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Mitchell’s ROH Results & Report! (5/25/23)




ROH Wrestling 2023

Double the TV Champions, double the fun!

The ROH World TV Champion and the NJPW World TV Champion team together against two ROH icons to see who, if anyone, wins a title opportunity! Can the Fallen Angel and Third Eye Reborn become the stars of wrestling television?


  • Mark Briscoe VS JD Drake w/ Anthony Henry; Briscoe wins.
  • ROH World Championship Proving Grounds: Claudio Castagnoli VS Serpentico; Claudio wins and denies Serpentico a title opportunity.
  • Kiera Hogan VS VertVixen; wins.
  • Kyle Fletcher w/ Mark Davis VS AR Fox; Fletcher wins.
  • Willow Nightingale VS Hyan; Willow wins.
  • The Kingdom VS Mack Attack; The Kingdom wins.
  • Mercedes Martinez VS Dream Girl Ellie; Mercedes wins.
  • Ashley D’Amboise VS Danielle Kamela; Ashley wins.
  • Rocky Romero VS Titus Alexander; Rocky wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Stu Grayson & The Righteous VS Marcus Kross, Vary Morales & Leon St. Giovanni; Stu & The Righteous win.
  • Tracy Williams w/ Rhett Titus VS Shane Taylor w/ The Workehorsemen; Shane wins.
  • ROH Women’s World Championship Proving Grounds: Athena VS Promise Braxton; Athena wins and denies Promise a title opportunity.
  • Dralistico w/ Jose VS Tony Deppen; Dralistico wins.
  • Skye Blue VS Miranda Alize; Skye wins.
  • Darius Martin & Action Andretti VS Cole Karter & “The Reality” Zack Clayton; Darius & Action win.
  • Nick Comoroto VS Blake Christian; Blake wins.
  • Diamante VS Trish Adora; Diamante wins.
  • Penta El Zero Miedo w/ Alex Abrahantes VS Slim J w/ The Trustbusters; Penta wins.
  • Zack Sabre Jr. & Samoa Joe VS Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal; ZSJ & Joe win, denying Daniels & Sydal a title opportunity.


Mark Briscoe VS JD Drake w/ Anthony Henry!

The Sussex County Chicken has a full plate at Double or Nothing, being the referee for a match between FTR and Triple J. Will he be able to focus on his own match here tonight? Or will Scrap Iron fry himself up some wings?

The Code of Honor is upheld, and the bell rings. Fans rally for #DemBoys as Mark circles with JD. JD says something about proving who’s tougher, and Mark is game. Mark dares JD to bring it, so JD CHOPS! Mark says alright, and he CHOPS back! JD shrugs that off to CHOP back! Mark CHOPS, JD CHOPS, and fans “WOO~!” as the CHOPS keep going! Mark is liking this! He CHOPS, CHOPS and CHOPS! JD knees low, whips Mark to a corner, but Mark comes back to BOOT! JD staggers around, Mark runs up to throw hands! Mark stomps away, the ref counts, and Mark CHOPS JD again!

Fans fire up and Mark is feeling it as he whips JD corner to corner. JD reverses, runs in and SPLASHES! Then BIELS, to then “Click, click,” CHOP! Mark goes to ropes, but he BOOTS back! JD ROCKS Mark, whips him, but Mark SHOTGUN BOOTS! JD bails out and fans fire up. The Workhorsemen regroup and Henry calms JD down. JD goes up the steel steps and takes his time, but then Mark BOOTS him back down! Fans fire up, Mark climbs the corner, and he TORNILLOS! onto the Workhorsemen! Fans are thunderous and Mark puts JD back in. Cover, TWO! JD is tough but Mark stomps him around.

JD sits up, and Mark CHOPS him! JD CHOPS back! Mark CHOPS again, so JD CHOPS! Mark POWER SLAPS and JD wobbles! Mark throws forearms, then some Redneck Kung-Fu shots! Mark runs, but JD CLOBBERS him! And SENTONS! And SENTONS! And KICKS! JD says the kick was good but fans boo. JD stalks Mark to a corner, chokes him with his boot, but the ref counts. JD lets off at 4, brings Mark up again, and ROCKS him with a right! JD CHOPS and Mark’s split flies! JD says one more, so he JABS instead! JD tells the fans off but they boo. Mark CHOPS back! And CHOPS! And CHOPS!

JD shoves Mark, and on the rebound, SPINEBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Mark is tough, too, and fans rally up. Mark goes to a corner, JD taunts him and stands him up. JD CHOPS again! JD whips corner to corner, Mark goes up and out to UPPERCUT! Fans fire up as Mark climbs, but JD rushes in. Mark goes up and over, comes back, but into a SCRAPBUSTER! Cover, TWO! JD hurries to VADER BOMB! Cover, TWO!! Mark survives and fans fire back up. Mark goes back to a corner and JD tells him to stay up. JD drags Mark up by his beard, and CHOPS him again! JD hoists Mark up top then CHOPS him again!

JD dares Mark to #ManUp and then climbs up after him. Mark throws body shots! Mark gives REDNECK FU CHOPS! And then an UPPERCUT! JD falls back, Mark adjusts, MISSILE DROPKICK! Fans fire up while both men are down! JD crawls to a corner, Mark rises, and fans rally up again. Mark waits on JD and JD eggs Mark on. Mark says, “Back to square one. I insist.” JD says fine, but then Mark dodges to CHOP! And CHOP! And CHOP! Mark fires off more CHOPS, then a BIG corner clothesline! Mark hoists JD up now, powers up, and UPPERCUTS! Mark then crosses the arm, but JD shoves him away.

JD hurries in, but into an URENAGE! Cover, TWO!! JD is still in this, and Mark calls his shot! The fans are thunderous and Mark underhooks the arms. But Henry gets on the apron! Mark DECKS him for it! JD bails out the side, Henry hurries over, but Mark WRECKS him with a dropkick. Mark leaps but JD avoids the Blockbuster! JD pops Mark up to CLOBBER him off the ropes! JD puts Mark in, hurries to a corner and climbs, MOONSAULT! Direct hit! Cover, TWO!!! Mark survives and fans are thunderous again! JD is annoyed and he drags Mark up. Fans rally with “MAN UP!” as JD reels Mark in.

JD underhooks and fans boo. JD wants to steal the move! But Mark slips up and out to CHOP! JD CHOPS! Mark shoves but JD RAMS into him! JD runs, but into the ROLLING DEATH VALLEY! Mark goes up fast, and slashes his throat! FROGGY-BOW!! Cover, Mark wins!!

Winner: Mark Briscoe, by pinfall

The Sussex County Chicken flies high tonight, but will he continue to #ReachForTheSky? The Code of Honor is upheld, and Mark reminds Samoa Joe that he wants that TV title. Will destiny still become reality in the end?


Backstage interview with Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal.

Dasha is with the Fallen Angel & Third Eye Reborn, and tonight, in the main event, they face the ROH World Television Champion in Samoa Joe, and the NJPW World Television Champion in Zack Sabre Jr. Huge contender implications in the match, how are they feeling? Daniels says the arrogance of Joe and ZSJ has escalated things way past what Daniels intended. All he did last week was introduce this man, Matt Sydal, into the TV title picture. ROH, NJPW, it didn’t matter. But the champs think they’ve thrown a curveball by saying that if either Daniels or Sydal gets the win, they get that title shot.

All this has done is put the champs behind the 8 ball! This duo are former ROH World Tag Team Champions! And tonight, Joe & ZSJ face the “endless intelligence” of Daniels and the “explosive offense” of Sydal. Sydal says he can feel those TV titles pulling him closer and closer. Tonight, they take the next step! Will these icons of honor soon have themselves a golden ticket?


ROH World Championship Proving Grounds: Claudio Castagnoli VS Serpentico!

While the Young Bucks made sure the Blackpool Combat Club didn’t add anymore gold to the collection, the Swiss Superman is still looking for competition of his own! Will #SNAKEMAN prove to be his Kryptonite? Or will Serpentico not even survive to the time limit?

Claudio offers the handshake for the Code of Honor, but Serpentico hesitates. But then Serpentico offers it himself! Claudio takes it, but quickly. The bell rings and fans rally for “S A P!” Serpentico shoves Claudio and eggs him on, so Claudio shoves him down! Fans boo but Serpentico gets up in a huff. Serpentico steps up to Claudio, and forces a knuckle lock. Serpentico tells Claudio a coward, but Claudio cranks the knuckle locks on Serpentico! Fans still rally for “S A P! S A P!” Serpentico powers up, and Claudio struggles, but then cranks the knuckle locks back on Serpentico! He was just toying with Serpentico!

Claudio then reels Serpentico in for a NORTHERN LIGHTS! Serpentico flounders away and Claudio dusts himself off. Claudio eggs Serpentico on, and Serpentico comes back. Serpentico KICKS Claudio in the leg! Fans cheer, but then Claudio kicks Serpentico low! Claudio whips, Serpentico ducks ‘n ‘dodges to KICK and KICK and KICK! But Claudio choke grips! But Serpentico turns choke slam into wheelbarrow and victory roll! TWO, and Serpentico runs, and he tilt-o-whirl headscissors Claudio into buckles! Claudio staggers and Serpentico fires off hands! Serpentico whips, Claudio reverses, but Serpentico BOOTS back!

Serpentico goes up the corner, RANAS Claudio away, and then Oklahoma Rolls! TWO! Claudio bails out in frustration and fans rally up. Serpentico builds speed and FLIES! Direct hit on Claudio! Fans fire up and Claudio scrambles back into the ring. Serpentico hurries up but Claudio drags him up! But Serpentico GAMANGIRIS! Claudio staggers, Serpentico climbs, CROSSBODY! Cover, TWO! Claudio runs in again, blocks a boot, and he DUMPS Serpentico out of the ring! Claudio then goes out and dares Serpentico to get up. Serpentico staggers up, and Claudio whips him hard into steel steps!

Fans boo but Claudio looms over Serpentico. Claudio deadlift gut wrenches Serpentico into the ring! Claudio drags Serpentico up to short arm LARIAT! And then another short arm LARIAT! And then another short arm LARIAT! Fans rally and Serpentico flips Claudio off! That just pisses Claudio off! He gives Serpentico short arm LARIAT after short arm LARIAT! Claudio isn’t stopping! He’s hit about ten total! Fans still rally for “S A P!” but Claudio shakes his head. Claudio drags Serpentico up, takes off his elbow pads, and says Serpentico made a huge mistake! Short arm LARIAT!! Cover, Claudio wins!

Winner: Claudio Castagnoli, by pinfall (denies Serpentico a title opportunity)

The Swiss Superman scowls, having to go even this far against SNAKEMAN. But he mockingly shakes Serpentico’s hand to keep the Code of Honor. But Anarchy in the Arena is going to be a fight without honor, will the BCC do far worse to The Elite?


Kiera Hogan VS VertVixen!

After NJPW Resurgence, there’s even more gold out there in the world of women’s wrestling, and these up-and-coming stars are hungry for a taste! Will Kiera’s fire burn brighter than ever? Or will Vert look to level up and rise in the rankings?

The Code of Honor is upheld and the bell rings. The two circle, tie up, and Kiera wrenches to a wristlock. Vert spins, loops and hammerlocks to then spin Kiera and slip through to arm-drag! Vert has the armlock and wait, speaking of champions, Athena appears on stage! She has a Proving Grounds match of her own later on but she is taking an interest in this one. Kiera fights up, wrenches Vert and hammerlocks, but Vert moves around and reaches back. Vert spins to a headlock and fans applaud. Kiera powers up and out, but Vert runs her over with a shoulder! Vert flexes, runs, but Kiera gets up. Vert ducks the ax handles to DROPKICK!

Fans fire up, and Vert takes aim. Time to level up! But Kiera drop toeholds her into ropes! Kiera runs and HIP ATTACKS against the ropes! Kiera then YANKS the ropes and runs, STEP-UP LEG DROP! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up while Athena walks closer to the ring. Athena waves hi to Kiera. Kiera asks what she’s doing here, but Athena says she’s just here to watch, so focus on the match. Kiera has Vert in a corner and CHOPS! Kiera whips corner to corner, Vert goes up and over and rolls back. “GET OVER HERE!” Leg sweep! BASEMENT COMPLETE SHOT! And then a shift into the KOJI CLUTCH!! But Kiera gets the ROPEBREAK!

The ref counts, Vert lets go in frustration, and Athena says she wouldn’t let that happen to herself. Vert drags Kiera up but Kiera throws hands! Vert ROCKS Kiera! And knees low! Vert runs, springboards, FLYING CHUCK! Cover, TWO! Kiera survives and fans rally up. Vert drags Athena up, swings, but Kiera blocks to counter punch! And again! Kiera dodges Vert, comes back and CLOBBERS her! Fans fire up and Athena looks impressed. Kiera runs in to back body block Vert! Vert sits down, Kiera runs to SLIDING BOOT! Cover, TWO! Vert survives and Kiera grows frustrated. But the fans rally as Kiera drags Vert up.

Kiera suplexes but Vert blocks! Vert wrenches out, ROCKS Kiera again, and she whips Kiera to a corner. Vert says time to level up again, and she BOOTS Kiera in the corner! Athena likes that, and Vert then hoists Kiera up, BLUE THUNDER BOMB! Cover, TWO! The shoutouts to El Generico haven’t finished this but Vert brings Kiera back up. Vert says “GAME OVER!” Fisherman and suplex, but Kiera kicks free! Kiera ROUNDHOUSES Vert, but Vert fights the clinch! Vert elbows free, but Kiera reels her back in! Single leg SAIDO! Cover, Kiera wins!

Winner: Kiera Hogan, by pinfall

Athena applauds, though maybe a little sarcastically. Kiera tells Athena to go off and get ready for her match, they’ll be seeing each other again soon anyway. Athena pie faces Kiera! And inadvertently table tops her over Vert! The Fallen Goddess laughs at Kiera, “Are you gonna step up? Or are you gonna step out, b*tch?!” Kiera gets red hot, will she look to burn down the throne soon enough?


Kyle Fletcher w/ Mark Davis VS AR Fox!

The Aussie Arrow couldn’t capture the AEW International Championship on Dynamite, but he’s never out of the chase. Will Kyle represent for Aussie Open and The United Empire and start to conquer ROH?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and fans start up “AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE!” “OI OI OI!” But there are also chants for “A R FOX! A R FOX!” Kyle and Fox tie up, Kyle wrenches and wristlocks, but Fox spins, slips around, and wristlocks back. Kyle rolls, spins, hammerlocks, headlocks and hits the takeover. Fox headscissors, Kyle kips free, and the fans cheer as the two stand off. The two go again, a fan starts a “U S A!” chant and Kyle smirks. Fox points to his star-spangled headband, and the two circle. They tie up, Kyle wrenches, and hits an ELBOW BREAKER! But Fox rolls, kips up and cartwheels, only for Kyle to scoop and SLAM fast!

Kyle looms over Fox, brings him up, whips him to ropes but Fox reverses to mule kick! Front kick! JAWBREAKER! NECKBREAKER! Fox kips up and fans fire up while Kyle goes to a corner. Fox runs in to A-LIST LARIAT! And then Fox skins the cat for the SWINGING DROPKICK! Fans fire up while Kyle goes to the apron. Fox storms over, brings Kyle up but Kyle shoves him away. And then BOOTS him! Fox staggers, Kyle reels him in, and Kyle suplexes, but Fox lands safe on the apron. Fox throws body shots and forearms, but Kyle gets under to APRON BACK SUPLEX! Fans fire up and Kyle hurries to snap scoop SLAMS Fox on the floor!

Fans rally and duel again while the ring count starts. Kyle drags Fox up, puts him in the ring, and then hurries to bring Fox to center. Cover, TWO! Fox hangs tough, he’s taken a lot more damage than that. Fans rally up again and Kyle stalks Fox to ropes. Kyle drags Fox up, but Fox shoves him away. So Kyle springboard STOMPS Fox down! The ref has Kyle back off, but then Kyle springboard STOMPS again! Fans cheer and Kyle brings Fox back to center. Kyle drags Fox up as fans duel, and Kyle snap scoop SLAMS again! Cover, ONE!! Kyle applauds Fox’s toughness, then brings him up again.

Fox throws body shots! Kyle snap scoop SLAMS again! Kyle brings Fox up yet again, suplexes, but Fox blocks! Kyle keeps trying, but then fires off forearms! Kyle reels Fox back in, but Fox suplexes in return! Fans fire up while both men are down. Fox grits his teeth, goes to a corner, and Kyle goes to the other. Fox runs in to LARIAT! And LARIAT again! Kyle swings but Fox goes Matrix to dodge and ENZIGURI! Kyle ends up in a corner, Fox runs to back elbow! Fox snapmares, rolls and CUTTERS! Cover, TWO! Kyle survives but Fox keeps focus. Fox goes to a corner, climbs up, and 450 but he has to roll through!

Kyle comes back, Fox blocks the kick, but then Kyle blocks the stunner into a HALF ‘N’ HALF! Fox ends up in a corner, Kyle runs corner to corner, GAMANGIRI! And then suplex, SHEER DROP BRAINBUSTER!! Cover, TWO!! Fox survives, this feels familiar from a few weeks ago! Fans say “This is Awesome!” as Kyle drags Fox back up. Kyle scoops but Fox blocks! Kyle keeps trying, but Fox still resists! Kyle powers through, Fox slips out but Kyle kicks! Kyle whips, but Fox reverses! Kyle KICKS, Fox PELES! But Kyle hurries to half nelson! Fox arm-drags free, and BOOTS! Kyle flops out of the ring, gets back up, but Fox BOOTS him again!

Kyle goes back to the floor, Fox climbs a corner! Fox aims, leaps, SUPER SWANTON to the floor! Fans are thunderous and the ring count starts. Fox gets up, he puts Kyle back in fast, and fans are dueling as Fox climbs back up top. Fox reloads, aims again, 450 SPLASH!! Cover, TWO!!! Kyle survives and Fox can’t believe it! Fans are loving “ROH! ROH!” for giving us this one, and Fox drags Kyle back up. The dueling continues, Fox puts Kyle in a corner, and Fox hoists Kyle up. Fox gets some space, runs back in, but has to block a boot first! Fox fires forearms, climbs up to join Kyle, but Kyle resists the lift!

Kyle clinches Fox now, scoops him, SUPER MICHINOKU DRIVER!! Just like against Orange Cassidy!! Cover, TWO!?!? Fox survives and Kyle is foaming at the mouth! Fans are thunderous again as Kyle aims, runs and CALF KICKS! And then hammerlock, half nelsons, scoop and GRIMSTONE!!! Cover, Kyle wins!

Winner: Kyle Fletcher, by pinfall

Kyle may have no International Championship, he may have had to give up the IWGP Heavyweight & NJPW Strong Openweight Tag Team Championships, but surely this win earns him a place in the various other title pictures. What gold will the Aussie Arrow take aim at after Double or Nothing?


Willow Nightingale VS Hyan!

The Babe with the Power won big at NJPW Resurgence by becoming the first-ever NJPW Strong Women’s Champion! Will she prove too strong for ROH now? Or will “The Renaissance Woman” show she can do it all?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings and the two circle. The two tie up, are in a deadlock, but Willow uses leverage to start pushing Hyan back. Hyan breaks the hold, and fans rally behind Willow. They tie up again, Willow headlocks, but Hyan powers up. Willow holds on tight, Hyan keeps fighting, and she throws body shots. Hyan powers out but Willow runs her over! Fans cheer and Willow is feeling good. Things speed up, Willow rolls over the dropdown and gives a thumbs up. Hyan stomps but Willow dodges. And again! And then Willow spins Hyan, wrenches, and RUSSIAN LEG SWEEPS! And then GROUND OCTOPUS!

Hyan endures, Willow kicks her, but Hyan powers to a cover, TWO! Willow gets up but Hyan ducks the enziguri! Hyan puts Willow in a corner, pulls Willow’s hair, but Willow cartwheels through the throw! The ref still reprimands, but Willow ROCKS Hyan, and then pulls Hyan’s hair! Willow TOSSES Hyan across the way! Fans fire up, Willow brings Hyan up to scoop, carry, and SLAM! Fans fire up and Willow smiles again. Willow has Hyan in a corner for a CHOP! Willow whips corner to corner, Hyan avoids the body block and she throws elbow after elbow! The ref counts, Hyan lets off at 4, and then she scuffs Willow with a boot!

Hyan taunts Willow, “You don’t look so happy right now,” and then she bumps her off buckles. Fans still rally but Hyan CHOPS! Willow sputters, and Hyan slaps her around. Hyan traps an arm, GROUND COBRA! Hyan digs knuckles into Willow’s ribs but Willow endures. Fans rally, Willow fights up, and Willow throws body shots. Willow then ENZIGURIS! Hyan staggers to a corner and fans fire up. Willow runs in to BACK BODY BLOCK! And clothesline! And snapmare, then Willow goes up, MISSILE DROPKICK! Hyan flounders and fans fire up! Willow brings Hyan up to CHOP!

Willow whips corner to corner, Hyan sits down, and Willow runs in, CANNONBALL! Willow roars, she pulls down the straps, and the fans fire up! Willow drags Hyan up, reels her in, BABE WITH THE POWER BOMB!! Cover, Willow wins!

Winner: Willow Nightingale, by pinfall

Whether here in ROH or NJPW, Willow is on a roll, this makes nine in a row! She also shows Hyan respect by upholding the Code of Honor. Will Willow face a challenger for her NJPW Strong Women’s Championship first? Or will she earn herself a shot at someone else’s gold?


The Kingdom VS Mack Attack!

Mike Bennett & Matt Taven may not have won the Fight Without Honor tag team match last time, but that doesn’t mean ROH stops being their home. Will they prove they deserve a shot at the ROH World Tag Team Championships? Or will the brand new duo of Willie Mack & Ninja Mack prove to be too much beef for anyone to beat?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the teams sort out, and Taven starts against Willie Mack. Fans chant, “Let’s Go, Mack!” as Willie and Taven circle. They tie up, Willie trips Taven and then things speed up. Taven hurdles but Will blocks hip toss to hit a hip toss! And then an arm-drag! And another arm-drag! And then a DROPKICK! Fans fire up and Willie whips Taven. Mike sneaks a tag, Taven dodges Willie for Mike to dropkick the legs out! Taven then runs in to AX HANDLE! Mike covers, TWO! Mike drags Will up, tags Taven, and then Mike feeds Willie to Taven’s BOOT! Mike adds a forearm, Taven hits a MISSILE DROPKICK! Cover, TWO!

Taven is annoyed but he drags Willie up. Fans rally but Mike tags back in. The Kingdom mugs Willie, they double whip him, and then leap frog into a FOREARM! Taven hoists Willie up but he BOOTS Mike away, and flying-mares Taven! Willie runs through Taven to tag in Ninja Mack! Ninja CROSSBODIES The Kingdom down! Then KNEE for Taven, forearm for Mike, CHOP for Taven, SUPERKICK for Mike! Taven kicks low, talks trash, and suplexes, and he holds Ninja up only for Ninja to slip into a sunset flip, roll through and BUZZSAW! Taven flops out of the ring and Ninja Mack goes to the apron.

Taven blocks Ninja’s mule kick, mocks him as a “Ninja Melvin,” and then flips Ninja! But Ninja lands on his feet! Taven is too busy talking trash to the camera, and then he turns around into a SUPERKICK! Fans fire up and Ninja Mack hurries back into the ring. Maria coaches Mike up, Ninja handsprings, but into a BIG back suplex! Taven hurries back in, Mike stomps Ninja and then he drags Ninja up. Mike bumps Ninja off buckles, tags Taven, and then feed to the suplex! GOURD BUSTER, and then Mike DECKS Willie before a ROLLING ELBOW! Taven rolls Ninja to a cover, TWO! Taven is mad, he tags Mike.

The Kingdom puts Ninja in a corner but Ninja fights back with big hands and elbows! Fans fire up for Ninja Mack but Mike FLAPJACKS into the HOTSHOT! Taven climbs, Mike suplexes, BRAINBUSTER to FROG SPLASH! Cover, Willie breaks it! Fans fire up for the return of the Mack, but Mike tags Taven. The Kingdom get Ninja up, fireman’s carry, but Ninja slips free! Ninja SUPERKICKS Taven, KNEES Mike, but Mike back suplexes! Ninja lands on his feet to DROPKICK Mike down! Hot tag to Willie Mack! Mack Daddy rallies on The Kingdom with lariats and elbows! But Taven wrenches to ENZIGURI!

The Kingdom hurry to double whip, but Willie breaks the line to DOUBLE LARIAT back! Fans fire up and Willie sees the Kingdom go to opposite corners. Willie clotheslines Mike, then he clotheslines Taven! CANNONBALL for Mike, and fans fire up! Mike runs in at Taven, but into a BOOT! Taven runs but into a fireman’s carry! SAMOAN DROP! Fans fire up, and Willie Mack kips up!! And then Willie Mack STANDING MOONSAULTS! Cover, TWO!! Maria is relieved and Willie is shocked! Willie tags in Ninja Mack and then Willie runs to clothesline Taven out! Fans fire up, Ninja Mack builds speed! “GO NINJA, GO NINJA, GO!” SUPER SASUKE SPECIAL!!!

Fans are thunderous after seeing three flips in a row! Ninja puts Taven in, covers, TWO! Another cover, TWO! Taven goes to ropes, Ninja fires off body shots! Bump off buckles, tag to Willie, and the Macks mug Taven. Fans rally, the Macks double whip to FLAPJACK SPIKE! And then Ninja hits a ROBINSON SPECIAL! Maria is freaking out as Willie covers, but Mike breaks it! Willie drags Mike up, tosses him out, and tags Ninja back in. But Mike drags Willie out! And DECKS him! Ninja positions Taven but Taven anchors a foot. Ninja stomps Taven, climbs, but Taven GAMANGIRIS! Taven has Mike hook Ninja up! PROTON PACK!!! Cover, The Kingdom wins!

Winners: The Kingdom, by pinfall

They may have lost the Fight Without Honor, but they’ve redeemed themselves here! Will ROH still belong to The OGK?


Mercedes Martinez VS Dream Girl Ellie!

Speaking of being back, The OG Badass is back and already has one win under her belt again. Will Mercedes be cruising up to a title opportunity? Or will Ellie start to live the dream?

The Code of Honor is upheld and the bell rings. The two circle, fans rally for “MER-CE-DES!” and she appreciates it. They tie up, but Ellie slips past Mercedes and pie faces her! Ellie says she doesn’t have time for Mercedes, but then Mercedes CLOBBERS her! Mercedes kicks Ellie around, saying she has no time for Ellie! Mercedes rains down fists, the ref counts about the hair pulling and closed fists, and Mercedes lets off at 4. Mercedes goes back to Ellie but Ellie KANGAROO KICKS! Ellie says she’s smarter than Mercedes, and she wrenches to a HOOK KICK! Ellie runs in to SHOTGUN, and Mercedes goes to ropes.

Ellie roars, runs, but into a BOOT from Mercedes! Fans fire up while Mercedes scowls, and she looms over Ellie. Mercedes checks her chin, drags Ellie up, and then bumps her off buckles. Mercedes turns Ellie around to CLUB her in the chest, and then CHOP her! Fans rally and Mercedes stands Ellie up. “Who do you think you are?!” Mercedes CHOPS Ellie again! Ellie falls over as she sputters, and Mercedes says this isn’t a dream. Mercedes stomps Ellie, drags her up, and then reels her in, SAIDO! Fans fire up while Mercedes growls, and she dares Ellie to get back up. Ellie crawls, sits up and asks for a time-out.

Mercedes says nope! KAMI-GOYE!! And then another KAMI-GOYE with the other knee! Ellie still wants mercy, but she gets a RUNNING KNEE! And a BLINDSIDER FOREARM! And then the legs are hooked, Mercedes SLAPS Ellie to get the arms, and then up, up and BRASS CITY SLEEPER!! Ellie taps, Mercedes wins!

Winner: Mercedes Martinez, by submission

Ellie just learned that the more you mess around, the more you find out! Mercedes is building momentum, will she be the one going after Athena’s title next?


Backstage interview with The Mack Attack.

Dasha is with Willie Mack & Ninja Mack, a rough loss against the forearm ROH World Tag Team Champions. Ninja says that just like in every sport, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. But Ninja is here to say that you can bet on ROH, you can bet on Ninja and you can bet on Willie. Willie says that they aren’t spring chickens, either, this isn’t their first rodeos. Willie’s cousins, brother and even daddy did get around, so who knows. But the Mack Attack isn’t going anywhere, they’re here to stay! OSU!


Ashley D’Amboise VS Danielle Kamela!

The ROH Women’s Division keeps on growing and it keeps on heating up! Will #JackedBarbie get back up with a win? Or will The Stunning Vision see herself in the win column tonight?

The Code of Honor is upheld, though reluctantly from Kamela. The bell rings and the two circle. They tie up, Ashley wrenches to a hammerlock and fans rally. Kamela spins but Ashely holds on! Kamela spins again but still Ashley holds on! Kamela elbows free and then wrenches Ashley’s arm. Ashley rolls, spins, handsprings and cartwheels to wrench and WRING Kamela! Fans rally, Ashley swaggers, but Kamela YANKS her into buckles! Kamela fires off forearms, then stomps away! The ref counts, Kamela stops at 4 and shouts “I’m off!” Kamela drags Ashley up and TOSSES her across the way!

Fans rally for Ashley but Kamela mocks them. Kamela fires forearms on Ashley, slaps her around, and then has her on ropes. Ashley throws hands but Kamela CLUBS her down. Kamela CHOKES Ashley on the ropes, the ref counts, and Kamela lets off to run and STRADDLE ATTACK! Kamela taunts “poor Ashley,” then goes to the apron to hang Ashley upside down! Kamela KICKS away on Ashley’s back! The ref counts, Kamela steps in to YANK Ashley off ropes and cover, TWO! Kamela clamps on a chinlock and she squeezes tight. Fans rally as Ashley fights up, and Ashley throws body shots.

Ashley gets free but Kamela CLUBS her down! Ashley gets up to ROCK Kamela! Kamela ROCKS Ashley but Ashley fires off forearms! Kamela knees low, runs, but into a LARIAT from Ashley! And then another! Ashley spins and kicks and runs, to ROLLING NECKBREAKER! Fans fire up with Ashley and she runs in at the corner. Kamela BOOTS Ashley, runs, but into a POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO!! Kamela survives and Ashley grows frustrated. Fans rally for Ashley and she brings Kamela up. Ashely scoops, Kamela slips free and CLUBS Ashley, ACE CUTTER! Cover, TWO! Kamela is frustrated and she brings Ashley up.

SWINGING NECKBRAEKER! Cover, TWO!! Kamela covers again, TWO! Kamela covers again, TWO!! Ashley is still in this but Kamela drags her up to a fireman’s carry. Ashley fights free, CLUBS Kamela and torture racks! BURNING HAMMER! High stack cover, TWO!?! Kamela survives and Ashely grows frustrated. Fans rally up, Ashley storms up on Kamela, and she clinches, but Kamela elbows back! Ashely shoves Kamela, catches her again, URENAGE!! Cover, Ashley wins!!

Winner: Ashley D’Amboise, by pinfall

Ashley hits rock bottom, but in a good way! She still shows Kamela respect by upholding the Code of Honor, but will Ashley be the one going for the gold?


Rocky Romero VS Titus Alexander!

Azucar was on the losing side at NJPW Resurgence, but that won’t slow him down. Will he continue to climb up in the ROH ranks? Or will “The Future Franchise” establish himself here tonight?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and Rocky circles with Titus. Fans rally, the two approach and Titus gets around to waistlock. Rocky switches, Titus switches back, repeat, but then Titus goes to ropes. The ref counts, and Titus hits a cheap shot! Fans boo, but Rocky CHOPS him back! Titus CHOPS, Rocky CHOPS, and then Rocky CHOPS again! Rocky gives some Latino Heat, whips, but Titus reverses. Rocky slides under, waistlocks, but Titus switches and shoves to CLOBBER Rocky! Basement dropkick! Fans boo but Titus brings Rocky up. Titus whips Rocky corner to corner, then runs in, but Rocky dodge!

Titus hits buckles hard, and Rocky starts up the Forever Clotheslines! But Titus stops it at three as he rushes Rocky! Rocky dodges, Titus dodges, and then Titus DROPKICKS Rocky down! Fans boo while Titus flexes, and he scoops Rocky for a SPIN-OUT BACKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Rocky is hanging tough but Titus drags him into an armlock. Titus also steps over Rocky’s head to add leverage. Fans rally, Rocky fights up, and Rocky KICKS Titus! And KICKS him again! Titus shoves back, Rocky holds ropes and UPPERCUTS back! Then springboards to TORNADO DDT! Titus flounders and fans rally back up!

Rocky fires up, the fans are with him, and Rocky waits on Titus to sit up. Rocky KICKS Titus in the arm, KICKS him again, then dodges a haymaker to ROCK Titus! Rocky whips, Titus reverses, but Rocky goes Spider-Man. Titus runs in but is sent tumbling out! Fans fire up as Rocky builds speed and DIVES! Direct hit at the ramp! Fans fire up and Rocky swaggers. Rocky puts Titus in, waits on him to rise, SHIRANUI DDT! Cover, TWO!! Titus proves his toughness but Rocky goes back tot he corner. Rocky runs in, Titus goes up and over, then KANGAROO KICKS! Kip up and FOREARM!

Titus snapmares, rolls, suplexes, BRAINBUSTER! Cover, TWO! Rocky is hanging tough as a forearm champion, but Titus fires off forearms. Titus whips, Rocky slips out of the scoop to shove Titus to a corner. Titus BOOTS back, goes up, but Rocky blocks his boot to GAMANGIRI! Rocky then runs to spring up and SUPER ARMBAR TAKEDOWN!! DIABLA AMRBAR!!! Titus taps, Rocky wins!!

Winner: Rocky Romero, by submission

Azucar may mean “sugar,” but Rocky was a bit too spicy for Titus. But Rocky shakes Titus’ hand to show respect to this young star. Will Rocky be golden as we move into the summer?


Six Man Tag: Stu Grayson & The Righteous VS Marcus Kross, Vary Morales & Leon St. Giovanni!

As it stands, Dutch & Vincent got what they wanted, and Stu is joining them! At least, for this match. Player Two is just seeing if there’s something more to them than just talk. Will he be convinced with a win? Or will he still be Dark Order Forever?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the trios sort out, and Stu starts against Vary. The bell rings and Stu CLOBBERS Vary! And CLOBBERS him again! And then picks him up to RAM into a corner! Stu CHOPS Vary, ROCKS Vary, and then runs corner to corner. Vary BOOTS back, goes up, leaps, but into Stu’s arms! OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Stu kips up, the Righteous applaud, and Stu whips Vary to scoop. Vary slips free, ducks the lariat and tags Kross. But Stu CLOBBERS him, too! Stu drags Kross up, looks to the corner, and he whips Kross in hard! Tag to Dutch, and Dutch flicks his tongue.

Stu whips Dutch in to SPLASH Kross! Dutch feeds Kross to Stu’s LARIAT! Dutch then adds a LEG DROP! Kross flounders, Dutch smiles and he brings Kross up. Dutch bumps Kross off buckles, tags Stu back in, and Stu runs in to BOOT Kross! Fans rally, Stu CHOPS Kross against ropes. Stu brings Kross up and Vincent wants a tag. Stu obliges, and now he and Vincent double whip. Stu knees low, Vincent kicks, Stu sweeps the leg! BASEMENT SHOT from Vincent! Vincent wants Stu to see this is what he was talking about all along! And then Vincent DECKS Vary for good measure!

Vincent underhooks, Kross slips free, tag to LSG! LSG fires off CHOPS and haymakers! LSG whips, Vincent reverses but LSGO ducks to springboard LARIAT! LSG is fired up, eh DROPKICKS Dutch! Tag to Kross, Stu runs in but he gets mugged! Kross & LSG double back suplex but Stu lands out of it! Stu goes Matrix to dodge, then he DOUBLE PELES! Fans fire up for Stu but the Dark Order appears! They can’t believe this is really happening, but Stu says he’s trying something. Vary ENZIGURIS Stu, but Dutch tags in! BLACK HOLE SLAM for Vary! The Righteous get Kross up, for AUTUMN SUNSHINE!

But then the Righteous look to Stu. They want him to finish this! The Dark Order say no but Vincent says go ahead. Stu tags in, he looks back to his friends, and he drags Kross up. Stu gives Kross the NIGHT FALL!! Cover, Stu & The Righteous win!

Winners: Stu Grayson & The Righteous, by pinfall

Talk about night and day. The Righteous say that was wonderful, and they want Stu to be one of them. Stu still looks conflicted, but then he leaves with Dutch & Vincent! The Dark Order don’t understand, but is that exactly why this has happened?


Backstage interview with Samoa Joe & Zack Sabre Jr.

Dasha is with the ROH World TV Champion and the NJPW World TV Champion, and brings up their main event tag match with Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal. This is a tag match with huge stipulations! ZSJ says this is a long way from Tokyo, but it was worth the flight. He’s here with a mission to make the NJPW World TV Championship the top television championship in all of professional wrestling. Joe chuckles, and says that the only reason he agreed to this is because he wants to see ZSJ’s capabilities in person. And Joe says that he looks forward to having ZSJ’s back. ZSJ tells “Joseph” that he also looks forward to that. Will #ZSJOE stay on the same page long enough to cross off Daniels & Sydal?


Tracy Williams w/ Rhett Titus VS Shane Taylor w/ The Workehorsemen!

Speaking of the ROH World TV Championship, we see another battle of former TV Champions! Will Hot Sauce be too much to handle here tonight? Or will Big Bad Shaney T simply break the bottle and throw it away?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and the two circle. They feel things out, Tracy shoots in but Shane blocks the takedown to TOSS Tracy away. JD mocks Tracy from the apron but Tracy comes back. Tracy wrenches an arm, grinds the shoulder, but Shane powers up to JAB! Tracy stays up and Shane talks some trash. They circle again, Tracy eggs Shane on, and Shane runs in. Tracy gets around to fire forearms but Shane puts him in a corner. Shane fires body shots, the ref counts, and Shane puts Tracy up top. Shane fires off forearms, the ref counts again, and Shane lets off.

Shane argues with the ref, but then Tracy gets an arm! HANGING ARMBAR! The ref counts, Tracy lets off at 4, and Tracy hurries in. Tracy wrenches, Shane shoves him away and CLOBBERS him on the return! Fans rally, Shane sits Tracy up and then DECKS him with a forearm! Shane huffs and puffs, fans sing “Shane is gonna kill~ you!” Shane is amused, and he drags Tracy up to suplex. Tracy knees free, then goes for the arm! Shane stays standing but Tracy grinds the shoulder. Shane powers up to SIDEWALK SLAM! Cover, TWO! Tracy is tough and the fans rally, but Shane talks trash to his old pal, Rhett. Shane slaps Tracy around, Tracy grits his teeth.

Tracy gets up, both men throw hands, but Tracy ROCKS, ROCKS and CHOPS Shane! Shane choke grips, SHOVES Tracy to a corner, but Tracy ELBOWS back! And BOOTS, too! Tracy goes up, but Shane YANKS him off, only for Tracy to DDT him down! Cover, TWO! Shane survives but Tracy roars! Fans rally up, Tracy runs, and he SLIDING LARIATS! Fans fire up, Tracy goes up top, but Shane ROCKS him first! Shane goes up after Tracy, to CLUB away on Tracy’s back! The ref counts but Tracy throws hands in return! Tracy HEADBUTTS and Shane falls back! Tracy adjusts, leaps, FROG SPLASH! Cover, TWO!

Shane is hanging tough but Rhett coaches Tracy. Tracy watches Shane rise, then reels him in. But Shane’s too much to lift! Shane powers up to back drop free! Tracy staggers to his feet, but Shane blocks a kick to KNEE Tracy! Shane bobs ‘n’ weaves under Tracy’s shots, to HEADBUTT! And RIPCORD, into the URENAGE! And SPLASH! Cover, TWO!? Tracy survives and fans rally up again. Shane drags Tracy around by his arm, brings him up, but Tracy CHOPS! And ROCKS! Shane DECKS Tracy again! Shane drags Tracy up, tucks him in, PACKAGE PILEDRIVER!! Cover, Shane wins!

Winner: Shane Taylor, by pinfall

Shane Taylor Promotions continues to rack up the wins! And even then, he still shows Tracy respect with another handshake. Will there be no denying Shane Taylor a golden opportunity after Double or Nothing?


ROH Women’s World Championship Proving Grounds: Athena VS Promise Braxton!

We saw Claudio defend the Proving Grounds against Serpentico, but we also saw the Fallen Goddess eyeing Kiera Hogan earlier tonight. Will Athena focus on the fight in front of her? Or will she not be able to break a Promise?

The Code of Honor is upheld, though sarcastically by Athena. The bell rings and the two circle. Fans rally, the two approach, but Athena shoots around to snapmare and ghost pin, ONE! Promise waistlocks, Athena fights up but Promise SLAMS Athena down! Promise facelocks, but Athena fights up to trip her. Athena has a standing toehold, but Promise turns over, stands up and reels Athena into a headlock. Athena powers up and out, but Promise whips, only for Athena to CLOBBER her with an elbow! Athena taunts Promise, things speed up, and Promise jumps but into a sunset flip!

Promise rolls through but Athena ducks the Penalty Kick! Things keep moving, Athena turns hip toss into arm-drag. Promise avoids the dropkick, and she Japanese arm-drags after all! Promise kips up, but so does Athena, and fans cheer. The two stand off, shake hands again, and then Athena ROUNDHOUSES Promise down! Athena cheers herself but the fans are torn. Promise goes to a corner, Athena runs in to RAM her! And KICK her! And UPPERCUT her! The ref counts but Athena glares at him. Athena brings Promise around to threaten the ref, but Promise fires body shots! Athena DECKS Promise!

Promise goes to a corner, Athena whips her to ropes, but Promise ducks and gets around to waistlock. Athena fights the hold but Promise rolls her up, TWO! Athena scoops, but Promise gets a headscissors to bring Athena into the OCTOPUS! Athena endures, fans rally, and Athena powers up but Promise sunset flips! ONE!! Athena hurries up but into a kick! Promise snap suplexes, rolls through, Una Amiga! Another suplex, but Athena fights it off! Athena suplexes, holds Promise and walks around, then GOURD BUSTERS at 7! SUPERKICK! Athena says it’s done now and she has a laugh. Athena pushes Promise to a cover, TWO!

Athena stalks Promise to a corner, stands her up and whips her corner to corner. Athena runs in, but Promise BOOTS her! Athena comes back, only gets buckles, and promise CLOBBERS Athena! Promise starts to rally! Athena swings, into a spin and GUT BUSTER! Promise keeps moving, METEORA! Cover, TWO! Fans rally up and the time is ticking! Promise nods, storms up on Athena, but into a RANA into buckles! Athena then runs to trip Promise, and she slingshots back in to SPLASH! Cover, TWO! Athena grows frustrated and she pie faces Promise. Athena runs, into a KNEE! Promise runs, dodges, and ROCKS Athena!

Promise fires forearm after forearm, CHOPS, but Athena reels her in to CLUB her on the back! Promise elbows back, but Athena DECKS Promise! And then Athena rains down forearms on the mat! Athena ties Promise up, COBRA CLUTCH!! Promise taps, Athena wins!

Winner: Athena, by submission (denies Promise a title opporutnity)

The Fallen Goddess takes out another one, but she continues the mean streak by bringing Promise over. Athena CLUBS away on Promise’s back, lines up the shot, and tells her this is what she gets. But KIERA attacks from behind! Athena is mad, she runs in, but into a ROUNDHOUSE! Kiera gives Athena some forearms now! Fans fire up as Kiera gives Athena a taste of her own mean streak! Kiera shouts, “You really ’bout it? You wanna mess with me, b*tch?! BURN, B*TCH!” Kiera SPIKES Athena on the belt!! Now Athena gets a taste of her own medicine! Athena may have denied one challenger, but did she only anger another?


Dralistico w/ Jose VS Tony Deppen!

La Faccion Ingobernable is still looking for gold in AEW and ROH, but they could be very close. Will Prince of Silver and Gold prove himself worthy? Or will The Czar of Honor steal the spotlight from him?

The Code of Honor is upheld, but Dralistico gets in Tony’s face. The bell rings and Tony DROPKICKS Dralistico out! And then Tony DIVES! Direct hit and Tony adds forearms! Tony stomps Dralistico, whips, but Dralistico reverses to POST Tony! Dralistico RAMS Tony into railing, then brings him up to whip and send him hard into the steel steps! Fans fire up and Dralistico stomps Tony. Dralistico stands Tony up to CHOP him! Even fans are stinging! Dralistico puts Tony in, fans rally up, and Dralistico springboards to SWANTON! Cover, but Dralistico brings Tony up! Dralistico says tranquilo, he wants to have fun.

Dralistico KICKS Tony in the back! Tony goes to a corner, and Dralistico CHOPS him! Dralistico stomps away, the ref counts, and he has Dralistico back off. Dralistico runs side to side to SUPERKICK! Tony flops against ropes and Dralistico lounges on the top rope. Fans cheer the tranquilo, and then Dralistico goes back to Tony. Dralistico stomps Tony around, drags him back up, and reels him in. Dralistico says this is it, abut Tony fights the bomb! Tony BOOTS Dralistico and Dralistico staggers to ropes. Tony runs in but is put on the apron. Tony swings, Dralistico blocks and CHOPS! Dralisetico runs, but Tony jumps over! IMPLODER SENTON!

Fans fire up for Tony and he puts Dralistico back in! Tony climbs, leaps, DIVING DOUBLE STOMPS! Cover, TWO!! Dralistico survives the coup de grace but fans rally up. Tony stands back up, he drag Dralistico up, but Dralistico CHOPS Tony! Dralistico eggs Tony on, so Tony CHOPS back! Dralistico cup checks Tony! Something he learned from big brother Rush when he did that to Jungle Boy. Tony CHOPS back! Dralistico says okay, and he puts his hands back. Tony says fine, and he puts some stank on the CHOP! Dralistico shrugs that off, and then he CHOPS Tony! Tony grits his teeth but he wants more!

Dralistico CHOPS! And then winds up, to CHOP again! Tony is still standing, so he forearms! Dralistico SLAPS Tony! Toni SLAPS, Dralistico SLAPS, this is getting fast ‘n’ furious! Tony and Dralistico fire off forearms back and forth, Tony gets the edge, but Dralistico SOBATS! And KNEES! And runs, but into a KNEE from Tony! Tony runs, but into a SCREW HIGH KICK from Dralistico! But then Tony shoots around to GERMAN SUPLEX! And then another! Fans fire up and Tony runs in, but into a SNAP GERMAN! And a SUPERKICK! And a POISON-RANA!! Tony flops down and fans fire up!

The ref checks both men, they’re okay to continue, and a standing count starts. Fans rally and both men stir. The count reaches 5 of 10 but Dralistico is up first. He stomps Tony, reels him in, underhooks the arms, but Tony fights free! ROLLING ELBOW! Both men go to corners, Tony runs in but is put on the apron. Tony CHOPS, then climbs up the ropes. Dralistico GAMANGIRIS first! Dralistico goes out, springboards in, SUPER STEINER!! Tony staggers up, Dralistico runs in, tilt-o-whirl, LA MYSTICA! FUJIWARA ARMBAR!! Tony taps, Dralistico wins!

Winner: Dralistico, by submission

The Prince of Silver and Gold almost came to regret letting off on Tony early. But in the end, he gets the win for LFI, will he also go get a championship?


Backstage interview with Nick Comoroto.

Dasha is with “Nicky Boy” and he is set to face Blake Christian tonight. Nick asks All Heart, “Who are you? All I see is just another guy who looks like everybody else, that talks like everybody. Hell, walks around just like everybody else.” All Heart? More like All Generic. How many people look like Nick Comoroto? NONE. NOBODY. This is what’s gonna happen: Nick reaches in to rip out that still-beating All Heart, and then spit down the hole he made. ROH, don’t simp for the wimps, capiche?


Skye Blue VS Miranda Alize!

Chicago Skye fell short of taking the title off Athena, but the chase is never done. Will Skye rise back up to try again? Or will the Lucha Baddie take over pole position?

The Code of Honor is NOT upheld as Alize slaps the hand away then shoves Skye! The bell rings and Skye comes back. Things speed up, Skye ducks ‘n’ dodges to shove but Alize blocks the arm-drag. Alize brings Skye up but Skye goes around to arm-drag after all! Skye keeps moving, tilt-o-whirls and headscissors Alize out of the ring! Skye then hurries out after Alize, but Alize leads her on a chase. They slide into the ring, Alize keeps moving but Skye dodges, only for Alize to dropkick the legs out! And BASEMENT DDT! Cover, TWO! Alize argues the count but the ref says it was fair. Skye is in a corner, Alize runs in to forearm!

Alize throws body shots, the ref counts, and Alize goes corner to corner. Alize takes a bow, runs back in and UPPERCUTS! Alize sits Skye down, goes side to side, BOOT WASH! Alize blows kisses, then runs corner to corner to basement dropkick! And snap suplex! Cover, TWO! Alize is annoyed but the fans rally up. Alize pushes Skye around but Skye throws body shots. Skye ROCKS Alize, runs, but Alize UPPERCUTS her at the ropes! Alize pushes Skye to a corner, then runs corner to corner, but into an elbow! Alize comes back, into a BOOT! Skye then spins Alize to a SMASH and whip! And SHINING WIZARD at the ropes!

Skye snapmares but Alize blocks the kick! “I don’t think so, little girl!” But then Skye comes back with the BASEMENT ENZIGURI! Cover, ONE!! Alize has fight in her but Skye drags her up. Fans rally as Skye full nelsons, but Alize stomps Skye’s foot! Skye shoves Alize away, but Alize comes back to spin Skye and suplex, into the X PLEX! Cover, TWO! Skye also still has fight in her, and Alize is frustrated. Alize covers again, TWO! Alize puts on a CROSSFACE! She bends Skye back, and Skye flails around! Th e fans rally, Skye rolls to a cover, TWO!! Skye SUPERKICKS and Alize goes to a corner.

Skye roars, runs corner to corner, but Alize dodges! Alize comes back, but Skye slips into the ropes to then roll Alize up! SCHOOLGIRL BRIDGE! Skye wins!!

Winner: Skye Blue, by pinfall

Alize is stunned that she got caught like that! Skye is savvy beyond her years, will she be back in the title picture soon enough?


Backstage interview with Athena.

Lexi Nair flags Athena down as she’s leaving. Athena asks what Lexi wants, and Lexi just wants to ask, after Kiera attacked Athena after her match, “how does it feel to taste your own medicine?” Athena asks what Lexi means by that. A taste of her own medicine? Athena says it’s crazy, Lexi is everywhere, but the one thing she’s good at is sticking her nose in the wrong person’s business. As far as Kiera goes, next week, Athena will defend her title against her. Is that what we wanted? Yes? Yes?! Athena throws a fit! She kicks spare railing and shouts “KIERA!” Athena storms out, having lost her cool, will she end up losing her title, too?


Darius Martin & Action Andretti VS Cole Karter & “The Reality” Zack Clayton!

The team that won the Fight Without Honor is back in action already! Will they keep winning and rising in the ROH Tag Division? Or will they end up having a reality check?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the teams sort out, and Action starts against Clayton. They circle, tie up, and Clayton shoves him to a corner. Action comes back, waistlocks, but Clayton elbows free. But Action elbows back! Action whips, Clayton reverses but Action rolls off his back to KICK! Action whips, Clayton reverses, but Action dodges to send him into buckles! Action comes back but the monkey flip is denied as Clayton puts Action up top. Action BOOTS Clayton away, then front flips to arm-drag! Clayton comes back but into a DROPKICK! Fans fire up, Action runs to IMPLODER TORNILLO! Cover, TWO!

Action drags Clayton up, tags in Darius, and Darius leap frogs the arm! Darius wrenches but Clayton LARIATS! Clayton drags Darius up, tags Karter, and they mug Darius. Karter scoops, Darius slips off and CHOPS! And CHOPS! Karter CHOPS back! Karter whips, Darius reverses and DROPKICKS! Darius CHOPS Karter again, whips, but Karter reverses. Darius slides to s stop, tags Action, they pinball Karter in their corner! Action slingshots in, goes up and up, TORNILLO! Cover, TWO! Action keeps cool, and he brings Karter up. Karter swings, Action bobs ‘n’ weaves, to SOBAT, knee and whip.

Karter reverses and then shoves Action off the springboard! Action hits the floor, Karter tags in Clayton. Clayton drags Action up to the ropes, to deadlift suplex him into the ring! Karter drops DOUBLE KNEES! Fans boo but Clayton & Karter just soak it up. Clayton talks trash on Action, saying the fans don’t care about him. But the fans rally up and chant “WE CARE! WE CARE!” Clayton CLUBS Action, CLUBS him more, but Action JAWBREAKERS! Clayton grabs a leg, but Action hops up to ENZIGURI! Clayton grabs Action again, but Action slips out, hops over, and SUPERKICKS! Hot tag to Darius!

Karter jumps in but Darius CLOBBERS him! Darius rallies on Clayton & Karter, CHOP and ENZIGURI! A clothesline sends Karter up and over the ropes! Clayton waistlocks, Darius switches, and then BULLDOG DROPKICK COMBOS! Fans fire up, Darius GAMANGIRIS Clayton, then steps in for the COMPLETE SHOT! Cover, Karter drags him off! Darius CHOPS Karter, hurries back and dodges Clayton! But he runs into a POWERSLAM! Tag to Karter and he climbs up! Karter FROG SPLASHES! Cover, Action breaks it! Clayton CLUBS Action, whips him, but Action BOOTS back from the corner!

Clayton staggers, Action tilt-o-whirls, but Clayton blocks it! Darius gives it a push and Action finishes the DDT while Darius clotheslines Karter! Darius & Action bring Karter around, DOUBLE SWINGING SLAM! Cover, Action & Darius win!

Winners: Darius Martin & Action Andretti, by pinfall

The team of #TopAction keeps on winning, will they go all the way to the tag titles?


Nick Comoroto VS Blake Christian!

We heard “Nicky Boy” earlier, will this wrecking ball crush All Heart? Or will Comoroto realize size doesn’t matter?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the bell rings, and fans chant for “ALL HEART!” Comoroto winds up, and he flicks his lollipop at Blake. Blake SLAPS Comoroto! Comoroto swings but Blake dodges to wheelbarrow. Comoroto throws Blake away but Blake SLAPS him again! Comoroto whips Blake to a corner, and he RAMS Blake before he can get up and over! Blake staggers, comes back, but Comoroto puts him on the apron. Blake GAMANGIRIS, then backflips away before Comoroto comes back! Fans cheer and Blake eggs Comoroto on. Comoroto rushes out, Blake slides back in, and Comoroto thinks before just rushing back in.

Comoroto then slides in, but Blake slides out! The chase continues, Blake goes up and around and Comoroto hits steps! Fans fire up, Blake builds speed and FLIES! Direct hit at the ramp and fans fire up more! Comoroto scrambles into the ring, Blake hurries in, but he avoids the elbow drop! Fans chant for All Heart as he slingshot sentons! Comoroto bails back out, Blake builds speed again and DIVES, but in to Comoroto’s hands! Comoroto trophy lifts, then POSTS Blake! Fans boo but Comoroto hauls Blake up. Comoroto puts Blake in at 7 of 10, drops an elbow, then stomps Blake. Comoroto drags Blake up while fans rally.

Comoroto RAMS Blake into a corner, RAMS him again, then suplexes to TOSS Blake away! Comoroto tells everyone to shove it, then he drags Blake up. Comoroto scoop SLAMS, then runs to ELBOW DROP! Cover, TWO! Comoroto is annoyed but the fans continue to rally for All Heart. Comoroto drags Blake back up, scoops again, but Blake slips off! Blake ROCKS Comoroto, but Comoroto CHOPS back! Blake fires more forearms, but Comoroto CHOPS him down! Blake goes to ropes, Comoroto storms up but into more forearms. Comoroto UPPERCUTS Blake off his feet! But BLake kips back up! Blake fires off more forearms!

Fans fire up as Blake ENZIGURIS! Blake whips, Comoroto blocks and reverses, but he misses the splash and only hits buckles! Fans fire up while both men are down! Blake and Comoroto both rise, Comoroto runs in but Blake dumps him out! Blake builds speed to DIVE! Direct hit into the railing! Fans fire up as Blake hurries to the apron. Blake climbs a corner, Comoroto is on the apron now, DOUBLE STOMPS! Comoroto flops into the ring, Blake goes back up to FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH! Cover, TWO!! Comoroto survives, guess Blake really isn’t one of a kind. Blake aims from the corner, though, and he runs in, but into a SPINEBUSTER!

Comoroto roars, shakes the ropes, and fans boo as he goes back to Blake. “You ain’t got nothing!” Comoroto drags Blake up, the fans rally, and Blake SLAPS Comoroto again! And then cradles! TWO!! Comoroto is up, fireman’s carries, WIDOWMAKER! Cover, TWO!?! Blake survives and Comoroto is foaming at the mouth. Blake flops out of the ring while Comoroto argues with the ref. Wait, Blake gets a chair?! Comoroto storms up and Blake throws the chair into the ring. The ref and Comoroto both go get the chair but then Blake runs in to victory roll! BLAKE WINS!!

Winner: Blake Christian, by pinfall

Blake proves he isn’t just All Heart, he’s got some brains, too! He tricked Nick, but will Comoroto get back at the small fry soon enough?


Diamante VS Trish Adora!

Another battle in this already powered up Women’s Division, the Cuban Diamond and the Afropunk collide on the road to a title shot! Who gets a step ahead of the other with a win here tonight?

The Code of Honor is upheld, though with some tension. The bell rings, and the shoving begins! Then they tie up, go around, and Diamante puts Trish in a corner. The ref counts, Diamante lets off at 4, but then she swings on Trish! Trish catches her for a double wristlock! Diamante moves around to fight it so Trish wrenches, Alabama Lifts, and tucks Diamante in for a REVERSE NECKBREAKER! Trish holds onto it but Diamante tries to turn it into an Octopus! Trish stands up, wrenches, but Diamante throws her down! Diamante stomps Trish, CLUBS her against the ropes, then lets off as the ref counts.

Trish bails out but Diamante drags her in, DRAPING NECKBREAKER! Trish flops to the apron, and Diamante runs to baseball slide dropkick! Fans boo but Diamante soaks up the heat. Diamante puts Trish in, ROCKS her with a forearm, then fires off more shots. Trish ROCKS Diamante back, but Diamante CHOPS! Diamante CHOPS Trish in the corner, CHOPS her again, then CHOPS her again! Trish dodges the next chop to CHOP back! And again! And again! Diamante shoves Trish, Trish comes back, but into an OVERHEAD Suplex! Trish is in the corner, Diamante runs in to SHOTGUN! Cover, TWO!

Trish is still in this and the fans rally up. Diamante eggs her on, so Trish ROCKS her with a forearm! Diamante forearms back! The forearms go back and forth, but Diamante gets the edge. Diamante says it’s over, and she SLAPS Trish! Diamante grabs an arm, but Trish blocks the ripcord! Trish then WRINGS Diamante’s arm! Trish fires off forearms, winds up and she DECKS Diamante! Trish tells her to get up, but Diamante dodges the haymaker, only for the CROSSBODY to hit! Cover, TWO! Trish hurries to go after Diamante in the corner! Trish stomps and hip attacks point blank! The ref counts, Trish stops at 4.

Trish then drags Diamante up, suplexes, CRADLE SHOCK! Cover, TWO!! Diamante survives and Trish is shocked! But fans fire up and Trish powers up, but Diamante ducks the lariat! Dragon sleeper, CROSS RHODES! Diamante says this is it, and she grinds her forearms into Trish’s face, before the half straitjacket and armlock! Trish TAPS, Diamante wins!

Winner: Diamante, by submission

The Cuban Diamond put on the pressure and Trish couldn’t take it! They still uphold the Code of Honor, but will Diamante soon have some gold in her sights?


Alex Coughlin speaks.

“Shibata-san, five years since you changed my life when you invited me to train under your learning tree at the LA Dojo. I learned a lot from you, you beat a lot of lessons into me, but you didn’t teach me everything. When I see you across the ring from me in Vegas, you better come prepared and don’t underestimate me. Because I’m going to give everything that I have. You invited me five years ago to the LA Dojo, and I’m walking out with your Pure title, using your own techniques.” Will the Android dethrone The Wrestler next week?


Penta El Zero Miedo w/ Alex Abrahantes VS Slim J w/ The Trustbusters!

The Lucha Brothers retained the ROH World Tag Team Championships on Dynamite, though with a little help from The Young Bucks. And at Double or Nothing, the Lucha Brothers are both getting in on the Blackjack Battle Royal for the AEW International Championship. Will #CEROMIEDO improve his chances with a win here tonight? Or will the only high rollers in Vegas be Daivari Dinero and his stable?

The Code of Honor is NOT upheld as both men get in each other’s face. The bell rings, they talk some trash, and then Penta tells Slim to listen. “CERO! MIEDO!” and Penta pie faces Slim hard! Slim comes back to shove Penta, but Penta says okay. “CERO!” Slim stops that to say no catchphrases! But Penta SOBATS! Penta headlocks, Slim powers out and drops down, but Penta KICKS Slim! Fans fire up with Penta while Slim goes to a corner. Penta runs in, Slim dodges, but Penta dodges in return. Penta GAMANGIRIS, runs, Slim follows but Penta to SUPERKICK! Slim flops out of the ring and fans fire up!

Penta builds speed, Slim moves but Penta redirects, and DIVES into a forearm! Slim CHOKES Penta on the apron, lets off as the ref counts, and then pushes Penta in. Slim throws Penta out near the Trustbusters, and Slim distracts the ref. Sonny Kiss & Jeeves Kay stomp away on Penta while Daivari keeps Alex back! Slim then goes out after Penta to SLAP him! Penta leans against railing, Slim puts him in the ring, and Slim drags Penta up. Slim knuckle locks and throws body shots. Slim goes up the ropes and he FLYING INVERTED DDTS! Cover, TWO! Penta is still in this but Slim keeps him down with a chinlock.

Fans rally, Penta fights up, but Slim puts him on the ropes. Slim ROCKS Penta, whips, but Penta stops himself to KICK back! Penta then runs to SUPERKICK! And again, to SLINGBLADE! And then another SLINGBLADE! Cover, TWO!! Slim survives but Penta fires back up! Penta brings Slim up, has him against ropes, and hushes the crowd. Penta CHOPS and Slim flounders away! Fans want one more, “UNO MAS! UNO MAS!” The Trustbusters say no, but Penta brings Slim out. Penta says “CERO! MIEDO!” Tuck and- NO, Slim fights the driver to hit a SWINGING CUTTER! Cover, TWO!!

Penta survives and Slim is shocked! Slim drags Penta up, hoists him up top, climbs up and fires off forearms! But Penta slips out, and SUPERKICKS the legs out! Slim is in a Tree of Woe, Penta goes back up, to WOE STOMP!! Penta then drags Slim to a cover, TWO!! Slim survives but Penta fires up again! The fans are with him and Penta goes back to the corner. Penta tells the Trustbusters to back off, then he climbs. DIVING- NO, Slim avoids the stomps! Slim runs in, wheelbarrow COMPLETE SHOT! Slim goes up a corner, leaps, FLYING REVERSE DDT! Cover, TWO!! Penta survives again!

Fans rally, Slim drags Penta up, and Slim Electric Chair Lifts! But Penta throws down fists! Penta slips free, shoves, Slim springboards, into a KICK! Penta drags Slim up, “CERO! MIEDO!” PACKAGE PILEDRIVER!! Cover, Penta wins!

Winner: Penta El Zero Miedo, by pinfall

No golden ticket for the Trustbusters to get a tag title match! Penta wins big, but will he win just as big at Double or Nothing?


Zack Sabre Jr. & Samoa Joe VS Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal!

Two submission masters join forces for a common goal of making former ROH World Tag Team Champions #JustTapOut! But will the Front Man and the King of Wrestling Television keep that plot line in mind? Or will Daniels & Sydal snatch a golden ticket to a summer blockbuster?

The Code of Honor is upheld, the teams sort out, and Sydal starts against ZSJ. Fans sing “Joe is gonna kill~ you!” but ZSj says everyone can calm down. No murder here, just wrestling. They circle, Sydal doesn’t take the free leg, and they knuckle lock. ZSJ bridges, rolls, and has a straitjacket on Sydal! Sydal spins it onto ZSJ, turns it into a modified stretch, but ZSJ slips it back onto Sydal! ZSJ bends Sydal against his knees, but Sydal pushes back to a cover. ONE, and Sydal is back in the stretch. But Sydal pushes back again, goes up and over, and he has the jacket back on ZSJ! ZSJ wriggles it down, kicks free, and fans cheer!

ZSJ and Sydal reset, circle again, and tie up. ZSJ gest an arm to wrench and twist, then wrangles Sydal to the mat. Sydal fights up but ZSJ holds onto the wristlock. Sydal spins through, wrenches back and has a double wristlock. ZSJ trips Sydal, then blocks the drop toehold. ZSJ gets an arm, has a top wristlock, but Sydal kips up, goes up and around, gets free and RANAS! Then WHEEL KICKS! Fans fire up, Sydal tags Daniels, but ZSJ gets away and Joe tags himself in. Fans cheer but ZSJ is a bit annoyed. Joe circles with Daniels, meeting again after just facing off 1v1 for the ROH TV Championship just a few weeks ago.

Fans rally, Daniels rushes Joe and whips, but Joe jumps over the dropdown to CHOP Daniels down! And CHOP him again! Daniels rises again but Joe smirks. Joe cravats to snapmare, and he CHOPS Daniels on the back! Joe tells ZSJ to take notes, but Daniels rolls Joe up! TWO, and Daniels drop toeholds Joe! Tag to Sydal, he jumps in to stomp Joe on the head! Sydal stomps more, he and Daniels double whip, then drop toehold to basement dropkick! Fans fire up, Sydal brings Joe up, but Joe CHOPS back! Joe tags ZSJ in but with some stank. ZSJ and Sydal circle, Sydal shows knuckle lock but he KICKS ZSJ in the leg!

Sydal KICKS ZSJ again, has him in the corner, tags Daniels, and they bring ZSJ around. Dragon sleeper to a LEG DROP DDT, and then Sydal gives Daniels a boost with a BACK SUPLEX SPLASH! Then Sydal STANDING MARIPOSAS! Sydal covers but as Joe points out, Daniels is legal. The miscue costs Daniels & Sydal but Daniels CHOPS ZSJ to a corner. Daniels throws forearms, whips corner to corner, then runs in to forearm smash! Daniels brings ZSJ out, ROCKS him and CHOPS him! Daniels whips again, but ZSJ kicks back! Daniels comes back but ZSJ trips him up! ZSJ distracts the ref, Joe gets as cheap shot in!

Sydal is mad but ZSJ BLASTS him off the apron! ZSJ tags Joe and tells him that’s how it’s done. Joe stomps Daniels, then JABS and JABS and JABS, then fires off in the corner! Daniels sits down and Joe lets off. Joe brings Daniels up, Daniels throws forearms in return! Daniels whips, Joe reverse and runs in, back elbow to PELE! Daniels falls, and Joe “graciously” tags ZSJ. ZSJ says that’s better. ZSJ drags Daniels over, has a standing toehold but also stands on Daniels’ bad knee. ZSJ tweaks the foot, twists the ankle, and has a modified calf killer to shift into a modified Deathlock! ZSJ even headscissors!

ZSJ turns Daniels over, flexes at Joe and pushes up to put on pressure. ZSJ then drags Daniels over with that headscissors, and he tags in Joe. Joe stomps Daniels, brings Daniels up, then HEADBUTTS! Joe snapmares, then wraps Daniels up in an armlock. Joe leans his weight on Daniels and ZSJ says that’s pretty good. Fans rally as Daniels endures, and ZSJ taunts him that the ropes are so close. Daniels fights to his feet, but Joe throws him down! Tag to ZSJ and ZSJ wants Joe to watch this. ZSJ wrenches, slips through, wrenches and then wrangles Daniels down! ZSJ rolls Daniels around and around with arm wrench after arm wrench!

ZSJ then isolates the arm to STOMP it! Tag to Joe, Joe brings Daniels up and wrenches him. Joe says this is how he doe sit, and he just HEADBUTTS the hand again and again and again! Then he stomps away on the arm! Joe drags Daniels over, tags in ZSJ, and ZSJ stops with the arm. ZSJ asks Joe what he’s up to, but Daniels shoves ZSJ into Joe! Roll-up, TWO!! Joe gets in to BOOT Daniels! ZSJ drags Daniels over, tags Joe, and Joe sits Daniels up with a neck wrench. Daniels endures, fans rally again, but Joe leans his weight on the hold. Daniels still fights up, throws elbows, and then runs. Joe hits the POWERSLAM! Cover, TWO!!

Sydal coaches Daniels but Joe tags ZSJ. ZSJ kicks Daniels around, toys with him, and then drags Daniels up to UPPERCUT! ZSJ UPPERCUTS again, and again! Daniels flops against ropes, ZSJ CHOKES him, then tags in Joe. Joe isn’t so sure about that one, but he CHOPS Daniels on the back! Joe stands Daniels up, HEADBUTTS him down, then sits him up for a shoulder claw! Daniels endures, fans rally, and ZSJ talks more trash on Daniels. Daniels fights up, throws elbows again and again, and then runs. Daniels KICKS Joe to then STO! Fans fire up while both men are down! Daniels crawls, hot tag ot Sydal!

Fans fire up as Sydal KICKS Joe, KICKS again and again and again! Joe swings, Sydal dodges to THRUST KICK! Sydal dodges ZSJ to JUMP KNEE! Joe runs in but into more KICKS! Sydal fires up, and he fakes Joe out to QUESTION MARK KICK! Joe staggers, Sydal goes up top, METEORA! Cover, ZSJ breaks it with a NECK TWIST! ZSJ tags in, brings Sydal up and UPPERCUTS! And UPPERCUTS! And UPPERCUTS! Sydal wobbles, ZSJ runs in, but Sydal catches him to a backslide! TWO!! Ghost pin, TWO!!! ZSJ escapes, Sydal swings but into a spin and GUILLOTINE! HALF HATCH SUPLEX!

Fans fire up as ZSJ sits Sydal up. ZSJ aims from a corner, runs in, but Sydal duck the Penalty Kick! Tilt-o-whirl, MYSTICA! CROSSFACE!! Joe runs in, into a COMPLETE SHOT and KOJI CLUTCH!! Fans fire up for these dueling submissions! Joe is fading out, but ZSJ gets the ROPEBREAK!! ZSJ saves the team but Sydal puts him in the drop zone. Sydal goes up, but ZSJ springs up after him! ZSJ goes after an arm but Sydal fires body shots! Daniels BLASTS Joe off the apron, then helps Sydal with ZSJ! METEORA BOMB!!! Cover, TWO!?!? ZSJ survives and Sydal can’t believe it! But fans are loving this!

“This is Awesome!” as Daniels tags back in! Daniels drags ZSJ up, clinches, but ZSJ fights to an arm-drag! And an UPPERCUT in the corner! Tag to Joe and he runs in, but Daniels dodges! Daniels kicks low, reels Joe in to underhook, but Joe back drops free! Joe returns to LARIAT!! Sydal SCREW HIGH KICKS Joe! ZSJ runs in, Sydal dodges and jumps, into a cravat! Snapmare and NECK TWIST! ZSJ cravats Daniels but Daniels arm-drags free! Daniels kicks low, underhooks, ANGEL’S WINGS!!! ZSJ flops out of the ring, Joe is still legal! Daniels runs in but into the URENAGE!! COQUINA CLUTCH!!!! Daniels is fading, he is OUT! ZSJOE wins!

Winners: Zack Sabre Jr. & Samoa Joe, by submission (denies Sydal & Daniels a title opportunity)

The NJPW World Television Champion and the ROH World Television Champion stand tall, both showing off their belts. But they also uphold the Code of Honor with these icons. Sydal is still hoping for a shot, but how long will he have to wait for it? As for ZSJ and Joe, they clink belts and shake hands, will they look to go TV Champion VS TV Champion one day?

My Thoughts:

I must’ve missed where they said this was a THREE hour ROH. Also, I don’t like that ROH episodes aren’t consistent in length. I get it, ROH being under AEW now, this was all meant to add to the big week going into Double or Nothing, but it didn’t do that, it just tired me out. Three hours without commercials is only worth it if it’s a PPV with PPV level matches, and this wasn’t that. So many of these matches were NOT originally advertised, and instead of being a great surprise, it was just adding to the slog. In the loss of Elevation and Dark on YouTube, AEW is just making ROH into that developmental show, without calling it developmental.

Now, don’t get me wrong, everyone did a great job in their matches. But c’mon, when it comes to this week, this moment in time, did we really need Comoroto VS All Heart? Did we need D’Amboise VS Kamela? Or Skye Blue VS Alize, Rocky VS Titus Alexander, or Mercedes Martinez VS Dream Girl Ellie? Honestly, not to be mean to Kyle Fletcher or AR Fox, it’s kind of bad timing that they had a match on this episode when it was clearly recorded before the sad news that Mark Davis is out with injury and that Aussie Open vacated their multiple tag titles. Because in this episode, they were seen with them, and commentary had to cover it up with a kayfabe excuse. Probably why they’re never there live in the arena, really.

The only silver lining is that, for a promotion under Tony Khan’s power, ROH had more than one women’s match. Though, as I just got through saying, the only ones that really mattered ended up being Kiera VS Vert, and Athena VS Promise because in a very similar build to Athena VS Skye, Athena starts eyeing someone before they’re her challenger, which in turn makes her a challenger. But at least with Kiera, she got right at Athena in the ring while Skye simply called Athena out verbally. Athena VS Kiera is happening next week in the “aftermath” of Double or Nothing, but I don’t think Kiera is the one getting that title off Athena.

Good match from Briscoe VS JD to open the show, and Mark calling out Joe is a nice touch. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I feel like Mark really should’ve had destiny fulfilled back at Supercard. But maybe Tony Khan knew he was going to have Mark in this story with Triple J and FTR and didn’t want the TV title on hold because of it. Of course Claudio wins his Proving Grounds match, it was against Serpentico. Now Angelico might’ve had a better shot, and I kinda wanna see that match happen now. One of these days, a Proving Grounds match should at least go to time limit so that the opponent gets their shot at the champion that way, and I feel Angelico could pull that off.

Really good stuff out of Dralistico VS Deppen, not sure where Dralistico is going to go title wise. Maybe LFI feuds with Lucha Brothers again? Penta had a really good match with Slim J that gives him momentum going into the International Championship battle royal, so he’s probably not winning. And of course, great tag team main event, Daniels and Sydal can both still go, and we know Joe and ZSJ are both great. I wouldn’t mind seeing Joe and ZSJ go back and forth. First would be the NJPW World TV Championship match to see if Joe can win in 15 minutes or less, but then he turns it around on ZSJ by saying he can’t beat Joe when there’s no time limit at all. Those would both be awesome matches to see, maybe one of them at Forbidden Door and the other at All In so that one way or another, ZSJ is right at home.

My Score: 8.4/10

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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Andrew’s TNA iMPACT! Results & Match Ratings: 7.25.2024

Slammiversary Fallout! Where do things go on the way to Victory Road?



Well now we start the fall out of Slammiversary. Josh Alexander in his bad bitch summer, X-Speedball legacy, ABC got the t-a-g and Jordynne is still in charge of the Knockouts division. Like I said at the end of Slammiversary, all of the champions being Babyfaces is stupid. They need to drop a couple titles fairly quickly, because I don’t care what some people say, Nic Nemeth ain’t gonna bring any eyes to the brand. He’s about as hot as day old Hamburger Helper over a camping sterno.

We’ll probably open with the luke warm champion, so tune in like 10 minutes late for anything of substance to be happen.


  • Steve Maclin vs Cody Deaner: Maclin wins via KIA – *
  • AJ Francis w/Rich Swann & Josh Bishop vs Sami Callihan: AJ wins via Down Payment – **
  • Hammer Your ASH (ASH by Elegance & Alexander Hammerstone) vs JuggerYoung (Jordynne Grace & Eric Young): Hammer Your ASH wins via Torture Rack – ** 1/2
  • The System (Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers & JDC) w/Alisha Edwards vs Matt Hardy & The ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey): Broken Alphabet wins via Twist & Splash – ***



Nemeth gives the ole “I’ll be a fighting champion…blah blah” promo and drops the “any company” line that we’ve already understood what that means. Campaign Singh cuts him off…and I never thought I’d be happy for Campaign Singh to walk out and say anything…ever. And…Mustafa’s promo is worse than Dolph’s. He’s gone from parody to caricature even saying “it was the biggest screw job Montreal ever saw”. Like some of these lines are cheap heat, but most are just brain dead comments that wouldn’t get a reaction out of anyone (and the crowd was silent for that comment). Mustafa gets caught in an Archer “phrasing” moment about getting screwed hard, but this is painful. Promos written by 14 year olds everyone…

This ends with Ali challenging Nemeth for the World Title. While I’m not against walk up challenges, I watch Japanese wrestling, I don’t really get the point aside from doing it just to do it. 

ABC and Matt Hardy have a small promo, and I’m still not really a fan of Unbroken Matt Version 6.0. The floating between Broken voice and his normal voice sounds amateurish.

OH LOOK, finally a match 20 minutes into the show. And it’s my son Steve Maclin! OH CHRIST he’s facing Deaner. This has been 25 minutes of talking followed by the worst god damn attempt at a gimmick. Deaner’s little “Papa Santino told me I can wipe my ass only if the crowd agrees”. This gimmick should die in a fire.

Steve Maclin vs Cody Deaner

Deaner started off quick because Maclin was in disbelief that Deaner was actually gonna fight him. Maclin dodges a Crossbody, Busaiku Knee, and just starts beating on Deaner for fun. And this is fun, maybe Maclin can make sure Deaner gets stretchered out and written off forever. How do you call for an ambulance in French? Maclin with the old Back Breaker into a stretch. Deaner tries to nerd rage up, breaks the Back Breaker Stretch, his punch combo, into a Manhattan Drop and Bulldog. Deaner hits the Crossbody, but Maclin kicks out. This is entirely too competitive.

Deaner goes for the Deaner DDT, blocked, Olympic Slam into Splashing Deaner into the corner, Caught in the Crosshairs, K-I-A, thanks for coming you damn dweeb. Stay in Canada and don’t travel Deaner, please.

AJ Francis w/Rich Swann & Josh Bishop vs Sami Callihan

As the bell sounds, Sami knocks Rich off the apron, Low Bridges AJ, does the Beats of the Bodhran on AJ and then AJ eats the offense and strategizes with his crew. Bishop and Rich swarm the ring, Sami allows himself to get distracted so AJ slides in and starts beating on Sami. AJ throats Sami across the middle rope and Rich makes his presence felt, AJ distracts the referee and Rich gets in a lot of cheap shots. Bishop throws Sami back in the ring, and AJ keeps up the pressure. Lots of 5 count chokes and leverage moves. After the commercial break ends, Sami dodges a Tennessee Whiskey Knee, gets in a few shots before Rich trips Sami as he’s setting up a Dive, and then AJ takes advantage of the position and hits the goofball knee strike.

AJ calls for his Chokeslam, Sami tries to break it with Axe Handles, then claws the eyes. Sami goes for a Scoop Slam, gets him part way up and then falls over. AJ Chokeslam again, but he bites his hand and starts fighting back. Launches himself at AJ, sends him bouncing off the ropes and uses the momentum to hit that Scoop Slam that was teased earlier. Sami goes for a Western Lariat but eats a Big Boot. AJ does a little Hulk Hogan pose to signal a Leg Drop, but Sami dodges and then connects on a Sliding Lariat. Thumbs Up, Thumbs….interference. Rich distracts the ref, Bishop lays out Sami, AJ connects with the Down Payment.

Hammer Your ASH (ASH by Elegance & Alexander Hammerstone) vs JuggerYoung (Jordynne Grace & Eric Young)

ASH and Jordynne exchange slaps and then Jordynne starts to out muscle ASH. Spinebuster from Jordynne, Juggernaut Driver attempt, but ASH fights off, rope run, Sattelite DDT into both tagging out. EY does the Flair corner flop, slides back in between Hammer’s legs, and connects on a Neckbreaker. EY is the quicker of the two, but Hammer finally gets his hands on him and a Release Belly to Belly into a full mount raining of fists, then a near fall. Hammer smashes EY in a corner, Arm Wringer into an Irish Whip across, but EY moves and Hammer tags out to ASH. ASH levels Jordynne, peppers EY with a few shots and pulls him back to their corner and starts some tandem offense with Hammerman. Hammer Guerilla Presses ASH and throws her into EY for a near fall. Hammer looks to aim for either a Powerbomb or Nightmare Pendulum, but EY drops it into a Small Package, pinfall kick out, they both run, Double Lariat spot. The Knockouts get tagged in.

Jordynne is in control early, World’s Strongest Slam into a Vader Bomb. Juggernaut Driver attempt, but ASH fights it off and tags out to Hammer. Jordynne and EY do some schoolyard stuff with the old Push while Jordynne is down to trip Hammer. All four get in, ASH gets leveled, EY gets leveled, Hammer and Jordynne have a brief face off, but Hammer throws Jordynne to the apron and ASH connects with a Meteora from the apron. Death Valley Driver from Young on Hammer, ASH stares in shock, EY tells her to get, ASH runs away. EY goes up for his Macho Elbow, and ASH causes him to fall to Hammer’s feet, Torture Rack, and EY submits.

Josh Alexander comes out, with new heel music. And it’s not that bad, definitely better than some other people’s new music. Josh yells at the crowd a bit, says he can’t wait til he’s back in a real Canadian town, like his home of Toronto. Then he drops the mic in lieu of an explanation. The crowd chants him off with the “Nah Nah Nah Nah, Hey Hey Hey”.

The System (Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers & JDC) w/Alisha Edwards vs Matt Hardy & The ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey)

JDC and Hardy start, but JDC quickly tags out to Myers and that doesn’t go well. Hardy grabs a hold of Myers, a few Delete chops, drags him to his corner and they all get in a few shots punctuated with Hardy getting tagged back in and an Elbow into Myers’ extended and worked on left arm. Myers stays isolated, back into the corner, Boot to the gut, Ace tags in and wallops Myers. Ace connects on Double Kicks, into Russian Leg Sweep and his half of Click Click Boom, for a 2 count. Myers finally gets free with a Jaw Breaker and tags out to Eddie. But The System gets no momentum, Ace stifles Eddie’s offense and starts a few quick tags with him and Bey for tandem offense. Moose finally comes down the ramp as Eddie kicked out of yet another pinfall attempt because The System has had nothing going for them. Eddie finally gets some offense since Moose was a big enough distraction.

Eddie thinks they have a spot, so he tags back in JDC, but The ABC stop him cold, tag in Matt Hardy, and Matt walks down JDC, but JDC Low Bridges. Matt is on the outside, so all of The System surrounds Hardy, then Joe Hendry’s music hits! That stops the heel beatdown, and we follow Hendry’s entire entrance. So that proves Hendry is bigger than the 8 other people in this frame. Not really sure if that’s optics you want to push along. Ace and JDC try to remind people there’s wrestling going on, but JDC thumbs the eye to get a little something going. Vertical Suplex for a near fall, tag out for Eddie and Eddie lights up Ace with some of those NOAH Chops. Ace retreats to the ropes and Alisha chokes him with the ropes while the ref is distracted.

Myers gets tagged in, Ace tries to use the crowd energy, Myers stops it at first but then Ace slips a Scoop Slam and tags out to Bey. Hot tag, strike rush, Double Stomp, educated feet, Leap Frog to the corner but Lish climbs on the apron and yells at Bey which stops his rhythm. Myers kicks his feet out and causes Bey to crash. Eddie tags in for a few shots, then to JDC and Slingshot Knees, Wringer Snapmare, Bow and Arrow Submission, and JDC is just doing solid wrestling work right now. Uppercut between the Shoulder Blades as Bey tries to get out, tag to Myers and Bey is still eating offense. Eddie tags in, Bey tries the Sunset Flip, but Eddie tags out before going over, so Myers folds up Bey for a near fall and then tags out to JDC who connects on a Standing Suplex, slams Bey’s face into the corner, Eddie tags in, and Bey finally fights up to his feet, Eddie just flatten Bey’s comeback, tries a Tiger Driver but eats an Enzuigiri for a simultaneous tag. JDC and Hardy come in, JDC tries to exit halfway in, but Hardy is wrecking shop. He disposes of Eddie, Myers slides in but eats a tandem Neckbreaker/DDT from Hardy. Face team does the Delete Corner Face Smashes. Poetry in Motion into a Side Effect into Corkscrew Swanton for only 2 since Myers breaks it up! Everyone throwing hands, referee is distracted, Moose comes in to Spear Hardy, but Hardy dodges and throws him into JDC (I get the call back), Hendry then lays out Moose with the big Lariat. Twist of Fate from Hardy, Splash from Bey, Broken Alphabet wins!


Overall Score: 4/10

Ugh, cliche promos, too damn much talking, a competitive squash match with an imbecile as our first “match”, into an overbooked and slow heel match, finally a decent tag match (with the right team going over), into another overbooked match with a “tease” for the mystery backup being more obvious than Jericho’s WWF debut.

Aside from the afore mentioned tag match, The Rascalz promo and The System Promo; this was hard to watch. A lot of cornball promos, Rosemary licks her conspiracy board, storylines got zero traction. Whoopity Doo, Ryan Nemeth got a match next week and we get an undead wedding.

While this was a bad episode, it was bad by at least new standards. We’re not back in the TNA Dark Days again, but this was…a useless show.

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