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Andrew’s IMPACT Results & Match Ratings: 4.27.2023

IMPACT continues to build on new challengers and film from Canadian turf! Lets see what kind of show we’ve got tonight!



We got to start Maclin’s new regime last week, and the Canadian caveat gave the fans an unexpected but well supported first challenger. While PCO isn’t going to put on a mat clinic, his matches are always entertaining and the stuff he puts his body through at 55 is crazy,

The Coven also set their sights on Deonna last week, so I guess we’ll find out if they’ll be dispatched quickly or if we get a longer program. Let’s see where this show goes!


  • Jordynne Grace vs Masha Slamovich: Jordynne wins via Cradle – *** 1/4
  • PCO vs Champagne Singh: PCO wins via PCO-sault – N/A
  • Road to 50 Wins: Johnny Swinger w/Zicky Dice vs El Dineroco: Swinger wins? via La Magistral – N/A
  • The Design (Kon & Angels w/Deaner) vs ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey): ABC wins via 1-2-Sweet – ***
  • Jody Threat vs Seleziya Sparx: Jody wins via F-416 – * 1/2
  • Knockouts World Championship: Deonna Purrazzo (c) vs Taylor Wilde w/Kilynn King: Deonna wins via Venus de Milo – *** 3/4



Jordynne Grace vs Masha Slamovich

This was supposed to be Masha versus Killer Kelly, but I think Kelly posted on her Twitter that she had a cyst that burst, so she wasn’t in a position to participate in tapings. 

This stay fairly equal between these two, Jordynne tries to keep Masha in place with a Wristlock, Masha uses her agility to get out of things. They move to the corner and Jordynne hits a few big shots into a Vader Bomb for 2. Masha looks to be in trouble until Masha takes advantage of pulling Jordynne into the middle rope throat first. So Masha finally gets the advantage while Jordynne tries to recover.

Jordynne blocks Masha’s attempts at a Suplex with her own, but Masha connects on a few quick strikes, Backfist into Buzzsaw Kick rocks Jordynne and Masha decides to talk smack in Russian to the crowd instead of going right after Jordynne. Camel Clutch from Masha appears to be too late since Jordynne fights through, rams her into the corner a few times before the Backpack style Backdrop to break Masha’s submission.

Masha gets caught in a Muscle Buster but kicks out, eats some big strikes, Jordynne hits a Michinoku Driver out of nowhere but only two. Masha tries to find something, she looks for the Victory Roll but Jordynne counters with the Rear Naked Choke. Turns the Rear Naked into a pinfall attempt to break the hold and then goes for her own Rear Naked Choke. Jordynne fights out, Masha decides to snap off a Wristclutch German Suplex Hold for 2.

After a few more exchanges, Grace goes for the Muscle Buster again, but Masha counters. A few quick strikes and we go into a Locomotion Cradle Spot. Eventually Jordynne gets the best of the Cradles and wins via pinfall.

Maclin hits the ring, calls out PCO and demads the match to happen now. PCO isn’t one to deny a fight, but as PCO is coming down Shera and Champagne Singh attack him. PCO eventually makes a comeback and then Santino’s music hits. Singh tries to pay off Santino, Santino takes the money and says thank you, you just bought yourself a match. So Champagne Singh is gonna get murdered and Shera is banned from ringside.

PCO vs Champagne Singh

This is just for PCO to beat the hell out of the heel dweeb. No one thinks Singh has a prayer. 

Singh hit a few moves, thought he’d do the Million Dollar man thing and put money in PCO’s mouth…but PCO starts short circuiting. He eats the money, and then eats Singh.

Champagne Singh is such a waste of time. PCO wins via Scorpion Deathdrop into PCO-Sault. The result was never in question.

ImpactPlus Flashback Moment: 2/14/2013, Christopher Daniels vs Magnus, IMPACT!

Road to 50 Wins: Johnny Swinger w/Zicky Dice vs El Dineroco

Zicky apparently is covering the Luchadors pay but has to go get him to translate. The luchador comes out and its obvious its Zicky in a mask, but the name is great.

Solid comedy match, and Swinger “winning” via La Magistral is awesome. Santino figures it out and nullifies the whole damn thing is solid comedy.

The Design (Kon & Angels w/Deaner) vs ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey)

Bey and Angels start off, and Angels starts off aggressively, but its hard to really have any faith in The Design here. The most I think we can hope for is a decent match. Ace blind tag, Russian Leg Sweep/Kung Fu Leg Sweep on Angels, Click Click Boom next for 2, then Angels does manage to tag out.

Kon comes in an bulldozes both men, regardless of the fact they’re hitting him and all over him. You can hear Bey say “My ankle my ankle”, which is hopefully a work to make it look like The Design have a shot. Ace eats some tandem shots and then Kon sinks in the Nerve Hold and Ace is getting smacked around. They keep Ace in their corner, when Angels tags in, Ace tries to run through Angels; but Angels turns the attempt around and Ace keeps eating chops and shoulder blocks. Ace finally grabs some wrist control, a few pot shots, Up and Over, lays out Angels. Ace tries to limp to the tag, but Angels holds his foot and connects on a Half Nelson Suplex.

Deaner tries to tell Angels to keep the foot on the gas, but Angels misses in the corner and gets rocked by Ace. Bey takes the hot tag, wipes out Kon, a few quick spots, Yoshi Tonic for 2. Looks for Art of Finesse but Kon goozles him from the apron. All four guys in the ring, they ABC tries to chop down Kon with successive Dives, they drop Angels on him but Kon won’t fall down. Deaner gets on the apron to interrupt ABC, and Sami Callihan comes out of nowhere to equalize.

Angels runs off Sami, ABC finally lays out Kon and then when Angels tries to comeback, he gets leveled. Timing Spinning Heel Kicks collpase Kon, ABC 1-2-SWEET wins the match!

Decent action even though the outcome was never really in question.

Jody Threat vs Seleziya Sparx

Well given that Jody is starting to get built up and Sparx is obviously the enhancement talent, this is another match that isn’t hard to see the outcome for.

Jody has an interesting energy where she has like a tough brawler style seemingly keeping the opponent close. After a top rope Thesz Press, rope run Pump Kick, German Suplex and F-416. The punk rock appeal could be kinda cool, but the Knockouts have so many brawler style women and/or dark gimmicks. They really need a touch more versatility in the personalities.

Knockouts World Championship: Deonna Purrazzo (c) vs Taylor Wilde w/Kilynn King

While its a little silly to think Deonna will lose the title so quickly, this could build to more. This should be a good strat to Deonna’s first program in her third reign.

Collar and Elbow tie up with both women trying to push the other into a corner or find a small advantage, but they wrestle to a stalemate and take different approaches after a small moment of recognition.

Deonna looks for a lot of arm focused offense, but Taylor gets really clever with her legs. Twisting Deonna into a counter roll or her own modified Indian Deathlock. A few quick pinfalls follow from both and then they have another moment of acknowledgement. The feeling out process between these two has been pretty great thus far.

A quick Hip Toss into the Wristlock has Deonna in control. Taylor does manage to fight her way out of it, Kilynn trips the leg to give Taylor a chance to lay in a few cheap shots and then tease the crowd and do the smarmy heel stuff. Every time Deonna starts to fight back, Taylor powders and Kilynn is being a great partner. She pushes Taylor out of the way, eats a forearm, and is just getting smacked around to protect Taylor.

In the corner, Deonna manages to crash into Taylor’s arm so Taylor sells to the ref to distract her and Kilynn makes her presence felt again. Taylor plays up the witchy persona very well and very much like The Craft. She’s sarcastic and condescending, but in a cute almost flirty way. So it adds to an interesting dynamic between her and Deonna since even though Taylor is heel, she is the more playfully animated. After a few deliberate spots, Taylor hits the Satellite Crippler Crossface out of nowhere. Deonna manages to fight out of it, into a Fujiwara Armbar, but Taylor gets to the ropes.

Backslide from Deonna for 2, but as Taylor tries to roll out, Deonna grabs for the arm and keeps hunting for Fujiwara Armbars. Both women bounce off the ropes and meet in the middle with Crossbody attacks. Strike exchange, Sole Butt from Deonna, into Running Knee Lift, Russian Leg Sweep and Fujiwara Armbar; but Taylor gets a foot on the rope. Queen’s Gambit attempt, but Taylor with the Backdrop to counter. Wilde Ride, for a near fall. Witch’s Wrath gets countered into the Venus de Milo in the middle of the ring.

Kilynn attacks Deonna after the match, and Jordynne makes the save in the whole babyface respect angle.

Overall Score: 7/10

Well this suffered from a consistent issue that more recent IMPACT episodes have had – and that’s a complete lack of suspense in the matches. Comebacks and selling lose effect when the finish is written in purple crayon because of who they position against one another. The show was bookended by two really good Knockouts matches though. The middle parts were job matches, so there really was a lot of lame filler…but stories moved forward and we got a little interesting character work.

Callihan hopefully culminating his whole destruction of The Design, DeathDollz having to connect with James Mitchell to inquire about Taya, Dango going full detective, Zicky and Swinger…being Zicky and Swinger and Maclin finding barely serviceable goons, I suppose is something. Impact continues to have a few interesting beats and solid comedy to never really take itself too seriously, but really some of the shows are just too inflated with trash matches that it weighs things down a ton. I’ve always enjoyed how they keep even the lower card stories relevant, but we could really do without so many job matches.

Also don’t think I missed this video package:

The only adequate reaction to this whole video package is this:

Currenty reading Fifty Shades of Grey, told my partner I may want to try  some stuff during Snu Snu. This was his response, immediately ceased all  action leading to Snu Snu and

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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