia dodges, and Garcia blocks a boot to a DRAGON SCREW STUNNER! A modification on the classic, and then he GERMAN SUPLEXES Tanahashi away! “SPORTS ENTERTAINER!!”

Garcia aims, runs in, BUSAIKU KNEE! Cover, TWO!! Tanahashi survives and Garcia is furious! Garcia pounds the mat, fans rally up, and Garcia brings Tanahashi up. Garcia reels him in, Tanahashi fights, and Tanahashi wrenches out to turn Garcia around, for a TWIST ‘N’ SHOUT! Fans fire up with Tanahashi and he runs, SLINGBLADE! Cover, TWO! Tanahashi roars and fans fire up, Tanahashi climbs! HIGH FLY FLOW!! Cover, Tanahashi wins!

Winner: Hiroshi Tanahashi, by pinfall

Garcia may be a great sports entertainer, but Tanahashi is an amazing pro-wrestler! Will the Ace never be trumped?


ROH World Tag Team Championship Reach for the Sky Ladder Match: The Lucha Brothers VS Top Flight VS The Kingdom VS La Faccion Ingobernable VS Aussie Open!

To honor the memory of Jay Briscoe while passing on the torch of tag team wrestling, this match was created by Mark Briscoe to give the best tag teams in the world an opportunity! Will it be Rey Fenix & Penta, Dante & Darius Martin, Matt Taven & Mike Bennett, Rush y Dralistico, or Kyle Fletcher & Mark Davis that rise up to carry that banner?

The introductions are made, the newly redesigned belts hang from the rafters, and we see who can carry that weight!

The bell rings, and teams immediately go for ladders! The only ones staying in the ring are LFI and the Kingdom. Aussie Open brawls with Top Flight while the Lucha Bros take a moment. Top Flight get a ladder up but LFI DROPKICK it into them! The Kingdom BLASTS Fenix off the apron, then LFI BLASTS Aussie Open! They’re basically playing defense. Fans boo but LFI and the Kingdom soak it up. Dralistico keeps Penta out of the ring, but then Mike SUPERKICKS him, and Taven TOSSES Rush! Now The Kingdom goes out to get themselves a ladder. Mike DROPKICKS a ladder into Darius!

Top Flight regroups, rushes in, and they slide under the ladder attack! Top Flight then hurdle over, and DROPKICK the ladder into The Kingdom! LFI returns, Dralistico ducks the lariats to kick, KICK dodge and SCREW HIGH KCIK! Darius ROCKS Darlistico, but Rush shoves Darius into a GAMANGIRI, and then GERMAN SUPLEX! Springboard, FLYING CODE BREAKER! Dralistico has Dante in a corner and adds Darius on top via Tree of Woe. Rush brings the ladder over, LFI puts it on top of Top Flight. Rush runs corner to corner to BULL’S HORN DROPKICK the ladder into Top Flight! It’s a sadistic sandwich, but LFI just tranquilos.

Aussie Open get in and fans fire up! The brawl is on, forearms for forearms! LFI gets the edge, Rush ROCKS Davis, and says it’s go time, cabrones! But they runs into a BOOT and SUPERKICK! Dralistico ends up in a corner, Fletcher runs in but into a BOOT! Davis runs in, he gets a BOOT! Darlistico goes up, leaps, but Davis catches him! Pop-up, AUSSIE DENTAL PLAN! Rush runs in, but Fletcher feeds him to a scoop! Fletcher goes up, LAWN DART CUTTER! Fans fire up and Aussie Open picks up the ladder. They RAM Rush down! But Penta SUPERKICKS Davis, Fenix KICKS Fletcher! Fans rally, Fenix CHOPS Fletcher!

The Lucha Bros whip Fletcher corner to corner, then Fenix whips Penta in to GAMANGIRI! Fenix somersaults and LEAPING FOREARMS! Fans chant “CERO MIEDO!” as the Lucha Bros put the ladder up against Fletcher. Taven runs in, but the Lucha Bros dodge, the SPLASH hits the ladder to sandwich Fletcher! Davis runs in, into double mule kicks! UNO! DOS! TRES! DOUBLE SUPERKICKS! The ladder is put on Davis, Fletcher is put on the ladder, Penta runs and wheelbarrows with Fenix, VICTORY SPLASH onto the sandwich! That one had even more meat than LFI’s! Fans fire up as the Lucha Bros stand the ladder up!

Fenix climbs one end, Penta climbs the other, but Davis returns to drag them both down. Davis pushes the ladder over, and he whips Fenix. Fenix reverses to SUPERKICK! Fenix goes up, tight rope PENALTY KICK! Penta FLIES out onto Fletcher! Fans are thunderous, Darius whips Fenix but Fenix slides out. Darius DIVES into him! LFI returns to the ring and fans boo. LFI build speed to DOUBLE TOPE! Dralistico takes out Darius, Rush takes out Aussie Open and Penta! Fans boo but Rush soaks it up. Wait, Taven is in the ring and Mike lifts Darius up! Taven builds speed, TOPE DOOMSDAY!!

Fans are thunderous and losing their minds over that one! The Kingdom says that was for Jay, and now they get a TABLE! Fans cheer as they set this table up ringside. Then they get another table! LFI brawls with the Lucha Bros then mock Cero Miedo. The Kingdom add on, and Rush pulls on Penta’s mask! Fans boo, but The Kingdom is setting up more tables?! That’s about four of them in a double decker! LFI POSTS Penta! Aussie Open attacks The Kingdom! They get ladders, even the really tall one on stage! The Kingdom attacks them back! LFI SMACKS Penta off the announce desk! The Kingdom get Aussie Open in double underhooks!

Fans fire up, but Aussie Open wrench out to kick low! They gut wrench the Kingdom, DOUBLE PILEDRIVERS on the stage!! Fans are losing their minds again! Rush PENALTY KICKS Penta against commentary! Then he ROCKS Dante! Aussie Open brings the biggest ladders to ringside, and they run around the way! The others try to run, but Dante gets SANDWICHED!! Fans are thunderous again, and now the ladders are put in the ring. Davis plays defense as LFI gets up, and Fletcher stands the ladder up. Mike stirs but he is busted open! Fletcher climbs, paws at the belts, but the Lucha Bros return!

Fenix CLUBS Fletcher, Penta CHOPS Davis, then Penta mule kicks Fletcher’s legs out! Fenix sends Davis into the ladder! The Lucha Bros climb, but LFI drags them down! Penta whips Rush, but Rush returns with a DESTROYER! Dralistico goes up the ladder but Fenix drags him back down into an Electric Chair! Dralistico fights, to POISON-RANA! LFI fist bump and fans boo as they climb. But Taven returns to drag Dralistico down! Rush goes after Taven, and DECKS him! Mike makes it up the ladder, but Rush also climbs. They see each other at the top, then decide to climb back down.

Fans fire up as the ladder is put aside, and these two are fired up! Rush paints himself with Mike’s blood, and they start firing forearms! Fans are thunderous as Mike gets the edge! Rush roars and fires them all back! Rush CHOPS, Mike CHOPS, now it’s a CHOP fight! CHOP after CHOP, neither man slowing down! Rush eggs Mike on, the CHOPS just keep going! They SLAP each other now! SLAP after SLAP! Rush ROLLING ELBOWS! Taven gets up to hit THE KING OF THE KING! Taven BOOTS Dralistico, runs, but into an OVERHEAD suplex onto a ladder! Jose the Assistant laughs at Taven’s pain while he writhes.

Dralistico staggers up and goes to Rush. Meanwhile, Fletcher takes the other tall ladder and sets that up as a bridge between ring and barriers! Dralistico sets the ladder up and he rallies the fans. Dralistico climbs, but Darius climbs up with him! Darius and Darlistico brawl to keep the other from grabbing belts. Dralistico sends Darius down, but Darius gives Dante a boost to the top! Now Dante brawls with Dralistico! Dante SMACKS Dralistico off the top, Darius YANKS him down! But Dralistico hurries to drag Dante down!

Dralistico whips Dante at Darius but Darius pops Dante up and over! Top Flight combines to TORNADO DDT Dralistico! Rush returns with a chair, CHUCKS it, but Darius catches it! Darius throws it back, then sets up, Dante runs in, FULL METAL POETRY IN MOTION! Rush goes down and fans fire up again! Top Flight climbs the ladder, but Aussie Open bring them down. Top Flight is sent into the rungs, and Aussie Open rearrange some things. Fenix returns to CHOP and CHOP and CHOP! Aussie Open kicks low, whips Fenix into the corner ladder, but Penta returns! Penta KICKS, CHOPS, repeat!

“CERO! MIEDO!” Penta runs, into a BOOT SUPERKICK COMBO! Aussie Open DOUBLE HIP TOSS Penta onto the ladder! Fans are torn as Aussie Open reset the ladders, tall ladder being a bridge to the short ladder. Fletcher climbs, reaches up, but Dante SPRINGBOARD MISSILE DROPKICKS Fletcher down! ENZIGURI for Davis! Darius climbs, but Taven is after him! They are on the ladder bridge, Darius throws hands and SPANISH FLIES off the ladder! Mike climbs! Fans fire up, Mike reaches up but this ladder isn’t tall enough! Dante goes up to fire hands! Dante climbs up, looks to the belts, but also sees Mike, SUPER SUNSET POWERBOMB!

Dante climbs back up, but Aussie Open returns! They drag Dante down, into COREALIS!! Dante flounders away but Darius SUPERKICKS Davis! Darius then blocks Fletcher’s kick to PELE! Darius staggers, brings Fletcher up on the apron, but Fletcher hits back. Fletcher suplexes but Darius fights it! Darius ROCKS Fletcher, he wobbles, but Davis spins Darius! Butterfly suplex handoff, POWERBOMB onto the ladder bridge!! Fletcher’s bridge from earlier comes into play! Both men are writhing, and Dralistico tilt-o-whirl spin-out DDTs Davis! Dralistico fires up again, but he doesn’t climb. “This is Awesome!” as Darlistico climbs a corner.

Fletcher ROCKS Dralistico, Dralistico ROCKS him! SUPER FLYING RANA!! Fletcher hits commentary!! Fans lose their minds, Dralistico SUPERKICKS Mike! Dralistico whips him at the ring, but Mike rebounds to ROCK Dralistico! Mike brings Darlistico over, POWERBOMB on the ladder bridge! Taven is up top! FROG SPLASH through the ladder!! Taven breaks the ladder, and maybe Dralistico and himself! Fenix and Rush return to the ring, as does Davis. Fans are thunderous as Rush and Davis throw forearms on each other! Fenix moves ladders around, Penta brings one up. Davis rushes Rush, but Rush OVERHEAD suplexes Davis onto the wrecked ladder!!

The Lucha Bros finish their own ladder bridge situation, but Jose gets on the apron? But so does Alex! They start shoving, and Alex shoves Jose down! Alex jumps, misses, Jose DECKS him! Mike & Maria have a ladder, but Penta SUPERKICKS Mike! Mike falls back, the ladder brings Maria down with him! Fenix climbs, but Dante box jumps up! Dante is on the bridge, and he stops Fenix! Dante throws hands, but Fenix hits back! Fenix SMACKS Dante off the ladder, then shifts around. Fans chant, “PLEASE DON’T DIE!” as things are getting dicey. Fenix waistlocks, Dante holds on, and Dante throws elbows!

Fenix falls onto the ladder bridge! But Penta hurries up! Dante throws hands with Penta, Fenix gets off the bridge, and Dante SMACKS Penta off the rungs! But Penta fires body shots! Dante steps back, Penta climbs up and says “CERO! MIEDO!” But Dante hits back! Penta kicks away on Dante and Dante walks the ladder bridge. Penta follows, “CERO! MIEDO!!” SUPER DESTEROY THROW THE DOUBLE DECKER TABLES!!! OH GOD DANTE’S ANKLE!!! Dante’s foot is pointing the other direction!!! Medical hurries to help Dante and Darius hurries to his brother. Fans lose their minds, Fenix goes up the ladder!

But the Kingdom returns! Taven climbs to intercept Fenix while Mike sets up another ladder! The Kingdom beat up on Fenix, Fenix fights them both, and he KICKS Mike onto his ladder! Taven and Fenix brawl, Fenix BOOTS Taven onto the other ladder! Fenix reaches up, and brings the belts down! The Lucha Brothers win!!

Winners: The Lucha Brothers (NEW ROH World Tag Team Champions)

Penta and Fenix did it! They reached for the sky, and they add new belts to the collection! They’re ROH World Tag Team Champions for the first time in their careers, and they did it for their good friends, the Briscoes! And speaking of, Mark walks back out on stage, holding the original belts. And then out comes FTR! Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood were also rivals and friends of the Briscoes, they’re also here to congratulate the Lucha Brothers. Mark even hugs it out with The Kingdom, another team of friends and rivals. Will Fenix & Penta continue to #ReachForTheSky to carry on in Jay’s place?


ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta w/ Jon Moxley VS Katsuyori Shibata!

The Blackpool Combat Club’s Decoder has beaten great technicians, and even top students of the NJPW LA Dojo, though he did have to bend the rules. Will he be able to do that against The Wrestler? Or will he be the one getting bent?

A bit surprising that The Maniac is here, but it seems he is supporting his BCC teammates. Our judges for this match are Christopher Daniels, Pat Buck and Madison Rayne. The introductions are made, the newly redesigned belt is raised, and we see if Yuta is ready for the master!

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings and we are on the clock. Fans rally for “SHI-BA-TA!” as he and Yuta feel things out. They then test the waters with kicks, but both men stays clear. They feel it out again, clinch, and Shibata gets around to a waistlock. Yuta switches, Shibata switches to push Yuta down but Yuta scrambles. Shibata keeps on him, press, ONE and Shibata keeps the full mount. Shibata has a cover, ONE, but he keeps Yuta wrapped up. Yuta tries to slip away but Shibata waistlocks. Yuta stands, Shibata denies the switch and wrangles him to a chinlock. Yuta fights up, Shibata has the headlock, and then arm-drags!

Shibata floats, keeps the arm for a double wristlock, but Yuta fights around. Shibata waistlocks, they end up on ropes, but per referee discretion, this does not count as one of either man’s three ropebreaks, this is a neutral ropebreak. Shibata lets off, but Yuta puts Shibata on the ropes! Same situation, so the ref calls for the neutral ropebreak. Yuta lets off, but reels back, only for Shibata to hit him first! And again! And again! Shibata UPPERCUTS, runs, but fakes out the dropkick! Yuta avoids the Penalty Kick, and fans fire up! The two reset, Shibata slides but Yuta avoids the kick.

The two knuckle lock, Yuta shoots in but Shibata switches! Shibata pump handles to throw Yuta down, and Shibata gets the double wristlock! Yuta fights, but Shibata headscissors! Shibata pushes up to squeeze tight! Yuta endures, fights around, headstands and rolls to pop free. Shibata resets and fans applaud. The two feel things out, Yuta drop toeholds, and rear mounts. Shibata sits up, fireman’s carry takeover, but Yuta keeps his shoulders up. Shibata has the legs, stomps Yuta in the stomach then steps through, FIGURE FOUR! Yuta endures, fans “WOO~!” and Shibata adds pressure. Yuta wants to punch but Shibata just adds more pressure!

Yuta keeps trying, Shibata keeps on the pressure. Yuta keeps his shoulders up, tries to pry the hold, but Shibata just keeps on it. Yuta shakes his head, he isn’t giving up, but will he use the ropes? Yuta is conflicted as he reaches out, but Shibata drags him away! Shibata adds more pressure, even has a heel hook added! We pass five minutes in the 60 minute limit, and Yuta gives in to get the ROPEBREAK! That is his first, and Shibata lets off. Shibata snapmares Yuta and digs a knee into Yuta’s back. Yuta endures the chinlock, fans chant “F U YUTA!” Shibata sits Yuta up into a seated cobra, and he throws down elbows! HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL!

Fans fire up, Yuta flops and Shibata covers, TWO! Shibata keeps on Yuta, snapmares, then wraps on a headscissors! Shibata squeezes tight, it is almost a figure four necklock! Yuta endures, pushes back to a cover, TWO! Shibata lets Yuta go, but he keeps cool. The two circle, feel things out, knuckle lock, and Yuta rolls to wrench and wrangle Shibata. Yuta has the top wristlock, then STOMPS the arm! Fans duel, Yuta drops a knee on the arm! Cover, TWO! Yuta is annoyed but he gets the arm to wrench and ELBOW BREAKER! And again! Snapmare, short arm scissor! Shibata fights, Yuta shifts, Yuta wants the armbar!

Shibata rolls, pushes Yuta back, and he turns Yuta over to a pump handle and flip! Shibata stomps Yuta right in the chest! Yuta gets up to CHOP, but Shibata doesn’t even flinch! Another CHOP, and another! Shibata just lets Yuta CHOP and CHOP and CHOP! Then Shibata ROCKS Yuta with a forearm! Yuta is in the corner, Shibata kicks him, then kicks him again. The ref counts, Shibata still stomps. Shibata stops for just a moment, throws down forearms, then runs corner to corner. Yuta follows to ELBOW! Yuta brings Shibata out but Shibata switches. Yuta grabs at the ref, then LOW BLOW MULE KICKS!!

Fans boo, but Yuta then DECKS Shibata with a haymaker! That’s Yuta’s warning for closed fist to the face, but the ref missed the far more important foul! Fans boo harder but Yuta rains down forearms! Yuta slaps Shibata around, fans chant “F U YUTA!” but Yuta just soaks up the heat as he stands on Shibata at the ropes. The ref counts, Yuta steps off, and he brings Shibata up. Yuta suplexes high and hard! Cover, TWO!! Yuta kicks Shibata around, taunts him, and CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! We pass 10 minutes, Yuta CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS in the corner! Shibata leans into them!

Shibata backs Yuta down, even as Yuta CHOPS, and then Shibata ROCKS him! Yuta sits down in a corner, Shibata stomps a mudhole! The ref counts, Shibata digs his boot in. Shibata lets off at 4, and apologizes to the ref, while getting in sneaky mule kicks! Fans cheer as turnabout is fair play! Shibata lines up the shot, runs in, HYDRAULIC DROPKICK! The Shibata signature returns! Shibata HALF HATCH SUPLEXES! Cover, TWO! Shibata wraps on a chinlock, almost a sleeper. Yuta fights up, reaches out, ROPEBREAK! That’s the second, and then Shibata KNEES low! Then SAIDO! Cover, but Shibata pulls Yuta up!?

Shibata shakes his head, he doesn’t feel Yuta has been humbled yet. Shibata KICKS Yuta! And then stretches, before he KICKS Yuta again! Shibata eggs Yuta on, then KICKS him again! And again! Yuta snarls, Shibata KICKS him more and more! Yuta flops over and fans fire up! Shibata stands Yuta up, and Yuta SPITS at him! Then KICKS, CLUBS and repeat! Fans boo but Shibata hits back! Shibata runs, into a DROPKICK! Yuta ROCKS, snapmares, Shibata blocks the seatbelt but Yuta still has the cover, TWO! Yuta waistlocks, Shibata breaks free to ROCK Yuta with a forearm! Yuta rewinds in the ropes, but right into a palm strike!

Shibata keeps Yuta from falling, he puts on the SLEEPER!! Yuta is fading and fans are fired up! Yuta is red, Shibata lets off to PENALTY KICK!! Cover, SHIBATA WINS!!!

Winner: Katsuyori Shibata, by pinfall (NEW ROH Pure Champion)

Fans are thunderous as The Wrestler beats the upstart! The streamers fly in celebration! Shibata is truly back, maybe better than ever! And he still shows Yuta respect by offering the handshake. Yuta stands, and says no thanks. Fans boo Yuta again, will nothing humble the Decoder? Will Shibata bring this title all around the world to show everyone how it’s done?


ROH World Championship: Claudio Castagnoli VS Eddie Kingston!

The Swiss Superman still believes the Mad King is not a man of honor, and therefore unworthy of the top title in Ring of Honor. But Eddie takes that with a grain of salt, considering the lack of honor Claudio himself has shown. Who will be THE champion of honor at the end of Supercard?

The introductions are made, the newly redesigned belt is raised, and a grudge that’s been building for a decade finally has it out!

Fans are already chanting, “F him up, Eddie, F him up!” And of course he Code of Honor is NOT upheld, Eddie flips Claudio off instead. The bell rings, and Eddie TACKLES Claudio to a corner! Eddie CHOPS, CHOPS, CHOPS and SLAPOS Claudio! Fans fire up as Eddie SLAPS him again! And again! Claudio staggers, Eddie eggs him on and CHOPS him again! And again! Claudio turns it around to CHOP! And CHOP! And UPPERCUT! And UPPERCUT! UPPERCUT! Eddie staggers all the way out of the ring! Fans boo but Claudio soaks up the heat. Eddie drags himself up at the railing, the ring count climbs, but Eddie is dizzy.

Eddie gets a chair! Eddie gets in with the chair but the ref stops him. This is a standard match, he can’t use it. Eddie lets the chair go, he and Claudio approach, and then Eddie fires off fast hands! Claudio headlocks, Eddie powers out, and Eddie CHOPS Claudio on the return! Claudio sputters, Eddie headlocks him now. Claudio powers up to back suplex! But Eddie’s right up to CHOP! Eddie headlocks again, Claudio fights up, and Claudio puts Eddie in the corner. Fans rally for Eddie, Claudio lets off slowly, but Eddie kicks! And dropkicks the leg out! Claudio hobbles, Eddie gets the leg but Claudio fights free.

Eddie throws palm strikes, then he KICKS the leg out! Claudio does the splits, and not comfortably! Eddie ROCKS Claudio, fans chant for Eddie more, and Eddie CHOPS! And HEADBUTTS! Claudio hobbles but Eddie kicks the leg again! And again! And again! Claudio flops out of the ring now and fans fire up. Eddie builds speed!? Eddie DIVES into an UPPERCUT! Eddie falls back into the ring, and Claudio shakes out the bad leg. Claudio goes up the steps, gets in the ring, and he stalks Eddie to ropes. Claudio runs in to STRADDLE ATTACK! But Claudio’s leg jams a bit as he lands on the outside.

But Eddie still eggs Claudio on, and flips him off again! Claudio fires off forearms in the ropes! The ref reprimands, fans boo, but Claudio lets off to drag Eddie up. Claudio uses Eddie’s own shirt to keep him stuck as he throws hands! Then Claudio drags Eddie into a suplex to the floor! Fans fire up but the ref wants this back in the ring. Claudio leaves Eddie behind, and the ring count climbs. Eddie stirs at 3, sits up at 4, huffs and puffs at 5 and crawls to the ring at 6. Eddie gets in at 7, but Claudio is right after him. Claudio gets the legs but Eddie SLAPS and SLAPS and SLAPS! Claudio DOUBLE STOMPS!

Claudio hobbles, but he goes to a corner and climbs up. Claudio DIVING HEADBUTTS! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up but Claudio hobbles back over. Eddie staggers up, to CHOP! Claudio throws a forearm, and we’re back to a SLAP fight! Eddie backs Claudio down, the SLAPS keep going, and then Eddie fires off! Claudio trips Eddie to the SWISS SWING! But the bad leg gives up! Claudio lets Eddie go and flops out of the ring! Claudio hurries back in, he storms up on Eddie to cover, TWO! Eddie is still in this and goes to the corner. Fans rally, Claudio hobbles over while Eddie is dizzy. Eddie swings wild, misses, and Claudio UPPERCUTS!

Claudio puts Eddie up top and fans rally up. Claudio ROCKS Eddie, but Eddie CLAWS Claudio’s face! Claudio UPPERCUTS in return, but Eddie SLAPS! Claudio SLAPS, Eddie SLAPS, Claudio fires off on Eddie, then DROPKICKS! Eddie flops down, Claudio pushes him to the apron, and then Claudio climbs the corner. Claudio drags Eddie up to the top, throws hands, but Eddie pie faces and SLAPS back! Claudio fires forearms, and then SUPERPLEXES! Eddie flounders away, Claudio hurries over to cover, TWO!! Eddie is still in this and Claudio grows frustrated, but fans rally up and duel!

Eddie slaps Claudio from below, kicks at him, but Claudio pushes Eddie back. Claudio sits Eddie up to KICK, CHOP and KICK! Eddie just flips Claudio off. Claudio DOUBLE STOMPS! Cover, but Eddie rakes the eyes! The ref reprimands but Eddie still gets free. Eddie sits up to ROCK Claudio, CHOP him, and CHOP again! Claudio drags Eddie up, throws a forearm, but Eddie ENZIGURIS! Claudio wobbles, Eddie runs in and clotheslines Claudio up and out! Eddie builds speed and DIVES! Direct hit at the ramp and fans fire up! Eddie drags himself to steel steps and Claudio flounders around.

Eddie kicks Claudio as the ring count starts. Eddie CHOPS! Claudio CHOPS! Eddie clinches to EXPLODER to the floor! Claudio crawls around the way, Eddie gets in the ring. Fans rally, Claudio rises at 7, but slides in at 8. Eddie goes up the corner, Claudio stands, and Eddie leaps, FLYING BULLDOG! Cover, TWO!! Claudio survives and Eddie grows frustrated. Eddie brings Claudio up to SLAP! Claudio SLAPS back! They SLAP fight again, while on their knees! Claudio fires a flurry, then ROCKS Eddie! Eddie leans on Claudio, they stand, and Claudio ROCKS him again! Eddie shoots in, SAIDO, but Claudio blocks it to rain down elbows!

Claudio drags Eddie up, fans duel again, and Claudio throws more forearms! Claudio roars, swings, but misses! Eddie catches Claudio to the STRETCH PLUM!! Claudio drops to a knee, reaches out for ropes, but Eddie has the dragon sleeper and the armlock! Claudio falls to the mat, but he reaches the ROPEBREAK! Eddie lets go in frustration but fans fire up again. Eddie CLUBS Claudio, reels him in, but Claudio holds the rope to fight the saido! Eddie CLUBS him again! SAIDO!! Cover, TWO!! Claudio survives and Eddie is beside himself! Fans rally up and Eddie snarls as he sits back up.

Eddie and Claudio stand, Eddie half nelsons but Claudio fights free! GERMAN SUPLEX! Both men are down and fans rally up again. Claudio drags Eddie up, fans rally, and the two lean on each other. Claudio throws a forearm but Eddie gives it back! Claudio throws another, and eggs Eddie on. Eddie throws a forearm, Claudio throws a forearm, repeat! Claudio gets the edge, he blocks the uraken! UPPERCUT! But Eddie BACKHANDS, then rebounds to BOOT! Claudio LARIATS!! Cover, TWO!! Eddie survives and fans fire up while Claudio sits and seethes. Claudio drags Eddie up, throws knee after knee after knee.

Claudio tucks the arm! RICO- NO, Eddie slips free! URAKEN!!! Claudio falls, Eddie falls on the cover, TWO!?!? Claudio survives and Eddie cannot believe it! The fans are thunderous for Eddie as he rises up, and he sees Claudio at the apron. Eddie storms over as Claudio sits up. Eddie joins Claudio on the apron, CHOPS and SLAPS, then clinches! Claudio holds ropes to block, then throws down elbows! And KNEES! And then the gut wrench, to GUT WRENCH PLEX Eddie to the floor! Fans lose their minds while Claudio crawls over and past Eddie. Eddie sputters as he sits up, and Claudio pops railing loose?

Eddie stands, Claudio SLAMS the railing into Eddie! The ref reprimands, but Claudio just SLAMS Eddie again! And again! The ref tells Claudio to stop, and Claudio drags Eddie up. Claudio puts Eddie in the ring, soaks up the heat, and he aims at Eddie. Eddie rises, Claudio runs in, UPPERCUT!! Cover, TWO!?!? Eddie gets that arm up and fans are thunderous! Claudio is stunned, but he shakes his head. Claudio brings Eddie up, tells him, “You’ll never get my respect!” And he SLAPS Eddie! Eddie URAKENS, but Claudio just laughs that off. Claudio CHIPOS, URAKEN hits harder!! Claudio staggers, into the suplex!

But Eddie’s back gives up! Claudio gets a SLEEPER, and he SWINGS Eddie like that! Then he brings Eddie in, Gotch lift, NEUTRALIZER!! Cover, ONE?!?!? WHAT?!? Claudio is freaking out but Eddie is furious, only for Claudio to UPPERCUT him back down! Cover, TWO!?!?!? Fans are thunderous for “EDDIE! EDDIE!” Claudio argues with the ref but somehow, that was still a two! Fans chant for “R O H! R O H!” as Claudio drags Eddie back up. Eddie SLAPS, Claudio fires off a flurry! UPPERCUT! UPPERCUT to the back of the head! Claudio then drags Eddie up, crosses the arms, RICOLA- RANA!!! Cover, TWO!!! Claudio sunsets, CLAUDIO WINS!!

Winner: Claudio Castagnoli, by pinfall (still ROH World Champion)

No one can believe it, but Claudio snatches victory from the jaws of defeat! He catches Eddie with a quick pin, and he survives this war! Yuta returns to celebrate with Claudio, the one BCC member still holding gold. However, Claudio will offer the Code of Honor. Eddie is wary of Yuta, though, and the ref tells Yuta to stop. But instead, the BCC are flanking Eddie. Wait! Here comes Shibata! The NEW Pure Champion makes his way back out here, he will not allow the BCC to tarnish tonight. Shibata and Eddie stare down Claudio and Yuta. Claudio and Shibata raise their titles, and then Shibata raises Eddie’s hand.

Fans cheer for Eddie and Shibata, but Claudio raises his belt again. Fans boo, but then cheer as Eddie raises his hand. Will Eddie have to scratch and claw to get back to a title opportunity? Will the Swiss Superman have to worry about The Wrestler coming for him soon?

Eddie gets a mic, makes sure it’s working, “Hello, hello. Is this on? Are we still on PPV? Are we, Paul? One minute? F***, sh*t, mother f***, I don’t care. Go ahead, HR, fine me, I don’t care. First off, ladies and gentlemen, please, give it up for a living legend, Shibata.” Fans cheer and Shibata waves. Eddie continues to say that they should give it up for Tanahashi. The fans cheer, and Eddie says he doesn’t care how long they have, he’ll keep going even if they go off the air. Usually, MJF gets thirty minutes on TV, let Eddie get five. Fans cheer and Eddie says if they’re going off the air, then real quick! Eddie isn’t going anywhere, he’s gonna beat Claudio’s ass!!

The fans cheer, Eddie and Shibata take their leave, and this is far from over! Will the BCC still be standing when Eddie gets through with them?

My Thoughts:

A great PPV event for ROH, though a little surprised they put this up against SmackDown on WrestleMania weekend. But just like with AEW, ROH had a great preshow, those four matches were all a lot of fun, with Cobb VS Tracy and Konosuke VS Mack on a TV main event level. And quite the surprise to see Dutch & Vincent (formerly Vinnie Marseglia) showing up. Definitely building some intrigue in the ROH Tag Division, and just ROH in general as those two were free agents fans were thinking would join in on the Wyatt 6 stuff in WWE. Seems not, despite how much Uncle Howdy poses like Dutch and has hair like Vinnie.

The AAA Mega Championship was an insane opener, definitely the most exciting match of the entire night. Vikingo retaining made sense, though, as this title wasn’t going to change hands in a non-AAA event. The ROH World Six Man Tag was really good, with a great showing from Blake, Fox & Metalik even in losing. The Women’s Championship was great stuff, but a bit scary as Yuka got stuck between cannonball and just jumping, so it was more a spear or DDT situation. Athena winning makes sense, though, the ROH title is going to stay in ROH and the states, as there are still many possibilities for Athena’s next challenger.

A little surprised that Mark didn’t win the TV title. I thought that would’ve been a great moment for everyone, especially the Briscoe family. I’m not sure who would even be next for Joe anyway, but I guess that’s what the next round of ROH TV will be about. Great match from Tanahashi and Garcia just for having a great match, and it makes sense Tanahashi wins. Garcia is good, but he’s not better than the Ace just yet. The tag team ladder match was amazing stuff, but there are no words for how unfortunate and painful for Dante Martin to break his ankle. Top Flight just can’t stay healthy long enough for them to get to where they should be, and my heart goes out to them.

In the end, Lucha Brothers winning was the right choice. They are Faces like the Briscoes, they are an amazing brother tag team like the Briscoes, and they can fight all the Heel teams waiting in the wings. It was also a heartwarming moment to have Mark, the Lucha Bros, FTR and even The Kingdom hug it out because of how much they all loved Jay. There was almost a Face turn for The Kingdom through this match because I think the fans started to cheer for them. They were the ones to get busted open but kept fighting, and with Top Flight out of commission now, they don’t have that feud. Maybe The Kingdom can feud with LFI and be Faces by default.

And great thinking to have the BCC matches back to back. I am actually surprised Shibata won the Pure title, but perhaps he won because he stays stateside with the LA Dojo and NJPW Strong. And the world title match was awesome, though I’m surprised they went with a sunset flip to finish. I suppose that keeps Eddie strong even in losing since it wasn’t one of Claudio’s finishers. And great stare down moment with Shibata backing Eddie up against Yuta and Claudio. Eddie wants after Claudio, but I would love if Shibata got a match with Claudio. Eddie can probably take the title in the rematch, but Shibata would have to drop the Pure title before picking up another.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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