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Mitchell’s NXT Stand & Deliver Results & Report! (4/1/23)

Heeeeere’s NXT!



Who will be the shining stars in Hollywood?

NXT lands in Hollywood, with all the titles on the line, AND an Unsanctioned match between Johnny Gargano and Grayson Waller! What will NXT’s landscape look like after this blockbuster night?


  • Kickoff Show – High Stakes 8 Person Tag: Chase U & Tyler Bate VS The Schism; Chase U & Bate win and own the rights to Chase University.
  • NXT Women’s Championship Six Pack Ladder Match: Roxanne Perez VS Zoey Stark VS Tiffany Stratton VS Lyra Valkyria VS Gigi Dolin VS Indi Hartwell; Indi wins and becomes the new NXT Women’s Champion.
  • NXT Tag Team Championships Triple Threat: Gallus VS The Creed Brothers VS Tony D’Angelo & Channing Lorenzo; Gallus wins and retains the titles.
  • NXT North American Championship Fatal 5 Way: Wes Lee VS Dragon Lee VS Ilja Dragunov VS JD McDonagh VS Axiom; Wes wins and retains the title.
  • Unsanctioned Match: Johnny Gargano VS Grayson Waller; Gargano wins.
  • NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships: Fallon Henley & Kiana James VS Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn; Fyre & Dawn win and become the new NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions.
  • NXT Championship: Bron Breakker VS Carmelo Hayes w/ Trick Williams; Melo wins and becomes the new NXT Champion.


It’s the Stand & Deliver Kickoff Show!

Join Peter Rosenberg, the hosts of The Masked Man Podcast, David Shoemaker and Kazeem Famuyide, and the host of Busted Open, Dave LaGreca, in discussing, analyzing and predicting all the action in the first event of a huge weekend in Hollywood!


Kickoff Show – High Stakes 8 Person Tag: Chase U & Tyler Bate VS The Schism!

This is the moment of truth for Andre Chase, Thea Hail, Duke Hudson and the Big Strong Boi! They’ve been fending off Joe Gacy, Rip Fowler, Jagger Reed & Ava Raine for months now, but now the fate of the university rests on this one match! Will the #FourRootsOneTree take away everything Chase U has fought for? Or will this be the biggest #TeachableMoment of all time?

The teams sort out and Professor Chase starts against Rip. They tie up, go around, and Rip headlocks. Chase powers out but Rip runs him over. Things speed up, Rip whips Chase but Chase counters the hip toss. Rip blocks Chase’s hip toss, but Chase hits low, gets a leg up, and flips through to arm-drag. Chase wrenches but Rip ROCKS him! Tag to Jagger, they each kick, and Chase CHOPS! Tag to Bate, even though Duke was reaching out. Bate UPPERCUTS and whips, but Jagger reverses. Jagger runs in, blocks the boot but gets the KNEE! Bate goes up and FLYING UPPERCUTS! cover, ONE!

Bate wrenches Jagger, Duke tags himself in, and he argues with Bate! Chase stops them, but then Thea tags in! Ava steps in as fans fire up! Ava has her first taste of in-ring action, but then chooses to tag out to Gacy. Thea says to get Ava back in, Chase steps in to move her aside, and Gacy BLINDSIDES Chase! SPLASH in the corner, then an URENAGE! Gacy spells it out?! S! C! H! But then Chase blocks that! He ROCKS Gacy with haymakers! Tag to Bate, they keep on Gacy then double whip him to a corner. Bate gives Chase the boost, BIG forearm in the corner, followed by an UPPERCUT! Bate feeds Gacy to the scoop and SLAM!

SHOOTING STAR FIST DROP COMBO! Cover, TWO! Gacy scrambles away and he tags in Ava! Thea steps back in and she’s all fired up! Ava shoves Thea , but Thea shoves back! They tie up, Ava throws Thea down, and Ava taunts the “little girl.” Thea gets up, gets a waistlock, but Ava throws her off. Ava KNEES Thea, CLUBS her, and suplexes. Cover, TWO! Ava drags Thea around by her hair, pulls on her ears, and dribbles her off the mat. Fans rally for Thea but Ava SLAM DUNKS her down! Ava soaks up the heat, brings Thea up but Thea fires off forearms! Fans fire up, Ava swings but misses, Thea kicks and kicks!

Thea runs in to UPPERCUT in the corner! HALF HATCH SUPLEX! SENTON! Thea shakes the ropes, then springboard SENTONS! Cover, Jagger drags her away! Fans boo but Bate tags in. Bate fires off UPPERCUTS on Jagger, then headlocks to bop him with his foot. And again! Fans rally for the Big Strong Boi but Jagger elbows him away. Jagger whips, Rip tags in, things speed up, and the Dyad DOUBLE FLAPJACK Bate onto ropes! Rip taunts Bate, “This was never your fight!” Rip SLAPS Bate, CLUBS away on him with forearms and elbows, then whips him to ropes to CLOBBER him!

Rip continues to taunt Bate, brings him up, but Bate blocks the suplex! Bate suplexes Rip! Fans fire up as Bate takes Rip up and over! Rip and Bate crawl, hot tag to Gacy! Gacy back suplexes, Bate lands on his feet, fakes Gacy out and hot tags Chase! Chase rallies on The Schism, atomic drop for Gacy then a scoop SLAM! Chase goes to the corner as fans fire up! Chase climbs, leaps, CROSSBODY! Hot tag to Bate, even as Duke reaches out. Full nelson, REBOUND LARAIT DRAGON SUPLEX! Cover, Jagger breaks it! Bate fires off on The Dyad for that, haymakers and CHOPS! But Rip DUMPS Bate up and out!

Jagger and Rip mug Chase, so Duke steps in! Fans fire up as Duke fires off hot hands! But the Dyad double kick, double whip, only for Duke to break through and DOUBLE LARIAT! Fans fire up for Duke, he JABS, JABS and JABS Jagger, to flip, flop and U! Bionic Elbow! Duke DECKS Rip, drags him up and puts him in a corner. But Ava steps in to SLAP Duke! Thea CLOBBERS Ava! Jagger ROCKS Duke, drags Thea off Ava, but Thea says “YOU!” She stomps Jagger’s foot, then QUEBRADAS into a TORNADO DDT!! Fans fire up as Thea chases Jagger out! But Gacy BOOTS Duke! Bate is back! He blocks the boot, Bop up, BANG!

Gacy fights the underhooks but Bate rebounds! Gacy dodges, handsprings, but Gate ducks! Duke runs in, Gacy dodges, the BOOT hits Bate!! The Dyad drags Duke out! Gacy hits Bate with the UPSIDE-DOWN!! Cover, Chase breaks it!! Gacy fires off on Chase in anger, tags in Rip, and tag to Jagger. The Schism form up, POWERBOMB BACKSTABBER!! Ava drags Thea back into the ring! Ava WASTELAND SLAMS Thea! The Schism taunt Chase U, but Duke steps up! What’s he gonna do against them all? Fans fire up as Duke eggs them on! But Gacy has the others stand down? Gacy walks up to Duke and whispers something in his ear.

Fans chant for Duke, but The Schism offers Duke a shirt! Duke takes off his Chase U shirt!? Fans boo as Duke takes the Schism shirt, and Chase pleads Duke not to do this! Duke puts the Schism shirt on?! Is he a root of the Tree now?! The Schism hug Duke, and Chase is in disbelief. Fans chant “You Sold Out!” at Duke, but Duke backs up behind The Schism, to RIP the Schism shirt! Chase U attacks The Schism! Chase U gets surrounded, but QUADRUPLE BOPS lead to QUADRUPLE BANGS! And then they ALL spell it out! C! H! A! S! E! U! What’s that spell!? “CHASE U!!”

Hot tag to Duke, Bate FLIES and Thea SPRINGBOARDS to take out The Dyad! FRAT LINER for Jagger!! Cover, Chase U wins!!

Winners: Chase U & Tyler Bate, by pinfall (Chase University still belongs to Chase U)

Fans cheer as Duke proves he still bleeds black ‘n’ red! Will this new chapter in the school’s history be the best one yet?


Are you ready to Stand & Deliver?

The hosts, Pretty Deadly, says tonight is a night of headlines. NXT returns to Tinsel Down, so the tasty snacks are here to bring you the incredible spectacle that is Stand… And Deliver! #YesBoy! A Six Pack Ladder Match for the women’s title? That’s a show-stealer! Then a Fatal 5 for the North American title, a bustling hive of tag team wrestling, a dysfunctional duo taking on a devious one, and the return of Johnny Gargano to exact revenge on Grayson Waller “in a match so brutal, it could take years off your career.” But biggest of all, the future of NXT will be decided by a collision 18 months in the making.

The lights are ready, the cameras are rolling, and the action starts now! It’s time for NXT Stand…! And Deliver!


NXT Women’s Championship Six Pack Ladder Match: Roxanne Perez VS Zoey Stark VS Tiffany Stratton VS Lyra Valkyria VS Gigi Dolin VS Indi Hartwell!

Just as it looked like we would need to crown a brand new champion this weekend, the Prodigy makes a heroic return! But now that means she’ll have to face the FIVE women who earned this opportunity. Will Roxie survive it all to stay champion? Or will there be a new NXT Women’s Champion after all?

The introductions are made, the belt is already high above the ring, and we see who literally rises to the challenge!

The bell rings and fans fire up as all six women look up. Then Lyra and Indi go outside while STark goes after Gigi and Roxie goes after Tiff! Lyra and Indi RAM ladders like, well, rams, and then put those down cuz that hurts. Tiff turns things around on Roxie, Gigi does the same with Stark. Stark knees Gigi, Indi and Lyra DOUBLE LARIAT! Stark GERMAN SUPLEXES Gigi, Tiff fireman’s carries Roxie. Roxie slips off, Stark ROCKS Tiff, then Roxie rolls and headscissors to go around and around, and send Stark into Tiff! Then she UPPERCUTS Stark down! And UPPERCUTS Tiff!

Roxie rolls, but Lyra runs in, Roxie dodges, to THESZ PRESS! Roxie rains down fists, Lyra shoves her away but Roxie kips up and fires up! Fans are with her, but Stark runs in. Roxie dumps Stark out onto Indi, then DIVES, to get just Indi! Fans fire up more, Roxie gets herself a ladder, only for Tiff to DROPKICK it into her! Gigi ROCKS Tiff, CHOPS Stark, repeat! Gigi whips Stark to ropes, BOOTS her down, then dodges Tiff to spin and ROUNDHOUSE! Fans fire up for Gigi as she goes to get herself a ladder. Tiff and Stark brawl, Tiff whips but Stark dodges to DROPKICK the ladder into Gigi!

Stark blocks Tiff’s boot, back suplexes, but Tiff lands on her feet to RANA! Stark handsprings through! Tiff blocks a superkick but DOUBLE FOREARMS rock them both! Indi CLOBBERS Stark and Tiff! Fans fire up for #IndiWrestling as she hurries to get another ladder. Indi puts that on the apron, but lifts it up as Stark and Tiff slide in! Then she backs it up to hit them! Only for Lyra to WRECK Indi! Fans fire up for “NXT! NXT!” as Lyra takes that ladder and puts it in. Roxie snatches it, though! They tug-o-war, go back and forth, but Lyra RAMS Roxie into the corner! Roxie is stuck, Lyra BOOTS her down!

Gigi returns but Lyra SOBATS, kicks and HEADBUTTS, to AX KICK! Lyra then suplexes Gigi onto the ladder! Gigi, Roxie and the ladder fall, and fans fire up again! Indi and Stark have ladders but Indi RAMS Stark into the railing! Stark fights, but Tiff has a ladder that she makes a ramp. Indi ROCKS Tiff, Tiff ROCKS Indi then SMACKS her off the ladder! Tiff then drags Indi under, but Stark adds on! BLOCKBUSTER CATAPULT COMBO!! Lyra has her own ladder and she stands it up! Lyra climbs, “This is Awesome!” as Stark yanks her down. Stark ROCKS Lyra, SMACKS her off that ladder, and Lyra slumps down.

Stark drags Lyra up, whips her to a corner, then runs in to MONKEY FLIP! But Lyra lands on her feet to climb! Tiff also climbs, they kick Stark away, then brawl with each other. Lyra YANKS Tiff into the rungs! But Stark MISSILE DROPKICKS Lyra! But Indi tosses Stark out, has her int he ropes, KNEE and BOOT! Indi then runs to BOOT Stark off the apron! Fans fire up and Indi has the ladder! She positions it under the belt, climbs, but Tiff hurries after. They talk trash, but Roxie climbs on! Roxie elbows Indi away, Tiff grabs at the belt but Roxie ROCKS her! So Indi TIPS the ladder! Tiff and Roxie HOTSHOT off the ropes!

Indi grins, and sets the ladder back up! Fans rally behind Indi, only for Gigi to SMACK hero n the back. Gigi drop toeholds Indi onto the ladder! Then Gigi brings the ladder around, puts that in one corner and has a second in the other. Gigi goes HELICOPTER! Tiff gets hit, Lyra gets hit, Stark gets hit, and then Roxie shoots in, only to get hit on the backside! Gigi puts that ladder down, Lyra runs in but Gigi BACK DRPOS he onto a ladder! Payback for earlier, and then with interest, Gigi sets Lyra onto he ladder in a Tree of Woe. Stark SUPERKICKS Gigi, runs back in, but Gigi dodges! Stark SPLASHES onto Lyra and the ladder!

Fans fire up as everyone is down somewhere around the ring! Gigi hurries to bring another ladder in, “This is Awesome!” as this one looks to be the tallest of all. Gigi stands it up, then clears out some space before climbing. Fans cheer, but Tiff drags her down! Tiff fireman’s carries Gigi, to ROLLING SENTON on a ladder! Roxie is there to ROCK Tiff, and reel her in, only for Tiff to block! Tiff throws body shots, bumps Roxie off buckles, then throws a ladder! Roxie dodges, the ladder comes back, and they both hurry up the main ladder! Both women ROCK each other with forearms and they fall to the mat!

Roxie and Tiff stagger up. Tiff runs in, handspring back ELBOW against the ladder! Tiff climbs again, but Indi returns! Indi brings Tiff down, to SPINEBUSTER on a ladder!! Tiff writhes all the way out of the ring as Indi clears out space. Indi climbs, Stark hurries after her! Stark brings Indi down, to SUPERKICK! Indi flops against rungs, and Stark has a FOURTH ladder. She puts that in the corner, RAMS it into Indi, and again, but Indi fights back! The ladder gets wedged into the main one, and Indi ROCKS Stark! Indi puts Stark on the apron but Stark GAMANGIRIS back! Indi falls onto a ladder, Stark ARABIAN SENTONS onto her!!

Stark kicks that ladder away, brings Indi back up, Z360!! Stark hurries up the main ladder, but here comes Roxie! Roxie grabs at a foot, Stark kicks her away, so Roxie grabs the other foot! Roxie is a dangling anchor on Stark! Stark drops down, she and Roxie brawl, and Stark blocks a rung bump to ELBOW! Z3- NO! Roxie blocks the knee to SOBAT! And POP ROX!! Roxie hurries but Tiff returns! Roxie SOBATS, but Tiff pops the Rox off! Tiff kicks low, gets Roxie up, but Roxie RANAS Tiff out of the ring! Fans fire up as Roxie hurries up the ladder! Roxie reaches the top, reaches for her belt, but Gigi returns!

Gigi drags Roxie down a rung, Roxie tries to rana but Gigi blocks to SWING her into the ladder! And again, and again! Gigi then brings Roxie around, FINAL NAIL!! Roxie flops away and Gigi climbs! But Lyra CLUBS her! Lyra and Gigi brawl, fire off wild hands, and Gigi TOSSES Lyra. Lyra is on the apron, she shoulders in. Lyra bumps Gigi off buckles, runs at Stark to SHOTGUN her onto Indi and another ladder! Lyra climbs, reaches up, but Gigi grabs Lyra. Lyra kicks at her but Gigi CLUBs a leg out! Gigi SLAMS Lyra into a Tree of Woe! Lyra is stuck while Gigi climbs up! Lyra manages to sit up, she throws hands on Gigi!

Gigi ROCKS Lyra, HEADBUTTS her, and TOSSES her off!! Gigi sees she’s got a path and fans fire up! But JACY JAYNE is here?! She DECKS Gigi and she falls onto the ladder bridge!! Fans boo as Jacy says this is HER time! Jacy aims finger guns at Gigi while refs reprimand her. Jacy climbs down, fans chant “YOU SUCK!” but she got what she wanted. And then Tiffany hurries in! Tiff positions the ladder, heads back up, and reaches out, only for Indi to TIP the ladder! Tiff FLIES off onto everyone else!! Fans are thunderous as Indi is all alone now! Indi stands the ladder back up, but she’s slow to climbing the rungs.

Indi sputters as he ribs bother her, but she forces herself to climb. But she just can’t stay on the rungs. WAIT! DEXTER LUMIS is here?! He crawls under Indi and gives her a thumbs up! He Electric Chair Lifts her up! He helps her climb! Indi grabs the belt, to WIN!!

Winner: Indi Hartwell (NEW NXT Women’s Champion)

Where there’s a will, there’s The Way! #InDex wins the belt, and #IndiWrestling finally has her moment! Will this new chapter in NXT be truly impressive?


NXT Tag Team Championships Triple Threat: Gallus VS The Creed Brothers VS Tony D’Angelo & Channing Lorenzo!

Mark Coffey & Wolfgang are fighting champions, so they were more than happy to accept multiple challenges for this defense. But will it still be Gallus Boys On Top? Will Diamond Mine be golden again? Or will The Don and his Underboss bring the gold home to the family?

The introductions are made, the belts are raised, and we see who is really on top!

In this kind of Triple Threat, we get one man from each team, so Tony and Julius step up with Mark. They all fist bump, but then Mark throws hands! Tony runs in, Julius dodges and Mark takes the tackle! Julius RDOPRKICKS Ton, Mark RAMS Julius into the Gallus over. Wolfgang tags in, he ROCKS Juilus but Brutus tags in to CLOBBER everyone! STacks tags in, he DROPKCIKS Bruuts! Juilus tags back in to wrangle Stacks to a cover. Mark breaks it and says #GallusBoysOnTop. But then Stacks and Juilus bot elbow Mark down! Juilus suplexes Stacks, Stacks makes it a cradle, TWO! And Julius dealidfits Stacks to sLAM him!

Tony runs in to DECK Julius, KNEE Wolfgang, but Brutus tags in. Tony fires off body shots, kicks Juilus and HALF HATCH SUPLEXES Brutus! Stacks DROPKICKS Julius, then Tony gives him some shots and an X-PLEX! Tony DECKS Mark, then hip toss SENTONS Stacks into Brutus! The family work together, BACK SUPLEX NECKBREAKER! Fans fire up for Stacks & The Don, but they get dragged out by Gallus! The firms brawl, but the Creeds DOUBLE ASAI MOONSAULT! Direct hit on everyone else and the straps come down! Brutus drags Tony up and into the ring, but Wolfgang brawls with Julius.

Julius feeds Wolfgang to Brutus, double underhook and ASSISTED TIGER DRIVER! Fans fire up and Wolfgang clutches a leg. Daniel Cormier is in the crowd and he celebrates with his pick for this match. Brutus SMASH Tony, SMASH Mark, then SMASH and gut wrench for Tony! Brutus bear crawls but Mark headlocks it! Brutus powers up to SLAM Mark! Brutus goes to a corner, climbs up, leaps over Tony but Mark CLOBBERS Brutus! Mark DECKS Tony, tags Wolfgang, and he SPRINGBOARD SENTONS! Gallus gets Brutus up, to DOUBLE URENAGE! Wolfgang storms up on Tony, scoops and SLAMS him, then covers, TWO!

Wolfgang drags Tony up, ROCKS him, but Tony ROCKS Wolfgang back! They brawl with uppercuts and haymakers! Both men drop to a knee, but Brutus returns! He dodges both men to hot tag Julius! BELLY2BELLY and kip up! BELLY2BELLY and kip up! Mark rags in, he gets a BELLY2BELLY and kip up! Tony runs back in, another BELLY2BELLY and kip up! Another one for Mark! Fans fire up as Julius waistlocks Tony. Tony holds ropes, elbows free, tag to Stacks! Stacks dodge to rally on Julius, then kick Wolfgang from the apron before the SPRINGBOARD LARIAT! FLYING KNEE for Mark! SENTON for Wolfgang!

Stacks sends Brutus into steel steps, then CROSSBODIES Julius! Cover, TWO! Stacks runs in, is put on the apron, and Julius CLUBS him! Julius suplexes but Stacks resists. Mark Electric Chair Lifts Stacks, Julius slides under them both to also Electric Chair Lift!? Brutus is up top, DOUBLE DECKER DOOMSDAY!! Fans are thunderous for “NXT! NXT!” The ref checks all of hem, they’re okay to continue. Wolfgang POSTS Brutus but Julius KNEES Wolfgang! Julius drags Stacks up and into the ring, but Tony CLUBS Julius, into the FISHERMAN BUSTER! Tony shouts to Stacks, he climbs up, FROG SPLASH!! Cover, MARK breaks it!!

Tony goes after Mark, FOGETABOUTIT! Cover, Wolfgang uses Tony to break it! Tony CLOBBERS Wolfgang for that! Tony drags Mark up, he whips, and then BADA BOOM! Stacks crawls to the cover, but JOE COFFEY drags him out!! The Iron King is back! And he gives Tony ALL THE BEST FOR THE BELLS!! Joe feeds Stacks to the boys, Wolfgang tags in! Fireman’s carry, Mark runs in, KNEE TKO COMBO!! Cover, Gallus wins!!

Winners: Gallus, by pinfall (still NXT Tag Team Champions)

The ace in the hole was the Iron King! Joe chooses the perfect time to return to NXT, and he keeps his boys on top! Is NXT truly their kingdom?


Pretty Deadly are backstage.

What a wild day already! Death defying feats in the Women’s Ladder match, wow! And a new champion in Indi, double wow! Who would’ve bet on her? And it is still Gallus Boys on… Nope, they dry heave even thinking of it. But they are currently outside Bron Breakker’s locker room, ready to find out what’s on his mind before the biggest match in NXT history. Kit wants Elton to open the door but he thinks Kit should. They’re both hesitant, because last time they saw him, he speared them in half. Well, they’re gonna give the champ his space. Back to Vic & Booker T.


NXT North American Championship Fatal 5 Way: Wes Lee VS Dragon Lee VS Ilja Dragunov VS JD McDonagh VS Axiom!

The Cardiac Kick, the Must See Kid, the inspirational underdog that fought his way to this title, must now fight even harder to hold onto the title! But he stacked the odds against himself by handing the opportunities to The Wonder Boy, the Mad Russian, the Irish Ace and the Undeniable Truth. Will Wes be even more inspiring as he survives this match? Or will there be another new champion here in Hollywood?

The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who shines brightest under this spotlight!

The bell rings and Wes finds himself surrounded by his challengers. Wes figures what the hell, let someone go. JD and Dragunov want after each other, but Dragon lee DECKS JD then DECKS Dragunov! Axiom throws JD out, Dragon does the same to Dragunov. And now the luchadors circle around Wes. Wes ducks a kick, jumps another, but gets caught in a sleeper. He snapmares Axiom away, dodges Dragon, then sends Axiom into Dragunov! Things speed up, arm-drags cancel out and both men hit the mat! JD and Dragunov return to fire off on Wes and Axiom. KICKS, CHOPS, MACHINE GUN CHOPS and a mudhole stomp!

Fans fire up as Dragunov just peppers Axiom until he falls out of the ring! Wes also bails out, and now the archenemies meet. But Dragon gets in to knock them into each other! Dragon whips JD, JD reverses but Dragon BOOTS back. Dragon RANAS JD! Fans fire up and Dragon runs in to JUMP KICK, LEG SWEEP, COMBINACION CABRON! But Dragunov BOOTS Dragon! Dragunov whips, Dragon reverses and DROPKICKS! Fans fire up, Dragon fires off forearms on Dragunov! Dragon runs to DROPKICK JD! And then he DROPKICKS Dragunov! Fans fire up with Dragon, he BLASTS Wes off the apron.

Dragon avoids Axiom’s leap! Fans fire up as these two stare down now. Things speed up, and Dragon DROPKICKS Axiom out of the air! Axiom bails out, fans fire up and Dragon builds speed. Dragon FLIES to take out Wes and Axiom! Fans fire up again and Dragon puts Wes in the ring. Wes rises, but he blocks Dragon’s boot! The Lees circle, rush in, Dragon dodges to whip but Wes reverses. Wes runs in, is put on the apron but he GAMANGIRIS! Wes goes up and over, snapmare to a strike fest! Snapmare again, BASEMENT DROPKICK! Fans fire up but Dragunov is back! He gets around to GERMAN SUPLEX, but Wes lands on his feet!

Fans fire up as Wes eggs Dragunov on. Wes ducks the backhand, RANAS Dragunov into buckles, then runs in to KNEE him down! But now JD stands up, only for Wes to FLY! JD dodges! Wes lands superhero style while JD takes a bow. Wes mule kicks, then he puts JD back in the ring. Wes sees Axiom return but runs into the shoulder. Axiom goes up, but Wes SHORYUKENS him away! Only for JD to CLOBBER him! JD drags Wes up, short arm LARIATS, and then scowls. Dragon returns but JD shoves him away, only for Dragon to run him over! Things speed up, JD CLOBBERS Dragon!

JD KNEES Dragunov at the apron, stomps away, but Axiom wraps on a SLEEPER! JD powers out, Axiom puts him on the apron to ROCK him! JD HOTSHOTS Axiom back! JD storms in after Wes, CLUBS him and whips him, but Wes reverses to send JD tumbling up and down! JD hurries up, he PENALTY KICKS Dragunov, trips up Wes, then avoids Axiom to ASAI MOONSAULT both Axiom and Dragunov down! TORNILLO on Wes! Dragon runs in, into a SPANISH FLY! DEVLINSIDE on Wes!! Cover, DRAGUNOV STOPS THE REF!! Fans fire up as Dragunov rubs it in on JD! JD and Dragunov glare, and fans fire up!

They go forehead to forehead, then start shoving. JD eggs Dragunov on, but Axiom and Dragon return. Dragunov grins as he and the luchadors surround JD, TRIPLE DROPKICK! Dragunov GERMAN SUPLEXES JD down! Fans fire up as all five men are down! Dragunov snarls, blood coming from his forehead. Fans fire up with The Czar as he CHOPS Wes! And BOOTS Dragon! Axiom ROUNDHOUSES but Dragunov PELES in return! GERMAN SUPLEX for Dragon! GERMAN SUPLEX for Wes! Axiom fights the waistlock, wrenches and waistlocks but Dragunov fires elbows. Axiom shoves Dragunov, but gets the CONSTANTINE SPECIAL!

Fans fire up re as the blood is now a streak. Dragunov KNEES Dragon in a corner, KNEES Wes in the other, then goes back to Dragon! Snapmare and roar, Dragunov goes up for a KING KONG KNEE DROP! Wes ROUNDHOUSES Dragunov, but Dragunov CHOPS Wes off his feet! Dragunov drags Wes up, fireman’s carries, and CORNER DEATH VALLEY on Dragon Lee! Dragunov roars again as he climbs back up! Fans fire up, as Dragunov SUPER SENTONS onto Wes!! But he isn’t done, he goes back up top! Only for JD to SHOVE him off! Dragunov hits the apron on the way down, but Axiom GAMANGIRIS JD down!

Fans fire up as Axiom now builds energy. Axiom runs to the corner, up and ARIHARA MOONSAULTS onto JD and Dragunov! Fans are thunderous for “NXT! NXT!” while Dragon goes up top now. Wes trips Dragon first! Then Wes climbs up, brings Dragon up, but Axiom CLUBS them both. Axiom climbs up, all three men brawl, and Wes HEADBUTTS Axiom down. Wes and Dragon brawl with forearms, but Wes ends up in a Tree of Woe! Dragon stands up to WOE STOMP on the apron!! Both men crash down, Dragon may have hurt himself in the move! JD and Dragunov hurry in, “This is Awesome!” as they go for Axiom.

JD kicks Axiom’s leg out, CHOPS him, then whips him. Dragunov is there, Axiom RANAS him into JD, then LARIATS JD, to DDT Dragunov at the same time!! Axiom reels both men in, DOUBLE NORTHERN LIGHTS! BUZZSAW for JD, Dragunov rolls Axiom up! TWO, into the RINGS OF SATURN! Dragunov rolls before it’s on, Axiom ANKLE LOCKS! But JD ROUNDHOSUES Axiom! Kawada Kicks for Dragunov! Axiom kips up to SUPERKICK JD! And then he clamps onto Dragunov! RINGS OF SATURN!! But Dragunov keeps fighting! He grabs JD’s hair to drag him into a SLEEPER!

Fans fire up as this is now a DOUBLE SUBMISSION! Axiom gets JD in a FUJIWARA! Who is even in a hold!? JD HEADBUTTS away on Dragunov, and Dragunov lets him go! Axiom hurries to focus on just Dragunov, but Dragon jumps onto JD! Rings of Saturn VS Rear Naked Choke! Axiom shifts, but Dragunov deadlifts, he POWERBOMBS Axiom onto JD and Dragon! Stacked cover, but Wes SKY TWISTERS onto it all!! Fans are thunderous again as all five men are down! Fans hope they “FIGHT FOREVER!” but his has to end somehow. JD finds himself surrounded, Wes handsprings, but into a GOLDEN RATIO!!

JD shoots in, Axiom switches, JD bucks the O’Conner, and HEADBUTTS Axiom down! JD runs at Dragon, but into a SNAP GERMAN, and LARIAT! Dragunov fires off on Dragon, runs and KNEES him down!! Dragunov then lifts and SPIENBUSTERS Dragon! Cover, Wes AX KICKS it apart! HANDSPRING DOUBLE STOMP! Cover, TWO!! Wes runs at Dragon, but Dragon blocks the rana to SIT-OUT POWERBOMB! Cover, TWO!! Dragon is shocked but fans are fired up again! JD brings Dragon in, catches Axiom, URENAGE REVERSE DDT! STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover on Dragon, Axiom kicks it!

All five men are down around ringside again and fans fire up. JD flounders to ropes, he goes for Axiom but Axiom monkey flips then goes up the ropes, MOONSAULT DDT! Cover, TWO!?!? JD survives and Axiom can’t believe it! “This is Awesome!” as Axiom hurries out to the apron after JD. Axiom stomps JD, drags him up, but JD SLAPS Axiom. Axiom BOOTS JD! Fans rally up, Dragon FLYING RANAS JD onto Wes! Dragunov BOOTS Axiom! Dragunov goes up the corner, deadlifts Axiom, and SUPERPLEXES!! Roll through, and FALLING FOREARM!! Cover, WES AND DRAGON BREAK IT!!

Fans again hope these guys “FIGHT FOREVER!” and at this rate, they just might! Dragunov, Dragon and Wes rise up. Dragunov roars and ROCKS Wes! And ROCKS Dragon! Then Wes! Then Dragon! Wes hits low, Dragon CHOPS, the Lees pinball Dragunov! KICK! SUPERKICK! Dragunov CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS! Wes SUPERKICKS, Dragon CHOPS, Wes boots and Dragon SUPEKICKS! But Dragunov still fires shots! ROUNDHOUSE on Wes!! V-TRIGGER on Dragunov! Dragon runs, into a LARIAT from Dragunov!! Fans are electric as the Czar is now stopping! “UN! BE! SIEG! BAR!!”

Dragunov runs, into the CARDIAC KICK!!! Cover, WES WINS!!

Winner: Wes Lee, by pinfall (still NXT North American Champion)

In the blink of an eye, Wes takes the win and holds onto the gold! Will nothing stop Wes from pushing his limits and stealing the show?


Pretty Deadly is backstage again.

Kit can’t believe what we just witnessed. Elton says that was barbaric. Speaking of, next is the Unsanctioned Match! But first, as your gracious hosts, they’re waiting outside Carmelo Hayes’ locker room. Surely they’ll get a scoop on Melo. Well, Melo wasn’t really nice to them, either. But they have to remember who they are! They’re Pretty Deadly, dammit! They’re the hosts of Stand & Deliver! They’re multiple time tag team champions! Elton tries to come up with a knock that means supportive but inquisitive, only for Trick Williams to open the door and asks why they’re flapping their “double breasted lips.”

Trick says they’re game planning. But if they want the scoop, here it is. Hollywood ain’t ready, LA ain’t ready, Bron Breakker ain’t ready for what’s gonna happen in this match. They’re gonna do something new tonight. They’re gonna wrestle with alligators, tussle with whales, and the way Pretty Deadly’s dressed, they should go to jail. But today, the world learns why Carmelo Hayes is HIM. Laters. There’s the scoop! Back to the ring for what could still be the most brutal match of the night!


Unsanctioned Match: Johnny Gargano VS Grayson Waller!

Just as the 21st Century Success Story started pushing things a little too far with HBK, a certain someone returned to get back at him for the chairshot that went viral. Hollywood, heeeere’s JOHNNY WRESTLING! And with no rules, no restrictions, no consequences for what happens here tonight, will Gargano make Grayson regret everything he’s ever said and done in NXT? Or will he suffer the Grayson Waller Effect?

Waller livestreams on his Instagram as he takes over production to cue up his stuff. Waller goes to the ring, and he even gets Candice LeRae and baby Quill on camera. But then Gargano gets a video package to retell his rise to becoming the NXT Triple Crown Champion before he makes his entrance. And then he SUPERKICKS Waller out of the ring! The bell rings, and Gargano DIVES to send Waller into the announce desk! Gargano TOSSES Waller over the desk! Booker gets taken out, too! Well, Gargano’s not liable for that, either. Gargano clears off the desk, brings Waller up, but Waller CLUBS Gargano in the leg!

Waller CLUBS Gargano down, taunts Vic, ‘That’s your boy, huh?” Waller steps up to Vic, but Gargano LEAPS onto Waller! Gargano fires off hands, then he brings Waller around to SMACK him with a monitor! Gargano finally takes off his vest and puts Waller in the ring. Fans rally for Johnny Wrestling and Gargano brings out a trash can! Gargano tosses that into the ring, as well as a kendo stick, and a few chairs. Waller runs in, into a SLINGSHOT SPEAR! Gargano rains down fists, then grabs the trash can. Gargano SMACKS Waller with it! Then Gargano wedges the can into the corner. Waller runs up but Gargano DECKS him!

Gargano clotheslines Waller out of the ring, and then he builds speed to DIVE, into the LID! Waller had the trash can lid waiting and he takes Gargano out of the air! Waller brings out chair after chair from under the ring, and he JAMS Gargano with one. Waller then sits chairs up but fans chant, “We Want Tables!” Waller CHOKES Gargano with a  chair first, then finishes making his chair rectangle. Waller brings Gargano to the apron, fireman’s carries, but Gargano fights fere! Gargano ROCKS Waller, Waller holds onto ropes, but Gargano keeps throwing hands. Waller shoulder sin, Gargano catches him but Waller HOTSHOTS!

Waller somersaults, Gargano blocks the stunner but Waller blocks the superkick! Waller fireman’s carries, Gargano tries to rana free but Waller blocks that! Waller BUCKLE BOMBS Gargano against the trash can! Waller drags Gargano back around, brings him back up, and he aims for the outside! Gargano slips free, ends up on the apron, and he GAMANGIRIS! Gargano sees the chairs, and fans fire up as Gargano brings Waller up! SUPERPLEX onto the chairs!! Fans lose their minds as both men writhe on the steel! Gargano and Waller crawl, the ref checks them, and they’re okay to continue.

Fans rally up, Gargano stands first and he puts Waller in the ring. Gargano then considers his options, and he looks under the ring. Fans fire up as Gargano brings out a TABLE! Gargano sets that table up ringside, and fans call him “Johnny Tables!” Gargano brings Waller up to the ropes and he wants to do it again! Waller blocks the suplex, throws hands and ROCKS Gargano! Waller runs, but Gargano slingshots, into the knee! Waller suckered Gargano in, and he kips up, only for his back to bother him. Waller goes to a corner, and he tunes up the band! Fans boo, he ain’t no sexy boy! Waller runs in, but Gargano blocks!

Gargano spins Waller, ROCKS him, Waller JUMP KNEES but Gargano ENZIGURIS! Gargano runs, into a ROLLING ELBOW! Gargano falls out of the ring and Waller does drop steps to show off. Waller runs, slides, but into a CHAIR! Gargano runs in, Waller pops him up into an Alabama, but Gargano makes it a DESTROYER to the floor!!  Fans rally up while Candice starts to worry. Gargano drags Waller up, brings him around, and they got the table. Gargano puts Waller on the table and fans fire up again. Gargano climbs the corner, but Waller gets away. Gargano hurries, but Waller somersaults and leaps over the table to hit the STUNNER!

Waller sends Gargano into railing, then brings him up, POWERBOMB through the table! Waller puts Gargano in the ring, covers, TWO!! Gargano survives, Candice calms Quill, and Waller staggers away. Waller grabs a chair, brings it over, and he JAMS Gargano in the gut! And again! “This is your house, huh!?” Waller rains down fists and fans boo. Waller grabs the chair, sits it up, CLUBS Gargano, then CLUBS him again. Fans chant “YOU STILL SUCK!” But Gargano fires forearms in return! Tilt-o-whirl, but Waller SIDEWALK SLAMS Gargano on the chair! Cover, TWO!! Gargano survives again, but now Waller has the kendo stick.

Waller stalks Gargano, and SMACKS him on the back! Gargano writhes, but Waller SMACKS him again! Gargano bails out of the ring, fans rally up for him, but Waller goes outside. Waller taunts Candice before he SMACKS Gargano again! Waller wants Candice to watch this, then he brings Gargano over to fire off hands! Candice keeps Quill from seeing this but Waller taunts him, “Have a look at your dad, son!” Waller puts Gargano on the steel steps, grabs a chair, and he brings it over. Fans call Waller an A-hole, but Gargano avoids the chairshot! To SMACK Waller with the kendo stick! And again!

Gargano looks to Candice and they nod. Quill is handed off to Auntie, and MRS. WRESTLING gets involved! Candice fires off on Waller until the stick breaks! But Waller grabs it to say she made the biggest mistake of her life. Only for Gargano to SMACK Waller with another kendo stick! Gargano puts Waller in the ring, ONE FINAL BEAT!! Cover, TWO!?! Waller survives but Gargano fires up more! Gargano tilt-o-whirls into the takedown, GargaNO Escape!! Fans fire up, but Waller CLAWS the eyes! Gargano lets go, fans boo, but Waller dropkicks the legs out! Then ROLLING UNPRETTIER!

Waller goes out of the ring, brings in a new trash can, then gets back in the ring. Waller drags Gargano up and around, cravats and throws knees, and Gargano falls over. Waller makes Gargano sit in the corner and he puts the trash can over him. Fans boo as Waller goes to the adjacent side. Fans boo as Waller tightrope walks to go COAST2COAST!! Cover, TWO!?!? Gargano survives and Waller is furious! “This is Awesome!” as Waller tosses Gargano out of the ring. Waller kicks things aside, clears the desk off again, and Booker gets out of the way this time. Waller taunts Vic more, then puts Gargano on the desk.

Waller brings a busted-up chair, puts it on Gargano, then goes to the ring. Fans boo as Waller climbs the corner. Waller’s copied Shane O’Mac already, he’s gonna go for another one! But Gargano TOSSES the chair at Waller! Waller falls, Gargano hurries to drag him out, and he POWERBOMBS Waller through the desk!! Waller writhes in the wreckage as fans lose their minds again. Candice and the ref check on Gargano, he’s okay to go. Waller is somehow okay, so Gargano crawls after him. Gargano drags Waller up, but Waller LOW BLOWS!! Waller puts Gargano in, somersaults, and STUNNERS!! Cover, TWO!?!??!

Gargano shows that superhuman heart like he did back in the day, but Waller goes out for more chairs. Fans rally and duel, though the “JOHNNY WRESTLING!” is still louder than the “GRAYSON WALLER!” Waller SMACKS Gargano on the back! Gargano writhes, Waller stands on his head to JAM and SMACK and SMACK him again! Waller lets off, out of breath, but he still stands Gargano up. “I told you, these 16 months, I run NXT! You are nothing! You’re not on my level!” Gargano LOW BLOWS Waller back! Turnabout is fair play, and here comes the CHAIRSHOTS! Gargano gives those all back with interest!

Gargano gets more chairs, he SMACKS Waller more, then opens a chair to put it around Waller’s head! Gargano gets the other, HOMERUN!! And then the GargaNO ESCAPE!!! Waller endures, but he taps! GARGANO WINS!

Winner: Johnny Gargano, by submission

Candice gets in the ring to celebrate with Gargano and cool him down. The Heart of NXT just broke the biggest mouth of NXT, and now he can finally move on. And best of all, #InDex returns to the stage to celebrate! This is The Way! As for Waller, will all of this finally humble him? Or does nothing stop the Grayson Waller Effect?


Tony and Stacks regroup backstage.

They have no idea where Joe Coffey came from! They gave it everything they got, and for what? Stacks apologizes for letting The Don down, but Tony says Stacks didn’t let anyone down. #YESBOY, Pretty Deadly check in. They want a little scoop. If they may, the hopes and dreams of becoming champions came crashing down, sot hey must feel terrible. Tell them about it? Tony won’t make excuses. But whatever, where they come from, you don’t quit. Very, very motivating from The Don himself. Stacks says he still feels he let everyone down. Tony says to get that out of his head, they’re a TEAM!

Pretty Deadly says that’s a nice sentiment. But it seems the only team that’s ever beaten Gallus is them. Tony gets mad now. They’re gonna come in and make stupid comments? The hosts argue with Tony & Stacks, they start shoving, and refs rush in to stop this! The Don & Underboss are still raring for a fight, will they look to settle this on Tuesday?


NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships: Fallon Henley & Kiana James w/ Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen VS Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn!

What started as a feud became a friendship and a team-up, but now things are falling apart, all because the Calculator won’t tell Brooks Jensen the truth! Will this house of cards come tumbling down? Or can Fallon & Kiana hold together against a common enemy?

The introductions are made, the- Fyre FLIES out onto Kiana!! Fallon fires off on her but Dawn rushes out. Fallon ROCKS Dawn, puts her in the ring, and now the bell rings. Fallon dodges Dawn, scops, but Dawn slips out. Dawn shoves, Fallon gets around to waistlock, SLAM and CALF KICK! Fallon tornado wheelbarrow BULLDOGS! Cover, TWO! Fallon facelocks but Dawn pulls hair! Tag to Fyre, Dawn powers Fallon away and Fyre trips her up. Dawn waves mockingly, Fyre drags Fallon out to ROCK her with a forearm! Fyre pushes Fallon back in, then drops a knee right on her! Cover, TWO!

Fyre argues but the ref’s count was fair. Fyre stomps Fallon, bumps her off buckles, then tags Dawn, Dawn gets Fallon for a TARANTULA, and Fyre SUPERKICKS! Fallon falls, Dawn covers, TWO! Dawn drags Fallon up to CLUB her down, then brings her up into a facelock. Fallon endures the squeeze but Dawn CLUBS away on her. Dawn suplexes but Fallon blocks. Fyre tags in, she sunset flips and Dawn ROUNDHOUSES Fallon down! Cover, TWO! Fallon is hanging tough but Fyre KICKS her in the side. Fyre runs in to RAM Fallon, then backs off. Fans fire up while Fyre grins, and she runs back in, into a BOOT!

Fallon runs in to get around and DECKS Fyre! Both women fall over, and fans rally up. Fyre and Fallon crawl, Fyre drags Fallon from Kiana but Fallon fights up! Hot tag to Kiana! Kiana rallies on the wicked witches! She puts Dawn in a fire to stomp a mudhole into her! Handspring, but Fyre is there. Kiana RAMS Fyre into the corner, tosses her out, then dumps Dawn! Kiana goes to the apron, lines up the shot, ASAI MOONSAULT takes out both opponents! Fans fire up, Jensen & Briggs cheer Kiana on as she puts Fyre in. Dawn storms up, Kiana boots her away, but she has to jump over Fyre. Kiana handsprings to back suplex! Cover, TWO!

Kiana drags Fyre up, whips her to a corner, but Fyre BOOTS her! Fyre swings on Fallon, misses, and Kiana SPINEBUSTERS! Highs tack, TWO! Fallon tags in, she brings Fyre up but Fyre shoves her away. Fallon blocks the superkick to fire haymakers! Fallon whips, Fyre reverses but Fallon hits a RUNNING COMPLETE SHOT! Fallon waistlocks but Fyre elbows free. Fyre switches, Fallon bucks the O’Conner, but Dawn grabs hair! Kiana protests but that only dsitracts so that Dawn & Fyre can mug Fallon! Fans boo, the ref counts as Fyre digs her boots in. Dawn tags in, she pie faces Fallon around.

Dawn ROCKS Fallon, tags Fyre, and brings Fallon up. Fallon switches to shove Dawn into Fyre! Fyre falls to the floor, Fallon goes up to BLOCKBUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Fallon grows frustrated, but Fyre grabs at Dawn. That prevents the whip, and then Dawn TOSSES Fallon! Dawn BLASTS Kiana, then tags Fyre. They mug Fallon, then Gory Especial and GORY COMPLETE SHOT!! Cover, KIANA BREAKS IT! Fans fire up but Dawn & Fyre stomp away on Kiana and Fallon. Dawn puts Kiana on the apron and BLASTS her! Fyre CLUBS Fallon, then has the boys watch this. Fyre hoists Fallon up top and Dawn joins in.

Dawn & Fyre mug Fallon, climb up after her, but Kiana sneaks the tag! Kiana drags Dawn right off! Kiana CLUBS Fyre, brings her out, and Fallon adjusts! They MISSILE DROPKICK POWERBOMB!! Cover, Dawn breaks it!! Fans fire up as all four women are down! Kiana drags Fyre up, fireman’s carries, but Fyre claws eyes! GOURD BUSTER! Tag to Dawn, she runs in to METEORA! DOUBLE SUPERKICKS! Cover, Fallon barrels in to break it!! Fans rally up while all four women are down again. Fallon and Fyre flop to one side, Dawn and Kiana on the other. Kiana JAWBREAKERS Dawn away!

But Kiana asks for her bag? Briggs says no, they have to do this fair and square. But Kiana pleads with Jensen! But Fyre tags in! ROUNDHOUSE for Kiana! SUPERKICK for Fallon! BACKSTABBER to SWANTON BOMB on the knees! Cover, Briggs holds Jensen back! Dawn & Fyre win!!

Winners: Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn, by pinfall (NEW NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions)

Jensen was gonna get in to stop this, but it’s too late! Dawn & Fyre have the gold, but will NXT only get darker now with them on top of the mountain? And how will this defeat affect the already strained relationship of Fallon and Kiana?


NXT is getting back on the road in May!

On May 28th, in Lowell, Massachusetts, it will be NXT BATTLEGROUND! Who will be bringing the gold to New England? Well, the main event is next!


NXT Championship: Bron Breakker VS Carmelo Hayes w/ Trick Williams!

It all comes down to this. As black ‘n’ gold gave way to 2.0, these two men were standouts among their class. They both won as part of WarGames to show that the new school had arrived, and this clash of alpha males is not only historic, it was inevitable. Will Bron break Melo’s hopes and dreams by holding onto the title? Or will there be no denying that Melo is him?

Melo has a new shirt for the occasion, with the words “Melo Don’t Miss,” and a purple target on Bron’s face. Trick lists Melo’s accolades: June 21st, 2020, he put the world on notice. It was banger after banger, from Strong to Grimes to D’Angelo to Ricochet to Vinci to Axiom to Bate to Crews. Everyone stand up, to Stand & Deliver! Melo is in purple ‘n’ gold because this is LA! As for Bron, he’s got the pack at his back, because he’s got that dog in him. The introductions are made, the belt is raised, and we see who IS N! X! T!

The bell rings, fans rally up already, but Melo and Bron stare down. They slowly approach, fans chant for “NXT! NXT!” and the two finally tie up. They’re in a deadlock, Melo tries to push Bron back but Bron starts to steamroll Melo! Melo gets away before ending up in the corner, and they go again. Melo waistlocks, but Bron breaks free, so Melo shoves him away. Fans bark it up, and Bron circles with Melo. They approach, Bron switches around to lift and SLAM! Melo hurries up to his feet, but Bron tosses him away! Bron then gets down low and barks at Melo! Melo goes up the corner like a cat, and goes to the apron.

Melo and Trick talk strategy but Bron SLINGSHOTS Melo in! Melo rolls, slides, hurdles, then rolls off Bron’s back to DROPKICK him down! Fans fire up while Bron goes to a corner. Melo hits a free throw and taunts Bron. Bron rushes up, Melo gets around and headlocks. Bron powers out, things speed up, Bron hurdles to CLOBBER Melo! Fans are torn while Melo flounders away. Bron stalks Melo, runs in, but Melo dodges to springboard, only to slip! The ropes must be loose from all the action tonight. Bron drags Melo up, Melo JAWBREAKERS, then he springboards, only to bounce off Bron! And then Bron shoots his shot!

Bron whips then RANAS Melo! Bron shows he can go air, then he gator rolls Melo into a stalling suplex! Run and SLAM! Then kip up and STANDING MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO! Bron keeps cool and keeps Melo down with a facelock. Melo fights up, but Bron gator rolls him more. Melo reaches for ropes, but Bron keeps him away. Bron squeezes tighter on the facelock but Melo pulls on a leg. Bron uses that to throw Melo down and squeeze even tighter. Melo fights his way up as fans rally and duel. Melo stands, but Bron suplexes! Melo fights that off but he’s still in the facelock.

Bron suplexes Melo up and over hard, and Melo writhes to a corner. Bron storms up on Melo but Melo drop toeholds the legs! Bron hits ropes, Melo stomps away! The ref counts, Melo lets off, and then Melo hurries to kick away on Bron. The ref counts again, Melo lets back off, and fans duel while Bron clutches his ribs. Melo storms up but Bron elbows him away. Bron runs, Melo dodges, SPRINGBOARD LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Melo keeps Bron down with an armlock. Bron endures, fights around, but Melo pushes back as he keeps wanting that Fujiwara. Bron fights off the extension, but Melo pushes with his legs!

Fans rally and duel as Bron endures and Melo keeps on the pressure. Bron powers up, rolls Melo, TWO! Melo kicks low! Melo brings Bron around, whips him to a corner, then runs in to CHOP! Melo wraps the bad arm around ropes and YANKS it! Then he whips, but Bron reverses. Melo dodges in the corner to CHOP! Bron CHOPS! Melo kicks low again, then whips again. Bron blocks by holding ropes, then he whips Melo into the buckles. HIP TOSS on the rebound! Bron keeps moving, big shoulder tackles! Melo runs, tilt-o-whirls, but into a SIDE SLAM! Cover, TWO! Fans rally as Bron now clamps onto Melo with an armlock.

Melo clasps hands to fight off the extension but Bron drags him up. Bron CLUBS Melo’s shoulder, shoves him and ROCKS him in the back with a forearm. Fans duel as Bron stands Melo back up. Bron shoves and ROCKS Melo again, and then again. Bron keeps on Melo, back suplexes high and HARD! Cover, TWO! Trick is relieved but Bron stays focused. Bron drags Melo up, wrenches and lifts but Melo holds the ropes! Bron brings Melo away, torture racks him, but Trick brings Melo to the apron! The ref reprimands, and then he EJECTS Trick! Fans boo but now things are truly 1v1 here!

Melo tells Trick it’s okay, but then Bron FLIES! Direct hit onto Trick Melo Gang and fans fire up! Bron puts Melo in, climbs up the corner, FLYING BULLDOG! Cover, TWO!! Melo survives but Bron brings him back up. Bron suplexes, but Melo fights it. Melo throws body shots, cravats but Bron powers out. Tilt-o-whirl FACEBUSTER! Melo keeps going, suplex CUTTER! Cover, TWO!! Bron survives and Melo thinks on what he has to do. Melo fires up and the fans are with him as he goes to the corner. Melo climbs the corner, NOTHING BUT- NO, Bron dodges the three pointer! Melo BOOTS Bron to the apron!

Melo drags Bron up the ropes, REBOUND SUPLEX! Fans fire up and Melo hurries to cover, TWO! Melo goes back to the corner, climbs back up, and he wants his shot again. But Bron springs up after him, SUPER STEINER!! Fans are thunderous while both men are down! Melo crawls to the far side while Bron leans against ropes. Both men talk some trash and the fans rally back up. Melo and Bron drag themselves back up with the ropes, and then head for each other. Melo ROCKS Bron with a haymaker, but Bron gives it back! Melo BACKHANDS Bron, so Bron DECKS Melo! Melo staggers up, and he ROCKS Bron again!

Bron and Melo go back and forth, faster and faster, haymaker for haymaker! Melo ROUNDHOUSES, jumps, but into a choke grip! But Melo spins it around, only for Bron to drag Melo down! STEINER RE- NO, Melo slips out and CLUBS Bron! Melo wants the crossface, Bron powers out to a SIDEWALK SLAM! But Melo snatches Bron! CROSSFACE!! Bron rolls to a cover, TWO! Bron is free, he runs, blows past Melo, SPEAR into the ref!! Melo and the ref are both down and Bron doesn’t realize it! Bron brings down the straps, drags Melo up, STEINER RECLINER!! Melo endures, TAPS, but there’s no ref to call it!!!

Bron only now realizes what’s wrong! And then Trick gets in to CLOBBER Bron with the belt!! Trick hides the evidence, puts Melo on the cover, and the ref regains consciousness! He counts, TWO!?!? Bron survives the sneaky Trick! Melo springboards, but into the choke grip! Trophy lift, BREAKKER- DDT!!! Melo turns it around!! Melo resets at the corner, climbs back up, for NOTHING BUT NET!!! Cover, MELO WINS!!

Winner: Carmelo Hayes, by pinfall (NEW NXT Champion)

Trick tried to give the assist, but in the end, Melo had to do it himself! Bron has been dethroned, but to show respect, he personally hands over the belt. Bron offers a fist-bump, and Melo says paper covers rock, a nod to Bron’s previous response. Bron raises Melo’s hand in victory and LA cheers. Now that Melo is truly The A Champion, will there be no stopping him?

My Thoughts:

An awesome Stand & Deliver here, and it really sets the tone for the whole weekend. A little disappointed they downgraded Chase U VS Schism to the kickoff show, but looking at the time, the main show wouldn’t have fit under the three hour mark HHH & HBK like to keep things. Chase U VS Schism was great stuff, and I love the double swerve Duke pulled. We all expected him to turn and join Gacy, only to use that as a way to lower Gacy’s guard. Great win for Chase U, which will still be a thing now, and anything’s possible for them now. Maybe Bate stays on as their singles title guy while Chase & Duke try for the tag titles again?

The ladder match opening was a great choice because that was wild stuff. Of all the possibilities, I did not expect Indi would win. No offense to her, I just thought this was going to be the moment she finally moves on to Raw to be with The Way. Instead, NXT gets a great reunion of #InDex so that Indi can finally have her moment, and she joins the very small club of NXT Women’s Tag & Singles Champions. And of course Jacy shows up to ruin things for Gigi, their feud is not done yet. Roxie is an interesting one, though. She already checked off everything in NXT, but I don’t know if she’s quite ready for RawDown just yet.

I personally am very happy to see Joe Coffey return, and it all played out as I expected. Joe helps Gallus Boys stay on top, and now there are endless possibilities for the full trio. Pretty Deadly getting on the nerves of Tony & Stacks was also a good touch, their match can help build the next contenders in a more traditional 2v2 feud. With that, I’m leaning towards Tony & Stacks, those guys definitely deserve a full feud with Gallus to go “firm against firm,” aka mafia against mafia like back when Tony was dealing with Legado del Fantasma. I still feel like The D’Angelo Family should get someone new to help with numbers, but it’s hard to say who that third man could be.

The North American Championship Fatal 5 practically stole the show there. All five guys are extremely talented, all the 1v1 combinations we saw in the match worked, and though there were some scary moments, all five made it to the end. Wes retaining with that interception was a great choice. It isn’t that Wes has something to prove, so much as Wes still has so many feuds he can have before finally losing the title and moving on to something else. The Unsanctioned Match from Gargano and Waller was great stuff, but naturally NXT was not going to go as bloody as AEW has with their Unsanctioned matches. Great to have Candice get involved, and it was a strong feel-good moment for Gargano to win so that The Way could have an even bigger reunion.

The Women’s Tag Team title match went about how I expected, too. It wasn’t even so much Fyre & Dawn getting between Kiana & Fallon so much as Kiana wanting to bend the rules and Fallon being against it. Jensen got stuck in the middle, as he has this whole time, and that cost Kiana & Fallon the titles. With nothing left to lose now, Fallon will surely reveal the truth about Kiana and Sebastian to Jensen and we get another match between the ladies. And then the main event, while not as wild as the ladder match or Fatal 5, had great storytelling. Both guys knew each other well enough to handle the other’s offense, but then they brought out tricks the other wasn’t aware of.

Though, it does disappointment me that Trick tried to screw Bron over when this was to be about respect. But at the same time, that attack didn’t finish it, Melo’s did, so it was still technically a clean win. The outcome I was hoping for still happens, in that Melo has the title and Bron is free to move on. Now, whether it’s RawDown or just a different title scene, who knows. Bron’s been ready for main roster for some time now, as far as having a complete look and the in-ring talent, and he’s spent plenty of time in NXT to where fans down there are mixed about seeing him. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see this Monday on Raw.

My Score: 9/10

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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Andrew’s TNA iMPACT! Results & Match Ratings: 7.25.2024

Slammiversary Fallout! Where do things go on the way to Victory Road?



Well now we start the fall out of Slammiversary. Josh Alexander in his bad bitch summer, X-Speedball legacy, ABC got the t-a-g and Jordynne is still in charge of the Knockouts division. Like I said at the end of Slammiversary, all of the champions being Babyfaces is stupid. They need to drop a couple titles fairly quickly, because I don’t care what some people say, Nic Nemeth ain’t gonna bring any eyes to the brand. He’s about as hot as day old Hamburger Helper over a camping sterno.

We’ll probably open with the luke warm champion, so tune in like 10 minutes late for anything of substance to be happen.


  • Steve Maclin vs Cody Deaner: Maclin wins via KIA – *
  • AJ Francis w/Rich Swann & Josh Bishop vs Sami Callihan: AJ wins via Down Payment – **
  • Hammer Your ASH (ASH by Elegance & Alexander Hammerstone) vs JuggerYoung (Jordynne Grace & Eric Young): Hammer Your ASH wins via Torture Rack – ** 1/2
  • The System (Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers & JDC) w/Alisha Edwards vs Matt Hardy & The ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey): Broken Alphabet wins via Twist & Splash – ***



Nemeth gives the ole “I’ll be a fighting champion…blah blah” promo and drops the “any company” line that we’ve already understood what that means. Campaign Singh cuts him off…and I never thought I’d be happy for Campaign Singh to walk out and say anything…ever. And…Mustafa’s promo is worse than Dolph’s. He’s gone from parody to caricature even saying “it was the biggest screw job Montreal ever saw”. Like some of these lines are cheap heat, but most are just brain dead comments that wouldn’t get a reaction out of anyone (and the crowd was silent for that comment). Mustafa gets caught in an Archer “phrasing” moment about getting screwed hard, but this is painful. Promos written by 14 year olds everyone…

This ends with Ali challenging Nemeth for the World Title. While I’m not against walk up challenges, I watch Japanese wrestling, I don’t really get the point aside from doing it just to do it. 

ABC and Matt Hardy have a small promo, and I’m still not really a fan of Unbroken Matt Version 6.0. The floating between Broken voice and his normal voice sounds amateurish.

OH LOOK, finally a match 20 minutes into the show. And it’s my son Steve Maclin! OH CHRIST he’s facing Deaner. This has been 25 minutes of talking followed by the worst god damn attempt at a gimmick. Deaner’s little “Papa Santino told me I can wipe my ass only if the crowd agrees”. This gimmick should die in a fire.

Steve Maclin vs Cody Deaner

Deaner started off quick because Maclin was in disbelief that Deaner was actually gonna fight him. Maclin dodges a Crossbody, Busaiku Knee, and just starts beating on Deaner for fun. And this is fun, maybe Maclin can make sure Deaner gets stretchered out and written off forever. How do you call for an ambulance in French? Maclin with the old Back Breaker into a stretch. Deaner tries to nerd rage up, breaks the Back Breaker Stretch, his punch combo, into a Manhattan Drop and Bulldog. Deaner hits the Crossbody, but Maclin kicks out. This is entirely too competitive.

Deaner goes for the Deaner DDT, blocked, Olympic Slam into Splashing Deaner into the corner, Caught in the Crosshairs, K-I-A, thanks for coming you damn dweeb. Stay in Canada and don’t travel Deaner, please.

AJ Francis w/Rich Swann & Josh Bishop vs Sami Callihan

As the bell sounds, Sami knocks Rich off the apron, Low Bridges AJ, does the Beats of the Bodhran on AJ and then AJ eats the offense and strategizes with his crew. Bishop and Rich swarm the ring, Sami allows himself to get distracted so AJ slides in and starts beating on Sami. AJ throats Sami across the middle rope and Rich makes his presence felt, AJ distracts the referee and Rich gets in a lot of cheap shots. Bishop throws Sami back in the ring, and AJ keeps up the pressure. Lots of 5 count chokes and leverage moves. After the commercial break ends, Sami dodges a Tennessee Whiskey Knee, gets in a few shots before Rich trips Sami as he’s setting up a Dive, and then AJ takes advantage of the position and hits the goofball knee strike.

AJ calls for his Chokeslam, Sami tries to break it with Axe Handles, then claws the eyes. Sami goes for a Scoop Slam, gets him part way up and then falls over. AJ Chokeslam again, but he bites his hand and starts fighting back. Launches himself at AJ, sends him bouncing off the ropes and uses the momentum to hit that Scoop Slam that was teased earlier. Sami goes for a Western Lariat but eats a Big Boot. AJ does a little Hulk Hogan pose to signal a Leg Drop, but Sami dodges and then connects on a Sliding Lariat. Thumbs Up, Thumbs….interference. Rich distracts the ref, Bishop lays out Sami, AJ connects with the Down Payment.

Hammer Your ASH (ASH by Elegance & Alexander Hammerstone) vs JuggerYoung (Jordynne Grace & Eric Young)

ASH and Jordynne exchange slaps and then Jordynne starts to out muscle ASH. Spinebuster from Jordynne, Juggernaut Driver attempt, but ASH fights off, rope run, Sattelite DDT into both tagging out. EY does the Flair corner flop, slides back in between Hammer’s legs, and connects on a Neckbreaker. EY is the quicker of the two, but Hammer finally gets his hands on him and a Release Belly to Belly into a full mount raining of fists, then a near fall. Hammer smashes EY in a corner, Arm Wringer into an Irish Whip across, but EY moves and Hammer tags out to ASH. ASH levels Jordynne, peppers EY with a few shots and pulls him back to their corner and starts some tandem offense with Hammerman. Hammer Guerilla Presses ASH and throws her into EY for a near fall. Hammer looks to aim for either a Powerbomb or Nightmare Pendulum, but EY drops it into a Small Package, pinfall kick out, they both run, Double Lariat spot. The Knockouts get tagged in.

Jordynne is in control early, World’s Strongest Slam into a Vader Bomb. Juggernaut Driver attempt, but ASH fights it off and tags out to Hammer. Jordynne and EY do some schoolyard stuff with the old Push while Jordynne is down to trip Hammer. All four get in, ASH gets leveled, EY gets leveled, Hammer and Jordynne have a brief face off, but Hammer throws Jordynne to the apron and ASH connects with a Meteora from the apron. Death Valley Driver from Young on Hammer, ASH stares in shock, EY tells her to get, ASH runs away. EY goes up for his Macho Elbow, and ASH causes him to fall to Hammer’s feet, Torture Rack, and EY submits.

Josh Alexander comes out, with new heel music. And it’s not that bad, definitely better than some other people’s new music. Josh yells at the crowd a bit, says he can’t wait til he’s back in a real Canadian town, like his home of Toronto. Then he drops the mic in lieu of an explanation. The crowd chants him off with the “Nah Nah Nah Nah, Hey Hey Hey”.

The System (Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers & JDC) w/Alisha Edwards vs Matt Hardy & The ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey)

JDC and Hardy start, but JDC quickly tags out to Myers and that doesn’t go well. Hardy grabs a hold of Myers, a few Delete chops, drags him to his corner and they all get in a few shots punctuated with Hardy getting tagged back in and an Elbow into Myers’ extended and worked on left arm. Myers stays isolated, back into the corner, Boot to the gut, Ace tags in and wallops Myers. Ace connects on Double Kicks, into Russian Leg Sweep and his half of Click Click Boom, for a 2 count. Myers finally gets free with a Jaw Breaker and tags out to Eddie. But The System gets no momentum, Ace stifles Eddie’s offense and starts a few quick tags with him and Bey for tandem offense. Moose finally comes down the ramp as Eddie kicked out of yet another pinfall attempt because The System has had nothing going for them. Eddie finally gets some offense since Moose was a big enough distraction.

Eddie thinks they have a spot, so he tags back in JDC, but The ABC stop him cold, tag in Matt Hardy, and Matt walks down JDC, but JDC Low Bridges. Matt is on the outside, so all of The System surrounds Hardy, then Joe Hendry’s music hits! That stops the heel beatdown, and we follow Hendry’s entire entrance. So that proves Hendry is bigger than the 8 other people in this frame. Not really sure if that’s optics you want to push along. Ace and JDC try to remind people there’s wrestling going on, but JDC thumbs the eye to get a little something going. Vertical Suplex for a near fall, tag out for Eddie and Eddie lights up Ace with some of those NOAH Chops. Ace retreats to the ropes and Alisha chokes him with the ropes while the ref is distracted.

Myers gets tagged in, Ace tries to use the crowd energy, Myers stops it at first but then Ace slips a Scoop Slam and tags out to Bey. Hot tag, strike rush, Double Stomp, educated feet, Leap Frog to the corner but Lish climbs on the apron and yells at Bey which stops his rhythm. Myers kicks his feet out and causes Bey to crash. Eddie tags in for a few shots, then to JDC and Slingshot Knees, Wringer Snapmare, Bow and Arrow Submission, and JDC is just doing solid wrestling work right now. Uppercut between the Shoulder Blades as Bey tries to get out, tag to Myers and Bey is still eating offense. Eddie tags in, Bey tries the Sunset Flip, but Eddie tags out before going over, so Myers folds up Bey for a near fall and then tags out to JDC who connects on a Standing Suplex, slams Bey’s face into the corner, Eddie tags in, and Bey finally fights up to his feet, Eddie just flatten Bey’s comeback, tries a Tiger Driver but eats an Enzuigiri for a simultaneous tag. JDC and Hardy come in, JDC tries to exit halfway in, but Hardy is wrecking shop. He disposes of Eddie, Myers slides in but eats a tandem Neckbreaker/DDT from Hardy. Face team does the Delete Corner Face Smashes. Poetry in Motion into a Side Effect into Corkscrew Swanton for only 2 since Myers breaks it up! Everyone throwing hands, referee is distracted, Moose comes in to Spear Hardy, but Hardy dodges and throws him into JDC (I get the call back), Hendry then lays out Moose with the big Lariat. Twist of Fate from Hardy, Splash from Bey, Broken Alphabet wins!


Overall Score: 4/10

Ugh, cliche promos, too damn much talking, a competitive squash match with an imbecile as our first “match”, into an overbooked and slow heel match, finally a decent tag match (with the right team going over), into another overbooked match with a “tease” for the mystery backup being more obvious than Jericho’s WWF debut.

Aside from the afore mentioned tag match, The Rascalz promo and The System Promo; this was hard to watch. A lot of cornball promos, Rosemary licks her conspiracy board, storylines got zero traction. Whoopity Doo, Ryan Nemeth got a match next week and we get an undead wedding.

While this was a bad episode, it was bad by at least new standards. We’re not back in the TNA Dark Days again, but this was…a useless show.

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