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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (5/5/23)

SmackDown lands in Puerto Rico!



San Juan, are you ready?

Just 24 hours before Backlash, SmackDown is in San Juan, Puerto Rico! Bad Bunny returns home, will he have a run in with The Judgment Day before his Street Fight with Damian Priest?


  • The Good Brothers w/ The OC VS The Viking Raiders w/ “Valhalla” Sarah Logan; The Good Brothers win.
  • The Street Profits VS Imperium; The Profits win.
  • Shinsuke Nakamura VS Karrion Kross w/ Scarlett Bordeaux; Nakamura wins.
  • Mixed Tag: Rey Mysterio & Zelina Vega VS Dominik Mysterio & Rhea Ripley w/ Finn Balor; Rey & Vega win.


Rey Mysterio & The Latino World Order are here!

San Juan is all fired up for the King of Lucha Libre as he leads the way for Santos Escobar, Zelina Vega, Cruz Del Toro & Joaquin Wilde. It’s already been a big day for them as we had the WWE Backlash Press Conference this afternoon, but now it’s a party! Rey asks everyone how they’re doing, and says for him and the LWO, they are happy to be bringing such a big event to Latin America. But also, tomorrow, Bad Bunny is going to beat down Damian Priest! And Zelina Vega is going to be the future SmackDown Women’s Champion! Fans cheer for Zelina and she is a bit emotional for this homecoming.

But then the JUDGMENT DAY shows up to ruin everything! Rhea Ripley, Finn Balor & Dominik Mysterio walk to the ring, wearing Damian Priest’s new shirt to rep for the Punisher. Dominik even snatches an LWO shirt from a fan to RIP IT UP! Fans boo as Dom throws the shirt down and steps on it! The Judgment Day then steps into the ring with the LWO, and Dom has the mic. Fans boo even harder, and they tell Dom off. Dom starts to talk, and the fans get even louder! Dom does his best to talk, but the booing just keeps going. Dom tells Rey off by saying he’ll always be the same “deadbeat dad” he’s always been.

As for Mami Rhea- Rey cuts Dom off there, because he just talks and talks and talks, but no balls to back it up! Maybe he needs Mami to change him. And Rey says tonight, they have their WrestleMania rematch! Fans chant “SI! SI! SI! SI!” Rey puts it in English to make it official, but Rhea steps between Dom and Rey. Rhea has a better idea. How about Rey fights her? Fans are surprised but then Vega steps up to Rhea! Dom says maybe Rey fights them both, 2v2. Rey says maybe challenge accepted! Tonight, a Mixed Tag Match of Dommy & Mami VS Rey & Vega! But then Dom SLAPS Rey before he runs away!

Fans boo but Dom and the Judgment Day laugh all the way to the back. Will Rey give Dom that one tenfold tonight?


The Good Brothers w/ The OC VS The Viking Raiders w/ “Valhalla” Sarah Logan!

The OC handled business last week as they made their return to SmackDown, but that didn’t sit well with Erik & Ivar. Will Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson handle business all over again? Or will Ragnarök come to Puerto Rico?

SmackDown returns and the Viking Raiders make their entrance. AJ Styles joins commentary and he says he’s glad to be back in the House that AJ Styles Built. The teams sort out, Erik starts with Machine Gun Karl, but Erik puts him in a corner. Tag to Ivar and the Vikings mug Karl! The ref counts, the Vikings let off, and then Erik tags back in. Erik brings Karl up to ROCK him to a corner, then he throws body shots. Erik swings but Karl blocks to fire back! Fans fire up but Erik whips him into the corner. Karl dodges to CHOP, ROCK and CHOP! Erik shoves Karl away, things speed up and Karl dropkicks the legs out!

Erik hobbles and fans fire up for Karl. Erik gets away to his corner, though, and tags Ivar. Gallows tags in and the big men step up. Ivar kicks low, throws hands, and he rams Gallows into a corner. Ivar fires off back elbow after back elbow! Ivar then whips corner to corner hard and Gallows sputters. Fans boo but Ivar runs in, into a BOOT! Gallows has Ivar in the corner, runs in and ELBOWS! Gallows fires off heavy hands, UPPERCUTS then tags Karl. The Good Brothers set Ivar up, BOOT LEG SWEEP COMBO! Cover, TWO! Styles lets us know, that’s the “Brother Me Softly.” Karl puts Ivar in a corner and uppercuts!

Karl throws hands, then climbs up to rain down fists! Fans count all the way to seis but Ivar shoves Karl away to kick low. Ivar whips Karl to a corner, runs in but Karl BOOTS him! Karl goes up but Sarah distracts! Ivar SHOVES Karl to the floor! Fans boo but then Michin shouts at Valhalla. The two lethal ladies stare down and fans fire up as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns again and fans rally as Erik has Karl in a chinlock. Karl fights up to his feet and throws body shots. Erik whips Karl to the corner but Karl uses that to BLAST Ivar! Karl then dodges Erik to hot tag Gallows! Big Doc LG rallies on the Vikings! He CLOBBERS Erik, UPPERCUTS, and then runs in to back body block! Gallows keeps moving, and he SHOULDER TACKLES Erik down! Fans are fired up as Gallows grabs Erik with both hands! But Erik breaks free, ROCKS Gallows, and tags Ivar! Ivar runs in, but into hands! GALLOWS POLE! Cover, TWO!! Ivar gets to ropes, ELBOWS Gallows and tags Erik!

Erik runs but into haymakers! He throws them back, fans rally, Erik ROCKS Gallows but Gallows kicks, but into the POWERBOMB! Styles is worried as Ivar tags back in! Ivar goes up the corner, Gallows is in the drop zone, for the WAR BEARD SPLASH! Cover, Karl breaks it! Karl dodges Erik and ROCKET KICKS him in the corner! Ivar SEATED SETNONS Karl! Gallows UPPERCUTS Ivar! gallows runs but Sarah swipes at him! Ivar CLUBS Gallows, reels him in, but Mia SHOTGUNS Sarah! Fans fire up and Ivar is distracted. Gallows wrenches out to YAKUZA KICK! Tag to Karl, and Karl UPPERCUTS Erik down!

The Good Brothers bring Ivar up, MAGIC KILLER! Cover, The Good Brothers win!

Winners: The Good Brothers, by pinfall

Styles celebrates with his guys, and The OC is rolling as they roll into the SmackDown roster! The Viking Raiders now sail away with a loss, will they be able to rebuild the raid on Raw?


BREAKING NEWS on the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

There will be a tournament! On Monday Night Raw, and even next week on SmackDown, there will be two Triple Threats as the opening round. The winners of each Triple Threat then face each other the same night. The winners of those matches will be the finalists, and then those superstars face off at Night of Champions to crown the champion! Who will make the cut? And who will make it to the gold?


Bianca Belair is here!

The RawEST Women’s Champion is going to be on SmackDown starting next week, but she’s going to be defending her title tomorrow night at Backlash. She’s so close to being the longEST reigning women’s champion, what will she say this close to the PPV? We find out after the break.

SmackDown returns and Bianca has the mic. And she says we all saw the love from the fans on the UK tour, and those crowds were amazing. Bianca can’t wait to go back, but she’s also so hype to be drafted back to SmackDown and here in Puerto Rico! Bianca says we know the blue brand holds as special place in her heart, because she made history when she won the SmackDown Women’s Championship. But tonight is the eve of her title defense against Iyo Sky. Iyo Sky is one of a kind, dangerous, unpredictable, but… Bianca’s faced the best of the best. Bianca’s flown all around the world defending her title.

So Bianca has proven that no matter where she goes or what show she’s on, she will always show up and show out! Fans chant for the EST, and Bianca says with a win tomorrow, she will tie the record for the longEST title reign. That means after Backlash, and the clock strikes midnight, the EST will be the longest reigning women’s champion of the modern era! Fans love the sound of that! So every time she steps in this ring, Bianca will- be interrupted by Damage CTRL… Bayley says, “DING DONG~! Hello, SmackDown. Uh, Bianca, don’t tell me that you’re out here talking about how this show holds such a special place in your heart, and you’re not even gonna tell these idiots why.”

But it’s because Bayley MADE Bianca on this show! Boo all you want but it’s true. Bayley isn’t surprised Bianca is bragging about how many days she’s been champion. Same ol’ conceded Bianca. But what Bianca should be talking about is Iyo Sky and how she’s going to end that reign tomorrow night! Iyo will put an end to the party! And when that happens, that big ol’ head of Bianca can get out of THEIR ring when Iyo is the NEW Women’s Champion, and then Bayley & Kai become the NEW Women’s Tag Team Champions, so that SmackDown “and that idiot Michael Cole” will belong to DMG CTRL!

And then DMG CTRL flanks Bianca in the ring! Bianca DECKS Bayley, DECKS Kai, but Sky is there! The two stand off and fans fire up. But then DMG CTRL shoves Bianca into Sky! Bianca gets up to DECK Kai, torture rack Bayley, but Sky springboards to MISSILE DROPKICK Bianca! DMG CTRL then stomp away on Bianca! But here come those WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions, Liv & Raquel! They slide in, and CLOBBER Bayley & Kai! And then CLOBBER Sky! DMG CTRL is in retreat as the champions stand tall! Will Bianca refuse to lose so close to a historic goal? Or will the Evil Genius of the Sky fly away with the gold?


Karrion Kross speaks.

“When someone has every single thing they need, everything is all in the right places, they are so sure of who they think they really are. Right up until the point that when you take away one little thing, all of the formalities, the little charade the put on for everybody, that begins to crumble real fast. Tonight, I plant another seed to be reaped. Mr. Nakamura, how much is your honor really worth to you? Tick-tock.” The King of Strong Style is on Kross’ clock, will he be able to survive doomsday?


Solo Sikoa is taping up his thumb.

The Usos come in and are all fired up. They know why they’re here: to handle business! Big Six Man Tag at Backlash! Jimmy says he’s with it! Is Solo with it? Is Jey with it? Jey is so with it! Then let’s go! Jey looks at Solo, but Solo doesn’t look back. Jey says Jimmy asked him a question. Solo says he heard. Solo finishes taping up, and says tomorrow, he does his part. All he knows is, they better do theirs. Solo heads out and Jimmy gets on Jey for saying something. Are the brothers being torn apart by the pressure Roman is putting on them?


The Street Profits VS Imperium!

Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins bring the red Solo cups to San Juan for that Cinco de Mayo fiesta! But will they be celebrating as they send Imperium off to Raw? Or will this swan song be a victorious one for Giovanni Vinci & Ludwig Kaiser?

SmackDown returns and Imperium make their entrance. Ludwig starts against Ford, but then Ludwig sneaks a tag to Vinci before he attacks Ford! Vinci CLOBBERS Dawkins, goes out after him and Ludwig headlocks Ford. Ford powers out, Ludwig reverses, then ELBOWS, UPPERCUTS, and ENZIGURIS! Ford falls over, the ref reprimands because Ludwig tagged out. Ludwig says okay, and he sends Ford out, so that Vinci can go up and up and SUPER CROSSBODY the Profits! Imperium puts Ford in, Vinci ROLLING SENTONS, and then goes up the corner to MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO!

Vinci keeps on Ford, he tags Ludwig, and Ludwig drags Ford up. Ludwig UPPERCUTS, has Ford on ropes then KICKS the ropes. Ludwig whips Ford to a corner, runs in, but he blocks a boot! “NEIN!” GAMANGIRI! And then another UPPERCUT! And a HALF HATCH! Cover, TWO! Ludwig has Ford on ropes again, brings him around, but Ford fires body shots! Ford CHOPS and CHOPS and CHOPS, but Ludwig kicks low! CLUB and haymaker, but Ford ducks to hit a BIG back suplex! Fans fire up while both men are down! They crawl, hot tags to Dawkins and Vinci! Dawkins rallies on Vinci and fans fire up!

Dawkins whips, Vinci reveres but Dawkins hurdles and SPINNING ELBOWS! Ludwig gets up but Dawkins DECKS him! Dawkins runs at Vinci, CYCLONE SPLASH and ENZIGURI! Tag to Ford, ANOINTING and FROM THE HEAVENS!! Cover, the Profits win!

Winners: The Street Profits, by pinfall

And the party continues! SmackDown has the Profits and the Profits are up, will they get that smoke?


Cody Rhodes is here!

San Juan fires up for the American Nightmare and sing along with his song. Cody gets multiple rounds of pyro as he makes his way down the ring, then he gets the mic. Cody says, “So, San Juan, Puerto Rico… De qué quieres hablar?” Fans cheer Cody’s Spanish, and he says The Beast, the Next Big Thing, the most decorated sports combat athlete, “cowboy,” and coward. There are many nicknames you can attach to his upcoming opponent, Brrrock, Lesnar… But when Cody thinks about Lesnar, a different name comes to mind: Gatekeeper.

Cody’s old coach, “Double A” Arn Anderson, would say that you know you’ve made it as a top guy in this industry, when you were a star today, tomorrow and yesterday, you would’ve reached “The Kingdom.” And Lesnar is the one standing in the way, looming in front of that gate to The Kingdom. Newsflash: if you work for the WWE, you never have to fight against Brock Lesnar. You never have to compete against Brock Lensar. You can go on the road, you can call yourself a WWE Superstar, make a good living, and never have to fight Brock Lesnar.

But Brock Lesnar picked a fight with Cody. And he has yet to explain why. Maybe tomorrow when Cody beats it out of him, we’ll hear why! Fans cheer that! Cody says he saw the same beautiful video package the fans all did, and in it, Cody admitted he was afraid of Lesnar. And it is still true here and now. Everyone should be afraid of Lesnar. But the difference is, at Backlash, Cody has no time to be afraid of Lesnar! Because tomorrow, Cody brings the pain to Lesnar! Tomorrow, it’s a fair fight, Brock Lesnar! Tomorrow, Cody leaves the lovely island with it etched it into his heart because this is where he got back on the road to finish his story of claiming HIS kingdom, and all by defeating BROCK LESNAR!!

Fans are as fired up as Cody is now! Will Suplex City be torn down as Cody heads for his happily ever after?


Backstage interview with Shinsuke Nakamura.

Kayla Braxton is with the King of Strong Style at gorilla position and says we are moments away from his match with Karrion Kross. After Kross’ attacks on Nakamura, what are his thoughts? Nakamura says he has one thing to say to Kross: “C’MON!!” The King is ready, will he use all his experience and ability to thwart the apocalypse?


Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn & Matt Riddle are backstage.

The Original Bro says there is more drama within the Bloodline than on that show, Succession. And Riddle is stoked for the Six Man tomorrow, and while he has a lot on his mind, they have the Bloodline right where they want ’em. Sami & Kevin beat them at WrestleMania, took the tag titles, and then proved it wasn’t a fluke by beating them again last week. Riddle beat Jimmy, they’ve all had each other’s back, and there’s one thing left to do: beat them all at once at Backlash! And when Roman Reigns finally comes back, there won’t even be a Bloodline to come back to.

Riddle then asks Sami & Kevin if he’s talking too much, and if they have anything they’d like to add. What’s good? No, no, bro, everything you just said is great. There’s just nothing left to say. It’s time. Yeah, it’s time. Riddle nods, Sami & Kevin head out, and these three are on the same page. Will they be able to write the end to this story on Saturday?


Shinsuke Nakamura VS Karrion Kross w/ Scarlett Bordeaux!

SmackDown returns and Kross makes his entrance, Scarlett leading the way as his harbinger of doom. The bell rings and the two rush in! Kross knees low, fires off haymakers, then BOOTS Nakamura to a corner. Nakamura dodges to fire off knees and kicks! The ref counts, but Nakamura gives Kross GOOD VIBRATIONS! Kross powers his way out, and he ROCKS Nakamura! Kross pushes Nakamura toa  corner, whips him corner to corner, but Nakamura comes back with a DYNAMIC DROPKICK! Kross bails out and Nakamura goes out the side. Scarlett hurries out of the way as Nakamura runs in, but Kross knees low!

Fans boo as Kross hauls Nakamura up to POST BOMB! Nakamura writhes and Kross seethes as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Kross has Nakamura down in a chinlock, but Nakamura gets the ROPEBREAK! The ref counts, Kross lets off, and Kross kicks Nakamura. Kross taunts Nakamura as “trash,” but Nakamura gets up to get in Kross’ face. Then he KICKS! Kross BOOTS! And HEADBUTTS! Kross scoops, but Nakamura slips free to run and DYNAMIC DROPKICK again! Fans fire up with Nakamura, and he says, “C’MON!!” Nakamura fires off on Kross, KICK and KICK and KICK! Then another kick, but Kross blocks, only for Nakamura to ENZIGURI! Kross goes to a corner, Nakamura whips but Kross reverses.

Kross runs in, Nakamura dodges to ENZIGURI! Nakamura then puts Kross on the top rope, to run in for a TOP SHELF KNEE! Nakamura dumps Kross down, pushes him to a cover, TWO! Nakamura gives Kross some toying kicks now, but Scarlett shouts at him. Nakamura goes to run but she’s in the way! Nakamura and the ref tell her to get down, but Kross gets Nakamura with a DOOMSDAY SAIDO!! Cover, TWO!! Nakamura survives, but Kross stalks him. Kross reels Nakamura in, KROSSJACKET!! But Nakamura snapmares free, slips around, ARMBAR TAKEDOWN! Fans fire up as Kross endures now!

Kross powers up, wags his finger, stack, TWO! But Kross deadlifts Nakamura! Only for Nakamura to shift to a GUILLOTINE!! Fans fire up again, but Kross powers out to suplex! Nakamura knees free, Kross ducks the roundhouse but not the WHEEL KICK! GERMAN SUPLEX! Fans fire up as Nakamura aims from a corner! Kross stands, but he LARIATS first!! Scarlett loves it! Kross crawls to a cover, TWO!! Nakamura is still in this and Kross can’t believe it! Fans rally, Kross drags Nakamura up, and Kross reels him in, but Nakamura body scissors and rolls to a cradle, TWO! Kross stands and KNEES Nakamura down!

Kross drags Nakamura up into a DOOMSDAY SAIDO!! Cover, TWO!!! Nakamura is still in this! San Juan is thunderous but Kross takes off the elbow pad. Kross winds the hands of time, fans rally for Nakamura as he rises, KROSS- ENZIGURI! BUZZSAW! And KINSHASA!!! Cover, Nakamura wins!!

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura, by pinfall

Scarlett is furious, but the King of Strong Style defies the tarot cards! Nakamura is headed to Raw, will this win prove him worthy of the World Heavyweight Championship tournament?


Adam Pearce meets with Cameron Grimes.

Pearce officially welcomes Grimes to SmackDown and Grimes says he wants to thank Pearce for this opportunity to show the world what Grimes is all about! But then Baron Corbin walks in and pats Pearce on the shoulder. “My man! How’s it feel to see the hottest free agent-” Uh, Corbin, Pearce was kinda in the middle of something with Cameron Grimes. Who? Oh, right, this guy! The last pick in the Draft. Corbin is sure Grimes’ friends are all real proud that he’s Mr. Irrelevant. Funny that Corbin brings that up, Grimes being the last pick. Almost like it’s somehow worse than not being picked at all.

Grimes laughs but Corbin wants Pearce to “explain to the new kid, who has no respect at all, obviously,” that Corbin as hot a commodity as Brock Lesnar. Raw and SmackDown weren’t able to agree on who wanted him more, so here he is as a Free Agent. Uh, that’s not how Pearce remembers things, but sure. Then how does he remember? So Pearce is telling Corbin that Grimes was worth more than Corbin? Corbin says the last pick is “Mr. Irrelevant” because that is what Grimes’ career will be: irrelevant! Well, how about this. Grimes VS Corbin, and we see who is irrelevant. Pearce says that’s a good idea! Next week on SmackDown, Grimes VS Corbin!

Corbin heads out, but will Grimes use Corbin as a launchpad to go #ToTheMoon?


WWE shares footage from the Backlash Press Conference.

For those wondering why Damian Priest wasn’t with the Judgment Day earlier, the reason is because in his stare down with Bad Bunny, Priest SHOVES Bunny down! HHH did his best to keep the peace, but Bunny got up to SLAP Priest! Fans are on Bunito’s side, but will Bunny face his punishment in tomorrow night’s Street Fight?


Mixed Tag: Rey Mysterio & Zelina Vega VS Dominik Mysterio & Rhea Ripley w/ Finn Balor!

The King of Lucha called for a WrestleMania rematch, but the Prodigal Son raised the ante. Will Rey bust out La Chancla on Dom? Will La Muneca get one up on Mami? Or will there be no stopping the Judgment Day?

SmackDown returns as Dommy & Mami make their entrance, The Prince by their side. The teams sort out and it’s ladies first. Fans fire up already as Rhea runs in, but Vega dodges! Vega KICKS, KICKS, bobs ‘n’ weaves then SLAPS Rhea! Rhea snarls and choke grips Vega! But Vega wheelbarrows and slips to a sunset flip! Rhea breaks that, but Vega avoids the stomp. Vega runs around, goes to a corner, and BOOTS Rhea away! Vega goes up to FLYING RANA Rhea to her corner! Fans fire up as Rhea has to steady herself. Rey tags in, so Rhea has to back out. Dom steps up to his dad and fans boo him already.

Dom and Rey feel out knuckle locks, but then Dom kicks low. Dom wrenches to a wristlock but Rey rolls, kips, wrenches and whips! Things speed up, but Dom kicks low! Dom whips but Rey KICKS him! Rey runs, but Dom distracts the ref and Rhea gets a cheap shot in! Fans boo but Dom reels Rey in, only for Rey to arm-drag! Tag to Vega, Rey KICKS Dom, then gives Vega a boost to RANA Dom onto the ropes! Fans fire up as Vega dials it up! But Rhea intercepts with a BOOT! Rhea gets in Rey’s face, but Vega bails out and Rey regroups with her as SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns once more as Rhea drags Vega up to CLUB her down. Fans insult Dom while Rhea shoves and ROCKS Vega. Rhea whips Vega again and ROCKS her again! Rhea taunts Rey, whips Vega, but Vega ROCKS Rhea! Vega gest around, crucifix takedown, TWO! Vega KICKS Rhea, but Dom TRIPS Rey off the apron! Rhea SLAMS Vega down, grins, and applauds her Dom. Rhea then hauls Vega up to wrap on a chinlock! Fans rally, Vega endures and fights up, and Vega elbows Rhea, only for Rhea to SLAM Vega down! Rhea stays between Rey and Vega and grins as she brings Vega up.

Rhea reels Vega in, gives us some Latina Heat, but Vega fights the bomb! Vega slips free, JAWBREAKERS, and Rhea staggers! Vega crawls under but Rhea grabs a foot! Rhea hauls Vega up, back suplex, but Vega lands out of it! Vega goes to a corner, Rhea runs in, but Vega dodges! Rhea POSTS herself!! Fans fire up as Vega crawls, but Rhea gets a foot! Vega BOOTS Rhea away, hot tag to Rey! Dom has no choice but to get in, and Rey fires off haymakers! Rey whips, Dom reverses, but Rey ducks and springboards to CROSSBODY! Fans are thunderous, Rey RANAS Dom into buckles! Dom staggers up, Rey climbs, and Rey rains down fists!

Fans count along, but Dom dodges before Uno! Rey still punches so fans count, and Rey gets all the way to ocho before a SLAM off buckles! Dom then scoops to MICHINOKU DRIVER! Cover, Vega breaks it! Rhea TOSSES Vega out, goes out after her, and Dom pushes Rey. Rey tilt-o-whirls to put Dom on ropes! Fans fire up, but Rhea blocks Rey’s path! Only for Vega to trip Rhea! And RAM her into barriers! Rey hits the 619!! And then Rey goes up top, but Finn rushes up! Rey DECKS Finn, finishes climbing, but Dom trips Rey up! Dom drags Rey off the top with a suplex! UNO AMIGO! Fans boo as Dom gives Latino Heat! Then DOS AMIGOS!

But Rey cradles Dom!! REY & VEGA WIN!!

Winners: Rey Mysterio & Zelina Vega, by pinfall

But Finn attacks right away! The Judgment Day beats Rey down in the corner, then they soak up the heat. But Rey fights back! Rey DECKS Finn, TACKLES Dom, but Finn pulls at Rey’s mask! Rey trips Finn to rain down fists! Dom tackles Rey off of Finn, and PRIEST slides in! Now all three men of the Judgment Day are beating Rey down! Rey can’t defend himself, but HERE COMES BAD BUNNY!! And the rest of the LWO at that! Bunny has Escobar and the boys go first, they go after Finn and Dom! Priest stays completely still as he stares Bunny down! Finn and Dom bail out, Cruz and Wilde go after them!

Escobar goes up top, and he SUPER CROSSBODIES Dom & Finn down! Bunny aims his kendo stick at Priest, the fans are thunderous, and then Bunny gets in the ring! Priest puts up his dukes, but Dom gets in! Bunny SMACKS Dom down! Priest runs for it! The Judgment Day regroup at the ramp, but there won’t be any running at Backlash! Will Rhea hold onto her gold against Vega? Will Priest hold onto his teeth in that San Juan Street Fight? Wait, Rey gives Bunny a shirt! Bunny is LWO por vida!

My Thoughts:

A really good SmackDown, especially for a go-home show. Though, as great as the Cody VS Lesnar recap video was, it felt redundant with Cody also giving a promo. Cody gave another great promo, but honestly, how much more confident can they make us about him winning? And I’m pretty sure Cody gets in that World Heavyweight Championship tournament. Though, the one thing that’s a little confusing about said tournament is that they’re including both Raw and SmackDown when this title will be Raw exclusive. At the same time, if a SmackDown star were “somehow” to win, that’d force said superstar to move to Raw.

And now that it’s ending up this way, Rollins VS Cody can’t be the finals, but only the semifinals. Honestly, Raw is so stacked after the Draft, they really could’ve just let it be all Raw and it’d still be awesome. At the same time, there are still great singles wrestlers on SmackDown who are worthy of being a world champion but they’d be up against Roman here on SmackDown, so this could be their way out of being squashed by him. Riddle comes to mind, but we got a great promo from him, Sami and Kevin. We also got a really good promo out of Solo & The Usos to capture the tension in the faction in one move. That Six Man Tag can go either way, and it’s going to be great stuff.

Really good promo from Grimes, Pearce and Corbin, and of course Corbin is the one getting attitude with Grimes. And as such, Grimes is going to beat Corbin to get himself going on SmackDown. Really good promo segment from Bianca and DMG CTRL that of course turned into a brawl. Good save from Liv & Raquel, and it doesn’t feel like DMG CTRL is gonna win much of anything. Sky won’t get the women’s title, Bianca will be the one to do the stupid title swap, and then Bayley & Kai will fail to get the tag titles. Sky and maybe even Kai will get mad at Bayley, seeing Bianca was right, and then DMG CTRL breaks up.

Real good tag matches tonight. Good Brothers get a real good win off The Viking Raiders to quickly end that feud, and then sadly, Imperium looks really weak because the Profits squash ’em. Great for Profits, though, but not sure to what end. There has to be something that happens with the tag titles, too, since Sami & Kevin aren’t going to change their stance on the Saudi Arabia shows. We got really good promos from Kross and Nakamura, and a great match from them. Nakamura winning makes sense, it would’ve happened even if both guys were staying on the same brand. Nakamura definitely needs to get in on the World Heavyweight Championship tournament.

And of course, great stuff out of Judgment Day and LWO. Great opening promo between them, though I’m not the best with Spanish. But obviously it was great stuff because the audience was eating it up. Great Mixed Tag Match, and with Rey in the match, LWO finally got a win. Bunny also had a great moment as he scares off the Judgment Day and officially joins LWO.

But between the go-home math and the stupid situation the Draft has put us in once again, Vega is NOT winning the title. Rhea keeps the SmackDown Women’s Championship though she’s on Raw, and more than likely, Bianca keeps the Raw Women’s Champion though she’s on SmackDown, and then once again, they just trade belts. I’ve said in the past that wrestling is more fun when you can’t really be sure what’s gonna happen, and a certain someone *cough* Vince */cough* ruined the fun.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!


Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Let us know what you think on social media @ChairshotMedia and always remember to use the hashtag #UseYourHead!
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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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