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Mitchell’s NJPW Best of the Super Juniors Results & Report! (5/17/23)

Round five, FIGHT!




Number five is alive!

Get ready for still more Best of the Super Juniors 30! Hiromu Takahashi has broke even at 2-2, can he move up or will he fall down the ranks?


  • Best of the Super Juniors 30, A Block: Ryusuke Taguchi VS Hiromu Takahashi; Hiromu wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: Kevin Knight VS BUSHI; Knight wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 30, A Block: TJP VS SHO; TJP wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: Francesco Akira VS Clark Connors; Connors wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 30, A Block: Lio Rush VS DOUKI; Douki wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: Yoshinobu Kanemaru VS Robbie Eagles; Eagles wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 30, A Block: Titán VS Mike Bailey; Bailey wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: Master Wato VS Dan Moloney; Wato wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 30, A Block: KUSHIDA VS Taiji Ishimori; Taiji wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: El Desperado VS YOH; Yoh wins.


Here are the current A Block standings.

Lio Rush: 4-0, 8 points
Taiji Ishimori: 3-1, 6 points
Mike Bailey: 3-1, 6 points
Titán: 3-1, 6 points
Hiromu Takahashi: 2-2, 4 points
TJP: 2-2, 4 points
SHO: 1-3, 2 points
DOUKI: 1-3, 2 points
KUSHIDA: 1-3, 2 points
Ryusuke Taguchi: 0-4, 0 points


Here are the current B Block standings.

Francesco Akira: 3-1, 6 points
Robbie Eagles: 3-1, 6 points
El Desperado: 3-1, 6 points
Master Wato: 2-2, 4 points
Yoshinobu Kanemaru: 2-2, 4 points
Dan Moloney: 2-2, 4 points
YOH: 2-2, 4 points
Clark Connors: 2-2, 4 points
Kevin Knight: 1-3, 2 points
BUSHI: 0-4, 0 points


Best of the Super Juniors 30, A Block: Ryusuke Taguchi VS Hiromu Takahashi!

The Funky Weapon has been fighting much more seriously, but he’s seriously in trouble! He’s 0-4 and going up against the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion, will he be out of the running after this? Or can he win big and defuse the Timebomb?

Hiromu’s picture diary shows the last time Taguchi was serious, and that was a long time ago. And instead of handing it to Milano Collection AT, Hiromu hands the diary over to Hiroshi Tanahashi, the special guest on commentary. Tanahashi thanks Hiromu for that, though Milano may be a little sad. The bell rings and fans rally and duel between “HI-RO-MU!” and “TA-GU-CHI!” They tie up, Taguchi gets around to a waistlock but Hiromu wrenches out to a wristlock. Taguchi rolls, kips, wrenches and hammerlocks. Hiromu reaches back to get a headlock, but Taguchi powers up to wrench out.

Hiromu powers through but Taguchi still gets the headlock. Fans applaud and Hiromu fights up. Hiromu powers out but Taguchi runs him over! Fans fire up and things speed up. Taguchi fakes Hiromu out to dropkick! Taguchi steps over but Hiromu rolls him up, TWO! Hiromu steps through, but Taguchi blocks to a cover, TWO! Fans rally and things speed up. Hiromu sunset flips but Taguchi rolls through to basement dropkick! Hiromu bails out and Taguchi strikes a pose a la The Prince! Taguchi builds speed and FLIES! Direct hit and fans fire up for “TA-GU-CHI!” Taguchi drags Hiromu up and puts him in the ring.

Taguchi aims from the apron, springboards, and MISSILE HIPS! Hiromu comes back but Taguchi dodges to dropkick the legs out! Taguchi gets a leg for OH MY GAH ANKLE! Hiromu flails around, reaches out, but Taguchi leans on the hold! Hiromu hops up but Taguchi reels him in for a BLUE THUNDER BOMB! Cover, TWO! Hiromu survives but Taguchi keeps focus. Taguchi goes up the corner, to ENBAN CHUUDOKU! Cover, TWO!! Hiromu survives but Taguchi is right on him with OH MY GAH ANKLE!! Hiromu flails, reaches out, but Taguchi stands to lean as much as he can on the leg!

Hiromu grips at his hair, reaches out for the ropes, but Taguchi drags him away! Chicken wings and DODON- NO, Hiromu fights it, so Taguchi TIGER SUPLEXES! Fans fire up and Taguchi runs, but Hiromu dodges! Hiromu runs, but into a DROPKICK! Taguchi hurries to chicken wing again, DODON- NO, Hiromu slips out to facelock! Taguchi wrenches out to ENZIGURI! Taguchi runs to AX BOMBER! Cover, TWO!! Hiromu survives again but fans are thunderous for “TA-GU-CHI!” Taguchi chicken wings again, DODON- NO, Hiromu fights out again! Fireman’s carry roll and then- CRUCIFIX TAKEDOWN! TWO!!

Hiromu tucks Taguchi, HIROMU-CHAN ROLL!! HIROMU WINS!!

Winner: Hiromu Takahashi, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Taguchi gains 0)

That was the closest that Serious Taguchi came to winning! And yet, Hiromu is the one who comes away with the points! Will Taguchi ever get on the board like this? Will Hiromu continue to prove why he’s the Best of the Super Juniors?


Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: Kevin Knight VS BUSHI!

The Jet is doing only a little better than the Black Mask, but that could change right here. Who wins to make the other the bottom of the B Block?

The bell rings and Knight SHOTGUNS Bushi down! Knight hurries to fire off forearms in the corner, then he kicks low. Knight whips corner to corner, runs and STINGER SPLASHES! Fans fire up and Knight says it’s time already. Bushi stands, but he denies the satellite DDT! He puts Knight on the apron and dropkicks him down! Knight hobbles but he hurries back up, only for Bushi to DECK him! Bushi then builds speed and DIVES! Direct hit at the ramp! Fans fire up with Bushi and he brings Knight up. Bushi puts Knight in, whips him to ropes, but Knight reverses. But Bushi avoids the dropkick to basement dropkick!

Bushi snapmares Knight, and clamps on a chinlock. Knight endures as Bushi’s knee digs into his back. Knight reaches out, ROPEBREAK! Bushi lets go quickly, and brings Knight back up. Bushi suplexes, puts Knight on the ropes and CLUBS him! Bushi then goes to the corner for the MISSILE DROPKICK! Bushi drags Knight up, brings him through the ropes, but Knight throws body shots. Bushi brings Knight towards a corner but Knight blocks the bump to bump Bushi off buckles! Knight then triangle jump LARIATS Bushi down! Fans rally up as Bushi flops to the floor. Knight waits on Bushi to stand, and then PLANCHAS! Direct hit in front of commentary!

Fans fire up as Knight flexes, and Knight drags Bushi back into the ring. Knight drags Bushi up, whips him, but Bushi reverses. Knight springboards to CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Knight keeps his cool and he brings Bushi up. Knight CHOPS, hoists Bushi up top, and then says it’s time to fly! Knight springs right up, but Bushi slips under! Bushi CLUBS Knight, brings him down and whips him corner to corner. Bushi runs in to elbow Knight, then brings Knight out. Knight swings but Bushi catches him, spins him, but Knight wrenches out. Bushi dodges to dropkick the legs out! Fans rally up while Knight writhes.

Bushi goes to a corner, he watches Knight rise, and he runs in. Knight blocks the Code Breaker, jumps, but no satellite! Bushi runs in, into the SKY HIGH! Cover, TWO! Knight says he’s done, and he brings Bushi back up. Bushi ROCKS Knight with a forearm! Knight ROCKS Bushi! Bushi ROCKS Knight! The fans rally as they go back and forth! Knight gets the edge, but Bushi dodges! Knight blocks one kick, ducks the enziguri, but the HEEL KICK hits! Fans fire up and Bushi runs, but Knight DROPKICKS him down! Fans fire up again and Knight fires up, too! Knight drags Bushi up, UPPERCUTS, then puts him up top.

Knight springs up to FLYING STEINER! OW that is a rough landing for Bushi! Knight waits on Bushi to stand back up, then jumps again, SPIKE DDT!! Cover, Knight wins!

Winner: Kevin Knight, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Bushi gains 0)

A crash landing for Bushi leaves him at the bottom, will he ever get a win? As for Knight, he’s flying high again, will he still reach the destination?


Best of the Super Juniors 30, A Block: TJP VS SHO!

The Public Enemy conquered Douki for the United Empire, but the Murder Machine could not cheat the Ticking Timebomb. Will Sho have a new trick up his sleeve? Or will TJP be ready for anything he pulls?

Wait, Evil appears, and he has a United Empire towel? Did he steal that? He’s claiming he’s here as TJP’s friend? What new trickery is this? TJP is wary as he puts his things aside, but the bell rings and TJP circles with Sho. Fans rally for “T J P! T J P!” Evil creeps close, TJP tells him to back off, but Sho CLOBBERS TJP from behind! Sho stomps TJP around, claws his eyes, but the ref reprimands. Sho lets off, he whips TJP corner to corner, but TJP headstands in the corner. Sho storms up but into a headscissors! Things keep moving, TJP drop toeholds and then ties Sho up! Fans rally as TJP leans back, MUTA LOCK!

Sho fights free of the crossface and gets the ROPEBREAK! TJP SLAPS Sho while he lets off. TJP then drags Sho up to UPPERCUT! Sho staggers, TJP tells Evil to go away but Evil throws up the crown! He’s really committed to the bit. TJP whips, Sho reverses but TJP ducks then goes Spider-Man! Sho distracts the ref and Evil shoves TJP down! Fans boo, of course Evil isn’t TJP’s friend. But Sho drags TJP up to TOSS him out! Sho distracts the ref so Evil can CHOKE TJP with the towel! Fans boo more but Evil gets away with it. Evil then drags TJP up and puts him in the ring. Sho covers, TWO! Sho gets mad but fans applaud.

Sho knuckle locks TJP and twists the wrist. Sho brings TJP down to a knee to kick, KICK and SUPERKICK! Cover, TWO! Fans applaud but Sho grins as he paces around TJP. Sho stands on TJP’s head, Evil taunts TJP, and the ref reprimands. Sho digs his boots in, the ref counts and Sho lets off. Sho puts TJP in the corner to rake the eyes! The ref reprimands and counts, Sho stops at 4. Sho grinds his forearm into TJP’s face a few times, and TJP sits down. Sho decides to give TJP a taste of his own medicine! Sho scrapes laces off TJP’s face, then he runs side to side. TJP gets up to RANA Sho! Fans fire up as Sho staggers.

TJP atomic drops Sho, whips him, but Sho reverses. TJP springboards to FLYING FOREARM! Direct hit, and TJP drags Sho up. TJP whips Sho to the corner, runs corner to corner to back elbow! TJP sits Sho down to give him the laces in the face! TJP runs side to side to BOOT WASH! Fans fire up while Evil gets upset. Fans chant “MO IKAI! MO IKAI!” so TJP gives Sho another round! TJP runs side to side but Evil trips him up! TJP WRECKS Evil with a dropkick! Sho runs in, into a GAMANGIRI! TJP climbs but Evil distracts! The ref tells Evil to get down, but Sho hits the ropes to trip TJP!

Fans boo but Sho goes up after TJP. Sho brings TJP up for a SUPERPLEX! Cover, TWO! Sho is frustrated but he brings TJP right up. STRAITJACKET PILEDRIVER! Cover, TWO!! TJP survives and Evil is furious! Sho argues the count but the count was fair! Fans rally for “T J P! T J P!” but Sho stalks him. Sho aims his bow, brings TJP back up, but TJP is deadweight. Sho says he wins but the ref says no, TJP is still conscious. So Sho hauls TJP up, tucks the arms, SHOCK-  NO, TJP slips free! TJP blocks the haymaker to ROLLING SOBAT! Sho staggers around, swings, but into the FINAL CUT! Cover, TWO!!

Sho survives and Evil is relieved. But TJP shakes his head and the fans rally up. TJP brings Sho up, fireman’s carries, calls his shot, but Sho bends the fingers! Fans boo, the ref counts, but Sho throws TJP into the ref! Sho then hurries to get his wrench! Fans boo more as Sho takes aim, but TJP HAS A WRENCH!? The Public Enemy came prepared! But then Sho drops?! He’s trying to pull an Eddie Guerrero! Fans boo but the ref is still down. TJP takes the other wrench and Evil shouts! The ref sees TJP with both tools, TJP defends his innocence, but Sho rolls TJP up! TWO!! TJP checks with the ref, but Sho runs in!

TJP goes up and over, and Sho avoids hitting the ref! Evil distracts the ref, but TJP blocks the low blow! TJP reels Sho in and kicks off Evil for the TORNADO DDT! Sho is in the drop zone and TJP goes up top! Fans fire up as TJP hits the MAMBA SPLASH!! Cover, TJP wins!

Winner: TJP, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Sho gains 0)

The House of Torture cheated themselves out of a win, will they ever give up on these antics? Will TJP take over the block for the United Empire?


Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: Francesco Akira VS Clark Connors w/ Gedo!

The Nova Fireball beat #DaDrilla but with respect as fellow United Empires. However, 100 Proof has shown no respect to his opponents, because this is the Savages Only Club now! Will Connors put out the fire with No Chaser? Or will Akira give the Wild Rhino the stiff shot?

The bell rings and Connors runs Akira right over! Connors mocks the fans cheering Akira, then he suplexes Akira high and hard! Fans still rally for Akira but Connors brings him up to trophy lift. Connors aims for ropes, but Akira slips off! Akira CHOPS, whips, but Connors reverses to CLOBBER Akira! Connors TOSSES Akira out, then goes out after him. Connors talks trash on the fans, brings Akira up, and POSTS him! Akira tumbles all the way to commentary, and Connors storms up. Kevin Knight has joined Kevin Kelly, Connors talks trash on him, and then Connors mocks the crowd.

Akira crawls but Connors stomps him down. Connors tells fans to move, but Akira throws forearms. Connors ROCKS Akira, the fans get out of the way, and Connors BOWLS Akira into the chairs! Gedo says that’s a strike! The ref checks Akira but he’s somehow okay. Connors goes back into the ring, Akira crawl out from the chairs. Fans rally as “A! KI-RA!” crawls. Gedo tells Akira to give up but he does not. The ring count reaches 5 of 20, then 10. Akira is still crawling, but he flounders and uses the commentary table to get up at 15! Akira staggers and stumbles in at 18! Fans applaud but Connors says fine, he’ll just beat Akira more.

Connors drags Akira up, and he gives POINT-BLANK HIPS! A reference back to his #WildHips team with Taguchi. Akira CHOPS, Connors CHOPS and then Connors whips Akira hard into a corner! Akira writhes on the mat and Gedo says he should just give up already. Connors looms over Akira, brings him up, and CLUBS him on the back. Connors whips but Akira avoids the powerslam. Akira BOOTS Connors, runs in to wheelbarrow, but Connors turns that into a WHEELBARROW GERMAN! Fans fire up and Connors sits Akira up. Akira endures the chinlock with a knee in his back, and he fights to his feet.

Akira throws elbows but Connors snap suplexes him! Connors pushes Akira down, lines up the shot, and drops an elbow! “That’s what I’m talking about!” Connors sits Akira back up for the chinlock. Akira fights up again, throws body shots, but Connors snapmares him back into the chinlock. Akira endures again, fights up again, and throws more elbows. Connors CLUBS him down! Akira roars and rises, to ENZIGURI! Fans fire up and Akira runs, but Connors goes the other way! But Akira ducks the Pounce! Connors flies into ropes! Fans fire up, Connors runs up, but Akira dodges to fire off forearms!

Connors swings, misses, and Akira fires more forearms! And a DOUBLE CHOP! Akira powers up, but Connors ROCKS him back! Connors runs, but Akira follows and wheelbarrows to victory roll, STOMP 182! Fans fire up while Connors sputters to the corner. Akira runs corner to corner to SHOTGUN Connors! And then Akira brings Connors around, “IKU ZO!” Akira runs, dodges, RANAS and Connors flops out of the ring! Akira PLANCHAS! Direct hit and fans fire up more! Akira keeps going, he puts Connors back in! Akira goes up to CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Connors is in this but the fans rally behind “A! KI-RA!”

Akira and Connors rise, and Akira reels Connors in. Connors fights free but Akira dropkicks the legs out! Akira goes to a corner, runs in, but into a POWERSLAM! Gedo says this is it, and Connors snarls as he goes to a corner. Akira rises, Connors runs in, SPEAR- SUNSET FLIP! TWO!! Akira stands, spins Connors to a rolling leg cradle! TWO!! Akira SUPERKICKS, fires up, runs, but into a SPEAR!! Connors hurries to bring Akira up, NO CHASER!! Cover, Connors wins!

Winner: Clark Connors, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Akira gains 0)

Connors puts out the fire and takes Akira’s spot at the top! Will the Nova Fireball be able to heat back up next round? Will the BOSJ 30 be 100 Proof?


Best of the Super Juniors 30, A Block: Lio Rush VS DOUKI!

The Bad Child is the ONLY undefeated 4-0 man in the BOSJ! Will he keep that streak going against Japones Del Mal? Or will Douki win big for Just5Guys?

The bell rings and Douki rushes in, but Lio dodges! Lio kicks, kicks and ENZIGURIS! Douki bails out, Lio builds speed and DIVES! Direct hit at the ramp and fans fire up! Lio puts Douki in, but Douki builds speed to DIVE! Direct hit in return! Fans fire up while both men are down! Douki brings Lio around and into the ring and fans applaud. Douki goes up top, leaps, but Lio avoids the diving stomps! Lio rolls Douki up, spins and BASEMENT ENZIGURI! Fans applaud again while Lio catches his breath. Lio encourages the fans to get louder, then he brings Douki up. Douki fights the lift, but both men kick low.

Lio throws hands, he reels Douki in again, but Douki again fights the lift with punches. Douki has Lio in a corner and claws at his eyes! The ref reprimands, Douki lets off and he whips Lio corner to corner. Lio reverses, runs in to clothesline, then whips side to side. Douki dodges to come back and CLOBBER Lio! Fans fire up, Douki brings Lio around to swing and SAHARAWI! Bridging cover, TWO! Fans rally up and Douki goes to the apron. Douki aims as Lio rises, and Douki slingshots, but Lio blocks Daybreak! Lio suplexes, SPINNING FISHERMAN BUSTER! Cover, TWO! Douki is still in this and Lio grows frustrated.

Lio pounds the mat, fans rally behind him, and Lio says it is time! Lio runs, but Douki anchors a foot! Douki trips Lio, wheelbarrows, but Lio mule kicks him away. Douki comes back, Lio dodges and SPANISH FLIES! Lio hurries to a corner and climbs up! FINAL HOUR into the ITALIAN STRETCH #32! Lio gets caught, reaches out, but Douki rolls him away! ITALIAN STRETCH #32, but Lio jackknife bridges! TWO, and Douki swings. Lio dodges, fires off a strike fest, then runs. Douki ducks to SNAP DRAGON SUPLEX! Fans fire up and Douki roars! Douki wheelbarrows and lifts, but Lio fights the full nelson!

Douki CLUBS and ENZIGURIS Lio down! Douki tries again, but Lio scrambles to ropes! The ref counts, Douki CLUBS Lio but Lio refuses to let go. Douki keeps pulling, Lio uses that momentum to swing around and sunset flip! High stack, TWO, into ITALIAN STRETCH 32!! Lio is caught and fans fire up! Lio fights around, reaches out, drags Douki with him, but Douki rolls Lio away again! ITALIAN STRETCH, but Lio rolls! Douki makes it a cover, TWO!! Back to ITALIAN STRETCH 32!! Lio VERBALLY QUITS, DOUK WINS!!!

Winner: Douki, by submission (gains 2 points; Lio gains 0)

Incredible!! Douki defeats the undefeated!! Granted, Lio is still the leader in the block and Douki is still stuck in the middle, but could this lead to quite the change in the block?


Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: Yoshinobu Kanemaru VS Robbie Eagles w/ Kosei Fujita!

The Heel Master fell to 2-2 against the Way of the Grandmaster, but The Sniper is still aiming for the top spot. Will Kanemaru take that shot away from Eagles? Or will he learn why The Mighty Don’t Kneel?

As soon as Kanemaru’s in the ring, he attacks Eagles! Just5Guys must be fired up after Douki’s big win! Kanemaru stomps Eagles all around, the bell rings, and Kanemaru just keeps stomping! Kanemaru whips, Eagles hurdles and then RANAS Kanemaru out! Fans rally up and Eagles builds speed, but Kanemaru moves. Eagles backflips off the ropes, then DIVES out the side, onto to get Fujita! Eagles apologizes, but then Kanemaru attacks Eagles! Kanemaru SMACKS Eagles off the apron, brings him around, and hits a SHIN BREAKER! Then Kanemaru SLAMS the bad leg into the post! Eagles falls and the ref reprimands but fans rally up.

Kanemaru slides into the ring and he waits on Eagles. The ring count starts and Eagles stirs. Eagles rises but the bad leg keeps him down. The count passes 10 of 20 as Eagles continues to hobble. Eagles manages to get in at 14 but Kanemaru whips Eagles and dropkicks the leg! Then he SMASHES it on the mat! Eagles scrambles to ropes but Kanemaru puts him in a corner. Kanemaru stands on the bad leg, the ref calls the break, then counts. Kanemaru lets off at 4, and he stomps the leg again! Kanemaru stomps the leg, but Eagles CHOPS! And CHOPS! But Kanemaru just stomps the bad leg again!

Kanemaru steps through, ties up the legs, CROSS HEEL LEGLOCK! Eagles endures Kanemaru’s unique hold and the fans rally up. Eagles crawls forward, drags Kanemaru along, and gets the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Kanemaru lets go at 4. He didn’t even pretend not to know how this time. Kanemaru stomps Eagles around, taunts him, gives him toying kicks, then brings Eagles up. Kanemaru grabs the bad leg for another SHIN BREAKER! Fans rally while Eagles writhes but Kanemaru looms over him. Kanemaru stomps the bad leg, fans rally for Eagles, but Kanemaru stands him up, just to kick the bad leg again.

Kanemaru whips corner to corner and Eagles barely makes it there. Kanemaru runs in to BOOT Eagles down! Eagles throws body shots and a kick, but Kanemaru kicks the leg! Kanemaru runs, but Eagles avoids the slide! Eagles kicks, Kanemaru ducks and kicks back. Kanemaru scoops but Eagles slips off to ROLLING CHOP BLOCK! Eagles then runs to BLINDSIDER! Both men are down and fans fire up. Eagles clutches his leg but he hobbles back up. Fans rally and Eagles KICKS Kanemaru in the chest! And again, and again! Eagles runs, LEG LARIAT! Kanemaru goes to the corner, Eagles runs in, and DOUBLE KNEES!

Eagles rolls back but the bad leg slows him down! Kanemaru BOOTS Eagles, but then Eagles LOW 619s! And then METEORAS! Eagles hobbles back, clutching the leg, but he drags Kanemaru from the corner. Eagles covers, TWO! Kanemaru is still in this but Eagles vows to end this. Eagles brings Kanemaru up but Kanemaru fights the Asai DDT. Eagles ROCKS Kanemaru, cravats again, but Kanemaru kicks the bad leg! Kanemaru grabs the leg again, but Eagles turns shin breaker into sunset flip! TWO! Kanemaru swings, misses, Eagles schoolboys with a bridge! TWO, Kanemaru kicks, but Eagles blocks!

Eagles fires off shots, picks Kanemaru up, and flying-mares him over! No backpack, but Kanemaru victory rolls! TWO, and Kanemaru steps through! FIGURE FOUR!! Fans fire up while Eagles endures! Kanemaru thrashes around, Eagles reaches out, and Eagles works to turn the hold over. Kanemaru keeps it stuck where it is but Eagles keeps fighting! ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Kanemaru lets off slowly and the fans rally up again. Kanemaru drags Eagles up, has the leg again, but Eagles fights the lift with elbows! Kanemaru kicks the leg out! And then suplexes, but Eagles slips free!

Eagles shoves Kanemaru to a corner, runs in, but is put on the apron. The leg jabs! Kanemaru kicks the leg! But Eagles still GAMANGIRIS in return! Eagles aims, springboards, and MISSILE DROPKICKS Kanemaru’s legs! Both men are down again and the fans fire back up! Eagles fires up and hobbles over. Eagles steps through but Kanemaru kicks him away. Eagles comes back, but Kanemaru blocks the Trigger! Kanemaru runs, tilt-o-whirls, but Eagles blocks the DDT! Eagles manages to power Kanemaru around to a fireman’s carry, and the TURBO BACKPACK!! But the bad leg won’t let him make the cover! Eagles crawls to the pin, TWO!!

Fans fire up, Eagles takes aim and runs in, TRIGGER KICK!! Cover, Eagles wins!!

Winner: Robbie Eagles, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Kanemaru gains 0)

Even with one leg, the Sniper still hits the mark! Will Eagles continue to fly towards the top, damaged as he is?


Best of the Super Juniors 30, A Block: Titán VS Mike Bailey!

Both men are 3-1, but one is on the rise while the other is on the downfall. Will El Inmortal stay alive? Or will the Speedball rebound in the fifth?

The bell rings and the two circle. Fans rally up and duel, and Mike encourages them to get louder. They cheer for “BAILEY! BAILEY!” but there’s also “TI-TA-NN! TI-TA-NN!” The dueling chants continue as each man gets the fans on their side. Mike applauds and he offers a handshake. Titan takes it and fans applaud the sportsmanship. They circle, feel things out, and then Mike trips Titan. Things speed up, Mike handsprings over and then sidesteps. Mike then hurdles, Titan leaps over, and Mike kips up. Titan avoids the boot to RANA! Mike bails out and fans fire up as Titan builds speed!

Mike moves so Titan rolls and flips! Mike comes running back in to JUMP KICK Titan down! Fans fire up and Mike feels the energy. Mike follows Titan around the way, kicks him low and then CHOPS him at the ramp! Mike brings Titan around and into the ring, and fans applaud again. Mike encourages them to get louder, then he brings Titan up. Mike whips Titan corner to corner, runs in and BOOTS! Then he scoops to SLAM Titan, and he goes up the corner. Fans rally as Mike DOUBLE KNEE DROPS! Cover, TWO! Titan is still in this but Mike keeps his cool. Mike waits on Titan as the fans rally up.

Titan stands, into a CHOP! Titan CHOPS back! Mike CHOPS again! Titan CHOPS again! They CHOP and CHOP and CHOP and fans fire up! Mike eggs Titan on, Titan roars and CHOPS again and again and again! Mike fires off the lightning kicks! And he tops it off with the ENZIGURI! Fans fire up and Titan flounders to a corner. Mike storms over, brings Titan up, and CHOPS again! Titan sputters and the fans rally. Mike hears them, and he brings Titan up to whip. Titan reverses but Mike holds ropes. Titan runs in but is put on the apron. Titan GAMANGIRIS back, then springboards to CROSSBODY!

Titan keeps going but Mike kicks and whips. Titan reverses but Mike denies the tornado! SOBAT! AX KICK! ROUNDHOUSE! Fans fire up and Mike takes aim, SHOOTING STAR FLOPS as Titan moves! Titan then goes to ropes. Mike blocks the boot, CHOPS Titan and whips, but Titan reverses to TORNADO DDT! Fans fire up but Mike flops out of the ring. Fans fire up and Titan builds speed, but Mike trips him! Mike gets in, builds speed, and WRECKS Titan with a dropkick! Mike hurries to put Titan back in but Titan gets moving, and Titan DIVES! Direct hit in front of commentary!

Titan hurries to put Mike back in, but Mike is up to BOOT him down! Mike triangle jump QUEBRADAS! Another direct hit and Mike puts Titan in the ring. Mike climbs a corner, but Titan GAMANGIRIS him down! Titan builds speed and he FLIES! Direct hit again!! Fans are thunderous while both men are down at commentary’s feet! A ring count starts, both men are still down at 7 of 20. Titan sits up at 10, fans rally as hard as they can, and Titan crawls around at 15. Commentary tells him to hurry! We’re at 18! Titan and Mike slide in at 19.5!! Titan hurries to the apron, and up the corner, but Mike shoves him down!

Titan gets up, runs back in but Mike dodges to throw Titan down by his mask! Titan kips up to PELE! Mike is on the apron, Titan slingshots but Mike avoids the stomps! Leg sweep! Mike hurries out to the apron, has the leg, and then decides to BACKFLIP KNEE DROP!! Direct hit and Titan flops to the floor! Mike hurries to put Titan back in and he goes up the corner! Fans rally as Mike aims, ULTIMA- NO, Titan moves and Mike rolls through. Titan runs in, Mike wheelbarrows to victory roll, TWO! Titan has it, TWO! Titan has a leg and steps through! But Mike kicks him away, and then catches him for a cradle! TWO!!

The fans are thunderous again as this continues! Titan hurries up, but into a ROUNDHOUSE! THRUST KICK! Mike aims and powers up, TATSUMAKI- BOOT! SOBAT! KICK! JUMPING SOBAT!! Fans are thunderous again as Titan hurries back to a corner! Titan skins the cat, but TATSUMAKI SENPUKKU! And then, the tuck, lift, FLAMINGO DRIVER!!! Cover, Mike wins!!

Winner: Mike Bailey, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Titán gains 0)

A truly fast and furious fight of constant motion, and in the end, Speedball smiles as the victor! Mike shows Titan respect by shaking his hand, will these two get to go again in the semifinals?


Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: Master Wato VS Dan Moloney!

The Way of the Grandmaster overcame the Heel Master, but he’s still just 2-2, same as #DaDrilla. Will Wato find a way to keep the momentum going? Or will “Dangerous Gaijin Dan” conquer him for the United Empire?

Dan attacks Wato during the ref’s check! The bell rings as Dan stomps away! The fans rally up and Dan throws up the crown. Dan CLUBS Wato, kicks him around, but Wato kicks back! Wato kicks more but Dan UPPERCUTS! Wato goes to ropes, Dan storms up and he whips Wato to ropes. Dan hurdles, drops, but Wato avoids the dropkick! Wato turns Dan over, body scissors, but Dan slips free to suplex and BRAINBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up but Dan mocks the Wato pose. Dan stomps Wato around, kicks him in the back, and watches Wato writhe. Wato goes to ropes, Dan drags him up, and snapmares to kick again!

Dan wraps on a body scissors to squeeze! Wato endures, moves around, and fans rally. Dan pulls hair, the ref reprimands, and Wato fights forward to the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts and Dan lets go, “apologizing” to the ref. Dan drags Wato up, hits a BIG back suplex, then covers. TWO and fans rally up. Dan grows frustrated and asks, “This your guy?” Dan drags Wato up to HEADBUTT him down! Dan looms over Wato, brings him up, and kicks! And CHOPS! And kicks! And CHOPS! And kicks but Wato blocks! Dan CHOPS free, then reels Wato in. Wato fights the back suplex and gets to a corner.

Dan runs in but Wato BOOTS him! Wato BULLDOGS! Fans fire up and Wato brings Dan up. Dan swings, misses, and Wato ZIGZAGS! Fans rally up while both men are down. Wato goes to the corner, then the apron. Dan stands, Wato springboards, FLYING UPPERCUT! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up, Wato brings Dan up and reels him in to waistlock. Dan fights the lift, but Wato CLUBS him on the back! Wato CLUBS him again, then whips. Dan reverses and DROPKICKS Wato down! Fans rally up while both men are down. Dan rises and throws up the crown, then he waistlocks Wato. Wato fights the lift, switches, but Dan fights the lift!

Dan switches, spins Wato around and CHOPS him down! Fans rally, Dan builds speed, and he GORES Wato down!! Cover, TWO!!! Wato survives and the fans rally back up. Wato and Dan rise, Dan brings Wato in, “ABUNAI GAIJIN!” But Wato slips free of the bomb! Dan CHOPS him, but Wato roars! Dan runs in but Wato sunset flips the Gore! TWO, into VENDAVAL!! Dan is caught, but he moves around and reaches out to the ROPEBREAK! Wato lets go quickly and fans fire up again. Wato drags Dan up, hooks him, but Dan fights free. Dan DOUBLE CHOPS! Wato staggers, but he grits his teeth, only for Dan to ENZIGURI!

But Wato stays up to SCREW HIGH KICK! TUTENKAKU! Cover, Wato wins!

Winner: Master Wato, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Moloney gains 0)

Da Drilla gets dropped, and Wato has now conquered the United Empire in the B Block! Will nothing stop the Way of the Grandmaster from making his way to the top?


Best of the Super Juniors 30, A Block: KUSHIDA VS Taiji Ishimori!

The Timesplitter finally got a win, but he’s still got a long way to go if he wants to be a semifinalist. Will he make it through the Bone Soldier? Or will he see #ItsReborn?

The bell rings and the two circle. Fans rally up for “KU-SHI-DA!” as he and Taiji tie up. They’re in a deadlock, Kushida gets around but Taiji switches. Kushida switches, Taiji switches, repeat again and again and again, until Kushida arm-drags Taiji away. Fans applaud that opening exchange, and the two reset quickly. Kushida shoots in but Taiji avoids the drop toehold. They feel things out, knuckle lock, and Kushida breaks one to wrench and trip Taiji to a standing toehold. Taiji rolls over but Kushida shifts to a headlock. Taiji powers up and out, but Kushida RAMS him! Taiji comes back, into a drop toehold!

Kushida wrenches the arm and wristlocks again. Kushida wrangles Taiji then steps over to drop a knee on the elbow! Kushida keeps on Taiji with a keylock, but moves around. Kushida wraps Taiji up in a half straitjacket, then has an armlock. Taiji fights up, but Kushida wrenches and CHOPS! Kushida stands Taiji up to CHOP him down again! And then he CHOPS Taiji down again! Kushida brings Taiji up again, but Taiji rakes the eyes! Red Shoes reprimands but Taiji runs in at the corner. Kushida elbows him away, goes up and FLYING KNEES the arm! Cover, TWO! Kushida drags Taiji around and crosses the arms!

Kushida knees on Taiji to trap the arms, and drops back to SNAP the lock! Taiji endures, but Kushida adds the legs to this! Hog tie cradle, TWO! But Kushida still has Taiji’s arms so he SNAPS the lock again! Kushida then shifts around, grinds Taiji down, but Taiji fights up. Kushida wraps the arm around the ropes but Red Shoes counts. Kushida lets off, brings Taiji around, and hits an ELBOW BREAKER! Kushida then runs in at the corner but is put on the apron, and Taiji HOTSHOTS Kushida’s arm! Fans fire up while Kushida flops back into the ring. Red Shoes checks Kushida, and Taiji goes to his corner to untie the buckle pad.

The Bullet Club Special comes into play as Taiji wrenches Kushida. Taiji has Kushida’s arm around ropes, but lets off as Red Shoes reprimands. Taiji whips, YANKS and wrenches, to then WRING the arm out! Fans rally as Taiji wraps Kushida in a cobra twist. Kushida endures, fights up, but Taiji ripcords to RAM him! And then hammerlock and BACKSTABBER! Fans cheer the technical savagery while Kushida bails out. The fans rally, Taiji pursues Kushida, and he grabs at him through the corner. But Kushida uses that to YANK Taiji into the post! Fans rally as Kushida rolls back into the ring and Taiji pursues.

Taiji stomps Kushida, shakes out his arm, and storms up on Kushida. Kushida CHOPS, but Taiji CLUBS him. Taiji wrenches Kushida’s arm and hammerlocks, to POST Kushida in the open corner! Red Shoes reprimands but there’s no changing it now. Taiji hammerlocks, half nelsons, lifts and SHOULDER BUSTERS! Fans rally while Kushida writhes, and Taiji aims from the corner. Kushida stands, Taiji runs in, and Kushida elbows him! Taiji avoids the low kick to basement dropkick! Fans rally up again as Kushida goes to the corner. Taiji runs in, Kushida BOOTS him then ENZIGURIS! Taiji runs back in, but into a BUCKLE SHOT!!

Fans fire up while Taiji clutches his nose! Kushida fires up, runs in at the corner and SHOTEIS! Kushida whips Taiji, hip tosses, then cartwheels to basement dropkick! Fans fire up and Kushida aims again. Kushida jumps on but Taiji slips around. Taiji waistlocks but Kushida mule kicks the leg! Kushida runs in, blocks the boot, and gets the other leg! Kushida flips Taiji off before the DOUBLE LEG DRAGON SCREW! Fans fire up while Taiji writhes. Kushida climbs up top, leaps, DIVING KNEE DROP on the bad leg!

Kushida then goes to another corner, climbs up top, and he DIVING KNEE DROPS again! Kushida steps through, has the leg, HEEL HOOK KNEEBAR COMBO!! Taiji endures, fans rally up, and Taiji reaches out! Taiji crawls, drags Kushida along, but Kushida drags him away! HEEL HOOK KNEEBAR!! Taiji endures, flails, reaches out, and gets the ROPEBREAK! Red Shoes counts, Kushida lets off, and fans rally up. Kushida aims from the corner, runs in around the way and DROPKICKS the bad arm! Kushida then tilt-o-whirls, but Taiji blocks the Hoverboard into CIPHER UTAKI! Fans fire up while both men are down!

Taiji sits up and beats his bad leg into working. Taiji aims his finger gun and says BANG. He drags Kushida up, but Kushida fights the lift. Taiji shifts to get the BONE LOCK!! Kushida slips around, drags Taiji up, BLADE- NO, Taiji slips out, but Kushida spins to ROLLING ELBOW! Taiji fires off a flurry, then runs, but into a BOOT! Kushida hits BLADERUNNER!!! Cover, TWO!! But into BONE LOCK?!? Kushida is using the Bullet Club’s moves against Taiji! Taiji endures, Kushida struggles to keep the grip, and the fans rally up hard as ever! Taiji fights and rolls Kushida to a cover, TWO!! Kushida stands, Taiji tilt-o-whirls to MYSTICA!

But Kushida slips out! Taiji and Kushida fight for control, going around and around and around with headlocks! Taiji gets the BONE LOCK!!! Kushida fights to the ROPEBREAK!! Taiji lets go but brings Kushida in, 19- NO, Kushida fights the lift, but Taiji powers through! 1916!!! Cover, TWO?!?! Taiji can’t believe it but Kushida survives! Fans rally up again as both men stir. Taiji gets to ropes, takes aim again, and BANG! He drags Kushida up, BLOODY- NO, Kushida wrenches out and leaps on! HOVERBOARD!! Taiji endures as Kushida thrashes, and then Taiji suplexes out! BLOODY CROSS!!! But he can’t cover from the bad leg hurting him!

Taiji crawls to Kushida and covers, Taiji wins!!

Winner: Taiji Ishimori, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Kushida gains 0)

The Timesplitter pushed the Bone Soldier to his limits, but Taiji came out on top! Taiji is keeping pace with Speedball and the Bad Child, will he overtake them in the end?


Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: El Desperado VS YOH!

The Rogue Luchador grounded The Jet while the Direct Drive made it past 100 Proof. But who wins big here in the main event of round five?

Yoh mirrors Desperado as he makes his entrance, but Desperado ignores it. The bell rings and fans rally up. The fans start to duel, “DE-SU-PE!” “YO-OH! YO-OH!” Yoh and Desperado circle, tie up, and are in a deadlock. Yoh pushes Desperado back to the ropes, Red Shoes calls the break, and Yoh rolls back. Yoh again copies Desperado, and Desperado rushes in. Yoh dodges him, then smacks him on the head. Fans cheer as Yoh drums on Desperado’s head while calling him “BAKA BAKA BAKA! <Dummy dummy dummy!>” Desperado SLAPS Yoh back! Desperado then scoops and SLAMS Yoh, and Yoh flounders his way out of the ring!

Desperado pursues, stomps Yoh down in front of commentary, and now Desperado wants to move. Desperado drags Yoh up, whips him in and BOWLS Yoh through the chairs! If Connors rolled a strike earlier, then this is definitely a strike! Desperado drags Yoh out of the chairs, fans rally up, and Desperado brings Yoh around. Desperado CLUBS Yoh, then POSTS- NO! You slings around the post to get into the ring! Desperado rushes up but Yoh DROPKICKS him back down! Fans fire up and Yoh encourages them to get louder. They oblige, Yoh fakes the plancha, and then wags his finger. Desperado swipes at Yoh, Yoh PLANCHAS after all!

Fans fire up with Yoh and he struts around. Yoh stomps Desperado, brings him up and POSTS him hard! The ring count is climbing, Yoh SMASHES Desperado’s knee on the floor! Yoh puts Desperado in at 17, hurries and SMASHES the knee again! Yoh mocks Desperado’s pain and fans rally up. Yoh stands on Desperado’s leg but Desperado chops from below. The chops aren’t strong, though, and Yoh eggs Desperado on. Desperado throws more chops, but Yoh stomps the leg! Yoh digs his heel in, mocks “DE-SU-PE!” chants, and tells Desperado not to disappoint his fans. Then he stomps the leg again!

Desperado goes to ropes, Yoh runs in to dropkick the leg! Desperado bails out and Yoh slowly rolls out, but then rolls in, then just kinda goofs around under the bottom rope. Desperado slides in but Yoh stomps away on him! Fans applaud the aggression and Yoh drags Desperado up. Desperado throws body shots! And a CHOP! And another CHOP! Yoh kicks the bad leg, then brings Desperado around for a NECKBREAKER! Cover, ONE!! Yoh is surprised, and he literally pushes Desperado around and eggs him on. Yoh toys with Desperado and dares him to hit back. Desperado stands, but then Yoh kicks the bad leg!

Yoh has the leg, wraps it around the ropes and pulls! Desperado shouts, Red Shoes counts and Yoh lets off at 4. Yoh whips Desperado corner to corner but Desperado barely makes it. Desperado turns around, into a dropkick to the leg! Yoh steps through to have a toehold! Desperado pulls Yoh’s hair but Yoh just pulls the leg! Fans rally, Yoh ties up the legs in an INDIAN DEATHLOCK! Yoh eggs Desperado on, Desperado CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS! Yoh “falls back” to put on the pressure! A very Desperado move! Yoh sits back up, he eggs Desperado on again, and then he grabs Desperado’s arm to make Desperado hit him! Yoh comically falls back again!

Desperado endures, crawls and reaches back, ROPEBREAK! Yoh lets go and gives childish kicks to Desperado’s back. Desperado is getting annoyed with Yoh now and he glares as he stands up. Desperado CHOPS, but Yoh shrugs it off. Desperado CHOPS again and that one stings. Yoh comes back with another grin but Desperado CHOPS! Yoh kicks the bad leg, whips, but Desperado blocks! Yoh kicks again, whips, but Desperado reveres and scoops, BIG back suplex! Fans fire up while both men are down again. Desperado stands, Yoh goes to a corner, and Desperado runs in to clothesline! Desperado reels Yoh in for a high and hard suplex!

Fans fire up and Desperado stands on Yoh. Desperado steps off, gets Yoh’s leg, and YANKS it, to then SPLASH down on it! Desperado steps through to drop a leg on the leg! And now Desperado has the INDIAN DEATHLOCK! Desperado dares Yoh to do something now! Yoh throws forearms and CHOPS, and Desperado “falls back” to put on the pressure! Desperado makes Yoh suffer while resting his own bad leg. Desperado says Yoh was all talk a second ago. Desperado stands to put pressure on the hold, but Yoh scrambles to the ROPEBREAK! Desperado lets off, but “Oops!” he drops a knee on the knee.

Fans fire up for Desperado and he drags Yoh up. Gut wrench, GUITARRA DEL- NO, Yoh slips free! But Yoh’s leg jams! Desperado shrugs, drags him up, but Yoh fights the back suplex to get around, SNAP GERMAN SUPLEX! And then a FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO!! Desperado survives and Yoh grows frustrated but the fans continue to rally. Yoh hobbles up, goes to Desperado and brings him into a full nelson. Desperado fights his way to the ropes! Red Shoes counts, Yoh lets go, but he CHOP BLOCKS! Yoh whips, Desperado reverses and reels Yoh in, SPINEBUSTER! High stack, TWO, into STRETCH MUFFLER!

Yoh endures and reaches out as Desperado thrashes! Yoh reaches, crawls, but Desperado drags Yoh from ropes! Desperado gets an arm, NUMERO DOS!! Yoh keeps fighting with his one free arm, and gets the ROPEBREAK! Desperado lets go quickly and the fans rally up more. Desperado drags Yoh up, gut wrenches, GUITARRA DEL ANGEL!! Cover, TWO!! Desperado put some stank on that one but Yoh still survives. Desperado hobbles up, goes to a corner, and climbs up! FROG SPLASH FLOPS as Yoh moves! Yoh CHOP BLOCKS the leg again! Yoh reels Desperado in, hoists him up, and DROPS him on the knees!

Yoh jackknife rolls through to have the STARGAZER!! Desperado endures Yoh’s take on the calf killer, reaches out, but Yoh drags him away! Desperado flails, the fans rally as hard as they can, and Desperado still crawls forward! But Yoh traps both legs! Desperado lurches forward, ROPEBREAK!! Yoh lets go in frustration and the fans rally again. Yoh fires up and the fans fire up with him! Yoh drags Desperado up, underhooks, but Desperado fights! Desperado reaches out, Yoh keeps him from ropes, but Desperado still tries! Yoh spins him around, full nelsons, but Desperado breaks the grip! Yoh tries again but Desperado still fights!

Yoh shoves Desperado onto the ropes, gets the bad leg, REVERSE DRAGON SCREW! And then suplex, to FALCON GOROSHI! Fans rally harder and harder while both men are down! Yoh waistlocks, he drags Desperado up, full nelsons, and DRAGON SUPLEXES!! Bridging cover, TWO!!! Desperado survives and Yoh can’t believe it! Yoh pounds the mat, the fans rally back up, and Yoh drags Desperado up. Underhooks, but Desperado wrenches out to dropkick Yoh’s legs! Yoh clutches the knee and writhes on the mat! Yoh crawls after Desperado, brings him back up, but Desperado has the leg! SHIN BREAKER! And another dropkick to the leg!

Both men are down again and the fans rally back up. Desperado slaps himself and fires up! Desperado brings Yoh up, reels him in, but Yoh kicks the bad leg! Desperado CHOPS! Yoh ROLLING ELBOWS! Desperado ROCKS Yoh, then LOCO MONO! But Yoh SUPERKICKS!! Both men are down again and fans are thunderous! The dueling of “DE-SU-PE!” and “YO-OH!” is strong as Desperado reaches up to sit up. Yoh crawls after him, gets the arms, stands up, but Desperado fights the lift! Desperado spins Yoh around and around, underhooks, and PINCHE- NO! Yoh fights that off! They struggle for control, and Yoh has the wrists!

Yoh kisses Desperado on the forehead? Desperado swings on Yoh but misses, and Yoh ripcords to FINAL FLASH KNEE! Fans are thunderous again and Yoh drags himself up with the ropes. Yoh roars and the fans are with him again! Yoh drags Desperado up, underhooks, DIRECT DRIVE!!! Cover, YOH WINS!!

Winner: Yoh, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Desperado gains 0)

The Rogue Luchador could not make heads or tails of Yoh’s behavior tonight, and that cost him! Will this loss also cost him a spot in the semifinals? Yoh helps Desperado sit up and offers him a handshake. Desperado takes it to show respect. But then he BITES Yoh’s hand! So much for respect. But as Desperado leaves, Yoh blows a kiss, gives a thumbs down, and gets the mic. Yoh lies down to rest as he says, “Hey, Sendai… I’m home.” Fans cheer and Yoh asks them if they like what they saw. They cheer because they did! Do they like Junior Heavyweight pro-wrestling? They cheer because they do!

Yoh crawls to the apron and asks if the fans love NJPW. They fans cheer because they do! Yoh thanks them, and says HE will be the Best of the Super Juniors! Fans cheer, and then Yoh says that Desperado really fought his heart out, so he’s thankful to him. And so like he said before, Yoh is going to STUN THE WORLD! Direct Drive is building up the energy, will he speed up and take the block?


Here are the NEW A Block standings!

Lio Rush: 4-1, 8 points
Taiji Ishimori: 4-1, 8 points
Mike Bailey: 4-1, 8 points
Hiromu Takahashi: 3-2, 6 points
Titán: 3-2, 6 points
TJP: 3-2, 6 points
DOUKI: 2-3, 4 points
SHO: 1-4, 2 points
KUSHIDA: 1-4, 2 points
Ryusuke Taguchi: 0-5, 0 points


Here are the NEW B Block standings!

Robbie Eagles: 4-1, 8 points
YOH: 3-2, 6 points
El Desperado: 3-2, 6 points
Clark Connors: 3-2, 6 points
Master Wato: 3-2, 6 points
Francesco Akira: 3-2, 6 points
Dan Moloney: 2-3, 4 points
Yoshinobu Kanemaru: 2-3, 4 points
Kevin Knight: 2-3, 4 points
BUSHI: 0-5, 0 points

My Thoughts:

A great fifth round, great action, but not as much in the shocker department. Douki winning against Lio was massive, though. Even with Douki not that high on the block, that is huge for him as an individual, and now Lio being the one and only is just gone. He’s back tied with Taiji and Speedball, who both had awesome matches. I really would love to see Titan and Mike go another round in the semifinals or something, but who knows how things shake out.

My Score: 8.7/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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