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Mitchell’s NJPW Best of the Super Juniors Results & Report! (5/18/23)

Round 6, FIGHT!




Best of the Super Juniors 30: 66% Complete.

Best of the Super Juniors hits the two-thirds mark, and it is still anyone’s game! Who pulls away as we enter the homestretch?


  • Best of the Super Juniors 30, A Block: Mike Bailey VS DOUKI; Bailey wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: Yoshinobu Kanemaru VS BUSHI; Bushi wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 30, A Block: Ryusuke Taguchi VS TJP; TJP wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: Kevin Knight VS Dan Moloney; Knight wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 30, A Block: Taiji Ishimori VS SHO; Sho wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: El Desperado VS Clark Connors; Desperado wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 30, A Block: Lio Rush VS Titán; Titán wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: YOH VS Francesco Akira; Yoh wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 30, A Block: KUSHIDA VS Hiromu Takahashi; Hiromu wins.
  • Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: Master Wato VS Robbie Eagles; Wato wins.


Here are the current A Block standings.

Lio Rush: 4-1, 8 points
Taiji Ishimori: 4-1, 8 points
Mike Bailey: 4-1, 8 points
Hiromu Takahashi: 3-2, 6 points
Titán: 3-2, 6 points
TJP: 3-2, 6 points
DOUKI: 2-3, 4 points
SHO: 1-4, 2 points
KUSHIDA: 1-4, 2 points
Ryusuke Taguchi: 0-5, 0 points


Here are the current B Block standings.

Robbie Eagles: 4-1, 8 points
YOH: 3-2, 6 points
El Desperado: 3-2, 6 points
Clark Connors: 3-2, 6 points
Master Wato: 3-2, 6 points
Francesco Akira: 3-2, 6 points
Dan Moloney: 2-3, 4 points
Yoshinobu Kanemaru: 2-3, 4 points
Kevin Knight: 2-3, 4 points
BUSHI: 0-5, 0 points


Best of the Super Juniors 30, A Block: Mike Bailey VS DOUKI!

Speedball is near the top of the block, but Japones Del Mal is coming off bringing down Lio Rush! Will Douki do it all again? Or will Mike Bailey get his kicks in round six?

The bell rings and the fans are fired up already. Mike gets the fans to get even louder, and the fans duel, “BAILEY!” “DOUKI!” “BAILEY!” “DOUKI!” They circle, tie up, and Douki waistlocks. Mike wrenches out, hammerlocks, then headlocks. Douki wrenches out, headlocks back, but Mike fights to a waistlock. Douki wrenches out again, has a wristlock, but Mike rolls, handsprings and wrenches back to then spin Douki around and arm-drags! Fans applaud while Mike has the armlock. Douki fights up, gets to ropes, and the ref counts the break. Mike lets off, but Douki kicks him low. Douki whips but Mike reverses.

Mike hurdles, drops, then KICKS Douki down! Fans fire up for that exchange while Douki sputters. Douki gets up, rushes in, but Mike dodges to fire lightning kicks! Mike tops it off with an ENZIGURI! Fans fire up while Douki bails out. Mike builds speed but Douki gets up, so Mike BOOTS him back down! Mike then triangle- NO, Douki intercepts him at the corner, to SLINGSHOT NECKBREAKER! Fans fire up and Mike flounders to ropes. Douki drags him up, whips him to ropes then CLOBBER Mike! Cover, TWO! Douki clamps onto Mike with a chinlock and bends him against the knee. Mike endures but Douki shifts to a headscissors hold.

Douki pushes up, Mike endures more, and Mike moves around. Mike reaches out, ROPEBREAK with a foot! Douki lets go quickly and he stomps Mike down. Douki drags Mike up but Mike CHOPS! And ROCKS Douki with a forearm! Douki rakes the eyes, runs, but into a CHOP! Mike swings but Douki ducks and whips. Mike handsprings but Douki dodges! Mike dodges Douki, to SHOTGUN BOOT! Fans fire up again while both men are down! Mike grits his teeth and fans rally. Mike waits on Douki, then SOBATS! AX KICKS! And ROUNDHOUSES! Douki is down and fans fire up for the SHOOTING STAR, into ITALIAN STRETCH #32!

Mike scrambles, ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Douki lets go at 4. Douki brings Mike up, Gory Especials, but Mike fights it! Douki blocks the backslide, turns things back around on Mike, but Mike turns things back onto Douki! They fight for control, Douki Gory Especials but Mike slips out! Mike swings, Douki dodges and Douki LARIATS! Cover, TWO! Mike has a ghost pin! TWO, and Douki ghost pins Mike! TWO!! Mike escapes, fans fire up, and Mike BOOTS Douki from the corner! Mike goes up top and ULTIMA- NO, Douki dodges! Mike rolls through, Douki dodges the spin kick, but Mike sweeps the legs!

Mike PENALTY KICKS! And MOONSAULT KNEE DROPS! Direct hit and fans fire up again! Douki crawls to a corner, Mike takes aim, and TATSUMAKI- NO, Douki blocks the kick! Douki shoves Mike back and BOOTS him! But Mike THRUST KICKS! Mike puts Douki up top, tucks him in, and brings him out, but Douki sunset flips! TWO!! Into ITALIAN STRETCH 32!! Mike endures and fans fire up! Mike moves around, reaches out, but Douki rolls him away! ITALIAN STRETCH 32!! But Mike keeps fighting! Douki rolls to sit on Mike for a cover, TWO!! Douki falls out of the ring! Fans rally up while both men are down!

Mike kips up and fires up, to triangle jump QUEBRADA! Direct hit and fans fire up again! Mike goes up to the apron, but Douki anchors a foot. Douki trips Mike and he lands hard on the apron! Douki hurries up after Mike, wheelbarrows, and full nelsons! Mike fights free, trips Douki, and APRON MOONSAULT KNEE DROP only gets apron! Douki avoids disaster and fans rally up again! Douki aims from the apron as Mike rises, and DAYBREAK!! Cover, TWO!! Mike survives and fans are thunderous! Douki roars and he wheelbarrows again! Full nelson, but Mike breaks free! Mike drops, rolls, but Douki just wheelbarrows again!

Douki goes for the full nelson but Mike arm-drags free! Mike drags Douki around into La Magistrol! TWO!! Douki escapes in time, and he ENZIGURIS! Douki roars, but Mike BOOTS and HEEL KICKS! TATSUMAKI SENPUKKU! Mike goes right up top, for ULTIMA WEAPON!! Cover, Mike wins!!

Winner: Mike Bailey, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Douki earns 0)

An electric start to round six! The Speedball is going strong, will he be a guaranteed semifinalist?


Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: Yoshinobu Kanemaru VS BUSHI!

The Heel Master may have lost to the Sniper, but at least he’s gotten a win by now. Will the Black Mask continue to have bad luck? Or will Bushi sour Kanemaru’s mood even more by becoming a spoiler?

The bell rings and Bushi kicks Kanemaru low! Bushi fires off forearms, whips Kanemaru to ropes, but Kanemaru reverses. Bushi jumps the low dropkick to then dropkick Kanemaru’s leg! Fans cheer and Bushi watches Kanemaru go to a corner. Bushi runs in but Kanemaru dodges. Kanemaru comes back but Bushi SWING KICKS him! Bushi goes up to MISSILE DROPKICK! Fans cheer the Bushirooni! Bushi stomps Kanemaru around, drags him up, and FISHER- NO, Kanemaru spins out of the screw! Kanemaru waistlocks, Bushi resists the lift, so Kanemaru shoves Bushi into the ref! And then ENZIGURIS!

Bushi and the ref go down and Kanemaru dropkicks the legs out! Kanemaru takes advantage of this moment and gets his whiskey! Fans cheer as Kanemaru takes a big swig, but Bushi CODE BREAKERS! The whiskey flies into the air! Bushi gets the whiskey!? Bushi takes a swig, not caring about germs or indirect kiss, and stands Kanemaru up to SPIT in his face! Bushi then goes up the corner, calls his shot, M X!! Bushi shouts to the ref, covers, and WINS!

Winner: Bushi, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Kanemaru earns 0)

Bushi tastes sweet, sweet victory, but also has to get the taste of that whiskey out of his mouth. Will Bushi have some of his favorite drink tonight to celebrate?


Best of the Super Juniors 30, A Block: Ryusuke Taguchi VS TJP!

The Funky Weapon has been serious this year, but it just isn’t working for him. Will he go back to his King of Strange Style ways? Or will it not matter against Public Enemy Number One?

The bell rings and fans rally and duel, “T J P!” “TA-GU-CHI!” The two circle, feel things out, and knuckle lock. They go shoulder to shoulder, Taguchi bends TJP back but TJP slips through, headstands, then rolls to trip Taguchi. TJP has a standing toehold, but Taguchi rolls over and uses his leg to bring TJP down. Taguchi headlocks then wrenches to a wristlock, and fans applaud the technical exchange. Taguchi then trips TJP, has the leg for a standing kneebar, but TJP twisting headscissors! TJP has Taguchi down and fans applaud, but Taguchi moves around. Taguchi headstands much like TJP would, and fans applaud!

Taguchi pops free, and he pats TJP on the knee. Fans cheer as Taguchi shows he can keep up with the youngster. TJP handsprings up and the two reset. They tie up collar ‘n’ elbow, Taguchi puts TJP in a corner, and Taguchi lets off with a CHOP! Taguchi whips corner to corner, TJP goes up and headstands like a gentleman. Taguchi still runs in but TJP headscissors him away! Fans cheer, things speed up, and TJP goes Spider-Man. Taguchi runs in, TJP drops down, but Taguchi fakes him out! Taguchi dropkicks TJP out of the ring! Taguchi then builds speed to baseball slide dropkick! And then PLANCHA! Fans fire up as Taguchi stands tall!

Taguchi brings TJP up and into the ring, and fans applaud the sportsmanship. Taguchi baits TJP into a corner and BOOTS him! Taguchi goes up, jumps, but TJP DROPKICKS the missile hip out of the sky! TJP wags his finger, then brings Taguchi up. TJP scoops to SLAM Taguchi by the ropes, then goes out to SLINGSHOT SENTON! Cover, TWO! Taguchi also grabs the ropes for good measure. TJP brings Taguchi up, snapmares, and hammerlocks an arm before adding the chinlock. Fans rally, Taguchi endures, but TJP shifts to have the arms, SNAP ARMBAR! Taguchi writhes but TJP covers, TWO!

TJP drags Taguchi up, wrenches an arm to an ELBOW BREAKER, then he UPPERCUTS Taguchi to a corner. TJP whips corner to corner, runs in, and back elbows! Taguchi sits down, and fans rally up as TJP starts scrubbing laces on Taguchi’s face! TJP then runs side to side to BOOT WASH! Fans fire up and TJP has them get louder. TJP runs side to side again, but into a HIP ATTACK! TJP ends up on the ropes, Taguchi HIP ATTACKS! And then again! And then Taguchi comes back with a basement dropkick! TJP flops out of the ring, Taguchi triangle jump PLANCHAS! Direct hit, both men go down, and fans fire back up!

The ring count starts, Taguchi stands at 5 of 20 while TJP rises at 6. Taguchi puts TJP in at 9 and fans applaud. Taguchi springboards in, MISSILE HIP! Cover, TWO! Fans rally and Taguchi brings TJP back up. Taguchi chicken wings but TJP RAMS him into a corner! And then throws an elbow! TJP TORNADO- NO, Taguchi denies the DDT to KING KONG LARIAT! Or perhaps, Taguchi Bomber? Fans fire up all the same as Taguchi aims from the corner. “ORYA!” BUM-A-YE! Cover, TWO!! TJP survives but Taguchi doesn’t fret. Fans rally up and Taguchi brings TJP up. Taguchi chicken wings, but TJP resists the lift!

Taguchi CLUBS TJP, tries again, but TJP elbows free. TJP goes to a corner, Taguchi runs in but TJP goes up and over! TORNADO DDT! TJP then hurries up top, for the MAMBA SPLASH!! Cover, TWO!!! Taguchi survives, but TJP steps through to have the PINOY STRETCH!! Taguchi scrambles and reaches out, he drags TJP along, ROPEBREAK! Taguchi still survives and the fans rally back up. TJP drags Taguchi up, throws forearms, but Taguchi hits back. They brawl on their knees, then TJP throws forearms! TJP runs, but Taguchi HIP ATTACKS! Taguchi runs, but TJP JUMP SOBATS! Taguchi rebounds, but swings into an ARMBAR TAKEDOWN!!

Taguchi scrambles, stacks, ONE, and back to PINOY- NO! CRADLE!! TWO!!!! TJP escapes in time, gets around but Taguchi drops! But TJP sits on the cover, TWO!! Taguchi has OH MY GAH ANKLE!!! TJP endures, reaches out, but Taguchi drags him back! And then drops an elbow on the leg! TJP still reaches out, still fights forward, but Taguchi drags him back again! Chicken wings, DODON TO THE THRONE!!! Cover, TWO!?!? OH MY GAH ANKLE!!! TJP endures all over again as Taguchi leans on the hold! Fans are thunderous, but TJP fights up! TJP rolls, but Taguchi sits on the cover! TWO!!!

PINOY STRETCH!!!! TJP has Taguchi caught now!! Taguchi taps, TJP wins!!!

Winner: TJP, by submission (gains 2 points; Taguchi earns 0)

That was a nailbiter, but in the end, TJP takes down Serious Taguchi! As the only 0-6 man, Taguchi is OUT of the running, but will he at least get one win before the end? As for TJP, he is still alive, can he take a spot in the semifinals on behalf of the United Empire?


Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: Kevin Knight VS Dan Moloney!

The Jet is finally taking flight while #DaDrilla is getting back up from another loss. Will Moloney prove he is still one dangerous gaijin? Or will the BOSJ start to run on Knight time?

The bell rings and the two rush in! Knight dodges to headlock but Dan powers out to headlock. Knight powers out, but Dan avoids the hurdle. Dan elbows Knight, then runs him over! Fans fire up while Dan throws up the crown, only for Knight to kip up! Dan shoves him down, runs, and Knight catches his crossbody! Knight spins and SLAMS Dan, to then STANDING SPLASH! Cover, ONE!! Fans rally and Knight aims from the corner. Dan rises, Knight runs in, but no spike! Dan TOSSES Knight out of the ring! Knight lands hard on the outside, but he’s somehow okay to continue. The ring count starts as he stirs.

Knight is still down at 5 of 20, but he slowly rolls towards the ring. The count passes 10, Knight crawls, but he’s still down at 15! Dan thinks he’s got this already, but Knight springs up and in at 19! Fans cheer, but Dan storms over to suplex high and hard! Cover, TWO!! Knight is still in this but Dan says it was that close. Dan stomps Knight, UPPERCUTS him, then bumps him off buckles. Dan KICKS Knight’s leg, CHOPS him off his feet, then covers, TWO! Dan keeps his cool and he sits Knight up to KICK in the back! Dan wraps on a body scissors squeeze and he grinds his forearms into Knight’s face.

Knight endures, fights around, but Dan pulls Knight’s hair. The ref reprimands, Dan stops, and Knight CHOPS Dan! Dan CHOPS back, but Knight CHOPS again! Dan CHOPS, and then throws forearms! Knight still endures, still reaches out for ropes, but Dan grabs an arm. Knight still fights with his free arm, and gets the ROPEBREAK! Fans applaud and Dan lets off cleanly. Dan eggs Knight on, brings him up, and CLUBS him on the neck. Dan stomps Knight hard, then KICKS him in the side! Dan knees on Knight’s neck, the ref reprimands, and Dan steps off. Dan taunts Knight and brings him up.

Knight throws body shots but Dan throws forearms. Knight throws forearms but Dan throws another! Knight UPPERCUTS! Dan CHOPS! Knight CHOPS! And CHOPS! And ROCKS! Knight fires off forearm after forearm and has Dan in a corner. Knight whips, Dan reverses but Knight dodges in the corner. Knight springboards, but Dan gets under and the crossbody FLOPS! Dan stomps Knight, runs, but into a DROPKICK! Fans fire up while both men are down! Knight fires up and he stomps and UPPERCUTS Dan in a corner on repeat! Knight stomps a mudhole in, digs in his boot, but lets off to stand Dan up.

Knight whips corner to corner and STINGER SPLASHES! Then he runs to SLIDING SHOULDER! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up and Knight says it’s done. Knight watches Dan rise and then runs in, but Dan CHOPS! Dan goes up, but Knight jumps up after him! Dan slips out underneath but Knight adjusts. Knight jumps, Dan dodges and GORES! Cover, TWO!! Knight survives but Dan keeps close. Dan drags Knight up, fisherman’s, but Knight fights the lift! Dan says he’s abunai gaijin, and he powers through to a FISHERMAN BUSTER! Cover, TWO!! Knight survives and fans rally up! Dan goes to a corner and watches Knight.

Knight stands up, Dan runs in, but Knight leaps over to roll Dan up! TWO!! Dan escapes, but Knight jumps! Dan throws Knight away again to ENZIGURI! And then the Canadian Rack, but Knight slips free! Dan ripcords, but Knight pops Dan up for the SKY HIGH! Both men are down and fans fire back up! Knight runs back in, SPIKE DDT!! Cover, Knight wins!

Winner: Kevin Knight, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Moloney earns 0)

The IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion lost to the United Empire once, he keeps from losing to them again! Will The Jet fly to new heights with this win?


Best of the Super Juniors 30, A Block: Taiji Ishimori VS SHO w/ Evil!

Ah, yes, Bullet Club VS Bullet Club. Well, wait, is House of Torture still Bullet Club? That aside, will The Bone Soldier be ready for whatever tricks the Murder Machine has planned? Or will Sho actually treat Taiji with respect?

Evil accompanies Sho to the ring to start this time, so at least they’re being upfront in that way. And Sho even holds the ropes open for Taiji, so that’s a nice show of respect. Sho makes a point of showing off the Bullet Club Decade shirts he and Evil are wearing. The bell rings, and Sho gets the mic. He says Taiji is amazing for being 4-1 right now. As for Sho, he has just one win, and that was against Taguchi. So Sho proposes they just all leave together, let it be a double count-out draw so they both get points. Plus, he doesn’t wanna wrestle in this “crap town” anyway! Milano tells him to go away then. The fans join Milano in that chant.

Sho hands the mic to Taiji and Taiji says okay, they’ll leave together. Taiji and Sho exit the ring and walk with Evil up the ramp. The ref is to count them out, but fans boo, this is no fun. The count begins, Bullet Club keeps moving on, and Evil raises both men’s hand in solidarity. But then Sho runs back to the ring! And Evil keeps Taiji back! Fans laugh at Taiji for falling for this! The count is 15! Then 17! Taiji breaks free at 18 to slide in at 19! Fans cheer and Evil apologizes for the trickery. Sho bails back out and he acts like it was all Evil! Evil gets mad at Sho, they start shoving, but then Sho takes off the shirt and throws it at Evil!

Sho gets in the ring, and Taiji attacks! Taiji throws hands on Sho, wrenches and whips to WRING Sho’s arm out! Fans cheer as Taiji ties Sho up in a cobra clutch. Sho fights up but Taiji ripcords, RAMS shoulders, then hammerlocks for a BACKSTABBER! Cover, TWO! Fans rally, Taiji brings Sho up and hammerlocks again. Taiji half nelsons and scoops but Sho slips out to rake the eyes! The ref counts, Sho runs, but Evil trips Sho!? Is the House of Torture falling apart? Taiji is a bit confused, but Evil tells Sho off and goes to Taiji’s corner! Taiji Too Sweets with Evil, and Taiji kicks Sho low.

Taiji hammerlocks, half nelsons, and SHOULDER BUSTERS! Fans rally up and Taiji aims. Taiji runs in, LA MYSTICA! BONELOCK!! Sho flails, scrambles, but Taiji rolls him away! Taiji drags Sho up, but Sho fights the lift off! Sho bends fingers, but Taiji thumbs him in the eye! Sho gets around Taiji, pop up into ARMBAR! Taiji fights around, to end up in the SNAKE BITE! But then Evil throws in the towel?! Evil being Taiji’s corner man, he’s quitting for Taiji!! Taiji says he never said Evil was a corner man! But Sho rolls Taiji up with tights! SHO WINS!

Winner: Sho, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Taiji earns 0)

The snake in the grass just cheated Taiji! Evil defends his innocence, he really thought Taiji was in trouble. Sho says no hard feelings, right? Taiji accepts the handshake, but he tells Evil to go away. Evil suggests Too Sweet then. Taiji accepts that, and Bullet Club is still fine. But will Sho look to damage more runs before the end?


Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: El Desperado VS Clark Connors w/ Gedo!

The Rogue Luchador put on quite the show against Yoh just last night, but still lost in the main event. But 100 Proof managed to put out the Nova Fireball. Will there be No Chaser here for Desperado? Or will his Strong Style tame The Wild Rhino?

The bell rings and the two rush in! They RAM shoulders, but neither falls. They each talk a little trash, and Desperado throws the first forearm! Connors gives one back and they go back and forth. Fans rally as the shots go faster and faster, and Connors gets the edge! Connors roars but Desperado ROCKS Connors! Desperado runs, but Connors POUNCES him! Gedo likes what he sees and the fans do applaud the show of strength. Connors drags Desperado right up to GERMAN SUPLEX! Fans applaud again, and Connors drags Desperado up again. Desperado throws body shots, but Connors CLUBS Desperado!

Connors TOSSES Desperado out, then goes out after him. Connors shouts at the fans, then ROCKS Desperado with a haymaker. And an UPPERCUT! Desperado CHOPS back, but Connors CHOPS in return! They continue deeper into the crowd and Connors UPPERCUTS Desperado down. Connors stomps Desperado, then tells fans to get out the way. Desperado CHOPS, but Connors CHOPS back! Connors then whips, and he BOWLS Desperado into chairs! Gedo says that’s a strike, and Connors mocks the “DESPY~” chant. Connors moves chairs aside to drag Desperado up, but Desperado fires off CHOP after CHOP!

Connors ROCKS Desperado with haymaker after haymaker, then knees low to snap suplex to the floor! Desperado writhes and the ring count finally starts. Connors drags Desperado up at 7 of 20, puts him in at 8, and fans applaud. Connors aims from a corner, Desperado slowly rises, and Connors runs in, but into a SPINEBUSTER! Fans fire up as Desperado turns things around! Desperado drags Connors up now, and hits a BIG back suplex! Connors writhes and Desperado drags him up. Desperado tosses Connors out now, and then follows after. Fans get out of the way already, and Desperado CHOPS Connors into taking a seat!

Desperado CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS Connors, but Connors kicks back! Connors throws haymakers and CHOPS, but Desperado CHOPS in return! Fans fire up and Desperado brings Connors around to another part of the crowd! The fans move aside and Desperado ROCKS Connors. Desperado eggs Connors on and Connors CHOPS! Desperado CHOPS back! Desperado brings Connors around to yet another part of the crowd! They brawl as fans clear out of the way. Connors mule kicks, and he ROCKS Desperado again. Desperado throws a BODY BLOW! And then Desperado BOWLS Connors into chairs! Now THAT was a strike!

Fans fire up for Desperado and he’s all fired up. Connors rises from the chairs and Desperado eggs him on. The ring count returns, Connors kicks chairs aside and he storms to up to CHOP! And CHOP! Desperado SLAPS Connors! We’re at 10 of 20 but Desperado snap suplexes Connors to the floor! Desperado is all fired up and so are the fans! Desperado rolls in at 15 and Gedo shouts at Connors. Connors sits up at 17, hobbles at 18, and slides in at 19! Desperado is right on Connors with a wrench and OLYMPIC SLAM! Cover, ONE!! Connors is fuming and the fans rally as Desperado gut wrenches. GUITARRA DEL ANGEL!

But Desperado says that wasn’t good enough, so he gut wrenches again. GUITARRA DEL… ANGEL!! Cover, ONE?!?! Connors has a lot of fight left but Desperado eggs him on. Desperado throws Connors back out and Connors smacks off the commentary table! Desperado goes out the side, but Connors has a chair! Desperado dares him to get disqualified, and Connors raises the chair, only to get LOCO MONO! Desperado wags his finger, and he picks up the chair! Fans fire up, the ref reprimands, but Connors has another chair! Desperado says okay, let’s go to the ramp. Connors follows and fans rally up.

The ref reprimands, but the two CLASH with the chairs! The chairs fall apart but Connors disarms Desperado, then SMACKS away on Desperado’s back! The ref reprimands but Connors talks trash to a fan wearing a Desperado mask. Connors then sits Desperado up to mock him. Fans boo but Connors CHOKES Desperado with the frame of the chair! The ref counts, Connors lets off at 4, and he looms over Desperado. Fans rally up, “DE-SU-PE!” but Connors whips Desperado into the POST! Desperado falls in a heap but Connors paces around. Connors takes the timekeeper’s chair, and some other chairs, and stacks them!

Connors drags Desperado over to the chair pile, to snap suplex Desperado onto the chairs! Desperado writhes and Connors goes into the ring. Connors wants the ring count so the count begins. Fans rally as hard as they can for Desperado, and he stirs at 8 of 20. Desperado pushes chairs aside, reaches for the apron, but falls over at 14! We’re past 15 as Desperado drags himself up again! Desperado manages to crawl in at 19! Connors is on him with a whip and POWERSLAM! Connors aims from a corner as Desperado slowly rises! SPEAR!! Connors roars, and he drags Desperado back up!

Connors reels Desperado in, drinks and puts one out, but Desperado wrenches free! EL ES CULERO! DESPERADO WINS!!

Winner: El Desperado, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Connors earns 0)

Connors got cocky and he got caught! But now he’s a sore loser and he beats down Desperado! Young Lions rush in to stop this but Connors just throws them around now! GERMAN SUPLEX for one and a BOOT for another! Fans boo but Gedo says it’s time to make Desperado pay! Connors tosses Desperado out of the ring, then sets up a chair. Connors drags Desperado over to have him take a seat. Connors throws more forearms! Fans boo more but Gedo says it’s Spear time! Connors gets space, runs back in, but Desperado drop toeholds him into the chair! Desperado glares at Gedo, then gets another chair.

Desperado has Connors stuck on the chair, to CON-CHAIR-TO! The Rogue Luchador gets the better of Connors both in and after the match! Will Desperado also get the better of the block?


Best of the Super Juniors 30, A Block: Lio Rush VS Titán!

The Bad Child is feeling bad having lost to Douki just last round. El Inmortal is also coming off a loss to Speedball, but neither man is out of the running. Who will win a coveted 5-1 in the block?

The bell rings and fans rally as the two circle. They feel things out, both low to the mat. They knuckle lock, and then Lio spins around to trip Titan. Things speed up, Lio jumps the dropdown but Titan follows after. Lio stops to roll but Titan leaps over. Titan sweeps the leg to cover, ONE! Lio sweeps to cover, ONE! Both men go to arm-drag and those cancel out! Then they both dropkick but those cancel out! They both handspring up and fans fire up! The two reset, Lio offers a handshake, and Titan accepts. Fans applaud, but then both men kick low! They were both thinking the same thing! They both kick again, but they both block!

Lio and Titan argue about who lets go first. They agree to go at the same time, and they lower the other’s foot down. They back off, but then Lio whips! Titan reverses, Lio reverses back but Titan goes up and over. Titan rolls back, Lio runs in but Titan goes Matrix to dodge! CALF KICK! Titan runs but Lio goes Matrix now to kick and ENZIGURI! Fans fire up and Titan bails out. Lio builds speed but Titan ducks the slide! Lio comes back, to jump off the apron and RANA Titan away! Fans fire up more and Lio hurries back to the apron. QUEBRADA! Fans fire up again and Lio flexes. Lio gets fans to clap along, then he goes back into the ring.

Lio builds speed again! Lio DIVES and takes Titan out again! Both men are down by commentary and fans rally up. The ring count starts, Lio fires up and fans are with him. Lio drags Titan up at 10 of 20 and puts him in at 12. Fans applaud and Lio pounds the mat. The fans rally back up, Lio waits on Titan to rise, and then Lio storms up to him. But Titan trips Lio! And hooks the legs! Titan rolls for the TRAILER HITCH! Lio endures, Titan shifts around to a deathlock, and he grabs Lio’s arms! Lio resists but Titan SLAPS him in the side, getting the arms for an INVERTED SURFBOARD! Lio endures and fans rally up!

Lio fights to get his hands free, then he drags Titan down! Lio turns things around to have a CROSS HEEL! Titan rolls to the ROPEBREAK! Fans cheer as Lio lets go and the two get space. Lio goes to ropes, drags himself up, and goes back to Titan. Lio ROCKS Titan with a forearm, but Titan ROCKS Lio! Lio ROCKS Titan, Titan ROCKS Lio, repeat! Lio goes to ropes and shakes his head. Lio comes back to throw forearm after forearm, but Titan fires off a strike fest and SOBAT! But Lio spins Titan to ROLLING SLAP! Lio runs, into a SUPERKICK! But Lio SUPERKICKS back! Cover, TWO! Fans fire up while both men are down!

Lio sits up and he says it’s time. Titan rises, Lio runs, RUSH- NO, Titan blocks, shoves and SOBATS! Titan reels Lio in, Canadian Rack for a DOMINATOR GUTBUSTER and then a SUPERKICK! Cover, TWO!! Lio survives and fans fire up! But Titan goes to a corner and climbs up. The fans rally, Titan leaps, but Lio avoids the stomps! Lio goes to ropes, Titan rushes over but Lio avoids the kick. Lio whips, goes around and whips again, but Titan reverses to TORNADO- NO, Lio stops the DDT to mule kick and HEEL KICK! Lio runs, RUSH HOUR!! Fans fire up, Lio brings Titan up to whip and SPANISH FLY! Cover, TWO!

Fans fire up as Titan is still in this! Lio grows frustrated, and he slaps himself to refocus. Fans rally, Lio goes to a corner and then climbs up. But Titan GAMANGIRIS first! Titan CLUBS Lio, climbs up after him, and CLUBS him more. Titan drags Lio up and fans rally. Titan throws body shots, but Lio throws them back! Lio fights the lift, HEADBUTTS Titan, and HEADBUTTS again! And again and again and again! Titan falls back and Lio adjusts! Fans fire up for the FINAL- NO, Lio has to roll through as Titan moves! Lio comes back, into a SUPERKICK! Fans fire up again and Titan hurries to the corner!

Titan skins the cat to the top rope, leaps, but Lio dodges the stops again! Clothesline in the corner, whip to ropes, and a LARIAT knocks Titan back down! Lio heads back up top! But Titan gets away to the far corner. Lio hops down, runs in, but into a BOOT! SOBAT! KICK! CALF KICK! Lio staggers away and Titan powers up! Off comes the elbow pad, and Titan runs in to LOCO LARIAT! Lio is down in the drop zone, Titan goes back up! LA LANCER!! Cover, Titan wins!!

Winner: Titán, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Lio earns 0)

The Bad Child has fallen from the top spot! Is his time running out? Will El Inmortal stay alive in the block until the very end?


Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: YOH VS Francesco Akira!

Direct Drive is feeling great after he won in the main event, and he’s ready to #StunTheWorld! But while Yoh beat Wato and Wato beat Akira, will Akira burn too hot to stop? Or is there no stopping Yoh now?

The moment Yoh’s introduction is done, he DROPKICKS Akira! The bell rings and Yoh drags Akira up, but Akira fights the underhooks. Akira CHOPS, whips, but Yoh CLOBBERS Akira! Akira bails out but Yoh hurries to PLANCHA! Akira slides in, Yoh lands on his feet but Akira builds speed to DIVE! Direct hit and down goes Yoh! Fans fire up and Akira puts Yoh back in. Akira climbs up, Yoh stands, CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Akira says if Yoh wants to play, here it comes! SINGLE KNEE STRIKE! Cover, TWO! Akira throws off his shirt and he stands on Yoh’s face. Akira mocks Yoh’s clapping then drags him up.

SPEED- NO, Yoh slips free to roll Akira up, TWO! Akira SUPERKICKS! Yoh staggers to ropes, I’LL BE BACK into another SUPERKICK! Akira saw the rewind coming, he throws up the crown, and he- NO, Yoh ducks the Fireball to O’Conner Roll! FIVE STAR CLUTCH! YOH WINS!!!

Winner: Yoh, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Akira earns 0)

What a shocker! Not so much that Yoh won, but how quickly he won! Akira goes after Yoh but Yoh shoves him away and gets outta there! If Yoh can do this to even Akira, will there be no stopping him from becoming Best of the Super Juniors?


Best of the Super Juniors 30, A Block: KUSHIDA VS Hiromu Takahashi!

The Timesplitter has been struggling at only 1-4, but the Ticking Timebomb isn’t exactly untouchable this year. The IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champion collides with THE IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion, who comes out with the brighter golden ticket?

Hiromu’s picture diary entry for Kushida is that he is simply “Kushi.” When Hiromu approaches commentary, he looks to Tanahashi, but hands the diary to Milano! Milano is happy again! The bell rings and fans rally up for “HI-RO-MU!” Hiromu and Kushida circle, feel things out, and then circle more. But then Kushida bails out and goes around the outside. Hiromu waits and Kushida returns quickly enough. They tie up, and are in a deadlock. Hiromu pushes Kushida away and fans rally up. The two circle again, tie up again, and Kushida gets around to a waistlock. Hiromu pries the hold open and wrenches.

Kushida powers through to hammerlock Hiromu, but Hiromu reaches back to headlock. Hiromu then gets his arm free and spins around to have a proper headlock. Hiromu grinds Kushida down, but Kushida fights up. Kushida powers out, then whips Hiromu to hip toss and cartwheel basement dropkick! Hiromu bails out while fans fire up, and Kushida builds speed. Hiromu ducks the slide but Kushida waistlocks. Hiromu switches but Kushida wrenches out for a standing armlock! But Hiromu rakes eyes! The ref reprimands but Hiromu slides back in. Kushida drags him out to slide back in!

Hiromu hurries back in, but into a PENALTY KICK to the arm! Hiromu bails out but Kushida watches him closely. Hiromu rolls back in and Kushida is after the bad arm. Kushida wrenches, WRINGS, and then ties up the arms in that cross arm hold. Kushida pulls on one arm, then falls back to SNAP the lock! Kushida keeps on the pressure as he sits back up and ties up Hiromu’s legs! Hog tie cradle, TWO! Hiromu is free and he gets away to the outside. Kushida goes out to the apron, and he FLYING KNEES the arm! Hiromu clutches the elbow and shouts in pain while fans fire up. Kushida sees the diary, and flips off the “Kushi.”

Kushida drags Hiromu up, puts him in the ring, and pushes Hiromu to a cover. ONE, but Kushida keeps after that bad arm. Kushida has a keylock and he steps over to put more pressure on. Hiromu endures, fights up, and throws body shots. Kushida wrenches the arm to an EL- NO, Hiromu pushes Kushida away! Hiromu runs, but Kushida HANDSPRING KICKS! Hiromu flops out of the ring, and Kushida goes up the corner! Fans rally up and Kushida SUPER SWANTONS! Direct hit and down goes Hiromu! Fans fire up and Kushida brings Hiromu up. Kushida wrenches and puts Hiromu in.

Fans rally as Kushida stalks Hiromu. Hiromu crawls, but Kushida PENALTY KICKS the bad arm! Kushida then jumps on, but Hiromu shoves him away! Kushida runs, Hiromu follows and RANAS! Fans fire up while both men are down! Hiromu goes to a corner, Kushida runs in, but Hiromu dodges to then clothesline! Snapmare and basement dropkick! Cover, TWO! The bad arm might’ve held Hiromu back on that, but he keeps his focus. Hiromu brings Kushida up, suplexes, but Kushida slips out. Hiromu blocks the fastball to spin Kushida for FALCON ARROW! Cover, TWO! But Kushida fires back up!

Fans rally and Hiromu drags Kushida up. Hiromu fireman’s carries, Kushida slips off and BOOTS the bad arm! Hiromu swings, but into the HOVERBOARD! Hiromu hurries to clasp his hands behind his back, and then he powers through to ROCK Kushida with a forearm! Hiromu eggs Kushida on, so Kushida ROCKS Hiromu! Hiromu ROCKS Kushida, shakes out his bad arm, but Kushida ROCKS Hiromu again! The forearms go back and forth and the fans rally up! Kushida wobbles and Hiromu eggs him on. Kushida ROCKS Hiromu, so Hiromu ROCKS Kushida! They keep going and the fans rally back up!

Kushida forearms, Hiromu forearms, then Kushida ROCKS Hiromu again! Hiromu fires up and fires off a flurry! But Kushida SHOTEIS! And fires off knees! Kushida TOSSES Hiromu out, then goes out after him. Hiromu ROCKS Kushida and Kushida staggers to railing. Hiromu storms over, taunts Kushida, and Kushida ROCKS him again! Kushida pursues Hiromu and Hiromu ROCKS Kushida again! They walk up the ramp a bit, and Kushida ROCKS Hiromu into the railing! Kushida pulls the railing away to get at Hiromu and they brawl right into the crowd! Fans move aside as the forearms keep flying!

Hiromu ROCKS Kushida, follows him to another section, and eggs him on. They get face to face, then continue to go forearm to forearm! More fans move aside as this brawl keeps moving around! They go to the back rows, the spotlight keeping an eye on them. Hiromu gets the edge, but then Kushida choke grips! Hiromu choke grips back, and they push each other further along. The brawling begins again, and Hiromu ROCKS Kushida again! Kushida is dazed, Hiromu talks trash on him and eggs him on, before he ROCKS him again! Fans fire up, and Kushida CHOPS in return! Hiromu falls with some chairs!

Kushida drags Hiromu up, they continue brawling toward the very back of the arena! Hiromu RAMS Kushida into doors! They go backstage! Then outside!! They’re brawling on the lawn! Lights turn on out there so we can still see this! Red Shoes tells them to get back to the ring already! But Kushida puts on the HOVERBOARD!! Hiromu can only endure out here, and Red Shoes says this has to end inside, and also the ring! Hiromu fights up, fireman’s carries, and he DEATH VALLEYS Kushida into the side of the production truck! Fans are thunderous while both men are down!

Fans call to them both as they stir. Hiromu heads for the door, but Kushida tries to stop him. A ring count starts, but they’re so far away! Hiromu fights Kushida off and hurries back inside. Hiromu makes it into the arena, falls over some spare railing, and Kushida hurries in pursuit. But we’re already at 15 of 20! Kushida and Hiromu start running! Kushida slides in at 18, Hiromu slides in at 19.9!! Fans are loving this while both men are down again. Kushida grits his teeth and crawls over to Hiromu, and both men seem to be enjoying this fight now. They stand, and Kushida KICKS Hiromu’s bad arm!

Hiromu clutches the elbow, and Kushida eggs him on. Kushida puts his hands behind his back! Hiromu says he’ll pay for that, and he ROCKS Kushida with a forearm! Kushida staggers all the way to the ropes, and Hiromu eggs him on. Hiromu wants to see that former IWGP Junior Heavyweight Champion Kushida! The fans rally as hard as ever, and Kushida stands back up. Kushida winds up, and ROCKS Hiromu! Then spins him, for a ROLLING ELBOW! Hiromu SUPERKICKS! Kushida goes to ropes, Hiromu clotheslines him to the apron! Hiromu runs, SUNSET FLIP, but Kushida holds on! Kushida stays on the apron!

Kushida punches Hiromu down! Kushida then builds speed, to SLIDING SUNSET BOMB! Kushida uses a remix of Hiromu’s move to take him down! The ring count starts again and Kushida clamps on the HOVERBOARD! But Hiromu RAMS Kushida into the apron! Hiromu goes to the apron, JOHN WOO but into an ARMBAR!! Kushida has Hiromu down but the count is climbing! We’re at 15 of 20 as Hiromu deadlifts Kushida, to POWERBOMB him on the floor!! We’re at 18!! Both men get up but only Hiromu gets in! Hiromu wins!!

Winner: Hiromu Takahashi, by count out (gains 2 points; Kushida earns 0)

The Ace of the Junior Heavyweights just got trumped by Hiromu! Kushida is out of the running while Hiromu is still heading for the top! It may have been by ring out, but will this prove to be Hiromu’s defining win?


Best of the Super Juniors 30, B Block: Master Wato VS Robbie Eagles w/ Kosei Fujita!

Two men who won big in the fifth round collide to close out the sixth! Will the Way of the Grandmaster avoid the eagle eye of The Sniper? Or will Eagles pull the Trigger and hit the mark?

The bell rings and the two rush in! Eagles victory rolls, then ties up Wato in the EAGLE LOCK! Wato gets the ropebreak quick and Eagles lets him go. Wato bails out to walk it off, but Eagles waits. Eagles gets the fans to join in on “ROBBIE ROBBIE ROBBIE!” “OI OI OI!” “ROBBIE ROBBIE ROBBIE!” “OI OI OI!”  “ROBBIE!” “OI!” “ROBBIE!” “OI!” “ROBBIE ROBBIE ROBBIE!” “OI OI OI!” Wato returns after that and the two reset. They feel things out, and Wato kicks Eagles’ leg! Eagles kicks Wato’s leg back. Wato kicks Eagles again, but Eagles trips Wato. Things speed up, Eagles hurdles and Wato leaps over!

Things keep moving, Wato ducks but Eagles arm-drags! Wato arm-drags back! Eagles ducks a kick, Wato ducks a kick, and double dropkicks cancel out! Eagles handsprings up and aims his finger gun. Fans fire up and the two reset again. Fans chant for “WATO! WATO!” and Eagles is annoyed. Eagles runs into a SOBAT, then Wato whips. Eagles reverses but Wato BOOTS back! And then BULLDOGS! Fans cheer and Eagles bails out. Wato watches him go around the way, then builds speed! Wato slides but Eagles gets away. Eagles comes back, into a tilt-o-whirl! But Eagles slips out, goes up and around, and arm-drags Wato to the floor!

Fans fire up while Wato writhes! Eagles gets in the ring while Wato uses the commentary desk to stand. Eagles builds speed and DIVES! Direct hit and fans fire up again! Eagles stands on a chair to get fans to join in “T M D K!” clap clap, clap clap clap. Eagles says arigato, and then he apologizes to Wato for this CHOP! Wato goes around the way, Eagles puts him in, and then drops a knee! Cover, TWO! Eagles sits Wato up to run and LEG LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Wato is still in this but Eagles keeps cool. Eagles pushes Wato around, messes with his hair, but Wato slaps Eagles! Eagles slaps back!

Wato throws a forearm, Eagles ROCKS Wato! Wato fires another forearm, and another and another! Eagles kicks low, runs, and catches Wato’s dropkick into a HEEL HOOK! Fans fire up, Wato scrambles around, ROPEBREAK! Fans cheer, Eagles lets off, and Wato clutches his knee. Eagles drags Wato over and brings the leg through ropes. Eagles pulls on the leg, but lets off as Red Shoes counts. Eagles then lines up the shot, and PENALTY KICKS the leg! Eagles says that’s six points! A reference to cricket perhaps? Eagles mockingly tries a “Wato Wato Wato!” chant but no one responds, so he has a good laugh.

Eagles drags Wato up but Wato throws body shots. Eagles eggs Wato on so Wato throws a forearm. Eagles blocks the kick to drop a knee on the knee! Fans rally, Eagles covers, TWO! Eagles keeps his cool and he gets Wato’s leg again. Eagles lets out a “WOO~!” and fans echo it. But Wato kicks away with his free leg! Eagles eggs Wato on, gives him toying kicks, and Wato sits up. Eagles stomps the bad leg, then KICKS Wato in the chest! And again! And again, but Wato blocks! Eagles forearms free, but Wato gets around the boot to ZIGZAG! Both men are down and fans rally back up. Wato goes to a corner, Eagles runs in but only gets buckles!

Wato returns but Eagles puts him on the apron. Wato GAMANGIRIS, springboards, and FLYING UPPERCUTS! Eagles bails out and fans fire up! Wato builds speed to FLY! Direct hit at the ramp! Both men are down, the fans fire up again, and Red Shoes checks. Wato stands, he fires up, and fans rally with him. Wato brings Eagles up, puts him in, and climbs up the corner. Eagles stands, Wato leaps, MISSILE DROPKICK! Cover, TWO! Fans continue to rally as Wato fires back up. Wato drags Eagles into a waistlock, but Eagles fights the German Suplex! Eagles mule kicks the leg, ASAI, but Wato slips free!

Eagles waistlocks, Wato switches, Eagles throws elbows but Wato crucifix rolls and brings Eagles up, RECIENTEMENTE! Cover, TWO!! Eagles escapes and shocks Wato! Wato hurries to body scissor and roll, VENDAVAL!! Eagles is caught in the butterfly stretch but he fights his way around. Fans rally, Eagles fights his way forward, but Wato rolls him away! Sunset flip, TWO!! Back to VENDAVAL!! Eagles endures, but he’s fading! Red Shoes checks Eagles, but he springs back to life! Eagles moves around, reaches out, inches his way over, and gets the ROPEBREAK! Wato lets go while fans cheer.

Wato keeps his focus, he brings Eagles up again and waistlocks. Eagles fights the half nelson, breaks free, but Wato ROCKS him! Then HALF ‘N- NO, Eagles arm-drags free! Wato goes to a corner, Eagles runs in but into a BOOT! Eagles LOW 619s! Eagles then rolls and comes back, METEORA! Wato is dazed while Eagles flops to the apron. Fans rally up as Wato crawls and Eagles stands. Eagles springboards to MISSILE DROPKICK the legs! And then back to the EAGLE LOCK!! Wato endures as Eagles thrashes him around! Wato reaches out, crawls, fights his way over, but Eagles drags him back!

Fans rally as hard as ever as Wato endures! Eagles puts as much pressure as he can on the hold, but Wato fights his way to the ROPEBREAK! Fans cheer as Eagles lets go in frustration. Eagles drags Wato out, traps the arms, and then SMASHES the knee! Wato writhes and Eagles takes aim again. Wato rises, Eagles runs in, but Wato blocks the Trigger! Eagles still goes for a leg, steps through, but Wato KICKS Eagles from below! Fans fire up while both men are down again! The fans rally as hard as they can while Eagles and Wato stir. Eagles sits up first but he flops back over. Wato crawls after him and they both sit up.

Fans rally as Wato throws a forearm! Eagles wobbles, but he comes back with a forearm! Wato shakes his head, and he comes back with another forearm! Eagles throws a forearm, Wato throws it back! Eagles throws another forearm, so Wato throws it back! Both men stand, and Eagles CHOPS! Wato grits his teeth and CHOPS back! Eagles CHOPS, Wato staggers, but Wato CHOPS in return. Eagles throws a forearm, Wato throws a forearm, they go back and forth! Fans rally up as the shots keep going, and Wato gets the edge! But Eagles KICKS away on the leg! Wato KICKS Eagles’ legs out!

Wato hurries to bring Eagles back up, for more forearms! Eagles KNEES low, but Wato blocks his kick! Wato spins Eagles for a ROUNDHOUSE! And SCREW HIGH- ROUNDHOUSE from Eagles!! Eagles roars as he rises up and gets Wato! ASAI DDT! Cover, TWO!!! Wato survives, but Eagles hurries to hook him up! But Wato fights off the Turbo Backpack to scoop and TTD!! Both men are down after the Tenzan Tombstone, and Wato crawls to a cover. TWO!!! Eagles survives but Wato is too tired to be upset. Wato drags Eagles to a drop zone, then goes to the corner. Wato drags himself to the apron and up the corner.

Fans rally up and Wato reaches the top. But Eagles hurries to anchor him! Wato CLUBS Eagles down, but Eagles comes right back. Eagles climbs up to join Wato but Wato fires off forearms! Eagles staggers away, but comes right back to GAMANGIRI! Wato wobbles up top and fans rally again. Eagles climbs up after Wato again, they both stand, and Eagles SUPER STEINERS!! Wato flounders, Eagles goes right back up! 450 onto knees! Wato saves himself but it was double-edged! Fans are thunderous as both men stir. Wato goes to ropes and stands up. He hobbles back to Eagles, brings him into a waistlock, GERMAN SUPLEX but Eagles lands on his feet!

Wato turns around into a ROUNDHOUSE! SUPERKICK! PELE!! Wato wobbles, Eagles roars, and TRI- NO, Wato ducks! SCREW HIGH KICK!! Eagles wobbles, Wato half nelsons, but Eagles victory rolls, only for Wato to kick him away! Wato O’Conner Rolls Eagles, into the TUTENKAKU!! Bridging cover, Wato wins!!

Winner: Master Wato, by pinfall (gains 2 points; Eagles earns 0)

The Mighty Don’t Kneel, but Eagles falls out of the top spot!! Will The Sniper no longer be shooting for the semifinals with this?

As for Wato, he gets the mic to say “YOSHA~! <Alright!> I beat Kanemaru, and then that started a hot streak for me. Just like this, I’ll make the finals and I’ll win. I’ll open new doors for the junior heavyweight division!” Fans are excited to see it, will the Way of the Grandmaster lead to the top?


Here are the NEW A Block standings!

Mike Bailey: 5-1, 10 points
Taiji Ishimori: 4-2, 8 points
Hiromu Takahashi: 4-2, 8 points
Titán: 4-2, 8 points
Lio Rush: 4-2, 8 points
TJP: 4-2, 8 points
DOUKI: 2-4, 4 points [ELIMINATED]
SHO: 2-4, 2 points [ELIMINATED]
KUSHIDA: 1-5, 2 points [ELIMINATED]
Ryusuke Taguchi: 0-6, 0 points [ELIMINATED]


Here are the NEW B Block standings!

Master Wato: 4-2, 8 points
Robbie Eagles: 4-2, 8 points
YOH: 4-2, 8 points
El Desperado: 4-2, 8 points
Clark Connors: 3-3, 6 points
Francesco Akira: 3-3, 6 points
Kevin Knight: 3-3, 6 points
Dan Moloney: 2-4, 4 points [ELIMINATED]
Yoshinobu Kanemaru: 2-4, 4 points [ELIMINATED]
BUSHI: 1-5, 2 points [ELIMINATED]

My Thoughts:

An awesome round here! Everyone was going hard this round, like they were hoping to push things from last round. Great showing from Douki against Mike Bailey but it makes sense Bailey still wins to stay strong at the front of the block. Great win from Bushi, and Kanemaru was on the bubble as it was, so it’s not like Bushi really spoils anything. Another great showing from Taguchi and they really made it feel like he was gonna get this, but it still makes sense TJP wins out to keep his hopes alive. There is quite the traffic jam of 4-2 for A Block, these last three rounds are going to be awesome just on that.

Hilarious antics from Sho and Evil this time, you have to applaud how creative they’re being about cheating. Yoh beating Akira super fast was also really wild, really bold and creative. Yoh tends to be the dark horse choice in these tournaments, but he’s really making a push for it this time. There isn’t as much of a jam in B Block but having the top four all be 4-2 also makes for some really interesting outcomes these next three rounds. Wato gets a great main event win, and Hiromu having a count out win rather than something definitive is good stuff, too. Wato could also be a dark horse for the semifinals, I can’t wait to see how this unfolds.

My Score: 8.9/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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