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Mitchell’s NJPW Road to Sakura Genesis Results & Report! (4/2/23)

KOPW is on the road!



Will the Ultimate Weapon slay the Rampaging Dragon?

In an already wild season, NJPW gets wilder on the Road to Sakura Genesis! Will Shingo Takagi survive Aaron Henare’s Ultimate Triad Match?


  • Tomoaki Honma & Togi Makabe VS Oskar Leube & Yuto Nakashima; Honma & Makabe win.
  • Six Man Tag: Los Ingobernables de Japon VS Bullet Club; LIJ wins.
  • 8 Man Tag: Team Strong Style & Ryohei Oiwa VS The House of Torture; Double Count-Out Draw.
  • Six Man Tag: Chaos VS The United Empire; The United Empire wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Ryusuke Taguchi, Shota Umino & Boltin Oleg VS TMDK; TMDK wins.
  • 10 Man Tag: Kazuchika Okada, Tomohiro Ishii, YOH, Tiger Mask & Master Wato VS Just5Guys; Just5Guys win.
  • KOPW Championship Ultimate Triad Match: Shingo Takagi VS Aaron Henare; Takagi wins and retains the title.


10 Man Tag: Kazuchika Okada, Tomohiro Ishii, YOH, Master Wato & Tiger Mask VS Just5Guys!

Before the Rainmaker faces the Cold Skull at Sakura Genesis, they call in reinforcements for a massive tag match! Will the Stone Pitbull, Direct Drive, Way of the Grandmaster and Super Junior legend help the IWGP World Heavyweight Champion stand tall? Or will Taichi, Yoshinobu Kanemaru, Douki & Taka Michinoku help Sanada prove that even #Just5Guys can be on top of NJPW?

The teams sort out and Okada stares down with Sanada. In the end, Wato steps up for his team, and after Just5Guys give thumbs up, Douki steps up. Fans rally for Douki as he circles with Wato. They tie up, Wato headlocks, but Douki throws body shots. Douki powers out, headlocks back, but Wato powers out. Douki jumps over, sweeps then rolls Wato to wrench a wristlock. Douki WRINGS Wato, Wato gets up to waistlock. Douki elbows free, runs, Wato hurdles and back elbows! Uppercut! BULLDOG! Fans fire up and Wato stomps Douki. Wato bumps Douki off buckles and tags in Tiger Mask.

Tiger kicks Douki, KICKS and KICKS and KICKS! Douki falls over, and Wato brings him up. Douki throws forearms, Tiger gives them back, so Douki rakes eyes! Douki runs, into a scoop and BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Fans rally as Tiger underhooks Douki. BUTTERFLY SUPLEX! Tiger KICKS Douki in the back, then tags in Yoh. Fans rally for Yoh as he bumps Douki off buckles and CHOPS! Yoh wrenches, whips, and elbows Douki in the corner. Yoh then reels Douki in, suplexes, but Douki slips free. Yoh elbows Douki, runs, but Douki drops and Yoh falls out of the ring! Fans fire up as Just5Guys BLASTS Okada and team!

Kanemaru grabs Yoh and whips him into railing! Taka ROCKS Tiger then stomps Wato! Ishii stares down Taichi and Okada stares down Sanada but the ref restores order. Kanemaru RAMS Yoh into railing at the back! Okada and Ishii protest, but Kanemaru brings Yoh back. Kanemaru puts Yoh in, tags in off Douki, and then drags Yoh up. Kanemaru whips, back drops and covers, TWO! Tag to Taka and he stomps Yoh. Taka drags Yoh up but Yoh throws forearms. Taka eggs Yoh on so Yoh throws more forearms. Yoh kicks, runs, but Taka goes perpendicular to BOOT! Cover, TWO! Fans rally while Taka drags Yoh over.

Taka UPPERCUTS Yoh into the corner then tags Sanada. Sanada brings Yoh around, CLUBS him, then whips him corner to corner. Sanada back elbows Yoh and Yoh falls to his knees. Sanada brings Yoh up, snap suplexes, then covers, TWO! Fans applaud as Yoh hangs tough. Sanada tags Taichi and Taichi drags Yoh up. Taichi whips him to a corner, clotheslines, then Just5Guys BLASTS Okada’s team again! Taichi wraps Yoh up in a Cobra Twist! Fans rally, Yoh endures, and Just5Guys has Okada’s team all down with submissions! Taichi puts on the pressure but Yoh continues to endure!

Taichi lets Yoh go in frustration, and Just5Guys falls back. Taichi stomps Yoh but fans rally up. Yoh rises, and he blocks the kick! Yoh fires forearms, whips, but Taichi reverses. Taichi hits a kitchen sink knee! Taichi runs in, Yoh dodges and FLYING FOREARMS! Fans fire up, Yoh and Taichi crawl, hot tag to Ishii! The Stone Pitbull runs, avoids Taichi boot and waistlocks, but then ducks Taichi’s back elbow. Ishii ROCKS Taichi, Douki runs in but Ishii dodges him to ROCK Sanada! Douki runs back in but Ishii dodges and Douki knocks Sanada down! Kanemaru runs in, but Ishii blocks the kick to send it into Douki!

Taka runs in, Ishii catches him for a waistlock to shove him into Kanemaru! Taichi returns, but Ishii sends Taka into the BOOT! Ishii then runs over Taichi! Fans fire up as Ishii just solo’d all five guys! Ishii kicks at Taichi, then KICKS him! Taichi gets up and SOBATS! Taichi whips, Ishii reverses but Taichi wrenches to HOOK KICK! Fans rally while Taichi and Ishii are down. Taichi stands, he gives toying kicks to Ishii now. Then he KICKS Ishii in the back! Ishii stands to CHOP! Taichi KICKS! Ishii CHOPS! Taichi runs, into a forearm! Ishii runs, into a BOOT! Ishii spins Taichi around, suplexes high and hard!

But Taichi rises! Fans fire up, Taichi BOOTS Ishii, but Ishii dodges the bomber, only to run into AX BOMBER! Both men are down, they crawl for their corners, hot tags to Okada and Sanada! Sanada dodges, kicks, whips but Okada reverses. Sanada dropkicks the legs out, to then DROPKICK Okada down! Fans fire up while Sanada brings Okada back up, for a BIG back suplex! Cover, TWO! Fans rally and duel, “O-KA-DA!” “SA-NA-DA!” Sanada fireman’s carries but Okada fights it. Okada CLUBS Sanada but Sanada CHOPS! Okada shakes his head and UPPERCUTS! Okada runs, Sanada O’Conner Rolls him, into the dragon sleeper!

Okada fights back, Sanada lets go to kick Okada. Sanada whips, Okada reverses and DROPKICKS! Okada wraps on the MONEY CLIP! Fans rally and duel as Okada’s team keeps the other four guys out of the ring! Sanada kicks and flails, Taka gets in and stomps Okada. Okada lets Sanada go to kick Taka and throw him out. Tiger sends Taka into railing! Okada scoops and SLAMS Sanada, goes up the corner, and MACHO- NO, Okada has to bail out as Sanada moves! Sanada fireman’s carries, and throws Okada into the dragon sleeper! Okada arm-drags free, goes to a corner, Sanada runs in but Okada pops him up into the REVERSE NECKBREAKER!

Fans rally up while both men are down. Hot tag to Tiger Mask! Tiger runs in at Sanada to ROUNDHOUSE! Tiger brings Sanada out to underhook, but Sanada fights the lift. Tiger knees low, and again, but runs into a basement dropkick to the legs! Hot tag to Kanemaru! The Heel Master runs up on the legend to kick and whip. Tiger reverses, Kanemaru ducks one kick, ducks another, BOOTS, but swings into the underhooks! Kanemaru fights the lift but Tiger throws knees. TIGER GUTBUSTER! Kanemaru writhes, Yoh gets in with Wato. They and Tiger whip Kanemaru to a corner. Wato runs in to elbow! Yoh adds an elbow!

Yoh & Wato feed Kanemaru to a SOBAT! TIGER DRIVER!! Cover, Taka breaks it! Taka stomps Tiger, drags him up, but Tiger BOOTS Kanemaru and KANGAROO KICKS Taka! Taka brings Kanemaru up in a gut wrench, to TOMBSTONE!! Fans fire up and Tiger says he’s gonna end it now! Tiger chicken wings, but Kanemaru powers him back into a corner! Douki runs in to clothesline! Taka adds a SHINING WIZARD! Feed to Taichi’s SOBAT, Sanada’s KICK, and then Cold Skull and Holy Emperor combine, ROLLING ELBOW GAMANGIRI SANDWICH!! Fans fire up as Sanada DROPKICKS Okada off the apron!

Douki DIVES onto Yoh and Wato! Taka SLAMS Tiger into the drop zone for Kanemaru to go up and MOONSAULT! Cover, Just5Guys win!

Winners: Just5Guys, by pinfall

Kanemaru wearing shiny new tights wasn’t in vain! Just5Guys beat some of the best in NJPW today, will that make them the best in NJPW today? Or will it take Sanada beating Okada for the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship to prove that?


KOPW Championship Ultimate Triad Match: Shingo Takagi VS Aaron Henare w/ Great-O-Khan!

No disqualifications, no count outs, and no limits on how to win, just a checklist. The first man to score a pinfall, a submission, AND a ten-count knockout wins! Then and only then will one man be deemed the KOPW Champion! Will the Ultimate Weapon slay the Rampaging Dragon once and for all?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who wins this ultimate challenge!

The bell rings and fans rally up for “TA-KA-GI!” Takagi and Henare feel things out, test the waters with kicks, then feel the grapple out again. They clinch, fight for control, and try to hook legs for takedowns. Takagi gets a facelock but Henare spins it around on Takagi. Henare brings Takagi down, waistlocks, but Takagi blocks the roll. Takagi floats to get the legs, but Henare sits up to hand fight with him. Henare facelocks but Takagi powers through to get a leg. Henare turns that around but Takagi blocks the kneebar with a grapevine. Henare goes for Takagi’s bad arm, rolls him and has the double wristlock!

Takagi clasps hands to fight that off but Henare shifts to an ARMBAR! Takagi reaches out, ROPEBREAK! Henare lets off fast and fans applaud this opening exchange. Takagi and Henare approach, feel things out, and clinch. Takagi arm-drags to an armlock! Henare keeps his shoulders up and pushes Takagi back, but Takagi traps an arm and wraps Henare into a headlock. Henare kicks around and gets the ROPEBREAK! Fans applaud as Takagi lets off and the two reset. Takagi and Henare catch their breaths, approach again, and feel things out with strikes. Henare tries a kick, Takagi tries hands, but neither gets a clean shot.

They throw flurries, clinch and end up in a corner. Red Shoes calls for the break, but Henare turns things around. Takagi turns them back around, gives short headbutts, but Henare avoids the clothesline to fire off body shots from all sides! Red Shoes calls for the break as Henare fires off forearms. Henare lets off but Takagi comes back to run him over! Henare bails out while fans fire up. Takagi pursues and POSTS Henare, then brings him around to RAM Henare into the apron! Takagi keeps on Henare by bringing him around, and whipping him hard into railing! Henare tumbles up and over!

Takagi opens the gate to go out after Henare. Fans rally up while Takagi gives Henare toying kicks. Takagi stands Henare up but Henare throws forearms. They brawl right in front of the front row! Fans fire up as they go back and forth, but then Takagi knees low! Takagi brings Henare over to SMACK him off the announce desk! Then Takagi brings Henare to the bleachers! Fans move aside as Takagi SMACKS Henare off the Eastside sign! Henare throws hands, to SMACK Takagi off that sign! Both men sit down a moment, clutching their heads. Henare CLUBS Takagi, brings him back down, but Takagi hits back.

Takagi smacks Henare off the fans’ seats! Henare returns the favor! Takagi and Henare arm themselves with chairs! Red Shoes says that while there are no disqualifications, they have to give the fans their seats back. Takagi and Henare agree, put the chairs down, and then fire off haymakers! Henare hits Takagi from all sides, KNEES him low, then CLUBS him and DUMPS him back to ringside! Great-O-Khan fans Henare off before Henare goes back to ringside. Henare KICKS Takagi against railing! Then fires off forearms while Takagi is in the railing! Henare lets off, Khan fans him off more, and then Henare goes back to Takagi.

Fans rally for Takagi while Henare drags him up and into the ring. Takagi gets moving! Takagi runs Henare over! Fans fire up as Takagi stalks Henare to a corner. Takagi kicks, whips, and runs in, but he blocks Henare’s boot to clothesline! Takagi fires up then fires off forearm after forearm! Takagi brings Henare out and suplexes him high and hard! Cover, TWO! Takagi says- NO, Henare CLUBS Takagi before he can say his favorite phrase. Henare whips, Takagi reverses but Henare FLYING SHOULDERS! And then Henare looks to the camera, points, but Takagi CLUBS him! Takagi stops Henare from copying him!

Fans rally up while both men are down. Takagi drags Henare up, but Henare throws body shots. Henare ROCKS Takagi, but runs into the ELBOW! JAB! YUKON LARIAT! And now Takagi gets to say, “TAKE TAKE TA!!” SENTON! Takagi kicks Henare to ropes, stands him up, and throws knees against the ropes. Takagi snapmares, runs, and SLIDING LARIATS! Cover, TWO, but into the STF! Henare fights, reaches out, but Takagi shifts to a FUJIWARA ARMBAR! Henare reaches with the other arm, but Takagi pushes back more! ROPEBREAK! Takagi lets go in frustration, but he drops an elbow on Henare’s back!

Takagi SLAMS the bad arm on the mat, then SLAMS it again! Fans rally, Takagi drags Henare up, and Takagi wrenches the arm to an ELBOW BREAKER! Takagi then pump handles, but Henare fights off the lift! Takagi throws knees, Henare slips around and shoves, KNEE to the gut! Takagi comes back, into a POP-UP SAMOAN DROP! Fans fire up while both men are down again. Henare snarls, and he unties a buckle pad! Again, nothing illegal about it, so Red Shoes has to let him do it. Henare stands Takagi up to HEADBUTT, then scoop. Henare wedges Takagi in between the ropes, to KNEE away on the stomach!

Henare backs up, runs in, BIG KNEE to the gut! Takagi falls out of the ring while fans fire up. Henare goes out after Takagi, brings him up, and RAMS him into railing! And then into apron! Back to railing! Back to apron! Fans fire up with Henare while he shoves Takagi into the ring. Henare stalks Takagi, throws more knees into his side, then rolls with him into a COBRA TWISTER! Takagi endures, even as Henare has a high grip on the crossface. Takagi powers free to get the ROPEBREAK! Henare snarls, brings Takagi up, but Takagi throws hands! Henare KNEES Takagi again and again, then throws him down! SENTON! Cover, TWO!!

Fans rally while Henare grows frustrated. Henare drags Takagi up, whips him to ropes, but Takagi can’t even make it! Takagi sputters, Henare whips him the other way to scoop and BERZERKER BOMB! Cover, TWO!! Henare is frustrated, but he wraps onto Takagi with a REAR NAKED CHOKE! He even has the body scissors! Takagi fights his way back to a cover, TWO! Henare wraps Takagi up again! Takagi pries at the hold, moves around, and elbows free! Takagi pushes back to another cover, TWO! Henare keeps the body scissors, digs an elbow into Takagi’s head, then CLUBS away on Takagi’s chest!

Takagi manages to turn body scissor into toehold! Henare scrambles and drags Takagi along, to the ROPEBREAK! Takagi and Henare let the other go, and fans rally as the two catch their breaths. Henare has fans behind him now, he sits Takagi up, and he KICKS Takagi back down! Takagi sits up again, Henare KICKS him in the back! Takagi eggs him on?! Henare KICKS again! Takagi growls but he still eggs Henare on. Henare KICKS Takagi against ropes! And then KICKS him to a corner! Takagi headbutts the buckle pad to fire up! Takagi CHOPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Henare KNEES low! And again! And again! Takagi blocks a knee to DRAGON SCREW!

Fans rally up as both men slowly rise. Takagi is on Henare but Henare wraps on a BEARHUG! Takagi endures, but Henare even throws knees! Takagi BELL CLAPS! Henare holds tight so Takagi BELL CLAPS again, and again! Takagi has a CHINBAR CHOKE, but Henare breaks free. Takagi bobs ‘n’ weaves and ROCKS Henare! Henare swings, into the Gory Especial! NOSHIGAMI! Both men are down and fans fire up again. Takagi crawls after Henare, drags him up, and suplexes, but Henare blocks. Takagi still tries, Henare fights it, so Takagi TWIST ‘N’ SHOUTS! Both men are down again as fans rally up.

Takagi rises, brings Henare up and waistlocks, but Henare fights the lift! Henare CLUBS away on Takagi, but Takagi BLINDSIDE LARIATS! Takagi waits on Henare to rise, ELBOW! JAB! YUKON feint to DDT! Cover, TWO! But Takagi wraps Henare up, ANACONDA VICE!! Henare endures, but Takagi pulls on the hold! Henare kicks around, reaches out, ROPEBREAK! Takagi lets go, to drop a KNEE on the back of Henare’s head! Fans fire up with Takagi, and Takagi drags Henare up. Takagi cravats, has the neck wrench, but Henare throws body shots. Takagi SLAPS Henare’s neck, then throws an elbow.

Henare throws an elbow, Takagi gives it back. Fans rally, Takagi SLAPS Henare! Henare SLAPS, Takagi SLAPS, it is a SLAP fight! They just go back and forth, but Henare gets the edge with palm strikes from all sides! Henare then bobs ‘n’ weaves to ROCK Takagi! And HEADBUTT! And BODY BLOW! HEEL KICK!! But Henare falls over, too! Fans are thunderous as Red Shoes checks both men. Henare crawls to the corner, and now a down-count is being called. Takagi is still down at 5 of 10, but he stands at 6! Henare runs in to RAMPAGE SPEAR!! Cover, TWO!! Henare hurries to roll Takagi into the TWISTER!!

Takagi endures, clubs at the hold, but Henare shifts him into an ULTIMA NELSON!! Fans fire up but Henare also has a leg caught! Takagi endures, pushes back, but that just gets him caught more! Takagi quits, that’s the submission!!

Henare: 1/3; Takagi: 0/3

Henare has his first point, and that already puts Takagi at a huge disadvantage! Henare looms over Takagi, brings him up, and fisherman’s the leg. Takagi blocks, fans rally, and Takagi powers Henare away! But that took a lot out of him and he’s down on the mat. Henare stomps the mat, fans rally up, and Takagi growls. Takagi rises, Henare runs in, RAMPAGE- SATELLITE DDT!! Takagi turns things around and fans are thunderous again! Takagi crawls over, drags Henare up and pump handles, to the torture rack! But Henare slips free! Henare shoves Takagi at the corner, runs in, SHINING- NO, Takagi turns the wizard into a RUNNING POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO!!

Takagi hurries to clamp on, body scissors and chinlock! Takagi stretches Henare back! Henare fights but he’s stuck! Takagi shifts to throw HAMMER ‘N’ ANVIL ELBOWS! Then Takagi turns this into a GROUND COBRA!! Henare is caught, he TAPS! Takagi scores!!

Henare: 1/3; Takagi: 1/3

It is all tied up, and both men have checked off submissions! Now it’s all about the pinfall and the standing count! Henare bails out and Khan fans him off. Red Shoes checks with Henare if he’s still okay to continue. Henare isn’t giving up completely, and Takagi goes out to pursue. Fans rally, Takagi drags Henare up and in and fans applaud. Takagi drags Henare up, ROCKS him with a forearm, then eggs Henare on. Henare throws a forearm, but Takagi gives it back. Henare throws another, Takagi gives it back. Fans rally up as the forearms pick up speed! Takagi wobbles, but he shakes his head.

Takagi comes back to ROCK! JAB! JAB! And then whip! Takagi runs in, but into an elbow! Henare goes up, FLYING CHUCK! Takagi wobbles, but comes back to PUMPING BOMBER!! Fans are thunderous again as both men are down! Red Shoes counts both men, but Takagi says no need for that as he sits back up. Takagi gives Henare some junkyard dog headbutts, but Henare headbutts back. They go headbutt for headbutt, and then again and again and again! Takagi wobbles, Henare JUMPING HEADBUTTS! Then SHINING WIZARD in the corner! Henare snapmares Takagi, runs and PENALTY KICKS!

Henare then brings Takagi up, but Takagi fights the fisherman! Takagi wrenches but Henare breaks free, Takagi forearms but Henare HEADBUTTS! Fans are electric and Henare drags Takagi up! Fisherman, but Takagi slips free to backslide! TAKAGI SCORES THE PIN!!

Henare: 1/3; Takagi: 2/3

Takagi is making a huge comeback and now has the lead! Fans rally up while Henare rests in a corner. Henare then runs in, BUSAIKU KNEE! Fisherman, STREETS OF RAGE!! Cover, Henare ties it back up!!

Henare: 2/3; Takagi: 2/3

Now it all comes down to this! Who will get the standing count?! Henare sits up first, then stands. Takagi is still under the count, but he rises up at 4, only to flop at 5! He’s still down at 7, but forces himself to stand at 8! Takagi wobbles, into KICK after KICK after WHEEL KICK! Takagi rests against ropes, and roars as he stands again! Takagi and Henare fire off fast hands! And even knees! Takagi gets the BOXING ELBOWS, but Henare throws haymaker after haymaker! Takagi wobbles, into the RIGHT CROSS!! Henare wants the standing count, Red Shoes checks on Takagi, and it begins!

Fans rally as hard as they can for “TA-KA-GI!” while he stirs. He’s still down at 5! And at 7! Takagi stirs at 8, but then springs to life at 9.5!! Fans can’t believe it, and neither can Henare! Takagi manages to get his dukes up but not much else. Henare brings him in, fisherman’s again, STREETS OF- NO, Takagi slips free! But then he flops to the mat! Henare is confused but figures this is almost over. Henare waits on Takagi to rise, then brings him back in. ULTIMA- NO, Takagi holds off the nelson! Henare keeps trying but Takagi keeps fighting! Takagi powers up, and scoops Henare! LAST OF THE DRAGON!!!

Both men are down and now the standing count is on both of them! They’re both down at 5, and at 7! Takagi eggs Henare on as he crawls over. The count stops as Takagi brings Henare up. POINT-BLANK LARIAT! Henare stays up, Takagi runs to LARIAT again! Henare is still up, so Takagi runs to PUMPING BOMBER!! But Henare is still up!? Takagi fires off boxing elbows! Takagi goes past TEN, keeps on Henare with that right, but Henare BODY BLOWS again! Takagi SHOTEIS! Henare HEEL KICKS! Takagi ENZIGURS! Henare PENALTY KICKS! But Takagi’s right back up! PUMPING BOMBER!!

Takagi falls over with Henare, but isn’t done with him yet! Takagi drags Henare up, clinches, and then roars, but Henare HEADBUTTS! Takagi HEADBUTTS! DOUBLE HEADBUTTS collide! Takagi JABS! Henare HEADBUTTS again! Takagi PUMPING BOMBERS!!! Both men fall again and the standing count returns. Fans are thunderous as they rally for Takagi. The count reaches 5 of 10, then 7! Then 8! NINE!! Both men rise up, but Henare falls over!! Takagi stands and wins!!

Winner: Shingo Takagi, 3 to 2 (still KOPW Champion)

Shingo completes this brutal bingo, and he retains the title! Henare falls to his own invention, will he come back to try again later in the year?

As for Takagi, Hiromu Takahashi hops off commentary to check his LIJ teammate. Understandably, Takagi is exhausted from that battle, so he exits without addressing the crowd. Will Takagi be able to stay Mr. KOPW with such intense matches as this one?

My Thoughts:

A great event on just the Road to Sakura Genesis, though I did have to skip a lot (It’s WrestleMania weekend for one). A little surprised that in Boltin Oleg’s first match, he loses. And great 10 Man Tag, with a great showing from Ishii just beating down everyone. But great win for Just5Guys, especially in Kanemaru pinning Tiger Mask. Okada and Sanada are kept even in the math, but I’m pretty sure we’ll see variations on this match the whole Road to Sakura Genesis. There’s a chance Just5Guys look great the whole way, but Sanada might still lose on Saturday.

And then that Ultimate Triad match was awesome stuff. It went for over 35 minutes, and they orchestrated it perfectly. Though, for being No DQ, they didn’t really push it that far. I would love if they kept that concept in mind to do it again. Honestly, so many of these stipulations in the Takagi KOPW era have been great, to where they could even be a division of stipulations like the NXT UK Heritage Cup Rules/British Rounds match. I’m honestly surprised they did this match here and not at Sakura Genesis, but that card seems to be getting stacked more and more, with the IWGP World Heavyweight, Junior Heavyweight, Heavyweight Tag Team and Women’s World titles all on the line.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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