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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (6/16/23)

Tag Team Turmoil!



The ENTIRE SmackDown Tag Division fights for a shot!

Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn have their hands full, so SmackDown is taking care of figuring out who their next challengers are in a Tag Team Gauntlet!


  • Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships #1 Contenders Gauntlet: Pretty Deadly wins and will challenge Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn for the titles.
  • Zelina Vega VS Iyo Sky w/ Bayley; Vega wins.
  • Mixed Tag: AJ Styles & Mia Yim VS Karrion Kross & Scarlett Bordeaux; Kross & Scarlett win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar w/ Rey Mysterio; Knight wins.


Backstage interview with The Bloodline.

Kayla Braxton is there as the SUV pulls up and hopes to get some answers. Solo Sikoa opens the door for Roman Reigns, and Kayla asks for an update on Jey. Roman tells Heyman his “girlfriend” is here so she asks Heyman about Jey Usos’ status. Heyman huffs and puffs and heads off, will we just have to wait and see what is happening with Jey and the Bloodline?


Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships #1 Contenders Gauntlet!

Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn are ready to defend their tag titles wherever, so it’s time for the SmackDown Tag Division to step up! Only one of these six teams is making it outta here with the golden tickets, who will be ready to fight the Prizefighter & Great Liberator?

The Street Profits make their entrance, but it would seem all teams are already ringside to spring in at a moment’s notice! So who are Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins up against? The Brawling Brutes, Sheamus & Ridge Holland!

The Street Profits VS Sheamus & Ridge Holland!

The teams sort out, Ford starts against the Celtic Warrior and they tie up. Sheamus hits a headlock takeover but Ford headscissors. Sheamus kips free but Ford headlocks. Sheamus blocks the takeover, powers up and out, then runs Ford over! Fans rally, Sheamus runs but Ford hurdles and DROPKICKS! Fans fire up with Ford but Pretty Deadly sarcastically applaud. Sheamus rushes Ford, waistlocks to back suplex but Ford lands on his feet! Ford CHOPS, but Sheamus just brushes it off. Ford runs, but into a scoop and BACKBREAKER! Tag to Ridge and he drags Ford up. Ford throws body shots but Ridge knees low.

Ridge reels Ford in, to SWING him by the facelock! Ridge then HALF HATCH suplexes Ford away! Ridge drags Ford up, but Ford throws hands! Ford ROCKS Ridge, CHOPS him, and swings again, but into a back suplex! Ford lands on his feet again, ridge blocks a kick and flips ford, but Ford lands on his feet again! ENZIGURI! Both men crawl, hot tag to Dawkins! Dawkins rallies on Ridge, DECKS Sheamus for good measure, but Ridge ROCKS Dawkins! Ridge whips, Dawkins hurdles and FLYING ELBOWS! Ridge goes to a corner and fans fire up, Dawkins hits the CYCLONE SPLASH! And ENZIGURI!

Dawkins underhooks, Ridge wrenches out but Dawkins ducks the lariat to ROCK Ridge! Ridge HEADBUTTS back! Both men wobble, Sheamus tags in! Dawkins whips Ridge but Ridge reverses. Dawkins hurdles, into a BROGUE!! Cover, The Brawling Brutes ELIMINATE the Profits! Next up: the GOOD BROTHERS!

Sheamus & Ridge Holland VS The Good Brothers!

Luke Gallows gets in to CLOBBER Sheamus! Gallows fires off on Sheamus, bumps him off buckles, then tags Karl Anderson. They get Sheamus up, NECKBREAKER BACK SUPLEX COMBO! Cover, TWO!! Sheamus survives and fans fire up while SmackDown goes to break.

SmackDown returns and Sheamus fights up to throw hands. Gallows knees low, shoves him away, but Sheamus elbows back! Sheamus throws elbows on Gallows and Anderson, but Gallows BOOTS Sheamus! Fireman’s carry, SAMOAN DROP! Cover, TWO! Gallows sits Sheamus up to ELBOW him in the head! Tag to Anderson and the Good Brothers mug the Fella. Karl fishhooks Sheamus’ face, he lets off as the ref counts, and Anderson soaks up the heat. Karl sits Sheamus up but Sheamus throws body shots! And haymakers! But Karl ROCKS Sheamus with forearms! Cover, TWO! Karl keeps on Sheamus, and tags in Gallows.

The ref counts as the Good Brothers mug Sheamus. Sheamus fights back again but Gallows ROCKS him! Gallows suplexes Sheamus, then clamps on with a chinlock. Hit Row likes that as Gallows grinds Sheamus down. Sheamus endures, fans rally up, and Sheamus fights up to power out. But Gallows kicks back! Gallows runs, but into a POWERSLAM! Fans fire up as both men crawl, hot tag to the Machine Gun! Karl PUNTS Sheamus, DECKS Ridge, then soaks up the heat. Karl runs in, but into a BROGUE!!! Cover, The Brawling Brutes ELIMINATE the Good Brothers! But now, the LWO are in!

Sheamus & Ridge Holland VS The Latino World Order!

Cruz Del Toro & Joaquin Wilde DOUBLE DROPKICK Sheamus outta the ring! They spell it out, then run to DOUBLE TOPE CONJILO! Down go the Brutes at the ramp and the fans fire up! The LWO get Sheamus in, then Wilde goes up top. MISSILE DROPKICK! Down goes Sheamus and Pretty Deadly loves it! Tag to Cruz and Wilde positions Sheamus. Cruz goes up to MOONSAULT! Cover, TWO!! Sheamus survives and fans fire up again! Cruz tags Wilde back in then he tags Cruz. The LWO get Sheamus up but he fights their suplex off. Sheamus ROCKS Cruz, TOSSES Wilde, then CLOBBERS Cruz!

Tag to Ridge! Cruz springboards, into a BROGUE!! Ridge drags Cruz up but has to catch Wilde first! OVERHEAD Belly2Belly! Ridge gets Cruz up, CLIFFHANGER DDT!! Cover, the Brutes ELIMINATE the LWO! But “Hit~ Row~” jump in!

Sheamus & Ridge Holland VS Hit Row!

Adonis rushes Ridge but gets TOSSED! And Sheamus BROGUES Top Dolla!! Ridge covers, the Brutes ELIMINATE Hit Row!! That was quick and “YES BOY~!” The only team left is Elton Prince & Kit Wilson! They want a timeout but there’s no timeouts in wrestling! But SmackDown is going to break, so…

SmackDown returns and Ridge fights back against Elton Prince! Ridge throws heavy body shots, then facelocks, but Elton wrenches out to WRING that arm! Elton drags Ridge up, RAMS him into the corner, and tag to Kit. Kit runs in to UPPERCUT Ridge! Kit brings Ridge around to turn and NECKBREAKER! Cover, TWO! Kit rains down fists on Ridge and Sami & Kevin are taking notes. Fans boo as Kit points to Elton and tags him in. They mug Ridge, then Elton fires off body shots on Ridge. Elton fires point blank lariats, but then lets off, only for Ridge to fire off forearms in return! Ridge whips corner to corner, but Elton reverses!

Ridge bounces off buckles hard, and Elton looms over him. Fans rally for the Brutes but Elton drags Ridge up. Elton reels Ridge in but Ridge is too much to lift! Elton CLUBS away on Ridge’s back until he’s down on the mat! Fans boo but Elton runs, to drop an elbow! Cover, TWO! Elton wraps on a chinlock but Ridge endures. Fans rally but Elton thrashes Ridge around! Ridge sputters and fades but Sheamus rallies with the fans. Ridge gets a second wind, fights up to his feet, and he throws elbows. Ridge fireman’s carries but Elton slips free to CHOP BLOCK! Elton drags Ridge up and tags in Kit.

Pretty Deadly bring Ridge around, work together, but Ridge is still too much to lift! Ridge lifts Pretty Deadly instead! And DOUBLE BACK DROPS! Fans fire up and Ridge crawls for his corner! Pretty Deadly hurry after, but Ridge tags in Sheamus! Sheamus rallies on Pretty Deadly with clotheslines corner to corner! IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKER for Kit! IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKER for Elton! Fireman’s carry for Kit, to a ROLLING SENTON! Sheamus scoops Elton to SLAM him on Kit! Fans fire up and Sheamus goes to the corner. The fans chant along as Sheamus beats his chest! But Kit dodges the Brogue!

Kit kicks low, reels Sheamus in, but no Twist of Fate! Sheamus ALABAMA SLAMS! Cover, Elton breaks it! But Ridge POUNCES Elton outta the ring! Ridge pursues, but Elton sends him into steel steps! Sheamus drags Kit up, Elton RAMS Ridge into the steps again! Kit drops under, scurries away to the outside, but Sheamus grins. Fans fire up as Sheamus puts Kit on the ropes! But Elton gets up there, only for Sheamus to add him to the pile! DOUBLE BEATS OF THE BODHRAIN!! Sheamus goes all the way to TEN on Elton, but keeps going on Kit for a total of THIRTY ONE?!? Sheamus then hoists Kit up in a crucifix!

But Elton reaches out to tag! Sheamus still hits the CELTIC CROSS!! Cover on Kit but it won’t count! Elton SUPER LEG DROPS!! Cover, Pretty Deadly win!!

Winners: Pretty Deadly, by pinfall (NEW #1 Contenders to the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championships)

2023 just became a #YesBoy Summer! When SmackDown arrives in London in two weeks, will it be a golden homecoming for Elton & Kit? Or will Kevin & Sami continue to be the reigning, defending, undisputed tag team champions?


SmackDown returns and Pretty Deadly is still celebrating.

But then here comes KEVIN & SAMI! The celebrating stops for Elton & Kit but the fans cheer on the tag team champions! Sami thanks the fans for singing his song, and says there needs to be congratulations in order to Pretty Deadly. The fans boo instead, but Sami admits, he didn’t think Pretty Deadly would win. In fact, no one expected them to win. And yet they did. However, they won about five minutes ago, still celebrating, so they’ve overstayed their welcome by about… five minutes. And so Sami speaks for everyone when he says, “Maybe just get the hell outta here already.” Fans cheer that!

Elton says wow, that’s really cute. Thanks for that. But Elton has a question. They just beat five teams and are their hair is still dryer and cleaner than that mess of a man in Sami Zayn. What is that? How dare Sami & Kevin come out to interrupt Pretty Deadly? #YESBOY! The Killer Queens! #YESBOY! The Dandy Highwaymen! #YESBOY! And the two tastiest snacks here int he WWE! But to cut to the chase, they’re out here five minutes too long? Well when they become the NEW Tag Team Champions, they will stay out and celebrate for EEEEEEVEN longer! And then even longer! And everyone can celebrate with them as they go EEEEEVEN longer!

And just when you think it’s gonna end, they’ll celebrate EEEEVEN longer! Aha! Fans boo and Kevin sighs. Sami asks if he’s hearing this. Oh, yeah. Just wanted to be sure, cuz the way Kevin’s been blowing up lately, this isn’t bothering him even a little? Well, Sami tells him to stay calm so he’s staying calm. But looking at them, hearing them, listening to them, it makes Kevin wanna go in there and punch them in their stupid faces! Fans like that, too! Sami says that’s fine, because he agrees, they should do it. They rush the ring, Pretty Deadly runs away! Fans cheer Kevin & Sami, will there be no running when SmackDown’s in the UK?


The Bloodline sits in the private suite.

Paul Heyman is shaking nervously as he asks The Tribal Chief if he’s spoken with Jey. Roman chuckles and says no. Wise Man. Yes, My Tribal Chief? Who is the Tribal Chief? Roman is! Exactly. When Jey is Tribal Chief, people will reach out to him. But Roman is still The Tribal Chief, so Jey should be reaching out to Roman. Heyman says that is very wise of Roman. Roman asks if Heyman talked to Jey. No, not since last Friday when Jimmy superkick’d Jey. Roman tells Heyman that this isn’t a question, he is telling Heyman to go talk to Jey. Heyman says yes, and hurries out of the room. Will the Special Counsel be able to reach the Right Hand Man?


Zelina Vega VS Iyo Sky w/ Bayley!

La Muneca is heading to the Women’s Money in the Bank Ladder match, but so are the Evil Genius and the Role Model. Will Sky take control on behalf of Damage Control? Or will Zelina win some redemption for the LWO?

SmackDown returns and Zelina makes her entrance. The bell rings and Zelina offers a handshake. Sky SLAPS Zelina instead! Fans boo but Zelina comes back to THESZ PRESS! Iyo gets away, trips Zelina, covers, ONE! Zelina trips and covers, ONE! Things speed up, Zelina tilt-o-whirls and RANAS but Sky handsprings through! Sky comes back to DROPKICK Zelina down! Sky rains down fists on Zelina, then drags her up. Bayley says “That’s the best right there!” But Zelina ROCKS Sky! Sky BOOTS Zelina away, climbs up and stands on Zelina’s hand on the ropes! Then STOMPS Zelina down! Sky drags Zelina in to then HANGING STRAITJACKET!

The ref counts, Sky sits up and brings Zelina around to then AX HANDLE Zelina down! Bayley cheers while Sky hammerlocks Zelina. Zelina reaches for ropes but Sky keeps her back. Sky spins Zelina around, scoops, but Zelina slips free to roll Sky! ONE, so Zelina KICKS Sky down! Zelina CLUBS Sky, runs, but Bayley stands in the way! Fans boo and the ref reprimands, but Sky rushes up! Zelina switches with Sky and Sky almost runs into Bayley! Bayley hops down and Zelina waistlocks, but Sky switches! Now Bayley is distracting from Sky’s pin! TWO!! Sky gets mad at Bayley for messing up the distraction!

Zelina runs in to 619!! Direct hit and Zelina stacks Sky, Zelina wins!!

Winner: Zelina Vega, by pinfall

Bayley is furious, but she should be mad at herself for costing her own teammate! Will DMG CTRL have better teamwork in the ladder match? Or will it all break down into every woman for herself?


Bianca Belair visits Adam Pearce’s office.

The EST tells him that he was gonna figure this out, so where’s her rematch? Pearce says he gave her his word, and he promises that management is talking it out. But he has no answer tonight. So he just wants her to be patient? No, no, she went about this the right way. So now, right or wrong, she’s doing this her way. Bianca heads out, what does she have planned for the now WWE Women’s Championship?


DMG CTRL regroups backstage.

Bayley says Zelina doesn’t have the advantage, it won’t matter. Sky is still upset, and she asks if Bayley doesn’t trust her to win on her own. Bayley does trust Sky! But in the MITB ladder match, it’s every woman for herself so- Shotzi walks over. It sure wasn’t every woman for herself when they cost Shotzi a spot in the match. Oh who cares?! She’s not on DMG CTRL’s level, she doesn’t belong in the match! Then why not put your spot on the line against Shotzi? Bayley laughs that off. But then Sky says Bayley accepts! Great! Shotzi will go talk with Pearce and make it official. What was that for? Sky says she’s “just trying to help.”


SmackDown presents an all-new Grayson Waller Effect.

The Dynamite from Down Under, the Moment Maker, the Aussie Icon gets his long introduction before the spotlight shines on him in the ring. Waller says just when you thought the GWE couldn’t get any bigger, they’re gonna break the internet. His guest tonight isn’t just a game changer, but a living legend, an elite athlete, and an absolute star. So get on your feet and welcome the FOURTEEN TIME Women’s Champion, Charlotte Flair! Fans cheer and “WOO~” as the Queen makes her entrance. Charlotte then joins Waller in the ring and he has to snap himself out of it. Waller says, “Wow. Wow. I gotta be honest, it is great having you on the show tonight.”

Fans “WOO~!” and Waller has no idea how bad he wants to woo. But let’s get to it. In two weeks, SmackDown in London, Charlotte faces Asuka for the WWE Women’s Championship. When Waller thinks Charlotte VS Asuka, he of course thinks of classic, historic matches. Like when Charlotte ended Asuka’s undefeated streak. But devil’s advocate, this isn’t the same Asuka from the past. Fans “WOO~!” and Charlotte says okay. Hit her with the question. Oh, right, he got distracted. But then, will she become a FIFTEEN time champion? Fifteen time, then sixteen time? But if we’re talking numbers, Charlotte has Asuka’s number. And so go ahead, woo.

Oh oh okay okay. WOO~! But wait! Here comes Bianca! Is this what she meant about taking things into her own hands? Bianca goes down the ramp and to the ring. Bianca then gets a mic while Charlotte waves hi. Bianca tells Charlotte that with all due respect, someone has to explain to Bianca how things work around here. See, Bianca lost her title, was told she would get a rematch, didn’t get one, and then Charlotte walks in and just calls her shot and gets what she wants. Is Bianca trippin’ or is she trippin’? Charlotte mulls that question over, then stands up to step to Bianca. Fans duel between “WOO~” and “EST!”

Charlotte says hello, Ms. EST. With all due respect, yes, Charlotte walked in, called her shot, and got it. But she didn’t write the rules, nor did she politic to change them. So no, she’s not gonna apologize. The line starts and ends with Charlotte. Bianca smiles through that and Charlotte says that while she lost at WrestleMania to Rhea Ripley, Charlotte hasn’t gotten her rematch, either. So aren’t they both owed something? Bianca says okay, that’s fair. But Bianca did things the right way. She lost and then stayed. She stayed and tried to do it the right way. Bianca isn’t understanding. She didn’t go and hide for three months.

But maybe that doesn’t account for anything. Maybe Bianca should take things into her own hands, too. Charlotte asks if Bianca thinks she ran away. She might’ve stepped away, but if anyone knows anything about defeat… Charlotte has beaten the best, lost to the best, and always picked herself up every time, for fourteen times. She is a champion with or without a title. is Bianca a champion with or without a title? Bianca says first off, she is the longEST reigning Women’s Champion of the modern era. Fans cheer that! And y’know what else? Bianca didn’t have to do it 14 times, so put some respect on her name!

Fans cheer more as Bianca tells Charlottes she can say whatever she needs to in order to make herself feel better, or sit and recount all the things she’s done. Bianca could do that, too, but the past is the past. The future is that since Bianca didn’t get her rematch, best believe she’ll be ringside for that match of Charlotte VS Asuka. Bianca is done being patient, she is doing playing around. No matter who wins, Bianca will step in the ring, look that champion face to face, and call her shot. Because that title is coming back to her! Bianca drops the mic and heads out. Waller is liking where this is going, but will Charlotte like what’s coming?


Heyman finds Jey Uso.

And he apologizes to Jey. He is sorry that he told him the truth last week. That he was right last week. That Jimmy kicked him in the face last week and cost Jey the US Championship. Now Jey knows it was intentional. Jimmy has the most accurate kick, next to Jey’s, in the entire WWE. Jimmy meant to hit Roman Reigns, and he meant it when he hit Jey. The jealousy, envy, to embarrass and humiliate his own twin brother in front of the entire world! Jey does not deserve that. And for that, Heyman is sorry. Jey tells Heyman he’s sorry, too. Jey’s sorry that if he’s in, Heyman’s still out. Heyman smirks and nods, but is Jey still in?


Mixed Tag: AJ Styles & Mia Yim VS Karrion Kross & Scarlett Bordeaux!

The Phenomenal One has been marked by the tarot cards, but he doesn’t believe in that stuff. He believes in handling business with actions, not smoke ‘n’ mirrors. Will he and #Michin handle Mr. & Mrs. Doomsday? Or will time run out on The OC?

SmackDown returns as Kross & Scarlett make their entrance. The teams sort out and the men start. Styles fires off a Phenomenal Blitz on Kross! LARIAT, to SLIDING FOREARM! Fans fire up and Styles tags in Mia. He gives Mia a boost to TORNADO DDT Kross! Scarlett sneaks in but Mia sees her coming. Mia chases Scarlett but Scarlett throat chops her! Scarlett hooks Mia in, SIDEWINDER! Cover, TWO! Scarlett is frustrated but she brings Mia up. Mia throws forearms and CHOPS! Mia KICKS and KICKS and HEEL KICKS! Scarlett staggers, and Mia GERMAN SUPLEXES her! Kross tags in but Styles runs up!

Styles feeds Kross to a SOBAT and PELE from Mia, then ENZIGURIS Kross! Mia runs but Scarlett dumps her out! Styles reels Kross in, STYLES CLASH!! Cover, but Mia drags Styles off by his hair! Fans boo as Scarlett seems to flirt with Styles, but he takes his gloves off to show her, “I’m married, b*tch.” So she SLAPS him! The ref reprimands, but Mia drags Scarlett out! Mia runs in, DOUBLE FACEBUSTER! But Kross gets Styles in the KROSSJACKET!! Styles flails, reaches out, but Kross ripcords to KROSSHAMMER! And then pump handle and scoop, for a SWINGING FACEBUSTER! Cover, Kross & Scarlett win!

Winners: Karrion Kross & Scarlett Bordeaux, by pinfall

The apocalypse strikes again and Kross waves bye to Styles. Will Mr. & Mrs. Doomsday take over SmackDown by any means necessary?


Heyman returns to Roman and Solo.

Roman asks Heyman, “Well?” Heyman shakes his head. Roman sighs. Roman then thinks, and Heyman tentatively tells him to not do what he’s thinking of doing. Roman frowns, Solo steps forward, and Heyman hurries away. Solo asks if Roman needs him to handle this. Roman tells Solo easy now. There’s still plenty of time. “Whatever you say, My Tribal Chief.” Roman seems to be giving Jey until the end of the night, but will he come to regret it?


Backstage interview with Cameron Grimes.

The Carolina Caveman thanks Kayla for having him, and she says he has been making quite the impression on his short time here. How does he feel like he’s adjusted? Grimes says he’s been having fun- BUT BARON CORBIN ATTACKS! Corbin tosses Grimes around and asks if he’s having fun now! Grimes got lucky, but his luck’s just run out. The Lone Wolf leaves Grimes down on the ground, is he going to bring about an End of Days for Grimes?


Rey Mysterio is here!

The King of Lucha Libre is in Kentucky and fans cheer as he goes to the ring. Rey shows off the LWO shirt and gets the mic. He asks Kentucky what’s good, and says he has had many accomplishments in his career that he is proud of. But there is one thing he is truly proud of, and that is reforming the LWO! Fans cheer that, and Rey continues to say that the person he is about to introduce represents the essence of the LWO. And have no doubt that this man can become the next Mr. Money in the Bank! It is El Emperor, Santos Escobar! Santos makes his entrance now, and he says timing is everything.

Santos has worked hard, made a lot of sacrifices, but now he has the opportunity of a lifetime. Fans cheer that, too. Santos says he is going to compete for the MITB briefcase! And Rey, Santos needs to tell him something. Thank you for believing in him. And he loves you, Rey. They hug it out and fans cheer. Santos says Rey inspired him, and he is now fighting for Rey, for his family, for LA RAZA! And for anyone and everyone in the WWE Universe who has a dream. But wait, here comes LA Knight. The Mega Star goes right down to the ring and he offers a handshake to Rey. But then SHOVES him!

Santos and Knight brawl, and Santos CLOBBERS Knight! Then DROPKICKS him onto ropes! Fans fire up, Rey dials it up, but Knight bails out! The Mega Star still has a match with the Emperor, will he be able to get a leg up before MITB?

LA Knight VS Santos Escobar w/ Rey Mysterio!

SmackDown returns and the match is underway. Knight grinds Santos with a chinlock and fans rally and duel. Santos fights up, throws body shots and elbows, but Knight knees low to whip. Santos ducks ‘n’ dodges and FLYING FOREARMS! And then again! Fans are torn as Knight staggers up into a scoop and BACKBREAKER! Santos has Knight in a corner, runs in, but is put on the apron. Knight turns around into a GAMANGIRI! Santos climbs, leaps, and CROSSBODIES! Cover, TWO! Knight crawls to a corner but Santos spells it out before running in, DOUBLE KNEE! Knight staggers into a fireman’s carry!

Knight fights free, shoves and scoops to POWERSLAM! Fans fire up as LA Knight spells it out now, ELBOW DROP! Cover, TWO! Knight is annoyed but the count was fair. Knight drags Santos up, whips, but Santos KICKS back! Santos runs in, goes up, and Knight staggers around. Knight blocks the victory roll and holds ropes! TWO and Santos has the roll-up, Santos wins!!

Winner: Santo Escobar, by pinfall

Fans are torn again but Knight fails to snatch this one away. So he CLOBBERS Santos as a sore loser! Fans are torn again, but the ref reprimands. Rey rushes in and he runs Knight off! Knight says Rey can’t protect his boy forever. Will Knight make himself the Mega Star in the Bank?


Jey Uso heads to gorilla.

But then he crosses paths with Sami. Sami looks Jey in the eyes, and nods. Sami heads out and Jey continues on. Does this mean Sami knows what Jey is going to do?

The Bloodline heads to the ring.

That is to say, Roman Reigns, Solo Sikoa & Paul Heyman go to the ring. Roman wears the brand new Undisputed Universal Championship belt while Heyman still carries the old belts. Roman’s reign will now tie Pedro Morales next week, as he has no challenger to take the title from him. The new belt is raised for the pyro, and then the Bloodline continues down to the ring. Roman holds up the new belt again for more pyro. Fans are torn as Roman walks around showing off the new belt, and we will see Jey’s decision, after the break.

SmackDown returns once more and Heyman hands the mic to Roman. Roman then says, “Lexington, Kentucky…! ACKNOWLEDGE ME!” Fans are torn but plenty throw up the ones. And here comes Jey! Roman nods, liking that this is right on cue. Roman calms Solo down and Jey goes to the ring. Jey gets a mic of his own, fans chant for “USO! USO!” and Roman smirks. Roman says, “I know what they want. They want answers, Jey. So what’s it gon’ be? Are you in? Or are you out?” Jey paces, thinks about it, and says… “You tell me, Uce. Hey, it’s either gon’ be him, or it’s me.” Jey is still making Heyman part of the deal.

Roman says, “Aight, listen. When you’re Tribal Chief, you can pick anyone you want to be to be your Wise Man. This is my Wise Man. He’s not the Bloodline’s Wise Man’s, he’s not Jey’s Wise Man, he’s not Jimmy’s Wise Man. No, he’s my Wise Man. He’s here to help me as I lead.” Heyman smiles as Roman says that is what Jey doesn’t understand. Roman was meant just to get them to the Promised Land. It’s Jey’s job to keep them here. Jey is meant to keep the Bloodline at the top of the mountain! The Wise Man said they’d start grooming Jey, but no no no. They’ve been doing that for over three years now! Three YEARS of hard work and equity!

Why does Jey think he’s the Right Hand Man? Why does Jey think he’s in the position he’s in right now as Main Event Jey Uso? Heyman is starting to look worried. Roman says Jey is meant to lead them! “Just not yet.” So the problem isn’t Heyman, and the problem isn’t Jey. The problem is Jimmy. Jey paces in frustration and Roman says he knows, they’ve been together their whole lives, twins are inseparable. But that’s the problem. Jey has to understand, but wait! Jimmy’s here! He has his own mic and he says the problem isn’t Jey’s brother. The problem is their cousin. Let’s get to it, Uce! Roman says he’s a leader grooming Jey, but in reality, he’s USING Jey!

Jimmy wants Jey to look at him. Does Jey believe the garbage coming outta Roman’s mouth? Does Jey believe all this over Jimmy? Fans rally for the Usos but Roman laughs it off. “Listen to ’em! They weren’t doing this ten years ago! Hell, it took ten years just to get y’all in WrestleMania. And since y’all’ve been with me, we’ve main evented every single one!” Jimmy is an anchor, Roman is wings! Roman lifts Jey up, Jimmy drags Jey down! Jey has a future in front of him, just as Roman said. Next in line! Successor! Tribal Chief! But he can’t be a chief and a twin at the same time. Fans boo that as Jey is conflicted.

But go ahead, let him plead, beg, give that brother love speech. But Roman could put on a mask, too. The reality is… Well, actually, Roman has the Wise Man join in. When they named Jey the “Right Hand Man,” who was the only one who had a problem with it? Heyman is reluctant to share this information, but Roman tells him to. Heyman points to Jimmy. Yeah, it wasn’t Heyman, because “Right Hand Man” was Heyman’s idea. Heyman apologizes for having to reveal this, and Jey looks at Jimmy differently now. Jimmy can’t look at Jey now, but the fans still cheer the Usos on. Jey asks Jimmy if this is all true.

Jey tells Jimmy to look at him now and tell him the truth. Jimmy says yeah, it’s true. Jey is upset but Roman smiles. Jey paces, and he tries to get this right. So this whole time, Jimmy’s been doubting Jey? No, he just- NO! NO! Jey says he expects that from Roman, but not Jimmy! But let’s guess! It’s cuz Jimmy knows what is best for both of them, right? The big brother, right? “Listen to your older brother, Joshua! That’s your older brother, Joshua!” That’s all Jey heard growing up! Jey says y’know what? The Usos have been competing against Roman, but in reality, Jey’s just been keeping up with Jimmy!

“Mr. Prom King” Jimmy! Mr. Player of the Year, Mr. Most Likely to Succeed! Hey, hey, hey! Guess what? There was a blessing in disguise. When Jimmy got hurt, Jey stepped up! Jey main evented SmackDown and PPVs and even WrestleMania! Y’know why? Cuz Jey’s the Right Hand Man! The Main Event! And all cuz of ROMAN! Roman nods but fans boo. Jey says, “Guess what? YOU OUT!” Fans boo and Roman laughs. Jey then says, “And I’m out, too!” SUPERKICK TO ROMAN!!! Heyman is floored, too!! The entire arena is thunderous and Solo is shocked! Jey dodges Solo, Jimmy SUPERKICKS! DOUBLE SUPERKICKS!

Solo falls outta the ring and the fans are electric as the Usos stand together! Heyman is so shocked he gets out of the ring, head in his hands! Roman gets up in a rage and can’t believe what they’re doing! But then the Usos DOUBLE SUPERKICK him!! The Usos stand tall, fingers to they sky, because THEY the ones! Will the Usos sink what is left of the Island of Relevancy?

My Thoughts:

This was a really good SmackDown, but with an awesome ending. The Bloodline story continues to be award winning caliber, with tonight being the long awaited moment where Jey finally stands up to Roman. It was built up well during the show tonight, and what a way to end it. The drama made about the Usos disagreeing, but Jey still choosing Jimmy was a great swerve. Everything The Usos have been through together means much more to them than what Roman’s put them through, this is naturally the right choice. Now all we need is Usos VS Roman & Solo, and then Solo sees the truth and leaves Roman all alone.

As for the rest of the night, the best match was the opener and then everything went down from there. The gauntlet ending up six teams instead of five was a surprise, but I suppose fair since all the teams should have a fair chance. But at the same time, Hit Row was in there literally as extra bodies to add to what Sheamus & Ridge did by starting the match and making it to the end. But I figured Pretty Deadly would win, and of course it was as the very last team. Great bit from Kevin & Sami with Pretty Deadly, and having their match on SmackDown rather than MITB is an interesting move, but I suppose it’s so MITB has more time for the ladder matches.

Similarly, that’s perhaps why we’re getting the WWE Women’s Championship on SmackDown’s go-home episode. The Grayson Waller Effect this week was alright, though I’m not sure why the timing between Grayson and Charlotte was off. I suppose he was trying to act starstruck by Charlotte. But Bianca had a good promo with Pearce and then Charlotte to call out whoever wins that title. Heck, Bianca might as well tell the winner that they’re facing off the next night as part of MITB. But then, that would set up another same-night-cash-in for Miss MITB, which has been happening almost every year. WWE might be in a bit of a pickle there.

Good stuff from the known Women’s MITB participants. Zelina beating Sky because of Bayley made sense, as the DMG CTRL break-up is most certainly happening soon. Sky putting Bayley in a match with Shotzi was a good turnaround, and maybe Sky costs Bayley “accidentally” so that Bayley is out and Shotzi is in. Either way, it feels like Sky is going to be Miss MITB and a Face given both current champions are Heels. Heck, even if Charlotte gets the title off Asuka, Charlotte can easily switch to Heel given her entitled attitude. Also Charlotte has to lose again if she wants to be 16 time like Ric, so the Women’s MITB could be a big part of that.

Of course Corbin goes after Grimes in return for last week, keeping their feud alive without matches. That said, Grimes should be having matches just so he isn’t reliant on Corbin. The Mixed Tag was good, could’ve been a bit longer just on having Styles and Kross do more, but oh well. I should’ve figured Kross & Scarlett would win to extend this feud. But then we get LA Knight VS Santos Escobar in what must have been a last minute addition. Rey introduction Santos, Santos thanking Rey, and then Knight going after Rey all felt rushed and therefore awkward. But whatever, Santos wins for momentum but Knight gets the better of him. Fans really love Knight, he was being cheered as the Face rather than the Heel, who knows how fans will react if he doesn’t win MITB.

My Score: 8.6/10

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Mitchell’s WWE SmackDown Results & Report! (7/26/24)

SmackDown throws down the gauntlet!



Who will make it to the end?

While SummerSlam is on the horizon, SmackDown prepares NEW #1 contenders to the WWE Tag Team Championships, through a gauntlet match!


  • WWE Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Gauntlet: ??? wins and will challenge DIY for the titles.
  • Bayley & Mia Yim VS Nia Jax & Tiffany Stratton; win.
  • LA Knight VS Santos Escobar; wins.


[Due to the scheduling choices of KFOX14 (El Paso & Las Cruces), coverage of SmackDown will not begin until 9PM Eastern]

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Mitchell’s ROH Death Before Dishonor Results & Report! (7/26/24)




The word of the day is, “Gold!”

ROH brings Death Before Dishonor to Texas, and makes it bigger than ever! SIX championship matches, how drastically will the landscape change?


  • Zero Hour – MXM Collection VS Spanish Announce Project; wins.
  • Komander VS The Beast Mortos; wins.
  • Texas Deathmatch: Leyla Hirsch VS Diamante; wins.
  • ROH World Six Man Tag Team Championship Qualifier: Dustin Rhodes & The Von Erichs VS The Dark Order; wins and advances to Battle of the Belts 11.
  • ROH World Tag Team Championships: The Kingdom VS Tomohiro Ishii & Kyle O’Reilly; win(s) and
  • ROH World Television Championship Survival of the Fittest: Atlantis Jr. VS Lio Rush VS Shane Taylor VS Johnny TV VS Lee Johnson VS Brian Cage; wins and
  • ROH Pure Championship: Wheeler Yuta VS Lee Moriarty; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz VS Red Velvet; wins and
  • ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena VS Queen Aminata; wins and
  • ROH World Championship: Mark Briscoe VS Roderick Strong; wins and


[Due to scheduling conflicts, coverage will be on delay]

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