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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (4/27/23)

Who is worthy?



ROH Wrestling 2023

Will the Fallen Goddess freeze up?

The ROH Women’s World Champion is still looking for worthy competition, so she takes on Lady Frost in a Proving Grounds match! Who stays ice cold while the heat is on?


  • ROH Women’s World Championship Proving Grounds Match: Athena VS Lady Frost; Athena wins and denies Frost a title opportunity.
  • Rush & Preston Vance w/ Jose VS The Infantry; Rush & Vance win.
  • Best Friends VS Joe Ocasio & Mookie Summers; Best Friends win.
  • Brian Cage w/ Prince Nana VS Leon Ruffin; Cage wins.
  • The Dark Order VS The Trustbusters; The Dark Order wins.
  • Diamante VS Skye Blue; Skye wins.
  • Rocky Romero VS Lee Moriarty w/ “Big Bill” Morrissey; Moriarty wins.
  • Gringo Loco VS Blake Christian; Blake wins.


ROH Women’s World Championship Proving Grounds Match: Athena VS Lady Frost!

The Fallen Goddess keeps knocking down those put in front of her, and she doesn’t look to be stopping any time soon! Will the ten minute time limit be more than enough to eclipse another challenger? Or will her hot streak finally be cooled off by The Coolest Wrestler You’ll Ever Meet?

The Code of Honor is upheld but with tension as Athena is annoyed with the fans. The bell rings and we’re on the clock as the two circle. They approach, Frost gets around to a waistlock but Athena switches to headlock. Fans rally for Frost but Athena hits a headlock takeover. “Frost who?!” Frost still fights to a headscissor but Athena shrugs it off. They stand, Frost powers out, but Athena wrenches and whips. Frost ducks ‘n’ handsprings but Athena dodges.  Athena runs but Frost dodges the shotgun! Athena swings, Frost dodges and handsprings again, to headscissor Athena to a corner!

Fans fire up with Frost and she RAMS into Athena! And RAMS in again! Frost whips corner to corner, Athena reverses but Frost goes up, only for Athena to KICK her out of the air! Athena throws Frost into ropes and Frost falls back, Athena SENTONS! Cover, TWO! Athena is annoyed and she kicks Frost in the side. Athena digs a knee into Frost’s back and bends her backwards with the chinlock, but Frost endures so Athena throws her down. Athena stomps Frost to the corner while fans boo. Frost pushes Athena but Athena CLUBS her down! Athena pie faces Frost, pushes her around, and laughs at her.

Frost throws body shots! Fans rally as Frost fires off, runs, but into a scoop and BACKBREAKER! Athena bends Frost with a backbreaker rack but Frost still endures. Frost throws hands but Athena scoops her for a GUTBUSTER! Fans rally for Frost as she crawls to a corner, but Athena storms up. Athena stands Frost up but Frost forearms! Athena forearms back, but Frost gets the edge! Frost kicks a leg out, Athena ducks the buzzsaw but the HEEL KICK gets her on the return! Athena goes to a corner, Frost runs in and GAMANGIRIS! Frost sits Athena down, goes corner to corner, handspring CANNONBALL!

Frost puts Athena in the drop zone, goes up the corner, but Athena gest up to trip her up! Frost falls into a Tree of Woe, and Athena KICKS away on her back! Athena then BENDS Frost against ropes in a Tree of Woe Camel Clutch variant! The ref counts, Athena lets go to argue with the ref. Athena then goes back to Frost, drags her up, and she taunts her. Athena slaps Frost around, but Frost shoves back and SCREW HIGH KICKS! Frost puts Athena back in the drop zone, goes back up top, and fans fire up for the TWISTING MOONSAULT! But Athena flounders to ropes! Frost grabs at Athena as fans rally up!

Athena holds the ropes, Frost YANKS her up, but Athena lands on her feet to ROLLING ELBOW! Cover, Athena wins!

Winner: Athena, by pinfall (denies Frost a title match)

The Fallen Goddess rains down fists on Frost as payback for pushing her so far! Athena runs the ref off, gets the title belt, and SMASHES Frost on it! Athena grins then snarls, her mean streak growing along with her win streak. Will anyone ever stop her reign of terror?


The Kingdom speaks.

Mike Bennett says, “This… This is Ring of Honor. This was built on respect. On honor. Those three letters, they mean something to us.” Matt Taven says, “Final Battle was supposed to be our moment, it was supposed to be our rematch against The Briscoes for the titles that we lost against them in 2001. We finally came back to a new era of honor, and we’re not given what we deserve. Instead, we got Top Flight.” Mike says this is about family and the place THEY built. Mike is “sick and tired of watching these little kids like Top Flight and Action Andretti showing up and using OUR company as a step stool. At every chance they get, they steal OUR moment!”

Taven says instead, they got disrespected! And at Supercard, when it was their moment to show respect to their friend, Top Flight took that from them, too! It was their time to #ReachForTheSky and take back what is theirs, but EVERY team in that match stole that from them. As long as they live, they’ll never get that moment back. Maria says Jay Briscoe gave Maria respect! Jay gave Maria the revival of her career. So for someone to take moments away from The Kingdom, that is something she will NEVER forget. The trend of teaching Melvins lessons is going to continue until they get revenge on every team that was in that ladder match!

They are the Kingdom, and that means something to them. When they built this kingdom, no one respected them. There was no honor for the Kingdom, but they built up brick by brick what they are today. And all the teams they’ve faced along the way, from the Young Bucks to the Briscoes, they’re part of that kingdom. Of Maria’s Kingdom! When you talk about ROH, you’re really talking about something The Kingdom built. So whoever they face in the new era, they will be taught what ROH means. If you don’t give The Kingdom the honor they deserve, the Kingdom will take it! The Kingdom will show you what it means to be part of ROH!

This is the OGK, put respect on the names! Everyone else is a stepping stone in their kingdom! They are OGK, they are The Kingdom, but will they soon be tag team champions?


Rush & Preston Vance w/ Jose VS The Infantry!

El Toro Blanco y Perro Perigroso are representing for La Faccion Ingobernable, looking to make ROH tranquilo. Will they succeed in their mission? Or will Carlie Bravo & Captain Shawn Dean march up the ranks of the ROH Tag Division?

LFI fist bumps, and Vance starts against Carlie. Carlie offers the Code of Honor handshake, but Vance just flips him off and RAMS him into the corner! Vance lets off, to CHOP! Vance mocks the salute, takes a bow, but turns around into CHOP after CHOP from Carlie! ROLLING ELBOW! Carlie runs, but Vance BOOTS him down! Vance again raises the fist for LFI, and fans rally up. Vance bumps Carlie off buckles, CHOPS, then stomps away! Vance whips Carlie corner to corner, runs in and clotheslines! Then whip the other way, for another clothesline! And then back the other way, but Carlie BOOTS back!

Carlie runs, but into a SPINEBUSTER! Vance raises the fist again, then sucker punches Dean! Fans boo but Vance just soaks up the heat. Vance drags Carlie up, and into the TOP TEN FULL NELSON! Carlie endures, but Dean trips up Rush! Dean then gets in to RAM Vance! Dean CHOPS! The Infantry DOUBLE CHOP! They double whip, Vance breaks through the line to DOUBLE LARIAT! Fans rally, Vance puts Carlie in a corner and Dean in the other. Vance runs in to clothesline Dean! Vance runs corner to corner to CHOP! Vance raises the fist again, Dean staggers into the DISCUS LARIAT!

Carlie kicks low! Carlie runs, but into the DISCUS LARIAT! Vance covers, but he sits Carlie up!? Vance says his “hermano” Rush is getting his turn! Vance puts Carlie in a corner, tags Rush in, and fans rally up as Rush runs, for the BULL’S HORNS!! Cover, LFI wins!

Winners: Rush & Preston Vance, by pinfall

Vance proved he is truly a dangerous dog, and he drags Dean in to put beside Carlie. LFI stands tall over them, will LFI hunt down those ROH Tag Team Championships?


Best Friends VS Joe Ocasio & Mookie Summers!

Trent Beretta & Chuck Taylor are trying to get up to some gold to match with Orange Cassidy, and now they’re battling in the ROH Tag Division! Will they find themselves climbing those ranks against The Undeniable and The American Draco?

The Code of Honor is skipped as Trent starts with Joe. They tie up, Trent puts Joe in the corner, but lets off as the ref counts. Joe sucker punches him! Joe stands Trent up to ROCK him with a right, then fire off body shots! Joe talks trash as he gets in Trent’s face, then wrenches and whips corner to corner. Trent hits buckles but comes back with a BUSAIKU KNEE! Joe staggers up, Trent reels him in, SAIDO! Trent stalks Joe, stands him up, and fires forearms and CHOPS! Trent fires off more forearms, the ref counts as he has Joe on the ropes, and Trent lets off. Fans fire up, Trent runs in and SHOTGUNS Joe out of the ring!

Tag to Chuck and Chuck whips Joe into railing! Joe hits hard then flops down, and Chuck puts Joe back in the ring. Chuck then CLOBBERS Joe, and fans fire up as he flexes. Tag to Mookie, he dodges Chuck to ROLLING ELBOW! Mookie runs, into a POP-UP POWERBOMB! The Kentucky Gentleman isn’t gentle at all! Joe runs in to sucker punch Chuck, but Trent gets in to DECK Joe! And then, PILEDRIVER! Joe writhes, Chuck brings him up, for another PILEDRIVER! The Best Friends then focus on Mookie, Electric Chair and Trent climbs, DOOMSDAY KNEE-VICE! Cover, Best Friends win!

Winners: Best Friends, by pinfall

The Code of Honor is upheld in the end as Trent shakes Joe’s hand, then shakes Mookie’s hand. Chuck follows suit, and then Best Friends HUG! You GOT to give- Oh, wait, wrong brand. But will Best Friends get what they want in an ROH Tag Team Championship match?


Brian Cage w/ Prince Nana VS Leon Ruffin!

The Machine has been on a run, especially as part of the ROH World Six Man Tag Team Champions. But will he continue to win for the Mogul Embassy? Or can the undeterred underdog find a way to stop the Path of Cage?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and Cage RAMS Ruffin right into a corner! Cage RAMS into Ruffin again and again, then CHOPS! Ruffin staggers to a corner and Cage stalks him. Cage whips Ruffin corner to corner, then runs in to SPLASH! Cage wrenches, clinches, and OVERHEAD Belly2Belly suplexes! Fans fire up and Cage flexes. Nana says Cage is the man! Cage drags Ruffin up, whips him to ropes, but Ruffin ducks ‘n’ dodges ‘n’ tilt-o-whirls, but Cage blocks! Cage suplexes Ruffin, carries him around, but Ruffin throws knees! Cage still holds Ruffin up so Ruffin keeps throwing knees!

Ruffin finally gets free, waistlocks, but Cage elbows free! Cage whips, Ruffin goes up and out, and Cage runs in, into a GAMANGIRI! Ruffin goes up and up and CROSSBODIES, but Cage catches him with ease! Cage does some bicep curls, before the POWERSLAM! Cage says Ruffin’s done! Cage toys with Ruffin, flexes, and then brings Ruffin back up. Cage fireman’s carries, for the F- DDT!! Ruffin turns things around on Cage and Nana freaks out! Ruffin goes to the apron, Cage runs in, into another GAMANGIRI! Ruffin goes up and around and under, but still gets caught! Ruffin throws elbows, but Cage back suplexes!

Ruffin lands on his feet! Ruffin then leapfrogs over Cage, goes up the corner, to FLYING CUTTER! Fans fire up with Ruffin and Nana is freaking out even more! Ruffin aims at Cage from the corner, runs in, into a LARIAT!! Cage drags Ruffin back up, to POWERBOMB! Deadlift POWER BREAKER!! And then the TEXAS CLOVERLEAF!! Ruffin taps, Cage wins!

Winner: Brian Cage, by submission

The Machine made the underdog pay for fighting so hard, and Nana mockingly shakes Ruffin’s hand. Will anything stop Cage and the entire Mogul Embassy from ruling ROH?


The Dark Order VS The Trustbusters w/ Slim J!

Evil Uno & Stu Grayson aren’t sweating The Righteous always creeping around, they just want to go for tag title gold. Will they start on that journey in the Steel City? Or will Sonny Kiss & Jeeves Kay make that money for Daivari Dinero?

But wait, speaking of The Righteous, they make their way out now! They have chairs, but just to sit on stage and watch this. Jeeves takes advantage of this distraction and blindsides Uno! The bell rings as Jeeves kicks Uno and stomps away! Stu protests but there’s nothing he can do as Jeeves stands Uno up to UPPERCUT! Jeeves whips, Uno reverses but Jeeves slides to DROPKICK! Jeeves UPPERCUTS in the corner, snapmares, and then goes up for the FALLING UPPERCUT! Cover, TWO! Jeeves keeps on Uno with another snapmare, then he tags in Kiss. Kiss slingshots to SPLIT on Uno! Cover, TWO!

Kiss taunts Stu, Stu gives the trash talk back, and Kiss handsprings to SLAP Uno! Tag to Jeeves, Jeeves taunts Stu now, then Jeeves runs in, into a BOOT! Uno ELBOWS Kiss, ROCKS Jeeves, repeat! Uno reaches for Stu but Jeeves holds him back! Uno powers forward, but Kiss runs in to jump on Uno with a SLEEPER! Uno still stays up, SNAP SUPLEX SENTON COMBO! Fans fire up as Uno crawls away from the Trustbusters, hot tag to Stu! Stu rallies on the Trustbusters, spins Kiss to an OVERHEAD Belly2Belly then kips up! Fans fire up, Jeeves CHOPS, but Stu doesn’t flinch. Jeeves CHOPS again, but still nothing!

Stu eggs Jeeves on, and Jeeves throws a forearm! Stu nods and eggs Jeeves on again. Jeeves swings, into the URENAGE! Stu then LION SENTONS! Kiss gets on the apron but backs off as Stu storms up. Stu fireman’s carries Jeeves, but Jeeves slips free to shove Stu! Uno tags in, Stu whips Jeeves then hurdles. Uno reels Jeeves into a suplex, Stu ROUNDHOUSES before the BRAINBUSTER! Kiss returns to ENZIGURI Stu! Uno avoids the heel kick to ROCK Kiss, and then The Dark Order pops Kiss up into the Electric Chair, toss into the POWERBOMB! Fans fire up as Stu goes to the corner and tags back in.

Uno gets Jeeves up, Stu runs in, PENALTY KICK PILEDRIVER!! Cover, the Dark Order wins!

Winners: The Dark Order, by pinfall

The Righteous applaud, perhaps more for Stu than for The Dark Order. Stu & Uno storm up to the stage to stare down Dutch & Vincent. Will the Dark Order get the Righteous to back off? Or will Stu end up joining them?


Backstage interview with Christopher Daniels.

Dasha is with the Fallen Angel and says the last few times we’ve heard from him, he’s been on this quest for victories and for championships. What is next for him on said journey? Daniels says he has to be honest, after 30 years in professional wrestling, Daniels knows what it is like to be at the top of the mountain, and at the bottom of the valley. Right now, Daniels is at one of his all-time lows. He hasn’t had his hand raised in victory as often as he’d like. But because this is ROH, he understands that nothing is just handed to him! Nothing comes easy in an ROH ring!

It doesn’t matter that Daniels is the first-ever ROH Grand Slam Champion! It doesn’t matter that he’s been a tag team champion, it doesn’t matter that he’s been a world champion. Daniels has to earn everything that he wants, everything that he desires, in ROH. He understands that. And he’s not starting at the bottom, doing the baby steps. If he’s gonna swing, he swings for the fences. And so he calls out the ROH World Television Champion, Samoa Joe! Joe and Daniels have “a history that is long and drenched in blood,” mostly Daniels’. They’ve been teammates, opponents, and have fought tooth ‘n’ nail for what they’ve wanted.

Right now, what Daniels wants is on Joe’s waist, is on Joe’s shoulder. Daniels has held the TV title before, but if he wants it again, he has to go through one of the toughest SOBs he’s ever stood across the ring from. Look in Daniels’ eyes. Does he look afraid to do that again? Does he look intimidated to put his name in the hat against Joe? NO! Daniels is ready to go. “Beat me if you can. Make me bleed if you can, Joe. Because I want that World Television Championship, Joe. And I know you’re a fighting champion, Joe, so how about you and I, one-on-one, in a ROH ring, for that TV title, next week?” The Fallen Angel wants after the King, but will he take Joe’s throne?


Diamante VS Skye Blue!

The Cuban Diamond has been sharpening her edge in the Dark of AEW, but she’s ready to shine in the light! Will she crush her opponent under the pressure? Or will Skye continue to reach for the sky in her own journey to the top?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and Diamante reels Skye in! Skye dodges to kick but Diamante ducks it! Diamante waistlocks, Skye elbows free, and Skye runs. They RAM shoulders, but Diamante stays up. Diamante eggs Skye on, Skye runs, but Diamante follows to then run Skye over! Things speed up, Diamante tilt-o-whirls, crucifix to sunset flip, TWO! Skye sits on Diamante, TWO! Diamante sunset flips again, TWO! Skye sits again, TWO! Diamante sunsets, TWO! Skye sits, TWO! Diamante, TWO! Skye, TWO! Diamante, TWO! Skye, TWO!! The teetertotter stops and fans fire up while Diamante bails out.

Diamante goes to the apron, Skye runs in but Diamante dodges the boot to ROCK Skye! And then NECKBREAKER HOTSHOT! Skye flops to the apron, Diamante runs and WRECKS Skye with a baseball dropkick! Diamante flexes, then goes out to fetch Skye. Diamante RAMS Skye into the apron, pushes her into the ring, and then drops an elbow! Diamante drops knees on Skye’s back, then bends her backwards with a chinlock. Fans rally and Skye fights up to throw body shots. Skye runs, but into a scoop and BACKBREAKER! Diamante pushes Skye around, stomps her around, then smacks her off the mat! Cover, TWO!

Diamante keeps on Skye with a chinlock and she squeezes tight. Skye endures and fans rally up again. Skye fights up, throws body shots, and she fires forearms! Diamante ROCKS Skye and Skye staggers to a corner. Diamante storms up but Skye ROCKS her! Skye runs up but into a kick! Diamante hops on, Skye pops her off and SHOTGUNS Diamante down! Skye goes corner to corner and runs in, but Diamante puts her on the apron. Skye ROUNDHOUSES Diamante away, goes up top, CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Skye grows a bit frustrated, but she runs at the ropes. Diamante dodges, waistlcoks, but Skye elbows free.

Skye switches with Diamante, SHINING WIZARDS and snapmares, but Diamante blocks the superkick. Diamante spins Skye but Skye BASEMENT ENZIGURIS! Fans fire up and Skye sees Diamante go to the apron. Skye joins her out there, drags her up, and reels her in, but Diamante throws elbows! Skye throws forearms but Diamante throws them back! The fans fire up as they brawl on the edge, and Skye gets the edge! Diamante ROCKS Skye, blocks a superkick and ROCKS her again, to APRON GERMAN SUPLEX! Skye flops into the corner, Diamante runs corner to corner to HYDRAULIC DROPKICK! Cover, ROPEBREAK!!

Diamante can’t believe Skye survives, but she says this will end it. Diamante suplexes, Skye slips free to full nelson! Diamante drops, but Skye sits on her, SKYE WINS!

Winner: Skye Blue, by pinfall

The ROH win streak continues for Skye! But out walks Athena, mocking Skye by wearing a baseball cap. Athena takes it off to then STOMP the hat! Skye dares Athena to step to her if she thinks she’s so tough! Will the Fallen Goddess soon put up her gold against the Blue?


Rocky Romero VS Lee Moriarty w/ “Big Bill” Morrissey!

The King of Sneaky Style takes on The Firm’s innovator of #TAIGASTYLE in a first-time-anywhere showdown! So if styles make fights, will it be Azucar or Pittsburgh’s own that comes out on top?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and the two circle. Fans rally for “LEE! LEE! LEE! LEE!” They tie up, Rocky gets around to waistlock but Lee wrenches free. Rocky rolls, trips Lee, and Rocky steps through to the toehold. Lee hooks Rocky to roll him and have the wristlock. Lee wrenches, Rocky wrenches back to an ELBOW BREAKER! Rocky goes up the corner and leaps to drop a KNEE on Lee’s arm! Lee clutches the arm but Rocky CHOPS him! Rocky puts Lee through the ropes, KICKS him, then goes up the corner. Some Latino Heat before the DOUBLE STOMPS! Cover, ONE!!

Lee is tough but Rocky keeps on him. Rocky wrenches and wrenches and CHOPS! Rocky whips corner to corner, runs in, but Lee puts him on the apron. Rocky shoulders into Lee, takes aim, but he hesitates to springboard as Big Bill creeps up. The ref reprimands but Lee BLASTS Rocky off the apron! Lee goes out, brings Rocky up to wrench and hammerlock, and RAM him into the railing! Lee gets in, does his dance, and the ref reprimands, but misses Big Bill BLINDSIDE Rocky! Lee waits on Rocky, and Rocky stands up to get in the ring. Lee springboard stomps away on Rocky, but lets off as the ref counts.

Lee drags Rocky up, wrenches, then RAMS his shoulder in! Lee then traps that arm, gets the other arm, and he bends the fingers! Rocky endures, but Lee SNAPS the fingers! Lee gets a taste while Rocky writhes. Lee drags Rocky up, wrenches, but Rocky CHOPS! Lee wrenches again, but Rocky CHOPS! Lee wrenches again, but Rocky wrenches back! Lee wrenches, Rocky wrenches, repeat! Rocky KICKS Lee, Lee KICKS Rocky! Lee runs in but into an UPPERCUT! Rocky springboards to FLING DDT! Both men are down and fans fire up! Big Bill coaches Lee as the standing count begins.

Lee goes to a corner, Rocky runs in to CHOP, CHOP, CHOP and UPPERCUT! Rocky winds up, goes corner to corner, and he clotheslines! The Forever Clotheslines start up! Lee tries to stop it but Rocky dodges him. Lee dodges Rocky, but then Rocky dodges Lee again! Another dodge, and Lee LARIATS Rocky! Fans fire up as Lee suplexes, TAIGA DRIVER 18! Cover, TWO!! But Lee keeps on Rocky with hammer fists! Lee shifts into the BORDER CITY STRETCH! Rocky endures, reaches out, rolls Lee then gets the ARMBAR! Lee fights, turns Rocky over, and back to the BORDER CITY STRETCH!!

Fans fire up as Rocky endures and fights to his feet! Rocky wheelbarrows, victory rolls, TWO! Rocky JUMP KNEES Lee! Lee ROUNDHOUSES Rocky! Rocky KICKS Lee! Lee ROCKS Rocky! And again! Rocky swings, Lee blocks to fire off a strike fest! Rocky bobs ‘n’ weaves, Lee blocks Rocky’s kick, then Lee ducks the enziguri but Rocky HEEL KICKS! Lee flops to ropes and gets out of the ring. Rocky hurries out the side, he runs in around the way, and he leaps off the steps to RANA Lee at the ramp! Fans fire up, Rocky puts Lee in the ring and Rocky runs in, SHIRANUI! Cover, TWO!! Lee survives but Rocky keeps his cool.

Fans rally up and Rocky brings Lee up again, but Lee fights the suplex! Lee wrenches, reels Rocky in, but Rocky fights the bomb! Rocky RANAS Lee and himself out of the ring!! Fans fire up and Rocky hurries back to the apron. Big Bill coaches Lee up, but Rocky MULE KICKS him! Rocky builds speed and DIVES! He hits Bill into the railing! Fans fire up, Rocky hurries back up and he counter punches Lee! Lee distracts the ref, Bill YANKS Rocky down, to APRON CHOKE SLAM!! Bill shoves Rocky in for Lee, Lee takes aim from the corner, RUNNING CALF KICK! Cover, Lee wins!

Winner: Lee Moriarty, by pinfall

Morrissey with a huge assist in this match, The Firm is rolling! But will they survive the coming #FirmDeletion with these kinds of tactics?


Rocky Romero speaks backstage.

“Lee Moriarty, you’re the type of talent that ROH, this company, was built on. You’re the type of talent that could be ROH World Champion. And tonight, you out-sneaked the King of Sneaky Style with your seven-foot insurance policy. But I’m not happy with that. No. Next week: Pure Rules match, Rocky ‘Azucar’ Romero against Lee Moriarty. And you can get a pure ass whooping next week!” Rocky is ready to teach Lee a lesson, will there be no helping #TAIGASTYLE get out of this?


Gringo Loco VS Blake Christian!

Though he lost to the AAA Mega Champion, the #BaseGod impressed everyone. He’s back again this week, will he turn things around? Or will All Heart be too hard to break?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and the two circle. They tie up, Loco waistlocks but Blake switches. Loco switches, goes for a full nelson but Blake fights it. Loco spins and SOBATS, then whips. Blake reverses but Loco goes up and over and handsprings away. But then Blake handsprings up to tap him on the shoulder! Fans fire up but Loco gets annoyed. Loco pushes Blake but Blake pushes Loco back. Things speed up, Blake handsprings over Loco but Loco hurdles. Blake wheelbarrows, waistlocks, but Loco avoids the splash! Blake avoids the standing moonsault! Both men back off, Blake runs in!

Loco pops Blake up and Blake lands safe on the ropes! Blake knuckle locks, CHOPS, and tightrope walks to then ARABIAN ARM-DRAG! But Loco handsprings through! Loco wags his finger and fans fire up. Things speed up again, Loco pops Blake up but Blake headscissors Loco away! Loco bails out and fans fire up again. Blake builds speed to FOSBURY FLOP! But he lands on his feet as Loco dodges! Loco runs and FLIES! Direct hit at the ramp and fans fire up even more! Loco brings Blake up and CHOPS him against the apron. Blake slides into the ring, Loco hurries after and covers, TWO!

Loco rallies the fans, and then Loco brings Blake up. Blake KICKS the legs out, basement dropkicks Loco to the apron, then he goes to the corner! Blake goes up and out and SPEARS Loco on the apron! Blake builds speed to FOSBURY FLOP! Direct hit this time! Fans fire up as Blake high-fives fans, then he stands Loco up. Blake CHOPS Loco, puts him in the ring, and covers, TWO! Blake brings Loco up to snapmare and KICK! Blake then wraps on a chinlock and he grinds Loco down. Fans rally, Loco fights up, and Blake shifts to a waistlock. Blake ripcords and reels Loco in, but Loco blocks the flip!

Loco shoves Blake away, Blake blocks a kick but not the ENZIGURI! The elbow pads come off as Blake rebounds, and Loco puts him on the apron. Blake GAMANGIRIS, then he springboards! Loco gets under but Blake handsprings for the NEURALIZER! Fans fire up with Blake and he builds speed, but Loco SUPERKICKS! Loco whips, Blake handsprings again, but into an Electric Chair, spin and BOMB! Cover, TWO!! Blake survives but the fans fire up again! Loco drags Blake to a drop zone and says this will end it. Loco goes up the corner, but Blake GAMANGIRIS again! Blake then climbs up to join Loco!

Fans rally up, Blake goes to the very top, and he throws hands. Loco throws body shots! Loco stands on the very top now, clinches Blake, and hits a SUPER RACK SLAM!! Cover, TWO?!?! Blake survives, he truly is All Heart! Loco rallies the fans again and Loco brings Blake to a corner. Loco uses the corner to help with the Electric Chair Lift, and then Loco climbs up! Blake throws down hands, shifts around, SUPER SUNSET- Loco lands on his feet?! Loco runs in, into a SPANISH FLY!! Blake goes to the apron, SPRINGBOARD 450!! Cover, BLAKE WINS!!

Winner: Blake Christian, by pinfall

A split second after that three count, Loco kicks out! Loco was so close, but Blake snatches that one away! These two shake hands to uphold the Code of Honor, will we see this one again down the line?

My Thoughts:

A great ROH, but only just over an hour? That’s rather surprising. Though with AEW wanting to bring out another two hour show in Collision, maybe wrestlers who crossover between AEW and ROH are going to be needed to fill out that programming, leaving less available for ROH tapings, and therefore, ROH has to downsize already. And even then, it felt like they stretched things out to fill the hour. The Kingdom’s promo felt like it was a couple lines too long. They could’ve trimmed it down by what ended up a paragraph in this write-up, and it would’ve flowed better. But at least it was them issuing a warning to all the tag teams from the Supercard of Honor ladder match, helping them move on from Top Flight and closer to the tag titles.

Christopher Daniels also had a good promo but it also felt like he was stretching for time. I thought he was going to call out Claudio, which would’ve made sense after what the BCC did to him on Rampage. But at the same time, Samoa Joe really does need more for his TV title reign, and Joe VS Daniels is going to be great stuff. Still kinda wish Mark Briscoe won that title at Supercard. Anyway, really good Proving Grounds match and good win for Athena. Good match between Diamante and Skye, and Skye’s been going strong so her winning made sense. Athena showing up to warn Skye was a bit of a surprise, as I don’t see Skye ready for the title. Athena will surely win, but I guess Skye will get a great showing even in defeat.

Really good tag match for LFI VS Infantry, but wow, I didn’t think Vance was going to basically solo Dean & Carlie. LFI in whatever combination is a good choice for facing the Lucha Brothers, but I feel like this should build to a contender’s match between LFI, The Kingdom, and at least one other team. The Dark Order has a good match with the Trustbusters, with The Righteous’ presence only a moderate distraction. Dark Order VS The Righteous will be more about where Stu goes than the titles, but Dark Order can definitely win to keep Stu and then go for the titles. But even then, I feel like Lucha Brothers beat whoever because it’ll be their first defense that they should definitely win.

Best Friends squash Joe & Mookie, keeping them going in the ROH Tag Division, and maybe they get in on the title conversation. It feels like they’ll be on that list of crossover wrestlers that will go back to AEW full time once Collision starts up. Brian Cage and Leon Ruffin have a really good match, though still pretty quick because Cage is like three Ruffins put together. Not sure why we’re not seeing the Gates of Agony in action after the Embassy retained the Six Man titles. And if they’re backing up Swerve, can we see them brawl with Keith Lee & Dustin Rhodes already? That’s a feud that’s been building far too slowly, but probably because they started with Parker Boudreaux & “Trench,” who were more meat than henchmen.

Good stuff out of Rocky VS Moriarty, but of course Morrissey makes the difference. Rocky had a good promo to call Moriarty out and challenge him for a Pure Rules match. That’ll be really good stuff, and at this point, I feel like the winner of that can face Shibata for the Pure Championship, after we see Shibata VS Coughlin, of course. And really good main event from Blake Christian VS Gringo Loco. It was a lot like looking at a before and after of high-flying wrestler, and I did not expect Blake to win that. Was it a count botch from the ref? Did Loco just lose count himself? Who knows, but I suppose this could make for good “crisis of confidence” story as Loco struggles to get a win now that he’s reached this level of competition.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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